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Global or Intentionally Global
Does Toronto add a unique and organic
dimension to the global city
What can we say to make
Toronto famous? What
can we do to make
Toronto relevant?
An audacious and forward
looking guide to the creative-
strategic development of a
competitive identity for the city
Recommendations from
September 2010
According to our research, the reputation of Toronto
is really only firing on one cylinder. The inconvenient
fact is that this remarkable cities image is blurred,
lacks relevance, and as well as character which fails
to resonate globally. Not to mention the cities self
concept has been steadily deteriorating due to
various distasteful events in the past year.
Furthermore; Toronto’s overall image is intimately
tied to the outdated and bland image of Canada;
hence, we entertain the thought that Toronto must
aim to become a bigger brand than Canada to resolve
this issue, similar to how Paris is a bigger brand than
France or Amsterdam is to the Netherlands.
Toronto is obsessed with its own multi-ethnic mosaic
and the cosmopolitan credibility it signifies. Little do
we know that we are obsessively promoting an
unacknowledged and vague attribute of diversity
perceived of little value in the minds of foreign
audiences. The story of Toronto urgently needs to
advance relevantly. We have teased out a budding
reality of Toronto in which we believe is where
Toronto’s true genius lies. Although there are many
other global cities in the world, Toronto is a unique
global city which also feels like a real global
community at the same time. Our established and
potent diversity has given birth to a new breed of
Torontonians who have organically been socialized as
inter-culturally competent and intrinsically global
citizens. Unlike other global cities, Toronto is better
rounded and truly signifies that it means a lot more
to being a global city besides economic integration. A
compact expression to guide meaningful actions to
strengthen this critical truth is “Genuinely/
Intentionally Global”. The unique outcome of our
diversity is what truly puts Toronto in a class of its
own, not the diversity itself.
Young Torontonians especially feel and see
themselves as genuine global citizens and its
beginning to grow as their overall identity. They
naturally own it. Now that we have recognized this
emerging phenomenon, it is up to us to further
nourish and cultivate and accelerate it through a flow
of “on brand” symbolic actions. We can’t afford to
just say that we are a “genuinely global city”; but
rather we have to deliberately prove it to the world.
A reputation can only be earned.
Executive Summary
Why a competitive identity for Toronto? pg.4
Previous failed attempt pg.5
Project description pg.6
What is Toronto? pg.7
“Torontoness of Toronto” pg.8
Perceptions pg.9
“Canada effect” pg.11
Has diversity/multiculturalism become lame? pg.13
Intercultural city pg.17
Toronto’s unique creativity and global actions pg18
Toronto’s unique ‘globalness’ pg.21
Impending Brand Promise=Intentionally Global pg.22
Debunk diversity please pg.24
Stakeholder involvement pg.29
Conclusion pg.30
Conversation starters/actionable ideas pg.32
Appendices pg.49
Table of Content
Not mandatory to read: Some of many actionable ideas
that exemplify the brand.
Toronto’s evolving essence
Why a competitive identity for Toronto?
• Entices the city to entertain the big thought of what’s the highest and best it can be.
• Boosts economic prosperity. (Attracts more tourism, investment, talented immigrants, world events, etc).
• Aims to cultivate a productive and positive psychology for the entire city.
• Strong brands make it easier for people to make decisions, and makes it easier for the city to project
international influence.
• Strong brands create powerful images in people’s minds.
• Strong brands enable for effective marketing. It helps form partnerships of the various stakeholders within
the city in order to collaborate and align marketing strategies and communication programs.
Place branding has the positive effect of bringing together various stakeholders and working out a unified pitch
for the world. Another great side effect of branding is that it’s also geared to deal with emotional issues and it
can be used right now as a timely and potent subscription to the cities worsening self concept due to poor
management at city hall, constant union strikes, weak transportation system, G20 drama, the recession, poor
performing sport teams, and so forth. If Toronto integrates a cohesive, creative and appropriately courageous
image strategy with its other programmes and policies, we believe Toronto can attain a stronger brand, in the
global context sooner rather than much later. Toronto’s current situation makes branding activity more urgently
required, not less.
Please bear in mind: Place branding is not the same as commercial product branding. A city is tenfold more
complex and dynamic than any product or company. A story or reputation can only be earned, not constructed.
“Branding is about how we do things, why we do them, and how we act. It’s not just about a logo.”-Wolf Olins. In
place branding, on brand “symbolic actions” as Simon Anholt calls it; speak louder than any logos, taglines, or
communication campaigns in order to strengthen the image of a place in people’s minds on the world stage. We
shouldn’t think of what to say next, but rather what to do next to make Toronto’s story clearer, stronger and
Let’s take a gander at a previous failed attempt by the city…
In 2004- Toronto Tourism, the City of Toronto, the Ontario Ministry of Tourism and Recreation and the City
Summit Alliance partnered on the Toronto Branding Project with the goal to create a shared Toronto brand that
would communicate Toronto’s strong, unique, dynamic identity to the world. Brand Architecture, a New York firm
was in charge of the project. Great research was
conducted for the project and the promise that Toronto
unlimited promised was “Realize your dreams in a city
of unlimited possibilities”. After the launch of the brand
in 2005, the brand was not well received and failed to
take off. Needless to say, other than the useful research that came out of the project, it was a waste of money ($4
million), because now the brand is buried and not being used by any organization. The main reasons we
discovered of why the brand failed are:
• The research and effort primarily focused on the tourism market and did not have a memorable or
relevant meaning to local or international business interests.
• Focused on logo and tagline, not substance (logos, taglines, or campaigns don’t help to improve
perceptions or build identity.
• Didn’t advance the story (by the way what does unlimited mean? Unlimited call plans, unlimited
• Viewed the place branding approach the same as commercial product branding which is very different.
Project Description
A great deal of inquiry, considerations, and thought went into formulating this
report. The process to build the strategic competitive identity was a creative and highly
inclusive one, public involvement and capitalization on feedback validated that the ideas
developed were not myopic.
Toronto is a very complex city with unique circumstances; therefore, an original
strategy was formulated, customized to its own unique situation and environment. We
took the challenge to develop a single brand that would resonate with various target
markets (tourism, investment attraction, business, talented immigrants, and so forth).
Although it’s a daunting process, we were confident that we would be able to identify
where Toronto’s real genius lays, its unique abilities and potential that really puts the city
in a class of its own. We firmly believed that if we looked hard enough, we will find
something that is uniquely ours, and inherently competitive.
We knew from our research what various target audiences were looking for, both in
a travel destination, a place to invest and do business, and as well live in.
What we needed was an authentic and compelling positioning, one that we could all agree
on and be supportive of. The ideas and strategies in this report were shaped through a
wide array of research that we had done and as well capitalized on the abundant research
which Carl Knipfel at city of Toronto was kind enough to lend us.
We then synthesized and extracted useful insights from both the tangible and
intangible data we collected and last but not least, used our imagination, creativity, and
logic to develop an analysis and actionable recommendations that if taken, seem likely to
us to bring the most ideal development of Toronto's competitive image on a global scale.
This report is meant to be open ended, and will be continuously updated. Please
send any feedback, opinions or requests for a meeting to further discuss the report at or 416 893-2170.
With gratitude and respect,
Jyoti Singh
City of Toronto
4500 local survey responses
230+ in-depth interviews
and roundtable discussions
14 focus groups conducted
in Canada, USA, and UK
Our own research
100+ opinion leader
interviews (A rundown of
the people we met and the
publications we examined
during the course of things
is given in the appendices).
Social media-Facebook
where hundreds of opinions
were posted
Exploration of Toronto
(ethnography), thoroughly
browsed through various
touch points (writing,
videos, reports, websites,
brochures, etc) of Toronto.
So briefly what is Toronto…? Linguistically, the word Toronto originated as the Mohawk phrase
tkaronto and meant “where there are trees standing in the water” The most common meaning for Toronto
given in current references is “place of meeting”, derived from the Huron people. Toronto is a relatively a
young city, but it has rapidly become the economic capital of Canada.
An article in Spacing Magazine described Toronto as an
intersection of everything: of
architecture “cute Victorian next to glass high rises”, of
people “Polish living next to Tamil next to Vietnamese next
to Persian”, of classes “Saabs and rooming houses on the
same block”, and even of flora “Southern coniferous and
northern deciduous forests meet here too”.
“Torontonians live in a city where the beginning
is forgotten and the end is unknown, and
so whatever happens can only surprise and surpass.
Tremendous historic events do not resonate in its cement,
glass, and brick. The city was not built upon sturdy
founding mythologies, and only historians and enthusiasts
know the names on its street signs, who designed the CN
Tower, what the aboriginal word ‘Toronto’ means, or what
any of the mysterious little discovery Walk signs that dot
the city might refer to…Eric Rutherford Utopia
Toronto, with a self-consciousness and earnestness less common in more settled places,
had decided to seize on this fact of post modern life to make itself something half-
imagined. Paris and London and New York were all highly international, too, of course,
but all of them, in their different ways, were too old, too amorphous, or too preoccupied
with other matters to adjust very much to their latest immigrants; Toronto, by contrast,
with less to lose and a less sharply defined sense of itself, had embarked upon a
multicultural experimentwith itself a guinea pig. Pico Iyer- The Global
After Jane Jocobs completed her
definitive autopsy of the modern
city, The Death and Life of Great
American Cities, in New York, it was
Toronto that she decamped, to try
to make her theories live (the local
government encouraging her in her
efforts to devise a downtown
of diversity in which has
allowed our downtown to be a
beautiful community feel.
“Torontoness” of Toronto?
When it comes to Toronto’s overall image, it’s key to understand that the soft factors of the city are usually
not so soft. Our approach firmly bears in mind that a ‘sense of place’ of Toronto and a sense of the mentality of
Torontonians are imperative economic and social assets, and they are every bit as captivating as the cities (for
instance) low tax rates or infrastructure and every bit as important to making commercial decisions. This is even
more so important since Toronto isn’t a dominant leader in any sectors on a global scale and also ranks
surprisingly low in innovation.
Currently there isn’t much sense of “Torontoness.” It is unknown and it’s just not clear on what it is? As a
result Torontonians are not good at being Torontonians. This may sound a little silly, but it has profound identity
and marketing ramifications. Therefore it is our top priority to discovering and characterizing the best
Torontoness of Toronto and making it legible, because we believe besides already being competitive in the hard
factors, Toronto potentially can be most competitive in, where no competition in the world can beat us, is in
purely being Torontonian. Another way of thinking about this is to ask the question: if Toronto is an
ingredient, what does it add to the mix or what are the flavours of Torontoness? For example if you
don’t know what eggplant taste like,
you’ll never exclaim, “Wow! I love this
soup! It’s full of eggplant!”, if you can’t
identify Torontoness, your ability to
appreciate or value it will be impaired.
It’s critical that we characterize and
strengthen the nature of Toronto as a whole
because whether you are selling Toronto
tourism, business, investment opportunities, real
estate, or even Torontonian art, you are selling,
in large part, the same Toronto overall.
“Those who deny the importance of
soft power are like people who do not
understand the power of seduction”-
Perception of Toronto?
Research reveals that Toronto’s image on
the world stage is blurred. It lacks the
dimension and clarity of iconic cities such
as Paris, New York or London, or even
the singular clarity of a place like Las
Vegas. Absent a rich “storyline”, Toronto
is perceived as simply another North
American (Canadian) city among
outsiders, and a large and impersonal
metropolis among Canadians.
To our only neighbour, the Americans;
we are perceived as part of ‘The Great
White North’ viewed as comparable to
American Midwest cities, but not on par culturally with LA, NYC, or Chicago. Image of Toronto is driven by the image of
Canada, i.e. nature and outdoors.
To Canadians, Toronto is viewed as the “Big Smoke” or gateway to nature. Politically, (the centre of the universe), it is also
well known that Toronto is not a well liked city across Canada, especially in Montreal and Vancouver. The cause of this
dislike varies. Overall, Toronto is viewed as an urban and cultural Mecca, but inferior in terms of outdoor activities
amongst Canadians.
To Torontonians, its mixed reactions. It seems as though many love Toronto to pieces, but many also have a love-hate
relationship with city which needs to change.
“Toronto is yet to establish a clear
and unique story”…
“People do not have a lot of specific
knowledge and associations with the
city and “Toronto” doesn’t conjure
many meaningful images.”
“Toronto is an undemonstrative,
unassuming city unsure of how to
represent itself, with no identifiable
brand of metropolitanism”-Eric
“Toronto is unfolding before us, 'unfinished' and full of possibility”- OpenCity Projects
“There are many obvious signs in Toronto indicating this city is constantly trying to
be like some kind of a mini New York (SOHO, Yorkville, Dundas Square, etc) Instead
of constantly being a follower, Toronto should aim to become a unique and original
city that other world cities want to stalk or follow.”
“The Canada Effect” (Toronto’s image is intimately tied to that of the country)
In the eyes of the world, Canada's images remains largely what it was a century ago, namely, a resource economy.
According to a study of Canada's international brand undertaken in 2000, contemporary elements –dynamism, innovation,
technology, tolerance, competiveness, and multiculturalism-were conspicuously absent. Although Canada had a high
“likability” factor around the world and positive values were attributed to the
Canadian brand (“best place to live,” “tolerant,” “welcoming”), it had little presence,
and few foreign audiences had any up to date knowledge about the country. A federal
government review of all public opinion research on how Canada was perceived abroad
concluded that Canada suffered from a chronic lack of profile, was regarded as a past
player in world affairs, had solid though unspectacular products, had boring tourist
attractions, and was not a top of mind destination for foreign investment.
The Globe and Mails Geoffrey York, writing in 2005 about Canada's image in China
concluded that many Chinese believe that Canada is too sleepy and dull-a good place to
live in retirement, but not a vibrant place to build wealth. Also an international poll
conducted in 1997 by the Angus Reid research organization found that less than 1% of
Germans and Japanese associated Canada with telecommunications or other
technologically based products, while more than 50% associated Canada with lumber,
pulp, paper and food. Furthermore, the CTC (Canadian Tourism Commission) market
research indicates that the images most often associated with Canada are “cold,
pristine, and natural”
Since tourism is frequently the loudest voice in communicating the country, this can over the years, have the effect of
drowning out the economic, political, industrial and even cultural voices. This is precisely the reason why Canada’s
nation brand is full of outdated associations which conflicts with other up-to-date elements. Canadian Tourism needs to
understand that from the point of view of a busy consumer halfway across the world, the natural advantages of Canada
are of little interest, and seldom add up to anything that could be described as a coherent or powerful brand. A more
effective partnership with Tourism Toronto and CTC is urgently required to address this issue because there is nothing in
urban Toronto that pertains to mountains, canoes, beavers or moose.
Research suggest that Toronto's image is intimately tied to Canada's; therefore, this is causing Toronto’s image to remain
weak in terms of not being perceived as a dynamic, global, and knowledge economy city. We call this the “Canada effect”
Although Canada has recently received positive attention on its strong banking system in the world, Canada has also
received a great deal of negative international media attention for seal hunting and tar sand oil. Canada has simply not
done enough in successful terms to promote itself as a modern and dynamic nation on the world stage which in turn is
projected on to Canadian cities and organizations. An interview with Joe Martin, of Rotman School of Management, told
us that when he had to attract business to Canada, he found that just mentioning Toronto sealed the deal, but if he
mentioned Canada, it was a lot harder, so he learned to separate Toronto from Canada to get better results whenever
By and large:
We propose that Toronto must aim to become a BIGGER brand than Canada, for
example, Paris is actually a bigger brand than its country, France or Amsterdam
is bigger than the Netherlands. When people think about Canada, the first
images that should come in mind are the dynamic global cities which are
Vancouver, Montreal, and especially Toronto, rather than the mountains, arctic,
or a moose. Toronto needs to at times separate itself from Canada's image,
because “the Canada effect” certainly isn’t helping much for Toronto’s global
Interesting Fact: Toronto
cited a U.N. study to bill
itself as the world's most
culturally diverse city. It was
discovered later that no such
ranking by the United
Nations even exists, and the
city soon removed all
references to it in its
promotional literature.
So… what’s the deal with all this diversity, multiculturalism and mosaic talk always
going on in this city…?
Nearly half (47%) of Torontonians were born outside Canada
border. While only Dubai and Miami may have a greater percentage
of foreign born residents, the vast majority of them are from Latin
America and the Caribbean in Miami and many are temporary
workers or primarily come from a few sources of countries in Dubai,
neither cities have the comprehensive, global spectrum of countries
from which Toronto welcomes its new arrivals. “Neither Miami nor
Los Angeles nor New York City can compete with Toronto’s
cosmopolitan credentials.”-Richard Florida, The Great Reset
Some official Toronto slogans are: a world within a city,
expect the world, and diversity our
strength. Clearly, this is a city
obsessed with its own multi-
ethnic mosaic and the
cosmopolitan credibility it
The concept of diversity is intimately tied to
the hearts Torontonians. They are very proud of
the fact, because they live and breathe the diversity
every day. They firmly know that Toronto has the
most potent diversity in the world and they see it as
a very beautiful thing to the point it feels
sentimental. In an aging city where about one fifth of
locales are 60 or older, Toronto continues to depend
on immigration to revitalize its workforce. The
continuous flow of immigration also maintains the
authentic vibrancy and cultural abundance which the
city cherishes.
Moreover, Toronto does see diversity as a critical
driver of long term success. Toronto demonstrates
active leadership at the level of the city
government and at the level of NGOs and
foundations. There is a very active agenda to
promote open-ness in the city which permeates city
thinking and strategy and there is increasing
attention to building the intermediate tier of
organisations and projects needed to achieve
inclusion. The city is also aware of research and work
done by Maytree foundation on showing the
business case for diversity and how diverse
leadership or organization enjoys quantifiable
business benefits that homogeneous firms do not.
The Diverse city report by Maytree makes the
definitive case that diverse leadership leads to:
• improved financial and organizational
• increased capacity to link to new global and
domestic markets;
• expanded access to global and domestic talent
• enhanced innovation and creativity; and
• Strengthened cohesion and social capital.
However! It must be said that regardless of
all these efforts of achieving inclusion: 47% of
Torontonians are visible minorities, yet fill just
13% of the GTA’s leadership roles and Immigrants
earn 85% of what Canadian born workers earn in
spite of having higher levels of education; they
also face barriers to career advancement. As a
result there is a strange contradiction in the air.
Also… heres the thing!
Research reveals that foreign audiences perceive little value of diversity because they may not think it’s unique
or see any symbolic relevance to it. Although Toronto’s diversity may be at a much higher degree, many other
cities in the world are also very diverse. Since diversity is up for interpretation, there could be other contenders
too. London, NY,
Paris, Los Angeles
and a handful of
other cities could
also have a strong
claim to be the
world’s most
Table 1: Cities with 25% or more foreign born residents (by alphabetical order)
Toronto isn’t the
Hong Kong
Los Angeles
New York
San Francisco
San Jose
Tel Aviv
Toronto isn’t the only city that’s diverse. Even though
our diversity is at a higher degree than other diverse
cities, there has to be something else other than the
diversity that truly puts us in a class of our own.
6 billion is a slight
exaggeration, but the
point is that for the
most part, diversity
isn’t perceived as a
unique selling point.
Wait there’s more…
Our model of multiculturalism that we take so much pride in has in many cases evolved into a
phenomenon called:
Boutique multiculturalism is the multiculturalism of ethnic restaurants, weekend festivals, and high
profile flirtations with the other. Boutique multiculturalism is characterized by its superficial or cosmetic
relationship to the objects of its affection. Boutique multiculturalists admire or appreciate or enjoy or
sympathize with or (at the very least) "recognize the legitimacy of" the traditions of cultures other than their
own; but boutique multiculturalists will always stop short of approving other cultures at a point where some
value at their center generates an act that offends against the canons of civilized decency as they have been
either declared or assumed.-Stanley Fish, University of Chicago.
Although many Torontonians have excelled to the next
level where they meaningfully thrive on the stimulation
provided by knowing people and situations different
from themselves, there are many Torontonians that
stay within their ethnic bubbles or are superficially
engaging with other cultures. In other words, our city
has become somewhat clannish which is not a healthy
thing for a city in times of a creative and collaboration
driven-economy. We must all learn to explore beyond
the introduction of cultures and dive in deeper.
All this goes to show that
although Toronto may well be
a thriving multicultural,
ethnic mosaic of the sort
Michael Adams' Unlikely
Utopia proudly identifies, the
design of it needs to be
deliberately upgraded to
make it meaningful and
relevant in the eyes of the
world. So what to do?
“The creative challenge is
to move from the
multicultural city of
fragmented differences to
the co-created
intercultural city that
makes the very most of its
diversity”.-Charles Landry
The story of our
multiculturalism is already
slowly and naturally evolving
into an intercultural city which
is amazing, but we need to
accelerate the process. By
intercultural we mean the
creative interactions of
different cultures, disciplines
and exchange of ideas.
Toronto is uniquely poised to
be a intercultural city which
still allows each culture to
retain its integrity and flavour
but also engages different
cultures to the point where
Torontonians can select and
absorb elements of other
cultures into their own cultural
make-up and produce new
ways of thinking, seeing,
imagining and creating.
“Toronto has just been
saying that we are diverse,
but not behaving diverse”
Nick Noorani of Immigrant
“We have to move beyond
staging the activities of our
global cultures; they should
just be there, naturally all
the time”
So now what?…
“The 6 million immigrant population of Canada is comprised of at least
1,000 people from 150 different countries. When these people meet
and mate with the others we will have 22,500 possibilities. Imagine
how smart and beautiful we Canadians will become!”-Michael Adams
There are many positive economic and social outcomes by evolving our
stale model of multiculturalism to interculturalism. In a creative driven
economy, Toronto can be home to a unique kind of creativity which isn’t
predominant in other cities.
Exposure to different cultures enhances our creativity. Five experiments
by North westerns Adam Galinsky showed that those who have lived
abroad outperform others on creativity tasks. Creativity is also higher on
average for first- or second –generation immigrants and bilinguals. The
theory is that cross-cultural experiences force people to adapt and be more
flexible. Just studying another culture can help. In Galinskys lab, people
were more creative after watching a slide about China: a 45 minute session
increased creativity scores for a week.
It turns out that being exposed to cultures that function differently from
our own – from language to social customs to public transport – awakens
the brain, alerting it to a much broader range of possibilities for being,
living, and making. The beauty of it is that you don’t have to travel the
world to experience the world, you can get it right here in Toronto, but
Toronto does a poor job at leveraging this to its fullest potential.
“Toronto has succeeded at
just about everything,
except looking glamorous
to itself; and by glamour I
mean a cities attraction to
its own uniqueness, moved
by the conviction that
there is a style of creativity
that can only be done here.
A city must believe this. We
must believe this”-Pier
Giorgio di Ciccio-Toronto Poet
Kudos to Toronto for earning the impressive
“multicultural/diverse” status; however, that doesn’t
mean we should now rest. Our next advancing challenge
is to earn the truly “intercultural” status.
It may be difficult to prove that the comprehensive global community of Toronto plays a major role in enticing or
sparking the many global thoughts and actions happening within our city every day and every minute; even so, we
steadily believe it does play a key and vital role. The following is a brief visual essay of some of the
intercultural/globally mindful actions happening in this city all the time.
International banks
(ICICI, Punjab bank, etc)
So what does this all equate to??
“The background buzz of conversations in other
languages had become so commonplace to me
that it took me a while riding the tube in London
before I realized that Toronto was far more
diverse. Partly, it was the languages themselves
(mostly European languages in London and
languages from all over the world in Toronto)
but it was more than that. In London, the
different languages are always spoken by
tourists. In Toronto, it’s almost always
residents.”-Kevin Stolarick, Martin Prosperity
Here comes the fundamental insight of this report. As
it happens, Toronto is a considered a global city
primarily based on the levels of integration to global
markets, exchange of goods and services, movement
of capital and finance, and etc. On the other hand,
Toronto has a qualitative global attribute which is
remarkably unique compared to any other major
global cities. Toronto has a distinct global feel or vibe
or emotion about it in the air. In the midst of such a
potent and comprehensive spectrum of global
diversity combined with the innovative and unique
propensity of retaining culture and openly
celebrating it, it’s hard not to feel part of a real global
society. It’s embedded within the DNA of Toronto.
“I’m a global citizen…I find it impossible for
me to have any other identity being a
Torontonian” Priscilla Garay-U of T student
For example, Seoul is ranked higher than Toronto in
the Foreign Policy Global City ranking; however, you
won’t feel any sense of a global community in that
city, but rather feel very “Koreanish”, or Brussels and
Paris which are also ranked higher than Toronto, you
will surely feel very “Europeanish” in Brussels and
very French in Paris, not to mention these 2 cities
have increasingly become anti-immigrant. The same
could be said about Hong Kong, Tokyo and even New
York where you may fundamentally feel
“Americanish,” not to mention its melting pot type of
"Canada has become the spiritual home, you could say, of the very notion of an
extended, emancipating global citizenship."-Pico Iyer, Canadian Geographic
Impending promise of Toronto: Experience a
profound sense of a genuine global society where a
special kind of creativity manifests. In a compact
expression: “Intentionally/Genuinely Global Global”.
We add soul to the word global which is usually seen
as a soulless word (global markets, global firms, etc)
Toronto is global on the inside and out and
understands first hand that globalization is essentially
a very good thing… So London is the capital of English
culture, Paris of French culture, Sydney of Australian,
New York of American culture, Madrid of Spanish,
Amsterdam of Dutch culture, and so forth. Canada
doesn’t have a culture or maybe it does but Toronto
is just disconnected from it, so needless to say,
Toronto is only poised to becoming the capital of
global culture. If we take ownership of this now, we
can begin building upon it and make it a
proportionate truth in the near future.
We acknowledge that this is not a full truth for all
of Toronto or Torontonians as of yet, but there is a
critical mass in this city that organically have
attained a global mindset and are extremely
interculturally competent. This is an evolving and
unique observable fact especially amongst the
When David Suzuki was asked what his biggest pet
peeve is; he answered people’s inability to consider
the future. The truth of the matter is that the Global
culture resonates especially with the younger
generation because unlike the older generation, Gen
Y-ers had the upbringing and socialization at a time
when the global pluralism of Toronto was firmly
established and potent. This has astronomically
affected their character and world view and we have
to fathom the fact that this is a very new global
phenomenon rapidly taking place right here in our
very own city. If we are to develop a sustainable or
enduring brand, we
must take in
consideration the
reality of today’s
“Could Toronto become the 1st
city to truly embrace the world’s
global citizens? That would be cool”-Richard Florida
Not your average global city. Not
your average global citizens.
Also keep in mind that Young Torontonians have grown up
among intense globalization in a digitally connected age,
and they have the propensity to travel more meaningfully
and intimately explore foreign cultures; they swim in
a global pool and it’s only going to continue
to expand in the future to come. Here are a few
ways to describe the evolving mentality of young
Torontonians; they may sound poetic or even happy-
clappy to some, but it’s a serious and hyper valuable
happening if leveraged.
• Global Soul-A person that always can make the
collection of his selves something greater than the whole;
that diversity can leave him not a dissonance but a higher
symphony. Pico Iyer
• Xenophile-A person attracted to that which is
foreign, especially to foreign peoples, manners, or
• TCK-Third culture kids grow up in a genuinely cross-cultural world. Third culture kids have incorporated
different cultures on the deepest level, as to have several cultures incorporated into their thought
processes. This means that third culture kids not only have deep cultural access to at least two cultures,
this also means that thought processes are truly multicultural. That, in turn, influences how third culture
kids relate to the world around them. They usually find it difficult to answer the question, "Where are you
‘People think that businesses
make decisions about where to
locate on purely rational grounds,
but at some level there’s quite
an emotional pull. The places that
manage to suggest they have
these qualities (cool, glamorous, sexy)
often win out even though maybe
their taxes are little bit higher or
their transport doesn’t quite work.
It’s that kind of magic fairy dust that
some places manage to sprinkle
over themselves and some just don’t.’
Alain de Botton,
Author of The Art of Travel
from?" Compared to their peers who have lived their entire lives in a single culture, TCKs have a globalized
• My country is the world, and my religion is to do good.
• Global Citizenship is... A way of understanding… how the world works; links between our own lives and
those of people throughout the world. A way of seeing… social justice & equity; other people’s reality;
diversity; interconnectedness; the way that people can make a difference. A way of acting… exercising
political rights; critical thinking; challenging injustice.
Not those words please…
We believe there is a fundamental opportunity
in taking charge of our language, as well as in
attempting to influence the language that
others (the press) use to speak about Toronto.
We as all the stakeholders (citizens, Gov,
business, NGO) of the city must try to minimize
the way we currently describe our city
(diversity, multiculturalism, mosaic, and
tapestry) which we showed on pg.15 on how
vague and unacknowledged these concepts
actually are largely amongst foreign
audiences. “Our current motto “Diversity our
Strength” does not play up enough the global
nature of our relationships and is very inward
looking”-Ratna Omidvar. The word diversity
sounds very “policyish” because it has
traditionally been branded as a “human
resources” term, associated with fair hiring
practices or enhancing an organization’s image
as a good citizen. “Diversity our strength” is
great as an internal motto for the city perhaps,
but externally it needs to be refreshed
regardless of how habitual the term has
become for us all. Here is a just quick little
brainstorm of different ways to describe our
true and evolving essence of Toronto
(Genuinely Global) Culturally intersectional/
global crossroad/global renaissance/ /Born in
Toronto, raised by the world/creative for the world/
when in Toronto, do as the world does / Culturally
abundant/ global+creative=Toronto state of mind
/the world is not a boring place/global class, and
yadi yadi yada, the possibilities are limitless.
The New Global
Driving Innovation through diverse perspectives
Ernst & Young produced a land mark report which reveals that
differing voices and viewpoints are powerful factors in steering
“The western consumer’s knowledge of Japanese art, cuisine and philosophy, for example, however
shallow it might be, functions as an important counterpoint to the commercial image of Japan:
productivity, miniaturization, technology and so on”-Simon Anholt
We believe Toronto’s trailblazing global culture (literature, media, festivals, mindset, etc) is a powerful
driver for the overall economic and social image of Toronto. We propose that “Intentionally Global” is a
sharp and powerful expression to help guide actions and behavior in order to advance and strengthen
Toronto’s story. It also allows us to truly be ourselves at all times and promotes a positive and purposive
psychology for the city. This positioning doesn’t have to be worded exactly as ‘genuinely global’ As long as
we firmly get the point across that we are a wholesome global city for the world.
This positioning fulfills the criteria for a strong and visionary competitive identity 101%:
 Truthful: Its corresponding with reality and citizens can live and breathe the brand
 Complex yet clear: It doesn’t reduce the complexity and dynamism of the city
 Authentic: It is real; it can be seen, felt, heard, and experienced.
 Enduring: It is here to stay and grow sustainably
 Defensible: It’s back up-able with legible proof points or evidence.
 Relevance: Contributes advantageous value economically and socially, and to global conversations
 Realistic: Setting expectations that can be met or exceeded
 Unique: Not generally predominant in other cities
 Advancing: It evolves the story and advances it gradually increasing richness and strength
 Global reach: Thinks and acts both locally and globally
Caution!We have to be careful not to sway the Genuinely Global positioning to connote a kumbaya
type of image or a page out of a Unicef brochure. (Not to say that Unicef isn’t cool because it does amazing
work) But we are aiming for something more appealing. Intentionally Global is meant to connote:
imagination, sexy, smart, cutting edge, creativity for the world, economic advantage and so forth.
By definition, the term “glocal” refers to the individual, group, division, unit,
organization, and community which are willing and able to “think globally and act
Genuinely global
and creative
Diversity, ok
so what?
“Not your average global city, not
your average global citizens”
Torontonian aka Global Citizen
Canadians understandably regard “brain
drain” as bad and “brain gain” as good. But
global mobility has ushered in an era of
“brain chain” We need understand that
people will move around the world and come
back and forth to Toronto adding a more
valuable and global contribution to our city.
Bringing the competitive identity to life
It’s essential that key stakeholders come together in partnership and collectively believe in the brand,
(Government, business, NGO, and most importantly each and every citizen). This is the only way to make a place
brand strategy come fully alive. What is required is a partnership where all of the key stakeholders regard each
other as equals, regardless of their power or resources and where their individual contributions are valued
because, without them, Toronto will not realize its full potential. This is the kind of informal and formal body in
which key stakeholders jointly develop, create and lead on the implementation of the city branding, under shared
responsibility. As the brand is taking shape, new and different partners will emerge to play a vital role in its
realization. A brand partnership should not be as an (old boys club) or the (usual suspects) of the city’s
establishment, but a body that responds to change by changing and reinventing itself.
The creation of a Brand Toronto Council is a good idea. It
will be charged to implement a holistic approach which will
facilitate the implementation of “on brand” symbolic action
and coordinate the marketing efforts of all Toronto
businesses, artists, musicians, actors, sportspeople,
designers and more, leverage off each other, under a unified
Toronto brand. The council will consist of relevant members
who are passionate, imaginative, forward looking and at the
same time, can become powerful champions or advocates
of the brand. A talented Brand Toronto Council along with
supportive affiliates is bound for a successful brand Toronto.
Our firm understanding is that citizens of any place want to feel proud of where they come from and live, they
want their city or country to matter. The identities of the places we reside in are really a seamless extension of
the identity and self concept of ourselves; it is a natural human tendency for people to identify themselves with
their city. Unfortunately Toronto is lacking in this department. We have identified that Toronto’s self concept and
international image is a burning platform. One way of looking at it is that Toronto is a teenager that doesn’t know
what it wants to be when it grows up, and this report acts as a timely and powerful mentor that helps discover
Toronto’s true passion and strengths; needless to say, finding your passion changes everything. We also urge
Canada to step up and address the weak nation brand it currently carries as we identify in this report. We agree
with Daryl Copeland’s proposal for developing a brand strategy for Canada informed not by the beauty of our
nature, but rather by the nature of our beauty.
The “genuinely global” theme resonates with not only the leaders of today but more importantly by the leaders
of tomorrow. The intercultural movement and other globally symbolic actions will make our “intentional
globalness” more attractive and truer. If Toronto integrates a cohesive, creative and appropriately courageous
image strategy with its other programmes and policies, we believe Toronto can attain a stronger brand, in the
global context sooner rather than much later. This is a long term game and it’s going to take everyone in this city
to play role in making Toronto the highest and best it can be within our lifetimes and beyond. The final question
should be: is Toronto a global city of the world or in the world?
"Cities have the capability of providing something for everybody, only because, and
only when, they are created by everybody." — Jane Jacobs
“Toronto has a very good
opportunity to become an
urban-innovation hot spot,”
says Kaplan founder of
Innovation Factory. “It has an
active creative class. And
there’s a vibrant
conversation about social
change that you hear
everywhere in the city.
“Groups quickly come
together in Toronto to
discuss challenges,” Kaplan
adds. “And those groups, in
turn, form networks to tackle
every kind of social challenge.
That is a double blessing.
Citizens make a success of
the project they’ve rallied
around. And that success
attracts talent, money and
other resources to take on still
more challenges.”-Toronto
The portfolio of ideas that follow doesn’t exactly constitute a
grand strategy for bringing about Toronto’s brand as a
“intentionally global city”, but rather it is an attempt to spark
experimentation with multiple creative approaches that can
be rapidly prototyped, tested, and communicated as part of a
more definitive city strategy. The 2015 Pan Am Games can play
a major role in implementing symbolic actions for this brand.
These ideas act as brief conversation starters and should entail implementation by various groups who
feel that the ideas fit their mandate, or citizens who have the drive can also step up and help put the
ideas into practice. Please share your own ideas as well to lend a hand in making Toronto the best and
highest it can be. Overall, the actions should play a role in creating symbolic evidences and proving
that we are the genuinely global and creative city of the world.
1. Your idea:pg33 10. UN Global Culture University:pg40
2. Behave like the capital city of Canada:pg33 11. Improve Transportation:pg41
3. Harness the power of non-state actors:pg34 12. Capitalize on Strong Banks:pg42
4. Exclusive Toronto Cuisine:pg34 13. City Hall = City Lab:pg42
5. Ambiance Neighbourhoods: pg36 14. Collaborate IPA’s:pg43
6. Foster global culture/inter-culturalism:pg37 15. Rethink Tourism:pg45
7. Grand Event where we can feel one:pg38 16. Creative Toronto all over:pg47
8. T-shirt campaign:pg39 17. Create a global leaders award:pg48
9. Make winter awesome:pg40
The adage ‘fake it till you make it ’
contains a powerful truth, but
only works if something is actually
being made; one can ’t just fake it.
Things must be built and done;
policies must be changed; action
must be taken. -Jeremy Hildreth
1. What’s your actionable idea or conversation starter?
2. Behave more like the capital city of Canada rather than of Ontario’s
“Cities are the real magnets of economies, the innovators of politics, and, increasingly, the drivers of
diplomacy. Those that aren’t capitals act like they are.”-Parag Khanna. There is no doubt that although
Toronto isn’t the capital city of Canada, it sure does seem like it is. Most people that know of any Canadian
cities may think that either Toronto or even Montreal is the capital of Canada, and would never guess that in
fact Ottawa is. Despite what people think of the G20 being hosted in Toronto; it was a very positive thing for
the city. The G20 is a good start in giving Toronto international significance, and much more globally
recognized forums/conversations should take place in Toronto. For example, Daryl Copeland-author of
Guerrilla Diplomacy agrees that Toronto has the potential to be a co-host city for United Nations events
since we are situated very close to the head quarters in NY and also in the same time zones. Toronto as a
global city needs to show deliberate influence and interest in playing a role far beyond its municipal
Perhaps Toronto would be able to participate more in the global conversation if the city had more
means to control its own destiny. Alan Broadbent identifies this in his book ‘Urban Nation’ why we need to
give power back to the cities to make Canada strong. “Cities have the governance sovereignty of small
“The way to gain a good reputation is to
endeavor to be what you desire to
appear.” -Socrates
children in patriarchal family. It is time, says Broadbent that Canada woke up and stopped starving the geese
that are laying the golden eggs.”-Michael Adams
3. Harnessing the power of non-state actors
Shamin Mohamed was only 15 and living in the Jane-Finch area of Toronto when he founded a charity
aimed at raising youth awareness of HIV and AIDS in Canada and abroad. Jenna Hoyt, who is completing a nursing
degree at the University of Toronto, was in her early 20s when she started the Little Voice Foundation, which
helps African communities operate schools and housing for homeless children. Mohamed and Hoyt are just two
of the growing number of Canadian youths trying to make a difference in the world and in their own communities
at home. Wanting to help others overseas or in Canada is nothing new. Toronto is home to some the most active
and creative diasporas and global citizens in the world.
Social innovation is rapidly rising in Toronto; this is evident by how busy the social innovation department
(SIG) at Mars stays, and the Social Innovation Centre in downtown was so successful that it has opened another
whole new building dedicated to social innovators. When we asked Dr John R. Evans-Emeritus of Mars, what do
you think Toronto can be a leader in on a global scale? He thought for a while and firmly answered “social
innovation, there should be more SIG’s all over the city.”
4. Exclusive Toronto Cuisine
a) Food is a powerful element of all cultures, and with Toronto being full of various cultures, a unique
cuisine that is local to Toronto would accentuate our identity. We already do it in some ways in our homes
where we combine different ingredients inspired by different cultures and create our unique fusion dishes
in our homes. A good example of a region that has done this is “California cuisine” which is a fusion of local
foods infused with primarily Asian flavours. California cuisine is now well known and raved about all over
the world. Creatively establishing a several invented and tasty recipes that reflect the diverse flavours of
Toronto would make a statement of our cultures intermingling and as well inspire more locals to do some of
their own infusing.
b) When you go to certain parts of the world, you will discover that the McDonalds or Subway restaurant menus
may have different offering to reflect the local culture. With Toronto being so culturally abundant, it would make
a strong statement if these chains began offering food that reflects our various local cultures. Such as the
McDonalds maharaja burger or Subways chicken tikka sub both from India to cater to the large South Asian
demographic in Toronto and many others that love Indian flavors. In eastern Canada, you can exclusively find
lobster sandwiches at McDonalds which reflect the regions unique culture and flavors, so why can’t Toronto have
unique options?
A step in the right direction has been to allow more ethnic street food vendors in Toronto, oppose to just having
Also a report by Perry Caicco of CIBC World Markets reveals that over the next decade, up to 70
per cent of retail sales growth in Canada will likely come from “visible minorities,” who prefer brands and flavors
that they recognize from home. Therefore, mainstream businesses must adapt to our changing consumerism.
Korean food meets
Mexican-Korean tacos
California cuisine-Asian
flavors fusion with California
5. Create an enhanced ambiance for our neighbourhoods
The true meaning of “global class” can be found along the walks in our Neighborhoods. Very few cities in the
world bring so many diverse cultures, festivals, and businesses together in a single place. These
neighborhoods include: Greek town, little India, little Italy, little Jamaica, Korea town, Kensington, Portugal
Village, China Town, Yorkville and so on. The only thing is that some of these neighborhoods don’t do justice
for the type of area they are known for. For example, other than the signage’s of Italian restaurants and
other small street signs, there is minimal evidence that you are in little Italy. We spoke to some people
walking in little India, and they all mentioned that they felt as though they were walking down an average
street. Let’s make every cultural neighborhood in the downtown area full of ambiance, just like China town
does. China towns across the world including Toronto’s are great at creating an authentic feel with the
complete sensory experience. They include community markers, art work, architecture, sounds, smell, and
etc. With the collaboration with artists, the city, and local businesses, this can be easily achieved, and in fact
many leaders in these neighborhoods expressed concern about this issue, so they are ready to take action.
6. Foster global culture/ interculturalism
a) In Singapore, they have posters with an attractive young woman, and if you pay more attention to the
poster, she has a tattoo in the shape of the double helix of DNA enriched on her upper arm. In smaller print
the poster reads “Got a passion for science, we will take it to a higher level”. Singapore understands how to
make science sexy and appealing and Toronto needs to also be creative in coaxing or encouraging
Torontonians to interact with other cultures meaningfully. By promoting and harnessing global behaviour,
we can produce a special kind of creativity in this city.
b) The practice of taking a 'Gap
Year' is relatively minimal in
Canada as compared to other
countries where it is
customary for youth to travel
abroad and cultural exchange
as a useful tool to create global
understanding and experience
before entering college or
university. This is causing
many young Torontonians to
not experience the world and
develop a well-rounded world
view. Toronto youth need to be
educated early on about this
and be encouraged to save money for a gap year after high school. Inspired by Adil Dhalla of My City Lives
c) Interest in learning different languages in Toronto is rapidly rising. I don’t know any person in Toronto
that can even formulate a sentence in French, probably because we are more interested in learning other
languages like Arabic, Mandarin and etc. Schools need to upgrade their language programs at the earliest
levels of education. Rosetta Stone is an amazing language program which makes learning easy and fun and
should be a standard software in every school computer. In a globalized world, every Torontonian should be
able to naturally speak 3 or more languages. Former Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd earned plaudits
for his fluency in Mandarin, there’s no reason Toronto politicians or anyone shouldn’t be able to do the same
living in such a global city as Toronto.
7. An event that we all can participate in and feel one
A flash mob is a large group of people who assemble suddenly in a public place, perform an unusual and
pointless act for a brief time, and then disperse. The concept of flash mob was taken to the next level when
more than 20,000 people pulled off a massive surprise for an unsuspecting Oprah on her 2010 season
starter show in Chicago. The entire crowd performed a
choreographed piece to the Black Eyed Peas' "I Gotta Feeling,"
Award-winning director Michael Gracey says the interaction
between the Black Eyed Peas and the crowd is what made the
flash mob so extraordinary."There's something really special
when you take an audience and instead of just being passive
and watching, you invite them to participate, it becomes
magical for both parties. Two groups of people came together
to create something that neither of them could have done
alone. A mass flash mob event is an extraordinary way that
Torontonians can participate and feel one. The event will only get bigger every year and it can happen on
Toronto’s birthday, or whenever. A great song to do it to for the first time would be Jai ho, from slum dog
millionaire, after all this film was discovered at TIFF. Inspired by Mark Sarner of Manifest
8. Enhance identity
through t-shirts.
People love to wear t-
shirts with catchy and
clever lines. T-shirts can
also be a great way to
show-off your
Torontonian pride.
Citizens can customize
their own shirts, and print anything that resonates with them along with the acronym T.O. For example, the
lines “creative for the world T.O.” or “Support your local artists T.O.” or “Earth is my turf T.O.”, and etc. The
possibilities are endless. Inspired by Tonya Surman, Director of Social Innovation Centre
9. Make winter awesome
One thing that almost every Torontonian dislikes is the blistering winter weather. The winter blues seem to
kick in, and the bonanza of festivals and fun things to do during the summer suddenly disappear when
winter arrives. This doesn’t have to be the case. The city has Wintercity festival for a couple of weeks, but
that’s about it, and needless to mention, it’s not that appealing. The city can be an innovator in extending the
summer fun through winter as well. For example, the number one tourist attraction in Sweden in an ice
hotel and Quebec City has also now created something similar. An ice hotels, bar, or restaurants would be a
great addition to Toronto’s winter which would not only spice up winter for locals, but as well attract
tourists during the winter season. Another great example of winter fun that Toronto can learn from is in
Ottawa, which is transformed into a winter
wonderland. Snowflake Kingdom is a park that hosts
the continent's largest snow playground, complete
with 30 giant snow slides, ice-carving contests and
magnificent ice exhibits. These are just a couple of
ideas, but with creativity and imagination, Toronto
can make the city not only enjoyable for locals and
tourists during the summer, but also during winter.
10. Establish a UN Global Culture University
The International Centre of UPEACE in Toronto
ceased its activities on November 28th 2006. After a
successful 15 month period delivering programs in peace education, the Toronto Centre of the University for
Peace closed its doors. While the Centre was generously supported by the Government of Canada through
the Toronto Waterfront Revitalization Corporation during this time, it was unable to secure the further
financing required to continue its operations.
This was an embarrassment because needless to say, Toronto is an ideal location to situate such an
institution yet while we finally got it; it was later relocated to Costo Rica. We need to have another go at this
with better management and approach. The waterfront area is an ideal place to situate a world renowned
UN university specializing in global matters such as development, public diplomacy, Diaspora, culture and
11. Improve Transportation dramatically
Korean international student-“TTC sucks in this city, in Seoul Korea is so much better, I miss it”
Me- Really it’s better there?
Korean International student: Way better, the subway can’t be bad, because many people start complaining
angrily right away.
Me-“but a lot of people complain here as well”
International student-“Yah, but they take complaint seriously in Korea and fix it right away”
Urban transportation is the space race of the 21st century. The city that cracks the commuter nightmare of
traffic congestion and pollution will steal a march on cities competing for business and tourism. It takes a
commuter an average of 80 minutes to get to work in Toronto, according to a global study.
This city must break the log jam on transportation. The average commuter in Toronto requires more time to
get to work than the average commuter in Los Angeles, New York or London, England. An OECD study says
congestion is costing $3.3 billion in lost productivity.
“There have been lots of announcements. If announcements were streetcars, they would stretch all
the way to Montreal. This is a burning platform, this is an urgent situation. Fifty years ago, the
Alaskan Highway was built in the dead of winter. It was 2,450 km in length. Thirteen kilometres
were built every day, 133 bridges were constructed and thousands of culverts. It was finished in
eight months. It can be done! Yonge Street holds the Guinness Record for the longest street in the
world. The Caribana Festival holds the record for the longest festival parade in the world. I suspect
the Don Valley Parkway holds the record for the biggest paved parking lot in the world.”-Frank
12. Creatively capitalize on the current good rep of Canadian banks
Canadian banks were ranked the soundest in the world two years in a row by the World Economic Forum.
The big four banks of Canada which are all headquartered in Toronto have been getting great recognition on
a global scale due to performing better than most other financial institutions in the world during the
recession. A world renowned institute for risk management is in process of being constructed in Toronto
which will be symbolic and greatly enhance the prestige of our financial sector. More of these symbolic
actions should to be established in a creative and catchy way for the world to firmly recognize the strength
of Toronto’s financial sphere for years to come.
13. Do something about boring city hall.
For those who have ever been to city hall, know that you instantaneously get a feeling of dullness and
boredom as soon as you step foot into it. When you speak with people that work at city hall, you can almost
sense that they speak with a vibe of limitation and unimaginativeness. Most of the people that run our city
are senior white guys who have a huge generation gap between the youth and not to mention lack diverse
perspectives. City hall clearly needs an internal culture change, and the environment needs to be
rejuvenated where creativity and fresh ideas can flourish. Physically, city hall is a temple to rigid and
predictable method of working. Uncreative or ineffective ideas are bound to be created in this kind of
environment. The following ideas need consideration:
a) Lets completely rebrand City Hall and call it City Lab. This will emphasize that the cities job is to
formulate creative and sound policies instead of the bland and unimaginative ones they create majority of
the time.
b) City hall must open up to a host of new concepts of interior design, furniture,
and workflow that enable idea generation, development, prototyping, testing, and
deployment. The space at city hall needs to expand the mental boundaries that
balance openness with intension.
14. Foster collaboration between GTA IPA’s (Investment
promotion agencies) for a regional approach
One thing is certain, many European and North American cities have recognized that to be competitive in the global marketplace,
they have to organize and act as a wider metropolitan or sub-regional level when it comes to investment attraction and
retainment. Knowing this, we have come to firmly realize that Toronto must establish a single regional focused IPA (investment
promotion agency) Regional economic cooperation is a concept that is being increasingly embraced by metropolitan areas around
the world who are seeking a competitive edge in the race to retain and attract business.
From a business perspective, urban centres, and its surrounding municipalities are seen as a cohesive whole, municipal boundaries
are a small consideration, if at all. Businesses locate in an economic region in order to serve the entire economic region (and in many
instances, beyond)
At present investment promotion within the Toronto region is fragmented and under funded with activities often being duplicated
by multiple municipalities or organizations. This lack of centralization creates disjointed information for investors who are looking for
invisible municipal boundaries and local governments who work together seamlessly. The absence of a unified Toronto region IPA is
hurting our ability to compete globally. As a result, the perspectives of the business operating within an urban centre tend to be
regional, while governance structures tend to be local. This disconnect between the realities of the marketplace and of government
can be an impediment to a region realizing its full economic potential. Fragmented governance structures can make it difficult for
businesses to operate efficiently, which has a detrimental impact on economic growth and job creation. To be successful in
attracting investment, these IPAs need to have the same perspective as the investors they are wooing. Not surprisingly, the most
successful jurisdictions in attracting investment are the ones with a regional IPA.
According to a recent IBM report on global location trends, three cities with strong IPAs for their region – London, Singapore, and
Paris – are the top three cities in the world for attracting investment dollars. These 3 cities all follow regional, singular investment
models in order to attract FDI. According to the same report, Toronto unfortunately, does not make the list of the top 20 cities in
the world in attracting FDI.
Many of the economic development departments and/or agencies in the GTA municipalities undertake investment promotion
activities. The most prominent example is Invest Toronto, the New IPA for the City of Toronto. While the economic enhancement
goals of Invest Toronto are certainly laudable and necessary as Toronto seeks to recover from the global economic crisis, its
structure (in that it is only structured to attract investment into the city of Toronto) does not recognize the role of Toronto as a key
player within a regional system, or the realities of the marketplace for the investors it is seeking to attract. There are also a number
of non- ‐governmental organizations that engage in investment promotion activities which is another indication that multiple actors
are speaking for the Toronto region on the International stage.
“In principle, things work much better if a single regional IPA is responsible for all the communications activity.
It is rather wasteful if they are all firing off incompatible messages and promoting different images of the
region; hence, confusing investors.”-Simon Anholt
“A better solution is for all these agencies to truly collaborate (very different than cooperate!)” -John Jung
former president of GTMAThe GTA is a very large geo-political organism which first needs to work out their collaborative
strategies and mechanisms. A well developed ability to create and sustain fruitful collaborations gives the Toronto region a
significant competitive leg up. These agencies need to learn how to actively collaborate by developing mechanisms-structures,
processes and skills – for bridging organizational and interpersonal differences and achieving real value from the partnership.
Multiple ties at multiple levels ensure communication, coordination and control. This is not the first time anyone has thought about
this, in fact there was a GTA summit last year where dialogue was established but very little action after the fact. With the current
recession, let’s not further delay positive change.
Toronto must be the master brand of the region, since it is the foremost anchor. Simon Anholt a policy advisor in London has a term
he calls “Box of chocolate brand architecture” We recommend that the brand on the outside of the box is Toronto and since
familiarity is low for Toronto already and zero for the surrounding municipalities, we should definitely market the box, not the
individual chocolates. When Toronto gets interest from investors, we can then open the box and introduce the individual
chocolates, each one is distinctive, with its own appearances and flavors but bearing a strong family resemblance and a clear
connection to each other and to the brand on the box.
For example, if an investor wants to invest in an
industrial sector, he may pick up the Brampton or
Durham chocolates, or if he wanted to start a biotech
company he may choose Toronto, Mississauga, or
Markham. It depends on the investor’s criteria and
choice, but the important thing to keep in mind, is that
Toronto is the anchor, and wherever the business
situates, the whole region benefits as a whole.
15. Rethink Tourism
a) The future of Tourism is being influenced
by the rise of the experience economy. This
can take many forms, such as travelling to
learn another language, to lean an instrument,
to experience different cultures, to pursue an interest or hobby such as rock climbing or scuba diving. In
other words the experience has become the object of the holiday, not just relaxation or sightseeing.
Fulfilment comes from involvement, understanding and self improvement – returning home a more
knowledgeable, spiritually refreshed, or more experienced person. This reflects the progression through
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, and the level of self actualization is where people are increasingly seeking
fulfilment through travel.
Stop marketing all the individual
municipalities! Toronto should be the only
anchor to attract investment for the region!
The more a destination can engage with potential visitors on an emotional level, as somewhere that
promises to fulfill this demand for a fulfilling experience, the more chance it has of attracting the growing
number of people, particularly in developing countries, who see the type of holiday they take as an
expression of their personality. This means telling a story about the destination, which strikes an emotional
chord with potential visitors and stays with them. Being warm, sunny, and naturally beautiful is no longer
enough. Destinations have to express their personality and convey a sense of soul, heart and spirit that
engages visitors in order to avoid being viewed as another (me too) destination. The brand story that it
tells, is passed on by satisfied visitors to other prospects, and eventually becomes a powerful agent for
widespread social marketing effects.
Tourism Toronto is the official destination-marketing organization for Toronto’s tourism industry. This
organization does an excellent job, and the fact that it is the sole organ that does, makes it all that more
effective. Toronto Tourism had great aspirations for the Toronto Branding project in 2005 (Toronto
Unlimited), and invested 2million in the 4 million project. But unfortunately, it didn’t succeed, and as a
result, left Toronto Tourism without a foundation to run with. The genuinely global positioning this report
proposes gives Toronto tourism a style or theme to run with. Instead simply promoting Toronto as just
another North American city, we can now present Toronto as a global city of the world where travelers can
meaningfully experience our distinct global culture. (The symbolic actions this report proposes first need to
be implemented for this experience to be strong for tourists.
b) Lets promote domestic tourism. Research suggests that Torontonians have largely not discovered their
own city yet. This lack of knowledge of all the things to do and see in the city leads to weak perceptions of
our own city and we begin to think it is a boring place. Toronto Tourism publishes an amazing and insightful
magazine which is distributed only in hotel rooms; if that same magazine can also be available for
Torontonians, it will allow Torontonians to be more aware and appreciative of the offerings in the city.
16. Productive creativity throughout every community in Toronto
A study was done by the Centre for Urban and Community Studies, "The Three Cities within Toronto: Income
Polarization among Toronto Neighbourhoods, 1970-2000. The study shows how, from 1970 to 2000, our city of
neighbourhoods has been transformed into three separate cities, defined by their economic differences.
Although Toronto is a thriving city with an abundance of world cultures, it is one where ethnic diversity is overlaid
by growing class division.
Richard Florida of U of T explains that the key task of our time is to build new institutions to spread the gains of
the creative economy. If not, it will continue to concentrate those gains geographically and socially. Action
required to overcome that class divide and build a more cohesive and shared creative economy. We need to
make sure all Torontonians can use their creative capabilities and as such contribute even more fully to
economic growth. No Torontonian should be left behind when it come to fostering the creative energy.
“Highly creative adults frequently grew up with hardship. Hardship by itself doesn’t lead to creativity, but it does
force kids to become more flexible—and flexibility helps with creativity.”-Newsweek Article
a) Far too many inner city youth are spending their time doing unproductive things due to a lack of creative
facilitation which downtown T.O. neighbourhoods are fortunate to have. Creative and inspirational spaces a
needed for them. Everybody wants to go to a dream space or third space which is neither home nor office (where
one works) Cafes are one example of such a space, but Starbucks don’t exist in many neighbourhoods and it’s
kind of a stigma for urban youths to go there anyway. When one wants to dream, write poetry, forment a
revolution, brainstorm, one goes to a café. A space is needed where all kinds of diverse elements are at play
(other people, internet, instruments, books, music, sports, ambience, the world beyond the windows-to help
inspire your ideas and dreams, and etc). The interplay of personal and public space, combined with a sense that
anything can happen, makes such places a great place for innovation to happen.
Community places are the perfect place for such creative spaces, and to increase accessibility they should be
standard pretty much everywhere: condos, open schools (afterschool hours), libraries, and even mobile truck
containers. These third spaces are not expensive because the environment is similar to a start-up, where most
things are used and messy, and people can donate their own things and it is a continuous improvement process.
It inevitably involves trial and error-there are just so many imponderables. Above all, these dream spaces should
represent freedom for those who go there; kind of like to a jazz club for ideas, a place where participants can
b) Create an online magazine for creative’s educating them on how to make their ideas happen; an avenue where
they can read the stories of other local success stories who went through the rough to become who they are
today. For example, Dwight Drummond, a well know local journalist can share his insights to how he became
successful despite growing up on Jane Finch, or how Knaan persevered to make his creative pursuits come alive
although he grew up in a rough neighbourhood in Rexdale, and there are many other great stories that need to
be shared with creative’s in the rough in order to inspire them to make their ideas become a reality.
17. Create a global leaders award
This will be a globally recognized and respected award. Other than local global leaders, global citizens will be
invited from all over the world along with international jury members. Toronto will be the primary city that
honours great global beings. For example Apple’s brand honours those who think differently and Nike brand
honours great athletes.
Resources and bibliography: People and paper
Many people across the region shared their insights and perspectives with us. We spoke to artists, philosophers,
writers, homeless person, students, politicians, business leaders, professors, NGOS’s, basically anyone that lives
in the city. This is a list as we are able to compose; however there are many more that are unknown ordinary
citizens that provided valuable insights, many thanks to all.
In alphabetical order:
• Adam Giambrone, Chair, TTC
• Adil Dhalla, Co-Founder, My City Lives
• Alan Broadbent, CEO, Avana Capital Corp
• Anne M. Sado, President, George Brown
• Brian Zeiler-Kligman, Director of Policy, BOT
• Carl Knipfel, Manager of Marketing, City of
• Carol-Ann Smith, Manager, SIG
• Daryl Copeland, Diplomat, DFAIT
• David Crombie, past Toronto Mayor
• David Macfarlane, writer
• Dr. John R. Evans, Chair Emeritus, Mars
• Dr. Greg Baeker, President, Authenticity
• Fraser Mann, Partner, Miller Thompson and
• Glen Murray, MPP, City of Toronto
• George Stroumboulopoulos, TV show host, CBC
• James B. Milway, Executive Director, Institute
for Competiveness and Prosperity
• Jamil Mardukhi, Design Engineer of CN Tower
• Janet L. Ecker, President, TFSA
• Jean-Marc Hachey, Author, The Big Book on
Living and Working Overseas
• Jeannette Hanna, Vice President, Trajectory
• Jeremy Hildereth, Place branding consultant
• Jian Gomeshi, Radio show host, CBC Q
• Jo-Ann Davis, President, Canadian International
• Joe Martin, Director of Canadian Business
History, U of T
• Joe Mihevic, City Councilor, City of Toronto
• Joel Peters, Senior Vice President, Toronto
• John Monahan, Executive Director, Mosaic
• Josh Hjartarson, Policy Director, The Mowat
Centre for Policy Innovation
• Julia Deans, CEO, Toronto City Summit Alliance
• Kam Rathee, Special Advisor, Blakes
• Kathy, Researcher, Diversity Institute Ryerson
• Kevin Stolarick, Associate Director, Martin
Prosperity Institute
• Lorna Jean Edmonds, Assistant, Vice President,
International Relations, U of T
• Lou Milrad, President, GTMA
• Lucas Malaspina, independent
• Mark Sarner, President, Manifest Com
• Marta O’Brian, Professor of Architecture
History, U of T
• Mayor Miller, City of Toronto
• Michael Adams, author, Unlikely Utopia
• Michelle Noble, Director of Marketing, Water
• Mr. Toronto, comedian, “Everybody Hates
• Nick Lewis, Senior Advisor, City of Toronto
• Nick Noorani, Founder of Immigrant Magazine
• Peter Evans, Advisor, Mars
• Rahul Bhardwaj, CEO, TCF
• Rana Sarkar, President, CIB-C
• Ratna Omidvar, President, Maytree Foundation
• Red Wilson, CEO, Bell Canada
• Richard Florida, Executive Director, Martin
• Rocco Rossi, Running for Toronto Mayor
• Roger Keil, Author, Changing Toronto
• Ruth Lewkowics, Director of Marketing, TRRA
• Stephen Chait, Director of Economic
Development, Markham
• Terrie O’Leary, Executive Vice President, Invest
• Tonya Surman, Executive Director, SIC
• Umberto, Chin International
• Wendy Cukier, Associate Dean, Ryerson
• Wendy Gold-OpenCity Projects
• And many others, sorry if we missed your
name, we also spoke to hundreds of
anonymous citizens.
Books, guidebooks
• Anholt, Simon. Places. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010.
• Cukier, Wendy. Diverse City Counts. Toronto: The Diversity
Institute, 2010.
• Hendley, Nate. Toronto Book of Everything. MacIntyre
Purcell Publishing Inc., 2009.
• Macfarlane, David. Toronto: A City Becoming. Toronto: Key
Porter Books, 2008.
• McBridge, Jason. Utopia towards a New Toronto. Toronto:
Coach House Books 2006.
• TCSA. The Greater Toronto Leadership Project: Accelerating
Prosperity. Toronto: Diverse City, 2009.
• Toronto Branding Project. Brand Architecture, 2004.
• Kao, John. Innovation Nation: Free Press, 2007.
• BOT. City Region Report. Toronto: BOT, 2010.
• Placebrands. City Branding. Amsterdam, 2009.
• Hildereth, Jeremy. "Place Branding at Arms Length."
Palgrave, 2010.
• CIC. Open Canada. Toronto, 2010. Web. 03 June 2010
• Potter, Evan. Branding Canada. Ottawa: U of Ottawa, 2009.
Articles and Websites
• “BlogTO”.Toronto, 2010. .
• City of Toronto, Living in Toronto.
• City of Toronto, Visiting Toronto.
• Greater Toronto Marketing Alliance, Top Ten GTMA
Services, 2010.
• "Place Branding". Wikipedia.
• Toronto Board of Trade, Essential resources for business,
• "Toronto Life". Toronto Life Publishing Company.
• Toronto Region Research Alliance, Toronto Region at a
Glance, 2010.
• "Toronto Unlimited”. City of Toronto, 2005.
• "Tourism Toronto". Toronto Convention and Visitors

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Competitive identity,Toronto

  • 1. 1 Global or Intentionally Global Does Toronto add a unique and organic dimension to the global city concept? What can we say to make Toronto famous? What can we do to make Toronto relevant? ……………………………………….. An audacious and forward looking guide to the creative- strategic development of a competitive identity for the city ……………………………….......... Recommendations from Torontonians September 2010
  • 2. 2 According to our research, the reputation of Toronto is really only firing on one cylinder. The inconvenient fact is that this remarkable cities image is blurred, lacks relevance, and as well as character which fails to resonate globally. Not to mention the cities self concept has been steadily deteriorating due to various distasteful events in the past year. Furthermore; Toronto’s overall image is intimately tied to the outdated and bland image of Canada; hence, we entertain the thought that Toronto must aim to become a bigger brand than Canada to resolve this issue, similar to how Paris is a bigger brand than France or Amsterdam is to the Netherlands. Toronto is obsessed with its own multi-ethnic mosaic and the cosmopolitan credibility it signifies. Little do we know that we are obsessively promoting an unacknowledged and vague attribute of diversity perceived of little value in the minds of foreign audiences. The story of Toronto urgently needs to advance relevantly. We have teased out a budding reality of Toronto in which we believe is where Toronto’s true genius lies. Although there are many other global cities in the world, Toronto is a unique global city which also feels like a real global community at the same time. Our established and potent diversity has given birth to a new breed of Torontonians who have organically been socialized as inter-culturally competent and intrinsically global citizens. Unlike other global cities, Toronto is better rounded and truly signifies that it means a lot more to being a global city besides economic integration. A compact expression to guide meaningful actions to strengthen this critical truth is “Genuinely/ Intentionally Global”. The unique outcome of our diversity is what truly puts Toronto in a class of its own, not the diversity itself. Young Torontonians especially feel and see themselves as genuine global citizens and its beginning to grow as their overall identity. They naturally own it. Now that we have recognized this emerging phenomenon, it is up to us to further nourish and cultivate and accelerate it through a flow of “on brand” symbolic actions. We can’t afford to just say that we are a “genuinely global city”; but rather we have to deliberately prove it to the world. A reputation can only be earned. Executive Summary
  • 3. 3 Why a competitive identity for Toronto? pg.4 Previous failed attempt pg.5 Project description pg.6 What is Toronto? pg.7 “Torontoness of Toronto” pg.8 Perceptions pg.9 “Canada effect” pg.11 Has diversity/multiculturalism become lame? pg.13 Intercultural city pg.17 Toronto’s unique creativity and global actions pg18 Toronto’s unique ‘globalness’ pg.21 Impending Brand Promise=Intentionally Global pg.22 Debunk diversity please pg.24 Stakeholder involvement pg.29 Conclusion pg.30 Conversation starters/actionable ideas pg.32 Appendices pg.49 Table of Content Not mandatory to read: Some of many actionable ideas that exemplify the brand. Analysis Toronto’s evolving essence
  • 4. 4 Why a competitive identity for Toronto? • Entices the city to entertain the big thought of what’s the highest and best it can be. • Boosts economic prosperity. (Attracts more tourism, investment, talented immigrants, world events, etc). • Aims to cultivate a productive and positive psychology for the entire city. • Strong brands make it easier for people to make decisions, and makes it easier for the city to project international influence. • Strong brands create powerful images in people’s minds. • Strong brands enable for effective marketing. It helps form partnerships of the various stakeholders within the city in order to collaborate and align marketing strategies and communication programs. Place branding has the positive effect of bringing together various stakeholders and working out a unified pitch for the world. Another great side effect of branding is that it’s also geared to deal with emotional issues and it can be used right now as a timely and potent subscription to the cities worsening self concept due to poor management at city hall, constant union strikes, weak transportation system, G20 drama, the recession, poor performing sport teams, and so forth. If Toronto integrates a cohesive, creative and appropriately courageous image strategy with its other programmes and policies, we believe Toronto can attain a stronger brand, in the global context sooner rather than much later. Toronto’s current situation makes branding activity more urgently required, not less. Please bear in mind: Place branding is not the same as commercial product branding. A city is tenfold more complex and dynamic than any product or company. A story or reputation can only be earned, not constructed. “Branding is about how we do things, why we do them, and how we act. It’s not just about a logo.”-Wolf Olins. In place branding, on brand “symbolic actions” as Simon Anholt calls it; speak louder than any logos, taglines, or communication campaigns in order to strengthen the image of a place in people’s minds on the world stage. We shouldn’t think of what to say next, but rather what to do next to make Toronto’s story clearer, stronger and truer.
  • 5. 5 Let’s take a gander at a previous failed attempt by the city… In 2004- Toronto Tourism, the City of Toronto, the Ontario Ministry of Tourism and Recreation and the City Summit Alliance partnered on the Toronto Branding Project with the goal to create a shared Toronto brand that would communicate Toronto’s strong, unique, dynamic identity to the world. Brand Architecture, a New York firm was in charge of the project. Great research was conducted for the project and the promise that Toronto unlimited promised was “Realize your dreams in a city of unlimited possibilities”. After the launch of the brand in 2005, the brand was not well received and failed to take off. Needless to say, other than the useful research that came out of the project, it was a waste of money ($4 million), because now the brand is buried and not being used by any organization. The main reasons we discovered of why the brand failed are: • The research and effort primarily focused on the tourism market and did not have a memorable or relevant meaning to local or international business interests. • Focused on logo and tagline, not substance (logos, taglines, or campaigns don’t help to improve perceptions or build identity. • Didn’t advance the story (by the way what does unlimited mean? Unlimited call plans, unlimited texting...?) • Viewed the place branding approach the same as commercial product branding which is very different.
  • 6. 6 Project Description A great deal of inquiry, considerations, and thought went into formulating this report. The process to build the strategic competitive identity was a creative and highly inclusive one, public involvement and capitalization on feedback validated that the ideas developed were not myopic. Toronto is a very complex city with unique circumstances; therefore, an original strategy was formulated, customized to its own unique situation and environment. We took the challenge to develop a single brand that would resonate with various target markets (tourism, investment attraction, business, talented immigrants, and so forth). Although it’s a daunting process, we were confident that we would be able to identify where Toronto’s real genius lays, its unique abilities and potential that really puts the city in a class of its own. We firmly believed that if we looked hard enough, we will find something that is uniquely ours, and inherently competitive. We knew from our research what various target audiences were looking for, both in a travel destination, a place to invest and do business, and as well live in. What we needed was an authentic and compelling positioning, one that we could all agree on and be supportive of. The ideas and strategies in this report were shaped through a wide array of research that we had done and as well capitalized on the abundant research which Carl Knipfel at city of Toronto was kind enough to lend us. We then synthesized and extracted useful insights from both the tangible and intangible data we collected and last but not least, used our imagination, creativity, and logic to develop an analysis and actionable recommendations that if taken, seem likely to us to bring the most ideal development of Toronto's competitive image on a global scale. This report is meant to be open ended, and will be continuously updated. Please send any feedback, opinions or requests for a meeting to further discuss the report at or 416 893-2170. With gratitude and respect, Jyoti Singh City of Toronto 4500 local survey responses 230+ in-depth interviews and roundtable discussions 14 focus groups conducted in Canada, USA, and UK Our own research 100+ opinion leader interviews (A rundown of the people we met and the publications we examined during the course of things is given in the appendices). Social media-Facebook where hundreds of opinions were posted Exploration of Toronto (ethnography), thoroughly browsed through various touch points (writing, videos, reports, websites, brochures, etc) of Toronto.
  • 7. 7 So briefly what is Toronto…? Linguistically, the word Toronto originated as the Mohawk phrase tkaronto and meant “where there are trees standing in the water” The most common meaning for Toronto given in current references is “place of meeting”, derived from the Huron people. Toronto is a relatively a young city, but it has rapidly become the economic capital of Canada. An article in Spacing Magazine described Toronto as an intersection of everything: of architecture “cute Victorian next to glass high rises”, of people “Polish living next to Tamil next to Vietnamese next to Persian”, of classes “Saabs and rooming houses on the same block”, and even of flora “Southern coniferous and northern deciduous forests meet here too”. “Torontonians live in a city where the beginning is forgotten and the end is unknown, and so whatever happens can only surprise and surpass. Tremendous historic events do not resonate in its cement, glass, and brick. The city was not built upon sturdy founding mythologies, and only historians and enthusiasts know the names on its street signs, who designed the CN Tower, what the aboriginal word ‘Toronto’ means, or what any of the mysterious little discovery Walk signs that dot the city might refer to…Eric Rutherford Utopia Toronto, with a self-consciousness and earnestness less common in more settled places, had decided to seize on this fact of post modern life to make itself something half- imagined. Paris and London and New York were all highly international, too, of course, but all of them, in their different ways, were too old, too amorphous, or too preoccupied with other matters to adjust very much to their latest immigrants; Toronto, by contrast, with less to lose and a less sharply defined sense of itself, had embarked upon a multicultural experimentwith itself a guinea pig. Pico Iyer- The Global Soul After Jane Jocobs completed her definitive autopsy of the modern city, The Death and Life of Great American Cities, in New York, it was Toronto that she decamped, to try to make her theories live (the local government encouraging her in her efforts to devise a downtown of diversity in which has allowed our downtown to be a beautiful community feel.
  • 8. 8 “Torontoness” of Toronto? When it comes to Toronto’s overall image, it’s key to understand that the soft factors of the city are usually not so soft. Our approach firmly bears in mind that a ‘sense of place’ of Toronto and a sense of the mentality of Torontonians are imperative economic and social assets, and they are every bit as captivating as the cities (for instance) low tax rates or infrastructure and every bit as important to making commercial decisions. This is even more so important since Toronto isn’t a dominant leader in any sectors on a global scale and also ranks surprisingly low in innovation. Currently there isn’t much sense of “Torontoness.” It is unknown and it’s just not clear on what it is? As a result Torontonians are not good at being Torontonians. This may sound a little silly, but it has profound identity and marketing ramifications. Therefore it is our top priority to discovering and characterizing the best Torontoness of Toronto and making it legible, because we believe besides already being competitive in the hard factors, Toronto potentially can be most competitive in, where no competition in the world can beat us, is in purely being Torontonian. Another way of thinking about this is to ask the question: if Toronto is an ingredient, what does it add to the mix or what are the flavours of Torontoness? For example if you don’t know what eggplant taste like, you’ll never exclaim, “Wow! I love this soup! It’s full of eggplant!”, if you can’t identify Torontoness, your ability to appreciate or value it will be impaired. It’s critical that we characterize and strengthen the nature of Toronto as a whole because whether you are selling Toronto tourism, business, investment opportunities, real estate, or even Torontonian art, you are selling, in large part, the same Toronto overall. “Those who deny the importance of soft power are like people who do not understand the power of seduction”-
  • 9. 9 Perception of Toronto? Research reveals that Toronto’s image on the world stage is blurred. It lacks the dimension and clarity of iconic cities such as Paris, New York or London, or even the singular clarity of a place like Las Vegas. Absent a rich “storyline”, Toronto is perceived as simply another North American (Canadian) city among outsiders, and a large and impersonal metropolis among Canadians. To our only neighbour, the Americans; we are perceived as part of ‘The Great White North’ viewed as comparable to American Midwest cities, but not on par culturally with LA, NYC, or Chicago. Image of Toronto is driven by the image of Canada, i.e. nature and outdoors. To Canadians, Toronto is viewed as the “Big Smoke” or gateway to nature. Politically, (the centre of the universe), it is also well known that Toronto is not a well liked city across Canada, especially in Montreal and Vancouver. The cause of this dislike varies. Overall, Toronto is viewed as an urban and cultural Mecca, but inferior in terms of outdoor activities amongst Canadians. To Torontonians, its mixed reactions. It seems as though many love Toronto to pieces, but many also have a love-hate relationship with city which needs to change.
  • 10. 10 “Toronto is yet to establish a clear and unique story”… “People do not have a lot of specific knowledge and associations with the city and “Toronto” doesn’t conjure many meaningful images.” “Toronto is an undemonstrative, unassuming city unsure of how to represent itself, with no identifiable brand of metropolitanism”-Eric Rutherford “Toronto is unfolding before us, 'unfinished' and full of possibility”- OpenCity Projects “There are many obvious signs in Toronto indicating this city is constantly trying to be like some kind of a mini New York (SOHO, Yorkville, Dundas Square, etc) Instead of constantly being a follower, Toronto should aim to become a unique and original city that other world cities want to stalk or follow.”
  • 11. 11 “The Canada Effect” (Toronto’s image is intimately tied to that of the country) In the eyes of the world, Canada's images remains largely what it was a century ago, namely, a resource economy. According to a study of Canada's international brand undertaken in 2000, contemporary elements –dynamism, innovation, technology, tolerance, competiveness, and multiculturalism-were conspicuously absent. Although Canada had a high “likability” factor around the world and positive values were attributed to the Canadian brand (“best place to live,” “tolerant,” “welcoming”), it had little presence, and few foreign audiences had any up to date knowledge about the country. A federal government review of all public opinion research on how Canada was perceived abroad concluded that Canada suffered from a chronic lack of profile, was regarded as a past player in world affairs, had solid though unspectacular products, had boring tourist attractions, and was not a top of mind destination for foreign investment. The Globe and Mails Geoffrey York, writing in 2005 about Canada's image in China concluded that many Chinese believe that Canada is too sleepy and dull-a good place to live in retirement, but not a vibrant place to build wealth. Also an international poll conducted in 1997 by the Angus Reid research organization found that less than 1% of Germans and Japanese associated Canada with telecommunications or other technologically based products, while more than 50% associated Canada with lumber, pulp, paper and food. Furthermore, the CTC (Canadian Tourism Commission) market research indicates that the images most often associated with Canada are “cold, pristine, and natural” Since tourism is frequently the loudest voice in communicating the country, this can over the years, have the effect of drowning out the economic, political, industrial and even cultural voices. This is precisely the reason why Canada’s nation brand is full of outdated associations which conflicts with other up-to-date elements. Canadian Tourism needs to
  • 12. 12 understand that from the point of view of a busy consumer halfway across the world, the natural advantages of Canada are of little interest, and seldom add up to anything that could be described as a coherent or powerful brand. A more effective partnership with Tourism Toronto and CTC is urgently required to address this issue because there is nothing in urban Toronto that pertains to mountains, canoes, beavers or moose. Research suggest that Toronto's image is intimately tied to Canada's; therefore, this is causing Toronto’s image to remain weak in terms of not being perceived as a dynamic, global, and knowledge economy city. We call this the “Canada effect” Although Canada has recently received positive attention on its strong banking system in the world, Canada has also received a great deal of negative international media attention for seal hunting and tar sand oil. Canada has simply not done enough in successful terms to promote itself as a modern and dynamic nation on the world stage which in turn is projected on to Canadian cities and organizations. An interview with Joe Martin, of Rotman School of Management, told us that when he had to attract business to Canada, he found that just mentioning Toronto sealed the deal, but if he mentioned Canada, it was a lot harder, so he learned to separate Toronto from Canada to get better results whenever necessary. By and large: We propose that Toronto must aim to become a BIGGER brand than Canada, for example, Paris is actually a bigger brand than its country, France or Amsterdam is bigger than the Netherlands. When people think about Canada, the first images that should come in mind are the dynamic global cities which are Vancouver, Montreal, and especially Toronto, rather than the mountains, arctic, or a moose. Toronto needs to at times separate itself from Canada's image, because “the Canada effect” certainly isn’t helping much for Toronto’s global reputation.
  • 13. 13 Interesting Fact: Toronto cited a U.N. study to bill itself as the world's most culturally diverse city. It was discovered later that no such ranking by the United Nations even exists, and the city soon removed all references to it in its promotional literature. So… what’s the deal with all this diversity, multiculturalism and mosaic talk always going on in this city…? Nearly half (47%) of Torontonians were born outside Canada border. While only Dubai and Miami may have a greater percentage of foreign born residents, the vast majority of them are from Latin America and the Caribbean in Miami and many are temporary workers or primarily come from a few sources of countries in Dubai, neither cities have the comprehensive, global spectrum of countries from which Toronto welcomes its new arrivals. “Neither Miami nor Los Angeles nor New York City can compete with Toronto’s cosmopolitan credentials.”-Richard Florida, The Great Reset Some official Toronto slogans are: a world within a city, expect the world, and diversity our strength. Clearly, this is a city obsessed with its own multi- ethnic mosaic and the cosmopolitan credibility it signifies.
  • 14. 14 The concept of diversity is intimately tied to the hearts Torontonians. They are very proud of the fact, because they live and breathe the diversity every day. They firmly know that Toronto has the most potent diversity in the world and they see it as a very beautiful thing to the point it feels sentimental. In an aging city where about one fifth of locales are 60 or older, Toronto continues to depend on immigration to revitalize its workforce. The continuous flow of immigration also maintains the authentic vibrancy and cultural abundance which the city cherishes. Moreover, Toronto does see diversity as a critical driver of long term success. Toronto demonstrates active leadership at the level of the city government and at the level of NGOs and foundations. There is a very active agenda to promote open-ness in the city which permeates city thinking and strategy and there is increasing attention to building the intermediate tier of organisations and projects needed to achieve inclusion. The city is also aware of research and work done by Maytree foundation on showing the business case for diversity and how diverse leadership or organization enjoys quantifiable business benefits that homogeneous firms do not. The Diverse city report by Maytree makes the definitive case that diverse leadership leads to: • improved financial and organizational performance; • increased capacity to link to new global and domestic markets; • expanded access to global and domestic talent pools; • enhanced innovation and creativity; and • Strengthened cohesion and social capital. However! It must be said that regardless of all these efforts of achieving inclusion: 47% of Torontonians are visible minorities, yet fill just 13% of the GTA’s leadership roles and Immigrants earn 85% of what Canadian born workers earn in spite of having higher levels of education; they also face barriers to career advancement. As a result there is a strange contradiction in the air.
  • 15. 15 Also… heres the thing! Research reveals that foreign audiences perceive little value of diversity because they may not think it’s unique or see any symbolic relevance to it. Although Toronto’s diversity may be at a much higher degree, many other cities in the world are also very diverse. Since diversity is up for interpretation, there could be other contenders too. London, NY, Paris, Los Angeles and a handful of other cities could also have a strong claim to be the world’s most diverse. Table 1: Cities with 25% or more foreign born residents (by alphabetical order) Toronto isn’t the Amsterdam Auckland Brussels Dubai Frankfurt Hong Kong Jeddah Jerusalem London Los Angeles Medina Melbourne Miami Muscat New York Perth Riyadh San Francisco San Jose Singapore Sydney Tbilisi Tel Aviv Toronto Vancouver Toronto isn’t the only city that’s diverse. Even though our diversity is at a higher degree than other diverse cities, there has to be something else other than the diversity that truly puts us in a class of our own. 6 billion is a slight exaggeration, but the point is that for the most part, diversity isn’t perceived as a unique selling point.
  • 16. 16 Wait there’s more… Our model of multiculturalism that we take so much pride in has in many cases evolved into a phenomenon called: Boutique multiculturalism is the multiculturalism of ethnic restaurants, weekend festivals, and high profile flirtations with the other. Boutique multiculturalism is characterized by its superficial or cosmetic relationship to the objects of its affection. Boutique multiculturalists admire or appreciate or enjoy or sympathize with or (at the very least) "recognize the legitimacy of" the traditions of cultures other than their own; but boutique multiculturalists will always stop short of approving other cultures at a point where some value at their center generates an act that offends against the canons of civilized decency as they have been either declared or assumed.-Stanley Fish, University of Chicago. Although many Torontonians have excelled to the next level where they meaningfully thrive on the stimulation provided by knowing people and situations different from themselves, there are many Torontonians that stay within their ethnic bubbles or are superficially engaging with other cultures. In other words, our city has become somewhat clannish which is not a healthy thing for a city in times of a creative and collaboration driven-economy. We must all learn to explore beyond the introduction of cultures and dive in deeper.
  • 17. 17 All this goes to show that although Toronto may well be a thriving multicultural, ethnic mosaic of the sort Michael Adams' Unlikely Utopia proudly identifies, the design of it needs to be deliberately upgraded to make it meaningful and relevant in the eyes of the world. So what to do? “The creative challenge is to move from the multicultural city of fragmented differences to the co-created intercultural city that makes the very most of its diversity”.-Charles Landry The story of our multiculturalism is already slowly and naturally evolving into an intercultural city which is amazing, but we need to accelerate the process. By intercultural we mean the creative interactions of different cultures, disciplines and exchange of ideas. Toronto is uniquely poised to be a intercultural city which still allows each culture to retain its integrity and flavour but also engages different cultures to the point where Torontonians can select and absorb elements of other cultures into their own cultural make-up and produce new ways of thinking, seeing, imagining and creating. “Toronto has just been saying that we are diverse, but not behaving diverse” Nick Noorani of Immigrant Magazine “We have to move beyond staging the activities of our global cultures; they should just be there, naturally all the time” So now what?… “The 6 million immigrant population of Canada is comprised of at least 1,000 people from 150 different countries. When these people meet and mate with the others we will have 22,500 possibilities. Imagine how smart and beautiful we Canadians will become!”-Michael Adams
  • 18. 18 There are many positive economic and social outcomes by evolving our stale model of multiculturalism to interculturalism. In a creative driven economy, Toronto can be home to a unique kind of creativity which isn’t predominant in other cities. Exposure to different cultures enhances our creativity. Five experiments by North westerns Adam Galinsky showed that those who have lived abroad outperform others on creativity tasks. Creativity is also higher on average for first- or second –generation immigrants and bilinguals. The theory is that cross-cultural experiences force people to adapt and be more flexible. Just studying another culture can help. In Galinskys lab, people were more creative after watching a slide about China: a 45 minute session increased creativity scores for a week. It turns out that being exposed to cultures that function differently from our own – from language to social customs to public transport – awakens the brain, alerting it to a much broader range of possibilities for being, living, and making. The beauty of it is that you don’t have to travel the world to experience the world, you can get it right here in Toronto, but Toronto does a poor job at leveraging this to its fullest potential. “Toronto has succeeded at just about everything, except looking glamorous to itself; and by glamour I mean a cities attraction to its own uniqueness, moved by the conviction that there is a style of creativity that can only be done here. A city must believe this. We must believe this”-Pier Giorgio di Ciccio-Toronto Poet Kudos to Toronto for earning the impressive “multicultural/diverse” status; however, that doesn’t mean we should now rest. Our next advancing challenge is to earn the truly “intercultural” status.
  • 19. 19 It may be difficult to prove that the comprehensive global community of Toronto plays a major role in enticing or sparking the many global thoughts and actions happening within our city every day and every minute; even so, we steadily believe it does play a key and vital role. The following is a brief visual essay of some of the intercultural/globally mindful actions happening in this city all the time. International banks (ICICI, Punjab bank, etc)
  • 20. 20
  • 21. 21 So what does this all equate to?? “The background buzz of conversations in other languages had become so commonplace to me that it took me a while riding the tube in London before I realized that Toronto was far more diverse. Partly, it was the languages themselves (mostly European languages in London and languages from all over the world in Toronto) but it was more than that. In London, the different languages are always spoken by tourists. In Toronto, it’s almost always residents.”-Kevin Stolarick, Martin Prosperity Institute. Here comes the fundamental insight of this report. As it happens, Toronto is a considered a global city primarily based on the levels of integration to global markets, exchange of goods and services, movement of capital and finance, and etc. On the other hand, Toronto has a qualitative global attribute which is remarkably unique compared to any other major global cities. Toronto has a distinct global feel or vibe or emotion about it in the air. In the midst of such a potent and comprehensive spectrum of global diversity combined with the innovative and unique propensity of retaining culture and openly celebrating it, it’s hard not to feel part of a real global society. It’s embedded within the DNA of Toronto. “I’m a global citizen…I find it impossible for me to have any other identity being a Torontonian” Priscilla Garay-U of T student For example, Seoul is ranked higher than Toronto in the Foreign Policy Global City ranking; however, you won’t feel any sense of a global community in that city, but rather feel very “Koreanish”, or Brussels and Paris which are also ranked higher than Toronto, you will surely feel very “Europeanish” in Brussels and very French in Paris, not to mention these 2 cities have increasingly become anti-immigrant. The same could be said about Hong Kong, Tokyo and even New York where you may fundamentally feel “Americanish,” not to mention its melting pot type of city. "Canada has become the spiritual home, you could say, of the very notion of an extended, emancipating global citizenship."-Pico Iyer, Canadian Geographic
  • 22. 22 Impending promise of Toronto: Experience a profound sense of a genuine global society where a special kind of creativity manifests. In a compact expression: “Intentionally/Genuinely Global Global”. We add soul to the word global which is usually seen as a soulless word (global markets, global firms, etc) Toronto is global on the inside and out and understands first hand that globalization is essentially a very good thing… So London is the capital of English culture, Paris of French culture, Sydney of Australian, New York of American culture, Madrid of Spanish, Amsterdam of Dutch culture, and so forth. Canada doesn’t have a culture or maybe it does but Toronto is just disconnected from it, so needless to say, Toronto is only poised to becoming the capital of global culture. If we take ownership of this now, we can begin building upon it and make it a proportionate truth in the near future. We acknowledge that this is not a full truth for all of Toronto or Torontonians as of yet, but there is a critical mass in this city that organically have attained a global mindset and are extremely interculturally competent. This is an evolving and unique observable fact especially amongst the youth. When David Suzuki was asked what his biggest pet peeve is; he answered people’s inability to consider the future. The truth of the matter is that the Global culture resonates especially with the younger generation because unlike the older generation, Gen Y-ers had the upbringing and socialization at a time when the global pluralism of Toronto was firmly established and potent. This has astronomically affected their character and world view and we have to fathom the fact that this is a very new global phenomenon rapidly taking place right here in our very own city. If we are to develop a sustainable or enduring brand, we must take in consideration the reality of today’s youth. “Could Toronto become the 1st city to truly embrace the world’s global citizens? That would be cool”-Richard Florida Not your average global city. Not your average global citizens.
  • 23. 23 Also keep in mind that Young Torontonians have grown up among intense globalization in a digitally connected age, and they have the propensity to travel more meaningfully and intimately explore foreign cultures; they swim in a global pool and it’s only going to continue to expand in the future to come. Here are a few ways to describe the evolving mentality of young Torontonians; they may sound poetic or even happy- clappy to some, but it’s a serious and hyper valuable happening if leveraged. • Global Soul-A person that always can make the collection of his selves something greater than the whole; that diversity can leave him not a dissonance but a higher symphony. Pico Iyer • Xenophile-A person attracted to that which is foreign, especially to foreign peoples, manners, or cultures. • TCK-Third culture kids grow up in a genuinely cross-cultural world. Third culture kids have incorporated different cultures on the deepest level, as to have several cultures incorporated into their thought processes. This means that third culture kids not only have deep cultural access to at least two cultures, this also means that thought processes are truly multicultural. That, in turn, influences how third culture kids relate to the world around them. They usually find it difficult to answer the question, "Where are you ‘People think that businesses make decisions about where to locate on purely rational grounds, but at some level there’s quite an emotional pull. The places that manage to suggest they have these qualities (cool, glamorous, sexy) often win out even though maybe their taxes are little bit higher or their transport doesn’t quite work. It’s that kind of magic fairy dust that some places manage to sprinkle over themselves and some just don’t.’ Alain de Botton, Author of The Art of Travel
  • 24. 24 from?" Compared to their peers who have lived their entire lives in a single culture, TCKs have a globalized culture. • My country is the world, and my religion is to do good. • Global Citizenship is... A way of understanding… how the world works; links between our own lives and those of people throughout the world. A way of seeing… social justice & equity; other people’s reality; diversity; interconnectedness; the way that people can make a difference. A way of acting… exercising political rights; critical thinking; challenging injustice. Not those words please… We believe there is a fundamental opportunity in taking charge of our language, as well as in attempting to influence the language that others (the press) use to speak about Toronto. We as all the stakeholders (citizens, Gov, business, NGO) of the city must try to minimize the way we currently describe our city (diversity, multiculturalism, mosaic, and tapestry) which we showed on pg.15 on how vague and unacknowledged these concepts actually are largely amongst foreign audiences. “Our current motto “Diversity our Strength” does not play up enough the global nature of our relationships and is very inward looking”-Ratna Omidvar. The word diversity sounds very “policyish” because it has traditionally been branded as a “human resources” term, associated with fair hiring practices or enhancing an organization’s image as a good citizen. “Diversity our strength” is great as an internal motto for the city perhaps, but externally it needs to be refreshed regardless of how habitual the term has become for us all. Here is a just quick little brainstorm of different ways to describe our true and evolving essence of Toronto (Genuinely Global) Culturally intersectional/ global crossroad/global renaissance/ /Born in Toronto, raised by the world/creative for the world/ when in Toronto, do as the world does / Culturally abundant/ global+creative=Toronto state of mind /the world is not a boring place/global class, and yadi yadi yada, the possibilities are limitless.
  • 25. 25 The New Global mindset Driving Innovation through diverse perspectives Ernst & Young produced a land mark report which reveals that differing voices and viewpoints are powerful factors in steering innovation.
  • 26. 26 “The western consumer’s knowledge of Japanese art, cuisine and philosophy, for example, however shallow it might be, functions as an important counterpoint to the commercial image of Japan: productivity, miniaturization, technology and so on”-Simon Anholt We believe Toronto’s trailblazing global culture (literature, media, festivals, mindset, etc) is a powerful driver for the overall economic and social image of Toronto. We propose that “Intentionally Global” is a sharp and powerful expression to help guide actions and behavior in order to advance and strengthen Toronto’s story. It also allows us to truly be ourselves at all times and promotes a positive and purposive psychology for the city. This positioning doesn’t have to be worded exactly as ‘genuinely global’ As long as we firmly get the point across that we are a wholesome global city for the world. This positioning fulfills the criteria for a strong and visionary competitive identity 101%:  Truthful: Its corresponding with reality and citizens can live and breathe the brand  Complex yet clear: It doesn’t reduce the complexity and dynamism of the city  Authentic: It is real; it can be seen, felt, heard, and experienced.  Enduring: It is here to stay and grow sustainably  Defensible: It’s back up-able with legible proof points or evidence.  Relevance: Contributes advantageous value economically and socially, and to global conversations  Realistic: Setting expectations that can be met or exceeded  Unique: Not generally predominant in other cities  Advancing: It evolves the story and advances it gradually increasing richness and strength  Global reach: Thinks and acts both locally and globally Bottom-line
  • 27. 27 Caution!We have to be careful not to sway the Genuinely Global positioning to connote a kumbaya type of image or a page out of a Unicef brochure. (Not to say that Unicef isn’t cool because it does amazing work) But we are aiming for something more appealing. Intentionally Global is meant to connote: imagination, sexy, smart, cutting edge, creativity for the world, economic advantage and so forth. By definition, the term “glocal” refers to the individual, group, division, unit, organization, and community which are willing and able to “think globally and act locally.” Local Genuinely global and creative Diversity, ok so what? Glocal Current Future “Not your average global city, not your average global citizens”
  • 28. 28 Torontonian aka Global Citizen Canadians understandably regard “brain drain” as bad and “brain gain” as good. But global mobility has ushered in an era of “brain chain” We need understand that people will move around the world and come back and forth to Toronto adding a more valuable and global contribution to our city.
  • 29. 29 Business NGOs Citizens Gover nment Bringing the competitive identity to life It’s essential that key stakeholders come together in partnership and collectively believe in the brand, (Government, business, NGO, and most importantly each and every citizen). This is the only way to make a place brand strategy come fully alive. What is required is a partnership where all of the key stakeholders regard each other as equals, regardless of their power or resources and where their individual contributions are valued because, without them, Toronto will not realize its full potential. This is the kind of informal and formal body in which key stakeholders jointly develop, create and lead on the implementation of the city branding, under shared responsibility. As the brand is taking shape, new and different partners will emerge to play a vital role in its realization. A brand partnership should not be as an (old boys club) or the (usual suspects) of the city’s establishment, but a body that responds to change by changing and reinventing itself. The creation of a Brand Toronto Council is a good idea. It will be charged to implement a holistic approach which will facilitate the implementation of “on brand” symbolic action and coordinate the marketing efforts of all Toronto businesses, artists, musicians, actors, sportspeople, designers and more, leverage off each other, under a unified Toronto brand. The council will consist of relevant members who are passionate, imaginative, forward looking and at the same time, can become powerful champions or advocates of the brand. A talented Brand Toronto Council along with supportive affiliates is bound for a successful brand Toronto.
  • 30. 30 Conclusion Our firm understanding is that citizens of any place want to feel proud of where they come from and live, they want their city or country to matter. The identities of the places we reside in are really a seamless extension of the identity and self concept of ourselves; it is a natural human tendency for people to identify themselves with their city. Unfortunately Toronto is lacking in this department. We have identified that Toronto’s self concept and international image is a burning platform. One way of looking at it is that Toronto is a teenager that doesn’t know what it wants to be when it grows up, and this report acts as a timely and powerful mentor that helps discover Toronto’s true passion and strengths; needless to say, finding your passion changes everything. We also urge Canada to step up and address the weak nation brand it currently carries as we identify in this report. We agree with Daryl Copeland’s proposal for developing a brand strategy for Canada informed not by the beauty of our nature, but rather by the nature of our beauty. The “genuinely global” theme resonates with not only the leaders of today but more importantly by the leaders of tomorrow. The intercultural movement and other globally symbolic actions will make our “intentional globalness” more attractive and truer. If Toronto integrates a cohesive, creative and appropriately courageous image strategy with its other programmes and policies, we believe Toronto can attain a stronger brand, in the global context sooner rather than much later. This is a long term game and it’s going to take everyone in this city to play role in making Toronto the highest and best it can be within our lifetimes and beyond. The final question should be: is Toronto a global city of the world or in the world? "Cities have the capability of providing something for everybody, only because, and only when, they are created by everybody." — Jane Jacobs
  • 31. 31 “Toronto has a very good opportunity to become an urban-innovation hot spot,” says Kaplan founder of Innovation Factory. “It has an active creative class. And there’s a vibrant conversation about social change that you hear everywhere in the city. “Groups quickly come together in Toronto to discuss challenges,” Kaplan adds. “And those groups, in turn, form networks to tackle every kind of social challenge. That is a double blessing. Citizens make a success of the project they’ve rallied around. And that success attracts talent, money and other resources to take on still more challenges.”-Toronto Star
  • 32. 32 The portfolio of ideas that follow doesn’t exactly constitute a grand strategy for bringing about Toronto’s brand as a “intentionally global city”, but rather it is an attempt to spark experimentation with multiple creative approaches that can be rapidly prototyped, tested, and communicated as part of a more definitive city strategy. The 2015 Pan Am Games can play a major role in implementing symbolic actions for this brand. These ideas act as brief conversation starters and should entail implementation by various groups who feel that the ideas fit their mandate, or citizens who have the drive can also step up and help put the ideas into practice. Please share your own ideas as well to lend a hand in making Toronto the best and highest it can be. Overall, the actions should play a role in creating symbolic evidences and proving that we are the genuinely global and creative city of the world. 1. Your idea:pg33 10. UN Global Culture University:pg40 2. Behave like the capital city of Canada:pg33 11. Improve Transportation:pg41 3. Harness the power of non-state actors:pg34 12. Capitalize on Strong Banks:pg42 4. Exclusive Toronto Cuisine:pg34 13. City Hall = City Lab:pg42 5. Ambiance Neighbourhoods: pg36 14. Collaborate IPA’s:pg43 6. Foster global culture/inter-culturalism:pg37 15. Rethink Tourism:pg45 7. Grand Event where we can feel one:pg38 16. Creative Toronto all over:pg47 8. T-shirt campaign:pg39 17. Create a global leaders award:pg48 9. Make winter awesome:pg40 The adage ‘fake it till you make it ’ contains a powerful truth, but only works if something is actually being made; one can ’t just fake it. Things must be built and done; policies must be changed; action must be taken. -Jeremy Hildreth
  • 33. 33 1. What’s your actionable idea or conversation starter? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________. 2. Behave more like the capital city of Canada rather than of Ontario’s “Cities are the real magnets of economies, the innovators of politics, and, increasingly, the drivers of diplomacy. Those that aren’t capitals act like they are.”-Parag Khanna. There is no doubt that although Toronto isn’t the capital city of Canada, it sure does seem like it is. Most people that know of any Canadian cities may think that either Toronto or even Montreal is the capital of Canada, and would never guess that in fact Ottawa is. Despite what people think of the G20 being hosted in Toronto; it was a very positive thing for the city. The G20 is a good start in giving Toronto international significance, and much more globally recognized forums/conversations should take place in Toronto. For example, Daryl Copeland-author of Guerrilla Diplomacy agrees that Toronto has the potential to be a co-host city for United Nations events since we are situated very close to the head quarters in NY and also in the same time zones. Toronto as a global city needs to show deliberate influence and interest in playing a role far beyond its municipal borders. Perhaps Toronto would be able to participate more in the global conversation if the city had more means to control its own destiny. Alan Broadbent identifies this in his book ‘Urban Nation’ why we need to give power back to the cities to make Canada strong. “Cities have the governance sovereignty of small “The way to gain a good reputation is to endeavor to be what you desire to appear.” -Socrates
  • 34. 34 children in patriarchal family. It is time, says Broadbent that Canada woke up and stopped starving the geese that are laying the golden eggs.”-Michael Adams 3. Harnessing the power of non-state actors Shamin Mohamed was only 15 and living in the Jane-Finch area of Toronto when he founded a charity aimed at raising youth awareness of HIV and AIDS in Canada and abroad. Jenna Hoyt, who is completing a nursing degree at the University of Toronto, was in her early 20s when she started the Little Voice Foundation, which helps African communities operate schools and housing for homeless children. Mohamed and Hoyt are just two of the growing number of Canadian youths trying to make a difference in the world and in their own communities at home. Wanting to help others overseas or in Canada is nothing new. Toronto is home to some the most active and creative diasporas and global citizens in the world. Social innovation is rapidly rising in Toronto; this is evident by how busy the social innovation department (SIG) at Mars stays, and the Social Innovation Centre in downtown was so successful that it has opened another whole new building dedicated to social innovators. When we asked Dr John R. Evans-Emeritus of Mars, what do you think Toronto can be a leader in on a global scale? He thought for a while and firmly answered “social innovation, there should be more SIG’s all over the city.” 4. Exclusive Toronto Cuisine a) Food is a powerful element of all cultures, and with Toronto being full of various cultures, a unique cuisine that is local to Toronto would accentuate our identity. We already do it in some ways in our homes where we combine different ingredients inspired by different cultures and create our unique fusion dishes in our homes. A good example of a region that has done this is “California cuisine” which is a fusion of local foods infused with primarily Asian flavours. California cuisine is now well known and raved about all over the world. Creatively establishing a several invented and tasty recipes that reflect the diverse flavours of
  • 35. 35 Toronto would make a statement of our cultures intermingling and as well inspire more locals to do some of their own infusing. b) When you go to certain parts of the world, you will discover that the McDonalds or Subway restaurant menus may have different offering to reflect the local culture. With Toronto being so culturally abundant, it would make a strong statement if these chains began offering food that reflects our various local cultures. Such as the McDonalds maharaja burger or Subways chicken tikka sub both from India to cater to the large South Asian demographic in Toronto and many others that love Indian flavors. In eastern Canada, you can exclusively find lobster sandwiches at McDonalds which reflect the regions unique culture and flavors, so why can’t Toronto have unique options? A step in the right direction has been to allow more ethnic street food vendors in Toronto, oppose to just having hotdogs. Also a report by Perry Caicco of CIBC World Markets reveals that over the next decade, up to 70 per cent of retail sales growth in Canada will likely come from “visible minorities,” who prefer brands and flavors that they recognize from home. Therefore, mainstream businesses must adapt to our changing consumerism. Korean food meets Mexican-Korean tacos California cuisine-Asian flavors fusion with California flavors
  • 36. 36 5. Create an enhanced ambiance for our neighbourhoods The true meaning of “global class” can be found along the walks in our Neighborhoods. Very few cities in the world bring so many diverse cultures, festivals, and businesses together in a single place. These neighborhoods include: Greek town, little India, little Italy, little Jamaica, Korea town, Kensington, Portugal Village, China Town, Yorkville and so on. The only thing is that some of these neighborhoods don’t do justice for the type of area they are known for. For example, other than the signage’s of Italian restaurants and other small street signs, there is minimal evidence that you are in little Italy. We spoke to some people walking in little India, and they all mentioned that they felt as though they were walking down an average street. Let’s make every cultural neighborhood in the downtown area full of ambiance, just like China town does. China towns across the world including Toronto’s are great at creating an authentic feel with the complete sensory experience. They include community markers, art work, architecture, sounds, smell, and etc. With the collaboration with artists, the city, and local businesses, this can be easily achieved, and in fact many leaders in these neighborhoods expressed concern about this issue, so they are ready to take action.
  • 37. 37 6. Foster global culture/ interculturalism a) In Singapore, they have posters with an attractive young woman, and if you pay more attention to the poster, she has a tattoo in the shape of the double helix of DNA enriched on her upper arm. In smaller print the poster reads “Got a passion for science, we will take it to a higher level”. Singapore understands how to make science sexy and appealing and Toronto needs to also be creative in coaxing or encouraging Torontonians to interact with other cultures meaningfully. By promoting and harnessing global behaviour, we can produce a special kind of creativity in this city. b) The practice of taking a 'Gap Year' is relatively minimal in Canada as compared to other countries where it is customary for youth to travel abroad and cultural exchange as a useful tool to create global understanding and experience before entering college or university. This is causing many young Torontonians to not experience the world and develop a well-rounded world view. Toronto youth need to be educated early on about this
  • 38. 38 and be encouraged to save money for a gap year after high school. Inspired by Adil Dhalla of My City Lives c) Interest in learning different languages in Toronto is rapidly rising. I don’t know any person in Toronto that can even formulate a sentence in French, probably because we are more interested in learning other languages like Arabic, Mandarin and etc. Schools need to upgrade their language programs at the earliest levels of education. Rosetta Stone is an amazing language program which makes learning easy and fun and should be a standard software in every school computer. In a globalized world, every Torontonian should be able to naturally speak 3 or more languages. Former Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd earned plaudits for his fluency in Mandarin, there’s no reason Toronto politicians or anyone shouldn’t be able to do the same living in such a global city as Toronto. 7. An event that we all can participate in and feel one A flash mob is a large group of people who assemble suddenly in a public place, perform an unusual and pointless act for a brief time, and then disperse. The concept of flash mob was taken to the next level when more than 20,000 people pulled off a massive surprise for an unsuspecting Oprah on her 2010 season starter show in Chicago. The entire crowd performed a choreographed piece to the Black Eyed Peas' "I Gotta Feeling," Award-winning director Michael Gracey says the interaction between the Black Eyed Peas and the crowd is what made the flash mob so extraordinary."There's something really special when you take an audience and instead of just being passive and watching, you invite them to participate, it becomes magical for both parties. Two groups of people came together to create something that neither of them could have done alone. A mass flash mob event is an extraordinary way that
  • 39. 39 Torontonians can participate and feel one. The event will only get bigger every year and it can happen on Toronto’s birthday, or whenever. A great song to do it to for the first time would be Jai ho, from slum dog millionaire, after all this film was discovered at TIFF. Inspired by Mark Sarner of Manifest Communications 8. Enhance identity through t-shirts. People love to wear t- shirts with catchy and clever lines. T-shirts can also be a great way to show-off your Torontonian pride. Citizens can customize their own shirts, and print anything that resonates with them along with the acronym T.O. For example, the lines “creative for the world T.O.” or “Support your local artists T.O.” or “Earth is my turf T.O.”, and etc. The possibilities are endless. Inspired by Tonya Surman, Director of Social Innovation Centre 9. Make winter awesome One thing that almost every Torontonian dislikes is the blistering winter weather. The winter blues seem to kick in, and the bonanza of festivals and fun things to do during the summer suddenly disappear when winter arrives. This doesn’t have to be the case. The city has Wintercity festival for a couple of weeks, but
  • 40. 40 that’s about it, and needless to mention, it’s not that appealing. The city can be an innovator in extending the summer fun through winter as well. For example, the number one tourist attraction in Sweden in an ice hotel and Quebec City has also now created something similar. An ice hotels, bar, or restaurants would be a great addition to Toronto’s winter which would not only spice up winter for locals, but as well attract tourists during the winter season. Another great example of winter fun that Toronto can learn from is in Ottawa, which is transformed into a winter wonderland. Snowflake Kingdom is a park that hosts the continent's largest snow playground, complete with 30 giant snow slides, ice-carving contests and magnificent ice exhibits. These are just a couple of ideas, but with creativity and imagination, Toronto can make the city not only enjoyable for locals and tourists during the summer, but also during winter. 10. Establish a UN Global Culture University The International Centre of UPEACE in Toronto ceased its activities on November 28th 2006. After a successful 15 month period delivering programs in peace education, the Toronto Centre of the University for Peace closed its doors. While the Centre was generously supported by the Government of Canada through the Toronto Waterfront Revitalization Corporation during this time, it was unable to secure the further financing required to continue its operations. This was an embarrassment because needless to say, Toronto is an ideal location to situate such an institution yet while we finally got it; it was later relocated to Costo Rica. We need to have another go at this with better management and approach. The waterfront area is an ideal place to situate a world renowned UN university specializing in global matters such as development, public diplomacy, Diaspora, culture and etc.
  • 41. 41 11. Improve Transportation dramatically Korean international student-“TTC sucks in this city, in Seoul Korea is so much better, I miss it” Me- Really it’s better there? Korean International student: Way better, the subway can’t be bad, because many people start complaining angrily right away. Me-“but a lot of people complain here as well” International student-“Yah, but they take complaint seriously in Korea and fix it right away” Urban transportation is the space race of the 21st century. The city that cracks the commuter nightmare of traffic congestion and pollution will steal a march on cities competing for business and tourism. It takes a commuter an average of 80 minutes to get to work in Toronto, according to a global study. This city must break the log jam on transportation. The average commuter in Toronto requires more time to get to work than the average commuter in Los Angeles, New York or London, England. An OECD study says congestion is costing $3.3 billion in lost productivity. “There have been lots of announcements. If announcements were streetcars, they would stretch all the way to Montreal. This is a burning platform, this is an urgent situation. Fifty years ago, the Alaskan Highway was built in the dead of winter. It was 2,450 km in length. Thirteen kilometres were built every day, 133 bridges were constructed and thousands of culverts. It was finished in eight months. It can be done! Yonge Street holds the Guinness Record for the longest street in the world. The Caribana Festival holds the record for the longest festival parade in the world. I suspect
  • 42. 42 the Don Valley Parkway holds the record for the biggest paved parking lot in the world.”-Frank McKenna 12. Creatively capitalize on the current good rep of Canadian banks Canadian banks were ranked the soundest in the world two years in a row by the World Economic Forum. The big four banks of Canada which are all headquartered in Toronto have been getting great recognition on a global scale due to performing better than most other financial institutions in the world during the recession. A world renowned institute for risk management is in process of being constructed in Toronto which will be symbolic and greatly enhance the prestige of our financial sector. More of these symbolic actions should to be established in a creative and catchy way for the world to firmly recognize the strength of Toronto’s financial sphere for years to come. 13. Do something about boring city hall. For those who have ever been to city hall, know that you instantaneously get a feeling of dullness and boredom as soon as you step foot into it. When you speak with people that work at city hall, you can almost sense that they speak with a vibe of limitation and unimaginativeness. Most of the people that run our city are senior white guys who have a huge generation gap between the youth and not to mention lack diverse perspectives. City hall clearly needs an internal culture change, and the environment needs to be rejuvenated where creativity and fresh ideas can flourish. Physically, city hall is a temple to rigid and predictable method of working. Uncreative or ineffective ideas are bound to be created in this kind of environment. The following ideas need consideration: a) Lets completely rebrand City Hall and call it City Lab. This will emphasize that the cities job is to formulate creative and sound policies instead of the bland and unimaginative ones they create majority of the time.
  • 43. 43 b) City hall must open up to a host of new concepts of interior design, furniture, and workflow that enable idea generation, development, prototyping, testing, and deployment. The space at city hall needs to expand the mental boundaries that balance openness with intension. 14. Foster collaboration between GTA IPA’s (Investment promotion agencies) for a regional approach One thing is certain, many European and North American cities have recognized that to be competitive in the global marketplace, they have to organize and act as a wider metropolitan or sub-regional level when it comes to investment attraction and retainment. Knowing this, we have come to firmly realize that Toronto must establish a single regional focused IPA (investment promotion agency) Regional economic cooperation is a concept that is being increasingly embraced by metropolitan areas around the world who are seeking a competitive edge in the race to retain and attract business. From a business perspective, urban centres, and its surrounding municipalities are seen as a cohesive whole, municipal boundaries are a small consideration, if at all. Businesses locate in an economic region in order to serve the entire economic region (and in many instances, beyond) At present investment promotion within the Toronto region is fragmented and under funded with activities often being duplicated by multiple municipalities or organizations. This lack of centralization creates disjointed information for investors who are looking for invisible municipal boundaries and local governments who work together seamlessly. The absence of a unified Toronto region IPA is hurting our ability to compete globally. As a result, the perspectives of the business operating within an urban centre tend to be regional, while governance structures tend to be local. This disconnect between the realities of the marketplace and of government can be an impediment to a region realizing its full economic potential. Fragmented governance structures can make it difficult for businesses to operate efficiently, which has a detrimental impact on economic growth and job creation. To be successful in attracting investment, these IPAs need to have the same perspective as the investors they are wooing. Not surprisingly, the most successful jurisdictions in attracting investment are the ones with a regional IPA.
  • 44. 44 According to a recent IBM report on global location trends, three cities with strong IPAs for their region – London, Singapore, and Paris – are the top three cities in the world for attracting investment dollars. These 3 cities all follow regional, singular investment models in order to attract FDI. According to the same report, Toronto unfortunately, does not make the list of the top 20 cities in the world in attracting FDI. Many of the economic development departments and/or agencies in the GTA municipalities undertake investment promotion activities. The most prominent example is Invest Toronto, the New IPA for the City of Toronto. While the economic enhancement goals of Invest Toronto are certainly laudable and necessary as Toronto seeks to recover from the global economic crisis, its structure (in that it is only structured to attract investment into the city of Toronto) does not recognize the role of Toronto as a key player within a regional system, or the realities of the marketplace for the investors it is seeking to attract. There are also a number of non- ‐governmental organizations that engage in investment promotion activities which is another indication that multiple actors are speaking for the Toronto region on the International stage. “In principle, things work much better if a single regional IPA is responsible for all the communications activity. It is rather wasteful if they are all firing off incompatible messages and promoting different images of the region; hence, confusing investors.”-Simon Anholt “A better solution is for all these agencies to truly collaborate (very different than cooperate!)” -John Jung former president of GTMAThe GTA is a very large geo-political organism which first needs to work out their collaborative strategies and mechanisms. A well developed ability to create and sustain fruitful collaborations gives the Toronto region a significant competitive leg up. These agencies need to learn how to actively collaborate by developing mechanisms-structures, processes and skills – for bridging organizational and interpersonal differences and achieving real value from the partnership. Multiple ties at multiple levels ensure communication, coordination and control. This is not the first time anyone has thought about this, in fact there was a GTA summit last year where dialogue was established but very little action after the fact. With the current recession, let’s not further delay positive change.
  • 45. 45 Toronto must be the master brand of the region, since it is the foremost anchor. Simon Anholt a policy advisor in London has a term he calls “Box of chocolate brand architecture” We recommend that the brand on the outside of the box is Toronto and since familiarity is low for Toronto already and zero for the surrounding municipalities, we should definitely market the box, not the individual chocolates. When Toronto gets interest from investors, we can then open the box and introduce the individual chocolates, each one is distinctive, with its own appearances and flavors but bearing a strong family resemblance and a clear connection to each other and to the brand on the box. For example, if an investor wants to invest in an industrial sector, he may pick up the Brampton or Durham chocolates, or if he wanted to start a biotech company he may choose Toronto, Mississauga, or Markham. It depends on the investor’s criteria and choice, but the important thing to keep in mind, is that Toronto is the anchor, and wherever the business situates, the whole region benefits as a whole. 15. Rethink Tourism a) The future of Tourism is being influenced by the rise of the experience economy. This can take many forms, such as travelling to learn another language, to lean an instrument, to experience different cultures, to pursue an interest or hobby such as rock climbing or scuba diving. In other words the experience has become the object of the holiday, not just relaxation or sightseeing. Fulfilment comes from involvement, understanding and self improvement – returning home a more knowledgeable, spiritually refreshed, or more experienced person. This reflects the progression through Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, and the level of self actualization is where people are increasingly seeking fulfilment through travel. Vaughan Markham Mississauga Stop marketing all the individual municipalities! Toronto should be the only anchor to attract investment for the region!
  • 46. 46 The more a destination can engage with potential visitors on an emotional level, as somewhere that promises to fulfill this demand for a fulfilling experience, the more chance it has of attracting the growing number of people, particularly in developing countries, who see the type of holiday they take as an expression of their personality. This means telling a story about the destination, which strikes an emotional chord with potential visitors and stays with them. Being warm, sunny, and naturally beautiful is no longer enough. Destinations have to express their personality and convey a sense of soul, heart and spirit that engages visitors in order to avoid being viewed as another (me too) destination. The brand story that it tells, is passed on by satisfied visitors to other prospects, and eventually becomes a powerful agent for widespread social marketing effects. Tourism Toronto is the official destination-marketing organization for Toronto’s tourism industry. This organization does an excellent job, and the fact that it is the sole organ that does, makes it all that more effective. Toronto Tourism had great aspirations for the Toronto Branding project in 2005 (Toronto Unlimited), and invested 2million in the 4 million project. But unfortunately, it didn’t succeed, and as a result, left Toronto Tourism without a foundation to run with. The genuinely global positioning this report proposes gives Toronto tourism a style or theme to run with. Instead simply promoting Toronto as just another North American city, we can now present Toronto as a global city of the world where travelers can meaningfully experience our distinct global culture. (The symbolic actions this report proposes first need to be implemented for this experience to be strong for tourists. b) Lets promote domestic tourism. Research suggests that Torontonians have largely not discovered their own city yet. This lack of knowledge of all the things to do and see in the city leads to weak perceptions of our own city and we begin to think it is a boring place. Toronto Tourism publishes an amazing and insightful magazine which is distributed only in hotel rooms; if that same magazine can also be available for Torontonians, it will allow Torontonians to be more aware and appreciative of the offerings in the city.
  • 47. 47 16. Productive creativity throughout every community in Toronto A study was done by the Centre for Urban and Community Studies, "The Three Cities within Toronto: Income Polarization among Toronto Neighbourhoods, 1970-2000. The study shows how, from 1970 to 2000, our city of neighbourhoods has been transformed into three separate cities, defined by their economic differences. Although Toronto is a thriving city with an abundance of world cultures, it is one where ethnic diversity is overlaid by growing class division. Richard Florida of U of T explains that the key task of our time is to build new institutions to spread the gains of the creative economy. If not, it will continue to concentrate those gains geographically and socially. Action required to overcome that class divide and build a more cohesive and shared creative economy. We need to make sure all Torontonians can use their creative capabilities and as such contribute even more fully to economic growth. No Torontonian should be left behind when it come to fostering the creative energy. “Highly creative adults frequently grew up with hardship. Hardship by itself doesn’t lead to creativity, but it does force kids to become more flexible—and flexibility helps with creativity.”-Newsweek Article a) Far too many inner city youth are spending their time doing unproductive things due to a lack of creative facilitation which downtown T.O. neighbourhoods are fortunate to have. Creative and inspirational spaces a needed for them. Everybody wants to go to a dream space or third space which is neither home nor office (where one works) Cafes are one example of such a space, but Starbucks don’t exist in many neighbourhoods and it’s kind of a stigma for urban youths to go there anyway. When one wants to dream, write poetry, forment a revolution, brainstorm, one goes to a café. A space is needed where all kinds of diverse elements are at play (other people, internet, instruments, books, music, sports, ambience, the world beyond the windows-to help inspire your ideas and dreams, and etc). The interplay of personal and public space, combined with a sense that anything can happen, makes such places a great place for innovation to happen.
  • 48. 48 Community places are the perfect place for such creative spaces, and to increase accessibility they should be standard pretty much everywhere: condos, open schools (afterschool hours), libraries, and even mobile truck containers. These third spaces are not expensive because the environment is similar to a start-up, where most things are used and messy, and people can donate their own things and it is a continuous improvement process. It inevitably involves trial and error-there are just so many imponderables. Above all, these dream spaces should represent freedom for those who go there; kind of like to a jazz club for ideas, a place where participants can breathe. b) Create an online magazine for creative’s educating them on how to make their ideas happen; an avenue where they can read the stories of other local success stories who went through the rough to become who they are today. For example, Dwight Drummond, a well know local journalist can share his insights to how he became successful despite growing up on Jane Finch, or how Knaan persevered to make his creative pursuits come alive although he grew up in a rough neighbourhood in Rexdale, and there are many other great stories that need to be shared with creative’s in the rough in order to inspire them to make their ideas become a reality. 17. Create a global leaders award This will be a globally recognized and respected award. Other than local global leaders, global citizens will be invited from all over the world along with international jury members. Toronto will be the primary city that honours great global beings. For example Apple’s brand honours those who think differently and Nike brand honours great athletes.
  • 49. 49 Appendices Resources and bibliography: People and paper People Many people across the region shared their insights and perspectives with us. We spoke to artists, philosophers, writers, homeless person, students, politicians, business leaders, professors, NGOS’s, basically anyone that lives in the city. This is a list as we are able to compose; however there are many more that are unknown ordinary citizens that provided valuable insights, many thanks to all. In alphabetical order: • Adam Giambrone, Chair, TTC • Adil Dhalla, Co-Founder, My City Lives • Alan Broadbent, CEO, Avana Capital Corp • Anne M. Sado, President, George Brown College • Brian Zeiler-Kligman, Director of Policy, BOT • Carl Knipfel, Manager of Marketing, City of Toronto • Carol-Ann Smith, Manager, SIG • Daryl Copeland, Diplomat, DFAIT • David Crombie, past Toronto Mayor • David Macfarlane, writer • Dr. John R. Evans, Chair Emeritus, Mars • Dr. Greg Baeker, President, Authenticity • Fraser Mann, Partner, Miller Thompson and Associates • Glen Murray, MPP, City of Toronto • George Stroumboulopoulos, TV show host, CBC • James B. Milway, Executive Director, Institute for Competiveness and Prosperity • Jamil Mardukhi, Design Engineer of CN Tower • Janet L. Ecker, President, TFSA • Jean-Marc Hachey, Author, The Big Book on Living and Working Overseas
  • 50. 50 • Jeannette Hanna, Vice President, Trajectory • Jeremy Hildereth, Place branding consultant • Jian Gomeshi, Radio show host, CBC Q • Jo-Ann Davis, President, Canadian International Council • Joe Martin, Director of Canadian Business History, U of T • Joe Mihevic, City Councilor, City of Toronto • Joel Peters, Senior Vice President, Toronto Tourism • John Monahan, Executive Director, Mosaic Institute • Josh Hjartarson, Policy Director, The Mowat Centre for Policy Innovation • Julia Deans, CEO, Toronto City Summit Alliance • Kam Rathee, Special Advisor, Blakes • Kathy, Researcher, Diversity Institute Ryerson • Kevin Stolarick, Associate Director, Martin Prosperity Institute • Lorna Jean Edmonds, Assistant, Vice President, International Relations, U of T • Lou Milrad, President, GTMA • Lucas Malaspina, independent designer/strategist • Mark Sarner, President, Manifest Com • Marta O’Brian, Professor of Architecture History, U of T • Mayor Miller, City of Toronto • Michael Adams, author, Unlikely Utopia • Michelle Noble, Director of Marketing, Water Front • Mr. Toronto, comedian, “Everybody Hates Toronto” • Nick Lewis, Senior Advisor, City of Toronto • Nick Noorani, Founder of Immigrant Magazine • Peter Evans, Advisor, Mars • Rahul Bhardwaj, CEO, TCF • Rana Sarkar, President, CIB-C • Ratna Omidvar, President, Maytree Foundation • Red Wilson, CEO, Bell Canada • Richard Florida, Executive Director, Martin Prosperity • Rocco Rossi, Running for Toronto Mayor • Roger Keil, Author, Changing Toronto • Ruth Lewkowics, Director of Marketing, TRRA
  • 51. 51 • Stephen Chait, Director of Economic Development, Markham • Terrie O’Leary, Executive Vice President, Invest Toronto • Tonya Surman, Executive Director, SIC • Umberto, Chin International • Wendy Cukier, Associate Dean, Ryerson • Wendy Gold-OpenCity Projects • And many others, sorry if we missed your name, we also spoke to hundreds of anonymous citizens. Books, guidebooks • Anholt, Simon. Places. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010. • Cukier, Wendy. Diverse City Counts. Toronto: The Diversity Institute, 2010. • Hendley, Nate. Toronto Book of Everything. MacIntyre Purcell Publishing Inc., 2009. • Macfarlane, David. Toronto: A City Becoming. Toronto: Key Porter Books, 2008. • McBridge, Jason. Utopia towards a New Toronto. Toronto: Coach House Books 2006. • TCSA. The Greater Toronto Leadership Project: Accelerating Prosperity. Toronto: Diverse City, 2009. • Toronto Branding Project. Brand Architecture, 2004. • Kao, John. Innovation Nation: Free Press, 2007. • BOT. City Region Report. Toronto: BOT, 2010. • Placebrands. City Branding. Amsterdam, 2009. • Hildereth, Jeremy. "Place Branding at Arms Length." Palgrave, 2010. • CIC. Open Canada. Toronto, 2010. Web. 03 June 2010 • Potter, Evan. Branding Canada. Ottawa: U of Ottawa, 2009. Articles and Websites • “BlogTO”.Toronto, 2010. . • City of Toronto, Living in Toronto. • City of Toronto, Visiting Toronto. • Greater Toronto Marketing Alliance, Top Ten GTMA Services, 2010. gtma-services.html. • "Place Branding". Wikipedia. <>. • Toronto Board of Trade, Essential resources for business, 2010. ness_Resources. • "Toronto Life". Toronto Life Publishing Company. • Toronto Region Research Alliance, Toronto Region at a Glance, 2010. • "Toronto Unlimited”. City of Toronto, 2005. • "Tourism Toronto". Toronto Convention and Visitors Association.
  • 52. 52