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January 2007

             The NavigaTor                                  Financial Advice for the Adventures of Life

Happy New Year!
	 2006	was	a	good	year	at	Compass.		As	always,	we	
want	 to	 thank	 you	 for	 your	 business.	 The	 loyalty	 you	
show	by	attending	our	events,	sending	referrals	and	keep-
                                                                                                        Kurtis Pearson, C.F.P.
ing	your	business	with	Compass	is	greatly	appreciated.	                                       

	 The	West	Des	Moines	Chamber	informed	us	in	De-
cember that Compass is a finalist for the 2006 Business
of the Year (Small Business Division). This is an award
that reflects positively on each of our loyal clients and
                                                                     Share Generously,	 we	
Team	 members.	 We	 were	 nominated	 from	 within	 the	                                                     Steve Conard
                                                                     are	 given	 time,	 talent	
community.	The	 winner	 will	 be	 announced	 on	 January	                                                Financial Consultant
                                                                     and	 money	 to	 invest	 and
25,	2007	at	the	annual	West	Des	Moines	Chamber	din-
                                                                     share.		How	can	I	do	more	
ner.	Thanks	again	for	your	support	and	commitment	to	
                                                                     sharing	 in	 2007?	 Love
Compass.	 Congratulations	 to	 the	 Compass	 Team,	 this	
                                                                     Deeply,	 this	 has	 to	 start	
award	belongs	to	all	of	you.
                                                                     with	a	sense	of	self	worth	
                                                                     and	respect,	then	it	moves	
	 February	15,	2007	is	our	private	screening	for	The                                                     Michele Bjorkgren
                                                                     out	 to	 others.	 These	 are	
Ultimate Gift.	 This	 movie	 will	 be	 hitting	 mainstream	                                           Director of Client Services
                                                                     the	 life	 themes	 I’m	 pon-
theatres	 later	 in	 2007.	 The	 storyline	 is	 about	 a	 grand-
                                                                     dering	for	2007.
father’s	 passing.	 Realizing	 that	 the	 immense	 wealth	 he	
built	 through	 his	 life’s	 work	 has	 spoiled	 his	 family,	 he	
                                                                     	 There	 is	 much	 work	
holds	out	hope	that	one	grandson	can	come	to	truly	ap-
                                                                     to do on the financial
preciate	it.	This	grandson	has	to	choose	between	“jump-
                                                                     front. Updating financial
ing	 through	 hoops”	 set	 forth	 in	 his	 grandfather’s	 will,	                                         Nancy Economos
                                                                     plans,	 rebalancing	 port-
or	 walking	 away	 from	 his	 inheritance.	 It’s	 a	 story	 that	                                     Compliance Administrator
                                                                     folios,	 reviewing	 estate	
teaches	us	about	the	importance	of	legacy	planning	and	

                                                                     plans	 and	 getting	 ready	
estate	 planning.	 There	 are	 still	 a	 few	 tickets	 available,	
                                                                     for	tax	season.		We	will	be	
call	Michele	today.
                                                                     contacting	you	soon	for	a	
                                                                     review.	 Thanks	 again	 for	
    I’m sure the resolutions are flying around. In addi-
                                                                     your	business.
tion	 to	 the	 obvious,	 there	 are	 some	 deeper	 themes	 that	                                             Julie Greer
I’m	hearing.	Live Free,	isn’t	it	easy	to	get	all	bound	up	                                                  Sales Assistant
by	small	thinking.	Living	large	and	living	free	in	2007!	      	

                                                                     FINANCIAL SERVICES
“When Conversations Turn Crucial”

By Shirley Poertner
        an	you	relate	to	this?	You	know	you	need	to	talk	
                                                                        I want to thank Shirley Poertner for contributing
        to	 someone	 about	 an	 important	 issue,	 but	 you	
                                                                        a fine article for our Compass Newsletter. As you
        haven’t	stepped	 up	the	conversation.	Not	 really.	           all know finances can be a difficult subject to discuss
You	 may	 have	 danced	 around	 the	 issue	 or	 sugarcoated	           within our families. Shirley’s advice on sharpening
your	message.	Or	maybe	you	relied	on	hints,	sarcasm,	or	                      our communication skills is well taken.
not-so-subtle	 humor	 but	 the	 person	 missed	 the	 message	                        - Kurtis Pearson, C.F.P. -
completely.	Or	maybe	she	did	get	it	and	became	defensive	
                                                                    •	 Make	it	safe	to	talk	about	almost	anything.	
so	you	backed	out	before	the	discussion	spun	out	of	con-
                                                                    It	is	not	the	content	of	what	we	say	that	strikes	fear	
trol.	Now	when	you	think	about	re-entering	the	conversa-
                                                                    in	others,	despite	the	fact	that	it	may	be	sensitive,	
tion,	you	break	into	a	cold	sweat.
                                                                    controversial,	or	even	negative.	It’s	the	perceived	
                                                                    intent that makes them nervous. By communicat-
	 This	 is	 an	 example	 of	 being	 “stuck.”	And	 any	 time	
                                                                    ing	 what	 you	 really	 want,	 establishing	 mutual	
we’re	 stuck,	 there’s	 a	 crucial	 conversation	 keeping	 us	
                                                                    purpose,	 and	 clarifying	 possible	 misunderstand-
there.	Our	ability	to	handle	crucial	discussions	determines	
                                                                    ings,	you	are	in	a	position		to	step	up	to	even	the	
how influential we are in our work and personal lives.
                                                                    most	challenging	of	conversations.	With	the	right	
                                                                    intent,	you	can	tackle	almost	any	content.	
	 The	authors	of	Crucial	Conversations:	Tools	for	Talk-
ing	When	Stakes	Are	High	have	spent	over	twenty	years	
                                                                    Want to learn more? Take these steps:
studying	opinion	leaders.	They’ve	learned	that	the	people	
who	are	most	admired	and	listened	to	by	their	co-work-
                                                                    •	 Make	a	concentrated	effort.	If	you’re	willing	
ers	are	masters	of	crucial	conversations.	Their	ability	to	
                                                                    to	work	at	it	for	45	minutes	a	week	for	about	four	
speak	up	and	be	heard	and	make	it	safe	for	others	to	do	
                                                                    months, you can make significant gains in your
the	same	sets	them	apart	from	everyone	else.	When	others	
                                                                    ability	to	tackle	tough	conversations.	
either	go	mum	or	ballistic,	opinion	leaders	shine.	
                                                                    •	 Seek	 the	 help	 of	 others.	 You	 can’t	 learn	 to	
                                                                    play	 tennis	 alone.	 Likewise,	 you	 can’t	 get	 bet-
	 There’s	good	news.	The	ability	to	step	up	to	and	hold	
                                                                    ter	at	crucial	conversations	sitting	alone	in	your	
crucial	conversations	–	no	matter	how	touchy,	awkward,	
                                                                    office. Partner with someone else who wants to
or	challenging	–	can	be	learned.	The	bad	news,	unfortu-
                                                                    work	on	their	crucial	conversations	skills.
nately,	is	that	the	average	person	is	likely	to	have	spent	
                                                                    •	 Attend	 a	 Crucial	 Conversations	 workshop.	
more	time	memorizing	the	capitals	of	Europe	than	learn-
                                                                    Shirley Poertner, a Master Trainer of the Crucial
ing	how	to	deal	with	under-achieving	employees,	an	in-
                                                                    Conversations	skills,	offers	workshops	locally	to	
sensitive	brother-in-law,	or	a	micro-managing	boss.
                                                                    help	 individuals,	 teams	 and	 organizations	 learn	
                                                                    how	 to	 talk	 about	 the	 tough	 issues	 they	 face.	
Tips for Success:
                                                                    Check	out	her	website	at	for	
	 Here	are	some	tips	for	discussing	issues	that	have	pre-
                                                                    the	next	offering	of	this	powerful	program	which	
viously	seemed	“undiscussable.”
                                                                    helps	almost	anyone	talk	about	almost	anything.	
• Be persuasive, not abrasive.
Like it or not, the more significant the issue, the more
                                                                         Shirley Poertner is President of Poertner Consulting
likely	 we	 are	 to	 be	 on	 our	 worst	 behavior,	 pushing	 our	   Group. She has over 20 years of experience working in the
personal	agenda	with	such	force	that	others	openly	resist	          private, public and not-for-profit sectors. Poertner’s focus is
us	 out	 of	 a	 sense	 of	 preservation.	 Eliminate	 resistance	    helping executives and their organizations achieve their full
                                                                    potential, accomplishing the results they want for themselves
by	 starting	 with	 facts,	 using	 tentative	 language,	 and	 in-
                                                                    and for those they lead. She has experience in a variety of
viting	others	to	share	your	views.	Softening	your	stance	           industries. She has a Masters in Leadership & Adult Devel-
strengthens	your	credibility.                                       opment from Drake University.
Who ya gonna call?

   t	is	our	goal	to	provide	the	best	service	pos-             Nancy, extension 3 •	
   sible.	Each	professional	on	our	Team	special-              Nancy	handles	administrative	tasks	related	to	transferring	
   izes	 in	 a	 different	 area.	 Listed	 below	 is	 the	     accounts to LPL, opening new accounts and paperwork
Team	member	and	their	area	of	expertise:	                     related	to	investment	changes.				

                                                              So,	if	you	need……
Michele, extension 1 •	
Michele	 can	 help	 you	 with	 scheduling	 appoint-
ments, updating facts and details to your finan-              Account	View	setup	 	           								Call	Michele	Ext	1
cial	 plan,	 life	 insurance	 questions,	 setup	 online	      Change	of	address	      	       								Call	Julie	Ext	5
Account View and all LPL investment account                   Make	an	appointment	to	review	 								Call	Michele	Ext	1
questions.                                                    Request	a	distribution	 	       								Call	Julie	Ext	5
                                                              Questions on your LPL statement         Call Michele Ext 1
                                                              Transferring	account	questions	 								Call	Nancy	Ext	3
Julie, extension 5 •	
Julie	is	our	specialist	in	requesting	distributions	          Tax Season Cost Basis questions         Call Julie Ext 5
from	investment	accounts,	changing	bank	instruc-
tions	on	accounts,	answering	cost	basis	questions	            In	 2007	 Nancy	 will	 be	 leading	 the	 Document	 Imaging	
during	tax	season,	changing	addresses.	Julie	also	            project.	Many	of	the	documents	we	are	required	to	keep	
makes	many	outbound	calls	to	set	up	initial	con-              in your file can now be digitally filed under your LPL ac-
sultations	with	prospects	and	yearly	reviews	with	            count. This will reduce the number of files we maintain
existing	clients.                                             in	hard	copy.

                                                                       to Michele Bjorkgren!
                                                           Michele has recently attained her
                                                        Registered ParaplannerSM designation
                                                        from the College for Financial Planning.
                                                        This designation provides an overview
                                                        of the financial planning process including
                                                        retirement planning, tax planning,
                                                        investments, estate planning
                                                        and other categories.
                                                        Michele is in her fourth year
                                                        as part of the Compass
                                                        Financial Team.
                                                                                    FINANCIAL SERVICES

                 5015 Grand Ridge Drive, Suite 200, West Des Moines, IA 50265
                  515.327.1020 • Toll Free: 888.334.1020 •
                   Securities offered through Linsco Private Ledger • Member NASD/SIPC

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Compass Financial: The Navigator January 2007

  • 1. January 2007 The NavigaTor Financial Advice for the Adventures of Life Happy New Year! 2006 was a good year at Compass. As always, we want to thank you for your business. The loyalty you show by attending our events, sending referrals and keep- Kurtis Pearson, C.F.P. ing your business with Compass is greatly appreciated. The West Des Moines Chamber informed us in De- cember that Compass is a finalist for the 2006 Business of the Year (Small Business Division). This is an award that reflects positively on each of our loyal clients and Share Generously, we Team members. We were nominated from within the Steve Conard are given time, talent community. The winner will be announced on January Financial Consultant and money to invest and 25, 2007 at the annual West Des Moines Chamber din- share. How can I do more ner. Thanks again for your support and commitment to sharing in 2007? Love Compass. Congratulations to the Compass Team, this Deeply, this has to start award belongs to all of you. with a sense of self worth and respect, then it moves February 15, 2007 is our private screening for The Michele Bjorkgren out to others. These are Ultimate Gift. This movie will be hitting mainstream Director of Client Services the life themes I’m pon- theatres later in 2007. The storyline is about a grand- dering for 2007. father’s passing. Realizing that the immense wealth he built through his life’s work has spoiled his family, he There is much work holds out hope that one grandson can come to truly ap- to do on the financial preciate it. This grandson has to choose between “jump- front. Updating financial ing through hoops” set forth in his grandfather’s will, Nancy Economos plans, rebalancing port- or walking away from his inheritance. It’s a story that Compliance Administrator folios, reviewing estate teaches us about the importance of legacy planning and plans and getting ready estate planning. There are still a few tickets available, for tax season. We will be call Michele today. contacting you soon for a review. Thanks again for I’m sure the resolutions are flying around. In addi- your business. tion to the obvious, there are some deeper themes that Julie Greer I’m hearing. Live Free, isn’t it easy to get all bound up Sales Assistant by small thinking. Living large and living free in 2007! COMPASS FINANCIAL SERVICES
  • 2. “When Conversations Turn Crucial” C By Shirley Poertner an you relate to this? You know you need to talk I want to thank Shirley Poertner for contributing to someone about an important issue, but you a fine article for our Compass Newsletter. As you haven’t stepped up the conversation. Not really. all know finances can be a difficult subject to discuss You may have danced around the issue or sugarcoated within our families. Shirley’s advice on sharpening your message. Or maybe you relied on hints, sarcasm, or our communication skills is well taken. not-so-subtle humor but the person missed the message - Kurtis Pearson, C.F.P. - completely. Or maybe she did get it and became defensive • Make it safe to talk about almost anything. so you backed out before the discussion spun out of con- It is not the content of what we say that strikes fear trol. Now when you think about re-entering the conversa- in others, despite the fact that it may be sensitive, tion, you break into a cold sweat. controversial, or even negative. It’s the perceived intent that makes them nervous. By communicat- This is an example of being “stuck.” And any time ing what you really want, establishing mutual we’re stuck, there’s a crucial conversation keeping us purpose, and clarifying possible misunderstand- there. Our ability to handle crucial discussions determines ings, you are in a position to step up to even the how influential we are in our work and personal lives. most challenging of conversations. With the right intent, you can tackle almost any content. The authors of Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talk- ing When Stakes Are High have spent over twenty years Want to learn more? Take these steps: studying opinion leaders. They’ve learned that the people who are most admired and listened to by their co-work- • Make a concentrated effort. If you’re willing ers are masters of crucial conversations. Their ability to to work at it for 45 minutes a week for about four speak up and be heard and make it safe for others to do months, you can make significant gains in your the same sets them apart from everyone else. When others ability to tackle tough conversations. either go mum or ballistic, opinion leaders shine. • Seek the help of others. You can’t learn to play tennis alone. Likewise, you can’t get bet- There’s good news. The ability to step up to and hold ter at crucial conversations sitting alone in your crucial conversations – no matter how touchy, awkward, office. Partner with someone else who wants to or challenging – can be learned. The bad news, unfortu- work on their crucial conversations skills. nately, is that the average person is likely to have spent • Attend a Crucial Conversations workshop. more time memorizing the capitals of Europe than learn- Shirley Poertner, a Master Trainer of the Crucial ing how to deal with under-achieving employees, an in- Conversations skills, offers workshops locally to sensitive brother-in-law, or a micro-managing boss. help individuals, teams and organizations learn how to talk about the tough issues they face. Tips for Success: Check out her website at for Here are some tips for discussing issues that have pre- the next offering of this powerful program which viously seemed “undiscussable.” helps almost anyone talk about almost anything. • Be persuasive, not abrasive. Like it or not, the more significant the issue, the more Shirley Poertner is President of Poertner Consulting likely we are to be on our worst behavior, pushing our Group. She has over 20 years of experience working in the personal agenda with such force that others openly resist private, public and not-for-profit sectors. Poertner’s focus is us out of a sense of preservation. Eliminate resistance helping executives and their organizations achieve their full potential, accomplishing the results they want for themselves by starting with facts, using tentative language, and in- and for those they lead. She has experience in a variety of viting others to share your views. Softening your stance industries. She has a Masters in Leadership & Adult Devel- strengthens your credibility. opment from Drake University.
  • 3. Who ya gonna call? I t is our goal to provide the best service pos- Nancy, extension 3 • sible. Each professional on our Team special- Nancy handles administrative tasks related to transferring izes in a different area. Listed below is the accounts to LPL, opening new accounts and paperwork Team member and their area of expertise: related to investment changes. So, if you need…… Michele, extension 1 • Michele can help you with scheduling appoint- ments, updating facts and details to your finan- Account View setup Call Michele Ext 1 cial plan, life insurance questions, setup online Change of address Call Julie Ext 5 Account View and all LPL investment account Make an appointment to review Call Michele Ext 1 questions. Request a distribution Call Julie Ext 5 Questions on your LPL statement Call Michele Ext 1 Transferring account questions Call Nancy Ext 3 Julie, extension 5 • Julie is our specialist in requesting distributions Tax Season Cost Basis questions Call Julie Ext 5 from investment accounts, changing bank instruc- tions on accounts, answering cost basis questions In 2007 Nancy will be leading the Document Imaging during tax season, changing addresses. Julie also project. Many of the documents we are required to keep makes many outbound calls to set up initial con- in your file can now be digitally filed under your LPL ac- sultations with prospects and yearly reviews with count. This will reduce the number of files we maintain existing clients. in hard copy. Congratulations to Michele Bjorkgren! Michele has recently attained her Registered ParaplannerSM designation from the College for Financial Planning. This designation provides an overview of the financial planning process including retirement planning, tax planning, investments, estate planning and other categories. Michele is in her fourth year as part of the Compass Financial Team. COMPASS FINANCIAL SERVICES 5015 Grand Ridge Drive, Suite 200, West Des Moines, IA 50265 515.327.1020 • Toll Free: 888.334.1020 • Securities offered through Linsco Private Ledger • Member NASD/SIPC