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MEDC 5360

                                                                                                           Commonly found
                                                                                                             barriers when
                                                                                                        adapting foreign TV
                                                                                                               shows in VN

                                                                                                                           MEDC 5360
DEC 3, 2011                                                                                           IN THIS ISSUE

by Ken Bui
 Nowadays,     International Communication           Research Method
deals a lot with flow of media content,
especially entertainment from one country            The report hand picks two world famous
to another. The early success of globalization       Western franchises which has been a proved
and initial forming of global village gives          success with so many awards and fans
some people a tempted conclusion that the            around the world: America’s Idol and            American Idol
world is moving towards a uni-culture where          America’s Next Top Model to have an in-               Concept: Search for the stars!
everybody speaks and enjoys the same                 depth observation to their common
“language”. This is not always the case. The         troublesome journey when being adapted to             Awards: Won 6 Primetime Emmys.
report herein provides a look in the                 Vietnam market.                                        Another 34 wins & 92 nominations
adaptation process of famous TV shows from
                                                     The data to support comes from                        Seasons: 11
the West to the East (Vietnam) in an effort to
illustrate the challenging road to connect to
                                                     Source #1: Format review. Show formats are            Show status in Vietnam: Season 3
world audience nowadays
                                                     audited for areas of modifications that could
Vietnam media market is in its booming               explain the positive and negative fan
stage as a result of globalization. This was         feedbacks
marked by the development of cable TV and
emerging show business. People in Vietnam            Source #2: Collecting public feedback, this
now have daily access to Western TV shows.           include press information and also individual
After a while, it is a fact that not every           viewers’ opinion (via web survey)
foreign show is a guaranteed success. Some
wins, some loses miserably. Depending on             Report Structure
perspective, some frequent questions are
asked: What could stop the power of                  The report is followed by the format
Western cultural imperialism? What does it                                                           America’s Next Top Model
take to be successful in today's                             Original Show review                         Concept: Become the next “it” girl
entertainment market? No matter what side                    Adapted Show review
readers belong to, the report could lend                     Evaluation                                   Awards Won 5 and 25 nominations
 a useful insight by identifying “ commonly      u                                                         Seasons : 18
found barriers when adapting foreign TV
shows” in Vietnam market.                                                                                  Show status in Vietnam: Season 2
II-Original show review

American Idol

 Show essence:
 “It takes only one day to change your lives”

 American Idol is all about a journey of self-
 realization and transformation. In a way,
 American Idol has a two in one offer- the
 dramatic function of a soap opera and
 realistic function of a reality show. Let’s have
 a look at past 10 American Idol. Excerpt from
 American Idol’s official website:

 Before AMERICAN IDOL, Lee DeWyze
 worked as a paint store clerk in Mt. Prospect,     moved onto the final Hollywood round. If the      Following each performance episode, a
 IL. Kris Allen was a college student from          performance was not up to par, the                results show airs that reveals the breakdown
 Conway, AR. David Cook tended bar in Blue          contestant would have one more chance to          of the voting public's decision. The most
 Springs, MO. Chris Daughtry was a service          impress the judges before the final round.        popular contestants are not typically
 advisor at a car dealership in Greensboro,         For the first time, contestants were allowed      revealed (although they have been in very
 NC. Carrie Underwood lived on a farm in            to perform with a musical instrument if they      rare cases), but the bottom three least
 Checotah, OK. Jennifer Hudson was a cruise         so desired.                                       popular contestants are typically called to
 ship performer from Chicago, IL. Kelly                                                               the center of the stage. From the bottom
 Clarkson was a waitress from Dallas, TX.           Semifinals                                        three, the bottom two are revealed, until
                                                                                                      finally the contestant who received the
 Format                                             From season four to seven, the semifinals         lowest amount of votes is eliminated from
                                                    were cut down to twenty-four contestants          the competition. A montage of the
  Hollywood Ticket Round:                           who were divided by gender in order to            contestant's experience is played and they
                                                    ensure an equal division in the top twelve.       give their final performance.
 Idols tour some key cities and offer tickets to    The men and women would sing on
 Hollywood (next round) for qualified hopefuls      sequential nights and the bottom two would
                                                    be eliminated from each group on the results
                                                    show until the top twelve finalists were left.    In the finale, one remaining contestant is
                                                                                                      declared the winner. The winner is
                                                    **Note:                                           announced at the following results show. The
                                                                                                      winner receives a one million (US) dollar
                                                    In season eight, the semifinals will go back to   record deal with a major label, and is
                                                    the basic form of the first three seasons.        managed by American Idol-related 19
                                                    There will be thirty-six semifinalists who are    Management. In some cases, other finalists
                                                    then divided into three semifinal groups. The     have also been signed by the show's
                                                    three finalists with the highest number of        management company (who has first option
                                                    America's votes, one male, one female and         to sign contestants) and received record
                                                    the next top vote getter, will advance to the     deals with its major label partner.
                                                    finals. The Wildcard round will also return
                                                    with the judges choosing three previously
 Hollywood (Theater) Round:                         eliminated contestants to advance to the
 The contestants perform on different days,
 with dramatic eliminations by the judges on        Finals
 each day.
                                                    In the finals, each finalist performed a song
 Starting in the 2008 season, the structure of      weekly theme (two songs in later rounds) at
 the Hollywood round was revamped. There            CBS Television City in Los Angeles in front of
 were no longer musical group rounds (the           a live studio audience. Themes have included
 group round was reintroduced in the 2009           Motown, disco, big band music, and
 season); rather, the contestants would sing        Billboard #1 hits. .the finalists have a chance
 on the first day and if the judges felt the        to work with that artist in preparing their
 performance was adequate, the contestant           performances.
ONLINE VOTING plays a key role
                                                                                                                                     in successful adaptation of Idol

Ryan Secreast, famous DJ/anchor for Fox, has been
MC for Idols since season 1. He fits the profile listed in        Key success factor                                 According to Fremantle Media's format
format bible                                                                                                         bible, the Idol franchise contains four
                                                              The majority of factors which form the core value      essential components
                                                             of the show lie in its personnel, which are, the MC,
                                                             judge and contestants                                       -    A specific look in set design, color,
                                                                                                                              logos, sequence of events, role of
                                                             1-   The MC
                                                                                                                              host(s) and judges, lighting and
                                                                                                                              camera angles, et cetera
                                                                  Below are role of MC define in the Bible:
                                                                  The perfect host for Idol should be slightly           -    Contracting audience members/
                                                                  more interesting than vanilla…Fashionable                   contestants for the actual TV
                                                                  but not like he’s trying to upstage anyone.                 program
                                                                  Funny but not necessarily a comedian.
                                                                  Confident but not necessarily cocky. He                -    Basing the elimination of
                                                                  should be like a good child; speak when                     contestants on telephone vote
                                                                  spoken to and recognize his place in the
                                                                  family. This show is first and foremost                -    Interactive online forum
Judges                                                            about the singers and then about the
From Season 1-6, Idols have a judge panel of 3 including
                                                                  judges, and maybe if we’re lucky after that,
Paula Abdul, Simon Cowell and Randy Jackson. Since                and we have time, it should be about the
season 8, the format introduces the fourth judge to add           host (as quoted in Gillis, 2003; emphasis in
more spice to the show.                                           the original)

                                                             2-   The Judges

                                                                  The judges’ panel is carefully picked to play
                                                                  their designed role. There are three (four)
                                                                  judges with different characters and
                                                                  functions. One female judge will provide
                                                                  comfort, the other provides technical               AE is known for its daring contestants..
                                                                  feedback but neutral, and the final one is
                                                                  super critical and harsh. The most difficult
Season 9, marks the retirement of Paola.
                                                                  one usually is the lead judge (Simon Cowell
Season 11 says good bye to Simon to welcome a whole               Season 1-10)
new band of judges that includes Jennifer Lopez, Rock
star Steven Tyler and Ellen Degenerous                       3-   The contestants

                                                                  They are the utmost stars of the show,
                                                                  nothing should change this. The contestants
                                                                  should reflect the mission of the show-telling
                                                                  a compelling story of transformation,
                                                                  overcoming obstacles and come home a
                                                                  changed person

                                                                                                                    … who never stop pushing the envelope
Critics against American Idol                            II-Original show review
                                                         America’s Next Top Model
Although the Idol series success is long
lived, it doesn’t mean it did not receive
any critics at all                                                                      industry experts. In addition to the
                                                                                        regular judges, usually there is a special
Among the frequent anti-comments are                                                    guest judge related to that week's
the followings. This point out what         Show Essence:
                                                                                        theme. Contestants are sometimes
American Idol is missing                                                                given a final challenge in some area of
                                            America's Next Top Model chronicles
                                            the transformation of everyday young        modeling such as posing, runway
Should base more on vocal talents:
                                            women into potentially fierce               walking, selling a product, or choosing
                                            supermodels. Fourteen participants will     an appropriate outfit or makeup to
American Idol did not judge on singing
                                            live together and vie for the incredible    satisfy a given situation. Each
talent alone, but based on the                                                          contestant's photo, or video
contestant’s overall entertainment          grand prize: an opportunity to be
                                            managed by Wilhelmina Models, a             performance, is then shown and
                                            fashion spread in Seventeen magazines,      evaluated by the panel. After all photos
                                            and a $100,000 contract with Cover Girl     have been evaluated, the contestants
Professional coaches/judges:
                                            Cosmetics                                   leave the room and the judges
One of the complaints in regard to the
                                            The show’s famous slogan: Are you
American Idol judges was that they                                                      Key success factors
                                            ready to be on TOP?
weren’t always professional singers
themselves                                  Format                                              A powerful host: the show is
                                                                                                 hosted by Tyra Bank, the
Blind auditions                             Each "Cycle" of the show consists of 9–              creator and executive producer
                                            18 episodes and starts with 10–25                    herself. As a big name in world
In order to ensure that the contestants     contestants. In each episode one                     stage, Tyra’s fame lends
are judged on voice alone during the        contestant is eliminated, though in rare             credibility to the show
auditions, in other shows, the judges sit   cases there may be a double elimination             A “bitch” character among
with their backs to the stage and make      or no elimination at all, based on the               contestants: the rule of 13
their selections without ever actually      consensus of the judging panel                       young girls living together is the
seeing the contestant.                                                                           set up for a drama-packed
                                            Each episode usually begins with the                 scenario where contrasting
Less wacko                                  contestants receiving training in an area            personality come to climax
                                            concurrent with the week's theme
                                                                                                Internal scandals as seeds for
American Idol was well known for                                                                 social media buzz: the show is
                                            Each episode, which covers the events of
sharing some of its audition scenes with                                                         full of gossip which created
                                            roughly one week of real time, is usually
those who were seeking lime-light                                                                flames for free publicity,
                                            associated with a theme in the world of
without any true talent to back it up                                                            attracting more young viewers
                                            modeling, such as dealing with the press
                                            in interviews, selling a commercial
Dual competition                                                                        Critics against ANTM
                                            product, appearing in a runway show, or
                                            visiting prospective employers in "go       Despite its continued success with
American Idol limited its contestants to
                                            sees". Each episode typically features a    season 18 on the way, ANTM received
solo acts
                                            fashion challenge.                          quite harsh critics. Below are some
Current stars                                                                           outstanding comments
                                            The next segment is usually a photo
This was something American Idol never      shoot, Performance in each week's           ANTM "hasn't exactly produced any
had. The argument is Paola Abdul and        photo or video shoot is typically weighed   actual supermodels." (Allure Magazine)
Steven Tyler was way over their prime.      quite heavily in the final judging, photo
                                            shoot or commercial, critique of each       "always espousing empowerment and
                                            contestant's performance by the judging     female strength and then forcing the
                                            panel, and the elimination of one or        contestants into embarrassing scenarios
                                            more contestants                            far outside the realm of real-life
                                                                                        modeling." (Yahoo's "Shine" lifestyle
                                            The final segment of each episode           website)
                                            involves judging by a panel of fashion

 III-Vietnam adaptation review                                                                          Trio Judges Season 1
 Vietnam Idol

 In this part, we look into problems that arise            Anh tended to throw provocative
 during the adaptation of the show format                  comments on a frequent basis, which in a
 into the local context                                    way steal the attention away from the
                                                           show. Rather than building him a
1-   “Unentertaining” lame performances                    confident and elegant figure, Phan Anh
                                                           chose to become somewhat a seasoned
     Audience constantly experience feeling                rock star which goes against the show
     of being embarrassed rather than                      spirit in the first place
     entertained. Most Hollywood ticket
                                                                                                         Left to right, SIu Black, Tuan Khanh, Ha Dung
     round performance are just pure lame,                 There is no comparison with original
     not “cute”, which kills audience’s                    version’s MC, Ryan Seacrest in terms of
                                                                                                        Trio Judges season 2
     attention to the show very early                      professionalism or appropriateness

2-   Controversial comments from Judges              4-    Lack of powerful “wow” performance
                                                           Even when we got to Theater and Final
     In all three seasons, judge panel never               rounds, audience can’t feel satisfied with
     stop receiving harsh critics from public,             the actual acclaimed “transformation”
     who believe they never before seen such               from the Idols themselves. Considering to
     kind of comment before. Among popular                 many other singing contest at the same
     critics includes                                      time and in the past, the performance
                                                           really fall short
     10/09/2010 07:19:30 PM                          5-    Online voting irregularities
     Họ không nhận ra nhiều lời nói của họ thể
     hiện sự thiếu suy nghĩ, không tôn trọng               Right on the first season, audience has      Left to right, Manh Tuan, S.Black, Ho Hoai Anh
     bản thân họ (lack of self respect for                 raised questions about the fairness of the
     themselves and for contestants..)                     show. It happens with the accusation of      Trio Judges season 3
     Myhuong:                                              false counting. This request an
     BGK Lớn hết rồi... mà cứ như trẻ con...               emergency audit by
     Nhận xét thì lại thiếu tôn trọng thí sinh ...         A public auditor from the Singaporean
     Theo tôi BGK như zậy là ko xứng                       auditing firm Paul Hooi & Co during the
     đ|ng....Cần xem lại c|i th|i độ của                   Grand Finale
     mình đấy....Mỗi lần xem là tôi bực BGK
     ghê đấy...(they are adults but acting like      6-    New Media fail to catch up buzz
     chidren, they are not qualified for being
     judges, they need to reconsider their           7-    Change of TV broadcast channel season
     attitudes)                                            after season
                                                           This is a sign of a problematic show. The
     What happen in Vietnam Idol, which                    show struggles to find itself a stable
     audience never saw in American Idol is,               channel for airing. First season was aired   Left to right, Quoc Trung, Siu Black, NQ Dung
     they changed judge panel every season.                on HTV7, the next one on HTV9, and the
     The only person that maintains the role is            latest season was shown on VTV6.             Host
     Siu Black. She was presumed to play the               Notably, the channel resilience and
     role of the much loved Paula Abdul. Siu               prestige also descend in that order.
     Black is a singer herself and famous for
     having a strong personality but somehow
     in the show she plays the comforting
     judge role                                       dz

3-   Malfunctioning host

     Despite what we know early about how a
     Master of Ceremony should perform in
     Idol series, a supporting role rather than
     the shining star himself. Vietnam Idol
     proves the opposite. MC season 2, Phan                                                             Phan Anh
progress claims three girls
III-Vietnam adaptation review                                                                        mentioned earlier would pay about
                                                                                                     $714.000 (15 billions VND) due to
Vietnam’s Next Top Model                                                                             contract violation
                                                      which is supposed to be the                    Not only the contestant but the
                                                      main objective                                 judge themselves can’t keep
  When being adapted to Vietnam, America’s                                                           secrets as well. first season head
  Next Top Model travel even bumpier road.                                                           judge Hà Anh has showed the
                                                      Protested feedback includes
  They earn the “golden hour” but receive one                                                        intention to file lawsuit regarding
                                                      comment from Judge Do Manh
  of the harshest critics from public in recent                                                      her privacy of tweeting online
                                                      Cuong towards contestant Nguyen
  years since the booming of game show and
                                                      Hoang Oanh upon her leaving the
  reality format                                                                                     Aside from information leaking, the
                                                      show for accused cheating in her
                                                      resume                                         other common abuse found in the
  Below are some recaps of the troubles faced                                                        show is contestants’ fake identity
  by production team                                                                                 and background. The original show
                                                      “I am so disappointed with
                                                      contestant Hoang Oanh..she                     is about finding pure beauty who
      1. Recruitment failure                                                                         desires to become successful in this
                                                      behaved like an uneducated..she
                                                      thought she is Number 1…I hereby               super competitive profession they
      Right in the first seasons, the show
                                                      announce she will not ever gain a              never experience before. However,
      has to cope with serious casting                                                               when adapting to Vietnam, the
      issue. The original judge panel                 position in my shows..Consider this a
                                                      warning…I never say this before,               show attracts a great deal of under
      includes Singer/international model                                                            the radar models who wants
                                                      and hope not to ever have to say this
      Nathan Lee, international female                again..”                                       another boost into their current
      model Elizabeth Thủy Tiên and fashion                                                          career. Producers and judge did a
      designer Hoàng Ngân. They were                                                                 terrible job of scanning
      shooting halfway through the show           4. Concerns about judge’s                          contestant’s profiles, which lead to
      before being trashed and replaced by           eligibility                                     belated disqualification which
      total new panels. This delayed the             Given the profession’s                          upset audience and made the show
      launch of Vietnam Next Top model and           completive nature, a huge                       messy
      creates a negative impression from             amount of concern regarding
      audience                                       judge’s validity has been
      2. Conflicts among judges and
                                                     Aside from Ha Anh, a well
         show producers
                                                     known Vietkieu Model, who has
         It was later revealed the                   solid experience in catwalk in
         departure of the former judges              New York, London,etc, the
         was not based on mutual
                                                     other judges from season 1
         consent. The producers accuse               does not gain trust from
         Nathan Lee for unprofessional
                                                     contestants given their
         behaviors and inappropriate
         conducts towards show host
                                                     Duc Hai, replacement judge is
         Elizabeth Thuy Tien                         purely known for his role in
         In his defense Nathan Lee told                                                       Xuan Lan- Vietnam’s Tyra Banks
                                                     some TV series, not for his
         press he just hold different                modeling career
         perspective about how the                   Huy Vo, the second
         show should be executed,                    replacement judge was found
         which lead to their unresolvable            out later to only be a student
         conflict                                    Fashion Design Institute at the
                                                     time of production
      3.   Inappropriate comments from
           Judges                                 5. Contest violation
           Vietnam Next Top Model                     Another never before seen
           launched 2 years after                     incidence in Vietnam Game
           American Idol but soon catch
                                                      show business was again visible
           up in terms of negative public             During filming finallists Hoàng
           feedback towards its judge                 Oanh, Thùy Dương and Phương
           panel. There is a belief the show          Nghi are faced with a lawsuit from
           is trying to show personality of           producers for spoiling and leaking
           the judges, not the contestants,           elimination order of unaired
                                                                                              Season 2 judges
                                                      episodes. The lawsuit in its
are more susceptive to feedback and                     4. New Media failed to catch
IV-Common barriers                                 criticism from panel as well as TV audience.
                                                   In a way, this is deeply rooted in culture of
                                                                                                              up to boost the public
                                                   Vietnam and Asia as a whole

                                                   When it comes to art, when the performer is
                                                                                                      Idols and America Next Top Models own
     1. TV show Judges is a new                    not at his or her best state of mind, the end
                                                                                                      their success to huge online fans and buzz
                                                   result is not satisfactory to everybody
        and non-nature Job with                                                                       created from social network. Sadly these
        Vietnamese                                                                                    activities were not maximized in the context
                                                                                                      of Vietnam. Although one of the fastest
          Nguyen Quang Dung, one of                     3. Show mission failed to                     growing country in terms of internet users,
          season 3, Vietnam Idol judge                     translate  into    local                   social network only find its home in Vietnam
          answered a paper about his                       context                                    in last 12 months. People in Vietnam use
          refection on the show and the role                                                          Internet mostly for news search and online
          of judge as a whole. He said             One of the key successes and also the              chat.
                                                   essence of American Idol is the story of a solo
          “nobody get rich being a TV show         hero who overcome obstacle to become               It might take a while before these shows can
          judge, but more often than not,          famous, changing his life.                         really have a reality fan base as big as home
          most of them, including myself go                                                           country.
          through “near-death experience..”        Vietnam has similar stories about hero leave
                                                   town conquer his own deeds and come home
          “(Vietnamese) still not yet consider     a changed man, making his village proud
          this a real job…that’s why we can’t
          preempt the accidents it brings          However, it does not work that way for
          about. I start to refuse being a         Vietnam Idol because singing up until now
          judge on TV show because the             was never consider a “prestige” profession in
          more I got into it; the more I realize   local tradition. It might take a while to
          it should be studied as a profession,    change this mindset, but it definitely explains
          a very hard one to master…”              why Vietnam Idol fail to connect with viewers
                                                   deeply on a personal and emotional level like
          The          judges          related     American Idol did in the US.
          accidents/scandals does not only
          happen in one show but appear            To be fair, people watch Vietnam Idol for the
          across almost any big franchise          visual and audio value of it only, which make
          that includes a judge panel.             Idol in Vietnam become mundane like any
          Moreover, among those who got            other entertainment show. This is not the
          booed, there are big names in the        case with the original proud format
          local show business, who was
                                                   Similarly, America’s Next Top Model fas a
          previously known and respected for
                                                   famous slogan that summarize its core
          their speech of wisdom.
                                                   message “ Do you want to be on top?”
          Aside from Thần tượng Việt Nam
          (Vietnam Idol), Người mẫu Việt           Compared to Idol series, America’s Next Top
          Nam (Vietnam next top model),            model face even a bigger trouble since it
          Bước nhảy ho{n vũ (Dancing with          challenges most of society values
          the stars), Cặp đôi ho{n hảo (Just
          the two of us). Are shows that           Somehow the show essence created itself a
          attract public and their overt           huge disadvantage to find affinity and
          attention       towards       judges     approval from local audience who is still         Only 36% respondents’ visit social network compared
          comment. In fact, Brilliant Artist,      foreign to behind the scenes lives of models.     to 94% who does news reading and 92% searching
          Tran Tien was forced to quit the         Additionally, the audience also feels
          show under public rage regarding                                                           (Cimigo’s Vietnam net citizens report 2011)
                                                   alienated with the cut-throat environment
          his comment in the show regarding        illustrated in the show (which is true to
          a dance by Top Model Thu Phuong.         original format). Most participants come
          He actually said “ I love your ass to    from country side, where most the
          be more sexy..”                          traditional values are kept and maintained.
                                                   This explains the confusion as well as
     2. Contestant failed to let go                disapproval of public towards seeing their
        to offer relaxed and                       country fellow “mistreating” each other for a
                                                   profession that society does not consider
        entertaining performance
                                                   very “decent”.
 Compared to original formats, it is
 apparent that local contestants seem
 more self-conscious in front of camera. They
When putting the above four factors into close examination, aside from exception of social buzz which is technology-
related, it stands to reason that these barriers could be traced back to culture. As defined in many previous materials,
Culture is an organized group of ideas, habits and conditioned responding shared by members of a society.(Linton, 1956)
or like Parsons and Shils (1951) has pointed out “culture is composed of a set of values norms and symbols that guide
individual behaviors”

Since American Idol and next top model has a lot to do with self-presentation in front of public, in a way, it requires local
contestant doing something against their learned behaviors, which are controlled manners upon a group of outsiders.
When this happens, the viewers can sense the uncomfortable too, because Vietnamese culture said that it’s rude to let
other people continue their embarrassing acts without stopping them.

Secondly, one of the highlighted values of Vietnam is its solidarity which helps Vietnamese overcome the devastating wars
against imperials like America, China and France. However, shows like America’s NeXT Top model the way they produced
it, forces views to see a total contrast of that belief, promoting instead individualism, selfishness via stories about country s
girls fighting over being models, which is not considered a decent job according to contemporary social values

While we can see how difficult it is being contestants on the show, it’s much harder for a local to play “judge” role in this
reality show. Vietnamese as an Asian culture show respect for people in daily communication. In critics, unlike Westerners,
Vietnamese try to get to the point without hurting others’ feelings. On the other hands, the key success factor of western-
based reality is the heating conversation when Judges sabotages and sometimes makes fun of contestant’s awkward
moments. Imagine pressure a judge has to go through. First, consider how to break the news to lousy contestants who
deserve to leave without being rude. Second, think of ways to deal with tough contestants who ready to fight back with
judge’s comments. Last, defend themselves when their fellow judges hold a contrasting point of view. Since Vietnamese
society is pretty about maintaining solidarity and relationship, respect and honor, it’s tough to be on a hot seat and judge
people. In most of the cases, the judges are the ones who are judged by the public

As Lord David Putnam (1998) film maker and British Junior Minister of Education argued in an introduction speech about
audiovisual industry as an important component of a nation’s culture

“Stories ...are among the principal means by which societies transmit their values and beliefs, from generation to
generation, and community to community

Mismatched stories are another factor that decides American Idol and Next Top Model’s failure in Vietnam culture market.
Next Top Model famous slogan- “Are you ready to be on Top” does not translate well in Vietnam context. At a
conservative society that values hard working and fairness, the aggressive attitude brought by the show received angry
feedbacks as a results. In the case of American Idol, the original show try to sell a universally friendly theme, a hero with
disadvantaged background overcome obstacles to become a start, making his country/hometown proud. However, it does
not work well in Vietnam because singing does not deem to be such an honorable career and more importantly
Vietnamese does not have a single hero culture, they promote solidary and strength of team as a whole, not individualism.

In conclusion, cross culture media products happen more and more everyday as a direct result of globalization that enables
faster international communication flow. TV shows are among important components in that pipeline of communication.
While some TV shows are globally famous and welcomed almost everywhere, some shows received resistance when
adapted to local settings. The common barriers have a lot to do with cultures; mostly it comes down to differences in
values, norms and stories. Since the reality TV is the way to go for near future because of its strong relation to TV viewers,
some practical lessons could be learned from adaptation process, which is, better recruitment of local talent that fits show
profile, better guidelines for judges and TV host and better translation of show mission to incorporate local stories.
Campell, Richard (2010). Media and Culture Bedford/St. Martin

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05/17/2011. "10 reasons The Voice is better than American Idol".

11/23/2011. "About Us".

09/10/2010. "Judges of Vietnam Idols under public attack..again".

10/18/2010. "Contestants are not impressed of judges in Vietnam’s next top model".

01/20/2011. "Review of continuous scandals from Vietnam’s next top model".

01/20/2011. "Musician Tuan Khanh judges the judges of “Just the two of us-vietnam version".

11/11/2011. "Judges on reality TV should be considered a real profession".

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common barriers when adapting foreign TV show to local market

  • 1. MEDC 5360 Commonly found barriers when adapting foreign TV shows in VN MEDC 5360 DEC 3, 2011 IN THIS ISSUE I-Introduction by Ken Bui Nowadays, International Communication Research Method deals a lot with flow of media content, especially entertainment from one country The report hand picks two world famous to another. The early success of globalization Western franchises which has been a proved and initial forming of global village gives success with so many awards and fans some people a tempted conclusion that the around the world: America’s Idol and American Idol world is moving towards a uni-culture where America’s Next Top Model to have an in-  Concept: Search for the stars! everybody speaks and enjoys the same depth observation to their common “language”. This is not always the case. The troublesome journey when being adapted to  Awards: Won 6 Primetime Emmys. report herein provides a look in the Vietnam market. Another 34 wins & 92 nominations adaptation process of famous TV shows from The data to support comes from  Seasons: 11 the West to the East (Vietnam) in an effort to illustrate the challenging road to connect to Source #1: Format review. Show formats are  Show status in Vietnam: Season 3 world audience nowadays audited for areas of modifications that could Vietnam media market is in its booming explain the positive and negative fan stage as a result of globalization. This was feedbacks marked by the development of cable TV and emerging show business. People in Vietnam Source #2: Collecting public feedback, this now have daily access to Western TV shows. include press information and also individual After a while, it is a fact that not every viewers’ opinion (via web survey) foreign show is a guaranteed success. Some wins, some loses miserably. Depending on Report Structure perspective, some frequent questions are asked: What could stop the power of The report is followed by the format Western cultural imperialism? What does it America’s Next Top Model take to be successful in today's  Original Show review  Concept: Become the next “it” girl entertainment market? No matter what side  Adapted Show review readers belong to, the report could lend  Evaluation  Awards Won 5 and 25 nominations a useful insight by identifying “ commonly u  Seasons : 18 found barriers when adapting foreign TV shows” in Vietnam market.  Show status in Vietnam: Season 2
  • 2. II-Original show review American Idol Show essence: “It takes only one day to change your lives” American Idol is all about a journey of self- realization and transformation. In a way, American Idol has a two in one offer- the dramatic function of a soap opera and realistic function of a reality show. Let’s have a look at past 10 American Idol. Excerpt from American Idol’s official website: Before AMERICAN IDOL, Lee DeWyze worked as a paint store clerk in Mt. Prospect, moved onto the final Hollywood round. If the Following each performance episode, a IL. Kris Allen was a college student from performance was not up to par, the results show airs that reveals the breakdown Conway, AR. David Cook tended bar in Blue contestant would have one more chance to of the voting public's decision. The most Springs, MO. Chris Daughtry was a service impress the judges before the final round. popular contestants are not typically advisor at a car dealership in Greensboro, For the first time, contestants were allowed revealed (although they have been in very NC. Carrie Underwood lived on a farm in to perform with a musical instrument if they rare cases), but the bottom three least Checotah, OK. Jennifer Hudson was a cruise so desired. popular contestants are typically called to ship performer from Chicago, IL. Kelly the center of the stage. From the bottom Clarkson was a waitress from Dallas, TX. Semifinals three, the bottom two are revealed, until finally the contestant who received the Format From season four to seven, the semifinals lowest amount of votes is eliminated from were cut down to twenty-four contestants the competition. A montage of the Hollywood Ticket Round: who were divided by gender in order to contestant's experience is played and they ensure an equal division in the top twelve. give their final performance. Idols tour some key cities and offer tickets to The men and women would sing on Hollywood (next round) for qualified hopefuls sequential nights and the bottom two would be eliminated from each group on the results show until the top twelve finalists were left. In the finale, one remaining contestant is declared the winner. The winner is **Note: announced at the following results show. The winner receives a one million (US) dollar In season eight, the semifinals will go back to record deal with a major label, and is the basic form of the first three seasons. managed by American Idol-related 19 There will be thirty-six semifinalists who are Management. In some cases, other finalists then divided into three semifinal groups. The have also been signed by the show's three finalists with the highest number of management company (who has first option America's votes, one male, one female and to sign contestants) and received record the next top vote getter, will advance to the deals with its major label partner. finals. The Wildcard round will also return with the judges choosing three previously Hollywood (Theater) Round: eliminated contestants to advance to the finals. The contestants perform on different days, with dramatic eliminations by the judges on Finals each day. In the finals, each finalist performed a song Starting in the 2008 season, the structure of weekly theme (two songs in later rounds) at the Hollywood round was revamped. There CBS Television City in Los Angeles in front of were no longer musical group rounds (the a live studio audience. Themes have included group round was reintroduced in the 2009 Motown, disco, big band music, and season); rather, the contestants would sing Billboard #1 hits. .the finalists have a chance on the first day and if the judges felt the to work with that artist in preparing their performance was adequate, the contestant performances.
  • 3. ONLINE VOTING plays a key role HIGHLIGHTS in successful adaptation of Idol franchise MC Ryan Secreast, famous DJ/anchor for Fox, has been MC for Idols since season 1. He fits the profile listed in Key success factor According to Fremantle Media's format format bible bible, the Idol franchise contains four The majority of factors which form the core value essential components of the show lie in its personnel, which are, the MC, judge and contestants - A specific look in set design, color, logos, sequence of events, role of 1- The MC host(s) and judges, lighting and camera angles, et cetera Below are role of MC define in the Bible: The perfect host for Idol should be slightly - Contracting audience members/ more interesting than vanilla…Fashionable contestants for the actual TV but not like he’s trying to upstage anyone. program Funny but not necessarily a comedian. Confident but not necessarily cocky. He - Basing the elimination of should be like a good child; speak when contestants on telephone vote spoken to and recognize his place in the family. This show is first and foremost - Interactive online forum Judges about the singers and then about the From Season 1-6, Idols have a judge panel of 3 including judges, and maybe if we’re lucky after that, Paula Abdul, Simon Cowell and Randy Jackson. Since and we have time, it should be about the season 8, the format introduces the fourth judge to add host (as quoted in Gillis, 2003; emphasis in more spice to the show. the original) 2- The Judges The judges’ panel is carefully picked to play their designed role. There are three (four) judges with different characters and functions. One female judge will provide comfort, the other provides technical AE is known for its daring contestants.. feedback but neutral, and the final one is super critical and harsh. The most difficult Season 9, marks the retirement of Paola. one usually is the lead judge (Simon Cowell Season 11 says good bye to Simon to welcome a whole Season 1-10) new band of judges that includes Jennifer Lopez, Rock star Steven Tyler and Ellen Degenerous 3- The contestants They are the utmost stars of the show, nothing should change this. The contestants should reflect the mission of the show-telling a compelling story of transformation, overcoming obstacles and come home a changed person … who never stop pushing the envelope
  • 4. Critics against American Idol II-Original show review America’s Next Top Model Although the Idol series success is long lived, it doesn’t mean it did not receive any critics at all industry experts. In addition to the regular judges, usually there is a special Among the frequent anti-comments are guest judge related to that week's the followings. This point out what Show Essence: theme. Contestants are sometimes American Idol is missing given a final challenge in some area of America's Next Top Model chronicles the transformation of everyday young modeling such as posing, runway Should base more on vocal talents: women into potentially fierce walking, selling a product, or choosing supermodels. Fourteen participants will an appropriate outfit or makeup to American Idol did not judge on singing live together and vie for the incredible satisfy a given situation. Each talent alone, but based on the contestant's photo, or video contestant’s overall entertainment grand prize: an opportunity to be managed by Wilhelmina Models, a performance, is then shown and abilities fashion spread in Seventeen magazines, evaluated by the panel. After all photos and a $100,000 contract with Cover Girl have been evaluated, the contestants Professional coaches/judges: Cosmetics leave the room and the judges deliberate One of the complaints in regard to the The show’s famous slogan: Are you American Idol judges was that they Key success factors ready to be on TOP? weren’t always professional singers themselves Format  A powerful host: the show is hosted by Tyra Bank, the Blind auditions Each "Cycle" of the show consists of 9– creator and executive producer 18 episodes and starts with 10–25 herself. As a big name in world In order to ensure that the contestants contestants. In each episode one stage, Tyra’s fame lends are judged on voice alone during the contestant is eliminated, though in rare credibility to the show auditions, in other shows, the judges sit cases there may be a double elimination  A “bitch” character among with their backs to the stage and make or no elimination at all, based on the contestants: the rule of 13 their selections without ever actually consensus of the judging panel young girls living together is the seeing the contestant. set up for a drama-packed Each episode usually begins with the scenario where contrasting Less wacko contestants receiving training in an area personality come to climax concurrent with the week's theme  Internal scandals as seeds for American Idol was well known for social media buzz: the show is Each episode, which covers the events of sharing some of its audition scenes with full of gossip which created roughly one week of real time, is usually those who were seeking lime-light flames for free publicity, associated with a theme in the world of without any true talent to back it up attracting more young viewers modeling, such as dealing with the press in interviews, selling a commercial Dual competition Critics against ANTM product, appearing in a runway show, or visiting prospective employers in "go Despite its continued success with American Idol limited its contestants to sees". Each episode typically features a season 18 on the way, ANTM received solo acts fashion challenge. quite harsh critics. Below are some Current stars outstanding comments The next segment is usually a photo This was something American Idol never shoot, Performance in each week's ANTM "hasn't exactly produced any had. The argument is Paola Abdul and photo or video shoot is typically weighed actual supermodels." (Allure Magazine) Steven Tyler was way over their prime. quite heavily in the final judging, photo shoot or commercial, critique of each "always espousing empowerment and contestant's performance by the judging female strength and then forcing the panel, and the elimination of one or contestants into embarrassing scenarios more contestants far outside the realm of real-life modeling." (Yahoo's "Shine" lifestyle The final segment of each episode website) involves judging by a panel of fashion
  • 5. VN IDOL RECAP III-Vietnam adaptation review Trio Judges Season 1 Vietnam Idol In this part, we look into problems that arise Anh tended to throw provocative during the adaptation of the show format comments on a frequent basis, which in a into the local context way steal the attention away from the show. Rather than building him a 1- “Unentertaining” lame performances confident and elegant figure, Phan Anh chose to become somewhat a seasoned Audience constantly experience feeling rock star which goes against the show of being embarrassed rather than spirit in the first place entertained. Most Hollywood ticket Left to right, SIu Black, Tuan Khanh, Ha Dung round performance are just pure lame, There is no comparison with original not “cute”, which kills audience’s version’s MC, Ryan Seacrest in terms of Trio Judges season 2 attention to the show very early professionalism or appropriateness 2- Controversial comments from Judges 4- Lack of powerful “wow” performance Even when we got to Theater and Final In all three seasons, judge panel never rounds, audience can’t feel satisfied with stop receiving harsh critics from public, the actual acclaimed “transformation” who believe they never before seen such from the Idols themselves. Considering to kind of comment before. Among popular many other singing contest at the same critics includes time and in the past, the performance really fall short Thanh: 10/09/2010 07:19:30 PM 5- Online voting irregularities Họ không nhận ra nhiều lời nói của họ thể hiện sự thiếu suy nghĩ, không tôn trọng Right on the first season, audience has Left to right, Manh Tuan, S.Black, Ho Hoai Anh bản thân họ (lack of self respect for raised questions about the fairness of the themselves and for contestants..) show. It happens with the accusation of Trio Judges season 3 Myhuong: false counting. This request an BGK Lớn hết rồi... mà cứ như trẻ con... emergency audit by Nhận xét thì lại thiếu tôn trọng thí sinh ... A public auditor from the Singaporean Theo tôi BGK như zậy là ko xứng auditing firm Paul Hooi & Co during the đ|ng....Cần xem lại c|i th|i độ của Grand Finale mình đấy....Mỗi lần xem là tôi bực BGK ghê đấy...(they are adults but acting like 6- New Media fail to catch up buzz chidren, they are not qualified for being judges, they need to reconsider their 7- Change of TV broadcast channel season attitudes) after season This is a sign of a problematic show. The What happen in Vietnam Idol, which show struggles to find itself a stable audience never saw in American Idol is, channel for airing. First season was aired Left to right, Quoc Trung, Siu Black, NQ Dung they changed judge panel every season. on HTV7, the next one on HTV9, and the The only person that maintains the role is latest season was shown on VTV6. Host Siu Black. She was presumed to play the Notably, the channel resilience and role of the much loved Paula Abdul. Siu prestige also descend in that order. Black is a singer herself and famous for having a strong personality but somehow in the show she plays the comforting judge role dz 3- Malfunctioning host Despite what we know early about how a Master of Ceremony should perform in Idol series, a supporting role rather than the shining star himself. Vietnam Idol proves the opposite. MC season 2, Phan Phan Anh
  • 6. progress claims three girls III-Vietnam adaptation review mentioned earlier would pay about $714.000 (15 billions VND) due to Vietnam’s Next Top Model contract violation which is supposed to be the Not only the contestant but the main objective judge themselves can’t keep When being adapted to Vietnam, America’s secrets as well. first season head Next Top Model travel even bumpier road. judge Hà Anh has showed the Protested feedback includes They earn the “golden hour” but receive one intention to file lawsuit regarding comment from Judge Do Manh of the harshest critics from public in recent her privacy of tweeting online Cuong towards contestant Nguyen years since the booming of game show and Hoang Oanh upon her leaving the reality format Aside from information leaking, the show for accused cheating in her resume other common abuse found in the Below are some recaps of the troubles faced show is contestants’ fake identity by production team and background. The original show “I am so disappointed with contestant Hoang Oanh..she is about finding pure beauty who 1. Recruitment failure desires to become successful in this behaved like an uneducated..she thought she is Number 1…I hereby super competitive profession they Right in the first seasons, the show announce she will not ever gain a never experience before. However, has to cope with serious casting when adapting to Vietnam, the issue. The original judge panel position in my shows..Consider this a warning…I never say this before, show attracts a great deal of under includes Singer/international model the radar models who wants and hope not to ever have to say this Nathan Lee, international female again..” another boost into their current model Elizabeth Thủy Tiên and fashion career. Producers and judge did a designer Hoàng Ngân. They were terrible job of scanning shooting halfway through the show 4. Concerns about judge’s contestant’s profiles, which lead to before being trashed and replaced by eligibility belated disqualification which total new panels. This delayed the Given the profession’s upset audience and made the show launch of Vietnam Next Top model and completive nature, a huge messy creates a negative impression from amount of concern regarding audience judge’s validity has been shown. 2. Conflicts among judges and Aside from Ha Anh, a well show producers known Vietkieu Model, who has It was later revealed the solid experience in catwalk in departure of the former judges New York, London,etc, the was not based on mutual other judges from season 1 consent. The producers accuse does not gain trust from Nathan Lee for unprofessional contestants given their behaviors and inappropriate background conducts towards show host Duc Hai, replacement judge is Elizabeth Thuy Tien purely known for his role in In his defense Nathan Lee told Xuan Lan- Vietnam’s Tyra Banks some TV series, not for his press he just hold different modeling career perspective about how the Huy Vo, the second show should be executed, replacement judge was found which lead to their unresolvable out later to only be a student conflict Fashion Design Institute at the time of production 3. Inappropriate comments from Judges 5. Contest violation Vietnam Next Top Model Another never before seen launched 2 years after incidence in Vietnam Game American Idol but soon catch show business was again visible up in terms of negative public During filming finallists Hoàng feedback towards its judge Oanh, Thùy Dương and Phương panel. There is a belief the show Nghi are faced with a lawsuit from is trying to show personality of producers for spoiling and leaking the judges, not the contestants, elimination order of unaired Season 2 judges episodes. The lawsuit in its
  • 7. are more susceptive to feedback and 4. New Media failed to catch IV-Common barriers criticism from panel as well as TV audience. In a way, this is deeply rooted in culture of up to boost the public awareness Vietnam and Asia as a whole When it comes to art, when the performer is Idols and America Next Top Models own 1. TV show Judges is a new not at his or her best state of mind, the end their success to huge online fans and buzz result is not satisfactory to everybody and non-nature Job with created from social network. Sadly these Vietnamese activities were not maximized in the context of Vietnam. Although one of the fastest Nguyen Quang Dung, one of 3. Show mission failed to growing country in terms of internet users, season 3, Vietnam Idol judge translate into local social network only find its home in Vietnam answered a paper about his context in last 12 months. People in Vietnam use refection on the show and the role Internet mostly for news search and online of judge as a whole. He said One of the key successes and also the chat. essence of American Idol is the story of a solo “nobody get rich being a TV show hero who overcome obstacle to become It might take a while before these shows can judge, but more often than not, famous, changing his life. really have a reality fan base as big as home most of them, including myself go country. through “near-death experience..” Vietnam has similar stories about hero leave town conquer his own deeds and come home “(Vietnamese) still not yet consider a changed man, making his village proud this a real job…that’s why we can’t preempt the accidents it brings However, it does not work that way for about. I start to refuse being a Vietnam Idol because singing up until now judge on TV show because the was never consider a “prestige” profession in more I got into it; the more I realize local tradition. It might take a while to it should be studied as a profession, change this mindset, but it definitely explains a very hard one to master…” why Vietnam Idol fail to connect with viewers deeply on a personal and emotional level like The judges related American Idol did in the US. accidents/scandals does not only happen in one show but appear To be fair, people watch Vietnam Idol for the across almost any big franchise visual and audio value of it only, which make that includes a judge panel. Idol in Vietnam become mundane like any Moreover, among those who got other entertainment show. This is not the booed, there are big names in the case with the original proud format local show business, who was Similarly, America’s Next Top Model fas a previously known and respected for famous slogan that summarize its core their speech of wisdom. message “ Do you want to be on top?” Aside from Thần tượng Việt Nam (Vietnam Idol), Người mẫu Việt Compared to Idol series, America’s Next Top Nam (Vietnam next top model), model face even a bigger trouble since it Bước nhảy ho{n vũ (Dancing with challenges most of society values the stars), Cặp đôi ho{n hảo (Just the two of us). Are shows that Somehow the show essence created itself a attract public and their overt huge disadvantage to find affinity and attention towards judges approval from local audience who is still Only 36% respondents’ visit social network compared comment. In fact, Brilliant Artist, foreign to behind the scenes lives of models. to 94% who does news reading and 92% searching Tran Tien was forced to quit the Additionally, the audience also feels show under public rage regarding (Cimigo’s Vietnam net citizens report 2011) alienated with the cut-throat environment his comment in the show regarding illustrated in the show (which is true to a dance by Top Model Thu Phuong. original format). Most participants come He actually said “ I love your ass to from country side, where most the be more sexy..” traditional values are kept and maintained. This explains the confusion as well as 2. Contestant failed to let go disapproval of public towards seeing their to offer relaxed and country fellow “mistreating” each other for a profession that society does not consider entertaining performance very “decent”. Compared to original formats, it is apparent that local contestants seem more self-conscious in front of camera. They
  • 8. EVALUATION When putting the above four factors into close examination, aside from exception of social buzz which is technology- related, it stands to reason that these barriers could be traced back to culture. As defined in many previous materials, Culture is an organized group of ideas, habits and conditioned responding shared by members of a society.(Linton, 1956) or like Parsons and Shils (1951) has pointed out “culture is composed of a set of values norms and symbols that guide individual behaviors” Since American Idol and next top model has a lot to do with self-presentation in front of public, in a way, it requires local contestant doing something against their learned behaviors, which are controlled manners upon a group of outsiders. When this happens, the viewers can sense the uncomfortable too, because Vietnamese culture said that it’s rude to let other people continue their embarrassing acts without stopping them. Secondly, one of the highlighted values of Vietnam is its solidarity which helps Vietnamese overcome the devastating wars against imperials like America, China and France. However, shows like America’s NeXT Top model the way they produced it, forces views to see a total contrast of that belief, promoting instead individualism, selfishness via stories about country s girls fighting over being models, which is not considered a decent job according to contemporary social values While we can see how difficult it is being contestants on the show, it’s much harder for a local to play “judge” role in this reality show. Vietnamese as an Asian culture show respect for people in daily communication. In critics, unlike Westerners, Vietnamese try to get to the point without hurting others’ feelings. On the other hands, the key success factor of western- based reality is the heating conversation when Judges sabotages and sometimes makes fun of contestant’s awkward moments. Imagine pressure a judge has to go through. First, consider how to break the news to lousy contestants who deserve to leave without being rude. Second, think of ways to deal with tough contestants who ready to fight back with judge’s comments. Last, defend themselves when their fellow judges hold a contrasting point of view. Since Vietnamese society is pretty about maintaining solidarity and relationship, respect and honor, it’s tough to be on a hot seat and judge people. In most of the cases, the judges are the ones who are judged by the public As Lord David Putnam (1998) film maker and British Junior Minister of Education argued in an introduction speech about audiovisual industry as an important component of a nation’s culture “Stories ...are among the principal means by which societies transmit their values and beliefs, from generation to generation, and community to community Mismatched stories are another factor that decides American Idol and Next Top Model’s failure in Vietnam culture market. Next Top Model famous slogan- “Are you ready to be on Top” does not translate well in Vietnam context. At a conservative society that values hard working and fairness, the aggressive attitude brought by the show received angry feedbacks as a results. In the case of American Idol, the original show try to sell a universally friendly theme, a hero with disadvantaged background overcome obstacles to become a start, making his country/hometown proud. However, it does not work well in Vietnam because singing does not deem to be such an honorable career and more importantly Vietnamese does not have a single hero culture, they promote solidary and strength of team as a whole, not individualism. In conclusion, cross culture media products happen more and more everyday as a direct result of globalization that enables faster international communication flow. TV shows are among important components in that pipeline of communication. While some TV shows are globally famous and welcomed almost everywhere, some shows received resistance when adapted to local settings. The common barriers have a lot to do with cultures; mostly it comes down to differences in values, norms and stories. Since the reality TV is the way to go for near future because of its strong relation to TV viewers, some practical lessons could be learned from adaptation process, which is, better recruitment of local talent that fits show profile, better guidelines for judges and TV host and better translation of show mission to incorporate local stories.
  • 9. Appendix Campell, Richard (2010). Media and Culture Bedford/St. Martin R.Kamalipour Yahya (2007) Global Communication, Thomson Wadsworth Loch, Karen (2010) Toward a theory-based measurement of Culture, Journal of Global Information Management Baltruschat, Boris (2007) Reality TV formats: The Case of Canadian Idols, Canadian Journal of Communication Cimigo (2011) Internet Usage and Development in Vietnam , 2011 Vietnam Netcitizens Report 05/17/2011. "10 reasons The Voice is better than American Idol". reasons-the-voice-is-better-than-american-idol/ 11/23/2011. "About Us". 09/10/2010. "Judges of Vietnam Idols under public attack..again". 2010-Giam-khao-lai-bi-danh/12431 10/18/2010. "Contestants are not impressed of judges in Vietnam’s next top model". model.vnn 01/20/2011. "Review of continuous scandals from Vietnam’s next top model". tuc/VietNam-Idol-2010-Giam-khao-lai-bi-danh/12431 01/20/2011. "Musician Tuan Khanh judges the judges of “Just the two of us-vietnam version". 11/11/2011. "Judges on reality TV should be considered a real profession". truong/201111/Giam-khao-phai-la-mot-nghe-170625/