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INTRODUCTION .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 3
TRY BEFORE YOU BUY .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 4
ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 6
GENERATE MEASURABLE COST SAVINGS .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 8
IT OPERATION .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 10
OF YOUR ERP SOLUTION .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 12
ACCELERATE YOUR IMPLEMENTATION .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 16
YOUR BEST-PRACTICE CHECK LIST .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 18
CONCLUSION .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 20
ABOUT COLUMBUS .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 22
Columbus RapidValue . .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 22
Columbus Care . .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 23
usiness decision makers who are
choosing an ERP system also have
to decide whether to run their new
business management solution
on-premise or in the cloud. Many
cloud-based ERP offerings are available today, including
public, private, hybrid, and hosted solutions. What these
deployment models have in common is that the ERP
solution resides in a technology provider’s data center,
away from the customer’s business location. Technology
users access the system through the internet. Most
cloud service providers manage solution upgrades and
data protection for their clients.
In recent years, the adoption of cloud technology has
accelerated. We expect this trend to continue in 2014
and beyond. More companies than ever decide to base
their new ERP deployments in the cloud or to migrate
their existing solutions to it. The market for cloud-based
ERP deployments and other cloud technology
services will continue to grow. How can your company
take advantage of it? What are the real benefits of
implementing ERP in the cloud?
At Columbus, we help companies in many industries
deploy their ERP systems. We also assist them in making
the business case for the best implementation model.
Read about some reasons why some companies deploy
business-critical technology in the cloud. We hope that
our experience can help you arrive at a deployment
strategy that is efficient, reliable, and economical, and
that can meet your company’s changing needs.
Try Before You Buy
hen businesses make large
investments, they run the risk
of making a wrong decision
The ability to try a new
technology before committing
to it greatly reduces this risk When you consider
a cloud-based solution, you can safely
evaluate it before you make an acquisition
or sign a long-term service contract For
a limited time, maybe even for a specific
business group or organization, you can
have your ERP solution set up in the cloud
so you can test it thoroughly The technology
partner and hosting service provider you engage
with will be able to work with you to establish the
most meaningful and practical parameters for a pilot
In this way, you can see how the capabilities of
the solution meet your business needs You also
can verify what the accessibility of the solution is
from a variety of locations and mobile devices You
experience firsthand how well the solution responds
in a realistic working environment Your ERP users
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Gain the
approval and
buy-in of
evaluate and
test-drive an ERP
solution before you
commit to it
participating in the test can provide feedback from
their perspective regarding solution features and
the practicality of the cloud implementation. When
you make your final decision, you can do so with the
assurance and comfort resulting from hands-on
exposure and comprehensive experimentation with
the cloud-based ERP solution.
Some other technologies, such as customer
relationship management (CRM) systems, are ahead
of ERP in terms of cloud deployment. Today, most
companies still run their ERP solutions on-premise. As
ERP in 2014 and following years moves into the cloud
more and more, the ability to experience the solutions
before purchasing them will help rule out doubts and
uncertainties for those decision-makers for whom
the cloud is a new and unknown territory.
loud technology enables you
in an enterprise-class,
f i t - f o r - p u r p o s e
environment. Good
cloud providers invest in the latest,
high-specification technology to enable
your business application to run at the
greatest speed, with fast, reliable access
from around the globe. The cost of
replicating this environment in
your own operation would include
significant upfront capital and
resource commitments, plus
the costs and effort of staying
up-to-date with evolving technology,
ongoing maintenance of upgrades, and
support for changing usage scenarios.
Many organizations that have been running
an on-premise ERP solution may have saved cost
through inertia. Having stopped considering ERP as
a strategic technology that plays a role in moving
the business forward, they no longer
invest in their solution and the
technology that surrounds it.
Often, they are behind in terms
of upgrades to newer versions
or capability enhancements. This
approach may have some relatively
minor, short-term cost benefits, but it
may have damaged the competitiveness
of the business. The costs of any future
upgrades will be significantly higher, and
those updates will also require more
adjustments in the software products
that integrate and interact with the
ERP system. When you move ERP into
the cloud, you do not need to ever worry
about these issues. Through your cloud
service provider, you can stay current with
the latest technologies, including software and
hardware upgrades. You can take advantage of all the
business benefits of ERP at a controlled cost, usually
a fixed monthly fee.
Take Advantage of
the Most Advanced
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hen you make the business
case for ERP in the cloud,
you can score a strong
point with this key benefit,
especially when you need
to convince the CFO: On average, the costs of cloud
computing are far less than those of on-premise
solutions. In traditional, onsite deployments,
your company incurs the significant
upfront costs of software licenses and
new or updated servers and network
equipment. When you deploy in the
cloud, you do not face those expenses.
Cloud ERP solutions are usually billed per
month and per user. You can fully finance
your new solution through operational costs
rather than by means of upfront capital
expenditures. This cost model also helps
to keep your IT budget predictable and
controlled over the timeframe of the
cloud-service agreement.
Generate Measurable
Cost Savings
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Let’s summarize the one-time and ongoing costs
savings associated with cloud computing:
|| Obviously, you don’t pay software license fees.
|| You also do not need to purchase new servers or
network infrastructure.
|| The physical footprint of your operation is
insignificant—there is no need for rack or data
center space.
|| Cooling and power consumption costs are less
because you do not need IT hardware such as
server racks.
|| The high flexibility of cloud services means you
only pay for actual users and applications. When
business requirements change, you can adjust
the number of users or the ERP modules and
applications they work with.
|| You may be able to generate additional savings
in operational costs because cloud-based ERP
requires less support and maintenance from IT, so
you can reassign IT staff to more business-critical
ecause your hosting partner assumes
most of the day-to-day tasks of
running your solution in the cloud,
you can offload many tasks from your
IT department. The IT team no longer
needs to perform a multitude of jobs that range from
changing backup tapes to implementing patches
to rolling out software updates. Your cloud partner
will also monitor several performance indicators to
ensure that your ERP system runs at an optimal level.
Taking these time-consuming tasks away from your
IT department enables it to focus on the more
strategic aspects of technology operation where
it can drive real business benefits.
Run a More
Effective and Scalable
IT Operation
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At the same time, you can extend your company’s IT
resources by accessing your cloud service provider’s
capabilities for certain tasks and functions. Your
provider’s staff should include highly qualified IT
experts who can work effectively with a number
of the company’s customers. These professionals
would have deep knowledge of applications
and environments that it would not be cost- or
resource-effective for you to support and staff. In
engaging with your cloud service provider, you can
pay for the specific skills that you need, when you
want them. At the same time that you gain access to
advanced technical expertise and skills, you can ease
the task load and reduce the resource impact on your
internal IT staff.
any business leaders
experience a level
of discomfort with
moving ERP solutions
to the cloud. They fear
that one of their most valuable assets,
business data, may become compromised
and accessible to unauthorized
persons through the web. They
are also often concerned about
connectivity, wondering about
the consequences if the
company cannot access the
solution because of internet
connectivity problems.
We have good news. The security,
availability, and integrity of
cloud-based ERP and other
applications has made huge
advances in recent times, and we
can expect even more improvements
in this area as technology providers
refine their offerings in 2014. Reputable
cloud providers will generally have far greater
security expertise than you can afford
to maintain in-house. They understand
companies’ security concerns and have
the insight and resources to address them.
Business continuity, data protection, and
disaster recovery are at the core of cloud
Strengthen the
Integrity and
Security of Your
ERP Solution
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providers’ business model. They can work with you
to make recommendations and strategize the best
way to protect your data against any security threat
or viability challenge. They will be able to reduce your
risk exposure from software-related liabilities such
as viruses, phishing, or unauthorized access by using
such tools as automated security packet sniffers
or sophisticated firewalls. In addition, they also can
safeguard the physical environment of your data and
applications by using biometric control systems, CCTV
cameras, and many other resources and technologies.
Our experience and industry statistics show that the
availability of ERP systems in the cloud is strongly
increased compared to that of on-premise solutions.
Stringent industry standards continue to improve the
reliability and availability of cloud-based technology.
A credible, capable cloud service provider will be able
to guarantee you an extremely high percentage of
solution uptime, so you can do business without
aking your ERP solution to the
cloud can help you transcend some
of the limitations and challenges
that can accompany on-premise
implementations. When you run
operations in several sites and want to deploy
an ERP system for the entire company, the
complexity of on-premise implementation
increases significantly. You need to ensure
that employees at all sites can easily access
the solution and work effectively with it,
so the IT department or hired consultants
need to create and maintain a reliable, fast
communications infrastructure. Your company
thereby incurs increased costs and resource
overhead. As the business grows and changes, you
will also need to plan to scale the communication
technology the ERP system requires.
Enable Global
User Productivity
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When you deploy your ERP solution in the cloud, these
concerns fall aside. All of your ERP users can access
the system through the internet, from any location in
the world. That ability, in turn, can greatly help user
adoption of the solution. Your cloud service provider
already owns all the infrastructural resources needed
to make sure the ERP system runs at optimal levels of
performance and reliability.
There are other advantages when you take ERP
to the cloud, depending on the capabilities of your
specific ERP solution. Your employees can use their
preferred, internet-connected hardware when they
access the ERP system—desktop computers, laptops,
tablets, and other mobile devices. What’s more, cloud
technology makes it very easy to connect the ERP
system with the collaboration and social-media tools
your company uses, resulting in potential increases in
employee productivity.
Accelerate Your
ny ERP implementation, no matter
whether it is on-premise or in the
cloud, is going to take time and
needs very careful planning and
project management Where the
cloud can help is with the IT infrastructure Because
there are no additional hardware requirements,
you can save time that you would otherwise spend
by procuring and installing servers and network
equipment, and by managing any associated
issues These implementation benefits may
well compound if your roll-out involves multiple
regions, subsidiaries, and locations Once your
system is up and running, you will again benefit
from largely care-free, fast upgrades and the
ability to easily add more users as the business
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Easily connect
other business
groups, subsidiaries,
and locations to the
ERP system
your ERP
rapid and
You might also want to be aware of the different
cloud deployment models most commonly practiced.
Depending on your business model and requirements,
each of them has its advantages in making your
implementation fast and painless. Your technology
partner can help you make a wise choice among these
Software-as-a-Service (SaaS): Multiple
organizations share hardware resources. Customers
and may rely on shared or separate instances of their
software applications. Most of the businesses using
this cloud deployment model are smaller companies.
Hosted ERP: Customers run their cloud ERP
solutions on dedicated server and network hardware
and typically use separate instances of their
applications. Many larger businesses prefer this
Hybrid ERP: Businesses maintain on-premise
software and integrate it with a number of
cloud-based services. Hybrid ERP provides a level
of flexibility and control that some companies find
valuable. In this type of deployment, they can easily
migrate from one solution delivery model to the other
as their business needs require, without losing data
or functionality.
□□ Review your cloud service provider’s uptime
service-level commitment.
□□ Check on applicable ratings and certifications for
your service provider and data center.
□□ If you can, arrange for a data center tour for
yourself and concerned business stakeholders.
□□ Includemultisiteandglobalgrowthconsiderations
in your implementation planning.
□□ Take advantage of cloud-enabled mobile ERP
□□ Work with your partner to determine the best
cloud deployment model for your business.
□□ Learn from the cloud experience of your peers in
other organizations.
Your Best-Practice
Check List:
□□ Before committing to a purchase, perform a
cloud-based ERP pilot project.
□□ Involve key business stakeholders and influential
users in the cloud pilot.
□□ Take the cloud vs. on-premise decision as an
opportunity to lift the strategic value of ERP.
□□ Reviewyourcloudprovider’sservicecommitments
for software and hardware enhancements.
□□ In comparing on-premise to cloud-based ERP,
consider all one-time and ongoing costs and
□□ Project costs and savings through the contract
term with your cloud service provider.
□□ AssesstheimpactofcloudERPontheproductivity
and resource-efficiency of your IT team.
□□ Verify which IT skills and expertise you can access
through your cloud service provider.
Find additional information here:
n 2014, many enterprises and smaller
businesses will move their ERP systems and
other business-critical applications into the
cloud. ERP implementation in the cloud may
not be the best option for all companies, but
it is definitely worth your consideration. If you are
newly implementing an ERP solution, we recommend
that you review cloud deployment options and
evaluate whether the cloud is a good fit, given your
organization’s business model and expectations
for growth. If you already run your ERP system
on-premise, it’s worth thinking about the possible
savings, efficiencies, and flexibility you might achieve
as you offload most of the ERP administration to a
trusted provider. Your technology partner can help
you determine whether a cloud deployment makes
good sense for your business, help you assess any
financial and operational advantages, and plan for the
implementation that best fits your business.
You may also find the other papers in our
“ERP in 2014 and Beyond” series helpful:
|| Seven Ways To Avoid ERP Implementation Failure
|| Seven Ways That Business Process Management
Can Improve Your ERP Implementation
|| Seven Ways To Optimize Your Existing ERP
|| Seven Ways To Help Data Migration During
Find additional information here:
Columbus is an industry-based consultancy and
award-winning technology developer focused on the
manufacturing, food processing, and retail industries.
We are the preferred consultancy for ambitious
companies wanting to streamline business processes,
improve operational efficiencies, reduce costs, and
improve visibility into their businesses.
Our approach to solving our clients’ issues can
best be described as proactive. We challenge our
clients’ traditional ways of thinking, help them see
new opportunities for improvements, and take
responsibility to drive change in their organizations.
We’ve delivered these business benefits for over 25
years to many of the leading companies worldwide.
About Columbus
Columbus is a long-time developer of award-winning
industry software and has recently become well
known for developing Columbus RapidValue.
RapidValue is a business process management tool
that drives increased client value for ERP solutions.
It delivers a shorter implementation with more
predictable results by incorporating hundreds of best
industry practices accumulated through in over 6,000
Columbus implementations. This allows Columbus to
focus on streamlining the processes that make our
clients unique.
Companies all over the world are investing in
RapidValue and enjoy the benefits of shorter times to
value, quicker and less risky implementations, and the
industry leadership and knowledge acquired from the
thousands of Columbus deployments that preceded
Columbus RapidValue
Find additional information here:
ColumbusCare is unique to Columbus—it is how
we take care of our clients, 24/7 worldwide. 
With ColumbusCare, you get a well-trained team
dedicated to improve your system’s efficiency,
cost-effectiveness and risk resistance.  Whether
you’re looking for enterprise-level support, upgrade
options, or system enhancements, ColumbusCare
provides flexible service levels to meet the needs of
your business.
’Columbus’ is a part of the registered trademark ‘Columbus IT’
Seven Ways
To Avoid ERP
Seven Reasons
To Consider ERP
In The Cloud
Seven Ways
To Help Data
Migration During
Seven Ways
To Optimize
Your Existing ERP
Seven Ways That
Business Process
Management Can
Improve Your ERP

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  • 2. INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 TRY BEFORE YOU BUY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE MOST ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 GENERATE MEASURABLE COST SAVINGS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 RUN A MORE EFFECTIVE AND SCALABLE IT OPERATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 STRENGTHEN THE INTEGRITY AND SECURITY OF YOUR ERP SOLUTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 ENABLE GLOBAL USER PRODUCTIVITY ON ANY DEVICE . . .14 ACCELERATE YOUR IMPLEMENTATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 YOUR BEST-PRACTICE CHECK LIST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 CONCLUSION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 ABOUT COLUMBUS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Columbus RapidValue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Columbus Care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 CONTENTS
  • 3. B usiness decision makers who are choosing an ERP system also have to decide whether to run their new business management solution on-premise or in the cloud. Many cloud-based ERP offerings are available today, including public, private, hybrid, and hosted solutions. What these deployment models have in common is that the ERP solution resides in a technology provider’s data center, away from the customer’s business location. Technology users access the system through the internet. Most cloud service providers manage solution upgrades and data protection for their clients. In recent years, the adoption of cloud technology has accelerated. We expect this trend to continue in 2014 and beyond. More companies than ever decide to base their new ERP deployments in the cloud or to migrate their existing solutions to it. The market for cloud-based ERP deployments and other cloud technology services will continue to grow. How can your company take advantage of it? What are the real benefits of implementing ERP in the cloud? At Columbus, we help companies in many industries deploy their ERP systems. We also assist them in making the business case for the best implementation model. Read about some reasons why some companies deploy business-critical technology in the cloud. We hope that our experience can help you arrive at a deployment strategy that is efficient, reliable, and economical, and that can meet your company’s changing needs. Introduction 3 SPECIAL REPORT SERIES ERPIN2014 ANDBEYOND
  • 4. Try Before You Buy W hen businesses make large investments, they run the risk of making a wrong decision The ability to try a new technology before committing to it greatly reduces this risk When you consider a cloud-based solution, you can safely evaluate it before you make an acquisition or sign a long-term service contract For a limited time, maybe even for a specific business group or organization, you can have your ERP solution set up in the cloud so you can test it thoroughly The technology partner and hosting service provider you engage with will be able to work with you to establish the most meaningful and practical parameters for a pilot project In this way, you can see how the capabilities of the solution meet your business needs You also can verify what the accessibility of the solution is from a variety of locations and mobile devices You experience firsthand how well the solution responds in a realistic working environment Your ERP users 4 ! Find additional information here: Gain the approval and buy-in of concerned stakeholders Thoroughly evaluate and test-drive an ERP solution before you commit to it KEY BENEFITS
  • 5. participating in the test can provide feedback from their perspective regarding solution features and the practicality of the cloud implementation. When you make your final decision, you can do so with the assurance and comfort resulting from hands-on exposure and comprehensive experimentation with the cloud-based ERP solution. Some other technologies, such as customer relationship management (CRM) systems, are ahead of ERP in terms of cloud deployment. Today, most companies still run their ERP solutions on-premise. As ERP in 2014 and following years moves into the cloud more and more, the ability to experience the solutions before purchasing them will help rule out doubts and uncertainties for those decision-makers for whom the cloud is a new and unknown territory. 5 SPECIAL REPORT SERIES ERPIN2014 ANDBEYOND
  • 6. C loud technology enables you torunyournewERPsolution in an enterprise-class, f i t - f o r - p u r p o s e environment. Good cloud providers invest in the latest, high-specification technology to enable your business application to run at the greatest speed, with fast, reliable access from around the globe. The cost of replicating this environment in your own operation would include significant upfront capital and resource commitments, plus the costs and effort of staying up-to-date with evolving technology, ongoing maintenance of upgrades, and support for changing usage scenarios. Many organizations that have been running an on-premise ERP solution may have saved cost through inertia. Having stopped considering ERP as a strategic technology that plays a role in moving the business forward, they no longer invest in their solution and the technology that surrounds it. Often, they are behind in terms of upgrades to newer versions or capability enhancements. This approach may have some relatively minor, short-term cost benefits, but it may have damaged the competitiveness of the business. The costs of any future upgrades will be significantly higher, and those updates will also require more adjustments in the software products that integrate and interact with the ERP system. When you move ERP into the cloud, you do not need to ever worry about these issues. Through your cloud service provider, you can stay current with the latest technologies, including software and hardware upgrades. You can take advantage of all the business benefits of ERP at a controlled cost, usually a fixed monthly fee. Take Advantage of the Most Advanced Technology 6 ! Find additional information here: KeepyourERP systemcurrent withoutthecosts andheadachesof managingupdates. Takeadvantage ofbestavailable technologyto elevatethestrategic valueofERP. KEY BENEFITS
  • 8. W hen you make the business case for ERP in the cloud, you can score a strong point with this key benefit, especially when you need to convince the CFO: On average, the costs of cloud computing are far less than those of on-premise solutions. In traditional, onsite deployments, your company incurs the significant upfront costs of software licenses and new or updated servers and network equipment. When you deploy in the cloud, you do not face those expenses. Cloud ERP solutions are usually billed per month and per user. You can fully finance your new solution through operational costs rather than by means of upfront capital expenditures. This cost model also helps to keep your IT budget predictable and controlled over the timeframe of the cloud-service agreement. Generate Measurable Cost Savings 8 ! Find additional information here: Reducethe costsandresource impactofITsupport, maintenance,and ERPmanagement. Eliminate upfrontsoftware licensingand hardware investments. PayfortheERP capabilitiesyou need,whenyou needthem. KEY BENEFITS
  • 9. Let’s summarize the one-time and ongoing costs savings associated with cloud computing: || Obviously, you don’t pay software license fees. || You also do not need to purchase new servers or network infrastructure. || The physical footprint of your operation is insignificant—there is no need for rack or data center space. || Cooling and power consumption costs are less because you do not need IT hardware such as server racks. || The high flexibility of cloud services means you only pay for actual users and applications. When business requirements change, you can adjust the number of users or the ERP modules and applications they work with. || You may be able to generate additional savings in operational costs because cloud-based ERP requires less support and maintenance from IT, so you can reassign IT staff to more business-critical tasks. 9 SPECIAL REPORT SERIES ERPIN2014 ANDBEYOND
  • 10. B ecause your hosting partner assumes most of the day-to-day tasks of running your solution in the cloud, you can offload many tasks from your IT department. The IT team no longer needs to perform a multitude of jobs that range from changing backup tapes to implementing patches to rolling out software updates. Your cloud partner will also monitor several performance indicators to ensure that your ERP system runs at an optimal level. Taking these time-consuming tasks away from your IT department enables it to focus on the more strategic aspects of technology operation where it can drive real business benefits. Run a More Effective and Scalable IT Operation 10 ! Find additional information here: AccessERP andtechnology expertiseas thebusiness requiresit. Outsource busyworkand useyourITgroup formorevaluable tasks. KEY BENEFITS
  • 11. At the same time, you can extend your company’s IT resources by accessing your cloud service provider’s capabilities for certain tasks and functions. Your provider’s staff should include highly qualified IT experts who can work effectively with a number of the company’s customers. These professionals would have deep knowledge of applications and environments that it would not be cost- or resource-effective for you to support and staff. In engaging with your cloud service provider, you can pay for the specific skills that you need, when you want them. At the same time that you gain access to advanced technical expertise and skills, you can ease the task load and reduce the resource impact on your internal IT staff. 11 SPECIAL REPORT SERIES ERPIN2014 ANDBEYOND
  • 12. M any business leaders experience a level of discomfort with moving ERP solutions to the cloud. They fear that one of their most valuable assets, business data, may become compromised and accessible to unauthorized persons through the web. They are also often concerned about connectivity, wondering about the consequences if the company cannot access the solution because of internet connectivity problems. We have good news. The security, availability, and integrity of cloud-based ERP and other applications has made huge advances in recent times, and we can expect even more improvements in this area as technology providers refine their offerings in 2014. Reputable cloud providers will generally have far greater security expertise than you can afford to maintain in-house. They understand companies’ security concerns and have the insight and resources to address them. Business continuity, data protection, and disaster recovery are at the core of cloud Strengthen the Integrity and Security of Your ERP Solution 12 ! Find additional information here: Benefitfrom unprecedentedlyhigh integrityandavailability ofyourdata,ERPsystem, andapplications. Drawonyour cloudprovider’s expertiseand infrastructureto enhanceyour businessviability. KEY BENEFITS
  • 13. providers’ business model. They can work with you to make recommendations and strategize the best way to protect your data against any security threat or viability challenge. They will be able to reduce your risk exposure from software-related liabilities such as viruses, phishing, or unauthorized access by using such tools as automated security packet sniffers or sophisticated firewalls. In addition, they also can safeguard the physical environment of your data and applications by using biometric control systems, CCTV cameras, and many other resources and technologies. Our experience and industry statistics show that the availability of ERP systems in the cloud is strongly increased compared to that of on-premise solutions. Stringent industry standards continue to improve the reliability and availability of cloud-based technology. A credible, capable cloud service provider will be able to guarantee you an extremely high percentage of solution uptime, so you can do business without interruption. 13 SPECIAL REPORT SERIES ERPIN2014 ANDBEYOND
  • 14. T aking your ERP solution to the cloud can help you transcend some of the limitations and challenges that can accompany on-premise implementations. When you run operations in several sites and want to deploy an ERP system for the entire company, the complexity of on-premise implementation increases significantly. You need to ensure that employees at all sites can easily access the solution and work effectively with it, so the IT department or hired consultants need to create and maintain a reliable, fast communications infrastructure. Your company thereby incurs increased costs and resource overhead. As the business grows and changes, you will also need to plan to scale the communication technology the ERP system requires. Enable Global User Productivity 14 ! Find additional information here: EnableERPusers tobeproductive atanylocation, usingany connecteddevice. Benefit fromsuperior communications technologieswithout acquiringthemat greatcost. Providean excellentuser experiencewith consistentERP performance. KEY BENEFITS
  • 15. When you deploy your ERP solution in the cloud, these concerns fall aside. All of your ERP users can access the system through the internet, from any location in the world. That ability, in turn, can greatly help user adoption of the solution. Your cloud service provider already owns all the infrastructural resources needed to make sure the ERP system runs at optimal levels of performance and reliability. There are other advantages when you take ERP to the cloud, depending on the capabilities of your specific ERP solution. Your employees can use their preferred, internet-connected hardware when they access the ERP system—desktop computers, laptops, tablets, and other mobile devices. What’s more, cloud technology makes it very easy to connect the ERP system with the collaboration and social-media tools your company uses, resulting in potential increases in employee productivity. 15 SPECIAL REPORT SERIES ERPIN2014 ANDBEYOND
  • 16. Accelerate Your Implementation A ny ERP implementation, no matter whether it is on-premise or in the cloud, is going to take time and needs very careful planning and project management Where the cloud can help is with the IT infrastructure Because there are no additional hardware requirements, you can save time that you would otherwise spend by procuring and installing servers and network equipment, and by managing any associated issues These implementation benefits may well compound if your roll-out involves multiple regions, subsidiaries, and locations Once your system is up and running, you will again benefit from largely care-free, fast upgrades and the ability to easily add more users as the business grows 16 ! Find additional information here: Easily connect other business groups, subsidiaries, and locations to the ERP system Make your ERP implementation rapid and predictable KEY BENEFITS
  • 17. You might also want to be aware of the different cloud deployment models most commonly practiced. Depending on your business model and requirements, each of them has its advantages in making your implementation fast and painless. Your technology partner can help you make a wise choice among these options: Software-as-a-Service (SaaS): Multiple organizations share hardware resources. Customers typicallyenterintoarentalorsubscriptionagreement, and may rely on shared or separate instances of their software applications. Most of the businesses using this cloud deployment model are smaller companies. Hosted ERP: Customers run their cloud ERP solutions on dedicated server and network hardware and typically use separate instances of their applications. Many larger businesses prefer this model. Hybrid ERP: Businesses maintain on-premise software and integrate it with a number of cloud-based services. Hybrid ERP provides a level of flexibility and control that some companies find valuable. In this type of deployment, they can easily migrate from one solution delivery model to the other as their business needs require, without losing data or functionality. 17 SPECIAL REPORT SERIES ERPIN2014 ANDBEYOND
  • 18. □□ Review your cloud service provider’s uptime service-level commitment. □□ Check on applicable ratings and certifications for your service provider and data center. □□ If you can, arrange for a data center tour for yourself and concerned business stakeholders. □□ Includemultisiteandglobalgrowthconsiderations in your implementation planning. □□ Take advantage of cloud-enabled mobile ERP capabilities. □□ Work with your partner to determine the best cloud deployment model for your business. □□ Learn from the cloud experience of your peers in other organizations. Your Best-Practice Check List: □□ Before committing to a purchase, perform a cloud-based ERP pilot project. □□ Involve key business stakeholders and influential users in the cloud pilot. □□ Take the cloud vs. on-premise decision as an opportunity to lift the strategic value of ERP. □□ Reviewyourcloudprovider’sservicecommitments for software and hardware enhancements. □□ In comparing on-premise to cloud-based ERP, consider all one-time and ongoing costs and savings. □□ Project costs and savings through the contract term with your cloud service provider. □□ AssesstheimpactofcloudERPontheproductivity and resource-efficiency of your IT team. □□ Verify which IT skills and expertise you can access through your cloud service provider. 18 ! Find additional information here:
  • 20. I n 2014, many enterprises and smaller businesses will move their ERP systems and other business-critical applications into the cloud. ERP implementation in the cloud may not be the best option for all companies, but it is definitely worth your consideration. If you are newly implementing an ERP solution, we recommend that you review cloud deployment options and evaluate whether the cloud is a good fit, given your organization’s business model and expectations for growth. If you already run your ERP system on-premise, it’s worth thinking about the possible savings, efficiencies, and flexibility you might achieve as you offload most of the ERP administration to a trusted provider. Your technology partner can help you determine whether a cloud deployment makes good sense for your business, help you assess any financial and operational advantages, and plan for the implementation that best fits your business. Conclusion You may also find the other papers in our “ERP in 2014 and Beyond” series helpful: || Seven Ways To Avoid ERP Implementation Failure || Seven Ways That Business Process Management Can Improve Your ERP Implementation || Seven Ways To Optimize Your Existing ERP Solution || Seven Ways To Help Data Migration During Implementation 20 ! Find additional information here:
  • 22. Columbus is an industry-based consultancy and award-winning technology developer focused on the manufacturing, food processing, and retail industries. We are the preferred consultancy for ambitious companies wanting to streamline business processes, improve operational efficiencies, reduce costs, and improve visibility into their businesses. Our approach to solving our clients’ issues can best be described as proactive. We challenge our clients’ traditional ways of thinking, help them see new opportunities for improvements, and take responsibility to drive change in their organizations. We’ve delivered these business benefits for over 25 years to many of the leading companies worldwide. About Columbus Columbus is a long-time developer of award-winning industry software and has recently become well known for developing Columbus RapidValue. RapidValue is a business process management tool that drives increased client value for ERP solutions. It delivers a shorter implementation with more predictable results by incorporating hundreds of best industry practices accumulated through in over 6,000 Columbus implementations. This allows Columbus to focus on streamlining the processes that make our clients unique. Companies all over the world are investing in RapidValue and enjoy the benefits of shorter times to value, quicker and less risky implementations, and the industry leadership and knowledge acquired from the thousands of Columbus deployments that preceded theirs. Columbus RapidValue 22 ! Find additional information here:
  • 23. ColumbusCare is unique to Columbus—it is how we take care of our clients, 24/7 worldwide.  With ColumbusCare, you get a well-trained team dedicated to improve your system’s efficiency, cost-effectiveness and risk resistance.  Whether you’re looking for enterprise-level support, upgrade options, or system enhancements, ColumbusCare provides flexible service levels to meet the needs of your business. ColumbusCare 23 SPECIAL REPORT SERIES ERPIN2014 ANDBEYOND
  • 24. SPECIAL REPORT SERIES: ERP IN 2014 AND BEYOND ’Columbus’ is a part of the registered trademark ‘Columbus IT’ Seven Ways To Avoid ERP Implementation Failure Seven Reasons To Consider ERP In The Cloud Seven Ways To Help Data Migration During Implementation Seven Ways To Optimize Your Existing ERP Solution Seven Ways That Business Process Management Can Improve Your ERP Implementation