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Cloud et Accélération des
          Applications Java avec
          ProActive Parallel Suite
                                        D. Caromel, et al.
1. Background: INRIA, ActiveEon
2. ProActive OS Toolkit:
  Programming, Scheduling, Resourcing
3. UC 1: Genomics+Cloud
4. UC 2: Finance
5. UC 3: IT, SOA Web Server
          Log Analysis
              Enterprise Grids & Clouds
1. Background
   1. Background


 A joint team, Now about 35 persons
 2004: First ProActive User Group
 2009, April: ProActive 4.1, Distributed & Parallel:
      From Multi-cores to Enterprise GRIDs

OASIS Team Composition (35)
 Researchers (5):    PostDoc (1):
      D. Caromel (UNSA, Det. INRIA)                  Regis Gascon (INRIA)
      E. Madelaine (INRIA)                     Engineers (10):
      F. Baude (UNSA)                                Elaine Isnard (AGOS)
      F. Huet (UNSA)                                 Fabien Viale (ANR OMD2, Renault )
      L. Henrio (CNRS)                               Franca Perrina (AGOS)

 PhDs (11):                                       
                                                       Germain Sigety (INRIA)
                                                       Yu Feng (ETSI, FP6 EchoGrid)
      Antonio Cansado (INRIA, Conicyt)               Bastien Sauvan (ADT Galaxy)
      Brian Amedro (SCS-Agos)                        Florin-Alexandru.Bratu (INRIA CPER)
      Cristian Ruz (INRIA, Conicyt)                  Igor Smirnov (Microsoft)
      Elton Mathias (INRIA-Cordi)                    Fabrice Fontenoy (AGOS)
      Imen Filali (SCS-Agos / FP7 SOA4All)           Open position (Thales)
      Marcela Rivera (INRIA, Conicyt)
                                                Trainee (2):
      Muhammad Khan (STIC-Asia)
                                                      Etienne Vallette d’Osia (Master 2 ISI)
      Paul Naoumenko (INRIA/Région PACA)
                                                      Laurent Vanni           (Master 2 ISI)
      Viet Dung Doan (FP6 Bionets)
      Virginie Contes (SOA4ALL)                Assistants (2):
      Guilherme Pezzi (AGOS, CIFRE SCP)           Patricia Maleyran (INRIA)
                                          Located  Sophia Antipolis,(I3S)
                                                  in Sandra Devauchelle between
 + Visitors + Interns                                Nice and Cannes,
                                              Visitors and Students Welcome!              4
Startup Company Born of INRIA

Some Partners:

  Co-developing, Support for ProActive Parallel Suite
  Worldwide Customers: Fr, UK, Boston USA
2. ProActive Parallel Suite
Dealing with Multi-Cores & Virtualization

Product: ProActive Parallel Suite

                              Java Parallel    Multi-Platform     Resource
                                 Toolkit       Job Scheduler      Manager

                                          Used in Production Today:
                                          50 Cores  300 Cores early 2010

Strong Differentiation:
    Java Parallel Programming + Integration             +
    Portability: Linux, Windows, Mac                    +
    Versatility: Desktops, Cluster, Grid, Clouds        = Perfect Flexibility

ProActive Parallel Suite

 Three fully compatible modules:

          Programming              Scheduling

                  Resource Management

ProActive Programming:
     Active Objects

ProActive : Active objects
        A ag = newActive (“A”, […], VirtualNode)
        V v1 = (param);
        V v2 = (param);
        ...; //Wait-By-Necessity
JVM                                                       JVM
      v2 v1 ag



Java Object              Active Object             Req. Queue              is a
Future Object            Proxy           Request      Thread         Synchronization

                                                                                 10     10

Broadcast and Scatter
Broadcast is the default behavior
Use a group as parameter, Scattered depends on rankings

      cg ag

                       c1        c3
                       c1   c2
      c1          c3

                                                          JVM;   // broadcast cg
ProActive.setScatterGroup(cg);;   // scatter cg
                                                          12    12
Dynamic Dispatch Group

      cg ag                                                                 Slowest

                          c0        c2        c4        c6        c8                    JVM
                           c1        c3            c5        c7        c9


c0    c2        c4        c6        c8
 c1        c3        c5        c7        c9

                                                                                        13    13
for Parallelism
The right Tool to do the Task right
ProActive Parallel Suite

                         Workflows in Java
                         Master/Workers
                         SPMD
                         Components
                         …

GCM Fractal Deployment Standard

 Protocols:         Cloud will start with existing IT infrastructure,
      Rsh, ssh        Build Non Intrusive Cloud with ProActive
      Oarsh, Gsissh
 Scheduler, and Grids:
        GroupSSH, GroupRSH, GroupOARSH
        ARC (NorduGrid), CGSP China Grid, EEGE gLITE,
        Fura/InnerGrid (GridSystem Inc.)
        GLOBUS, GridBus
        IBM Load Leveler, LSF, Microsoft CCS (Windows HPC Server 2008)
        Sun Grid Engine, OAR, PBS / Torque, PRUN
 Clouds:
      Amazon EC2

                                                           Denis Caromel
16                                                                         16
GCM Official Standardization

          Grid Component Model

Overall, the standardization is supported by
  BT, FT-Orange, Nokia-Siemens, NEC,
  Telefonica, Alcatel-Lucent, Huawei …
GCM Standardization
Fractal Based Grid Component Model

4 Standards:

        1. GCM Interoperability Deployment
        2. GCM Application Description
        3. GCM Fractal ADL
        4. GCM Fractal Management API

                                             Denis Caromel
  18                                                         18
IC2D: Optimizing




Pies for Analysis and Optimization

Video 1:
IC2D Optimizing
Monitoring, Debugging, Optimizing

Scheduling & Resourcing

ProActive Scheduling

                       26    26
ProActive Scheduling Big Picture

                        Multi-platform Graphical Client (RCP)

                        File-based or LDAP authentication
       ProActive        Static Workflow Job Scheduling, Native and
       Scheduler         Java tasks, Retry on Error, Priority Policy,
                         Configuration Scripts,…

                        Dynamic and Static node sources, Resource
    Resource Manager
                         Selection by script, Monitoring and Control

                          ProActive Deployment capabilities:
                           Desktops, Clusters, Clouds,…

Scheduler: User Interface

Another Example : Picture Denoising


                Denoise      Denoise           Denoise   Denoise


•with selection on native executable availability (ImageMagik, GREYstoration)
     • Multi-platform selection and command generation
•with file transfer in pre/post scripts

ProActive Resourcing

                       30    30
RESOURCING User Interface

Easily manage actual VMs

 Most of VMs can be dynamically provisioned:
        Start
        Stop
        Clone
        Destroy
 Supported VMs today:
        VMware,
        KVM
        Xen, Xen Server
        QMU
        Microsoft Hyper-V
 Provision Application containers:
      Manage applications with pre-defined VMs

                                                  Denis Caromel
32                                                                32
Clusters to Grids to Clouds:
    e.g. on Amazon EC2

Node source Usecase :
 Configuration for external cloud with EC2

                       Resource Manager

    Static Policy     Timing Policy          Dynamic
                          12/24           Workload Policy
                       Desktops                EC2

Dedicated resources
                       Desktops                       Amazon EC2

Video 2:
Scheduler, Resource Manager

ProActive Parallel Suite
                 Three fully compatible modules

                   Programming                Scheduling


                           Resource Management

Clutch Power:
Solid Building Blocks
for Flexible Solutions

Use Cases

Use Case 1:

Resources set up
   machine from



   can be
                           EC2   Clouds

First Benchmarks

 The distributed version with ProActive of Mapreads has been tested on the
  INRIA cluster with two settings: the Reads file is split in either 30 or 10
 Use Case: Matching 31 millions Sequences with the Human Genome (M=2,

                                                 4 Time FASTER from 20 to 100
                                                 Speed Up of 80 / Th.
                                                 Sequential : 50 h  35 mn

                                                 EC2 only test: nearly the same
                                                 performances as the local
                                                 SOLiD cluster (+10%)

       For only $3,2/hour, EC2 has nearly the same perf. as
On going the local SOLiD cluster (16 cores, for 2H30)
          Benchmarks on Windows Desktops and HPCS 2008 …

Benchmark: local vs. hybrid cloud

Use case: 3 runs performed in parallel containing a total of 28,5
          millions of reads to be matched against the human genome

  SOLID nodes only                   SOLID and EC2 nodes
   Standard configuration              12 SOLiD nodes
   using SOLID embedded                12 EC2 machines
   nodes: 12                               (type: “mlarge”, 2 nodes each)

  Total computation time:            Total computation time:
   12.5 hours                          8 hours

                  Gain:      4,5 hours (36% faster)
                  EC2 costs: $40

Benchmark: local vs. EC2 cloud

                          Execution time             Cost
                              (min)                 (US$)

Standard PBS config            300                    NA

ProActive Amazon EC2           340                  20 US$

        For only $3,2/hour, the EC2 setup has nearly the
         same performances as the local SOLiD cluster

UC 2: Acceleration of
Financial Valuations

A High Performance Solution

   A Collaboration between Pricing Partners and ActiveEon

 Price-it® Excel Accelerated by ProActive Parallel
     A Global Solution: fully integrated with the
      same functionalities and interface as Price-it
      Excel while increasing its computing power
     High Quality Service: from both companies

Some Technical Facts

 Price-It®
    C++ library developed by Pricing Partners
    Pricing solution dedicated to highly complex
     financial derivatives

 Specification and Constraints
    Accelerate Price-It® Excel product
       Built on Price-It® library, this product integrates
        an interface with Excel for input data management
        and results display
    Focus on highly parallelizable Greek computation
    Operating system: Windows

How Does it Work?
Price-it Computing Distribution
     Price-it               Price-it   Regular Price-it Excel
     Excel                  Excel

                ProActive                  Automatic execution
                Scheduler                  via job scheduler

                                           Pool of shared

Accelerated Price-it Performances

   Increased Productivity: Reduces Price-it Execution
    Time by 6 or more!

                                                                             Use Case: Bermuda
                                                                                Vanilla, Model
                                                                                American MC
            More than 3 times faster
            with only 4 nodes!                                               Test conditions:
                                                                                   One computation
                                                                                    is split in 130
                                                                                    tasks that are
                                     Even 6 times faster                            distributed
                                     with 9 nodes!                                 Each task uses

                           4 nodes   5 nodes   6 nodes   7 nodes   8 nodes    9 nodes
              Sequential                        Distributed

UC 3: SOA Analysis
of Web Server Logs

Parallel Services
 Separation: BPEL – Parallel Serv. – Task Flow
 Standards et Portable
 Flexibility                        High level Business Process

                                         Domain specific Service
                                                                           …           Basic Service

                               Scheduling       Parameter
                                                          Divide &          Other        …
                                                          Conquer        Operational
                                                                           Service      Operational Services
                                       Parallel Services
                             Scheduling `of Taskflow Jobs


                                     Resource Man.

                                     Enterprise Grid
Cas d’études AMADEUS : Démonstration

                    BPEL                    Scheduler
                                                                             Log Parsing
                                                                               Log Parsing
                                                                                  Log Parsing
                                             RM                     Grille          Log Parsing

                                                           Log Parsing

                                 WS                                                               DB

   Log Transfer Application ID              Log Transfer
                                                   ID                    Logs stockés
              Log Parsing                   Log Parsing

 Agos Web
                       Admin     Admin WS                   Scheduler/                            MySQL
                       BPEL       Console                       RM                                Console
                      Console                                Interface

 Web Client                                                                                         50
Grid Monitoring integration

                                   Job                                          Business
                                    X                                       Availability Center
             Scheduler                            Scheduler
                                   Job            DB
                                                                       Discovery                    Universal
             Resource                                                    DDM            Create      CMDB
             Manager                                                                    Configuration
                                                      Discover Jobs,
                                                      Tasks &
  JMX interface                                                                         information

                                                  Collect Grid Jobs
                                                  Type status
                                                       Collect Grid       SiS
  VM1       VM2
                                   VM3                 statistics
        Pool of nodes in the grid
  NATIVE                                 NATIVE
                  VM4        VMx
    3                                      2

AGOS Platform Management

  HP- Business Availability Center
                                      Tasks scheduler &
  (HP-BAC)                            Resources manager
• Monitoring of the entire platform   •   Integration with grid
• Cover all layers in the scope           components
•Provide monitoring dashboard and     •   Grid insights through indicator
reports                                   collection and running jobs on
                                          grid resources


ProActive in Cloud Stack



  Clutch Power
  Windows, Linux, Mac
                            Java Parallel   Multi-Platform   Resource
  Desktops, Grids, Clouds
                               Toolkit      Job Scheduler    Manager

                Free Professional
              Open Source Software

          Multi-Core: Ready for the next revolution
     Virtualization: Dynamic Load Balancing onto VMs
Cloud: Smooth transition available (Desktop , Server, Cluster)
     Dynamic Workload Management with Virtualization

4. Cloud Seeding

Cloud Seeding with ProActive

 Amazon EC2 Execution

 Cloud Seeding strategy to mix heterogeneous
  computing resources :
   External GPU resources

Cloud Seeding with ProActive

                                    CPU nodes

                    Web Interface      ProActive Scheduler
                                       + Resource Manager

                             Amazon EC2

Noised video file

                                                             GPU nodes

Cloud Seeding with ProActive

                                 CPU nodes

                 Web Interface      ProActive Scheduler
                                    + Resource Manager

                          Amazon EC2

User submit its noised video to the web
interface                                                 GPU nodes

Cloud Seeding with ProActive

                                CPU nodes

                Web Interface      ProActive Scheduler
                                   + Resource Manager

                         Amazon EC2

Web Server submit a denoising job the
ProActive Scheduler                                      GPU nodes

Cloud Seeding with ProActive

                                 CPU nodes

                 Web Interface      ProActive Scheduler
                                    + Resource Manager

                          Amazon EC2

CPU nodes are used to split the video into
smaller ones                                              GPU nodes

Cloud Seeding with ProActive

                                 CPU nodes

                 Web Interface      ProActive Scheduler
                                    + Resource Manager

                          Amazon EC2

CPU nodes are used to split the video into
smaller ones                                              GPU nodes

Cloud Seeding with ProActive

                                CPU nodes

                Web Interface      ProActive Scheduler
                                   + Resource Manager

                         Amazon EC2

GPU nodes are responsible to denoise
these small videos                                       GPU nodes

Cloud Seeding with ProActive

                                CPU nodes

                Web Interface      ProActive Scheduler
                                   + Resource Manager

                         Amazon EC2

GPU nodes are responsible to denoise
these small videos                                       GPU nodes

Cloud Seeding with ProActive

                               CPU nodes

               Web Interface      ProActive Scheduler
                                  + Resource Manager

                        Amazon EC2

CPU nodes merge the denoised video parts
                                                        GPU nodes

Cloud Seeding with ProActive

                               CPU nodes

               Web Interface      ProActive Scheduler
                                  + Resource Manager

                        Amazon EC2

CPU nodes merge the denoised video parts
                                                        GPU nodes

Cloud Seeding with ProActive

                                 CPU nodes

                 Web Interface      ProActive Scheduler
                                    + Resource Manager

                           Amazon EC2

The final denoised video is sent back to
the user                                                  GPU nodes

6. SOA, SLA and QoS

                      69    69
Standard system at Runtime: No Sharing

       NoC: Network On Chip
         Proofs of Determinism

                                    70    70
AGOS: Grid Architecture for SOA

Building a Platform for Agile SOA with Grid
             AGOS Solutions

 In Open Source with Professional Support

AGOS Infrastructure Management

  HP Systems Insight Manager (HP-       Citrix XenCenter

• Monitoring of entire infrastructure   •   Hypervisor and VM
• Communicates with upper layer             management
management software (HP BAC)            •   Communicates with upper
                                            layer management software
                                            (HP BAC)

AGOS and HP Management tools Integration

                      Processes and Jobs

                      Grid Components


                  Scheduler, Resource Manager

               Hypervisors/Virtual Machines
               Xen and Vmware Hosts and Guests

                   Hardware Infrastructure
              Servers, Storage, Network Components


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Rubens Dos Santos Filho

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Cloud acceleration-pro active-solutionslinux-ow2

  • 1. Cloud et Accélération des Applications Java avec ProActive Parallel Suite D. Caromel, et al. Agenda 1. Background: INRIA, ActiveEon 2. ProActive OS Toolkit: Programming, Scheduling, Resourcing 3. UC 1: Genomics+Cloud 4. UC 2: Finance 5. UC 3: IT, SOA Web Server Log Analysis Parallelism+Distribution+Virtualization Enterprise Grids & Clouds
  • 2. 1. Background 1. Background 2 2
  • 3. OASIS Team & INRIA  A joint team, Now about 35 persons  2004: First ProActive User Group  2009, April: ProActive 4.1, Distributed & Parallel: From Multi-cores to Enterprise GRIDs 3 3
  • 4. OASIS Team Composition (35)  Researchers (5):  PostDoc (1):  D. Caromel (UNSA, Det. INRIA)  Regis Gascon (INRIA)  E. Madelaine (INRIA)  Engineers (10):  F. Baude (UNSA)  Elaine Isnard (AGOS)  F. Huet (UNSA)  Fabien Viale (ANR OMD2, Renault )  L. Henrio (CNRS)  Franca Perrina (AGOS)  PhDs (11):   Germain Sigety (INRIA) Yu Feng (ETSI, FP6 EchoGrid)  Antonio Cansado (INRIA, Conicyt)  Bastien Sauvan (ADT Galaxy)  Brian Amedro (SCS-Agos)  Florin-Alexandru.Bratu (INRIA CPER)  Cristian Ruz (INRIA, Conicyt)  Igor Smirnov (Microsoft)  Elton Mathias (INRIA-Cordi)  Fabrice Fontenoy (AGOS)  Imen Filali (SCS-Agos / FP7 SOA4All)  Open position (Thales)  Marcela Rivera (INRIA, Conicyt)  Trainee (2):  Muhammad Khan (STIC-Asia)  Etienne Vallette d’Osia (Master 2 ISI)  Paul Naoumenko (INRIA/Région PACA)  Laurent Vanni (Master 2 ISI)  Viet Dung Doan (FP6 Bionets)  Virginie Contes (SOA4ALL)  Assistants (2):  Guilherme Pezzi (AGOS, CIFRE SCP)  Patricia Maleyran (INRIA) Located  Sophia Antipolis,(I3S) in Sandra Devauchelle between  + Visitors + Interns Nice and Cannes, Visitors and Students Welcome! 4 4
  • 5. Startup Company Born of INRIA Some Partners:  Co-developing, Support for ProActive Parallel Suite  Worldwide Customers: Fr, UK, Boston USA 5 5
  • 6. 2. ProActive Parallel Suite Dealing with Multi-Cores & Virtualization 6
  • 7. Product: ProActive Parallel Suite Java Parallel Multi-Platform Resource Toolkit Job Scheduler Manager Used in Production Today: 50 Cores  300 Cores early 2010 Strong Differentiation: Java Parallel Programming + Integration + Portability: Linux, Windows, Mac + Versatility: Desktops, Cluster, Grid, Clouds = Perfect Flexibility 7
  • 8. ProActive Parallel Suite  Three fully compatible modules: Programming Scheduling Resource Management 8
  • 9. ProActive Programming: Active Objects 99
  • 10. ProActive : Active objects A ag = newActive (“A”, […], VirtualNode) V v1 = (param); V v2 = (param); ...; //Wait-By-Necessity JVM JVM A v2 v1 ag A WBN! V Wait-By-Necessity Java Object Active Object Req. Queue is a Dataflow Future Object Proxy Request Thread Synchronization 10 10 10
  • 12. Broadcast and Scatter Broadcast is the default behavior Use a group as parameter, Scattered depends on rankings cg ag JVM s c1 c3 c3 c1 c2 c2 c1 c3 c2 JVM JVM; // broadcast cg ProActive.setScatterGroup(cg);; // scatter cg JVM 12 12 12
  • 13. Dynamic Dispatch Group cg ag Slowest c0 c2 c4 c6 c8 JVM c1 c3 c5 c7 c9 Fastest JVM c0 c2 c4 c6 c8 c1 c3 c5 c7 c9 JVM; JVM 13 13 13
  • 14. Abstractions for Parallelism The right Tool to do the Task right
  • 15. ProActive Parallel Suite  Workflows in Java  Master/Workers  SPMD  Components  … 15 15
  • 16. GCM Fractal Deployment Standard Interoperability:  Protocols: Cloud will start with existing IT infrastructure,  Rsh, ssh Build Non Intrusive Cloud with ProActive  Oarsh, Gsissh  Scheduler, and Grids:  GroupSSH, GroupRSH, GroupOARSH  ARC (NorduGrid), CGSP China Grid, EEGE gLITE,  Fura/InnerGrid (GridSystem Inc.)  GLOBUS, GridBus  IBM Load Leveler, LSF, Microsoft CCS (Windows HPC Server 2008)  Sun Grid Engine, OAR, PBS / Torque, PRUN  Clouds:  Amazon EC2 Denis Caromel 16 16
  • 17. GCM Official Standardization Grid Component Model Overall, the standardization is supported by industrials: BT, FT-Orange, Nokia-Siemens, NEC, Telefonica, Alcatel-Lucent, Huawei … 17 17
  • 18. GCM Standardization Fractal Based Grid Component Model 4 Standards: 1. GCM Interoperability Deployment 2. GCM Application Description 3. GCM Fractal ADL 4. GCM Fractal Management API Denis Caromel 18 18
  • 20. IC2D 20 20
  • 21. IC2D 21 21
  • 22. ChartIt 22 22
  • 23. Pies for Analysis and Optimization 23 23
  • 24. Video 1: IC2D Optimizing Monitoring, Debugging, Optimizing 24
  • 27. ProActive Scheduling Big Picture  Multi-platform Graphical Client (RCP)  File-based or LDAP authentication ProActive  Static Workflow Job Scheduling, Native and Scheduler Java tasks, Retry on Error, Priority Policy, Configuration Scripts,… ProActive  Dynamic and Static node sources, Resource Resource Manager Selection by script, Monitoring and Control GUI,…  ProActive Deployment capabilities: Desktops, Clusters, Clouds,… RESOURCES 27
  • 29. Another Example : Picture Denoising Split Denoise Denoise Denoise Denoise Merge Job •with selection on native executable availability (ImageMagik, GREYstoration) • Multi-platform selection and command generation •with file transfer in pre/post scripts 29
  • 32. Easily manage actual VMs  Most of VMs can be dynamically provisioned:  Start  Stop  Clone  Destroy  Supported VMs today:  VMware,  KVM  Xen, Xen Server  QMU  Microsoft Hyper-V  Provision Application containers:  Manage applications with pre-defined VMs Denis Caromel 32 32
  • 33. Clusters to Grids to Clouds: e.g. on Amazon EC2 33 33
  • 34. Node source Usecase : Configuration for external cloud with EC2 ProActive Scheduler ProActive Resource Manager Static Policy Timing Policy Dynamic 12/24 Workload Policy LSF Desktops EC2 Dedicated resources Desktops Amazon EC2 34
  • 36. ProActive Parallel Suite Three fully compatible modules Programming Scheduling Resourcing Scheduling Resource Management Clutch Power: Solid Building Blocks for Flexible Solutions 36
  • 37. Use Cases 37 37
  • 38. Use Case 1: Genomics 38
  • 39. Resources set up SOLID machine from 16 nodes Cluster Desktops Nodes can be dynamically added! EC2 Clouds 39 39
  • 40. First Benchmarks  The distributed version with ProActive of Mapreads has been tested on the INRIA cluster with two settings: the Reads file is split in either 30 or 10 slices  Use Case: Matching 31 millions Sequences with the Human Genome (M=2, L=25) 4 Time FASTER from 20 to 100 Speed Up of 80 / Th. Sequential : 50 h  35 mn EC2 only test: nearly the same performances as the local SOLiD cluster (+10%) For only $3,2/hour, EC2 has nearly the same perf. as On going the local SOLiD cluster (16 cores, for 2H30) Benchmarks on Windows Desktops and HPCS 2008 … 40
  • 41. Benchmark: local vs. hybrid cloud Use case: 3 runs performed in parallel containing a total of 28,5 millions of reads to be matched against the human genome  SOLID nodes only  SOLID and EC2 nodes Standard configuration 12 SOLiD nodes using SOLID embedded 12 EC2 machines nodes: 12 (type: “mlarge”, 2 nodes each)  Total computation time:  Total computation time: 12.5 hours 8 hours Gain: 4,5 hours (36% faster) EC2 costs: $40 41
  • 42. Benchmark: local vs. EC2 cloud Execution time Cost (min) (US$) Standard PBS config 300 NA ProActive Amazon EC2 340 20 US$ For only $3,2/hour, the EC2 setup has nearly the same performances as the local SOLiD cluster 42
  • 43. UC 2: Acceleration of Financial Valuations 43
  • 44. A High Performance Solution  A Collaboration between Pricing Partners and ActiveEon  Price-it® Excel Accelerated by ProActive Parallel Suite®  A Global Solution: fully integrated with the same functionalities and interface as Price-it Excel while increasing its computing power  High Quality Service: from both companies 44
  • 45. Some Technical Facts  Price-It®  C++ library developed by Pricing Partners  Pricing solution dedicated to highly complex financial derivatives  Specification and Constraints  Accelerate Price-It® Excel product  Built on Price-It® library, this product integrates an interface with Excel for input data management and results display  Focus on highly parallelizable Greek computation  Operating system: Windows 45
  • 46. How Does it Work? Price-it Computing Distribution Price-it Price-it Regular Price-it Excel Excel Excel Interface ProActive Automatic execution Scheduler via job scheduler Pool of shared resources 46
  • 47. Accelerated Price-it Performances  Increased Productivity: Reduces Price-it Execution Time by 6 or more! Use Case: Bermuda Vanilla, Model American MC More than 3 times faster with only 4 nodes! Test conditions:  One computation is split in 130 tasks that are Even 6 times faster distributed with 9 nodes!  Each task uses 300ko 4 nodes 5 nodes 6 nodes 7 nodes 8 nodes 9 nodes Sequential Distributed 47
  • 48. UC 3: SOA Analysis of Web Server Logs 48
  • 49. Parallel Services  Separation: BPEL – Parallel Serv. – Task Flow  Standards et Portable  Flexibility High level Business Process Domain specific Service Other … Basic Service Job Scheduling Parameter Divide & Other … Conquer Operational Sweeping Service Operational Services … Parallel Services Scheduling `of Taskflow Jobs Scheduling Parameter Sweeping Service Resource Man. Enterprise Grid 49 49
  • 50. Cas d’études AMADEUS : Démonstration BPEL Scheduler Log Parsing Log Parsing Log Parsing RM Grille Log Parsing Log Parsing WS DB Log Transfer Application ID Log Transfer Application ID Logs stockés Log Parsing Log Parsing Agos Web Client Admin Admin WS Scheduler/ MySQL BPEL Console RM Console Console Interface BPEL/WS Web Client 50 50
  • 51. Grid Monitoring integration Job Business X Availability Center Jobs Scheduler Scheduler Job DB Y Discovery Universal JDBC Resource DDM Create CMDB interface Manager Configuration Discover Jobs, Management Tasks & System Resources JMX interface information Collect Grid Jobs Type status indicators Indicators Collect Grid SiS Components NATIVE VM1 VM2 1 VM3 statistics indicators Pool of nodes in the grid NATIVE NATIVE VM4 VMx 3 2 51
  • 52. AGOS Platform Management HP- Business Availability Center Tasks scheduler & (HP-BAC) Resources manager • Monitoring of the entire platform • Integration with grid • Cover all layers in the scope components •Provide monitoring dashboard and • Grid insights through indicator reports collection and running jobs on grid resources 52
  • 53. Conclusion 53 53
  • 54. ProActive in Cloud Stack IaaS 54
  • 55. Conclusion Flexibility Clutch Power Portability: Windows, Linux, Mac Versatility: Java Parallel Multi-Platform Resource Desktops, Grids, Clouds Toolkit Job Scheduler Manager Free Professional Open Source Software Multi-Core: Ready for the next revolution Virtualization: Dynamic Load Balancing onto VMs Cloud: Smooth transition available (Desktop , Server, Cluster) Dynamic Workload Management with Virtualization 55
  • 56. 56 56
  • 58. Cloud Seeding with ProActive  Amazon EC2 Execution  Cloud Seeding strategy to mix heterogeneous computing resources :  External GPU resources 58
  • 59. Cloud Seeding with ProActive CPU nodes Web Interface ProActive Scheduler + Resource Manager Amazon EC2 User Noised video file GPU nodes 59
  • 60. Cloud Seeding with ProActive CPU nodes Web Interface ProActive Scheduler + Resource Manager Amazon EC2 User User submit its noised video to the web interface GPU nodes 60
  • 61. Cloud Seeding with ProActive CPU nodes Web Interface ProActive Scheduler + Resource Manager Amazon EC2 User Web Server submit a denoising job the ProActive Scheduler GPU nodes 61
  • 62. Cloud Seeding with ProActive CPU nodes Web Interface ProActive Scheduler + Resource Manager Amazon EC2 User CPU nodes are used to split the video into smaller ones GPU nodes 62
  • 63. Cloud Seeding with ProActive CPU nodes Web Interface ProActive Scheduler + Resource Manager Amazon EC2 User CPU nodes are used to split the video into smaller ones GPU nodes 63
  • 64. Cloud Seeding with ProActive CPU nodes Web Interface ProActive Scheduler + Resource Manager Amazon EC2 User GPU nodes are responsible to denoise these small videos GPU nodes 64
  • 65. Cloud Seeding with ProActive CPU nodes Web Interface ProActive Scheduler + Resource Manager Amazon EC2 User GPU nodes are responsible to denoise these small videos GPU nodes 65
  • 66. Cloud Seeding with ProActive CPU nodes Web Interface ProActive Scheduler + Resource Manager Amazon EC2 User CPU nodes merge the denoised video parts GPU nodes 66
  • 67. Cloud Seeding with ProActive CPU nodes Web Interface ProActive Scheduler + Resource Manager Amazon EC2 User CPU nodes merge the denoised video parts GPU nodes 67
  • 68. Cloud Seeding with ProActive CPU nodes Web Interface ProActive Scheduler + Resource Manager Amazon EC2 User The final denoised video is sent back to the user GPU nodes 68
  • 69. 6. SOA, SLA and QoS 69 69 69
  • 70. Standard system at Runtime: No Sharing NoC: Network On Chip Proofs of Determinism 70 70 70
  • 71. AGOS: Grid Architecture for SOA Building a Platform for Agile SOA with Grid  AGOS Solutions In Open Source with Professional Support 71 71
  • 72. AGOS Infrastructure Management HP Systems Insight Manager (HP- Citrix XenCenter SIM) • Monitoring of entire infrastructure • Hypervisor and VM • Communicates with upper layer management management software (HP BAC) • Communicates with upper layer management software (HP BAC) 72
  • 73. AGOS and HP Management tools Integration Services Processes and Jobs Grid Components Monitoring Discovery Scheduler, Resource Manager Hypervisors/Virtual Machines Xen and Vmware Hosts and Guests Hardware Infrastructure Servers, Storage, Network Components 73