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Dr. Juan Carlos Díaz Torre
Pediatra Neonatólogo
(779) 100 - 40 - 26
Dr. Juan Carlos Díaz Torre
Pediatra Neonatólogo
(779) 100 - 40 - 26
Case # 161
A 58-year-old male who works with
heavy machinery at a local factory
presents to your office for evaluation of
hearing loss of several years’
progression. He notes that the loss is
mainly in the left ear and he also has
mild tinnitus. He has had no trauma to
his head, and he has no history of ear
Examination of the ears reveals normal
tympanic membranes and a neurologic
examination is negative. When a tuning
fork is placed in the center of his
forehead, he says the sound is much
louder on the right side (Weber test).
Comparing sound in front of the ear to
the sound when the tuning fork is placed
on the mastoid (the Rinne test) reveals
that air conduction is better than bone
conduction in the left ear.
Which one of the following is true
regarding further evaluation and
management? :
a) Carotid ultrasonography should be
b) No treatment or further diagnostic
studies are indicated
c) A hearing aid plus better hearing
protection is all that is needed
d) Audiometry is the best initial
screening test
e) A tympanogram is indicated
Case # 162
A 6-year-old male is brought to your
office 10 days after the onset of a cough
and low-grade fever.
On examination, his temperature is
37.9° C (100.2° F), pulse 100 beats/min,
respirations 22/min, and O2 saturation
94%. He has diffuse wheezes on
auscultation of his chest.
His WBC count is 9800/mm (N 4,500 –
11,000) with a slight left shift. His C-
reactive protein level is mildly elevated
and a chest radiograph reveals an
interstitial infiltrate.
Which one of the following would be the
most appropriate initial therapy?:
a) A Beta-lactam antibiotic
b) A macrolide antibiotic
c) Amoxicillin
d) Ceftriaxone (Rocephin)
Case # 163
A 75-year-old male is brought in by his
family due to concerns about memory
Which one of the following is best for
determining whether or not he has
dementia? :
a) A Mini-Mental State Examination
b) Non–contrast-enhanced CT of the
c) An electroencephalogram
d) A lumbar puncture
e) MRI of the head
Case # 164
Of the following, which one has the
greatest potential to spread via human-
to-human transmission?:
a) Pneumonic plague
b) Botulism
c) Typhoidal tularemia
d) Coxiella burnetii (Q fever)
e) Inhalation anthrax
Case # 165
The mother of a 3-year-old male is
concerned that he doesn’t like being
held, doesn’t interact much with other
children, and rarely smiles.
Of the following, which feature would be
most helpful in distinguishing Asperger’s
syndrome from autism in this patient?
a) Repetitive fine motor mannerisms
b) Delayed gross motor development
c) Normal language development
d) Preoccupation with parts of objects
e) Focused patterns of intense interest
Case # 166
A 76-year-old male is brought to your
office by his son. The patient complains
of dizziness that has slowly been
worsening over the past year. His
description is vague, but he says that he
notices the dizziness when he tries to
The review of systems is normal, except
for increasing problems with his
“prostate” in the last 6 months, with
dribbling and accidents at times.
His Mini-Mental State Examination
(MMSE) score is 22 out of 30. No tremor
is noted. A CBC, creatinine level, TSH
level, vitamin B 12 level, and VDRL are all
normal. Which one of the following
should you do next?:
a) Order a brainstem auditory evoked
b) Prescribe sertraline (Zoloft)
c) Order physical therapy
d) Order a brain MRI
e) Prescribe carbidopa/levodopa
Case # 167
The most appropriate initial
pharmacologic treatment of panic
disorder is:
a) Valproic acid (Depakene)
b) Lithium
c) An SSRI
d) A tricyclic antidepressant
Case # 168
A 24-year-old worker at a local day-care
center has not had a menstrual period in
over 2 months. A home pregnancy test is
positive and is confirmed in your office.
She is concerned because she was
recently exposed to a child who was
diagnosed with rubella. A serum rubella
IgG antibody test is negative.
Which one of the following would be
the best course of action?
a) Order level III ultrasonography to
screen for congenital anomalies
b) Repeat the serologic testing in 2–3
c) Administer rubella immune globulin
d) Tell the patient she is immune to
rubella and is not at risk
e) Administer live-virus rubella vaccine
Case # 169
A 23-year-old male with Down syndrome
is brought to your office by his parents.
The patient has had a low-grade fever
(approximately 100° F) for 7 days. The
fever is not associated with rhinorrhea,
sore throat, cough, dysuria, or shortness
of breath. The parents note that their
son has complained of aches in various
places, and has not been eating well for
several weeks.
The physical examination is remarkable
for swollen lymph glands in multiple
places, pale conjunctivae, and an 8-lb
weight loss since his last visit 1 month
Which one of the following is most
consistent with this patient’s symptoms?
a) Urinary tract infection
b) Atypical pneumonia
c) Acute myeloid leukemia
d) Hodgkin’s lymphoma
e) Myocarditis
Case # 170
Which one of the following is true
regarding Osgood-Schlatter disease?
a) Complete symptom resolution
usually occurs in 18–24 months
b) Effusions are often present on
examination and knee range of
motion is limited
c) Most cases are triggered by a single
traumatic event
d) Pain is localized to the inferior
patellar pole at the origin of the
patellar tendon
e) Pain usually begins at 20°– 30° of
Case # 171
You see a 9-month-old white male for a
routine examination. He was seen at 2
months and 4 months for routine care
and immunizations, but was not brought
back at 6 months. The mother states that
he has an excellent appetite. She
expresses no concerns except that the
baby "seems cranky”.
The child is somewhat obese and pale,
but the rest of the physical examination
is unremarkable. A heel stick hematocrit
done in your office is 26%
Known risk factors for iron deficiency at
this age include:
a) Maternal iron deficiency without
anemia during pregnancy
( ) True ( ) False
b) Mild maternal anemia during
( ) True ( ) False
c) Excessive blood loss during delivery
( ) True ( ) False
d) Prematurity
( ) True ( ) False
e) Breastfeeding
( ) True ( ) False
Case # 172
You learn that the child drinks 1.5 quarts
of whole cow's milk per day, with a daily
dose of iron mixed into the milk.
Therapeutic interventions could include
a) Dietary instruction regarding
( ) True ( ) False
b) Limiting cow's milk to 1 pint a day or
( ) True ( ) False
c) Blood transfusion
( ) True ( ) False
d) Continuing oral iron therapy, and
advising the mother to avoid mixing
it in the milk
( ) True ( ) False
e) Parenteral iron therapy
( ) True ( ) False
f) Oral vitamin C therapy
( ) True ( ) False
Case # 173
A 42-year-old white male wants a dark
mole removed from his thigh because he
is afraid it is a melanoma.
a) A biopsy is indicated if the lesion has
increased in size recently.
( ) True ( ) False
b) Has an irregular, notched border
( ) True ( ) False
c) Is mixed reddish-blue in color
( ) True ( ) False
d) Is pruritic
( ) True ( ) False
Case # 174
A biopsy confirms malignant melanoma
in the superficial 0. 7 mm of the tissue
submitted. Initial treatment should
a) Wide local excision
( ) True ( ) False
b) 8,000 rad local radiation
( ) True ( ) False
c) Regional node dissection
( ) True ( ) False
d) Fluoxymesterone (Halotestin), 10 mg
( ) True ( ) False
Case # 175
A 56-year-old white female complains of
painful, burning dysesthesias in her
hands and feet. Her past history is
positive for cancer of the ovary treated
with chemotherapy. Physical
examination is normal except for
evidence of a purely sensory peripheral
The etiology of peripheral neuropathy
a) Toxic effects of antineoplastic
( ) True ( ) False
b) Paraneoplastic syndrome
( ) True ( ) False
c) Vitamin B12 deficiency
( ) True ( ) False
d) Diabetes mellitus
( ) True ( ) False
e) Diabetes insipidus
( ) True ( ) False
Treatment options include
a) Chelation therapy
( ) True ( ) False
b) Carbamazepine (Tegretol)
( ) True ( ) False
c) Tricyclic antidepressants such as
amitriptyline (Elavil)
( ) True ( ) False
Case # 176
A 60-year-old white male has pain that
starts in the hypogastric area that
subsequently localizes in the left
lower quadrant. His maximum
temperature is 38.5 ° C ( 101.3 ° F) and he
is able to take oral fluids without
difficulty .He is mildly tender in the left
lower quadrant on examination and has
no rebound tenderness.
Appropriate management at this time
would include
a) Emergency surgical consultation
( ) True ( ) False
b) CBC
( ) True ( ) False
c) Urinalysis
( ) True ( ) False
d) Rectal examination
( ) True ( ) False
e) A liquid diet
( ) True ( ) False
f) Oral antibiotics
( ) True ( ) False
In 10 days the patient is reevaluated.
His abdominal pain has resolved and he
is afebrile. Appropriate measures would
now include
a) A low-residue diet
( ) True ( ) False
b) Colonoscopy
( ) True ( ) False
Case # 177
He follows your recommendations and
does well until 2 years later when the
symptoms recur. He has delayed seeing
you because he thought the symptoms
would go away. Examination shows him
to be extremely uncomfortable, with a
temperature of 38.8° C (102.0° F), and
tenderness in the left lower quadrant.
On palpation, you suspect there may be a
left lower quadrant mass. His abdomen is
moderately distended with decreased
bowel sounds.
Appropriate measures at this time would
a) A barium enema
( ) True ( ) False
b) A CT scan of the abdomen
( ) True ( ) False
c) A full liquid diet
( ) True ( ) False
d) Parenteral narcotics as needed
( ) True ( ) False
e) Broad-spectrum antibiotics
( ) True ( ) False
Case # 178
You are covering the emergency
department at your local community
hospital. A 24-year-old previously
healthy white female presents with
complaints of dry mouth and blurred
vision associated with nausea, malaise,
and the recent onset of diplopia. You
learn that 2 days ago she enjoyed home-
canned foods at a friend's house.
On examination you note a slight but
definite ptosis and a slightly
disconjugate gaze. Her examination is
otherwise unremarkable and
comprehensive blood chemistries are
You decide which of the following tests
might be diagnostic? :
a) An MRI to rule out Guillain-Barre
( ) True ( ) False
b) A lumbar puncture to rule out a
cerebrovascular accident
( ) True ( ) False
c) A doxycyline challenge for tick
( ) True ( ) False
d) A psychiatric consultation for
( ) True ( ) False
Results of appropriate testing are
normal. The patient complains that she is
getting weaker and notes a feeling of
Appropriate actions at this time would
include which of the following?:
a) Admit the patient to the intensive-
care unit
( ) True ( ) False
b) Obtain psychiatric consultation
( ) True ( ) False
c) Begin intravenous ciprofloxacin
( ) True ( ) False
d) Monitor respiratory status closely
( ) True ( ) False
Case # 179
An obese 51-year-o1d white female
consults you about her menstrual
periods. For the past 6 months her
menses have been irregular, spaced
anywhere from 3-6 weeks apart. In
addition, the flow has been considerably
heavier and more prolonged than in the
past. The only medication she is taking is
a ginseng extract. She is not sexually
active. Pelvic examination is normal.
Appropriate diagnostic studies at this
time include which of the following?
a) Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)
( ) True ( ) False
b) CBC
( ) True ( ) False
c) Papanicolaou (Pap) test
( ) True ( ) False
d) Office endometrial biopsy
( ) True ( ) False
All laboratory tests ordered reveal
normal results. The best approach to
management at this time would include
a) Discontinuing ginseng
( ) True ( ) False
b) Dilatation and curettage
( ) True ( ) False
c) Endometrial ablation
( ) True ( ) False
d) Medroxyprogesterone acetate
(Provera), 5-10 mg daily 10 days of
each month
( ) True ( ) False
Within 8 months, she has no further
bleeding but reports hot flushes. After
discussion with the patient, appropriate
therapeutic options include which of the
a) Prescribe conjugated estrogen
( ) True ( ) False
b) Prescribe combined estrogen and
progesterone therapy
( ) True ( ) False
c) Recommend dilatation and
( ) True ( ) False
d) Begin therapy with danazol
( ) True ( ) False
Case # 180
An 84-year-old white male with a 5-year
history of Alzheimer's disease is admitted
to the nursing home because his family is
having difficulty caring for him at home,
due to increased confusion, incontinence,
and combativeness. For the last week he
has been having visual hallucinations.
On admission to the nursing home he
remains combative, striking out at staff
and other residents, and is resistive to
care. He is inattentive and distractible,
and resists attempts at physical
examination. His vital signs are stable,
and a physical examination and
laboratory workup fail to reveal any
acute infections or other significant
Current medications likely contributing
to his altered mental state include which
of the following?
a) Lisinopril (Zestril)
( ) True ( ) False
b) Cimetidine (Tagamet)
( ) True ( ) False
c) Nitroglycerin patch (Nitro-Dur)
( ) True ( ) False
d) Propoxyphene/acetaminophen
(Darvocet-N 100)
( ) True ( ) False
Which of the following historical features
would suggest delirium, rather than
progressive dementia, as a cause of his
worsening condition?
a) Altered level of consciousness
( ) True ( ) False
b) Visual hallucinations for 1 week
( ) True ( ) False
c) Short-term memory impairment
( ) True ( ) False
He improves with behavioral
management and medication changes,
but remains combative and exhibits
delusional and paranoid ideation. Which
of the following neuroleptics could help
control these problems with a relatively
low risk of sedation and extrapyramidal
side effects?
a) Olanzapine (Zyprexa)
( ) True ( ) False
a) Risperidone (Risperdal)
( ) True ( ) False
b) Haloperidol (Haldol)
( ) True ( ) False
c) Thioridazine (Mellaril)
( ) True ( ) False
Gracias por su atención
Dr. Juan Carlos Díaz Torre
Pediatra Neonatólogo
(779) 100 – 40 - 26

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Clinical cases (1) june 30, 13

  • 1. CURSO DE INGLÉS ENGLISH COURSE Dr. Juan Carlos Díaz Torre Pediatra Neonatólogo (779) 100 - 40 - 26 DR.JCDT 1
  • 2. BRIEF CLINICAL CASES CASOS CLÍNICOS BREVES (13) Dr. Juan Carlos Díaz Torre Pediatra Neonatólogo (779) 100 - 40 - 26 DR.JCDT 2
  • 3. DR.JCDT 3 Case # 161 A 58-year-old male who works with heavy machinery at a local factory presents to your office for evaluation of hearing loss of several years’ progression. He notes that the loss is mainly in the left ear and he also has mild tinnitus. He has had no trauma to his head, and he has no history of ear infections.
  • 4. DR.JCDT 4 Examination of the ears reveals normal tympanic membranes and a neurologic examination is negative. When a tuning fork is placed in the center of his forehead, he says the sound is much louder on the right side (Weber test). Comparing sound in front of the ear to the sound when the tuning fork is placed on the mastoid (the Rinne test) reveals that air conduction is better than bone conduction in the left ear.
  • 5. DR.JCDT 5 Which one of the following is true regarding further evaluation and management? : a) Carotid ultrasonography should be ordered b) No treatment or further diagnostic studies are indicated
  • 6. DR.JCDT 6 c) A hearing aid plus better hearing protection is all that is needed d) Audiometry is the best initial screening test e) A tympanogram is indicated
  • 7. DR.JCDT 7 Case # 162 A 6-year-old male is brought to your office 10 days after the onset of a cough and low-grade fever. On examination, his temperature is 37.9° C (100.2° F), pulse 100 beats/min, respirations 22/min, and O2 saturation 94%. He has diffuse wheezes on auscultation of his chest.
  • 8. DR.JCDT 8 His WBC count is 9800/mm (N 4,500 – 11,000) with a slight left shift. His C- reactive protein level is mildly elevated and a chest radiograph reveals an interstitial infiltrate. Which one of the following would be the most appropriate initial therapy?:
  • 9. DR.JCDT 9 a) A Beta-lactam antibiotic b) A macrolide antibiotic c) Amoxicillin d) Ceftriaxone (Rocephin)
  • 10. DR.JCDT 10 Case # 163 A 75-year-old male is brought in by his family due to concerns about memory loss. Which one of the following is best for determining whether or not he has dementia? :
  • 11. DR.JCDT 11 a) A Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) b) Non–contrast-enhanced CT of the head c) An electroencephalogram d) A lumbar puncture e) MRI of the head
  • 12. DR.JCDT 12 Case # 164 Of the following, which one has the greatest potential to spread via human- to-human transmission?:
  • 13. DR.JCDT 13 a) Pneumonic plague b) Botulism c) Typhoidal tularemia d) Coxiella burnetii (Q fever) e) Inhalation anthrax
  • 14. DR.JCDT 14 Case # 165 The mother of a 3-year-old male is concerned that he doesn’t like being held, doesn’t interact much with other children, and rarely smiles. Of the following, which feature would be most helpful in distinguishing Asperger’s syndrome from autism in this patient?
  • 15. DR.JCDT 15 a) Repetitive fine motor mannerisms b) Delayed gross motor development c) Normal language development d) Preoccupation with parts of objects e) Focused patterns of intense interest
  • 16. DR.JCDT 16 Case # 166 A 76-year-old male is brought to your office by his son. The patient complains of dizziness that has slowly been worsening over the past year. His description is vague, but he says that he notices the dizziness when he tries to walk.
  • 17. DR.JCDT 17 The review of systems is normal, except for increasing problems with his “prostate” in the last 6 months, with dribbling and accidents at times. His Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) score is 22 out of 30. No tremor is noted. A CBC, creatinine level, TSH level, vitamin B 12 level, and VDRL are all normal. Which one of the following should you do next?:
  • 18. DR.JCDT 18 a) Order a brainstem auditory evoked potential b) Prescribe sertraline (Zoloft) c) Order physical therapy d) Order a brain MRI e) Prescribe carbidopa/levodopa (Sinemet)
  • 19. DR.JCDT 19 Case # 167 The most appropriate initial pharmacologic treatment of panic disorder is: a) Valproic acid (Depakene) b) Lithium c) An SSRI d) A tricyclic antidepressant
  • 20. DR.JCDT 20 Case # 168 A 24-year-old worker at a local day-care center has not had a menstrual period in over 2 months. A home pregnancy test is positive and is confirmed in your office. She is concerned because she was recently exposed to a child who was diagnosed with rubella. A serum rubella IgG antibody test is negative.
  • 21. DR.JCDT 21 Which one of the following would be the best course of action? a) Order level III ultrasonography to screen for congenital anomalies b) Repeat the serologic testing in 2–3 weeks
  • 22. DR.JCDT 22 c) Administer rubella immune globulin d) Tell the patient she is immune to rubella and is not at risk e) Administer live-virus rubella vaccine
  • 23. DR.JCDT 23 Case # 169 A 23-year-old male with Down syndrome is brought to your office by his parents. The patient has had a low-grade fever (approximately 100° F) for 7 days. The fever is not associated with rhinorrhea, sore throat, cough, dysuria, or shortness of breath. The parents note that their son has complained of aches in various places, and has not been eating well for several weeks.
  • 24. DR.JCDT 24 The physical examination is remarkable for swollen lymph glands in multiple places, pale conjunctivae, and an 8-lb weight loss since his last visit 1 month ago. Which one of the following is most consistent with this patient’s symptoms?
  • 25. DR.JCDT 25 a) Urinary tract infection b) Atypical pneumonia c) Acute myeloid leukemia d) Hodgkin’s lymphoma e) Myocarditis
  • 26. DR.JCDT 26 Case # 170 Which one of the following is true regarding Osgood-Schlatter disease? a) Complete symptom resolution usually occurs in 18–24 months b) Effusions are often present on examination and knee range of motion is limited
  • 27. DR.JCDT 27 c) Most cases are triggered by a single traumatic event d) Pain is localized to the inferior patellar pole at the origin of the patellar tendon e) Pain usually begins at 20°– 30° of flexion
  • 28. DR.JCDT 28 Case # 171 You see a 9-month-old white male for a routine examination. He was seen at 2 months and 4 months for routine care and immunizations, but was not brought back at 6 months. The mother states that he has an excellent appetite. She expresses no concerns except that the baby "seems cranky”.
  • 29. DR.JCDT 29 The child is somewhat obese and pale, but the rest of the physical examination is unremarkable. A heel stick hematocrit done in your office is 26% Known risk factors for iron deficiency at this age include:
  • 30. DR.JCDT 30 a) Maternal iron deficiency without anemia during pregnancy ( ) True ( ) False b) Mild maternal anemia during pregnancy ( ) True ( ) False c) Excessive blood loss during delivery ( ) True ( ) False
  • 31. DR.JCDT 31 d) Prematurity ( ) True ( ) False e) Breastfeeding ( ) True ( ) False
  • 32. DR.JCDT 32 Case # 172 You learn that the child drinks 1.5 quarts of whole cow's milk per day, with a daily dose of iron mixed into the milk. Therapeutic interventions could include a) Dietary instruction regarding overfeeding ( ) True ( ) False
  • 33. DR.JCDT 33 b) Limiting cow's milk to 1 pint a day or less ( ) True ( ) False c) Blood transfusion ( ) True ( ) False d) Continuing oral iron therapy, and advising the mother to avoid mixing it in the milk ( ) True ( ) False
  • 34. DR.JCDT 34 e) Parenteral iron therapy ( ) True ( ) False f) Oral vitamin C therapy ( ) True ( ) False
  • 35. DR.JCDT 35 Case # 173 A 42-year-old white male wants a dark mole removed from his thigh because he is afraid it is a melanoma. a) A biopsy is indicated if the lesion has increased in size recently. ( ) True ( ) False
  • 36. DR.JCDT 36 b) Has an irregular, notched border ( ) True ( ) False c) Is mixed reddish-blue in color ( ) True ( ) False d) Is pruritic ( ) True ( ) False
  • 37. DR.JCDT 37 Case # 174 A biopsy confirms malignant melanoma in the superficial 0. 7 mm of the tissue submitted. Initial treatment should include: a) Wide local excision ( ) True ( ) False
  • 38. DR.JCDT 38 b) 8,000 rad local radiation ( ) True ( ) False c) Regional node dissection ( ) True ( ) False d) Fluoxymesterone (Halotestin), 10 mg orally ( ) True ( ) False
  • 39. DR.JCDT 39 Case # 175 A 56-year-old white female complains of painful, burning dysesthesias in her hands and feet. Her past history is positive for cancer of the ovary treated with chemotherapy. Physical examination is normal except for evidence of a purely sensory peripheral neuropathy.
  • 40. DR.JCDT 40 The etiology of peripheral neuropathy includes a) Toxic effects of antineoplastic medications ( ) True ( ) False b) Paraneoplastic syndrome ( ) True ( ) False
  • 41. DR.JCDT 41 c) Vitamin B12 deficiency ( ) True ( ) False d) Diabetes mellitus ( ) True ( ) False e) Diabetes insipidus ( ) True ( ) False
  • 42. DR.JCDT 42 Treatment options include a) Chelation therapy ( ) True ( ) False b) Carbamazepine (Tegretol) ( ) True ( ) False c) Tricyclic antidepressants such as amitriptyline (Elavil) ( ) True ( ) False
  • 43. DR.JCDT 43 Case # 176 A 60-year-old white male has pain that starts in the hypogastric area that subsequently localizes in the left lower quadrant. His maximum temperature is 38.5 ° C ( 101.3 ° F) and he is able to take oral fluids without difficulty .He is mildly tender in the left lower quadrant on examination and has no rebound tenderness.
  • 44. DR.JCDT 44 Appropriate management at this time would include a) Emergency surgical consultation ( ) True ( ) False b) CBC ( ) True ( ) False c) Urinalysis ( ) True ( ) False
  • 45. DR.JCDT 45 d) Rectal examination ( ) True ( ) False e) A liquid diet ( ) True ( ) False f) Oral antibiotics ( ) True ( ) False
  • 46. DR.JCDT 46 In 10 days the patient is reevaluated. His abdominal pain has resolved and he is afebrile. Appropriate measures would now include a) A low-residue diet ( ) True ( ) False b) Colonoscopy ( ) True ( ) False
  • 47. DR.JCDT 47 Case # 177 He follows your recommendations and does well until 2 years later when the symptoms recur. He has delayed seeing you because he thought the symptoms would go away. Examination shows him to be extremely uncomfortable, with a temperature of 38.8° C (102.0° F), and tenderness in the left lower quadrant.
  • 48. DR.JCDT 48 On palpation, you suspect there may be a left lower quadrant mass. His abdomen is moderately distended with decreased bowel sounds. Appropriate measures at this time would include a) A barium enema ( ) True ( ) False
  • 49. DR.JCDT 49 b) A CT scan of the abdomen ( ) True ( ) False c) A full liquid diet ( ) True ( ) False d) Parenteral narcotics as needed ( ) True ( ) False e) Broad-spectrum antibiotics ( ) True ( ) False
  • 50. DR.JCDT 50 Case # 178 You are covering the emergency department at your local community hospital. A 24-year-old previously healthy white female presents with complaints of dry mouth and blurred vision associated with nausea, malaise, and the recent onset of diplopia. You learn that 2 days ago she enjoyed home- canned foods at a friend's house.
  • 51. DR.JCDT 51 On examination you note a slight but definite ptosis and a slightly disconjugate gaze. Her examination is otherwise unremarkable and comprehensive blood chemistries are normal. You decide which of the following tests might be diagnostic? :
  • 52. DR.JCDT 52 a) An MRI to rule out Guillain-Barre syndrome ( ) True ( ) False b) A lumbar puncture to rule out a cerebrovascular accident ( ) True ( ) False
  • 53. DR.JCDT 53 c) A doxycyline challenge for tick paralysis ( ) True ( ) False d) A psychiatric consultation for hysteria ( ) True ( ) False
  • 54. DR.JCDT 54 Results of appropriate testing are normal. The patient complains that she is getting weaker and notes a feeling of dyspnea. Appropriate actions at this time would include which of the following?: a) Admit the patient to the intensive- care unit ( ) True ( ) False
  • 55. DR.JCDT 55 b) Obtain psychiatric consultation ( ) True ( ) False c) Begin intravenous ciprofloxacin (Cipro) ( ) True ( ) False d) Monitor respiratory status closely ( ) True ( ) False
  • 56. DR.JCDT 56 Case # 179 An obese 51-year-o1d white female consults you about her menstrual periods. For the past 6 months her menses have been irregular, spaced anywhere from 3-6 weeks apart. In addition, the flow has been considerably heavier and more prolonged than in the past. The only medication she is taking is a ginseng extract. She is not sexually active. Pelvic examination is normal.
  • 57. DR.JCDT 57 Appropriate diagnostic studies at this time include which of the following? a) Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) level ( ) True ( ) False b) CBC ( ) True ( ) False
  • 58. DR.JCDT 58 c) Papanicolaou (Pap) test ( ) True ( ) False d) Office endometrial biopsy ( ) True ( ) False
  • 59. DR.JCDT 59 All laboratory tests ordered reveal normal results. The best approach to management at this time would include a) Discontinuing ginseng ( ) True ( ) False b) Dilatation and curettage ( ) True ( ) False
  • 60. DR.JCDT 60 c) Endometrial ablation ( ) True ( ) False d) Medroxyprogesterone acetate (Provera), 5-10 mg daily 10 days of each month ( ) True ( ) False
  • 61. DR.JCDT 61 Within 8 months, she has no further bleeding but reports hot flushes. After discussion with the patient, appropriate therapeutic options include which of the following?: a) Prescribe conjugated estrogen supplementation ( ) True ( ) False
  • 62. DR.JCDT 62 b) Prescribe combined estrogen and progesterone therapy ( ) True ( ) False c) Recommend dilatation and curettage ( ) True ( ) False d) Begin therapy with danazol (Danocrine) ( ) True ( ) False
  • 63. DR.JCDT 63 Case # 180 An 84-year-old white male with a 5-year history of Alzheimer's disease is admitted to the nursing home because his family is having difficulty caring for him at home, due to increased confusion, incontinence, and combativeness. For the last week he has been having visual hallucinations.
  • 64. DR.JCDT 64 On admission to the nursing home he remains combative, striking out at staff and other residents, and is resistive to care. He is inattentive and distractible, and resists attempts at physical examination. His vital signs are stable, and a physical examination and laboratory workup fail to reveal any acute infections or other significant changes.
  • 65. DR.JCDT 65 Current medications likely contributing to his altered mental state include which of the following? a) Lisinopril (Zestril) ( ) True ( ) False b) Cimetidine (Tagamet) ( ) True ( ) False
  • 66. DR.JCDT 66 c) Nitroglycerin patch (Nitro-Dur) ( ) True ( ) False d) Propoxyphene/acetaminophen (Darvocet-N 100) ( ) True ( ) False
  • 67. DR.JCDT 67 Which of the following historical features would suggest delirium, rather than progressive dementia, as a cause of his worsening condition? a) Altered level of consciousness ( ) True ( ) False b) Visual hallucinations for 1 week ( ) True ( ) False
  • 68. DR.JCDT 68 c) Short-term memory impairment ( ) True ( ) False
  • 69. DR.JCDT 69 He improves with behavioral management and medication changes, but remains combative and exhibits delusional and paranoid ideation. Which of the following neuroleptics could help control these problems with a relatively low risk of sedation and extrapyramidal side effects? a) Olanzapine (Zyprexa) ( ) True ( ) False
  • 70. DR.JCDT 70 a) Risperidone (Risperdal) ( ) True ( ) False b) Haloperidol (Haldol) ( ) True ( ) False c) Thioridazine (Mellaril) ( ) True ( ) False
  • 71. Gracias por su atención Dr. Juan Carlos Díaz Torre Pediatra Neonatólogo (779) 100 – 40 - 26 DR.JCDT 71