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Book Four
1. Electric Shepherd Productions (ESP) is a
   company founded by the sisters Laura Leslie and
   Isa Hackett. Who is their famous father?

  ESP’s latest production is going to be a 4-episode
  mini-series to be telecast on SyFy channel,
  directed by Ridley Scott, and written by Frank
  Spotnitz (of X-Files fame) Which book is this TV
  series going to be based on?
2. Whose only non science-fiction novel,
‘Glide Path’, was based on the author’s
experiences as the RAF officer in charge of
the Ground Controlled Approach, the first
radar talk-down system designed to guide
airplanes down to the ground in stormy
weather using radar images?
3. Given that Adam
Roberts’s sense of
humour is in the same
plane as that of
Appu’s—name this
compilation of his
short stories.
4. This is from the Alastair Reynolds short story ‘Tiger Burning’.
Identify the playwright, and his work being alluded to here.
5. Whose art graces
this book cover?
 "Caladan" – 2:28
 "Sardaukar Levenbrech" – 2:08
 "Zoal, Face Dancer" – 2:38
 "Rosa" – 3:15
 "Avi" – 2:38
 "Feyd Rautha Dark Heart" – 3:44
 "Gambang" – 1:36
 "Venus in Fleurs" – 2:45
 "Grisgris" – 3:25
 "Shadout Mapes" – 4:34
 "Beast Infection" – 2:21
7. ‘Locus’ magazine recently published their
list of Best 20th Century Science Fiction
Novels, and Best 20th Century Fantasy
Novels. Who is the only author whose works
appear in the Top 5 of both the lists?
8. In the Jules Verne classic, ‘20,000
Leagues Under the Sea’, the narrator
Arronax gives a laborious itemised
description of a giant squid that they spot.
Arronax concludes by acknowledging his
description as being too pallid, and saying
that only “the author of ‘The Toilers of the
Sea’” could do it justice.
Jules Verne was thus paying tribute to
which famous author?
9. The ‘TekWar’ series of books is credited
to William Shatner. Which author, who
among other things wrote a series of novels
starring Groucho Marx as a detective, ghost
wrote this popular sci-fi series?
    Y   10. ‘X & Y’ is a novel
        by Rudy Rucker that
        portrays X, a
        scientist and Y, an
        author as lovers.
        Solve for X and Y.
11. This phrase (a character name, in fact) is used in literary circles
to denote author self-insertions especially when there is a wish-
fulfillment angle to it. It originates from a 1973 Paula Smith story
called ‘A Trekkie’s Tale’. Given below is a definition from 1976 by
which time the phrase had started being used frequently in fan

____ ___ stories—the adventures of the youngest and smartest ever
person to graduate from the academy and ever get a commission at
such a tender age. Usually characterized by unprecedented skill in
everything from art to zoology, including karate and arm-
wrestling. This character can also be found burrowing her way into
the good graces/heart/mind of one of the Big Three [Kirk, Spock,
and McCoy], if not all three at once. She saves the day by her wit
and ability, and, if we are lucky, has the good grace to die at the
end, being grieved by the entire ship

What phrase/character?
12. Writer Gary Westfahl opines that this
author wrote science fiction from 1939 to
1957, and wrote satires of science fiction
from 1958 until his death in 1988. Who?
13. The teaching software on
OLPC is named Nell after the
idea of Nell’s Primer from which
sci-fi book?
14. The first book in the Moreau series of
books by S. Andrew Swann is titled ‘Forests
of the Night’, and the fourth and final book
is titled ‘Fearful Symmetries’. What sort of a
creature is Nohar Rajasthan, the
protagonist of these four books?
15. A classic short story, ‘Answer’, written by
Fredric Brown in 1954, has every single
computer in the galaxy linked together to
answer a single question: “Is there a God?”

What is the computer’s response?
17. One of the ways in which M John
Harrison’s ‘Viriconium’ stories flirted with
sci-fi was the existence of weapons that were
essentially laser blasters. What were these
weapons called, a name Harrison borrowed
from a Sanskrit word for arrow?
18. In Terry Pratchett’s Discworld universe,
there are two origin hypotheses. One is the
Big Bang which involves the Great A’Tuin
and other turtles mating. What is the other
theory which states that A’Tuin had come
from nowhere and would continue at an
uniform crawl into nowhere, for all time?
X                Y
Napoleon Boot      Wellington
Chalotte           Madam Cholet
Vulgarian          Great Uncle Bulgaria
Bingo              Bungo
Sydney             Miss Adelaide
Stonks             Tomsk
Torreycanyon       Tobermory
Orococco           Orinoco
20. As per a Publisher’s Weekly
report, which book (first
published in 1985) topped the
bestsellers list in the science
fiction genre?
21. It is well known that the Narnia
series contains a lot of Biblical
allusions. In the series, which food
item plays a role analogous to that of
the Biblical forbidden fruit?
22. Identify the character.
23. John Carpenter’s horror-classic ‘The
Thing’ was based on the novella ‘Who Goes
There’ (first published in the August 1938
edition of ‘Astounding Science-Fiction’)

Which influential figure in sci-fi wrote the
24. The cover art for
Neil Gaiman’s
upcoming book was
revealed recently.
What in the world of
music did sci-fi
blogger Niall
Alexander compare
the cover art to?
25. Who has written the afterword in Cory
Doctorow’s new book ‘Homeland’, the
sequel to ‘Little Brother’? In the afterword,
a fervent plea is made to the readers to get
involved in stopping the Internet from
becoming “some kind of giant stupid
shopping mall.”
26. The 1869 novelette ‘The Brick
Moon’ by Edward Everett Hale is
considered the first description
of what in science fiction?
27. Noted sci-fi author David Gerrold (the
man who came up with the concept of a
computer virus in his novel ‘When
HARLIE Was One’) recently wrote an open
letter to DC Comics offering to write a
Superman story in the interest of balance.

Explain the context.
28. What are the aliens in ‘District 9’ called?
29. To whom did
Sanderson give
this autographed
copy of his book
‘The Way of

Which book’s title
have I blanked out
“Some mechanism in my sub-consciousness
took the dominant characteristics of various
prize-fighters, gunmen, bootleggers, oil field
bullies, gamblers, and honest workmen I had
come in contact with, and combining them
all, produced the amalgamation I call _____ .”

30. An author talking about his most famous
creation. Identify both.
31. ‘The Tea Garden Soap Box Grand Prix’,
by David Tanh and Marcus Muller is a
story about the Kame Clan and the Usagi
Clan who decide to take their feud to the
racetrack, where the Usagis have
traditionally dominated.

This story is a reimagining of which
famous tale?
32. This Internet meme usually features a photo of a cat that is
hanging on to something by its claws (I thought the panda looked
cuter, so I put that in) Identify the meme that takes its name from
the last words uttered by Gandalf, the Grey.
33. What is the
inspiration for the
design of this
34. When young James
expressed interest in
making sci-fi
illustrations, his uncle,
one of 20th century’s
most prominent artists,
expressed disgust. Name
the uncle.

Also, name the book
whose cover the artwork
on the right adorned.
35. Author talking about how he was inspired by a scene in the
movie ‘Let’s Do It Again’—

“I had gotten the idea several years earlier while attending a
movie in a Redondo Beach theater. In this particular scene, Ray
Milland, leaving Jane Wyman's apartment in a huff,
accidentally put on Aldo Ray's hat, which sank down around
his ears. Something in me asked, ‘What would happen if a man
put on a hat which he knew was his and the same thing
happened?’ Thus the notion came.”

Which 1956 novel resulted?
36. Along with
singer Alicia Keys,
and director Robert
Rodriguez, he has
been signed on as a
brand ambassador
for their latest

Who? Which
37. Science fiction : Steampunk ::
Fantasy : _______ _______

Complete the analogy above with a
phrase that was originally coined to
describe the comic ‘Girl Genius’ by Phil
and Kaja Foglio.
38. This heavily
Ballardian book has
been out-of-print for a
while, but is widely
available on torrents.
Which band’s fans are
the most likely reason?
39. Which famous tale is based partly on
historical events—the pilgrimage of a Chinese
monk, Xuanzang, to India, to recover
Mahayana Buddhist scriptures for the court of
China’s illustrious T’ang dynasty?
40. Name the
protagonist and
antagonist of this
41. This is the Solar
System as represented in
which series of books?
What is the name for
Venus in these books?
42. The only use mentioned for this
technology in H2G2 is that it can shift all
the molecules in women’s undergarments
one foot to the left, thus making it a
popular party trick. What technology?
Also, name the more famous (and
definitely more useful) related technology
that drives a lot of the plot in the series.
43. What was held for the first
time in 1939 in New York from
July 2nd to 4th in conjunction with
the Worlds Fair that was
happening in the city at that time?
44. The 1921 play ‘Back to Methuselah’
included science fiction elements such
as people communicating via visual
switchboard, an England governed by
Chinese and African women, and of course
as the title indicates, people who live to be
three hundred and more.

Who wrote this play?
45. Which legendary sci-fi author coined the
phrase “live long and prosper”?
36 visuals – 6 sets of 6 each
+3, +2.5, +2, +1.5, +1, +0.5
-0.5 for wrong guess
1. Electric Shepherd Productions (ESP) is a
   company founded by the sisters Laura Leslie and
   Isa Hackett. Who is their famous father?

  ESP’s latest production is going to be a 4-episode
  mini-series to be telecast on SyFy channel,
  directed by Ridley Scott, and written by Frank
  Spotnitz (of X-Files fame) Which book is this TV
  series going to be based on?
 Philip K Dick
 The Man in the High Castle
2. Whose only non science-fiction novel,
‘Glide Path’, was based on the author’s
experiences as the RAF officer in charge of
the Ground Controlled Approach, the first
radar talk-down system designed to guide
airplanes down to the ground in stormy
weather using radar images?
 Arthur C Clarke
3. Given that Adam
Roberts’s sense of
humour is in the same
plane as that of
Appu’s—name this
compilation of his
short stories.
 Adam Robots
4. This is from the Alastair Reynolds short story ‘Tiger Burning’.
Identify the playwright, and his work being alluded to here.
 Shakespeare
 The Tempest
5. Whose art graces
this book cover?
 Max Ernst
 "Caladan" – 2:28
 "Sardaukar Levenbrech" – 2:08
 "Zoal, Face Dancer" – 2:38
 "Rosa" – 3:15
 "Avi" – 2:38
 "Feyd Rautha Dark Heart" – 3:44
 "Gambang" – 1:36
 "Venus in Fleurs" – 2:45
 "Grisgris" – 3:25
 "Shadout Mapes" – 4:34
 "Beast Infection" – 2:21
 Dune, by Frank Herbert
7. ‘Locus’ magazine recently published their
list of Best 20th Century Science Fiction
Novels, and Best 20th Century Fantasy
Novels. Who is the only author whose works
appear in the Top 5 of both the lists?
 Ursula LeGuin
8. In the Jules Verne classic, ‘20,000
Leagues Under the Sea’, the narrator
Arronax gives a laborious itemised
description of a giant squid that they spot.
Arronax concludes by acknowledging his
description as being too pallid, and saying
that only “the author of ‘The Toilers of the
Sea’” could do it justice.
Jules Verne was thus paying tribute to
which famous author?
 Victor Hugo
9. The ‘TekWar’ series of books is credited
to William Shatner. Which author, who
among other things wrote a series of novels
starring Groucho Marx as a detective, ghost
wrote this popular sci-fi series?
 Ron Goulart
    Y   10. ‘X & Y’ is a novel
        by Rudy Rucker that
        portrays X, a
        scientist and Y, an
        author as lovers.
        Solve for X and Y.
 Turing & Burroughs
11. This phrase (a character name, in fact) is used in literary circles
to denote author self-insertions especially when there is a wish-
fulfillment angle to it. It originates from a 1973 Paula Smith story
called ‘A Trekkie’s Tale’. Given below is a definition from 1976 by
which time the phrase had started being used frequently in fan

____ ___ stories—the adventures of the youngest and smartest ever
person to graduate from the academy and ever get a commission at
such a tender age. Usually characterized by unprecedented skill in
everything from art to zoology, including karate and arm-
wrestling. This character can also be found burrowing her way into
the good graces/heart/mind of one of the Big Three [Kirk, Spock,
and McCoy], if not all three at once. She saves the day by her wit
and ability, and, if we are lucky, has the good grace to die at the
end, being grieved by the entire ship

What phrase/character?
 Mary Sue
12. Writer Gary Westfahl opines that this
author wrote science fiction from 1939 to
1957, and wrote satires of science fiction
from 1958 until his death in 1988. Who?
 Robert Heinlein
13. The teaching software on
OLPC is named Nell after the
idea of Nell’s Primer from which
sci-fi book?
 The Diamond Age, by Neal Stephenson
14. The first book in the Moreau series of
books by S. Andrew Swann is titled ‘Forests
of the Night’, and the fourth and final book
is titled ‘Fearful Symmetries’. What sort of a
creature is Nohar Rajasthan, the
protagonist of these four books?
 Tiger
15. A classic short story, ‘Answer’, written by
Fredric Brown in 1954, has every single
computer in the galaxy linked together to
answer a single question: “Is there a God?”

What is the computer’s response?
 There is now.
 Elric of Melnibone
17. One of the ways in which M John
Harrison’s ‘Viriconium’ stories flirted with
sci-fi was the existence of weapons that were
essentially laser blasters. What were these
weapons called, a name Harrison borrowed
from a Sanskrit word for arrow?
 Baans
18. In Terry Pratchett’s Discworld universe,
there are two origin hypotheses. One is the
Big Bang which involves the Great A’Tuin
and other turtles mating. What is the other
theory which states that A’Tuin had come
from nowhere and would continue at an
uniform crawl into nowhere, for all time?
 Steady gait
X                Y
Napoleon Boot      Wellington
Chalotte           Madam Cholet
Vulgarian          Great Uncle Bulgaria
Bingo              Bungo
Sydney             Miss Adelaide
Stonks             Tomsk
Torreycanyon       Tobermory
Orococco           Orinoco
 X – Rumbles
 Y – Wombles
20. As per a Publisher’s Weekly
report, which book (first
published in 1985) topped the
bestsellers list in the science
fiction genre?
 Ender’s Game, by Orson Scott Card
21. It is well known that the Narnia
series contains a lot of Biblical
allusions. In the series, which food
item plays a role analogous to that of
the Biblical forbidden fruit?
 Turkish delight
22. Identify the character.
 Geordi La Forge
23. John Carpenter’s horror-classic ‘The
Thing’ was based on the novella ‘Who Goes
There’ (first published in the August 1938
edition of ‘Astounding Science-Fiction’)

Which influential figure in sci-fi wrote the
 John W Campbell, Jr.
24. The cover art for
Neil Gaiman’s
upcoming book was
revealed recently.
What in the world of
music did sci-fi
blogger Niall
Alexander compare
the cover art to?
 Album cover of Nirvana’s ‘Nevermind’
25. Who has written the afterword in Cory
Doctorow’s new book ‘Homeland’, the
sequel to ‘Little Brother’? In the afterword,
a fervent plea is made to the readers to get
involved in stopping the Internet from
becoming “some kind of giant stupid
shopping mall.”
 Aaron Swartz
26. The 1869 novelette ‘The Brick
Moon’ by Edward Everett Hale is
considered the first description
of what in science fiction?
 Artificial satellite
27. Noted sci-fi author David Gerrold (the
man who came up with the concept of a
computer virus in his novel ‘When
HARLIE Was One’) recently wrote an open
letter to DC Comics offering to write a
Superman story in the interest of balance.

Explain the context.
 In response to homophobe Orson Scott Card being
  roped in by DC Comics to write a Superman story.
 David Gerrold is openly gay
28. What are the aliens in ‘District 9’ called?
 Prawns
29. To whom did
Sanderson give
this autographed
copy of his book
‘The Way of

Which book’s title
have I blanked out
 Patrick Rothfuss
 The Wise Man’s Fear
“Some mechanism in my sub-consciousness
took the dominant characteristics of various
prize-fighters, gunmen, bootleggers, oil field
bullies, gamblers, and honest workmen I had
come in contact with, and combining them
all, produced the amalgamation I call _____ .”

30. An author talking about his most famous
creation. Identify both.
 Conan
31. ‘The Tea Garden Soap Box Grand Prix’,
by David Tanh and Marcus Muller is a
story about the Kame Clan and the Usagi
Clan who decide to take their feud to the
racetrack, where the Usagis have
traditionally dominated.

This story is a reimagining of which
famous tale?
 The Hare and the Tortoise
32. This Internet meme usually features a photo of a cat that is
hanging on to something by its claws (I thought the panda looked
cuter, so I put that in) Identify the meme that takes its name from
the last words uttered by Gandalf, the Grey.
 Fly, you fools!
33. What is the
inspiration for the
design of this
 The dragon eggs from Game of Thrones
34. When young James
expressed interest in
making sci-fi
illustrations, his uncle,
one of 20th century’s
most prominent artists,
expressed disgust. Name
the uncle.

Also, name the book
whose cover the artwork
on the right adorned.
 Andy Warhol
 Stranger in a Strange Land, by Robert Heinlein
35. Author talking about how he was inspired by a scene in the
movie ‘Let’s Do It Again’—

“I had gotten the idea several years earlier while attending a
movie in a Redondo Beach theater. In this particular scene, Ray
Milland, leaving Jane Wyman's apartment in a huff,
accidentally put on Aldo Ray's hat, which sank down around
his ears. Something in me asked, ‘What would happen if a man
put on a hat which he knew was his and the same thing
happened?’ Thus the notion came.”

Which 1956 novel resulted?
 The Shrinking Man, by Richard Matheson
36. Along with
singer Alicia Keys,
and director Robert
Rodriguez, he has
been signed on as a
brand ambassador
for their latest

Who? Which
 Neil Gaiman
 Blackberry
37. Science fiction : Steampunk ::
Fantasy : _______ _______

Complete the analogy above with a
phrase that was originally coined to
describe the comic ‘Girl Genius’ by Phil
and Kaja Foglio.
 Gaslamp fantasy
38. This heavily
Ballardian book has
been out-of-print for a
while, but is widely
available on torrents.
Which band’s fans are
the most likely reason?
 Swans
39. Which famous tale is based partly on
historical events—the pilgrimage of a Chinese
monk, Xuanzang, to India, to recover
Mahayana Buddhist scriptures for the court of
China’s illustrious T’ang dynasty?
 Journey to the West
40. Name the
protagonist and
antagonist of this
 HG Wells
 Jack, the Ripper
41. This is the Solar
System as represented in
which series of books?
What is the name for
Venus in these books?
 The Space Trilogy / Cosmic Trilogy, by CS Lewis
 Perelandra
42. The only use mentioned for this
technology in H2G2 is that it can shift all
the molecules in women’s undergarments
one foot to the left, thus making it a
popular party trick. What technology?
Also, name the more famous (and
definitely more useful) related technology
that drives a lot of the plot in the series.
 Finite improbability
 Infinite improbability
43. What was held for the first
time in 1939 in New York from
July 2nd to 4th in conjunction with
the Worlds Fair that was
happening in the city at that time?
 WorldCon (World Science Fiction Convention)
44. The 1921 play ‘Back to Methuselah’
included science fiction elements such
as people communicating via visual
switchboard, an England governed by
Chinese and African women, and of course
as the title indicates, people who live to be
three hundred and more.

Who wrote this play?
 George Bernard Shaw
45. Which legendary sci-fi author coined the
phrase “live long and prosper”?
 Theodore Sturgeon
36 visuals – 6 sets of 6 each
+3, +2.5, +2, +1.5, +1, +0.5
-0.5 for wrong guess
 Symbols on an Alethiometer (in Philip Pullman’s ‘His
 Dark Materials’ trilogy)

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Chronosynclastic Infundibulum IV

  • 2. 1. Electric Shepherd Productions (ESP) is a company founded by the sisters Laura Leslie and Isa Hackett. Who is their famous father? ESP’s latest production is going to be a 4-episode mini-series to be telecast on SyFy channel, directed by Ridley Scott, and written by Frank Spotnitz (of X-Files fame) Which book is this TV series going to be based on?
  • 3. 2. Whose only non science-fiction novel, ‘Glide Path’, was based on the author’s experiences as the RAF officer in charge of the Ground Controlled Approach, the first radar talk-down system designed to guide airplanes down to the ground in stormy weather using radar images?
  • 4. 3. Given that Adam Roberts’s sense of humour is in the same plane as that of Appu’s—name this compilation of his short stories.
  • 5. 4. This is from the Alastair Reynolds short story ‘Tiger Burning’. Identify the playwright, and his work being alluded to here.
  • 6. 5. Whose art graces this book cover?
  • 7.  "Caladan" – 2:28  "Sardaukar Levenbrech" – 2:08  "Zoal, Face Dancer" – 2:38  "Rosa" – 3:15  "Avi" – 2:38  "Feyd Rautha Dark Heart" – 3:44  "Gambang" – 1:36  "Venus in Fleurs" – 2:45  "Grisgris" – 3:25  "Shadout Mapes" – 4:34  "Beast Infection" – 2:21
  • 8. 7. ‘Locus’ magazine recently published their list of Best 20th Century Science Fiction Novels, and Best 20th Century Fantasy Novels. Who is the only author whose works appear in the Top 5 of both the lists?
  • 9. 8. In the Jules Verne classic, ‘20,000 Leagues Under the Sea’, the narrator Arronax gives a laborious itemised description of a giant squid that they spot. Arronax concludes by acknowledging his description as being too pallid, and saying that only “the author of ‘The Toilers of the Sea’” could do it justice. Jules Verne was thus paying tribute to which famous author?
  • 10. 9. The ‘TekWar’ series of books is credited to William Shatner. Which author, who among other things wrote a series of novels starring Groucho Marx as a detective, ghost wrote this popular sci-fi series?
  • 11. X Y 10. ‘X & Y’ is a novel by Rudy Rucker that portrays X, a scientist and Y, an author as lovers. Solve for X and Y.
  • 12. 11. This phrase (a character name, in fact) is used in literary circles to denote author self-insertions especially when there is a wish- fulfillment angle to it. It originates from a 1973 Paula Smith story called ‘A Trekkie’s Tale’. Given below is a definition from 1976 by which time the phrase had started being used frequently in fan fiction. ____ ___ stories—the adventures of the youngest and smartest ever person to graduate from the academy and ever get a commission at such a tender age. Usually characterized by unprecedented skill in everything from art to zoology, including karate and arm- wrestling. This character can also be found burrowing her way into the good graces/heart/mind of one of the Big Three [Kirk, Spock, and McCoy], if not all three at once. She saves the day by her wit and ability, and, if we are lucky, has the good grace to die at the end, being grieved by the entire ship What phrase/character?
  • 13. 12. Writer Gary Westfahl opines that this author wrote science fiction from 1939 to 1957, and wrote satires of science fiction from 1958 until his death in 1988. Who?
  • 14. 13. The teaching software on OLPC is named Nell after the idea of Nell’s Primer from which sci-fi book?
  • 15. 14. The first book in the Moreau series of books by S. Andrew Swann is titled ‘Forests of the Night’, and the fourth and final book is titled ‘Fearful Symmetries’. What sort of a creature is Nohar Rajasthan, the protagonist of these four books?
  • 16. 15. A classic short story, ‘Answer’, written by Fredric Brown in 1954, has every single computer in the galaxy linked together to answer a single question: “Is there a God?” What is the computer’s response?
  • 17.
  • 18. 17. One of the ways in which M John Harrison’s ‘Viriconium’ stories flirted with sci-fi was the existence of weapons that were essentially laser blasters. What were these weapons called, a name Harrison borrowed from a Sanskrit word for arrow?
  • 19. 18. In Terry Pratchett’s Discworld universe, there are two origin hypotheses. One is the Big Bang which involves the Great A’Tuin and other turtles mating. What is the other theory which states that A’Tuin had come from nowhere and would continue at an uniform crawl into nowhere, for all time?
  • 20. X Y Napoleon Boot Wellington Chalotte Madam Cholet Vulgarian Great Uncle Bulgaria Bingo Bungo Sydney Miss Adelaide Stonks Tomsk Torreycanyon Tobermory Orococco Orinoco
  • 21. 20. As per a Publisher’s Weekly report, which book (first published in 1985) topped the bestsellers list in the science fiction genre?
  • 22. 21. It is well known that the Narnia series contains a lot of Biblical allusions. In the series, which food item plays a role analogous to that of the Biblical forbidden fruit?
  • 23. 22. Identify the character.
  • 24. 23. John Carpenter’s horror-classic ‘The Thing’ was based on the novella ‘Who Goes There’ (first published in the August 1938 edition of ‘Astounding Science-Fiction’) Which influential figure in sci-fi wrote the novella?
  • 25. 24. The cover art for Neil Gaiman’s upcoming book was revealed recently. What in the world of music did sci-fi blogger Niall Alexander compare the cover art to?
  • 26. 25. Who has written the afterword in Cory Doctorow’s new book ‘Homeland’, the sequel to ‘Little Brother’? In the afterword, a fervent plea is made to the readers to get involved in stopping the Internet from becoming “some kind of giant stupid shopping mall.”
  • 27. 26. The 1869 novelette ‘The Brick Moon’ by Edward Everett Hale is considered the first description of what in science fiction?
  • 28. 27. Noted sci-fi author David Gerrold (the man who came up with the concept of a computer virus in his novel ‘When HARLIE Was One’) recently wrote an open letter to DC Comics offering to write a Superman story in the interest of balance. Explain the context.
  • 29. 28. What are the aliens in ‘District 9’ called?
  • 30. 29. To whom did Brandon Sanderson give this autographed copy of his book ‘The Way of Kings’? Which book’s title have I blanked out here?
  • 31. “Some mechanism in my sub-consciousness took the dominant characteristics of various prize-fighters, gunmen, bootleggers, oil field bullies, gamblers, and honest workmen I had come in contact with, and combining them all, produced the amalgamation I call _____ .” 30. An author talking about his most famous creation. Identify both.
  • 32. 31. ‘The Tea Garden Soap Box Grand Prix’, by David Tanh and Marcus Muller is a story about the Kame Clan and the Usagi Clan who decide to take their feud to the racetrack, where the Usagis have traditionally dominated. This story is a reimagining of which famous tale?
  • 33. 32. This Internet meme usually features a photo of a cat that is hanging on to something by its claws (I thought the panda looked cuter, so I put that in) Identify the meme that takes its name from the last words uttered by Gandalf, the Grey.
  • 34. 33. What is the inspiration for the design of this paperweight?
  • 35. 34. When young James expressed interest in making sci-fi illustrations, his uncle, one of 20th century’s most prominent artists, expressed disgust. Name the uncle. Also, name the book whose cover the artwork on the right adorned.
  • 36. 35. Author talking about how he was inspired by a scene in the movie ‘Let’s Do It Again’— “I had gotten the idea several years earlier while attending a movie in a Redondo Beach theater. In this particular scene, Ray Milland, leaving Jane Wyman's apartment in a huff, accidentally put on Aldo Ray's hat, which sank down around his ears. Something in me asked, ‘What would happen if a man put on a hat which he knew was his and the same thing happened?’ Thus the notion came.” Which 1956 novel resulted?
  • 37. 36. Along with singer Alicia Keys, and director Robert Rodriguez, he has been signed on as a brand ambassador for their latest product. Who? Which brand/company?
  • 38. 37. Science fiction : Steampunk :: Fantasy : _______ _______ Complete the analogy above with a phrase that was originally coined to describe the comic ‘Girl Genius’ by Phil and Kaja Foglio.
  • 39. 38. This heavily Ballardian book has been out-of-print for a while, but is widely available on torrents. Which band’s fans are the most likely reason?
  • 40. 39. Which famous tale is based partly on historical events—the pilgrimage of a Chinese monk, Xuanzang, to India, to recover Mahayana Buddhist scriptures for the court of China’s illustrious T’ang dynasty?
  • 41. 40. Name the protagonist and antagonist of this novel
  • 42. 41. This is the Solar System as represented in which series of books? What is the name for Venus in these books?
  • 43. 42. The only use mentioned for this technology in H2G2 is that it can shift all the molecules in women’s undergarments one foot to the left, thus making it a popular party trick. What technology? Also, name the more famous (and definitely more useful) related technology that drives a lot of the plot in the series.
  • 44. 43. What was held for the first time in 1939 in New York from July 2nd to 4th in conjunction with the Worlds Fair that was happening in the city at that time?
  • 45. 44. The 1921 play ‘Back to Methuselah’ included science fiction elements such as people communicating via visual switchboard, an England governed by Chinese and African women, and of course as the title indicates, people who live to be three hundred and more. Who wrote this play?
  • 46. 45. Which legendary sci-fi author coined the phrase “live long and prosper”?
  • 47. 36 visuals – 6 sets of 6 each +3, +2.5, +2, +1.5, +1, +0.5 -0.5 for wrong guess
  • 48.
  • 49.
  • 50.
  • 51.
  • 52.
  • 53.
  • 54.
  • 55.
  • 56.
  • 57.
  • 58.
  • 59.
  • 60.
  • 61. 1. Electric Shepherd Productions (ESP) is a company founded by the sisters Laura Leslie and Isa Hackett. Who is their famous father? ESP’s latest production is going to be a 4-episode mini-series to be telecast on SyFy channel, directed by Ridley Scott, and written by Frank Spotnitz (of X-Files fame) Which book is this TV series going to be based on?
  • 62.  Philip K Dick  The Man in the High Castle
  • 63. 2. Whose only non science-fiction novel, ‘Glide Path’, was based on the author’s experiences as the RAF officer in charge of the Ground Controlled Approach, the first radar talk-down system designed to guide airplanes down to the ground in stormy weather using radar images?
  • 64.  Arthur C Clarke
  • 65. 3. Given that Adam Roberts’s sense of humour is in the same plane as that of Appu’s—name this compilation of his short stories.
  • 67. 4. This is from the Alastair Reynolds short story ‘Tiger Burning’. Identify the playwright, and his work being alluded to here.
  • 69. 5. Whose art graces this book cover?
  • 71.  "Caladan" – 2:28  "Sardaukar Levenbrech" – 2:08  "Zoal, Face Dancer" – 2:38  "Rosa" – 3:15  "Avi" – 2:38  "Feyd Rautha Dark Heart" – 3:44  "Gambang" – 1:36  "Venus in Fleurs" – 2:45  "Grisgris" – 3:25  "Shadout Mapes" – 4:34  "Beast Infection" – 2:21
  • 72.  Dune, by Frank Herbert
  • 73. 7. ‘Locus’ magazine recently published their list of Best 20th Century Science Fiction Novels, and Best 20th Century Fantasy Novels. Who is the only author whose works appear in the Top 5 of both the lists?
  • 75. 8. In the Jules Verne classic, ‘20,000 Leagues Under the Sea’, the narrator Arronax gives a laborious itemised description of a giant squid that they spot. Arronax concludes by acknowledging his description as being too pallid, and saying that only “the author of ‘The Toilers of the Sea’” could do it justice. Jules Verne was thus paying tribute to which famous author?
  • 77. 9. The ‘TekWar’ series of books is credited to William Shatner. Which author, who among other things wrote a series of novels starring Groucho Marx as a detective, ghost wrote this popular sci-fi series?
  • 79. X Y 10. ‘X & Y’ is a novel by Rudy Rucker that portrays X, a scientist and Y, an author as lovers. Solve for X and Y.
  • 80.  Turing & Burroughs
  • 81. 11. This phrase (a character name, in fact) is used in literary circles to denote author self-insertions especially when there is a wish- fulfillment angle to it. It originates from a 1973 Paula Smith story called ‘A Trekkie’s Tale’. Given below is a definition from 1976 by which time the phrase had started being used frequently in fan fiction. ____ ___ stories—the adventures of the youngest and smartest ever person to graduate from the academy and ever get a commission at such a tender age. Usually characterized by unprecedented skill in everything from art to zoology, including karate and arm- wrestling. This character can also be found burrowing her way into the good graces/heart/mind of one of the Big Three [Kirk, Spock, and McCoy], if not all three at once. She saves the day by her wit and ability, and, if we are lucky, has the good grace to die at the end, being grieved by the entire ship What phrase/character?
  • 83. 12. Writer Gary Westfahl opines that this author wrote science fiction from 1939 to 1957, and wrote satires of science fiction from 1958 until his death in 1988. Who?
  • 85. 13. The teaching software on OLPC is named Nell after the idea of Nell’s Primer from which sci-fi book?
  • 86.  The Diamond Age, by Neal Stephenson
  • 87. 14. The first book in the Moreau series of books by S. Andrew Swann is titled ‘Forests of the Night’, and the fourth and final book is titled ‘Fearful Symmetries’. What sort of a creature is Nohar Rajasthan, the protagonist of these four books?
  • 89. 15. A classic short story, ‘Answer’, written by Fredric Brown in 1954, has every single computer in the galaxy linked together to answer a single question: “Is there a God?” What is the computer’s response?
  • 90.  There is now.
  • 91.
  • 92.  Elric of Melnibone
  • 93. 17. One of the ways in which M John Harrison’s ‘Viriconium’ stories flirted with sci-fi was the existence of weapons that were essentially laser blasters. What were these weapons called, a name Harrison borrowed from a Sanskrit word for arrow?
  • 95. 18. In Terry Pratchett’s Discworld universe, there are two origin hypotheses. One is the Big Bang which involves the Great A’Tuin and other turtles mating. What is the other theory which states that A’Tuin had come from nowhere and would continue at an uniform crawl into nowhere, for all time?
  • 97. X Y Napoleon Boot Wellington Chalotte Madam Cholet Vulgarian Great Uncle Bulgaria Bingo Bungo Sydney Miss Adelaide Stonks Tomsk Torreycanyon Tobermory Orococco Orinoco
  • 98.  X – Rumbles  Y – Wombles
  • 99. 20. As per a Publisher’s Weekly report, which book (first published in 1985) topped the bestsellers list in the science fiction genre?
  • 100.  Ender’s Game, by Orson Scott Card
  • 101. 21. It is well known that the Narnia series contains a lot of Biblical allusions. In the series, which food item plays a role analogous to that of the Biblical forbidden fruit?
  • 103. 22. Identify the character.
  • 104.  Geordi La Forge
  • 105. 23. John Carpenter’s horror-classic ‘The Thing’ was based on the novella ‘Who Goes There’ (first published in the August 1938 edition of ‘Astounding Science-Fiction’) Which influential figure in sci-fi wrote the novella?
  • 106.  John W Campbell, Jr.
  • 107. 24. The cover art for Neil Gaiman’s upcoming book was revealed recently. What in the world of music did sci-fi blogger Niall Alexander compare the cover art to?
  • 108.  Album cover of Nirvana’s ‘Nevermind’
  • 109. 25. Who has written the afterword in Cory Doctorow’s new book ‘Homeland’, the sequel to ‘Little Brother’? In the afterword, a fervent plea is made to the readers to get involved in stopping the Internet from becoming “some kind of giant stupid shopping mall.”
  • 111. 26. The 1869 novelette ‘The Brick Moon’ by Edward Everett Hale is considered the first description of what in science fiction?
  • 113. 27. Noted sci-fi author David Gerrold (the man who came up with the concept of a computer virus in his novel ‘When HARLIE Was One’) recently wrote an open letter to DC Comics offering to write a Superman story in the interest of balance. Explain the context.
  • 114.  In response to homophobe Orson Scott Card being roped in by DC Comics to write a Superman story.  David Gerrold is openly gay
  • 115. 28. What are the aliens in ‘District 9’ called?
  • 117. 29. To whom did Brandon Sanderson give this autographed copy of his book ‘The Way of Kings’? Which book’s title have I blanked out here?
  • 118.  Patrick Rothfuss  The Wise Man’s Fear
  • 119. “Some mechanism in my sub-consciousness took the dominant characteristics of various prize-fighters, gunmen, bootleggers, oil field bullies, gamblers, and honest workmen I had come in contact with, and combining them all, produced the amalgamation I call _____ .” 30. An author talking about his most famous creation. Identify both.
  • 121. 31. ‘The Tea Garden Soap Box Grand Prix’, by David Tanh and Marcus Muller is a story about the Kame Clan and the Usagi Clan who decide to take their feud to the racetrack, where the Usagis have traditionally dominated. This story is a reimagining of which famous tale?
  • 122.  The Hare and the Tortoise
  • 123. 32. This Internet meme usually features a photo of a cat that is hanging on to something by its claws (I thought the panda looked cuter, so I put that in) Identify the meme that takes its name from the last words uttered by Gandalf, the Grey.
  • 124.  Fly, you fools!
  • 125. 33. What is the inspiration for the design of this paperweight?
  • 126.  The dragon eggs from Game of Thrones
  • 127. 34. When young James expressed interest in making sci-fi illustrations, his uncle, one of 20th century’s most prominent artists, expressed disgust. Name the uncle. Also, name the book whose cover the artwork on the right adorned.
  • 128.  Andy Warhol  Stranger in a Strange Land, by Robert Heinlein
  • 129. 35. Author talking about how he was inspired by a scene in the movie ‘Let’s Do It Again’— “I had gotten the idea several years earlier while attending a movie in a Redondo Beach theater. In this particular scene, Ray Milland, leaving Jane Wyman's apartment in a huff, accidentally put on Aldo Ray's hat, which sank down around his ears. Something in me asked, ‘What would happen if a man put on a hat which he knew was his and the same thing happened?’ Thus the notion came.” Which 1956 novel resulted?
  • 130.  The Shrinking Man, by Richard Matheson
  • 131. 36. Along with singer Alicia Keys, and director Robert Rodriguez, he has been signed on as a brand ambassador for their latest product. Who? Which brand/company?
  • 132.  Neil Gaiman  Blackberry
  • 133. 37. Science fiction : Steampunk :: Fantasy : _______ _______ Complete the analogy above with a phrase that was originally coined to describe the comic ‘Girl Genius’ by Phil and Kaja Foglio.
  • 135. 38. This heavily Ballardian book has been out-of-print for a while, but is widely available on torrents. Which band’s fans are the most likely reason?
  • 137. 39. Which famous tale is based partly on historical events—the pilgrimage of a Chinese monk, Xuanzang, to India, to recover Mahayana Buddhist scriptures for the court of China’s illustrious T’ang dynasty?
  • 138.  Journey to the West
  • 139. 40. Name the protagonist and antagonist of this novel
  • 140.  HG Wells  Jack, the Ripper
  • 141. 41. This is the Solar System as represented in which series of books? What is the name for Venus in these books?
  • 142.  The Space Trilogy / Cosmic Trilogy, by CS Lewis  Perelandra
  • 143. 42. The only use mentioned for this technology in H2G2 is that it can shift all the molecules in women’s undergarments one foot to the left, thus making it a popular party trick. What technology? Also, name the more famous (and definitely more useful) related technology that drives a lot of the plot in the series.
  • 144.  Finite improbability  Infinite improbability
  • 145. 43. What was held for the first time in 1939 in New York from July 2nd to 4th in conjunction with the Worlds Fair that was happening in the city at that time?
  • 146.  WorldCon (World Science Fiction Convention)
  • 147. 44. The 1921 play ‘Back to Methuselah’ included science fiction elements such as people communicating via visual switchboard, an England governed by Chinese and African women, and of course as the title indicates, people who live to be three hundred and more. Who wrote this play?
  • 149. 45. Which legendary sci-fi author coined the phrase “live long and prosper”?
  • 151. 36 visuals – 6 sets of 6 each +3, +2.5, +2, +1.5, +1, +0.5 -0.5 for wrong guess
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  • 164.  Symbols on an Alethiometer (in Philip Pullman’s ‘His Dark Materials’ trilogy)