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- Meet the helfer
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- Summer camp fashion review
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- Yiddishkayt
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Hey hey hey SKIFistn!
Welcome to an incredibly exciting 2017/ 67 th year of SKIF in Melbourne!
We hope you all enjoyed our ZUMER LAGER REUNION, it was a blast for us
to reminisce about the awesome camp that was!!! Next Sunday, 26 st of
February, will be our first Sunday SKIF for the year and the helfer for 2017 will
be revealed. Just like every other year, Sunday SKIF will be from 3-5pm at
Waks house. Come on down for guaranteed banter.
The year ahead will be jam-packed with fun, exciting events such as our Purim
party on the 11 th of March, followed shortly by In One Voice, a Jewish culture
festival that SKIF will be participating in on the 19 th of March. If you are
interested in joining our SKIF choir, we will be performing yet again so ask a
helfer how you can get involved!
The remainder of the year will host a bunch of other seriously fun events, such
as the 3rd night Seder which will be on the 12 th of April. Be sure to come down
to as many SKIF events as possible as you won’t want to miss out. We will also
have frequent movie Klubn again this year, and be sure to watch out for any
other surprises we may have along the way.
Other than that, get excited to find out your helfer for the year (we’re all
awesome so no need to stress) and make sure to go to Elsternwick Grill’d this
month (February) and put your token in the SKIF jar!
Di helfer groupe!
Camp Dates
Winter Camp​: July 1st - 4th (Juniors), July 1 st - July 7 th (Seniors)
Spring camp​: September 23th - 26th *Seniors only*
Summer camp​: Starts on the 23th of December
Kraize News
Ringleblum Kraize
Well it feels like years since we were playing what are the odds and Emma was spilling
cordial all over herself at every frishtik, mitog and oventbroyt. I miss your bubbly smiles
and your wicked shabooyas. I can't wait to see you all again and relive our crazy camp
memories at ZUMER LAGER REUNION!!! Along with this fun-filled reunion, soon after,
we'll see each other again at the first Sunday Skif of 2017 which is bound to be a blast!
Can't wait to see you soon but, until then, I'll be missing you every day.
From your Seminar day helfer,
Indigo xox
Wiener Kraize
Why hello there my Weiners, and welcome to your new life as OJs!
I hope that the rest of your holidays were just as great as that awesome camp we’ve been
on. The helfer want to thank you so much for making it one of the best camps ever and
hope that you loved it as much as we did! This year is going to be even bigger and better
than the last. It will be full of only the best Sunday SKIFs, cool functions such as Seder and
Purim, the rocking In One Voice festival on the 19 th of March and, most importantly,
camps! Make sure to nag your parents to allow you to come to all the cool events we
have in store.
See you soon
Xoxox Ross
Holzer Kraize
Hey New Youngest Seniors, Welcome to the Senior half.
We hope that you’ve recovered from what was the best Summer camp ever and that your
PCD isn’t as bad as ours (as you know we have nothing else to do) . Although not every
week can be as amazing as Summer camp, being at SKIF on Sundays and when we have
our events is close enough. So we hope to see you guys every week at Sundays rain, hail
or shine (although it doesn’t rain or hail at SKIF) and, more importantly, reunion and the
first Sunday when you will find out who your Helfer for the year will be! Ps. don’t be
disappointed if it isn’t us, the other Helfer aren’t too bad.
Miss you guys and hope to see you soon.
Love your favourite helfer Jacob and Sivan xx
Burstin Kraize
What’s up our dudes??? Hope you’re all recovering from an insane 2 and a half weeks of
rain, hail and shine (minus the hail). School is probably bad as always, so why not keep
coming to all SKIF events and Sundays to escape the pain? Assuming you’re all finally out
of the sick room (looking at noone in particular) there’s no reason why you can’t come to
Sunday SKIF to discover your helfer for 2017 (it could still be us hopefully!). Other than
that, keep working on our unfinished Kraize song, don’t fail school (or do, we don’t really
care) and keep breathing Chavershaft, Yiddishkayt, and Doikayt!
From you’re slightly above average helfer,
Alon and Doron xo
Waks Kraize
Hey there my fave SKIFistn!!!!
I had an ABSOLUTE blast with you guys on Summer camp and now my days are dull and
lonely without you irritating me every minute of the day :(( I can honestly say that you
guys were the best Kraize on camp (Kraize wars champions), and not just because you
had the best helfer… Your boundless energy and ridiculous antics will be forever
engrained on my heart, and my elbow… So, although I am seriously suffering from PCD,
there are plenty of fun SKIF events coming your way. Keep an eye out for Summer Camp
reunion where we will be able to reminisce on all the fun times we had and don’t forget
the first Sunday SKIF of the year, where your new helfer will be revealed. You guys better
continue to dominate the SKIF arena and keep making me proud.
Jess xoxoxoxox
Meet the helfer
Once again, SKIF has harvested its latest crop of seminar, with only the finest
becoming helfer. Here’s the who’s who of the coolest thing to happen to SKIF
since Zumer Lager ended.
Indigo – Indigo has been at SKIF since she first could step foot
on the bus to camp – in fact, she came to SKIF when she was
just six years old! This year, this new helfer will be completing
her VCE. Coming from a SKIF background (her sister and mum
were both helfer), Indigo’s favourite camp meal is chicken
wraps and she claims to be a dog whisperer – hopefully that
will help us communicate with the other youth groups ;^)
Romi – Although Romi has only been at
SKIF for 5 years, she’s fully embraced our weird, wacky,
and borderline cultish ethos! In her spare time, Romi enjoys
cooking and consuming SKIF camp pasta bake. Romi is
studying health science this year.
Tasha – Tasha has a strong connection to
SKIF, with both her siblings currently
SKIFistn and her dad an ex-helfer. This however hasn’t stopped
Tasha from tasting the forbidden fruit and jetting off to Eretz
Yisroel for the IBC program. Her special talent is that she can
bend her hand backwards further than normal due to breaking
her wrist in year 11.
Zak – Zak is another freshly minted
helfer ready to be muddied and rusted by the hard
ways of SKIF. Zak has been with SKIF for 6 years, and
for some reason, despite the many wonderful meals we
have had over the years, finds vegetarian lasagne to be
the best. Zak cannot move 3 of his toes and is unusually
good at iPhone games. He is studying Science along
with Leehy.
Leehy – Leehy has been with SKIF for 8 years and is beaming
with excitement at the prospect of being a helfer. Her
favourite camp meal used to be chicken wraps, but since she
became vegetarian, it is now pasta bake. She claims to be
the Queen of Public Transport, which is a shame as SKIF is
not the biggest supporter of monarchies – is that a guillotine
we hear in the background?
Elana – Elana has been at SKIF for 8
years, and is sister to Jeremy, who
helfered in 2013 and 2014. Like most
dedicated SKIFistn, Elana enjoys pasta
bake as a camp meal – however, unlike most SKIFistn, she
is scared of planes and lifts. This year, Elana is studying
medicine, so will be able to deal with the worst splinters
you may get on camp.
Shoshi – Shoshi is the 2nd in a set of 3 girls to go to SKIF
– her youngest sister Emma is in middle juniors whilst
her older sister Sara is studying speech pathology. This
year Shoshi is on a gap year, leading SKIF, working at
The Goat House, and exploring Europe in the 2 nd half
of the year. Next year, she will be studying arts and
Mish – Mish has been with
SKIF for 10 years and is the
first in her family to be one of
us. She can lick her elbow, and can hyperextend for
left arm more than her right. On camp, her go to
meal is chicken wraps, and she is studying a Cert 4 in
justice this year.
Summer Camp Review
After finally saying goodbye to the parents, we endured what is always the
long bus ride up to Charnwood, awaiting what will inevitably be the best 2
weeks of the year. After the always-hectic first day of unpacking bags, sorting
out dorms and acclimatising to Charnwood’s shvitsy weather, the SKIFistn were
quickly treated to some of SKIF’s educational activities. Some of the camp
highlights for Juniors included the very informative art appreciation activity,
alongside more light-hearted activities such as Doikayt monopoly. Seniors
were shown the ‘cowspiracy’ documentary which prompted a deep discussion
of vegetarianism and the meat industry as a whole, whilst at night they came
together in fun activities such as the hilarious DJ Khaled Nacht. Juniors and
seniors also came together to learn about their kraizen. The theme for the
kraize names that we picked this year was builders and contributors to the
Melbourne Jewish community.
SKIF’s Olympiade occurred within the first week of camp. The theme of this
year was nuclear warfare. The three teams America, Russia and North Korea
competed against each other for world domination through sports and a series
of other creative activities to prove why their countries deserved to reign
supreme. Visitors day allowed all the parents to come and catch up with their
kids after the jam packed first week, resulting in some amazingly relaxing vibes.
Churbn Tog followed in the second week. Seniors and Juniors were both
taught about parallels between events, themes, and practices within the
holocaust and modern-day times as the theme for this year was “how could
this happen?” The night of Churbn Tog was especially sombre, resulting in
tears being shed as SKIFistn and helfer gave their own thoughts and reflections
upon the things that were taught during the day.
Soon after, it was new year’s eve. The camp shared a joyous dinner on
Charnwood’s oval together, before rushing off to prepare for the famous SKIF
new year’s party! This year’s Disco theme had the camp grooving along to
music for hours, resulting in an awesome night. On the last night of Junior
camp, the camp mourned as SKIF said goodbye to 2 members of Di Helfer
group: Alana and Jarrah. The next day, the juniors were brought back to the
reality of Melbourne but the seniors had an amazing few more days to
themselves on Senior camp, which involved more mature activities and crazier
nights. However, like everything good, camp had to end at some point. Soon
the seniors were reintroduced to cell reception, internet, and their warm, cosy
beds, bringing an end to one of the greatest SKIF Summer camps ever!
Summer Camp fashion review
The executive order we’re not told about
While progressives and anti-Trumpites all around the world continue to be up
in arms about Trump’s executive orders barring refugees from 7
Muslim-majority countries, an even more dangerous piece of legislation has
eluded the public dialogue.
On the 28th January, 2017, US President Donald Trump signed several
executive orders, which included a 90 day ban on refugees from 7
Muslim-majority countries, and an indefinite suspension on refugees from Syria.
As expected, public opposition has been fervent worldwide, with protests
raging all across the US, and in Australia we’ve seen immense pressure put on
Malcolm Turnbull to publicly condemn the orders.
However, one of the executive orders in Trump’s week one package isn’t being
spoken about nearly enough, and that is the order escalating US involvement
in Syria.
While Trump was signing every paper put on his desk by the seasoned
Neocons in his administration, the new President must not have read the one
stating to establish “safe zones to protect vulnerable Syrian populations.” The
executive order tasks the secretary of defense with drafting a plan for safe
zones in Syria within 90 days.
For anyone who doesn’t know, “safe zones” are the Trump administration’s
bastardisation of “no-fly zones” - the trademark of Hillary Clinton’s foreign
policy during the recent election.
A “safe zone” or “no-fly zone” is an Orwellian term describing the
implementation of additional US ground troops in Syria as an offense against
the Syrian government, and consequently against Russia who are allied with
the Assad regime.
Considering that Hillary Clinton’s eagerness to escalate in Syria was one of the
reasons many people thought a Clinton presidency would result in World War
Three, it is extremely concerning that Trump has literally copied her foreign
policy and the mainstream media is saying nothing about it.
It is also concerning that our government is likely to completely ignore this
legislation, considering that the last time an Australian government opposed a
military action by the US was Whitlam’s withdrawing of Australian troops from
Bearing in mind that a huge part of the international refugee crisis is caused by
western intervention in the Middle East and Africa, it only makes sense to place
focus on the root cause of the issue instead of brushing it off as a geopolitical
So while leftists/progressives are out in the street protesting Trump’s
executive orders pertaining to refugees, it would be great if we could direct
some outrage towards the foreign policy move that inches us ever so closer to
World War Three.
AFLW Preview
Ladder Prediction
1. Fremantle
2. Western Bulldogs
3. Carlton
4. Brisbane
5. Collingwood
6. Melbourne
7. GWS
8. Adelaide
Top Ten Players to Watch
Moana Hope​ (Collingwood, forward)
Hope became the first female VWFL
(Victorian Women’s Football League)
player to kick more than 100 goals in a
season in 2016, finishing with 106. She
also kicked six goals and played a
starring role in the exhibition game
between Melbourne and Western
Bulldogs in 2016. Often compared to
Buddy Franklin, Hope is an early
favourite to finish as the AFLW leading
Brianna Davey​ (Carlton, utility)
A former goalkeeper who represented
Australia in soccer, Davey only started
playing AFL midway through 2015.
Playing only half a season Davey
managed to finish 5 th in the VWFL
best and fairest before finishing 2 nd in
2016. Although used primarily as a
defender in the exhibition matches
Davey can play anywhere on the
ground. Her strength in the contest is a
standout feature of her game.
Daisy Pearce ​(Melbourne, midfielder)
Pearce is a six-time VWFL best and
fairest winner and a nine-time
premiership player with the Darebin
Falcons. Pearce is a strong advocate
for women’s footy and is considered
one of the trailblazers for the new
competition. Known as the
competitions top star, expect Pearce
to shine in the midfield for Melbourne.
Darcy Vesico​ (Carlton, forward)
A small forward who knows where the
goals are, Vesico is one for the
highlights reel. Known for her
defensive pressure in the forward line
and her ability to snap a goal from
anywhere, Vesico’s performances will
go a long way to deciding Carlton’s
premiership hopes.
Tayla Harris​ (Brisbane, forward)
At only 19 years of age, Harris is a
genuine superstar of the game. A tall
forward who excels in taking hangers
and kicking goals outside of 50m, she
is also capable of pushing onto the
wing or pinch hitting in the ruck.
Katie Brennan​ (Western Bulldogs,
Brennen is a powerful centre-half
forward capable of kicking bags of
goals. She kicked 86 goals in the
VWFL last season to go along with her
11th premiership medal. The athletic
forward will be a nightmare for
opposition defenders to match up on.
Ellie Blackburn​ (Western Bulldogs,
A speedy midfielder with elite skills,
expect Blackburn to rack up the
disposals week in week out. At only 22
years old, Blackburn is one of the
premier midfielders in the competition
capable of winning a game off her
own boot.
Chelsea Randall​ (Adelaide, forward)
Randall is a two time best and fairest
WAWFL (Western Australian Women’s
Football League) winner and the 2014
exhibition match best on ground
winner. An elite decision maker with an
enormous work rate, Randall will be
influential in the Crows forward line
with her ability to both kick goals and
set them up for others.
Kara Donnellan​ (Frementle,
Nicknamed ‘Juddy’ after AFL great
Chris Judd, Donnellan is a fierce
competitor and a ball-magnet. She is a
dual club best and fairest and was
named best on ground during the first
exhibition game of 2015. Donnellan
was voted in by her peers as the
inaugural captain of Fremantle and
expect her to lead by example, both
on and off the field.
Emma Swanson​ (GWS, midfielder)
A tall midfielder who often pushes up
forward, Swanson will be influential no
matter where she plays. Although
GWS are expected to struggle in the
league, Swanson’s talent and
leadership at only 21 years old will be
a shining light for all​.
Match the yiddish insult to its english meaning
1. Alte makhsheyfe a. He should grow like an onion with
his head in the ground
2. Zolst farlirn ale tseyner akhuts
eynem un der zol dir vey ton
b. Piece of poop
3. A brokh tsu dir c. You should lose all your teeth
except one, and that one should ache
4. Nem zich a vaneh d. Old witch
5. Er zol vaksn vi a tsibele mit dem
kop in drerd
e. Go poop in the sea
6. Shtik drek f. A curse on you
7. Gey kakn in yum g. Go jump in the lake
8. Zol zaln vi a chandelier; hangen
bay tog un brenen baynakht
h. Kiss my tukhes
9. Kush mir in tukhes i. You should be like a chandelier;
hanging by day and burning by night
10. Zol makekhs vaksen oyfn tsung j. May pimples grow on your tongue
Vox pop
Name Oobleck
Sauce (Sam)
Ashleigh Osburn
Kraize Ringleblum Burstin Waks
What is your
Throwing dirt at
Ziggy because
he yelled
Oobleck back
DJ Khaled
Probs one of my first
olympiade intros where the
helfer swam across the
lagoon wearing morf suits
then when they took them
off shai had a shaved head
What is your
Kraize bag Kraize bag Ummm camp essential is
either cetaphil or
thousands of socks idk why
I just always bring so many
What should
next year’s
new year’s
theme be?
1980’s Heroes and
Maybe like favourite
childhood character or
What is your
camp meal?
because it is
Probably either chicken
wraps or meat pies and
sausage rolls
What is your
camp song?
Goldhar Kraize Go South LUXEMBOURG
Chavershaft reunionedition 2
Chavershaft reunionedition 2

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Chavershaft reunionedition 2

  • 1.
  • 2. Contents: - Helfertorial - Kraize news - Meet the helfer - Summer camp review - Summer camp fashion review - The executive order we’re not told about - AFLw preview - Yiddishkayt - Fun page - Vox pop - Photos
  • 3. Helfertorial Hey hey hey SKIFistn! Welcome to an incredibly exciting 2017/ 67 th year of SKIF in Melbourne! We hope you all enjoyed our ZUMER LAGER REUNION, it was a blast for us to reminisce about the awesome camp that was!!! Next Sunday, 26 st of February, will be our first Sunday SKIF for the year and the helfer for 2017 will be revealed. Just like every other year, Sunday SKIF will be from 3-5pm at Waks house. Come on down for guaranteed banter. The year ahead will be jam-packed with fun, exciting events such as our Purim party on the 11 th of March, followed shortly by In One Voice, a Jewish culture festival that SKIF will be participating in on the 19 th of March. If you are interested in joining our SKIF choir, we will be performing yet again so ask a helfer how you can get involved! The remainder of the year will host a bunch of other seriously fun events, such as the 3rd night Seder which will be on the 12 th of April. Be sure to come down to as many SKIF events as possible as you won’t want to miss out. We will also have frequent movie Klubn again this year, and be sure to watch out for any other surprises we may have along the way. Other than that, get excited to find out your helfer for the year (we’re all awesome so no need to stress) and make sure to go to Elsternwick Grill’d this month (February) and put your token in the SKIF jar! Chavershaft, Di helfer groupe! Camp Dates Winter Camp​: July 1st - 4th (Juniors), July 1 st - July 7 th (Seniors) Spring camp​: September 23th - 26th *Seniors only* Summer camp​: Starts on the 23th of December
  • 4. Kraize News Ringleblum Kraize HEY HEY HEY MJS! Well it feels like years since we were playing what are the odds and Emma was spilling cordial all over herself at every frishtik, mitog and oventbroyt. I miss your bubbly smiles and your wicked shabooyas. I can't wait to see you all again and relive our crazy camp memories at ZUMER LAGER REUNION!!! Along with this fun-filled reunion, soon after, we'll see each other again at the first Sunday Skif of 2017 which is bound to be a blast! Can't wait to see you soon but, until then, I'll be missing you every day. From your Seminar day helfer, Indigo xox Wiener Kraize Why hello there my Weiners, and welcome to your new life as OJs! I hope that the rest of your holidays were just as great as that awesome camp we’ve been on. The helfer want to thank you so much for making it one of the best camps ever and hope that you loved it as much as we did! This year is going to be even bigger and better than the last. It will be full of only the best Sunday SKIFs, cool functions such as Seder and Purim, the rocking In One Voice festival on the 19 th of March and, most importantly, camps! Make sure to nag your parents to allow you to come to all the cool events we have in store. See you soon Xoxox Ross Holzer Kraize Hey New Youngest Seniors, Welcome to the Senior half. We hope that you’ve recovered from what was the best Summer camp ever and that your PCD isn’t as bad as ours (as you know we have nothing else to do) . Although not every week can be as amazing as Summer camp, being at SKIF on Sundays and when we have our events is close enough. So we hope to see you guys every week at Sundays rain, hail or shine (although it doesn’t rain or hail at SKIF) and, more importantly, reunion and the first Sunday when you will find out who your Helfer for the year will be! Ps. don’t be disappointed if it isn’t us, the other Helfer aren’t too bad. Miss you guys and hope to see you soon. Love your favourite helfer Jacob and Sivan xx
  • 5. Burstin Kraize What’s up our dudes??? Hope you’re all recovering from an insane 2 and a half weeks of rain, hail and shine (minus the hail). School is probably bad as always, so why not keep coming to all SKIF events and Sundays to escape the pain? Assuming you’re all finally out of the sick room (looking at noone in particular) there’s no reason why you can’t come to Sunday SKIF to discover your helfer for 2017 (it could still be us hopefully!). Other than that, keep working on our unfinished Kraize song, don’t fail school (or do, we don’t really care) and keep breathing Chavershaft, Yiddishkayt, and Doikayt! From you’re slightly above average helfer, Alon and Doron xo Waks Kraize Hey there my fave SKIFistn!!!! I had an ABSOLUTE blast with you guys on Summer camp and now my days are dull and lonely without you irritating me every minute of the day :(( I can honestly say that you guys were the best Kraize on camp (Kraize wars champions), and not just because you had the best helfer… Your boundless energy and ridiculous antics will be forever engrained on my heart, and my elbow… So, although I am seriously suffering from PCD, there are plenty of fun SKIF events coming your way. Keep an eye out for Summer Camp reunion where we will be able to reminisce on all the fun times we had and don’t forget the first Sunday SKIF of the year, where your new helfer will be revealed. You guys better continue to dominate the SKIF arena and keep making me proud. LOTS OF LOVE, Jess xoxoxoxox
  • 6. Meet the helfer Once again, SKIF has harvested its latest crop of seminar, with only the finest becoming helfer. Here’s the who’s who of the coolest thing to happen to SKIF since Zumer Lager ended. Indigo – Indigo has been at SKIF since she first could step foot on the bus to camp – in fact, she came to SKIF when she was just six years old! This year, this new helfer will be completing her VCE. Coming from a SKIF background (her sister and mum were both helfer), Indigo’s favourite camp meal is chicken wraps and she claims to be a dog whisperer – hopefully that will help us communicate with the other youth groups ;^) Romi – Although Romi has only been at SKIF for 5 years, she’s fully embraced our weird, wacky, and borderline cultish ethos! In her spare time, Romi enjoys cooking and consuming SKIF camp pasta bake. Romi is studying health science this year. Tasha – Tasha has a strong connection to SKIF, with both her siblings currently SKIFistn and her dad an ex-helfer. This however hasn’t stopped Tasha from tasting the forbidden fruit and jetting off to Eretz Yisroel for the IBC program. Her special talent is that she can bend her hand backwards further than normal due to breaking her wrist in year 11. Zak – Zak is another freshly minted helfer ready to be muddied and rusted by the hard ways of SKIF. Zak has been with SKIF for 6 years, and for some reason, despite the many wonderful meals we have had over the years, finds vegetarian lasagne to be the best. Zak cannot move 3 of his toes and is unusually good at iPhone games. He is studying Science along with Leehy.
  • 7. Leehy – Leehy has been with SKIF for 8 years and is beaming with excitement at the prospect of being a helfer. Her favourite camp meal used to be chicken wraps, but since she became vegetarian, it is now pasta bake. She claims to be the Queen of Public Transport, which is a shame as SKIF is not the biggest supporter of monarchies – is that a guillotine we hear in the background? Elana – Elana has been at SKIF for 8 years, and is sister to Jeremy, who helfered in 2013 and 2014. Like most dedicated SKIFistn, Elana enjoys pasta bake as a camp meal – however, unlike most SKIFistn, she is scared of planes and lifts. This year, Elana is studying medicine, so will be able to deal with the worst splinters you may get on camp. Shoshi – Shoshi is the 2nd in a set of 3 girls to go to SKIF – her youngest sister Emma is in middle juniors whilst her older sister Sara is studying speech pathology. This year Shoshi is on a gap year, leading SKIF, working at The Goat House, and exploring Europe in the 2 nd half of the year. Next year, she will be studying arts and science. Mish – Mish has been with SKIF for 10 years and is the first in her family to be one of us. She can lick her elbow, and can hyperextend for left arm more than her right. On camp, her go to meal is chicken wraps, and she is studying a Cert 4 in justice this year.
  • 8. Summer Camp Review After finally saying goodbye to the parents, we endured what is always the long bus ride up to Charnwood, awaiting what will inevitably be the best 2 weeks of the year. After the always-hectic first day of unpacking bags, sorting out dorms and acclimatising to Charnwood’s shvitsy weather, the SKIFistn were quickly treated to some of SKIF’s educational activities. Some of the camp highlights for Juniors included the very informative art appreciation activity, alongside more light-hearted activities such as Doikayt monopoly. Seniors were shown the ‘cowspiracy’ documentary which prompted a deep discussion of vegetarianism and the meat industry as a whole, whilst at night they came together in fun activities such as the hilarious DJ Khaled Nacht. Juniors and seniors also came together to learn about their kraizen. The theme for the kraize names that we picked this year was builders and contributors to the Melbourne Jewish community. SKIF’s Olympiade occurred within the first week of camp. The theme of this year was nuclear warfare. The three teams America, Russia and North Korea competed against each other for world domination through sports and a series of other creative activities to prove why their countries deserved to reign supreme. Visitors day allowed all the parents to come and catch up with their kids after the jam packed first week, resulting in some amazingly relaxing vibes. Churbn Tog followed in the second week. Seniors and Juniors were both taught about parallels between events, themes, and practices within the holocaust and modern-day times as the theme for this year was “how could this happen?” The night of Churbn Tog was especially sombre, resulting in tears being shed as SKIFistn and helfer gave their own thoughts and reflections upon the things that were taught during the day. Soon after, it was new year’s eve. The camp shared a joyous dinner on Charnwood’s oval together, before rushing off to prepare for the famous SKIF new year’s party! This year’s Disco theme had the camp grooving along to music for hours, resulting in an awesome night. On the last night of Junior camp, the camp mourned as SKIF said goodbye to 2 members of Di Helfer group: Alana and Jarrah. The next day, the juniors were brought back to the reality of Melbourne but the seniors had an amazing few more days to themselves on Senior camp, which involved more mature activities and crazier nights. However, like everything good, camp had to end at some point. Soon the seniors were reintroduced to cell reception, internet, and their warm, cosy beds, bringing an end to one of the greatest SKIF Summer camps ever!
  • 10. The executive order we’re not told about While progressives and anti-Trumpites all around the world continue to be up in arms about Trump’s executive orders barring refugees from 7 Muslim-majority countries, an even more dangerous piece of legislation has eluded the public dialogue. On the 28th January, 2017, US President Donald Trump signed several executive orders, which included a 90 day ban on refugees from 7 Muslim-majority countries, and an indefinite suspension on refugees from Syria. As expected, public opposition has been fervent worldwide, with protests raging all across the US, and in Australia we’ve seen immense pressure put on Malcolm Turnbull to publicly condemn the orders. However, one of the executive orders in Trump’s week one package isn’t being spoken about nearly enough, and that is the order escalating US involvement in Syria. While Trump was signing every paper put on his desk by the seasoned Neocons in his administration, the new President must not have read the one stating to establish “safe zones to protect vulnerable Syrian populations.” The executive order tasks the secretary of defense with drafting a plan for safe zones in Syria within 90 days. For anyone who doesn’t know, “safe zones” are the Trump administration’s bastardisation of “no-fly zones” - the trademark of Hillary Clinton’s foreign policy during the recent election. A “safe zone” or “no-fly zone” is an Orwellian term describing the implementation of additional US ground troops in Syria as an offense against the Syrian government, and consequently against Russia who are allied with the Assad regime.
  • 11. Considering that Hillary Clinton’s eagerness to escalate in Syria was one of the reasons many people thought a Clinton presidency would result in World War Three, it is extremely concerning that Trump has literally copied her foreign policy and the mainstream media is saying nothing about it. It is also concerning that our government is likely to completely ignore this legislation, considering that the last time an Australian government opposed a military action by the US was Whitlam’s withdrawing of Australian troops from Vietnam. Bearing in mind that a huge part of the international refugee crisis is caused by western intervention in the Middle East and Africa, it only makes sense to place focus on the root cause of the issue instead of brushing it off as a geopolitical inevitability. So while leftists/progressives are out in the street protesting Trump’s executive orders pertaining to refugees, it would be great if we could direct some outrage towards the foreign policy move that inches us ever so closer to World War Three.
  • 12. AFLW Preview Ladder Prediction 1. Fremantle 2. Western Bulldogs 3. Carlton 4. Brisbane 5. Collingwood 6. Melbourne 7. GWS 8. Adelaide Top Ten Players to Watch Moana Hope​ (Collingwood, forward) Hope became the first female VWFL (Victorian Women’s Football League) player to kick more than 100 goals in a season in 2016, finishing with 106. She also kicked six goals and played a starring role in the exhibition game between Melbourne and Western Bulldogs in 2016. Often compared to Buddy Franklin, Hope is an early favourite to finish as the AFLW leading scorer. Brianna Davey​ (Carlton, utility) A former goalkeeper who represented Australia in soccer, Davey only started playing AFL midway through 2015. Playing only half a season Davey managed to finish 5 th in the VWFL best and fairest before finishing 2 nd in 2016. Although used primarily as a defender in the exhibition matches Davey can play anywhere on the ground. Her strength in the contest is a standout feature of her game. Daisy Pearce ​(Melbourne, midfielder) Pearce is a six-time VWFL best and fairest winner and a nine-time premiership player with the Darebin Falcons. Pearce is a strong advocate for women’s footy and is considered one of the trailblazers for the new competition. Known as the competitions top star, expect Pearce to shine in the midfield for Melbourne. Darcy Vesico​ (Carlton, forward) A small forward who knows where the goals are, Vesico is one for the highlights reel. Known for her defensive pressure in the forward line and her ability to snap a goal from anywhere, Vesico’s performances will go a long way to deciding Carlton’s premiership hopes. Tayla Harris​ (Brisbane, forward) At only 19 years of age, Harris is a genuine superstar of the game. A tall forward who excels in taking hangers and kicking goals outside of 50m, she is also capable of pushing onto the wing or pinch hitting in the ruck.
  • 13. Katie Brennan​ (Western Bulldogs, forward) Brennen is a powerful centre-half forward capable of kicking bags of goals. She kicked 86 goals in the VWFL last season to go along with her 11th premiership medal. The athletic forward will be a nightmare for opposition defenders to match up on. Ellie Blackburn​ (Western Bulldogs, midfielder) A speedy midfielder with elite skills, expect Blackburn to rack up the disposals week in week out. At only 22 years old, Blackburn is one of the premier midfielders in the competition capable of winning a game off her own boot. Chelsea Randall​ (Adelaide, forward) Randall is a two time best and fairest WAWFL (Western Australian Women’s Football League) winner and the 2014 exhibition match best on ground winner. An elite decision maker with an enormous work rate, Randall will be influential in the Crows forward line with her ability to both kick goals and set them up for others. Kara Donnellan​ (Frementle, midfielder) Nicknamed ‘Juddy’ after AFL great Chris Judd, Donnellan is a fierce competitor and a ball-magnet. She is a dual club best and fairest and was named best on ground during the first exhibition game of 2015. Donnellan was voted in by her peers as the inaugural captain of Fremantle and expect her to lead by example, both on and off the field. Emma Swanson​ (GWS, midfielder) A tall midfielder who often pushes up forward, Swanson will be influential no matter where she plays. Although GWS are expected to struggle in the league, Swanson’s talent and leadership at only 21 years old will be a shining light for all​.
  • 14. yiddishkayt Match the yiddish insult to its english meaning 1. Alte makhsheyfe a. He should grow like an onion with his head in the ground 2. Zolst farlirn ale tseyner akhuts eynem un der zol dir vey ton b. Piece of poop 3. A brokh tsu dir c. You should lose all your teeth except one, and that one should ache 4. Nem zich a vaneh d. Old witch 5. Er zol vaksn vi a tsibele mit dem kop in drerd e. Go poop in the sea 6. Shtik drek f. A curse on you 7. Gey kakn in yum g. Go jump in the lake 8. Zol zaln vi a chandelier; hangen bay tog un brenen baynakht h. Kiss my tukhes 9. Kush mir in tukhes i. You should be like a chandelier; hanging by day and burning by night 10. Zol makekhs vaksen oyfn tsung j. May pimples grow on your tongue
  • 15. Vox pop Name Oobleck (Emma) Kogan-Lazarus Sauce (Sam) Jacobs Ashleigh Osburn Kraize Ringleblum Burstin Waks What is your funniest/ favourite camp memory? Throwing dirt at Ziggy because he yelled Oobleck back afterwards DJ Khaled Nacht Probs one of my first olympiade intros where the helfer swam across the lagoon wearing morf suits then when they took them off shai had a shaved head What is your camp essential? Kraize bag Kraize bag Ummm camp essential is either cetaphil or thousands of socks idk why I just always bring so many haha What should next year’s new year’s theme be? 1980’s Heroes and Villians Maybe like favourite childhood character or something What is your favourite camp meal? Supper because it is delicious Chicken Wraps Probably either chicken wraps or meat pies and sausage rolls What is your favourite camp song? Goldhar Kraize Go South LUXEMBOURG