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No. 1 / Vol. 1 2012                                             Passive Income for Today & Tomorrow                                                                       FREE

Learn How to Create Stock                                                            Investors Manifest a
Market Wealth Today                                                                  “Cashflow” Mindset
                                                                                     By Doug Carver                                      of real estate investing, trading stocks,
                                                                                     Organizer Pasadena and Burbank                      building a strong MLM business, etc.

                                                                                     Cashflow Meetup Groups                              You will not succeed. It’s like trying to
                                                                                                                                         grow corn in a field of sand. The seeds
                                                                                              can remember my first time play-           will not germinate and you’ll end up with
                                                                                              ing Robert Kiyosaki’s Cashflow             next to nothing to harvest in the fall.
                                                                                              board game about eight years                  How, you ask, does this relate to the
                                                                                              ago and how it                                                    Cashflow game?
                                                                                              started a chain                                                   Well, after playing
                                                                                     of events that continues                                                   the game a bunch
                                                                                     to this day. What stuck                                                    of times I learned
                                                                                     with me most was not the                                                   the “how to” of
                                                                                     “how to” of playing the                                                    getting out of the
                                                                                     game but the people that                                                   Rat Race, but I still
                                                                                     I met at the event. These                                                  was not able to take
                                                                                     were not like the normal                                                   what I learned from
                                                                                     people in my life that                                                     the game and apply
                    By Tyrone Jackson      companies and products with which         would tell me I was crazy Dougthe Cashflow gameChris Hanson dis-
                                                                                                                          Carver (left) and
                                                                                                                                             to group members.
                                                                                                                                                                it to my real-life fi-
                                           you are familiar.                         for trying to start my own                                                 nancial situation.

                                               If you’ve ever opened a can of        real estate business or                                                    However, I real-
                             You can be    Coca Cola on a hot summer day and         that financial freedom was impossible               ized that the time I was spending with my
                             rich from     felt refreshed and invigorated, why       without a steady well-paying job. The               new Cashflow group friends was chang-
                             owning real   not own the stock? It’s a product you     people I met were excited about learn-              ing the way I thought about money and
estate and trading stocks.                 know with a story you understand.         ing and expanding their knowledge on                my financial future. I no longer viewed
    We’ve all heard the story of the       When I say “a story you understand,”      how to achieve financial freedom. They              the stock market as a giant rigged sys-
little old lady who lived modestly         I mean to say that you understand         were active investors in real estate and            tem for losing money. I began to see the
and worked as a school teach-                                  how the Coca Cola     the stock market. They were small busi-             tremendous opportunities in the sinking
er for forty years. She never                                  Corporation makes     ness owners with a passion and vision               real estate market even as many people
earned more than $35,000 per                                   money, or to ex-      for creating more financial success in              I knew were losing money on deals that
year, owned a modest home,                                     press it in Wall      their lives. Overall, they had a mindset            had gone bad. Overall, I saw for the first
and shared her life with two                                   Street terms, you     for prosperity that I like to call a “Cash-         time opportunities all around me to cre-
cats. Once she died, her rela-                                 understand      how   flow” mindset.                                      ate wealth even as the newspapers talked
tives discovered a $150,000                                    the company earns        A lot of people complain that Robert             constantly of the “Great Recession.”
life insurance policy and $1.5                                 revenue. The more     Kiyosaki in his books and programs does                Today as a result of my ongoing in-
million in stocks that she left                                bottles and cans of   not provide the specific details on how             volvement playing and organizing local
to the elementary school’s                                     Coke that Coca        people should implement his strategies              Cashflow events in Southern California,
scholarship fund.                                              Cola sells around     to create financial freedom. Truth is he            I have a thriving real estate investing
    The national media loves                                   the world each day,   never spells out a step-by-step “how to”            business. It was after speaking with one
to air these stories. It seems                                 the larger the com-   for building long-term financial freedom.           of my Cashflow friends who was a real
there are several old ladies                                   pany’s profit. Over   What he does teach is far more impor-               estate investor that I was encouraged to
who fit this seemly unique                 the past ten years Coke stock (symbol     tant, and that is how to create a “Cash-            start wholesaling distressed properties. It
profile year after year. How could         KO) has risen from around $40 per         flow” mindset. Kiyosaki describes it in             turned out to be a great decision. More
that be?                                   share to a high of $71 — $1000 in-        his book Cashflow Quadrant moving                   recently, I’ve begun to learn how to suc-
    Investing in stocks is not the         vested in Coca Cola stock ten years       your mindset from the E (employee) and              cessfully trade in the stock market using
world’s most challenging task. In          ago would be worth $4,100 today;          S (self-employed) side of his Cashflow              options. As a self-proclaimed real estate
fact, at its core, it’s very simple. The   $10,000 invested in Coca Cola stock       quadrant to the B (business owner) and              “zealot”, I never would have dreamed of
truth is that the stock market creates     would be worth $41,000 today.             I (investor) side of the quadrant. In lay-          investing in the equity markets. Howev-
millionaires every year. Investing in         If you spend more than $100 per        man’s terms, it’s the mental shift from             er, after playing Cashflow 202 with my
stocks, with wealth in mind, is easier     year eating fast food, why not own        someone who seeks financial security                Cashflow friend who is an active trader
than you think.                            the stock? Over the past ten years        at all costs to someone who can confi-              and learning about his trading system, I
                                           McDonalds stock (symbol MCD) has          dently and knowledgably take measured               was able to see the opportunity before
     Invest In What You Know               risen from a low of $15 per share to a    risks. This is a simplistic definition but a        me. I now fully expect that investing in
                                           high of $95 per share.                    very important one to understand. With-             the markets will be a huge part of my fu-
  Wanna be a good stock market in-                                                   out the correct mindset, it really doesn’t          ture financial success in addition to my
vestor? Keep it simple and start with                          Continued on pg. 12   matter how much you learn the “how to”
                                                                                                                                                                   Continued on pg. 2

              Personal Finance News from the Publishers of Realty411 Magazine -
Will Big Money Run
                                                                                                                     Away with CashFlow
 Ready to Make an Extra $5,000 to                                                                                    Real Estate Investments?
      $30,000 Every Month?
 “Your wealth is in your thinking” is the mantra trumpeted most
 by stock market teacher and trader Tyrone Jackson. For the past five
 years, Mr. Jackson has been helping creative artists and self-directed
 investors produce monthly residual income & build long-term wealth
                                                                                                                    A         great financial opportunity does
                                                                                                                              not stay under the radar for long.
                                                                                                                              The side road with less traf-
                                                                                                                    fic gets crowded pretty soon as drivers
                                                                                                                    hear about it and jump
                                                                                                                                                                    and-hold single-family real estate. This
                                                                                                                                                                    has caught the attention of big money:
                                                                                                                                                                    funds, institutional investors and high-net
                                                                                                                                                                    worth groups. Distributed single-family

 in the stock market. His Wealthy Artist/Wealthy Investor program exposes both the experienced                      off the freeway. High
 trader & novice to the powerful concept of monthly residual income.
                                                                                                                    yield cash flow real es-
                                                                                                                    tate Investments may
                             Join Tyrone & the CashFlow Express Team
                                                                                                                    be headed for a similar
                           on February 5 for their Success 2012 Seminar
                     This is a FREE WORKSHOP, but guests                                                               Retail investors have
                       must RSVP by calling 310.499.9545                                                            had this opportunity
                                                                                                                    staring them in the face
                                                                                                                    for a while, and many
                                                                                                                    have taken advan-
                                                                                                                    tage of it. Retirees or
 Join BILL GATTEN at his next event and learn the                                                                   people about to retire,
KEY TO CAPITALIZING ON FREE REAL ESTATE                                                                             individuals suffering
                                                                                                                    from ‘market gyration
  (Acquisition and Ownership) in This Crazy Economy!                                                                trauma’ and high-net-worth individuals          real estate investments are quickly be-
                                                                                                                    seeking portfolio diversification have all      coming the ‘unapartment’ portfolios of
We will teach you how our “TRIAD APPROACH” can                                                                      been adding cashflow residential real es-       these funds.
provide the professional real estate community with a                                                               tate to their portfolio.
SAFE VEHICLE FOR ACQUIRING, SELLING AND                                                                                                                                           So what should the retail
DEALING WITH ALL TYPES OF REAL ESTATE.                                                                                           So what changed?                                       investor do?
                                                                                                                      Like all markets this one is moving be-             The retail investor should take action.
   Learn more at                                                                                  yond the early adopter stage. And the fac-         This is still a fragmented market that al-
            or call 1.800.409.3444                                                                                  tors that have made this a great investment        lows an investor to own one, two or
                                                                                                                    opportunity are compounding. There are             three properties. They cannot do this in
                                                                                                                    more distressed assets hitting the market          multifamily commercial real estate other
 - Call Or Visit Our Website for Upcoming Educational Training -                                                    with a larger shadow inventory waiting in          than by investment in a fund or a REIT.
                                                                                                                    the wings. Morgan Stanley just published           But it’s important that investors act pru-
                                                                                                                                                                                           dently. This means

                                                                                                                                                                                           not investing in their
                                                                                                                                                                                           own backyard favoring
                                                                                                                                                                                           proximity over return,
                                                                                                                                                                                           not investing with fly-
                                                                                                                                                                                           by-night property sell-
                                                                                                                                                                                           ers who peddle ‘high
   1 Create Stock Market Wealth                         6 Cash Versus Cashflow                                                                                                             return’ properties and
                                                                                                                                                                                           then disappear leaving
   1 Have a Cashflow Mindset                            7 Calculate Your ROI                                                                                                               the investor holding
   2 Will Big Money Run Away?                           8 The Nested Action Cycle                                                                                                          the bag. And not doing
                                                                                                                                                                                           thorough due diligence
   3 Six Tips for Faster Wealth                         9      Investor Spotlight                                                                                                          on the area, the prop-
                                                                                                                                                                                           erty and the provider.
   4 Focus Versus Diversification                       10 Resource Directory                                       The HomeUnion Services team are ready to assist new investors.
                                                                                                                                                                                             Finally, they should
   5 Jump Start Success                                 11 Inside Our Expos                                         a report that suggests the U.S. is moving not buy the property from one entity and
                                                                                                                    towards a rentership society with home have another entity manage their invest-
                                                                                                                    ownership declining to 59%. A recent ment. In other words, the retail investor
  Our Goal is to Educate, Motivate & Inspire New Investors                                                          Mortgage Bankers Association study says has to do the very things that the large

                                                                                                                    that home prices may have hit bottom.              funds do before they invest.
                                                                                                                      This means that investors have a grow-
                                                                                                                    ing number of properties that they can buy Discover a whole new way to unleash fully-
                                                                                                                    cheaply and then select from a large pool managed, high-income cashflow real estate
                                     Manifest Media Partners
                                                                      CashFlow Express is published in San-         of qualified renters. It all adds up to stable investments, call (866)732-3220 or email:
        Linda Pliagas                                                 ta Barbara County by Manifest Media                      310.994.1962                Partners. ©Copyright 2007-2012. All           high yields for people investing in buy-
   EDITORIAL STAFF                   EVENTS & EXPOS                   Rights Reserved. Reproduction without
         Lori Peebles                   Lawrence Ruano                permission is strictly prohibited. The
        Anita Cooper                     Wendy Pineda                 opinions expressed by writers and col-
                               CALIFORNIA DISTRIBUTION
                                                                                                                     CashFlow Mindset, pg. 1
       Andre Sanchez                                                  umnists are not endorsed by the pub-
      Brianna Bertrand          Professional Distribution Solutions   lishers and/or editorial staff. Before in-
     COPY EDITOR                         1.877.418.6500               vesting in stocks, bonds, mutual funds,
        Anita Cooper            NATIONAL DISTRIBUTION                 gold, other securities and commodities        real estate activities.                         tively pursuing financial freedom and
                                     KJ Banks: 805.377.6328
   PHOTOGRAPHERS                                                      and/or real estate, seek the advisement         Robert Kiyosaki’s Cashflow 101 and            see the world full of financial opportu-
         Sam Green                     PUBLISHED BY                   of a trusted financial adviser, attorney
       John DeCindis                 Manifest Media Partners          or tax consultant. Investing is risky busi-   202 are great boardgames to expand              nity and money-making possibilities.
     PRODUCTION                                                       ness and may result in loss of capital.
     Augusto Meneses
                                        310.499.9545                  Please invest responsibly.                    your financial intelligence, but I hope            By hanging out with these folks at
     WEB DESIGN                   Join Our VIP Social Network:        PRINTED IN THE USA.                           you can now see they are the basis for          your local Cashflow group, I know
        Diggs Design          GOD BLESS AMERICA
                                                                                                                    so much more. They create a frame-              you to will begin to develop your own
                   Connect to our virtual network ~ Search for us here:                                             work for building lasting relationships         “Cashflow” mindset and begin to see
                                                                                                                    with people who have a “Cashflow”               real changes in your financial future.
                                                                                                                    mindset. These are people who are ac-

                                                                                                      CashFlow Express • Page 2
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By Linda Pliagas, editor & publisher                                                       

                                                      vestment. For example, if you are
           veryone                                    a first-time home buyer (or even an
           yearns for                                 empty nester), be open to the idea of
           abundance                                  purchasing a duplex or other multi-
           and financial                              family property instead of a typical
security, it is a human                               single family residence. This way,
desire we all share. It is                            you can live in one unit and rent out
a motivation ingrained                                the other for income. As a landlord
in us as part of our                                  myself, I know it’s not easy to live
survival mechanism.                                   near tenants, but if you screen your
While we all have this                                prospective renters correctly, it will
in common, only a lim-                                reduce future nightmares. Be smart,
ited few ever actually reach true financial    let other people pay off your mortgage!
security. The statistics can be depressing.    You can always save money and then buy
According to the Retirement Confidence         another home later, after you build a pas-
Survey (2006), 53% of Americans have           sive income stream.
less than $25,000 in retirement savings.
Plus, 30% mistakenly believe that they 2. Increase Your Formal AND Finan-
will only need $250,000 or less in total cial Education. Did you know that earn-
retirement savings.                              ing a bachelor’s degree can increase your
   One of the problems in our society is income by $25,000 annually? Plus, it gets
a lack of discipline in regards to saving. better: According to Census Data, earning
In fact, a recent study by Harris Interac- a graduate degree will net a person an-
tive found that 57% of households do not other $20,000 per year — that’s $45,000
even have a budget (2009 Financial Lit- more, year after year! Now, don’t com-
eracy Study).                                    plain about the high cost of education or
   In my 20 year plus career in journalism, how “hard” it is to go back to school. My
I have interviewed many successful and former neighbor was her 50s, running
wealthy people, from                                                her own business and
celebrities to company                                              attending graduate
CEOs. Undoubtedly, part
of the perk to this profes-
                                                                    school part-time. It’s
                                                                    never to late!                                Real Estate
sion was being able to
unlock their secrets. I’ve
compiled a list of impor-
                                                                       It’s also important
                                                                    to keep in mind that
                                                                    universities do NOT
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tant guidelines, which                                              teach people how to                    Private Placements • Group Investments
were followed by many                                               get rich. So on top of                LLC/Partnership Agreements • All 50 States
of those who transformed                                            your formal educa-
their mediocre life and                                             tion, start taking class-
average paychecks into Linda with real estate mogul & educator es about investing.                  
                               Dave Lindahl (
extraordinary wealth.                                               Financial classes are
   These steps are not                                              taught at most adult                       For information, call: 949-855-8399
easy to follow, but they will get you started schools and colleges for a nominal fee.
on a disciplined path and lead you toward I have also attended real estate seminars
creating a wealth-conscious mindset.             for many years and have learned great tips

1. Reduce Your Household Expenses.
                                                 from top mentors, such as Dave Lindahl.
                                                                                                  Looking for a Turnkey Rental in Kansas City?
Living in California, we have some of 3. Be an Aggressive/Conservative In-
the highest real estate prices in the na- vestor. Although it may sound like an
tion so reducing living costs can be a sac- oxymoron to be both aggressive yet con-
rifice. One move that I have seen many servative, it isn’t. It’s all about planning.
real estate moguls make is that they start
off their portfolio with a multifamily in-                                 Continued on pg. 9

 The W nched                                            Sign Up Online
   t Lau ut
tha Deb
   Our zine!                                             for our Pocket
                                                        e-Mail Listings!                                                             CashFlow Express • Page 3
Focus vs. Diversification                                                                      your control over your investments. It’s
                                                                                                extremely important to continue to in-
                                                                                                crease your financial intelligence in order
                                                                                                                                               Diversification is not required if a person
                                                                                                                                               knows what they are doing.” So if diver-
                                                                                                                                               sification is a protection against ignorance

A CPA/Investor’s Analysis
                                                                                                to protect yourself. Unfortunately, finan-     then when you diversify who’s ignorance
                                                                                                cial intelligence is not taught in schools     are you protecting yourself from? Your
                                                                                                because such a large portion of the popu-      ignorance and your financial advisors’
                                                                                                lation, including teachers and politicians,    ignorance? Focus, not diversification, is
                                                                                                do not have a very high financial IQ.          the key to more sophisticated leverage,
By Mathew Owens, CPA                           vesting in non-paper assets (i.e. not mutu-          When financial advisors say that an        higher returns, and lower risk.                          al funds or CDs) allows you to use lever-        increase in returns means an increase in          The point I am trying to make is that

                                               age as well, which increases your wealth         risk, they are right when speaking about       if you increase your financial intelligence
                     ost of                                           by making your            the paper assets they recommend to inves-      about specific asset classes, like real es-
                     what                                             money work harder         tors that they make major commissions          tate, you will learn how to control your
                     h a s                                            for you. Most finan-      on BEFORE showing performance. They            own financial security and wealth cre-
                     been                                             cial planners will        are wrong when speaking for all assets.        ation, instead of relying on some finan-
                     drilled                                          tell you that using       Financial advisors are simply salespeople.     cial advisor who probably does not know
into our heads about in-                                              leverage increases        Most people invest in paper assets such as     what they are doing. Look at the massive
vesting in mutual funds,                                              risk. That is not al-

                                                                                                          Most financial advisors
CDs paying down our                                                   ways the case if you
mortgage and diversify-                                               have the right finan-
                                                                      cial knowledge to
                                                                                                        recommend diversification
ing is nothing but smoke
and mirrors. The financial                                            control the invest-
services companies like                                               ment and enable
Fidelity, Charles Schwab
and financial planners are
                                                                      safety controls on
                                                                      your leverage use.              but they do not really diversify.
the ones making all of                                                They will also tell
the money. The problem                                                you that real estate
is that most people have                                              is a risky invest-
very little financial edu-                                            ment. The reason          savings, stocks, bonds, mutual funds and       wealth transfer that just occurred when
cation in order to invest for                                         for that is that finan-   index funds because they do not want to        the market crashed while bailing out the
retirement properly so they hand over          cial planners typically lack the financial       take responsibility and control over their     banks (i.e. the top 1% wealthy individuals
their money to someone they HOPE will          knowledge about how to control real es-          financial well being. All they want is to      increased their wealth while the middle
have the right knowledge base to safely        tate and make it profitable. Most finan-         turn their money over to an investment         class and poor decreased in wealth). This
increase their wealth. The problem is          cial planners put people into paper assets       advisor who hopefully does a good job.         happened because most people do not
that these investment types are HUGE-          where the investor does not have control         Out of sight, out of mind. If people want      have the financial intelligence to protect
LY RISKY. These types of asset classes,        and therefore it is hugely risky to use le-      more control, the first thing they need to     themselves.
paper assets, do not allow the investor        verage. In real estate investments the           do is increase their financial intelligence      Starting to get financially educated is
control. Then during market crashes, all       value of the property should not be based        and, hopefully increase their financial        the key to wealth creation. So get to the
most investors can do is watch helplessly      on the “opinion” of an appraiser but on          controls and leverage ratios.                  bookstore and start reading. Take classes
as their wealth gets whipped out along         the income that it produces through rents.          Most financial advisors recommend di-       on financial intelligence and ways to in-
with their financial security.                 The value of the rental real estate is de-       versification but they do not really diver-    crease wealth. It is key to your success and
   If you have more control over your as-      pendent on jobs, salaries, demographics,         sify. First they only invest your money        preserving your wealth so that financial
sets then you are not affected as much by      local industry, and supply and demand of         in one asset class, paper assets. Second,      predators (i.e. the government, financial
market crashes. For example, if you in-        affordable housing. In a housing crash,          mutual funds are already diversified in-       advisors, and large mutual fund peddling
vest in assets like real estate that produce   the demand for rental units often goes up,       vestments which are invested in a pool         companies) do not take all of your wealth
cash flow through rental income after all      which means rents increase causing the           of good and bad stocks which does not          away by investing it in asset classes that
of your expenses are covered, if the real      value of your property to increase. You          increase the value or decrease the risk        do not allow you any controls over those
estate market and stock market crash you       can control rental real estate and which         of the investments. Professional inves-        investments.
are still in great shape. While everything     geographic areas you invest in unlike pa-        tors DO NOT diversify. Warren Buffett
is crashing you are still receiving your       per assets that allow no control. Finan-         put it perfectly when he said, “Diversifi-     To contact Mathew Owens, please see
rents and do not need to sell the asset. In-   cial intelligence is the key to increasing       cation is a protection against ignorance.      OCG Properties’ advertisement below.

             REI Voice™: the Voice of the Profitable
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                                                                                  CashFlow Express • Page 4
Jump Start a New Year of Success                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Cash vs. Cashflow, pg. 6

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             ating $10,000 of monthly cashflow?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                If you get nothing from this article,
            By Geraldine Barry                                                                                                                        tic but now as I grow                                                   yourself, this is a process it does not hap-   please get this. First, if you ever expect to
            Founder of SJREI and REI Voice                                                                                                            and learn to navigate                                                   pen over-night.                                create wealth and experience any sort of

                                                                                                                                                      this game called life, I                                                                                               financial independence while you’re still
                  t’s a New Year — time to re-                                                                                                        have come to embrace                                                     • Lastly, live in the moment — whatever       young enough to enjoy it, you’ll need to
                  evaluate, improve and refine                                                                                                        this gift that I have been                                              you are doing give it 100% of your atten-      adopt, embrace and implement a residual
                  our daily habits and actions                                                                                                        blessed with every day.                                                 tion. Walking the dog, having tea with a       mindset. Second, don’t get stopped in
                  for success. Small, incremen-                                                                                                       How do I do that? I start                                               friend, working, talking to your children -    your pursuit of residual income by con-
            tal changes can reap big rewards                                                                                                          my day with a prayer of                                                 be present, enjoy that moment. Your fam-       fusing the value of cash and cashflow.
            in terms of productivity and busi-                                                                                                        gratitude naming the                                                    ily and friends will love you for this level   Making the transition from accumulator
            ness opportunities. As a planner myself, I                                                                              things that I am grateful for — my fam-                                                   of attention — very few people can truly       to residual-incomer and creating wealth
            understand the significance of establish-                                                                               ily, my warm cozy home, my friends, a                                                     do this. Be wary of electronics they can       can also take some time, but by maintaing
            ing goals to create new outcomes. If we                                                                                 hot cup of tea, a great book, quiet time to                                               be thieves of our time, and our spirit...the   a focus on cashflow, the time it takes will
            can break those down into smaller more                                                                                  think, process or write, my warm SJREI                                                    things that renew you are not material —       be nothing in the remote vicinity of the 40
            manageable components we can achieve                                                                                    business community.                                                                       they are love, companionship, friendship,      year traditional alternative.
            results more quickly.                                                                                                      By appreciating these things, and so                                                   family, community, giving back.
                                                                                                                                    many other seemingly trivial things I am                                                     Be brave, do whatever it takes to ac-       Matt Theriault is an author, entrepreneur
               Here are some things to consider as
                                                                                                                                    happier, more content and I realize that                                                  complish new results — Make 2012 your          and host of the fastest growing real estate
            you plan for another year:
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                                                                                                                                                                                                           CashFlow Express • Page 5
                   ost of America was         to travel. For if someday doesn’t arrive,        are just squeaking by and only 1% of the        flow when you’ve got $30,000 of cash
                   raised in a household      it’s not like you can go back and try again.     population actually reaches the age of 65       staring you in the face? I agree, there’s
                   where the road to          You’re essentially at the end of life’s road     “wealthy.” A “residual” mindset is what         nothing sexy about $300, it has little value
                   wealth and success         once you discover if it worked for you or        this wealthy 1% has in common. It has           today. It might buy you a pair of designer
                   was paved with the         not. And what if it doesn’t? Then what?!         been said that success leaves clues. In this    jeans or a fancy dinner and a bottle of
ideology of going to school, getting good        There is a road less traveled that de-        context, however, success is leaving evi-       wine. However, $300 of cashflow to the
grades, getting a good job, investing 10%     serves your consideration. Additionally,         dence, isn’t it?                                residual-incomer has tremendous value.
of your income, maxing out the 401(k),        you might want to know that it’s faster            As more and more studies and research         You see, as I’m writing this article, the
cutting up credit cards and clipping cou-     and easier, as well. I’ll prove it to you.       are conducted, the concept of residual in-      financial institution ING is advertising a
pons. If this is you, STOP IT! That sys-         The alternative road exists within a “re-     come and its wealth-creating power are          1% interest rate on their money market
tem is broken. It’s this “traditional” road   sidual” mindset. The group that chooses          becoming more common knowledge by               account. I choose to use ING as an exam-
to success that could potentially be the      this road lives life quite differently. They     the day. That being the case, one has to        ple because it’s just about the most gener-

  How to Create Wealth: Cash vs. Cashflow
                                                  By Matt Theriault, and

demise of society as we know it, if not                                                            wonder why more people don’t ap-            ous savings account available today to the
the entire country itself.                                                                         ply this knowledge once it has been         average consumer. So I’ll ask you, “How
   It’s no secret that the current economy                                                         learned.                                    much cash would you need to deposit
is a trying one for most. However, for                                                                    It’s simple, actually. People        into that ING account to generate $300 of
some, it’s the most profitable and suc-                                                            looking to make the transition from         monthly cashflow?”
cessful economy they’ve ever experi-                                                               “accumulator” to “residual incomer”
enced, or will ever experience again.                                                              confuse cash and cashflow. Within the                       $360,000!
   Why are some succeeding today while                                                             real estate investing arena, this con-
most are not? What road are they travel-                                                           fusion can be clearly illustrated, and      An ING money market account balance
ing? What are they doing differently? I                                                            here’s how...                               of $360,000 would have to be maintained
could draw your attention to a number                                                                     One, among many, of the attrac-      to generate $300 of monthly cashflow.
of differences between the two group’s                                                             tive attributes real estate investing       In summary, $300 of cash is worth $300
actions, yet what ultimately separates the                                                         possesses is that it can produce two        of cash, but $300 of monthly cashflow is
two is little more than mindset.              wake up every day with a focus of creat-         types of income. Real estate can produce        worth $360,000 of cash sitting in the most
   Those traveling that antiquated tradi-     ing or managing systems to work for their        large amounts of cash through short term        generous savings account available today.
tional road to success possess an “ac-        money as opposed to they themselves              strategies like fix-and-flip and wholesal-      Do you get the difference now?
cumulation” mindset. This group wakes         working for their money. Their focus             ing. Real estate can also produce smaller          And here’s more... Which is a longer,
up every day and goes to work for their       is placed on creating residual income,           amounts of monthly cashflow through             not to mention more more difficult, road
money. Their focus, whether consciously       whether through a business system or             longer term strategies like buy-and-hold        to travel? Accumulating $360,000 of
or subconsciously, is placed on exchang-      their money earning money itself. They           and lease optioning. The accumulator            cash? Or, creating $300 a month of cash-
ing time for dollars with the hopes at        know that once their residual income ex-         looking to transition to residual-incomer       flow?
some point in their life their income will    ceeds their expenses, the accumulation           will frequently, if not always, choose a           You know your situation, skills and re-
rise, and their investments will perform,     of assets and the creation of wealth will        $30,000 fix-and-flip cash pay out over a        sources better than I do, but creating $300
to a level that someday they will have        essentially happen automatically whether         $300 a month buy-and-hold cashflow. Al-         a month of cashflow not only sounds fast-
accumulated enough to retire.                 they get up and go to work or not; And           though they have the greatest intentions of     er and easier, it is do-able. It’s realistic, as
   Sure, this mindset has worked for          it doesn’t take 40 years for wealth to be        becoming a residual-incomer, their accu-        opposed to the traditional-get-rich-slow
some, but it’s failing the vast majority      created in this manner, either... far from it.   mulation mindset is so ingrained that they      program that has the country by the balls.
of our population. The reason being is        Contrary to the “risky” label this road to       can’t resist the big cash pay outs real es-        Alright, alright... I can hear it now. No,
that this vast majority doesn’t start ac-     wealth is commonly given, it is the road         tate offers. It’s their mindset that prevents   $300 of cashflow isn’t going to make a
cumulating (i.e. saving, investing) early     that gives you the greatest shot at creating     them from recognizing the true value of         dramatic difference in your lifestyle. So
enough or possess the discipline to fol-      wealth.                                          $300 of monthly cashflow. And because           what would? $5,000 a month? $10,000
low through to the end. Accumulation             Maybe this is news to you, maybe it’s         the accumulator tragically confuses $300        a month? By performing the same math
takes time, a lot of time. This entire ap-    something you’ve known for a while or            of cash with $300 of cashflow, they con-        with today’s interest rates, you would need
proach to creating wealth is based on a       maybe it’s just plain and simple common          tinue to exchange time for dollars always       to accumulate and deposit $12,000,000
principle called “someday.” Unfortu-          sense. Regardless of where you stand,            in search of that next “flip” and never take    of cash into that ING account to cre-
nately, someday never seems to arrive.        one would be hard-pressed to formulate           that first step toward becoming a residual-     ate $10,000 a month of cashflow. Again,
And for the few of which someday does         a solid argument against it. The writ-           incomer.                                        which is a longer more difficult road? Ac-
arrive, it’s a 40 to 50 year journey.         ing is on the wall. Depending on which              Can you blame them, though? It’s easy        cumulating $12,000,000 of cash? Or, cre-
   Contrary to the “safe” label this road     source you reference, the “traditional”          to get caught up in the moment, right?
to wealth has been given, it’s a risky road   road is failing 90-95% of the country, 4%        What’s so appealing about $300 of cash-                                     Continued on pg. 5

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                                                                                 CashFlow Express • Page 6
[         Calculate Your ROI
         Return On Investment                                                                                                    [                written by

             eturn on investment.                                     tenant in place.       chase price for this home was $85,000.      Net Operating Income = $3,953.48
             That’s the whole point                                   If you did not         There are two different ways we can go
             right? Being able to                                     have a leased          here. Assuming we paid cash for the            So, that’s a big difference right? You
             accurately determine                                     tenant in place,       property, the ROI calculation would look    bet. Let’s take a look at the difference in
what your dollar is producing is a                                    you would con-         like this:                                  your actual ROI.
critical step. Not just after you’ve                                  sider this cal-                                                       Remember, your Cash Flow is calcu-
made your investment, but it is                                       culation as if it      $8540 / $85,000 = .1005                     lated against the dollar amount you have
also a critical step in making deci-                                  were part of a                                                     invested. In this case your total out-of
sions on future investments. For                                      pro forma. You         So using these assumptions, we have an      pocket investment is your down payment
instance, accurately predicting                                       would have to          ROI of 10%. You might be thinking to        of $21,250.
the return on an “all-cash” pur-                                      consider things        yourself: “Wow, what if I managed the
chase, versus one that is financed                                    like “Vacancy          property myself, or eliminated the main-    $3,953.48 / $21,250 = .1860
can produce very stark results.                Rates,” “Rent Bumps,” and “Tax Con-           tenance reserve”. These are great obser-
   Let’s take a look at a typical income-      sequences” and deduct them from your          vations, but we’ll talk about that later.   So you can see that by financing this par-
producing residential property. The first      “Gross Rental Income.”                                                                    ticular property, you are actually receiv-
step is to identify all the variables we are                                                 Financing vs. All-Cash Purchase             ing an ROI of 18.6%.
working with. In this example, we are cal-     Here is what this calculation looks like:     Let’s assume you financed this property.
culating a rate of return over the course      Gross Rental Rate + $12,000                   Again, we’ll use some typical numbers to    The Value of Your Time
of one year.                                   Taxes - $1,000                                illustrate. After your 25% down payment     Remember those thoughts you had earlier
                                               Insurance - $500                              ($21,250), you leave behind an amount       about reducing things like maintenance
Net Operating Income (NOI)                     Property Management - $1600                   of $63,750 that is financed at 6% for 30    reserves or eliminating property manage-
Every month, you get a happy rent check        Maintenance Reserve - $360                    years.                                      ment? As you can see, calculating your
in the mail. This is your “Gross Rental        Net Operating Income = $8,540                                                             ROI is a simple and powerful tool that
Income.” Now, let’s take a look at the                                                       Here is what your calculation would         you can use to make decisions on poten-
cost of your investment. For most prop-        That’s it. Simple right? When you hear        look like:                                  tial investments. But there is something
erties, these are pretty standard and easy     talk about “Cashflow”, it is your NOI that    Gross Rental Rate + $12,000                 missing from this equation — the value
to identify.                                   we are talking about. So, we have iden-       Taxes - $1,000                              of your time.
   For this example we will assume the ba-     tified our “Gross Rental Rate.” and our       Insurance - $500                               For some reason, we have the tendency
sics: Insurance, taxes, property manage-       “Net Operating income” or “Cashflow.”         Property Management - $1600                 to consider our own time as some infinite
ment, and a maintenance reserve. We will          Let’s go ahead and calculate our actual    Maintenance Reserve - $360
also assume that the property has a leased     ROI for the year assuming that the pur-       Principle and Interest - $4,586.52                                  Continued on pg. 10

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                                                                               CashFlow Express • Page 7
An Innovative Approach About Leonardo Management, Inc.
 to Property Operations H                                                                               eadquartered in Santa Monica, Calif., Leonardo Management was es-
                                                                                                        tablished in 2008 by veteran real estate executive Daniel Cunningham

Leonardo Management &                                                                              and has grown quickly to provide third party management services to com-
                                                                                                   mercial office, retail and multifamily clients throughout California, Arizona,
                                                                                                   Colorado and New Mexico.

 the Nested Action Cycle                                                                             Leonardo’s customer service and leasing was recently ranked #1 in the
                                                                                                   entire country by Ellis Partners in Mystery Shopping and by utilizing its
                                                                                                   proprietary software, which automates on-site operations. Leonardo also
                                                                                                   offers a one-two punch in operations and leasing, which adds unprecedent-
By Daniel Cunningham                           to maximize profit, and dozens of distinct          ed value to their clients.
President, Leonardo Management, Inc.           roles a manager must play throughout the                                                      Representatives can be reached at:

                                               week to get it all done. On any given day,                                or at 213-674-4140
             ne of the interesting things      a manager may act as psychiatrist, coun-
             about managing multi-family       selor, contractor, lifeguard, janitor, police
             apartments is that two simi-      officer, accountant, salesperson, IT tech-       vious company or whatever process was                  came Leonardo Management and we
             lar apartment communities,        nician, gardener, cheerleader, marketing         easiest for them. Even when we did have                started using the tag line “The Science
in close proximity, can have such vastly       rep, and lawyer, just to name a few. I’m         a defined process, I found that if we didn’t           of Property Management” to recognize
different levels of success even though        getting tired just writing about it all and,     constantly audit compliance with the pro-              this new, methodical way of approaching
the product might be quite                                           frankly, it’s more than    cedure, invariably it would be neglected               operations.
comparable. Vacancies and                                            some people can han-       in practice. We adopted a very “reactive”                 But then we took things once step fur-
rentals can vary greatly                                             dle if they aren’t able    mode of management, whereby we would                   ther. Once the NAC was formulated and
among similar product                                                to prioritize. It’s tre-   get one problem under control just as the              in use by the property managers within
types within the same                                                mendously difficult        next one would arise, with no opportunity              Leonardo, we then used the same ap-
market. One property can                                             to keep focused on         to plan and get ahead of the game.                     proach to develop a software platform
appear well-kept and wel-                                            what’s most impor-            That was when I invented the “Nested                which we called the Leonardo Intel-
coming; the other, com-                                              tant when there are        Action Cycle” (the “NAC”) approach to                  ligent Property Management System
pletely uninviting. Staff at                                         so many demands on         property management. I mapped out every                (IPM). Now all our managers have to do
one property may convert                                             one’s time. And when       daily, weekly, monthly and annual task that            is log into IPM every morning and it tells
a greater number of tours                                            an individual proper-      needed to be done and worked out a sys-                them exactly what they need to be do-
into leases than the other.                                          ty can be worth tens       tem to track them so that we’d never drop              ing that day, that week, and that month.
What makes the differ-                                               of millions of dollars     any balls on the operations side ever again.           Like a friendly electronic Regional Man-
ence in a well-run, highly                                           with revenues of sev-      The shorter cycles nested within the longer            ager looking over their shoulder offering
occupied property isn’t                                              eral million dollars a     cycles, ultimately producing a clockwork-              guidance, IPM never takes a vacation,
luck, and most of the time                                           year, losing focus for     like conductor of management activity that             never gets distracted with other issues at
it isn’t even related to the                                         even just a short time     covered the gamut of everything a manager              other properties, and never, ever forgets
physical property itself. The most signifi-    can have serious financial ramifications.        needs to think about to efficiently and ef-            what needs to be done. It sweats all those
cant factor, responsible for at least 90%        I learned all this the hard way. I had         fectively operate an apartment community.              details I mentioned earlier and so now
of the success in this business, is the lo-    been an asset manager most of my career          By “dialing” the NAC to today’s date, the              we can manage more properties with
cal staff running operations. Behind every     — most notably director of asset manage-         nested action cycles would instantly pro-              fewer regional staff and still make sure
successful property is a manager who is        ment for AIMCO, one of the largest own-          duce all of the tasks a manager should be              balls never get dropped. Owners can log
passionate about the job and, even more        ers of apartment buildings in the United         doing on that date. The NAC was difficult              in any time to see what action items are
important, is thorough and consistent in       States. So when the developer for whom           to formulate, but amazingly straightfor-               complete and when they were done. It
the day-to-day management—a manager            I worked in 2007 asked me to start an in-        ward in its application. Taken as a whole              provides unprecedented transparency
who really sweats the details.                 house property management company                it actually provides an entire year’s worth            and our clients love it.
   And therein lies the problem. There are     for them, I figured it would be a piece of       of explicit day-by-day activities that, when              We’ve had lots of requests to license
a LOT of details involved in running any       cake.                                            followed in a regular, disciplined fashion,            the Leonardo IPM and we’re taking an
apartment building, and trying to “sweat”        I couldn’t have been more wrong. The           without question will result in a meticu-              honest look at that possibility. But until
all of them can cause burnout in even the      year we took over property management            lously managed property that will enjoy                that time comes, Leonardo Management
best managers. You see, an apartment           for the 1,300 units owned by that devel-         higher occupancy, lower expenses, and                  benefits by having a real and proprietary
building is a self-contained, (hopefully)      oper turned out to be one of the most chal-      better resident satisfaction than neighbor-            value proposition to offer property own-
self-sustaining business, and a compli-        lenging of my career. My prior high-level        ing competitors, with the end result being a           ers — a way to do things better. You can
cated one at that. It has income and ex-       “asset management” experience had im-            more profitable business.                              read more about us and Leonardo IPM
penses, labor costs and marketing plans,       printed a hands-off instinct, which left too        The NAC gave us such an advantage in                at We’d be
budgets versus projections, and even hu-       many details to the on-site staff, and the       operating these properties that I was in-              pleased to offer a demo to any interested
man resources and legal matters that must      wheels started to come off the cart. For         spired to buy that management company                  property owner.
be dealt with. Often the lion’s share of co-   every process that lacked a solid, well-         from the developer and establish a pure
ordinating all this falls to a lone property   documented procedure in place, the man-          third-party management company of my                   To receive a free demo, please contact
manager. There are a bazillion moving          agers would quickly default to whatever          own, which would be based on the prin-                 Leonardo Management at 213.674.4140
parts, hundreds of levers to manipulate        habits they had developed under a pre-           cipals established by the NAC. That be-                or email

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CashFlow Express

  • 1. Ca$hFlow EXPRESS No. 1 / Vol. 1 2012 Passive Income for Today & Tomorrow FREE Learn How to Create Stock Investors Manifest a Market Wealth Today “Cashflow” Mindset By Doug Carver of real estate investing, trading stocks, Organizer Pasadena and Burbank building a strong MLM business, etc. I Cashflow Meetup Groups You will not succeed. It’s like trying to grow corn in a field of sand. The seeds can remember my first time play- will not germinate and you’ll end up with ing Robert Kiyosaki’s Cashflow next to nothing to harvest in the fall. board game about eight years How, you ask, does this relate to the ago and how it Cashflow game? started a chain Well, after playing of events that continues the game a bunch to this day. What stuck of times I learned with me most was not the the “how to” of “how to” of playing the getting out of the game but the people that Rat Race, but I still I met at the event. These was not able to take were not like the normal what I learned from people in my life that the game and apply By Tyrone Jackson companies and products with which would tell me I was crazy Dougthe Cashflow gameChris Hanson dis- play Carver (left) and to group members. it to my real-life fi- you are familiar. for trying to start my own nancial situation. Yes! If you’ve ever opened a can of real estate business or However, I real- You can be Coca Cola on a hot summer day and that financial freedom was impossible ized that the time I was spending with my rich from felt refreshed and invigorated, why without a steady well-paying job. The new Cashflow group friends was chang- owning real not own the stock? It’s a product you people I met were excited about learn- ing the way I thought about money and estate and trading stocks. know with a story you understand. ing and expanding their knowledge on my financial future. I no longer viewed We’ve all heard the story of the When I say “a story you understand,” how to achieve financial freedom. They the stock market as a giant rigged sys- little old lady who lived modestly I mean to say that you understand were active investors in real estate and tem for losing money. I began to see the and worked as a school teach- how the Coca Cola the stock market. They were small busi- tremendous opportunities in the sinking er for forty years. She never Corporation makes ness owners with a passion and vision real estate market even as many people earned more than $35,000 per money, or to ex- for creating more financial success in I knew were losing money on deals that year, owned a modest home, press it in Wall their lives. Overall, they had a mindset had gone bad. Overall, I saw for the first and shared her life with two Street terms, you for prosperity that I like to call a “Cash- time opportunities all around me to cre- cats. Once she died, her rela- understand how flow” mindset. ate wealth even as the newspapers talked tives discovered a $150,000 the company earns A lot of people complain that Robert constantly of the “Great Recession.” life insurance policy and $1.5 revenue. The more Kiyosaki in his books and programs does Today as a result of my ongoing in- million in stocks that she left bottles and cans of not provide the specific details on how volvement playing and organizing local to the elementary school’s Coke that Coca people should implement his strategies Cashflow events in Southern California, scholarship fund. Cola sells around to create financial freedom. Truth is he I have a thriving real estate investing The national media loves the world each day, never spells out a step-by-step “how to” business. It was after speaking with one to air these stories. It seems the larger the com- for building long-term financial freedom. of my Cashflow friends who was a real there are several old ladies pany’s profit. Over What he does teach is far more impor- estate investor that I was encouraged to who fit this seemly unique the past ten years Coke stock (symbol tant, and that is how to create a “Cash- start wholesaling distressed properties. It profile year after year. How could KO) has risen from around $40 per flow” mindset. Kiyosaki describes it in turned out to be a great decision. More that be? share to a high of $71 — $1000 in- his book Cashflow Quadrant moving recently, I’ve begun to learn how to suc- Investing in stocks is not the vested in Coca Cola stock ten years your mindset from the E (employee) and cessfully trade in the stock market using world’s most challenging task. In ago would be worth $4,100 today; S (self-employed) side of his Cashflow options. As a self-proclaimed real estate fact, at its core, it’s very simple. The $10,000 invested in Coca Cola stock quadrant to the B (business owner) and “zealot”, I never would have dreamed of truth is that the stock market creates would be worth $41,000 today. I (investor) side of the quadrant. In lay- investing in the equity markets. Howev- millionaires every year. Investing in If you spend more than $100 per man’s terms, it’s the mental shift from er, after playing Cashflow 202 with my stocks, with wealth in mind, is easier year eating fast food, why not own someone who seeks financial security Cashflow friend who is an active trader than you think. the stock? Over the past ten years at all costs to someone who can confi- and learning about his trading system, I McDonalds stock (symbol MCD) has dently and knowledgably take measured was able to see the opportunity before Invest In What You Know risen from a low of $15 per share to a risks. This is a simplistic definition but a me. I now fully expect that investing in high of $95 per share. very important one to understand. With- the markets will be a huge part of my fu- Wanna be a good stock market in- out the correct mindset, it really doesn’t ture financial success in addition to my vestor? Keep it simple and start with Continued on pg. 12 matter how much you learn the “how to” Continued on pg. 2 Personal Finance News from the Publishers of Realty411 Magazine -
  • 2. Will Big Money Run Away with CashFlow Ready to Make an Extra $5,000 to Real Estate Investments? $30,000 Every Month? “Your wealth is in your thinking” is the mantra trumpeted most by stock market teacher and trader Tyrone Jackson. For the past five years, Mr. Jackson has been helping creative artists and self-directed investors produce monthly residual income & build long-term wealth A great financial opportunity does not stay under the radar for long. The side road with less traf- fic gets crowded pretty soon as drivers hear about it and jump and-hold single-family real estate. This has caught the attention of big money: funds, institutional investors and high-net worth groups. Distributed single-family in the stock market. His Wealthy Artist/Wealthy Investor program exposes both the experienced off the freeway. High trader & novice to the powerful concept of monthly residual income. yield cash flow real es- tate Investments may Join Tyrone & the CashFlow Express Team be headed for a similar on February 5 for their Success 2012 Seminar fate. This is a FREE WORKSHOP, but guests Retail investors have must RSVP by calling 310.499.9545 had this opportunity staring them in the face for a while, and many have taken advan- tage of it. Retirees or Join BILL GATTEN at his next event and learn the people about to retire, KEY TO CAPITALIZING ON FREE REAL ESTATE individuals suffering from ‘market gyration (Acquisition and Ownership) in This Crazy Economy! trauma’ and high-net-worth individuals real estate investments are quickly be- seeking portfolio diversification have all coming the ‘unapartment’ portfolios of We will teach you how our “TRIAD APPROACH” can been adding cashflow residential real es- these funds. provide the professional real estate community with a tate to their portfolio. SAFE VEHICLE FOR ACQUIRING, SELLING AND So what should the retail DEALING WITH ALL TYPES OF REAL ESTATE. So what changed? investor do? Like all markets this one is moving be- The retail investor should take action. Learn more at yond the early adopter stage. And the fac- This is still a fragmented market that al- or call 1.800.409.3444 tors that have made this a great investment lows an investor to own one, two or opportunity are compounding. There are three properties. They cannot do this in more distressed assets hitting the market multifamily commercial real estate other - Call Or Visit Our Website for Upcoming Educational Training - with a larger shadow inventory waiting in than by investment in a fund or a REIT. the wings. Morgan Stanley just published But it’s important that investors act pru- dently. This means contents not investing in their own backyard favoring proximity over return, not investing with fly- by-night property sell- ers who peddle ‘high 1 Create Stock Market Wealth 6 Cash Versus Cashflow return’ properties and then disappear leaving 1 Have a Cashflow Mindset 7 Calculate Your ROI the investor holding 2 Will Big Money Run Away? 8 The Nested Action Cycle the bag. And not doing thorough due diligence 3 Six Tips for Faster Wealth 9 Investor Spotlight on the area, the prop- erty and the provider. 4 Focus Versus Diversification 10 Resource Directory The HomeUnion Services team are ready to assist new investors. Finally, they should 5 Jump Start Success 11 Inside Our Expos a report that suggests the U.S. is moving not buy the property from one entity and towards a rentership society with home have another entity manage their invest- ownership declining to 59%. A recent ment. In other words, the retail investor Our Goal is to Educate, Motivate & Inspire New Investors Mortgage Bankers Association study says has to do the very things that the large Realty411 that home prices may have hit bottom. funds do before they invest. This means that investors have a grow- ing number of properties that they can buy Discover a whole new way to unleash fully- cheaply and then select from a large pool managed, high-income cashflow real estate ADVERTISING FOUNDER Manifest Media Partners CashFlow Express is published in San- of qualified renters. It all adds up to stable investments, call (866)732-3220 or email: Linda Pliagas ta Barbara County by Manifest Media 310.994.1962 Partners. ©Copyright 2007-2012. All high yields for people investing in buy- EDITORIAL STAFF EVENTS & EXPOS Rights Reserved. Reproduction without Lori Peebles Lawrence Ruano permission is strictly prohibited. The Anita Cooper Wendy Pineda opinions expressed by writers and col- CALIFORNIA DISTRIBUTION CashFlow Mindset, pg. 1 Andre Sanchez umnists are not endorsed by the pub- Brianna Bertrand Professional Distribution Solutions lishers and/or editorial staff. Before in- COPY EDITOR 1.877.418.6500 vesting in stocks, bonds, mutual funds, Anita Cooper NATIONAL DISTRIBUTION gold, other securities and commodities real estate activities. tively pursuing financial freedom and KJ Banks: 805.377.6328 PHOTOGRAPHERS and/or real estate, seek the advisement Robert Kiyosaki’s Cashflow 101 and see the world full of financial opportu- Sam Green PUBLISHED BY of a trusted financial adviser, attorney John DeCindis Manifest Media Partners or tax consultant. Investing is risky busi- 202 are great boardgames to expand nity and money-making possibilities. PRODUCTION ness and may result in loss of capital. Augusto Meneses SUBSCRIPTIONS/INFO: 310.499.9545 Please invest responsibly. your financial intelligence, but I hope By hanging out with these folks at WEB DESIGN Join Our VIP Social Network: PRINTED IN THE USA. you can now see they are the basis for your local Cashflow group, I know Diggs Design GOD BLESS AMERICA so much more. They create a frame- you to will begin to develop your own Connect to our virtual network ~ Search for us here: work for building lasting relationships “Cashflow” mindset and begin to see with people who have a “Cashflow” real changes in your financial future. mindset. These are people who are ac- CashFlow Express • Page 2
  • 3. publisher’s note Be A Guest at a FREE 6 KEYS FOR Foreclosure Workshop with Lloyd Segal, financial California’s Foreclosure Expert! To learn more about a freedom FREE Foreclosure Workshop near you, please call: NEW BOOK 888.285.0101 Released April 2012! By Linda Pliagas, editor & publisher E vestment. For example, if you are veryone a first-time home buyer (or even an yearns for empty nester), be open to the idea of abundance purchasing a duplex or other multi- and financial family property instead of a typical security, it is a human single family residence. This way, desire we all share. It is you can live in one unit and rent out a motivation ingrained the other for income. As a landlord in us as part of our myself, I know it’s not easy to live survival mechanism. near tenants, but if you screen your While we all have this prospective renters correctly, it will in common, only a lim- reduce future nightmares. Be smart, ited few ever actually reach true financial let other people pay off your mortgage! security. The statistics can be depressing. You can always save money and then buy According to the Retirement Confidence another home later, after you build a pas- Survey (2006), 53% of Americans have sive income stream. less than $25,000 in retirement savings. Plus, 30% mistakenly believe that they 2. Increase Your Formal AND Finan- will only need $250,000 or less in total cial Education. Did you know that earn- retirement savings. ing a bachelor’s degree can increase your One of the problems in our society is income by $25,000 annually? Plus, it gets a lack of discipline in regards to saving. better: According to Census Data, earning In fact, a recent study by Harris Interac- a graduate degree will net a person an- tive found that 57% of households do not other $20,000 per year — that’s $45,000 even have a budget (2009 Financial Lit- more, year after year! Now, don’t com- eracy Study). plain about the high cost of education or In my 20 year plus career in journalism, how “hard” it is to go back to school. My I have interviewed many successful and former neighbor was her 50s, running wealthy people, from her own business and celebrities to company attending graduate CEOs. Undoubtedly, part of the perk to this profes- school part-time. It’s never to late! Real Estate sion was being able to unlock their secrets. I’ve compiled a list of impor- It’s also important to keep in mind that universities do NOT Syndication Lawyers tant guidelines, which teach people how to Private Placements • Group Investments were followed by many get rich. So on top of LLC/Partnership Agreements • All 50 States of those who transformed your formal educa- their mediocre life and tion, start taking class- average paychecks into Linda with real estate mogul & educator es about investing. Dave Lindahl ( extraordinary wealth. Financial classes are These steps are not taught at most adult For information, call: 949-855-8399 easy to follow, but they will get you started schools and colleges for a nominal fee. on a disciplined path and lead you toward I have also attended real estate seminars creating a wealth-conscious mindset. for many years and have learned great tips 1. Reduce Your Household Expenses. from top mentors, such as Dave Lindahl. Looking for a Turnkey Rental in Kansas City? Living in California, we have some of 3. Be an Aggressive/Conservative In- the highest real estate prices in the na- vestor. Although it may sound like an tion so reducing living costs can be a sac- oxymoron to be both aggressive yet con- rifice. One move that I have seen many servative, it isn’t. It’s all about planning. real estate moguls make is that they start off their portfolio with a multifamily in- Continued on pg. 9 ebsite The W nched Sign Up Online t Lau ut tha Deb Our zine! for our Pocket Maga e-Mail Listings! CashFlow Express • Page 3
  • 4. Focus vs. Diversification your control over your investments. It’s extremely important to continue to in- crease your financial intelligence in order Diversification is not required if a person knows what they are doing.” So if diver- sification is a protection against ignorance A CPA/Investor’s Analysis to protect yourself. Unfortunately, finan- then when you diversify who’s ignorance cial intelligence is not taught in schools are you protecting yourself from? Your because such a large portion of the popu- ignorance and your financial advisors’ lation, including teachers and politicians, ignorance? Focus, not diversification, is do not have a very high financial IQ. the key to more sophisticated leverage, By Mathew Owens, CPA vesting in non-paper assets (i.e. not mutu- When financial advisors say that an higher returns, and lower risk. al funds or CDs) allows you to use lever- increase in returns means an increase in The point I am trying to make is that M age as well, which increases your wealth risk, they are right when speaking about if you increase your financial intelligence ost of by making your the paper assets they recommend to inves- about specific asset classes, like real es- what money work harder tors that they make major commissions tate, you will learn how to control your h a s for you. Most finan- on BEFORE showing performance. They own financial security and wealth cre- been cial planners will are wrong when speaking for all assets. ation, instead of relying on some finan- drilled tell you that using Financial advisors are simply salespeople. cial advisor who probably does not know into our heads about in- leverage increases Most people invest in paper assets such as what they are doing. Look at the massive vesting in mutual funds, risk. That is not al- Most financial advisors CDs paying down our ways the case if you mortgage and diversify- have the right finan- cial knowledge to recommend diversification ing is nothing but smoke and mirrors. The financial control the invest- services companies like ment and enable Fidelity, Charles Schwab and financial planners are safety controls on your leverage use. but they do not really diversify. the ones making all of They will also tell the money. The problem you that real estate is that most people have is a risky invest- very little financial edu- ment. The reason savings, stocks, bonds, mutual funds and wealth transfer that just occurred when cation in order to invest for for that is that finan- index funds because they do not want to the market crashed while bailing out the retirement properly so they hand over cial planners typically lack the financial take responsibility and control over their banks (i.e. the top 1% wealthy individuals their money to someone they HOPE will knowledge about how to control real es- financial well being. All they want is to increased their wealth while the middle have the right knowledge base to safely tate and make it profitable. Most finan- turn their money over to an investment class and poor decreased in wealth). This increase their wealth. The problem is cial planners put people into paper assets advisor who hopefully does a good job. happened because most people do not that these investment types are HUGE- where the investor does not have control Out of sight, out of mind. If people want have the financial intelligence to protect LY RISKY. These types of asset classes, and therefore it is hugely risky to use le- more control, the first thing they need to themselves. paper assets, do not allow the investor verage. In real estate investments the do is increase their financial intelligence Starting to get financially educated is control. Then during market crashes, all value of the property should not be based and, hopefully increase their financial the key to wealth creation. So get to the most investors can do is watch helplessly on the “opinion” of an appraiser but on controls and leverage ratios. bookstore and start reading. Take classes as their wealth gets whipped out along the income that it produces through rents. Most financial advisors recommend di- on financial intelligence and ways to in- with their financial security. The value of the rental real estate is de- versification but they do not really diver- crease wealth. It is key to your success and If you have more control over your as- pendent on jobs, salaries, demographics, sify. First they only invest your money preserving your wealth so that financial sets then you are not affected as much by local industry, and supply and demand of in one asset class, paper assets. Second, predators (i.e. the government, financial market crashes. For example, if you in- affordable housing. In a housing crash, mutual funds are already diversified in- advisors, and large mutual fund peddling vest in assets like real estate that produce the demand for rental units often goes up, vestments which are invested in a pool companies) do not take all of your wealth cash flow through rental income after all which means rents increase causing the of good and bad stocks which does not away by investing it in asset classes that of your expenses are covered, if the real value of your property to increase. You increase the value or decrease the risk do not allow you any controls over those estate market and stock market crash you can control rental real estate and which of the investments. Professional inves- investments. are still in great shape. While everything geographic areas you invest in unlike pa- tors DO NOT diversify. Warren Buffett is crashing you are still receiving your per assets that allow no control. Finan- put it perfectly when he said, “Diversifi- To contact Mathew Owens, please see rents and do not need to sell the asset. In- cial intelligence is the key to increasing cation is a protection against ignorance. OCG Properties’ advertisement below. REI Voice™: the Voice of the Profitable Real Estate Investor and the most recent  endeavor of SJREI Association™  The SJREI Association provides the education and networking necessary  to enable individuals to make wise, profitable investments. Whether you   have yet to purchase your first invest-    ment property, or are working on your hundredth deal, you’ve found the Bay   Area’s most dynamic investors asso- ciation. Receive REI Voice™ Magazine for $19.95 —   that’s 35% off the newsstand price!    CashFlow Express • Page 4
  • 5. Jump Start a New Year of Success Cash vs. Cashflow, pg. 6 ating $10,000 of monthly cashflow? If you get nothing from this article, By Geraldine Barry tic but now as I grow yourself, this is a process it does not hap- please get this. First, if you ever expect to Founder of SJREI and REI Voice and learn to navigate pen over-night. create wealth and experience any sort of I this game called life, I financial independence while you’re still t’s a New Year — time to re- have come to embrace • Lastly, live in the moment — whatever young enough to enjoy it, you’ll need to evaluate, improve and refine this gift that I have been you are doing give it 100% of your atten- adopt, embrace and implement a residual our daily habits and actions blessed with every day. tion. Walking the dog, having tea with a mindset. Second, don’t get stopped in for success. Small, incremen- How do I do that? I start friend, working, talking to your children - your pursuit of residual income by con- tal changes can reap big rewards my day with a prayer of be present, enjoy that moment. Your fam- fusing the value of cash and cashflow. in terms of productivity and busi- gratitude naming the ily and friends will love you for this level Making the transition from accumulator ness opportunities. As a planner myself, I things that I am grateful for — my fam- of attention — very few people can truly to residual-incomer and creating wealth understand the significance of establish- ily, my warm cozy home, my friends, a do this. Be wary of electronics they can can also take some time, but by maintaing ing goals to create new outcomes. If we hot cup of tea, a great book, quiet time to be thieves of our time, and our spirit...the a focus on cashflow, the time it takes will can break those down into smaller more think, process or write, my warm SJREI things that renew you are not material — be nothing in the remote vicinity of the 40 manageable components we can achieve business community. they are love, companionship, friendship, year traditional alternative. results more quickly. By appreciating these things, and so family, community, giving back. many other seemingly trivial things I am Be brave, do whatever it takes to ac- Matt Theriault is an author, entrepreneur Here are some things to consider as happier, more content and I realize that complish new results — Make 2012 your and host of the fastest growing real estate you plan for another year: what I appreciate grows more secure, and best year yet! investing podcast on iTunes. Visit www. becomes more defined in my life. Geraldine Barry is founder and president for more infor- • If you don’t like things in your life you Try it — I think you will like it too. of SJREI Association the premier educa- mation and to retrieve his free real estate have the power to change them by simply tional and networking association for real investing course How to Do Deals - No changing yourself — things don’t change, • There are people who drag us down estate investors in the Bay area. Under Money Required. but you can! Any little modification can make a difference — an introduction of — nay sayers if you will. Remove those Geraldine’s leadership SJREI has grown something new, an exercise routine, a dai- people from your life. If they are your from a half-dozen investors to a vibrant Dream of Retiring Early? T WITH CONFIDENCE ly reading schedule, journaling, or simply family members, show them a new way three chapter organization with over 400 to be by mirroring for them your great investors attending monthly meetings. Join our Facebook bonding with your family. new attitude. My Dad shared with me In addition to leading SJREI, Geraldine Group and Mingle • How you present yourself to the world (he ran a company, and had a family of is the frequent host of the radio program, with Successful makes a difference, how you look, how six daughters, two sons and a wife!) that Going Beyond Real Estate, a regular Investors who Share E D I AT E C A S H F LOW you speak, how you interact with others, sometimes he survived by “psychologi- who you interact with, what you read, cally absenting himself” from negative guest on the nationally broadcasted NT- DTV, publisher of award winning publica- Your Financial Goals. Share Tips • Post Deals what you spend your time doing. What situations. tion REI Voice Magazine, and producer D iscover the lowest-risk, highest-quality residential investment properties in the Request & Give Referrals is your message to the world? Using sophisticated methodology,youbest investment properties areout, I am here, How do do that? Tune them of the annual Bay Area Real Estate Expo. country. the Post Links • Interact with ready to take on a new challenge an experienced investor and rehabbed beautifully to situations, carefully selected by and I capitulate, get away from secure the Geraldine resides in Silicon Valley, and is Nearly 3,000 members! want to change the best tenants. With competent property management, and instant cashdon’t propel world in a positive people and attitudes that flow, your the proud mother of Colin and Claire, her investment pays worry-free dividends from day one. Remember to be gentle as way... it is your choice. you forward. two children. Contact Geraldine Barry JOIN & POST TO THE GROUP BY EMAILING: • I have always been incredibly optimis- you work on this and have patience with at: PROFILE OF YOUR FUTURE PORTFOLIO INVEST WITH CONFIDENCE Flip or Rent Cash Generating 411 Print • Online • Network I M M E D I AT E C A S H F LOW “Contact me for a Properties in the Hottest Markets “Contact me for D free cash flow analysis” Across the Nation with our iscover the lowest-risk, highest-quality residential investment properties in the a free cash flow analysis.” country. Using sophisticated methodology, the best investment properties are carefully selected by an experienced• investor and rehabbed beautifully to secure the | Vol. 4 • No. 1 2011 best tenants. With competent property management, and instant cash flow, your A Resource Guide for Investors investment pays worry-free dividends from day one. REMOTE REHABS™ System! PROFILE OF YOUR FUTURE PORTFOLIO TOM WILSON, President d receive one-year of free 408-867-1867 your first purchase. “Contact me for a Price: $110,000, fully renovated, built 2005 Currently Rented for $1,195 free cash flow analysis.” 411 Invest with the Market Leader TOM WILSON, President Mention REI Voice Magazine and receive one-year of free Print • Online • Network 408-867-1867 property management with your first purchase. A Resource Guide for Investors 4 • No. 1 • 2011 | Vol. www.realty411gui Discover Why Investors Featured on the cover of Realty411 Magazine Investors 877.773.9998 World Trust Around the Discover Why ld Trust Around the Wor Memphis Invest LLC rstand the Need s of Long-Dist ance Landlords 130 Timber Creek Cordova, TN 38018 901-751-7191 Market Unde of the Memphis The Leaders The Leaders of the Memphis Market Understand the Needs of Long-Distance Landlords America’s Solution to Home Ownership Stop Renting & Start Owning If you qualify to rent, YOU QUALIFY TO BUY! Call Us: 813.977.2727 Office: 951-280-1900 CashFlow Express • Page 5
  • 6. M ost of America was to travel. For if someday doesn’t arrive, are just squeaking by and only 1% of the flow when you’ve got $30,000 of cash raised in a household it’s not like you can go back and try again. population actually reaches the age of 65 staring you in the face? I agree, there’s where the road to You’re essentially at the end of life’s road “wealthy.” A “residual” mindset is what nothing sexy about $300, it has little value wealth and success once you discover if it worked for you or this wealthy 1% has in common. It has today. It might buy you a pair of designer was paved with the not. And what if it doesn’t? Then what?! been said that success leaves clues. In this jeans or a fancy dinner and a bottle of ideology of going to school, getting good There is a road less traveled that de- context, however, success is leaving evi- wine. However, $300 of cashflow to the grades, getting a good job, investing 10% serves your consideration. Additionally, dence, isn’t it? residual-incomer has tremendous value. of your income, maxing out the 401(k), you might want to know that it’s faster As more and more studies and research You see, as I’m writing this article, the cutting up credit cards and clipping cou- and easier, as well. I’ll prove it to you. are conducted, the concept of residual in- financial institution ING is advertising a pons. If this is you, STOP IT! That sys- The alternative road exists within a “re- come and its wealth-creating power are 1% interest rate on their money market tem is broken. It’s this “traditional” road sidual” mindset. The group that chooses becoming more common knowledge by account. I choose to use ING as an exam- to success that could potentially be the this road lives life quite differently. They the day. That being the case, one has to ple because it’s just about the most gener- How to Create Wealth: Cash vs. Cashflow By Matt Theriault, and demise of society as we know it, if not wonder why more people don’t ap- ous savings account available today to the the entire country itself. ply this knowledge once it has been average consumer. So I’ll ask you, “How It’s no secret that the current economy learned. much cash would you need to deposit is a trying one for most. However, for It’s simple, actually. People into that ING account to generate $300 of some, it’s the most profitable and suc- looking to make the transition from monthly cashflow?” cessful economy they’ve ever experi- “accumulator” to “residual incomer” enced, or will ever experience again. confuse cash and cashflow. Within the $360,000! Why are some succeeding today while real estate investing arena, this con- most are not? What road are they travel- fusion can be clearly illustrated, and An ING money market account balance ing? What are they doing differently? I here’s how... of $360,000 would have to be maintained could draw your attention to a number One, among many, of the attrac- to generate $300 of monthly cashflow. of differences between the two group’s tive attributes real estate investing In summary, $300 of cash is worth $300 actions, yet what ultimately separates the possesses is that it can produce two of cash, but $300 of monthly cashflow is two is little more than mindset. wake up every day with a focus of creat- types of income. Real estate can produce worth $360,000 of cash sitting in the most Those traveling that antiquated tradi- ing or managing systems to work for their large amounts of cash through short term generous savings account available today. tional road to success possess an “ac- money as opposed to they themselves strategies like fix-and-flip and wholesal- Do you get the difference now? cumulation” mindset. This group wakes working for their money. Their focus ing. Real estate can also produce smaller And here’s more... Which is a longer, up every day and goes to work for their is placed on creating residual income, amounts of monthly cashflow through not to mention more more difficult, road money. Their focus, whether consciously whether through a business system or longer term strategies like buy-and-hold to travel? Accumulating $360,000 of or subconsciously, is placed on exchang- their money earning money itself. They and lease optioning. The accumulator cash? Or, creating $300 a month of cash- ing time for dollars with the hopes at know that once their residual income ex- looking to transition to residual-incomer flow? some point in their life their income will ceeds their expenses, the accumulation will frequently, if not always, choose a You know your situation, skills and re- rise, and their investments will perform, of assets and the creation of wealth will $30,000 fix-and-flip cash pay out over a sources better than I do, but creating $300 to a level that someday they will have essentially happen automatically whether $300 a month buy-and-hold cashflow. Al- a month of cashflow not only sounds fast- accumulated enough to retire. they get up and go to work or not; And though they have the greatest intentions of er and easier, it is do-able. It’s realistic, as Sure, this mindset has worked for it doesn’t take 40 years for wealth to be becoming a residual-incomer, their accu- opposed to the traditional-get-rich-slow some, but it’s failing the vast majority created in this manner, either... far from it. mulation mindset is so ingrained that they program that has the country by the balls. of our population. The reason being is Contrary to the “risky” label this road to can’t resist the big cash pay outs real es- Alright, alright... I can hear it now. No, that this vast majority doesn’t start ac- wealth is commonly given, it is the road tate offers. It’s their mindset that prevents $300 of cashflow isn’t going to make a cumulating (i.e. saving, investing) early that gives you the greatest shot at creating them from recognizing the true value of dramatic difference in your lifestyle. So enough or possess the discipline to fol- wealth. $300 of monthly cashflow. And because what would? $5,000 a month? $10,000 low through to the end. Accumulation Maybe this is news to you, maybe it’s the accumulator tragically confuses $300 a month? By performing the same math takes time, a lot of time. This entire ap- something you’ve known for a while or of cash with $300 of cashflow, they con- with today’s interest rates, you would need proach to creating wealth is based on a maybe it’s just plain and simple common tinue to exchange time for dollars always to accumulate and deposit $12,000,000 principle called “someday.” Unfortu- sense. Regardless of where you stand, in search of that next “flip” and never take of cash into that ING account to cre- nately, someday never seems to arrive. one would be hard-pressed to formulate that first step toward becoming a residual- ate $10,000 a month of cashflow. Again, And for the few of which someday does a solid argument against it. The writ- incomer. which is a longer more difficult road? Ac- arrive, it’s a 40 to 50 year journey. ing is on the wall. Depending on which Can you blame them, though? It’s easy cumulating $12,000,000 of cash? Or, cre- Contrary to the “safe” label this road source you reference, the “traditional” to get caught up in the moment, right? to wealth has been given, it’s a risky road road is failing 90-95% of the country, 4% What’s so appealing about $300 of cash- Continued on pg. 5 We give people a FREE game plan of how to build a real estate portfolio in their spare time so they can retire in the next 3 to 5 years. Get YOUR “game plan” and a FREE copy of “The Strait Path to Real Estate Wealth” at: 805.241.7828 CashFlow Express • Page 6
  • 7. [ Calculate Your ROI Return On Investment [ written by R eturn on investment. tenant in place. chase price for this home was $85,000. Net Operating Income = $3,953.48 That’s the whole point If you did not There are two different ways we can go right? Being able to have a leased here. Assuming we paid cash for the So, that’s a big difference right? You accurately determine tenant in place, property, the ROI calculation would look bet. Let’s take a look at the difference in what your dollar is producing is a you would con- like this: your actual ROI. critical step. Not just after you’ve sider this cal- Remember, your Cash Flow is calcu- made your investment, but it is culation as if it $8540 / $85,000 = .1005 lated against the dollar amount you have also a critical step in making deci- were part of a invested. In this case your total out-of sions on future investments. For pro forma. You So using these assumptions, we have an pocket investment is your down payment instance, accurately predicting would have to ROI of 10%. You might be thinking to of $21,250. the return on an “all-cash” pur- consider things yourself: “Wow, what if I managed the chase, versus one that is financed like “Vacancy property myself, or eliminated the main- $3,953.48 / $21,250 = .1860 can produce very stark results. Rates,” “Rent Bumps,” and “Tax Con- tenance reserve”. These are great obser- Let’s take a look at a typical income- sequences” and deduct them from your vations, but we’ll talk about that later. So you can see that by financing this par- producing residential property. The first “Gross Rental Income.” ticular property, you are actually receiv- step is to identify all the variables we are Financing vs. All-Cash Purchase ing an ROI of 18.6%. working with. In this example, we are cal- Here is what this calculation looks like: Let’s assume you financed this property. culating a rate of return over the course Gross Rental Rate + $12,000 Again, we’ll use some typical numbers to The Value of Your Time of one year. Taxes - $1,000 illustrate. After your 25% down payment Remember those thoughts you had earlier Insurance - $500 ($21,250), you leave behind an amount about reducing things like maintenance Net Operating Income (NOI) Property Management - $1600 of $63,750 that is financed at 6% for 30 reserves or eliminating property manage- Every month, you get a happy rent check Maintenance Reserve - $360 years. ment? As you can see, calculating your in the mail. This is your “Gross Rental Net Operating Income = $8,540 ROI is a simple and powerful tool that Income.” Now, let’s take a look at the Here is what your calculation would you can use to make decisions on poten- cost of your investment. For most prop- That’s it. Simple right? When you hear look like: tial investments. But there is something erties, these are pretty standard and easy talk about “Cashflow”, it is your NOI that Gross Rental Rate + $12,000 missing from this equation — the value to identify. we are talking about. So, we have iden- Taxes - $1,000 of your time. For this example we will assume the ba- tified our “Gross Rental Rate.” and our Insurance - $500 For some reason, we have the tendency sics: Insurance, taxes, property manage- “Net Operating income” or “Cashflow.” Property Management - $1600 to consider our own time as some infinite ment, and a maintenance reserve. We will Let’s go ahead and calculate our actual Maintenance Reserve - $360 also assume that the property has a leased ROI for the year assuming that the pur- Principle and Interest - $4,586.52 Continued on pg. 10 There’s Dependable Passive Income In Arizona. (866) 263-8288 (480) 499-5400 CashFlow Express • Page 7
  • 8. An Innovative Approach About Leonardo Management, Inc. to Property Operations H eadquartered in Santa Monica, Calif., Leonardo Management was es- tablished in 2008 by veteran real estate executive Daniel Cunningham Leonardo Management & and has grown quickly to provide third party management services to com- mercial office, retail and multifamily clients throughout California, Arizona, Colorado and New Mexico. the Nested Action Cycle Leonardo’s customer service and leasing was recently ranked #1 in the entire country by Ellis Partners in Mystery Shopping and by utilizing its proprietary software, which automates on-site operations. Leonardo also offers a one-two punch in operations and leasing, which adds unprecedent- By Daniel Cunningham to maximize profit, and dozens of distinct ed value to their clients. President, Leonardo Management, Inc. roles a manager must play throughout the Representatives can be reached at: O week to get it all done. On any given day, or at 213-674-4140 ne of the interesting things a manager may act as psychiatrist, coun- about managing multi-family selor, contractor, lifeguard, janitor, police apartments is that two simi- officer, accountant, salesperson, IT tech- vious company or whatever process was came Leonardo Management and we lar apartment communities, nician, gardener, cheerleader, marketing easiest for them. Even when we did have started using the tag line “The Science in close proximity, can have such vastly rep, and lawyer, just to name a few. I’m a defined process, I found that if we didn’t of Property Management” to recognize different levels of success even though getting tired just writing about it all and, constantly audit compliance with the pro- this new, methodical way of approaching the product might be quite frankly, it’s more than cedure, invariably it would be neglected operations. comparable. Vacancies and some people can han- in practice. We adopted a very “reactive” But then we took things once step fur- rentals can vary greatly dle if they aren’t able mode of management, whereby we would ther. Once the NAC was formulated and among similar product to prioritize. It’s tre- get one problem under control just as the in use by the property managers within types within the same mendously difficult next one would arise, with no opportunity Leonardo, we then used the same ap- market. One property can to keep focused on to plan and get ahead of the game. proach to develop a software platform appear well-kept and wel- what’s most impor- That was when I invented the “Nested which we called the Leonardo Intel- coming; the other, com- tant when there are Action Cycle” (the “NAC”) approach to ligent Property Management System pletely uninviting. Staff at so many demands on property management. I mapped out every (IPM). Now all our managers have to do one property may convert one’s time. And when daily, weekly, monthly and annual task that is log into IPM every morning and it tells a greater number of tours an individual proper- needed to be done and worked out a sys- them exactly what they need to be do- into leases than the other. ty can be worth tens tem to track them so that we’d never drop ing that day, that week, and that month. What makes the differ- of millions of dollars any balls on the operations side ever again. Like a friendly electronic Regional Man- ence in a well-run, highly with revenues of sev- The shorter cycles nested within the longer ager looking over their shoulder offering occupied property isn’t eral million dollars a cycles, ultimately producing a clockwork- guidance, IPM never takes a vacation, luck, and most of the time year, losing focus for like conductor of management activity that never gets distracted with other issues at it isn’t even related to the even just a short time covered the gamut of everything a manager other properties, and never, ever forgets physical property itself. The most signifi- can have serious financial ramifications. needs to think about to efficiently and ef- what needs to be done. It sweats all those cant factor, responsible for at least 90% I learned all this the hard way. I had fectively operate an apartment community. details I mentioned earlier and so now of the success in this business, is the lo- been an asset manager most of my career By “dialing” the NAC to today’s date, the we can manage more properties with cal staff running operations. Behind every — most notably director of asset manage- nested action cycles would instantly pro- fewer regional staff and still make sure successful property is a manager who is ment for AIMCO, one of the largest own- duce all of the tasks a manager should be balls never get dropped. Owners can log passionate about the job and, even more ers of apartment buildings in the United doing on that date. The NAC was difficult in any time to see what action items are important, is thorough and consistent in States. So when the developer for whom to formulate, but amazingly straightfor- complete and when they were done. It the day-to-day management—a manager I worked in 2007 asked me to start an in- ward in its application. Taken as a whole provides unprecedented transparency who really sweats the details. house property management company it actually provides an entire year’s worth and our clients love it. And therein lies the problem. There are for them, I figured it would be a piece of of explicit day-by-day activities that, when We’ve had lots of requests to license a LOT of details involved in running any cake. followed in a regular, disciplined fashion, the Leonardo IPM and we’re taking an apartment building, and trying to “sweat” I couldn’t have been more wrong. The without question will result in a meticu- honest look at that possibility. But until all of them can cause burnout in even the year we took over property management lously managed property that will enjoy that time comes, Leonardo Management best managers. You see, an apartment for the 1,300 units owned by that devel- higher occupancy, lower expenses, and benefits by having a real and proprietary building is a self-contained, (hopefully) oper turned out to be one of the most chal- better resident satisfaction than neighbor- value proposition to offer property own- self-sustaining business, and a compli- lenging of my career. My prior high-level ing competitors, with the end result being a ers — a way to do things better. You can cated one at that. It has income and ex- “asset management” experience had im- more profitable business. read more about us and Leonardo IPM penses, labor costs and marketing plans, printed a hands-off instinct, which left too The NAC gave us such an advantage in at We’d be budgets versus projections, and even hu- many details to the on-site staff, and the operating these properties that I was in- pleased to offer a demo to any interested man resources and legal matters that must wheels started to come off the cart. For spired to buy that management company property owner. be dealt with. Often the lion’s share of co- every process that lacked a solid, well- from the developer and establish a pure ordinating all this falls to a lone property documented procedure in place, the man- third-party management company of my To receive a free demo, please contact manager. There are a bazillion moving agers would quickly default to whatever own, which would be based on the prin- Leonardo Management at 213.674.4140 parts, hundreds of levers to manipulate habits they had developed under a pre- cipals established by the NAC. That be- or email Your asset deserves a first-rate Property Manager! On line all the time Free education, national speakers, YouTube videos, Leonardo Management provides commercial office, retail and networking, learn from the best how to invest 866-853-0803 multi-family management services in AZ, CA, CO, NM and NV. Go Green and Kick Gas! All SBREIA meetings are held here Log on to for a free consultation and management fee quote. 213-674-4140 ph Take an educational business vacation Home of the 20K Rent Ready Properties CashFlow Express • Page 8