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MAY 2015
Jazz I Performance Attendance Increase Plan
May 2015
Table of Contents
Section 1: Situation Analysis............................................................................................... 1
The Problem & Opportunity................................................................................................1
The Organization................................................................................................................2
The Public & Market ...........................................................................................................5
The Environment................................................................................................................7
Section 2: Strategic Plan ..................................................................................................... 9
Objectives & Strategies.....................................................................................................11
Section 3: Action Plan ....................................................................................................... 13
Tactic 1: Posters ...............................................................................................................13
Tactic 2: Social Media.......................................................................................................14
Tactic 3: Contacting Professors Through Email....................................................................15
Tactic 4: Press Release......................................................................................................16
Tactic 5: Campus Performances.........................................................................................17
Section 4: Logistics............................................................................................................ 19
Public Relations Calendar..................................................................................................19
Section 5: Evaluation Plan................................................................................................. 20
Research Design...............................................................................................................20
Preparation Criteria..........................................................................................................21
Implementation Criteria....................................................................................................23
Impact Criteria.................................................................................................................24
Appendix A: Cooperation Agreement............................................................................... 27
Appendix B: The Tactics.................................................................................................... 29
Press Release ...................................................................................................................33
Appendix C: Calendar and Key.......................................................................................... 35
Calendar Key....................................................................................................................35
Appendix D: The Budget ................................................................................................... 38
Situation Analysis
The Problem & Opportunity
The University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Jazz Studies department is having trouble
filling the seats with college students for its Jazz I Ensemble performances. By working
with them we are hoping to find ways to get more UW-Eau Claire students to attend
these concerts, Jazz I Ensemble specifically.
After sitting down with our client, we learned that these concerts used to be
standing room only with warnings from the Fire Marshal that they could not have
people spilling over into the aisles due to safety restrictions. Today, they are lucky to fill
about half of the auditorium. There is no doubt that technology has been partially to
blame for this issue; people don’t have to leave their houses to be entertained anymore.
Another cause of low student attendance, in particular, is that students might not think
they will enjoy jazz music, or, that jazz music is for the older generation of the
We need to find a way to appeal to our target audience in a way that will engage
and spark their interest to attend the Jazz I performances. What we are trying to figure
out is how to bring students out of their dorm rooms or houses in order to experience
some real, live, spectacular music, performed by members of their peer groups at UW-
Eau Claire. As many attendees are already community members, we will be focusing on
getting college students to attend these concerts. During this time, it will be important
to work closely with Robert Baca, head of Jazz Studies at UW-Eau Claire, to promote a
quality product that students will want to hear.
The Organization
When looking at UW-Eau Claire Jazz Studies, there are strengths in this
organization that can aid in the campaign. There are connections within the University
that can benefit in the distribution of our messages. The Jazz I Ensemble is a two-time
Grammy nominated ensemble, which adds credibility. For the music department,
students are required to attend a designated number of performances, which would
benefit the campaign by reaffirming the quota with music students. Our final strength is
the recognition of Robert Baca’s national reputation as the Director of Jazz Studies and a
renowned trumpet performer.
As far as weaknesses of the organization, there is limited publicity due to the Jazz
Studies being funded only by the UW, therefore, a lack of funding. Although these funds
have their benefits as well, there is always a challenge in managing the pricings of
advertising on air, around campus, and in the community. The second weakness that
Strength Weaknesses
 UWEC connections
 Jazz I Ensemble, Grammy Nomination x2
 BA Music students attendance quota
 Mr. Baca’s reputation (well-known)
 Student admission fee: $2
 Limited publicity
 College students
 Lack of funding
Opportunities Threats
 Collaborate with administration to increase
attendance quota by adding a guest pass
 Students as new market
 Random campus performances
 No competition
 Collaborating with Choral Dept.
 Budget cuts
 Lack of appreciation amongst
 Chorus’ on campus (competing)
will be transformed into a positive is that college students make up a large majority of
the Eau Claire community.
There are also many opportunities that Jazz Studies and our campaign can
harness. We hope to work with the administration to create a guest pass for the music
students who have to attend a certain number of performances throughout their time
at UW-Eau Claire. This will allow students to bring a guest, earning an extra punch, in
order to increase the awareness of performances that occur on campus. Another
opportunity is students becoming a new market as a whole. Among the community and
the area surrounding Eau Claire, there is limited jazz competition. One way to increase
awareness on campus is to have spontaneous performances on campus. These would be
unannounced to the public, and would allow students to have a preview of the quality
of performers that are present on campus. Performances could take place on the
campus mall, in Davies Student Center, Haas Lobby and other common areas around
campus. In order to involve more students to be a part of the jazz program, utilizing the
choral talent on campus to sing with the Jazz I Ensemble would be a great opportunity.
Our last item of the SWOT analysis is the threats that could impact our campaign
in a negative way. In recent political decisions, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker has
imposed a $300 million budget cut for the UW System. With this, large amounts of
funding could be cut to departments around the UW-Eau Claire campus that may affect
our campaign and the distribution of our messages and materials. Another threat to our
campaign is the limited knowledge and awareness of jazz music among college students.
Music tastes in general for college students are limited to “top hits” and recently
produced music, which limits the awareness of jazz music among college aged students.
The last threat to our campaign is the choral department in general, as it is known as
“Wisconsin’s Singing University.” With this threat, most community members and
students attend choir concerts instead of Jazz performances. The use of this threat
would be to create an opportunity and have choir members or groups perform with the
Jazz I Ensemble to help increase awareness.
The Public & Market
The primary market of this project is to reach to UW-Eau Claire students.
Although there are many other markets, especially the Eau Claire community that we
could focus on, the lack of student ticket sales is the most important to us. We want to
market the performances in a way that increases hype and word-of-mouth
conversations, which will increase the "want to go" attitude of UW-Eau Claire students.
Membership in a market is passive; therefore the students whom we are reaching to are
not aware they share the common want or need. Through different forms of media, we
plan on creating messages and spreading the word about the Jazz I Ensemble
performances to raise attendance levels. Creating the messages is one thing, but
utilizing the optimal form of media to spread those messages is a key variable in getting
the word out.
The two main forms of media we plan on using to spread the word among our
target public is Facebook and posters. Facebook will allow for certain messages to be
sent out to a large number of people, who can in turn send that message to more peers
via “sharing” the message. On the other hand, posters will bring a physical presence to
the campus environment that will allow students to see them around campus in all UW-
Eau Claire academic buildings. Once our persuasive messages have been implemented,
the target public will become aware of the Jazz I Ensemble performances. As a result,
attendance at the concert will increase.
Among our primary public there are also intervening publics. Those, for example,
are UW-Eau Claire professors and peers. Professors are opinion leaders, who command
the respect of their students. They certainly hold sway and frequently communicate
with students. Therefore, their opinions and words will reach students that may not
otherwise be open to them. Ways to reach professors would consist of email, posters,
and word of mouth. Along with on-campus professors, peers also hold sway over their
fellow students. Through daily communication with their friends, they can spread the
message and share information while raising awareness. The best and most common
medium used in reaching this public is the use of all social media. This strategy works
well, as social media can reach a vast array of students, allowing them to forward the
information via word of mouth or on their own social media profiles.
The Environment
The environment also plays a major role in order to increase the attendance of
UW-Eau Claire students during Jazz I Ensemble performances. Within this section there
will be a discussion of the effects in the Eau Claire community and the state of
Wisconsin and the environmental effects they have.
With recent political decisions to cut the UW System budget by a proposed $300
million, this cut will be implemented starting fall 2015 through 2017. Due to this budget
cut, funding for the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Jazz program may be significantly
reduced. In the history of UW System budget cuts, music and arts programs are
notorious for being one of the first to go. Funding would enable our messages to be
delivered to our audience. A lack of funding means a lack of messages, therefore our
campaign would suffer.
Previous message distribution should be taken into consideration for what has
and what has not worked in the past. As Eau Claire Jazz Studies is a funded
organization, funding is usually not specified for advertisement and publicity of
performances and events. Not only has there been a main lack of distribution through
radio channels, but through other media channels as well. As college students are
known for their use of social media, radio message distribution would be a key media
channel for outside publics as these messages would reach audiences who have an
appreciation for jazz music with the use of the radio. Also, with the growing rate of
technology and the decline of radio listening, other forms of media distribution will be
necessary. By using social media, we will be able to reach different segments of our
public and spread our message to all markets.
Another factor to consider when wanting to reach more students is the lack of
diverse demographics and knowledge of jazz cultures. As the jazz culture originates
from the late 19th and early 20th centuries, most current college-age students listen to
“top hits” and more recently produced music. Although jazz music is still being
produced, it does not reach many segments of the college-age community. This may be
a road block for our campaign. Although it will be easy to distribute the messages to
college students, it will be difficult to create excitement and interest for the primary
public to the performances.
The final environmental factor that could affect our campaign is lack of time
available to students. Being a full-time student is a job in itself. The consideration must
also be noted that most students, on top of classes, work at least a part time job, have
an internship, or are involved in organizations on campus. Students barely have enough
hours in the day to have a social life. With personal commitments, students are not
interested in spending their free time at a jazz concert.
Strategic Plan
Our elements are all connected; each level allows us to achieve the other. The outcome
objectives we have laid out detail the specific actions we will utilize to achieve our goal. Our
strategies outline the means and resources by which we will achieve our objectives. The tactics
are how we will execute and implement our strategies; they are determined by our key publics
and the best ways to reach them. These elements work together to create a cohesive campaign
plan that will allow us not only to achieve our goal, but monitor our progress and outcomes as
In our situation analysis, we outlined our greatest strengths, weaknesses, opportunities
and threats when it comes to our client, the Jazz Studies department. The problem is the
decreasing attendance of UWEC students at the Jazz I Ensemble performances. By using the
knowledge we gained in our situation analysis, our strategic plan is full of ways we will increase
the UW-Eau Claire student attendance at the Jazz I Ensemble performances by 25 students.
GOAL: To increase attendance of UW-Eau Claire students to Jazz I Ensemble
performances by 25 students.
In our situation analysis we found lack of awareness of the performances to be a
contributing factor for declining attendance. Jazz Studies has seen a decrease in attendance for
the spring season performance over the last five years (see Table for Jazz I Ensemble Ticket
In the past five years, fall and spring performance combined, less than 50 percent of the
total attendance has been made up of UW- Eau Claire students. Our plan provides strategies to
reach our goal by setting up random campus performances where students will be exposed to
the music, while raising awareness by creating posters, surveys, and social media content to
spread awareness of the concert on April 30, 2015.
Date Community
UWEC Student
UWEC Student %
12/3/10 172 195 367 53.13%
5/5/11 78 74 152 48.68%
12/2/11 141 113 254 44.49%
4/23/12 214 123 337 36.5%
11/30/12 140 125 265 47.17%
4/26/13 127 61 188 32.45%
12/6/13 138 98 236 41.53%
4/27/14 60 25 85 29.41%
12/5/14 76 68 144 47.22%
Jazz I Ensemble Ticket Sales
Objectives & Strategies
Because we took the time to familiarize ourselves with our client’s issue during our
situation analysis, our strategic plan contains various strategies and objectives to reach our goal
in a precise manor. To increase attendance, we will use our first strategy:
Strategy One: To inform UW-Eau Claire students through spontaneous campus
performances by the Jazz I Ensemble at various locations on campus.
These spontaneous performances would take place in the lobby of the Haas Fine Arts
Center, Davies Student Center, Centennial Hall, and the amphitheater in the campus mall.
These performances will increase attendance of future Jazz I Ensemble performances by
exposing the student population to the music.
Strategy Two: To increase awareness of Jazz I Ensemble performances among UW-Eau
Claire students by the implementation, design, and distribution of posters.
UW-Eau Claire students will have a piqued interest after completing a survey conducted
by April 10, 2015. Many of the questions are based on the knowledge students have of the Jazz
I Ensemble, as well as gathering data on how students become aware of performances around
campus. This survey will also help to categorize what social media works best for college
students, as many questions pertain to the use of a particular medium to acquire information of
upcoming on-campus events. This outcome of the questionnaire will help capitalize our
knowledge of UW-Eau Claire students, and their familiarity of performances and use of media
to acquire information.
Through the use of messages and communication tools, there will be several tactics that
implement this strategic plan. These tactics include: creating and distributing 20 posters; using
social media; contacting professors through email messages; creating and distributing two
surveys, pre and post. The compilation of these tactics will help ensure we reach our goal of
increasing attendance of UW-Eau Claire students to Jazz I Ensemble performances.
Action Plan
Tactic 1: Posters
Message Strategies: We will be creating and distributing 20 posters around campus in places
such as Davies Student Center, Centennial Hall, Hibbard Hall, Haas Fine Arts, etc. We will be
creating four posters, all of which will have similar themes and styles to create continuity. Five
posters will be printed of each design and will be distributed around the campus.
Type of Appeal: For this tactic we will be using both psychological and informational appeals.
It will be informational as the posters will contain the needed information: who, what, when,
where and why, so that students have high self-efficacy in terms of attending the Jazz I
Ensemble performances. The posters also have a psychological appeal because the different
posters will not only be informational but will be visually appealing as well.
Spokesperson: Our spokesperson for the posters will be Eau Claire Jazz Inc., who will create
the posters and place the correct and necessary information on them that will get the students
interested and informed about the concert.
Key Points: As far as the information that is on the posters, the five W’s will be implemented.
 The Who: Jazz I Ensemble and Jamey Simmons
 The What: jazz performance
 The When: April 30th, 2015
 The Where: Gantner Hall in Haas Fine Arts on campus
 The Why: to support the University’s music department and learn to gain a respect and
understanding for the jazz culture.
Media Strategies: Organizational communication and advertising and promotion are the
media strategies that will be enacted through the creation and distribution of posters. Posters
will be distributed approximately one week before the date of the concert. Because the
organization is communicating to the public through the posters, we are able to use
organizational communication as a media strategy. Since we are using posters as a form of
communication we are also promoting and advertising the concert through them.
Tactic 2: Social Media
Message Strategies: For our social media strategy, we will be using the Eau Claire Jazz Inc.
Facebook page to post informational and psychological appeals in order to raise awareness and
knowledge in our target public. These posts will be updated several times per day, with an
increased volume in the week prior to the Jazz I Ensemble performance on April 30.
Type of Appeal: For this tactic we will be using a psychological and informational appeal. To
find success with the psychological appeal, we will use recordings of Jazz I Ensemble that will be
recorded at their on campus performances. This will get our audience’s attention and interest,
and convince them to attend the performance. For our informational appeal, we will offer basic
information (such as time, date, location, price, etc.) to raise awareness and knowledge within
our audience.
Spokesperson: Eau Claire Jazz Inc. will as the spokesperson for this tactic. We will post from
their accounts to reach their followers (who have already indicated an interest in jazz by
following their page).
Key Points: Initial posts will contain: who, what, when, where, and why about the events. This
will serve to inform the public about the event. We will then include quotations from the
members and past attendees, pictures of past performances, related information concerning
guest artists, and previews/teasers including videos of performances.
Media Strategies: Interpersonal communication, advertising and promotion (Jazz studies and
EC Jazz on Facebook) will be the strategies employed. The organizational strategy allows us to
maintain control of the messages while speaking from the organization to the public. By using
the advertising and promotion strategy, we are reaching a large number of people while also
maintaining control of our messages. We will use Facebook to post several times a day, with an
increased focus in the week leading up to the concert (April 22-29).
Tactic 3: Contacting Professors Through Email
Message Strategies: We will be having Robert Baca email professors with information about
the April 30 concert as well as information about jazz music and culture. We will also be asking
those professors to share the information with their students in order to raise their awareness,
knowledge, and appreciation of the concert. Using Robert Baca will make the request and
information more credible, and make professors more likely to share that information.
Type of Appeal: This tactic will involve an informational appeal and an ethical appeal. We will
be offering information about the event, and share the importance of jazz music and culture.
The goal of this appeal is to convince professors to share the information with their class and
potentially offer extra credit for attending the Jazz I Ensemble performances. If the professors
are receiving an email from a fellow faculty member, they could feel a need to support them
and the institution in which they work. This targets their ethics and value based systems,
hoping to change student’s behavior.
Spokesperson: Robert Baca will be the spokesperson for this tactic. Previously we used an
animated version of Robert Baca, but this tactic will require his personal involvement. The
purpose of this is to lend credibility (which will be greater using Robert Baca’s name than any of
ours) to the request and information.
Key Points: We will provide the vital information about the event: who, what, when, where,
and why of the concert—as well as other information such as the price of attending, and the
importance of jazz music and culture at the University and the City of Eau Claire.
Media Strategies: We will use the Interpersonal communication strategy. By coming to
professors through an established academic organization—and using the well-known and well-
respected Mr. Baca—we will establish credibility in our request that they share information
with their students. These emails will be sent a week before the event (April 22-29), so as to
raise awareness close to the event and keep the information fresh.
Tactic 4: Press Release
Message Strategies: We will write a press release through Eau Claire Jazz Inc. The press
release will contain information to create knowledge and awareness among the publics. It will
reach both students and the Eau Claire community.
Type of Appeal: Our press release will have a strict informational appeal. Our goal with the
press release will be to inform UW-Eau Claire students, UW-Eau Claire alumni, and the Eau
Claire community about the details of the event.
Spokesperson: Eau Claire Jazz Inc. will serve as the spokesperson for the press release.
Key Copy Points: The press release will contain information about what the Jazz Ensemble I
group is, while also containing a brief description of the guest artist, UW-Eau Claire Jazz Alum
Jamey Simmons, who is playing alongside the Jazz Ensemble. It will detail that the concert will
take place in the Gantner Concert Hall on Thursday, April 30, at 7:30 P.M.
Media Strategy: We will be using the news media as our media strategy for the press release.
We will be sending the press release out to various news outlets that have their publications on
campus (i.e. Volume One, The Spectator, etc.). It will be sent out Monday, April 13.
Tactic 5: Campus Performances
Message Strategies: We will host four random campus performances on the campus mall the
week before the concert (April 22-29). The performances will consist of both big band and
combo acts. These performances will create a preview for students and faculty on the talent
and style of the performers. This will also raise knowledge and awareness among the students,
as we will be handing out flyers about the event during these performances.
Type of Appeal: This tactic will have an informational and a psychological appeal. Information
about the concert will be provided. If students like what they hear they will have a more
positive attitude.
Spokesperson: The spokesperson for the performances will be the performers themselves
while also the members of our group. We will all be there to provide passerby students the
information they need. Seeing people of a similar age promote the concert will connect with
students on a personal level.
Key Points: They will play music similar to that which will be heard at the April 30 concert. We
will hand out fliers labeled with Jazz I Ensemble, April 30, and Gantner Concert Hall. Photos and
videos will be taken during the performances and uploaded to Eau Claire Jazz Inc.’s social media
pages encouraging students to “like” or “share” them with friends who would be interested in
attending the concert.
Media Strategy: This will be interpersonal communication. We have April 20-24 and the 27-29
reserved for on-campus performances. The time slots reserved are 11:00 A.M. – 1:00 P.M.
Members from Jazz I, the Dougan Smith Big Band, and the Connor Pietrzak Big Band will rotate
playing on different days. Members of the jazz combos have yet to solidify a date and time, so
the specifics are to be determined.
Public Relations Calendar
This calendar lays out all of our campaigns tactics and when they will be implemented by.
The dates are listed across the top with the total running time of the campaign below it. The title
of each tactic is on the left hand side, with the boxes filled in when they will be applied. Using this
calendar, we will be able to stay on schedule with the implementation of our tactics, as well as
our own individual responsibilities. When the campaign is finished, we will be able to look back at
the calendar to make adjustments for the next campaign. Two of the tactics listed below—the
pre and post surveys—work hand in hand. We will be giving a post survey at the conclusion of the
campaign. This will allow us to see changes in attitude, knowledge, and awareness.
Please find the calendar and key in Appendix C.
Evaluation Plan
Research Design
For this campaign we will be using a before and after design. Our primary tactic for
gathering before and after will be through a survey done before the campaign and one done
after the campaign. As a group, we feel that in order to achieve understanding of our audience
half-way through our campaign, other measures will be implemented to gain that
understanding, such as social media and ticket purchases. These allow us to track changes in
awareness/knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors, as well as the impact of our campaign. The
strength of this design is that it offers a baseline measurement through formative research, and
allows us to see what if participant measurements have changed. A weakness of this design can
be the validity of the responses. Sometimes people do not answer survey questions truthfully,
and will skew the data. It also lacks a control group, which means we cannot measure the
impact of our campaign against those who have not been exposed to it.
This design is both possible and accurate in measuring our objectives. It is possible
because we have a large student population who will participate in surveys. Our objectives will
be accurately measured, because a pre-survey gives a baseline on awareness, knowledge,
attitudes, behavior and behavioral intent, while the post-survey will allow us to know if our
campaign has had an impact.
Preparation Criteria
The posters we will prepare for distribution will have a persuasive appeal to them
because they will detail various incentives for students. By telling students they are able to win
prizes just for attending the concert we hope to persuade more people to step out of their
comfort zone to actually get out there and support UW-Eau Claire’s Jazz I Ensemble. It’s difficult
to mess up the accuracy on a poster since we would have the information to put on them at
hand, but just in case, we will have each member of our team proofread each poster, as well as
have members of the Jazz Studies department, look at them to get an opinion from outside of
our group. If given the time, we will also show the posters to outside sources to receive
feedback from a different angle. The messages will be appropriate as we are going for a clean,
simple look, which will maintain the integrity and class associated with jazz and the ensemble.
A cost-efficient way to inform students is to send them emails about upcoming events,
however, emails suffer the curse of either being glossed over or ignored. They also run the risk
of being buried by all of the other emails that students receive daily. Because of this, we will
create custom email messages that will be sent out to professors rather than students. We will
work directly with Robert Baca to capture his eloquent tone to create a persuasive message
that will ask professors to discuss the Ensemble events with their students. Like our posters,
these emails will go through various phases of proofreading to ensure accuracy. Mr. Baca will
be the one to send these emails out since he already has established credibility and professors
are more likely to open emails from people they know.
The main draws we have designed are the on-campus performances that will take place
one to two weeks prior to a Jazz I Ensemble performance. It is our idea that these on-campus
performances will act as the face of jazz that is to be presented to the students. We believe this
to be an effective and persuasive message because the performances will showcase the skills of
the performers and will create a comfortable and entertaining atmosphere for students to
enjoy. It would not be “in-your-face”, rather, it would be a “hang out, relax, and enjoy” feeling
that would establish a personable connection between the performers and the students. The
information would be accurate because we would work in tandem with the members of the
Jazz I Ensemble to ensure accuracy. We would attend each on-campus performance and walk
around to talk with passerby students, as well as students who are lounging in the grassy areas.
We would ask them if they are enjoying the music, if they’ve heard the jazz ensembles before, if
they have taken our survey and information about it, if they’d be interested in going to a
concert, and we’d even select a few groups of random students to hand tickets out to.
Another cost-efficient way to promote our message is through social media. College
students are notorious for their incessant use of social media. Using the UW-Eau Claire Jazz
Studies pages to promote our messages, we will also work in tandem with the primary UW-Eau
Claire social media accounts, such as the music department accounts, the main UW-Eau Claire
account and the Jazz Studies account, to ensure our messages are widely publicized. This social
media tactic will also allow for two-way communication, ensuring that students will have the
ability to interact with their school and share their own experiences. Social media will allow us
to raise awareness about the date, time, and location of the Jazz I Ensemble performance, while
also allowing for an interactive incentive system in which students can win prizes by posting
pictures of themselves with our posters.
In order to raise excitement and anticipation for our concert, we will be creating a
theme for the concert to follow. Due to the success of the recently created Gatsby Gala, a ball
featuring jazz music hosted by UW-Eau Claire, we have proof that creative themes can have a
positive effect on attendance. We will ensure the effectiveness of our theme by performing
thorough formative research, while also running our ideas across the members of our group as
well as Mr. Baca. Themes create an appealing atmosphere that offers a reprieve from the
mundane and provides a unique and entertaining experience for those who attend.
Our final tactic will be to create a press release to reach students and community
members alike. The persuasive strength of this message will be its publication in print mediums
as well as online forums. Printed publications lend more credibility to our message, and will
allow us to reach the Eau Claire community with greater success. The press release will provide
basic information (who, what, when, where, and why) as well as inform our target audiences
about any special themes or guests the performance will involve. We will send our release to
the print newspapers in the Eau Claire area, as well as other print publications such as Volume
One. This ensures that we reach a wide array of interest.
Implementation Criteria
Through the process of measuring the public of UW-Eau Claire students, we will raise
awareness of student jazz culture and music knowledge on campus. With the use of
spontaneous performances and posters, the awareness of our main public’s attention will
increase in the knowledge of when, where, who and what the performances will consist of for
the Jazz I Ensemble.
Information of our public’s attitudes and opinions in regards to Jazz I Ensembles on
campus will increase in positive and encouraging notions when their awareness and knowledge
of Jazz music is changed. Measuring these aspects will help in creating positive attitudes
towards the Jazz Ensemble to increase student attendance at performances, as well as other
Jazz events on campus.
As far as the public’s behavior, we have put a pre- and post- survey in place to test the
formative evaluation of this campaign. The pre- survey is meant to test the attitudes,
knowledge and behavioral intent of the students, where the post- survey is set up to see if the
opinions, attitudes, and behavior actually changed. We will also be able to track the attendance
data via ticket sales.
Beyond that, we will also be able to track increase in social media followers and
responses. By tracking this, we will be able to measure behavior as well as awareness and
knowledge of Jazz music amongst college students. If measures that we have taken to promote
more awareness fail to work, we will reevaluate the way in which we are reaching out to
students to make a lasting impact on concert attendance for the Jazz Studies department of the
University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire.
Impact Criteria
To measure the impact of our campaign to increase student attendance to the Jazz I
Ensemble performance, as a group we can measure the market’s awareness, knowledge,
attitude, opinion, and behavior.
In order to gain insight on the public’s awareness and knowledge, we can look to
conducting a pre- and post- survey that would ask questions to our public about their existing
awareness and knowledge towards the jazz culture as a whole and also towards the specific
Jazz I Ensemble event that occurs every semester on campus. We can then compare our results
of the pre- and post- survey to conclude if the campaign had an effect on the public in their
awareness and knowledge of jazz. Ticket sale records would also be a good indication of the
awareness and knowledge of our publics. Looking at both past and current sale records can let
our group know if the campaign has been a success or if certain things need to be changed for
future endeavors. The final way to measure the public’s awareness and knowledge is to look at
social media interaction within the Jazz I accounts. This interaction could include the increase of
“likes,” “followers,” or “shares” on an account.
Most of the same concepts can be used for measuring the market’s attitudes and
opinions as well since awareness and knowledge leads to attitudes and opinions. Once a market
is knowledgeable and aware of a topic, they can then create an attitude and opinion of that
topic. A pre- and post- survey, ticket sale records, and social media interaction are all viable
ways of measuring the market’s attitudes and opinions as well.
In order to measure changes in the public’s behavior we can conduct the same concepts
mentioned previously, with the addition of looking at past ticket sale records from previous
years and comparing those with current sales. By doing this, we can analyze the previous years
in accordance with the current sales to see if we see an increase or decrease and therefore
conclude if the campaign has been a success or not.
In order to conduct a summative evaluation of our campaign we can measure final ticket
sales and compare those from past sales to see if our campaign was successful by the possible
increase in the records. We can also look towards the final outcome of survey responses by
comparing both the pre- and post- responses. Since the post-survey will be handed out at the
event, this will show us if our campaign was successful. Finally, we can look to social media
interactions to see if more “likes,” “follows,” or “shares” have been made over the course of
our campaign. If the summative evaluation shows that our campaign was not a success, many
alterations can be made in hopes of making it a success in the future. These can include
increasing the number of posters distributed, increasing the activity on social media accounts,
reaching a bigger audience with survey responses, doing more outreach at off-campus locations
to reach students who live off-campus, etc. This process can also be based off of trial and error
experimentation, as what works for some situations will not always work for others.
Appendix A: Cooperation Agreement
Appendix B: The Tactics
Posters (cont.)
Posters (cont.)
Posters (cont.)
Press Release
Media Contact
Robert Baca
Director of Jazz Studies
(715) 836-4371
For Immediate Release
April 21, 2015
Special Guest Performer and University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Alumnus,
Jamey Simmons, will Perform with Jazz Ensemble I on Thursday, April 30
Arranger, composer, trumpeter, and educator Jamey Simmons knew early on that his unique gift
resided within the world of music. Simmons grew up in Wisconsin and earned his Bachelors of
Music at UW-Eau Claire and his Master of Music in Jazz and Contemporary Media at the
Eastman School of Music where he studied under jazz composer and arranger Fred Sturm. While
still a student at UW-Eau Claire Jamey won the Down Beat award for best composition. After
graduating he won a full scholarship to the Eastman School of Music, where he won another
Down Beat award and a world composition contest where he and his family were flown to
Brussels to have his composition played by the Brussels Jazz Orchestra, a world renowned
professional ensemble.
Simmons has written many extraordinary compositions and arrangements, several of which have
been performed by a wide range of groups spanning from middle school jazz ensembles to
university ensembles, to the Buffalo Pops. As a trumpet player, he has been bringing his sound
throughout the world by touring with the Glenn Miller Orchestra across the United States, South
America, and Japan. Currently, he is the Director of Jazz Studies at Middle Tennessee State
University where he directs their Jazz Ensemble I and teaches various courses in jazz.
“Whatever you think jazz is, Jamey Simmons has played it and written it. Jamey, a lifelong
learner, has become a master in playing and composing all genres. Jamey’s compositions for this
concert will contain traditional, contemporary, commercial jazz as well as classical
compositions,” said Mr. Baca, the Director of Jazz Studies at UW-Eau Claire. “The UW-Eau
Claire Contemporary Chamber Orchestra will all be performing a Frank Zappa piece during the
intermission. Definitely an entertaining experience, so come on down and enjoy.”
Simmons will be joining UW-Eau Claire’s own Jazz Ensemble I to provide an
unparalleled jazz experience. The ensemble will be performing a history of Jamey's
works from compositions he wrote while at UW-Eau Claire, his various award winning
works, and new compositions. These works represent classical and jazz genres.
The performance will take place on Thursday, April 30 in the Gantner Concert Hall –
located in the Haas Fine Arts Center – at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are available to purchase in
advance from the Davies Student Center, but they will also be purchasable at the door the
night of the concert!
About Eau Claire Jazz, Inc.
Eau Claire Jazz, Inc. is a non-profit 501c3 organization whose mission is to educate,
entertain, promote, and perpetuate the worldwide cultural experience of jazz. The
organization was formed in 2009 to partner with the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
to continue and expand the long history of the Eau Claire Jazz Festival. We provide
exciting and authentic Jazz experiences, inspiring audiences to build a life-long
appreciation for jazz.
Appendix C: Calendar and Key
Calendar Key
This key places the tactics in order according to the time when tactics must be
started. This means the first sub-tactic listed takes the longest to complete, and the last
sub-tactic takes the least time to complete.
 Begin Campaign
 Tactic 1 (T1): Social Media – 30 days
o T1A- Monitoring Facebook wall/posts – 13 days
o T1B- Requesting member quotes – 4 days
o T1C- Posting quotes to Facebook – 3 days
o T1D- Posting 5W’s on Facebook – 4 days
o T1E- Taking video – 3 days (Concurrent with T1D)
o T1F- Posting video -3 days (Concurrent with T1D, T1E)
 Tactic 2 (T2): Spontaneous Performances – 22 days
o T2A- General meetings – 2 days
o T2B- Contacting performers – 3 days
o T2C- Request event sight – 2 days
o T2D- Set-up – 3 days
o T2E- Performance time – 3 days (Concurrent with T2D)
o T2F- Flyer hand-out – 3 days (Concurrent with T2D, T2E)
o T2G- Post event clean-up – 3 days (Concurrent with T2D, T2E, T2F)
o T2H- Event recap – 3 days (Concurrent with T2D, T2E, T2F, T2G)
 Tactic 3 (T3): Student Survey – 15 days
o T3A- Write questions – 1 day
o T3B- Enter questions in Qualtrics – 1 day
o T3C- Distribute survey – 1 day
o T3D- Monitor survey – 8 days (Concurrent with T3C)
o T3E- Disconnect survey – 1 day
o T3F- Recap of survey – 2 days
 Tactic 4 (T4): Post Survey – 9 days
o T4A- Write content – 1 day
o T4B- Create layout – 1 day
o T4C- Editing – 1 day
o T4D- Print surveys – 1 day
o T4E- Cut & trim surveys – 1 day
o T4F- Put surveys in pamphlets – 1 day
o T4G- Give to Baca – 1 day
o T4H- After performance readings – 2 days
 Tactic 5 (T5): Flyers during spontaneous performances – 7 days
o T5A- Write text – 1 day
o T5B- Layout design – 1 day
o T5C- Proof design – 1 day
o T5D- Print design – 1 day
o T5E- Distribute flyers – 3 days
 Tactic 6 (T6): Posters around campus – 6 days
o T6A- Write text – 1 day
o T6B- Layout design – 1 day (Concurrent with T6A)
o T6C- Proof design – 1 day
o T6D- Print design – 1 day
o T6E- Distribute posters – 1 day
o T6F- Take down posters – 1 day
 Tactic 7 (T7): Press release | Jamey Simons – 5 days
o T7A- Research – 2 days
o T7B- Create press release – 1 days
o T7C- Edit press release – 1 days
o T7D- Distribute press release – 1 days
 Tactic 8 (T8): Contacting professors – 4 days
o T8A- Writing content – 1 day
o T8B- Getting consent – 2 days
o T8C- Distribute emails – 1 day
Appendix D: The Budget
UW-Eau Claire Jazz Studies Budget for 'Get em in the Seats', 2015
Tactic 1: Social
Tactic 1A -
Tactic 1B -
Member Quotes
Tactic 1C -
Posting Quotes
to Facebook
Tactic 1D -
Posting 5 W's on
Tactic 1E - Taking
Tactic 1F -
Posting Video
Tactic 2: On-
Tactic 2A -
Tactic 2B -
Tactic 2C -
Request event
Tactic 2D - Set-
Tactic 2E -
Tactic 2F - Flyers
Tactic 2G - Post
Tactic 2H - Event
Tactic 3: Student
Tactic 3A - Write
Tactic 3B - Enter
Questions into
Tactic 3C -
Distribute Survey
Tactic 3D -
Monitor Survey
Tactic 3E -
Tactic 3F - Recap
of Survey
Tactic 4: Post
Tactic 4A - Write
Tactic 4B -
Layout Design
Tactic 4C -
Tactic 4D - Print
@ $.06 =
Tactic 4E - Cut &
Trim Surveys
Tactic 4F - Put
surveys into
Tactic 4G - Give
programs to
Tactic 4H - After
Tactic 5: Flyers
during On-
Tactic 5A - Write
Tactic 5B -
Layout Design
Tactic 5C - Proof
Tactic 5D - Print
@ $.06 =
Tactic 5E -
Distribute Flyers
Tactic 6: Campus
Tactic 6A - Write
1 hour @ $25.00 =
Tactic 6B -
Layout Design
3 hours @ $25.00 =
Tactic 6C - Proof
1 hour @ $25.00 =
Tactic 6D - Print
20 @ $.75
= $15.00
Tactic 6E -
Tactic 6F - Take
down Posters
Tactic 7: Press
Release | Jamey
Tactic 7A -
Tactic 7B - Create
Press Release
1 hour @ $18.00 =
Tactic 7C - Edit
Press Release
Tactic 7D -
Distribute Press
Tactic 8:
Professor Emails
Tactic 8A -
Writing Content
Tactic 8B -
Getting Consent
Tactic 8C -
Distribute Emails
$27.00 N/A N/A $143.00 $170.00
Intern Wage $543.75
Miscellaneous X 1.05

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Campaign Proposal

  • 3. i Table of Contents Section 1: Situation Analysis............................................................................................... 1 The Problem & Opportunity................................................................................................1 The Organization................................................................................................................2 The Public & Market ...........................................................................................................5 The Environment................................................................................................................7 Section 2: Strategic Plan ..................................................................................................... 9 Goal...................................................................................................................................9 Objectives & Strategies.....................................................................................................11 Section 3: Action Plan ....................................................................................................... 13 Tactic 1: Posters ...............................................................................................................13 Tactic 2: Social Media.......................................................................................................14 Tactic 3: Contacting Professors Through Email....................................................................15 Tactic 4: Press Release......................................................................................................16 Tactic 5: Campus Performances.........................................................................................17 Section 4: Logistics............................................................................................................ 19 Public Relations Calendar..................................................................................................19 Section 5: Evaluation Plan................................................................................................. 20 Research Design...............................................................................................................20 Preparation Criteria..........................................................................................................21 Implementation Criteria....................................................................................................23 Impact Criteria.................................................................................................................24 Appendix A: Cooperation Agreement............................................................................... 27 Appendix B: The Tactics.................................................................................................... 29 Posters.............................................................................................................................29 Press Release ...................................................................................................................33 Appendix C: Calendar and Key.......................................................................................... 35 Calendar Key....................................................................................................................35 Calendar..........................................................................................................................37 Appendix D: The Budget ................................................................................................... 38
  • 4.
  • 5. 1 Situation Analysis The Problem & Opportunity The University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Jazz Studies department is having trouble filling the seats with college students for its Jazz I Ensemble performances. By working with them we are hoping to find ways to get more UW-Eau Claire students to attend these concerts, Jazz I Ensemble specifically. After sitting down with our client, we learned that these concerts used to be standing room only with warnings from the Fire Marshal that they could not have people spilling over into the aisles due to safety restrictions. Today, they are lucky to fill about half of the auditorium. There is no doubt that technology has been partially to blame for this issue; people don’t have to leave their houses to be entertained anymore. Another cause of low student attendance, in particular, is that students might not think they will enjoy jazz music, or, that jazz music is for the older generation of the community. We need to find a way to appeal to our target audience in a way that will engage and spark their interest to attend the Jazz I performances. What we are trying to figure out is how to bring students out of their dorm rooms or houses in order to experience some real, live, spectacular music, performed by members of their peer groups at UW- Eau Claire. As many attendees are already community members, we will be focusing on getting college students to attend these concerts. During this time, it will be important to work closely with Robert Baca, head of Jazz Studies at UW-Eau Claire, to promote a quality product that students will want to hear.
  • 6. A CAMPAIGN PROPOSAL FOR UW-EAU CLAIRE JAZZ STUDIES | 2 The Organization When looking at UW-Eau Claire Jazz Studies, there are strengths in this organization that can aid in the campaign. There are connections within the University that can benefit in the distribution of our messages. The Jazz I Ensemble is a two-time Grammy nominated ensemble, which adds credibility. For the music department, students are required to attend a designated number of performances, which would benefit the campaign by reaffirming the quota with music students. Our final strength is the recognition of Robert Baca’s national reputation as the Director of Jazz Studies and a renowned trumpet performer. As far as weaknesses of the organization, there is limited publicity due to the Jazz Studies being funded only by the UW, therefore, a lack of funding. Although these funds have their benefits as well, there is always a challenge in managing the pricings of advertising on air, around campus, and in the community. The second weakness that Strength Weaknesses  UWEC connections  Jazz I Ensemble, Grammy Nomination x2  BA Music students attendance quota  Mr. Baca’s reputation (well-known)  Student admission fee: $2  Limited publicity  College students  Lack of funding Opportunities Threats  Collaborate with administration to increase attendance quota by adding a guest pass  Students as new market  Random campus performances  No competition  Collaborating with Choral Dept.  Budget cuts  Lack of appreciation amongst students  Chorus’ on campus (competing)
  • 7. 3 will be transformed into a positive is that college students make up a large majority of the Eau Claire community. There are also many opportunities that Jazz Studies and our campaign can harness. We hope to work with the administration to create a guest pass for the music students who have to attend a certain number of performances throughout their time at UW-Eau Claire. This will allow students to bring a guest, earning an extra punch, in order to increase the awareness of performances that occur on campus. Another opportunity is students becoming a new market as a whole. Among the community and the area surrounding Eau Claire, there is limited jazz competition. One way to increase awareness on campus is to have spontaneous performances on campus. These would be unannounced to the public, and would allow students to have a preview of the quality of performers that are present on campus. Performances could take place on the campus mall, in Davies Student Center, Haas Lobby and other common areas around campus. In order to involve more students to be a part of the jazz program, utilizing the choral talent on campus to sing with the Jazz I Ensemble would be a great opportunity. Our last item of the SWOT analysis is the threats that could impact our campaign in a negative way. In recent political decisions, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker has imposed a $300 million budget cut for the UW System. With this, large amounts of funding could be cut to departments around the UW-Eau Claire campus that may affect our campaign and the distribution of our messages and materials. Another threat to our campaign is the limited knowledge and awareness of jazz music among college students. Music tastes in general for college students are limited to “top hits” and recently
  • 8. A CAMPAIGN PROPOSAL FOR UW-EAU CLAIRE JAZZ STUDIES | 4 produced music, which limits the awareness of jazz music among college aged students. The last threat to our campaign is the choral department in general, as it is known as “Wisconsin’s Singing University.” With this threat, most community members and students attend choir concerts instead of Jazz performances. The use of this threat would be to create an opportunity and have choir members or groups perform with the Jazz I Ensemble to help increase awareness.
  • 9. 5 The Public & Market The primary market of this project is to reach to UW-Eau Claire students. Although there are many other markets, especially the Eau Claire community that we could focus on, the lack of student ticket sales is the most important to us. We want to market the performances in a way that increases hype and word-of-mouth conversations, which will increase the "want to go" attitude of UW-Eau Claire students. Membership in a market is passive; therefore the students whom we are reaching to are not aware they share the common want or need. Through different forms of media, we plan on creating messages and spreading the word about the Jazz I Ensemble performances to raise attendance levels. Creating the messages is one thing, but utilizing the optimal form of media to spread those messages is a key variable in getting the word out. The two main forms of media we plan on using to spread the word among our target public is Facebook and posters. Facebook will allow for certain messages to be sent out to a large number of people, who can in turn send that message to more peers via “sharing” the message. On the other hand, posters will bring a physical presence to the campus environment that will allow students to see them around campus in all UW- Eau Claire academic buildings. Once our persuasive messages have been implemented, the target public will become aware of the Jazz I Ensemble performances. As a result, attendance at the concert will increase. Among our primary public there are also intervening publics. Those, for example, are UW-Eau Claire professors and peers. Professors are opinion leaders, who command the respect of their students. They certainly hold sway and frequently communicate
  • 10. A CAMPAIGN PROPOSAL FOR UW-EAU CLAIRE JAZZ STUDIES | 6 with students. Therefore, their opinions and words will reach students that may not otherwise be open to them. Ways to reach professors would consist of email, posters, and word of mouth. Along with on-campus professors, peers also hold sway over their fellow students. Through daily communication with their friends, they can spread the message and share information while raising awareness. The best and most common medium used in reaching this public is the use of all social media. This strategy works well, as social media can reach a vast array of students, allowing them to forward the information via word of mouth or on their own social media profiles.
  • 11. 7 The Environment The environment also plays a major role in order to increase the attendance of UW-Eau Claire students during Jazz I Ensemble performances. Within this section there will be a discussion of the effects in the Eau Claire community and the state of Wisconsin and the environmental effects they have. With recent political decisions to cut the UW System budget by a proposed $300 million, this cut will be implemented starting fall 2015 through 2017. Due to this budget cut, funding for the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Jazz program may be significantly reduced. In the history of UW System budget cuts, music and arts programs are notorious for being one of the first to go. Funding would enable our messages to be delivered to our audience. A lack of funding means a lack of messages, therefore our campaign would suffer. Previous message distribution should be taken into consideration for what has and what has not worked in the past. As Eau Claire Jazz Studies is a funded organization, funding is usually not specified for advertisement and publicity of performances and events. Not only has there been a main lack of distribution through radio channels, but through other media channels as well. As college students are known for their use of social media, radio message distribution would be a key media channel for outside publics as these messages would reach audiences who have an appreciation for jazz music with the use of the radio. Also, with the growing rate of technology and the decline of radio listening, other forms of media distribution will be necessary. By using social media, we will be able to reach different segments of our public and spread our message to all markets.
  • 12. A CAMPAIGN PROPOSAL FOR UW-EAU CLAIRE JAZZ STUDIES | 8 Another factor to consider when wanting to reach more students is the lack of diverse demographics and knowledge of jazz cultures. As the jazz culture originates from the late 19th and early 20th centuries, most current college-age students listen to “top hits” and more recently produced music. Although jazz music is still being produced, it does not reach many segments of the college-age community. This may be a road block for our campaign. Although it will be easy to distribute the messages to college students, it will be difficult to create excitement and interest for the primary public to the performances. The final environmental factor that could affect our campaign is lack of time available to students. Being a full-time student is a job in itself. The consideration must also be noted that most students, on top of classes, work at least a part time job, have an internship, or are involved in organizations on campus. Students barely have enough hours in the day to have a social life. With personal commitments, students are not interested in spending their free time at a jazz concert.
  • 13. 9 Strategic Plan Goal Our elements are all connected; each level allows us to achieve the other. The outcome objectives we have laid out detail the specific actions we will utilize to achieve our goal. Our strategies outline the means and resources by which we will achieve our objectives. The tactics are how we will execute and implement our strategies; they are determined by our key publics and the best ways to reach them. These elements work together to create a cohesive campaign plan that will allow us not only to achieve our goal, but monitor our progress and outcomes as well. In our situation analysis, we outlined our greatest strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats when it comes to our client, the Jazz Studies department. The problem is the decreasing attendance of UWEC students at the Jazz I Ensemble performances. By using the knowledge we gained in our situation analysis, our strategic plan is full of ways we will increase the UW-Eau Claire student attendance at the Jazz I Ensemble performances by 25 students. GOAL: To increase attendance of UW-Eau Claire students to Jazz I Ensemble performances by 25 students. In our situation analysis we found lack of awareness of the performances to be a contributing factor for declining attendance. Jazz Studies has seen a decrease in attendance for the spring season performance over the last five years (see Table for Jazz I Ensemble Ticket Sales). In the past five years, fall and spring performance combined, less than 50 percent of the total attendance has been made up of UW- Eau Claire students. Our plan provides strategies to
  • 14. A CAMPAIGN PROPOSAL FOR UW-EAU CLAIRE JAZZ STUDIES | 10 reach our goal by setting up random campus performances where students will be exposed to the music, while raising awareness by creating posters, surveys, and social media content to spread awareness of the concert on April 30, 2015. Date Community Attendance UWEC Student Attendance Total Attendance UWEC Student % 12/3/10 172 195 367 53.13% 5/5/11 78 74 152 48.68% 12/2/11 141 113 254 44.49% 4/23/12 214 123 337 36.5% 11/30/12 140 125 265 47.17% 4/26/13 127 61 188 32.45% 12/6/13 138 98 236 41.53% 4/27/14 60 25 85 29.41% 12/5/14 76 68 144 47.22% Jazz I Ensemble Ticket Sales
  • 15. 11 Objectives & Strategies Because we took the time to familiarize ourselves with our client’s issue during our situation analysis, our strategic plan contains various strategies and objectives to reach our goal in a precise manor. To increase attendance, we will use our first strategy: Strategy One: To inform UW-Eau Claire students through spontaneous campus performances by the Jazz I Ensemble at various locations on campus. These spontaneous performances would take place in the lobby of the Haas Fine Arts Center, Davies Student Center, Centennial Hall, and the amphitheater in the campus mall. These performances will increase attendance of future Jazz I Ensemble performances by exposing the student population to the music. Strategy Two: To increase awareness of Jazz I Ensemble performances among UW-Eau Claire students by the implementation, design, and distribution of posters. UW-Eau Claire students will have a piqued interest after completing a survey conducted by April 10, 2015. Many of the questions are based on the knowledge students have of the Jazz I Ensemble, as well as gathering data on how students become aware of performances around campus. This survey will also help to categorize what social media works best for college students, as many questions pertain to the use of a particular medium to acquire information of upcoming on-campus events. This outcome of the questionnaire will help capitalize our knowledge of UW-Eau Claire students, and their familiarity of performances and use of media to acquire information.
  • 16. A CAMPAIGN PROPOSAL FOR UW-EAU CLAIRE JAZZ STUDIES | 12 Tactics Through the use of messages and communication tools, there will be several tactics that implement this strategic plan. These tactics include: creating and distributing 20 posters; using social media; contacting professors through email messages; creating and distributing two surveys, pre and post. The compilation of these tactics will help ensure we reach our goal of increasing attendance of UW-Eau Claire students to Jazz I Ensemble performances.
  • 17. 13 Action Plan Tactic 1: Posters Message Strategies: We will be creating and distributing 20 posters around campus in places such as Davies Student Center, Centennial Hall, Hibbard Hall, Haas Fine Arts, etc. We will be creating four posters, all of which will have similar themes and styles to create continuity. Five posters will be printed of each design and will be distributed around the campus. Type of Appeal: For this tactic we will be using both psychological and informational appeals. It will be informational as the posters will contain the needed information: who, what, when, where and why, so that students have high self-efficacy in terms of attending the Jazz I Ensemble performances. The posters also have a psychological appeal because the different posters will not only be informational but will be visually appealing as well. Spokesperson: Our spokesperson for the posters will be Eau Claire Jazz Inc., who will create the posters and place the correct and necessary information on them that will get the students interested and informed about the concert. Key Points: As far as the information that is on the posters, the five W’s will be implemented.  The Who: Jazz I Ensemble and Jamey Simmons  The What: jazz performance  The When: April 30th, 2015  The Where: Gantner Hall in Haas Fine Arts on campus  The Why: to support the University’s music department and learn to gain a respect and understanding for the jazz culture.
  • 18. A CAMPAIGN PROPOSAL FOR UW-EAU CLAIRE JAZZ STUDIES | 14 Media Strategies: Organizational communication and advertising and promotion are the media strategies that will be enacted through the creation and distribution of posters. Posters will be distributed approximately one week before the date of the concert. Because the organization is communicating to the public through the posters, we are able to use organizational communication as a media strategy. Since we are using posters as a form of communication we are also promoting and advertising the concert through them. Tactic 2: Social Media Message Strategies: For our social media strategy, we will be using the Eau Claire Jazz Inc. Facebook page to post informational and psychological appeals in order to raise awareness and knowledge in our target public. These posts will be updated several times per day, with an increased volume in the week prior to the Jazz I Ensemble performance on April 30. Type of Appeal: For this tactic we will be using a psychological and informational appeal. To find success with the psychological appeal, we will use recordings of Jazz I Ensemble that will be recorded at their on campus performances. This will get our audience’s attention and interest, and convince them to attend the performance. For our informational appeal, we will offer basic information (such as time, date, location, price, etc.) to raise awareness and knowledge within our audience. Spokesperson: Eau Claire Jazz Inc. will as the spokesperson for this tactic. We will post from their accounts to reach their followers (who have already indicated an interest in jazz by following their page).
  • 19. 15 Key Points: Initial posts will contain: who, what, when, where, and why about the events. This will serve to inform the public about the event. We will then include quotations from the members and past attendees, pictures of past performances, related information concerning guest artists, and previews/teasers including videos of performances. Media Strategies: Interpersonal communication, advertising and promotion (Jazz studies and EC Jazz on Facebook) will be the strategies employed. The organizational strategy allows us to maintain control of the messages while speaking from the organization to the public. By using the advertising and promotion strategy, we are reaching a large number of people while also maintaining control of our messages. We will use Facebook to post several times a day, with an increased focus in the week leading up to the concert (April 22-29). Tactic 3: Contacting Professors Through Email Message Strategies: We will be having Robert Baca email professors with information about the April 30 concert as well as information about jazz music and culture. We will also be asking those professors to share the information with their students in order to raise their awareness, knowledge, and appreciation of the concert. Using Robert Baca will make the request and information more credible, and make professors more likely to share that information. Type of Appeal: This tactic will involve an informational appeal and an ethical appeal. We will be offering information about the event, and share the importance of jazz music and culture. The goal of this appeal is to convince professors to share the information with their class and potentially offer extra credit for attending the Jazz I Ensemble performances. If the professors are receiving an email from a fellow faculty member, they could feel a need to support them
  • 20. A CAMPAIGN PROPOSAL FOR UW-EAU CLAIRE JAZZ STUDIES | 16 and the institution in which they work. This targets their ethics and value based systems, hoping to change student’s behavior. Spokesperson: Robert Baca will be the spokesperson for this tactic. Previously we used an animated version of Robert Baca, but this tactic will require his personal involvement. The purpose of this is to lend credibility (which will be greater using Robert Baca’s name than any of ours) to the request and information. Key Points: We will provide the vital information about the event: who, what, when, where, and why of the concert—as well as other information such as the price of attending, and the importance of jazz music and culture at the University and the City of Eau Claire. Media Strategies: We will use the Interpersonal communication strategy. By coming to professors through an established academic organization—and using the well-known and well- respected Mr. Baca—we will establish credibility in our request that they share information with their students. These emails will be sent a week before the event (April 22-29), so as to raise awareness close to the event and keep the information fresh. Tactic 4: Press Release Message Strategies: We will write a press release through Eau Claire Jazz Inc. The press release will contain information to create knowledge and awareness among the publics. It will reach both students and the Eau Claire community. Type of Appeal: Our press release will have a strict informational appeal. Our goal with the press release will be to inform UW-Eau Claire students, UW-Eau Claire alumni, and the Eau Claire community about the details of the event.
  • 21. 17 Spokesperson: Eau Claire Jazz Inc. will serve as the spokesperson for the press release. Key Copy Points: The press release will contain information about what the Jazz Ensemble I group is, while also containing a brief description of the guest artist, UW-Eau Claire Jazz Alum Jamey Simmons, who is playing alongside the Jazz Ensemble. It will detail that the concert will take place in the Gantner Concert Hall on Thursday, April 30, at 7:30 P.M. Media Strategy: We will be using the news media as our media strategy for the press release. We will be sending the press release out to various news outlets that have their publications on campus (i.e. Volume One, The Spectator, etc.). It will be sent out Monday, April 13. Tactic 5: Campus Performances Message Strategies: We will host four random campus performances on the campus mall the week before the concert (April 22-29). The performances will consist of both big band and combo acts. These performances will create a preview for students and faculty on the talent and style of the performers. This will also raise knowledge and awareness among the students, as we will be handing out flyers about the event during these performances. Type of Appeal: This tactic will have an informational and a psychological appeal. Information about the concert will be provided. If students like what they hear they will have a more positive attitude. Spokesperson: The spokesperson for the performances will be the performers themselves while also the members of our group. We will all be there to provide passerby students the information they need. Seeing people of a similar age promote the concert will connect with students on a personal level.
  • 22. A CAMPAIGN PROPOSAL FOR UW-EAU CLAIRE JAZZ STUDIES | 18 Key Points: They will play music similar to that which will be heard at the April 30 concert. We will hand out fliers labeled with Jazz I Ensemble, April 30, and Gantner Concert Hall. Photos and videos will be taken during the performances and uploaded to Eau Claire Jazz Inc.’s social media pages encouraging students to “like” or “share” them with friends who would be interested in attending the concert. Media Strategy: This will be interpersonal communication. We have April 20-24 and the 27-29 reserved for on-campus performances. The time slots reserved are 11:00 A.M. – 1:00 P.M. Members from Jazz I, the Dougan Smith Big Band, and the Connor Pietrzak Big Band will rotate playing on different days. Members of the jazz combos have yet to solidify a date and time, so the specifics are to be determined.
  • 23. 19 Logistics Public Relations Calendar This calendar lays out all of our campaigns tactics and when they will be implemented by. The dates are listed across the top with the total running time of the campaign below it. The title of each tactic is on the left hand side, with the boxes filled in when they will be applied. Using this calendar, we will be able to stay on schedule with the implementation of our tactics, as well as our own individual responsibilities. When the campaign is finished, we will be able to look back at the calendar to make adjustments for the next campaign. Two of the tactics listed below—the pre and post surveys—work hand in hand. We will be giving a post survey at the conclusion of the campaign. This will allow us to see changes in attitude, knowledge, and awareness. Please find the calendar and key in Appendix C.
  • 24. A CAMPAIGN PROPOSAL FOR UW-EAU CLAIRE JAZZ STUDIES | 20 Evaluation Plan Research Design For this campaign we will be using a before and after design. Our primary tactic for gathering before and after will be through a survey done before the campaign and one done after the campaign. As a group, we feel that in order to achieve understanding of our audience half-way through our campaign, other measures will be implemented to gain that understanding, such as social media and ticket purchases. These allow us to track changes in awareness/knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors, as well as the impact of our campaign. The strength of this design is that it offers a baseline measurement through formative research, and allows us to see what if participant measurements have changed. A weakness of this design can be the validity of the responses. Sometimes people do not answer survey questions truthfully, and will skew the data. It also lacks a control group, which means we cannot measure the impact of our campaign against those who have not been exposed to it. This design is both possible and accurate in measuring our objectives. It is possible because we have a large student population who will participate in surveys. Our objectives will be accurately measured, because a pre-survey gives a baseline on awareness, knowledge, attitudes, behavior and behavioral intent, while the post-survey will allow us to know if our campaign has had an impact.
  • 25. 21 Preparation Criteria The posters we will prepare for distribution will have a persuasive appeal to them because they will detail various incentives for students. By telling students they are able to win prizes just for attending the concert we hope to persuade more people to step out of their comfort zone to actually get out there and support UW-Eau Claire’s Jazz I Ensemble. It’s difficult to mess up the accuracy on a poster since we would have the information to put on them at hand, but just in case, we will have each member of our team proofread each poster, as well as have members of the Jazz Studies department, look at them to get an opinion from outside of our group. If given the time, we will also show the posters to outside sources to receive feedback from a different angle. The messages will be appropriate as we are going for a clean, simple look, which will maintain the integrity and class associated with jazz and the ensemble. A cost-efficient way to inform students is to send them emails about upcoming events, however, emails suffer the curse of either being glossed over or ignored. They also run the risk of being buried by all of the other emails that students receive daily. Because of this, we will create custom email messages that will be sent out to professors rather than students. We will work directly with Robert Baca to capture his eloquent tone to create a persuasive message that will ask professors to discuss the Ensemble events with their students. Like our posters, these emails will go through various phases of proofreading to ensure accuracy. Mr. Baca will be the one to send these emails out since he already has established credibility and professors are more likely to open emails from people they know. The main draws we have designed are the on-campus performances that will take place one to two weeks prior to a Jazz I Ensemble performance. It is our idea that these on-campus performances will act as the face of jazz that is to be presented to the students. We believe this
  • 26. A CAMPAIGN PROPOSAL FOR UW-EAU CLAIRE JAZZ STUDIES | 22 to be an effective and persuasive message because the performances will showcase the skills of the performers and will create a comfortable and entertaining atmosphere for students to enjoy. It would not be “in-your-face”, rather, it would be a “hang out, relax, and enjoy” feeling that would establish a personable connection between the performers and the students. The information would be accurate because we would work in tandem with the members of the Jazz I Ensemble to ensure accuracy. We would attend each on-campus performance and walk around to talk with passerby students, as well as students who are lounging in the grassy areas. We would ask them if they are enjoying the music, if they’ve heard the jazz ensembles before, if they have taken our survey and information about it, if they’d be interested in going to a concert, and we’d even select a few groups of random students to hand tickets out to. Another cost-efficient way to promote our message is through social media. College students are notorious for their incessant use of social media. Using the UW-Eau Claire Jazz Studies pages to promote our messages, we will also work in tandem with the primary UW-Eau Claire social media accounts, such as the music department accounts, the main UW-Eau Claire account and the Jazz Studies account, to ensure our messages are widely publicized. This social media tactic will also allow for two-way communication, ensuring that students will have the ability to interact with their school and share their own experiences. Social media will allow us to raise awareness about the date, time, and location of the Jazz I Ensemble performance, while also allowing for an interactive incentive system in which students can win prizes by posting pictures of themselves with our posters. In order to raise excitement and anticipation for our concert, we will be creating a theme for the concert to follow. Due to the success of the recently created Gatsby Gala, a ball
  • 27. 23 featuring jazz music hosted by UW-Eau Claire, we have proof that creative themes can have a positive effect on attendance. We will ensure the effectiveness of our theme by performing thorough formative research, while also running our ideas across the members of our group as well as Mr. Baca. Themes create an appealing atmosphere that offers a reprieve from the mundane and provides a unique and entertaining experience for those who attend. Our final tactic will be to create a press release to reach students and community members alike. The persuasive strength of this message will be its publication in print mediums as well as online forums. Printed publications lend more credibility to our message, and will allow us to reach the Eau Claire community with greater success. The press release will provide basic information (who, what, when, where, and why) as well as inform our target audiences about any special themes or guests the performance will involve. We will send our release to the print newspapers in the Eau Claire area, as well as other print publications such as Volume One. This ensures that we reach a wide array of interest. Implementation Criteria Through the process of measuring the public of UW-Eau Claire students, we will raise awareness of student jazz culture and music knowledge on campus. With the use of spontaneous performances and posters, the awareness of our main public’s attention will increase in the knowledge of when, where, who and what the performances will consist of for the Jazz I Ensemble. Information of our public’s attitudes and opinions in regards to Jazz I Ensembles on campus will increase in positive and encouraging notions when their awareness and knowledge
  • 28. A CAMPAIGN PROPOSAL FOR UW-EAU CLAIRE JAZZ STUDIES | 24 of Jazz music is changed. Measuring these aspects will help in creating positive attitudes towards the Jazz Ensemble to increase student attendance at performances, as well as other Jazz events on campus. As far as the public’s behavior, we have put a pre- and post- survey in place to test the formative evaluation of this campaign. The pre- survey is meant to test the attitudes, knowledge and behavioral intent of the students, where the post- survey is set up to see if the opinions, attitudes, and behavior actually changed. We will also be able to track the attendance data via ticket sales. Beyond that, we will also be able to track increase in social media followers and responses. By tracking this, we will be able to measure behavior as well as awareness and knowledge of Jazz music amongst college students. If measures that we have taken to promote more awareness fail to work, we will reevaluate the way in which we are reaching out to students to make a lasting impact on concert attendance for the Jazz Studies department of the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire. Impact Criteria To measure the impact of our campaign to increase student attendance to the Jazz I Ensemble performance, as a group we can measure the market’s awareness, knowledge, attitude, opinion, and behavior. In order to gain insight on the public’s awareness and knowledge, we can look to conducting a pre- and post- survey that would ask questions to our public about their existing awareness and knowledge towards the jazz culture as a whole and also towards the specific Jazz I Ensemble event that occurs every semester on campus. We can then compare our results
  • 29. 25 of the pre- and post- survey to conclude if the campaign had an effect on the public in their awareness and knowledge of jazz. Ticket sale records would also be a good indication of the awareness and knowledge of our publics. Looking at both past and current sale records can let our group know if the campaign has been a success or if certain things need to be changed for future endeavors. The final way to measure the public’s awareness and knowledge is to look at social media interaction within the Jazz I accounts. This interaction could include the increase of “likes,” “followers,” or “shares” on an account. Most of the same concepts can be used for measuring the market’s attitudes and opinions as well since awareness and knowledge leads to attitudes and opinions. Once a market is knowledgeable and aware of a topic, they can then create an attitude and opinion of that topic. A pre- and post- survey, ticket sale records, and social media interaction are all viable ways of measuring the market’s attitudes and opinions as well. In order to measure changes in the public’s behavior we can conduct the same concepts mentioned previously, with the addition of looking at past ticket sale records from previous years and comparing those with current sales. By doing this, we can analyze the previous years in accordance with the current sales to see if we see an increase or decrease and therefore conclude if the campaign has been a success or not. In order to conduct a summative evaluation of our campaign we can measure final ticket sales and compare those from past sales to see if our campaign was successful by the possible increase in the records. We can also look towards the final outcome of survey responses by comparing both the pre- and post- responses. Since the post-survey will be handed out at the event, this will show us if our campaign was successful. Finally, we can look to social media
  • 30. A CAMPAIGN PROPOSAL FOR UW-EAU CLAIRE JAZZ STUDIES | 26 interactions to see if more “likes,” “follows,” or “shares” have been made over the course of our campaign. If the summative evaluation shows that our campaign was not a success, many alterations can be made in hopes of making it a success in the future. These can include increasing the number of posters distributed, increasing the activity on social media accounts, reaching a bigger audience with survey responses, doing more outreach at off-campus locations to reach students who live off-campus, etc. This process can also be based off of trial and error experimentation, as what works for some situations will not always work for others.
  • 32. A CAMPAIGN PROPOSAL FOR UW-EAU CLAIRE JAZZ STUDIES | 28 CooperationAgreement(cont.)
  • 33. 29 Appendix B: The Tactics Posters
  • 37. 33 Press Release Media Contact Robert Baca Director of Jazz Studies (715) 836-4371 For Immediate Release April 21, 2015 Special Guest Performer and University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Alumnus, Jamey Simmons, will Perform with Jazz Ensemble I on Thursday, April 30 Arranger, composer, trumpeter, and educator Jamey Simmons knew early on that his unique gift resided within the world of music. Simmons grew up in Wisconsin and earned his Bachelors of Music at UW-Eau Claire and his Master of Music in Jazz and Contemporary Media at the Eastman School of Music where he studied under jazz composer and arranger Fred Sturm. While still a student at UW-Eau Claire Jamey won the Down Beat award for best composition. After graduating he won a full scholarship to the Eastman School of Music, where he won another Down Beat award and a world composition contest where he and his family were flown to Brussels to have his composition played by the Brussels Jazz Orchestra, a world renowned professional ensemble. Simmons has written many extraordinary compositions and arrangements, several of which have been performed by a wide range of groups spanning from middle school jazz ensembles to university ensembles, to the Buffalo Pops. As a trumpet player, he has been bringing his sound throughout the world by touring with the Glenn Miller Orchestra across the United States, South America, and Japan. Currently, he is the Director of Jazz Studies at Middle Tennessee State University where he directs their Jazz Ensemble I and teaches various courses in jazz. “Whatever you think jazz is, Jamey Simmons has played it and written it. Jamey, a lifelong learner, has become a master in playing and composing all genres. Jamey’s compositions for this concert will contain traditional, contemporary, commercial jazz as well as classical compositions,” said Mr. Baca, the Director of Jazz Studies at UW-Eau Claire. “The UW-Eau Claire Contemporary Chamber Orchestra will all be performing a Frank Zappa piece during the intermission. Definitely an entertaining experience, so come on down and enjoy.” -more-
  • 38. A CAMPAIGN PROPOSAL FOR UW-EAU CLAIRE JAZZ STUDIES | 34 Simmons will be joining UW-Eau Claire’s own Jazz Ensemble I to provide an unparalleled jazz experience. The ensemble will be performing a history of Jamey's works from compositions he wrote while at UW-Eau Claire, his various award winning works, and new compositions. These works represent classical and jazz genres. The performance will take place on Thursday, April 30 in the Gantner Concert Hall – located in the Haas Fine Arts Center – at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are available to purchase in advance from the Davies Student Center, but they will also be purchasable at the door the night of the concert! About Eau Claire Jazz, Inc. Eau Claire Jazz, Inc. is a non-profit 501c3 organization whose mission is to educate, entertain, promote, and perpetuate the worldwide cultural experience of jazz. The organization was formed in 2009 to partner with the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire to continue and expand the long history of the Eau Claire Jazz Festival. We provide exciting and authentic Jazz experiences, inspiring audiences to build a life-long appreciation for jazz. ###
  • 39. 35 Appendix C: Calendar and Key Calendar Key This key places the tactics in order according to the time when tactics must be started. This means the first sub-tactic listed takes the longest to complete, and the last sub-tactic takes the least time to complete.  Begin Campaign  Tactic 1 (T1): Social Media – 30 days o T1A- Monitoring Facebook wall/posts – 13 days o T1B- Requesting member quotes – 4 days o T1C- Posting quotes to Facebook – 3 days o T1D- Posting 5W’s on Facebook – 4 days o T1E- Taking video – 3 days (Concurrent with T1D) o T1F- Posting video -3 days (Concurrent with T1D, T1E)  Tactic 2 (T2): Spontaneous Performances – 22 days o T2A- General meetings – 2 days o T2B- Contacting performers – 3 days o T2C- Request event sight – 2 days o T2D- Set-up – 3 days o T2E- Performance time – 3 days (Concurrent with T2D) o T2F- Flyer hand-out – 3 days (Concurrent with T2D, T2E) o T2G- Post event clean-up – 3 days (Concurrent with T2D, T2E, T2F) o T2H- Event recap – 3 days (Concurrent with T2D, T2E, T2F, T2G)  Tactic 3 (T3): Student Survey – 15 days o T3A- Write questions – 1 day o T3B- Enter questions in Qualtrics – 1 day o T3C- Distribute survey – 1 day o T3D- Monitor survey – 8 days (Concurrent with T3C) o T3E- Disconnect survey – 1 day o T3F- Recap of survey – 2 days  Tactic 4 (T4): Post Survey – 9 days o T4A- Write content – 1 day o T4B- Create layout – 1 day o T4C- Editing – 1 day o T4D- Print surveys – 1 day o T4E- Cut & trim surveys – 1 day o T4F- Put surveys in pamphlets – 1 day
  • 40. A CAMPAIGN PROPOSAL FOR UW-EAU CLAIRE JAZZ STUDIES | 36 o T4G- Give to Baca – 1 day o T4H- After performance readings – 2 days  Tactic 5 (T5): Flyers during spontaneous performances – 7 days o T5A- Write text – 1 day o T5B- Layout design – 1 day o T5C- Proof design – 1 day o T5D- Print design – 1 day o T5E- Distribute flyers – 3 days  Tactic 6 (T6): Posters around campus – 6 days o T6A- Write text – 1 day o T6B- Layout design – 1 day (Concurrent with T6A) o T6C- Proof design – 1 day o T6D- Print design – 1 day o T6E- Distribute posters – 1 day o T6F- Take down posters – 1 day  Tactic 7 (T7): Press release | Jamey Simons – 5 days o T7A- Research – 2 days o T7B- Create press release – 1 days o T7C- Edit press release – 1 days o T7D- Distribute press release – 1 days  Tactic 8 (T8): Contacting professors – 4 days o T8A- Writing content – 1 day o T8B- Getting consent – 2 days o T8C- Distribute emails – 1 day
  • 42. A CAMPAIGN PROPOSAL FOR UW-EAU CLAIRE JAZZ STUDIES | 38 Appendix D: The Budget UW-Eau Claire Jazz Studies Budget for 'Get em in the Seats', 2015 TACTIC PRINTING UNITS @ UNIT = SUBTOTAL POSTAGE/DISTRIBUTION UNITS @ UNIT = SUBTOTAL PROMOTIONAL UNITS @ UNIT = SUBTOTAL MATERIALS/SUPPLY UNITS @ UNIT = SUBTOTAL TACTIC TOTALS Tactic 1: Social Media Tactic 1A - Monitoring Facebook wall/posts Intern Wage Tactic 1B - Requesting Member Quotes Intern Wage Tactic 1C - Posting Quotes to Facebook Intern Wage Tactic 1D - Posting 5 W's on Facebook Intern Wage Tactic 1E - Taking Video Intern Wage Tactic 1F - Posting Video Intern Wage Tactic 2: On- Campus Performance Tactic 2A - General Meetings Intern Wage Tactic 2B - Contacting Performers Intern Wage Tactic 2C - Request event sight Intern Wage Tactic 2D - Set- up Intern Wage Tactic 2E - Performance Time Intern Wage
  • 43. 39 Tactic 2F - Flyers Hand-out Intern Wage Tactic 2G - Post event Intern Wage Tactic 2H - Event recap Intern Wage Tactic 3: Student Survey Tactic 3A - Write Questions Intern Wage Tactic 3B - Enter Questions into Qualtrics Intern Wage Tactic 3C - Distribute Survey Intern Wage Tactic 3D - Monitor Survey Intern Wage Tactic 3E - Disconnect Survey Intern Wage Tactic 3F - Recap of Survey Intern Wage Tactic 4: Post Survey Tactic 4A - Write Content Intern Wage Tactic 4B - Layout Design Intern Wage Tactic 4C - Editing Intern Wage Tactic 4D - Print Surveys 150 (2/page) @ $.06 = $9.00 $9.00 Tactic 4E - Cut & Trim Surveys Intern Wage Tactic 4F - Put surveys into programs Intern Wage Tactic 4G - Give programs to Baca Intern Wage
  • 44. A CAMPAIGN PROPOSAL FOR UW-EAU CLAIRE JAZZ STUDIES | 40 Tactic 4H - After performance readings Intern Wage Tactic 5: Flyers during On- Campus Performances Tactic 5A - Write text Intern Wage Tactic 5B - Layout Design Intern Wage Tactic 5C - Proof Design Intern Wage Tactic 5D - Print Design 50 (2/page) @ $.06 = $3.00 $3.00 Tactic 5E - Distribute Flyers Intern Wage Tactic 6: Campus Posters Tactic 6A - Write Text 1 hour @ $25.00 = $25.00 $25.00 Tactic 6B - Layout Design 3 hours @ $25.00 = $75.00 $75.00 Tactic 6C - Proof Design 1 hour @ $25.00 = $25.00 $25.00 Tactic 6D - Print Design 20 @ $.75 = $15.00 $15.00 Tactic 6E - Distribute Posters Intern Wage Tactic 6F - Take down Posters Intern Wage Tactic 7: Press Release | Jamey Simmons Tactic 7A - Research Intern Wage Tactic 7B - Create Press Release 1 hour @ $18.00 = $18.00 $18.00 Tactic 7C - Edit Press Release Intern Wage
  • 45. 41 Tactic 7D - Distribute Press Release Intern Wage Tactic 8: Professor Emails Tactic 8A - Writing Content Intern Wage Tactic 8B - Getting Consent Intern Wage Tactic 8C - Distribute Emails Intern Wage EXPENDITURES TOTALS $27.00 N/A N/A $143.00 $170.00 Intern Wage $543.75 Miscellaneous X 1.05 TOTAL CAMPAIGN COSTS $749.44