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                                        INDICATIVE SUMMARY

                                        ACCRUAL RESERVE

                                                Edition 2.0

                                  PHOENIX EQUITY CONVERSIONS LLC
                                        PORT WASHINGTON, NY 11050

The information contained herein is being disclosed to the recipient upon the express understanding that the
recipient agrees to keep the entire contents of this document confidential and that nothing contained herein will
be modified or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without prior written consent from Postscript Ventures, Inc.
All Rights Reserved

THE ACCRUAL PROTOCOL .......................................................................................................................................1
  INVESTMENT OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................................................1
  ACCRUAL RESERVE ..............................................................................................................................................1
  INVESTMENT POTENTIAL ............................................................................................................................................1
  SCOPE OF ASSESSMENT ..........................................................................................................................................1
  COMPOSITION OF THE SIMULATION .......................................................................................................................2
CONVERSION LOANS ...............................................................................................................................................5
  COMPOSITION OF THE LOANS ....................................................................................................................................5
  THE LOAN INDENTURE ...............................................................................................................................................6
  HEALTH-RISK PROFILE ...............................................................................................................................................6
  STATUTORY ASSURANCES ...........................................................................................................................................6
  TRANSACTIONAL CLASSIFICATION .............................................................................................................................6
SAFEGUARD REGIMEN .............................................................................................................................................7
  THE PROTECTED CASH-FLOW ENVIRONMENT ............................................................................................................7
  COMPOSITION OF THE SAFEGUARDREGIMEN .........................................................................................................7
    Fiduciary Designee ...........................................................................................................................................7
    Asset Administrator .........................................................................................................................................7
  PROGRAM OVERSIGHT ...............................................................................................................................................8

Phoenix Equity Conversions LLC                                                                  INDICATIVESUMMARY

                                                                          THE ACCRUAL PROTOCOL

This proprietary ACCRUAL PROTOCOL1 is a safeguarded financial initiative, which accumulates a
portfolio of highly lucrative, fully-collateralized Conversion Loans into an investor-owned, turnkey
ACCRUAL RESERVE. The entire undertaking is safeguarded through a professionally administered
operating regimen [see: “SAFEGUARD REGIMEN”]. Ownership of such ACCRUAL RESERVES is
exclusively available to investors seeking intensive monetary growth, with nominal investment
risk; who are willing and able to fund them at the requisite capitalization of 1.5 million dollars.

Established as a wealth accumulation repository for the sole benefit of its vested owners, the
ACCRUAL RESERVE is professionally administered by independent AUTHORIZED ENTITIES, who
are contracted to accumulate and safeguard these dynamically expanding portfolios of self-
amortizing Conversion Loans.

Based on the assumptions outlined below, a prototypical ACCRUAL RESERVE will accumulate its
most advantageous deferred asset: earned interest; compounding and accruing under officially
recorded Loan Indentures. [See: Figure 1].
                                                           FIGURE 1.

                                                         EARN ED IN TEREST
                                                            ($ mil l io n s )

                                   $0   $5   $10   $15   $20   $25     $30      $35     $40      $45       $50
    DURATIO N (year s )

                          1 -2 0

                          1 -1 5

                          1 -1 0

                           1 -5

The following is a quantitative analysis of certain factors regarding the ramp-up of a
simulated portfolio of Conversion Loans. The applied methodology measures performance
against appropriate industry indicators to illustrate the wealth accumulation potential of a
hypothetical ACCRUAL RESERVE.


  The financial information contained in this document was taken from the Program Founder’s proprietary STRATEGIC
CAPITAL RESOURCE REPORT 2013AR1.0.3.3E4A2. As the entire ACCRUAL PROTOCOL is the Intellectual Property of
Postscript Ventures, Inc. (PSV), further information regarding its contents will only be povided by PSV under an
appropriately executed NONCIRCUMVENTION/NONDISCLOSURE AGREEMENT which will be provided upon request.
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Phoenix Equity Conversions LLC                                                                                              INDICATIVESUMMARY

                                                                                             THE ACCRUAL PROTOCOL
Paid-in Capital:                                    $1,500,000.00
Eligibility Criteria:                                 The entry age of borrowers is 70 years or older with a weighted
                                                      life expectancy (LE) from 48 to 144 months [see: Figure 2].
Collateralization:                                    The blend of collateralizing life insurance policies used in this
                                                      simulation is 50% universal-life and 50% convertible-term.
Average Face Value:                                   $150,000.00
Death Benefit Contribution
Per LE Tranché:            The weighted average DB Contributions in each of the nine LE
                           Tranchés ranges from 4% to 29% [see: Figure 3].
Weighted Effective
Annual Loan Advance:                                  $12,407.00
Weighted Effective
Annual Senior Advance:                                $7,879.00
Effective Loan Interest
Rate:                                                 6.72%
This configuration will develop a financial profile capable of ramping-up operations using a
constant benchmark of 55 Conversion Loans as its minimum universe. Over time and left
alone, this initial ramp-up can exponentially expand into a dynamic Portfolio of as much as
some 3,200 Conversion Loans – on average 160 annually – that will generate earned interest
of some 47 million dollars over a 20 year operating cycle. This is, in effect, a 665% return-
on-investment for the owners of an ACCRUAL RESERVE.
Consequently, Conversion Loans offer secure investment growth advantages that generate
continued prosperity for the owners of an ACCRUAL RESERVE, while providing seniors with
the needed funds to supplement their retirement income.
                                      FIGURE 2.                                                              FIGURE 3.
                 D ISTRIB UTIO N O F L E TRAN C H ES                                          DEATH B ENEFIT CO NTRIB UTIO N
                                                                                                    PER LE TRANCHE

                 1 0 8 -Mo . L E                   1 2 0 -Mo . L E
                      11%                               11%                                   4 8 -Mo . LE
        9 6 -Mo . L E                                        1 3 2 -Mo . L E                                                     6 0 -Mo . LE
            11%                                                   11%                                                                19%
                                                                                 1 4 4 -Mo . LE
                                                                                 1 3 2 -Mo . LE                   `
      8 4 -Mo . L E                                            1 4 4 -Mo . L E
          11%                                                       11%          1 2 0 -Mo . LE                                     7 2 -Mo . LE
                                                                                       6%                                               15%
            7 2 -Mo . L E                                4 8 -Mo . L E                1 0 8 -Mo . LE
                11%                6 0 -Mo . L E             11%                            7%                           8 4 -Mo . LE
                                                                                                  9 6 -Mo . LE
                                       11%                                                             9%                    12%

The deferred earned interest of this wealth accumulation initiative consists of these
fundamental components [see: “Composition of the Loans”]: (i) the monthly interest
obligations paid by the senior borrowers to an ACCRUAL RESERVE for the remainder of their
lives; and, (ii) the entire deferred interest obligation, under the Conversion Indentures, paid to
the ACCRUAL RESERVE by the insurance carriers directly from the guaranteed cash proceeds of
a borrower’s pledged Settlement Benefits. [See: Figure 4]

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Phoenix Equity Conversions LLC                                                               INDICATIVESUMMARY

                                                                         THE ACCRUAL PROTOCOL

                                                   FIGURE 4.

                                       AGGREGATE IN TEREST REC EIVAB L E
                                                ($ mil l io n s )



                                                                                                             EARN ED IN TEREST
            MO N TH L Y EARN ED IN TEREST                                                              $35







    1   2    3    4     5     6    7    8   9   10 11   12     13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20

Fully-collateralized Conversion Loans are the income engine that drives the dynamic growth of a
registered ACCRUAL RESERVE. Independent health underwriters, and proven actuarial
techniques, will be implemented by a RESERVE’S Authorized Entities to scientifically project
and spread pooled mortality probabilities that will create an optimal earnings horizon. And
this horizon will be maintained by using all accessible working capital to constantly leverage
a RESERVE’s initial pool of Conversion Loans; systematically investing accrued receivables in
additional Conversion Loan transactions. This procedure assures the consistent funding necessary
for new Conversion Loan acquisition, and drives a Reserve’s capital base to increase
exponentially; achieving impressive yields.

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Phoenix Equity Conversions LLC                                                                       INDICATIVESUMMARY

                                                                             THE ACCRUAL PROTOCOL
The ACCRUAL PROTOCOL engenders a protected financial profile by ramping-up2 operations with
analytically constrained collateral coverage [see: Figure 5].

                                                         FIGURE 5.
                                     COLlATERAL COVERAGE
                                           ($ millions)
                 EXCESS COLLATERAL
                 OUTSTANDING LOANS




             1                  2                 3                   4                  5

  The ramp-up period is defined as the period required to originate the initial tranche of Conversion Loans; which is
expected to take approximately 3 months.
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Phoenix Equity Conversions LLC                                                                        INDICATIVESUMMARY

                                                                                       CONVERSION LOANS

Conversion Loans are meticulously formulated so that they are entirely safeguarded with the
guaranteed Settlement Benefits which are pledged as collateral by senior borrowers. Each
Settlement is the future death benefit payment of a life insurance asset that is irrevocably
conveyed to an ACCRUAL RESERVE. This safeguarding assures re-payment of a borrower’s entire
debt obligation due under an officially recorded funding arrangement [see: “Loan Indenture”].
Moreover, every Settlement Benefit is underwritten with an irrevocable statutory guarantee [see:
“Statutory Assurances”].
These specialized Loans are structured to generate sustainable earnings for an ACCRUAL
RESERVE, through the analytically responsive funding of lifetime Loan Advances. Senior borrowers
with impaired life expectancies, due primarily to advanced age, will assign their interest in,
and right to receive death benefits from, their insurance carriers. In return for these lifetime Loan
Advances, a RESERVE earns its previously mentioned return-on-investment through this funding
mechanism, and the realization of its registered claim on a life asset’s collateralizing Settlement
Every Conversion Loan is fully-collateralized with the irrevocable assignment and conveyance
of an acceptable life insurance asset: one with sufficient death benefit coverage to pay a
borrower’s entire debt obligations due under a comprehensive, officially recorded Loan
Indenture. Part of the ACCRUAL RESERVE’s aggregate Loan Advance protocol is to never let
Loan accumulation exceed 75% of a life asset’s Face Value. In this way, each Conversion Loan
will generate lucrative “absolute returns” during a borrower’s actuarially-established live

                                                      FIDUCIARY DESIGNEE
             ACCRUAL                                                                                  INSURANCE
             RESERVE                                 4.                            8.
                                          2.                   5.                                       CARRIER
                                                    Loan                      Remaining
                                       Convey               Interest
                                                  Advances Payments           Settlement
                               1.                                             payments

                                          SENIOR                        ANNUITANT'S
                                         ANNUITANT                     BENEFICIARIES


This wealth accumulation initiative is run by transparent ACCRUAL PROTOCOLS, which
transform the Face Value of a life asset into leveraged liquidity that is capable of
engendering sustainable yields. These yields effectively underwrite by market-responsive
funding through which eligible seniors obtain the monthly cash advances spoken of earlier.
The net effect is that the PROTOCOLS develop and facilitate that ever-expanding ACCRUAL
RESERVE so necessary to meet future liabilities and successfully underwrite investment-
grade Conversion Loans. In addition, as a fail-safe proposition, the Loans remain collateralized
with irrevocably assigned assets (life policies, deferred annuities, etc.), which themselves
are entirely underwritten with those government guarantees allude to before [see:
“Statutory Assurances”].
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Phoenix Equity Conversions LLC                                                   INDICATIVESUMMARY

                                                                    CONVERSION LOANS
The Loan Indenture is the financial obligation that legally provides seniors with monthly Loan
Advances for the remainder of their lives. Every Indenture is configured as a first-priority accruing
debt obligation of a senior borrower, consisting of fixed monthly Loan Advances, and serviced with
compounded monthly interest obligations paid to the ACCRUAL RESERVE, directly from the
guaranteed cash proceeds of a borrower’s pledged Settlement Benefit.

Most insureds whose policies qualify for inclusion as surety in Conversion Loan transactions are
required to fit a general health-risk profile. They must be 70 years of age or older, and diagnosed
with impaired health conditions due to a downturn in wellness after originally being insured.
Accordingly, diligent screening and reliable medical evaluations coupled with conservative
actuarial analysis and appropriate fiscal assessments will effectively ensure that only acceptable
borrowers, with suitable insurance products identified as funding surety, qualify for Conversion
Loan transactions that are officially granted by the ACCRUAL RESERVE.

Insurance guaranty funds have existed in all states since 1991. Coverage is generally limited to a
maximum of $300,000 to $500,000 for individual claimants. The overriding effect is to make
death benefit payments immune from insurer default. Generally speaking, if a domestic insurer is
impaired or insolvent, each State Insurance Commissioner will guarantee, assume, or reinsure
each resident of their State; thereby assuring that the death benefits will be fully paid, and the
Conversion Loans will be fully-repaid.

Conversion Loans are similar in documentation to reverse mortgage transactions, except for the
monetary results generated by their respective pledged collateral. While both classifications are
mortality-based, collateralized funding transactions enhanced with government guarantees; that
is, Conversion Loans, are financially superior debt obligations, precisely because they have been
orchestrated to be repaid by a highly dependable and less volatile pledged asset class. Unlike real
estate liquidations, for example, which are susceptible to unpredictably adverse occurrences 3,
each accrued debt obligation under the Loan Indenture is actuarially formulated to never exceed
the pledged life asset’s Face Value; regardless of prevailing economic circumstances.
So Conversion Loans are able to provide financial assistance to eligible retirees by affording them
proportional and steady access to the guaranteed equity in their conveyable life insurance asset.
With over 1.5 trillion dollars of such life assets currently in the possession of our elderly
population, structured Conversion Loans furnish meaningful financial support to a population or
conspicuously, and ready to act as a market when shown a compelling product.
In short, participation in this market-responsive investment opportunity will engender substantial
monetary growth for the owners of a registered ACCRUAL RESERVE that grants structured
Conversion Loans to qualifying senior borrowers.

  Real estate investments are consistently affected by arbitrary economic factors, e.g. an unstable
real estate market riddled with derivative schemes & volatile unavoidably property values,
escalating real estate taxes, property deterioration, endless maintenance and upkeep, etc.,
as well as the risks of overbuilding, zoning restrictions, environmental changes, and natural
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Phoenix Equity Conversions LLC                                                         INDICATIVESUMMARY

                                                                     SAFEGUARD REGIMEN

The ACCRUAL PROTOCOL was designed as a safeguarded income growth & funding initiative. It
was constructed as a secure business environment in which to assemble an exponentially
expanding portfolio of Conversion Loans through an entirely analytical funding discipline. As stated
earlier, the PROTOCOL’S transparent SAFEGUARD REGIMEN provides comprehensive administration
under which independent AUTHORIZED ENTITIES manage the ACCRUAL RESERVE, and conserve
the revenues it earns through individually funded LOAN transactions. The Conversion Loans are
systematically accumulated under the statistical constraints of the PROTOCOL’S actuarially
responsive assessment procedures, which is completely administered by the aforementioned
AUTHORIZED ENTITIES for the benefit of vested owners of a registered ACCRUAL RESERVE.


                                                                  Investors deposit
                                                  INVESTORS      funds to capitalize
                                                                    the ACCRUAL

             ASSET                                                                     DESIGNEE
         ADMINISTRATOR            2                                        3
                         Asset Administrator                          Fiduciary
                           originates and                             Designee
                            administers         INVESTOR OWNED      conducts all
                          CONVERSION LOANS     ACCRUAL RESERVE       monetary
                         for the ACCRUAL                          activities for the
                             RESERVE                                 ACCRUAL

The SAFEGUARD REGIMEN will be contractually undertaken by the following AUTHORIZED ENTITY
GROUPS, who are compensated for their services solely with performance based fees:
Fiduciary Designee – To preserve the financial integrity of the registered ACCRUAL RESERVE, its
owners shall appoint an established financial entity as official Fiduciary Designee responsible for
handling all cash flow management for all Conversion Loans. This will be done on behave of the
vested owners of the ACCRUAL RESERVE, the senior borrowers, the seniors’ beneficiaries, and the
Asset Administrator.
Asset Administrator – Phoenix Equity Conversions LLLC, the Asset Administrator, is a professional
servicing entity, staffed with industry specialists who are responsible for originating and servicing
all aspects of Conversion Loans. On a case-by-case basis, Phoenix will gather and analyze
information regarding a borrower’s medical history, current medical condition, current estimated
life expectancy, and the prospective insurance asset which will be preserved by the Fiduciary

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Phoenix Equity Conversions LLC                                                 INDICATIVESUMMARY

                                                                    SAFEGUARD REGIMEN
Designee. Once approved, Phoenix will certify every borrower’s inclusion status with the Fiduciary
Designee and Post Script Ventures, Inc. (PSV), and then proceed to monitor and track every
included borrower until their demise. The compliance, monitoring, tracking and collection
functions will be supported by a seasoned team of personnel; with specialties in including
computer and data processing, and software architecture. Phoenix executives themselves possess
significant eldercare, insurance, sales & marketing, and financial origination, financial
development, a pool of structured Conversion Loans. support services.

Postscript Ventures, Inc. (PSV), The Program Founder will oversee the analysis of borrower
information collected by the Asset Administrator, and together with the requisite investment yield
of an ACCRUAL RESERVE’S owners, determine the future stream of acceptable lifetime Loan
Advances that a given insurance asset can support. Once underwriting standards, eligibility
criteria, and regulatory compliances are satisfied by the AUTHORIZED ENTITIES, PSV will review
the pending loan transactions to determine whether their financial obligations to the RESERVE will
be covered by the appropriate insurance asset. PSV will establish a valuation profile for each
prospective Conversion Loan, and furnish the Asset Administrator with a range of offers to be
extended to each approved senior borrower.
PSV is a financial services organization incorporated under the laws of the State of Delaware. It
specializes in establishing turnkey wealth accummulation initiatives; which contain innovative
capital resource strategies, augmented with extensive risk management oversight, embodying
effective asset custodial safeguards combined with qualitative fiduciary controls. With careers
spanning more than three decades in the capital formation marketplace, its staff of financial
strategists possess an array of proficiencies. Since 1976, they originated funding of nearly one
billion dollars for the following organizations: (i) ENERGY: AT&T, U.K. Atomic Energy, Atlantic
Richfield, Baker Oil, Cities Service, Dowell Schlumberger, Exxon, Pennzoil, Plough, Phillips
Petroleum, Shell Oil; (ii) TECHNOLOGY: Litton Industries, ITT Distributors, Xerox, Boeing, Bell
Telephone Laboratories, W. W. Grainger, General Motors, Otis Elevator, Duracell, British
Aerospace, Ingersoll-Rand, American Honda, Control Data, Bell Aerospace Textron, Hughes
Aircraft, Panasonic, Westinghouse, Western Electric; (iii) UTILITIES: Tampa Electric, New York
Telephone, Puget Sound Power & Light, Florida Power & Light, Central Telephone & Utilities,
General Telephone & Electronics, Michigan Bell Telephone, New England Power & Light, Kansas
Power & Light; (iv) CONSUMER PRODUCTS: Nestle, Kraft Foods, Coming, Kimberly-Clark, General
Foods, Winn Dixie Stores, Sears Roebuck, Johnson & Johnson, Bristol Myers, Seagram, British
American Tobacco, Kmart, Avon Cosmetics, Coca-Cola Bottling; (v) FINANCE: American Express,
Chemical Bank, Chase Manhattan Bank, Citizens & Southern National Bank, Citibank, E.F. Hutton,
European American Bank, London Stock Exchange, Merchants National Bank, Salomon Brothers,
Swiss Bank Corp., Shearson/Lehman, MasterCard, State Street Bank, Manufacturers & Traders
Trust; (vi) INSURANCE: Title Insurance & Trust, Travelers Insurance, Nationwide Mutual Insurance,
Farmers Group, Sentry Insurance, The Continental Group and (vii) MEDIA: New York Times, CBS,

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  • 1. 2 INDICATIVE SUMMARY THE ACCRUAL RESERVE A TURNKEY WEALTH ACCUMULATION REPOSITORY Edition 2.0 PHOENIX EQUITY CONVERSIONS LLC PORT WASHINGTON, NY 11050 The information contained herein is being disclosed to the recipient upon the express understanding that the recipient agrees to keep the entire contents of this document confidential and that nothing contained herein will be modified or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without prior written consent from Postscript Ventures, Inc. ©2013 POSTSCRIPT VENTURES, INC. All Rights Reserved clindicativesummaryar1034le5up21psv214-130411111027-phpapp01.docx
  • 2. CONTENTS THE ACCRUAL PROTOCOL .......................................................................................................................................1 INVESTMENT OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................................................1 ACCRUAL RESERVE ..............................................................................................................................................1 INVESTMENT POTENTIAL ............................................................................................................................................1 SCOPE OF ASSESSMENT ..........................................................................................................................................1 COMPOSITION OF THE SIMULATION .......................................................................................................................2 CONVERSION LOANS ...............................................................................................................................................5 COMPOSITION OF THE LOANS ....................................................................................................................................5 THE LOAN INDENTURE ...............................................................................................................................................6 HEALTH-RISK PROFILE ...............................................................................................................................................6 STATUTORY ASSURANCES ...........................................................................................................................................6 TRANSACTIONAL CLASSIFICATION .............................................................................................................................6 SAFEGUARD REGIMEN .............................................................................................................................................7 THE PROTECTED CASH-FLOW ENVIRONMENT ............................................................................................................7 COMPOSITION OF THE SAFEGUARDREGIMEN .........................................................................................................7 Fiduciary Designee ...........................................................................................................................................7 Asset Administrator .........................................................................................................................................7 PROGRAM OVERSIGHT ...............................................................................................................................................8 clindicativesummaryar1034le5up21psv214-130411111027-phpapp01.docx
  • 3. Phoenix Equity Conversions LLC INDICATIVESUMMARY THE ACCRUAL PROTOCOL INVESTMENT OVERVIEW This proprietary ACCRUAL PROTOCOL1 is a safeguarded financial initiative, which accumulates a portfolio of highly lucrative, fully-collateralized Conversion Loans into an investor-owned, turnkey ACCRUAL RESERVE. The entire undertaking is safeguarded through a professionally administered operating regimen [see: “SAFEGUARD REGIMEN”]. Ownership of such ACCRUAL RESERVES is exclusively available to investors seeking intensive monetary growth, with nominal investment risk; who are willing and able to fund them at the requisite capitalization of 1.5 million dollars. ACCRUAL RESERVE Established as a wealth accumulation repository for the sole benefit of its vested owners, the ACCRUAL RESERVE is professionally administered by independent AUTHORIZED ENTITIES, who are contracted to accumulate and safeguard these dynamically expanding portfolios of self- amortizing Conversion Loans. INVESTMENT POTENTIAL Based on the assumptions outlined below, a prototypical ACCRUAL RESERVE will accumulate its most advantageous deferred asset: earned interest; compounding and accruing under officially recorded Loan Indentures. [See: Figure 1]. FIGURE 1. EARN ED IN TEREST ($ mil l io n s ) $0 $5 $10 $15 $20 $25 $30 $35 $40 $45 $50 DURATIO N (year s ) 1 -2 0 1 -1 5 1 -1 0 1 -5 SCOPE OF ASSESSMENT The following is a quantitative analysis of certain factors regarding the ramp-up of a simulated portfolio of Conversion Loans. The applied methodology measures performance against appropriate industry indicators to illustrate the wealth accumulation potential of a hypothetical ACCRUAL RESERVE. COMPOSITION OF THE SIMULATION 1 The financial information contained in this document was taken from the Program Founder’s proprietary STRATEGIC CAPITAL RESOURCE REPORT 2013AR1.0.3.3E4A2. As the entire ACCRUAL PROTOCOL is the Intellectual Property of Postscript Ventures, Inc. (PSV), further information regarding its contents will only be povided by PSV under an appropriately executed NONCIRCUMVENTION/NONDISCLOSURE AGREEMENT which will be provided upon request. clindicativesummaryar1034le5up21psv214-130411111027-phpapp01.docx Page 1
  • 4. Phoenix Equity Conversions LLC INDICATIVESUMMARY THE ACCRUAL PROTOCOL Paid-in Capital: $1,500,000.00 Eligibility Criteria: The entry age of borrowers is 70 years or older with a weighted life expectancy (LE) from 48 to 144 months [see: Figure 2]. Collateralization: The blend of collateralizing life insurance policies used in this simulation is 50% universal-life and 50% convertible-term. Average Face Value: $150,000.00 Death Benefit Contribution Per LE Tranché: The weighted average DB Contributions in each of the nine LE Tranchés ranges from 4% to 29% [see: Figure 3]. Weighted Effective Annual Loan Advance: $12,407.00 Weighted Effective Annual Senior Advance: $7,879.00 Effective Loan Interest Rate: 6.72% This configuration will develop a financial profile capable of ramping-up operations using a constant benchmark of 55 Conversion Loans as its minimum universe. Over time and left alone, this initial ramp-up can exponentially expand into a dynamic Portfolio of as much as some 3,200 Conversion Loans – on average 160 annually – that will generate earned interest of some 47 million dollars over a 20 year operating cycle. This is, in effect, a 665% return- on-investment for the owners of an ACCRUAL RESERVE. Consequently, Conversion Loans offer secure investment growth advantages that generate continued prosperity for the owners of an ACCRUAL RESERVE, while providing seniors with the needed funds to supplement their retirement income. FIGURE 2. FIGURE 3. D ISTRIB UTIO N O F L E TRAN C H ES DEATH B ENEFIT CO NTRIB UTIO N PER LE TRANCHE 1 0 8 -Mo . L E 1 2 0 -Mo . L E 11% 11% 4 8 -Mo . LE 23% 9 6 -Mo . L E 1 3 2 -Mo . L E 6 0 -Mo . LE 11% 11% 19% 1 4 4 -Mo . LE 4% 1 3 2 -Mo . LE ` 5% 8 4 -Mo . L E 1 4 4 -Mo . L E 11% 11% 1 2 0 -Mo . LE 7 2 -Mo . LE 6% 15% 7 2 -Mo . L E 4 8 -Mo . L E 1 0 8 -Mo . LE 11% 6 0 -Mo . L E 11% 7% 8 4 -Mo . LE 9 6 -Mo . LE 11% 9% 12% The deferred earned interest of this wealth accumulation initiative consists of these fundamental components [see: “Composition of the Loans”]: (i) the monthly interest obligations paid by the senior borrowers to an ACCRUAL RESERVE for the remainder of their lives; and, (ii) the entire deferred interest obligation, under the Conversion Indentures, paid to the ACCRUAL RESERVE by the insurance carriers directly from the guaranteed cash proceeds of a borrower’s pledged Settlement Benefits. [See: Figure 4] clindicativesummaryar1034le5up21psv214-130411111027-phpapp01.docx Page 2
  • 5. Phoenix Equity Conversions LLC INDICATIVESUMMARY THE ACCRUAL PROTOCOL FIGURE 4. AGGREGATE IN TEREST REC EIVAB L E ($ mil l io n s ) $50 $45 $40 AC C RUED EARN ED IN TEREST EARN ED IN TEREST MO N TH L Y EARN ED IN TEREST $35 $30 $25 $20 $15 $10 $5 $0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 YEARS Fully-collateralized Conversion Loans are the income engine that drives the dynamic growth of a registered ACCRUAL RESERVE. Independent health underwriters, and proven actuarial techniques, will be implemented by a RESERVE’S Authorized Entities to scientifically project and spread pooled mortality probabilities that will create an optimal earnings horizon. And this horizon will be maintained by using all accessible working capital to constantly leverage a RESERVE’s initial pool of Conversion Loans; systematically investing accrued receivables in additional Conversion Loan transactions. This procedure assures the consistent funding necessary for new Conversion Loan acquisition, and drives a Reserve’s capital base to increase exponentially; achieving impressive yields. clindicativesummaryar1034le5up21psv214-130411111027-phpapp01.docx Page 3
  • 6. Phoenix Equity Conversions LLC INDICATIVESUMMARY THE ACCRUAL PROTOCOL The ACCRUAL PROTOCOL engenders a protected financial profile by ramping-up2 operations with analytically constrained collateral coverage [see: Figure 5]. FIGURE 5. COLlATERAL COVERAGE ($ millions) $8 EXCESS COLLATERAL OUTSTANDING LOANS $6 ` $4 $2 $0 1 2 3 4 5 YEAR 2 The ramp-up period is defined as the period required to originate the initial tranche of Conversion Loans; which is expected to take approximately 3 months. clindicativesummaryar1034le5up21psv214-130411111027-phpapp01.docx Page 4
  • 7. Phoenix Equity Conversions LLC INDICATIVESUMMARY CONVERSION LOANS COMPOSITION OF THE LOANS Conversion Loans are meticulously formulated so that they are entirely safeguarded with the guaranteed Settlement Benefits which are pledged as collateral by senior borrowers. Each Settlement is the future death benefit payment of a life insurance asset that is irrevocably conveyed to an ACCRUAL RESERVE. This safeguarding assures re-payment of a borrower’s entire debt obligation due under an officially recorded funding arrangement [see: “Loan Indenture”]. Moreover, every Settlement Benefit is underwritten with an irrevocable statutory guarantee [see: “Statutory Assurances”]. These specialized Loans are structured to generate sustainable earnings for an ACCRUAL RESERVE, through the analytically responsive funding of lifetime Loan Advances. Senior borrowers with impaired life expectancies, due primarily to advanced age, will assign their interest in, and right to receive death benefits from, their insurance carriers. In return for these lifetime Loan Advances, a RESERVE earns its previously mentioned return-on-investment through this funding mechanism, and the realization of its registered claim on a life asset’s collateralizing Settlement Benefit. Every Conversion Loan is fully-collateralized with the irrevocable assignment and conveyance of an acceptable life insurance asset: one with sufficient death benefit coverage to pay a borrower’s entire debt obligations due under a comprehensive, officially recorded Loan Indenture. Part of the ACCRUAL RESERVE’s aggregate Loan Advance protocol is to never let Loan accumulation exceed 75% of a life asset’s Face Value. In this way, each Conversion Loan will generate lucrative “absolute returns” during a borrower’s actuarially-established live expectancy. 7. Debt Obligation payments AUTHORIZED FIDUCIARY DESIGNEE 6. Death benefit payments INVESTOR OWNED ACCRUAL INSURANCE RESERVE 4. 8. 2. 5. CARRIER Loan Remaining Convey Interest Advances Payments Settlement Policies 1. payments Pledge Settlement Benefits SENIOR ANNUITANT'S ANNUITANT BENEFICIARIES 3. Loan Indentures This wealth accumulation initiative is run by transparent ACCRUAL PROTOCOLS, which transform the Face Value of a life asset into leveraged liquidity that is capable of engendering sustainable yields. These yields effectively underwrite by market-responsive funding through which eligible seniors obtain the monthly cash advances spoken of earlier. The net effect is that the PROTOCOLS develop and facilitate that ever-expanding ACCRUAL RESERVE so necessary to meet future liabilities and successfully underwrite investment- grade Conversion Loans. In addition, as a fail-safe proposition, the Loans remain collateralized with irrevocably assigned assets (life policies, deferred annuities, etc.), which themselves are entirely underwritten with those government guarantees allude to before [see: “Statutory Assurances”]. clindicativesummaryar1034le5up21psv214-130411111027-phpapp01.docx Page 5
  • 8. Phoenix Equity Conversions LLC INDICATIVESUMMARY CONVERSION LOANS THE LOAN INDENTURE The Loan Indenture is the financial obligation that legally provides seniors with monthly Loan Advances for the remainder of their lives. Every Indenture is configured as a first-priority accruing debt obligation of a senior borrower, consisting of fixed monthly Loan Advances, and serviced with compounded monthly interest obligations paid to the ACCRUAL RESERVE, directly from the guaranteed cash proceeds of a borrower’s pledged Settlement Benefit. HEALTH-RISK PROFILE Most insureds whose policies qualify for inclusion as surety in Conversion Loan transactions are required to fit a general health-risk profile. They must be 70 years of age or older, and diagnosed with impaired health conditions due to a downturn in wellness after originally being insured. Accordingly, diligent screening and reliable medical evaluations coupled with conservative actuarial analysis and appropriate fiscal assessments will effectively ensure that only acceptable borrowers, with suitable insurance products identified as funding surety, qualify for Conversion Loan transactions that are officially granted by the ACCRUAL RESERVE. STATUTORY ASSURANCES Insurance guaranty funds have existed in all states since 1991. Coverage is generally limited to a maximum of $300,000 to $500,000 for individual claimants. The overriding effect is to make death benefit payments immune from insurer default. Generally speaking, if a domestic insurer is impaired or insolvent, each State Insurance Commissioner will guarantee, assume, or reinsure each resident of their State; thereby assuring that the death benefits will be fully paid, and the Conversion Loans will be fully-repaid. TRANSACTIONAL CLASSIFICATION Conversion Loans are similar in documentation to reverse mortgage transactions, except for the monetary results generated by their respective pledged collateral. While both classifications are mortality-based, collateralized funding transactions enhanced with government guarantees; that is, Conversion Loans, are financially superior debt obligations, precisely because they have been orchestrated to be repaid by a highly dependable and less volatile pledged asset class. Unlike real estate liquidations, for example, which are susceptible to unpredictably adverse occurrences 3, each accrued debt obligation under the Loan Indenture is actuarially formulated to never exceed the pledged life asset’s Face Value; regardless of prevailing economic circumstances. So Conversion Loans are able to provide financial assistance to eligible retirees by affording them proportional and steady access to the guaranteed equity in their conveyable life insurance asset. With over 1.5 trillion dollars of such life assets currently in the possession of our elderly population, structured Conversion Loans furnish meaningful financial support to a population or conspicuously, and ready to act as a market when shown a compelling product. In short, participation in this market-responsive investment opportunity will engender substantial monetary growth for the owners of a registered ACCRUAL RESERVE that grants structured Conversion Loans to qualifying senior borrowers. 3 Real estate investments are consistently affected by arbitrary economic factors, e.g. an unstable real estate market riddled with derivative schemes & volatile unavoidably property values, escalating real estate taxes, property deterioration, endless maintenance and upkeep, etc., as well as the risks of overbuilding, zoning restrictions, environmental changes, and natural disasters. clindicativesummaryar1034le5up21psv214-130411111027-phpapp01.docx Page 6
  • 9. Phoenix Equity Conversions LLC INDICATIVESUMMARY SAFEGUARD REGIMEN THE PROTECTED CASH-FLOW ENVIRONMENT The ACCRUAL PROTOCOL was designed as a safeguarded income growth & funding initiative. It was constructed as a secure business environment in which to assemble an exponentially expanding portfolio of Conversion Loans through an entirely analytical funding discipline. As stated earlier, the PROTOCOL’S transparent SAFEGUARD REGIMEN provides comprehensive administration under which independent AUTHORIZED ENTITIES manage the ACCRUAL RESERVE, and conserve the revenues it earns through individually funded LOAN transactions. The Conversion Loans are systematically accumulated under the statistical constraints of the PROTOCOL’S actuarially responsive assessment procedures, which is completely administered by the aforementioned AUTHORIZED ENTITIES for the benefit of vested owners of a registered ACCRUAL RESERVE. COMPOSITION OF THE SAFEGUARD REGIMEN 1 Investors deposit INVESTORS funds to capitalize the ACCRUAL RESERVE FIDUCIARY ASSET DESIGNEE ADMINISTRATOR 2 3 Asset Administrator Fiduciary originates and Designee administers INVESTOR OWNED conducts all CONVERSION LOANS ACCRUAL RESERVE monetary for the ACCRUAL activities for the RESERVE ACCRUAL RESERVE The SAFEGUARD REGIMEN will be contractually undertaken by the following AUTHORIZED ENTITY GROUPS, who are compensated for their services solely with performance based fees: Fiduciary Designee – To preserve the financial integrity of the registered ACCRUAL RESERVE, its owners shall appoint an established financial entity as official Fiduciary Designee responsible for handling all cash flow management for all Conversion Loans. This will be done on behave of the vested owners of the ACCRUAL RESERVE, the senior borrowers, the seniors’ beneficiaries, and the Asset Administrator. Asset Administrator – Phoenix Equity Conversions LLLC, the Asset Administrator, is a professional servicing entity, staffed with industry specialists who are responsible for originating and servicing all aspects of Conversion Loans. On a case-by-case basis, Phoenix will gather and analyze information regarding a borrower’s medical history, current medical condition, current estimated life expectancy, and the prospective insurance asset which will be preserved by the Fiduciary clindicativesummaryar1034le5up21psv214-130411111027-phpapp01.docx Page 7
  • 10. Phoenix Equity Conversions LLC INDICATIVESUMMARY SAFEGUARD REGIMEN Designee. Once approved, Phoenix will certify every borrower’s inclusion status with the Fiduciary Designee and Post Script Ventures, Inc. (PSV), and then proceed to monitor and track every included borrower until their demise. The compliance, monitoring, tracking and collection functions will be supported by a seasoned team of personnel; with specialties in including computer and data processing, and software architecture. Phoenix executives themselves possess significant eldercare, insurance, sales & marketing, and financial origination, financial development, a pool of structured Conversion Loans. support services. PROGRAM OVERSIGHT. Postscript Ventures, Inc. (PSV), The Program Founder will oversee the analysis of borrower information collected by the Asset Administrator, and together with the requisite investment yield of an ACCRUAL RESERVE’S owners, determine the future stream of acceptable lifetime Loan Advances that a given insurance asset can support. Once underwriting standards, eligibility criteria, and regulatory compliances are satisfied by the AUTHORIZED ENTITIES, PSV will review the pending loan transactions to determine whether their financial obligations to the RESERVE will be covered by the appropriate insurance asset. PSV will establish a valuation profile for each prospective Conversion Loan, and furnish the Asset Administrator with a range of offers to be extended to each approved senior borrower. PSV is a financial services organization incorporated under the laws of the State of Delaware. It specializes in establishing turnkey wealth accummulation initiatives; which contain innovative capital resource strategies, augmented with extensive risk management oversight, embodying effective asset custodial safeguards combined with qualitative fiduciary controls. With careers spanning more than three decades in the capital formation marketplace, its staff of financial strategists possess an array of proficiencies. Since 1976, they originated funding of nearly one billion dollars for the following organizations: (i) ENERGY: AT&T, U.K. Atomic Energy, Atlantic Richfield, Baker Oil, Cities Service, Dowell Schlumberger, Exxon, Pennzoil, Plough, Phillips Petroleum, Shell Oil; (ii) TECHNOLOGY: Litton Industries, ITT Distributors, Xerox, Boeing, Bell Telephone Laboratories, W. W. Grainger, General Motors, Otis Elevator, Duracell, British Aerospace, Ingersoll-Rand, American Honda, Control Data, Bell Aerospace Textron, Hughes Aircraft, Panasonic, Westinghouse, Western Electric; (iii) UTILITIES: Tampa Electric, New York Telephone, Puget Sound Power & Light, Florida Power & Light, Central Telephone & Utilities, General Telephone & Electronics, Michigan Bell Telephone, New England Power & Light, Kansas Power & Light; (iv) CONSUMER PRODUCTS: Nestle, Kraft Foods, Coming, Kimberly-Clark, General Foods, Winn Dixie Stores, Sears Roebuck, Johnson & Johnson, Bristol Myers, Seagram, British American Tobacco, Kmart, Avon Cosmetics, Coca-Cola Bottling; (v) FINANCE: American Express, Chemical Bank, Chase Manhattan Bank, Citizens & Southern National Bank, Citibank, E.F. Hutton, European American Bank, London Stock Exchange, Merchants National Bank, Salomon Brothers, Swiss Bank Corp., Shearson/Lehman, MasterCard, State Street Bank, Manufacturers & Traders Trust; (vi) INSURANCE: Title Insurance & Trust, Travelers Insurance, Nationwide Mutual Insurance, Farmers Group, Sentry Insurance, The Continental Group and (vii) MEDIA: New York Times, CBS, Newsweek. clindicativesummaryar1034le5up21psv214-130411111027-phpapp01.docx Page 8