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Technical Solutions for Sustainability

                                        Introduction Brochure
                                                  March 2011

                       Technology for you and the environment
Technology for you and the environment
                                    Competitiveness might be defined as the set of factors that determine the level of
                                    productivity, and productivity sets the sustainable level of prosperity that can be
                                    achieved. Thus, more competitive means able to produce higher levels of income.
                                    Technological innovation is one of the 12 pillars of economic competitiveness. Moreover,
                                    the gains of the other pillars eventually seem to run into diminishing returns, and in the
                                    long term true gains will be achieved only with technological innovation (Porter M. and
                                    Scwab A., 2008)

                                    For many years mankind competitiveness has focused only in economic development
                                    without considering natural resources. But in 1972 the famous report entitled "The limits
                                    of growth" has great impact due to its dramatic conclusion that for a closed system like
                                    the earth is impossible to experience exponential growth without collapsing. The concept
TSS Solutions for:                  of sustainable development means extracting resources preserving a rich environment
                                    able to supply the required resources without sacrificing future generations (Colombo U.,
   Hydraulic                        2001)
   GIS & Surveying
                                    Therefore, in order to take a good decision, is important to analyze all the possible
   Cloud & Cluster Computing
                                    alternatives and analyze its impact in economy, society and environment. Numerical
   Home & Office                    models are vital tool for such task, as they allow us to understand and explain natural
   Our Developments (freeware       phenomenas

   applications developed by TSS)
                                    TECHNICAL SOLUTIONS for SUSTAINABILITY
                                    Technical Solutions for Sustainability (TSS) is a new engineering services provider focused
                                    in applying the advantages provided by computers and new technologies in order to get
                                    solutions and improvements for a sustainable development of our society.

                                    OUR SERVICES
                                    We offer to our clients not only different software and computer tools, but also technical
                                    support. We offer the best and most renowned Computer Aided Engineering (CAE)
                                    software applied to engineering areas such as hydraulic, hydrology, GIS and surveying.
                                    Moreover, offer the possibility to combine such software with new technologies in order
                                    to maximize benefits. We kindly invite you to take a look at our products and we will be
                                    glad to answer any further question you might have, just send us an email to:

                                    References cited:
                                              Schwab K., PorterM.E., 2008. The Global Competitiveness Report 2008-2009,
                                              World Economic Forum, Geneve - Switzerland
                                              Colombo U., 2001. The Club of Rome and Sustainable Development. Futures 33
                                              (1), 7-11

Technology for you and the environment

Numerical modeling is a powerful
Numerical modelling is a tool in
any engineering in any engineering
powerful toolfield. Once the model is set
up a wide range of model can easily a
field. Once the scenarios is set upbe
evaluated. Nevertheless, numerical models
wide range of scenarios can
must be be evaluated.
easily used carefully without falling into
the black-box concept that may lead to
Nevertheless, numerical models
errors. In Technical Solutions for
must be used carefully without
Sustainability, we are aware not only of the
falling into the black-box concept
benefits that might be achieved by the use
that may lead to errors.
of numerical models, but also aware of the
importance of all the stages involved in the
In Technical Solutions for
setup of a numerical model in order to
Sustainability, we are aware not
obtain reliable results. Therefore, not only   HEC-RAS
only of the best and most renowned be
we offer the benefits that might
achieved by the use of numerical
hydraulic software, but also technical
                                               This model developed by the USACE allows to perform 1D steady flow, unsteady flow,
models, all the stages of yourof the
support in but also aware project.             sediment/transport bed computations and water temperature modeling.
importance of all the stages
involved in the setup of a                     HEC-HMS
numerical model in order to                    This modeling system developed by the USACE is designed to simulate the precipitation-
obtain reliable results. Therefore,            runoff processes of dendritic watershed systems. It is designed to be applicable in a wide
not only we offer the best and                 range of geographic areas for solving the widest possible range of problems. This includes
We provide technical assistance in all the
most renowned hydraulic
stages of you modeling task, such as setting   large river basin water supply and flood hydrology, and small urban or natural watershed
software, but also technical
up, data input, calibration and output         runoff.
support in all the stages tools that
analysis. Moreover, we develop of your
project. and eases the use of the
automates                                      Mike 11
software according to your needs.
                                               This model developed by DHI is synonymous with top quality river modeling covering
                                               more application areas than any other river modeling package.

Courses and Webinars                           Mike Urban
                                               This software developed by DHI is the urban water modeling software of choice when the
We provide different courses of many
hydraulic software. We also organize free      important parameters for model selection are usability, work flow, openness, flexibility

EBUSINESS different topics, and we can
webinars on SOLUTIONS                          and GIS integration as well as physical soundness, efficiency and stability of simulation
arrange special webinars about specific        engines. MIKE URBAN covers all water in the city, including: sewers - combined or
Enim under accumsan epulae accumsan
topic iriure your request.                     separate systems or any combination of these; storm water drainage systems, including
inhibeo dolore populus praesent. Molior        2D overland flow; and water distribution systems.
vicis feugiat valetudo quadrum quidem
nisl ea paulatim. Haero ut nutus accum         EPANET
                                               This software developed by the US EPA models water distribution piping systems. It is a
                                               Windows 95/98/NT/XP program that performs extended-period simulation of the
                                               hydraulic and water quality behavior within pressurized pipe networks.

                                               This software from Hydromantis is a modular, multi-purpose computer program for the
                                               modeling and simulation of municipal and industrial wastewater treatment plants.
                                               Whether you are designing a new facility, or simulating an existing plant, GPS-X will help
                                               you improve your design and operating efficiency.

                                                                 Technology for you and the environment
GIS & Surveying

Geographic Information System (GIS) is any
information system that integrates, stores,
edits, analyzes, shares, and displays
geographic information for decision
GIS technology can be applied to almost
any human related activity. Although
originally was used to support scientific
research, nowadays it is applied to many
fields including economics or marketing       ArcGIS is a system for people who rely on accurate geographic information to make
                                              decisions. It facilitates collaboration and lets you easily author data, maps, globes, and
                                              models on the desktop and serve them out for use on a desktop, in a browser, or in the
Services                                      field, depending on the needs of your organization.

We provide you assistance in finding the      SAGA-GIS
right tool for your needs, but also in any    SAGA's first objective is to give (geo-)scientists an effective but easy learnable platform for
problem you might have. We also provide       the implementation of geoscientific methods. This is achieved by SAGA's unique
scripts according to your needs that will
                                              Application Programming Interface (API). The second is to make these methods accessible
improve your results, and save lot of time.
                                              in a user friendly way, what is first of all done by its Graphical User Interface (GUI).
                                              Together this results in SAGA's true strength: a fast growing set of geoscientifc methods
                                              ready to be used in numerous applications.
Courses and webinars
                                              Online GIS
We organize free webinars on different
topics, and we can arrange special            Thanks to the advances on online services, now GIS might be available for everybody
webinars about specific topic under your      without the need of special and expensive software. Moreover, online GIS proved to be a
request.                                      very efficient way to spread communication and create awareness about specific events.
                                              For instance, google earth "crisis in Darfur" allowed more than 200 million people around
                                              the world to visualize and understand that conflict. Our experience with online GIS
                                              application will be very useful for different purposes such as data acquisition, data
                                              visualization and communication

                                              Web data acquisition tools
                                              Topographic data is the basis for any study or project related with earth surface. The most
                                              common way to obtain such data is to perform in situ surveying. Nevertheless, this is a
                                              very expensive and time consuming task. There were many satellite missions like
                                              GTOPO30, ETOPO5 or SRTM that provides data of different resolutions. Such data have
                                              already proved to have great potential for many applications. However, user needs to
                                              search all data providers, and process such data. We've already gone through that task of
                                              searching and finding ways to process such data, so we are able to save lot of time and
                                              effort by providing you with data according your needs, or linking to the best alternative
                                              according your needs. As an example, you can try our free application Any Longitudinal

                                                                 Technology for you and the environment
Cloud & Cluster Computing

1945 was an inflexion point that modified
the nature of global interactions, not only
because the successful test of Almogodro,
but also the creation of ENIAC, the first
computer. Since then, computers and their
benefits have had an exponential
development. Over the last 20 years we
witnessed the appearance and
development of the internet, a new
technology involved in any aspect of
human society, such as communication,
learning, working or free time
                                                Cluster Computing
Those are very dynamic areas innovating
every day, one day of and you are obsolete.     Computer industry realized that now the improvement of performance will be achieved
At TSS we offer you different ways to           by increasing the number of processors, and running multiple applications in parallel,
maximize your benefits from computer            rather than improving a single one,. Thanks to the wide availability of computers at low
application and internet.                       cost, parallelisms is not only multicore, but also distributed computing. Thus, we can easily
                                                use one single computer not only to control others, but also to run many application in
                                                parallel and getting the results transferred to a single file.
                                                Cloud Computing
We provide you assistance in setting up the     Cloud Computing is a kind of distributed computing taking advantages of the new
service that fit your needs the best, and the
                                                possibilities offered by internet. With cloud computing you minimize your investing, by
use of it. We also develop computing codes
                                                using a pay as you go method. This technology allows you to create a virtual computer
and scripts according to your needs, in
order to improve your results.                  with your needs, use it and then pay just for what you have used.

                                                New Application

Courses and webinars                            At TSS we are always looking for the newest advances and applications in the IT area, so
                                                that we can offer you different innovations to improve your results.
We organize free webinars on different          For instance, we can mention some of our developments such as:
topics, and we can arrange special
webinars about specific topic under your        *ARAS: Automating HEC-RAS is a tool that automates HEC-RAS. This tool proved to be very
request.                                        useful for advanced analysis such as uncertainty or optimization.

                                                *ALP: Any Longitudinal Profile is a tool where you give coordinates. Then, it connects to
                                                webdatabases and plots the longitudinal profile of those coordinates.

                                                *ECSR: Earth Cross Section Ras is a tool where you input coordinates. Then, it connects to
                                                webdatabases and creates Cross Sections into a HEC-RAS Geometry File.

                                                *RVR: Roughness Variable for RAS, is a tool that allows to give new values of roughness to
                                                all the cross sections, with just a button.

                                                                   Technology for you and the environment
Home & Office

As we are always using and testing
different software applications, we would
like to share with you our experiences, so
you can benefit from our experiences and
use the applications that we consider the
most useful ones.
Most of those applications are free, and
some ones have a small cost, but the
improvements achieved are much

                                               Programming Languages
                                               A computing code is a specification of a computation algorithm. Since computer neither
We assist you in order to find the best and    get bored, nor need to eat, they have the same performance for such task no matter how
newest computing application for your          many times it has to be repeated. There are many computer programming languages,
needs. We also provide you assistance in       scripts for coding algorithms, such as VB, Delphi, C++, Python, Php, Javascripts, Batch
setting up the service that fit your needs     codes, Mathlab and more. We offer our experience in order to solve problems you might
the best, and the use of it. We also develop   have or to develop a specific computing code according to your needs.
computing codes and scripts according to
your needs, in order to improve your           MS Office
                                               Although its popularity, many people misuse MS Office, by using the very basic
                                               applications, almost like simple typing machine. We will be glad to help you discovering
                                               very useful tools.

                                               This freeware is An Open Source vector graphics editor, with capabilities similar to
Courses and webinars
                                               Illustrator, CorelDraw, or Xara X, using the W3C standard Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)
We organize free webinars on different         file format. Inkscape supports many advanced SVG features (markers, clones, alpha
topics, and we can arrange special             blending, etc.) and great care is taken in designing a streamlined interface. It is very easy
webinars about specific topic under your       to edit nodes, perform complex path operations, trace bitmaps and much more.

                                                                    Technology for you and the environment
Software Developments

We are continuously developing freeware
applications for different tasks like data
collecting, data input output for specific
software. We invite you to try some of
our developments such as ARAS, ALP,
                                             Any Longitudinal Profile
                                             Any Longitudinal Profile (ALP) is a freeware application that uses the best webdatabases
                                             with geographic data in order to quickly obtain any longitudinal profile from everywhere.

                                             The user just need to give some coordinates of the required profile, and ALP will
We develop personalized applications         automatically the required elevation and plot the longitudinal profile along with given
according to your specific needs.
                                             points georeferenced into a google map.

Courses and webinars                         ARAS is a freeware application that automates HEC-RAS features. For instance, it allows to
                                             update values of manning for several cross sections at once. It also allows to run several
We organize free webinars on different
topics, and we can arrange special           plans at once with just one click. It is very useful application that will save lot of time and
webinars about specific topic under your     effort.
                                             This application has great potential for time consuming tasks such as calibration, and for
                                             advanced analysis such as optimization or Monte Carlo uncertainty.

                                             Earth Cross Section to RAS (ECSR) is freeware application for creating easily cross sections
                                             for HEC-RAS. The user just needs to give the coordinates of the points the cross section,
                                             then ECSR will automatically get the elevation for those points. Moreover, it will also
                                             create the geometry file with the cross sections so that you can import directly to your
                                             HEC-RAS project.

                                             RVR: Roughness Variable for RAS is a freeware tool that allows update values of roughness
                                             to all the cross sections with just a button click. Moreover, it allows assign one value for
                                             each cross section. This tool proved to be very useful for advanced analysis such as
                                             uncertainty or optimization.

                                                                Technology for you and the environment
Questions and Comments about our services
We also develop fit for purpose tools and software according to your
needs. For instance, you are invited to test our free tool such as ARAS that
automates HEC-RAS features, or ECSR that automatically creates HEC-RAS
cross sections from web sources.

This brochure was just a small introduction of our services. We are not
just a service provider. We want not only to fulfill you requirements, but
to show you the newest technologies available, and get you interested in
the use of such technologies in order to get a sustainable world for our
future generations.

If you need our services, or for any questions you might have, just contact
us, and we will be glad to assist you or organize a webinar according to
your needs. Contact us via:






We kindly invite you to join our effort for a sustainable world.

                                                                               Technology for you and the environment

Technical Solutions for Sustainability

Phone: +31 - (0)614596577

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  • 1. Technical Solutions for Sustainability Introduction Brochure March 2011 Technology for you and the environment
  • 2. Technology for you and the environment INTRODUCTION Competitiveness might be defined as the set of factors that determine the level of productivity, and productivity sets the sustainable level of prosperity that can be achieved. Thus, more competitive means able to produce higher levels of income. Technological innovation is one of the 12 pillars of economic competitiveness. Moreover, the gains of the other pillars eventually seem to run into diminishing returns, and in the long term true gains will be achieved only with technological innovation (Porter M. and Scwab A., 2008) For many years mankind competitiveness has focused only in economic development without considering natural resources. But in 1972 the famous report entitled "The limits of growth" has great impact due to its dramatic conclusion that for a closed system like the earth is impossible to experience exponential growth without collapsing. The concept TSS Solutions for: of sustainable development means extracting resources preserving a rich environment able to supply the required resources without sacrificing future generations (Colombo U., Hydraulic 2001) GIS & Surveying Therefore, in order to take a good decision, is important to analyze all the possible Cloud & Cluster Computing alternatives and analyze its impact in economy, society and environment. Numerical Home & Office models are vital tool for such task, as they allow us to understand and explain natural Our Developments (freeware phenomenas applications developed by TSS) TECHNICAL SOLUTIONS for SUSTAINABILITY Technical Solutions for Sustainability (TSS) is a new engineering services provider focused in applying the advantages provided by computers and new technologies in order to get solutions and improvements for a sustainable development of our society. OUR SERVICES We offer to our clients not only different software and computer tools, but also technical support. We offer the best and most renowned Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) software applied to engineering areas such as hydraulic, hydrology, GIS and surveying. Moreover, offer the possibility to combine such software with new technologies in order to maximize benefits. We kindly invite you to take a look at our products and we will be glad to answer any further question you might have, just send us an email to: References cited: Schwab K., PorterM.E., 2008. The Global Competitiveness Report 2008-2009, World Economic Forum, Geneve - Switzerland Colombo U., 2001. The Club of Rome and Sustainable Development. Futures 33 (1), 7-11 Technology for you and the environment
  • 3. HYDRAULIC Numerical modeling is a powerful Numerical modelling is a tool in any engineering in any engineering powerful toolfield. Once the model is set up a wide range of model can easily a field. Once the scenarios is set upbe evaluated. Nevertheless, numerical models wide range of scenarios can must be be evaluated. easily used carefully without falling into the black-box concept that may lead to Nevertheless, numerical models errors. In Technical Solutions for must be used carefully without Sustainability, we are aware not only of the falling into the black-box concept benefits that might be achieved by the use that may lead to errors. of numerical models, but also aware of the importance of all the stages involved in the In Technical Solutions for setup of a numerical model in order to Sustainability, we are aware not obtain reliable results. Therefore, not only HEC-RAS only of the best and most renowned be we offer the benefits that might achieved by the use of numerical hydraulic software, but also technical This model developed by the USACE allows to perform 1D steady flow, unsteady flow, models, all the stages of yourof the support in but also aware project. sediment/transport bed computations and water temperature modeling. importance of all the stages involved in the setup of a HEC-HMS numerical model in order to This modeling system developed by the USACE is designed to simulate the precipitation- Modeling obtain reliable results. Therefore, runoff processes of dendritic watershed systems. It is designed to be applicable in a wide not only we offer the best and range of geographic areas for solving the widest possible range of problems. This includes We provide technical assistance in all the most renowned hydraulic stages of you modeling task, such as setting large river basin water supply and flood hydrology, and small urban or natural watershed software, but also technical up, data input, calibration and output runoff. support in all the stages tools that analysis. Moreover, we develop of your project. and eases the use of the automates Mike 11 software according to your needs. This model developed by DHI is synonymous with top quality river modeling covering more application areas than any other river modeling package. Courses and Webinars Mike Urban This software developed by DHI is the urban water modeling software of choice when the We provide different courses of many hydraulic software. We also organize free important parameters for model selection are usability, work flow, openness, flexibility EBUSINESS different topics, and we can webinars on SOLUTIONS and GIS integration as well as physical soundness, efficiency and stability of simulation arrange special webinars about specific engines. MIKE URBAN covers all water in the city, including: sewers - combined or Enim under accumsan epulae accumsan topic iriure your request. separate systems or any combination of these; storm water drainage systems, including inhibeo dolore populus praesent. Molior 2D overland flow; and water distribution systems. vicis feugiat valetudo quadrum quidem nisl ea paulatim. Haero ut nutus accum EPANET This software developed by the US EPA models water distribution piping systems. It is a Windows 95/98/NT/XP program that performs extended-period simulation of the hydraulic and water quality behavior within pressurized pipe networks. GPSX This software from Hydromantis is a modular, multi-purpose computer program for the modeling and simulation of municipal and industrial wastewater treatment plants. Whether you are designing a new facility, or simulating an existing plant, GPS-X will help you improve your design and operating efficiency. Technology for you and the environment
  • 4. GIS & Surveying Geographic Information System (GIS) is any information system that integrates, stores, edits, analyzes, shares, and displays geographic information for decision making. GIS technology can be applied to almost any human related activity. Although originally was used to support scientific ARCGIS research, nowadays it is applied to many fields including economics or marketing ArcGIS is a system for people who rely on accurate geographic information to make decisions. It facilitates collaboration and lets you easily author data, maps, globes, and models on the desktop and serve them out for use on a desktop, in a browser, or in the Services field, depending on the needs of your organization. We provide you assistance in finding the SAGA-GIS right tool for your needs, but also in any SAGA's first objective is to give (geo-)scientists an effective but easy learnable platform for problem you might have. We also provide the implementation of geoscientific methods. This is achieved by SAGA's unique scripts according to your needs that will Application Programming Interface (API). The second is to make these methods accessible improve your results, and save lot of time. in a user friendly way, what is first of all done by its Graphical User Interface (GUI). Together this results in SAGA's true strength: a fast growing set of geoscientifc methods ready to be used in numerous applications. Courses and webinars Online GIS We organize free webinars on different topics, and we can arrange special Thanks to the advances on online services, now GIS might be available for everybody webinars about specific topic under your without the need of special and expensive software. Moreover, online GIS proved to be a request. very efficient way to spread communication and create awareness about specific events. For instance, google earth "crisis in Darfur" allowed more than 200 million people around the world to visualize and understand that conflict. Our experience with online GIS application will be very useful for different purposes such as data acquisition, data visualization and communication Web data acquisition tools Topographic data is the basis for any study or project related with earth surface. The most common way to obtain such data is to perform in situ surveying. Nevertheless, this is a very expensive and time consuming task. There were many satellite missions like GTOPO30, ETOPO5 or SRTM that provides data of different resolutions. Such data have already proved to have great potential for many applications. However, user needs to search all data providers, and process such data. We've already gone through that task of searching and finding ways to process such data, so we are able to save lot of time and effort by providing you with data according your needs, or linking to the best alternative according your needs. As an example, you can try our free application Any Longitudinal Technology for you and the environment
  • 5. Cloud & Cluster Computing 1945 was an inflexion point that modified the nature of global interactions, not only because the successful test of Almogodro, but also the creation of ENIAC, the first computer. Since then, computers and their benefits have had an exponential development. Over the last 20 years we witnessed the appearance and development of the internet, a new technology involved in any aspect of human society, such as communication, learning, working or free time Cluster Computing Those are very dynamic areas innovating every day, one day of and you are obsolete. Computer industry realized that now the improvement of performance will be achieved At TSS we offer you different ways to by increasing the number of processors, and running multiple applications in parallel, maximize your benefits from computer rather than improving a single one,. Thanks to the wide availability of computers at low application and internet. cost, parallelisms is not only multicore, but also distributed computing. Thus, we can easily use one single computer not only to control others, but also to run many application in parallel and getting the results transferred to a single file. Services Cloud Computing We provide you assistance in setting up the Cloud Computing is a kind of distributed computing taking advantages of the new service that fit your needs the best, and the possibilities offered by internet. With cloud computing you minimize your investing, by use of it. We also develop computing codes using a pay as you go method. This technology allows you to create a virtual computer and scripts according to your needs, in order to improve your results. with your needs, use it and then pay just for what you have used. New Application Courses and webinars At TSS we are always looking for the newest advances and applications in the IT area, so that we can offer you different innovations to improve your results. We organize free webinars on different For instance, we can mention some of our developments such as: topics, and we can arrange special webinars about specific topic under your *ARAS: Automating HEC-RAS is a tool that automates HEC-RAS. This tool proved to be very request. useful for advanced analysis such as uncertainty or optimization. *ALP: Any Longitudinal Profile is a tool where you give coordinates. Then, it connects to webdatabases and plots the longitudinal profile of those coordinates. *ECSR: Earth Cross Section Ras is a tool where you input coordinates. Then, it connects to webdatabases and creates Cross Sections into a HEC-RAS Geometry File. *RVR: Roughness Variable for RAS, is a tool that allows to give new values of roughness to all the cross sections, with just a button. Technology for you and the environment
  • 6. Home & Office As we are always using and testing different software applications, we would like to share with you our experiences, so you can benefit from our experiences and use the applications that we consider the most useful ones. Most of those applications are free, and some ones have a small cost, but the improvements achieved are much greater. Programming Languages Services A computing code is a specification of a computation algorithm. Since computer neither We assist you in order to find the best and get bored, nor need to eat, they have the same performance for such task no matter how newest computing application for your many times it has to be repeated. There are many computer programming languages, needs. We also provide you assistance in scripts for coding algorithms, such as VB, Delphi, C++, Python, Php, Javascripts, Batch setting up the service that fit your needs codes, Mathlab and more. We offer our experience in order to solve problems you might the best, and the use of it. We also develop have or to develop a specific computing code according to your needs. computing codes and scripts according to your needs, in order to improve your MS Office results. Although its popularity, many people misuse MS Office, by using the very basic applications, almost like simple typing machine. We will be glad to help you discovering very useful tools. Inkscape This freeware is An Open Source vector graphics editor, with capabilities similar to Courses and webinars Illustrator, CorelDraw, or Xara X, using the W3C standard Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) We organize free webinars on different file format. Inkscape supports many advanced SVG features (markers, clones, alpha topics, and we can arrange special blending, etc.) and great care is taken in designing a streamlined interface. It is very easy webinars about specific topic under your to edit nodes, perform complex path operations, trace bitmaps and much more. request. Technology for you and the environment
  • 7. Software Developments We are continuously developing freeware applications for different tasks like data collecting, data input output for specific software. We invite you to try some of our developments such as ARAS, ALP, ECSR or RVR. Any Longitudinal Profile Any Longitudinal Profile (ALP) is a freeware application that uses the best webdatabases Services with geographic data in order to quickly obtain any longitudinal profile from everywhere. The user just need to give some coordinates of the required profile, and ALP will We develop personalized applications automatically the required elevation and plot the longitudinal profile along with given according to your specific needs. points georeferenced into a google map. ARAS Courses and webinars ARAS is a freeware application that automates HEC-RAS features. For instance, it allows to update values of manning for several cross sections at once. It also allows to run several We organize free webinars on different topics, and we can arrange special plans at once with just one click. It is very useful application that will save lot of time and webinars about specific topic under your effort. request. This application has great potential for time consuming tasks such as calibration, and for advanced analysis such as optimization or Monte Carlo uncertainty. ECSR Earth Cross Section to RAS (ECSR) is freeware application for creating easily cross sections for HEC-RAS. The user just needs to give the coordinates of the points the cross section, then ECSR will automatically get the elevation for those points. Moreover, it will also create the geometry file with the cross sections so that you can import directly to your HEC-RAS project. RVR RVR: Roughness Variable for RAS is a freeware tool that allows update values of roughness to all the cross sections with just a button click. Moreover, it allows assign one value for each cross section. This tool proved to be very useful for advanced analysis such as uncertainty or optimization. Technology for you and the environment
  • 8. Questions and Comments about our services We also develop fit for purpose tools and software according to your needs. For instance, you are invited to test our free tool such as ARAS that automates HEC-RAS features, or ECSR that automatically creates HEC-RAS cross sections from web sources. This brochure was just a small introduction of our services. We are not just a service provider. We want not only to fulfill you requirements, but to show you the newest technologies available, and get you interested in the use of such technologies in order to get a sustainable world for our future generations. If you need our services, or for any questions you might have, just contact us, and we will be glad to assist you or organize a webinar according to your needs. Contact us via: Email: Website: SlideShare: Youtube: Twitter: We kindly invite you to join our effort for a sustainable world. Technology for you and the environment Technical Solutions for Sustainability Phone: +31 - (0)614596577