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“Is it time?” The youngest, and most impatient, asked.

“Soon,” replied the eldest and wisest. “Have patience young one.”

“Pay attention!”   Snapped the leader, who was neither young nor old. “We await the call.”
And when the call was heard . . .
The wolves responded.

For it was time!

“Time to get moving bro, bus will be here in an hour. We've just got time to grab our stuff.”
Sydney Doran slid into the booth where his twin brother, Lee, was eating lunch.

“I'm not going,” Lee said with as much resolve as he could manage.

“What do you mean you're not going?” Sydney was baffled, Lee so rarely disputed his
plans. “I got us tickets to Strangetown, we'll be in the desert by Saturday.”

“What happens when we get to Strangetown? How long are you planning to stay there? A
couple days? Maybe a week?” Lee asked the same questions that he had asked repeatedly
since he and his twin had departed from Desiderata. However, this time his questions were
fueled by more frustration than they had been in the past.
Sydney shrugged, “I don't know. Strangetown's a bustling place, figure we could pick up
some odd jobs, build a bit of a stash to see us through for a while.”

“Yeah, you can bartend and I can wait tables and a month from now you'll get an itchy foot
and we'll be off to Takemizu.” Lee sighed and then asked his brother, “don't you get tired of
being a stranger?”

“A stranger is only a friend you haven't met yet.” Sydney tossed off the old saying with a
shrug and a grin.

“But, we never stay anywhere long enough to actually make friends.”
“Is this about that blond that was flirting with you last night? Do you want to stay here a
while so you can take a stab at that?” Sydney wiggled his eyebrows. “You know Lee, there
are cute blonds in Strangetown too.”

“What? No, it's not about Ellen or any other woman. It's about me.” Lee set down his
burger and sighed; he wasn't hungry anymore. “Syd I'm tired of carrying everything I own
in a backpack, of never knowing if I'm going to be in the same place next week. I don't
want to keep leaving towns without saying goodbye to anyone, without having anyone to
say goodbye to.”

“What happened to your sense of adventure? Where's your Doran wanderlust?” Sydney
tried to understand.
“I left my sense of adventure in Three Lakes when we were chased by that bear. As for the
wanderlust,” Lee shrugged, “maybe I'm just a mutant. Syd, we've had a great time and
we've seen a lot of places and I'm not asking you to give up your dreams, I just need to
follow my own.”

“Do you want to go home? To Desiderata?”

Lee shook his head, “I don't want to go back, I don't think we can. I want my own home,
not Mom and Dad's home. I'm not going to find it if I'm constantly moving around, never
spending more than a month in any one place.” Lee continued, “I need to plant some
“So are you going to be staying here?” Sydney looked around as they walked to the bus
stop. He kept trying to see what might draw his brother to stay here. “It's a nice place, I

Lee, knowing exactly what his twin was thinking, smiled and just shook his head.
“Remember that town we stopped in last month? Lakeview? Something about that place
just keeps tugging at me. I keep feeling that I need to go back. Give it a chance for a bit,
see if there's something there that will make me want to stay.”

“I remember it. It was a nice place, kinda small though huh?” Sydney gave one of his
patented sneers before relenting. “I'm sure there's something to it, if it's tugging you back.
Even if it's not your final destination you need to give it a try.”
“Well, I guess I knew this day would come.” Syd continued, “I had hoped it would take you
longer to shake me off. What am I gonna do without my sidekick?”

“You'll manage somehow, I'm sure. Without me dragging you down you'll move faster and
go farther.” Lee responded, “question is how am I gonna manage without you leading the

“When the bird takes its first step out of the nest it learns to fly pretty quickly.”

“Flying has always been your specialty Syd, not mine,” Lee said quietly. “I'll leave the
soaring to you. At least for now.”
“Call me when you get to Strangetown, or wherever you end up. Just because I won't be
going with you, doesn't mean I don't want to hear about your adventures.”

“Oi! I'll call so often that you'll complain about the phone bill.” Sydney grabbed Lee in a
hug, “you've always watched out for everyone else. It's time for you to watch out for
yourself. I'll be fine, Lee, don't worry so much.”

Lee nodded, “I know you will, just keep in touch okay? And call Mama sometimes too. She
and Dad need to hear from us all.”

“Alright, alright. I'll call you Sunday, is that good?” The bus driver was honking the horn.
“I need to get on the bus if I don't want my bags to get to Strangetown before I do.”
A few weeks later

It was Tara Kat's day off and she had planned to start the day doing a chore that had been
put off much too long. When Madame had passed away it had been too difficult to
contemplate sorting her things, deciding what should be kept and what should be given
away. Knowing that it was best not to be surrounded constantly by the memories that the
items would bring, Tara's friends had boxed up most of Madame's belonging and put them
away in the attic.

However, the time had come to go through them all. Sam had asked about Madame's tea
set and Herbert had wondered about a book he'd lent the lady in her last days. There were
other items of equal and lesser importance that should be located, dusted off and perhaps
given away.
Tara had started the day with resolve, “As soon as breakfast is done we'll head upstairs.”
That resolve soon turned to “Once I've completed the dishes . . fed the cats . . watered the
plants . . checked the mail . . we'll head upstairs.” Now half the day was gone and she was
playing with the cats rather than seeing to the task at hand. Knowing that continual
procrastination would not make the job easier, she sighed, gave Samantha one last pat,
picked up Faline and went back into the house.

“Come along my loves, we have work to do in the attic today.” Tara said to the two older
cats. She then looked at the kitten in her hands, “and you, my dear, are coming with us. I
will not have you wreaking terror behind my back.” As Faline was known to be a
rambunctious kitten this was not an undue concern.
Tara placed the kitten on the floor and pondered the stacks of boxes in the attic cupola. To
lift her spirits she considered the room itself and determined that once the chore was done
and the boxes departed that the cupola would make a charming reading room. Surrounded
by windows it was sunny and bright with a gorgeous view of the Lake. Possibly it was the
view that had given the town its name – Lakeview.

And that was yet another method of procrastination, thought Tara. Determinedly, she chose
a box and then opened it.
While Tara began searching the boxes, the cats amused themselves. Faline's attempts to
engage Samantha in play were largely ignored though on occasion she would swipe her paw
at the kit to toss her gently aside. Samantha had been trying hard to ignore the young
usurper of her realm, however it was difficult to deny the kit's charm. All kittens are cute,
even to mature cats.
Mickey meanwhile took up a perch in the window seat. It was his favorite spot in the house
and from it he could see most of the town below. There was very little that happened in
Lakeview that Mickey wasn't a witness to. He knew which of the adults had received
promotions and which of the children had gotten an A plus. He watched the green thumbs
turn plots of dirt into thriving gardens and cheered the fishermen who pulled trout from the

Mickey also saw the more troubling side of the town's residents. He knew who hadn't paid
their bills on time and who had pest problems. He had witnessed spouses cheating and
lovers' quarrels. He knew which children should be given more love and which pets
deserved more attention.
Tired of having her tail chased by the kitten, Samantha joined Mickey on the perch. “What
are you watching so intently my love? Surely you are not human watching again, they are
not that captivating.” Samantha considered humans only slightly less interesting than
kittens. They were nice to keep as pets and generally useful for providing squishy food but
she could not understand Mickey's fascination with their day to day goings on.
Mickey chuckled to himself; he adored his partner, but she was such a felinist. “The humans
are of interest to me because they are an interest to Tara. The past while has been difficult
on our pet but I feel as if she is almost ready to move forward. Perhaps down there,” he
inclined his head towards the town below, “is something, or someone, that can help her to
do so.”
“You mean a man?” Samantha scoffed, “it was a man that was behind all of the problems to
begin with. Tara should have listened to Madame and stayed away from men all together.”

“I don't mean a man, necessarily. She needs a distraction, particularly now.” Mickey looked
pointedly at the town below.

Samantha followed his gaze, trying to find what Mickey was seeing. “Why now? She's been
getting along fine as . .” Seeing the movement in front of a house below Samantha stopped
her train of thought. “Ooh!”
“What is it? What is it? Let me see!” The kitten was trying to claw her way up into the seat
along with the other two.

“Oh! Go chase your tail, you little pest!” Samantha hissed at Faline.

“No no, she should see.” Mickey remonstrated his partner. “Help her up and we will start
her education.”

“She's far too young and foolish to be of help.” Samantha stated.

“She is a cat. Tara is her responsibility just as she is now ours.” Mickey declared with an air
of finality. With that statement, Samantha gave in and began assisting the kitten.
Once the kitten was settled between the two older cats, Mickey started quietly speaking.
“We shall begin with the basics and introduce you to the residents of Lakeview.”

“What does residents mean?” asked the kitten.

Mickey chuckled softly, “the animals that live in town and their pets.”

“Now first off on the edge of the lake is where Cyd Roseland and Porthos live. Cyd is a very
good friend of Tara, they were kits together.”

“Cyd's garden doesn't look nearly as nice as it normally does. I hope that everything is
okay with him, we haven't seen him out lately.”

“Tara has been concerned, and while he prefers to stay below, normally he does phone to
chat. She has not heard from him recently.”

Seeing movement at the front of the Roseland house, Samantha twitched her whiskers.
“Well now isn't that interesting?”
“Very interesting indeed,” Mickey agreed. “I suppose that we now know what's been
occupying Cyd's time. New kittens need a lot of attention.”

“I wonder if Tara knows?”

“I'm sure she must, new kittens are always big news.”

“I haven't seen her take a gift out though. I'm sure that if she knew she'd have been down
to welcome it. The last time there was a new kitten in town, Tara was down at the Ottomas'
the next day with a dollhouse.”
“Speaking of the Ottomas family, Sam seems to be mighty proud of David today. I wonder
what he has accomplished this time? Most likely another A, whatever that means.” Mickey
considered human school and the achievements that kits accomplished there to be very
confusing. Why did humans need to know such silly things as math and spelling?

Faline looked at Mickey, then cocked her head at Samantha. “Why are you proud of the
human kit?”

Samantha swiped her paw at the kitten. “I have never allowed my name to be shortened in
that manner.” Samantha sniffed, “calling someone by a diminutive name is a human thing.
Cats are above such nonsense.”
Chastised, Faline ducked her head, “then who is Sam?”

“Sam is the name by which Samantha Ottomas is generally called. See her there? That's
her oldest, David, fresh home from school. The little one rolling around with the furry lump
is called Sharla. I suppose that Sam's mate, Peter, is at the station-house. Ms. Dora
appears to have been baking, for she has a treat for David.” Mickey listed off the members
of the Ottomas clan for the kitten.

“Unless it is tuna pie, I'm not interested,” declared Samantha.

“Ms. Dora is the best cook in town,” Mickey demurred. “I believe that I would even eat
lemons if she baked them.”
When the other two cats just looked at him in disgust, Mickey quickly changed the subject
and moved on to the next house. “As we noticed earlier it seems as if Trent and Trisha have
returned home. I wonder if Tara has heard?”

Samantha looked over her shoulder to where Tara was sorting books, “I would think she
mustn't know yet. I do wonder what her reaction will be when she does learn of it? Surely
she's forgotten him by now.”

“Humans can be odd about their attachments, I do hope she hears of his return before she
sees him. It would not do for there to be a public scene.”

“Why would there be a scene?” The kitten wondered.
Mickey sighed, “once upon a time, Tara thought he would be her mate. Now, he has a mate
but it is not her.”

“What happened?”

“He couldn't stay, she couldn't leave.” Mickey explained simply.

“He was a scoundrel.” Was Samantha's verdict.

“No my love, he was just a boy.” Mickey placed his paw on top of Samantha's paw. “Let us
not pass judgment until we see what happens. We always liked Trent before, didn't we?”
Samantha grudgingly agreed and then moved the groups' attention to another house. “The
Travellers aren't the only family that has recently returned home. Robert Kim has brought
his wife and family back to Lakeview.”

“I don't know why he decided to return. I would think that Lakeview would be very boring
compared to the city life they had.” Mickey said with an aside to the kitten, “Tara and Sam
were constantly reading about them in the tabloid magazines.”

“Robert believes that 'Simmywood is no place to raise a kit.' He wants the boy to benefit
from the same wholesome environment that he had growing up,” confided Samantha.

“Where did you hear that?” It was not often that Samantha knew something that he did
“Went down and said my welcomes to Cheech and Gabby. I wanted to see what type of
creatures they are.” She was pleased to see that she had surprised Mickey.


“Cheech is quite full of himself, can you believe he offered to paw a napkin for me? Like I'd
have any use for a napkin with a paw print on it.” Samantha giggled and twitched her ears.

“Poor fellow, so used to adoration from humans that he doesn't know how to behave himself
around sensible animals.” Mickey felt pity for the cat, “what about the dog?”

“She's quite alright,” was Samantha's reply. Then she sniffed, “for a dog that is.”
Mickey twitched his whiskers, “such high praise from you my sweet. I shall have to take
time to visit with this paragon of a canine.”

“Hardly a paragon, just more . . . sensible than most canines of my acquaintance.”
Samantha eyed a pair of dogs in the town below; “The Critturs are a perfect example of
typical canine behavior.”

“They are high spirited aren't they?” Mickey concurred, “Danny and Sarah spent enough
time on the road to be happy with the home they've found. Perhaps we would be overly
exuberant in the same situation. Not all are as lucky as you, and have inherited their pet
from a parent.”
“Their pets seem to enjoy their antics though. They've been quite lavished with affection
since finding the Picassos.” Samantha noted, “Matthew must be on his way to the station-
house, I think Danny hopes to join the crew along with Spotty.”

“It takes a special breed to remain calm in the face of emergency. I feel Danny would be
prone to howling along with the sirens. Not much help in that.” Mused Mickey before
continuing, “Spotty's the bravest dog I have yet to meet. I heard he rescued some kittens
from a fire last week, went right in through the smoke when he heard them crying.”

“Do you think that they are okay? Will humans be found for the kittens, do you think?”
Faline could feel pity for human-less kits now that she'd found her own.
“Perhaps Tiramasu will share her human with one of them? Her house is much larger than
she and her pet need for themselves,” Mickey considered.

“Humph, have you ever known Tiramasu to share so much as a crunchy with another cat?
Much as I dislike speaking ill of other felines, Tiramasu needs to learn manners.” Being
unwilling to share your crunchies with other cats was the epitome of bad behavior in
Samantha's eyes.
“It's difficult for a cat to learn manners when their human caters to its every whim. Julian
should just say no on occasion. Being overly pampered is Tiramasu's problem.”

“Do you think he really fixes Trout Almondine for her upon request?” Samantha glanced
over her shoulder, “Tara can generally understand when we are requesting a meal.
However, I specifically asked for beefies this morning and received fishies instead.”

“She tries. But humans don't always pay close enough attention to understand. I highly
doubt that Julian is even as capable as our Tara is at communicating.” Mickey knew that
Tara was a particularly gifted human when it came to felines. “I believe, my love, that
Tiramasu was bragging in order to ruffle your fur.”
“Can we please quit talking about Tiramasu? I'll be off my dinner for a week just thinking
about that obnoxious she cat.” Samantha said sourly.

“What about them?” asked Faline as her eyes watched the door to a house nearby open.
“Who are they?”

“Oh! That would be the Gavigans. The Mister must have come home for lunch today and is
heading back downtown to his office.” Mickey nodded and then continued, “we don't know
the Gavigans very well, they don't have any animals that live with them.”
“Why don't they?” Faline asked, she could not imagine a human without an animal to share
their life.

“Not everyone does, but life is better all around when humans and animals share homes
with each other.” She might occasionally complain, but Samantha was very happy to have
Tara for a pet. “Maybe, when the child is older, they will find an animal companion for him.
Personally, I believe it is best when the animal is first. That way proper dominance is
established more quickly.”
“The Ramaswamis seem to be of the same belief, dearest.” Mickey inclined his head
towards a small group outside another house. “It looks as if Officer Melanie is bringing a
new friend for us.”

“Oh, I do hope it is another cat.   There are too many dogs in this town as is.” Samantha
said as she peered below.

“You, my sweet, would think one dog was too many.”

“No, one dog is just right. We felines need someone to acknowledge our superiority.”
Samantha chuckled. “Plus, dogs are good for slavish obedience.”
“Not to worry dear, it appears to be a kit rather than a pup.” Mickey pointed out, “and she
appears to be a stellar example of the feline breed.”

“What's her name?” asked Faline.

“I do not yet know,” replied Mickey. “We shall have to venture down soon and find out.”

Faline considered this, “but I thought you knew everything Mickey.”

“Not quite child,” was Mickey's amused reply. “I do not think that it is possible to actually
know everything, though we can try.”
“Okay wise one, why don't you tell us about the new guy down there?” Samantha asked
mockingly, pointing her paw towards the last house on the row.

“Ahh Mr. Doran is a bit of an enigma.” Mickey stated as he considered the subject in
question, “he arrived in town a short while ago and took up a job at the station-house.
While he seems personable enough, I do not know why he came to Lakeview.”
“It is a bit odd isn't it? Very few humans choose to come to town with no previous ties.”
Samantha thought about the families in town, “Most of the humans that live here grew up
here, or their mates did. There are a few that came to Lakeview to take a job; but I've
heard that Mr. Doran did not acquire his position at the station-house until he had already
been here for a short while.”

“This is true.” Replied Mickey, and then he continued, “I asked Spotty about him. But, you
know how close-mouthed Spotty is about the humans he works with; all he would say is
that Lee is nice and does his job well. For a rookie.”
“Perhaps, he will find an animal companion soon and we can learn more about him.”
Samantha said before turning from the window and curling up on window seat, “and now
that we are done it is time for my nap.”

“Is that all of them?” asked Faline, feeling a bit let down that story-time was over.
“That is all that we can see from here,” replied Mickey with a yawn; for indeed it was nap
time. “The only ones remaining are the Goodies. They live next door, so you'll be sure to
meet them as soon as you are able to traverse the stairs out front.”

“Tell me about them Mickey, please,” Faline begged.

“Well alright, I'll tell you a bit.” Mickey agreed, “You'll like Mrs. Goodie as she is almost
always outside in the garden or the greenhouse and she generally has time for a rub or a
nice chat.”
“Mr. Goodie is nice enough as well but he is away quite often, traveling for his job.” Mickey
continued, “oh and they have a dog companion named Bela.”

Samantha opened one eye, “Bela is a yappy dog. Much too hyperactive for my tastes,
always getting into mischief.”

“The mischief is fairly harmless and it amuses the Goodies.” Mickey yawned, “and now it is
nap time. If you are not going to nap Faline you should go entertain yourself.”

“Can I go outside and play?” Faline asked her elders.
“As long as Tara has no objection, I assume it would be acceptable.” Was Mickey's reply,
“but stay on the balcony.”

Tara seemed to have no objections when Faline asked for permission to go out. She was too
engrossed in her reading to do more than flick her eyes towards the kitten and say “I'll feed
you in a little bit kitty, now go play.”
Faline scampered out the door, leaving Tara and her feline friends to their own occupation.
Upon reaching the balcony she momentarily sat oddly still, taking in the sights and smells of
the outdoor world. While the balcony did not have quite the same view as the front
windows did, looking towards the hills rather than the lake, it was an enjoyable place for a
kitten to spend time. It was particularly nice in the late afternoon when the sun's warmth
permeated the stones. Perhaps, here in the sun, she would indeed take an afternoon nap.

Before she could curl up however, she spied a slight fluttering of yellow and brown to the
side of the balcony. The kitten crouched, her entire body twitching, before leaping towards
the butterfly that had been sunning itself upon the tiles.
Nothing can provide entertainment for a kitten as a group of butterflies can. Faline leaped
and pounced chasing the small creatures up and down the length of the balcony. She could
never quite catch one but she was determined to continue trying. Even butterflies can be
worn out by a kitten's endless energy and before long they attempted escape on the
branches of the nearby tree. Their defection daunted the kitten for only a short while,
before she leaped after them once again.
“I suppose you think we should do something to help her?”

“Of course we need to do something!” Mickey peered down at the wailing kitten. “Bother,
this is all my fault, I should have been out here keeping an eye on things.”

“It is not your fault love, you did tell her to stay on the balcony. And that is not the
Welcome to the town of Lakeview, home of the Boolpropian Round Robin's eleventh
generation of Dorans. Now that you've met the residents, we can get on with the story. I
should hopefully have the first chapter ready soon(ish).

My name is Ndainye or Jenn and I'll be narrating this generation's story. I want to pass
along my thank you to all of the narrators of the previous generations heirs and spares.
You've all done such wonderful jobs and I'm honored to a part of the project. I appreciate
all of the support that both the collaborators and the readers of the project have given.

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BPRRL Generation 11 Prologue

  • 1.
  • 2. “Is it time?” The youngest, and most impatient, asked. “Soon,” replied the eldest and wisest. “Have patience young one.” “Pay attention!” Snapped the leader, who was neither young nor old. “We await the call.”
  • 3. And when the call was heard . . .
  • 4. The wolves responded. For it was time! ~~--~~~--~~
  • 5. “Time to get moving bro, bus will be here in an hour. We've just got time to grab our stuff.” Sydney Doran slid into the booth where his twin brother, Lee, was eating lunch. “I'm not going,” Lee said with as much resolve as he could manage. “What do you mean you're not going?” Sydney was baffled, Lee so rarely disputed his plans. “I got us tickets to Strangetown, we'll be in the desert by Saturday.” “What happens when we get to Strangetown? How long are you planning to stay there? A couple days? Maybe a week?” Lee asked the same questions that he had asked repeatedly since he and his twin had departed from Desiderata. However, this time his questions were fueled by more frustration than they had been in the past.
  • 6. Sydney shrugged, “I don't know. Strangetown's a bustling place, figure we could pick up some odd jobs, build a bit of a stash to see us through for a while.” “Yeah, you can bartend and I can wait tables and a month from now you'll get an itchy foot and we'll be off to Takemizu.” Lee sighed and then asked his brother, “don't you get tired of being a stranger?” “A stranger is only a friend you haven't met yet.” Sydney tossed off the old saying with a shrug and a grin. “But, we never stay anywhere long enough to actually make friends.”
  • 7. “Is this about that blond that was flirting with you last night? Do you want to stay here a while so you can take a stab at that?” Sydney wiggled his eyebrows. “You know Lee, there are cute blonds in Strangetown too.” “What? No, it's not about Ellen or any other woman. It's about me.” Lee set down his burger and sighed; he wasn't hungry anymore. “Syd I'm tired of carrying everything I own in a backpack, of never knowing if I'm going to be in the same place next week. I don't want to keep leaving towns without saying goodbye to anyone, without having anyone to say goodbye to.” “What happened to your sense of adventure? Where's your Doran wanderlust?” Sydney tried to understand.
  • 8. “I left my sense of adventure in Three Lakes when we were chased by that bear. As for the wanderlust,” Lee shrugged, “maybe I'm just a mutant. Syd, we've had a great time and we've seen a lot of places and I'm not asking you to give up your dreams, I just need to follow my own.” “Do you want to go home? To Desiderata?” Lee shook his head, “I don't want to go back, I don't think we can. I want my own home, not Mom and Dad's home. I'm not going to find it if I'm constantly moving around, never spending more than a month in any one place.” Lee continued, “I need to plant some roots.” ~~--~~~--~~
  • 9. “So are you going to be staying here?” Sydney looked around as they walked to the bus stop. He kept trying to see what might draw his brother to stay here. “It's a nice place, I guess.” Lee, knowing exactly what his twin was thinking, smiled and just shook his head. “Remember that town we stopped in last month? Lakeview? Something about that place just keeps tugging at me. I keep feeling that I need to go back. Give it a chance for a bit, see if there's something there that will make me want to stay.” “I remember it. It was a nice place, kinda small though huh?” Sydney gave one of his patented sneers before relenting. “I'm sure there's something to it, if it's tugging you back. Even if it's not your final destination you need to give it a try.”
  • 10. “Well, I guess I knew this day would come.” Syd continued, “I had hoped it would take you longer to shake me off. What am I gonna do without my sidekick?” “You'll manage somehow, I'm sure. Without me dragging you down you'll move faster and go farther.” Lee responded, “question is how am I gonna manage without you leading the way?” “When the bird takes its first step out of the nest it learns to fly pretty quickly.” “Flying has always been your specialty Syd, not mine,” Lee said quietly. “I'll leave the soaring to you. At least for now.”
  • 11. “Call me when you get to Strangetown, or wherever you end up. Just because I won't be going with you, doesn't mean I don't want to hear about your adventures.” “Oi! I'll call so often that you'll complain about the phone bill.” Sydney grabbed Lee in a hug, “you've always watched out for everyone else. It's time for you to watch out for yourself. I'll be fine, Lee, don't worry so much.” Lee nodded, “I know you will, just keep in touch okay? And call Mama sometimes too. She and Dad need to hear from us all.” “Alright, alright. I'll call you Sunday, is that good?” The bus driver was honking the horn. “I need to get on the bus if I don't want my bags to get to Strangetown before I do.”
  • 13. A few weeks later It was Tara Kat's day off and she had planned to start the day doing a chore that had been put off much too long. When Madame had passed away it had been too difficult to contemplate sorting her things, deciding what should be kept and what should be given away. Knowing that it was best not to be surrounded constantly by the memories that the items would bring, Tara's friends had boxed up most of Madame's belonging and put them away in the attic. However, the time had come to go through them all. Sam had asked about Madame's tea set and Herbert had wondered about a book he'd lent the lady in her last days. There were other items of equal and lesser importance that should be located, dusted off and perhaps given away.
  • 14. Tara had started the day with resolve, “As soon as breakfast is done we'll head upstairs.” That resolve soon turned to “Once I've completed the dishes . . fed the cats . . watered the plants . . checked the mail . . we'll head upstairs.” Now half the day was gone and she was playing with the cats rather than seeing to the task at hand. Knowing that continual procrastination would not make the job easier, she sighed, gave Samantha one last pat, picked up Faline and went back into the house. “Come along my loves, we have work to do in the attic today.” Tara said to the two older cats. She then looked at the kitten in her hands, “and you, my dear, are coming with us. I will not have you wreaking terror behind my back.” As Faline was known to be a rambunctious kitten this was not an undue concern.
  • 15. Tara placed the kitten on the floor and pondered the stacks of boxes in the attic cupola. To lift her spirits she considered the room itself and determined that once the chore was done and the boxes departed that the cupola would make a charming reading room. Surrounded by windows it was sunny and bright with a gorgeous view of the Lake. Possibly it was the view that had given the town its name – Lakeview. And that was yet another method of procrastination, thought Tara. Determinedly, she chose a box and then opened it.
  • 16. While Tara began searching the boxes, the cats amused themselves. Faline's attempts to engage Samantha in play were largely ignored though on occasion she would swipe her paw at the kit to toss her gently aside. Samantha had been trying hard to ignore the young usurper of her realm, however it was difficult to deny the kit's charm. All kittens are cute, even to mature cats.
  • 17. Mickey meanwhile took up a perch in the window seat. It was his favorite spot in the house and from it he could see most of the town below. There was very little that happened in Lakeview that Mickey wasn't a witness to. He knew which of the adults had received promotions and which of the children had gotten an A plus. He watched the green thumbs turn plots of dirt into thriving gardens and cheered the fishermen who pulled trout from the lake. Mickey also saw the more troubling side of the town's residents. He knew who hadn't paid their bills on time and who had pest problems. He had witnessed spouses cheating and lovers' quarrels. He knew which children should be given more love and which pets deserved more attention.
  • 18. Tired of having her tail chased by the kitten, Samantha joined Mickey on the perch. “What are you watching so intently my love? Surely you are not human watching again, they are not that captivating.” Samantha considered humans only slightly less interesting than kittens. They were nice to keep as pets and generally useful for providing squishy food but she could not understand Mickey's fascination with their day to day goings on.
  • 19. Mickey chuckled to himself; he adored his partner, but she was such a felinist. “The humans are of interest to me because they are an interest to Tara. The past while has been difficult on our pet but I feel as if she is almost ready to move forward. Perhaps down there,” he inclined his head towards the town below, “is something, or someone, that can help her to do so.”
  • 20. “You mean a man?” Samantha scoffed, “it was a man that was behind all of the problems to begin with. Tara should have listened to Madame and stayed away from men all together.” “I don't mean a man, necessarily. She needs a distraction, particularly now.” Mickey looked pointedly at the town below. Samantha followed his gaze, trying to find what Mickey was seeing. “Why now? She's been getting along fine as . .” Seeing the movement in front of a house below Samantha stopped her train of thought. “Ooh!”
  • 21. “What is it? What is it? Let me see!” The kitten was trying to claw her way up into the seat along with the other two. “Oh! Go chase your tail, you little pest!” Samantha hissed at Faline. “No no, she should see.” Mickey remonstrated his partner. “Help her up and we will start her education.” “She's far too young and foolish to be of help.” Samantha stated. “She is a cat. Tara is her responsibility just as she is now ours.” Mickey declared with an air of finality. With that statement, Samantha gave in and began assisting the kitten.
  • 22. Once the kitten was settled between the two older cats, Mickey started quietly speaking. “We shall begin with the basics and introduce you to the residents of Lakeview.” “What does residents mean?” asked the kitten. Mickey chuckled softly, “the animals that live in town and their pets.” “Oh!”
  • 23. “Now first off on the edge of the lake is where Cyd Roseland and Porthos live. Cyd is a very good friend of Tara, they were kits together.” “Cyd's garden doesn't look nearly as nice as it normally does. I hope that everything is okay with him, we haven't seen him out lately.” “Tara has been concerned, and while he prefers to stay below, normally he does phone to chat. She has not heard from him recently.” Seeing movement at the front of the Roseland house, Samantha twitched her whiskers. “Well now isn't that interesting?”
  • 24. “Very interesting indeed,” Mickey agreed. “I suppose that we now know what's been occupying Cyd's time. New kittens need a lot of attention.” “I wonder if Tara knows?” “I'm sure she must, new kittens are always big news.” “I haven't seen her take a gift out though. I'm sure that if she knew she'd have been down to welcome it. The last time there was a new kitten in town, Tara was down at the Ottomas' the next day with a dollhouse.”
  • 25. “Speaking of the Ottomas family, Sam seems to be mighty proud of David today. I wonder what he has accomplished this time? Most likely another A, whatever that means.” Mickey considered human school and the achievements that kits accomplished there to be very confusing. Why did humans need to know such silly things as math and spelling? Faline looked at Mickey, then cocked her head at Samantha. “Why are you proud of the human kit?” Samantha swiped her paw at the kitten. “I have never allowed my name to be shortened in that manner.” Samantha sniffed, “calling someone by a diminutive name is a human thing. Cats are above such nonsense.”
  • 26. Chastised, Faline ducked her head, “then who is Sam?” “Sam is the name by which Samantha Ottomas is generally called. See her there? That's her oldest, David, fresh home from school. The little one rolling around with the furry lump is called Sharla. I suppose that Sam's mate, Peter, is at the station-house. Ms. Dora appears to have been baking, for she has a treat for David.” Mickey listed off the members of the Ottomas clan for the kitten. “Unless it is tuna pie, I'm not interested,” declared Samantha. “Ms. Dora is the best cook in town,” Mickey demurred. “I believe that I would even eat lemons if she baked them.”
  • 27. When the other two cats just looked at him in disgust, Mickey quickly changed the subject and moved on to the next house. “As we noticed earlier it seems as if Trent and Trisha have returned home. I wonder if Tara has heard?” Samantha looked over her shoulder to where Tara was sorting books, “I would think she mustn't know yet. I do wonder what her reaction will be when she does learn of it? Surely she's forgotten him by now.” “Humans can be odd about their attachments, I do hope she hears of his return before she sees him. It would not do for there to be a public scene.” “Why would there be a scene?” The kitten wondered.
  • 28. Mickey sighed, “once upon a time, Tara thought he would be her mate. Now, he has a mate but it is not her.” “What happened?” “He couldn't stay, she couldn't leave.” Mickey explained simply. “He was a scoundrel.” Was Samantha's verdict. “No my love, he was just a boy.” Mickey placed his paw on top of Samantha's paw. “Let us not pass judgment until we see what happens. We always liked Trent before, didn't we?”
  • 29. Samantha grudgingly agreed and then moved the groups' attention to another house. “The Travellers aren't the only family that has recently returned home. Robert Kim has brought his wife and family back to Lakeview.” “I don't know why he decided to return. I would think that Lakeview would be very boring compared to the city life they had.” Mickey said with an aside to the kitten, “Tara and Sam were constantly reading about them in the tabloid magazines.” “Robert believes that 'Simmywood is no place to raise a kit.' He wants the boy to benefit from the same wholesome environment that he had growing up,” confided Samantha. “Where did you hear that?” It was not often that Samantha knew something that he did not.
  • 30. “Went down and said my welcomes to Cheech and Gabby. I wanted to see what type of creatures they are.” She was pleased to see that she had surprised Mickey. “And?” “Cheech is quite full of himself, can you believe he offered to paw a napkin for me? Like I'd have any use for a napkin with a paw print on it.” Samantha giggled and twitched her ears. “Poor fellow, so used to adoration from humans that he doesn't know how to behave himself around sensible animals.” Mickey felt pity for the cat, “what about the dog?” “She's quite alright,” was Samantha's reply. Then she sniffed, “for a dog that is.”
  • 31. Mickey twitched his whiskers, “such high praise from you my sweet. I shall have to take time to visit with this paragon of a canine.” “Hardly a paragon, just more . . . sensible than most canines of my acquaintance.” Samantha eyed a pair of dogs in the town below; “The Critturs are a perfect example of typical canine behavior.” “They are high spirited aren't they?” Mickey concurred, “Danny and Sarah spent enough time on the road to be happy with the home they've found. Perhaps we would be overly exuberant in the same situation. Not all are as lucky as you, and have inherited their pet from a parent.”
  • 32. “Their pets seem to enjoy their antics though. They've been quite lavished with affection since finding the Picassos.” Samantha noted, “Matthew must be on his way to the station- house, I think Danny hopes to join the crew along with Spotty.” “It takes a special breed to remain calm in the face of emergency. I feel Danny would be prone to howling along with the sirens. Not much help in that.” Mused Mickey before continuing, “Spotty's the bravest dog I have yet to meet. I heard he rescued some kittens from a fire last week, went right in through the smoke when he heard them crying.” “Do you think that they are okay? Will humans be found for the kittens, do you think?” Faline could feel pity for human-less kits now that she'd found her own.
  • 33. “Perhaps Tiramasu will share her human with one of them? Her house is much larger than she and her pet need for themselves,” Mickey considered. “Humph, have you ever known Tiramasu to share so much as a crunchy with another cat? Much as I dislike speaking ill of other felines, Tiramasu needs to learn manners.” Being unwilling to share your crunchies with other cats was the epitome of bad behavior in Samantha's eyes.
  • 34. “It's difficult for a cat to learn manners when their human caters to its every whim. Julian should just say no on occasion. Being overly pampered is Tiramasu's problem.” “Do you think he really fixes Trout Almondine for her upon request?” Samantha glanced over her shoulder, “Tara can generally understand when we are requesting a meal. However, I specifically asked for beefies this morning and received fishies instead.” “She tries. But humans don't always pay close enough attention to understand. I highly doubt that Julian is even as capable as our Tara is at communicating.” Mickey knew that Tara was a particularly gifted human when it came to felines. “I believe, my love, that Tiramasu was bragging in order to ruffle your fur.”
  • 35. “Can we please quit talking about Tiramasu? I'll be off my dinner for a week just thinking about that obnoxious she cat.” Samantha said sourly. “What about them?” asked Faline as her eyes watched the door to a house nearby open. “Who are they?” “Oh! That would be the Gavigans. The Mister must have come home for lunch today and is heading back downtown to his office.” Mickey nodded and then continued, “we don't know the Gavigans very well, they don't have any animals that live with them.”
  • 36. “Why don't they?” Faline asked, she could not imagine a human without an animal to share their life. “Not everyone does, but life is better all around when humans and animals share homes with each other.” She might occasionally complain, but Samantha was very happy to have Tara for a pet. “Maybe, when the child is older, they will find an animal companion for him. Personally, I believe it is best when the animal is first. That way proper dominance is established more quickly.”
  • 37. “The Ramaswamis seem to be of the same belief, dearest.” Mickey inclined his head towards a small group outside another house. “It looks as if Officer Melanie is bringing a new friend for us.” “Oh, I do hope it is another cat. There are too many dogs in this town as is.” Samantha said as she peered below. “You, my sweet, would think one dog was too many.” “No, one dog is just right. We felines need someone to acknowledge our superiority.” Samantha chuckled. “Plus, dogs are good for slavish obedience.”
  • 38. “Not to worry dear, it appears to be a kit rather than a pup.” Mickey pointed out, “and she appears to be a stellar example of the feline breed.” “What's her name?” asked Faline. “I do not yet know,” replied Mickey. “We shall have to venture down soon and find out.” Faline considered this, “but I thought you knew everything Mickey.” “Not quite child,” was Mickey's amused reply. “I do not think that it is possible to actually know everything, though we can try.”
  • 39. “Okay wise one, why don't you tell us about the new guy down there?” Samantha asked mockingly, pointing her paw towards the last house on the row. “Ahh Mr. Doran is a bit of an enigma.” Mickey stated as he considered the subject in question, “he arrived in town a short while ago and took up a job at the station-house. While he seems personable enough, I do not know why he came to Lakeview.”
  • 40. “It is a bit odd isn't it? Very few humans choose to come to town with no previous ties.” Samantha thought about the families in town, “Most of the humans that live here grew up here, or their mates did. There are a few that came to Lakeview to take a job; but I've heard that Mr. Doran did not acquire his position at the station-house until he had already been here for a short while.” “This is true.” Replied Mickey, and then he continued, “I asked Spotty about him. But, you know how close-mouthed Spotty is about the humans he works with; all he would say is that Lee is nice and does his job well. For a rookie.”
  • 41. “Perhaps, he will find an animal companion soon and we can learn more about him.” Samantha said before turning from the window and curling up on window seat, “and now that we are done it is time for my nap.” “Is that all of them?” asked Faline, feeling a bit let down that story-time was over.
  • 42. “That is all that we can see from here,” replied Mickey with a yawn; for indeed it was nap time. “The only ones remaining are the Goodies. They live next door, so you'll be sure to meet them as soon as you are able to traverse the stairs out front.” “Tell me about them Mickey, please,” Faline begged. “Well alright, I'll tell you a bit.” Mickey agreed, “You'll like Mrs. Goodie as she is almost always outside in the garden or the greenhouse and she generally has time for a rub or a nice chat.”
  • 43. “Mr. Goodie is nice enough as well but he is away quite often, traveling for his job.” Mickey continued, “oh and they have a dog companion named Bela.” Samantha opened one eye, “Bela is a yappy dog. Much too hyperactive for my tastes, always getting into mischief.” “The mischief is fairly harmless and it amuses the Goodies.” Mickey yawned, “and now it is nap time. If you are not going to nap Faline you should go entertain yourself.” “Can I go outside and play?” Faline asked her elders.
  • 44. “As long as Tara has no objection, I assume it would be acceptable.” Was Mickey's reply, “but stay on the balcony.” Tara seemed to have no objections when Faline asked for permission to go out. She was too engrossed in her reading to do more than flick her eyes towards the kitten and say “I'll feed you in a little bit kitty, now go play.”
  • 45. Faline scampered out the door, leaving Tara and her feline friends to their own occupation. Upon reaching the balcony she momentarily sat oddly still, taking in the sights and smells of the outdoor world. While the balcony did not have quite the same view as the front windows did, looking towards the hills rather than the lake, it was an enjoyable place for a kitten to spend time. It was particularly nice in the late afternoon when the sun's warmth permeated the stones. Perhaps, here in the sun, she would indeed take an afternoon nap. Before she could curl up however, she spied a slight fluttering of yellow and brown to the side of the balcony. The kitten crouched, her entire body twitching, before leaping towards the butterfly that had been sunning itself upon the tiles.
  • 46. Nothing can provide entertainment for a kitten as a group of butterflies can. Faline leaped and pounced chasing the small creatures up and down the length of the balcony. She could never quite catch one but she was determined to continue trying. Even butterflies can be worn out by a kitten's endless energy and before long they attempted escape on the branches of the nearby tree. Their defection daunted the kitten for only a short while, before she leaped after them once again.
  • 47. “I suppose you think we should do something to help her?” “Of course we need to do something!” Mickey peered down at the wailing kitten. “Bother, this is all my fault, I should have been out here keeping an eye on things.” “It is not your fault love, you did tell her to stay on the balcony. And that is not the balcony.”
  • 48. Welcome to the town of Lakeview, home of the Boolpropian Round Robin's eleventh generation of Dorans. Now that you've met the residents, we can get on with the story. I should hopefully have the first chapter ready soon(ish). My name is Ndainye or Jenn and I'll be narrating this generation's story. I want to pass along my thank you to all of the narrators of the previous generations heirs and spares. You've all done such wonderful jobs and I'm honored to a part of the project. I appreciate all of the support that both the collaborators and the readers of the project have given.