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Conversation started July 16, 2015
7/16, 10:16pm
HI The messiah here, you may be thinking of taking on my
steam engine, and of course I can bring out the truth about
Clairvoyance and lead people to their Guardian Angles and
7/16, 10:19pm
Would you be able to do the opposite of what you do for
women? Glorify them. Put them in Roman dresses, Hunting
out fits, or safari out fits, instead of skimpy bikinis. Make your
women curvaceous, busty, and hips to die for? This is the way
a woman should be. A woman should not look cheap and
starve herself.
7/16, 10:19pm
All over the world women starve themselves, because of the
way the media portray them.
7/16, 10:21pm
I have the new age bibles, a clairvoyant Manual channeled by
God. Nostradamus was also my earlier teachings. And the
story written over 20 years, which I am still writing. It has in
it, what the Psychics have to say, Gods Readings, and how I
went about pulling off a steam engine, and a music career. Also
Elvis Presley is my Teacher.
7/16, 10:22pm
Please think it over,
I live in Carina Brisbane 07 3843 641
7/16, 10:25pm
Hopefully my web site, will see to you that I am not full of shit,
as I do have my music on my web, and what I plan to do? Plus
we want to put the smokes back on the market. Cancer is
caused by Negativity. The Government are trying to make
money and are full of "Shit" May be you could do two of my
songs. "Some thing an't quite right fella, " and "Smokes on
7/16, 11:00pm
I backed an Inventor for 25 yrs, I paid for his rent, food, rego,
electricity , phone, paid when we went out for drinks,
supplied him a car, and I paid for some parts for the invention
plus legal’s. For 25 yrs, until he got too sick and died of Cancer.
7/16, 11:03pm
The inventor always smelt of Bo, He would have a shower
once a year. Never brought razors, shampoo, soap powder,
deodorant, wore the same undies until the elastic went, and
went to bed in the same clothes he wore that day, until they
were really too smelly and dirty to wear. Had brown false
teeth, refused to buy tooth brushes. Caught him once going
through my garbage, for a old worn tooth brush, to clean his
teeth. May have had a date? This is what God got me to back;
He also had no real intentions of pulling off that invention. He
was Spiritual, but used his ideas to feather his own pocket,
Free Lodgings. Not all lost, which God probably had in mind? I
leant over the years the ropes of the industry.
7/16, 11:03pm
The Inventor died about a year ago from cancer.
 7/16, 11:06pm
My Guides a few months ago told me to get vertical blinds, I
said I could not afford them, and did not really want them.
They told me if you don't get them we will take the money from
you Within 5 minutes of the installer being here, he told me he
was an Inventor for fuel saving devices. He's not spiritual but
was getting goose bumps all over his body. So I am looking at
his inventions to pull off, with my Boys help as well. My boys
are mechanically minded and work in the mines. One the
eldest is an Engineer and a Supervisor in charge of the on
goings in the mines.
7/16, 11:09pm
I have been in a Spiritual courtship with an entertainer for
about 25 years, keeping my legs crossed and not looking
elsewhere. I do not know if this man is coming forward or
not. My Medium Teacher did say when the Invention is up and
running and not quite there your man will be there also your
music. They have also been looking at Ricky Martin and
Robbie Williams. So I'm a bit confused as to who my man is.
I've been writing to him for 20 years and have put it into a book
The New Age Bible, the story. I have been on my own since I
was 21 yrs with two boys, I am now 50 my birthday 7 7
7/16, 11:10pm
I smoke like a trooper, Electronic Smokes now; as I cannot
afford the other its equivalent to about 70 smokes a day I
have no lung problems or heath issues.
I believe my Teacher did a spell on me and I lived in a haunted
house for 25 yrs , until God came on board and told me about
my Teacher, and how to lift the spell off, Get rid of the
Negative energies, and the Demons and spirits.
I would like you to back my invention and what I have to offer.
Think it over
07 3843 6419
Carina Brisbane
July 19, 2015
7/19, 5:45pm
Travers Did you take note of the fashion tips on the Roman
Christ movie, whatever it was? Sunday night, bet ya did My
Guides are on to you Out of absolute sheer boredom I bet?
7/19, 6:00pm
I WATCHED A SHOW, Chris Angle, how he levitates, I know
instantly that he was to be my master
didn’t Jesus levitate, somebody has to teach me, got to know
a few tricks
September 18, 2015
9/18, 6:45pm
Your Reading
Readings are by Charmaine
Readings are for Travers Beynon
For his Entertainment Only,
Readings are from the Spirit World
18th September 2015
No you’re not going mad, you’re going insane, I told you to
watch yourself, your looking at the book and laughing your
head off, Good boy , you see the picture.
I would write you off, if I could see straight, but I'm going with
the flow and doing what I'm told.
9/18, 6:49pm
1 Year a way , you will be telling everybody how you feel about
a beautiful lady, she's one of the past but not this time around,
she loves you dearly and has no dependents, may be they are
grown up? I hate to say it, but your good looking and have
grown in to a beautiful man.
9/18, 6:50pm
The last time you talk to her was over dinner, and it was not
nice, she’s coming in to the picture, again, there will be no
divorce. I recommend you swing that way, you will never be
bored and change your ways for the better. The bedroom
stakes have never been so good.
9/18, 6:53pm
The Media are not smiling at you and have written you off,
don’t worry use your imagination and they will come running.
Get women with long red hair a real stunner, she will flaunt her
looks and boy looks out, everybody wants to know you. The
smokes have a way of destroying you but that is only bad
temper people, people will get on with it and smokes will be
back in fashion , may take 10 years sooner or later, The
Government and piss off, and they will, let by gons be by gons
they say, and they walk away.
9/18, 6:56pm
Mechanic on car, sports vehicle, will take you for a ride and
won't come back; he thinks you owe it to him? You might
have to "Sue" him? it’s a late model but a beauty. He'll be
looking at that car, and saying "That’s mine" He’s a carpenter
of sorts and has done some work for you, He’s penny pinching,
well you will cop it sweet between the balls. Watch what you
say to him, he may have a tape recorder, any way it’s going to
land you in court.
9/18, 6:56pm
Bye for now sweet heart, hope good things come your way
Give you another reading when the Guides tell me too.
07 3843 6419 Carina Brisbane
September 21, 2015
9/21, 9:32pm
Readings by Charmaine
Readings are for Travers Beynon, for his Entertainment Only
Readings are from The Spirit World
22nd September, 2015
9/21, 9:43pm
Well, what a day we are having, no complaints, got your rocks
off aye in a good way, what does that mean, he says? Well its
coming in a white dress all prettied up, look geourgous, and
yellow trimmings for good times, you will love her, forever and
ever. Be a good boy and it will come. In September a new
arrival and birth control, I told you it will come. February all on
board, she will marry you, use birth control tho or you will
count your losses and walk away a free man, I mean that , be
careful, she don't want children nor do you, a handful in any
case, buy a dictionary and watch your words, you have had a
gutful, everybody complaining, walk out that door mate, a girl
is waiting, will marry you and you will be so happy , she loves
you, for you nothing else, your money don't matter, its love and
happiness and nothing else matters. The telephone will ring.
Newspaper reporters, about your affairs, tell them you are
"Busy” They will be so pissed off that they will hound you till
the cows come home. Your stories will be everywhere,
including kingdom come, Play the game, play difficult, and
they will not leave you alone. Girl in white dress coming may
be September. February all on board. Red car, auto mobile
crash, your too blame, car going too slow and had to pull on
brakes, and you smashed in to it, watch your driving a busy
high way with a car going too slow, I think it is cream with blue
or something, I did hear blue but I'm also hearing cream. Got
the radio on so loud and speeding down the high way, Gold
Coast, to Brisbane, hits the breaks and your gone, only a dent,
but you love your cars and a flat tire. Jimmy Barnes is looking
at you and laughing his head off, it will be in the papers soon,
he's been watching you from a far.
9/21, 9:49pm
The old man with a women a third of his age, on "The
Apprentice" It won't be her that's after your money this time
round, it will be you. She’s got it all!
Make sure you messages take "Books" as in a few weeks I will
be sending a few books.
9/21, 10:13pm
By Michael Jackson
Sung with a storm blowing holding on to two trees, stomping
my feat, like Michael.
What about Us?
What about us ?
What a mess you have put us in
So much turmoil and misery
You forgot about the people
Only Greed
What about us
What we need
You took our Smokes
And brought us to our knees
What about us
What we need
You brought us to our knees
Forgive them I pled
Conversation started August 28
8/28, 7:43pm
Travers, the Messiah Here,
I've written "The new age bible, the story"
Emails sent to the man, an Entertainer, I have been waiting for,
for over 25 yrs, and a musician that I hoped would do my music,
which he has not, nor read any of my letters
But I have complied all of them and made it in to a book
Emails to Woody from 2007 and David the Entertainer before
that and present.
May be you could help get someone to edit it for me?
I will be done in about three months otherwise.
Hoping you will back my invention and things to come?
I smoke like a trooper, but I find Electronic smokes much
better for your lungs, and no coughing, no matter how much
you puff a way.
May be they are the new fashion?
Any way hope to hear from you
the new age , has been changed name, as too
many "Cunts" after me, and it does not help me get any work
either due to the negative energies, But I made my point to
those in the know.
CHARMAINE - Clairvoyant Medium Teacher
Charmaine is a clairvoyant Medium & Teacher in Brisbane
September 3, 2015
9/3, 9:58am
07 3843 6419
Can I make an appointment with you, to discuss a Business
I will also give you a Reading
CHARMAINE - Clairvoyant Medium Teacher
Charmaine is a clairvoyant Medium & Teacher in Brisbane
Readings by Charmaine
Readings are for “The Candy Man
Readings are from God (Alisa)
November 2015
Readings are for you Entertainment Only!
Now look here, you can see straight, why haven’t you called?
Are you looking for the Mini Skirt, I told you she is coming, but
it’s not until next year, Say good bye to the old you.
She loves you, and will marry you.
You’ve touched base with some business men to do with a
book; it will sell like “Hot Cakes”
When the time is right, I will buy you a beef burger that tastes
great. You have had a lot of horrific crimes done to you, and
don’t know how to quite compete with it,
Read the Protection book it has what you need in it.
Haunted Houses is one of them?
Be your best and Read it, it will make a man of you, if you
A toaster going amuck, for all the crimes you have done, be a
good boy and don’t do spells, this is why I have chosen you, you
did not wish to do spells and have honored God. I will pay you
back; the mini skirt is one of them. By Easter you may know
of her, to September.
I’m buying you a motor Cycle with mag wheels and accessories,
lot of girls on that one.
Your swimming pool is dirty, everybody pissing in it and spilling
booze better with a salt pool, gets rid of the germs.
Your swim suit looks poor, there’s going to be a new sporting
look and will have everybody laughing. A designer is going to
put some sport ware together and theirs extra cash for you.
Launch it on your face book, under wear sell like Hot cakes,
because you are wearing them.
The tax office looks poor, your biting the boo let, good on ya.
One may fall pregnant soon, see’s her pennies going down the
drain, be very wary and careful.
February may see a swelling belly. Get rich scheme
Some body may spice your drink and leave you by the toilet.
Watch your drinks. It’s a female; you did not accept her call
and suggestions. I think she’s a nice girl, but has really lost it.
Mentally too. Drug over dose coming for you if you don’t
watch it, may leave you in hospital, it’s the pills you are taking.
The doctor over prescribed. He was pissed off that day and was
not thinking, His wife is leaving him. So you got the blunt of
it. Don’t “Sue” him, we all make mistakes, and you will be
forgiven for your mistakes, in the future.
That Mechanic really took you for a ride didn’t he. Looked
under the car and nothing done. You can’t even prove it. Well
he did nothing, you know by the dirt marks. Yes mate he took
you for a ride. They all do.. It was the Red car. Heavy duty
tires. And a Radio that’s whopping. Drive out front of the
mechanics building. Park your car out front, and just stand
there by your car, and stare at him.
When he approaches you say “I’m waiting for you to work on
my car?” Then leave.
Having your appendix out, too many drugs, took its toll.
Buy some toilet paper, and think about it, kidneys next.
Old man looking drained. Coming of age.
Bye for now God (Alisa)

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Book for travers beynon , candy man

  • 1.
  • 2. Conversation started July 16, 2015 7/16, 10:16pm HI The messiah here, you may be thinking of taking on my steam engine, and of course I can bring out the truth about Clairvoyance and lead people to their Guardian Angles and `God 7/16, 10:19pm Would you be able to do the opposite of what you do for women? Glorify them. Put them in Roman dresses, Hunting out fits, or safari out fits, instead of skimpy bikinis. Make your women curvaceous, busty, and hips to die for? This is the way a woman should be. A woman should not look cheap and starve herself.
  • 3. 7/16, 10:19pm All over the world women starve themselves, because of the way the media portray them. 7/16, 10:21pm I have the new age bibles, a clairvoyant Manual channeled by God. Nostradamus was also my earlier teachings. And the story written over 20 years, which I am still writing. It has in it, what the Psychics have to say, Gods Readings, and how I went about pulling off a steam engine, and a music career. Also Elvis Presley is my Teacher. 7/16, 10:22pm Please think it over, I live in Carina Brisbane 07 3843 641 7/16, 10:25pm
  • 4. Hopefully my web site, will see to you that I am not full of shit, as I do have my music on my web, and what I plan to do? Plus we want to put the smokes back on the market. Cancer is caused by Negativity. The Government are trying to make money and are full of "Shit" May be you could do two of my songs. "Some thing an't quite right fella, " and "Smokes on Credit 7/16, 11:00pm I backed an Inventor for 25 yrs, I paid for his rent, food, rego, electricity , phone, paid when we went out for drinks, supplied him a car, and I paid for some parts for the invention plus legal’s. For 25 yrs, until he got too sick and died of Cancer. 7/16, 11:03pm The inventor always smelt of Bo, He would have a shower once a year. Never brought razors, shampoo, soap powder, deodorant, wore the same undies until the elastic went, and
  • 5. went to bed in the same clothes he wore that day, until they were really too smelly and dirty to wear. Had brown false teeth, refused to buy tooth brushes. Caught him once going through my garbage, for a old worn tooth brush, to clean his teeth. May have had a date? This is what God got me to back; He also had no real intentions of pulling off that invention. He was Spiritual, but used his ideas to feather his own pocket, Free Lodgings. Not all lost, which God probably had in mind? I leant over the years the ropes of the industry. 7/16, 11:03pm The Inventor died about a year ago from cancer.     7/16, 11:06pm My Guides a few months ago told me to get vertical blinds, I said I could not afford them, and did not really want them. They told me if you don't get them we will take the money from you Within 5 minutes of the installer being here, he told me he was an Inventor for fuel saving devices. He's not spiritual but was getting goose bumps all over his body. So I am looking at his inventions to pull off, with my Boys help as well. My boys
  • 6. are mechanically minded and work in the mines. One the eldest is an Engineer and a Supervisor in charge of the on goings in the mines. 7/16, 11:09pm I have been in a Spiritual courtship with an entertainer for about 25 years, keeping my legs crossed and not looking elsewhere. I do not know if this man is coming forward or not. My Medium Teacher did say when the Invention is up and running and not quite there your man will be there also your music. They have also been looking at Ricky Martin and Robbie Williams. So I'm a bit confused as to who my man is. I've been writing to him for 20 years and have put it into a book The New Age Bible, the story. I have been on my own since I was 21 yrs with two boys, I am now 50 my birthday 7 7 1965 7/16, 11:10pm I smoke like a trooper, Electronic Smokes now; as I cannot afford the other its equivalent to about 70 smokes a day I have no lung problems or heath issues. I believe my Teacher did a spell on me and I lived in a haunted house for 25 yrs , until God came on board and told me about my Teacher, and how to lift the spell off, Get rid of the Negative energies, and the Demons and spirits.
  • 7. I would like you to back my invention and what I have to offer. Think it over Charmaine 07 3843 6419 Carina Brisbane July 19, 2015 7/19, 5:45pm Travers Did you take note of the fashion tips on the Roman Christ movie, whatever it was? Sunday night, bet ya did My Guides are on to you Out of absolute sheer boredom I bet? 7/19, 6:00pm I WATCHED A SHOW, Chris Angle, how he levitates, I know instantly that he was to be my master didn’t Jesus levitate, somebody has to teach me, got to know a few tricks
  • 8. September 18, 2015 9/18, 6:45pm Your Reading Readings are by Charmaine Readings are for Travers Beynon For his Entertainment Only, Readings are from the Spirit World 18th September 2015 No you’re not going mad, you’re going insane, I told you to watch yourself, your looking at the book and laughing your head off, Good boy , you see the picture. I would write you off, if I could see straight, but I'm going with the flow and doing what I'm told. 9/18, 6:49pm
  • 9. 1 Year a way , you will be telling everybody how you feel about a beautiful lady, she's one of the past but not this time around, she loves you dearly and has no dependents, may be they are grown up? I hate to say it, but your good looking and have grown in to a beautiful man. 9/18, 6:50pm The last time you talk to her was over dinner, and it was not nice, she’s coming in to the picture, again, there will be no divorce. I recommend you swing that way, you will never be bored and change your ways for the better. The bedroom stakes have never been so good. 9/18, 6:53pm The Media are not smiling at you and have written you off, don’t worry use your imagination and they will come running. Get women with long red hair a real stunner, she will flaunt her looks and boy looks out, everybody wants to know you. The smokes have a way of destroying you but that is only bad temper people, people will get on with it and smokes will be back in fashion , may take 10 years sooner or later, The Government and piss off, and they will, let by gons be by gons they say, and they walk away.
  • 10. 9/18, 6:56pm Mechanic on car, sports vehicle, will take you for a ride and won't come back; he thinks you owe it to him? You might have to "Sue" him? it’s a late model but a beauty. He'll be looking at that car, and saying "That’s mine" He’s a carpenter of sorts and has done some work for you, He’s penny pinching, well you will cop it sweet between the balls. Watch what you say to him, he may have a tape recorder, any way it’s going to land you in court. 9/18, 6:56pm Bye for now sweet heart, hope good things come your way Give you another reading when the Guides tell me too. Charmaine 07 3843 6419 Carina Brisbane September 21, 2015 9/21, 9:32pm Readings by Charmaine
  • 11. Readings are for Travers Beynon, for his Entertainment Only Readings are from The Spirit World 22nd September, 2015 9/21, 9:43pm Well, what a day we are having, no complaints, got your rocks off aye in a good way, what does that mean, he says? Well its coming in a white dress all prettied up, look geourgous, and yellow trimmings for good times, you will love her, forever and ever. Be a good boy and it will come. In September a new arrival and birth control, I told you it will come. February all on board, she will marry you, use birth control tho or you will count your losses and walk away a free man, I mean that , be careful, she don't want children nor do you, a handful in any case, buy a dictionary and watch your words, you have had a gutful, everybody complaining, walk out that door mate, a girl is waiting, will marry you and you will be so happy , she loves you, for you nothing else, your money don't matter, its love and happiness and nothing else matters. The telephone will ring. Newspaper reporters, about your affairs, tell them you are "Busy” They will be so pissed off that they will hound you till the cows come home. Your stories will be everywhere, including kingdom come, Play the game, play difficult, and they will not leave you alone. Girl in white dress coming may be September. February all on board. Red car, auto mobile crash, your too blame, car going too slow and had to pull on
  • 12. brakes, and you smashed in to it, watch your driving a busy high way with a car going too slow, I think it is cream with blue or something, I did hear blue but I'm also hearing cream. Got the radio on so loud and speeding down the high way, Gold Coast, to Brisbane, hits the breaks and your gone, only a dent, but you love your cars and a flat tire. Jimmy Barnes is looking at you and laughing his head off, it will be in the papers soon, he's been watching you from a far. 9/21, 9:49pm The old man with a women a third of his age, on "The Apprentice" It won't be her that's after your money this time round, it will be you. She’s got it all! Make sure you messages take "Books" as in a few weeks I will be sending a few books. 9/21, 10:13pm By Michael Jackson Sung with a storm blowing holding on to two trees, stomping my feat, like Michael.
  • 13. What about Us? What about us ? What a mess you have put us in So much turmoil and misery You forgot about the people Only Greed What about us What we need You took our Smokes And brought us to our knees What about us What we need You brought us to our knees Forgive them I pled Conversation started August 28 8/28, 7:43pm
  • 14. Travers, the Messiah Here, I've written "The new age bible, the story" Emails sent to the man, an Entertainer, I have been waiting for, for over 25 yrs, and a musician that I hoped would do my music, which he has not, nor read any of my letters But I have complied all of them and made it in to a book Emails to Woody from 2007 and David the Entertainer before that and present. May be you could help get someone to edit it for me? I will be done in about three months otherwise. Hoping you will back my invention and things to come? I smoke like a trooper, but I find Electronic smokes much better for your lungs, and no coughing, no matter how much you puff a way. May be they are the new fashion? Any way hope to hear from you Charmaine the new age , has been changed name, as too many "Cunts" after me, and it does not help me get any work either due to the negative energies, But I made my point to those in the know. CHARMAINE - Clairvoyant Medium Teacher
  • 15. Charmaine is a clairvoyant Medium & Teacher in Brisbane September 3, 2015 9/3, 9:58am Charmaine 07 3843 6419 Can I make an appointment with you, to discuss a Business Venture? I will also give you a Reading Charmaine CHARMAINE - Clairvoyant Medium Teacher Charmaine is a clairvoyant Medium & Teacher in Brisbane
  • 16. Readings by Charmaine Readings are for “The Candy Man Readings are from God (Alisa) 20th November 2015 Readings are for you Entertainment Only! Now look here, you can see straight, why haven’t you called? Are you looking for the Mini Skirt, I told you she is coming, but it’s not until next year, Say good bye to the old you. She loves you, and will marry you. You’ve touched base with some business men to do with a book; it will sell like “Hot Cakes” When the time is right, I will buy you a beef burger that tastes great. You have had a lot of horrific crimes done to you, and don’t know how to quite compete with it, Read the Protection book it has what you need in it. Haunted Houses is one of them? Be your best and Read it, it will make a man of you, if you an’t? A toaster going amuck, for all the crimes you have done, be a good boy and don’t do spells, this is why I have chosen you, you did not wish to do spells and have honored God. I will pay you
  • 17. back; the mini skirt is one of them. By Easter you may know of her, to September. I’m buying you a motor Cycle with mag wheels and accessories, lot of girls on that one. Your swimming pool is dirty, everybody pissing in it and spilling booze better with a salt pool, gets rid of the germs. Your swim suit looks poor, there’s going to be a new sporting look and will have everybody laughing. A designer is going to put some sport ware together and theirs extra cash for you. Launch it on your face book, under wear sell like Hot cakes, because you are wearing them. The tax office looks poor, your biting the boo let, good on ya. One may fall pregnant soon, see’s her pennies going down the drain, be very wary and careful. February may see a swelling belly. Get rich scheme Some body may spice your drink and leave you by the toilet. Watch your drinks. It’s a female; you did not accept her call and suggestions. I think she’s a nice girl, but has really lost it. Mentally too. Drug over dose coming for you if you don’t watch it, may leave you in hospital, it’s the pills you are taking. The doctor over prescribed. He was pissed off that day and was not thinking, His wife is leaving him. So you got the blunt of it. Don’t “Sue” him, we all make mistakes, and you will be forgiven for your mistakes, in the future. That Mechanic really took you for a ride didn’t he. Looked under the car and nothing done. You can’t even prove it. Well
  • 18. he did nothing, you know by the dirt marks. Yes mate he took you for a ride. They all do.. It was the Red car. Heavy duty tires. And a Radio that’s whopping. Drive out front of the mechanics building. Park your car out front, and just stand there by your car, and stare at him. When he approaches you say “I’m waiting for you to work on my car?” Then leave. Having your appendix out, too many drugs, took its toll. Buy some toilet paper, and think about it, kidneys next. Old man looking drained. Coming of age. Bye for now God (Alisa)