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Body Language
Zodiac Sign
Capricorns are very ambitious people, they
always have something they are pursuing and
they want their lives to be fulfilled. Capricorns are
extremely patient and will wait for a long time for
something they want. They know that there is
only one chance to succeed and they are taking
the proper steps to ensure they accomplish their
goals with flying colors. Capricorns have very
active minds and strong powers of
concentration. Capricorns like being in control.
They are very cautious. They accept change but
introduce it slowly. Capricorns tend to see life in
black or white. There are no gray areas for these
are areas not understood and this is
uncomfortable. They tend to be in control in a
romantic relationship that way they are never
Season: Winter
Stone: Amber
Color: Brown
disciplined, wise,
prudent, constant
December 22 – January
Aquarius are the people who deviate from the
crowd and go their own way. They are always
after intellectual stimulation and traveling their
way regardless of what people think. They like to
experience both sides sand see both opinions
as they formulate new opinions. They have a
“live and let live” policy where everyone is free
to be themselves. An Aquarius never judges
others. They learn how to interact with others
through observation. They can be masters of
manipulation justifying anything they do or think.
Anything new is an opportunity. Their
eccentricity makes them unique. Deep inside,
Aquarius would never intentionally hurt anyone,
they have respect for every human, even though
this might not seem apparent to the more
Season: Winter
Stone: Amethyst
Color: Sky Blue
inventive, original,
intellectual, idealistic,
cool, friendly,
January 20 – February 18
Season: Winter
Stone: Jade
Color: Sea Green
intuitive, dreamy,
artistic, humane,
February 19 – March 20
Pisces is the sign of mysticism, mystery and
the spiritual unknown. Pisces live in two
worlds, the real world and the spiritual word.
They do this to avoid the realities of pain and
suffering in the world. They have extreme
emotions and feel intensively. Pisces have
formidable intuitive ability. Pisces are very
good at understanding people for they have
the ability to delve into the psyche and see
behind a person’s motives. Pisces are prone
to drug addiction and indulging lifestyles
because of their eternal search for
themselves a. Pisces have a strength of
character and will stand up for what they
believe in. They can be lazy in matters they
do not care about. Pisces is the most
Season: Spring
Color: Red
Stone: Diamond
Keywords: active,
initiating, leading,
aggressive, impatient,
combative, energetic,
pioneering, naïve,
Aries is the first of the zodiac signs. Aries
is the sign of the self, people born under
this sign strongly project their personalities
onto others and can be very self-oriented.
Aries tend to venture out into the world and
leave impressions on others that they are
exciting, vibrant and talkative. Aries tend
to live adventurous lives and like to be
the center of attention, but rightly so
since they are natural, confident leaders.
Aries are enthusiastic about their goals
and enjoy the thrill of the hunt, “wanting is
always better than getting” is a good way
to sum it up. Aries are very impulsive and
usually do not think before they act – or
speak. Too often Aries will say whatever
March 21-April 19
Taurus is the one who has immense
perseverance, even when others have given up.
Taurus's have a well known reputation for being
stubborn, which is not necessarily a bad thing.
The stubborn streak can cause Taurus to butt
heads and conflict with other strong character
types. Taurus are not fond of change. They like
the familiar and routine comfort of life. Taurus is
easy going and not one to pick a fight but
should some poor souls attempt to provoke
Taurus, the wrath will be known, for they have
a temper underneath the calm surface. Taurus
likes security, in every aspect of their lives from
home, to love, to career. Taurus can be
secretive, opinionated and stingy. Taurus tend
to be self-indulgent and lazy, Taurus are master
Season: Spring
Stone: Emerald
Color: Green
stable, stubborn,
physical, sensual
April 20- May 20
Gemini are many sided, quick in the mind and
physically. They are brimming with energy and
vitality, they are clever with words. They are
intelligent and very adaptable to every situation
and every person. Gemini are very curious, they
want to be involved. They do not mind their own
business! This is because they really enjoy
communicating, they are the ultimate social
butterfly. They have interesting opinions and
thoughts and are not afraid to speak their mind.
Lacking perseverance, Gemini easily goes off
topic to explore another thought or idea. Gemini
are superficial, they will form opinions on matter
without diving into them and exploring them fully.
Routine and boredom are Gemini’s biggest
fears. Gemini would rather be naïve then know
Season: Spring
Stone: Agate
Color: Yellow
talkative, mental,
May 21 – June 20
Cancer is a mysterious sign filled with
contradictions. They want security and comfort
yet seek new adventure. They are very helpful to
others yet sometimes can be cranky and
indifferent. Cancer has a driving, forceful
personality that can be easily hidden beneath a
calm, cool exterior. They have a deep psyche
and intuitive mind that is hidden from the world.
Cancer is deeply sensitive and easily hurt by
others. They are complex, fragile,
unpredictable and temperamental and need
constant support and encouragement. When it
gets the support needed, it has a tremendous
amount to offer in return. Cancer will always want
to stay in touch with old friends. They have
unconditional love and caring more so then
Season: Summer
Stone: Pearl
Color: White
feeling, nurturing,
June 21 – July 22
Leos are high esteemed, honorable and very
devoted to themselves in particular! Leo is
always center stage and full of flair. Leos are
full of energy and others are attracted to the
Leo’s wit and charm. A Leo will never settle for
second best. Public image is very important and
they will do whatever it takes to protect their own
reputation. Leos are very generous, kind and
openhearted people. They are not one to hold a
grudge, they easily forgive, forget and move
on. Leos are always trying to make things right in
the world, they have larger than life emotions.
They react to situations with action but are not
impulsive. They look at the future and consider
the consequences of their actions.
Season: Summer
Stone: Ruby
Color: Orange
hospitable, caring,
active, open
July 23 – August 22
The Virgo is often considered a shy, “lady in
waiting” personality that is a little naïve. Though
Virgos are seldom celibate, they often keep their
personal identity intact throughout their lives. This
composure is virginal in nature. Virgo exists in
the mind, everything is inside. To the world,
Virgo presents a calm and collected exterior but
on the inside, nervous uncontrolled intensity
in the mind, trying to figure things out, how to
improve everything, analyzing and thinking.
Virgo can tire itself out without even moving!
Virgo has a constant drive to improve and
perfect, this can lead to extreme pickiness and
finickiest. They are pure, their motives are
honest and never malicious and they want to
accomplish something.
Season: Summer
Stone: Sapphire
Color: Blue
reserved, critical,
August 23 – September
Libras are diplomatic. They put themselves in
other’s shoes. They are the ones that want to
make things right and have balance and
harmony. They have captivating charm,
elegant taste and they are easy to like due to
their eager-to-please, easy going nature. They
are amazing listeners and are able to sooth and
calm people. Libras like attention and admiration
for people they have brought together. Libras are
very intelligent but often hide this. They
express their intelligence through creativity.
Libras love variety and different situations. They
welcome change. They love luxury and seem to
be constantly fussing over their appearance.
They love anything upscale and classy. Libras
work hard to please others and others find them
Season: Fall
Stone: Marble
Color: Pastel
Keywords: just,
sociable, refined,
kind, fair,
likable, indecisive,
respectful, artistic
September 23 – October
Scorpio is the astrology sign of extremes and
intensity. Scorpios are very deep, intense
people. They present a cool, detached, and
unemotional air to the world yet lying underneath
is a tremendous power, extreme strength,
intense passion and a strong will and a
persistent drive. Scorpios have a very
penetrative mind, do not be surprised if they ask
questions, they are trying to delve deeper and
figure things out and survey the situation.
Scorpio’s are very weary of the games that other
people try to play and they are very aware of it.
Scorpios tend to dominate and control anyone
that lets them or anyone they find weak. The
persons a Scorpio respects is treated with
kindness, loyalty and generosity. On the
Season: Fall
Stone: Topaz
Color: Purple
probing, fixed,
October 23 – November
Sagittarius seem to be guided by luck, good
things happen to Sagittarius and this is usually
because of their optimistic outlook and positive
disposition which attracts good fortune. Despite
hardships, Sagittarius is always optimistic.
Sagittarius have a vibrant, expansive
personality that is free like a bird. They are full
of curiosity and always look forward to the
future. Sagittarius are detached from emotions
because emotions hold a person back , they do
not like to talk about their feelings. They simply
experience them and move on. Sagittarius can be
reckless and irresponsible because they will at
a suggestion of something new before they weigh
the advantages and disadvantages.
Season: Fall
Stone: Topaz
Color: Turquoise
November 22 – December 21
Verbal Nonverbal
 Nonverbal communication is Culture
 However, certain universals exist (e.g.
 Effective communication is the combined
harmony of verbal and nonverbal actions.
Verbal & Nonverbal Communication
 Single vs Multiple Channels
 Discrete vs Continuous
 Conscious vs Unconscious
 Clear vs Ambiguous
Single Vs Multiple Channels
In Verbal Com. emphasis on orderly and
sequential (one word after the other)
In Nonverbal Com. messages bombard us
simultaneously from a multitude of
channels (facial expressions, posture,
gesture, clothing, proxemics etc)
Discrete vs Continuous
 Verbal messages usually have clear
beginnings and endings
 Nonverbal com. provides a constant flow
of messages (continuous and never
 Remember that “Nothing never happens”
(even an unanswered call or email is a
Conscious vs Unconscious
 In Verbal Com. Usually think about what
we want to say before speaking
 Most nonverbal messages aren’t
deliberate (that’s why it offers so many
cues as how one is feeling)
Clear vs Ambiguous
 Verbal com can be confusing
 Nonverbal even more vague
Types of Nonverbal Communication
 Posture & Gestures
 Face & Eyes
 Voice
 Touch
 Clothing
 Distance
 Time
 Territoriality
 Environment
Interpreting Non-Verbal Communications
 7% Verbal
 38% Way words are said
 55% Facial expressions
Human Communication
 Thinking
 Encoding
 Transmitting
 Perceiving
 Decoding
 Understanding
You Cannot NOT Communicate
 Body movement
 Personal space
 Touch
 Voice
 Environment
 Artifacts
 Physical characteristics
Nonverbal Communication
 Clarify
 Mixed messages
 Communicate over long distances
Nonverbal Messages
 Present in all communications
 Mean different things
 May be intentional or unintentional
 Provide information
 May contradict verbal message
 May outweigh verbal message
 Depends on the total environment
 May have positive or negative effects
 Intimate
 Touching
 6-18”
 Personal
 Close -1½ to 2½
 Far - 2½ to 4 ½
 Social
 Close 4-7 feet
 Far - 7-12 feet
 Public
 Close - 12-25
 Far - 25 feet or
 Personal space is the invisible bubble we
carry around us, but territory is a fixed
space (desk, room, neighborhood,
country) in which we assume some kind
of rights in our country.
 (e.g. boss has larger desk and office;
univ profs have offices ss don’t…shows
Distance (proxemics)
 Distance zones (Edward hall)
 Intimate distance (begins with skin
contact -18 inches) people are
emotionally close. Allowing people in
this zone is a sign of trust
 Personal distance (18 inch-4 feet).
Most couples stand in public
 Social distance (4-12 feet). Business
situations. More formal and
impersonal situations
 Public distance (+ 12 feet)
When you invade my space
 Reactions to an
invasion of your
 Feel troubled
 Get defensive
 Become
 Retaliate
Personal Space
 Intimate
 Personal
 Work
 Public
Proxemics: Ideal distance
Different Cultures ...
 A crowded
 What is your
private space?
Proxemics: Cultural differences
• Distance norms could vary from culture to
• People in North America tend to need more
space than do people of other cultures
• North Americans back away when people
stand too close
• The Japanese stand even farther away than
do Americans
Personal (Home
nal Territory)
# Activity
Map these
people to one
of these four
• Neighbor
• Spouse
• Best friend
• Classmate
• Your
• Colleague
• Mother
• Manager
 How long do you look?
 Staring- dehumanizes or challenges
 Glances - socially acceptable timing
 Appraisal- may indicate interest
 Do you look when you talk?
 Do you look when you listen?
We are right……
But only 50% right.
Verbal Communication has another very important
part…… “LISTENING”.
“Speaking” + “Listening” = “Verbal
There are different kinds of listening…
Appreciative Listening
Empathetic Listening
Comprehensive Listening
Critical Listening
Sympathetic Listening.
Broadly, LISTENING may be classified
Sympathetic Listening
Empathetic Listening.
Sympathetic LISTENING…
 In sympathetic listening we care about the
other person and show this concern in the
way we pay close attention and express
our sorrow for their ills and happiness at
their joys.
 In other words there is “sharing” of
Example for sympathetic listening…
On your way back from office, you slip and fall
and hurt your back. When you reach home
your family members “Feel” for you.
They “share” your hurt feelings and maybe
even shed a tear in sympathy.
Empathetic LISTENING…
 When we listen empathetically, we go
beyond sympathy to seek a truer
understanding of how others are feeling.
This requires excellent discrimination and
close attention to the nuances of emotional
signals. When we are being truly
empathetic, we actually acknowledge what
they are feeling.
 In order to get others to expose these deep
parts of themselves to us, we also need to
demonstrate our empathy in our demeanor
towards them, listening sensitively and in
Example for empathetic
listening …
On your way back from office, you slip and
fall and hurt your back. You visit your
Your doctor does not share your feelings.
He does not reject or trifle your feelings, but
on the contrary, he acknowledges your
feelings totally and treats you for your
Here, there is no “sharing” of feelings, but
acknowledgement of “feelings.”
Parameters of evaluation…
 Speed….number of words per minute.
 Clarity…if audible & free of distortion.
 Pronunciation…utterance of speech.
 Familiarity...acquaintance with words used.
 Punctuation…use of various kinds of pauses.
 Fluency…Able to express easily.
 Expression…transforming of ideas into words.
 Content… meaning or substance of speech.
“How to Speak.”
 Speed
 Clarity
 Punctuation
 Pronunciation
 Familiarity
 Fluency
 Expression….VnA
Speed….number of words per minute.
 While Most Indians speak at 170 to 180
their foreign counterparts speak at 110 to
120 wpm.
 Slowing down on rate of speech is the first
step towards better speech.
Clarity…if audible & free of distortion.
 Speech should be loud enough to carry to
all the listeners. Judge the acoustics of the
 Voice Clarity can be mastered with regular
Pronunciation…utterance of speech.
 Always remember that English is not
"phonetic". That means that we do not
always say a word the same way that we
spell it.
 Use a Good Dictionary or work with your
Trainer to Correct pronunciation.
Punctuation…use of various kinds of pauses.
 Pause at Full Stops.
 Pause at Commas.
 Pause at Semi colons.
 Pause at Interjection marks.
 Pause at Question marks.
Familiarity...acquaintance with words used.
 Learning new words…
 Using known words in new contexts…
 Understanding contexts and situations
before reading again..
Fluency…Able to express easily.
 Developing Fluency is a matter of having
all the other parameters in place.
 Fluency indicates that a comfortable
working ability with the language has been
Expression…transforming of ideas into
words, and also the outward manifestation
of a mood or a disposition by way of words.
 Expression of different feelings with
words,word stress, tone, pitch and
Masks We Wear
 Public Masks
 Public smile
 Clothing
 Putting on my face
 Extended territory
 On the road
 At work
 Can we drop masks?
 Study of touch as
nonverbal communication
 At office, it could mean
A pat on shoulder
Pat on the back
Holding hand or arm
 Touch, when used properly, may create
feelings of warmth and trust. When used
improperly, touch may cause annoyance and
betray trust
 Location of touch is important. E.g. U.S touch
is limited to handshake, no hugs. In Thailand,
it is not okay to touch the head
 There are cultural differences in how much
• Touch, when used
properly, may create
feelings of warmth and
trust. When used
improperly, touch may
cause annoyance and
betray trust
• Hierarchy is a
consideration when using
touch in the U.S. People
Reasons we touch
Positive Emotions
• Support, Appreciation, Inclusion, Affection
• Communicates Composure, Affection,
• Tells the other person not to take them
seriously E.g. tag, slap or pat
on the back 60
Reasons we touch
Touch controls another person’s behaviors,
attitudes, feelings E.g. ‘move over’, ‘hurry’,
‘stay there’
Greetings and Departures
E.g. shaking hands, kiss, hug, or put arm on
Reasons we touch
Touch for a task
E.g. removing of a hair on other’s shirt,
checking fore-head for a fever
‘Don't Touch’ Cultures
 Japan
 U.S. and Canada
 England
 Scandinavia
 Other N. European countries
 Australia
 France
 China
 Ireland
 India
 Middle East
Middle Ground Countries
‘Touch’ Cultures
 Latin American countries
 Italy
 Greece
 Spain and Portugal
 Some Asian countries
 Russian Federation
 A business handshake is brief, firm
and friendly
 Holding on for more than three or four
seconds can make other people feel
 Extend handshake with palm
perpendicular to the floor and your
thumb up
 Give their hand a gentle squeeze,
er to
• An uncomfortable handshake is
remembered negatively for a long
• Imagine you are opening a door
handle and use about the same level
of grip in your handshake
• A ‘dead fish’ or limp handshake will
project you as person with low
• A ‘lady’s finger’ handshake is not okay
in business, even for ladies. It should
Haptics: Handshake
What does this symbol mean to you?
 In the United States it is a
symbol for good job
 In Germany the number
 In Japan the number five
 In Ghana an insult
 In Malaysia the thumb is
What does this symbol mean to you?
 Turkey: Homosexual
 Commonly: Perfect
 Japan: Money
What does this symbol mean to you?
 Turkey: You get nothing
from me
 Commonly: Stop, enough
 West Africa: You have 5
Gestures & postures: Feedback
• Neutral: Taken by the person who
has a neutral attitude about what
he is hearing. The head usually
remains still and may occasionally
give small nods
• Interested: When the head tilts to
one side it shows interest has
• Disapproval: When the head is
down, it signals that the attitude is
negative and even judgmental.
Action needs to be taken to change
Gestures & postures: Defensiveness
Standard arm
Partial arm
Arm cross with
Arm cross with
• Crossed arms signify
nervousness, being
• People may cross arms
fully partially or disguise it.
e.g. fiddle with watch,
cufflink, bracelet, purse
• Crossing arms with closed
fist additionally shows
defensiveness with
• Crossing arms with
Gestures & postures: Anticipation
Rubbing Palms
Rubbing the palms
together is a way in which
people non-verbally
communicate positive
Gestures & postures: Frustration
• One hand gripping the other
behind the back is a
superiority gesture. British
and other loyalty, school
principals, army and police
personnel, etc are seen
demonstrating this
• This is also the frustration
gesture and an attempt at
self-control. It is as if one
hand is holding the other to
prevent it from striking out.
Higher the hand moves in
holding the other, greater is
upper arm
 This is a frustration gesture,
signalling that the person
was holding back a negative
attitude. The gesture has
three main positions
 The person would be more
difficult to handle when the
hands are held high, than he
would be with the person
whom hands resting on the
desk position 76
Hands clenched
in raised
Hands clenched
in middle
Hands clenched
in lower position
Gestures & postures: Frustration
• This gesture shows confidence
and superiority
• Used frequently in manager-
subordinate interactions and
while giving instructions
• Raised steeple is normally used
when the person is talking
• Lowered steeple is normally
used when the person is
listening 77
Gestures & postures: Confidence
 Have eye contact ,
but don’t stare
 Don’t cross your
arms or legs
 Don’t be afraid to
take up some space
 Don’t fidget
 Relax your
• Don’t slouch, sit up
• Lean, but not too
• Don’t touch your
• Keep your head up
• Don’t stand too close
• Nod when you are
Face & Eyes (occulistics)
 Probably the most noticed parts of the body
 Meeting sb’s glance is not appreciated in all
cultures (in ours it means involvement)
 Ekman & Friesen have identified six basic
emotions that facial expressions reflect:
 Surprise
 Fear
 Anger
 Disgust
 Happiness
 Sadness
(possible combinations of these –affect
 Besides protecting us from the elements, clothing
is a means of nonverbal com.
 We make assumptions about people based on
 Messages it can convey:
 Economic status
 Educational level
 Social status
 Moral standards
 Athletic ability and other interests
 Belief system (political, philosophical, religious)
 Level of sophistication
Western Asian
A Smile is an Inexpensive way to change
your looks
Eye Language
Common Gesture
Who is he?
Who are they
Hand Science
Hand Arms Science
Leg Science
Finger Science-
Face Reading
Style Science
Territorial Rights
Check them
At work
 Thanks you

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Body Language.ppt

  • 3. Capricorns are very ambitious people, they always have something they are pursuing and they want their lives to be fulfilled. Capricorns are extremely patient and will wait for a long time for something they want. They know that there is only one chance to succeed and they are taking the proper steps to ensure they accomplish their goals with flying colors. Capricorns have very active minds and strong powers of concentration. Capricorns like being in control. They are very cautious. They accept change but introduce it slowly. Capricorns tend to see life in black or white. There are no gray areas for these are areas not understood and this is uncomfortable. They tend to be in control in a romantic relationship that way they are never Season: Winter Stone: Amber Color: Brown Keywords: tenacious, conservative, resourceful, disciplined, wise, ambitious, prudent, constant December 22 – January 19
  • 4. Aquarius are the people who deviate from the crowd and go their own way. They are always after intellectual stimulation and traveling their way regardless of what people think. They like to experience both sides sand see both opinions as they formulate new opinions. They have a “live and let live” policy where everyone is free to be themselves. An Aquarius never judges others. They learn how to interact with others through observation. They can be masters of manipulation justifying anything they do or think. Anything new is an opportunity. Their eccentricity makes them unique. Deep inside, Aquarius would never intentionally hurt anyone, they have respect for every human, even though this might not seem apparent to the more Season: Winter Stone: Amethyst Color: Sky Blue Keywords: individualistic, assertive, independent, humanitarian, inventive, original, eccentric, opinionated, intellectual, idealistic, cool, friendly, detached January 20 – February 18
  • 5. Season: Winter Stone: Jade Color: Sea Green Keywords: intuitive, dreamy, artistic, humane, sympathetic, sensitive, compassionate, perceptive, tender, impressionable February 19 – March 20 Pisces is the sign of mysticism, mystery and the spiritual unknown. Pisces live in two worlds, the real world and the spiritual word. They do this to avoid the realities of pain and suffering in the world. They have extreme emotions and feel intensively. Pisces have formidable intuitive ability. Pisces are very good at understanding people for they have the ability to delve into the psyche and see behind a person’s motives. Pisces are prone to drug addiction and indulging lifestyles because of their eternal search for themselves a. Pisces have a strength of character and will stand up for what they believe in. They can be lazy in matters they do not care about. Pisces is the most
  • 6. Season: Spring Color: Red Stone: Diamond Keywords: active, initiating, leading, independent, aggressive, impatient, combative, energetic, pioneering, naïve, assertive Aries is the first of the zodiac signs. Aries is the sign of the self, people born under this sign strongly project their personalities onto others and can be very self-oriented. Aries tend to venture out into the world and leave impressions on others that they are exciting, vibrant and talkative. Aries tend to live adventurous lives and like to be the center of attention, but rightly so since they are natural, confident leaders. Aries are enthusiastic about their goals and enjoy the thrill of the hunt, “wanting is always better than getting” is a good way to sum it up. Aries are very impulsive and usually do not think before they act – or speak. Too often Aries will say whatever March 21-April 19
  • 7. Taurus is the one who has immense perseverance, even when others have given up. Taurus's have a well known reputation for being stubborn, which is not necessarily a bad thing. The stubborn streak can cause Taurus to butt heads and conflict with other strong character types. Taurus are not fond of change. They like the familiar and routine comfort of life. Taurus is easy going and not one to pick a fight but should some poor souls attempt to provoke Taurus, the wrath will be known, for they have a temper underneath the calm surface. Taurus likes security, in every aspect of their lives from home, to love, to career. Taurus can be secretive, opinionated and stingy. Taurus tend to be self-indulgent and lazy, Taurus are master Season: Spring Stone: Emerald Color: Green Keywords: persevering, down-to-earth, stable, stubborn, possessive, prosperous, dependable, physical, sensual April 20- May 20
  • 8. Gemini are many sided, quick in the mind and physically. They are brimming with energy and vitality, they are clever with words. They are intelligent and very adaptable to every situation and every person. Gemini are very curious, they want to be involved. They do not mind their own business! This is because they really enjoy communicating, they are the ultimate social butterfly. They have interesting opinions and thoughts and are not afraid to speak their mind. Lacking perseverance, Gemini easily goes off topic to explore another thought or idea. Gemini are superficial, they will form opinions on matter without diving into them and exploring them fully. Routine and boredom are Gemini’s biggest fears. Gemini would rather be naïve then know Season: Spring Stone: Agate Color: Yellow Keywords: talkative, mental, adaptable, flexible, changeable, responsive, sociable, superficial May 21 – June 20
  • 9. Cancer is a mysterious sign filled with contradictions. They want security and comfort yet seek new adventure. They are very helpful to others yet sometimes can be cranky and indifferent. Cancer has a driving, forceful personality that can be easily hidden beneath a calm, cool exterior. They have a deep psyche and intuitive mind that is hidden from the world. Cancer is deeply sensitive and easily hurt by others. They are complex, fragile, unpredictable and temperamental and need constant support and encouragement. When it gets the support needed, it has a tremendous amount to offer in return. Cancer will always want to stay in touch with old friends. They have unconditional love and caring more so then Season: Summer Stone: Pearl Color: White Keywords: gentle, conservative, feeling, nurturing, defensive, contemplative June 21 – July 22
  • 10. Leos are high esteemed, honorable and very devoted to themselves in particular! Leo is always center stage and full of flair. Leos are full of energy and others are attracted to the Leo’s wit and charm. A Leo will never settle for second best. Public image is very important and they will do whatever it takes to protect their own reputation. Leos are very generous, kind and openhearted people. They are not one to hold a grudge, they easily forgive, forget and move on. Leos are always trying to make things right in the world, they have larger than life emotions. They react to situations with action but are not impulsive. They look at the future and consider the consequences of their actions. Season: Summer Stone: Ruby Color: Orange Keywords: magnanimous, generous, hospitable, caring, warm, authoratative, active, open July 23 – August 22
  • 11. The Virgo is often considered a shy, “lady in waiting” personality that is a little naïve. Though Virgos are seldom celibate, they often keep their personal identity intact throughout their lives. This composure is virginal in nature. Virgo exists in the mind, everything is inside. To the world, Virgo presents a calm and collected exterior but on the inside, nervous uncontrolled intensity in the mind, trying to figure things out, how to improve everything, analyzing and thinking. Virgo can tire itself out without even moving! Virgo has a constant drive to improve and perfect, this can lead to extreme pickiness and finickiest. They are pure, their motives are honest and never malicious and they want to accomplish something. Season: Summer Stone: Sapphire Color: Blue Keywords: analytical, intelligent, reserved, critical, helpful, conscientious August 23 – September 22
  • 12. Libras are diplomatic. They put themselves in other’s shoes. They are the ones that want to make things right and have balance and harmony. They have captivating charm, elegant taste and they are easy to like due to their eager-to-please, easy going nature. They are amazing listeners and are able to sooth and calm people. Libras like attention and admiration for people they have brought together. Libras are very intelligent but often hide this. They express their intelligence through creativity. Libras love variety and different situations. They welcome change. They love luxury and seem to be constantly fussing over their appearance. They love anything upscale and classy. Libras work hard to please others and others find them Season: Fall Stone: Marble Color: Pastel Green Keywords: just, sociable, refined, accommodating, kind, fair, diplomatic, likable, indecisive, respectful, artistic September 23 – October 22
  • 13. Scorpio is the astrology sign of extremes and intensity. Scorpios are very deep, intense people. They present a cool, detached, and unemotional air to the world yet lying underneath is a tremendous power, extreme strength, intense passion and a strong will and a persistent drive. Scorpios have a very penetrative mind, do not be surprised if they ask questions, they are trying to delve deeper and figure things out and survey the situation. Scorpio’s are very weary of the games that other people try to play and they are very aware of it. Scorpios tend to dominate and control anyone that lets them or anyone they find weak. The persons a Scorpio respects is treated with kindness, loyalty and generosity. On the Season: Fall Stone: Topaz Color: Purple Keywords: passionate, perceptive, resourceful, possessive, psychological, prowling, determined, probing, fixed, focused October 23 – November 21
  • 14. Sagittarius seem to be guided by luck, good things happen to Sagittarius and this is usually because of their optimistic outlook and positive disposition which attracts good fortune. Despite hardships, Sagittarius is always optimistic. Sagittarius have a vibrant, expansive personality that is free like a bird. They are full of curiosity and always look forward to the future. Sagittarius are detached from emotions because emotions hold a person back , they do not like to talk about their feelings. They simply experience them and move on. Sagittarius can be reckless and irresponsible because they will at a suggestion of something new before they weigh the advantages and disadvantages. Season: Fall Stone: Topaz Color: Turquoise Keywords: optimistic, restless, enthusiastic, adventurous, honest, irresponsible, outspoken, independent November 22 – December 21
  • 16. Nonverbal Communication  Nonverbal communication is Culture bound  However, certain universals exist (e.g. smile)  Effective communication is the combined harmony of verbal and nonverbal actions.
  • 17. Verbal & Nonverbal Communication  Single vs Multiple Channels  Discrete vs Continuous  Conscious vs Unconscious  Clear vs Ambiguous
  • 18. Single Vs Multiple Channels In Verbal Com. emphasis on orderly and sequential (one word after the other) In Nonverbal Com. messages bombard us simultaneously from a multitude of channels (facial expressions, posture, gesture, clothing, proxemics etc)
  • 19. Discrete vs Continuous  Verbal messages usually have clear beginnings and endings  Nonverbal com. provides a constant flow of messages (continuous and never ending)  Remember that “Nothing never happens” (even an unanswered call or email is a message)
  • 20. Conscious vs Unconscious  In Verbal Com. Usually think about what we want to say before speaking  Most nonverbal messages aren’t deliberate (that’s why it offers so many cues as how one is feeling)
  • 21. Clear vs Ambiguous  Verbal com can be confusing  Nonverbal even more vague
  • 22. Types of Nonverbal Communication  Posture & Gestures  Face & Eyes  Voice  Touch  Clothing  Distance  Time  Territoriality  Environment
  • 23. Interpreting Non-Verbal Communications  7% Verbal  38% Way words are said  55% Facial expressions
  • 24. Human Communication Sender:  Thinking  Encoding  Transmitting Receiver:  Perceiving  Decoding  Understanding
  • 25. You Cannot NOT Communicate  Body movement  Personal space  Touch  Voice  Environment  Artifacts  Physical characteristics
  • 26. Nonverbal Communication  Clarify  Mixed messages  Communicate over long distances
  • 27. Nonverbal Messages  Present in all communications  Mean different things  May be intentional or unintentional  Provide information  May contradict verbal message  May outweigh verbal message  Depends on the total environment  May have positive or negative effects
  • 28. Territory  Intimate  Touching  6-18”  Personal  Close -1½ to 2½ feet  Far - 2½ to 4 ½ feet  Social  Close 4-7 feet  Far - 7-12 feet  Public  Close - 12-25 feet  Far - 25 feet or greater
  • 29. Territoriality  Personal space is the invisible bubble we carry around us, but territory is a fixed space (desk, room, neighborhood, country) in which we assume some kind of rights in our country.  (e.g. boss has larger desk and office; univ profs have offices ss don’t…shows status)
  • 30. Distance (proxemics)  Distance zones (Edward hall)  Intimate distance (begins with skin contact -18 inches) people are emotionally close. Allowing people in this zone is a sign of trust  Personal distance (18 inch-4 feet). Most couples stand in public  Social distance (4-12 feet). Business situations. More formal and impersonal situations  Public distance (+ 12 feet)
  • 31. When you invade my space  Reactions to an invasion of your space  Feel troubled  Get defensive  Become aggressive  Retaliate
  • 32. Personal Space  Intimate  Personal  Work  Public
  • 34. Different Cultures ...  A crowded culture  What is your private space?
  • 35. Proxemics: Cultural differences • Distance norms could vary from culture to culture • People in North America tend to need more space than do people of other cultures • North Americans back away when people stand too close • The Japanese stand even farther away than do Americans 35
  • 36. Intimate(Body Territory) Personal (Home Territory) Social(Interactio nal Territory) Public(Free Area) 36 # Activity Map these people to one of these four territories • Neighbor • Spouse • Best friend • Classmate • Your children • Colleague • Mother • Manager
  • 37. Looking  How long do you look?  Staring- dehumanizes or challenges  Glances - socially acceptable timing  Appraisal- may indicate interest  Do you look when you talk?  Do you look when you listen?
  • 38. We are right…… But only 50% right. Because…. Verbal Communication has another very important part…… “LISTENING”. “Speaking” + “Listening” = “Verbal Communication.”
  • 39. Kinds of LISTENING… There are different kinds of listening… Appreciative Listening Empathetic Listening Comprehensive Listening Critical Listening Sympathetic Listening.
  • 40. Broadly, LISTENING may be classified into… Sympathetic Listening and Empathetic Listening.
  • 41. Sympathetic LISTENING…  In sympathetic listening we care about the other person and show this concern in the way we pay close attention and express our sorrow for their ills and happiness at their joys.  In other words there is “sharing” of feelings.
  • 42. Example for sympathetic listening… On your way back from office, you slip and fall and hurt your back. When you reach home your family members “Feel” for you. They “share” your hurt feelings and maybe even shed a tear in sympathy.
  • 43. Empathetic LISTENING…  When we listen empathetically, we go beyond sympathy to seek a truer understanding of how others are feeling. This requires excellent discrimination and close attention to the nuances of emotional signals. When we are being truly empathetic, we actually acknowledge what they are feeling.  In order to get others to expose these deep parts of themselves to us, we also need to demonstrate our empathy in our demeanor towards them, listening sensitively and in
  • 44. Example for empathetic listening … On your way back from office, you slip and fall and hurt your back. You visit your doctor. Your doctor does not share your feelings. He does not reject or trifle your feelings, but on the contrary, he acknowledges your feelings totally and treats you for your injuries. Here, there is no “sharing” of feelings, but acknowledgement of “feelings.”
  • 45. Parameters of evaluation…  Speed….number of words per minute.  Clarity…if audible & free of distortion.  Pronunciation…utterance of speech.  Familiarity...acquaintance with words used.  Punctuation…use of various kinds of pauses.  Fluency…Able to express easily.  Expression…transforming of ideas into words.  Content… meaning or substance of speech.
  • 46. “How to Speak.” Guidelines…  Speed  Clarity  Punctuation  Pronunciation  Familiarity  Fluency  Expression….VnA
  • 47. Speed Speed….number of words per minute.  While Most Indians speak at 170 to 180 wpm, their foreign counterparts speak at 110 to 120 wpm.  Slowing down on rate of speech is the first step towards better speech.
  • 48. Clarity Clarity…if audible & free of distortion.  Speech should be loud enough to carry to all the listeners. Judge the acoustics of the room.  Voice Clarity can be mastered with regular practice.
  • 49. Pronunciation Pronunciation…utterance of speech.  Always remember that English is not "phonetic". That means that we do not always say a word the same way that we spell it.  Use a Good Dictionary or work with your Trainer to Correct pronunciation.
  • 50. Punctuation Punctuation…use of various kinds of pauses.  Pause at Full Stops.  Pause at Commas.  Pause at Semi colons.  Pause at Interjection marks.  Pause at Question marks.
  • 51. Familiarity Familiarity...acquaintance with words used.  Learning new words…  Using known words in new contexts…  Understanding contexts and situations before reading again..
  • 52. Fluency Fluency…Able to express easily.  Developing Fluency is a matter of having all the other parameters in place.  Fluency indicates that a comfortable working ability with the language has been established.
  • 53. Expression….. Expression…transforming of ideas into words, and also the outward manifestation of a mood or a disposition by way of words.  Expression of different feelings with words,word stress, tone, pitch and inflection.
  • 54. Masks We Wear  Public Masks  Public smile  Clothing  Putting on my face  Extended territory  On the road  At work  Can we drop masks?
  • 57. Touch  Study of touch as nonverbal communication  At office, it could mean Handshake A pat on shoulder Pat on the back Holding hand or arm 57
  • 58. Touch…..  Touch, when used properly, may create feelings of warmth and trust. When used improperly, touch may cause annoyance and betray trust  Location of touch is important. E.g. U.S touch is limited to handshake, no hugs. In Thailand, it is not okay to touch the head  There are cultural differences in how much 58
  • 59. Touch… • Touch, when used properly, may create feelings of warmth and trust. When used improperly, touch may cause annoyance and betray trust • Hierarchy is a consideration when using touch in the U.S. People 59
  • 60. Reasons we touch Positive Emotions • Support, Appreciation, Inclusion, Affection • Communicates Composure, Affection, Trust Playfulness • Tells the other person not to take them seriously E.g. tag, slap or pat on the back 60
  • 61. Reasons we touch Control Touch controls another person’s behaviors, attitudes, feelings E.g. ‘move over’, ‘hurry’, ‘stay there’ Ritualistic Greetings and Departures E.g. shaking hands, kiss, hug, or put arm on shoulder 61
  • 62. Reasons we touch Task-related Touch for a task E.g. removing of a hair on other’s shirt, checking fore-head for a fever 62
  • 63. ‘Don't Touch’ Cultures  Japan  U.S. and Canada  England  Scandinavia  Other N. European countries 63
  • 64.  Australia  France  China  Ireland  India  Middle East countries Middle Ground Countries 64
  • 65. ‘Touch’ Cultures  Latin American countries  Italy  Greece  Spain and Portugal  Some Asian countries  Russian Federation 65
  • 66.  A business handshake is brief, firm and friendly  Holding on for more than three or four seconds can make other people feel uncomfortable  Extend handshake with palm perpendicular to the floor and your thumb up  Give their hand a gentle squeeze, Handshake Rememb er to smile and
  • 67. • An uncomfortable handshake is remembered negatively for a long time • Imagine you are opening a door handle and use about the same level of grip in your handshake • A ‘dead fish’ or limp handshake will project you as person with low confidence • A ‘lady’s finger’ handshake is not okay in business, even for ladies. It should Haptics: Handshake
  • 69. What does this symbol mean to you?  In the United States it is a symbol for good job  In Germany the number one  In Japan the number five  In Ghana an insult  In Malaysia the thumb is 69
  • 70. What does this symbol mean to you?  Turkey: Homosexual  Commonly: Perfect  Japan: Money 70
  • 71. What does this symbol mean to you?  Turkey: You get nothing from me  Commonly: Stop, enough  West Africa: You have 5 fathers! 71
  • 72. 72 Gestures & postures: Feedback Neutral Interested Disapproval • Neutral: Taken by the person who has a neutral attitude about what he is hearing. The head usually remains still and may occasionally give small nods • Interested: When the head tilts to one side it shows interest has developed. • Disapproval: When the head is down, it signals that the attitude is negative and even judgmental. Action needs to be taken to change
  • 73. 73 Gestures & postures: Defensiveness Standard arm cross Partial arm cross Disguised barrier Disguised barrier Arm cross with fist Arm cross with thumbs • Crossed arms signify defensiveness, nervousness, being closed • People may cross arms fully partially or disguise it. e.g. fiddle with watch, cufflink, bracelet, purse • Crossing arms with closed fist additionally shows defensiveness with hostility • Crossing arms with
  • 74. 74 Gestures & postures: Anticipation Rubbing Palms Rubbing the palms together is a way in which people non-verbally communicate positive expectation
  • 75. 75 Gestures & postures: Frustration Hand-gripping- wrist Hand-gripping- hands • One hand gripping the other behind the back is a superiority gesture. British and other loyalty, school principals, army and police personnel, etc are seen demonstrating this • This is also the frustration gesture and an attempt at self-control. It is as if one hand is holding the other to prevent it from striking out. Higher the hand moves in holding the other, greater is Hand-gripping- upper arm
  • 76.  This is a frustration gesture, signalling that the person was holding back a negative attitude. The gesture has three main positions  The person would be more difficult to handle when the hands are held high, than he would be with the person whom hands resting on the desk position 76 Hands clenched in raised position Hands clenched in middle position Hands clenched in lower position Gestures & postures: Frustration
  • 77. • This gesture shows confidence and superiority • Used frequently in manager- subordinate interactions and while giving instructions • Raised steeple is normally used when the person is talking • Lowered steeple is normally used when the person is listening 77 Raised steeple (while talking) Gestures & postures: Confidence Lowered steeple (while listening)
  • 78.  Have eye contact , but don’t stare  Don’t cross your arms or legs  Don’t be afraid to take up some space  Don’t fidget  Relax your shoulders SOME DO’S AND DONT’S • Don’t slouch, sit up straight • Lean, but not too much • Don’t touch your face • Keep your head up • Don’t stand too close • Nod when you are listening
  • 79. Face & Eyes (occulistics)  Probably the most noticed parts of the body  Meeting sb’s glance is not appreciated in all cultures (in ours it means involvement)  Ekman & Friesen have identified six basic emotions that facial expressions reflect:  Surprise  Fear  Anger  Disgust  Happiness  Sadness (possible combinations of these –affect blends)
  • 80. Clothing  Besides protecting us from the elements, clothing is a means of nonverbal com.  We make assumptions about people based on clothing  Messages it can convey:  Economic status  Educational level  Social status  Moral standards  Athletic ability and other interests  Belief system (political, philosophical, religious)  Level of sophistication
  • 82.
  • 86. A Smile is an Inexpensive way to change your looks
  • 88. Eyes
  • 93. Walk
  • 99.
  • 101. Guess
  • 104. Touch
  • 106. Client
  • 107. Social