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Big Class Graduation Script
Good Afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen and welcome to the 2011 big class
graduation. (Chinese)
My name is Teacher Stefanie and this is my co-host Teacher Kitty. We are
pleased to be your hosts for today's graduation ceremony. (Chinese)
Today's graduation ceremony is the final product of many months of hard work
and practice. Through the guidance of all the teachers, the students will bring
you performances from around the world. Each performance will contain
elements of song, dance, music and storytelling. We will be going on a virtual
trip around the world. The performances will show us a small snap shot of a
place somewhere in the world. Teacher Kitty and I can't wait to take you on
this journey. (Chinese)
As you sit back and appreciate each performance, please remember to silence
your cell phone or other mobile device, so everyone will have an enjoyable
experience. (Chinese)
It's time to start the ceremony. We will be opening with a song from High
School Musical. Let's see what the big classes have prepared. (Chinese)
Remember each class will introduce themselves and say
thank you before you speak.
Conclusion: Wow! That was amazing! I can't wait to see what else the
students will share with us. (Chinese)
Short conversation
Kitty: Teacher Stefanie what was your favorite part of the High School Musical
Stefanie: I really liked the upbeat music and dancing. The students really looked
like they were having fun on stage. What was your favorite part of the High
School Musical performance?
Kitty: I liked the costumes. Teacher Stefanie, did you ever do any performances
when you were in school?
Stefanie: Yes, Teacher Kitty. I just remembered doing a performance when I was
in grade three.
Kitty: Why do you remember that one?
Stefanie: Well, I remember it because I had to do the performance with a
classmate I didn't like. He always thought he was the best and he used to get
into my desk.
Kitty: How was the performance?
Stefanie: The performance went well actually. I really liked my part.
Kitty: Why?
Stefanie: I played the part of a robber. My classmate played a donkey that was
very rich and proud.
Kitty: So, why did you like it so much?
Stefanie: I was supposed to pretend to hit the donkey to rob him of his jewels, but
I actually hit him during the performance which was in front of all of our parents.
Kitty: Teacher Stefanie that is the naughtiest thing I have ever heard. Did you
say you were sorry??
Stefanie: Eventually Teacher Kitty. Of course, now I know that was wrong and I
should have asked my teacher for help with my classmate.
I'm sure to our students the first day of school seems like a distant memory,
but our parents may be thinking where did the time go as their little ones are
already graduating kindergarten. The first day of school probably was met with
feelings of excitement, worry, tears and happiness all at once. The students
may have felt scared the first time mom and dad said good bye and went to
work, but each has made wonderful friends and learned so much about
sharing, playing, speaking and learning. (Chinese)
I'm glad this opening performance went really well. It looks like all the big
classes really enjoyed themselves on stage. I know for the past few months the
big classes have been practicing a few times a week to learn all the parts to
their performances. The teachers and students have really worked hard. Let's
give them another round of applause. (Chinese)
Kitty: Teacher Stefanie had you traveled overseas before coming to Taiwan?
Stefanie: Yes, I have.
Kitty: Where did you go?
Stefanie: I have been to the Philippines, Guatemala, Canada, Hong Kong and
Western China. Teacher Kitty, Have you traveled overseas before.
Kitty: No, I have not.
Stefanie: Would you like to travel overseas?
Kitty: Yes, I would like to go to Japan. Teacher Stefanie, Have you heard of the
Maori people in New Zealand?
Stefanie: Yes and did you know that they like to kiss each other by rubbing their
Kitty: Yes I have heard that before. I have also seen their special dance called
the haka that New Zealand rugby players do before every game.
I think our first big class performance is ready to begin. (Chinese)
Intro: The first stop in our journey will be in New Zealand. The Elephant
Class, under the direction of Teacher Jon and Teacher Callie, will share with us
a traditional myth from long ago to explain why the days are so long. In New
Zealand, the land was filled with darkness because the sun traveled through
the sky much too quickly. The Elephant Class will try to slow the sun down, so
they have more time to play. Let us enjoy the performance: “How We Slowed
the Sun”. (Chinese)
Conclusion: Thank you Elephant Class. I really loved all the ways you
tried to capture the sun.
Intro: The next stop in our trip around the world takes us to America.
The Dog Class, guided by Teacher Cassie and Teacher Katy, will show us a
snap shot of a typical workday situation at an art gallery. What will happen
when the workers at the art gallery accidentally leave behind a cup from their
break time meal? Visitors to the gallery mistake it for a work of art. Some
visitors love it, while others aren't impressed. The managers don't know how
the “work of art” came to be at the gallery. What will happen to the “work of
art” at the end of the day?, in “The Night at the Museum”. (Chinese)
Conclusion: Excellent job Dog Class. I enjoyed the swing dancing. It's
my favorite. (Chinese)
Stefanie: Teacher Kitty, have you ever tried swing dancing?
Kitty: No, but maybe someday I will get the chance.
Intro: Next we will have a special music performance by the Tiger and
Bear Classes. Under the direction of Teacher Ting Ting, we will be entertained
with Latin music from Brazil. The students will share with us some music for a
happy party. (Chinese)
Conclusion: Thank you very much to the Tiger and Bear Classes for the
drum and dance performance. I really liked the Latin music. Let's give them
another round of applause. (Chinese)
Kitty: Teacher Stefanie, What did you think of the drum performance?
Stefanie: I thought it was wonderful. I really enjoy drum music.
Intro: Continuing on in our journey around the world we will make
another stop in America where the Penguin Class will transform into the
Penguin Band, under the guidance of Teacher Ryan and Teacher Sarah. The
Penguin band has been practicing hard all year. The band really wants to make
a few hit songs and tour the world as a famous rock band. When another
popular rock band “The Rockets” come to town, the Penguins finally have their
chance. Maybe if they impress them they can become famous too! Let's enjoy a
lively and upbeat performance from The Penguins! (Chinese)
Conclusion: Awesome job Penguin Class. I loved all of those rock
classics. You really know how to rock it out. (Chinese)
Kitty: What was your favorite song from the performance?
Stefanie: My favorite song was the Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen.
Intro: Our journey will now take us to Africa, to the country of
Madagascar. The animals in the zoo have lived their entire lives with regular
meals and an admiring public who adore them. They are starting to get bored
of their life and want to explore the world outside. A group of penguins help
them escape but unfortunately they are captured by the zoo keepers and put on
a ship to Africa. Their boat crashes and they land on a strange island. They
encounter a group of fun loving party animals who invite the zoo animals to
stay with them on the island. They all gladly accept. The zoo animals will have
to help each other to survive in the wild and they realize that they can overcome
anything with a little help from their friends. Let's travel with the Tiger Class
with the guidance of Teacher Em and Teacher Joyce, on this adventure.
Conclusion: Great job Tiger Class. I have always loved those undercover
penguins, and I noticed Markus, the big lion, his dancing was very powerful.
Intro: Now we will go to Japan with the Dog, Elephant, and Penguin
classes as they share with us a performance in Japanese under the direction of
Naho Sensei. In Japan, graduation season is in April, when the Sakura flower
blooms. Each class will find the Sakura flower as a symbol of their graduation
and the next step in their education. (Chinese)
Conclusion: Arrigato, Dog, Elephant, and Penguin classes for that
wonderful performance. Your dancing and speaking were great. It's amazing to
watch the children perform in so many different languages. I'm glad each class
has found their Sakura flower. (Chinese)
Intro: We have arrived back in Taiwan. The Bear Class family, guided by
Teacher Monica and Teacher Erin, would like to know “Are you Coming Along?”
They will take us on a journey around this beautiful island. Dad, Mom,
Brother, and Sister are ready to venture out to see and smell the sights of
Taiwan. The first location is to a beautiful ocean... but watch out, there's
something in the water! The second location is up to a beautiful mountain,
where the Bear Class family takes a hike up the mountain...but be careful,
there's something inside the cave! The third location is to the beautiful
countryside; they can pick apples and ride horses... but watch out, the horses
have gone wild! Last, but not least, the Bear Class family goes down to the river
where they have a great time rowing their boats. It has been a long day and
they've done a lot, but it's time to go home now, but before they head back, they
take in the beautiful sight of Taipei 101. (Chinese)
Conclusion: Super job Bear class. Thank you for that amazing journey
and showing us all of the wonderful things Taiwan has to offer. (Chinese)
Thank You
Let's give another round of applause and thank all of the teachers and students
for such wonderful performances and an amazing virtual trip around the world.
Many hours of hard work and practice have made this ceremony possible. We
have truly enjoyed the singing, dancing, and storytelling in English, Chinese,
and Japanese. This ceremony was really three years in the making as many of
the students started studying in small class. The students have been working
very hard, especially over the past few months. They have balanced many
challenging program expectations and they have achieved a great deal.
Slide Show
Let us now enjoy a slide show featuring each of our graduates in their
graduation gowns as well as pictures with all the friends each student has
made while coming to school at Hess Kindergarten. (Chinese)
Awards and Diplomas acknowledge the achievements made by your children.
The students have each excelled in many areas. The students will be receiving
their graduation diplomas as well as special awards. First, the students will
receive their graduation diplomas. (Chinese)
Let us welcome Tiger class to the stage, taught by Teacher Em and Teacher
Joyce, to receive their diplomas. (Chinese)
Let us invite Teacher Ally to the stage to award the diplomas to Tiger class.
Thank you Tiger class and Teacher Ally. (Chinese)
Let us welcome Bear class to the stage, taught by Teacher Monica and Teacher
Erin, to receive their diplomas. (Chinese)
Let us once again welcome Teacher Ally to the stage to award the diplomas to
Bear class. (Chinese)
Thank you Bear class and Teacher Ally. (Chinese)
Let us welcome Dog class to the stage, taught by Teacher Cassie and Teacher
Katy, to receive their diplomas. (Chinese)
Let us once again welcome teacher Ally to the stage to award the diplomas to
Dog class. (Chinese)
Thank you Dog class and Teacher Ally. (Chinese)
Let us welcome Elephant class to the stage, taught by Teacher Jon and Teacher
Callie, to receive their diplomas. (Chinese)
Let us once again invite Teacher Ally to the stage to award the diplomas to
Elephant class.(Chinese)
Thank you Elephant class and Teacher Ally. (Chinese)
Let us welcome Penguin class to the stage, taught by Teacher Ryan and Teacher
Sarah, to receive their diplomas. (Chinese)
Let us once again invite Teacher Ally to the stage to award the diplomas to
Penguin class. (Chinese)
Thank you Penguin class and Teacher Ally. (Chinese)
Special Awards begin speaking as sooon as the students start leaving the stage
We will now be giving special awards to students who have excelled in special
areas. Our first Award will the MVP award. Let's welcome the award recipients
for the MVP award to the stage. (Chinese)
Reading of the Names
Once again Let's welcome Teacher Ally to the stage to award each student.
Thank you graduates and thank you Teacher Ally. (Chinese)
Shakespeare Award
Our next award is the Shakespeare award. Let's welcome the award recipients.
Reading of the Names
Let's welcome Teacher Em to the stage to award each student. (Chinese)
Thank you graduates and thank you Teacher Em. (Chinese)
DuFu Award
Our next award is the Dufu Award. Let's welcome the graduates to the stage.
Reading of the Names
Let's welcome Teacher Coco to the stage to award each student. (Chinese)
Thank you graduates and thank you Teacher Coco. (Chinese)
Yuan Zhe Lee Award
Our next award is the Yuan Zhe Lee. Let's welcome the graduates to the stage.
Reading of the Names
Let's welcome Teacher Eppie to the stage to award each student. (Chinese)
Thank you graduates and thank you Teacher Eppie.(Chinese)
Picasso Award
Our final award is the Picasso award. Let's welcome the graduates to the stage.
Reading of the Names
Let's welcome Teacher Winnie to the stage to award each student. (Chinese)
Thank you graduates and thank you Teacher Winnie. (Chinese)
Speeches Each class has a cue to tell them to leave th stage
Now the big classes have prepared a few words to share with us. (Chinese)
The Elephant and Dog classes will share with us some parting words in
Japanese. (Chinese)
Thank you Elephant and Dog class. (Chinese)
The Tiger and Bear classes will share with us a few heartwarming words in
English. (Chinese)
Thank you Tiger and Bear class. (Chinese)
The Penguin class will now share with us some words of wisdom in Chinese.
Thank you Penguin class. (Chinese)
Guest Speaker
Please join me in welcoming our Branch Manager Teacher Ally to share a few
words of wisdom and encouragement with our graduates for their future
endeavors. (Chinese)
Teachers Wishes
All of our big class teachers will share a final goodbye to their beloved students
and wish them well in their future endeavors. Let's welcome our big class
teachers to the stage. (Chinese)
From Tiger class Teacher Em and Teacher Joyce. (Chinese)
From Bear class Teacher Monica and Teacher Erin. (Chinese)
From Dog class Teacher Cassie and Teacher Katy. (Chinese)
From Elephant class Teacher Jon and Teacher Callie. (Chinese)
From Penguin class Teacher Ryan and Teacher Sarah. (Chinese)
and Last but not least let's welcome Naho Sensei our Japanese Teacher.
Thank you to all of our big class teachers for such wonderful words of
encouragement. Let's give another round of applause for our teachers and
students for their wonderful accomplishments and a beautiful ceremony.
Graduation Song
Now the graduates will grace us with the HESS graduation song. Let's give
another encouraging round of applause. (Chinese)
Slide Show with music Because of Love
Graduation always means that one phase of life is ending and another one is
beginning. The children have grown so much since small class. The students
have learned much more than the basics of language and math. They have
learned to play, share, and learn with each other. So many moments have
passed. Here are a few that have been captured from their small and middle
class days. Let us enjoy a slide show that will share the journey your children
have made to this moment in their lives. (Chinese)
Parent welcome to the stage say once the teachers have taken their place
Parents please join our graduates and teachers up on the stage to share in the
joy and love of your children's accomplishments. Hugs, flowers, and
photographs are welcome. Thank you to all of our graduates and their
teachers. (Chinese)
Final Farewell
I hope you have all enjoyed the festivities today. The students and teachers
have really performed well, so please join me in a final round of applause and
thank you to our students for all of their hard work. Thank you to everyone
who has helped out with today's performance. (Chinese)
Thank you
Thank you everyone for your kind attention. Teacher Kitty and I truly hope this
was an enjoyable experience for you and a wonderful celebration of the
students' achievements.
and Last but not least let's welcome Naho Sensei our Japanese Teacher.
Thank you to all of our big class teachers for such wonderful words of
encouragement. Let's give another round of applause for our teachers and
students for their wonderful accomplishments and a beautiful ceremony.
Graduation Song
Now the graduates will grace us with the HESS graduation song. Let's give
another encouraging round of applause. (Chinese)
Slide Show with music Because of Love
Graduation always means that one phase of life is ending and another one is
beginning. The children have grown so much since small class. The students
have learned much more than the basics of language and math. They have
learned to play, share, and learn with each other. So many moments have
passed. Here are a few that have been captured from their small and middle
class days. Let us enjoy a slide show that will share the journey your children
have made to this moment in their lives. (Chinese)
Parent welcome to the stage say once the teachers have taken their place
Parents please join our graduates and teachers up on the stage to share in the
joy and love of your children's accomplishments. Hugs, flowers, and
photographs are welcome. Thank you to all of our graduates and their
teachers. (Chinese)
Final Farewell
I hope you have all enjoyed the festivities today. The students and teachers
have really performed well, so please join me in a final round of applause and
thank you to our students for all of their hard work. Thank you to everyone
who has helped out with today's performance. (Chinese)
Thank you
Thank you everyone for your kind attention. Teacher Kitty and I truly hope this
was an enjoyable experience for you and a wonderful celebration of the
students' achievements.

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  • 1. Big Class Graduation Script Good Afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen and welcome to the 2011 big class graduation. (Chinese) Introduction My name is Teacher Stefanie and this is my co-host Teacher Kitty. We are pleased to be your hosts for today's graduation ceremony. (Chinese) Today's graduation ceremony is the final product of many months of hard work and practice. Through the guidance of all the teachers, the students will bring you performances from around the world. Each performance will contain elements of song, dance, music and storytelling. We will be going on a virtual trip around the world. The performances will show us a small snap shot of a place somewhere in the world. Teacher Kitty and I can't wait to take you on this journey. (Chinese) As you sit back and appreciate each performance, please remember to silence your cell phone or other mobile device, so everyone will have an enjoyable experience. (Chinese) It's time to start the ceremony. We will be opening with a song from High School Musical. Let's see what the big classes have prepared. (Chinese) Remember each class will introduce themselves and say thank you before you speak. Conclusion: Wow! That was amazing! I can't wait to see what else the students will share with us. (Chinese) Short conversation Kitty: Teacher Stefanie what was your favorite part of the High School Musical performance? Stefanie: I really liked the upbeat music and dancing. The students really looked like they were having fun on stage. What was your favorite part of the High School Musical performance? Kitty: I liked the costumes. Teacher Stefanie, did you ever do any performances when you were in school? Stefanie: Yes, Teacher Kitty. I just remembered doing a performance when I was in grade three. Kitty: Why do you remember that one?
  • 2. Stefanie: Well, I remember it because I had to do the performance with a classmate I didn't like. He always thought he was the best and he used to get into my desk. Kitty: How was the performance? Stefanie: The performance went well actually. I really liked my part. Kitty: Why? Stefanie: I played the part of a robber. My classmate played a donkey that was very rich and proud. Kitty: So, why did you like it so much? Stefanie: I was supposed to pretend to hit the donkey to rob him of his jewels, but I actually hit him during the performance which was in front of all of our parents. Kitty: Teacher Stefanie that is the naughtiest thing I have ever heard. Did you say you were sorry?? Stefanie: Eventually Teacher Kitty. Of course, now I know that was wrong and I should have asked my teacher for help with my classmate. I'm sure to our students the first day of school seems like a distant memory, but our parents may be thinking where did the time go as their little ones are already graduating kindergarten. The first day of school probably was met with feelings of excitement, worry, tears and happiness all at once. The students may have felt scared the first time mom and dad said good bye and went to work, but each has made wonderful friends and learned so much about sharing, playing, speaking and learning. (Chinese) I'm glad this opening performance went really well. It looks like all the big classes really enjoyed themselves on stage. I know for the past few months the big classes have been practicing a few times a week to learn all the parts to their performances. The teachers and students have really worked hard. Let's give them another round of applause. (Chinese) Kitty: Teacher Stefanie had you traveled overseas before coming to Taiwan? Stefanie: Yes, I have. Kitty: Where did you go? Stefanie: I have been to the Philippines, Guatemala, Canada, Hong Kong and Western China. Teacher Kitty, Have you traveled overseas before. Kitty: No, I have not. Stefanie: Would you like to travel overseas?
  • 3. Kitty: Yes, I would like to go to Japan. Teacher Stefanie, Have you heard of the Maori people in New Zealand? Stefanie: Yes and did you know that they like to kiss each other by rubbing their noses? Kitty: Yes I have heard that before. I have also seen their special dance called the haka that New Zealand rugby players do before every game. I think our first big class performance is ready to begin. (Chinese) Performances Intro: The first stop in our journey will be in New Zealand. The Elephant Class, under the direction of Teacher Jon and Teacher Callie, will share with us a traditional myth from long ago to explain why the days are so long. In New Zealand, the land was filled with darkness because the sun traveled through the sky much too quickly. The Elephant Class will try to slow the sun down, so they have more time to play. Let us enjoy the performance: “How We Slowed the Sun”. (Chinese) Conclusion: Thank you Elephant Class. I really loved all the ways you tried to capture the sun. (Chinese) Intro: The next stop in our trip around the world takes us to America. The Dog Class, guided by Teacher Cassie and Teacher Katy, will show us a snap shot of a typical workday situation at an art gallery. What will happen when the workers at the art gallery accidentally leave behind a cup from their break time meal? Visitors to the gallery mistake it for a work of art. Some visitors love it, while others aren't impressed. The managers don't know how the “work of art” came to be at the gallery. What will happen to the “work of art” at the end of the day?, in “The Night at the Museum”. (Chinese) Conclusion: Excellent job Dog Class. I enjoyed the swing dancing. It's my favorite. (Chinese) Stefanie: Teacher Kitty, have you ever tried swing dancing? Kitty: No, but maybe someday I will get the chance. Intro: Next we will have a special music performance by the Tiger and Bear Classes. Under the direction of Teacher Ting Ting, we will be entertained with Latin music from Brazil. The students will share with us some music for a happy party. (Chinese) Conclusion: Thank you very much to the Tiger and Bear Classes for the
  • 4. drum and dance performance. I really liked the Latin music. Let's give them another round of applause. (Chinese) Kitty: Teacher Stefanie, What did you think of the drum performance? Stefanie: I thought it was wonderful. I really enjoy drum music. Intro: Continuing on in our journey around the world we will make another stop in America where the Penguin Class will transform into the Penguin Band, under the guidance of Teacher Ryan and Teacher Sarah. The Penguin band has been practicing hard all year. The band really wants to make a few hit songs and tour the world as a famous rock band. When another popular rock band “The Rockets” come to town, the Penguins finally have their chance. Maybe if they impress them they can become famous too! Let's enjoy a lively and upbeat performance from The Penguins! (Chinese) Conclusion: Awesome job Penguin Class. I loved all of those rock classics. You really know how to rock it out. (Chinese) Kitty: What was your favorite song from the performance? Stefanie: My favorite song was the Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen. Intro: Our journey will now take us to Africa, to the country of Madagascar. The animals in the zoo have lived their entire lives with regular meals and an admiring public who adore them. They are starting to get bored of their life and want to explore the world outside. A group of penguins help them escape but unfortunately they are captured by the zoo keepers and put on a ship to Africa. Their boat crashes and they land on a strange island. They encounter a group of fun loving party animals who invite the zoo animals to stay with them on the island. They all gladly accept. The zoo animals will have to help each other to survive in the wild and they realize that they can overcome anything with a little help from their friends. Let's travel with the Tiger Class with the guidance of Teacher Em and Teacher Joyce, on this adventure. (Chinese) Conclusion: Great job Tiger Class. I have always loved those undercover penguins, and I noticed Markus, the big lion, his dancing was very powerful. (Chinese) Intro: Now we will go to Japan with the Dog, Elephant, and Penguin classes as they share with us a performance in Japanese under the direction of Naho Sensei. In Japan, graduation season is in April, when the Sakura flower blooms. Each class will find the Sakura flower as a symbol of their graduation and the next step in their education. (Chinese)
  • 5. Conclusion: Arrigato, Dog, Elephant, and Penguin classes for that wonderful performance. Your dancing and speaking were great. It's amazing to watch the children perform in so many different languages. I'm glad each class has found their Sakura flower. (Chinese) Intro: We have arrived back in Taiwan. The Bear Class family, guided by Teacher Monica and Teacher Erin, would like to know “Are you Coming Along?” They will take us on a journey around this beautiful island. Dad, Mom, Brother, and Sister are ready to venture out to see and smell the sights of Taiwan. The first location is to a beautiful ocean... but watch out, there's something in the water! The second location is up to a beautiful mountain, where the Bear Class family takes a hike up the mountain...but be careful, there's something inside the cave! The third location is to the beautiful countryside; they can pick apples and ride horses... but watch out, the horses have gone wild! Last, but not least, the Bear Class family goes down to the river where they have a great time rowing their boats. It has been a long day and they've done a lot, but it's time to go home now, but before they head back, they take in the beautiful sight of Taipei 101. (Chinese) Conclusion: Super job Bear class. Thank you for that amazing journey and showing us all of the wonderful things Taiwan has to offer. (Chinese) Thank You Let's give another round of applause and thank all of the teachers and students for such wonderful performances and an amazing virtual trip around the world. Many hours of hard work and practice have made this ceremony possible. We have truly enjoyed the singing, dancing, and storytelling in English, Chinese, and Japanese. This ceremony was really three years in the making as many of the students started studying in small class. The students have been working very hard, especially over the past few months. They have balanced many challenging program expectations and they have achieved a great deal. (Chinese) Slide Show Let us now enjoy a slide show featuring each of our graduates in their graduation gowns as well as pictures with all the friends each student has made while coming to school at Hess Kindergarten. (Chinese) Diplomas Awards and Diplomas acknowledge the achievements made by your children. The students have each excelled in many areas. The students will be receiving their graduation diplomas as well as special awards. First, the students will receive their graduation diplomas. (Chinese)
  • 6. Tiger Let us welcome Tiger class to the stage, taught by Teacher Em and Teacher Joyce, to receive their diplomas. (Chinese) Let us invite Teacher Ally to the stage to award the diplomas to Tiger class. (Chinese) Thank you Tiger class and Teacher Ally. (Chinese) Bear Let us welcome Bear class to the stage, taught by Teacher Monica and Teacher Erin, to receive their diplomas. (Chinese) Let us once again welcome Teacher Ally to the stage to award the diplomas to Bear class. (Chinese) Thank you Bear class and Teacher Ally. (Chinese) Dog Let us welcome Dog class to the stage, taught by Teacher Cassie and Teacher Katy, to receive their diplomas. (Chinese) Let us once again welcome teacher Ally to the stage to award the diplomas to Dog class. (Chinese) Thank you Dog class and Teacher Ally. (Chinese) Elephant Let us welcome Elephant class to the stage, taught by Teacher Jon and Teacher Callie, to receive their diplomas. (Chinese) Let us once again invite Teacher Ally to the stage to award the diplomas to Elephant class.(Chinese) Thank you Elephant class and Teacher Ally. (Chinese) Penguin Let us welcome Penguin class to the stage, taught by Teacher Ryan and Teacher Sarah, to receive their diplomas. (Chinese) Let us once again invite Teacher Ally to the stage to award the diplomas to Penguin class. (Chinese) Thank you Penguin class and Teacher Ally. (Chinese) Special Awards begin speaking as sooon as the students start leaving the stage
  • 7. We will now be giving special awards to students who have excelled in special areas. Our first Award will the MVP award. Let's welcome the award recipients for the MVP award to the stage. (Chinese) Reading of the Names Once again Let's welcome Teacher Ally to the stage to award each student. (Chinese) Thank you graduates and thank you Teacher Ally. (Chinese) Shakespeare Award Our next award is the Shakespeare award. Let's welcome the award recipients. (Chinese) Reading of the Names Let's welcome Teacher Em to the stage to award each student. (Chinese) Thank you graduates and thank you Teacher Em. (Chinese) DuFu Award Our next award is the Dufu Award. Let's welcome the graduates to the stage. (Chinese) Reading of the Names Let's welcome Teacher Coco to the stage to award each student. (Chinese) Thank you graduates and thank you Teacher Coco. (Chinese) Yuan Zhe Lee Award Our next award is the Yuan Zhe Lee. Let's welcome the graduates to the stage. (Chinese) Reading of the Names Let's welcome Teacher Eppie to the stage to award each student. (Chinese) Thank you graduates and thank you Teacher Eppie.(Chinese) Picasso Award
  • 8. Our final award is the Picasso award. Let's welcome the graduates to the stage. (Chinese) Reading of the Names Let's welcome Teacher Winnie to the stage to award each student. (Chinese) Thank you graduates and thank you Teacher Winnie. (Chinese) Speeches Each class has a cue to tell them to leave th stage Now the big classes have prepared a few words to share with us. (Chinese) The Elephant and Dog classes will share with us some parting words in Japanese. (Chinese) Thank you Elephant and Dog class. (Chinese) The Tiger and Bear classes will share with us a few heartwarming words in English. (Chinese) Thank you Tiger and Bear class. (Chinese) The Penguin class will now share with us some words of wisdom in Chinese. (Chinese) Thank you Penguin class. (Chinese) Guest Speaker Please join me in welcoming our Branch Manager Teacher Ally to share a few words of wisdom and encouragement with our graduates for their future endeavors. (Chinese) Teachers Wishes All of our big class teachers will share a final goodbye to their beloved students and wish them well in their future endeavors. Let's welcome our big class teachers to the stage. (Chinese) From Tiger class Teacher Em and Teacher Joyce. (Chinese) From Bear class Teacher Monica and Teacher Erin. (Chinese) From Dog class Teacher Cassie and Teacher Katy. (Chinese) From Elephant class Teacher Jon and Teacher Callie. (Chinese) From Penguin class Teacher Ryan and Teacher Sarah. (Chinese)
  • 9. and Last but not least let's welcome Naho Sensei our Japanese Teacher. (Chinese) Thank you to all of our big class teachers for such wonderful words of encouragement. Let's give another round of applause for our teachers and students for their wonderful accomplishments and a beautiful ceremony. (Chinese) Graduation Song Now the graduates will grace us with the HESS graduation song. Let's give another encouraging round of applause. (Chinese) Slide Show with music Because of Love Graduation always means that one phase of life is ending and another one is beginning. The children have grown so much since small class. The students have learned much more than the basics of language and math. They have learned to play, share, and learn with each other. So many moments have passed. Here are a few that have been captured from their small and middle class days. Let us enjoy a slide show that will share the journey your children have made to this moment in their lives. (Chinese) Parent welcome to the stage say once the teachers have taken their place Parents please join our graduates and teachers up on the stage to share in the joy and love of your children's accomplishments. Hugs, flowers, and photographs are welcome. Thank you to all of our graduates and their teachers. (Chinese) Final Farewell I hope you have all enjoyed the festivities today. The students and teachers have really performed well, so please join me in a final round of applause and thank you to our students for all of their hard work. Thank you to everyone who has helped out with today's performance. (Chinese) Thank you Thank you everyone for your kind attention. Teacher Kitty and I truly hope this was an enjoyable experience for you and a wonderful celebration of the students' achievements.
  • 10. and Last but not least let's welcome Naho Sensei our Japanese Teacher. (Chinese) Thank you to all of our big class teachers for such wonderful words of encouragement. Let's give another round of applause for our teachers and students for their wonderful accomplishments and a beautiful ceremony. (Chinese) Graduation Song Now the graduates will grace us with the HESS graduation song. Let's give another encouraging round of applause. (Chinese) Slide Show with music Because of Love Graduation always means that one phase of life is ending and another one is beginning. The children have grown so much since small class. The students have learned much more than the basics of language and math. They have learned to play, share, and learn with each other. So many moments have passed. Here are a few that have been captured from their small and middle class days. Let us enjoy a slide show that will share the journey your children have made to this moment in their lives. (Chinese) Parent welcome to the stage say once the teachers have taken their place Parents please join our graduates and teachers up on the stage to share in the joy and love of your children's accomplishments. Hugs, flowers, and photographs are welcome. Thank you to all of our graduates and their teachers. (Chinese) Final Farewell I hope you have all enjoyed the festivities today. The students and teachers have really performed well, so please join me in a final round of applause and thank you to our students for all of their hard work. Thank you to everyone who has helped out with today's performance. (Chinese) Thank you Thank you everyone for your kind attention. Teacher Kitty and I truly hope this was an enjoyable experience for you and a wonderful celebration of the students' achievements.