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Barcelona Design
Our magazine is a plat-
form for sharing the
work and stories of de-
signers based in Barce-
lona and the surround-
ing region. We feature
a range of designers
working in various fields,
from established pro-
fessionals to emerg-
ing talents. Through our
magazine, you can learn
about the challeng-
es and opportunities
facing designers in the
area, and get to know
the people behind the
work. Join us as we ex-
plore the design scene
of Barcelona.
[02] [03]
Dissenyadors// //Decembre 2022
Verònica Fuerte found-
ed the renowned, Bar-
celona based, Hey in
2007. The studio’s work
is epitomised by bold
vibrant colour, elegant
geometric simplicity,
and a conceptual ap-
proach which has led
Hey to become one
the most recognised
names in the design
world. This creative ap-
proach has grown from
Verònica’s preference
for a strong concept
behind every project
and her belief that co-
lour is ‘a universal lan-
guage that everybody
understands’. When
she started her stu-
dio, Verònica wanted to
pursue her own way of
way of working, choos-
ing a friendly name in
Hey to represent the
studio’s attitude. This
also fits with Hey’s belief
in the power of
images to communi-
cate ideas across dif-
ferent languages and
media forms.
For the three years after
Hey’s launch, Veròni-
ca invested a lot of time
and energy into find-
ing the kind of clients
she wanted to work
with and discovered
that reputation build-
ing is gradual process.
To grow her client base
beyond friends, she
sent out direct mail ex-
amples of Hey’s work to
a range of potential cli-
ents in Barcelona, which
included self-initiated
design projects, whilst
she built up the studio’s
portfolio. Social media
has also been crucial
as a means for Hey to
connect with people in
Spain and across the
world – the studio was
approached by Apple
via Instagram.
As well as creating work
for commercial clients,
side projects have al-
ways been an important
part of studio life at Hey.
Veronica has always
seen these projects as
an important way for
her and her team to
grow as creatives, ex-
periment freely and ex-
plore new ideas without
commercial constraints.
Her latest venture has
been launching Hey
Shop in Barcelona,
which is the culmina-
tion of these projects
and a showcase that
reflects perfectly the
studio’s distinctive cre-
ative voice. During her
career, Verònica has
come to appreciate
how few women in the
design industry make
it to senior positions
such as Creative Di-
rectors and business
founders. Whilst she
feels proud to be one of
the few, she recognises
that change still needs
to happen. Her inspi-
rational and success-
ful career as a studio
founder illustrates how
believing in yourself and
your individual creative
approach, resilience
and determination can
lead to great things.
[04] [05]
Dissenyadors// //Decembre 2022
Mario Eskenazi is a Bar-
celona-based graph-
ic designer with a port-
folio that includes col-
lections for Paidos Pub-
lishers, Banco Sabadell
and Palau Robert. His
most significant work
includes Barcelona pel
Medi Ambient, Trans-
ports Metropolitans de
Barcelona and Centre
Cultural Blanquerna.
Eskenazi has also fea-
tured in articles and
publications such as Vi-
sual, étapes and Graph-
ics Explained. He has
also received multi-
ple awards, including
LAUS, Communications
Arts and the Nation-
al Design Award in 2000,
Spain's highest recog-
nition in the field of De-
sign. He has also been
a member of Alliance
Graphique Internatio-
nale since 1997.
He also produced
exhibitions from Pica-
sso vs. Russinyol at the
Picasso Museum to
Thetravels of Josep Plà
at the Blanquerna.
[06] Dissenyadors//
His real name is Juan
Carlos Pérez Sánchez
and he was born in
Buenos Aires (Argenti-
na) in 1939. Self-taught,
he learnt from the so-
called Swiss School (In-
ternational Typograph-
ic Style). After working
at the Agens advertis-
ing agency and some
years working at differ-
ent agencies, he moved
to Barcelona and set
up his own design stu-
dio. He has also taught
at the Eina Design and
Art School in Barcelo-
na since 1967. He is re-
sponsible for the cor-
porate branding of
renowned institutions and
companies such as the Pi-
casso Museum and the
National Theatre of
Catalonia. He is also
responsible for the
graphic branding
of major events
such as the logo
for the Barcelo-
na 92 Olympic ca-
ndidacy. His style
combines the rigo-
rous design of Euro-
pean tradition with
wpopular graphic art.
//Decembre 2022
[08] Dissenyadors//
Enric Jardí
“In a letter there are desires, there
are fears, there is identity.”
Enric Jardí’s work has
focused on magazine
and publication design
and art direction, book
covers, corporate
identity, typography,
and illustration. His
clients have included
numerous local and
global organizations
and a selection of
international and na-
tional companies.
Enric Jardí graduated
from ELISAVA Escola Su-
perior de Disseny i En-
ginyeria de Barcelona
1988 where he contin-
ued to teach for a num-
ber of years after his
His professional work
has focused on mag-
azine and publication
design and art direc-
tion, book covers, cor-
porate identity and il-
lustration. His clients
have included numer-
ous local and glob-
al organizations and
a selection of inter-
national and national
In 1991 along with other
typographic designers
as group Type-Ø-
he developed a series
of typefaces which are
distributed by Berlin
based FontShop.
From September 2005
to April 2009 was he
president of the Asso-
ciation of Art Directors
and Graphic Designers
ADG-FAD and subse-
quently served
for two years as a
member of the board of
this organization.
Enric is the author of
many articles on design
and typography. In 2007
published his book
“Twenty-two tips on ty-
pography (that some
designers will never re-
veal) / Twenty-two
things you should never
do with typefaces (that
some typographers will
never tell you)” in Actar
publisher house and in
2012 Editorial Gustavo
Gili published “Pensar
con imágenes” (Thinking
with Images). Both has
been translated into a
number of languages.
He is currently direc-
tor of the Master’s in
Advanced Typography
at Eina Centre de Uni-
versitari de Disseny i
Art working in conjunc-
tion with the Universitat
Autònoma de Barcelo-
na. He is also a visiting
professor in the Mas-
ter in Arts in Advertising
at Blanquerna, Universi-
tat Ramon Llull (Barce-
lona), Masters in Design
and Art Direction and
Masters in Packaging
at ELISAVA, Universitat
Pompeu Fabra (Barce-
lona) and teacher of the
Graphic Design Course
at the University of Lap-
land (Finland).
Since 2016 he teach-
es Semiotics and Image
Theory at IDEP School
in Barcelona.
In October 2009 he re-
ceived the Nation-
al Prize of Culture in de-
sign from the Generali-
tat de Catalunya.
//Decembre 2022
[10] [11]
Dissenyadors// //Decembre 2022
What started out as
two guys (and an intern)
who believed in a differ-
ent way of creating and
building brands, work-
ing from a small office in
“We remain true to our origins,
working hard to keep it real and
personal with our clients who we
regard as partners.”
Barcelona, doing their
thing, relentlessly and
(fortunately) success-
fully, has now become
an independent agency
in BCN-Miami-LA.
The agency continues
to bring together more
than 40 professionals
who also share the vi-
sion that combining in-
novative processes,
business strategy and
a creative perspective
is the secret to success
when it comes to
brand challenges.
[12] [13]
Dissenyadors// //Decembre 2022
Lo Siento
Lo Siento is a small stu-
dio from Barcelona
that specially enjoys
taking over the
whole concept of
the identity projects.
Its main feature is an or-
ganic and physical ap-
proach to the solutions,
resulting in a field where
graphic and industri-
al design dialogue, al-
ways searching an
alliance with the
artisan processes.
“We consider LO SIENTO not just as
a graphic design studio dedicated
to external commissioned works
but as a laboratory and workshop
of ideas. We care about doing
research into new ways of telling
and expressing new things.”
[14] [15]
Dissenyadors// //Decembre 2022
A global boutique de-
sign studio with offic-
es in Barcelona, Berlin,
Newark (Nottingham-
shire), San
Francisco, London,
New York and Paris,
Mucho is led by a team
of award-winning cre-
ative directors and
partners – Marc Catala,
John Dowling, Rob Dun-
can, Pablo Juncadel-
la, Loran Stosskopf and
Tilman Solé.
Their approach is driv-
en by strong ideas and
the desire to create rel-
evant, unique work.
Collaborating across
oceans and cultures
allows them to
infuse our work with
fresh perspectives.
Above all, they are com-
mitted to creating the
very best visual com-
munication, helping
businesses stand out –
however small or large
they are, and wherever
they are in the world.
“We design with meaning. Visual
language is key, it is essential, it is
how we speak today.”
[16] [17]
Dissenyadors// //Decembre 2022
Folch is a Barcelona
based design agency
founded in 2004 by Al-
bert Folch.
The studio works with
national and interna-
tional clients across
multiple disciplines
“We build our projects through the
concepts of Business Design, Liquid
Branding and Brand Narratives.”
including brand identi-
ties, naming, print, ed-
itorial and publish-
ing, websites and digi-
tal platforms as well as
content creation, cre-
ative direction in pro-
duction, audio visual
and photography.
Folch’s approach is de-
fined by its engage-
ment with all stages of
any given project, from
concepts to final form
participating actively in
art direction and con-
tent editing. This di-
verse approach set the
foundations for
two new editorial ad-
ventures that launch-
ed in 2011: Odiseo
publication and
Eldorado experience.
[18] [19]
Alex Trochut was born
in 1981 in Barcelona,
Spain. After completing
his studies at ELISAVA
Escola Superior de Dis-
seny, Alex established
his own design studio in
Barcelona before relo-
cating to New York City.
Through his design, il-
lustration and typo-
graphic practice he has
developed an intuitive
way of working that has
resulted in his expres-
sive visual style.
For Alex, typography
functions on two hierar-
chical levels. First, there
is the image of the word
we see; reading comes
secondary. As a design-
er, Alex focuses on the
potential of language as
a visual medium, push-
ing language to its lim-
its so that seeing and
reading become the
same action and text
and image become one
unified expression.
Mixing styles and
genres and drawing
equally from pop cul-
ture, street culture,
fashion and music,
Alex has created de-
sign, illustration and
typography for a diverse
range of clients: Nike, Adidas,
The Rolling Stones, Katy
Perry, BBC, Coca-Cola,
Pepsi, The Guardian, The
New York Times, Time
Magazine and many
others.Alex’s work
has been inter-
nationally recog-
nized, appearing
in exhibitions
and publications
worldwide. He has
given talks and been
honored by the Art
Directors Club––
including being
named a 2008
Young Gun––the
Type Directors
Club, Creative Review,
Cannes, Clio and D&AD
among others. His mon-
ograph, More Is More,
explores his working
methodologies and infl-
uences and was publish-
ed in 2011.
“Design is an act of empathy; Art is
an act of freedom.”
//Decembre 2022
[20] [21]
Dissenyadors// //Decembre 2022
Astrid Stavro is an in-
graphic designer with
a reputation for strong
concept-driven de-
sign that is to the point,
emotionally engaging,
and emphasising
exquisite typography
and craft.
Her clients span the
cultural and commer-
cial worlds, and her
work encompasses
brand identity, editorial,
exhibition design,
wayfinding systems,
and packaging.
She has worked for
Camper, Vitra, Phaid-
on, McKinsey & Com-
pany, Tate Publishing,
Fedrigoni, Port maga-
zine, Laurence King, The
National Portrait Gal-
lery, and Wallpaper*,
amongst many others.
Also, she led the cele-
brated redesign of the
London-based arts and
culture magazine Ele-
phant, where she was
Art Director and Con-
tributing Editor from
Stavro directed her
own award-winning stu-
dio in Barcelona for ten
years, and in 2013 she
co-founded the re-
nowned brand and de-
sign consultancy Atlas
with Pablo Martín. In
2018 she was invited
to join Pentagram as a
Partner, where she di-
rected her team for
three years.
“The day I stop learning it’s the day I
have to stop being
a designer.”
Her work has been
widely published and
has received over 150
international awards, in-
cluding D&AD and the
Type Directors Club
of New York. In 2010,
she was elected a
member of Alliance
Graphique Internatio-
nale, the world’s
most prestigious
design association.
[22] [23]
Dissenyadors// //Decembre 2022
Miguel Milá represents
like no other person
Spanish contemporary
design. He belongs to
the pioneer’s genera-
tion of the 50s, and has
seen how many of his
pieces of furniture and
lamps have become
real classics.
Miguel Milá started
working as an interi-
or designer in the ar-
chitecture studio of his
brother Alfonso Milá
and partner Federi-
co Correa. It was the
end of the 50s, a time of
crisis when Spain hard-
ly knew what industrial
design was. There was
practically no indus-
try, everything was gen-
erally handmade. This
framework marked the
way Miguel Milá under-
stood design, sensi-
tive to the appreci-
ation and use of
traditional techniques.
Despite the shortage of
objects, means and raw
materials of the time,
Miguel Milá started de-
signing lamps and fur-
niture, that he soon
manufactured in his
own company, Tramo, a
company he set up with
two friends: architects
F. Ribas Barangé and E.
Pérez Ullibari.
Many works came out
of Tramo, abbreviation
for “trabajos moles-
tos” (annoying works),
including the previous
versions of the famous
TMC and TMM lamps
(1958 and 1961), timeless
classic designs that are
still being sold today.
Subsequently, he set up
his own industrial and
interior design studio.
Miguel Milá participat-
ed in the foundation of
the ADI-FAD, togeth-
er with Antoni de Mora-
gas, André Ricard, Oriol
Bohigas, Cirici Pellic-
er, Manel Cases and Ra-
fael Marquina. This as-
sociation sought to
foster Spanish design
abroad, and to make a
connection between
young Spanish profes-
sionals and internation-
al design.
Miguel Milá has come to
be a classic figure in de-
sign. In fact, he almost
represents the history
of Catalan modern de-
sign. His work has fo-
cused on bringing tradi-
tion up to date: many of
Miguel Milà
his products have over-
come the circumstanc-
es under which they
were made, and are
still selling nowadays,
“thanks to having been
born at a time when
rigor and honesty were
high values”, states Milá.
In 1987, he was award-
ed with the Premio Na-
cional de Diseño and in
2008 reward the Com-
paso d’Oro in recogni-
tion of his career history
and his contribution
to the promotion of
Spanish design.
[24] [25]
Dissenyadors// //Decembre 2022
He was born in
Tarragona in 1960 and
now lives in Barcelona.
He studied at EINA
School in Barcelona,
and in 1984 began his
professional career at
the Estudio Liévore y
Pensi. He subsequently
joined the company AD
Associate Designers
and in 1994 founded
Estudi Arola.
His projects cover high-
ly diverse fields such
as lighting projects for
various design firms
like Santa & Cole, Vibia,
Viabizzuno, pieces of
furniture and perf-
ume containers, as
well as interior des-
ign projects and eph-
emeral installations.
He combines his
professional career with
teaching, workshops,
artistic experimentation
and research into light.
His eternal and con-
tinuous investigation
into beauty, inspired by
ancestral cultures and
his own way of looking
at light, providing a
unique versatility which
influences each project.
“My job is to take care of the light: to
tame it and make it mine, to bring it
to either objects or spaces.”
His work has been
shown in individual and
collective exhibitions
around the world in
cites like Barcelona,
Madrid, Milan, London,
Mexico, New York and
Tokyo. Arola has been
awarded with the
National Design Prize in
2003, four times winner
of a Silver Delta Design
Awards, and in 2012
winner of a Red Dot
Design Award.
[26] [27]
Dissenyadors// //Decembre 2022
André Ricard has been
a pioneer and a cham-
pion of industrial design
in Spain, and he has
contributed definite-
ly to both the institu-
tional and professio-
nal development of
this discipline.
He has been President
of the ADI-FAD (De-
sign Association of the
Academic of the Bar-
celona Royal Acade-
my of Arts and Scienc-
es. His projects have
aimed to improve the
function of a great vari-
ety of everyday objects.
Since 1963 his pack-
aging designs for An-
tonio Puig Perfumes
have been particular-
ly outstanding and pro-
lific. His works for the
Fad), Founding Presi-
dent of the ADP (Asso-
ciation of Professional
Designers), Vice-presi-
dent of the ICSID (Inter-
national Council of De-
sign), Vice-president of
the BCD (Barcelona De-
sign Centre), Member
of the Faculty of the Art
Center ( Switzerland),
Head of Department of
Product Design in the
Barcelona Eina design
school as well as Patron
of its Foundation and
also President of Design
for the World (NGO
of design).
At present he is Honor-
ary Patron of the Loewe
Foundation, Mem-
ber of Honour of the
Royal Academy of Fine
Arts Sant Jordi and
Olympic movement
must also be highlight-
ed, especially the Torch
for the 1992 Barcelona
Olympic Games and the
Crucible for the Olym-
pic Flame in the Musée
Olympique in Laus-
anne (Switzerland). In
his role as promoter of
the profession at a na-
tional and internation-
al level, as well as writer
and teacher, he stands
out for his ethical con-
ception of design linked
directly to the improve-
ment of usefulness.
[28] [29]
Dissenyadors// //Decembre 2022
True to her design
roots, Nani Marquina
launched her namesake
brand in 1987, a time in
which contemporary
rugs were non-existent
in Spain.
After studying indus-
trial design at the Es-
cuela Massana of
Barcelona and enjoying
the success of her first
bespoke textile de-
signs, Nani launched
nanimarquina, a brand
dedicated to the de-
sign, creation, and dis-
tribution of rugs and
textile products for the
home, based on val-
ues such as observa-
tion, innovation, and
enthusiasm, with the
goal to use tradition-
al craftsmanship and
techniques to create
contemporary pieces.
In 1993, Nani Marquina
embarked on a daring
business venture: she
moved manufacturing
facilities to the north of
India. The further incor-
poration of craftsman-
ship and tradition as
a new design concept
marked a clear differ-
ence, consolidating
the brand.
Through the years, the
brand has garnered nu-
merous awards such
as the National Design
Award and the Premi
Cambra a la Gestió Em-
presarial (Chamber
Award for Design Man-
agement) in 2005. Nani
Marquina has also re-
ceived the International
Women’s Entrepreneur-
ial Challenge Award
from the Manhattan
Chamber of Commerce,
a personal achieve-
ment that led to the
2007 FIDEM Award for
Entrepreneurial Woman
of the Year. Recent-
ly she has been back
to her roots, focused
on the creative side of
the business. Lead-
ing the design team of
the company, they’ve
developed one of the
most succesful collec-
tions of Nani Marquina’s
history: Tres.
[30] [31]
Dissenyadors// //Decembre 2022
Bendita Gloria is a
graphic design office
run by Alba Rosell and
Santi Fuster since 2007.
The studio is based
in Barcelona and
works across vari-
ous media (packag-
ing, editorial, branding,
“We don’t feel comfortable with the
word ‘inspiration’. Design, in
our opinion, needs analysis, not
great Muses.”
communication). We
develop content driv-
en solutions pursuing
appropriateness, intel-
ligibility and a certain
element of surprise..
They prefer quality over
quantity, it seems more
perennial and they con-
fess they do not get
on well with agencies
because we proba-
bly speak different lan-
guages, although they
admit they would love
to find someone
with whom explore
new territories.
Regarding their dreams,
they are categorical,
they consider they are
like wishes and they do
not dare to pronounce
them for fear of not
being fulfilled. Howev-
er, their brilliant minds
are full of them and
they hope that one day
come true.
if the project is interest-
ing, Bendita Gloria will
work for any client.
[32] Dissenyadors//
Practica believes that
design – no matter how
it’s created – is both
an intellectual and an
emotional process.
Their approach aims to
balance the two ends
of the spectrum: ana-
lytical, contextual, yet
intuitive and expres-
sive. They also believe
that design – no mat-
ter how it’s situated in
the comparative land-
scape – needs to be-
long uniquely to the or-
ganizations that help
shape the work.
//Decembre 2022
[34] [35]
Dissenyadors// //Decembre 2022
TheOthers TV
TheOthersTV are a pro-
duction studio special-
izing in creative digital
content, as well as 2D
and 3D animation. They
were founded in Bar-
celona, but have had a
global impact.
TheOthersTV operates
on a set of core values
consisting of a focus
on human stories, un-
conventiality, motion,
and innovation.
“We’re not like the others. We are
The Others.”
[36] [37]
Dissenyadors// //Decembre 2022
Domestic Data
Domestic Data Stream-
ers was founded the
28th of Septem-
ber of 2013 with a sim-
ple idea: That the world
couldn’t be understood
without numbers, but it
wouldn’t be understood
with numbers alone.
DDS believes that any
meaningful interchange
of information between
people needs to carry
emotions, experiences
to create knowledge or
change.Since then they
have brought this idea
all over the world, from
schools to prisons, from
churches to corpo-
rate headquarters, even
in the United Nations
General Assembly.
[38] Dissenyadors//
Studio Albert Romago-
sa, founded on early
2014, is a full-service
graphic design and cre-
ative direction office
operating from Barcelo-
na to the world. Ourwork
focuses on the values
of the product or brand,
starting with a tailored
analysis of the clients
needs and finishing
with an exquisite
visual formalization.
The studio works for all
kind of clients across
a wide range of disci-
plines developing visual
identities, brand strat-
egies, websites, art di-
rection, printed de-
sign, books, magazines,
naming, communica-
tion collateral and many
more. Albert’s work
has been published
in several prestigious
books and magazines
such as it’s nice that,
this is paper, étapes
france, index book and
thames & hudson. Aside
to running the office, Al-
bert gives lectures and
teaches at different de-
sign universities. He also
guides the design of
periodicals project in
the masters in editorial
design at ELISAVA.
Member of the presi-
dential board of ADG-
FAD (art directors and
graphic designers as-
sociation) between 2015
and 2018, Albert has
been chairman at the
adg laus awards in 2016
and 2017.
Our work has been
prizewinner at the adg
laus awards in 2015,
2016, 2018 and 2020
in a various range of
categories such as
visual identity, book, ty-
pography and
magazine design.
“I understand design as a logical
concatenation of thoughts that cul-
minate—ultimately—with an appro-
priate formalization.“
//Decembre 2022
[40] [41]
Dissenyadors// //Decembre 2022
It is difficult to cat-
egorize Javier Mari-
scal’s work: His cre-
ative endeavors cover
the gamut of material
and conceptual media.
Working solo, in collab-
oration and since 1989
as principal of Estudio
Mariscal, he has had a
hand in the creation of
the corporate image for
the Barcelona Zoo; tex-
tiles for Nani Marquina;
furniture for the Mem-
phis Group; comic char-
acters such as El Señor
del Caballito and Twip-
sy; illustrations and sto-
ries such as Metrópolis;
Cobi, the mascot for the
1992 Olympic Games in
Barcelona, along with
the corporate identity
for the Games; and the
Acuarinto playground at
Huis Ten Bosch theme
park in Nagasaki. Some
of his most provoca-
tive projects have been
multidisciplinary, with
art and humor – min-
gled through words, im-
ages and acting – con-
spiring to send subver-
sive, witty and occa-
sionally controversial or
personal messages.
While the artist has
been dubbed the Peter
Pan of Spanish design
for his work’s simple,
dreamy, childlike qual-
ities, that label can be
misleading because it
disregards the pres-
ence of an underly-
ing social commentary.
However, to extend the
metaphor, Mariscal, like
Peter Pan, is at home in
the alternate realities
he creates. In Barcelona
since 1971, he has drawn
inspiration from city life
for small projects, such
as his postage stamp–
sized pen-and-ink il-
lustrations for Barcelo-
na Un Dia, an antholo-
gy of stories about the
city, as well as larger,
more environmental in-
stallations like “El Gran
Hotel” (1977), an exhibi-
tion of his own work set
against the backdrop of
an imaginary hotel from
the 1950s that included
a reception desk, bar,
lounge, bedroom, bath-
room, radios, televi-
sions and furniture from
the era. In 2000, in cele-
bration of his own 50th
birthday, Mariscal pro-
duced Colors, an am-
bitious multimedia play
about the history of
color and visualization.
[42] [43]
Dissenyadors// //Decembre 2022
Raúl Goñi
“How can we be good designers
without questioning the world we
live in?”
Raúl Goñi is a transdis-
ciplinary designer who
studied Graphic Design
first in his hometown
and later in Barcelo-
na. He is currently a PhD
researcher at the Uni-
versity of Lisbon Facu-
lty of Architecture
and Design.
Raúl created of the
platform publicprotest- for the de-
mocratization of design
and the mediation be-
tween interest groups.
In June 2020 he finished
the interdisciplinary
Master specialized in
design research in ELIS-
AVA (MUDIC). He has
been teaching since
2007 in several schools
of Art and Design.
He combines his
activity with the organi-
zation of the only
free frontier design fes-
tival in Europe, working
as a curator and
exploring the limits of
design with other
creative disciplines.
In his professional
career he has won sev-
eral awards, starting
with the various Carta
Blanca grants from the
FAD, the Young Guns
of the Art Directors
Club New York, sever-
al Laus and Gran Laus in
Graphic Design and Vi-
sual Communication
as well as several Gold-
en Lions at the Cannes
Festival, Golden Suns at
the San Sebastian Fes-
tival, Clio awards and
The Cup.
[44] [45]
Dissenyadors// //Decembre 2022
In 2006, Francesc Ribot
decided to convert his
family business, Me-
nage, formerly a fami-
ly shop, into his own de-
sign studio.
Menage has an his-
torical tradition dat-
ing back to the nine-
teenth century. The
business started in 1870
as a family shop and five
generations have been
passed through more
than 140 years.
Menage Design is a de-
sign studio specialized
in the conception, cre-
ation and development
of brands. Dedicated to
providing a personal-
ized service tailored to
each project, meticu-
lous attention is paid to
every detail so as to en-
sure excellent results.
This thorough work
ethic, combined with
their relentless drive,
has enabled them to
serve a long list of pres-
tigious clients, from a
diverse range of areas,
over the last 20 years.
Francesc graduated in
design by Eina School
and combines his
professional career
in a brand visual
identity consultancy
with teaching and
research activity.
Within the profession-
al field, he has more
than 25 years of experi-
ence in the consultan-
cy of graphic design in
services and great con-
sumption fields. With-
in the academic field, he
has been a professor in
several schools. He cur-
rently is the Head of the
Graphic Area, profes-
sor in the Degree in De-
sign and in the Master
in Packaging design at
ELISAVA. Within the re-
search field, he is
a PhD by Southam-
pton University in a
project that evaluates
the mimetic behavi-
ours of the corporate
visual identity of prod-
ucts, companies
and institutions.
Menage Design has cre-
ated a blog, called Col-
ecte, where old graph-
ic collections online are
posted. It is a good re-
source for finding ref-
erences or just for re-
membering and reliving
past times.
[46] [47]
Dissenyadors// //Decembre 2022
Xavi Roca
Born in Barcelona and
graduated in Graphic
Design at EINA school.
After some time in Enric
Aguilera’s studio, he
takes part in the team
lead by Fernando Guti-
érrez and Pablo Martín
in GRAFICA. Nowadays
he is the creative dir-
ector of RUN together
with Eva Balart and Es-
tefanía Aragüés.
RUN is a graphic de-
sign studio that fo-
cuses on corporate
identity, packaging,
communication and
editorial design for peo-
ple, institutions and
brands. He has devel-
oped numerous pack-
aging projects in the
sector of gastrono-
my and design for cli-
ents like Casa Cacao,
Rocambolesc, Grupo
Tragaluz or Isist Ate-
lier. Xavi combines
his professional work
with teaching in ELISA-
VA where he has taught
classes in the areas
of projects, corporate
identity and packaging.
[48] Dissenyadors//
Javier Jaén (Barcelona,
1983) studied Graph-
ic Design and Fine Arts
in Barcelona, New York
and Budapest. His pro-
fessional activities
focus on editorial illus-
tration, book covers,
and cultural commu-
nication. His is a sym-
bolic, playful language,
and he looks for narra-
tive scenarios and aes-
thetics in close context,
related to the everyday
He has worked for Van-
ity Fair, The New York
Times, The New Yorker,
The Washington Post,
Le Monde, Time, Har-
vard University, La Van-
guardia, El País, Penguin
Random House, Vuel-
ing Airlines, UNESCO,
among others.
He has taught at Istituto
Europeo di Design, IDEP,
and frequently runs
workshops and lec-
tures. His work has been
recognized by the So-
ciety of Illustrators (Il-
lustrators 55, 56), Amer-
ican Illustration (AI33,
AI34) Print magazine
(New Visual Artist 2013),
Junceda Award (2013),
and the Gràffica Award
(2010). He has partici-
pated in exhibitions in
New York, London, El
Salvador, Tallinn, Rome
and Barcelona.
He has still not written a
child, planted a book, or
given birth to a tree.
Everything is waiting to
be done.
//Decembre 2022
Dissenyadors is a platform for show-
casing the work and stories of tal-
ented designers from Barcelona
and the surrounding area. We be-
lieve in the power of design to inspire
and enrich our daily lives, and we are
dedicated to highlighting the creativ-
ity and innovation of the designers in
our community.
Through our magazine, you can dis-
cover the latest trends in design,
learn about the challenges and op-
portunities facing designers in Bar-
celona, and get to know the people
behind the work. We feature a range
of designers, from established pro-
fessionals to emerging talents,
working in a variety of fields includ-
ing graphic, product, motion design,
and more.
Dissenyadors was made to serve as
a source of inspiration and connec-
tion for designers in Barcelona, and
a window into the vibrant design
scene of thecity for readers around
the world.

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  • 2. [01] Our magazine is a plat- form for sharing the work and stories of de- signers based in Barce- lona and the surround- ing region. We feature a range of designers working in various fields, from established pro- fessionals to emerg- ing talents. Through our magazine, you can learn about the challeng- es and opportunities facing designers in the area, and get to know the people behind the work. Join us as we ex- plore the design scene of Barcelona. About
  • 3. [02] [03] Dissenyadors// //Decembre 2022 Verònica Verònica Fuerte found- ed the renowned, Bar- celona based, Hey in 2007. The studio’s work is epitomised by bold vibrant colour, elegant geometric simplicity, and a conceptual ap- proach which has led Hey to become one the most recognised names in the design world. This creative ap- proach has grown from Verònica’s preference for a strong concept behind every project and her belief that co- lour is ‘a universal lan- guage that everybody understands’. When she started her stu- dio, Verònica wanted to pursue her own way of way of working, choos- ing a friendly name in Hey to represent the studio’s attitude. This also fits with Hey’s belief in the power of images to communi- cate ideas across dif- ferent languages and media forms. For the three years after Hey’s launch, Veròni- ca invested a lot of time and energy into find- ing the kind of clients she wanted to work with and discovered that reputation build- ing is gradual process. To grow her client base beyond friends, she sent out direct mail ex- amples of Hey’s work to a range of potential cli- ents in Barcelona, which included self-initiated design projects, whilst she built up the studio’s portfolio. Social media has also been crucial as a means for Hey to connect with people in Spain and across the world – the studio was approached by Apple via Instagram. As well as creating work for commercial clients, side projects have al- ways been an important part of studio life at Hey. Veronica has always seen these projects as an important way for her and her team to grow as creatives, ex- periment freely and ex- plore new ideas without commercial constraints. Her latest venture has been launching Hey Shop in Barcelona, which is the culmina- tion of these projects and a showcase that reflects perfectly the Fuerte studio’s distinctive cre- ative voice. During her career, Verònica has come to appreciate how few women in the design industry make it to senior positions such as Creative Di- rectors and business founders. Whilst she feels proud to be one of the few, she recognises that change still needs to happen. Her inspi- rational and success- ful career as a studio founder illustrates how believing in yourself and your individual creative approach, resilience and determination can lead to great things.
  • 4. [04] [05] Dissenyadors// //Decembre 2022 Mario Eskenazi Mario Eskenazi is a Bar- celona-based graph- ic designer with a port- folio that includes col- lections for Paidos Pub- lishers, Banco Sabadell and Palau Robert. His most significant work includes Barcelona pel Medi Ambient, Trans- ports Metropolitans de Barcelona and Centre Cultural Blanquerna. Eskenazi has also fea- tured in articles and publications such as Vi- sual, étapes and Graph- ics Explained. He has also received multi- ple awards, including LAUS, Communications Arts and the Nation- al Design Award in 2000, Spain's highest recog- nition in the field of De- sign. He has also been a member of Alliance Graphique Internatio- nale since 1997. He also produced exhibitions from Pica- sso vs. Russinyol at the Picasso Museum to Thetravels of Josep Plà at the Blanquerna.
  • 5. [06] Dissenyadors// América Sánchez His real name is Juan Carlos Pérez Sánchez and he was born in Buenos Aires (Argenti- na) in 1939. Self-taught, he learnt from the so- called Swiss School (In- ternational Typograph- ic Style). After working at the Agens advertis- ing agency and some years working at differ- ent agencies, he moved to Barcelona and set up his own design stu- dio. He has also taught at the Eina Design and Art School in Barcelo- na since 1967. He is re- sponsible for the cor- porate branding of renowned institutions and companies such as the Pi- casso Museum and the National Theatre of Catalonia. He is also responsible for the graphic branding of major events such as the logo for the Barcelo- na 92 Olympic ca- ndidacy. His style combines the rigo- rous design of Euro- pean tradition with wpopular graphic art. [07] //Decembre 2022
  • 6. [08] Dissenyadors// Enric Jardí “In a letter there are desires, there are fears, there is identity.” Enric Jardí’s work has focused on magazine and publication design and art direction, book covers, corporate identity, typography, and illustration. His clients have included numerous local and global organizations and a selection of international and na- tional companies. Enric Jardí graduated from ELISAVA Escola Su- perior de Disseny i En- ginyeria de Barcelona 1988 where he contin- ued to teach for a num- ber of years after his graduation. His professional work has focused on mag- azine and publication design and art direc- tion, book covers, cor- porate identity and il- lustration. His clients have included numer- ous local and glob- al organizations and a selection of inter- national and national companies. In 1991 along with other typographic designers as group Type-Ø- Tones he developed a series of typefaces which are distributed by Berlin based FontShop. From September 2005 to April 2009 was he president of the Asso- ciation of Art Directors and Graphic Designers ADG-FAD and subse- quently served for two years as a member of the board of this organization. Enric is the author of many articles on design and typography. In 2007 published his book “Twenty-two tips on ty- pography (that some designers will never re- veal) / Twenty-two things you should never do with typefaces (that some typographers will never tell you)” in Actar publisher house and in 2012 Editorial Gustavo Gili published “Pensar con imágenes” (Thinking with Images). Both has been translated into a number of languages. He is currently direc- tor of the Master’s in Advanced Typography at Eina Centre de Uni- versitari de Disseny i Art working in conjunc- tion with the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelo- na. He is also a visiting professor in the Mas- ter in Arts in Advertising at Blanquerna, Universi- tat Ramon Llull (Barce- lona), Masters in Design and Art Direction and Masters in Packaging at ELISAVA, Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Barce- lona) and teacher of the Graphic Design Course at the University of Lap- land (Finland). Since 2016 he teach- es Semiotics and Image Theory at IDEP School in Barcelona. In October 2009 he re- ceived the Nation- al Prize of Culture in de- sign from the Generali- tat de Catalunya. [09] //Decembre 2022
  • 7. [10] [11] Dissenyadors// //Decembre 2022 Firma What started out as two guys (and an intern) who believed in a differ- ent way of creating and building brands, work- ing from a small office in “We remain true to our origins, working hard to keep it real and personal with our clients who we regard as partners.” Barcelona, doing their thing, relentlessly and (fortunately) success- fully, has now become an independent agency in BCN-Miami-LA. The agency continues to bring together more than 40 professionals who also share the vi- sion that combining in- novative processes, business strategy and a creative perspective is the secret to success when it comes to brand challenges.
  • 8. [12] [13] Dissenyadors// //Decembre 2022 Lo Siento Lo Siento is a small stu- dio from Barcelona that specially enjoys taking over the whole concept of the identity projects. Its main feature is an or- ganic and physical ap- proach to the solutions, resulting in a field where graphic and industri- al design dialogue, al- ways searching an alliance with the artisan processes. “We consider LO SIENTO not just as a graphic design studio dedicated to external commissioned works but as a laboratory and workshop of ideas. We care about doing research into new ways of telling and expressing new things.”
  • 9. [14] [15] Dissenyadors// //Decembre 2022 Mucho A global boutique de- sign studio with offic- es in Barcelona, Berlin, Newark (Nottingham- shire), San Francisco, London, New York and Paris, Mucho is led by a team of award-winning cre- ative directors and partners – Marc Catala, John Dowling, Rob Dun- can, Pablo Juncadel- la, Loran Stosskopf and Tilman Solé. Their approach is driv- en by strong ideas and the desire to create rel- evant, unique work. Collaborating across oceans and cultures allows them to infuse our work with fresh perspectives. Above all, they are com- mitted to creating the very best visual com- munication, helping businesses stand out – however small or large they are, and wherever they are in the world. “We design with meaning. Visual language is key, it is essential, it is how we speak today.”
  • 10. [16] [17] Dissenyadors// //Decembre 2022 Folch Folch is a Barcelona based design agency founded in 2004 by Al- bert Folch. The studio works with national and interna- tional clients across multiple disciplines “We build our projects through the concepts of Business Design, Liquid Branding and Brand Narratives.” including brand identi- ties, naming, print, ed- itorial and publish- ing, websites and digi- tal platforms as well as content creation, cre- ative direction in pro- duction, audio visual and photography. Folch’s approach is de- fined by its engage- ment with all stages of any given project, from concepts to final form participating actively in art direction and con- tent editing. This di- verse approach set the foundations for two new editorial ad- ventures that launch- ed in 2011: Odiseo publication and Eldorado experience.
  • 11. [18] [19] Dissenyadors// Alex Trochut was born in 1981 in Barcelona, Spain. After completing his studies at ELISAVA Escola Superior de Dis- seny, Alex established his own design studio in Barcelona before relo- cating to New York City. Through his design, il- lustration and typo- graphic practice he has developed an intuitive way of working that has resulted in his expres- sive visual style. For Alex, typography functions on two hierar- chical levels. First, there is the image of the word we see; reading comes secondary. As a design- er, Alex focuses on the potential of language as a visual medium, push- ing language to its lim- its so that seeing and reading become the same action and text and image become one unified expression. Mixing styles and genres and drawing equally from pop cul- ture, street culture, fashion and music, Alex has created de- sign, illustration and typography for a diverse range of clients: Nike, Adidas, The Rolling Stones, Katy Perry, BBC, Coca-Cola, Pepsi, The Guardian, The New York Times, Time Magazine and many others.Alex’s work has been inter- nationally recog- nized, appearing in exhibitions and publications worldwide. He has given talks and been honored by the Art Directors Club–– including being named a 2008 Young Gun––the Type Directors Club, Creative Review, Cannes, Clio and D&AD among others. His mon- ograph, More Is More, explores his working methodologies and infl- uences and was publish- ed in 2011. Alex T rochut “Design is an act of empathy; Art is an act of freedom.” [19] //Decembre 2022
  • 12. [20] [21] Dissenyadors// //Decembre 2022 Astrid Stavro Astrid Stavro is an in- ternationally-renowned graphic designer with a reputation for strong concept-driven de- sign that is to the point, emotionally engaging, and emphasising exquisite typography and craft. Her clients span the cultural and commer- cial worlds, and her work encompasses brand identity, editorial, exhibition design, wayfinding systems, and packaging. She has worked for Camper, Vitra, Phaid- on, McKinsey & Com- pany, Tate Publishing, Fedrigoni, Port maga- zine, Laurence King, The National Portrait Gal- lery, and Wallpaper*, amongst many others. Also, she led the cele- brated redesign of the London-based arts and culture magazine Ele- phant, where she was Art Director and Con- tributing Editor from 2013–2017. Stavro directed her own award-winning stu- dio in Barcelona for ten years, and in 2013 she co-founded the re- nowned brand and de- sign consultancy Atlas with Pablo Martín. In 2018 she was invited to join Pentagram as a Partner, where she di- rected her team for three years. “The day I stop learning it’s the day I have to stop being a designer.” Her work has been widely published and has received over 150 international awards, in- cluding D&AD and the Type Directors Club of New York. In 2010, she was elected a member of Alliance Graphique Internatio- nale, the world’s most prestigious design association.
  • 13. [22] [23] Dissenyadors// //Decembre 2022 Miguel Milá represents like no other person Spanish contemporary design. He belongs to the pioneer’s genera- tion of the 50s, and has seen how many of his pieces of furniture and lamps have become real classics. Miguel Milá started working as an interi- or designer in the ar- chitecture studio of his brother Alfonso Milá and partner Federi- co Correa. It was the end of the 50s, a time of crisis when Spain hard- ly knew what industrial design was. There was practically no indus- try, everything was gen- erally handmade. This framework marked the way Miguel Milá under- stood design, sensi- tive to the appreci- ation and use of traditional techniques. Despite the shortage of objects, means and raw materials of the time, Miguel Milá started de- signing lamps and fur- niture, that he soon manufactured in his own company, Tramo, a company he set up with two friends: architects F. Ribas Barangé and E. Pérez Ullibari. Many works came out of Tramo, abbreviation for “trabajos moles- tos” (annoying works), including the previous versions of the famous TMC and TMM lamps (1958 and 1961), timeless classic designs that are still being sold today. Subsequently, he set up his own industrial and interior design studio. Miguel Milá participat- ed in the foundation of the ADI-FAD, togeth- er with Antoni de Mora- gas, André Ricard, Oriol Bohigas, Cirici Pellic- er, Manel Cases and Ra- fael Marquina. This as- sociation sought to foster Spanish design abroad, and to make a connection between young Spanish profes- sionals and internation- al design. Miguel Milá has come to be a classic figure in de- sign. In fact, he almost represents the history of Catalan modern de- sign. His work has fo- cused on bringing tradi- tion up to date: many of Miguel Milà his products have over- come the circumstanc- es under which they were made, and are still selling nowadays, “thanks to having been born at a time when rigor and honesty were high values”, states Milá. In 1987, he was award- ed with the Premio Na- cional de Diseño and in 2008 reward the Com- paso d’Oro in recogni- tion of his career history and his contribution to the promotion of Spanish design.
  • 14. [24] [25] Dissenyadors// //Decembre 2022 He was born in Tarragona in 1960 and now lives in Barcelona. He studied at EINA School in Barcelona, and in 1984 began his professional career at the Estudio Liévore y Pensi. He subsequently joined the company AD Associate Designers and in 1994 founded Estudi Arola. His projects cover high- ly diverse fields such as lighting projects for various design firms like Santa & Cole, Vibia, Viabizzuno, pieces of furniture and perf- ume containers, as well as interior des- ign projects and eph- emeral installations. He combines his professional career with teaching, workshops, artistic experimentation and research into light. His eternal and con- tinuous investigation into beauty, inspired by ancestral cultures and his own way of looking at light, providing a unique versatility which influences each project. “My job is to take care of the light: to tame it and make it mine, to bring it to either objects or spaces.” Antoni Arola His work has been shown in individual and collective exhibitions around the world in cites like Barcelona, Madrid, Milan, London, Mexico, New York and Tokyo. Arola has been awarded with the National Design Prize in 2003, four times winner of a Silver Delta Design Awards, and in 2012 winner of a Red Dot Design Award.
  • 15. [26] [27] Dissenyadors// //Decembre 2022 André Ricard André Ricard has been a pioneer and a cham- pion of industrial design in Spain, and he has contributed definite- ly to both the institu- tional and professio- nal development of this discipline. He has been President of the ADI-FAD (De- sign Association of the Academic of the Bar- celona Royal Acade- my of Arts and Scienc- es. His projects have aimed to improve the function of a great vari- ety of everyday objects. Since 1963 his pack- aging designs for An- tonio Puig Perfumes have been particular- ly outstanding and pro- lific. His works for the Fad), Founding Presi- dent of the ADP (Asso- ciation of Professional Designers), Vice-presi- dent of the ICSID (Inter- national Council of De- sign), Vice-president of the BCD (Barcelona De- sign Centre), Member of the Faculty of the Art Center ( Switzerland), Head of Department of Product Design in the Barcelona Eina design school as well as Patron of its Foundation and also President of Design for the World (NGO of design). At present he is Honor- ary Patron of the Loewe Foundation, Mem- ber of Honour of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts Sant Jordi and Olympic movement must also be highlight- ed, especially the Torch for the 1992 Barcelona Olympic Games and the Crucible for the Olym- pic Flame in the Musée Olympique in Laus- anne (Switzerland). In his role as promoter of the profession at a na- tional and internation- al level, as well as writer and teacher, he stands out for his ethical con- ception of design linked directly to the improve- ment of usefulness.
  • 16. [28] [29] Dissenyadors// //Decembre 2022 Nani True to her design roots, Nani Marquina launched her namesake brand in 1987, a time in which contemporary rugs were non-existent in Spain. After studying indus- trial design at the Es- cuela Massana of Barcelona and enjoying the success of her first bespoke textile de- signs, Nani launched nanimarquina, a brand dedicated to the de- sign, creation, and dis- tribution of rugs and textile products for the home, based on val- ues such as observa- tion, innovation, and enthusiasm, with the goal to use tradition- al craftsmanship and techniques to create contemporary pieces. In 1993, Nani Marquina embarked on a daring business venture: she moved manufacturing facilities to the north of India. The further incor- poration of craftsman- ship and tradition as a new design concept marked a clear differ- ence, consolidating the brand. Through the years, the brand has garnered nu- merous awards such as the National Design Award and the Premi Cambra a la Gestió Em- presarial (Chamber Award for Design Man- agement) in 2005. Nani Marquina has also re- ceived the International Women’s Entrepreneur- ial Challenge Award from the Manhattan Chamber of Commerce, a personal achieve- ment that led to the 2007 FIDEM Award for Entrepreneurial Woman of the Year. Recent- ly she has been back to her roots, focused on the creative side of the business. Lead- ing the design team of the company, they’ve developed one of the most succesful collec- tions of Nani Marquina’s history: Tres. Marquina
  • 17. [30] [31] Dissenyadors// //Decembre 2022 Bendita Gloria Bendita Gloria is a graphic design office run by Alba Rosell and Santi Fuster since 2007. The studio is based in Barcelona and works across vari- ous media (packag- ing, editorial, branding, “We don’t feel comfortable with the word ‘inspiration’. Design, in our opinion, needs analysis, not great Muses.” communication). We develop content driv- en solutions pursuing appropriateness, intel- ligibility and a certain element of surprise.. They prefer quality over quantity, it seems more perennial and they con- fess they do not get on well with agencies because we proba- bly speak different lan- guages, although they admit they would love to find someone with whom explore new territories. Regarding their dreams, they are categorical, they consider they are like wishes and they do not dare to pronounce them for fear of not being fulfilled. Howev- er, their brilliant minds are full of them and they hope that one day come true. if the project is interest- ing, Bendita Gloria will work for any client.
  • 18. [32] Dissenyadors// Practica [33] Practica believes that design – no matter how it’s created – is both an intellectual and an emotional process. Their approach aims to balance the two ends of the spectrum: ana- lytical, contextual, yet intuitive and expres- sive. They also believe that design – no mat- ter how it’s situated in the comparative land- scape – needs to be- long uniquely to the or- ganizations that help shape the work. //Decembre 2022
  • 19. [34] [35] Dissenyadors// //Decembre 2022 TheOthers TV TheOthersTV are a pro- duction studio special- izing in creative digital content, as well as 2D and 3D animation. They were founded in Bar- celona, but have had a global impact. TheOthersTV operates on a set of core values consisting of a focus on human stories, un- conventiality, motion, and innovation. “We’re not like the others. We are The Others.”
  • 20. [36] [37] Dissenyadors// //Decembre 2022 Domestic Data Domestic Data Stream- ers was founded the 28th of Septem- ber of 2013 with a sim- ple idea: That the world couldn’t be understood without numbers, but it wouldn’t be understood with numbers alone. DDS believes that any meaningful interchange of information between people needs to carry emotions, experiences to create knowledge or change.Since then they have brought this idea all over the world, from schools to prisons, from churches to corpo- rate headquarters, even in the United Nations General Assembly. Streamers
  • 21. [38] Dissenyadors// Albert Romagosa Studio Albert Romago- sa, founded on early 2014, is a full-service graphic design and cre- ative direction office operating from Barcelo- na to the world. Ourwork focuses on the values of the product or brand, starting with a tailored analysis of the clients needs and finishing with an exquisite visual formalization. The studio works for all kind of clients across a wide range of disci- plines developing visual identities, brand strat- egies, websites, art di- rection, printed de- sign, books, magazines, naming, communica- tion collateral and many more. Albert’s work has been published in several prestigious books and magazines such as it’s nice that, this is paper, étapes france, index book and thames & hudson. Aside to running the office, Al- bert gives lectures and teaches at different de- sign universities. He also guides the design of periodicals project in the masters in editorial design at ELISAVA. Member of the presi- dential board of ADG- FAD (art directors and graphic designers as- sociation) between 2015 and 2018, Albert has been chairman at the adg laus awards in 2016 and 2017. Our work has been prizewinner at the adg laus awards in 2015, 2016, 2018 and 2020 in a various range of categories such as visual identity, book, ty- pography and magazine design. “I understand design as a logical concatenation of thoughts that cul- minate—ultimately—with an appro- priate formalization.“ [39] //Decembre 2022
  • 22. [40] [41] Dissenyadors// //Decembre 2022 It is difficult to cat- egorize Javier Mari- scal’s work: His cre- ative endeavors cover the gamut of material and conceptual media. Working solo, in collab- oration and since 1989 as principal of Estudio Mariscal, he has had a hand in the creation of the corporate image for the Barcelona Zoo; tex- tiles for Nani Marquina; furniture for the Mem- phis Group; comic char- acters such as El Señor del Caballito and Twip- sy; illustrations and sto- ries such as Metrópolis; Cobi, the mascot for the 1992 Olympic Games in Barcelona, along with the corporate identity for the Games; and the Acuarinto playground at Huis Ten Bosch theme park in Nagasaki. Some of his most provoca- tive projects have been multidisciplinary, with art and humor – min- gled through words, im- ages and acting – con- spiring to send subver- sive, witty and occa- sionally controversial or personal messages. While the artist has been dubbed the Peter Pan of Spanish design for his work’s simple, dreamy, childlike qual- ities, that label can be misleading because it disregards the pres- ence of an underly- ing social commentary. However, to extend the metaphor, Mariscal, like Peter Pan, is at home in the alternate realities he creates. In Barcelona since 1971, he has drawn inspiration from city life for small projects, such as his postage stamp– sized pen-and-ink il- lustrations for Barcelo- na Un Dia, an antholo- gy of stories about the city, as well as larger, more environmental in- stallations like “El Gran Hotel” (1977), an exhibi- tion of his own work set against the backdrop of an imaginary hotel from the 1950s that included a reception desk, bar, lounge, bedroom, bath- room, radios, televi- sions and furniture from the era. In 2000, in cele- bration of his own 50th birthday, Mariscal pro- duced Colors, an am- bitious multimedia play about the history of color and visualization. Mariscal
  • 23. [42] [43] Dissenyadors// //Decembre 2022 Raúl Goñi “How can we be good designers without questioning the world we live in?” Raúl Goñi is a transdis- ciplinary designer who studied Graphic Design first in his hometown and later in Barcelo- na. He is currently a PhD researcher at the Uni- versity of Lisbon Facu- lty of Architecture and Design. Raúl created of the platform publicprotest- for the de- mocratization of design and the mediation be- tween interest groups. In June 2020 he finished the interdisciplinary Master specialized in design research in ELIS- AVA (MUDIC). He has been teaching since 2007 in several schools of Art and Design. He combines his activity with the organi- zation of the only free frontier design fes- tival in Europe, working as a curator and exploring the limits of design with other creative disciplines. In his professional career he has won sev- eral awards, starting with the various Carta Blanca grants from the FAD, the Young Guns of the Art Directors Club New York, sever- al Laus and Gran Laus in Graphic Design and Vi- sual Communication as well as several Gold- en Lions at the Cannes Festival, Golden Suns at the San Sebastian Fes- tival, Clio awards and The Cup.
  • 24. [44] [45] Dissenyadors// //Decembre 2022 Francesc Ribot In 2006, Francesc Ribot decided to convert his family business, Me- nage, formerly a fami- ly shop, into his own de- sign studio. Menage has an his- torical tradition dat- ing back to the nine- teenth century. The business started in 1870 as a family shop and five generations have been passed through more than 140 years. Menage Design is a de- sign studio specialized in the conception, cre- ation and development of brands. Dedicated to providing a personal- ized service tailored to each project, meticu- lous attention is paid to every detail so as to en- sure excellent results. This thorough work ethic, combined with their relentless drive, has enabled them to serve a long list of pres- tigious clients, from a diverse range of areas, over the last 20 years. Francesc graduated in design by Eina School and combines his professional career in a brand visual identity consultancy with teaching and research activity. Within the profession- al field, he has more than 25 years of experi- ence in the consultan- cy of graphic design in services and great con- sumption fields. With- in the academic field, he has been a professor in several schools. He cur- rently is the Head of the Graphic Area, profes- sor in the Degree in De- sign and in the Master in Packaging design at ELISAVA. Within the re- search field, he is a PhD by Southam- pton University in a project that evaluates the mimetic behavi- ours of the corporate visual identity of prod- ucts, companies and institutions. Menage Design has cre- ated a blog, called Col- ecte, where old graph- ic collections online are posted. It is a good re- source for finding ref- erences or just for re- membering and reliving past times.
  • 25. [46] [47] Dissenyadors// //Decembre 2022 Xavi Roca Born in Barcelona and graduated in Graphic Design at EINA school. After some time in Enric Aguilera’s studio, he takes part in the team lead by Fernando Guti- érrez and Pablo Martín in GRAFICA. Nowadays he is the creative dir- ector of RUN together with Eva Balart and Es- tefanía Aragüés. RUN is a graphic de- sign studio that fo- cuses on corporate identity, packaging, communication and editorial design for peo- ple, institutions and brands. He has devel- oped numerous pack- aging projects in the sector of gastrono- my and design for cli- ents like Casa Cacao, Rocambolesc, Grupo Tragaluz or Isist Ate- lier. Xavi combines his professional work with teaching in ELISA- VA where he has taught classes in the areas of projects, corporate identity and packaging.
  • 26. [48] Dissenyadors// Javier Jaén Javier Jaén (Barcelona, 1983) studied Graph- ic Design and Fine Arts in Barcelona, New York and Budapest. His pro- fessional activities focus on editorial illus- tration, book covers, and cultural commu- nication. His is a sym- bolic, playful language, and he looks for narra- tive scenarios and aes- thetics in close context, related to the everyday experience. He has worked for Van- ity Fair, The New York Times, The New Yorker, The Washington Post, Le Monde, Time, Har- vard University, La Van- guardia, El País, Penguin Random House, Vuel- ing Airlines, UNESCO, among others. He has taught at Istituto Europeo di Design, IDEP, and frequently runs workshops and lec- tures. His work has been recognized by the So- ciety of Illustrators (Il- lustrators 55, 56), Amer- ican Illustration (AI33, AI34) Print magazine (New Visual Artist 2013), Junceda Award (2013), and the Gràffica Award (2010). He has partici- pated in exhibitions in New York, London, El Salvador, Tallinn, Rome and Barcelona. He has still not written a child, planted a book, or given birth to a tree. Everything is waiting to be done. [49] //Decembre 2022
  • 27. Dissenyadors is a platform for show- casing the work and stories of tal- ented designers from Barcelona and the surrounding area. We be- lieve in the power of design to inspire and enrich our daily lives, and we are dedicated to highlighting the creativ- ity and innovation of the designers in our community. Through our magazine, you can dis- cover the latest trends in design, learn about the challenges and op- portunities facing designers in Bar- celona, and get to know the people behind the work. We feature a range of designers, from established pro- fessionals to emerging talents, working in a variety of fields includ- ing graphic, product, motion design, and more. Dissenyadors was made to serve as a source of inspiration and connec- tion for designers in Barcelona, and a window into the vibrant design scene of thecity for readers around the world.