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History of English Literature: “Beowulf”



                                                 Euler Castillo P.



   -   Early History of the Danes.

   -   Hrothgar becomes king of the Danes.


   -   Grendel attacks.

   -   Beowulf hears of Grendel.


   -   Beowulf comes to Herot.


   -   Grendel attacks again.

             History of English Literature: “Beowulf”




In ancient times there were Danish
kings who were warriors. Shield,
the son of Sheaf, fought against his
enemies and managed to succeed.
He became a good king.

                      Grain was famous throughout the north,
                      who was sent by God to comfort and
                      protect his people from fear. He was
                      respected and did right for his people.
                      Young princes did good things while
                      they are young so that they were
                      supported by people when they were
                      old in time of war.
                      Succeed depends on our good deeds.

       Shield died and went to Literature: “Beowulf”
             History of English
       God. He was carried by
        his people to the sea
       where a well-built ship
       adorned with gold and

Shield died and went to God. He was
carried by his people to the sea
where a well-built ship adorned with
gold and full of treasures, also his
weapons that he used when he was
a warrior was waiting for him which
was his last request for long trip. He
was sent out a naked orphan in an
empty boat and once dead he was
given to the sea surrounded by many

                        After a long time Shield´s death, Grain
                        his son succeeded and ruled over the
                        Danes. To Grain was born the great
                        Healfdene who was a brave warrior
                        and ruled        almost his whole   life.
                        Healfdene had four children Heorogar,
                        Hrothgar, Halga the Good, and a
                        daughter who married Onela, King of
                        the Swedes.

             History of English Literature: “Beowulf”


 Hrothgar was king and defeated his
 enemies. He was respected and
 was obeyed by his family and
 people.    His   childhood     friends
 became his famous soldiers.

                          Hrothgar built a mead-hall and was the
                          biggest construction in the world where
                          he shared out everything for his
                          people, except for public lands and
                          men’s lives.

 That building was built by tribes throughout the world. Hrothgar
 called the building “Herot” the hart, which was the world´s
 greatest mead-hall.
The words of the poet, the sounds of the harp,
the joy ofkept his word. He gave out gold and treasure at huge
 Hrothgar people echoed. Everything was

happy in Hrothgar´s people.awaited, fire told swords of family
 feasts. (Though destruction The poet and

about the origin of the the night waited a tortured spirit of hell).
 trouble; and outside in world how God made

the earth and the water surrounding, how He
set the sun and the moon as lights for people
and adorned History of with limbs and leaves
              the earth English Literature: “Beowulf”
for everyone until one day Grendel, possessor
of the moors,“the demon” started crimes.

Grendel belonged to a race of monsters
and was exiled from humanity by God
for his bad deeds. He was considered
like evil being such as monsters, elves,
zombies, the giants who fought with



           History of English Literature: “Beowulf”

                             One night, after the Danes were at
                             a beer party they settled and slept
                             in the hall, they did not know that
                             there were sorrows in this world.

                             Suddenly,    the    evil     creature
appeared, cruel and hungry, who took thirty warriors and
went to his lair laughing.

At dawn, the Danes knew how
strong Grendel was, people wept
and the old king felt sad and cried
for his men. The creature had left
his bloody footprints.

                         That was considered but the following
                         night Grendel continued to kill more
                         men he was blinded by sin, he didn’t
                         even feel guilty for what he was doing
                         (you can bet the survivors started
                         sleeping   elsewhere)   so     this   time
Grendel began to rule, fighting night, one against many and
the hall stood empty, because nobody wanted to sleep there
at night for fearing of the creature.

           History of English Literature: “Beowulf”

Twelve years had passed and Hrothgar kept on suffering
many sorrows there was no longer happiness

Hrothgar suffering the greatest of
sorrows poets sang sad song in
every      part    of   the    world   how
Grendel      would      make      Hrothgar
suffer. There was no warrior who
no matter how much stronger, could kill Grendel. Grendel
didn’t seem to stop to kill or pay his harms and Grendel kept
on attacking from hiding.

Grendel, the cruelest of all injuries, went and stayed there
every night (God would never allow this to actually touch the

                              Hrothgar felt tamed, council after
                              council didn’t know what to do against
                              Grendel´s attacks. They did everything
                              to end the evil creature, such us going
                              to heathen temples, worshipping idols
                              and invoking the Devil for help. They
                              forgot God (woe be to those who go to
              History of English Literature: “Beowulf”

the fire´s embrace, even in great distress. There was no
consolation there).

There was no counselor, no warrior
who could destroy the evil. They
wept and seethed.


                        There was a warrior by the name of
                        Hylegac who heard of Grendel´s
                        thing, he was the strongest of all who
                        had survived until that day he was
                        mighty and noble. He calls for a ship
for crossing the ocean and helping the king. Wise men urged
him and forecast omens and encourage him in that journey.

So the good Geat chose the bravest
warriors (fourteen in total), and led
them to the land´s brim, to the ship.
They readied the ship, bore bright
weapons, and fitted armor into the
ship and the warriors stood at the prow.
           History of English Literature: “Beowulf”

                         When the ship was ready the men
                         shoved it was the journey they´d
                         dreamed of the journey continued
                         until the seafarers saw land, the
                         shore cliffs were shining there were
                         also    steep     mountains   when   the
journey was already over the ship was pulled to the shore.
The Geat warriors stood on land wearing rattling shirts which
were their war- clothes. So they gave thanks to God for they
had arrived and safe there.

When the sea-guard of the Danes,
the protector of the cliffs, saw people
with bright shields nearing to his hall,

he   wondered      who    they    were.
Hrothgar´s warrior rode his horse and
headed for the shore.

Spear in hand, he asked who they were, in armor, who come
over the sea-road in that steep keel?

           History of English Literature: “Beowulf”

He said that he guarded there so that
no forces hostile to the Danes may
raid. He had never seen such a ship
´s army with warriors without the
permission of his kinsmen.

                        He noticed
                        a greater man among them and
                        was astonished by seeing him just
                        wearing armor his stature was
                        peerless. He wished to know what
                        his linage was because he thought
that they were spies he asked then to hurry and tell him
where they come from.

His name was Beowulf, leader of the host, he said that they
belonged to the Geat nation, and his father, Edgtheow, was a
leader well known among the people.

Beowulf´s father stayed many winters
before he went away, aged, from the
court. Edgtheow was remembered in
every part of the earth. Beowulf said

          History of English Literature: “Beowulf”

that they had come with friendly hearts to see his lord,
Hrothgar they asked him to be good counsel to them, and
told him that they had come because they had heard of a
dark enemy in the night who killed the Danes. Beowulf said
that he could help Hrothgar overcome his enemy and
everything would be like before. Otherwise, he would suffer
great misery as long as he lived in that place.

                        The protector of the coast, still riding
                        his horse (a wise shield warrior, one
                        who thinks well, must judge two
                        things: works and words). He saw that
                        they were friendly to Hrothgar and
                        said that he would guide and order his
                        men to protect his ship.

Once there they left the ship pulling

at its rope they were wearing gold,
adorned helmets and figures of
boars shone on the helmets.

           History of English Literature: “Beowulf”

The men excitedly marched and in the distance they saw that
decorated hall which was that the finest and glittered light
one, never seen before on earth.

                          The guard of the coast decided to
                          go back he turned his horse and
                          said that it was time for him to go.
                          He prayed the father omnipotent
                          would keep them safe and sound
                          against his enemies.



Beowulf got into the Herot with his
warrior, they seems like an iron troop
because    of   their   weapons    and

           History of English Literature: “Beowulf”

                        Then      the   king’s     officer   and
                        messenger asked them: from where
                        they brought such a amazing war
                        weapons and he expects they were
                        there to fight, cause he has never
                        seen such a braver warriors.

One warrior answered him: we are
Hygelac’s companions, my name is
Beowulf. I will declare my errand if your
prince, my lord will greet us.

                       Then wulfgar     ( wendla    tribe man ),
                       with fighting experience and wisdom,
                       went to ask to the giver of rings so that,
                       the lord of Danes would reward their

Wulfgar went to where       Hrothgar sat,
with his most trusted men, a man of the
Geats, the chief of warrior named
           History of English Literature: “Beowulf”

Beowulf, came from far far over the sea’s expanse and they
asked to talk to you, then the lord asked if they were worthy
of being called warriors.

                       Hrothgar, the king, said that he knew
                       Beowulf   dad, who     gave     his   only
                       daughter and none his offspring came
                       here to save us from the monster
                       Grendel and also the seafarers        said
                       that this man has an amazing force( 30
                       men in his hand grip) and the king
welcomed and        offered treasures gifts to him for his
impetuous courage.

Wulfgar went to the door to talk to the
king and he said that he knew their
descent and their welcome, please
come in, but let your war weapons

         Then, Beowulf arose, supported by his band of mighty
         men, some of them to were about to use their

            History of English Literature: “Beowulf”

weapons, but Beowulf ordered to
calm down.

Then the great                           warrior, under his
helmet    and                            coat of mail, stood
and went to                              Hrothgar.

Beowulf spoke: I’m Hygelac’s kinsman and warrior, I have
                      undertaken many glorious deeds as
                      you know, I know all about Grendel, I
                      ask you, my lord, to fight by myself
                      with the monster, please don’t refuse
                      us, enemy against enemy and let god
                      decide who shall be taken by death: If
death and battle, takes me, you must do a special burial and
send my war Garments to Hygelac’s.

Beowulf also told Hrothgar, about his deeds when he
destroyed a family of giants and killed water monsters.

           History of English Literature: “Beowulf”

Hrothgar, protector of the Danes said that ,Beowulf’s father
was his friend, and was a good warrior too and has fought
with monster as well.

Hrothgar felt bad about Grendel’s horror, losing a lot of loyal
men. Now the king invited Beowulf: sit and feast, glory of
warriors, and speak your thoughts as your heart tells you.

                         Then the Geats and brave men sat

Suddenly, Beowulf took a cup and
poured sweet drink the poet song in
clear voice, there was such joy, so
brave men, Danes and Geat

                     Then Unferth, Ecglaf’s son, asked some
                     questions to Beowulf with envy:

                     •      Are   you   that   Beowulf       who
                     struggled with
           History of English Literature: “Beowulf”

Brecca in the broad sea in a swimming contest?
•     The one who, out of pride, risked his life in the     deep
water though both friends and enemies tol you it was too
•     Are you the one who hugged the sea, gliding through
the boiling waves of the winter’s swell?

And Unferth also said that he doesn’t expect much from him if
he dares await Grendel in the night.

Beowulf       spoke:   well   my   friend
Unferth, yes, I’m

Beowulf who walked with Brecca in
the board sea, but

          •    I’m stronger than him, because he was weaker
               than me at the sea nights.
          •    I’m who risked his life, losing a friend, suffering

           History of English Literature: “Beowulf”

You don’t know the other part of the story, where I have a lot
of hardships, suffered 5 nights in the sea killing nine sea
monster with such a cold weather. I am a stronger warrior.

                      The king felt glad because he could
                      count on Beowulf help and the guardian
                      felt sure and glad also as well.

Then the men laughed, and the words
turned friendly.

Suddenly,     Wealhtheow,     Hrothgar’s
queen appears adorned in

gold to greet the men.

First          she            gave            the         cup
to the country's guardian.

She greeted Beowulf, thanking god, because her wishes had

            History of English Literature: “Beowulf”

Been fulfilled, a heroe came to save them from Grendel’s

                       So, Beowulf said eagerly of battle:

                        I alone, will fulfill the wish of your
                       people or die in the foe´s grasp.

The queen liked those                         words and went
to sit by her lord.

                       Now again, people were happy
                       because of the brave speech of
                       Beowulf once again, the warriors
                       continued feasting until Beowulf
                       decided to rest.

                       Hrothgar knew that a strong battle was
coming, when the night arrived.

            History of English Literature: “Beowulf”

Then all the warrior saluted to each
other and the king Hrothgar wished
luck to Beowulf in the fight for the hall
and said these words:

“Never, since I have been able to lift shield, have I entrusted
this hall, this mighty house of the Danes, to any man, but now
I entrust it to you, so you must do your best.

                       Then Hrothgar and his band of warrior
                       left the hall.

           History of English Literature: “Beowulf”

Before Beowulf got in bed prayed and spoke some brave words:

“I don’t claim myself any lower in
strength or brave deeds than Grendel.
Therefore I will kill him without a sword,
just with my strength if he comes without
weapons. Wise God shall choose who
shall win glory”.

                         Then Beowulf got to bed and his brave
                         warriors   sought   rest   around   him,
                         everyone though Beowulf will die cause
                         many brave and strong Danes warrior
                         have died there, but the Lord, God,
                         would give to the Geat and Danes
  people, helping and supporting , (it is well known that God
  always rules the race of men) .

              History of English Literature: “Beowulf”



Grendel the walker of darkness arrived
at Heorot in the night while all the
warriors were sleeping, all except one.

Grendel was a monster that come again watched in anger but
what he didn’t know is that Beowulf was waiting to fight
against him.

       Grendel came from the moor Hills, under the misty hill,
       to counteract with all the men of Heorot.

He walked under the clouds, coming to the Wine-hall, the
treasure-hall. It was not the first time that Grendel was
looking for Hrothgar’s home, but this time, never in his life
before, he did find                                worse luck.

           History of English Literature: “Beowulf”

The creature entered to the building with bad intention and
enraged, he swung at the door wide and rapidly moved
around the floor. He saw many warriors were sleeping

 He expected to finish with the life of these warriors, by
ripping life from the body of each one. He thought to have a
big meal, but what he didn’t know is that, he would eat no
men after that night.

       The powerful warrior Beowulf was observing how the
       malignant monster began to eat a warrior, crushing his
       bones, drinking his blood and swallowing enormous
       morsels of meat, including his hands and feet.

Grendel, the walker of darkness approaching increasingly
towards Beowulf to begin a fight.

The powerful Beowulf grasped his arm
and snatched it. Grendel, then, felt the
great strength of his hilt, felt fear in his
heart and just looking for ways to flee to

            History of English Literature: “Beowulf”

his hiding place.         Grendel had never met this kind of

Beowulf kept in mind the speeches he had made in the
evening. He firmly grasped Grendel’s hand and holding the
arm as well, the fingers broke.

                     The monster tried very hard to escape,
                     but Beowulf stepped closer to him. The
                     monster wanted to flee to the swamps
                     and disappear because he realized the
great power of the warrior.

After the battle between Beowulf and Grendel the whole city
was in fear, the beautiful building did not fall to the ground.
Nobody thought that the great building would be destroyed
because it was well built and decorated in gold.

                       The panic was invading in Heorot.
                       Grendel, hell’s friend, God’s enemy,
                       sang his defeat.     The whole world
                       listened to his lament. The most
                       powerful man of all the warriors
celebrated Grendel's defeat.
           History of English Literature: “Beowulf”

The warriors tried to protect Beowulf and were trying to kill
Grendel, those brave warriors as they fought seeking to take
Grendel's soul.

Miserable life, Grendel, the foe of God, started to face and
found that he already hadn’t gotten the sufficient force. His
body was not resisting to the powerful force of Beowulf.

The horrible monster endured a terrible wound, for certain,
that his life came to an end when Beowulf injured him deadly.
Grendel knew that the victory was Beowulf’s.

The Danes put all the hopes in Beowulf, because he was the
one who brought peace, finished with all the Heorot's
problems, and saved them from affliction. Beowulf was
acclaimed because he had fulfilled his promise sworn to the
Danes; every evil attack these people endured had come
now to an end.

When Beowulf laid that arm and shoulder down Grendel's
claw, under the vaulted roof.


           History of English Literature: “Beowulf”

The warriors come from near and far places and also close to
see the great death of Grendel.

The fingerprints that Grendel had left were evident, the
bloody tracks that existed in the way and in the waters were
the evidence; Grendel had died, deprived of joy, in his fen

The warriors after seeing that place returned to Heorot, They
said that Beowulf is a brave and holy man, and that there was
no man in the world, with the force that Beowulf had, was
more worthy

The warriors made a contest for the best horse, Sometimes a
king's man, a warrior covered in glory who knew the old
traditions, would be reminded of an ancient song.

Then he sang of things he'd heard about Sigemund's
valorous deeds, things about Weals's son, his struggles, his
wide journeys and feuds. After Sigemund's death day not a
little fame sprang to him, about his hardy fight and killing of a
dragon, keeper of a hoard.

Sigemund's sword went clear through the huge dragon, the
dragon died violently. By brave deeds the hero won a ring
hoard for himself.
           History of English Literature: “Beowulf”

He bore into a ship's bosom those bright treasures of the
Weal kin, and the dragon melted of its own heat.

Sigemund was by far the most renowned adventurer, He had
first prospered under King Heremod, and Among the Jutes
Heremod was betrayed into enemy hands and put to death.
Sorrow oppressed him and was a trouble to his people. He
had loved the Geats more than his own people: evil had
seized him. Thus told the song.

The warriors raced their horses on the yellow road; many a
brave warrior went to the high hall to see the wonder. So also
the king and Queen left the room with his famous company
with a troop of maidens walked among the mead seats.

                                       TO BE CONTINUED…


Beowulf: a Geat, son of Edgetho and nephew of Higlac,
king of the Geats. Higlac is both Beowulf’s feudal lord and his

Brecca: chief of the Brondings, a tribe, and Beowulf’s friend.

           History of English Literature: “Beowulf”

Grendel: man-eating monster who lives at the bottom of a
foul mere, or mountain lake. His name might be related to the
Old Norse grindill, meaning “storm,” or grenja, “to bellow.”

Herot: golden guest-hall built by King Hrothgar, the Danish
ruler. It was decorated with the antlers of stags; the name
means “hart [stag] hall.” Scholars think Herot might have
been built near Lejre on the coast of Zealand, in Denmark.

Hrothgar: king of the Danes, builder of Herot. He had once
befriended Beowulf’s father. His father was called Healfdane
(which probably means “half Dane”). Hrothgar’s name might
mean “glory spear” or “spear of triumph.”

Unferth: one of Hrothgar’s courtiers, reputed to be a skilled
warrior. His sword, called Hrunting, is used by Beowulf in a
later battle.

Welthow: Hrothgar’s wife, queen of the Danes.

Wiglaf: a Geat warrior, one of Beowulf’s select band, and
the only one to help him in his final fight with the dragon.
Wiglaf might be related to Beowulf.

            History of English Literature: “Beowulf”

           History of English Literature: “Beowulf”

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Beowulf summary

  • 1. UNSM/ FEH - LANGUAGE SCHOOL History of English Literature: “Beowulf”
  • 3. UNSM/ FEH - LANGUAGE SCHOOL BEOWULF PART I EARLY HISTORY OF THE DANES In ancient times there were Danish kings who were warriors. Shield, the son of Sheaf, fought against his enemies and managed to succeed. He became a good king. Grain was famous throughout the north, who was sent by God to comfort and protect his people from fear. He was respected and did right for his people. Young princes did good things while they are young so that they were supported by people when they were old in time of war. Succeed depends on our good deeds. Shield died and went to Literature: “Beowulf” History of English God. He was carried by his people to the sea where a well-built ship adorned with gold and
  • 4. UNSM/ FEH - LANGUAGE SCHOOL Shield died and went to God. He was carried by his people to the sea where a well-built ship adorned with gold and full of treasures, also his weapons that he used when he was . a warrior was waiting for him which was his last request for long trip. He was sent out a naked orphan in an empty boat and once dead he was given to the sea surrounded by many treasures. After a long time Shield´s death, Grain his son succeeded and ruled over the Danes. To Grain was born the great Healfdene who was a brave warrior and ruled almost his whole life. Healfdene had four children Heorogar, Hrothgar, Halga the Good, and a daughter who married Onela, King of the Swedes. History of English Literature: “Beowulf”
  • 5. UNSM/ FEH - LANGUAGE SCHOOL HROTHGAR BECOMES KING OF THE DANES Hrothgar was king and defeated his enemies. He was respected and was obeyed by his family and people. His childhood friends became his famous soldiers. Hrothgar built a mead-hall and was the biggest construction in the world where he shared out everything for his people, except for public lands and men’s lives. That building was built by tribes throughout the world. Hrothgar called the building “Herot” the hart, which was the world´s greatest mead-hall. The words of the poet, the sounds of the harp, the joy ofkept his word. He gave out gold and treasure at huge Hrothgar people echoed. Everything was happy in Hrothgar´s people.awaited, fire told swords of family feasts. (Though destruction The poet and about the origin of the the night waited a tortured spirit of hell). trouble; and outside in world how God made the earth and the water surrounding, how He set the sun and the moon as lights for people and adorned History of with limbs and leaves the earth English Literature: “Beowulf” for everyone until one day Grendel, possessor of the moors,“the demon” started crimes.
  • 6. UNSM/ FEH - LANGUAGE SCHOOL Grendel belonged to a race of monsters and was exiled from humanity by God for his bad deeds. He was considered like evil being such as monsters, elves, zombies, the giants who fought with God. PART II GRENDEL ATTACKS History of English Literature: “Beowulf”
  • 7. UNSM/ FEH - LANGUAGE SCHOOL One night, after the Danes were at a beer party they settled and slept in the hall, they did not know that there were sorrows in this world. Suddenly, the evil creature appeared, cruel and hungry, who took thirty warriors and went to his lair laughing. At dawn, the Danes knew how strong Grendel was, people wept and the old king felt sad and cried for his men. The creature had left his bloody footprints. That was considered but the following night Grendel continued to kill more men he was blinded by sin, he didn’t even feel guilty for what he was doing (you can bet the survivors started sleeping elsewhere) so this time Grendel began to rule, fighting night, one against many and the hall stood empty, because nobody wanted to sleep there at night for fearing of the creature. History of English Literature: “Beowulf”
  • 8. UNSM/ FEH - LANGUAGE SCHOOL Twelve years had passed and Hrothgar kept on suffering many sorrows there was no longer happiness Hrothgar suffering the greatest of sorrows poets sang sad song in every part of the world how Grendel would make Hrothgar suffer. There was no warrior who no matter how much stronger, could kill Grendel. Grendel didn’t seem to stop to kill or pay his harms and Grendel kept on attacking from hiding. Grendel, the cruelest of all injuries, went and stayed there every night (God would never allow this to actually touch the throne). Hrothgar felt tamed, council after council didn’t know what to do against Grendel´s attacks. They did everything to end the evil creature, such us going to heathen temples, worshipping idols and invoking the Devil for help. They forgot God (woe be to those who go to History of English Literature: “Beowulf”
  • 9. UNSM/ FEH - LANGUAGE SCHOOL the fire´s embrace, even in great distress. There was no consolation there). There was no counselor, no warrior who could destroy the evil. They wept and seethed. BEOWULF HEARS OF GRENDEL. There was a warrior by the name of Hylegac who heard of Grendel´s thing, he was the strongest of all who had survived until that day he was mighty and noble. He calls for a ship for crossing the ocean and helping the king. Wise men urged him and forecast omens and encourage him in that journey. So the good Geat chose the bravest warriors (fourteen in total), and led them to the land´s brim, to the ship. They readied the ship, bore bright weapons, and fitted armor into the ship and the warriors stood at the prow. History of English Literature: “Beowulf”
  • 10. UNSM/ FEH - LANGUAGE SCHOOL When the ship was ready the men shoved it was the journey they´d dreamed of the journey continued until the seafarers saw land, the shore cliffs were shining there were also steep mountains when the journey was already over the ship was pulled to the shore. The Geat warriors stood on land wearing rattling shirts which were their war- clothes. So they gave thanks to God for they had arrived and safe there. When the sea-guard of the Danes, the protector of the cliffs, saw people with bright shields nearing to his hall, he wondered who they were. Hrothgar´s warrior rode his horse and headed for the shore. Spear in hand, he asked who they were, in armor, who come over the sea-road in that steep keel? History of English Literature: “Beowulf”
  • 11. UNSM/ FEH - LANGUAGE SCHOOL He said that he guarded there so that no forces hostile to the Danes may raid. He had never seen such a ship ´s army with warriors without the permission of his kinsmen. He noticed a greater man among them and was astonished by seeing him just wearing armor his stature was peerless. He wished to know what his linage was because he thought that they were spies he asked then to hurry and tell him where they come from. His name was Beowulf, leader of the host, he said that they belonged to the Geat nation, and his father, Edgtheow, was a leader well known among the people. Beowulf´s father stayed many winters before he went away, aged, from the court. Edgtheow was remembered in every part of the earth. Beowulf said History of English Literature: “Beowulf”
  • 12. UNSM/ FEH - LANGUAGE SCHOOL that they had come with friendly hearts to see his lord, Hrothgar they asked him to be good counsel to them, and told him that they had come because they had heard of a dark enemy in the night who killed the Danes. Beowulf said that he could help Hrothgar overcome his enemy and everything would be like before. Otherwise, he would suffer great misery as long as he lived in that place. The protector of the coast, still riding his horse (a wise shield warrior, one who thinks well, must judge two things: works and words). He saw that they were friendly to Hrothgar and said that he would guide and order his men to protect his ship. Once there they left the ship pulling at its rope they were wearing gold, adorned helmets and figures of boars shone on the helmets. History of English Literature: “Beowulf”
  • 13. UNSM/ FEH - LANGUAGE SCHOOL The men excitedly marched and in the distance they saw that decorated hall which was that the finest and glittered light one, never seen before on earth. The guard of the coast decided to go back he turned his horse and said that it was time for him to go. He prayed the father omnipotent would keep them safe and sound against his enemies. PART III BEOWULF COMES TO HEROT Beowulf got into the Herot with his warrior, they seems like an iron troop because of their weapons and armors. History of English Literature: “Beowulf”
  • 14. UNSM/ FEH - LANGUAGE SCHOOL Then the king’s officer and messenger asked them: from where they brought such a amazing war weapons and he expects they were there to fight, cause he has never seen such a braver warriors. One warrior answered him: we are Hygelac’s companions, my name is Beowulf. I will declare my errand if your prince, my lord will greet us. Then wulfgar ( wendla tribe man ), with fighting experience and wisdom, went to ask to the giver of rings so that, the lord of Danes would reward their journey. Wulfgar went to where Hrothgar sat, with his most trusted men, a man of the Geats, the chief of warrior named History of English Literature: “Beowulf”
  • 15. UNSM/ FEH - LANGUAGE SCHOOL Beowulf, came from far far over the sea’s expanse and they asked to talk to you, then the lord asked if they were worthy of being called warriors. Hrothgar, the king, said that he knew Beowulf dad, who gave his only daughter and none his offspring came here to save us from the monster Grendel and also the seafarers said that this man has an amazing force( 30 men in his hand grip) and the king welcomed and offered treasures gifts to him for his impetuous courage. Wulfgar went to the door to talk to the king and he said that he knew their descent and their welcome, please come in, but let your war weapons await. Then, Beowulf arose, supported by his band of mighty men, some of them to were about to use their History of English Literature: “Beowulf”
  • 16. UNSM/ FEH - LANGUAGE SCHOOL weapons, but Beowulf ordered to calm down. Then the great warrior, under his helmet and coat of mail, stood and went to Hrothgar. Beowulf spoke: I’m Hygelac’s kinsman and warrior, I have undertaken many glorious deeds as you know, I know all about Grendel, I ask you, my lord, to fight by myself with the monster, please don’t refuse us, enemy against enemy and let god decide who shall be taken by death: If death and battle, takes me, you must do a special burial and send my war Garments to Hygelac’s. Beowulf also told Hrothgar, about his deeds when he destroyed a family of giants and killed water monsters. History of English Literature: “Beowulf”
  • 17. UNSM/ FEH - LANGUAGE SCHOOL Hrothgar, protector of the Danes said that ,Beowulf’s father was his friend, and was a good warrior too and has fought with monster as well. Hrothgar felt bad about Grendel’s horror, losing a lot of loyal men. Now the king invited Beowulf: sit and feast, glory of warriors, and speak your thoughts as your heart tells you. Then the Geats and brave men sat down. Suddenly, Beowulf took a cup and poured sweet drink the poet song in clear voice, there was such joy, so brave men, Danes and Geat celebrated. Then Unferth, Ecglaf’s son, asked some questions to Beowulf with envy: • Are you that Beowulf who struggled with History of English Literature: “Beowulf”
  • 18. UNSM/ FEH - LANGUAGE SCHOOL Brecca in the broad sea in a swimming contest? • The one who, out of pride, risked his life in the deep water though both friends and enemies tol you it was too dangerous? • Are you the one who hugged the sea, gliding through the boiling waves of the winter’s swell? And Unferth also said that he doesn’t expect much from him if he dares await Grendel in the night. Beowulf spoke: well my friend Unferth, yes, I’m Beowulf who walked with Brecca in the board sea, but • I’m stronger than him, because he was weaker than me at the sea nights. • I’m who risked his life, losing a friend, suffering pain. History of English Literature: “Beowulf”
  • 19. UNSM/ FEH - LANGUAGE SCHOOL You don’t know the other part of the story, where I have a lot of hardships, suffered 5 nights in the sea killing nine sea monster with such a cold weather. I am a stronger warrior. The king felt glad because he could count on Beowulf help and the guardian felt sure and glad also as well. Then the men laughed, and the words turned friendly. Suddenly, Wealhtheow, Hrothgar’s queen appears adorned in gold to greet the men. First she gave the cup to the country's guardian. She greeted Beowulf, thanking god, because her wishes had History of English Literature: “Beowulf”
  • 20. UNSM/ FEH - LANGUAGE SCHOOL Been fulfilled, a heroe came to save them from Grendel’s crimes. So, Beowulf said eagerly of battle: I alone, will fulfill the wish of your people or die in the foe´s grasp. The queen liked those words and went to sit by her lord. Now again, people were happy because of the brave speech of Beowulf once again, the warriors continued feasting until Beowulf decided to rest. Hrothgar knew that a strong battle was coming, when the night arrived. History of English Literature: “Beowulf”
  • 21. UNSM/ FEH - LANGUAGE SCHOOL Then all the warrior saluted to each other and the king Hrothgar wished luck to Beowulf in the fight for the hall and said these words: “Never, since I have been able to lift shield, have I entrusted this hall, this mighty house of the Danes, to any man, but now I entrust it to you, so you must do your best. Then Hrothgar and his band of warrior left the hall. History of English Literature: “Beowulf”
  • 22. UNSM/ FEH - LANGUAGE SCHOOL Before Beowulf got in bed prayed and spoke some brave words: “I don’t claim myself any lower in strength or brave deeds than Grendel. Therefore I will kill him without a sword, just with my strength if he comes without weapons. Wise God shall choose who shall win glory”. Then Beowulf got to bed and his brave warriors sought rest around him, everyone though Beowulf will die cause many brave and strong Danes warrior have died there, but the Lord, God, would give to the Geat and Danes people, helping and supporting , (it is well known that God always rules the race of men) . History of English Literature: “Beowulf”
  • 23. UNSM/ FEH - LANGUAGE SCHOOL PART IV GRENDEL ATTACKS AGAIN Grendel the walker of darkness arrived at Heorot in the night while all the warriors were sleeping, all except one. Grendel was a monster that come again watched in anger but what he didn’t know is that Beowulf was waiting to fight against him. Grendel came from the moor Hills, under the misty hill, to counteract with all the men of Heorot. He walked under the clouds, coming to the Wine-hall, the treasure-hall. It was not the first time that Grendel was looking for Hrothgar’s home, but this time, never in his life before, he did find worse luck. History of English Literature: “Beowulf”
  • 24. UNSM/ FEH - LANGUAGE SCHOOL The creature entered to the building with bad intention and enraged, he swung at the door wide and rapidly moved around the floor. He saw many warriors were sleeping together. He expected to finish with the life of these warriors, by ripping life from the body of each one. He thought to have a big meal, but what he didn’t know is that, he would eat no men after that night. The powerful warrior Beowulf was observing how the malignant monster began to eat a warrior, crushing his bones, drinking his blood and swallowing enormous morsels of meat, including his hands and feet. Grendel, the walker of darkness approaching increasingly towards Beowulf to begin a fight. The powerful Beowulf grasped his arm and snatched it. Grendel, then, felt the great strength of his hilt, felt fear in his heart and just looking for ways to flee to History of English Literature: “Beowulf”
  • 25. UNSM/ FEH - LANGUAGE SCHOOL his hiding place. Grendel had never met this kind of man. Beowulf kept in mind the speeches he had made in the evening. He firmly grasped Grendel’s hand and holding the arm as well, the fingers broke. The monster tried very hard to escape, but Beowulf stepped closer to him. The monster wanted to flee to the swamps and disappear because he realized the great power of the warrior. After the battle between Beowulf and Grendel the whole city was in fear, the beautiful building did not fall to the ground. Nobody thought that the great building would be destroyed because it was well built and decorated in gold. The panic was invading in Heorot. Grendel, hell’s friend, God’s enemy, sang his defeat. The whole world listened to his lament. The most powerful man of all the warriors celebrated Grendel's defeat. History of English Literature: “Beowulf”
  • 26. UNSM/ FEH - LANGUAGE SCHOOL The warriors tried to protect Beowulf and were trying to kill Grendel, those brave warriors as they fought seeking to take Grendel's soul. Miserable life, Grendel, the foe of God, started to face and found that he already hadn’t gotten the sufficient force. His body was not resisting to the powerful force of Beowulf. The horrible monster endured a terrible wound, for certain, that his life came to an end when Beowulf injured him deadly. Grendel knew that the victory was Beowulf’s. The Danes put all the hopes in Beowulf, because he was the one who brought peace, finished with all the Heorot's problems, and saved them from affliction. Beowulf was acclaimed because he had fulfilled his promise sworn to the Danes; every evil attack these people endured had come now to an end. When Beowulf laid that arm and shoulder down Grendel's claw, under the vaulted roof. THE WARRIORS REJOICE History of English Literature: “Beowulf”
  • 27. UNSM/ FEH - LANGUAGE SCHOOL The warriors come from near and far places and also close to see the great death of Grendel. The fingerprints that Grendel had left were evident, the bloody tracks that existed in the way and in the waters were the evidence; Grendel had died, deprived of joy, in his fen refuge. The warriors after seeing that place returned to Heorot, They said that Beowulf is a brave and holy man, and that there was no man in the world, with the force that Beowulf had, was more worthy The warriors made a contest for the best horse, Sometimes a king's man, a warrior covered in glory who knew the old traditions, would be reminded of an ancient song. Then he sang of things he'd heard about Sigemund's valorous deeds, things about Weals's son, his struggles, his wide journeys and feuds. After Sigemund's death day not a little fame sprang to him, about his hardy fight and killing of a dragon, keeper of a hoard. Sigemund's sword went clear through the huge dragon, the dragon died violently. By brave deeds the hero won a ring hoard for himself. History of English Literature: “Beowulf”
  • 28. UNSM/ FEH - LANGUAGE SCHOOL He bore into a ship's bosom those bright treasures of the Weal kin, and the dragon melted of its own heat. Sigemund was by far the most renowned adventurer, He had first prospered under King Heremod, and Among the Jutes Heremod was betrayed into enemy hands and put to death. Sorrow oppressed him and was a trouble to his people. He had loved the Geats more than his own people: evil had seized him. Thus told the song. The warriors raced their horses on the yellow road; many a brave warrior went to the high hall to see the wonder. So also the king and Queen left the room with his famous company with a troop of maidens walked among the mead seats. TO BE CONTINUED… PRIMARY CHARACTERS: Beowulf: a Geat, son of Edgetho and nephew of Higlac, king of the Geats. Higlac is both Beowulf’s feudal lord and his uncle. Brecca: chief of the Brondings, a tribe, and Beowulf’s friend. History of English Literature: “Beowulf”
  • 29. UNSM/ FEH - LANGUAGE SCHOOL Grendel: man-eating monster who lives at the bottom of a foul mere, or mountain lake. His name might be related to the Old Norse grindill, meaning “storm,” or grenja, “to bellow.” Herot: golden guest-hall built by King Hrothgar, the Danish ruler. It was decorated with the antlers of stags; the name means “hart [stag] hall.” Scholars think Herot might have been built near Lejre on the coast of Zealand, in Denmark. Hrothgar: king of the Danes, builder of Herot. He had once befriended Beowulf’s father. His father was called Healfdane (which probably means “half Dane”). Hrothgar’s name might mean “glory spear” or “spear of triumph.” Unferth: one of Hrothgar’s courtiers, reputed to be a skilled warrior. His sword, called Hrunting, is used by Beowulf in a later battle. Welthow: Hrothgar’s wife, queen of the Danes. Wiglaf: a Geat warrior, one of Beowulf’s select band, and the only one to help him in his final fight with the dragon. Wiglaf might be related to Beowulf. SOURCE: History of English Literature: “Beowulf”
  • 30. UNSM/ FEH - LANGUAGE SCHOOL History of English Literature: “Beowulf”