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Laughter and Humor                                                            “A Laugh a Day Keeps the Doctor Away?”
           A choice for healthier and better life                                        The story of Norman Cousins
           Compiled by Avi Liran,

           “Laughter is an innate & natural way of achieving connection, clarity,
           health, harmony & lightness by rebalancing the chemistry of tension,
           stress & pain, and having fun doing it.” (Dr. Annette Goodheart).
           “Laugh for no reason” (Dr. Madan Kataria).
           “Easier DONE than Said ” (Lenny Ravich and Avi Liran)
                                                                                         The most famous story so far of humor
           Free and natural: Laughter is one of the finest, most economical,             and laughter as a medicine is of an editor
           natural and easy ways to boost your physical and emotional health.            of the NY Times, Norman Cousins.

           “The art of medicine consists of amusing the patient while nature             Extensive research on 'laughter therapy’
           cures the disease.” Voltaire                                                  began after the New England Journal of
                                                                                         Medicine published an article by Norman
                                                                                         Cousins in 1976. Later, in 1979, this article
           Physical health benefits:           More hospitals believe in laughter.
                                                                                         became the first chapter of his book,
           •   Nature's Stress-buster: Researches from Loma Linda University in
                                                                                         'Anatomy of an Illness’. Cousins describes
               California led by Dr. Lee Berk, confirm that Laughter acts as anti-
                                                                                         in his book how he e was diagnosed in
               stress measure. It rebalances the body chemicals produced by fear,
                                                                                         1964 with ankylosing spondylitis , a rare
               anger, stress and anxiety. It reduces our non-productive stress and
               elevates our immunity by reducing the level of stress hormones.           disease usually results in acute
               The experimental group which laughed Cortisol and Dopac (3,4-             inflammation of the spine. His case was
               dihydrophenylacetic acid) decreased by 39%.                               so severe that he was given a one in 500
               Epinephrine (Adrenaline) in the experimental group were                   chance of recovery and a few months to
               significantly lower - 70%. Growth hormone levels decreased with           live and had to take dozens of painkillers
               laughter intervention.                                                    a day.

               In a study, “The effect of mirthful laughter on stress and natural        Realizing that negative thoughts and
               killer cell activity” conducted in 2003 at the Indiana State University
                                                                                         attitudes parallelize his immunity system,
               Sycamore Nursing Center, 33 healthy adult women were divided
                                                                                         he reasoned that positive thoughts and
               into two groups. The treatment group watched a humorous video,
               while the control group viewed a tourism video. RESULTS: Stress           attitudes may have the opposite effect.
               decreased for subjects in the humor group, compared with those in         He left the hospital and checked into a
               the distraction group (U32 = 215.5; P = .004). Amount of mirthful         hotel where he took mega doses of
               laughter correlated with postintervention stress measures for             vitamin C and watched humorous movies
               persons in the humor group (r16 = -.655; P = .004). Subjects who          and shows, such as 'Candid Camera' and
               scored greater than 25 on the humor response scale had increased          the Marx Brothers.
               immune function postintervention (t16 = 2.52 P = .037) and
               compared with the remaining participants (t32 = 32.1; P = .04).           He found that ten minutes of boisterous
               Humor response scale scores correlated with changes in NK cell            laughter resulted in at least two hours of
               activity (r16 = .744; P = 001). CONCLUSION: Laughter may reduce           pain-free sleep. He continued his routine
               stress and improve NK cell activity.                                      until he recovered. He used the same
                                                                                         method to recover from a heart attack
           •   Blood Pressure: During hearty laugh, initially the blood pressure         years later.

               increases, then it decreases to levels below normal
                                                                                         His amazing recovery story sparked much
               “Seven days without laughter makes one weak” ~ Mort Walker
                                                                                         interest in exploring scientifically the
                                                                                         connection between body-mind-soul, the
                                                                                         chemistry and emotions behind it.
•    Protect against a heart attack: According to study conducted by
                Dr. Michael Miller, M.D director of preventive cardiology at the      “Laughter    is NOT the best
                University Of Maryland School Of Medicine in Baltimore, laughter      medicine – FRIENDSHIP is”
                is linked to healthy function of blood vessels. It appears to cause   The story of
                the tissue that forms the inner lining of blood vessels, the
                                                                                      Dr. Patch Adams
                endothelium, to dilate or expand in order to increase blood flow.
                Overall, average blood flow increased 22 percent during laughter,
                and decreased 35 percent during mental stress.

               “There is not a lot of laughter in medicine, but there is a lot of
               medicine in laughter”

                                                                                      Dr. Hunter Campbell "Patch" Adams,
           •    Diabetes: Research in university of Akron found that dance twice      M.D., is a medical doctor, professional
                a week with peer support of comradeship and laughter 2 times          clown, iplomat, performer, and author.
                per week for 12 produced significant group differences in systolic    .He is a social activist who has devoted 30
                BP and body fat.                                                      years to changing America's healthcare
                                                                                      system from expensive and elitist to
           •    Reduce Pain: Dr. Rosemary Cogan, PhD, and her colleagues              affordable and for everyone. He founded
                conducted laboratory experiments to measure how the humor             the Gesundheit! Institute in
                followed by laughter perception of pressure-induced discomfort
                thresholds. Laughter significantly increased discomfort thresholds.   Dr. Adams devotes his life to the study of
                Other studies confirmed similar findings that humorous                what makes people both healthy and
                distraction is useful to help children and adolescents tolerate        happy. He invest all his personal
                painful procedures.
                                                                                      resources to make them healthier
                                                                                      happier. He believes that laughter, joy
                                                                                      and creativity are an integral part of the
                                                                                      healing process and therefore true health
                                                                                      care must incorporate these elements.

                                                                                      Doctors and patients in Patch Adams'
                                                                                      model relate to each other on the basis of
                                                                                      mutual trust, and patients receive plenty
                                                                                      of time from their doctors. Allopathic
                In September 2009 Lenny Ravich and Avi Liran had conducted            doctors and practitioners of alternative
                EDTSTM workshop – a powerful, energizing fun and laughter event       medicine work side by side. Dr. Adams
                for cancer patients and their families in Mount Elisabeth Hospital    and his colleagues have practiced
                in Singapore. One of the most difficult jobs is to cheer terminal     medicine this way at the Gesundheit
                patients knowing that they might be there tomorrow. One of the        Institute in West Virgina for over a decade
                patients who had stage 4 cancer gave us a personal testimonial:       and have treated for free over 15,000
                “6 months ago, the doctor gave me 3 months to live. Every day         patients.
                now is a bonus. I have two young daughters and I try to laugh with
                them as much as I can. Laughter and smile help me to reduce the       Dr. Adams is the real person behind the
                pain. It distracts my mind from the horrors of this terrible cancer   hit movie Patch Adams, starring Robin
                pain. When this nasty pain comes, I need to take fast the             Williams.
                medication. But the medication has severe side effects. However, if

                I can force myself to smile or even laugh, the pain is reduced by     “If you are putting on a happy face, a
                more than 50%”.                                                       loving face, you can say it is a fake
                                                                                      performance because you are really
                                                                                      hurting. What is true is your good
                                                                                      intention. The performance serves the
“A Laugh a Day with the Doctor’s Way?”
           Laughter Yoga Research                                                          The story of Dr. Madan Kataria

           In December 2006, Laughter Yoga International commissioned a scientific
           research project involving 200 IT professionals in Bangalore, India, to study
           the effects of Laughter Yoga on their stress levels.

           Seven Laughter Yoga sessions were administered to half the group over an
           18 day period, with physiological, immunological and psychological tests
           performed on each person before and after the Laughter Yoga sessions.           Laughter Yoga is the brainchild of Dr.
           The study was undertaken by one of India’s leading scientific research          Madan Kataria, an Indian physician from
           organizations. The results of the Bangalore study were extremely positive.      Mumbai who started the first laughter club
                                                                                           in a park on 13th March 1995, with just 5
           In the Laughter Yoga group there was a significant drop in heart rate, blood
                                                                                           people. Today, it has become a worldwide
           pressure and Cortisol (stress hormone) levels were significantly reduced.
                                                                                           phenomenon with more than 6000 social
           Positive emotions increased by 17% and negative emotions dropped by             laughter clubs in 60 countries.
           27%, Perceived stress dropped significantly, and Alexithymia dropped by
           almost 9%, indicating a significant improvement in emotional intelligence.      While there were laughter teachers and
           Here is a brief chart summary of the Bangalore Study results:                   gurus before Dr. Madan Kataria, like Annett
                                                                                           Goodheart, Steve Wilson and many others,
                                                                                           Dr. Kataria’ Laughter Yoga (LY) is sweeping
                                                                                           the world with laughter as a complete
                                                                                           wellbeing workout.

                                                                                           Laughter Yoga combines unconditional
                                                                                           laughter exercises with yogic breathing
                                                                                           (Pranayama). Anyone can laugh for no
                                                                                           reason, without relying on humor, jokes or
                                                                                           comedy. Laughter is simulated as a body
                                                                                           exercise in a group but with eye contact and
                                                                                           childlike playfulness, it soon turns into real
                                                                                           and contagious laughter. The concept of
                                                                                           Laughter Yoga is based on a scientific fact
                                                                                           that the body cannot differentiate between
                                                                                           fake and real laughter. One gets the same
                                                                                           psychological & physiological benefits.

                                                                                           The charismatic Dr. Kataria is a teaching and
                                                                                           marketing genius. His techniques are fun to
                                                                                           perform and teach. He had created
                                                                                           innovative programs for certifying laughter
                                                                                           teachers and leaders and he conducts
                                                                                           serious research that supports scientifically
                                                                                           the effectiveness of LY.

                                                                                           Dr. Kataria most recent
                                                                                           research had been published
                                                                                           by JCH in October 2008.
Social & Personal Benefits of humor and laughter:                              “Easier DONE than Said©”
                                                                                          The story of Lenny Ravich & Avi Liran
           Laughter works much better in company. It is contagious and
           infectious. We can’t resist laughing or at least smiling when we hear
           hearty laughter. One man starts laughing in the train and the whole

           o     Better Connections: Taking life with a pinch of salt, using laughter
                 and humor as tools, enhances our ability to affiliate or connect
                 with others. It is a great antidote to upsets. Non-ridicule laughing
                 will assist us in making better connection, first and internal           Lenny (MA in Education, Samford
                 connection within ourselves and then when we can laugh with              University, Alabama) spent his early
                 others (we don't have to "be funny").                                    school years in special education
           o                                                                              classes since he was diagnosed as
               “Laughter is the shortest distance between two people”
               Victor Borge                                                               “overly joyous,” and therefore,
                                                                                          disturbed. His experience as an actor, a
                                                                                          radio DJ then as educator, an
           o     Less suffering: “Sometimes pain is unavoidable, Suffering is
                                                                                          education supervisor and Director of
                 optional”. Painful events are half as painful with the right reaction.
                                                                                          the Gestalt Institute in Israel, was
                 Finding the ridicule, the funny part of the absurd, laughing at our
                                                                                          reflected humorously in his platinum
                 own mistakes (while learning how not to repeat them) reduces
                                                                                          award book. His work with students
                 significantly the suffering such as getting angry, depressed,
                 anxious, guilty, or resentful.                                           and thereafter with organizations and
                                                                                          individuals is based on his proven
           o     Clarity and detachment: Our emotional negative thoughts create           methodology of laughter, humor and
                 unbearable noise that distract us and prevent us from a fair             play as essential tools for the success
                 judgment of the situation. In his book “Noise”, Jacob Burak              of education and business.
                 describe noise as “Unrecognized but powerful emotional forces
                 that create anxiety and uncertainty in our lives, uniquely personal
                 noises generated by the fear of being alone, of failing, or,
                 ultimately, of dying”. Laughter focuses our perspective so we can
                 think more clearly. It allows us to distance the bad and look at
                 challenges as they really are filtering out much of the “noise
                 distraction”. What seems like an elephant before laughter may
                 just look like an ant after a good hearty laughter.
                                                                                          Avi Liran (MBA) ex CEO of boutique
                                                                                          investment consultancy firm and a
           o Liberal and Liberating: Laughter releases us from the over-                  Laughter Teacher joined his mentor
                 seriousness. Through laughter, we are freer, allowing our                Lenny in the quest to bring positive
                 emotions and spontaneity to let loose. In this sense, Laughter is        change. Together they coach, consult
                 the wings that allow us to fly beyond the tangible border of our         and train evolutionary Leadership and
                 physical existence.                                                      positive changes in teams via Humor,
                                                                                          Laughter and Optimism. Organizations
               “What soap is to the body, laughter is to the soul”                        and individuals transform to the next
               Yiddish Proverb                                                            level in terms of business and personal
                                                                                          objectives, replacing bad energy,

                                                                                          chemicals and karma using “Easier DONE
                                                                                          than said” methodology which add new
                                                                                          elements to the business world such as
                                                                                          self and team love, choosing positive jolly
                                                                                          and humorous attitude that brings
o   Tension Release: Laughter eases muscle tension. We feel                “Laughter      Therapy & Coaching”
               cleansed from “mental poison” and stressful challenging                The story of
               eventualities. Laughter is a channel to release both physical and
                     •                                                                Dr. Annette Goodheart
               emotional accumulation of toxic thoughts and burdens.

           o   Bring family closer: Ability to laugh at challenges embraces
               interaction within the family, especially with teenagers. Everyone
               prefers to be next to a happy person who enjoys a good laugh
               than next to a “walking grouchy complain box”.

           o   Problem solving: The Italian expression “Attraversiamo” means
                                                                                      Dr. Goodheart (her real name) started
               literally “to cross over” became famous in Elizabeth Gilbert book
                                                                                      Laughter Coaching in the 1970’s.
               “Eat Pray Love”. Laughter and humor do not solve our problems.
                                                                                      Dr. Goodheart is one of the pioneers in
               They set the right environment for us to be able to focus on how
                                                                                      helping people realize the healing
               to resolve them and start crossing the road towards the desired
                                                                                      powers of laughter. She has developed,
               destination. Laughter helps us accept what we can’t resolve or
               change. It gives us strength to move on with minimal emotional         treated people and certify coaches with
               wounds and maximum effectiveness.                                      techniques that heal people’s deep
                                                                                      emotional wounds and then move on to
               “The human race has only one really effective weapon and               healthier and happier living.
               that is laughter” Mark Twain
                                                                                      Dr. Goodheart teaches a balanced
           o   Enjoy the rest of our life: Once we use laughter more often, we        approach to laughter as a mean and not
               wonder why we wasted all those years being so serious. We              as a goal.
               become more open to enjoy experiencing the satisfaction of the
               moment before jumping to fulfill another desire.                       Dr. Goodheart promotes “Appropriate
                                                                                      Laughter”. She teaches her students to
           o   Healthier ego: Over seriousness is a fatal disease. Living with a      appreciate other than laughter cathartic
               demanding ego is exhausting. Our ability to laugh at and with          mechanisms in our body such as crying
               ourselves, releases us from our insecurities allowing us to feed our   and use them as well when appropriate.
               ego with “meaningful diet” such as giving, and loving which result     Laughter can be misused; laughter
               in immediate gratification that boost our ego and moral.               should not be "laughed off" as
                                                                                      unnecessary, unproductive or frivolous.
           o   Laughter increase Altruism: Study, conducted psychologists at          However, used at the right time and
               the universities of Kent and Liverpool led by Professor Mark van       place laughter coaching help in
               Vugt has revealed that laughter increases altruism towards             facilitating higher self determination,
               strangers.                                                             better well-being and healthier
                                                                                      connections, on the journey to
           o   Spice: Laughter brings the spice to our soul, without it life is       wherever YOU chose to go.
               tasteless and technical. Passion and love flow in.
                                                                                      Equipped with lifetime experience,
                                                                                      knowledge and healthy sense of humor,
                “When people are laughing, they're generally not killing each         Dr. Goodheart does not take herself too
                other” Alan Alda                                                      seriously and allows her students to

                                                                                      take a trip also to the dark sides of
                                                                                      laughter such ridicule. She teaches the
                                                                                      extraordinary physiology of laughter and
                                                                                      its role in healing
Physical Workout:

               o    Muscles: Belly laughter exercises and massages the
                    diaphragm, abdominal organs and facial muscles. It tones
                    intestinal functioning, and strengthens the muscles that hold      Dr. Judy Willis M.D. M.Ed
                    the abdominal organs in place. It contracts the abs and even practiced neurology
                    works out the shoulders, leg, and back muscles. It leaves          for fifteen years before obtaining her
                    muscles more relaxed afterward.                                    Teaching Credential and Masters of
                                                                                       Education.      She     then      taught
                                                                                       elementary and middle school for ten
               o    Increase Oxygen ratio in the blood: Breathing becomes              years in Santa Barbara, California
                    deeper which sends much more oxygen enriched blood and             where she is currently an Associate
                    nutrients throughout the body.                                     Lecturer at University of California
                                                                                       Dr. Willis has published six books,
                                                                                       presents at conferences and conducts
               o    Burn Calories: It is estimated that laughing 100 to 200 times a    workshops for educators and parents
                    day is a cardiovascular activity that can burn calories            internationally about how children’s
                    equivalent to several minutes on the rowing machine or the         brains learn best and about teaching
                    exercise bike. A hearty belly laugh is like internal jogging. At   strategies derived from neuroscience
                    least 15 facial muscles plus dozens of others all over our body
                    flex and relax. Our pulse and respiration increase, oxygenating    Dr. Judy Willis is an authority in brain
                    the blood. (I lost 2kg in 5 days of Laughter Teachers workshop     research regarding learning and the
                    in Paris while eating great French food. I also slept like a       brain.
                                                                                       Drawing on her neurology expertise
                   “A smile is a curve that sets everything straight”                  and classroom experience, Dr. Willis
                    Phyllis Diller                                                     examined      decades   of  learning-
                                                                                       centered brain research to determine
                                                                                       what information was most valid and
               o    Energizing: Taking life with Humor and laughter increases our      relevant for educators.
                    energy, and with increased energy we may perform activities        Her most recent book, Learning to
                    that we might otherwise avoid.                                     Love Math: Overcoming Negativity
                                                                                       with Motivation ASCD 2010, provides
               o    Memory: Dr. Judy Willis research on RAD show that                  interventions for motivation
                    connecting critical information to positive emotional              enhancement for the increasing
                    experiences in the classroom increases the memory.                 negativity of today’s students for
                                                                                       many school subjects.
           Caution: Not everybody should laugh. There are some medical
           conditions when laughter can be a health hazard. Laughter drills are        One of the conclusions of Neuro-
                                                                                       Research and learning is that in order
           not a substitute for proper medical consultation for physical, mental
                                                                                       for students to learn, they must be
           and psychological illnesses and may not be suitable for everyone. It is     engaged in a relaxed and enjoyable
           contra-indicated for people suffering from uncontrolled high blood          way. Fear of participating and making
           pressure, heart disease, epilepsy, any kind of hernia, severe backache      a mistake in front of the class and
           and major psychiatric disorders. Pregnant ladies and people suffering       boredom are two of the main reasons
                                                                                       why students fail.
           from Asthma should laugh mildly.
                                                                                       In her book “Ignite”, Willis takes a

                    “A hearty laugh gives one a dry cleaning, while a good cry is a    reader-friendly        approach     to
                    wet wash” Puzant Kevork Thomajan                                   neuroscience, describing how the
                                                                                       brain processes, stores, and retrieves
                                                                                       material and which instructional
                                                                                       strategies help students learn most
                                                                                       effectively and joyfully.
•   "Laughter in and of itself cannot cure cancer nor prevent cancer, but laughter as part of the full
               range of positive emotions including hope, love, faith, strong will to live, determination and
               purpose, can be a significant and indispensable aspect of the total fight for recovery." ~Harold H.
               Benjamin, PhD
           •   "A clown is like an aspirin, only he works twice as fast." Groucho Marx
           •     “Don’t deny the diagnosis. Try to defy the verdict.” ~Norman Cousins
           •   “A day without laughter is a day wasted”.
           •   “Laughter is the tonic, the relief, the surcease for pain” ~Charlie Chaplin
           •   “Every laughter gets deposited to your health immune system bank account. When
               you feel that you have nothing to laugh about, laugh on credit.”
           •   “Smile, life is taking a picture of you NOW!” ~Avi Liran
           •    “Earth laughs in flowers.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
           •   I am thankful for laughter, except when milk comes out of my nose. ~Woody Allen
           •   “If every word I said could make you laugh, I'd talk forever...”
           •   At the height of laughter, the universe is flung into a kaleidoscope of new possibilities. ~Jean
           •   Laughter is an instant vacation. ~Milton Berle
           •   Laughter and tears are both responses to frustration and exhaustion. I myself prefer to laugh, since
               there is less cleaning up to do afterward. ~Kurt Vonnegut
           •   Laughter gives us distance. It allows us to step back from an event, deal with it and then move on.
               ~Bob Newhart
           •   Laughter is the corrective force which prevents us from becoming cranks. ~Henri Bergson
           •   Man, when you lose your laugh you lose your footing. ~Ken Kesey
           •   Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face. ~Victor Hugo
           •   Laughter is a tranquilizer with no side effects. ~Arnold Glasow
           •   Laughter is an orgasm triggered by the intercourse of sense and nonsense. ~Author Unknown
           •   A smile confuses an approaching frown. Author Unknown
           •   A smile costs nothing but gives much. It enriches those who receive without making poorer those
               who give. It takes but a moment, but the memory of it sometimes lasts forever. None is so rich or
               mighty that he cannot get along without it and none is so poor that he cannot be made rich by it.
               Yet a smile cannot be bought, begged, borrowed, or stolen, for it is something that is of no value to
               anyone until it is given away. Some people are too tired to give you a smile. Give them one of yours,
               as none needs a smile so much as he who has no more to give. - Author Unknown
           •   A smile is a powerful weapon; you can even break ice with it. - Author Unknown
           •   A smile is the light in the window of your face that tells people you're at home. Author Unknown
           •   All the statistics in the world can't measure the warmth of a smile. Chris Hart
           •   A smile is the universal welcome. Max Eastman
           •   Always remember to be happy because you never know who's falling in love with your smile.
               Author Unknown
           •   A smile is an inexpensive way to change your looks. Charles Gordy
           •   Everyone smiles and laughs in the same language. Author Unknown

           •   HOPE = H –umor O-pens P-ossibilities E- very Day

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Featured on Trends & Issues In Global Tourism 2011

Benefits of Laughter & Humor

  • 1. Laughter and Humor “A Laugh a Day Keeps the Doctor Away?” A choice for healthier and better life The story of Norman Cousins Compiled by Avi Liran, “Laughter is an innate & natural way of achieving connection, clarity, health, harmony & lightness by rebalancing the chemistry of tension, stress & pain, and having fun doing it.” (Dr. Annette Goodheart). “Laugh for no reason” (Dr. Madan Kataria). © “Easier DONE than Said ” (Lenny Ravich and Avi Liran) The most famous story so far of humor Free and natural: Laughter is one of the finest, most economical, and laughter as a medicine is of an editor natural and easy ways to boost your physical and emotional health. of the NY Times, Norman Cousins. “The art of medicine consists of amusing the patient while nature Extensive research on 'laughter therapy’ cures the disease.” Voltaire began after the New England Journal of Medicine published an article by Norman Cousins in 1976. Later, in 1979, this article Physical health benefits: More hospitals believe in laughter. became the first chapter of his book, • Nature's Stress-buster: Researches from Loma Linda University in 'Anatomy of an Illness’. Cousins describes California led by Dr. Lee Berk, confirm that Laughter acts as anti- in his book how he e was diagnosed in stress measure. It rebalances the body chemicals produced by fear, 1964 with ankylosing spondylitis , a rare anger, stress and anxiety. It reduces our non-productive stress and elevates our immunity by reducing the level of stress hormones. disease usually results in acute The experimental group which laughed Cortisol and Dopac (3,4- inflammation of the spine. His case was dihydrophenylacetic acid) decreased by 39%. so severe that he was given a one in 500 Epinephrine (Adrenaline) in the experimental group were chance of recovery and a few months to significantly lower - 70%. Growth hormone levels decreased with live and had to take dozens of painkillers laughter intervention. a day. In a study, “The effect of mirthful laughter on stress and natural Realizing that negative thoughts and killer cell activity” conducted in 2003 at the Indiana State University attitudes parallelize his immunity system, Sycamore Nursing Center, 33 healthy adult women were divided he reasoned that positive thoughts and into two groups. The treatment group watched a humorous video, while the control group viewed a tourism video. RESULTS: Stress attitudes may have the opposite effect. decreased for subjects in the humor group, compared with those in He left the hospital and checked into a the distraction group (U32 = 215.5; P = .004). Amount of mirthful hotel where he took mega doses of laughter correlated with postintervention stress measures for vitamin C and watched humorous movies persons in the humor group (r16 = -.655; P = .004). Subjects who and shows, such as 'Candid Camera' and scored greater than 25 on the humor response scale had increased the Marx Brothers. immune function postintervention (t16 = 2.52 P = .037) and compared with the remaining participants (t32 = 32.1; P = .04). He found that ten minutes of boisterous Humor response scale scores correlated with changes in NK cell laughter resulted in at least two hours of activity (r16 = .744; P = 001). CONCLUSION: Laughter may reduce pain-free sleep. He continued his routine stress and improve NK cell activity. until he recovered. He used the same method to recover from a heart attack • Blood Pressure: During hearty laugh, initially the blood pressure years later. increases, then it decreases to levels below normal His amazing recovery story sparked much “Seven days without laughter makes one weak” ~ Mort Walker interest in exploring scientifically the connection between body-mind-soul, the chemistry and emotions behind it.
  • 2. Protect against a heart attack: According to study conducted by Dr. Michael Miller, M.D director of preventive cardiology at the “Laughter is NOT the best University Of Maryland School Of Medicine in Baltimore, laughter medicine – FRIENDSHIP is” is linked to healthy function of blood vessels. It appears to cause The story of the tissue that forms the inner lining of blood vessels, the Dr. Patch Adams endothelium, to dilate or expand in order to increase blood flow. Overall, average blood flow increased 22 percent during laughter, and decreased 35 percent during mental stress. “There is not a lot of laughter in medicine, but there is a lot of medicine in laughter” Dr. Hunter Campbell "Patch" Adams, • Diabetes: Research in university of Akron found that dance twice M.D., is a medical doctor, professional a week with peer support of comradeship and laughter 2 times clown, iplomat, performer, and author. per week for 12 produced significant group differences in systolic .He is a social activist who has devoted 30 BP and body fat. years to changing America's healthcare system from expensive and elitist to • Reduce Pain: Dr. Rosemary Cogan, PhD, and her colleagues affordable and for everyone. He founded conducted laboratory experiments to measure how the humor the Gesundheit! Institute in followed by laughter perception of pressure-induced discomfort thresholds. Laughter significantly increased discomfort thresholds. Dr. Adams devotes his life to the study of Other studies confirmed similar findings that humorous what makes people both healthy and distraction is useful to help children and adolescents tolerate happy. He invest all his personal painful procedures. resources to make them healthier happier. He believes that laughter, joy and creativity are an integral part of the healing process and therefore true health care must incorporate these elements. Doctors and patients in Patch Adams' model relate to each other on the basis of mutual trust, and patients receive plenty of time from their doctors. Allopathic In September 2009 Lenny Ravich and Avi Liran had conducted doctors and practitioners of alternative EDTSTM workshop – a powerful, energizing fun and laughter event medicine work side by side. Dr. Adams for cancer patients and their families in Mount Elisabeth Hospital and his colleagues have practiced in Singapore. One of the most difficult jobs is to cheer terminal medicine this way at the Gesundheit patients knowing that they might be there tomorrow. One of the Institute in West Virgina for over a decade patients who had stage 4 cancer gave us a personal testimonial: and have treated for free over 15,000 “6 months ago, the doctor gave me 3 months to live. Every day patients. now is a bonus. I have two young daughters and I try to laugh with them as much as I can. Laughter and smile help me to reduce the Dr. Adams is the real person behind the pain. It distracts my mind from the horrors of this terrible cancer hit movie Patch Adams, starring Robin pain. When this nasty pain comes, I need to take fast the Williams. medication. But the medication has severe side effects. However, if I can force myself to smile or even laugh, the pain is reduced by “If you are putting on a happy face, a more than 50%”. loving face, you can say it is a fake performance because you are really hurting. What is true is your good intention. The performance serves the intention.”
  • 3. “A Laugh a Day with the Doctor’s Way?” Laughter Yoga Research The story of Dr. Madan Kataria BANGALORE STUDY In December 2006, Laughter Yoga International commissioned a scientific research project involving 200 IT professionals in Bangalore, India, to study the effects of Laughter Yoga on their stress levels. Seven Laughter Yoga sessions were administered to half the group over an 18 day period, with physiological, immunological and psychological tests performed on each person before and after the Laughter Yoga sessions. Laughter Yoga is the brainchild of Dr. The study was undertaken by one of India’s leading scientific research Madan Kataria, an Indian physician from organizations. The results of the Bangalore study were extremely positive. Mumbai who started the first laughter club in a park on 13th March 1995, with just 5 In the Laughter Yoga group there was a significant drop in heart rate, blood people. Today, it has become a worldwide pressure and Cortisol (stress hormone) levels were significantly reduced. phenomenon with more than 6000 social Positive emotions increased by 17% and negative emotions dropped by laughter clubs in 60 countries. 27%, Perceived stress dropped significantly, and Alexithymia dropped by almost 9%, indicating a significant improvement in emotional intelligence. While there were laughter teachers and Here is a brief chart summary of the Bangalore Study results: gurus before Dr. Madan Kataria, like Annett Goodheart, Steve Wilson and many others, Dr. Kataria’ Laughter Yoga (LY) is sweeping the world with laughter as a complete wellbeing workout. Laughter Yoga combines unconditional laughter exercises with yogic breathing (Pranayama). Anyone can laugh for no reason, without relying on humor, jokes or comedy. Laughter is simulated as a body exercise in a group but with eye contact and childlike playfulness, it soon turns into real and contagious laughter. The concept of Laughter Yoga is based on a scientific fact that the body cannot differentiate between fake and real laughter. One gets the same psychological & physiological benefits. The charismatic Dr. Kataria is a teaching and marketing genius. His techniques are fun to perform and teach. He had created innovative programs for certifying laughter teachers and leaders and he conducts serious research that supports scientifically the effectiveness of LY. Dr. Kataria most recent research had been published by JCH in October 2008.
  • 4. Social & Personal Benefits of humor and laughter: “Easier DONE than Said©” The story of Lenny Ravich & Avi Liran Laughter works much better in company. It is contagious and infectious. We can’t resist laughing or at least smiling when we hear hearty laughter. One man starts laughing in the train and the whole train… o Better Connections: Taking life with a pinch of salt, using laughter and humor as tools, enhances our ability to affiliate or connect with others. It is a great antidote to upsets. Non-ridicule laughing will assist us in making better connection, first and internal Lenny (MA in Education, Samford connection within ourselves and then when we can laugh with University, Alabama) spent his early others (we don't have to "be funny"). school years in special education o classes since he was diagnosed as “Laughter is the shortest distance between two people” Victor Borge “overly joyous,” and therefore, disturbed. His experience as an actor, a radio DJ then as educator, an o Less suffering: “Sometimes pain is unavoidable, Suffering is education supervisor and Director of optional”. Painful events are half as painful with the right reaction. the Gestalt Institute in Israel, was Finding the ridicule, the funny part of the absurd, laughing at our reflected humorously in his platinum own mistakes (while learning how not to repeat them) reduces award book. His work with students significantly the suffering such as getting angry, depressed, anxious, guilty, or resentful. and thereafter with organizations and individuals is based on his proven o Clarity and detachment: Our emotional negative thoughts create methodology of laughter, humor and unbearable noise that distract us and prevent us from a fair play as essential tools for the success judgment of the situation. In his book “Noise”, Jacob Burak of education and business. describe noise as “Unrecognized but powerful emotional forces that create anxiety and uncertainty in our lives, uniquely personal noises generated by the fear of being alone, of failing, or, ultimately, of dying”. Laughter focuses our perspective so we can think more clearly. It allows us to distance the bad and look at challenges as they really are filtering out much of the “noise distraction”. What seems like an elephant before laughter may just look like an ant after a good hearty laughter. Avi Liran (MBA) ex CEO of boutique investment consultancy firm and a o Liberal and Liberating: Laughter releases us from the over- Laughter Teacher joined his mentor seriousness. Through laughter, we are freer, allowing our Lenny in the quest to bring positive emotions and spontaneity to let loose. In this sense, Laughter is change. Together they coach, consult the wings that allow us to fly beyond the tangible border of our and train evolutionary Leadership and physical existence. positive changes in teams via Humor, Laughter and Optimism. Organizations “What soap is to the body, laughter is to the soul” and individuals transform to the next Yiddish Proverb level in terms of business and personal objectives, replacing bad energy, chemicals and karma using “Easier DONE than said” methodology which add new elements to the business world such as self and team love, choosing positive jolly and humorous attitude that brings results.
  • 5. o Tension Release: Laughter eases muscle tension. We feel “Laughter Therapy & Coaching” cleansed from “mental poison” and stressful challenging The story of eventualities. Laughter is a channel to release both physical and • Dr. Annette Goodheart emotional accumulation of toxic thoughts and burdens. o Bring family closer: Ability to laugh at challenges embraces interaction within the family, especially with teenagers. Everyone prefers to be next to a happy person who enjoys a good laugh than next to a “walking grouchy complain box”. o Problem solving: The Italian expression “Attraversiamo” means Dr. Goodheart (her real name) started literally “to cross over” became famous in Elizabeth Gilbert book Laughter Coaching in the 1970’s. “Eat Pray Love”. Laughter and humor do not solve our problems. Dr. Goodheart is one of the pioneers in They set the right environment for us to be able to focus on how helping people realize the healing to resolve them and start crossing the road towards the desired powers of laughter. She has developed, destination. Laughter helps us accept what we can’t resolve or change. It gives us strength to move on with minimal emotional treated people and certify coaches with wounds and maximum effectiveness. techniques that heal people’s deep emotional wounds and then move on to “The human race has only one really effective weapon and healthier and happier living. that is laughter” Mark Twain Dr. Goodheart teaches a balanced o Enjoy the rest of our life: Once we use laughter more often, we approach to laughter as a mean and not wonder why we wasted all those years being so serious. We as a goal. become more open to enjoy experiencing the satisfaction of the moment before jumping to fulfill another desire. Dr. Goodheart promotes “Appropriate Laughter”. She teaches her students to o Healthier ego: Over seriousness is a fatal disease. Living with a appreciate other than laughter cathartic demanding ego is exhausting. Our ability to laugh at and with mechanisms in our body such as crying ourselves, releases us from our insecurities allowing us to feed our and use them as well when appropriate. ego with “meaningful diet” such as giving, and loving which result Laughter can be misused; laughter in immediate gratification that boost our ego and moral. should not be "laughed off" as unnecessary, unproductive or frivolous. o Laughter increase Altruism: Study, conducted psychologists at However, used at the right time and the universities of Kent and Liverpool led by Professor Mark van place laughter coaching help in Vugt has revealed that laughter increases altruism towards facilitating higher self determination, strangers. better well-being and healthier connections, on the journey to o Spice: Laughter brings the spice to our soul, without it life is wherever YOU chose to go. tasteless and technical. Passion and love flow in. Equipped with lifetime experience, knowledge and healthy sense of humor, “When people are laughing, they're generally not killing each Dr. Goodheart does not take herself too other” Alan Alda seriously and allows her students to take a trip also to the dark sides of laughter such ridicule. She teaches the extraordinary physiology of laughter and its role in healing
  • 6. Physical Workout: o Muscles: Belly laughter exercises and massages the diaphragm, abdominal organs and facial muscles. It tones intestinal functioning, and strengthens the muscles that hold Dr. Judy Willis M.D. M.Ed the abdominal organs in place. It contracts the abs and even practiced neurology works out the shoulders, leg, and back muscles. It leaves for fifteen years before obtaining her muscles more relaxed afterward. Teaching Credential and Masters of Education. She then taught elementary and middle school for ten o Increase Oxygen ratio in the blood: Breathing becomes years in Santa Barbara, California deeper which sends much more oxygen enriched blood and where she is currently an Associate nutrients throughout the body. Lecturer at University of California Dr. Willis has published six books, presents at conferences and conducts o Burn Calories: It is estimated that laughing 100 to 200 times a workshops for educators and parents day is a cardiovascular activity that can burn calories internationally about how children’s equivalent to several minutes on the rowing machine or the brains learn best and about teaching exercise bike. A hearty belly laugh is like internal jogging. At strategies derived from neuroscience research. least 15 facial muscles plus dozens of others all over our body flex and relax. Our pulse and respiration increase, oxygenating Dr. Judy Willis is an authority in brain the blood. (I lost 2kg in 5 days of Laughter Teachers workshop research regarding learning and the in Paris while eating great French food. I also slept like a brain. baby). Drawing on her neurology expertise “A smile is a curve that sets everything straight” and classroom experience, Dr. Willis Phyllis Diller examined decades of learning- centered brain research to determine what information was most valid and o Energizing: Taking life with Humor and laughter increases our relevant for educators. energy, and with increased energy we may perform activities Her most recent book, Learning to that we might otherwise avoid. Love Math: Overcoming Negativity with Motivation ASCD 2010, provides o Memory: Dr. Judy Willis research on RAD show that interventions for motivation connecting critical information to positive emotional enhancement for the increasing experiences in the classroom increases the memory. negativity of today’s students for many school subjects. Caution: Not everybody should laugh. There are some medical conditions when laughter can be a health hazard. Laughter drills are One of the conclusions of Neuro- Research and learning is that in order not a substitute for proper medical consultation for physical, mental for students to learn, they must be and psychological illnesses and may not be suitable for everyone. It is engaged in a relaxed and enjoyable contra-indicated for people suffering from uncontrolled high blood way. Fear of participating and making pressure, heart disease, epilepsy, any kind of hernia, severe backache a mistake in front of the class and and major psychiatric disorders. Pregnant ladies and people suffering boredom are two of the main reasons why students fail. from Asthma should laugh mildly. In her book “Ignite”, Willis takes a “A hearty laugh gives one a dry cleaning, while a good cry is a reader-friendly approach to wet wash” Puzant Kevork Thomajan neuroscience, describing how the brain processes, stores, and retrieves material and which instructional strategies help students learn most effectively and joyfully.
  • 7. "Laughter in and of itself cannot cure cancer nor prevent cancer, but laughter as part of the full range of positive emotions including hope, love, faith, strong will to live, determination and purpose, can be a significant and indispensable aspect of the total fight for recovery." ~Harold H. Benjamin, PhD • "A clown is like an aspirin, only he works twice as fast." Groucho Marx • “Don’t deny the diagnosis. Try to defy the verdict.” ~Norman Cousins • “A day without laughter is a day wasted”. • “Laughter is the tonic, the relief, the surcease for pain” ~Charlie Chaplin • “Every laughter gets deposited to your health immune system bank account. When you feel that you have nothing to laugh about, laugh on credit.” • “Smile, life is taking a picture of you NOW!” ~Avi Liran • “Earth laughs in flowers.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson • I am thankful for laughter, except when milk comes out of my nose. ~Woody Allen • “If every word I said could make you laugh, I'd talk forever...” • At the height of laughter, the universe is flung into a kaleidoscope of new possibilities. ~Jean Houston • Laughter is an instant vacation. ~Milton Berle • Laughter and tears are both responses to frustration and exhaustion. I myself prefer to laugh, since there is less cleaning up to do afterward. ~Kurt Vonnegut • Laughter gives us distance. It allows us to step back from an event, deal with it and then move on. ~Bob Newhart • Laughter is the corrective force which prevents us from becoming cranks. ~Henri Bergson • Man, when you lose your laugh you lose your footing. ~Ken Kesey • Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face. ~Victor Hugo • Laughter is a tranquilizer with no side effects. ~Arnold Glasow • Laughter is an orgasm triggered by the intercourse of sense and nonsense. ~Author Unknown • A smile confuses an approaching frown. Author Unknown • A smile costs nothing but gives much. It enriches those who receive without making poorer those who give. It takes but a moment, but the memory of it sometimes lasts forever. None is so rich or mighty that he cannot get along without it and none is so poor that he cannot be made rich by it. Yet a smile cannot be bought, begged, borrowed, or stolen, for it is something that is of no value to anyone until it is given away. Some people are too tired to give you a smile. Give them one of yours, as none needs a smile so much as he who has no more to give. - Author Unknown • A smile is a powerful weapon; you can even break ice with it. - Author Unknown • A smile is the light in the window of your face that tells people you're at home. Author Unknown • All the statistics in the world can't measure the warmth of a smile. Chris Hart • A smile is the universal welcome. Max Eastman • Always remember to be happy because you never know who's falling in love with your smile. Author Unknown • A smile is an inexpensive way to change your looks. Charles Gordy • Everyone smiles and laughs in the same language. Author Unknown • HOPE = H –umor O-pens P-ossibilities E- very Day