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RIVERCIRCLE                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        BEHNISCH TEAM

     A Strategic Perspective
     The RIVERCIRCLE urban landscape concept proposes a durable framework for the evolution of
     the Arch grounds within the larger milieu of St. Louis and East St. Louis addressing the many
     current stakeholder interests on both sides of the river. The design strategy of the Great Rivers
     Expo and the RIVERCIRCLE will provide the physical framework for visitors to experience the
     many new and diverse places and events.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             2015
     To achieve this goal we will make sure that all planning and design proposals emerging out of
     our Rivercircle! concept will be based on the close relationship between people’s natural use
     of public spaces and the physical character and form of the built environment while embracing
     the unique qualities of the local context on both sides of the Mississippi River. Rivercircle shall
     open up, invite and include people, provide different activities and possibilities and thereby
     invite and ensure multiplicity and diversity.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         2010 Great Rivers Expo Begins
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Memorial Competition
                                                                                                                                                                                         1904 World’s Fair, St. Louis

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        1948 National Expansion

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    1965 National Expansion

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              2065 100th Anniversary
                                                                                                                                                                                         1904 Summer Olympics

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         2015 50th Anniversary
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Memorial Opens


                                                                                                                                                                                             1900                                                                             1950                                                   2000                                                             2050

                                                                                                                                                                                        GREAT RIVERS EXPO –
                                                                                                                                                                                        INTERNATIONAL BUILDING AND LANDSCAPE EXHIBITION
                                                                                                                                                                                        The RIVERCIRCLE! | NATIONAL MALL concept, framing urban, landscape, architectural and artistic activity, emerges from a sustaining vision of
                                                                                                                                                                                        integrated regional development, an encircling strategic plan and organization we propose as the GREAT RIVERS EXPO – THE INTERNATIONAL
                                                                                                                                                                                        BUILDING AND LANDSCAPE EXHIBITION ST. LOUIS.
                                                                                                                                                                                        GREAT RIVERS EXPO is partly a building exhibition in the classic, architectural sense, but is also a federal and state-supported entity that over-
                                                                                                                                                                                        sees individual redevelopment projects and an overarching Master Plan. A variety of landscape and architecture, art projects will be developed
                                                                                                                                                                                        over time rather than developed as a single event.
                                                                                                                                                                                        The mission, mandate and timeframe illustrate the most productive contemporary thinking in the ecological and economic regeneration of a
A fragmented urban fabric                                                                                         Reconnected and whole once more                                       former industrial region; the methods and designs emerging from this strategy are best described as “Sustained Vitality.”

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         RIVER EDGE EXTENSIONS
   A NEW LOCAL MARkET                                                                                                      EADS BRIDGE
                                                                                                                                                                               MUSIC PROjECT

                                                                                                                                                                                                                            EAST AND WEST RIVER EDGE
                                                                                  GATEWAy MALL                                                                                                                              TRANSFORMATIONS                                                                                                                                                      NEW ARTS COLLECTIVE
       GATEWAy MALL :                                                                                                                                                   MUSEUM ENTRy

                                                EAST RIVERBANk :                                                                                                                                                                         AMPHITHEATER
                                                                                                                                         CULTURAL INCUBATOR                                                                                                       RESOURCE CENTER                                                                                            PROGRAM EXTENSION
                                                ACCESS OVER FLOODWALL                            LOCAL PROGRAMS                                                         MEMORIAL                                        GONDOLA                                                                                                                                              MULTI-PURPOSE VENUE
                                                                                                                                    TRAIL NETWORk                                                                                                                                                               I-70 REMOVAL


Now! : Quick Wins                                                                      Before 2015 : Gaining Momentum                                                   2015 : New Perspectives                                                                                                                      Future : Sustained Vitality
Our project does not have a completion date in 2015. We believe that the               We are proposing that the city starts transforming four key entrance gate-       Festival! Or: An event for St Louis. In 2015 the Arch celebrates its 50th an-                                                                Provision of a sustainable long range plan for the citizens of St Louis and
process has already started and that there are opportunities to introduce first        ways into the Arch grounds immediately with low cost initiatives that take       niversary. It offers an opportunity to make the Arch grounds a local destina-                                                                East St Louis. A framework plan with built in flexibility allowing for many
interventions in 2010. Our aggressive phasing strategy is not proposing a              place in the right-of-way of the public in close dialogue with adjacent build-   tion with new program celebrating the Arch again, new phase / Catalyst for                                                                   different uses and developments in the future.
breakneck fast-track procurement method, but instead a process where legal             ing stakeholders that are informed of the further phasing and process.           the city with new programs and amenities, a reinterpretation of the Arch
opportunities to commence with select key ‘Quick Win’ projects are quickly                                                                                              grounds, a destination for the citizens of St Louis.
implemented to signal to the people of St. Louis that the process is underway.

Site Section - 2015

Site Plan - 2015

                                                Introducing and Connecting New Landscapes and Ecologies                                                                                Hydrology - Stormwater Strategy                                                                             Interconnected Public Space Network

Reconnecting a Fragmented Ecology                                                                               Storm water Strategy                                                                                         RIVERCIRCLE
Reclaiming of a native landscape that celebrates the ecological history of the Bottomlands will restore the     We propose a network of wetlands, bio-swales, canals and channels that capture, cleanse and reuse the site   The RIVERCIRCLE traverses a series of different and ever changing landscapes and urban conditions, con-
matrix of marsh, scrub, woodlands, and seasonal floodplain to the site. The site invites visitors from across   and adjacent landscape’s storm water runoff.                                                                 necting them while allowing for an exciting and diverse experience.
the River to play, recreate and meander through the restored Bottomland woodlands and marshes, amongst
boardwalks, hiking trails, and picnic groves.

                                                                                                                                                                   ARCH GROUNDS EXISTING

                                                                                                                                                       DIRECT ACCESS TO THE CENTRAL LAWN
                                                                                                                                                                        AND BASE OF ARCH

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Direct Route
                                                                                                                                                                EXPANDED MUSEUM EXHIBITS

                                                                                                                                                               ARCHIVE AND SUPPORT SPACE

                                                                                                                                                                            INTEGRATED CAFE

                                                                                                                                                                           A NEW ENTRy FROM
                                                                                                                                                                              GATEWAy MALL

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Meandering Route
                                                                                                                                                                                               Arch Museum - Axon Diagram

                                                                                                                                                       A NEW MONUMENTALITY
                                                                                                                                                       CELEBRATING THE NOW
                                                                                                                                                       In St. Louis,   Xiao Feng          considers, as he rides into the city’s     the riverbank in the middle of the city. A symphony is playing the final suite of Handel’s “Water Music”
                                                                                                                                                       downtown on the Metro Red Line from the Lambert Airport, he has               on the sloping lawn underneath the overwhelming upward reach of the Arch, to a magnificent shower of
                                                                                                                                                       surely come to a regular American river city – small to be sure post-in-      fireworks arcing out from the riverbank below and the exuberant applause of thousands of listeners and
                                                                                                                                                       dustrial, cultured in the more typical American ways, probably – base-        onlookers spread out across the plazas, pedestrian streets and park-places in front of him. A leaflet is thrust
                                                                                                                                                       ball, he had heard, was nearly a religion to the citizens. But, here too      into his hand : “St. Louis welcomes the world! Join us for Festival St. Louis! Join us for a celebration of the
                                                                                                                                                       was Boeing, and Monsanto, and the Budweiser beer company that                 Great Rivers! Join us for David Robertson’s St. Louis Symphony Orchestra and the greatest assembly of
                                                                                                                                                       had sponsored the Beijing Olympics not too many years ago, and the            rhythm, blues and jazz on the riverbanks! Join us at the new national mall, the Arch grounds of America!”
                                                                                                                                                       great research universities. The Red Line works effectively, he thinks,       It is not the Fourth of July, he knows, but the citizens are out on this October night, in a celebration of the
                                                                                                                                                       fending off jet-lag, and there on the evening horizon is the unmistak-        city itself, there are tens of thousands of people milling among rows of open air kiosks, amid scents of bar-
                                                                                                                                                       able illuminated Arch that is known around the world as the icon of           beque, cornbread. The hotel can wait, he thinks, I may never have a chance to hear Chuck Berry again. He
                                                                                                                                                       the city. Fantastic, he smiles, as if the form has fallen from the sky to     re-considers, humming “Johnnie B Good”: not really a regular river city after all.

Gateway Mall and the Arch Museum (looking west from the top of the Arch)

In St. Louis, Charles Charles sways, then steadies himself against           are the outlines of the new Great Rivers Resource Center he’d been
the carpeted window wall atop the Arch – was it the Arch moving in           told about. Suddenly, he wants to endure the cramped elevator car
the wind, or was the view that magnetic now? He’d been at the top            ride back down the north leg as soon as possible, get out to the Arch
too many times before to lose his equilibrium easily. Why, he’d been         Grounds, get himself re-oriented to the life of the new St. Louis. He
at the top at the very moment it became a full and connected Arch,           thinks: I’ve had my balance all along – here in the life of this city.
that scorching day in ‘65 when the final triangular element had been
hoisted up and levered into place. Even in the heat, the view from               A NEW MONUMENTALITY
the top that day was grand, outranking all others since then gained              Our proposed new design narrative suggests a recon-
from the interior observation area – the great bowl of the Midwest               ceived understanding of “monumentality,” in urban, ar-
horizon, visible for 360 degrees, was almost overwhelming: he had                chitectural, and landscape architectural terms. We pro-
never felt so centered. There’s just something different in the views            pose RIVERCIRCLE for the continental center, organized
west and east, more in the immediate field of his vision down below              but not bounded by the flow of the great Mississippi
to both directions, that’s got him shifting his feet and craning his head        River, and encircled around and across it by an aggregate
from side to side. He hears similar exclamations from the others in his          of well-scaled, highly accessible, distinctive public places,
group –the construction crew veterans, brought back by the city and              parks, promenades, performance stages, resource centers
the Park Service for the day’s events. To the west, in the fall twilight,        and recreation fields. The River runs through it all – and is
he sees the Gateway Mall and the city’s downtown stretching west,                thereby granted status as more than an economic or in-
but there’s now the new City Pavilion in front of the Old Courthouse,            dustrial resource, but as a carrier of American culture, in
a new pedestrian boulevard fronting the Arch Grounds, and a new il-              both real and metaphorical ways. As an organizing con-
luminated west entry to the Arch museums; Eads Bridge glows with                 cept, this encircling sequence of public activities, is cap-
activity and to the east, where once had been brown fields, an orches-           tured by the compound noun RIVERCIRCLE.
tra is clearly performing at the new amphitheatre beyond that, there
                                                                                                                                                       Museum Entry Perspective (looking east)

Gateway Mall - Public Realm Plan

                                                                                                                                                               PROJECT AWARD
                                                                                                                                                               SEP. 2010
A NEW NARRATIVE                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              WASHINGTON A
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            CHOUTEAU‘S LANDING SKATING COMPETITION                          CLOSE CHESTNUT FOR ICE SKATING                   A QUICK WIN
The 1947 jNEM Competition stands as a testament to a bold civic and national vision of the                                                                                                                                  A QUICK WIN                                                     A QUICK WIN

future. Eero Saarinen’s narrative for his winning design, “An Imaginary Tour of the Proposed                   QUICK WINS - TEMPORARY EVENTS
                                                                                                                                                                                                         CLOSE CHESTNUT FOR ICE SKATING
Jefferson National Expansion Memorial,” emphasized the singular, static, perfected, highly                     PERMANENT EVENT PLATFORMS                                                                 A QUICK WIN
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ARBOR DAY TREE PLANTING                              FAIR ST. LOUIS       POPLA
visual and ultimately isolated nature of the design: this was a monument reflective of its time,               EVENT / FESTIVAL                                                                                                                                      A QUICK WIN                                          JULY 4TH

technology and outlook. We live in a different world in many ways – and St. Louis is a different
                                                                                                               PUBLIC ART AND BUILT EXHIBIT OPENINGS
city now in many ways – and we therefore propose a new design narrative to expand and in-
vigorate Saarinen and kiley’s achievements. Our design narrative cautions against conventional                 LAND ART AND EXHIBIT OPENINGS                                                               ESL TREE NURSERY ESTABLISHED                                                                     CLOSE EADS FOR 'TASTE OF ST. LOUIS ' FOOD FES
                                                                                                                                                                                                           PLANS AND TREES FOR ECOLOGICAL TRANSFORMATION                                                    A QUICK WIN
monumental responses to the grandeur of Saarinen and kiley’s ambitions; such gestures, we                      LANDSCAPE / ECOLOGY QUICK WINS
believe, will not save St. Louis and its citizens. Instead, our new narrative espouses diverse and                                                                     VICTORY PARTY ON EADS
                                                                                                               LANDSCAPE / ECOLOGY PROJECTS                            A QUICK WIN                                                                                                                                                                         C
multiple perspectives, a dynamic conception of city and landscape, the tactile and the experi-                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             PO
                                                                                                               CITY LIFE / PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT
ential, the contingent and the imperfect, all with the ambition of promoting heightened civic

                                                                                                                                                                                     STAGE 1 : NOW!

identity and engaged public activity.
A RIVER OF CULTURE                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   BEHNISCH TEAM

                                                                                                                                      RE-ESTABLISH THE MISSISSIPPI AS A CULTURAL LIFELINE

          A new visitor’s attraction and
          part of the Rivercircle network,
          the Gondola is designed as an
          engineering marvel with cabins
          of high visual transparency to
          allow for maximum panoramic
          viewing experience.                     Gondola - Concept Sketch

         Mississippi River Amphitheater ‘The Bend’
         Directly across from the Arch, a contemporary theater space will be embedded into the landscape of the
         eastern river bank. A light tensile roof structure covers the main seating area and functions as a protective
         floating canopy, a beacon on the river illuminated at night for dramatic viewing experience. ‘The Bend’,
         upon successful introduction in july 2015 will host events during the summer and into the fall season fea-
         turing music concerts, theater plays, and other private and public events on its floating stage.

         •       A new beacon of identity for the river’s East Side
         •       A new addition to the region’s cultural rich environment vis-a-vis the Arch
         •       A viewing platform to experience the Jefferson National Expansion Memorial


                    VISITOR AMENITIES
             CAFE / RESTAURANT, BAR,

                   PUBLIC PROMENADE AND
                           OUTDOOR FOyER

               BACk-OF-HOUSE PROGRAM

                WOOD BENCHES - SEATING                                                                                                ‘The Bend’ Amphitheater (view from the Mississippi River Gondola, looking north-east)
                                                                                                                                      In St. Louis, Carol thinks, all you heard about growing up was the                              into a dramatic esplanade, then lacing the bridges and city streets to-       A RIVER OF CULTURE
                                 FLOATING STAGE                                                                                       Arch…that gleaming bend of stainless steel on the banks of the river;                           gether with the park, then majestically sending a line of gondola cars        In many cases there has been a reluctance to abandon the
                                                                                                                                      And you went dutifully to show family friends visiting from out of                              wafting above the river – and definitely before today, October 15,            cultural capital embodied in historic centers. This has been
             WITH BACkSTAGE PROGRAM                                                                                                   town, and then perhaps to Fair St. Louis on a Fourth of July weekend,                           2015, the day of the ribbon cutting for the new Gateway Museum                abundantly true in St Louis, despite many dire warnings
                                                                                                                                      to see the fireworks arching over the river. But that was all before the                        below the Arch, the opening events for Festival St. Louis – the nation’s      since 1947 that the central city was obsolete, doomed, and
                                                                                                                                      competition, which had proposed such ideas and initiative for both                              largest commissioned installation of public art situated in the newly         best left to ”lie fallow” for generations. Although the riv-
                                                                                                                                      sides of the river before those fantastic build-up events, anticipating                         restored American Bottoms park on the east bank. Seeing all this from         er travel and rail based reasons for the centrality of this
                                 LANDFORM BASE
                                                                                                                                      new vitality to downtown and the east and west banks of the river –                             the gondola car windows, hearing the exclamations of the visitors             downtown have long since been superseded by the easy
                                                                                                                                      really, who could have imagined Leonor K. Sullivan Drive as a riverside                         around her, Carol thinks, this is now, this is here, in my city, in my life   availability of vehicular transportation, the river-centered
                                                                                                                                      beach, or Taste St. Louis stretching across Eads Bridge – who could                             – a place I be proud of, a place I can come to again and again, a place       city’s cultural significance in the region has not diminished.
                                                                                                                                      have imagined? That was all before the construction, finally bridging                           of Arch and Arch grounds, a place I know as home.                             Activating St. Louis’ river-based downtown in a way that
                                                                                                                                      the gap across the interstate, then transforming the east bank levee                                                                                                          we now identify with urban life; with pedestrian vitality,
          ‘The Bend’ Amphitheater - Axon Diagram                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    a wide range of activities, and extensive access to natural
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    areas along the riverfront itself is one of our key missions.

         Cultural Incubator Section
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          0               100            200                       400


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               0              100               200                          400

                                                                                                                                                                                         UP AND OVER - THE EAST RIVERBANK OPENING                                                                                                                                                                  PUBLIC ART OPENING
                      POPLAR STREET SPORTS OPEN
                                                                                                                                                                                         A QUICK WIN                                                                                                                                                                                               GATEWAY MALL
                                EXTREME SPORT TOURNAMENT
                                     CYCLE PATH OPENS                                                                                                                                                                                                                           ESLENERGY GENERATION AND SOIL REMEDIATION
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     BIO-COMPOSTING OPENS
                                                CONFLUENCE RACE
AR STREET NOISE BARRIER                                                                                                                                         FAIR ST. LOUIS
                                                                                                                                                                                              ESL RIVERFRONT FLORA AND FAUNA INVENTORY
                                                                                                                                                                                              A QUICK WIN
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ARBOR DAY TREE PLANTING
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        FAIR ST. LOUIS
         POPLAR STREET CELEBRATION FESTIVAL                                                                                                                     JULY 4TH
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          A QUICK WIN
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        JULY 4TH
                                                                                               ARBOR DAY TREE PLANTING
                                                     PUBLIC ART INSTALLATION                   A QUICK WIN                                                                                                                                          PUBLIC ART INSTALLATION
                                                     ON THE MISSISSIPPI                                                                                                          LIVE ON THE LEVEE                                                  ON THE MISSISSIPPI
                                                                                                                                                                                 ARCH GROUNDS CONCERT
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           LIVE ON THE LEVEE
          ESL EQUINOX FESTIVAL                                                                 WASHINGTON PLAZA MARKET
                                                                                                                                                   OPENING                                                  ESL EQUINOX FESTIVAL                                                                                                                                     CHESTNUT PAVILION CONSTRUCTION BEGINS
 CYCLE PATH CONSTRUCTION BEGINS                                                                                                                                                                        I-70 CAP CONSTRUCTION BEGINS
                                                                                                                                                                                        MUSIC PROJECT CONSTRUCTION BEGINS
  OPLAR STREET NOISE BARRIER                                                                          WASHINGTON PLAZA CONSTRUCTION                                                                                                                                                                                          EADS BRIDGE IMPROVEMENTS STUDY BEGINS

                                                                                                                                                                           STAGE 2 : GAINING MOMENTUM


                                               NPS CITy

    ARCH GROUNDS                           LEONOR k. SULLIVAN BLVD.                                   HISTORIC COBBLESTONE LEVEE
                                        SHARED SURFACE PROMENADE
City Balcony - West Riverfront Section

City Balcony
A new experience on the River between Eads Bridge and Poplar Street Bridge, featuring a variety of new
activities as part of the City’s new river experience. The balcony’s edge is of dynamic quality providing a
variety of spatial experiences for viewing, resting, activity, and events.
•    New activities on the riverbank for increased use and popularity
•    Cobblestone and riparian plantings will act as filtration and cleansing buffers
•    Changing water levels of the river will create an ever changing river edge

                                                                                                                                                                 The East Levee Esplanade (looking south)

                                                                                                                                                                  In St. Louis,     Michael        wonders, how could this view of the Arch                  ers, and cyclists, he can’t keep his eyes from straying across the rip-                            to an assembly of people facing a black-robed judge, a single, gen-
                                                                                                                                                                  and his hometown – from the east bank levee promenade of the Mis-                          pling river. Low flood stage today, Michael thinks, a good omen for                                tly fluttering American flag, and the Arch beyond, hands over their
                                                                                                                                                                  sissippi – be any better? Having woken up in his downtown loft to the                      the day’s festivities and the evening fireworks – which, are going to be                           hearts. “…and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, with
                                                                                                                                                                  bright summer sunshine of this July Fourth morning, he’d jumped on                         bigger and more attended than ever, now that the new Arch grounds,                                 liberty and justice for all,” he hears. There’s a silence after the verse,
East Riverfront Section                                                                                                                                           his bike, headed down Washington Avenue – zigzagged through the                            the Gateway Mall, and this east side park were all in place. Approach-                             and then the morning breeze picks up off the river, and a wave of ap-
                                                                                                                                                                  farmer’s market at the east end already setting up and crossed the                         ing the “Bend” , its tensile structured roof forms floating above the                              plause breaks out. Citizenship, Michael smiles, received in this national

East Levee Esplanade                                                                                                                                              gloriously restored Eads Bridge to pick up the Great Rivers bike trail on
                                                                                                                                                                  the east bank. Cycling south along the raised esplanade between a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             tree line, Michael slows and then stops for a crowd overflowing out
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             onto the path from the sloped amphitheater built out from the levee
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                park, this urban garden, this new national mall – could there be a bet-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ter place for it to occur?
A new destination on the river for hiking, biking, skating, resting, picnicing and other leisure activities. A
                                                                                                                                                                  series of islands, passing by the early morning joggers, walkers, stroll-                  into the river. He has a clear view down the terraces to the river stage,
major destination to experience the views up and down the River and towards the Arch. The new river
experience for east St Louis, an ever changing landscape of islands formed through the rising and ebbing
water levels. The sculpted landscape of the levee provides an opportunity to showcase a diverse commu-
nity of native plants that exhibit different levels of adaptation to river conditions.
•    A new destination for recreational, leisure and sports activities for the east side of the river
•    An ever changing landscape formed by the tide of the river
•    A sculpted landscape showcasing an ecologically sensitive approach to the river edge

A MULTI-GENERATIONAL COMMITMENT                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Resource Center for the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                American Bottoms / Great Rivers
A LARGER VISION CAN OVERCOME COMPLEX PROBLEMS                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   A cutting-edge facility for interdisciplinary research, education, and productivity with focus on the many
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ecologies of the Great Rivers and the American Bottoms. Defining the role of our built environment as a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                helping tool for a productive re-naturalization of a depleted industrial landscape. Weaving outdoors and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                indoor spaces seamlessly, self supporting and energy-neutral.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                •        An interdisciplinary research facility focused on the re-naturalization efforts for the American Bottoms
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                •        A facility with the mission to research and educate
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                •        Its mission, as an interdisciplinary facility, is to provide scientific guidance, technical assistance and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         education for the preservation, conservation and enhancement of park resources within the American
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Bottoms Landscapes and along the Great Rivers.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Sky WALk

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          OPERABLE GREENHOUSES

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    EXPERIMENTAL GREENHOUSE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           TEACHING GREENHOUSE

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           RESEARCH GREENHOUSE

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   RESEARCH LIBRARy


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Resource Center for the American Bottoms - Axon Diagram
Resource Center for the American Bottoms (looking west)

In St. Louis, Sasha inhales the fragrances of a really green spring                                                     her landscape architecture program at Wash U…funny name for a                           Multi Generational Commitment
day wafting through the air on the east side of the River: she would not                                                school, Sasha smiles. Ha, then there was the funny name of the park-                    The proposal outlines a framework for a rapid, yet thought-
have missed this day for the world. Sasha remembers asking her sister                                                   lands – the American Bottoms Nature Reserve, the guide had said –                       ful, development that can begin now, yet will also allow
Alex to show her “a few of her favorite things”, and Alex has brought                                                   and Sasha giggles at the thought!. Funny, too, to imagine that some-                    future generations to continue to enhance the urban en-
her here, to this circular drum-like building in the new parklands across                                               times this whole area had been flooded by the river, and maybe would                    vironment of the St Louis region. We recognize that as
the Eads Bridge, a place Alex calls the Great Rivers Resource Center,                                                   be again soon – and that that was expected to happen, that that was                     designers we cannot always accurately predict what the
full of flowers, and plants, and guides and lots of hands-in-the-dirt                                                   what rivers did; and now I know that’s what has to happen to make                       future will bring. At the same time, this project identi-
stuff to do. She’d liked the place from the start – one spiraling ramp                                                  the parklands come alive. Under the canopy of the trees, a friendly                     fies those aspects of living, working and urban magnetism
curved throughout the inside of the drum)…as much fun as the zoo,                                                       woman is pouring glasses of an iced drink; “it’s elderberry tea,” Alex                  that we know to be among the key ingredients of urban
she thinks. Alex seems to be having just as much fun, she seems to                                                      tell her, and Sasha sips the new flavor gratefully. The sun through the                 success. This project is intended not only for the people
know the names of just about all the plants and how they grow, and                                                      tree leaves dapples her face. Sasha inhales the fragrances again. She                   of St Louis today, but also for 2015, and the many genera-
what made them special to St. Louis; these were subjects she had in                                                     smiles, looks up at Alex and says brightly, “The air is green!”                         tions that will follow and live in this region.                                                                                                  Resource Center Typical Floor Plan              1” = 100’

                                                                                                                                                EADS UNVEILED                                                                                      MEMORIAL BLVD. OPENS                                                                                                                LEONOR K. SULLIVAN TEMPORARY URBAN BEACH
                      I-70 CAPPED                                                      PUBLIC ART OPENING
                                                                                                                                                       ART FESTIVAL
                                                                                                                                                                                                              PUBLIC ART OPENING
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       PUBLIC ART OPENING                              A QUICK WIN

                                                                                                                               ST. LOUIS MUSIC PROJECT
                                                                                       GATEWAY MALL                                                                                                           GATEWAY MALL                                                                                                             GATEWAY MALL
                      GRAND OPENING
                      CITY PAVILION OPENS                                                                                      GRAND OPENING
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    OLD RA
                      CHESTNUT STREET FESTIVAL                                                                             STORMWATER DEMONSTRATION GARDEN                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               FIRST SHOW
                                                                                                                           A QUICK WIN                                                             FAIR ST. LOUIS
                                                                                                                                                                                                   JULY 4TH                                                                                                         WINTER FEST
                                                                                               CHANGING LANDSCAPE EXHIBIT                                                                                                                                                                                           FEBRUARY 1ST
                                                 PUBLIC ART INSTALLATION                       GATEWAY MALL                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 PUBLIC ART INSTALLATION                                            PUBLIC ART INSTALLATION
                                                 ON THE MISSISSIPPI                                                                                                                                                 LIVE ON THE LEVEE                                                                                                       MEMORIAL BLVD.                                                     MEMORIAL BLVD.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ARCH GROUNDS CONCERT SERIES

                                                                                                                                                             EADS UNVEILED

                                                                                                                                                                                    ART FESTIVAL                                                                                                                                      MEMORIAL BLVD. LANDSCAPE EXHIBIT
     EAST RIVERBANK PARK CONSTRUCTION BEGINS                                                                                                                                                                                                                      CITY BALCONY CONSTRUCTION BEGINS                                                    FIRST SHOW CELEBRATING THE NEW PUBLIC REALM
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ‚THE BEND‘ AMPHITHEATER CONSTRUCTION BEGINS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              GONDOLA CONSTRUCTION BEGINS
                            NEW SERVICE FACILITY CONSTRUCTION BEGINS                                                                                   MUSEUM CONSTRUCTION BEGINS

                                                                                                                                                                                                                       STAGE 3 : NEW PERSPECTIVES                                                                                                                            JANUARY

    SOUTH                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      NORTH
    Memorial Boulevard Elevation
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            0         100      200                 400

    The Arch Grounds - Public Realm Plan

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       St. Louis Music Project
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       The St Louis Music Project is dedicated to the exploration of creativity and innovation in the music of St
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Louis, the Mississippi River and it’s region. By blending interpretative, interactive exhibitions with cutting-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       edge technology, SLMP captures and reflects the essence of jazz, and the blues, as well as their influence
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       on recent music genres.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       •   Delivering distinctive programs using technology and media, the voices of the artists, and the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           engagement of our guests
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       •   Developing, protecting, and interpreting a diverse collection of 20th/21st century artifacts
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       •   Providing welcoming, responsive visitor services
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       •   Permanent and Temporary Exhibitions, Installations and Interactive Elements, Sculpture Park on
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           roof adjacent to Arch grounds.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       •   Education: Music School, Camps, Conferences, etc..
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       •   Public Programs: Late Nights, Festivals, History Program, After Hours, etc.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ARCH GROUNDS VISITOR
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  CENTER AND ORIENTATION

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   PERMANENT EXHIBIT POD

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      LISTENING AND MUSIC
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     EXPERIMENTATION POD

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           PERFORMANCE SPACE / CHANGING

    Washington Avenue and the St. Louis Music Project (from Eads Bridge connector, looking west)

    In St. Louis,   Joan feels, the city starts with good food. Standing at               from Denver, to come learn real “continental cooking” from Gerard               had gone national…and the Missouri and southern Illinois wine coun-
    her FRESH restaurant stall on top of the Eads Bridge, looking down-                   Craft at Niche. Why, Cahokia Mounds had been at the center of the               try had really taken off in the last decade. The tastes of St. Louis were
    river at the blooming Arch grounds and gleaming Arch, she’s pleased                   largest corn-based agricultural economy in 1100 AD, right? And Lewis            known, the real cultivation of the place was known. This EATS BRIDGE
    with her 50-mile organic menu for the day, and just as pleased to see                 and Clark had made camp and gathered their strength here in the                 event proved it year in and year out: this is a city that appreciates its
    her colleagues from around the city sharing their wealth of cuisine,                  ‘Lou before mapping the Louisiana Purchase, right? And what about               many flavors, scents and cultures. Joan says to herself softly, “This is a
    fine dining, and country cooking alongside her. The city was truly a                  the ’04 World’s Fair – ice cream cones, to be sure! True, there would           place of cultivation,” and I like the taste of this city.
    place of cultivation. She’d done her homework before moving here                      always be A-B , but Schlafly was no longer micro- at all – their appeal                                                                                      St. Louis Music Project - Axon Diagram

                                                                 PUBLIC ART OPENING                                      RESOURCE CENTER                                                                                              CITY BALCONY                               PUBLIC ART OPENING
                                                                 GATEWAY MALL                                                            GRAND OPENING                                                                                         GRAND OPENING                     ARCH GROUNDS

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ARCH GROUNDS TREE REPLACEMENT
AIL TRACK ART PLATFORM                                                                                                                                                              ARCH GROUNDS PUBLIC SPACE NETWORK                                                                                                                       TRANSFER CEREMONY
W CELEBRATING ESL INDUSTRIAL HERITAGE                                                                                                                                                                                                          GRAND OPENING
                                                                                                                                                             EQUINOX FEST
   CHANGING LANDSCAPE EXHIBIT                                    CHANGING LANDSCAPE EXHIBIT                                                                  MARCH 31ST            CHANGING LANDSCAPE EXHIBIT                                                              CHANGING LANDSCAPE EXHIBIT                                                         CHANGING LA
   MEMORIAL BLVD.                                                GATEWAY MALL                                                                                                      MEMORIAL BLVD.                                                                          ARCH GROUNDS                    PUBLIC ART INSTALLATION PUBLIC ART INSTALLATION    GATEWAY MALL
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   PUBLIC ART INSTALLATION                                                                 MEMORIAL BLVD.           GATEWAY MALL
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   EADS BRIDGE
                                                                                 LANDSCAPE ART OPENING
                                                                                 CULTURAL INCUBATOR               EAST RIVERBANK PARK                                                                   ARCH GROUNDS LANDSCAPE EXHIBIT
                                                                                                                                         GRAND OPENING                                              FIRST SHOW CELEBRATING THE CULTURAL LANDSCAPE OF MISSISSIPPI

                    FEBRUARY                                                                                        MARCH                                                                                          APRIL                                                                                  MAY
Behnisch team-presentation-board
Behnisch team-presentation-board

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Behnisch team-presentation-board

  • 1. RIVERCIRCLE BEHNISCH TEAM A Strategic Perspective The RIVERCIRCLE urban landscape concept proposes a durable framework for the evolution of the Arch grounds within the larger milieu of St. Louis and East St. Louis addressing the many current stakeholder interests on both sides of the river. The design strategy of the Great Rivers Expo and the RIVERCIRCLE will provide the physical framework for visitors to experience the many new and diverse places and events. 2015 To achieve this goal we will make sure that all planning and design proposals emerging out of our Rivercircle! concept will be based on the close relationship between people’s natural use of public spaces and the physical character and form of the built environment while embracing the unique qualities of the local context on both sides of the Mississippi River. Rivercircle shall 1960 open up, invite and include people, provide different activities and possibilities and thereby invite and ensure multiplicity and diversity. 2010 Great Rivers Expo Begins Memorial Competition 1904 World’s Fair, St. Louis 1948 National Expansion 1965 National Expansion 2065 100th Anniversary 1904 Summer Olympics 2015 50th Anniversary Memorial Opens Celebration Celebration 1900 1950 2000 2050 GREAT RIVERS EXPO – INTERNATIONAL BUILDING AND LANDSCAPE EXHIBITION The RIVERCIRCLE! | NATIONAL MALL concept, framing urban, landscape, architectural and artistic activity, emerges from a sustaining vision of integrated regional development, an encircling strategic plan and organization we propose as the GREAT RIVERS EXPO – THE INTERNATIONAL BUILDING AND LANDSCAPE EXHIBITION ST. LOUIS. GREAT RIVERS EXPO is partly a building exhibition in the classic, architectural sense, but is also a federal and state-supported entity that over- sees individual redevelopment projects and an overarching Master Plan. A variety of landscape and architecture, art projects will be developed over time rather than developed as a single event. The mission, mandate and timeframe illustrate the most productive contemporary thinking in the ecological and economic regeneration of a A fragmented urban fabric Reconnected and whole once more former industrial region; the methods and designs emerging from this strategy are best described as “Sustained Vitality.” RIVER EDGE EXTENSIONS WASHINGTON PLAzA : A NEW LOCAL MARkET EADS BRIDGE MUSIC PROjECT EAST AND WEST RIVER EDGE GATEWAy MALL TRANSFORMATIONS NEW ARTS COLLECTIVE GATEWAy MALL : MUSEUM ENTRy CLOSE CHESTNUT (EVENTS) EAST RIVERBANk : AMPHITHEATER CULTURAL INCUBATOR RESOURCE CENTER PROGRAM EXTENSION ACCESS OVER FLOODWALL LOCAL PROGRAMS MEMORIAL GONDOLA MULTI-PURPOSE VENUE BLVD. TRAIL NETWORk I-70 REMOVAL UNDER POPLAR BRIDGE : AN URBAN SPORTS PARk Now! : Quick Wins Before 2015 : Gaining Momentum 2015 : New Perspectives Future : Sustained Vitality Our project does not have a completion date in 2015. We believe that the We are proposing that the city starts transforming four key entrance gate- Festival! Or: An event for St Louis. In 2015 the Arch celebrates its 50th an- Provision of a sustainable long range plan for the citizens of St Louis and process has already started and that there are opportunities to introduce first ways into the Arch grounds immediately with low cost initiatives that take niversary. It offers an opportunity to make the Arch grounds a local destina- East St Louis. A framework plan with built in flexibility allowing for many interventions in 2010. Our aggressive phasing strategy is not proposing a place in the right-of-way of the public in close dialogue with adjacent build- tion with new program celebrating the Arch again, new phase / Catalyst for different uses and developments in the future. breakneck fast-track procurement method, but instead a process where legal ing stakeholders that are informed of the further phasing and process. the city with new programs and amenities, a reinterpretation of the Arch opportunities to commence with select key ‘Quick Win’ projects are quickly grounds, a destination for the citizens of St Louis. implemented to signal to the people of St. Louis that the process is underway.
  • 2. BEHNISCH TEAM Site Section - 2015 Site Plan - 2015 N Introducing and Connecting New Landscapes and Ecologies Hydrology - Stormwater Strategy Interconnected Public Space Network Reconnecting a Fragmented Ecology Storm water Strategy RIVERCIRCLE Reclaiming of a native landscape that celebrates the ecological history of the Bottomlands will restore the We propose a network of wetlands, bio-swales, canals and channels that capture, cleanse and reuse the site The RIVERCIRCLE traverses a series of different and ever changing landscapes and urban conditions, con- matrix of marsh, scrub, woodlands, and seasonal floodplain to the site. The site invites visitors from across and adjacent landscape’s storm water runoff. necting them while allowing for an exciting and diverse experience. the River to play, recreate and meander through the restored Bottomland woodlands and marshes, amongst boardwalks, hiking trails, and picnic groves.
  • 3. BEHNISCH TEAM ARCH GROUNDS EXISTING TOPOGRAPHy DIRECT ACCESS TO THE CENTRAL LAWN AND BASE OF ARCH Direct Route EXPANDED MUSEUM EXHIBITS ARCHIVE AND SUPPORT SPACE TOPOGRAPHICALLy INTEGRATED CAFE A NEW ENTRy FROM GATEWAy MALL Meandering Route Arch Museum - Axon Diagram A NEW MONUMENTALITY CELEBRATING THE NOW In St. Louis, Xiao Feng considers, as he rides into the city’s the riverbank in the middle of the city. A symphony is playing the final suite of Handel’s “Water Music” downtown on the Metro Red Line from the Lambert Airport, he has on the sloping lawn underneath the overwhelming upward reach of the Arch, to a magnificent shower of surely come to a regular American river city – small to be sure post-in- fireworks arcing out from the riverbank below and the exuberant applause of thousands of listeners and dustrial, cultured in the more typical American ways, probably – base- onlookers spread out across the plazas, pedestrian streets and park-places in front of him. A leaflet is thrust ball, he had heard, was nearly a religion to the citizens. But, here too into his hand : “St. Louis welcomes the world! Join us for Festival St. Louis! Join us for a celebration of the was Boeing, and Monsanto, and the Budweiser beer company that Great Rivers! Join us for David Robertson’s St. Louis Symphony Orchestra and the greatest assembly of had sponsored the Beijing Olympics not too many years ago, and the rhythm, blues and jazz on the riverbanks! Join us at the new national mall, the Arch grounds of America!” great research universities. The Red Line works effectively, he thinks, It is not the Fourth of July, he knows, but the citizens are out on this October night, in a celebration of the fending off jet-lag, and there on the evening horizon is the unmistak- city itself, there are tens of thousands of people milling among rows of open air kiosks, amid scents of bar- able illuminated Arch that is known around the world as the icon of beque, cornbread. The hotel can wait, he thinks, I may never have a chance to hear Chuck Berry again. He the city. Fantastic, he smiles, as if the form has fallen from the sky to re-considers, humming “Johnnie B Good”: not really a regular river city after all. Gateway Mall and the Arch Museum (looking west from the top of the Arch) In St. Louis, Charles Charles sways, then steadies himself against are the outlines of the new Great Rivers Resource Center he’d been the carpeted window wall atop the Arch – was it the Arch moving in told about. Suddenly, he wants to endure the cramped elevator car the wind, or was the view that magnetic now? He’d been at the top ride back down the north leg as soon as possible, get out to the Arch too many times before to lose his equilibrium easily. Why, he’d been Grounds, get himself re-oriented to the life of the new St. Louis. He at the top at the very moment it became a full and connected Arch, thinks: I’ve had my balance all along – here in the life of this city. that scorching day in ‘65 when the final triangular element had been hoisted up and levered into place. Even in the heat, the view from A NEW MONUMENTALITY the top that day was grand, outranking all others since then gained Our proposed new design narrative suggests a recon- from the interior observation area – the great bowl of the Midwest ceived understanding of “monumentality,” in urban, ar- horizon, visible for 360 degrees, was almost overwhelming: he had chitectural, and landscape architectural terms. We pro- never felt so centered. There’s just something different in the views pose RIVERCIRCLE for the continental center, organized west and east, more in the immediate field of his vision down below but not bounded by the flow of the great Mississippi to both directions, that’s got him shifting his feet and craning his head River, and encircled around and across it by an aggregate from side to side. He hears similar exclamations from the others in his of well-scaled, highly accessible, distinctive public places, group –the construction crew veterans, brought back by the city and parks, promenades, performance stages, resource centers the Park Service for the day’s events. To the west, in the fall twilight, and recreation fields. The River runs through it all – and is he sees the Gateway Mall and the city’s downtown stretching west, thereby granted status as more than an economic or in- but there’s now the new City Pavilion in front of the Old Courthouse, dustrial resource, but as a carrier of American culture, in a new pedestrian boulevard fronting the Arch Grounds, and a new il- both real and metaphorical ways. As an organizing con- luminated west entry to the Arch museums; Eads Bridge glows with cept, this encircling sequence of public activities, is cap- activity and to the east, where once had been brown fields, an orches- tured by the compound noun RIVERCIRCLE. tra is clearly performing at the new amphitheatre beyond that, there Museum Entry Perspective (looking east) Gateway Mall - Public Realm Plan PROJECT AWARD SEP. 2010 A NEW NARRATIVE WASHINGTON A CHOUTEAU‘S LANDING SKATING COMPETITION CLOSE CHESTNUT FOR ICE SKATING A QUICK WIN The 1947 jNEM Competition stands as a testament to a bold civic and national vision of the A QUICK WIN A QUICK WIN future. Eero Saarinen’s narrative for his winning design, “An Imaginary Tour of the Proposed QUICK WINS - TEMPORARY EVENTS CLOSE CHESTNUT FOR ICE SKATING Jefferson National Expansion Memorial,” emphasized the singular, static, perfected, highly PERMANENT EVENT PLATFORMS A QUICK WIN ARBOR DAY TREE PLANTING FAIR ST. LOUIS POPLA visual and ultimately isolated nature of the design: this was a monument reflective of its time, EVENT / FESTIVAL A QUICK WIN JULY 4TH technology and outlook. We live in a different world in many ways – and St. Louis is a different PUBLIC ART AND BUILT EXHIBIT OPENINGS city now in many ways – and we therefore propose a new design narrative to expand and in- vigorate Saarinen and kiley’s achievements. Our design narrative cautions against conventional LAND ART AND EXHIBIT OPENINGS ESL TREE NURSERY ESTABLISHED CLOSE EADS FOR 'TASTE OF ST. LOUIS ' FOOD FES PLANS AND TREES FOR ECOLOGICAL TRANSFORMATION A QUICK WIN monumental responses to the grandeur of Saarinen and kiley’s ambitions; such gestures, we LANDSCAPE / ECOLOGY QUICK WINS believe, will not save St. Louis and its citizens. Instead, our new narrative espouses diverse and VICTORY PARTY ON EADS LANDSCAPE / ECOLOGY PROJECTS A QUICK WIN C multiple perspectives, a dynamic conception of city and landscape, the tactile and the experi- PO PO CITY LIFE / PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT ential, the contingent and the imperfect, all with the ambition of promoting heightened civic STAGE 1 : NOW! 2011 identity and engaged public activity.
  • 4. A RIVER OF CULTURE BEHNISCH TEAM RE-ESTABLISH THE MISSISSIPPI AS A CULTURAL LIFELINE A new visitor’s attraction and part of the Rivercircle network, the Gondola is designed as an engineering marvel with cabins of high visual transparency to allow for maximum panoramic viewing experience. Gondola - Concept Sketch Mississippi River Amphitheater ‘The Bend’ Directly across from the Arch, a contemporary theater space will be embedded into the landscape of the eastern river bank. A light tensile roof structure covers the main seating area and functions as a protective floating canopy, a beacon on the river illuminated at night for dramatic viewing experience. ‘The Bend’, upon successful introduction in july 2015 will host events during the summer and into the fall season fea- turing music concerts, theater plays, and other private and public events on its floating stage. • A new beacon of identity for the river’s East Side • A new addition to the region’s cultural rich environment vis-a-vis the Arch • A viewing platform to experience the Jefferson National Expansion Memorial CANOPy VISITOR AMENITIES CAFE / RESTAURANT, BAR, FRANCHISE SHOPS, TICkETS AND RECEPTION, BATHROOMS PUBLIC PROMENADE AND OUTDOOR FOyER BACk-OF-HOUSE PROGRAM WOOD BENCHES - SEATING ‘The Bend’ Amphitheater (view from the Mississippi River Gondola, looking north-east) ELEMENTS In St. Louis, Carol thinks, all you heard about growing up was the into a dramatic esplanade, then lacing the bridges and city streets to- A RIVER OF CULTURE FLOATING STAGE Arch…that gleaming bend of stainless steel on the banks of the river; gether with the park, then majestically sending a line of gondola cars In many cases there has been a reluctance to abandon the And you went dutifully to show family friends visiting from out of wafting above the river – and definitely before today, October 15, cultural capital embodied in historic centers. This has been FLOATING SERVICE BARGE WITH BACkSTAGE PROGRAM town, and then perhaps to Fair St. Louis on a Fourth of July weekend, 2015, the day of the ribbon cutting for the new Gateway Museum abundantly true in St Louis, despite many dire warnings to see the fireworks arching over the river. But that was all before the below the Arch, the opening events for Festival St. Louis – the nation’s since 1947 that the central city was obsolete, doomed, and competition, which had proposed such ideas and initiative for both largest commissioned installation of public art situated in the newly best left to ”lie fallow” for generations. Although the riv- sides of the river before those fantastic build-up events, anticipating restored American Bottoms park on the east bank. Seeing all this from er travel and rail based reasons for the centrality of this LANDFORM BASE new vitality to downtown and the east and west banks of the river – the gondola car windows, hearing the exclamations of the visitors downtown have long since been superseded by the easy really, who could have imagined Leonor K. Sullivan Drive as a riverside around her, Carol thinks, this is now, this is here, in my city, in my life availability of vehicular transportation, the river-centered beach, or Taste St. Louis stretching across Eads Bridge – who could – a place I be proud of, a place I can come to again and again, a place city’s cultural significance in the region has not diminished. have imagined? That was all before the construction, finally bridging of Arch and Arch grounds, a place I know as home. Activating St. Louis’ river-based downtown in a way that the gap across the interstate, then transforming the east bank levee we now identify with urban life; with pedestrian vitality, ‘The Bend’ Amphitheater - Axon Diagram a wide range of activities, and extensive access to natural areas along the riverfront itself is one of our key missions. Cultural Incubator Section 0 100 200 400 N 0 100 200 400 UP AND OVER - THE EAST RIVERBANK OPENING PUBLIC ART OPENING POPLAR STREET SPORTS OPEN AVE. MILE LONG GARAGE SALE A QUICK WIN GATEWAY MALL EXTREME SPORT TOURNAMENT CYCLE PATH OPENS ESLENERGY GENERATION AND SOIL REMEDIATION BIO-COMPOSTING OPENS CONFLUENCE RACE AR STREET NOISE BARRIER FAIR ST. LOUIS ESL RIVERFRONT FLORA AND FAUNA INVENTORY A QUICK WIN ARBOR DAY TREE PLANTING FAIR ST. LOUIS POPLAR STREET CELEBRATION FESTIVAL JULY 4TH A QUICK WIN JULY 4TH ARBOR DAY TREE PLANTING PUBLIC ART INSTALLATION A QUICK WIN PUBLIC ART INSTALLATION ON THE MISSISSIPPI LIVE ON THE LEVEE ON THE MISSISSIPPI ARCH GROUNDS CONCERT STIVAL LIVE ON THE LEVEE ESL EQUINOX FESTIVAL WASHINGTON PLAZA MARKET OPENING ESL EQUINOX FESTIVAL CHESTNUT PAVILION CONSTRUCTION BEGINS CYCLE PATH CONSTRUCTION BEGINS I-70 CAP CONSTRUCTION BEGINS MUSIC PROJECT CONSTRUCTION BEGINS OPLAR STREET SPORTS CONSTRUCTION OPLAR STREET NOISE BARRIER WASHINGTON PLAZA CONSTRUCTION EADS BRIDGE IMPROVEMENTS STUDY BEGINS STAGE 2 : GAINING MOMENTUM 2012 2013
  • 5. BEHNISCH TEAM NPS CITy ARCH GROUNDS LEONOR k. SULLIVAN BLVD. HISTORIC COBBLESTONE LEVEE SHARED SURFACE PROMENADE City Balcony - West Riverfront Section City Balcony A new experience on the River between Eads Bridge and Poplar Street Bridge, featuring a variety of new activities as part of the City’s new river experience. The balcony’s edge is of dynamic quality providing a variety of spatial experiences for viewing, resting, activity, and events. • New activities on the riverbank for increased use and popularity • Cobblestone and riparian plantings will act as filtration and cleansing buffers • Changing water levels of the river will create an ever changing river edge The East Levee Esplanade (looking south) In St. Louis, Michael wonders, how could this view of the Arch ers, and cyclists, he can’t keep his eyes from straying across the rip- to an assembly of people facing a black-robed judge, a single, gen- and his hometown – from the east bank levee promenade of the Mis- pling river. Low flood stage today, Michael thinks, a good omen for tly fluttering American flag, and the Arch beyond, hands over their sissippi – be any better? Having woken up in his downtown loft to the the day’s festivities and the evening fireworks – which, are going to be hearts. “…and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, with bright summer sunshine of this July Fourth morning, he’d jumped on bigger and more attended than ever, now that the new Arch grounds, liberty and justice for all,” he hears. There’s a silence after the verse, East Riverfront Section his bike, headed down Washington Avenue – zigzagged through the the Gateway Mall, and this east side park were all in place. Approach- and then the morning breeze picks up off the river, and a wave of ap- farmer’s market at the east end already setting up and crossed the ing the “Bend” , its tensile structured roof forms floating above the plause breaks out. Citizenship, Michael smiles, received in this national East Levee Esplanade gloriously restored Eads Bridge to pick up the Great Rivers bike trail on the east bank. Cycling south along the raised esplanade between a tree line, Michael slows and then stops for a crowd overflowing out onto the path from the sloped amphitheater built out from the levee park, this urban garden, this new national mall – could there be a bet- ter place for it to occur? A new destination on the river for hiking, biking, skating, resting, picnicing and other leisure activities. A series of islands, passing by the early morning joggers, walkers, stroll- into the river. He has a clear view down the terraces to the river stage, major destination to experience the views up and down the River and towards the Arch. The new river experience for east St Louis, an ever changing landscape of islands formed through the rising and ebbing water levels. The sculpted landscape of the levee provides an opportunity to showcase a diverse commu- nity of native plants that exhibit different levels of adaptation to river conditions. • A new destination for recreational, leisure and sports activities for the east side of the river • An ever changing landscape formed by the tide of the river • A sculpted landscape showcasing an ecologically sensitive approach to the river edge A MULTI-GENERATIONAL COMMITMENT Resource Center for the American Bottoms / Great Rivers A LARGER VISION CAN OVERCOME COMPLEX PROBLEMS A cutting-edge facility for interdisciplinary research, education, and productivity with focus on the many ecologies of the Great Rivers and the American Bottoms. Defining the role of our built environment as a helping tool for a productive re-naturalization of a depleted industrial landscape. Weaving outdoors and indoor spaces seamlessly, self supporting and energy-neutral. • An interdisciplinary research facility focused on the re-naturalization efforts for the American Bottoms • A facility with the mission to research and educate • Its mission, as an interdisciplinary facility, is to provide scientific guidance, technical assistance and education for the preservation, conservation and enhancement of park resources within the American Bottoms Landscapes and along the Great Rivers. Sky WALk OPERABLE GREENHOUSES EXPERIMENTAL GREENHOUSE TEACHING GREENHOUSE RESEARCH GREENHOUSE RESEARCH LIBRARy OFFICES LABORATORIES Resource Center for the American Bottoms - Axon Diagram Resource Center for the American Bottoms (looking west) In St. Louis, Sasha inhales the fragrances of a really green spring her landscape architecture program at Wash U…funny name for a Multi Generational Commitment day wafting through the air on the east side of the River: she would not school, Sasha smiles. Ha, then there was the funny name of the park- The proposal outlines a framework for a rapid, yet thought- have missed this day for the world. Sasha remembers asking her sister lands – the American Bottoms Nature Reserve, the guide had said – ful, development that can begin now, yet will also allow Alex to show her “a few of her favorite things”, and Alex has brought and Sasha giggles at the thought!. Funny, too, to imagine that some- future generations to continue to enhance the urban en- her here, to this circular drum-like building in the new parklands across times this whole area had been flooded by the river, and maybe would vironment of the St Louis region. We recognize that as the Eads Bridge, a place Alex calls the Great Rivers Resource Center, be again soon – and that that was expected to happen, that that was designers we cannot always accurately predict what the full of flowers, and plants, and guides and lots of hands-in-the-dirt what rivers did; and now I know that’s what has to happen to make future will bring. At the same time, this project identi- stuff to do. She’d liked the place from the start – one spiraling ramp the parklands come alive. Under the canopy of the trees, a friendly fies those aspects of living, working and urban magnetism curved throughout the inside of the drum)…as much fun as the zoo, woman is pouring glasses of an iced drink; “it’s elderberry tea,” Alex that we know to be among the key ingredients of urban she thinks. Alex seems to be having just as much fun, she seems to tell her, and Sasha sips the new flavor gratefully. The sun through the success. This project is intended not only for the people know the names of just about all the plants and how they grow, and tree leaves dapples her face. Sasha inhales the fragrances again. She of St Louis today, but also for 2015, and the many genera- what made them special to St. Louis; these were subjects she had in smiles, looks up at Alex and says brightly, “The air is green!” tions that will follow and live in this region. Resource Center Typical Floor Plan 1” = 100’ EADS UNVEILED MEMORIAL BLVD. OPENS LEONOR K. SULLIVAN TEMPORARY URBAN BEACH I-70 CAPPED PUBLIC ART OPENING ART FESTIVAL PUBLIC ART OPENING FESTIVAL PUBLIC ART OPENING A QUICK WIN ST. LOUIS MUSIC PROJECT GATEWAY MALL GATEWAY MALL GATEWAY MALL GRAND OPENING CITY PAVILION OPENS GRAND OPENING OLD RA CHESTNUT STREET FESTIVAL STORMWATER DEMONSTRATION GARDEN FIRST SHOW A QUICK WIN FAIR ST. LOUIS JULY 4TH WINTER FEST CHANGING LANDSCAPE EXHIBIT FEBRUARY 1ST PUBLIC ART INSTALLATION GATEWAY MALL PUBLIC ART INSTALLATION PUBLIC ART INSTALLATION ON THE MISSISSIPPI LIVE ON THE LEVEE MEMORIAL BLVD. MEMORIAL BLVD. ARCH GROUNDS CONCERT SERIES EADS UNVEILED 2015 ART FESTIVAL MEMORIAL BLVD. LANDSCAPE EXHIBIT EAST RIVERBANK PARK CONSTRUCTION BEGINS CITY BALCONY CONSTRUCTION BEGINS FIRST SHOW CELEBRATING THE NEW PUBLIC REALM MEMORIAL BLVD. TRANSFORMATION AND PEDESTRIAN BRIDGES CONSTRUCTION BEGINS ‚THE BEND‘ AMPHITHEATER CONSTRUCTION BEGINS GONDOLA CONSTRUCTION BEGINS NEW SERVICE FACILITY CONSTRUCTION BEGINS MUSEUM CONSTRUCTION BEGINS STAGE 3 : NEW PERSPECTIVES JANUARY 2014
  • 6. BEHNISCH TEAM SOUTH NORTH Memorial Boulevard Elevation 0 100 200 400 The Arch Grounds - Public Realm Plan N St. Louis Music Project The St Louis Music Project is dedicated to the exploration of creativity and innovation in the music of St Louis, the Mississippi River and it’s region. By blending interpretative, interactive exhibitions with cutting- edge technology, SLMP captures and reflects the essence of jazz, and the blues, as well as their influence on recent music genres. • Delivering distinctive programs using technology and media, the voices of the artists, and the engagement of our guests • Developing, protecting, and interpreting a diverse collection of 20th/21st century artifacts • Providing welcoming, responsive visitor services • Permanent and Temporary Exhibitions, Installations and Interactive Elements, Sculpture Park on roof adjacent to Arch grounds. • Education: Music School, Camps, Conferences, etc.. • Public Programs: Late Nights, Festivals, History Program, After Hours, etc. ARCH GROUNDS VISITOR CENTER AND ORIENTATION PERMANENT EXHIBIT POD LISTENING AND MUSIC EXPERIMENTATION POD PERFORMANCE SPACE / CHANGING EXHIBIT Washington Avenue and the St. Louis Music Project (from Eads Bridge connector, looking west) In St. Louis, Joan feels, the city starts with good food. Standing at from Denver, to come learn real “continental cooking” from Gerard had gone national…and the Missouri and southern Illinois wine coun- her FRESH restaurant stall on top of the Eads Bridge, looking down- Craft at Niche. Why, Cahokia Mounds had been at the center of the try had really taken off in the last decade. The tastes of St. Louis were river at the blooming Arch grounds and gleaming Arch, she’s pleased largest corn-based agricultural economy in 1100 AD, right? And Lewis known, the real cultivation of the place was known. This EATS BRIDGE with her 50-mile organic menu for the day, and just as pleased to see and Clark had made camp and gathered their strength here in the event proved it year in and year out: this is a city that appreciates its her colleagues from around the city sharing their wealth of cuisine, ‘Lou before mapping the Louisiana Purchase, right? And what about many flavors, scents and cultures. Joan says to herself softly, “This is a fine dining, and country cooking alongside her. The city was truly a the ’04 World’s Fair – ice cream cones, to be sure! True, there would place of cultivation,” and I like the taste of this city. place of cultivation. She’d done her homework before moving here always be A-B , but Schlafly was no longer micro- at all – their appeal St. Louis Music Project - Axon Diagram PUBLIC ART OPENING RESOURCE CENTER CITY BALCONY PUBLIC ART OPENING GATEWAY MALL GRAND OPENING GRAND OPENING ARCH GROUNDS ARCH GROUNDS TREE REPLACEMENT AIL TRACK ART PLATFORM ARCH GROUNDS PUBLIC SPACE NETWORK TRANSFER CEREMONY W CELEBRATING ESL INDUSTRIAL HERITAGE GRAND OPENING EQUINOX FEST CHANGING LANDSCAPE EXHIBIT CHANGING LANDSCAPE EXHIBIT MARCH 31ST CHANGING LANDSCAPE EXHIBIT CHANGING LANDSCAPE EXHIBIT CHANGING LA MEMORIAL BLVD. GATEWAY MALL MEMORIAL BLVD. ARCH GROUNDS PUBLIC ART INSTALLATION PUBLIC ART INSTALLATION GATEWAY MALL PUBLIC ART INSTALLATION MEMORIAL BLVD. GATEWAY MALL EADS BRIDGE LANDSCAPE ART OPENING CULTURAL INCUBATOR EAST RIVERBANK PARK ARCH GROUNDS LANDSCAPE EXHIBIT GRAND OPENING FIRST SHOW CELEBRATING THE CULTURAL LANDSCAPE OF MISSISSIPPI RESOURCE CENTER CONSTRUCTION BEGINS FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY