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Alessandro Ronchi
Awesome architectures
in Magento 2.3
Awesome architectures
in Magento 2.3
Alessandro Ronchi
This presentation has been realized with kind permission of Riccardo Tempesta (The
Rick); the original one was presented by him at Meet Magento Germany 2019 and the
slides you are seeing here are just a refactoring of his original work. Most of the
content is the same, especially the jokes :)
@MageTitansES @aleron75
And, in turn, most of the work presented here is built standing on the shoulders of
heroes like the Magento architect you see here.
- Igor Miniailo
- Eugene Shakhsuvarov
- Anton Kril
If you are wondering where all this hero culture comes from…
@MageTitansES @aleron75
...what would you expect from a community used to this? :)
- COO at Bitbull
- Mage Titans Italy organizer
- Magento Master 2017, 2019
- Top 50 Contributor 2017, 2018
- Magento Community Maintainer
Alessandro Ronchi
@MageTitansES @aleron75
Never stop exploring!
Just a couple of words about me.
1. The Magento legacy
2. Software architectures evolution
3. Evolution of Magento 2
4. Some applied concepts
Confused about
Magento development?
We’ve heard that someone feels a bit stressed by developing on Magento 2 and this
probably comes from a bit of confusion.
Nevertheless I’ve talked with Mark, a 23yo guy, who told me that developing on
Magento 2 is not stressful at all.
“Being a Magento 2 developer
is not stressful at all”
~ Mark, 23 years old
@MageTitansES @aleron75
You can see the quote from Mark…
And yes, you spotted out the joke because, actually, Mark is only 20yo :)
from Latin: “cum” + “fusus”
So where this stress come from?
To understand, let’s see where this confusion comes from.
M2 !== M1
It comes from the fact that M2 is not a revolution but an evolution of M1: M1 is our
legacy, merged into M2.
Despite this, we shouldn’t develop on M2 the same way we did on M1, here is where
the confusion likely comes from.
Software architecture
evolution: 1990’s to 2010’s
To better understand our legacy and the direction M2 is getting, let me briefly run
through the evolution of software architectures of last decades.
And indulge me to do it like any legit Italian should do it.
Software architecture: 1990s
@MageTitansES @aleron75
By making analogies with pasta :)
In the ‘90s we had spaghetti coding, also known as “copy & paste” code.
Software architecture: 1990s
@MageTitansES @aleron75
- no standards
- fast development
- no maintenance
At that time we had very few standards for web applications, the market required fast
development and the concept of software maintenance was pretty new.
As a result, code suffered from high coupling, we couldn’t change one piece of code
without affecting another and, infact, we didn’t do it.
Rather, we preferred to copy logic here and there because applying changes could
have brought undesired side effects (known as regressions).
Without tests, we couldn’t perform refactoring and w/o refactoring we couldn’t clean
the kitchen, we couldn’t increase the quality and maintainability of our code.
Software architecture: 2000s
@MageTitansES @aleron75
Then we had the lasagna coding.
Software architecture: 2000s
@MageTitansES @aleron75
- bigger complexity
- testability
- scalability (as a whole)
In the 2000s the market required more complex, testable and scalable web
We realized that we could obtain this by isolating some responsibilities into layers.
So n-layered applications came out.
Typical 3-layered: presentation, business logic, data handling.
This architecture is not bad per se, this is how, for example, M1 was built.
But there are some limitations:
- not possible to scalable separately read/write
- app deployed as a whole (monolithic application)
- layers tend to reflect the data model, UIs are typically CRUD oriented
Software architecture: 2010s
@MageTitansES @aleron75
Finally we realized that we could split a monolith into smaller pieces, each with single
specific responsibility, with something good inside exposed through public interfaces
It was time to serve ravioli!
Software architecture: 2010s
@MageTitansES @aleron75
- composition
- independent deployability
- independent scalability
This kind of applications allows us to compose functionality, deploy and scale them
This is what we called Service Oriented Architectures and, more trendily,
What about
Magento 2 evolution?
But is this the change M2 is embracing?
@MageTitansES @aleron75
Yes and no.
M2 is evolving; nowadays Magento Core Engineers prefer to speak of “service
Service Isolation Upsides
The key common adjective in this list is: independent
Just let’s step back to current state of M2.
@MageTitansES @aleron75
We already have replaceability, through DI, right?
@MageTitansES @aleron75
...that can brings us to situations like the one illustrated.
This comes as a legacy from Magento 1 and it became evident thanks to DI.
Why having all these dependencies (which btw is not good) was not evident before?
final class Mage
Because of the infamous “God” class of M1
It allowed a class to easily depend on other classes at the cost of “hiding” this
dependency (while adding more and more responsibilities).
DI made all these dependencies evident in M2 and revealed the architectural
problems of M1: classes had too much responsibilities.
@MageTitansES @aleron75
But we can have replaceability through modularity!
Not quite: having modules doesn’t mean having a real modular architecture.
Real modularity is the very first step towards Service Isolation.
So let’s see what are the main features of modularity, because this is driving M2
evolution at date.
@MageTitansES @aleron75
Bounded Contexts
InventoryCatalog Checkout Customer ...
Bounded Contexts is a concept that comes from Domain Driven Design; in brief:
DDD is an approach to software development that helps us taking decisions about
how to design our application speaking the ubiquitous language of the Domain
Experts (our customer) and trying to avoid ambiguity and focusing on design
A Bounded Context is a unit in which all the elements that we design have an
ubiquitous meaning and possibly a single responsibility, allowing us to reach
design simplification.
Another Inventory
@MageTitansES @aleron75
Bounded Contexts: replaceability
Catalog Checkout Customer ...
Isolating elements (concepts) in bounded context easily allows to obtain
replaceability, one of the key goals of Service Isolation.
@MageTitansES @aleron75
Bounded Contexts: example
- sku
- name
- description
Let’s see an example: the representation of a product in different contexts.
@MageTitansES @aleron75
Bounded Contexts: example
- sku
- name
- description
- sku
- physical qty
- in stock
Here we see that a product in different contexts can have different attributes.
@MageTitansES @aleron75
Bounded Contexts: example
- sku
- name
- description
- sku
- physical qty
- in stock
- sku
- salable qty
- unit price
Different responsibilities, different behaviors, no need to generalize in a unique
concept that would be:
- charged with too many responsibilities
- prone to ambiguity: what does a “qty” property represent? Physical
availability? Salable quantity?
@MageTitansES @aleron75
Bounded Contexts: example
Source Item
Quote Item
In different contexts, the same concept maps to different entities.
Different entities can be simpler, more specialized, less ambiguous.
@MageTitansES @aleron75
Bounded Contexts in M2
So, for example, we can identify the Catalog Context in M2...
@MageTitansES @aleron75
Bounded Contexts in M2
...the Customer...
@MageTitansES @aleron75
Bounded Contexts in M2
...the Checkout...
@MageTitansES @aleron75
Bounded Contexts in M2
...and many more.
This is the big picture of bounded contexts in M2.
Once we have context isolation, we need contexts to interact with each other.
@MageTitansES @aleron75
Contexts Interaction
Inventory Sales
How Inventory and Sales communicate?
@MageTitansES @aleron75
Contexts Interaction in M1: coupled
Inventory Sales
This is how context interaction works in M1 (and still works in the majority of M2
codebase): we have mutual dependency between different contexts.
That’s not what we want.
@MageTitansES @aleron75
Contexts Interaction in M2: decoupled
Inventory Sales
Uses plugins to
add/change logic
This, instead, is how ideally we can achieve decoupled context interaction in M2:
through the usage of a specific context which makes the connection b/w two isolated
contexts that don’t share anything with each other.
This third element implements specialized business logic and can use plugins to
interact with the other contexts.
Let’s see why plugins are the best choice by looking at alternatives.
@MageTitansES @aleron75
Observers: why not
Extension point
Extension point
- soft dependencies
- rely only on existing extension points
Observers don’t allow us to define hard evident dependencies meaning that, if the
event that is observed is not dispatched, the observer is not triggered.
If something is not working we don’t have evidence of that.
Furthermore, we can only rely on extension points that have been previously defined:
no event triggered, no extension point.
@MageTitansES @aleron75
Preferences: why not always
- some classes still do too much
- can be used on single responsibility classes
- all or none
Preferences allow us to replace a core class with our own implementation. That can
work sometimes but the truth is that a lot of classes in M2 still have a lot of
responsibilities; replacing a class means taking the ownership of all its business logic.
Maybe we need to change only a few behaviors.
Through preferences, there can be only one class replacing another at the same time,
no space for others.
@MageTitansES @aleron75
Plugins: the best option
- hard & explicit dependencies
- no extension point needed (more or less)
- work at method level
Plugins are the best option, because they don’t have the drawbacks seen:
- dependency is hard and explicit because we declare the class which we are
pluginizing by passing it as the $subject parameter
- we don’t need the core team to have foreseen the possible extension point
because we can pluginize every public method (read more here)
- they work at method level and multiple plugins can coexist on the same class
and even on the same method
Last, but not least, real modularity can be achieved by designing a system that rely
on abstractions, that is, interfaces or, in other words, APIs.
@MageTitansES @aleron75
API first
API / Interface
API / Interface Concrete implementation
@MageTitansES @aleron75
API first
MyModuleApi MyModule
@MageTitansES @aleron75
API first
@MageTitansES @aleron75
API first: replaceability
MyModuleApi MyModule
- modules only depend on abstractions
Again, depending on abstractions allows us to obtain replaceability
@MageTitansES @aleron75
API first
Here is an example of an “Interface-only” module
@MageTitansES @aleron75
API first
And here an example of the dependencies form interface modules declared in
@MageTitansES @aleron75
API first: modules splitting
This is a picture made among others by Anton Kril, Director of Architecture at
Magento, that summarizes the possible scenarios before and after applying this
You can find this and other diagrams in the Service Isolation repository linked before:
@MageTitansES @aleron75
Modules splitting: so many modules!
MSI is 40+ modules, so far...
A consequence of this approach is the growing number of modules required to
implement a functionality.
@MageTitansES @aleron75
Service isolation
...first reaction...
The first reaction may be panic....
@MageTitansES @aleron75
Service isolation
...second reaction...
...or even worse: rejection...
@MageTitansES @aleron75
Service isolation
...but finally, the aha!
...but once we realize the benefits of such approach we eventually can appreciate it.
We are just trading simplicity for something else...
@MageTitansES @aleron75
Service isolation
This approach allows us to have:
- full modularity
@MageTitansES @aleron75
Service isolation
This approach allows us to have:
- full modularity
- clear context boundaries
@MageTitansES @aleron75
Service isolation
This approach allows us to have:
- full modularity
- clear context boundaries
- classes that are easier to find because they have fewer responsibilities,
located in proper namespaces
@MageTitansES @aleron75
Service isolation
This approach allows us to have:
- full modularity
- clear context boundaries
- classes that are easier to find because they have few responsibilities located
in proper namespaces
- we get replaceability, making it easier to override entire parts of core module
@MageTitansES @aleron75
Service isolation
This approach allows us to have:
- full modularity
- clear context boundaries
- classes that are easier to find because they have few responsibilities located
in proper namespaces
- we get replaceability, making it easier to override entire parts of core module
- and finally, we can scale pieces of application independently thanks to DB
Let’s see how DB isolation works
@MageTitansES @aleron75
DB isolation: foreign keys?
Source Item
product_id product_id
In Magento 1 (and still in the majority of Magento 2 as well), we can’t split the DB not
to break referential integrity.
Source Item
product_id product_id
@MageTitansES @aleron75
DB isolation: foreign keys?
Because of this “internal” link, different parts of the application must share the same
Source Item
sku sku
@MageTitansES @aleron75
DB isolation: foreign keys?
use business keys: no DB dependency
So what can we do to avoid problems with foreign keys?
Get rid of them! Using business keys, instead.
Source Item
sku sku
use business keys: no DB dependency
@MageTitansES @aleron75
DB isolation: foreign keys?
Pay attention, this comes at a cost: we lose something, of course, because we are
entering in the field of distributed systems where immediate data consistency is
not always guaranteed.
The Cap Theorem, also known as Brewer’s Theorem.
@MageTitansES @aleron75
The CAP theorem
There are three essential system requirements necessary for the successful
design, implementation and deployment of distributed applications.
They are Consistency, Availability and Partition Tolerance – or CAP:
- Consistency: all nodes see the same data at the same time
- Availability: node failures don’t prevent the system to continue working
- Partition Tolerance: network failures don’t prevent the system to
continue working
CA: typical of ACID systems (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability: M1) - not
good for scaling
CP: typical of BASE systems (Basically Available, Soft state, Eventual consistency:
in distributed systems
we can guarantee
only two!
@MageTitansES @aleron75
The CAP theorem
The CAP Theorem states that in distributed systems we can guarantee only two of the
three requirements.
Magento 1 is an ACID system where we have Consistency and Availability
in large scalable
distributed systems
we give up on
immediate consistency
@MageTitansES @aleron75
The CAP theorem
The Service Isolated architecture towards which Magento 2 is evolving requires it to
abandon Immediate Consistency shifting from an ACID to a BASE system.
in large scalable
distributed systems
we rely on
eventual consistency
@MageTitansES @aleron75
The CAP theorem
Eventual Consistency means that the system will eventually become consistent
once it stops receiving input.
The data will propagate to everywhere it should sooner or later, but the system will
continue to receive input and is not checking the consistency of every transaction
before it moves onto the next one.
Examples of eventual consistency we experience everyday as users:
- Dropbox
- Git
- Google Docs
We read data from hereWe write data here
Separate contexts can have different representation of an information.
Data projection doesn’t happen necessarily in real-time and can take some time.
@MageTitansES @aleron75
Eventual consistency
A diagram illustrating how data becomes consistent b/w different systems.
@MageTitansES @aleron75
Eventual consistency
Don’t forget to follow Greg Young and read all his articles and books if you are
interested in DDD, CQRS, Event Sourcing, etc.
Is this the real life?
Is this just fantasy?
Let me anticipate a question that can come from the audience.
All the ideas expressed here are the result of how Magento Inventory (formerly MSI)
is developed and chances are that the future architecture of Magento 2 (or should we
call it Magento 3?) is going towards this.
As an old Chinese saying tells us: "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single
@MageTitansES @aleron75
Reference: MSI Magento Inventory
That’s why I heavily recommend to start looking at the Magento Inventory Project.
Good reads
Here are some recommended books about distributed systems:
- Designing Data-Intensive Applications
- Building Microservices
- Distributed Systems (introductory, easy, free, must read!)
What I learned
To recap the lessons learned:
- Magento is under continuous improvement
- At date, Service Isolation is the number one goal of architectural evolution
- In the future, Magento could become a distributed platform
- All the information provided in this presentation (and many, many more) were
learned by contributing to the Magento core
“there’s no better way to learn!”
Paraphrasing a famous flying company, contributing is the better way to learn (in my
@MageTitansES @aleron75
Get involved in the evolution!
It’s up to you: hate or help!
Jump in, if you want.
I thank you all!
Alessandro Ronchi
“You brought me fame and fortune and everything that goes with it.
I thank you all” ~ Freddy Mercury
Any questions?
Alessandro Ronchi

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Awesome architectures in Magento 2.3

  • 2. Awesome architectures in Magento 2.3 Alessandro Ronchi Bitbull @aleron75 This presentation has been realized with kind permission of Riccardo Tempesta (The Rick); the original one was presented by him at Meet Magento Germany 2019 and the slides you are seeing here are just a refactoring of his original work. Most of the content is the same, especially the jokes :)
  • 3. @MageTitansES @aleron75 And, in turn, most of the work presented here is built standing on the shoulders of heroes like the Magento architect you see here. - Igor Miniailo - Eugene Shakhsuvarov - Anton Kril If you are wondering where all this hero culture comes from…
  • 4. @MageTitansES @aleron75 ...what would you expect from a community used to this? :)
  • 5. - COO at Bitbull - Mage Titans Italy organizer - Magento Master 2017, 2019 - Top 50 Contributor 2017, 2018 - Magento Community Maintainer Alessandro Ronchi @MageTitansES @aleron75 Never stop exploring! Just a couple of words about me.
  • 6. Agenda 1. The Magento legacy 2. Software architectures evolution 3. Evolution of Magento 2 4. Some applied concepts
  • 7. Confused about Magento development? We’ve heard that someone feels a bit stressed by developing on Magento 2 and this probably comes from a bit of confusion. Nevertheless I’ve talked with Mark, a 23yo guy, who told me that developing on Magento 2 is not stressful at all.
  • 8. “Being a Magento 2 developer is not stressful at all” ~ Mark, 23 years old @MageTitansES @aleron75 You can see the quote from Mark… And yes, you spotted out the joke because, actually, Mark is only 20yo :)
  • 9. CONFUSION from Latin: “cum” + “fusus” So where this stress come from? To understand, let’s see where this confusion comes from.
  • 10. M2 !== M1 It comes from the fact that M2 is not a revolution but an evolution of M1: M1 is our legacy, merged into M2. Despite this, we shouldn’t develop on M2 the same way we did on M1, here is where the confusion likely comes from.
  • 11. Software architecture evolution: 1990’s to 2010’s To better understand our legacy and the direction M2 is getting, let me briefly run through the evolution of software architectures of last decades. And indulge me to do it like any legit Italian should do it.
  • 12. Software architecture: 1990s @MageTitansES @aleron75 By making analogies with pasta :) In the ‘90s we had spaghetti coding, also known as “copy & paste” code.
  • 13. Software architecture: 1990s @MageTitansES @aleron75 - no standards - fast development - no maintenance At that time we had very few standards for web applications, the market required fast development and the concept of software maintenance was pretty new. As a result, code suffered from high coupling, we couldn’t change one piece of code without affecting another and, infact, we didn’t do it. Rather, we preferred to copy logic here and there because applying changes could have brought undesired side effects (known as regressions). Without tests, we couldn’t perform refactoring and w/o refactoring we couldn’t clean the kitchen, we couldn’t increase the quality and maintainability of our code.
  • 14. Software architecture: 2000s @MageTitansES @aleron75 Then we had the lasagna coding.
  • 15. Software architecture: 2000s @MageTitansES @aleron75 - bigger complexity - testability - scalability (as a whole) In the 2000s the market required more complex, testable and scalable web applications. We realized that we could obtain this by isolating some responsibilities into layers. So n-layered applications came out. Typical 3-layered: presentation, business logic, data handling. This architecture is not bad per se, this is how, for example, M1 was built. But there are some limitations: - not possible to scalable separately read/write - app deployed as a whole (monolithic application) - layers tend to reflect the data model, UIs are typically CRUD oriented
  • 16. Software architecture: 2010s @MageTitansES @aleron75 Finally we realized that we could split a monolith into smaller pieces, each with single specific responsibility, with something good inside exposed through public interfaces (APIs). It was time to serve ravioli!
  • 17. Software architecture: 2010s @MageTitansES @aleron75 - composition - independent deployability - independent scalability This kind of applications allows us to compose functionality, deploy and scale them independently. This is what we called Service Oriented Architectures and, more trendily, microservices.
  • 18. What about Magento 2 evolution? But is this the change M2 is embracing?
  • 19. @MageTitansES @aleron75 Yes and no. M2 is evolving; nowadays Magento Core Engineers prefer to speak of “service isolation”.
  • 20. Service Isolation Upsides 1. SCALABILITY 2. DEPLOYABILITY 3. REPLACEABILITY 4. UPGRADABILITY The key common adjective in this list is: independent
  • 21. BUT TODAY? Just let’s step back to current state of M2.
  • 22. @MageTitansES @aleron75 We already have replaceability, through DI, right?
  • 23. @MageTitansES @aleron75 ...that can brings us to situations like the one illustrated. This comes as a legacy from Magento 1 and it became evident thanks to DI. Why having all these dependencies (which btw is not good) was not evident before?
  • 24. final class Mage Because of the infamous “God” class of M1 It allowed a class to easily depend on other classes at the cost of “hiding” this dependency (while adding more and more responsibilities). DI made all these dependencies evident in M2 and revealed the architectural problems of M1: classes had too much responsibilities.
  • 25. @MageTitansES @aleron75 But we can have replaceability through modularity!
  • 26. MODULES !== MODULARITY Not quite: having modules doesn’t mean having a real modular architecture. Real modularity is the very first step towards Service Isolation.
  • 27. MODULARITY CONTEXT ISOLATION So let’s see what are the main features of modularity, because this is driving M2 evolution at date.
  • 28. @MageTitansES @aleron75 Bounded Contexts InventoryCatalog Checkout Customer ... Bounded Contexts is a concept that comes from Domain Driven Design; in brief: DDD is an approach to software development that helps us taking decisions about how to design our application speaking the ubiquitous language of the Domain Experts (our customer) and trying to avoid ambiguity and focusing on design simplification. A Bounded Context is a unit in which all the elements that we design have an ubiquitous meaning and possibly a single responsibility, allowing us to reach design simplification.
  • 29. Another Inventory @MageTitansES @aleron75 Bounded Contexts: replaceability Inventory Catalog Checkout Customer ... Isolating elements (concepts) in bounded context easily allows to obtain replaceability, one of the key goals of Service Isolation.
  • 30. @MageTitansES @aleron75 Bounded Contexts: example Catalog - sku - name - description ... Let’s see an example: the representation of a product in different contexts.
  • 31. @MageTitansES @aleron75 Bounded Contexts: example Catalog - sku - name - description ... Inventory - sku - physical qty - in stock ... Here we see that a product in different contexts can have different attributes.
  • 32. @MageTitansES @aleron75 Bounded Contexts: example Catalog - sku - name - description ... Inventory - sku - physical qty - in stock ... Checkout - sku - salable qty - unit price ... Different responsibilities, different behaviors, no need to generalize in a unique concept that would be: - charged with too many responsibilities - prone to ambiguity: what does a “qty” property represent? Physical availability? Salable quantity?
  • 33. @MageTitansES @aleron75 Bounded Contexts: example Catalog Product Inventory Source Item Checkout Quote Item In different contexts, the same concept maps to different entities. Different entities can be simpler, more specialized, less ambiguous.
  • 34. @MageTitansES @aleron75 Bounded Contexts in M2 So, for example, we can identify the Catalog Context in M2...
  • 35. @MageTitansES @aleron75 Bounded Contexts in M2 ...the Customer...
  • 36. @MageTitansES @aleron75 Bounded Contexts in M2 ...the Checkout...
  • 37. @MageTitansES @aleron75 Bounded Contexts in M2 ...and many more. This is the big picture of bounded contexts in M2.
  • 38. MODULARITY CONTEXT INTERACTIONS Once we have context isolation, we need contexts to interact with each other.
  • 39. @MageTitansES @aleron75 Contexts Interaction Inventory Sales How Inventory and Sales communicate?
  • 40. @MageTitansES @aleron75 Contexts Interaction in M1: coupled Inventory Sales MUTUAL DEPENDENCY This is how context interaction works in M1 (and still works in the majority of M2 codebase): we have mutual dependency between different contexts. That’s not what we want.
  • 41. @MageTitansES @aleron75 Contexts Interaction in M2: decoupled Inventory Sales Inventory Sales Uses plugins to add/change logic This, instead, is how ideally we can achieve decoupled context interaction in M2: through the usage of a specific context which makes the connection b/w two isolated contexts that don’t share anything with each other. This third element implements specialized business logic and can use plugins to interact with the other contexts.
  • 42. WHY PLUGINS? Let’s see why plugins are the best choice by looking at alternatives.
  • 43. @MageTitansES @aleron75 Observers: why not Extension point Observer Event Event Extension point - soft dependencies - rely only on existing extension points Observers don’t allow us to define hard evident dependencies meaning that, if the event that is observed is not dispatched, the observer is not triggered. If something is not working we don’t have evidence of that. Furthermore, we can only rely on extension points that have been previously defined: no event triggered, no extension point.
  • 44. @MageTitansES @aleron75 Preferences: why not always - some classes still do too much - can be used on single responsibility classes - all or none MANY RESPONSIBILITIES TOO MANY POTENTIAL SIDE EFFECTS SINGLE RESPONSIBILITY (WHEN AVAILABLE) Preferences allow us to replace a core class with our own implementation. That can work sometimes but the truth is that a lot of classes in M2 still have a lot of responsibilities; replacing a class means taking the ownership of all its business logic. Maybe we need to change only a few behaviors. Through preferences, there can be only one class replacing another at the same time, no space for others.
  • 45. @MageTitansES @aleron75 Plugins: the best option - hard & explicit dependencies - no extension point needed (more or less) - work at method level Plugins are the best option, because they don’t have the drawbacks seen: - dependency is hard and explicit because we declare the class which we are pluginizing by passing it as the $subject parameter - we don’t need the core team to have foreseen the possible extension point because we can pluginize every public method (read more here) - they work at method level and multiple plugins can coexist on the same class and even on the same method
  • 46. MODULARITY API FIRST Last, but not least, real modularity can be achieved by designing a system that rely on abstractions, that is, interfaces or, in other words, APIs.
  • 48. API / Interface Concrete implementation @MageTitansES @aleron75 API first
  • 50. @MageTitansES @aleron75 API first: replaceability MyModuleApi MyModule AnotherModule - modules only depend on abstractions Again, depending on abstractions allows us to obtain replaceability
  • 51. @MageTitansES @aleron75 API first Here is an example of an “Interface-only” module
  • 52. @MageTitansES @aleron75 API first And here an example of the dependencies form interface modules declared in composer.json
  • 53. @MageTitansES @aleron75 API first: modules splitting This is a picture made among others by Anton Kril, Director of Architecture at Magento, that summarizes the possible scenarios before and after applying this approach. You can find this and other diagrams in the Service Isolation repository linked before:
  • 54. @MageTitansES @aleron75 Modules splitting: so many modules! MSI is 40+ modules, so far... A consequence of this approach is the growing number of modules required to implement a functionality.
  • 55. @MageTitansES @aleron75 Service isolation ...first reaction... The first reaction may be panic....
  • 56. @MageTitansES @aleron75 Service isolation ...second reaction... ...or even worse: rejection...
  • 57. @MageTitansES @aleron75 Service isolation ...but finally, the aha! ...but once we realize the benefits of such approach we eventually can appreciate it.
  • 58. WHY IS THIS AMAZING? We are just trading simplicity for something else...
  • 59. @MageTitansES @aleron75 Service isolation FULL MODULAR SYSTEM This approach allows us to have: - full modularity
  • 60. FULL MODULAR SYSTEM CLEAR CONTEXT BOUNDARIES @MageTitansES @aleron75 Service isolation This approach allows us to have: - full modularity - clear context boundaries
  • 61. FULL MODULAR SYSTEM CLEAR CONTEXT BOUNDARIES EASY TO FIND RESPONSIBILITIES @MageTitansES @aleron75 Service isolation This approach allows us to have: - full modularity - clear context boundaries - classes that are easier to find because they have fewer responsibilities, located in proper namespaces
  • 62. FULL MODULAR SYSTEM CLEAR CONTEXT BOUNDARIES EASY TO FIND RESPONSIBILITIES REPLACEABILITY @MageTitansES @aleron75 Service isolation This approach allows us to have: - full modularity - clear context boundaries - classes that are easier to find because they have few responsibilities located in proper namespaces - we get replaceability, making it easier to override entire parts of core module
  • 63. FULL MODULAR SYSTEM CLEAR CONTEXT BOUNDARIES EASY TO FIND RESPONSIBILITIES REPLACEABILITY INDEPENDENT SCALABILITY @MageTitansES @aleron75 Service isolation This approach allows us to have: - full modularity - clear context boundaries - classes that are easier to find because they have few responsibilities located in proper namespaces - we get replaceability, making it easier to override entire parts of core module - and finally, we can scale pieces of application independently thanks to DB isolation
  • 64. DB ISOLATION Let’s see how DB isolation works
  • 65. @MageTitansES @aleron75 DB isolation: foreign keys? FK Source Item product_id product_id Product In Magento 1 (and still in the majority of Magento 2 as well), we can’t split the DB not to break referential integrity.
  • 66. FK Source Item product_id product_id Product FK: THE DATABASE MUST BE THE SAME @MageTitansES @aleron75 DB isolation: foreign keys? Because of this “internal” link, different parts of the application must share the same DB.
  • 67. Source Item sku sku Product @MageTitansES @aleron75 DB isolation: foreign keys? use business keys: no DB dependency So what can we do to avoid problems with foreign keys? Get rid of them! Using business keys, instead.
  • 68. Source Item sku sku Product use business keys: no DB dependency @MageTitansES @aleron75 DB isolation: foreign keys? Pay attention, this comes at a cost: we lose something, of course, because we are entering in the field of distributed systems where immediate data consistency is not always guaranteed.
  • 69. THE CAP THEOREM The Cap Theorem, also known as Brewer’s Theorem.
  • 70. @MageTitansES @aleron75 The CAP theorem Reference: essing/ There are three essential system requirements necessary for the successful design, implementation and deployment of distributed applications. They are Consistency, Availability and Partition Tolerance – or CAP: - Consistency: all nodes see the same data at the same time - Availability: node failures don’t prevent the system to continue working - Partition Tolerance: network failures don’t prevent the system to continue working CA: typical of ACID systems (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability: M1) - not good for scaling CP: typical of BASE systems (Basically Available, Soft state, Eventual consistency: M2)
  • 71. in distributed systems we can guarantee only two! @MageTitansES @aleron75 The CAP theorem The CAP Theorem states that in distributed systems we can guarantee only two of the three requirements. Magento 1 is an ACID system where we have Consistency and Availability guaranteed.
  • 72. in large scalable distributed systems we give up on immediate consistency @MageTitansES @aleron75 The CAP theorem The Service Isolated architecture towards which Magento 2 is evolving requires it to abandon Immediate Consistency shifting from an ACID to a BASE system.
  • 73. in large scalable distributed systems we rely on eventual consistency @MageTitansES @aleron75 The CAP theorem Eventual Consistency means that the system will eventually become consistent once it stops receiving input. The data will propagate to everywhere it should sooner or later, but the system will continue to receive input and is not checking the consistency of every transaction before it moves onto the next one. Examples of eventual consistency we experience everyday as users: - Dropbox - Git - Google Docs
  • 74. We read data from hereWe write data here Separate contexts can have different representation of an information. Data projection doesn’t happen necessarily in real-time and can take some time. DATA PROJECTION @MageTitansES @aleron75 Eventual consistency A diagram illustrating how data becomes consistent b/w different systems.
  • 75. @MageTitansES @aleron75 Eventual consistency Don’t forget to follow Greg Young and read all his articles and books if you are interested in DDD, CQRS, Event Sourcing, etc.
  • 76. Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? Let me anticipate a question that can come from the audience. All the ideas expressed here are the result of how Magento Inventory (formerly MSI) is developed and chances are that the future architecture of Magento 2 (or should we call it Magento 3?) is going towards this. As an old Chinese saying tells us: "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step"
  • 77. @MageTitansES @aleron75 Reference: MSI Magento Inventory That’s why I heavily recommend to start looking at the Magento Inventory Project.
  • 78. Good reads FREE! Here are some recommended books about distributed systems: - Designing Data-Intensive Applications - Building Microservices - Distributed Systems (introductory, easy, free, must read!)
  • 79. What I learned 1. M2: CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT 2. SERVICE ISOLATION 3. DISTRIBUTED SYSTEM (M3?) 4. LEARN BY CONTRIBUTING To recap the lessons learned: - Magento is under continuous improvement - At date, Service Isolation is the number one goal of architectural evolution - In the future, Magento could become a distributed platform - All the information provided in this presentation (and many, many more) were learned by contributing to the Magento core
  • 80. “there’s no better way to learn!” Paraphrasing a famous flying company, contributing is the better way to learn (in my opinion).
  • 81. @MageTitansES @aleron75 Get involved in the evolution! It’s up to you: hate or help! Jump in, if you want.
  • 82. I thank you all! Alessandro Ronchi Bitbull @aleron75 “You brought me fame and fortune and everything that goes with it. I thank you all” ~ Freddy Mercury