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ADP for Long Term Financial Success in Xango
         Written & Copyrighted by 100K Premier Select Aaron Rashkin

Let me preface this information by saying that you will never make a lot of
money in Xango by retailing individual bottles or cases to your friends,
family, business associates, patients, prospects, contacts, clients or
customers. If you truly want long term, walk away, passive residual income
from your Xango Business, you must be on Xango’s Auto Delivery Program
(ADP), and enroll everyone who wants to even just try Xango, into the

Now you could sell a single bottle or a case to someone at retail and we’ll
get into the details on the best way to do this later in this document,
however, to capitalize on the incredible financial opportunity that Xango
offers, and to give others a chance to get the best results from our product,
you want them to commit to being on the Auto Delivery Program for at least
one case each month.

Of course you want people to get started on more than one case so that they:

   1. Don’t run out of product
   2. Maximize Xango’s Compensation Plan (if they want to earn income)
   3. Duplicate at least a two case mentality into their organization

This is why you want to tell your prospects that most people normally get
started on a minimum of two cases. Then recommend that they do the same
for the above reasons. Either way, they will get started wherever they are
financially comfortable.

In this document, I am going to share exactly why you should be enrolled in
the ADP, and how to enroll every distributor on your team into the ADP.

          Linear, Leveraged & Passive Residual Income

Generally speaking, one of the biggest financial mistakes that people make
in business is that they get swept up in the instant gratification of earning
retail profits from the sale of an individual item or items that they sell.
Typically, when a professional salesperson makes a sale, they will get paid a

commission. However, once that sale is complete, so is the income

Each day, the salesperson starts from scratch, always on the lookout for the
next potential prospect, looking to get paid for the work that they do just one

When people go to work at their job, they get paid for the amount of hours
they work. Each week, they get paid for the time that they put in. Work, pay.
Work, pay. The only problem is that when they don’t work, they don’t get
paid. This is how most people live their lives, starting over continuously,
getting paid only once for the work that they do that one time.

When they sleep, they don’t get paid. When commuting to work, they don’t
get paid. When they are not in the office or factory or warehouse, or out
pounding the pavement, they don’t get paid. With only so many hours in a
day, people who work for one time income, are always chasing the money,
hoping to finally get ahead some day. The only problem is that someday, is
not a day of the week! This is called “working hard for your money” or in
simpler terms, Linear Income.

The next type of income you can earn is called Leveraged Income, which is
different than Linear Income, because unlike with Linear Income, you can
get paid for the work that you do, on top of the work that others do.

Sales Managers, Supervisors, Small Business Owners and Corporate
Executives have Leveraged Income because they get paid for their own
work, plus the work of others who work under them. Basically, anyone who
oversees others could have a Leveraged Income.

The problem for people with leveraged income, is that it still does not
provide real security, as those who work under them, are only working for
linear income and never have as much to gain as their superiors.

In other words, when the cat is away, the mice will play, and as soon as
those who have leveraged income are not present in the workplace, loyalty
and commitment to the success of that business or company, by those who
only work for linear income, normally goes way down. It’s the difference
between a renter’s mentality and an owner’s mentality.

So, someone with leveraged Income may have the opportunity to earn more
money than those who work for Linear Income, however, there is no more
security or assurance for long term, walk away, passive residual income, as
those who work for linear income could easily quit at any time, find a new
job or start their own competing business. So Leveraged Income is the
second type of income you could earn.

The third type of income, or Passive Residual Income, is attainable through
Network Marketing, specifically Xango, where every Distributor in the
Company has the same exact opportunity for unlimited success.

However, in order to reach the level of success that most people desire, it
will require that each individual distributor pour their heart and soul into
their own business. When this takes place in your organization, distributors
that you get paid on, will have “emotional equity” in their own business,
making it very difficult to just walk away. Typically, the more a distributor
is willing to pay to succeed, the less likely he or she is to quit. This does not
just mean in dollars, but in their time, energy and commitment.

This concept is what allows you to create a long term passive residual
income stream. If nobody in your organization quit and continued to market
Xango and enroll everyone into the ADP, not only would you and they all
succeed, but everyone would also have a tremendous amount of financial

This is why Xango is such a powerful vehicle to attain Long Term, Passive
Residual Income. You see, when you sponsor even just a handful of others
on your team who are vested in their success, 100% committed to reaching
the top, you can’t help but be pushed right up there with them. This is why
it’s so important that you help them get there and reach for the top together.

So, the key then, is longevity. It may take you longer than someone else to
get there, but what could cost you the most, is if you quit and walked away.
Remember, those who last, always finish first.

ADP Anyone?

Now that you understand why it’s so important to have your own distributors
on Xango’s ADP, let’s make sure that you understand why you must be on
the ADP, for your own benefit as well.

Benefit #1 – Knowing the health benefits of Xango, you should want this
product in your body daily, to give your body what it requires to address its
own health challenges.

This being the case, save yourself time and energy by having it shipped by
Xango, directly to your home at the same time each month.

Benefit #2 – If your intention is to build a successful Xango business, you
will want to earn Powerstart Bonuses each time you enroll a new distributor
who places a product order when they sign up.

If you are not on ADP at all, you will only receive 20% of your personally
enrolled distributor’s initial orders. You will also lose out on the Powerstart
Bonuses that could be paid to you when someone you enroll, enrolls their
own distributors.

By being on Xango’s ADP for at least one case, you will earn 30% of your
new distributors initial orders. However, just one case will not allow you to
earn on your distributor’s personally enrolled initial orders. You will be
losing that extra 15% to the person above you who is on two case ADP.

By being on a two case ADP, not only will you earn 30% of your new
distributors initial orders, but you will also earn an additional 15% on all of
your personally sponsored distributors, personally sponsored first orders.

This extra 15% for being on two cases, could mean hundreds of extra dollars
per week or month, in Powerstart Bonuses alone.

So, being on ADP, means earning more income.

Benefit #3 – If you are not registered for the ADP, your upline may not take
you very seriously, as they only want to work with those who are committed
to their health while they helping them build long-term wealth.

It’s been said that most people don’t do well, because they just don’t feel
well. When you are on the ADP, you will be able to stay healthy while you
build your business and have more energy to help others build their
businesses as well.

Also, by being on the ADP, you are showing your commitment to being paid
as much as possible, which will compel your upline to want to help you
more than those who have not committed to being registered in the ADP.

Benefit #4 – If your intentions are to build a long term stream of passive
residual income, you must have product ordered each and every month in
order to get paid on your downline’s monthly volume. If you don’t want to
miss your monthly check, it just makes sense to be on the ADP, to ensure
that you get paid on time, every time and that you don’t miss getting a check
because you forgot to place an order for the month. This allows you to get
into a routine of expecting your product each month. After all, wouldn’t you
want your own downline to do the same? If you can say, “YES”, then you
must lead by example and be registered in the ADP.

                 Enrolling New Distributors on ADP
So you are building your business daily, exposing people to our Product &
Business Opportunity and then asking them if they’d like to try some
product and/or get started building their own Xango Business.

Pretty simple right?

So, when you get a yes and begin the enrollment process, make sure you tell
the person you are enrolling, that every order is part of the ADP.
This is not the same as asking if they’d like to register for the ADP or would
they consider being registered in the ADP. It simply means that this is how
to get started. Every order is part of the ADP.

When you take a stand for what you believe is best for them, they will not
even question what you are telling them.

So, on the following month, between the 14th & 17th, their next ADP order
will be processed and shipped to them, unless they call Customer Service to
increase, decrease or cancel their order, on or before the 10th of that month.

Be sure to give them Xango’s Customer Service Phone Number and have
them write it down and repeat it back to you one time to make sure they
confirm that they understand your instructions.

I do this with every single person we’ve enrolled, and it works every single
time. Notice I didn’t say, “Give them the option” of ADP. By sharing with
your new distributors what you read a few paragraphs above, they will
believe that this is the way everyone gets started.

Now, you shouldn’t get any resistance when you tell them with confidence
that this is how to get started, however, should your prospect begin asking
questions, tell them that this is how most people normally get started
and unless someone is willing to purchase Xango with the intent of drinking
the juice for a minimum of 90 days, that it may not even be worth it to them
to start drinking it if they won’t take it on a regular basis.

It’s the same as if their doctor prescribed a medication for an illness they
contracted, and they stopped taking it after a week or two. Ask them if
they’d expect the medication to work if it wasn’t taken correctly for the
prescribed length of time? Of course not. Same thing with Xango. It
supports nearly every system of the body.

This posture will let your prospects know that you truly believe this is the
right thing for them to do and most often, they will follow your lead.

If they decide to think about it, you can share some stories of what others
have experienced after drinking Xango and either send them to more
information or send more information to them. Just remember, we cannot
guarantee any results, however, we can guarantee that they won’t know,
until they’ve given it a shot!

You can also ask them if they want to get just some results, or the best
results. When they say, the best results tell them that they should stay on
Xango then, for a minimum of 90 days and remind them that Xango offers a
100% money back guarantee.

Bottom line, if someone doesn’t take care of their body, it will take care of
them. Either they can pay now or pay later. Xango is the most inexpensive
form of health insurance, and it tastes great too!

Wanna Just Try Some Product?

As mentioned earlier, from time to time, someone may ask you to try just a
single bottle. Now you could sell a bottle to someone if they are local and
want to try it for taste, but never sell a bottle(s) for any less than you paid for
it, which includes your shipping cost and tax if applicable.

There are a few reasons for this:

#1 – You are in business to earn a profit, so selling your bottles for cost,
doesn’t make any sense (or cents!) This is super important if you want your
customers to take you seriously and then perhaps get into business with you
after their first bottle. Plus, the time and energy you put into exposing your
contacts to Xango is worth the retail profit you will earn. Remember, you are
in business to make money, not lose money.

If you give bottles away to close family or friends or people who you know
is absolutely serious about starting a business with you, make sure you tell
your prospect that you don’t normally do that, because he or she will think
that they will have to give away their bottles as well when they get started as
a Distributor and it will appear as though they may lose money, not make

Remember, free, most often has no value and many people tend not to take
the product as seriously if it doesn’t cost them anything. If they paid full
retail price of $40 per bottle, they will take the product much more seriously.

However, there is always an exception to the rule; if you are going to give a
bottle away to someone who wants to evaluate Xango for the business
opportunity, be sure that you give it to someone who has credibility, a strong
circle of influence, or someone you really see as a potential leader in your

Of course, you can always give bottles or cases away to friends, family and
anyone you know, who has health challenges plaguing their life, regardless
of their business interest in Xango. Who knows, after they see Xango’s
benefits, they could become your best business partners & leaders!

Either way, giving a bottle or a case to someone who has health challenges,
to share with them what the possibilities are, is a wonderful way to let them
know you truly do care.

But, back to the reasons why you should charge money for product;

#2 – If you only charge your customer your cost or less, for a bottle or case
of Xango, why would they want to buy direct from the Company, when they
can buy it direct from you at a lower price?

I recommend that you charge at least $35-$45 USD per bottle of Xango, at
least $140-$150 USD per case, plus your shipping & tax cost.

The price should depend on if you are delivering the product or if your
customer is coming to you, whether or not they want some literature, what
type of literature you give them and if they are considering starting a Xango

Bottom line, always charge more than Xango charges if someone wants to
try some product before signing up to become a Distributor and build a
business. Make sure that it will cost less for them to buy direct from the
Company, than from you.

VERY IMPORTANT!!!!! Do not sell another bottle or case to them from
your own stock after they’ve tried it once. Tell them that you just can’t sell
any more out of your own supply and that you will enroll them as a
Wholesale Buying Member, or Distributor to get the lowest price and have
their Product shipped directly from the Company. Of course, be sure to
register them in the ADP, as mentioned above.

We also don’t recommend sending individual bottles across the country.
Again, there are exceptions to the rule, however, when you share that Xango
should be taken regularly to get the best benefits and that one bottle isn’t
going to do it, and, the fact that the Company offers a 100% Money Back
Guarantee, you will most likely be able to get people started on at least one
case, preferably more.

This will allow the company to handle their billing, shipping & customer
support. After all, you do want to build a passive income don’t you?

What does it taste like? Or…What if I don’t like the taste?

Sometimes your prospect will ask what Xango tastes like or they may say,
“What if I don’t like the taste”.

I respond with a question like, “Do you like fruit, strawberries, cranberries,
apple and cherries? Well Xango tastes like a combination of all of them.”

If your prospect asks, “What if I don’t like it?” you can let them know that
Xango has a Money Back Guarantee and that very few people ever return it
because it tastes so good.”

And then, ask them what they want to do next. Usually, if you’ve said
everything written in this document, they will most likely get started with
                        One last item about ADP

There are two types of ADP; Unconditional & Back Up.

Unconditional ADP means that regardless of how many cases a Distributor
purchases in a given month, their ADP will be processed between the 14th &
the 17th of each month, for as many cases they are registered on ADP for.

For example, if you are on a two case ADP and you buy two cases of Xango
before your ADP is processed, between the 14th & 17th of that month, two
more cases will be processed and shipped to you, providing your payment
goes through.

Back Up ADP means that if you are registered for one case ADP, if you
purchase one case before the 14th, that one case will constitute as your ADP.
If you are registered for two cases Back Up ADP and you buy two cases
before the 14th, those two cases will constitute as your ADP.

If you are on two cases Back Up ADP and by one case earlier in the month,
you will still receive two cases ADP. In other words, your order to stop the
ADP must be equal to or greater than the order you put in earlier that month.

Being on Back Up means that if you buy what you are registered for on
ADP, before ADP runs for that month, you will not receive your ADP order.

So there you have it, ADP for Long Term Financial Success in Xango.

Remember, you will never achieve personal and financial freedom in Xango,
unless you have built a business that allows you to leverage your time, your
finances and your resources.

The key to your long term success is becoming a leader and of course,
moving as much product as possible through your organization on Xango’s

Always be sure to work with your upline leaders, stay connected to the team
and attend as many live events as possible.

If you truly want long term, walk away residual income from Xango, learn
and apply the information contained in this document, lead more people than
ever through your marketing system and always, always, always, put your
New Distributors on ADP, for both their benefit and yours.

For the most powerful Online Marketing System in all of Xango, be sure to
register for your own Website. Thousands of
others are already using it, as it offers the best information with the best
technology, found anywhere, at any price.


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Automatic Delivery Program

  • 1. ADP for Long Term Financial Success in Xango Written & Copyrighted by 100K Premier Select Aaron Rashkin Let me preface this information by saying that you will never make a lot of money in Xango by retailing individual bottles or cases to your friends, family, business associates, patients, prospects, contacts, clients or customers. If you truly want long term, walk away, passive residual income from your Xango Business, you must be on Xango’s Auto Delivery Program (ADP), and enroll everyone who wants to even just try Xango, into the ADP. Now you could sell a single bottle or a case to someone at retail and we’ll get into the details on the best way to do this later in this document, however, to capitalize on the incredible financial opportunity that Xango offers, and to give others a chance to get the best results from our product, you want them to commit to being on the Auto Delivery Program for at least one case each month. Of course you want people to get started on more than one case so that they: 1. Don’t run out of product 2. Maximize Xango’s Compensation Plan (if they want to earn income) 3. Duplicate at least a two case mentality into their organization This is why you want to tell your prospects that most people normally get started on a minimum of two cases. Then recommend that they do the same for the above reasons. Either way, they will get started wherever they are financially comfortable. In this document, I am going to share exactly why you should be enrolled in the ADP, and how to enroll every distributor on your team into the ADP. Linear, Leveraged & Passive Residual Income Generally speaking, one of the biggest financial mistakes that people make in business is that they get swept up in the instant gratification of earning retail profits from the sale of an individual item or items that they sell. Typically, when a professional salesperson makes a sale, they will get paid a 1
  • 2. commission. However, once that sale is complete, so is the income generated. Each day, the salesperson starts from scratch, always on the lookout for the next potential prospect, looking to get paid for the work that they do just one time. When people go to work at their job, they get paid for the amount of hours they work. Each week, they get paid for the time that they put in. Work, pay. Work, pay. The only problem is that when they don’t work, they don’t get paid. This is how most people live their lives, starting over continuously, getting paid only once for the work that they do that one time. When they sleep, they don’t get paid. When commuting to work, they don’t get paid. When they are not in the office or factory or warehouse, or out pounding the pavement, they don’t get paid. With only so many hours in a day, people who work for one time income, are always chasing the money, hoping to finally get ahead some day. The only problem is that someday, is not a day of the week! This is called “working hard for your money” or in simpler terms, Linear Income. The next type of income you can earn is called Leveraged Income, which is different than Linear Income, because unlike with Linear Income, you can get paid for the work that you do, on top of the work that others do. Sales Managers, Supervisors, Small Business Owners and Corporate Executives have Leveraged Income because they get paid for their own work, plus the work of others who work under them. Basically, anyone who oversees others could have a Leveraged Income. The problem for people with leveraged income, is that it still does not provide real security, as those who work under them, are only working for linear income and never have as much to gain as their superiors. In other words, when the cat is away, the mice will play, and as soon as those who have leveraged income are not present in the workplace, loyalty and commitment to the success of that business or company, by those who only work for linear income, normally goes way down. It’s the difference between a renter’s mentality and an owner’s mentality. 2
  • 3. So, someone with leveraged Income may have the opportunity to earn more money than those who work for Linear Income, however, there is no more security or assurance for long term, walk away, passive residual income, as those who work for linear income could easily quit at any time, find a new job or start their own competing business. So Leveraged Income is the second type of income you could earn. The third type of income, or Passive Residual Income, is attainable through Network Marketing, specifically Xango, where every Distributor in the Company has the same exact opportunity for unlimited success. However, in order to reach the level of success that most people desire, it will require that each individual distributor pour their heart and soul into their own business. When this takes place in your organization, distributors that you get paid on, will have “emotional equity” in their own business, making it very difficult to just walk away. Typically, the more a distributor is willing to pay to succeed, the less likely he or she is to quit. This does not just mean in dollars, but in their time, energy and commitment. This concept is what allows you to create a long term passive residual income stream. If nobody in your organization quit and continued to market Xango and enroll everyone into the ADP, not only would you and they all succeed, but everyone would also have a tremendous amount of financial security. This is why Xango is such a powerful vehicle to attain Long Term, Passive Residual Income. You see, when you sponsor even just a handful of others on your team who are vested in their success, 100% committed to reaching the top, you can’t help but be pushed right up there with them. This is why it’s so important that you help them get there and reach for the top together. So, the key then, is longevity. It may take you longer than someone else to get there, but what could cost you the most, is if you quit and walked away. Remember, those who last, always finish first. 3
  • 4. ADP Anyone? Now that you understand why it’s so important to have your own distributors on Xango’s ADP, let’s make sure that you understand why you must be on the ADP, for your own benefit as well. Benefit #1 – Knowing the health benefits of Xango, you should want this product in your body daily, to give your body what it requires to address its own health challenges. This being the case, save yourself time and energy by having it shipped by Xango, directly to your home at the same time each month. Benefit #2 – If your intention is to build a successful Xango business, you will want to earn Powerstart Bonuses each time you enroll a new distributor who places a product order when they sign up. If you are not on ADP at all, you will only receive 20% of your personally enrolled distributor’s initial orders. You will also lose out on the Powerstart Bonuses that could be paid to you when someone you enroll, enrolls their own distributors. By being on Xango’s ADP for at least one case, you will earn 30% of your new distributors initial orders. However, just one case will not allow you to earn on your distributor’s personally enrolled initial orders. You will be losing that extra 15% to the person above you who is on two case ADP. By being on a two case ADP, not only will you earn 30% of your new distributors initial orders, but you will also earn an additional 15% on all of your personally sponsored distributors, personally sponsored first orders. This extra 15% for being on two cases, could mean hundreds of extra dollars per week or month, in Powerstart Bonuses alone. So, being on ADP, means earning more income. Benefit #3 – If you are not registered for the ADP, your upline may not take you very seriously, as they only want to work with those who are committed to their health while they helping them build long-term wealth. 4
  • 5. It’s been said that most people don’t do well, because they just don’t feel well. When you are on the ADP, you will be able to stay healthy while you build your business and have more energy to help others build their businesses as well. Also, by being on the ADP, you are showing your commitment to being paid as much as possible, which will compel your upline to want to help you more than those who have not committed to being registered in the ADP. Benefit #4 – If your intentions are to build a long term stream of passive residual income, you must have product ordered each and every month in order to get paid on your downline’s monthly volume. If you don’t want to miss your monthly check, it just makes sense to be on the ADP, to ensure that you get paid on time, every time and that you don’t miss getting a check because you forgot to place an order for the month. This allows you to get into a routine of expecting your product each month. After all, wouldn’t you want your own downline to do the same? If you can say, “YES”, then you must lead by example and be registered in the ADP. Enrolling New Distributors on ADP So you are building your business daily, exposing people to our Product & Business Opportunity and then asking them if they’d like to try some product and/or get started building their own Xango Business. Pretty simple right? So, when you get a yes and begin the enrollment process, make sure you tell the person you are enrolling, that every order is part of the ADP. This is not the same as asking if they’d like to register for the ADP or would they consider being registered in the ADP. It simply means that this is how to get started. Every order is part of the ADP. When you take a stand for what you believe is best for them, they will not even question what you are telling them. So, on the following month, between the 14th & 17th, their next ADP order will be processed and shipped to them, unless they call Customer Service to increase, decrease or cancel their order, on or before the 10th of that month. 5
  • 6. Be sure to give them Xango’s Customer Service Phone Number and have them write it down and repeat it back to you one time to make sure they confirm that they understand your instructions. I do this with every single person we’ve enrolled, and it works every single time. Notice I didn’t say, “Give them the option” of ADP. By sharing with your new distributors what you read a few paragraphs above, they will believe that this is the way everyone gets started. Now, you shouldn’t get any resistance when you tell them with confidence that this is how to get started, however, should your prospect begin asking questions, tell them that this is how most people normally get started and unless someone is willing to purchase Xango with the intent of drinking the juice for a minimum of 90 days, that it may not even be worth it to them to start drinking it if they won’t take it on a regular basis. It’s the same as if their doctor prescribed a medication for an illness they contracted, and they stopped taking it after a week or two. Ask them if they’d expect the medication to work if it wasn’t taken correctly for the prescribed length of time? Of course not. Same thing with Xango. It supports nearly every system of the body. This posture will let your prospects know that you truly believe this is the right thing for them to do and most often, they will follow your lead. If they decide to think about it, you can share some stories of what others have experienced after drinking Xango and either send them to more information or send more information to them. Just remember, we cannot guarantee any results, however, we can guarantee that they won’t know, until they’ve given it a shot! You can also ask them if they want to get just some results, or the best results. When they say, the best results tell them that they should stay on Xango then, for a minimum of 90 days and remind them that Xango offers a 100% money back guarantee. Bottom line, if someone doesn’t take care of their body, it will take care of them. Either they can pay now or pay later. Xango is the most inexpensive form of health insurance, and it tastes great too! 6
  • 7. Wanna Just Try Some Product? As mentioned earlier, from time to time, someone may ask you to try just a single bottle. Now you could sell a bottle to someone if they are local and want to try it for taste, but never sell a bottle(s) for any less than you paid for it, which includes your shipping cost and tax if applicable. There are a few reasons for this: #1 – You are in business to earn a profit, so selling your bottles for cost, doesn’t make any sense (or cents!) This is super important if you want your customers to take you seriously and then perhaps get into business with you after their first bottle. Plus, the time and energy you put into exposing your contacts to Xango is worth the retail profit you will earn. Remember, you are in business to make money, not lose money. If you give bottles away to close family or friends or people who you know is absolutely serious about starting a business with you, make sure you tell your prospect that you don’t normally do that, because he or she will think that they will have to give away their bottles as well when they get started as a Distributor and it will appear as though they may lose money, not make any. Remember, free, most often has no value and many people tend not to take the product as seriously if it doesn’t cost them anything. If they paid full retail price of $40 per bottle, they will take the product much more seriously. However, there is always an exception to the rule; if you are going to give a bottle away to someone who wants to evaluate Xango for the business opportunity, be sure that you give it to someone who has credibility, a strong circle of influence, or someone you really see as a potential leader in your organization. Of course, you can always give bottles or cases away to friends, family and anyone you know, who has health challenges plaguing their life, regardless of their business interest in Xango. Who knows, after they see Xango’s benefits, they could become your best business partners & leaders! 7
  • 8. Either way, giving a bottle or a case to someone who has health challenges, to share with them what the possibilities are, is a wonderful way to let them know you truly do care. But, back to the reasons why you should charge money for product; #2 – If you only charge your customer your cost or less, for a bottle or case of Xango, why would they want to buy direct from the Company, when they can buy it direct from you at a lower price? I recommend that you charge at least $35-$45 USD per bottle of Xango, at least $140-$150 USD per case, plus your shipping & tax cost. The price should depend on if you are delivering the product or if your customer is coming to you, whether or not they want some literature, what type of literature you give them and if they are considering starting a Xango Business. Bottom line, always charge more than Xango charges if someone wants to try some product before signing up to become a Distributor and build a business. Make sure that it will cost less for them to buy direct from the Company, than from you. VERY IMPORTANT!!!!! Do not sell another bottle or case to them from your own stock after they’ve tried it once. Tell them that you just can’t sell any more out of your own supply and that you will enroll them as a Wholesale Buying Member, or Distributor to get the lowest price and have their Product shipped directly from the Company. Of course, be sure to register them in the ADP, as mentioned above. We also don’t recommend sending individual bottles across the country. Again, there are exceptions to the rule, however, when you share that Xango should be taken regularly to get the best benefits and that one bottle isn’t going to do it, and, the fact that the Company offers a 100% Money Back Guarantee, you will most likely be able to get people started on at least one case, preferably more. This will allow the company to handle their billing, shipping & customer support. After all, you do want to build a passive income don’t you? 8
  • 9. What does it taste like? Or…What if I don’t like the taste? Sometimes your prospect will ask what Xango tastes like or they may say, “What if I don’t like the taste”. I respond with a question like, “Do you like fruit, strawberries, cranberries, apple and cherries? Well Xango tastes like a combination of all of them.” If your prospect asks, “What if I don’t like it?” you can let them know that Xango has a Money Back Guarantee and that very few people ever return it because it tastes so good.” And then, ask them what they want to do next. Usually, if you’ve said everything written in this document, they will most likely get started with you. One last item about ADP There are two types of ADP; Unconditional & Back Up. Unconditional ADP means that regardless of how many cases a Distributor purchases in a given month, their ADP will be processed between the 14th & the 17th of each month, for as many cases they are registered on ADP for. For example, if you are on a two case ADP and you buy two cases of Xango before your ADP is processed, between the 14th & 17th of that month, two more cases will be processed and shipped to you, providing your payment goes through. Back Up ADP means that if you are registered for one case ADP, if you purchase one case before the 14th, that one case will constitute as your ADP. If you are registered for two cases Back Up ADP and you buy two cases before the 14th, those two cases will constitute as your ADP. If you are on two cases Back Up ADP and by one case earlier in the month, you will still receive two cases ADP. In other words, your order to stop the ADP must be equal to or greater than the order you put in earlier that month. Being on Back Up means that if you buy what you are registered for on ADP, before ADP runs for that month, you will not receive your ADP order. 9
  • 10. So there you have it, ADP for Long Term Financial Success in Xango. Remember, you will never achieve personal and financial freedom in Xango, unless you have built a business that allows you to leverage your time, your finances and your resources. The key to your long term success is becoming a leader and of course, moving as much product as possible through your organization on Xango’s ADP. Always be sure to work with your upline leaders, stay connected to the team and attend as many live events as possible. If you truly want long term, walk away residual income from Xango, learn and apply the information contained in this document, lead more people than ever through your marketing system and always, always, always, put your New Distributors on ADP, for both their benefit and yours. For the most powerful Online Marketing System in all of Xango, be sure to register for your own Website. Thousands of others are already using it, as it offers the best information with the best technology, found anywhere, at any price. 10