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The	Hon	Alex	Hawke	MP	
Assistant	Minister	for	Home	Affairs	
Address	to	the	Sydney	Institute	on	Australian	Freedom	and	an 
Australian	Modern	Slavery	Act 
Wednesday	4	July	2018	
30	minutes	(maximum)	
It	is	a	cold,	clear	night	tonight	here	by	the	Harbour	where	modern	Australia	was 
conceived.		A	perfect	night	to	head	out	for	a	meal	at	one	of	our	city’s	world-renowned 
restaurants,	perhaps,	for	fish.  
Imagine	it	now,	as	we	order	the	Yellowfin	Tuna.	The	first	mouthful	is	absolutely 
delicious.	But	what	if	we	then	to	learn	that	the	fisherman	who	caught	that	same	fish 
we	are	eating	it	is	a	slave.  
The	fisherman	hasn’t	been	paid	for	his	work,		he	is	forced	to	live		in	slavery	on	a 
fishing	boat,	lives	under	physical	threat	to	his	safety,	the	boat	is	always	refuelled	at 
sea	so	he	can’t	escape	–	and	he	hasn’t	seen	his	family	for	22	years.  
This	lived,	real	example	of	slavery	in	our	region	means	that	suddenly	that	same	fish 
wouldn’t	taste	so	good	to	anyone	here,	wouldn’t	it?  
And	why	is	that?	Because	Australians,	from	our	inception	as	a	modern	nation	have 
loved	and	valued	freedom	and	a	fair	go	for	all.	Even	more	than	we	love	harbour	views 
or	good	restaurants	or	the	good	life,	our	commitment	as	a	people	to	a	basic 
egalitarian	concept	of		freedom	and	a	fair	go	for	all	regardless	of	status	is	an	intrinsic 
part	of	who	we	are.		The	fisherman	or	the	fine	diner	are	the	same	in	our	estimation	as 
a	people. 
For	a	long	time	now	we	have	enjoyed	more	of	two	things	than	almost	any	other 
society	in	history.	Freedom	and	prosperity.	In	fact	in	Australia	we	have	had	so	much 
essential	freedom	that	we	tend	to	assume	everyone	values	freedom,	so	we	don’t	talk 
about	it	much.	We	don’t	talk	about	why	slavery	is	wrong,	we	just	know	that	it	is.	But 
as	history	teaches	us	unless	we	act	to	conserve	great	principles,	like	freedom,	then 
they	are	easy	to	lose.  
Tonight	I	want	to	speak	with	you	about	: 
● The	Australian	passion	for	freedom	and	where	it	came	from; 
● The	frightening	resurgence	of	slavery	in	our	times; 
● How	reviving	conservative	values	can	overcome	slavery	and 
● The	Governments	hope	for	an	Australian	Modern	Slavery	Act	and	the	need	for 
business	and	civil	society	to	drive	real	change. 
Our	Australian	passion	for	freedom		may	seem	odd	given	we	started	as	a	penal 
colony	on	land	that	had	belonged	to	Indigenous	people,	here	for	a	long	time.	Yet 
today,	The	Legatum	Prosperity	index	places	Australia	in	the	very	top	tier	for	personal 
freedoms.	An	enormous	achievement	in	just	a	few	hundred	years.  
We	didn’t	have	a	Thomas	Jefferson,	who	wrote	some	of	the	most	profound	words		in 
history	on	freedom	(while	himself	holding	slaves).	Instead	we	had	men	enlightened 
for	their	times	who	were	short	on	words	and	long	on	action,		men	like	the	Captain	of 
the	First	Fleet,	Arthur	Phillip	and	the	convict	James	Ruse.   
Phillip’s	papers	don’t	reveal	a	lot	of	philosophy,	but	they	do	reveal	deep	conviction. 
In	a	detailed		Memorandum		of	his	plans	for	the	new	proposed	colony,	he	wrote	to 
Lord	Sydney	of	two	surprising	things.  
First,	for	the	convicts,	Phillip	wanted	a	free	life	for	them: 
I	shall	endeavour	to	make	them	sensible	of	their	situation,	and	that	their	happiness	or 
misery	is	in	their	own	hands,—that	those	who	behave	well	will	be	rewarded	by	being 
allow'd	to	work	occasionally	on	the	small	lots	of	land	set	apart	for	them,	and	which 
they	will	be	put	in	possession	of	at	the	expiration	of	the	time	for	which	they	are 
Second	and	perhaps	even	more	startling	for	the	time	and	appropriate	for	
us	tonight		Philip	wrote: 
There	is	one	[law]	that	I	would	wish	to	take	place	from	the	moment	His	Majesty's 
forces	take	possession	of	the	country:	that	there	can	be	no	slavery	in	a	free	land,	and 
consequently	no	slaves.  
That	is	to	say,	perhaps	the	very	first	law	of	Australia	that	was	uniquely	Australian	was 
that		there	would	be	no	slavery	.  
Philip’s	enlightened	attitude	to	the	world	was	not	confined	to	slavery	and	led	to 
perhaps	one	of	my	favourite	stories	to	tell	about	both	my	electorate	and	the 
development	of	individual	rights	and	freedoms	in	our	country: 
In	1789	the	young	colony	of	Sydney	was	in	a	crisis.	The	government	farms, 
throughout	my	electorate	at	Castle	Hill,	had	regularly	failed	to	produce	any	crops. 
The	colonists	were	all	starving.	In	desperation	in	1791	a	convict	named	James	Ruse 
and	his	wife	were	to	host	what	Governor	Phillip	described	at	the	time	as	“an 
experiment”.	Governor	Phillip	granted	the	convict	James	Ruse	a	small	uncleared 
piece	of	land	and	made	him	an	offer.	If	Ruse	could	successfully	farm	the	land,	not 
only	would	he	become	a	free	man	but	also	that	land	would	be	his.	By	1791	what	began 
as	a	radical	“experiment”	had	demonstrated	that	the	individual,	his	family	and	his 
enterprise	could	do	something	that	the	government	with	all	of	its	power	and	all	of	its 
convict	labour	could	not.		At	Experiment	Farm,	James	Ruse	and	his	family	were	the 
first	Australians	to	successfully	run	a	farm,	the	first	citizens	to	take	themselves	off	the 
government	store	and	sustain	themselves	without	government	support.	I	have	always 
been	especially	proud	to	represent	a	region	of	Sydney	that	is	home	to	the	first	free 
enterprise	in	our	nation’s	history. 
So	whilst	we	know	that	our	history	is	not	always	perfect	we	can	regard	freedom	from 
slavery	as	one	of	the	birthrights	of	our	nation	and	something	to	be	grateful	to	our 
forebears	like	Arthur	Philip	for.			And	as	always	I	believe	it	is	our	job	to	conserve	that	
In	this	case	it	was	Phillip	who	set	out	this	freedom,	but,	like	the	fine	conservatives 
who	lead	the	government	in	England	at	the	time,	he	was	building	on	the	good	ideas 
of	others.	One	of	those	people	was	the	Judge	Lord	Mansfield.	It	was	his	job	to	look	at 
the	possibilities	of	how	the	common	law	would	work	with	people	who	the	British 
Empire	would	absorb,	following	Cook’s	contact	with		Terra	Australis	.		In	1772,	Lord 
Mansfield	handed	down	his	judgment	in	which	he	said: 
The	state	of	slavery	is	of	such	a	nature,	that	is	incapable	of	being	introduced	on	any 
reasons,	moral	or	political	…	it’s	so	odious,	that	nothing	can	be	suffered	to	support	it 
…	Whatever	inconveniences,	therefore,	may	follow	from	a	decision.	I	cannot	say 
[slavery]	is	allowed	by	the	laws	of	England.  
	Somerset	vs	Stewart	Easter	Term	12	Geo.	3,	1772,	K.B.	May	14,	1772	at	510;	(1772)		98	ER 
499		(“Somerset’s	Case”)	per	Lord	Mansfield.	
And	the	judge	hadn’t	come	up	with	this	idea	by	himself	either.	The	Wesley	brothers 
had	been	preaching	innate	dignity	for	decades	before.	And	it	wasn’t	just	protestants 
carrying	the	torch.	Pope	Paul	III	forbade	slavery	in	1537.	In	the	5th	Century,  
St	Augustine	believed	that	slavery	was	a	manifestation	of	sin	in	the	world	and	it’s 
reported	he	had	his	church	bankrupt	themselves	to	purchase	manumission, 
otherwise	known	as	freedom,	for	the	slaves.  
But	however	strong	this	ideal	was,	like	other	nations,	Australia	has	many	instances	of 
shame	in	its	past.  
The	practice	of	‘black-birding’	in	Far	North	Queensland	on	the	sugar	cane	fields, 
which	enslaved	thousands	of	Pacific	Islanders;	and	more	violently,	the	forced	labour 
of	Indigenous	people	in	The	West	Kimberley	for	the	Pearling	Industry. 
But	these	two	should	be	seen	as	aberrations	outside	the	principles	of	Australia.	They 
were	egregiously	rationalised	under	the	rubric	of	economic	progress.	The	idea	of 
owning	another	human	being	was	entirely	outlawed. 
Those	practices	of	black-birding	and	forced	labor	a	century	ago	outrage	us	now,	and 
so	they	should.	So	why	are	we	not	more	concerned	by	the	existence	of	slavery	just 
outside	our	shores?	And,	more	pointedly,	shouldn’t	we	be	worried	at	the	fact	that 
many	of	the	goods	and	services	we	enjoy,	have	slavery	built	in	to	their	supply	chain.  
In	fact	there	is	frightening	resurgence	of	slavery	in	our	times.			As	in	other 
Western	economies	the	rot	of	slavery	has	crept	in,	out	of	sight,	into	Australian 
business	and	life.	That	story	of	the	fisherman	living	in	slavery	away	from	his	family 
for	22	years	isn’t	fiction.	His	story	was	documented	in		The	Economist		in	September 
last	year.   
The	UN	estimates	that	our	Asian	fisherman	is	one	of	25	million	people	who	are 
effectively	slaves.	They	are	forced	to	labor.	They	are	trafficked	for	prostitution.	They 
are	denied	their	rightful	wages.  
Around	half	of	the	world’s	slaves	are	in	our	Asia	Pacific	area,	and	far	too	many	of 
them	are	part	of	the	business	ecosystem	that	ends	in	our	grocery	shops	and 
department	stores. 
But	a	survey	of	the	publicly	available	data	shows	that	the	extent	of	modern-day 
slavery	in	supply	chains	is	unclear.	The	data	does	not	show	whether	it’s	concentrated 
in	certain	locations	and	products	-	which	could	help	us	create	a	more	focused 
approach	against	modern	slavery. 
We	do	know	this:	slavery	has	been	found	in	the	fishing	industry	in	our	region	whose 
workers	have	been	exploited	and	their	most	basic	freedoms	taken	away ;	this	was 
admitted	by	one	of	the	world’s	largest	food	producers	and	some	of	Australia’s	largest 
	“Modern	Slavery	is	Disturbingly	Common”		The	Economist			September	20,	2017	
retailers .	Slavery	has	even	recently	been	found	in	the	supply	chain	of	one	of	our 
most	iconic	surf	brands	as	far	away	as	North	Korea .	In	the	UK	it	has	been	found	in 
car	washes,	and	nail	bars. 
As	we	have	forgotten	the	lessons	of	history,	slavery	has	been	allowed	to	return.	It	is 
sobering	to	remember	that	there	are	at	this	moment		more	slaves		than	there	ever	has 
been	in	world	history. 
To	combat	the	frightening	resurgence	of	slavery,	we	need	to	return	to	conservative 
values	to	fight	slavery.	We	need	to	remember	what	our	great	principles	are.	And	we 
need	to	build	on	them.	The	fundamental	conservative	vision	is	that	we	flourish	when 
all	are	free.  
We	work	harder,	we	solve	economic	problems	more	efficiently,	we	are	more 
motivated	to	plan	for	the	future	for	our	family	and	our	communities	and	for 
ourselves	when	we	are	free. 
This	is	proven	by	the	liberal	democratic	miracle	that	is	modern	Australia—one	of	the 
world’s	most	stable	democracies	and	richest	countries	per	capita. 
The	original	abolition	of	slavery	is	a	case	in	point.	The	core	conservative	guiding 
principle	is	that	we	must	build	on	the	good.		And	we	are	indebted	to	those	before	us 
who	taught	us	that	we	ourselves	were	enslaved	when	we	enslaved	others. 	
For	Christian	politicians	in	the	18th	and	19th	Centuries,	the	campaign	to	make 
slavery	illegal	was	the	ultimate	radical	act.	To	take	the	English	speaking	world	back 
to	the	essential	teachings	of	Scripture,	that	we	are	all	made	in	the	image	of	God.  
Their	ability	to	express	their	fierce	convictions	led	to	the	freedom	of	many	others. 
And	of	course	we	must	remember	these	important	lessons	of	history		and	understand 
the	vital	importance	of	religious	freedom	in	Australia	today. 
The	abolitionist	movement	in	Britain	was	led	by	an	evangelical	Christian	called 
Granville	Sharpe;	a	grandfather	member	of	William	Wilberforce’s	group	which 
agitated	for	the	removal	of	slavery	from	statute—the	leading	nation	to	do	so,	with	the 
King’s	Proclamations	of	1807 	and	1832 . 
8 9
It	was	probably	the	greatest	human	rights	achievement	of	all	time.	Not	only	because 
of	its	actual	outcome	but	because	of	its	moral	achievement	–	for	the	first	time	slavery 
wasn’t	only	illegal	it	was	also	considered	wrong	by	everyone.  
	Abolition	of	the	Slave	Trade	Act	1807,	47	Geo	III	Sess.	1	c.	36	
	Slavery	Abolition	Act	1833	(3	&	4	Will.	IV	c.	73) 	
Today,	we	still	believe	that	slavery	is	wrong.	This	goes	without	question.	But	it	was 
the	abolition	movement	that	also	drove	the	moral	progress	of	society.	Law	is 
downstream	of	public	conscience	and	we	should	be	glad	that	the	common	law 
recognised	that	slavery	was	wrong.	This	now	put	it	on	the	statute	books	which 
remain	in	place	today.  
Whether	or	not	people	in	this	room	believe	the	same	things	as	the	abolitionist	leaders 
did,	it	is	indisputable	that	these	abolitionists	were	driven	by	a	sincere	faith.	But	when 
we	look	at	how	these	reformers	got	things	done,	we	see	another	principle	of 
conservatism	at	work.	The	principle	of	starting	local.  
Conservatism	argues	that	the	great	answers	aren’t	created	by	big	government,	they 
come	from	small	groups	of	passionate	people.	And	I’m	happy	to	admit	that	the 
Turnbull	governments	work	with	the	Modern	Slavery	Australia	Act	has	been	driven 
as	all	good	legislation	should	be	by	a	whole	of	society	approach	–	Australians	who	are 
passionate	about	freedom. 
Conservatism	–	the	principle	of	remembering	and	building	on	the	good	–	can	also 
help	us	with	another	great	moral	crisis	we’re	facing	in	Australia.	I	speak,	of	course,	of 
the	moral	crisis	Australia’s	financial	sector.	Which	as	you	will	see	is	implicitly	related 
in	many	ways	to	why	some	of	our	business	leadership	of	today	have	lost	their	way.  
Take	great	financial	brands	like	AMP,	who	have	forgotten	their	roots	entirely.		The 
Australian	Mutual	Provident	Society	came	out	of	the	same	nourishing	soil	that	gave 
us	the	anti-slavery	movement.	It	was	evangelical	business	leaders	like	Thomas	Holt 
who	founded	the	AMP	to	“to	place	within	reach	of	the	labouring	classes	a	way	to	look 
after	their	families	in	an	uncertain	world.”	If		only	they	returned	to	their	original 
mission	then	I	suspect	they	wouldn’t	be	involved	in	appalling	scandals,	such	as 
charging	fees	for	no	service.  
But	isn’t	just	many	business	that	have	lost	their	moral	compass	and	sight	of	their	true 
purpose.		Without	clear	leadership	government	and	its	institutions	regularly	fail	us 
also.	A	prominent,	recent	and	regular	example	of	this	is	The,	so	called,	Australian 
Human	Rights	Commission	of	today.	An	organisation	which	seems	to	be	more 
concerned	with	the	rights	of	murderers,		pedophiles	and	those	committing	violence 
against	women	than	discovering	the		real	human	rights	violations	of	truly	vulnerable 
people.		Their	ongoing	bizarre	record,	including	the	prolonged	harassment	of 
university	students	over	untrue	and	trivial	matters	brings	shame	upon	our	reputation 
as	a	free	and	just	country.  
In	times	of	cultural	confusion	for	business	and	government,	we	need	to	return	to	the 
good	and	build	on	it.	To	return	to	essential	principles	that	we	all	agree	on	such	as 
individual	freedoms	and	a	fair	go.  
This	is		the	hope	contained	in	the	Australian	Modern	Slavery	Act.		I	believe 
all	Australians	will	be	proud	of	our	Bill	to	fight	modern	slavery.	It	builds	on	founding 
principles	of	our	nation	and	ensures	a	whole	of	society	effort	to	tackle	the	most 
serious	human	rights	issue	in	our	region	and	the	world.  
Last	week	I	introduced	The	Turnbull	Government’s	Australian	Modern	Slavery	Bill 
which	will	require	large	corporations	and	other	entities	like	universities	to	publish 
annual	statements	on	their	actions	to	address	modern	slavery	in	their	supply	chains 
and	operations. 
The	reporting	requirement	will	apply	to	around	3,000	entities	in	the	Australian 
market	with	annual	global	revenue	above	$100 million.  
It	will	apply	not	only	to	Australian	businesses	but	also	foreign	businesses	with 
operations	here	in	Australia.	All	Modern	Slavery	Statements	will	need	to	be	signed	by 
a	company	director,	and	approved	at	board	level.	This	ensures	that	modern	slavery 
risks	are	considered	at	the	highest	levels	within	the	largest	businesses	in	the 
Australian	market. 
Importantly	as	a	Government,	we	will	lead	by	example	by	requiring	the 
Commonwealth	Government	to	publish	our	own	annual	statements.	Australia	will	be 
the	first	nation	in	the	world	to	take	such	a	step. 
All	Modern	Slavery	Statements	must	include	information	about: 
o the	entity’s	structure,	operations	and	supply	chains  
o potential	modern	slavery	risks	in	their	operations	and	supply	chains,  
o actions	taken	to	address	these	risks,	including	due	diligence	and 
remediation	processes,	and  
o how	the	entity	is	assessing	the	effectiveness	of	their	actions.  
Modern	Slavery	Statements	will	be	due	6	months	from	the	end	of	the	entity’s 
financial	year.	We	will	publish	all	Modern	Slavery	Statements	on	a	central 
Government-run	website,	to	ensure	they	are	easily	accessible	to	the	public.  
A	freely	accessible	list	of	all	Modern	Slavery	Statements,	and	a	deadline	for	reporting, 
will	assist	to	drive	competition	to	improve	transparency	in	supply	chains	and	raise 
awareness	of	modern	slavery.  
One	of	the	great	achievements	of	this	bill	is	it	looks	at	slavery	as	it	is	today,	not	as	it 
was.	The	core	difference	between	modern-day	and	traditional	slavery	is	it	is	no 
longer	a	legal	arrangement.	Stated	simply,	modern	slavery	is		de	facto		human 
ownership,	rather	than		de	jure		human	ownership.	It	is	still	slavery	in	every	other	way 
–	and	in	some	ways	is	worse	because	it	is	hidden. 
The		Hidden	in	Plain	Sight		report	was	the	title	given	to	the	Parliamentary	inquiry	into 
modern	slavery	and	I	want	to	take	this	opportunity	to	praise	its	key	authors	my 
colleagues	Chris	Crewther	and	Senator	Linda	Reynolds	for	their	passion	and 
groundbreaking	advocacy	for	this	important	legislation.	
That	Modern	Slavery	is	hidden	is	why	this	government	is	helping	the	modern	slavery 
response	by	clearly	labelling	the	crimes	in	codified	offences.	We	are	also	committing 
to	reviewing	the	criminal	code	relating	to	slavery	when	necessary.  
Just	as	important,	we	need	to	see	that	modern	slavery	certainly	exists	in	supply 
chains,	but	it	might	be	concentrated	in	a	few	companies	and	products.	Some	specific 
industries	might	be	most	fruitfully	targeted	to	create	change.  
We	owe	it	to	those	stuck	in	modern	slavery	to	better	collate	the	data	on	this	crime 
and	better	target	our	responses. 
We	already	expect	Directors	to	ensure	their	companies	are	free	from 
money-laundering	and	corruption.	Due	to	the	seriousness	of	slavery,	we	will	make	it 
compulsory	for	a	Director	of	eligible	companies	to	sign	their	slavery	disclosure.  
Also,	due	to	the	complexity	of	the	issue	our	newly	established		Modern	Slavery	
Business	Engagement	Unit		within	the	Home	Affairs	Department	that	will	provide 
guidance	and		publish	the	most	helpful	guidelines	and	clearest	data	on	modern 
slavery	available.  
And	to	all	Australians,	we	want	them	to	realise	that	government	can	only	do	so	much. 
That	a	Modern	Slavery	Act	is	primarily	about	transparency	and	must	be	followed	by 
consumer	action,	by	leadership	from	business	and	civil	society	and	I	challenge 
everyone	to	get	involved.  
In	particular	this	is	my	invitation	to	modern	business	leaders	to	really	
The	first	abolitionists	called	themselves	‘The	Society	for	Effecting	the	End	of	the 
Slave	Trade’.	And	one	of	its	most	effective	members	was	the	businessman	Josiah 
Wedgwood,	who	was	a	prominent	businessman	and	is	still	a	household	name	today 
for	his	exceptional	ceramic	products.  
Interestingly,	inspired	by	his	membership	in	this	society,	he	asked	himself	how	he 
could	contribute	to	the	abolitionist	movement	with	what	he	had.	He	used	it	to	create 
a	range	of	anti-slavery	medallions,	crockery,	figurines,	tea-sets,	snuff	boxes...and 
many	types	of	goods,	that	all	featured	an	inscription	with	a	slave	in	chains	asking	the 
simple	question		‘Am	I	Not	A	Man	and	a	Brother?’	.	This	figure	on	these	medallions	it 
was	said 
'ended	up	probably	being	the	most	famous	image	of	a	black	person	in	all	of	
18th	Century	Art...these	goods	had	a	huge	impact	on	the	first	abolitionist	
movement,	and	really	become	the	icon	of	the	movement.	It	also	had	the	
broader	effect	of	making	it	seem	honourable	to	promote	the	cause	of	justice	
and,	humanity	and	freedom' 		
Wedgwood	showed	how	business	can	create	remarkable	change.	He	was	an 
innovator	with	technology.	But	his	thinking	and	his	message	on	the	ceramic 
collectibles	came	right	out	Paul’s	Epistle	to	Philemon.  
10	Retrieved	2009-04-11.	The 
Wedgwood	medallion	was	the	most	famous	image	of	a	black	person	in	all	of	18th-century	art.	
This	example	should	be	an	inspiration	to	modern	business	leaders.	We	should 
encourage	businesses	to	have	this	attitude	today:	to	ask,	'what	can	I	do	with	the 
resources	I	have	in	front	of	me’. 
This	Act	will	put	Australia	back	on	the	front	foot	in	the	great	struggle	to	eliminate 
slavery.	But	I	know	it	is	business	leaders	who	will	make	the	biggest	changes.	What	I 
am	asking	them	to	do	is	to	‘ask	the	question’.  
To	ask	the	question:	‘are	our	products	made	by	slave	labour?	And	to	work	in 
relationship	with	society	who	will	ask	the	same	of	business.	In	the	end	they	will	work 
together	to	turn	supply	chains	into	supply	partnerships.  
Australia	has	a	modern	day	Wedgwood,	in	our	very	own	Andrew,	Twiggy	Forrest.	I 
want	to	clearly	acknowledge	the	role	he	has	played	here.		He	is	a	business	leader	who 
has	sparked	a	movement	for	change	from	discovering	slavery	in	his	own	supply 
chains.	As	Andrew	has	said	“we	found	slavery	deep	in	our	supply	chain	simply	by 
asking	the	question	-	tell	us	about	your	sensitivity	to	slavery’. 
On	behalf	of	the	Government	and	all	Australians	I	want	to	thank	Andrew	Forrest	for 
his	real	leadership,	his	vision	to	establish	the		Walk	Free	Foundation		and	his 
determination	to	achieve	real	change	across	our	society.   
But	if	you	still	don’t	believe	me	that	modern	business	leaders	like	Twiggy	are	making 
a	substantive	difference,	consider		the	following	modern	'Wedgwood	moments'	that 
set	an	example	for	others: 
● The	large	multinational	software	company	Microsoft	that	repurposed	some	of 
their	image	recognition	software	to	identify	child	pornography	on	the	internet 
(even	if	it	has	been	manipulated	by	methods	commonly	employed	to	avoid 
detection).	This	software	has	been	freely	given	to	many	web	companies,	such	as 
Twitter,	who	are	using	it	to	pull	child	pornography	out	of	internet	circulation. 
● The	giant	car	manufacturing	company	Ford	at	the	behest	of	the	Chairman, 
conducted	an	investigation	deep	into	their	supply	chain	to	see	if	it	contained	any 
forced	labour.	They	uncovered	modern-day	slavery	prevalent	in	the	production	of 
one	of	the	inputs	in	their	steel	production	in	Brazil.	In	response,	they	coordinated 
an	industry-wide	action	against	this	criminal	practice. 
And	so	as	a	Government	we	are	urging	Australian	companies	to		ask	the	question 
‘is	there	slavery	in	our	supply	chain’? 
Overall,	the	level	of	business	responsibility	for	modern	slavery	is	unclear,	we	say	the 
term	‘supply	chains’	these	days	but	I	hope	we	can	start	to	think	of	them	as	‘supply 
partnerships’.	A	network	of	relationships.  
But	to	finish	tonight,	I	want	to	first	return	us	to	the	fisherman,	enslaved	for	22	years. 
Enslaved	a	life	time	away	from	his	family	to	supply	others	with	food,	in	our	region. 
To	remember	that	tonight	we	are	discussing	doing	something	practical	to	help	every 
one	of	the	people	in	slavery	in	our	region 
To	remember	we	are	indebted	to	those	before	us	who	taught	us	that	we	ourselves 
were	enslaved	when	we	enslaved	others.	And	that	our	freedom	comes	with	an 
obligation	to	love	our	neighbours.  
The	Turnbull	Government	believes	our	legislation	will	see	business	partnering	with 
civil	society	and	government	to	achieve	change.	It	will	provide	clear	regional 
leadership	that	doing	something	about	slavery	is	a	whole	of	society	effort.  
And	tonight	I	leave	you	with		an	appeal		to	all	Australians.  
I	appeal	for	you	to	join	us	in	doing	everything	we	can	to	end	modern	slavery.	To	let 
us	extend	our	uniquely	Australian	commitment	to	a	fair	go,	to	all	of	those	in	our 
To	let	us	inspire	the	next	generation	of	Wedgewoods	of	Wilberforces	and	Forrests	in 
our	business	leadership	of	today.  
And	to	let	us	affirm	our	ongoing	commitment	to	individual	and	collective	freedom	in 
everything	we	do	-	starting	with	the	way	we	do	business. 	

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