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IMPORTANT VIDEO            Welcome to our website. This website is dedicated to
       INTERVIEW!          the purpose of providing you with information about
                           the ever-expanding knowledge base concerning the
  Dr. Richard Laub, a
     former university     Health-Giving effects of Humic
 professor and current
research scientist who
                           Acid, one of nature's best kept secrets for millions
   is one of the leading   of years; but
experts in the world on    "A Secret NO MORE!"
  the subject of Humic
Acid's broad-spectrum      Humic Acid is a completely natural, non-toxic
  anti-viral properties    substance that is proving to have a very long list of
        has just been      beneficial, therapeutic effects on a variety of common
     interviewed at his    disorders. Here you will be able to read reports about
    offices in Newport     the many beneficial properties of Humic Acid.
         Beach, CA.
                           This website features important information about the
    You may view this
   very important and      ANTI-VIRAL power of Humic Acid.
 informative interview     The threat of viral disease has been ever-present, and
    by clicking the link   continues to grow. The ANTI-VIRAL               ability
CLICK HERE to view         of Humic Acid is a topic that we believe to be
        the Dr. Laub       most vital to human health and welfare in our time.
         Interview.        Along with its ANTI-VIRAL benefit, Humic Acid
 For more information      promotes Human Health in a variety of other ways.
                           We at believe that the
            daily use of a correctly identified, and properly
                           purified, refined, and standardized Humic Acid
                           supplement, can provide an array of health benefits
                           and protections that are simply unobtainable from any
                           other nutritional supplement available today.

                           NOTE: does not sell, distribute or
                           endorse any specific brand of Humic Acid.
                           However, since humic acid has well-drilling and
                           agricultural uses we recommend that you go to your
                           favorite search engine (Google, Yahoo, Ask, etc.) and
                           search for the term: "humic acid for human consumption" (include the
                           quotes in your search).

                       POWERFUL ANTI-VIRAL
SCIENTIFIC       Testimonials       A Documented       TESTIMONIAL
STATEMENTS         from Users            Report         STATEMENTS
                 About the Anti-     of One User's
 About Anti-          Viral           Experience       from Humic Acid
Viral Efficacy     Efficacy of        With HIV and          Users
of Humic Acid     Humic Acid          Humic Acid
                                                       COMMON COLD
                                     Press Release
                                       - Hope for
                 Press Release -
                                       Protection           FLU
                   Help for Flu
  HERPES                              Against Bird
                                         and the
                  (Humic Acid                             HERPES
                                     Norwalk Virus
  HIV/AIDS        Supplement)
                                      (Humic Acid
                                                         HEPATITIS C
HEMMORHAG                              Humic Acid
  IC FEVER        Excerpts from
                                      HIV Treatment
                                     in South Africa      HIV/AIDS
                                      Developed by
                 on the Anti-Viral
                  of Humic Acid
                                       Energy Co.      MONONUCLEOSIS

                  South African
                  Press Release                           SHINGLES
                   by Enerkom,        World Patent
                   Goverment-           Granted
                      owned            for Broad-
                                                       WEST NILE VIRUS
                    Energy Co.       Spectrum Anti-
                     (Enerkom             Viral
                   producing a        Humic Acid
                   Humic Acid         Preparation
                  treatment for

                  Humic Acid
                                       of Reports
                                      on the Anti-
                  Reports on
                                     of Humic Acid
                 of Humic Acid
Statements from Various Science
                                        Other Anti-Viral Humic Acid Sites on
                                                      the Web
About the Anti-Viral Properties of
                                            That You May Wish To Visit
          Humic Acid

                        1. ANTI-INFLAMMATORY
                            2. DETOXIFYING
                       3. MINERAL SUPPLEMENT
General Discussion #1: The Effects of Humic Acid on Animals and Humans
    General Discussion #2: Medicinal Uses of
                  Humic Acid

      HUMIC ACID IS NON-TOXIC AND HAS                      NO SIDE-
                         Humic Acid is Non-Toxic
                      A Toxicity Study from Hungary
 This lengthy report documents a number of tests showing Humic Acid to
                              be Non-Toxic

                     OTHER IMPORTANT QUESTIONS

                  Benefits from Daily Use of Humic Acid

      /end/ Homepage. . . .

       DISCLAIMER: This website presents a collection of statements
       from around the world about the benefits of Humic Acid. This
       information is provided for informational purposes only. These
       statements were variously made over several decades of time. There
       are many sources of Humic Acid around the globe, and they differ
       significantly in their physical and chemical properties.
HOME website:

       HUMIC ACID. Part 01

Published in Med Chronicle - July
1. Long before chemical formulae to cure diseases were
developed, man discovered the healing powers of plants in
nature. Today, the world goes back to Mother Nature
and is rediscovering the value of natural products.
2. Humic acids are formed from the decomposition of
plants and occur naturally in drinking water, peat, soil and
brown coal (leonardite and lignite) and have
been used to stimulate plant growth for many years. The
richest source of humic acid is found in leonardite
formed at the bottom of prehistoric lakes and valleys "only"
15-25 million years ago and is the "youngest" part of brown
coal. Humic acid can also be extracted from peat
or produced by controlled wet oxidation of
bituminous coal.
3. Mud baths, rich in peat, were used to treat various
ailments such as rheumatic conditions, in man during the
19th century. Peat was also used during the First World
War to treat wounds and amputations
externally in field hospitals to prevent
infections, relieve pain and facilitate healing.
4. It has been documented in scientific literature 38 years
ago that extracts of peat were given as a tonic for liver and
gastric ailments. Various toxicity studies and clinical trials
have been conducted since, indicating that it is well
tolerated by man with no serious side effects reported.
5. Only a few humic acid based medications are
commercially available world-wide. Their therapeutic
properties have been documented as 1.
antibacterial, 2. antitoxic, 4. anti-ulcerogenic,
5. anti-arthritic, 6. anti-allergic and 7. anti-
6. A clinical trial indicated that humates improve the
clinical condition of osteoarthritis patients due to its
anti-inflammatory and bone regenerating properties.
Various studies published in international scientific journals
have also shown that humate can absorb toxic
compounds such as carcinogens, poisons
and toxic metals and is therefore described as an
7. A research team, lead by Prof Medlen (publishes as C.E.J.
van Rensburg) from the Department of Pharmacology,
Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Pretoria has been
involved with mechanistic studies on potassium
humate the last few years. They have found that this
product stimulates specific lymphocyte
functions that are important in dealing with opportunistic
infections by increasing the production of an important
growth factor called interleukin-2. This response was even
more striking in the case of lymphocytes obtained from
patients with a decreased immunity.
8. Results by the same team also indicated that humates
inhibit the binding of inflammatory cells to specific
"sticky" molecules on the walls of blood vessels in the
vicinity of inflammation. Another interesting finding by this
team was that humates inhibit the release of certain
substances by white blood cells that are responsible for the
tissue damage seen at the site of inflammation. In this way
humates will therefore protect areas of
existing inflammation from suffering more
serious damage by stopping inflammatory
cells from sticking to the nearby blood vessels and
depositing toxic substances in tissues already suffering
from the effects of previous attacks by these cells.
9. Research done by Pretoria University as
well as various other research teams have pointed out that
humates also possess anti-viral activity. This
activity has been demonstrated on the foll: 1. fever
blister virus, 2. the influenza virus as well as
3. HIV. The mechanism by which humates inhibit these
viruses is by preventing the adsorption of the virus to cell
10. In conclusion, humates have been shown acts
on the foll: 1. to stimulate the specific immune
system (important in coping with
opportunistic infections), 2. inhibit
inflammatory reactions, inactivate the growth
of certain viruses and 3. protect against
environmental toxins.
9.1 This combination of beneficial effects in one
compound appears to be unique and makes it an ideal
compound for the protection of man against
diseases associated with viral and other
opportunistic infections as well as
inflammatory conditions such as auto-
immune diseases and allergies.
/end/part 1. . . .
ATP Blog (Part 2) - A Documented Case of
Humic Acid's Efficacy Against HIV
User X's Documented Battle Against HIV/AIDS
This Humic Acid user's name has been withheld for
privacy reasons, along with the name of the testing
facilities and doctor. User X has provided these
lab results in the hope that many other people
will be helped by Humic Acid.
The data below are exact transcriptions of scans
of User X's lab reports. Nothing has been changed or
manipulated. The data is objective and accurate.
The two  factors that are most important are the
number of CD4+ cells (per uL), and the actual viral
load. The CD4+ cells, are the main target of HIV and, at the
same time, one of the body's more potent anti-viral
lines of defense. As the number of these CD4+ cells
decreases, so does resistance to the HIV virus - as
well as other infections such as colds and flu.
The other important number in the tests is the actual HIV
viral load. This is measured in copies/mL. The higher the
viral load, the worse is the infection.
Date of Blood
                   CD4+ Cell Count HIV Viral Load
 12/8/2000         750                Test not conducted
 9/20/2001         650                Test not conducted
 1/24/2002         470                5,555
 5/30/2002         310                3,269
 8/7/2002          300                3,585
 1/17/2003         240                6,258
  Begins using Humic Acid in June 2003
 6/24/2003         170                4,880
 7/18/2003         189                4,015
 8/1/2003          180                3,646
 9/25/2003         140                None Detected <75
09/25/2003 - The final lab test.
The viral load on this date was less than 75, which
is quite a decrease from 3,646 approximately 7 weeks
before, and a more than 98% decrease in the viral
load from the prior test. The HIV virus is no longer
detectable. No other therapies were applied
during the timespan shown above.
In the last year since the final tests were administered, User
X's CD4+ count has risen back to normal levels
(around 1000, was 140 at lowest), and the viral
count is still undetectable. A maintenance
supplementation of Humic Acid is taken every day.
Fig. 1 First Blood Test, CD4 count of 750

Fig. 2 Enrollment Form, CD4 count of 650

Fig. 3a Third Blood Test, CD4 count of 470

Fig. 3b Third Blood Test, Viral Count of 5,555

Fig. 4a Fourth Blood Test, CD4 count of 310

Fig. 4b Fourth Blood Test, Viral Count of 3,269

Fig. 5a Fifth Blood Test, CD4 Count of 300

Fig. 5b Fifth Blood Test, Viral Count of 3,585

Fig. 6a Sixth Blood Test, CD4 Count of 240

Fig. 6b Sixth Blood Test, Viral Count of 6,258

Fig. 7a Seventh Blood Test, CD4 Count of 170

Fig. 7b Seventh Blood Test, Viral Count of 4,880

Fig. 8a Eighth Blood Test, CD4 Count of 189

Fig. 8b Eighth Blood Test, Viral Count of 4,015

Fig. 9a Ninth Blood Test, CD4 Count of 180

Fig. 9b Ninth Blood Test, Viral Count of 3,646

Fig. 10a Tenth Blood Test, CD4 Count of 140
Fig. 10b Tenth Blood Test, Viral Count of <75 (undetectible)

/end/part 2. . . .

ATP Blog (Part 3) - Help For Flu Vaccine
      An old remedy from the soil resurfaces to help those
who cannot access flu vaccines. Natural humic acid coats
viruses and makes it more difficult for them to attach
to healthy cells and multiply. It has shown to reduce
viral counts in numerous patients with a variety of
viral inflictions including hepatitis and HIV.
(PRWEB) November 5, 2004
-- Viruses are extremely small organisms that can easily
get inside cells. They are parasitic in that they enter
healthy cells where they reside and feed off these
cells. They raise their young within these cells to be
spread to other cells inside and outside the body
(through sneezing, excretion of body fluids, sexual
transmission, etc.)
Viruses contain a receptor-binding protein that keeps
them attached to the healthy cell. This protein
encapsulates the virus and makes
                            it resistant to
attacks from the immune system.
When humic acid find a virus it coats it with a substance
that not only prevents the virus from attaching to a
healthy cell, but also sends a signal to the immune
system alerting it of the invader.
This kicks the immune system into action against the
virus that has been laid vulnerable by this coating. As
explained by Dr. Howard Peiper in the book, "Live Disease
Free" (to be released in December, 2004 processing by some
supplement manufacturers creates a "viral infusion
inhibitor" that prevents the virus from reproducing.
Therefore, viral counts are reduced and the immune
system is more successful in ridding the body of the
virus before it can gain a foothold and create an illness.
Humic acid is selective and seems to know which cells
are virus laden. It coats only those cells, leaving the
healthy cells alone so the immune sys-tem will attack
only the virus.
Studies have shown no negative side effects when using
humic acid. For more information click on -
The National Institute of Health in 2002 concluded that
humic acids exhibit effects both as a preventive and a
curative from a broad range of viruses.
They also indicated that if humic acid is taken before
introduction of the virus, patients exhibited a strong
prophylactic effect. As quoted from Experientia, 1972
28(5) by Klocking and Sprossig, "Medical studies show
that difficult respiratory illnesses common in children
are readily resolved with humic acid dietary
supplementation." With results like these humic acid
would be a worthy addition to a dietary regime during the
flu season.
/end/part 3. . . .

ATP Blog (Part 4) - Hope for Protection
Against Bird Flu and the Norwalk Virus
An antiviral substance from the earth is resurfacing
as a protective measure against the potential
epidemics from the Norwalk virus and the threat of
Bird Flu.
(PRWEB) February 5, 2005 -- When the immune system is
working properly, we remain healthy. However, the
immune system can and does become compromised.
This may be a result of incessant environmental
assaults such as from exposure to pesticides and
pollutants commonly found in the air, food and water.
Our bodies may become overwhelmed resulting in the
regulatory features of the immune system being
weakened thereby becoming less effective.
This ultimately can result in leaving the body
susceptible to viruses such as: Influenza, Norwalk
virus, Bird Flu, Epstein-Barr, Hepatitis, Herpes, and
Viruses are so minute they can maintain their ability to
infect even after passing through filters small enough
to strain out all bacteria. Viruses are intracellular
molecular parasites.
They enter the body silently, and as in the cases of
HIV and Hepatitis C, they often do so without notice,
using our cells to manufacture substances needed for
their own replication and life cycle.
They have no metabolic life of their own outside a host
cell, which makes them dependent on living cells for their
existence. There are 4000 known types of viruses, but
less than 3 percent are well characterized, with new
viruses being discovered regularly. The Bird flu virus is
being studied as a species crossover threat.
Hope for control of these viruses comes from the great
deposits of animal and plant material (humates) sealed
away from wind and rain for millions of years.
These humates have decomposed and then been
compressed together by the millions of tons of earth
locking in their seventy-two natural nutrients.
Humate is a safe material existing in all soils. It has been
around since the beginning of time.
Scientists have most appropriately referred to
humic acid (from humate) as the latest antiviral answer.
Dr. Howard Peiper explains in the book, "Live Disease
Free," that one of the many reasons for the excitement
involves the effect that humic acid has in its dramatic
ability to penetrate even deadly ultramicroscopic
viruses. Viruses encapsulate themselves within an
impenetrable protein barrier where defense
mechanisms cannot reach them.
One pharmaceutical-grade product, Zap-V has viral
infusion inhibitors. This process puts a coating
around the viruses preventing the virus from adhering
to a healthy cell.
It also prevents the virus from reproducing. The
viruses then become vulnerable to attack by the
immune system, which is also, strengthened by the humic
Benefits from a consistent long-term plan of dietary
supplementation of humic acid are: 1. increased
resistance to colds and flu, infection and disease; 2.
supercharging your immune system; 3. assists in purging
parasites, pathogens and viruses from the body; 4.
restoring your body to its optimum potential over time; & 5.
creating an immediate feeling of wellbeing.
As more clinical studies confirm humic acids incredible
success, the threat of new uncontained viral strains
will be diminished.
/end/part 4. . . .

ATP Blog (Part 5) Statements from
Researchers About the Anti-Viral Efficacy of
Humic Acid
* Editor's Note:
The term (Humic Acid) or (Humic Acids) has been
substituted in the following statements where the
original wording was in scientific terms that detailed
chemical compositions of Humic Acid.
"As shown, the (Humic Acids) exhibited substantial efficacy against
both hemorrhagic fever viruses….natural-product HA (Humic Acid)
particularly so against Punta Toro A virus."
National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), under
the auspices of the National Institutes of Health, August 2001 -
January 2002
"It is therefore concluded that it is possible to test the anti-viral
effects of all four (Humic Acid) compounds up to 500 ug/mL
without any drug-related cytotoxicity." "Furthermore, three series of
experiments were designed to explore the potential mechanisms of
action. The first series of experiments demonstrated that all four
compounds (of Humic Acid) can inactivate both HSV-1 and HSV-2
infections with different anti-viral activities. The second series of
experiments demonstrated that the compounds (of Humic Acid)
can protect cells against HSV-1 and HSV-2 infection. The third
series of experiments demonstrated that the compounds (of Humic
Acid) can interfere with the proliferation of HSV-1 and HSV-2 after
the virus enters the cells."
Meeta Patnaik, M.D., Senior Research Scientist
Hun-Chi Lin, PhD, Director, Clinical Trials
Specialty Laboratories, Santa Monica, CA, August 1998
3. HIV-1
“…the ability to inhibit the replication of wild-type strains (of HIV-1)
is an obvious (and, arguably, the most important) prerequisite in
order that any HIV-1 drug be considered useful. The results
obtained to date have shown that (natural) Humic Acid as well as
synthetic humic acid(s) do, in fact, inhibit the replication of HIV-1
wild-type strains, in addition to assaulting in a unique way the
intracellular replicative events of the virus.”
“It was found in this work that both synthetic as well as naturally-
occurring humic substances extracted from soil are in fact capable
of inhibiting HIV-1 replication.”
Research team at USC School of Medicine, January, 1998.
“The Humates are potent inhibitors of acute HIV infection in
antiviral evaluation models. The present studies point to an antiviral
target occurring before proviral integration, possibly involving virus
attachment and entry.” “We were able to confirm antiviral activity
for the Humates and define their potential antiviral target to the pre-
integration phase of HIV replication, providing preliminary data that
a portion of the antiviral activity is due to inhibition of virus
Jim A. Turpin Ph.D., Manager Retrovirus Research Laboratory
Tracy Loftus, Supervisor Retrovirus Research Laboratory
Southern Research Institute, September, 2000
“(Humic Acid) inhibited HIV-1 infection of MT-2 cells with an
IC(50) of 12.5 microg/ml. Treatment of free and cell-
attached HIV with (Humic Acid) irreversibly reduced
infectivity, while the susceptibility of target cells to the virus
was not impaired by treatment prior to infection. The
infectivity of the HIV particles was inhibited by interference
with CD4 binding and the V3 loop-mediated step of virus
entry. No viral resistance to (Humic Acid) developed
over a 12-week period in vitro. (Humic Acid) therefore
holds promise for the treatment of HIV-infected patients.”
van Rensburg CE, Department of Pharmacology, University
of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa; Dekker J, Enerkom (Pty)
Ltd, Pretoria, South Africa; Weis R, Smith TL, Janse van
Rensburg E, Schneider J.
“Humic acids are natural constituents of soil and ground water and
mainly consist of mixtures of polycyclic phenolic compounds.
(Humic Acid) inhibited HIV-1 infection of MT-2 cells with an IC50 of
50-300 ng/ml. Inhibition of HIV-induced syncytium formation was
observed at 10-50 micrograms/ml. Treatment of free and cell-
attached HIV with (Humic Acid) irreversibly reduced its infectivity.
(Humic Acid) interfered with the CD4-induced proteolytic cleavage
of the V3 loop of virion gp120SU. Furthermore, binding of V3 loop-
specific antibodies was irreversibly inhibited, whereas binding of
soluble CD4 to gp120SU on virus and infected cells was not
affected. In conclusion, our data suggest, that the (Humic Acid)
inhibits the infectivity of HIV particles by interference with
a V3 loop-mediated step of virus entry.”
Schneider J, Weis R, Manner C, Kary B, Werner A, Seubert BJ,
Riede UN.
Abteilung Virologie, Institut fur Medizinische Mikrobiologie und
Hygiene der Universitat, Freiburg, Germany.

“The anti-HIV-1 activity of the new humic acid derivative has been
determined in vitro, and the serial passages at low concentrations
have been performed to investigate the emergence of resistance to
this drug candidate.”        “Our investigations were performed to
find perspective compounds and their combinations to employ
them in topical microbicides which possess the ability to block the
HIV transmission on different stages of virus cell interaction. We
have studied original compounds from different groups: sulfated
chitosanes, humic acids and plant polyphenol
“The ED50 values of the humic acid derivatives against HIV-1
laboratory strain and HIV-1 M-tropic AZT-resistant wild-type strain
were 0.85 and 3.5 mg/ml respectively, without appearance of any
detectible resistance.”
“The new humic acid derivative is an effective inhibitor of
various HIV strains. According to our data, this compound
disorders HIV replication and yields defective un-infectious
Edward Karamov PhD, Director of Immunochemistry Group, Ivanovsky Inst.
Of Virology, Moscow, Russia

"…natural-product humate(s) (Humic Acid) were found to be quite
effective against all three influenza viruses."
National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), under
the auspices of the National Institutes of Health,USA, August 2001 -
January 2002
Humic Acid inhibits the in-vitro replication of influenza
virus A/WSN/33 (H1N1) in Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells
at concentrations of no cytotoxicity. The IC50 for Humic Acid was
48.61 +/- 7.32 microg/ml and 55.27 +/- 5.46 microg/ml respectively
when the compound was added at the stage of viral adsorption or
post-adsorption. Humic acid inhibits the endonuclease
activity of viral RNA polymerase.
Lu FJ, Tseng SN, Li ML, Shih SR.
Department of Biochemistry, College of Medicine, National Taiwan
University, Taipei.
"For each sample, three concentrations of test article (Humic Acid)
were prepared… and each injected into the tail veins of 10 Swiss
Webster mice… at dose levels of 50 mg/kg of body
weight, 25 mg/kg, and 12.5 mg/kg… the mice were
examined for symptoms of toxicity for 14 days. All animals
survived the test, and in my opinion, the clinical observations
made were not indicative of toxicity."
Richard Schlesinger, Ph.D., D.A.B.F.T.
BioScreen Testing Services, Inc., Torrance, CA, August 1998
"All (Humic Acids) evaluated were not cytotoxic at levels at least as
high as 100 mg/mL…"
National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), under
the auspices of the National Institutes of Health (NIH USA), August
2001 - January 2002
/end/part 5. . . .


ATP Blog (Part 6) - Coal Derived Drug Tested
on HIV Patients
* Editor's Note:
Anti-Viral Humic Acid Research has been on-going for
several decades. Tests have been conducted with
both Natural and Synthetic Humic Acids. The
variety of synthetic Humic Acids is nearly as great as
the variety of Humic Acids found in nature.
Synthetic preparations are generally too
expensive to produce for commercial purposes.
Consequently, the amounts made available for
medical purposes are relatively small in quantity, as is
implied in the following article. believes that laboratory study of
Synthetic Humic Acids is a valuable strategy
because it allows scientists to determine relative
efficacies from among the different chemical
configurations created synthetically.
This can lead to the identification of the most
efficacious Natural Humic Acids, whose physical and
chemical properties most nearly conform to the
signature components of efficacious synthetics.
These natural Humic Acids have been found in great
abundance, and can be refined economically for
large-scale distribution.
                       Coal-Derived Drug Tested on HIV Patients

01 October 2001
From New Scientist Print Edition.
Emma Young
An "immune-boosting" drug derived from coal is
being tested on HIV-infected soldiers in military
clinics in Tanzania. The drug, oxyhumate-k, was
developed by South African state-owned
company Enerkom. There is disagreement over whether
Tanzanian authorities have given permission for the trials.
Oxyhumate-k is already marketed as a health supplement in
South Africa and is not thought to be harmful to health.
However, the revelation of the trial follows a
scandal over another South African "anti-HIV/AIDS" drug
also tested in Tanzania called Virodene. Virodene turned
out to be a toxic industrial solvent.
About 350 soldiers in several military clinics are involved in
the trial of oxyhumate-k, says Anthony Surridge, Enerkom's
acting chief executive. The trial, which began in 1999,
is being overseen by immunologists at the University of
Pretoria and follows smaller scale tests in South Africa.
These tests showed the drug was non-toxic,
Enerkom says.
Informed Consent
South African ethics experts have criticized the use of
soldiers in the trials. They fear that informed
consent may not have been given. "You need to
question why soldiers were used. That's where I would start
worrying and criticizing," said Udo Schuklenk, head of
bioethics at the University of Witwatersrand, in the South
African Mail & Guardian.
Other critics
           say there is no credible evidence to
support Enerkom's claim that the drug boosts the
immune system.
The South African government has long rejected calls to
pay for conventional anti-retroviral drugs to treat its
estimated 4.7 million HIV sufferers, claiming that the drugs
are too costly.
Despite winning a landmark case earlier in 2001, allowing
the country to import or produce generic
versions of patented AIDS drugs, the government has
said it has no immediate plans to do either.
Enerkom, whichis owned by the government's
Central Energy Fund (CEF), was set up to research
and develop new uses for coal.
According to the Mail & Guardian, the CEF has given
Enerkom approximately Ј6 million to research and develop
a production programme for oxyhumate-k. The compound
is the potassium salt of oxihumic acid, one of the
components of coal.
/end/part 6. . . .

ATP Blog (Part 7) - A World-Patented
Application of Anti-Viral Humic Acid
    Oxihumic Acids and Its Use in
    the Treatment of Various
    Patent #                                                                          Date
                                                                                                     Date                  Application

    WO 2000016786                                                                     A2
                                                                                                     2000 03               WO
                                                                                      1999 09
    1999-IB1569                                                                       22
                                                                                                               -                        -
WO 2000016786                                                                    A3
                                                                                                    2000 06                     -
    A pharmaceutical compound comprising an oxihumic acid salt,
    ester or derivatives thereof as an active ingredient is
    The compound. is preferably administered orally for
    stimulating lymphocytes in a human, animal or bird.
    It may be used in treating the ff: 1. viral and bacterial
    infections, 2. HIV infections, 3. opportunistic
    diseases, 4. inflammation, 5. pain and fever, 6.
    cancer growth and 7.1 diseases associated with viral
    infection and 7.2 a depressed immune system.
    A number of pharmacological examples were given
    including interleukin 10 production by oxihumate
    treated lymphocytes, increased antibody production
    against Newcastle disease in chickens treated with oxihumate,
    TNF production by oxihumate treated lymphocytes, and
    antiviral activity of oxihumate against HSV-1 and
    coxsackie virus type 1 in vitro.

/end/part 7. . . .


ATP Blog (Part 8) - Testimonials from Users
About the Anti-Viral Efficacy of Humic Acid
The following testimonials were found on various
websites across the Internet. They have been assembled
here for informational purposes only. They have been
reformatted for uniformity of appearance.
All user's names have been reduced to initials. All
references to specific brand names of Humic Acid
products have been eliminated to avoid
endorsement by this website.
  •   1. COMMON COLD
"Flying back and forth to the east coast from California several
times a year always gave me some Cold, cough or sore throat---
every single time. I flew to New Jersey about 10 days ago and
returned last night. I just had to let you know I didn't get even a
sniffle! I have only been taking the Humic Acid for about 5 weeks so
far. But now I can fly without worries---this is great!" ……… R. S.
La Costa, CA
"My wife has been using Humic Acid for a year now. She finally
convinced me to try Humic Acid when I last caught a Cold. By the
second day, my cold was gone. I've been taking it every since and
haven't had a cold for 6 months. This stuff is great!" …….. J. C.
San Diego, Calif.
"I came home from college and was just starting another Cold
passed around the dorm. My colds usually last around a week or
so. My dad gave me some Humic Acid when I got home and in 3
days I had completely forgotten about the cold--no cough, no runny
nose---it's great." ……. J. B. Santa Barbara, CA
"I've gotten at least one Cold every year that turns into Bronchitis.
I've been taking 2 Humic Acid tablets per day for the last 8
months, and have had hardly a sniffle!" …….. M. A. Visalia, CA
"I just returned from spending some time with my family in Trinidad
and they all had some Cough and Cold spread around between
them. I kept on taking my pill a day and I never got anything at all.
Even with all the family hugs and greetings---I did not get sick the
whole time I was home! Now my whole family wants to use
Humic Acid!! It is truly wonderful." …….. O. N. Oceanside, CA

"I was diagnosed with Epstein Barr over 15 years ago. Ever since
then, I get sick at least a couple times a year. Four months ago, I
started taking Humic Acid and have been healthier than I've been in
15 years." …….. S. B. Los Angeles, Calif.
"In college I came down with Mononucleosis. My parents gave me
some Humic Acid and after only about three days I felt
normal again. I'll let you know what the doctor says when I get
my blood drawn!" …….. J. J. Santa Barbara, CA

  •   3. HEPATITIS C
"I just wanted to tell you how thrilled I am to learn about Humic
Acid from my brother. I was recently diagnosed with Hepatitis
C and put on a traditional medication program by my
doctor but my viral count did not change over a period
of 6 months. My brother told me about Humic Acid and I started
taking two tablets three times a day. Now after just 2 months, my
doctor says that I no longer have any trace of the
Hepatitis C virus. Thank you." …….. J. N. Los Angeles, CA
"A year ago I was diagnosed with Hepatitis C. A friend suggested I
start taking Humic Acid. I was tested again six weeks later and
the results were negative. The doctors could not believe that
the hepatitis C was gone. Thank you, Thank you." …….. G. D.
Dallas, TX
"I contracted Hepatitis C in 1985 through a blood
transfusion. I only recently discovered that was the source of my
years of chronic fatigue. Three days after starting 6
Humic Acid tablets per day, I felt better than I'd felt in
years. I no longer needed my long afternoon naps. I was full of
energy every day during the busy Christmas season. In the last
16 weeks, my viral count has gone down by almost 40%!
…….. M. J. A. Visalia, CA
"I have lived with Herpes Simplex Virus for the past 20
years. I suffer from facial outbreaks once every other month or so.
I started taking Humic Acid at the suggestion of a friend. I take two
pills every day and have not had an outbreak since! Thank
you for developing such an effective product." …….. G. P. San
Diego, CA
"For the last fifteen years I have lived with Genital Herpes.
About once a month I would expect an outbreak. The medication I
was taking was not helping. A friend of mine suggested Humic
Acid. I began using it at the suggested dosage and the
infection cleared up in a few days. I take a daily dose of one
tablet and I have not had a reoccurrence." …….. D. Z. Cleveland,
"Thank you so much for making your wonderful product
available. I was plagued by Genital Herpes for years
when a friend suggested I try the Humic Acid. I began using Humic
Acid and the infection cleared up within a few days. I take
a maintenance dose of one tablet every day and I have
not had a reoccurrence, nor have I had any other type of viral
infections” …….. R. G.
I used to get Cold Sores & Fever Blisters at least once every 2
months and sometimes every month. I have been on Humic Acid for
8 months and have not had one single outbreak." …….. B. G.
Torrance, CA
"Every year, or when I'm stressed, I get a Cold Sore on my upper
lip. It always lasts for 3 to 4 weeks and has an ugly scab. As soon
as I noticed the cold sore, I began taking Humic Acid. It went away
in four days---not a trace of it!" …….. V. B. Carlsbad, CA
"I woke up with an ugly Cold Sore on my upper lip. In addition to
taking the Humic Acid tablets, I broke open a tablet and put
it directly on the sore, mixed with lip balm. It was much better
the next day, and completely healed within 36 hours." …….. L. D.
Visalia, CA
  •   5. INFLUENZA
"There is a really nasty flu going around here in Austin. My
landscapers got it (strapping young guys in their 20's) and it laid
them out. One could not even get out of bed nor eat anything
and felt absolutely horrible. It comes on hard and fast with
immediate drainage from the nose and then launches into
aggravated symptoms (mainly sore throat and on into the
chest) My wife also got attacked by it and she immediately went on
4 Humic Acid tablets per hour. The results were that she felt
rough for a couple of days and had some of the symptoms, but
nowhere near as bad as others who got it. She was able to put in
a full 3 days of hard work and by the 3rd day was rapidly
coming out of it. She noticed that if she was not prompt in taking
the Humic Acid on an hourly basis, that she would start to
fall back and worsen. However, once back on it diligently, the
symptoms lightened up considerably. Pretty interesting!
To add to this, The bug then tried to attack me (same household,
same bug). I took about 10 Humic Acid Tablets at the first
symptoms over the course of the day and by nightfall, the
symptoms disappeared. Fantastic!
My take on this is that the product is certainly valid from a user
perspective on flu, and really works well." …….. C.G. Austin, TX
"About a month ago, I started to feel typical Flu symptoms. I was
sneezing, felt achy and feverish. A friend of mine gave me six
Humic Acid tablets that I started taking one a day. After six days, I
felt great, and all the symptoms went away." …….. P. T. San
Francisco, CA
"The grandchildren have all been sick with some sort of flu for the
past month or so. A lot of my friends have all come down with a
Sore Throat that gets a lot worse and lasts for several
weeks. I got a sore throat and lost my voice last week so I was
sure I was getting it. I took 3 Humic Acid tablets a day for 3 or 4
days and I'm now on one a day---and no sore throat, my
voice is back and I feel better than ever!" …….. B. F. Carlsbad,
"I felt the symptoms of Flu hit me like a ton of bricks. I immediately
increased my use of the Humic Acid from two tablets per day to
eight tablets per day, taking two tablets every four hours.
When I woke up the next day, I felt fine, but I kept taking eight per
day for two more days just to make sure." …….. L. P. Tustin, CA
"Recently, I came down with a very bad case of Influenza.
Normally this leads to severe respiratory distress. I was given
Humic Acid to take every six hours. Within forty-eight hours
all my symptoms were gone. I am very grateful for this
product and I will continue to keep Humic Acid in my house for
myself and my family." …….. M. C. Santa Fe, NM

   •   6. SHINGLES -             "I had a cold for about a week and
       started taking Humic Acid. I improved within a day or two, but
       since I was already getting over the cold, I don't know if it did
       that much for me. However, I had a flare-up of my Shingles
       while I was still taking one a day. The shingles flare was very
       mild and only lasted a day rather than a week or so as usual."
       …….. A. F. Carlsbad, CA
"I live in the southwest and because I am constantly working
outside on my ranch, my exposure rate to the West Nile
virus is extremely high. To prevent getting this virus my family and
I take Humic Acid daily. I am also giving it to my horses to help
prevent them from getting the virus. I would highly recommend
to everyone to take Humic Acid." …….. L. G. Taos, NM
/end/part 8. . . .

Effects of Humic Acid on Animals and
Humans An Overview of Literature and
a Review of Current Research
Humates are an accessible raw material that can be used
in agriculture and animal husbandry in the form of a humate
drink or dry feed as a source of mineral and organic
substances for growth stimulation.
Humates have long been used as folk remedies for a
wide variety of illnesses (46). Only in recent years has serious
research investigated this natural material from the soil.
These humates are a part of soil humus and play an
important role in the living organism. Modern farming
practices have stripped the soil of its humus and no
replacements have been used. The humic
substances have not been appreciated and as a result
not addressed in fertilizing practices.
Today, our soils are low on these humic substances and as
a result animals and man are not receiving adequate
amounts in our normal diet. Research has indicated that
when soil humus percentages fall below 2%, the soil cannot
provide sufficient quantities of humic materials into
the crops grown for the amounts needed by the living
organism. This paper reviews those roles that the
humic materials play in our lives.
Humate is a safe material and exists in all soils, plants
and animals. It is natural to the food chain and plays a role
in the composting of dead matter into nutrients, transfer of
minerals and other roles within the living organism. Many
technical papers attest to humate's safety.
2.1 Scientist at the Drepropetrovish Agricultural Institute in
Moscow revealed humate harmless with respect to blood,
cardio-vascular system, endocrine system and other vitally
important organs using patho-histological and
histochemical methods.
2.2 Humate does not cause allergic reactions,
anaphylaxis (unexpected reactions) to other medicines; it
is an apyrogen. Humate does not have embryo-toxic
properties. The toxicity of naturally occurring humic acid is
remarkably low (11). The level of toxicity on an LD-50 test of
0.536 grams per kilogram can be considered as a
conformation of the harmlessness of humate (15). 2.3
Current repeat toxicity studies presented by Laub BioChem
indicated total safety at levels up to 50 mg/kg of body
weight (28). Introduction of humates into the feed ration of
chickens has reduced unspecific deaths 3 to 5% (14).
Humates being fed to dairy cattle have shown no change in
milk chemistry (26). Broadly speaking, concentrations in the
range of 50-2000 part per million (ppm) are usually effective,
yet are not cytotoxic (11).
3.1 Humate: Technically this term describes the
salts of humic acid. Generically it is the term
given to all humic substances.
3.2 Humic Acid: Humic Acid is a long chain
molecule, which is high in molecular weight, dark
brown and is soluble in an alkali solution. This is the
portion of the soil responsible for composting and transfers
the nutrient from the soil to the living organism. This
material accompanies the nutrient into the organism and
performs many benefits.
3.3 Fulvic Acid: Fulvic Acid is a short chain
molecule, which has a low molecular weight, yellow in
color and soluble in both acid and alkali. This is the
portion of the soil responsible for chelating (grabbing hold
of metals) minerals and transferring them to the living
organism. Fulvic acid is unique in its chelation
ability as it captures life essential minerals and places
an electrical charge on them for ready uptake by the
organism. Toxic metals are also chelated, but are
neutrally charged and have difficulty in entering a living
organism. Fulvic acids also act to detoxify the body
of those heavy metals that may enter it.
3.4 Ulmic Acid: Ulmic acid is that portion of the soil
that is soluble in alcohol. It is a dark material semi-
solid material. It is little understood and has little research
3.5 Humin: Humin is that portion of the soil that is
non-soluble. It is a dark brown material, extremely high
molecular weight and is responsible for the soils water
holding capability, crumble and electrostatic conductivity.
3.6 Humic Substance: The portion of the soil
created by decaying organic matter.
3A. Humates exist in many locations around the world,
but vary in composition much the same way as crude oils.
They are hydrocarbons and contain aromatic and
heterocyclic structures, carboxyl groups, and
nitrogen. They contain fragments of DNA, RNA
and possess many active hydrogen bonding
sites making them very chemically reactive.
4.1 Nutritional analyses (27) vary with the differing
Those humates used in the case studies at the end of
this paper contained the following:
4.2 Component:                    % by Wt.
      1. Protein      ….      7.10
      2. Ash          ….      8.33
      3. Fibre        ….     12.50
      4. Carbohydrates ….     51.20
      5. Nitrogen     ….       1.14
      6. Moisture      ….     8.60
      7. Ammonia       ….     1.38
      8. Humic Acid   ….     42 to 48%
      9. Fulvic Acid  ….     12% of Humic Acid Values
Trace Minerals (ppm / mg/lit.) In Chelated

       Antimon    Chromium Holmium Neodymium Rutheniu Thallium
       y 0.3      0.3        0.5        10           m 0.5      5.0
       Arsenic                                       Samariu Thorium
                  Cobalt 0.9 Indium 0.5 Nickel 2.0
       0.8                                           m 0.9      5.0
       Barium                                        Scandium Thulium
                  Copper 4.0 Iodine 0.1 Niobium 1.0
       0.5                                           0.9        0.5
       Berylliu   Dysprosiu Iridium                  Selenium
                                        Osmium 1.0              Tin 0.3
       m 0.1      m 0.9      0.9                     1.0
       Bismuth                                                  Titanium
                  Erbium 0.8 Iron 1000 Palladium 0.5 Silicon 60
       0.5                                                      0.1
       Boron      Europium Lanthanu Phosphorus                  Tungsten
                                                     Silver 0.2
       0.8        0.9        m 1.0      30                      5.0
       Bromine    Fluorine                           Sodium Vanadiu
                             Lead 0.6 Platinum 0.5
       0.2        5.0                                300        m 0.5
       Cadmiu     Gadoliniu Lithium Potassium        Strontium Ytterbiu
       m 4.2      m 0.5      16         1000         4.0        m 0.1
       Calcium    Gallium    Lutetium Praseodymiu Sulfur        Yttrium
       300        1.0        0.1        m 10         2000       0.1
       Cerium     Germaniu Manganes                  Tantalum
                                        Rhenium 0.5             Zinc 8.0
       4.2        m 0.5      e 34                    0.6
       Cesium                Magnesiu                Tellurium Zirconiu
                  Gold 0.1              Rhodium 0.5
       4.2                   m 2000                  5.0        m 1.0

4.4 Adding humate to the fodder of broiler chickens increases
the yield mass on average of 5 to 7% (14) (13).
4.5 Dairy cattle being fed humates showed improved feed
efficiencies. The control herd ate an average of 38 lbs. of feed daily
while the test herd consumed 36 lbs. daily. Milk production for
the test herd increased 1.9 lbs. per day per animal.
Since milk production is a direct function of feed intake, the animal
feed efficiency increased (26).
Observational reports from farmers using the humate in their
feeding programs have reported additional weight gains and
healthy livestock on beef cattle, hogs, chickens, emus and
5.1 Blood Properties
It has been found that humic acid in dose levels of 100-300
milligrams per kilogram body weight has no effect on bleeding
time, clotting time, thrombin time, plate count, or induced platelet
aggregation (49). Red blood cells and hemoglobin stay on normal
levels under the influence of humate in comparison with control
groups (15). Literature has indicated that the red blood cells
have the capability of carrying higher percentages of
oxygen when in the presence of humate. Human
subjects taking humate have reported feelings of
euphoria, similar to hyperventilating, during the first
few days of taking humate. This euphoria is a result of
additional oxygen. Healing of injuries, as a result of
additional oxygen, is much quicker. Cutting horses have
ankle inflammations frequently from their rigorous training
programs. Healing times for these injuries have been reduced by
the usage of humates.
5.2 Mineral Transfer
Humates contain both humic and fulvic acids. The fulvic acid is
the chelator that carries the minerals. The humic acid
acts as dilator increasing the cell wall permeability.
This increased permeability allows easier transfer of minerals from
the blood to the bone and cells. Testing on cows has indicated an
increase of 16% more calcium (48). It has been shown that
incubation of cultured human umbilical vein endothelial cells with
natural or synthetic humic acid results in an enhanced surface
expression of tissue factor activity. There are also changes in
intracellular divalent calcium levels (1). Literature reports
additional transport of iodine from foods into the thyroid glands (2).
Just as fulvic acid carries life-sustaining minerals to the
body, it also captures and removes toxic metals from
the body. Detoxification takes place within first three
to four days of usage. Both human and animal have reported
looseness of bowels due to detoxification during this period and
return to more solid manure after the third to forth
5.3 Stress Management
Literature has reported that humates block or reduce the
production of stress causing hormones. This has been observed in
animal behavior, in particular with show calves first entering the
arena. Animals on humate are less affected by the outside
stimulus of the crowds or confining areas of the arena. This effect
has been noted on sheep, horses, cattle and hogs. In dairy
operations, those animals not on humate aggressively
eat their feed rations while humate animals leisurely
graze. Laboratory testing at Penn State physically restrained
rats by binding them to artificially create stress and measured
hormones known to cause stress. Those rats fed humate showed
significantly less amounts of those hormones.
5.4 Cell Mutation
Humates within the body work with DNA and cellular
division. It has been noted that the humate tends to prevent
cellular mutation during reproduction. Several technical papers
were noted during literature research for this paper regarding
cancer research with humates. Natural humic acid administered
prophylacticly to rats can decrease significantly the amount of
gastric mucus damage induced with ethanol. Humic acid also
significantly accelerated the healing process of
experimentally induced ulcers (52).
5.5 Microbial Interaction
Humates are known to stimulate microbial activity. In soil testing
for microbial activity, levels increased 400 to 5000 times with the
introduction of humate (300 ppm) into the soil. Humates added to
feed rations stimulate the microbial growth and the extent can
be quite large depending upon the species, the culture
medium, and the environment (45).
Humic substances have been also known to exhibit anti-
microbial properties.
Species for which natural humic substances have been shown to be
inhibitory include C. albican, Ent. Cloacac, Prot. Vulgaris, Ps.
Aeruginosa, S. typhimurium, St. aureus, St. epidermidis, and Str
pyogenes (12). It seems that within the body, humates
stimulate the "good" microbes while suppressing the
"bad" microbes. Testing of milk during field trials indicated a
large increase of microbes within the milk. This is usually an
indication to the dairyman of impending mastitis (tit infection).
The opposite actually happened. Mastitis cases within the
milking herd dropped from an average of 3 to 4 cases daily
to 4 cases in a month (26). Additional conformation of reduction of
mastitis was observed in lactating female goats. Three female
goats with severe mastitis were administered doses of
humate over a two-week period. At the end of 7 days,
swelling of the mammary glands had subsided and the goats
were back to normal activity allowing the kids to nurse without
5.6 Immune System
Humates bolster the immune system. Dr. Daryl See, MD,
formerly an Immunologist of UCI Medical School, suggests that
the mechanism is related to the humates ability to
complex (assemble) sugars within the body. The
abundance of these complexed sugars allows the body
to manufacture glycoproteins that attach to the killer
and T cell acting as a modulator or communication
link between the cells. This regulates the immune system
cells and prevents either the T or Killer cells from becoming
out of balance. Excessive killer cells can attack bone and joints
causing arthritis. Conversely, excessive T cells can cause auto-
immune diseases.
Along this same line, burn victims and radiation sickness
experience immune system responses that attack the bodies dead
cells creating unwanted infections. Humates cause the
immune system to recognize its own dead cells thereby
reducing infection. Baylor Medical School is currently
researching humates both topically applied and
internally dosed for burn victims to reduce infections.
Russian scientists are using the same principle for the treatment of
radiation sickness. Sodium humate has been found to increase the
lifespan of mongrel rats exposed to lethal doses of cobalt radiation
5.7 Anti-inflammatory Properties
Humic acids isolated from peat exhibited significant efficacy for
adhesions when tested on female rats that had standardized lesions
placed on both uterine horns and the peritoneum of the anterior
abdominal wall (1). Humic substances, including peat and
sodium humates, are known to exhibit anti-
inflammatory properties (47). Inflammatory states of
the cervix, especially cervical erosion (generally known
as cervicitis) can be treated with humic preparations (41).
Not only does the humate relieve swelling from joint
inflammation, it has been shown to bond to the collagen
fibers to aid in repair of damaged tendons and bone.
Tendon strength has been shown to increase by as much as
75% (9) (48).
5.8 Anti-Viral Properties
Humates are effective media additives for the production of
antibiotics in the soil (45). Humic substances have long been
known to exhibit antiviral properties (44) in particular
rhinoviruses (35). Viral pathogens for which soil-extract materials
have been shown to be effective include in particular Coxsackie
virus A9 (34), herpes simplex virus type 1 and 2 (10),(11), (21), (29), (36),
and (37), human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) (22), (30), (31), (38),
and (39), influenza type A and B (22), (35), (38), and (40), as well as other
respiratory tract infections. (33), (34), (35), (37), and (41).
The mechanism whereby humic substances inhibit the
cytopathicity of a number of viruses has been studied in some
depth. It is thought that the materials prevent viral replicating
by sorbing onto the viral envelope protein and thereby
blocking the sorption of viral particles to cell surfaces (31).
Humic acids have also been employed as veterinary medicine
therapy successfully employing peat mull (extracted humic
acid) to prevent the transmission of foot and mouth disease
in pigs (33). Humate is a pharmacy that raises non-specific
organism resistance. This fact was confirmed by using such
models as atoxic anemia, toxic hepatitis, peptic ulcer and
hypercholesterolemia (15).
6.9 Liver Effects
The effect of natural humic acid on the regenerative response of
liver tissue has been examined in rats submitted to two-thirds
hipatectomy. Long term application of humic acid resulted in
the stimulation of omithine decarboxylase, an increase in
spermidine and histamine as well as DNA and RNA levels,
and in overall liver mass (50). Humic as well as fulvic acids
extracted from peat have been shown to stimulate
respiration in rat liver mitochondria when present at
concentrations of 40-360 micrograms per ml. Humic
substances at concentrations of 40-400 micrograms per ml. also
increased the efficiency of oxidative phosphorylation in
mitochondria in vitro, particularly after contact periods of over 1
hour (51).
A large part of the humate takes an active part in the liver
metabolism. The use of humate plays a role in the liver function
and protects it somewhat from disease and/or disturbances
5.10 Detoxifying Properties
Fulvic acid, a component of humate, is a strong chelator. It is
unique in its chelating ability. Life sustaining minerals, when
chelated by fulvic, are placed in a chemical state (phyto-
state) such that they are readily absorbed by the cell or
organism. Toxic heavy metals are also chelated but placed in
a chemical state that is difficult for cellular absorption. Fulvic
acid in the soil acts as a filter for toxic metals. It will grab
the a toxic metal and immobilize it which prevents it from
migrating or chemically reacting. When crops are grown on
soils deficient in fulvic acid, toxic metals can be absorbed by the
plant and passed into the food chain. Many of our foods present
today are grown under conditions of "worn out" soil. As a
result, more toxic metals are being ingested. Fulvic acid has the
capability of removing these toxic metals from the body.
5.11 Odor Reduction
Texas A&mp;M University System researchers have discovered
that using humate decreases volatile ammonia in animal waste
by 64%, reduces odor, and improves the nitrogen to
phosphorus ration in the waste. Scientist are developing
ration formulations to enhance manure characteristics
while maintaining animal performance as well as devising other
approached to maintain feedlot efficiency and manage waste (25).
Observations from field trials on dairy animals indicate a more
complete digestion of feed as observed from the manure and
urine. Manure from the humate test herd consisted of fine
particle, low odor matter while control animals contained
lumps of corn and straw and high ammonia odors. Urine
from the test herd was clear and odorless while the control
herd was amber with odor (25). A similar effect has been
observed on hogs. Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) (rotten egg
odor) has also been reduced by the addition of humate to the
mix. Wagner Quarries Company has demonstrated reductions in
H2S by humate interaction. The mechanism is not fully
understood, but results indicate good odor reduction (23).
5.12 Miscellaneous Properties
Chemically (strophantinum) induced heart stoppage in
frogs was examined. Frogs that were given humate continuously
for 10 days prior to the drug increased the time of heart activity
48.7% in comparison with the control group. Additionally the
protective property of the humate was revealed when toxic doses
of strychnine (inhibits metabolism in the central nervous
system) were administered to test mice. Those mice (70%) given
humate 10 days prior to the treatment lived while 100% of the
control died (15).
6.1 Beef Cattle
Texas A&mp;M under the leader ship of Dr. Chirase performed
humate feeding trials on steers at a feedlot in the Amarillo area.
Reported results of the 56-day study indicated a 12% increase in
feed efficiency. Manure samples were of a fine texture with
reduced odor. Blood data indicated increases in
hemoglobin and antioxidants (53). Follow up testing on the
odor indicated a 64% reduction in ammonia from the animal
waste when humate was mixed into it (24). A farmer in Waco,
Texas, mixed humates into the rations of a mature cow and three
calves. Reports after 60 days indicated coloration and health of
the animals to be excellent. Weight gain on the calves was
reported to be above the norm. Although no usable data was
collected on this test, the cattleman did report something that was
significant. He had been trying to breed the cow over a three-
year period without success. During the testing period, the
cow became pregnant.
6.2 Dairy Test
Canton, Texas. This test was run on 500 high producing dairy
cattle over a 28-day period. Milk, blood and animal waste were
analyzed before, during and after the testing period. The
introduction of the humate into the diet produced 1.9 pounds of
extra milk daily per animal. The feed consumption dropped
from 38 lbs. per day to 36 lbs. per day during the test. At the
conclusion of the test period, consumption returned to 38 lbs.
With these changes in feed quantities, it can be concluded that
the animal was digesting its nutrient more completely, thus
creating greater milk production. Additionally the humates
produced a calming effect on the animals as exhibited by
lowered aggressiveness in eating and reduced the effects of
heat stresses produced by summer temperatures. Lactation
decline curves flattened significantly during the testing period. This
indicates that longer milking periods can be achieved raising
the cumulative amounts of milk received from each cow.
Odors from the animal wastes were reduced. Less volumes
of manure and reductions in ammonia odor results in less
waste and reduces the effects of potential insect born diseases
6.3 Goats
Sunset, Texas. Nursing female goats were experiencing mastitis
(tit infection) and would not allow the kids to nurse. Humate
was introduced into the ration and within one week all infection
had cleared up.
Brady, Texas. Angora goats are being fed humate to improve the
quality of the wool. Reports from the wool buyers indicate that the
humate fed goats have longer staple and more lanoline in the wool.
Pricing on angora wool is based on quality.
6.4 Hogs
Dr. Matt Colvin, DMV reports that he is using humates in the
diet to treat scours in piglets. His experience with the humates
indicates that it is a very effective treatment. Additionally, he is
reporting additional weight gain with meat that is lean with
good textured and excellent taste. Reproduction from the
humate fed sows is excellent and produces larger than normal
Rattan (Ostrich, Emus)
Clayton, New Mexico. A farmer raising ostrich has reported
plumage development on young birds has been accelerated.
Eggshell development is excellent and uniform. The yokes are
reported to be firmer. A greater percentage of hatchings
are being produced. The farmer also reported that hoof
rotation has ceased to be a problem. Hoof rotation is a problem on
long legged animals. It results when tendon and muscle grow
faster than bone in young animal and results in a clubfoot.
Prior to the humate, the farmer was experiencing about 5% of his
young birds experiencing some degree of hoof rotation.
Since the introduction of humate, bone growth has kept up with
muscle grown and reduced hoof rotation problems to below
Waco, Texas. The farmer was raising emus. Since the market
price on emus had fallen, he was allowing the flock to forage and
supplementing with millet (a low cost feed). At the time the
humates were introduced into the diet, the birds were in poor to
fair shape. Hot summer temperatures had taken their toll on the
birds and plumage and skin were in poor condition. Humate
was fed over a 60-day period. The health of the birds greatly
improved and plumage became excellent with bright
coloring. Under hot dry conditions the females do not start the
reproduction cycle until late fall when the summer heat breaks.
The females in this flock started the reproduction cycle in
mid September (still hot). The only way this can happen is for
the bird to be in excellent health.
6.5 Chickens
Purcell, Oklahoma. Two pens (20 each) of newly hatched chicks
were used for a test and control. The test birds were fed humate in
the diet while the control was not. Feather development
came earlier on the humate birds. The test group was fully
feathered a full week ahead of the control group. Weight
gain of the test group after 30 days amounted to 1.5 pound
more mass than the control group. Of notice was the calming
factor of the humate. One could enter the test pen and the
birds continued with their normal pecking and wanderings
while those in the control pen would became extremely
excited and run with wildness. The test was continued onward
for a period of six months. The mature birds were monitored for
egg production. Eggs shells from the humate group were
thicker and more uniform in size. Hatchling chicks from the
test group were larger and more active.
6.6 Horses
Excerpt of letter from cutting horse owner in Boyd, Texas. "I
started using humate in my horses 6 years ago. I have found that
even in the winter when the animal's hair is long and coarse, that
my horses have a deep, rich, shining coat and bright eyes.
They are very alert but not hyper. I haven't had a sick horse in
years and their hooves grow well and hold a shoe extremely
well. My horses overall health and performance, since I have been
feeding the humate is excellent."
Willow Springs, Texas. Willow Springs is the site of a large
training area for racing and cutting horses for the Dallas Fort
Worth metroplex. The training regimen for these animals is quite
intense. Front ankle injuries with swelling are quite common
and require several weeks of inactivity to heal properly.
This inactivity extends the expensive training time. Several
of the trainers tested the humates in their animals. They found
that healing times for the ankle injuries were reduced by
one to two weeks. In timing trials, the humate horses were
performing better. It is not uncommon for a quarter horse on
humate to be able to shed a few tenths of the second on his time. I n
quarter horse racing those few tenths can mean the difference
between winning and losing.
Fort Worth, Texas. This horse was a successful registered
western pleasure paint that suddenly came up with severe
degenerating hooves. The attending farrier hadn't seen such a
sever case in years. On all four hooves, there was insufficient
nail to place a shoe. Humate was introduced into the ration.
Hoof grow out was immediately outstanding. Shoes were
able to be put on in about 4 to 5 months and the horse was back in
the show ring. The farrier was shocked at the improvement.
7.1 Excerpt from letters: Male, aged 63, Boyd, Texas. "I feel I
need to respond about the wonderful qualities I have found in my
six plus years use of your natural humate product. I found my
skin and complexion to improve; the graying in my hair
changed to the deeper richer color of my original hair color and
my all around health has improved greatly. I haven't been to
the doctor in years, no colds, allergies, etc."
Male, aged 72, Fort Worth, Texas. This individual has been
taking the humate for a period of 7 years. Before and during the
period he has been taking the humate, he has taken a yearly
physical under the same doctor. These physicals require two to
three days in the hospital for testing, poking and probing. The
doctor was notified of the humate and has watched for signs of
body change from the 30 years of history accumulated on this
individual. Yearly medical reports from the doctor indicate the
overall health of the individual has improved. Blood oxygen has
increased and fatty cholesterol levels have lowered without
changes in diet. Heart functions have improved on a yearly basis.
The doctor has noted no ill effects from the humate and
has advised the individual to remain on his current regimen
of humate. During the seven years, the individual has only
experienced one case of sinusitis and no cases of flu or colds.
Female, aged 38. Raton, New Mexico. This individual has had
a history of anemia. After 60 days on humate, the anemia
conditions went away. That was five years ago and the condition
has not returned. Her doctor has confirmed these facts and
now recommends humate for his patients with anemia
Female, aged 13. Cincinnati, Ohio. This young female was
experiencing anemia. She had received the humate from a friend
and began taking it without her parent's knowledge. Her father is a
medical doctor and learned of her activities during a physical
examination. The anemia was not present and he questioned her to
see what lifestyle changes she may have made. The doctor, after
researching, now commonly prescribes humate to help build
up his patients health.
8. Bibliography
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45. Effect of humates on microbial activity. Huck, T. A.; Porter, N.; Bushell, M. E. J.
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46. Rich soils for cures. Achard, F. K. Creels Chem. Ann., 1986; Vol. 11; pages 391-
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50. An examination of humate stimulated liver functions. Maslinski, C; Fogel, W. A.;
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53. Effects of bovipro on performance and serum metabolite concentrations of beef
steers. Chirase, N. Amer. Soc. of Animal Sci. Proceedings; West Section No. 51, 2000.

/end/part 9. . . .Series no.1

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ATP Blog14 - Humichealth.Info- Medicinal Use of Humic Substances; series no.1

  • 1. IMPORTANT VIDEO Welcome to our website. This website is dedicated to INTERVIEW! the purpose of providing you with information about the ever-expanding knowledge base concerning the Dr. Richard Laub, a former university Health-Giving effects of Humic professor and current research scientist who Acid, one of nature's best kept secrets for millions is one of the leading of years; but experts in the world on "A Secret NO MORE!" the subject of Humic Acid's broad-spectrum Humic Acid is a completely natural, non-toxic anti-viral properties substance that is proving to have a very long list of has just been beneficial, therapeutic effects on a variety of common interviewed at his disorders. Here you will be able to read reports about offices in Newport the many beneficial properties of Humic Acid. Beach, CA. This website features important information about the You may view this very important and ANTI-VIRAL power of Humic Acid. informative interview The threat of viral disease has been ever-present, and by clicking the link continues to grow. The ANTI-VIRAL ability below: CLICK HERE to view of Humic Acid is a topic that we believe to be the Dr. Laub most vital to human health and welfare in our time. Interview. Along with its ANTI-VIRAL benefit, Humic Acid For more information promotes Human Health in a variety of other ways. email We at believe that the Peter@goodmailservic daily use of a correctly identified, and properly purified, refined, and standardized Humic Acid supplement, can provide an array of health benefits and protections that are simply unobtainable from any other nutritional supplement available today. NOTE: does not sell, distribute or endorse any specific brand of Humic Acid. However, since humic acid has well-drilling and agricultural uses we recommend that you go to your favorite search engine (Google, Yahoo, Ask, etc.) and search for the term: "humic acid for human consumption" (include the quotes in your search). CLICK THE LINKS BELOW TO LEARN ABOUT NATURE'S MOST POWERFUL ANTI-VIRAL AND HEALTH GIVING SUBSTANCE: HUMIC ACID
  • 2. SCIENTIFIC Testimonials A Documented TESTIMONIAL STATEMENTS from Users Report STATEMENTS About the Anti- of One User's About Anti- Viral Experience from Humic Acid Viral Efficacy Efficacy of With HIV and Users of Humic Acid Humic Acid Humic Acid COMMON COLD eMediaWire FLU Press Release eMediaWire - Hope for Press Release - Protection FLU Help for Flu HERPES Against Bird Vaccine Flu Shortage and the (Humic Acid HERPES Norwalk Virus HIV/AIDS Supplement) (Humic Acid Supplement) HEPATITIS C HEMMORHAG Humic Acid IC FEVER Excerpts from HIV Treatment Scientific in South Africa HIV/AIDS Reports Developed by on the Anti-Viral Goverment- Properties owned of Humic Acid Energy Co. MONONUCLEOSIS South African Press Release SHINGLES by Enerkom, World Patent Goverment- Granted owned for Broad- WEST NILE VIRUS Energy Co. Spectrum Anti- (Enerkom Viral producing a Humic Acid Humic Acid Preparation treatment for HIV) World-Reknown Bibilography Humic Acid of Reports Expert on the Anti- Reports on Viral Anti-Viral Properties Properties of Humic Acid of Humic Acid
  • 3. Statements from Various Science Other Anti-Viral Humic Acid Sites on Reasearchers the Web About the Anti-Viral Properties of That You May Wish To Visit Humic Acid OTHER IMPORTANT BENEFITS OF HUMIC ACID 1. ANTI-INFLAMMATORY 2. DETOXIFYING 3. MINERAL SUPPLEMENT General Discussion #1: The Effects of Humic Acid on Animals and Humans General Discussion #2: Medicinal Uses of Humic Acid HUMIC ACID IS NON-TOXIC AND HAS NO SIDE- EFFECTS Humic Acid is Non-Toxic A Toxicity Study from Hungary This lengthy report documents a number of tests showing Humic Acid to be Non-Toxic FAQ's OTHER IMPORTANT QUESTIONS SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS Benefits from Daily Use of Humic Acid /end/ Homepage. . . . DISCLAIMER: This website presents a collection of statements from around the world about the benefits of Humic Acid. This information is provided for informational purposes only. These statements were variously made over several decades of time. There are many sources of Humic Acid around the globe, and they differ significantly in their physical and chemical properties.
  • 4. HOME website: CLICK THE LINKS BELOW TO LEARN ABOUT NATURE'S MOST POWERFUL ANTI-VIRAL AND HEALTH GIVING SUBSTANCE: HUMIC ACID. Part 01 ATP Blog (Part 1)- MEDICINAL USE OF HUMIC SUBSTANCES Published in Med Chronicle - July 2003 1. Long before chemical formulae to cure diseases were developed, man discovered the healing powers of plants in nature. Today, the world goes back to Mother Nature and is rediscovering the value of natural products. 2. Humic acids are formed from the decomposition of plants and occur naturally in drinking water, peat, soil and brown coal (leonardite and lignite) and have been used to stimulate plant growth for many years. The richest source of humic acid is found in leonardite formed at the bottom of prehistoric lakes and valleys "only" 15-25 million years ago and is the "youngest" part of brown coal. Humic acid can also be extracted from peat
  • 5. or produced by controlled wet oxidation of bituminous coal. 3. Mud baths, rich in peat, were used to treat various ailments such as rheumatic conditions, in man during the 19th century. Peat was also used during the First World War to treat wounds and amputations externally in field hospitals to prevent infections, relieve pain and facilitate healing. 4. It has been documented in scientific literature 38 years ago that extracts of peat were given as a tonic for liver and gastric ailments. Various toxicity studies and clinical trials have been conducted since, indicating that it is well tolerated by man with no serious side effects reported. 5. Only a few humic acid based medications are commercially available world-wide. Their therapeutic properties have been documented as 1. antibacterial, 2. antitoxic, 4. anti-ulcerogenic, 5. anti-arthritic, 6. anti-allergic and 7. anti- inflammatory. 6. A clinical trial indicated that humates improve the clinical condition of osteoarthritis patients due to its anti-inflammatory and bone regenerating properties. Various studies published in international scientific journals have also shown that humate can absorb toxic compounds such as carcinogens, poisons and toxic metals and is therefore described as an anti-toxin. 7. A research team, lead by Prof Medlen (publishes as C.E.J. van Rensburg) from the Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Pretoria has been
  • 6. involved with mechanistic studies on potassium humate the last few years. They have found that this product stimulates specific lymphocyte functions that are important in dealing with opportunistic infections by increasing the production of an important growth factor called interleukin-2. This response was even more striking in the case of lymphocytes obtained from patients with a decreased immunity. 8. Results by the same team also indicated that humates inhibit the binding of inflammatory cells to specific "sticky" molecules on the walls of blood vessels in the vicinity of inflammation. Another interesting finding by this team was that humates inhibit the release of certain substances by white blood cells that are responsible for the tissue damage seen at the site of inflammation. In this way humates will therefore protect areas of existing inflammation from suffering more serious damage by stopping inflammatory cells from sticking to the nearby blood vessels and depositing toxic substances in tissues already suffering from the effects of previous attacks by these cells. 9. Research done by Pretoria University as well as various other research teams have pointed out that humates also possess anti-viral activity. This activity has been demonstrated on the foll: 1. fever blister virus, 2. the influenza virus as well as 3. HIV. The mechanism by which humates inhibit these viruses is by preventing the adsorption of the virus to cell surfaces.
  • 7. 10. In conclusion, humates have been shown acts on the foll: 1. to stimulate the specific immune system (important in coping with opportunistic infections), 2. inhibit inflammatory reactions, inactivate the growth of certain viruses and 3. protect against environmental toxins. 9.1 This combination of beneficial effects in one compound appears to be unique and makes it an ideal compound for the protection of man against diseases associated with viral and other opportunistic infections as well as inflammatory conditions such as auto- immune diseases and allergies. /end/part 1. . . . Website: ATP Blog (Part 2) - A Documented Case of Humic Acid's Efficacy Against HIV User X's Documented Battle Against HIV/AIDS This Humic Acid user's name has been withheld for privacy reasons, along with the name of the testing facilities and doctor. User X has provided these lab results in the hope that many other people will be helped by Humic Acid. The data below are exact transcriptions of scans of User X's lab reports. Nothing has been changed or manipulated. The data is objective and accurate.
  • 8. The two factors that are most important are the number of CD4+ cells (per uL), and the actual viral load. The CD4+ cells, are the main target of HIV and, at the same time, one of the body's more potent anti-viral lines of defense. As the number of these CD4+ cells decreases, so does resistance to the HIV virus - as well as other infections such as colds and flu. The other important number in the tests is the actual HIV viral load. This is measured in copies/mL. The higher the viral load, the worse is the infection. Date of Blood CD4+ Cell Count HIV Viral Load Test 12/8/2000 750 Test not conducted 9/20/2001 650 Test not conducted 1/24/2002 470 5,555 5/30/2002 310 3,269 8/7/2002 300 3,585 1/17/2003 240 6,258 Begins using Humic Acid in June 2003 6/24/2003 170 4,880 7/18/2003 189 4,015 8/1/2003 180 3,646 9/25/2003 140 None Detected <75 09/25/2003 - The final lab test. The viral load on this date was less than 75, which is quite a decrease from 3,646 approximately 7 weeks before, and a more than 98% decrease in the viral load from the prior test. The HIV virus is no longer detectable. No other therapies were applied during the timespan shown above. In the last year since the final tests were administered, User X's CD4+ count has risen back to normal levels (around 1000, was 140 at lowest), and the viral
  • 9. count is still undetectable. A maintenance supplementation of Humic Acid is taken every day. ORIGINAL SCANS Fig. 1 First Blood Test, CD4 count of 750 Fig. 2 Enrollment Form, CD4 count of 650 Fig. 3a Third Blood Test, CD4 count of 470 Fig. 3b Third Blood Test, Viral Count of 5,555 Fig. 4a Fourth Blood Test, CD4 count of 310 Fig. 4b Fourth Blood Test, Viral Count of 3,269 Fig. 5a Fifth Blood Test, CD4 Count of 300 Fig. 5b Fifth Blood Test, Viral Count of 3,585 Fig. 6a Sixth Blood Test, CD4 Count of 240 Fig. 6b Sixth Blood Test, Viral Count of 6,258 Fig. 7a Seventh Blood Test, CD4 Count of 170 Fig. 7b Seventh Blood Test, Viral Count of 4,880 Fig. 8a Eighth Blood Test, CD4 Count of 189 Fig. 8b Eighth Blood Test, Viral Count of 4,015 Fig. 9a Ninth Blood Test, CD4 Count of 180 Fig. 9b Ninth Blood Test, Viral Count of 3,646 Fig. 10a Tenth Blood Test, CD4 Count of 140
  • 10. Fig. 10b Tenth Blood Test, Viral Count of <75 (undetectible) /end/part 2. . . . -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> Website: ATP Blog (Part 3) - Help For Flu Vaccine Shortage An old remedy from the soil resurfaces to help those who cannot access flu vaccines. Natural humic acid coats viruses and makes it more difficult for them to attach to healthy cells and multiply. It has shown to reduce viral counts in numerous patients with a variety of viral inflictions including hepatitis and HIV. (PRWEB) November 5, 2004 -- Viruses are extremely small organisms that can easily get inside cells. They are parasitic in that they enter healthy cells where they reside and feed off these cells. They raise their young within these cells to be spread to other cells inside and outside the body (through sneezing, excretion of body fluids, sexual transmission, etc.) Viruses contain a receptor-binding protein that keeps them attached to the healthy cell. This protein encapsulates the virus and makes it resistant to attacks from the immune system. When humic acid find a virus it coats it with a substance that not only prevents the virus from attaching to a healthy cell, but also sends a signal to the immune system alerting it of the invader. This kicks the immune system into action against the virus that has been laid vulnerable by this coating. As
  • 11. explained by Dr. Howard Peiper in the book, "Live Disease Free" (to be released in December, 2004 processing by some supplement manufacturers creates a "viral infusion inhibitor" that prevents the virus from reproducing. Therefore, viral counts are reduced and the immune system is more successful in ridding the body of the virus before it can gain a foothold and create an illness. Humic acid is selective and seems to know which cells are virus laden. It coats only those cells, leaving the healthy cells alone so the immune sys-tem will attack only the virus. Studies have shown no negative side effects when using humic acid. For more information click on - The National Institute of Health in 2002 concluded that humic acids exhibit effects both as a preventive and a curative from a broad range of viruses. They also indicated that if humic acid is taken before introduction of the virus, patients exhibited a strong prophylactic effect. As quoted from Experientia, 1972 28(5) by Klocking and Sprossig, "Medical studies show that difficult respiratory illnesses common in children are readily resolved with humic acid dietary supplementation." With results like these humic acid would be a worthy addition to a dietary regime during the flu season. /end/part 3. . . . -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Website:
  • 12. ATP Blog (Part 4) - Hope for Protection Against Bird Flu and the Norwalk Virus An antiviral substance from the earth is resurfacing as a protective measure against the potential epidemics from the Norwalk virus and the threat of Bird Flu. (PRWEB) February 5, 2005 -- When the immune system is working properly, we remain healthy. However, the immune system can and does become compromised. This may be a result of incessant environmental assaults such as from exposure to pesticides and pollutants commonly found in the air, food and water. Our bodies may become overwhelmed resulting in the regulatory features of the immune system being weakened thereby becoming less effective. This ultimately can result in leaving the body susceptible to viruses such as: Influenza, Norwalk virus, Bird Flu, Epstein-Barr, Hepatitis, Herpes, and AIDS. Viruses are so minute they can maintain their ability to infect even after passing through filters small enough to strain out all bacteria. Viruses are intracellular molecular parasites. They enter the body silently, and as in the cases of HIV and Hepatitis C, they often do so without notice, using our cells to manufacture substances needed for their own replication and life cycle. They have no metabolic life of their own outside a host cell, which makes them dependent on living cells for their existence. There are 4000 known types of viruses, but less than 3 percent are well characterized, with new
  • 13. viruses being discovered regularly. The Bird flu virus is being studied as a species crossover threat. Hope for control of these viruses comes from the great deposits of animal and plant material (humates) sealed away from wind and rain for millions of years. These humates have decomposed and then been compressed together by the millions of tons of earth locking in their seventy-two natural nutrients. Humate is a safe material existing in all soils. It has been around since the beginning of time. Scientists have most appropriately referred to humic acid (from humate) as the latest antiviral answer. Dr. Howard Peiper explains in the book, "Live Disease Free," that one of the many reasons for the excitement involves the effect that humic acid has in its dramatic ability to penetrate even deadly ultramicroscopic viruses. Viruses encapsulate themselves within an impenetrable protein barrier where defense mechanisms cannot reach them. One pharmaceutical-grade product, Zap-V has viral infusion inhibitors. This process puts a coating around the viruses preventing the virus from adhering to a healthy cell. It also prevents the virus from reproducing. The viruses then become vulnerable to attack by the immune system, which is also, strengthened by the humic acid. Benefits from a consistent long-term plan of dietary supplementation of humic acid are: 1. increased resistance to colds and flu, infection and disease; 2. supercharging your immune system; 3. assists in purging parasites, pathogens and viruses from the body; 4. restoring your body to its optimum potential over time; & 5.
  • 14. creating an immediate feeling of wellbeing. As more clinical studies confirm humic acids incredible success, the threat of new uncontained viral strains will be diminished. /end/part 4. . . . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Website: ATP Blog (Part 5) Statements from Researchers About the Anti-Viral Efficacy of Humic Acid * Editor's Note: The term (Humic Acid) or (Humic Acids) has been substituted in the following statements where the original wording was in scientific terms that detailed chemical compositions of Humic Acid. 1. HEMORRHAGIC FEVER VIRUSES "As shown, the (Humic Acids) exhibited substantial efficacy against both hemorrhagic fever viruses….natural-product HA (Humic Acid) particularly so against Punta Toro A virus." National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), under the auspices of the National Institutes of Health, August 2001 - January 2002 2. HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS TYPES I AND II "It is therefore concluded that it is possible to test the anti-viral effects of all four (Humic Acid) compounds up to 500 ug/mL without any drug-related cytotoxicity." "Furthermore, three series of experiments were designed to explore the potential mechanisms of action. The first series of experiments demonstrated that all four compounds (of Humic Acid) can inactivate both HSV-1 and HSV-2 infections with different anti-viral activities. The second series of experiments demonstrated that the compounds (of Humic Acid) can protect cells against HSV-1 and HSV-2 infection. The third
  • 15. series of experiments demonstrated that the compounds (of Humic Acid) can interfere with the proliferation of HSV-1 and HSV-2 after the virus enters the cells." Meeta Patnaik, M.D., Senior Research Scientist Hun-Chi Lin, PhD, Director, Clinical Trials Specialty Laboratories, Santa Monica, CA, August 1998 3. HIV-1 “…the ability to inhibit the replication of wild-type strains (of HIV-1) is an obvious (and, arguably, the most important) prerequisite in order that any HIV-1 drug be considered useful. The results obtained to date have shown that (natural) Humic Acid as well as synthetic humic acid(s) do, in fact, inhibit the replication of HIV-1 wild-type strains, in addition to assaulting in a unique way the intracellular replicative events of the virus.” “It was found in this work that both synthetic as well as naturally- occurring humic substances extracted from soil are in fact capable of inhibiting HIV-1 replication.” Research team at USC School of Medicine, January, 1998. “The Humates are potent inhibitors of acute HIV infection in antiviral evaluation models. The present studies point to an antiviral target occurring before proviral integration, possibly involving virus attachment and entry.” “We were able to confirm antiviral activity for the Humates and define their potential antiviral target to the pre- integration phase of HIV replication, providing preliminary data that a portion of the antiviral activity is due to inhibition of virus attachment.” Jim A. Turpin Ph.D., Manager Retrovirus Research Laboratory Tracy Loftus, Supervisor Retrovirus Research Laboratory Southern Research Institute, September, 2000 “(Humic Acid) inhibited HIV-1 infection of MT-2 cells with an IC(50) of 12.5 microg/ml. Treatment of free and cell- attached HIV with (Humic Acid) irreversibly reduced infectivity, while the susceptibility of target cells to the virus was not impaired by treatment prior to infection. The infectivity of the HIV particles was inhibited by interference with CD4 binding and the V3 loop-mediated step of virus entry. No viral resistance to (Humic Acid) developed over a 12-week period in vitro. (Humic Acid) therefore
  • 16. holds promise for the treatment of HIV-infected patients.” van Rensburg CE, Department of Pharmacology, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa; Dekker J, Enerkom (Pty) Ltd, Pretoria, South Africa; Weis R, Smith TL, Janse van Rensburg E, Schneider J. “Humic acids are natural constituents of soil and ground water and mainly consist of mixtures of polycyclic phenolic compounds. (Humic Acid) inhibited HIV-1 infection of MT-2 cells with an IC50 of 50-300 ng/ml. Inhibition of HIV-induced syncytium formation was observed at 10-50 micrograms/ml. Treatment of free and cell- attached HIV with (Humic Acid) irreversibly reduced its infectivity. (Humic Acid) interfered with the CD4-induced proteolytic cleavage of the V3 loop of virion gp120SU. Furthermore, binding of V3 loop- specific antibodies was irreversibly inhibited, whereas binding of soluble CD4 to gp120SU on virus and infected cells was not affected. In conclusion, our data suggest, that the (Humic Acid) inhibits the infectivity of HIV particles by interference with a V3 loop-mediated step of virus entry.” Schneider J, Weis R, Manner C, Kary B, Werner A, Seubert BJ, Riede UN. Abteilung Virologie, Institut fur Medizinische Mikrobiologie und Hygiene der Universitat, Freiburg, Germany. “The anti-HIV-1 activity of the new humic acid derivative has been determined in vitro, and the serial passages at low concentrations have been performed to investigate the emergence of resistance to this drug candidate.” “Our investigations were performed to find perspective compounds and their combinations to employ them in topical microbicides which possess the ability to block the HIV transmission on different stages of virus cell interaction. We have studied original compounds from different groups: sulfated chitosanes, humic acids and plant polyphenol derivatives.” “The ED50 values of the humic acid derivatives against HIV-1 laboratory strain and HIV-1 M-tropic AZT-resistant wild-type strain were 0.85 and 3.5 mg/ml respectively, without appearance of any detectible resistance.” “The new humic acid derivative is an effective inhibitor of various HIV strains. According to our data, this compound
  • 17. disorders HIV replication and yields defective un-infectious virions.” Edward Karamov PhD, Director of Immunochemistry Group, Ivanovsky Inst. Of Virology, Moscow, Russia 4. INFLUENZA VIRUSES "…natural-product humate(s) (Humic Acid) were found to be quite effective against all three influenza viruses." National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), under the auspices of the National Institutes of Health,USA, August 2001 - January 2002 Humic Acid inhibits the in-vitro replication of influenza virus A/WSN/33 (H1N1) in Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells at concentrations of no cytotoxicity. The IC50 for Humic Acid was 48.61 +/- 7.32 microg/ml and 55.27 +/- 5.46 microg/ml respectively when the compound was added at the stage of viral adsorption or post-adsorption. Humic acid inhibits the endonuclease activity of viral RNA polymerase. Lu FJ, Tseng SN, Li ML, Shih SR. Department of Biochemistry, College of Medicine, National Taiwan University, Taipei. 5. TOXICITY "For each sample, three concentrations of test article (Humic Acid) were prepared… and each injected into the tail veins of 10 Swiss Webster mice… at dose levels of 50 mg/kg of body weight, 25 mg/kg, and 12.5 mg/kg… the mice were examined for symptoms of toxicity for 14 days. All animals survived the test, and in my opinion, the clinical observations made were not indicative of toxicity." Richard Schlesinger, Ph.D., D.A.B.F.T. BioScreen Testing Services, Inc., Torrance, CA, August 1998 "All (Humic Acids) evaluated were not cytotoxic at levels at least as high as 100 mg/mL…" National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), under the auspices of the National Institutes of Health (NIH USA), August 2001 - January 2002
  • 18. /end/part 5. . . . ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Website: ATP Blog (Part 6) - Coal Derived Drug Tested on HIV Patients * Editor's Note: Anti-Viral Humic Acid Research has been on-going for several decades. Tests have been conducted with both Natural and Synthetic Humic Acids. The variety of synthetic Humic Acids is nearly as great as the variety of Humic Acids found in nature. Synthetic preparations are generally too expensive to produce for commercial purposes. Consequently, the amounts made available for medical purposes are relatively small in quantity, as is implied in the following article. believes that laboratory study of Synthetic Humic Acids is a valuable strategy because it allows scientists to determine relative efficacies from among the different chemical configurations created synthetically. This can lead to the identification of the most efficacious Natural Humic Acids, whose physical and chemical properties most nearly conform to the signature components of efficacious synthetics. These natural Humic Acids have been found in great abundance, and can be refined economically for large-scale distribution. Coal-Derived Drug Tested on HIV Patients 01 October 2001
  • 19. From New Scientist Print Edition. Emma Young An "immune-boosting" drug derived from coal is being tested on HIV-infected soldiers in military clinics in Tanzania. The drug, oxyhumate-k, was developed by South African state-owned company Enerkom. There is disagreement over whether Tanzanian authorities have given permission for the trials. Oxyhumate-k is already marketed as a health supplement in South Africa and is not thought to be harmful to health. However, the revelation of the trial follows a scandal over another South African "anti-HIV/AIDS" drug also tested in Tanzania called Virodene. Virodene turned out to be a toxic industrial solvent. About 350 soldiers in several military clinics are involved in the trial of oxyhumate-k, says Anthony Surridge, Enerkom's acting chief executive. The trial, which began in 1999, is being overseen by immunologists at the University of Pretoria and follows smaller scale tests in South Africa. These tests showed the drug was non-toxic, Enerkom says. Informed Consent South African ethics experts have criticized the use of soldiers in the trials. They fear that informed consent may not have been given. "You need to question why soldiers were used. That's where I would start worrying and criticizing," said Udo Schuklenk, head of bioethics at the University of Witwatersrand, in the South African Mail & Guardian. Other critics say there is no credible evidence to support Enerkom's claim that the drug boosts the immune system.
  • 20. The South African government has long rejected calls to pay for conventional anti-retroviral drugs to treat its estimated 4.7 million HIV sufferers, claiming that the drugs are too costly. Despite winning a landmark case earlier in 2001, allowing the country to import or produce generic versions of patented AIDS drugs, the government has said it has no immediate plans to do either. Enerkom, whichis owned by the government's Central Energy Fund (CEF), was set up to research and develop new uses for coal. According to the Mail & Guardian, the CEF has given Enerkom approximately Ј6 million to research and develop a production programme for oxyhumate-k. The compound is the potassium salt of oxihumic acid, one of the components of coal. /end/part 6. . . . ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Website: ATP Blog (Part 7) - A World-Patented Application of Anti-Viral Humic Acid Oxihumic Acids and Its Use in the Treatment of Various Conditions. Kind Patent # Date Date Application WO 2000016786 A2 2000 03 WO 30 1999 09 1999-IB1569 22 - -
  • 21. WO 2000016786 A3 2000 06 - 08 Abstract: A pharmaceutical compound comprising an oxihumic acid salt, ester or derivatives thereof as an active ingredient is disclosed. The compound. is preferably administered orally for stimulating lymphocytes in a human, animal or bird. It may be used in treating the ff: 1. viral and bacterial infections, 2. HIV infections, 3. opportunistic diseases, 4. inflammation, 5. pain and fever, 6. cancer growth and 7.1 diseases associated with viral infection and 7.2 a depressed immune system. A number of pharmacological examples were given including interleukin 10 production by oxihumate treated lymphocytes, increased antibody production against Newcastle disease in chickens treated with oxihumate, TNF production by oxihumate treated lymphocytes, and antiviral activity of oxihumate against HSV-1 and coxsackie virus type 1 in vitro. /end/part 7. . . . ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Website: ATP Blog (Part 8) - Testimonials from Users About the Anti-Viral Efficacy of Humic Acid The following testimonials were found on various websites across the Internet. They have been assembled here for informational purposes only. They have been
  • 22. reformatted for uniformity of appearance. All user's names have been reduced to initials. All references to specific brand names of Humic Acid products have been eliminated to avoid endorsement by this website. • 1. COMMON COLD "Flying back and forth to the east coast from California several times a year always gave me some Cold, cough or sore throat--- every single time. I flew to New Jersey about 10 days ago and returned last night. I just had to let you know I didn't get even a sniffle! I have only been taking the Humic Acid for about 5 weeks so far. But now I can fly without worries---this is great!" ……… R. S. La Costa, CA "My wife has been using Humic Acid for a year now. She finally convinced me to try Humic Acid when I last caught a Cold. By the second day, my cold was gone. I've been taking it every since and haven't had a cold for 6 months. This stuff is great!" …….. J. C. San Diego, Calif. "I came home from college and was just starting another Cold passed around the dorm. My colds usually last around a week or so. My dad gave me some Humic Acid when I got home and in 3 days I had completely forgotten about the cold--no cough, no runny nose---it's great." ……. J. B. Santa Barbara, CA "I've gotten at least one Cold every year that turns into Bronchitis. I've been taking 2 Humic Acid tablets per day for the last 8 months, and have had hardly a sniffle!" …….. M. A. Visalia, CA "I just returned from spending some time with my family in Trinidad and they all had some Cough and Cold spread around between them. I kept on taking my pill a day and I never got anything at all. Even with all the family hugs and greetings---I did not get sick the whole time I was home! Now my whole family wants to use Humic Acid!! It is truly wonderful." …….. O. N. Oceanside, CA • 2. EPSTEIN-BARR - MONONUCLEOSIS "I was diagnosed with Epstein Barr over 15 years ago. Ever since then, I get sick at least a couple times a year. Four months ago, I
  • 23. started taking Humic Acid and have been healthier than I've been in 15 years." …….. S. B. Los Angeles, Calif. "In college I came down with Mononucleosis. My parents gave me some Humic Acid and after only about three days I felt normal again. I'll let you know what the doctor says when I get my blood drawn!" …….. J. J. Santa Barbara, CA • 3. HEPATITIS C "I just wanted to tell you how thrilled I am to learn about Humic Acid from my brother. I was recently diagnosed with Hepatitis C and put on a traditional medication program by my doctor but my viral count did not change over a period of 6 months. My brother told me about Humic Acid and I started taking two tablets three times a day. Now after just 2 months, my doctor says that I no longer have any trace of the Hepatitis C virus. Thank you." …….. J. N. Los Angeles, CA "A year ago I was diagnosed with Hepatitis C. A friend suggested I start taking Humic Acid. I was tested again six weeks later and the results were negative. The doctors could not believe that the hepatitis C was gone. Thank you, Thank you." …….. G. D. Dallas, TX "I contracted Hepatitis C in 1985 through a blood transfusion. I only recently discovered that was the source of my years of chronic fatigue. Three days after starting 6 Humic Acid tablets per day, I felt better than I'd felt in years. I no longer needed my long afternoon naps. I was full of energy every day during the busy Christmas season. In the last 16 weeks, my viral count has gone down by almost 40%! …….. M. J. A. Visalia, CA • 4. HERPES SIMPLEX TYPE I AND II "I have lived with Herpes Simplex Virus for the past 20 years. I suffer from facial outbreaks once every other month or so. I started taking Humic Acid at the suggestion of a friend. I take two pills every day and have not had an outbreak since! Thank
  • 24. you for developing such an effective product." …….. G. P. San Diego, CA "For the last fifteen years I have lived with Genital Herpes. About once a month I would expect an outbreak. The medication I was taking was not helping. A friend of mine suggested Humic Acid. I began using it at the suggested dosage and the infection cleared up in a few days. I take a daily dose of one tablet and I have not had a reoccurrence." …….. D. Z. Cleveland, OH "Thank you so much for making your wonderful product available. I was plagued by Genital Herpes for years when a friend suggested I try the Humic Acid. I began using Humic Acid and the infection cleared up within a few days. I take a maintenance dose of one tablet every day and I have not had a reoccurrence, nor have I had any other type of viral infections” …….. R. G. I used to get Cold Sores & Fever Blisters at least once every 2 months and sometimes every month. I have been on Humic Acid for 8 months and have not had one single outbreak." …….. B. G. Torrance, CA "Every year, or when I'm stressed, I get a Cold Sore on my upper lip. It always lasts for 3 to 4 weeks and has an ugly scab. As soon as I noticed the cold sore, I began taking Humic Acid. It went away in four days---not a trace of it!" …….. V. B. Carlsbad, CA "I woke up with an ugly Cold Sore on my upper lip. In addition to taking the Humic Acid tablets, I broke open a tablet and put it directly on the sore, mixed with lip balm. It was much better the next day, and completely healed within 36 hours." …….. L. D. Visalia, CA • 5. INFLUENZA "There is a really nasty flu going around here in Austin. My landscapers got it (strapping young guys in their 20's) and it laid them out. One could not even get out of bed nor eat anything and felt absolutely horrible. It comes on hard and fast with immediate drainage from the nose and then launches into
  • 25. aggravated symptoms (mainly sore throat and on into the chest) My wife also got attacked by it and she immediately went on 4 Humic Acid tablets per hour. The results were that she felt rough for a couple of days and had some of the symptoms, but nowhere near as bad as others who got it. She was able to put in a full 3 days of hard work and by the 3rd day was rapidly coming out of it. She noticed that if she was not prompt in taking the Humic Acid on an hourly basis, that she would start to fall back and worsen. However, once back on it diligently, the symptoms lightened up considerably. Pretty interesting! To add to this, The bug then tried to attack me (same household, same bug). I took about 10 Humic Acid Tablets at the first symptoms over the course of the day and by nightfall, the symptoms disappeared. Fantastic! My take on this is that the product is certainly valid from a user perspective on flu, and really works well." …….. C.G. Austin, TX "About a month ago, I started to feel typical Flu symptoms. I was sneezing, felt achy and feverish. A friend of mine gave me six Humic Acid tablets that I started taking one a day. After six days, I felt great, and all the symptoms went away." …….. P. T. San Francisco, CA "The grandchildren have all been sick with some sort of flu for the past month or so. A lot of my friends have all come down with a Sore Throat that gets a lot worse and lasts for several weeks. I got a sore throat and lost my voice last week so I was sure I was getting it. I took 3 Humic Acid tablets a day for 3 or 4 days and I'm now on one a day---and no sore throat, my voice is back and I feel better than ever!" …….. B. F. Carlsbad, CA "I felt the symptoms of Flu hit me like a ton of bricks. I immediately increased my use of the Humic Acid from two tablets per day to eight tablets per day, taking two tablets every four hours. When I woke up the next day, I felt fine, but I kept taking eight per day for two more days just to make sure." …….. L. P. Tustin, CA "Recently, I came down with a very bad case of Influenza. Normally this leads to severe respiratory distress. I was given
  • 26. Humic Acid to take every six hours. Within forty-eight hours all my symptoms were gone. I am very grateful for this product and I will continue to keep Humic Acid in my house for myself and my family." …….. M. C. Santa Fe, NM • 6. SHINGLES - "I had a cold for about a week and started taking Humic Acid. I improved within a day or two, but since I was already getting over the cold, I don't know if it did that much for me. However, I had a flare-up of my Shingles while I was still taking one a day. The shingles flare was very mild and only lasted a day rather than a week or so as usual." …….. A. F. Carlsbad, CA • 7. WEST NILE VIRUS "I live in the southwest and because I am constantly working outside on my ranch, my exposure rate to the West Nile virus is extremely high. To prevent getting this virus my family and I take Humic Acid daily. I am also giving it to my horses to help prevent them from getting the virus. I would highly recommend to everyone to take Humic Acid." …….. L. G. Taos, NM /end/part 8. . . . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Effects of Humic Acid on Animals and Humans An Overview of Literature and a Review of Current Research 1. INTRODUCTION Humates are an accessible raw material that can be used in agriculture and animal husbandry in the form of a humate drink or dry feed as a source of mineral and organic substances for growth stimulation. Humates have long been used as folk remedies for a wide variety of illnesses (46). Only in recent years has serious research investigated this natural material from the soil. These humates are a part of soil humus and play an
  • 27. important role in the living organism. Modern farming practices have stripped the soil of its humus and no replacements have been used. The humic substances have not been appreciated and as a result not addressed in fertilizing practices. Today, our soils are low on these humic substances and as a result animals and man are not receiving adequate amounts in our normal diet. Research has indicated that when soil humus percentages fall below 2%, the soil cannot provide sufficient quantities of humic materials into the crops grown for the amounts needed by the living organism. This paper reviews those roles that the humic materials play in our lives. 2. SAFETY Humate is a safe material and exists in all soils, plants and animals. It is natural to the food chain and plays a role in the composting of dead matter into nutrients, transfer of minerals and other roles within the living organism. Many technical papers attest to humate's safety. 2.1 Scientist at the Drepropetrovish Agricultural Institute in Moscow revealed humate harmless with respect to blood, cardio-vascular system, endocrine system and other vitally important organs using patho-histological and histochemical methods. 2.2 Humate does not cause allergic reactions, anaphylaxis (unexpected reactions) to other medicines; it is an apyrogen. Humate does not have embryo-toxic properties. The toxicity of naturally occurring humic acid is remarkably low (11). The level of toxicity on an LD-50 test of 0.536 grams per kilogram can be considered as a conformation of the harmlessness of humate (15). 2.3 Current repeat toxicity studies presented by Laub BioChem indicated total safety at levels up to 50 mg/kg of body
  • 28. weight (28). Introduction of humates into the feed ration of chickens has reduced unspecific deaths 3 to 5% (14). Humates being fed to dairy cattle have shown no change in milk chemistry (26). Broadly speaking, concentrations in the range of 50-2000 part per million (ppm) are usually effective, yet are not cytotoxic (11). 3. DEFINITIONS 3.1 Humate: Technically this term describes the salts of humic acid. Generically it is the term given to all humic substances. 3.2 Humic Acid: Humic Acid is a long chain molecule, which is high in molecular weight, dark brown and is soluble in an alkali solution. This is the portion of the soil responsible for composting and transfers the nutrient from the soil to the living organism. This material accompanies the nutrient into the organism and performs many benefits. 3.3 Fulvic Acid: Fulvic Acid is a short chain molecule, which has a low molecular weight, yellow in color and soluble in both acid and alkali. This is the portion of the soil responsible for chelating (grabbing hold of metals) minerals and transferring them to the living organism. Fulvic acid is unique in its chelation ability as it captures life essential minerals and places an electrical charge on them for ready uptake by the organism. Toxic metals are also chelated, but are neutrally charged and have difficulty in entering a living organism. Fulvic acids also act to detoxify the body of those heavy metals that may enter it. 3.4 Ulmic Acid: Ulmic acid is that portion of the soil that is soluble in alcohol. It is a dark material semi-
  • 29. solid material. It is little understood and has little research history. 3.5 Humin: Humin is that portion of the soil that is non-soluble. It is a dark brown material, extremely high molecular weight and is responsible for the soils water holding capability, crumble and electrostatic conductivity. 3.6 Humic Substance: The portion of the soil created by decaying organic matter. 3A. Humates exist in many locations around the world, but vary in composition much the same way as crude oils. They are hydrocarbons and contain aromatic and heterocyclic structures, carboxyl groups, and nitrogen. They contain fragments of DNA, RNA and possess many active hydrogen bonding sites making them very chemically reactive. 4. NUTRITIONAL VALUES 4.1 Nutritional analyses (27) vary with the differing humates. Those humates used in the case studies at the end of this paper contained the following: 4.2 Component: % by Wt. 1. Protein …. 7.10 2. Ash …. 8.33 3. Fibre …. 12.50 4. Carbohydrates …. 51.20 5. Nitrogen …. 1.14 6. Moisture …. 8.60 7. Ammonia …. 1.38 8. Humic Acid …. 42 to 48% 9. Fulvic Acid …. 12% of Humic Acid Values >>
  • 30. Trace Minerals (ppm / mg/lit.) In Chelated Form: Antimon Chromium Holmium Neodymium Rutheniu Thallium y 0.3 0.3 0.5 10 m 0.5 5.0 Arsenic Samariu Thorium Cobalt 0.9 Indium 0.5 Nickel 2.0 0.8 m 0.9 5.0 Barium Scandium Thulium Copper 4.0 Iodine 0.1 Niobium 1.0 0.5 0.9 0.5 Berylliu Dysprosiu Iridium Selenium Osmium 1.0 Tin 0.3 m 0.1 m 0.9 0.9 1.0 Bismuth Titanium Erbium 0.8 Iron 1000 Palladium 0.5 Silicon 60 0.5 0.1 Boron Europium Lanthanu Phosphorus Tungsten Silver 0.2 0.8 0.9 m 1.0 30 5.0 Bromine Fluorine Sodium Vanadiu Lead 0.6 Platinum 0.5 0.2 5.0 300 m 0.5 Cadmiu Gadoliniu Lithium Potassium Strontium Ytterbiu m 4.2 m 0.5 16 1000 4.0 m 0.1 Calcium Gallium Lutetium Praseodymiu Sulfur Yttrium 300 1.0 0.1 m 10 2000 0.1 Cerium Germaniu Manganes Tantalum Rhenium 0.5 Zinc 8.0 4.2 m 0.5 e 34 0.6 Cesium Magnesiu Tellurium Zirconiu Gold 0.1 Rhodium 0.5 4.2 m 2000 5.0 m 1.0 4.4 Adding humate to the fodder of broiler chickens increases the yield mass on average of 5 to 7% (14) (13). 4.5 Dairy cattle being fed humates showed improved feed efficiencies. The control herd ate an average of 38 lbs. of feed daily while the test herd consumed 36 lbs. daily. Milk production for the test herd increased 1.9 lbs. per day per animal. Since milk production is a direct function of feed intake, the animal feed efficiency increased (26). Observational reports from farmers using the humate in their feeding programs have reported additional weight gains and
  • 31. healthy livestock on beef cattle, hogs, chickens, emus and earthworms. 5. HEALTH VALUE 5.1 Blood Properties It has been found that humic acid in dose levels of 100-300 milligrams per kilogram body weight has no effect on bleeding time, clotting time, thrombin time, plate count, or induced platelet aggregation (49). Red blood cells and hemoglobin stay on normal levels under the influence of humate in comparison with control groups (15). Literature has indicated that the red blood cells have the capability of carrying higher percentages of oxygen when in the presence of humate. Human subjects taking humate have reported feelings of euphoria, similar to hyperventilating, during the first few days of taking humate. This euphoria is a result of additional oxygen. Healing of injuries, as a result of additional oxygen, is much quicker. Cutting horses have ankle inflammations frequently from their rigorous training programs. Healing times for these injuries have been reduced by the usage of humates. 5.2 Mineral Transfer Humates contain both humic and fulvic acids. The fulvic acid is the chelator that carries the minerals. The humic acid acts as dilator increasing the cell wall permeability. This increased permeability allows easier transfer of minerals from the blood to the bone and cells. Testing on cows has indicated an increase of 16% more calcium (48). It has been shown that incubation of cultured human umbilical vein endothelial cells with natural or synthetic humic acid results in an enhanced surface expression of tissue factor activity. There are also changes in intracellular divalent calcium levels (1). Literature reports additional transport of iodine from foods into the thyroid glands (2).
  • 32. Just as fulvic acid carries life-sustaining minerals to the body, it also captures and removes toxic metals from the body. Detoxification takes place within first three to four days of usage. Both human and animal have reported looseness of bowels due to detoxification during this period and return to more solid manure after the third to forth day. 5.3 Stress Management Literature has reported that humates block or reduce the production of stress causing hormones. This has been observed in animal behavior, in particular with show calves first entering the arena. Animals on humate are less affected by the outside stimulus of the crowds or confining areas of the arena. This effect has been noted on sheep, horses, cattle and hogs. In dairy operations, those animals not on humate aggressively eat their feed rations while humate animals leisurely graze. Laboratory testing at Penn State physically restrained rats by binding them to artificially create stress and measured hormones known to cause stress. Those rats fed humate showed significantly less amounts of those hormones. 5.4 Cell Mutation Humates within the body work with DNA and cellular division. It has been noted that the humate tends to prevent cellular mutation during reproduction. Several technical papers were noted during literature research for this paper regarding cancer research with humates. Natural humic acid administered prophylacticly to rats can decrease significantly the amount of gastric mucus damage induced with ethanol. Humic acid also significantly accelerated the healing process of experimentally induced ulcers (52). 5.5 Microbial Interaction
  • 33. Humates are known to stimulate microbial activity. In soil testing for microbial activity, levels increased 400 to 5000 times with the introduction of humate (300 ppm) into the soil. Humates added to feed rations stimulate the microbial growth and the extent can be quite large depending upon the species, the culture medium, and the environment (45). Humic substances have been also known to exhibit anti- microbial properties. Species for which natural humic substances have been shown to be inhibitory include C. albican, Ent. Cloacac, Prot. Vulgaris, Ps. Aeruginosa, S. typhimurium, St. aureus, St. epidermidis, and Str pyogenes (12). It seems that within the body, humates stimulate the "good" microbes while suppressing the "bad" microbes. Testing of milk during field trials indicated a large increase of microbes within the milk. This is usually an indication to the dairyman of impending mastitis (tit infection). The opposite actually happened. Mastitis cases within the milking herd dropped from an average of 3 to 4 cases daily to 4 cases in a month (26). Additional conformation of reduction of mastitis was observed in lactating female goats. Three female goats with severe mastitis were administered doses of humate over a two-week period. At the end of 7 days, swelling of the mammary glands had subsided and the goats were back to normal activity allowing the kids to nurse without discomfort. 5.6 Immune System Humates bolster the immune system. Dr. Daryl See, MD, formerly an Immunologist of UCI Medical School, suggests that the mechanism is related to the humates ability to complex (assemble) sugars within the body. The abundance of these complexed sugars allows the body to manufacture glycoproteins that attach to the killer
  • 34. and T cell acting as a modulator or communication link between the cells. This regulates the immune system cells and prevents either the T or Killer cells from becoming out of balance. Excessive killer cells can attack bone and joints causing arthritis. Conversely, excessive T cells can cause auto- immune diseases. Along this same line, burn victims and radiation sickness experience immune system responses that attack the bodies dead cells creating unwanted infections. Humates cause the immune system to recognize its own dead cells thereby reducing infection. Baylor Medical School is currently researching humates both topically applied and internally dosed for burn victims to reduce infections. Russian scientists are using the same principle for the treatment of radiation sickness. Sodium humate has been found to increase the lifespan of mongrel rats exposed to lethal doses of cobalt radiation (8) . 5.7 Anti-inflammatory Properties Humic acids isolated from peat exhibited significant efficacy for adhesions when tested on female rats that had standardized lesions placed on both uterine horns and the peritoneum of the anterior abdominal wall (1). Humic substances, including peat and sodium humates, are known to exhibit anti- inflammatory properties (47). Inflammatory states of the cervix, especially cervical erosion (generally known as cervicitis) can be treated with humic preparations (41). Not only does the humate relieve swelling from joint inflammation, it has been shown to bond to the collagen fibers to aid in repair of damaged tendons and bone. Tendon strength has been shown to increase by as much as 75% (9) (48). 5.8 Anti-Viral Properties
  • 35. Humates are effective media additives for the production of antibiotics in the soil (45). Humic substances have long been known to exhibit antiviral properties (44) in particular rhinoviruses (35). Viral pathogens for which soil-extract materials have been shown to be effective include in particular Coxsackie virus A9 (34), herpes simplex virus type 1 and 2 (10),(11), (21), (29), (36), and (37), human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) (22), (30), (31), (38), and (39), influenza type A and B (22), (35), (38), and (40), as well as other respiratory tract infections. (33), (34), (35), (37), and (41). The mechanism whereby humic substances inhibit the cytopathicity of a number of viruses has been studied in some depth. It is thought that the materials prevent viral replicating by sorbing onto the viral envelope protein and thereby blocking the sorption of viral particles to cell surfaces (31). Humic acids have also been employed as veterinary medicine therapy successfully employing peat mull (extracted humic acid) to prevent the transmission of foot and mouth disease in pigs (33). Humate is a pharmacy that raises non-specific organism resistance. This fact was confirmed by using such models as atoxic anemia, toxic hepatitis, peptic ulcer and hypercholesterolemia (15). 6.9 Liver Effects The effect of natural humic acid on the regenerative response of liver tissue has been examined in rats submitted to two-thirds hipatectomy. Long term application of humic acid resulted in the stimulation of omithine decarboxylase, an increase in spermidine and histamine as well as DNA and RNA levels, and in overall liver mass (50). Humic as well as fulvic acids extracted from peat have been shown to stimulate respiration in rat liver mitochondria when present at concentrations of 40-360 micrograms per ml. Humic substances at concentrations of 40-400 micrograms per ml. also increased the efficiency of oxidative phosphorylation in
  • 36. mitochondria in vitro, particularly after contact periods of over 1 hour (51). A large part of the humate takes an active part in the liver metabolism. The use of humate plays a role in the liver function and protects it somewhat from disease and/or disturbances (15) . 5.10 Detoxifying Properties Fulvic acid, a component of humate, is a strong chelator. It is unique in its chelating ability. Life sustaining minerals, when chelated by fulvic, are placed in a chemical state (phyto- state) such that they are readily absorbed by the cell or organism. Toxic heavy metals are also chelated but placed in a chemical state that is difficult for cellular absorption. Fulvic acid in the soil acts as a filter for toxic metals. It will grab the a toxic metal and immobilize it which prevents it from migrating or chemically reacting. When crops are grown on soils deficient in fulvic acid, toxic metals can be absorbed by the plant and passed into the food chain. Many of our foods present today are grown under conditions of "worn out" soil. As a result, more toxic metals are being ingested. Fulvic acid has the capability of removing these toxic metals from the body. 5.11 Odor Reduction Texas A&mp;M University System researchers have discovered that using humate decreases volatile ammonia in animal waste by 64%, reduces odor, and improves the nitrogen to phosphorus ration in the waste. Scientist are developing ration formulations to enhance manure characteristics while maintaining animal performance as well as devising other approached to maintain feedlot efficiency and manage waste (25). Observations from field trials on dairy animals indicate a more complete digestion of feed as observed from the manure and urine. Manure from the humate test herd consisted of fine particle, low odor matter while control animals contained
  • 37. lumps of corn and straw and high ammonia odors. Urine from the test herd was clear and odorless while the control herd was amber with odor (25). A similar effect has been observed on hogs. Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) (rotten egg odor) has also been reduced by the addition of humate to the mix. Wagner Quarries Company has demonstrated reductions in H2S by humate interaction. The mechanism is not fully understood, but results indicate good odor reduction (23). 5.12 Miscellaneous Properties Chemically (strophantinum) induced heart stoppage in frogs was examined. Frogs that were given humate continuously for 10 days prior to the drug increased the time of heart activity 48.7% in comparison with the control group. Additionally the protective property of the humate was revealed when toxic doses of strychnine (inhibits metabolism in the central nervous system) were administered to test mice. Those mice (70%) given humate 10 days prior to the treatment lived while 100% of the control died (15). 6. CASE HISTORIES 6.1 Beef Cattle Texas A&mp;M under the leader ship of Dr. Chirase performed humate feeding trials on steers at a feedlot in the Amarillo area. Reported results of the 56-day study indicated a 12% increase in feed efficiency. Manure samples were of a fine texture with reduced odor. Blood data indicated increases in hemoglobin and antioxidants (53). Follow up testing on the odor indicated a 64% reduction in ammonia from the animal waste when humate was mixed into it (24). A farmer in Waco, Texas, mixed humates into the rations of a mature cow and three calves. Reports after 60 days indicated coloration and health of the animals to be excellent. Weight gain on the calves was reported to be above the norm. Although no usable data was collected on this test, the cattleman did report something that was
  • 38. significant. He had been trying to breed the cow over a three- year period without success. During the testing period, the cow became pregnant. 6.2 Dairy Test Canton, Texas. This test was run on 500 high producing dairy cattle over a 28-day period. Milk, blood and animal waste were analyzed before, during and after the testing period. The introduction of the humate into the diet produced 1.9 pounds of extra milk daily per animal. The feed consumption dropped from 38 lbs. per day to 36 lbs. per day during the test. At the conclusion of the test period, consumption returned to 38 lbs. With these changes in feed quantities, it can be concluded that the animal was digesting its nutrient more completely, thus creating greater milk production. Additionally the humates produced a calming effect on the animals as exhibited by lowered aggressiveness in eating and reduced the effects of heat stresses produced by summer temperatures. Lactation decline curves flattened significantly during the testing period. This indicates that longer milking periods can be achieved raising the cumulative amounts of milk received from each cow. Odors from the animal wastes were reduced. Less volumes of manure and reductions in ammonia odor results in less waste and reduces the effects of potential insect born diseases (26) . 6.3 Goats Sunset, Texas. Nursing female goats were experiencing mastitis (tit infection) and would not allow the kids to nurse. Humate was introduced into the ration and within one week all infection had cleared up. Brady, Texas. Angora goats are being fed humate to improve the quality of the wool. Reports from the wool buyers indicate that the humate fed goats have longer staple and more lanoline in the wool. Pricing on angora wool is based on quality.
  • 39. 6.4 Hogs Dr. Matt Colvin, DMV reports that he is using humates in the diet to treat scours in piglets. His experience with the humates indicates that it is a very effective treatment. Additionally, he is reporting additional weight gain with meat that is lean with good textured and excellent taste. Reproduction from the humate fed sows is excellent and produces larger than normal piglets. Rattan (Ostrich, Emus) Clayton, New Mexico. A farmer raising ostrich has reported plumage development on young birds has been accelerated. Eggshell development is excellent and uniform. The yokes are reported to be firmer. A greater percentage of hatchings are being produced. The farmer also reported that hoof rotation has ceased to be a problem. Hoof rotation is a problem on long legged animals. It results when tendon and muscle grow faster than bone in young animal and results in a clubfoot. Prior to the humate, the farmer was experiencing about 5% of his young birds experiencing some degree of hoof rotation. Since the introduction of humate, bone growth has kept up with muscle grown and reduced hoof rotation problems to below 0.5%. Waco, Texas. The farmer was raising emus. Since the market price on emus had fallen, he was allowing the flock to forage and supplementing with millet (a low cost feed). At the time the humates were introduced into the diet, the birds were in poor to fair shape. Hot summer temperatures had taken their toll on the birds and plumage and skin were in poor condition. Humate was fed over a 60-day period. The health of the birds greatly improved and plumage became excellent with bright coloring. Under hot dry conditions the females do not start the reproduction cycle until late fall when the summer heat breaks. The females in this flock started the reproduction cycle in
  • 40. mid September (still hot). The only way this can happen is for the bird to be in excellent health. 6.5 Chickens Purcell, Oklahoma. Two pens (20 each) of newly hatched chicks were used for a test and control. The test birds were fed humate in the diet while the control was not. Feather development came earlier on the humate birds. The test group was fully feathered a full week ahead of the control group. Weight gain of the test group after 30 days amounted to 1.5 pound more mass than the control group. Of notice was the calming factor of the humate. One could enter the test pen and the birds continued with their normal pecking and wanderings while those in the control pen would became extremely excited and run with wildness. The test was continued onward for a period of six months. The mature birds were monitored for egg production. Eggs shells from the humate group were thicker and more uniform in size. Hatchling chicks from the test group were larger and more active. 6.6 Horses Excerpt of letter from cutting horse owner in Boyd, Texas. "I started using humate in my horses 6 years ago. I have found that even in the winter when the animal's hair is long and coarse, that my horses have a deep, rich, shining coat and bright eyes. They are very alert but not hyper. I haven't had a sick horse in years and their hooves grow well and hold a shoe extremely well. My horses overall health and performance, since I have been feeding the humate is excellent." Willow Springs, Texas. Willow Springs is the site of a large training area for racing and cutting horses for the Dallas Fort Worth metroplex. The training regimen for these animals is quite intense. Front ankle injuries with swelling are quite common and require several weeks of inactivity to heal properly. This inactivity extends the expensive training time. Several
  • 41. of the trainers tested the humates in their animals. They found that healing times for the ankle injuries were reduced by one to two weeks. In timing trials, the humate horses were performing better. It is not uncommon for a quarter horse on humate to be able to shed a few tenths of the second on his time. I n quarter horse racing those few tenths can mean the difference between winning and losing. Fort Worth, Texas. This horse was a successful registered western pleasure paint that suddenly came up with severe degenerating hooves. The attending farrier hadn't seen such a sever case in years. On all four hooves, there was insufficient nail to place a shoe. Humate was introduced into the ration. Hoof grow out was immediately outstanding. Shoes were able to be put on in about 4 to 5 months and the horse was back in the show ring. The farrier was shocked at the improvement. 7. HUMAN 7.1 Excerpt from letters: Male, aged 63, Boyd, Texas. "I feel I need to respond about the wonderful qualities I have found in my six plus years use of your natural humate product. I found my skin and complexion to improve; the graying in my hair changed to the deeper richer color of my original hair color and my all around health has improved greatly. I haven't been to the doctor in years, no colds, allergies, etc." Male, aged 72, Fort Worth, Texas. This individual has been taking the humate for a period of 7 years. Before and during the period he has been taking the humate, he has taken a yearly physical under the same doctor. These physicals require two to three days in the hospital for testing, poking and probing. The doctor was notified of the humate and has watched for signs of body change from the 30 years of history accumulated on this individual. Yearly medical reports from the doctor indicate the overall health of the individual has improved. Blood oxygen has increased and fatty cholesterol levels have lowered without changes in diet. Heart functions have improved on a yearly basis.
  • 42. The doctor has noted no ill effects from the humate and has advised the individual to remain on his current regimen of humate. During the seven years, the individual has only experienced one case of sinusitis and no cases of flu or colds. Female, aged 38. Raton, New Mexico. This individual has had a history of anemia. After 60 days on humate, the anemia conditions went away. That was five years ago and the condition has not returned. Her doctor has confirmed these facts and now recommends humate for his patients with anemia problems. Female, aged 13. Cincinnati, Ohio. This young female was experiencing anemia. She had received the humate from a friend and began taking it without her parent's knowledge. Her father is a medical doctor and learned of her activities during a physical examination. The anemia was not present and he questioned her to see what lifestyle changes she may have made. The doctor, after researching, now commonly prescribes humate to help build up his patients health. 8. Bibliography 1. Effects of humic acid on the viability and coagulant properties of human umbilical vein endothelial cells. Yang, H.L.; Chiu, H. C.; Lu, F. Am J. Hematol, 1996; Vol. 51, Issue 3, Pages 200-206. 2. Effect of humic acid on the availability of iodine in the food, investigated with the histometric assessment of the thyroid gland. Seffner, W. Conference Paper Mengen- und spurenelemente - 15 Arbeltstagund, December 1995, Jena, Germany. Mengen Und Spurenelemente Pages 465-472. 3. In-vivo and In-vitro mutagenicity studies on natural humic acid (HA). Bernacchi, F.; Ponzanelli, I.; Barale, R.; Bertelli, F. Conference Paper 37 Riunione scientifica , October 1991, Alghero, Italy. ATTI-Associazione Genetica Italiana, 1991, Vol. 37, Pages 49-50. 4. The use of a processed humic acid product as a feed supplement in dairy production in the Netherlands. Thomassen, B. P. H.; Faust, R. H. Conference Paper IFOAM; IFOAM 2000, the world grows organic international scientific conference, August 2000, Basle. Page 339 5. Induction of oxidative stress by humic acid through increasing intracellular iron; a possible mechanism leading to atherothrombotic vascular disorder in blackfoot disease. Gau, R. J.; Yang, H. L.; Suen, J. L.; Lu, F. J. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 2001; Vol 283; Issue 4; Pages 743-749.
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