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Sahil Gupta | XLRI Jamshedpur | 9 Feb 2019
2 parts to each question
• 1st part: Monument/building atop which the building has been taken
• 2nd part: City where the said monument is located
+5 for each part
+10 bonus for answering all parts correctly
Answers follow
Burj Khalifa, Dubai
Park Guell, Barcelona
Shanghai World Financial Center or the Bottle
Opener, Shanghai
St. Peter’s Basilica, Vatican City
+10 on the bounce
+15/-10 on the pounce
The following are some images you see in a particular work named for
a place. What?
• Hollywood, dodging celebrities and their bodyguards
• Sierra Nevada mountains, snowboarding
• San Francisco Bay, swimming surrounded by sharks and women
• Sequoia National Park, saving a bear from a hunter, escaping
lumberjacks as they fell trees
Answer follows
Californication (music video)
Originating from a similar sounding word meaning “to cover”, _____ has
travelled the world over and become representative of the cuisine of the
country of its origin. Here, lunch is typically served between 1 and 4 pm, and
dinner very late between 9 and 11 pm, giving room for this in a typical day,
enjoyed when going bar hopping.
Incidentally, the word also finds place in several Indian religions with a range
of meanings, largely around penance and burning away past karma.
What’s the good word?
Answer follows
This particular destination received much media coverage and was touted in
India as the ultimate destination to do something. A particular photograph
shot here in December 2017 made rounds on social media and was also seen
in various memes with the persons in it photoshopped and hence,
transported to various other locations.
As a matter of fact, the place hasn’t traditionally been associated with the
above but instead popular with what results from it and after it, as it is
famously home to someone.
What was the occasion? Who is this place home to/which place am I talking
Answer follows
Virushka, Rovaniemi (Santa Claus Village)
What does the following inexhaustive list denote?
Paris: Orly, Beauvais–Tillé
New York: LaGuardia
London: Gatwick
Stockholm: Bromma
Brussels: Charleroi
Istanbul: Sabiha Gokcen
Answer follows
Secondary Airports in the respective cities
A government website’s explanation of something:
(This) has less to do with the geological makeup… than with the effects
of the sun’s ray into a colour spectrum. The light reaching _____ and
____ _____near sunrise and sunset is mainly from the red end of the
spectrum and its reflection… and any clouds in the sky gives the
spectacular colour… surrounding sand enhance(s) these effects.
What particular phenomenon is this explanation about?
Answer follows
The changing colours of Uluru or Ayer’s Rock
(and Kata Tjuta)
The name of this item of clothing derives from the
island where they became popular in the 1950s and
The actress on the following slide made these
popular after she wore it in various movies, most
famously in a 1953 movie set in a European capital
Answer follows
Capri Pants
It is believed that this country gets its name because sailors would stop
here and eat fruit rich with Vitamin C preventing any chance of them
getting scurvy. In Portuguese, one therefore called it Ilha de _______ or
Island of Healing. Yet another explanation relates the naming to the
Portuguese word for heart.
At any rate, most of us know the name for a liqueur that is made from
laraha, a bitter orange native to the island. The liqueur itself has a
distinctive colour and is used in many cocktails such as Blue Hawaiian,
Midnight Kiss, Envy, and Blue Lagoon.
What is the name of the country or the liqueur?
Answer follows
Curaçao (pronounced Cure-us-so only really
fast I think)
This concept finds its origin in a betting book for a London gentleman’s
club as far back as 1785. Two years prior to this, an advancement had
been made across the sea which also formed part of the bet – however,
now somewhere else is usually associated with this.
The gallant Oswald Boelcke was disciplined for attempting to do this in
the 1910s with the help of a nurse.
What am I talking about?
Answer follows
The Mile High Club
Now that we have mentioned the mile high club which offers
membership for having intercourse in the air. What club do you
become a member of if you do so on a train?
Answer follows
The Mile Long Club
This statue was unveiled in 2013 in Novosibirsk in Siberia on the occasion of
the 120th anniversary of the city’s founding. Located in a park in front of the
Institute of Cytology and Genetics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, it
aims to honour the role __X__ have played in furthering science and
Having lived alongside 15000 years, they also provide a greater clock-speed
to enable certain comparisons. The anthropomorphic statue is in the form of
an old lady seen with needles knitting something rather symbolic.
Who is the monument a tribute to? What is old lady knitting?
Answer follows
Laboratory mice; DNA
Grown mainly in southwest Europe and Africa, ____ ___ is one of the major
exports of Portugal. In fact, Portugal has accounted for nearly 70% of its
trade in recent years. The material itself is extremely light, compressible,
elastic, and flexible and impervious to moisture.
The most common use of this material results from the presence of suberin
in it, a hydrophobic substance. Its importance rose only after the invention of
a certain kind of furnace which meant a leap in the storage and packaging
Among its varied uses are shoes soles, cigarette tips, mats, and handbags
(bought some for my friends - never have to worry about them getting
soaked in the rain, duh!).
Answer follows
Cork / Cork oak
An iconic South East Asian restaurant, ______ _____ was started by Praful
Chandawarkar, an investment banker who had quit his job, and his wife
Cheeru, who was a chef extraordinaire. They travelled extensively across
Southeast Asia and picked up the best from each region and blended these
together to craft some delicious recipes.
Thai Crab Bisque, Asian Kismur, Citrus Fish Kabobs, Pla Rad Prik, Balinese
Steamed Fish, Kung Kapow, Cambodian Amok Curry, are some of their most
popular dishes.
While the first name derives from a strait shown on the following slide, the
second is a generic word for an item that India has exported for centuries.
Answer follows
Malaka Spice (from Strait of Malacca)
From Lonely Planet’s description of which city is this taken?
…attracts a multinational gaggle of tourists to its pretty piazzas and
knot of lanes, most in search of _____, ______ and all that. But beyond
the heart-shaped kitsch and Renaissance romance, ______ is a bustling
centre, its heart dominated by a mammoth, remarkably well-preserved
1st-century amphitheatre, the venue for the city's annual summer
opera festival. Add to that countless churches, a couple of
architecturally fascinating bridges over the Adige, regional wine and
food from the Veneto hinterland and some impressive art, and ______
shapes up as one of northern _______ most attractive cities. And all
this just a short hop from the shores of stunning Lake Garda.
Answer follows
Verona, the City of Love
“Two households, both alike in dignity. In fair Verona, where we lay our
The character shown below from the Fast and Furious franchise is a street racer,
thief, and daredevil. He is named for the capital of the actor’s country of origin and
a leader/heartthrob/daredevil with a similar set of skills and story. We were first
acquainted with this character from a different franchise a few decades back.
Simply name who you see below.
Answer follows
Han Seoul-Oh
List down all the countries and capitals which share the same starting letter.
For your help, the number of countries in each continent that fall into this
category and a special subset has been listed on the next slide. Your overall
guesses need to be 28 pairs – do not need to specify continent or match
each country with capital.
First 30 answers fetch 1 point, next 20 fetch 2 points each, final 6 fetch 5
points each. For an additional 5 points, explain what the special subset is all
Get crackin’!
Africa (6, 1)
Asia (6, 2)
Europe (7, 3)
N. America (5, 3)
S. America (2, 0)
Ocenia (2, 0)
Answers follow
Africa (6)
Algeria – Algiers
Djibouti – Djibouti
Mozambique – Maputo
Niger – Niamey
São Tomé and Príncipe – São Tomé
Tunisia – Tunis
Brunei – Bandar Seri Begawan
Kuwait – Kuwait
Maldives – Malé
Singapore – Singapore
South Korea – Seoul
Taiwan – Taipei
Europe (7)
Andorra – Andorra la Vella
Belgium – Brussels
Luxembourg – Luxembourg City
Monaco – Monte Carlo
San Marino – San Marino
Sweden – Stockholm
Vatican City – Vatican City
North America (5)
Mexico – Mexico City
Barbados - Bridgetown
Belize - Belmopan
Guatemala - Guatemala
Panama – Panama City
South America (2)
Brazil - Brasilia
Guyana - Georgetown
Ocenia (2)
Marshall Islands – Majuro
Papua New Guinea – Port Moresby
+10 on the bounce
+15/-10 on the pounce
The following are some of the legends that try to explain why something has
become the symbol of this city.
• A 14th century siege attempt using explosions and the heroics of someone
that followed and saved the city
• A thriving leather industry in the city which meant use for something
associated with the said symbol
• A fire that threatened the king and his castle, put out of course
What am I talking about?
Answer follows
Manneken Pis, Brussels
Home to exquisite gardens and buildings including Jardin du Luxembourg,
Saint-Michel, Sorbonne Uni, and the iconic Shakespeare & Co bookshop, the
Latin Quarter is the favourite part of Paris for tourists (count me on that list)
and Parisians alike. Foreign students and writers flock to the place often
living and working here as well.
This is nothing new and goes back as early as the 12th century, when
students used to come and stay at the University of Sorbonne from the world
My question is simple – why call it Latin Quarter?
Answer follows
Latin was the language that was spoken by
the inhabitants of the area who came from all
over the world and did not understand each
other’s mother tongue
Deriving its name from French and ultimately Latin for ‘follow’, this has
become ubiquitous in the corporate world. The Brooks Brothers are credited
with creating the first readymade version of this. Closer home at XLRI, we
see its usage amped up during the months of September and February.
However, most of us are unaware of a certain rule pertaining to its use, a
folly very visible (and one, which I must admit, has often irked me).
Two: Top – Always, Bottom – Never
Three: Top – Always, Middle – Sometimes, Bottom – Never
What am I talking about?
Answer follows
• Derive as sequor -> suite -> suit
• Rule for fastening of the button: Always, sometimes, never
This alliterative two word term is interesting in that the two words actually
contradict each other. The Guardian paints a better image than I could, so
here it is: the epitome of casual 'geek chic' and organised within the
warranty of their Palm Pilots, they sip labour-intensive café lattes, chat on
sleek cellphones and ponder the road to enlightenment.
The first word comes from the Old French word meaning walled city. The
second word is a demonym that came into common usage some time in the
1970s and has been revived recently thanks to something that has gained
much acclaim.
The term and its more frequently used reduction was made popular by the
book, whose image is shown on the next slide.
Answer follows
Bourgeois Bohemian or BoBo
Seeking for funding for projects
doesn’t limit to the Silicon Valley
and Bengaluru or the 21st
century. When one enterprising
person could not find this closer
home, he went elsewhere to
seek it out. Which meeting in
the world is depicted in the
image, that ensured all of South
America spoke Spanish?
Answer follows
After trying his luck at several places, Columbus
secured funding for his expedition to reach the
Indies from Isabella I, the Queen of Spain
Museums are my happy place. But would I be happy or sad visiting this one?
I’m not sure.
Located in Zagreb and Los Angeles, this rather unique museum is crowd-
sourced in that it seeks exhibits from visitors and people all over the world.
Some of the exhibits in the ______ __ ______ _____________ include a
tingle that the contributor didn’t wish to return, a size-view mirror because
someone had parked in front of the wrong house, an axe (no person was
injured using this, we are assured), and an unopen candy thong.
Answer follows
Museum of Broken Relationships
India sides with Scotland along with Canada and Japan. And well, to be
honest, so does most of the world.
The Irish like it longer – but their addition also tells us a bit about the history
of the product itself. The Irish too did not initially use the addition that they
now do. The Scots started mixing grain ______ with the usual to create a
product similar to that of the Irish. As a result, some Irish businessmen took
the Scots to court, which ruled in favour of the Scots. A commission that was
set up to link into this matter gave a report which had the addition initially
but not when it was submitted officially to the British government.
The Irish persisted with the addition and hence the difference. What am I
talking about?
Answer follows
Whiskey and Whisky
• Whiskey for the Irish
• Whisky for the Scots
The Holocaust Memorial in London is set to be completed by 2021
honours millions who died at the hands of the Nazis. It aims to be “a
living place, not just a monument to something of the past”, offering
visitors an “immersive journey” and “sensory experience” throughout
the site.
As such, the memorial’s design also tells a story. How have the 22
countries affected by the Holocaust been symbolized in the structure?
Images follow.
Answer follows
The number of fins in the building
• The memorial has 23 bronze fin structures
• The spaces between symbolise the 22 countries
Sharing its name with a city, this dish is made of chicken
fillet pounded and rolled in cold butter, coated with
bread crumbs and egg and fried.
Interestingly, it was invented by Russian chefs who were
trying to mimic French haute cuisine. The origin might be
on the side of certain claims that were made earlier this
decade, which saw widespread protests in the
“Independence Square” located in the city in question.
What city/dish am I talking about?
Answer follows
Kiev (also the capital of Ukraine)
On the list of natural wonders, this has to be one of the most
wonderful. It results from the charged particles of solar winds breaking
through the Earth’s protective shield called the magnetosphere and
reacting with the atmospheric gases.
Some of the best places to view it based on popular choice are Stewart
Island, Lake Tekapo, Mount Wellington, and the Falkland Islands.
Answer follows
The Southern (not Northern!) Lights or
Aurora Australis
The punning title of the book ______ __ ____ by Richard Cohen gives
the feeling that it’s political propaganda. However, a closer look
(according to Antony Lerman of the Guardian), might prove that the
book is rather realistic and colourful, painting portraits of extraordinary
“real” men, and sparks a debate of the faults of the state in question as
well. In addition, he ponders over the danger the creation of this state
has put the people in.
But enough about the book and more about how you can score your
points. Write down a name of a country. Once more, only this time
interchange a pair of letters.
Answer follows
Israel Is Real
Pete Hodgson is a New Zealand politician and member of the Labour
Party. Having been appointed to the cabinet after the 1999 elections,
Hodgson handled a varied portfolio including Economic Development,
Commerce, Forest and Fisheries among others. He was also Associate
Minister of Health, Foreign Affairs, Industry etc (was the man the
government or what!).
Realising the opportunity for a new source of revenue, the New
Zealand government appointed him as the ________ __ ___ _____.
Answer follows
Minister of the Rings, Tolkien Tourism FTW
The bridge between Hong Kong and mainland China is shaped rather
uniquely for function more than form.
It serves to solve an important problem that arises due to a practise
retained by Hong Kong from its imperial past under the occupation of
Britain whereas the freer China does not follow this.
The name of this bridge derives from its function, and might also
remind some of Cricket, and others of an offensive “hand” gesture.
What is the bridge called or what function does it serve?
Answer follows
Flipper Bridge, flips traffic around
• China drives on the right, Hong Kong on the left
• The bridge seamlessly flips cars driving to the left to the right and vice
• Helps prevent confusion and accidents
What is depicted in the map that follows? Aptly, the region is named
for what has been illustrated.
Answer follows
The Forest Cover of Jharkhand
• Jharkhand = Jhari + Khand
• Means “forest region” or “bushland”

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Around the World Quiz 2019 - Finals

  • 1. AROUND THE WORLD IN 80 QUESTIONS Sahil Gupta | XLRI Jamshedpur | 9 Feb 2019
  • 3. WRITTEN ROUND 1: VIEW FROM THE TOP 2 parts to each question • 1st part: Monument/building atop which the building has been taken • 2nd part: City where the said monument is located +5 for each part +10 bonus for answering all parts correctly
  • 4.
  • 5.
  • 6.
  • 7.
  • 9.
  • 11.
  • 13.
  • 14. Shanghai World Financial Center or the Bottle Opener, Shanghai
  • 15.
  • 16. St. Peter’s Basilica, Vatican City
  • 17. INFINITE BOUNCE 1 +10 on the bounce +15/-10 on the pounce
  • 18. 1 The following are some images you see in a particular work named for a place. What? • Hollywood, dodging celebrities and their bodyguards • Sierra Nevada mountains, snowboarding • San Francisco Bay, swimming surrounded by sharks and women • Sequoia National Park, saving a bear from a hunter, escaping lumberjacks as they fell trees
  • 21. 2 Originating from a similar sounding word meaning “to cover”, _____ has travelled the world over and become representative of the cuisine of the country of its origin. Here, lunch is typically served between 1 and 4 pm, and dinner very late between 9 and 11 pm, giving room for this in a typical day, enjoyed when going bar hopping. Incidentally, the word also finds place in several Indian religions with a range of meanings, largely around penance and burning away past karma. What’s the good word?
  • 23. Tapas
  • 24. 3 This particular destination received much media coverage and was touted in India as the ultimate destination to do something. A particular photograph shot here in December 2017 made rounds on social media and was also seen in various memes with the persons in it photoshopped and hence, transported to various other locations. As a matter of fact, the place hasn’t traditionally been associated with the above but instead popular with what results from it and after it, as it is famously home to someone. What was the occasion? Who is this place home to/which place am I talking about?
  • 26. Virushka, Rovaniemi (Santa Claus Village)
  • 27. 4 What does the following inexhaustive list denote? Paris: Orly, Beauvais–Tillé New York: LaGuardia London: Gatwick Stockholm: Bromma Brussels: Charleroi Istanbul: Sabiha Gokcen
  • 29. Secondary Airports in the respective cities
  • 30. 5 A government website’s explanation of something: (This) has less to do with the geological makeup… than with the effects of the sun’s ray into a colour spectrum. The light reaching _____ and ____ _____near sunrise and sunset is mainly from the red end of the spectrum and its reflection… and any clouds in the sky gives the spectacular colour… surrounding sand enhance(s) these effects. What particular phenomenon is this explanation about?
  • 32. The changing colours of Uluru or Ayer’s Rock (and Kata Tjuta)
  • 33. 6 The name of this item of clothing derives from the island where they became popular in the 1950s and 1960s. The actress on the following slide made these popular after she wore it in various movies, most famously in a 1953 movie set in a European capital city.
  • 34.
  • 37. 7 It is believed that this country gets its name because sailors would stop here and eat fruit rich with Vitamin C preventing any chance of them getting scurvy. In Portuguese, one therefore called it Ilha de _______ or Island of Healing. Yet another explanation relates the naming to the Portuguese word for heart. At any rate, most of us know the name for a liqueur that is made from laraha, a bitter orange native to the island. The liqueur itself has a distinctive colour and is used in many cocktails such as Blue Hawaiian, Midnight Kiss, Envy, and Blue Lagoon. What is the name of the country or the liqueur?
  • 39. Curaçao (pronounced Cure-us-so only really fast I think)
  • 40. 8 This concept finds its origin in a betting book for a London gentleman’s club as far back as 1785. Two years prior to this, an advancement had been made across the sea which also formed part of the bet – however, now somewhere else is usually associated with this. The gallant Oswald Boelcke was disciplined for attempting to do this in the 1910s with the help of a nurse. What am I talking about?
  • 43. 9 Now that we have mentioned the mile high club which offers membership for having intercourse in the air. What club do you become a member of if you do so on a train?
  • 46. 10 This statue was unveiled in 2013 in Novosibirsk in Siberia on the occasion of the 120th anniversary of the city’s founding. Located in a park in front of the Institute of Cytology and Genetics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, it aims to honour the role __X__ have played in furthering science and medicine. Having lived alongside 15000 years, they also provide a greater clock-speed to enable certain comparisons. The anthropomorphic statue is in the form of an old lady seen with needles knitting something rather symbolic. Who is the monument a tribute to? What is old lady knitting?
  • 49. 11 Grown mainly in southwest Europe and Africa, ____ ___ is one of the major exports of Portugal. In fact, Portugal has accounted for nearly 70% of its trade in recent years. The material itself is extremely light, compressible, elastic, and flexible and impervious to moisture. The most common use of this material results from the presence of suberin in it, a hydrophobic substance. Its importance rose only after the invention of a certain kind of furnace which meant a leap in the storage and packaging industry. Among its varied uses are shoes soles, cigarette tips, mats, and handbags (bought some for my friends - never have to worry about them getting soaked in the rain, duh!).
  • 50.
  • 52. Cork / Cork oak
  • 53. 12 An iconic South East Asian restaurant, ______ _____ was started by Praful Chandawarkar, an investment banker who had quit his job, and his wife Cheeru, who was a chef extraordinaire. They travelled extensively across Southeast Asia and picked up the best from each region and blended these together to craft some delicious recipes. Thai Crab Bisque, Asian Kismur, Citrus Fish Kabobs, Pla Rad Prik, Balinese Steamed Fish, Kung Kapow, Cambodian Amok Curry, are some of their most popular dishes. While the first name derives from a strait shown on the following slide, the second is a generic word for an item that India has exported for centuries.
  • 54.
  • 56. Malaka Spice (from Strait of Malacca)
  • 57. 13 From Lonely Planet’s description of which city is this taken? …attracts a multinational gaggle of tourists to its pretty piazzas and knot of lanes, most in search of _____, ______ and all that. But beyond the heart-shaped kitsch and Renaissance romance, ______ is a bustling centre, its heart dominated by a mammoth, remarkably well-preserved 1st-century amphitheatre, the venue for the city's annual summer opera festival. Add to that countless churches, a couple of architecturally fascinating bridges over the Adige, regional wine and food from the Veneto hinterland and some impressive art, and ______ shapes up as one of northern _______ most attractive cities. And all this just a short hop from the shores of stunning Lake Garda.
  • 58.
  • 59.
  • 61. Verona, the City of Love “Two households, both alike in dignity. In fair Verona, where we lay our scene…”
  • 62. 14 The character shown below from the Fast and Furious franchise is a street racer, thief, and daredevil. He is named for the capital of the actor’s country of origin and a leader/heartthrob/daredevil with a similar set of skills and story. We were first acquainted with this character from a different franchise a few decades back. Simply name who you see below.
  • 65. WRITTEN ROUND 2: ALLITERATION ALLIGATOR List down all the countries and capitals which share the same starting letter. For your help, the number of countries in each continent that fall into this category and a special subset has been listed on the next slide. Your overall guesses need to be 28 pairs – do not need to specify continent or match each country with capital. First 30 answers fetch 1 point, next 20 fetch 2 points each, final 6 fetch 5 points each. For an additional 5 points, explain what the special subset is all about.
  • 66. Get crackin’! Africa (6, 1) Asia (6, 2) Europe (7, 3) N. America (5, 3) S. America (2, 0) Ocenia (2, 0)
  • 68. Africa (6) Algeria – Algiers Djibouti – Djibouti Mozambique – Maputo Niger – Niamey São Tomé and Príncipe – São Tomé Tunisia – Tunis Asia(6) Brunei – Bandar Seri Begawan Kuwait – Kuwait Maldives – Malé Singapore – Singapore South Korea – Seoul Taiwan – Taipei
  • 69. Europe (7) Andorra – Andorra la Vella Belgium – Brussels Luxembourg – Luxembourg City Monaco – Monte Carlo San Marino – San Marino Sweden – Stockholm Vatican City – Vatican City North America (5) Mexico – Mexico City Barbados - Bridgetown Belize - Belmopan Guatemala - Guatemala Panama – Panama City
  • 70. South America (2) Brazil - Brasilia Guyana - Georgetown Ocenia (2) Marshall Islands – Majuro Papua New Guinea – Port Moresby
  • 71. INFINITE BOUNCE 2 +10 on the bounce +15/-10 on the pounce
  • 72. 1 The following are some of the legends that try to explain why something has become the symbol of this city. • A 14th century siege attempt using explosions and the heroics of someone that followed and saved the city • A thriving leather industry in the city which meant use for something associated with the said symbol • A fire that threatened the king and his castle, put out of course What am I talking about?
  • 75. 2 Home to exquisite gardens and buildings including Jardin du Luxembourg, Saint-Michel, Sorbonne Uni, and the iconic Shakespeare & Co bookshop, the Latin Quarter is the favourite part of Paris for tourists (count me on that list) and Parisians alike. Foreign students and writers flock to the place often living and working here as well. This is nothing new and goes back as early as the 12th century, when students used to come and stay at the University of Sorbonne from the world over. My question is simple – why call it Latin Quarter?
  • 77. Latin was the language that was spoken by the inhabitants of the area who came from all over the world and did not understand each other’s mother tongue
  • 78. 3 Deriving its name from French and ultimately Latin for ‘follow’, this has become ubiquitous in the corporate world. The Brooks Brothers are credited with creating the first readymade version of this. Closer home at XLRI, we see its usage amped up during the months of September and February. However, most of us are unaware of a certain rule pertaining to its use, a folly very visible (and one, which I must admit, has often irked me). Two: Top – Always, Bottom – Never Three: Top – Always, Middle – Sometimes, Bottom – Never What am I talking about?
  • 80. Suits • Derive as sequor -> suite -> suit • Rule for fastening of the button: Always, sometimes, never
  • 81. 4 This alliterative two word term is interesting in that the two words actually contradict each other. The Guardian paints a better image than I could, so here it is: the epitome of casual 'geek chic' and organised within the warranty of their Palm Pilots, they sip labour-intensive café lattes, chat on sleek cellphones and ponder the road to enlightenment. The first word comes from the Old French word meaning walled city. The second word is a demonym that came into common usage some time in the 1970s and has been revived recently thanks to something that has gained much acclaim. The term and its more frequently used reduction was made popular by the book, whose image is shown on the next slide.
  • 82.
  • 85. 5 Seeking for funding for projects doesn’t limit to the Silicon Valley and Bengaluru or the 21st century. When one enterprising person could not find this closer home, he went elsewhere to seek it out. Which meeting in the world is depicted in the image, that ensured all of South America spoke Spanish?
  • 87. After trying his luck at several places, Columbus secured funding for his expedition to reach the Indies from Isabella I, the Queen of Spain
  • 88. 6 Museums are my happy place. But would I be happy or sad visiting this one? I’m not sure. Located in Zagreb and Los Angeles, this rather unique museum is crowd- sourced in that it seeks exhibits from visitors and people all over the world. Some of the exhibits in the ______ __ ______ _____________ include a tingle that the contributor didn’t wish to return, a size-view mirror because someone had parked in front of the wrong house, an axe (no person was injured using this, we are assured), and an unopen candy thong.
  • 90. Museum of Broken Relationships
  • 91. 7 India sides with Scotland along with Canada and Japan. And well, to be honest, so does most of the world. The Irish like it longer – but their addition also tells us a bit about the history of the product itself. The Irish too did not initially use the addition that they now do. The Scots started mixing grain ______ with the usual to create a product similar to that of the Irish. As a result, some Irish businessmen took the Scots to court, which ruled in favour of the Scots. A commission that was set up to link into this matter gave a report which had the addition initially but not when it was submitted officially to the British government. The Irish persisted with the addition and hence the difference. What am I talking about?
  • 93. Whiskey and Whisky • Whiskey for the Irish • Whisky for the Scots
  • 94. 8 The Holocaust Memorial in London is set to be completed by 2021 honours millions who died at the hands of the Nazis. It aims to be “a living place, not just a monument to something of the past”, offering visitors an “immersive journey” and “sensory experience” throughout the site. As such, the memorial’s design also tells a story. How have the 22 countries affected by the Holocaust been symbolized in the structure? Images follow.
  • 95.
  • 97. The number of fins in the building • The memorial has 23 bronze fin structures • The spaces between symbolise the 22 countries
  • 98. 9 Sharing its name with a city, this dish is made of chicken fillet pounded and rolled in cold butter, coated with bread crumbs and egg and fried. Interestingly, it was invented by Russian chefs who were trying to mimic French haute cuisine. The origin might be on the side of certain claims that were made earlier this decade, which saw widespread protests in the “Independence Square” located in the city in question. What city/dish am I talking about?
  • 100. Kiev (also the capital of Ukraine)
  • 101. 10 On the list of natural wonders, this has to be one of the most wonderful. It results from the charged particles of solar winds breaking through the Earth’s protective shield called the magnetosphere and reacting with the atmospheric gases. Some of the best places to view it based on popular choice are Stewart Island, Lake Tekapo, Mount Wellington, and the Falkland Islands.
  • 103. The Southern (not Northern!) Lights or Aurora Australis
  • 104. 11 The punning title of the book ______ __ ____ by Richard Cohen gives the feeling that it’s political propaganda. However, a closer look (according to Antony Lerman of the Guardian), might prove that the book is rather realistic and colourful, painting portraits of extraordinary “real” men, and sparks a debate of the faults of the state in question as well. In addition, he ponders over the danger the creation of this state has put the people in. But enough about the book and more about how you can score your points. Write down a name of a country. Once more, only this time interchange a pair of letters.
  • 107. 12 Pete Hodgson is a New Zealand politician and member of the Labour Party. Having been appointed to the cabinet after the 1999 elections, Hodgson handled a varied portfolio including Economic Development, Commerce, Forest and Fisheries among others. He was also Associate Minister of Health, Foreign Affairs, Industry etc (was the man the government or what!). Realising the opportunity for a new source of revenue, the New Zealand government appointed him as the ________ __ ___ _____. What?
  • 109. Minister of the Rings, Tolkien Tourism FTW
  • 110. 13 The bridge between Hong Kong and mainland China is shaped rather uniquely for function more than form. It serves to solve an important problem that arises due to a practise retained by Hong Kong from its imperial past under the occupation of Britain whereas the freer China does not follow this. The name of this bridge derives from its function, and might also remind some of Cricket, and others of an offensive “hand” gesture. What is the bridge called or what function does it serve?
  • 111.
  • 113. Flipper Bridge, flips traffic around • China drives on the right, Hong Kong on the left • The bridge seamlessly flips cars driving to the left to the right and vice versa • Helps prevent confusion and accidents
  • 114. 14 What is depicted in the map that follows? Aptly, the region is named for what has been illustrated.
  • 115.
  • 117. The Forest Cover of Jharkhand • Jharkhand = Jhari + Khand • Means “forest region” or “bushland”