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University at buffalo-State university of New
York ARC 211-American Diversity and
design-spring 2017
online discussion Question tianyupe
Modules1 Theard2 Thread 2: Response to "What is design?" from Hello World
original writing
From reading the book of Hello the world I think the design is a way to help us to
make the most of future breakthroughs .
For example, biomimcry and chemistry. Developing some new trasportation, which
will reduce the death rate in accident and we possessed more than we need or want
However, the design is not a panacea, it is one of the most powerful tools for people
to resolve problem
For example YIng zheng, who is the king of Qing. he was famous as tyrant and
cunning, he use nearly 10 years to compete with his reval。Then he became the king
of Qing. He began to attacked and defeated the weakest neigh-bouring states and
then he was ambushing the opposing army. A third state surrendered after Qing
troop attacked its captical city, From this, we can see that Ying zheng outwitted his
enemy by using design.
The most important reason for Ying zheng got triumphs is his troops’ weapons He
trained his soldiers and ensured that they would use their weapon efficiently, which
was a essential reason to win in the war. The same important design thing about the
weapon is its size,shape, choise of material
another important were the change to Qin’s bows and arrows----Archers However,
the problem is one kind of bow only can match with one kind of arrows. Therefore,
when archer run out of arrows during the war, it is impossible to fire another arrows
for his bow. The Ying zheng resolve this problem by requiring worker to shaft of each
arrows as the same size precisely
Let us talk more about Qin shi huang, as we all know, he established the empire of
China, he was standardized weights and measure for trading. he try to avoid dead,
therefore, he dispatching expeditions into the seas east of China in doomed
attempts to find the mythical island of Penglai. However, the expeditions failed, he
began to design imperial mausoleum, which should show his power and force. Above
I said, we can see that we are conscious and design things before we do it design
means we plannig something before the things happen.
Until now, we also use the technology to improve our technology, For example,
apple and samsung company teams of designers try to find cheaper and more
efficient ways of producing their new degital devices.
art=0&rpnum=0(Dong han, the Qing Dynasty, 3 7 2014 access date5 2 2017)
Modules1 Thread 3: Response to "Introduction" from Diversity and Design
original topic
By reading the Introduction of design, I know Most of the world is
designed by adults. Children have little say in what gets designed and
chindren have less physical ability and less education than adults. They have
little economic power and almost no political power. These factors both lead to
and exacerbate their marginal status in design and society. However, the
design also impacts all social group I will explain The design influences how
we see ourselves, how we see others, and how others see us.
Some simple sample about design is for industrial design to architecture,
and from media design to system design the diversity and design, which
focuse on the changing nature of society
I also know the defining design from the book. Like diversity, design is a
vast subject, but for professional disciplines, the design members have
acquired specific knowledge and skills necessary to design media, products,
buildings cities, environment and so forth. design also is considered a basic
component of humanity 1, people have desire 2 ,people have different culture
3, digital visual and physical environment. Therefore reducing the distance
between different kind of people is most important charge to the design
professions today. The aim for design is to mix different or diversity culture and
language togther. if we need to learn other countries’ culture, we should design
the way to communicate with each other.
I think Design is the process of communicating a plan, plan, or idea in
some form. Through the transformation of human labor, the creation of
civilization, the creation of material wealth and spiritual wealth, and the most
basic, the most important is the creation of creative activities. Design is the
creative activity of the pre planning, can be any creative activities of the
planning technology and planning process as a design.
Dong han, the Qing Dynasty, 3 7 2014 access date5 2 2017)
Modules 2 Thread 1: FROM: Chapter in Media/Society and TED Talk
Photos that Changed the World
Original writing
There is no question that the Internet has changed modern life by providing
us with easy access to a lot of information. In my memory, the various of
illness leave the deep impression to me. Media post pictures in the internet is
very important to response the event, I think the black Death picture
should be posted as News. The black death is the modern name given to the
deadly bubonic plague an epidemic disease spread by rat fleas across Europe
in the 14th century. It swept through England's population from million to two
million by the end of the 14th century. the economic consequences of the black
death were far-reaching. As a result of the plague, much land was left
untended and there was a terrible shortage and labour. if we just watch
newspaper with a article or print version, we cannot feel the terrible illness of
Black death taking how much pain to people.
the media have 4 advantage.
1,It Helps News Spread Fast We no longer have to wait for the morning or
evening news to get caught up on current events. You can turn on CNN, Fox
News, MSNBC or one of the many other 24-hour news channels to get news
2,It Keeps You Updated With Current Events Whether you want to keep up
with your community, state, country or world, the media is there to provide
you all the information you need to know.3,It Can Help You Form Opinions
On The World By consuming a number of different opinions throughout the
media, you can better know where you stand on the political spectrum. Doing
this will help you to find more out about yourself.4,If you witness something
that you think is newsworthy, you can call up the local or national media and
pitch them a storyYou Can Use It To Get Stories Out.
Jayson DeMers” The Top 10 Benefits of Social Media Marketing” Aug
11(2014):n.pag.web.8 Mar 2017
Modules 2Thread 2: Response to Articles on Hats as Communication
1 Trump’s ubiquitous bright red trucker hat, festooned with”make America
Great Again” Good design doesn't necessarily mean effective design." the hat took
on a life of trump’s own, becoming the subject of memes and parody. I thing trump
use so much money on hats is for expressing information. Try to think about it, a huge
amount of people wear the same hat, which is very in order, the hat also indicate some
information about how animated the demographic trump was, another important issue
is about the visual fluency is crucial for everyone,
As we all know the hat, if the designer design”design thinking” and “design
strategy”in the hat, so many people wear the hat with a kind of volition of trump,
other people who was not wear the hat will feel very powerful about the group people
wearing the hat I need to mention about the color of the hat, Trump company spend so
much money to buy the red color hat,someone picked red since it's the color for the
Republican party, and basic Times New Roman lettering in white so it would stand
out against the cap., However, the Women’s march on Washington were wearing
bright pink hats to be a strong visual signal on the day of the march.
The same meaning of two hat is the hat represent of volition, the red hat represent the
volition of trump and the pink hat represent the volition of American woman, the
different thing I metion above.
Klein Jonathan. “Media and Social World” . Croteau and Hoynes 120.(I don’t
know issue) (Fifth Edtion, 2014).30 print
Week 3 modules
Original writing
first,cradle to cradle is a biomimetic approach to the design of products and
syste. The cradle and cradle suggest the industry should to protect ecosystems
and nature’s biological. The industry should product some high-quality and
circulation of organic, which is holistic econommic. Industry try to creat a
system, which not only have high efficient but also have essencially free waste.
they can use the system in building and social system.
second, the cradle to cradle will be helpful because the world’s population is
increasing so fast. However, here are not so many rescourse in the world.
I checked in the website and find some sourses about the cradle to cradle,
which is Aquion energy, Aquion energy was producted in electronics industry
and invented by CEOScott pearson and CTO Jay Whitarc. The Aquion energy
is a electricity storage systems. The product can provide a low-cost way to
store large amount of energy. the process of producting Aquion energy is
super safty because industry can product it in a wide range of temperatures
and non-toxic end product made from widely available material inputs.
I think the Aquion Energy not only can provide large amount of energy at once
charge but do not product any pollution.
Klein Jonathan. “Photos That changed The World” 2 2(2010):n.pag.Web.8 Mar.2017.
Week 3 modules
Original writing
Theard 1 By reading the book, I know the key characteristic of industrial design
is therefore the manufacturing context for which designs are created. However,
we know the industrial design is not design for a true thing or material but
mass-production methods. The aim of modern industrial designers is to
product a plan and a specification of a form or mechannism for large-scale.
I really like a example about German car Volkswagen to explain the industry
design. the beetle become the best selling vehicle of all time and I also have to
mention a person-Adolf Hitle, who attempted to have such a car
manufactured commercially failed and then he began to try mass-production
method same to he used in U.S early. furthermore, the concept make a success
in military vehicl.
I also like the word said by john ruskin and william morris, which is the woker
should have skill and creative In their work. I think worker should have their
own thougnt but not a” mechain”, which just know how to made but don’t
know how to invent.
I think now we can use the concept providing by Henry Ford’s assembly
line,which will make the products with a cheaper price to produce. People can
buy the cheap goods that they can improve their quality of life.
I have some advice about the product line. The invention of production line
can reduce the skillful of worker, which also cause a bad effect that people do
not want to think to use their intellegence. The product line can improve the
quality and speed of producting goods even can produce more delicater goods
than artifical goods. However, the line will cultivate people’s inert thought.
Therefore, my advice is company shouldn’t only pursuing the efficient of
product but some innovation things.
Based on watching Ted talk, As conti is talking something in 4 minutes into
the video He said about 3-D printed cabin design by a computer regarding a
concept plane. perhaps, our father don’t know what is 3-D printed. but know
the 3-D printed skill was been known all over the world so that the high-tech
development is so fast. I am not sure that does the 3-D print can reduce the
pollution but at least, I know the 3-D print can provide people with diffrient
angle to watch the world. Therefore, the things is awesome at least now. Let us
to see the result in the future.
Manuel Lima. “ A Visual History of Human Knowledge ” 3
3(2015):n.pag.web.8 Mar.2017.
Week 4 modules
Original writing
Thread 2: Response to Ballantyne and Zumthor Articles
Andrew ballantyne believes that buildings that are involved with our daily lives are
part of our system of habits, we also live with archtecture in the background. He give
an example to record our relationship with building that is taking a picture to help
perserve the memory. Author begin to tell us more about artwork for building, which
can make us focus our attention on artwork and to derive some benefit by doing so.
However, the Andrwe tell us that building is not a artwork but a tool. Then author
talk the pragmatist aesthetics can help us to value the building that matter to us
when we use the building and it is work well.(this author is first article)
Now I want to taik more about the Ballantyne and zumthor. They are two different
people, but they love the architecture, they want to think some way to change their
style to build, they want make people to feel in a particular place but not to focus on
the building. architecture. the architecture should base on our life. Therefore, they
believes that architecture can make me people’s life become more convenience
However, the Andrwe ballantyne tell us that we should aware building near us. he
think we should find artwork in the building but not to ignore something. He is more
concentrate more on the creative of the building. He allow us to find some fantastic
things in building of our life, He think building should have a little psychological
The Mr. Zumthors is a realism. He believes that every build have its own specific
reason. He is more concentrate on the material of the building and essence of the
building but not a creative.
Gary Hustwit. “Helvetica” Nov 16(2016):n.pag.Web.8 Mar. 2017.
Week 4 modules
Original writing
Thread 1: Response to All Module 4 Materials
I was watching the TED video, I am super interesting to talk the modern building and
future building in this video. I think she is very far-sight because she believes that the
architecture is to build a reletionship with each other including of human, nature
even ecosystem. She believes that architecture should be based on climate,
individual,plant,insect, community.
For example, She talk about a past sensibilities building, which is a circle building
surrounding by three triagle building. She was used tree to build the wall of the
triagle. She said it is build a relationship with ecosystem. However, I have a little
confuse about it. You cut a tree for building but you think you are build a relationship
with ecosystem? The tree was die and you destory the ecosystem balance. I don’t
think you cut trees for building, which is to build a relationship with ecosystem.
However, I think use the center of the cycle building as a communication room,
which is a good design. because people can be gathered from different way to center.
Most important thing is people can see with each other.
Another example is modern building, she was talked about a skyscraper in the city.
She create a prominent place in every floor, which is super good for people to
communicate with each other. They can talk with each other in different floor but
not use their own phone. I think it is a good design for moden building
Dianna Buddd. “The Worst Design of 2016 Was Also the Most Effective" 12
16(2016):n.pag.web.8 Mar. 2017.
Week 5modules
Original writing
Thread 2: Response to Pruitt Igoe Project, Talen, and Larson After watching
the TV and reading two article, I want to talk about the Pruitt-igone, which is a
large urban housing project first occupied in 1945(from video) In the 1960s
the place had become infamous for its powerty, crime and racial segregation.
The building of here were demolished with explosives in the mid-1970s,and
the project become a failure urban design.Why Pruitt-igone was failure? I
think the most important reason is residents were leaving the city, and leaving
low-income families in here, who is low quality low education level even low
cosumption. I think the Talen’s opinion is very important that Talen use
design to promote social and economic mix in human settlement-mixed in
income, mixed in use, and activety supportive of place that commingle people
of different races, ethnicitise, genders ,ages, occupations and households. She
believes that planner can let the different level of people to live in same place.
I think it is important because it promote the diversity of society. The city
need wealthy people to carry those poor people because if all of people have a
lot of money, what we should to develop? or what we should to improve?
Therefore, I think the social devircity is super important. However, I disagree
with her opinion that mixing black, white and other skin color people living in
same building because everyone take color glasses to look around. Try to think
about it. If you are a white people, can you look black people as white people?
I don’t think so, I am not a racial discrimination because I also come from
China. My skin color is yellow. Therefore, I also keep distance with other racial.
Therefore, I think we can make friend with each other but not deep. Therefore,
I don’t think mix black, white together is a good strategy.
Kent larson is a creative person, he always want to design efficient
building to make sure you can fit the most people in the least amount of space.
He live in a city for 15years. Therefore, I think he have many experience for
building For example, he want to bring advanced technology into the
apartment, technology enable infill. He is a strict person, I think if he rebuild
the pruitt igoe project, he will not design the black and white people in same
building and he will know them background and where is people’s mother or
father come from. He is concentrate more on individual. He’s design can help
us to understand their lives.
wow, If I design the building, I would like to design building like a
villa-dubble floor, I will build a lake in the middle of all building. the lake will
surrounded by all of the villa as a center. I will keep same style about the
building like larson said. I don’t like diversity. I will not leave so much
distance between two house because people can communicate with each other.
I want to build a high-level residential because I will give a little high price for
Dianna Buddd. “The Worst Design of 2016 Was Also the Most Effective" 12
16(2016):n.pag.web.8 Mar. 2017
Week 5modules
Original writing
Thread 1: Response to Levy Article
First, I want to talk about the plan,which can determine the characteristics of
a place(cite from the beginning of the article) 1 the development city require
planner to design a convenience transportation for citizen use. They also
need to design a traffic patten to use but not so many people use it. Bicycle
and walk should be separated from automobile traffic because in the
development city, here is so many citizen. If all of them use the car, the traffic
jam will happen. Another kind of city is developing city. In this country,
planner need to design a low price house for those low income group of people.
The planner also need to encourage existing industry to remain and that
encourage new firms to locate within the community(cite from the last 2
paragraph), which is help for developing city.
Now I want to introduce my home. I grew up in a big city in Daqing of
HeiLongJiang province of China.
Da qing located in north of China, which is a "oil city". Therefore, Daqing rely
on exploiting oil for living.
We have a traffic patten to use, which is not so many people to use it. we have
four main path for automobile passing and we also have two bicycle path in
the beside of the road. Da qing enjoy development transportation. the
government build the high-speed rail and airport for the convenince of citizen.
The planner design those noise place far away our center of city that we will
not disturb by those noise. the level of people's life is higher than our surround
city. Therefore, The planner design the supermarket in the center of the city,
people use their own income to buy some luxury goods for their family.
Obviously, Daqing is a developing city. Therefore, other citizen from other city
want to find work in Daqing, which will exert the problem of unemployment
because some people coming from small village are try hard to work for their
family and house rent. Therefore, the planner design some cheap houses for
those poor people beside of the center of Da Qing. Most important thing is
about some old memory building. There is a problem for planner because with
the development of economic city need to dismantle some old buildings.
However, some old buildings have significant history meaning. I think planner
should dismantle some slimsy buildings or some buildings take important
Now I want to talk more about the interconnect and complexity in my city(cite
from the beginning of the article) the meaning of the interconnect in our city
is concern. the city is dense development but not fragmentary developments,
we develop the high building, airport, we develop the agricultural too. The
government give peasantry with extra money every year. Furthermore, our
city is super complexity. because we process 2million people in the city. we
have diverse transportation tools we have different cultural because people
come from different place.
Finally, I think planner should have common educational background,which
is formal trainning in planning, most often a master's degree
Katie Rogers, "Fashioning Protest for the Women’s March on
Week 5modules
Original writing
Thread 1: Response to F.L. Olmsted
Olmsted's principles of design, generally speaking, encourage the full
utilization of the naturally occurring features of a given space. Olmsted designed
primarily in the pastoral and picturesque styles. The buffalo niagara falls accord with
the pastoral and picturesque features because I always come here.
Olmsted incorporated three elements into the park system: a large park, about 350
acre, a large meadow park with 120 acres, and a parade ground in the inland area.(cite
from the video)Finally Olmsted and Vaux added the system of parkways all which
connected the parks. These parkways througout all of the city. I think Frederick is so
successful to connect so many park with city. He is super glad to claim “the buffalo is
the best planned city” I think he creat a city system in buffalo, which is city connect
with nature,which is unique work in Frederick life.
Therefore, if not the world, he said the buffalo is the best work, in his viewpoint,
he can mix nature and city so well, which is a significant success. I was came so many
city in the world. For example, Shang hai and guangzhou shen zhen of China. Those
city is super big city in China. However, I cannot find a good nature place in those
city. Those city planners build so many industries and building that the air condition
is so terrible. Shang hai is the only city nearing the sea. However, here is so many
people living in Shang hai that we cannnot feel the relationship between human and
nature. Another example is American city. I also visited the tanpa bench in Miami,
white bench, I think the city planning is so good because the bench near the city.
people can walk around with tanpa when they feel suffer from heavy stress. However,
here only have a beach in tanpa, no so many tree no park. Although so many place
have park or beach or whatever, They cannot plan like buffalo,which have 3 park
connect with city and a significant falls river.
I don’t think olmsted would make that claim today. In modern society, we cannot
find a city can connect with super big park because modern society design don’t allow
so huge place to leave unused. I mean the place cannot take economic benefit.
Although we have so much place for building park. Those place will not use same
standard with buffalo. Therefore, Niagara falls park is a unique style I think and the
buffalo is a life city, which have ability to grow and adapt to the lifestyles of its
Week 6modules
Original writing
Thread 2: Response to Walter Hood's Work As walter Hood's said the triad of
investigation is landscapes designs life ways, which is depend on everyday, the
mundane and designs life ways. In my opinion, I strongly agree the walter
Hood's opinion that the river should keep intact but not change the river for
communication or a park. I think the river have a little different with park.
People can build a park, which is not destroy the nature balance because
people was not cut tree or whatever.
However, if we build something near the river like bridge. Think about it, If
we build a bridge above the river, you have to fill sand in the river, which will
reduce the scale of river. When we dismantle the bridge,which also ruin the
nature balance because some fish or other animals rely on the bridge for living
For example, sea mew build a nest under the bridge. If we dismantle the
bridge, where the sea mew go? here have other species depend on bridge for
living. Therefore, I design a new landscape. I will make the place look like very
comfortable. For example, I live in Daqing of Heilongjiang of China. Daqing
have a wet land in the center of city. As we all know, wed land is the kidney of
global therefore, we should to protect the wet land but not allow industry
to build near the wet land. Walter hood's said" the best appearance is the
original appearance".
I think the image of seabird fly in the sky with tweet, reed swing, and the
breeze blew over the lake leave impress memorize when I was a small child.
However, now people take the reed to make paper. people take bird eggs away.
If I am a supervisor in here, I will not allow those things happen.
Its funny that I talked about preserving the wetlands, because in todays day in
agree no one does such a thing, they do like I say and just put sand on top of it.
I think that we should try and persevere these great "lungs" as I can call them.
Buffalo is a perfect example of filling in wetlands, especially with the more
developing that is going on in buffalo. I remember I use to work at a store
called Philips Hardware, anyways they were planning on developing and it
didn't happen because they were surrounded by wet land, on the inside I was
happy because I didn't want to see the destruction of the land.'s&st
Week 7modules
Original writing
Thread 2: Response to Charles Davis and equityXdesign's Work
The push for an African American history site in Washington began in 1915,
when black Civil War veterans asked for a monument on the Mall. But it
wasn’t until 2003 that President George W. Bush signed the museum’s
authorizing legislationThe museum will “stand in proof that the most
important things in life rarely come quickly or easily,”Obama said
The concept of a national museum dedicated to African-American history and
culture"National Memorial Building" showcasing African-American
achievements in the arts and sciencesThe museum, built and funded with
private money. I think the museum is invention, recognition and inclusion.
For example, “art collection will explore the breadth and depth of hip-hop
Klein Jonathan. “Media and Social World” . Croteau and Hoynes 120.(I don’t
know issue) (Fifth Edtion, 2014).30 print.
Week 7modules
Original writing
Thread 1: Response to the Brookes
Through most of the eighteenth and into the early nineteenth century a number of
artists in new spain produced sets of portraits collectively known as castas paintings.
castas=mixed people, which means the African woman get married with spanish
man, which is different race mixed in 1750-1800 this painting depict people in a
variety of trades and occupations, some picture tell us about a happyness family. For
example picture 1, which is light falls on the whute paper that the boy is holding, on
which he has written the word parco, which is peace picture another is aggressive
picture. In this picture, The man’s eyes are wide open as he tires to restrain her. The
child of their union, a Mulatta, looks up and screams in fear as she grabs her
mother’s skirts. From this, we can see castas were somethings able to live beyond
the limit set on their activities,whether in separate communities,through their
intelligence and charm, or by passing as spaniards thanks to wealth, education and
xicanas.jpgKlein Jonathan. “Photos That changed The World” 2 2(2010):n.pag.Web.8
Mar.2017.Week 8modules
Original writing
Thread 1: Response to "Landscape Stories" Chapter
If you want me to describe my hometown, I have to mention about food-The
northeast roast goose. In China, you only can eat authentic roast goose in
northeast of China. because the condition of state. I think the roast goose are
best thing to represent our ethnic background because you make other China
guys guess where are me coming from by telling them about roast goose in my
hometown. They can easy to know that I come from northeast of China. I
think the roast goose,which will continuing establish in my home because it is
super delicious. The most important thing is not so many people know how to
made the roast goose. As we all know, the reason of fail of "hot business is so
many people can do it. However, the "hot work" will keep hot until so many
people know hot to do it. Therefore, I think the roast goose will continuing
establish in my home. For example, the roast whole lamb in Mongolia
I am from China;
Dianna Buddd. “The Worst Design of 2016 Was Also the Most Effective" 12
16(2016):n.pag.web.8 Mar. 2017.
Week 8modules
Original writing
Thread 2: Response to Article on Sports Branding I think the sports branding
shouldn't focus on ethnicity because the ethnicity is super sensitive For
example, Black people don't like to talk more about their own color of skin .
First the sports branding have influence in the society. The sports brand will
have different evaluation about white people and black people. However, here
are so many other countries people who will have a potential recognize about
black or white people, which perhaps will leave bad impression to other
countries people. In my opinion, I don't like to focus on the color of skin or
ethnicity because I think to talk the color about people, which is disrespect to
someone. most important is potential "discriminate of color skin", which will
cause people don't like to support the team, which is balck people team or
white people.
Gary Hustwit. “Helvetica” Nov 16(2016):n.pag.Web.8 Mar. 2017.
Week 9modules
Original writing
 Thread 2: Response to Bathroom Bill
Oh I Think we shouldn't to discrimination the person who change his own
gender. Therefore, I believes that people shouldn't be required to use the
bathroom that corresponds with the biological gender because of two reason
First, if a man has change his own gender to woman. The ”man" believes that
he is a "woman" because he even haven't genitals. If he come to man
bathroom, I think all of the man in the bathroom will discriminate the "man"
who haven't a genitals. Therefore, I think the "man" should to use the woman
bathroom as the man thought. he believes that he is a woman. Why the law
required him to look like a man? No sense right? another reason is why we
should use the bathroom that corresponds with the gender? First because shy
second sexual crime. Try to think about it, a man who become a woman. I
think he using the woman bathroom will not make girl feel shy and I think we
do not need to worry about "man" to crime right? Therefore, I believe that
people don't need to use the bathroom that corresponded with the biological
Week 9modules
Original writing :
Thread 1: Response to "Visualizing Gender" Chapter
From this picture, we can see that the discrimination against female in china,
which is reducing now because we can see the woman ratio is increasing with
the time pass. At 19 th, most of people were lived in a small village. Therefore,
They have to get an boy for farming. Another reason is the boy can keep
continuity of a clan. However, the girl haven't so many advantage for poor
family. However, with the development of economic, now we have condition
to bring up a girl. people don't need to deliberate intervene the ratio of gender.
However, now so many place also don't like to accept a girl because the name
of their child. In china traditional culture. It is very disrespect for their parent
when they cannot continuity of a clan. Therefore, it is always happen that
some grandmother or grandfather don't want to get an girl. However, In
American, people can accept the girl or boy because they never mind about the
continuity of clan
/ Manuel Lima. “A Visual History of Human Knowledge” 3
3(2015):n.pag.web.8 Mar.2017.
Week 10modules
Original writing :
Thread 1: Response to Hidden Ways
Yes you can see the picture that I was posted, which is super strange for
me. sure, here is the downtown night of buffalo. I feel afraid of this picture
because the building and environment. First we can see the blue mixed with
black sky and the yellow light. As we all know the mark building is the church
with a poignant top, which is the feature of stealthy. Here is not happen in
China. In China, Here is so many people live in a city that no matter what kind
of building. The building never look like super stealthy because so many
people live in here. However, In American, here is not so many people live in a
same city that some place will look like a Ghost Town
Kim Christian, “the relative important of social media for accessing, finding, and engaging
with news” 03 Jan (2014):n.pag.web.8 Mar 2017.
Week 10modules
Original writing :
Thread 2: Response to People Like Us
First of all I think the question is not easy to find a answer because I think
Tammy should be given the ability to live in city,which her job. However,
Tammy is very proud of her independence. I think the Tammy should rent a
good house for her sons or he can register the shop near the house, like selling
some snake. I think she can find something to do near the house. We can
calculate that 10D one hour. She work 10 hour one day about 100 D everyday.
I think that is super good for her
In the interview, The Tammy son tell us about the ambition that he would like
to change the situation of now. However, he is a little lazy. Therefore,
everything was happened, which will have some reasons
Jayson DeMers” The Top 10 Benefits of Social Media Marketing” Aug
11(2014):n.pag.web.8 Mar 2017 Week 11modules
Week 11modules
Original writing :
Thread 2: Response to Enriquez TED Talk: “What Will Humans Look Like in
100 Years
First of all, I think the important problem that is the rapid increasing of
population. For example in China, As we all know, here i so many people
living in China. However, The government need to resolve those problem by
building so many house. The problem is people cannot find a place for
recreation. I think the government can build so much high-building to resolve
this problem.
Another problem is Environment, As we all know, we use the global resource
everyday. From nature gas to nature fuel. However, those resource is
non-renewable resource. Therefore, Country have to find a new renewable
resource for people's using in the future. I think that is another problem we
need to resolve
Week 12modules
Original writing :
Thread 1: Response to PPT, Smithsonian, and Roy
I agree that there are many advantages of human enhancement technologies
and it will continue to grow in the near future. Human enhancement provides
a wide range of opportunities for humans. Its main use is to help people with
disabilities to do things they could not do before. Also, it has been very useful
in curing diseases as well which results in longevity. But there are many
disadvantages for this emerging technologies as well which we must take into
account. Increased life spans can lead to overpopulation which will result in
scarcity. Also, using technologies to make a child better and healthier will be
unjust to those who are not able to afford it. Do you believe that
human enhancements will change us in such a way that we will start to
behave similarly to others? In my opinion, human enhancements will make us
all look the same and have identical characteristics and there won't be much
difference among people.
Hermida, Alfred, and Neil Thurman. 2008. “A Clash of Cultures.” Journalism Practice 2 (3):
343–356. doi:10.1080/17512780802054538. Hermida, Alfred,
Week 12modules
Original writing :
Thread 2: Response to Survey, FIXED, and Stelarc
One lesson that I think we should learn from history when thinking about
emerging enhancement technologies and reproductive technologies is to use
the technologies in a meaningful way that would favor the whole society rather
than abuse them for bad individual intentions. This reminds me of the
existing technology used to examine the gender of the fetus. This is currently
prohibited in China since many families from rural areas would value boys
more than girls. Once the family finds out that the fetus is a girl, they might
consider abortion. This could lead to the serious problem of gender imbalance,
and thus leads to many other problems in the society. In my opinion, the
emerging enhancement technologies and reproductive technologies should be
not randomly used by anyone. The use of the technologies should be limited
and regulated. Being able to design our bodies and the bodies of our children
might result in the positive consequence that there would be no one born with
birth defects and needed to be taken care of by others in the society. This
would alleviate the burdens for social welfare institutes and more resources
would be used toward other social developments. Also, the favorable genes
would make individuals get work done more efficiently and be able to bring
more contributions to this world. However, being able to design our bodies
and the bodies of our children might also lead to the negative consequence
that this world would be extremely competitive or extremely uncompetitive
because most of people would be incredibly intelligent, talented, and
competent. People would make no difference from one another in the society.
I could imagine how this could lead to chaos, fights, or even wars in the future
society. These technologies pose ethical quandaries such that the naturally
born people or the average people who do not have the favorable designed
characteristics would be abandoned or discriminated in the society, and such
that people would lose the motivation to work hard for
Fred Fletcher, 2 Darryl Korell, and Donna Logan. 2012. “Share, Like, Recommend.”
Journalism Studies 13 (5-6): 815–824.
Module 13
RE: Thread 1: Response to Titicut Follies
I think Wiseman should have been allowed to film the residents
of Bridgewater Massachusetts Correctional Facility because it
allowed people to see the cruelty and the living conditions of the
occupants. Even though the video didn't have the consent of the
occupants, it created better living conditions in these facilities.
The video led to the changes in awareness of the mentally ill in
America and designers and workers started to pay attention to
the design of the facility, patients' possessions, and the system of
care. This film might be of value to designers because they will
not let the actions in the video happen in the future. Also, it can
let designers realize that what they design affect the residents of
the facility and design a better place. It might affect architects
because they might change the floor plans to create privacy in
the rooms and more interaction within the residents. They will
gain insight of what can happen if they design a poor and flawed
facility. In the future, their other works that include facilities and
homes may change depending on how they want users to
interact within the space and not create a mess.
module 13
Thread 2: Response to PPT, The Architecture of
Autism, Public Space
As a resident of the neighborhood, I would support the proposal
of building a group home for ten intellectually challenged adults.
One reason why is because they are allowed to live anywhere
they want and even though they are challenged, they are still
function like humans and the rest of society. Also, if I were to
oppose this proposal, I would be counteracting Wolf
Wolfensberger's argument where he says that "this
dehumanization, and the segregated institutions that result from
it, ignored the potential productive contributions that all people
make to society." After learning that the residents of the
proposed group home in my neighborhood exhibited challenging
behaviors in 2013, I would be affected by it, but I wouldn't allow
my opinion to change. People that are "regular" scream in their
homes and in public places too, so I don't think I should be
judging the three adults. Moreover, their behaviors including
public masturbation, repetitive rocking, and echolalia were
taken in 2013, almost 4 years ago. By now, there might have
been changes in their behavior and since the majority of them do
not show these actions, it will be limited to what neighbors will
A possible solution that would allow the residents of the home to
be provided with "the same basic human rights as the rest of the
population" is to let them live where they want to live. There
shouldn't be a proposal to decide if they are allowed to live there
or not and only proposals for big malls or a skyscraper. Another
possible solution is to create a community around the residents
so that they won't feel isolated and will be able to go around the
Module 14
Thread 1: Response to The Connection Between Religion and Urban Planning by David Engwicht
During high school I had a friend who was very involved with
her church, The Pleasant Valley United Methodist Church. While
I was not religious and I belonged to a different religion
technically, I still helped out with volunteer events at her church
sometimes. The church is very involved with helping the poor
and has a food pantry that they encourage members to donate to
on a regular basis. By helping the poor with food, it has allowed
them to focus on keeping their houses in good shape and tending
to their own health. This has allowed the area to be warm
looking and mostly free from crime. Over time, the church also
developed a community garden in which people can take a plot
and grow their own food. This has also encouraged people to
grow gardens in their own homes. This church will continue to
help poor in the future and hopefully encourage more people to
grow gardens.
Thread 2: Response to Prospects for the Future of
Diversity and Design
I am majoring in Aerospace Engineering and Math with an
intent to work in the Aerospace field in the future. Considering
the Aerospace field is huge, it's hard to pin down what the
biggest problem is. The aerospace field incorporates jets, planes,
drones, spacecraft, satellites and many more. I personally think
that a problem that applies to everything in the field is finding
long lasting materials to withstand atmospheric changes, heat,
and high pressure. Currently, there has only been one rocket that
has been able to be relaunched since the materials usually are
unable to withstand more than one launch. In addition, The first
supersonic jet, the Concorde had a very short lifespan due to a
lack of strong enough materials. In my current classes, I have
not gone into depth about how to solve the materials problem
but I plan to take a materials class in my junior year. I plan to
use the knowledge gained in that class and work with other
people to find a solution once I am in the field.

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Arc project 3

  • 1. University at buffalo-State university of New York ARC 211-American Diversity and design-spring 2017 online discussion Question tianyupe
  • 2. Modules1 Theard2 Thread 2: Response to "What is design?" from Hello World original writing From reading the book of Hello the world I think the design is a way to help us to make the most of future breakthroughs . For example, biomimcry and chemistry. Developing some new trasportation, which will reduce the death rate in accident and we possessed more than we need or want However, the design is not a panacea, it is one of the most powerful tools for people to resolve problem For example YIng zheng, who is the king of Qing. he was famous as tyrant and cunning, he use nearly 10 years to compete with his reval。Then he became the king of Qing. He began to attacked and defeated the weakest neigh-bouring states and then he was ambushing the opposing army. A third state surrendered after Qing troop attacked its captical city, From this, we can see that Ying zheng outwitted his enemy by using design. The most important reason for Ying zheng got triumphs is his troops’ weapons He trained his soldiers and ensured that they would use their weapon efficiently, which was a essential reason to win in the war. The same important design thing about the weapon is its size,shape, choise of material another important were the change to Qin’s bows and arrows----Archers However, the problem is one kind of bow only can match with one kind of arrows. Therefore, when archer run out of arrows during the war, it is impossible to fire another arrows for his bow. The Ying zheng resolve this problem by requiring worker to shaft of each arrows as the same size precisely Let us talk more about Qin shi huang, as we all know, he established the empire of China, he was standardized weights and measure for trading. he try to avoid dead, therefore, he dispatching expeditions into the seas east of China in doomed attempts to find the mythical island of Penglai. However, the expeditions failed, he began to design imperial mausoleum, which should show his power and force. Above I said, we can see that we are conscious and design things before we do it design means we plannig something before the things happen. Until now, we also use the technology to improve our technology, For example, apple and samsung company teams of designers try to find cheaper and more efficient ways of producing their new degital devices. Picture 85%E6%9C%9D&step_word=&hs=0&pn=1&spn=0&di=42602757340&pi=0&rn=1&tn
  • 3. =baiduimagedetail&is=0%2C0&istype=2&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&in=&cl=2&lm=-1&st=-1 &cs=238229127%2C4279174094&os=4088061730%2C6831404&simid=3318815325 %2C84603207&adpicid=0&lpn=0&ln=1966&fr=&fmq=1493856732282_R&fm=detail &ic=0&s=undefined&se=&sme=&tab=0&width=&height=&face=undefined&ist=&jit= &cg=&bdtype=0&oriquery=& %2F201410_10_7%2Fa56o6s612485385667.jpg&fromurl=ippr_z2C%24qAzdH3FAzd H3F4_z%26e3Bf5i7_z%26e3Bv54AzdH3FgAzdH3Fdbd90nacm9AzdH3F&gsm=0&rpst art=0&rpnum=0(Dong han, the Qing Dynasty, 3 7 2014 access date5 2 2017) Modules1 Thread 3: Response to "Introduction" from Diversity and Design original topic By reading the Introduction of design, I know Most of the world is designed by adults. Children have little say in what gets designed and chindren have less physical ability and less education than adults. They have little economic power and almost no political power. These factors both lead to and exacerbate their marginal status in design and society. However, the design also impacts all social group I will explain The design influences how we see ourselves, how we see others, and how others see us. Some simple sample about design is for industrial design to architecture, and from media design to system design the diversity and design, which focuse on the changing nature of society I also know the defining design from the book. Like diversity, design is a vast subject, but for professional disciplines, the design members have acquired specific knowledge and skills necessary to design media, products, buildings cities, environment and so forth. design also is considered a basic component of humanity 1, people have desire 2 ,people have different culture 3, digital visual and physical environment. Therefore reducing the distance between different kind of people is most important charge to the design professions today. The aim for design is to mix different or diversity culture and language togther. if we need to learn other countries’ culture, we should design the way to communicate with each other. I think Design is the process of communicating a plan, plan, or idea in some form. Through the transformation of human labor, the creation of civilization, the creation of material wealth and spiritual wealth, and the most basic, the most important is the creation of creative activities. Design is the creative activity of the pre planning, can be any creative activities of the planning technology and planning process as a design. gedetail&ipn=d&word=%E6%B8%85%E6%9C%9D&step_word=&ie=utf-8&i n=&cl=2&lm=-1&st=-1&cs=2747195901,2685314300&os=4198698108,22491 3230&simid=4130492034,773567589&pn=2&rn=1&di=109936866050&ln=1
  • 4. 966&fr=&fmq=1493856732282_R&fm=detail&ic=0&s=undefined&se=&sme =&tab=0&width=&height=&face=undefined&is=0,0&istype=2&ist=&jit=&bd type=0&spn=0&pi=0&gsm=0& 2Fpic_search%2F00%2F12%2F43%2F24%2Fse12432404b.jpg&rpstart=0&rp num=0&adpicid=0&ctd=1493857723399^3_1188X843%1 Dong han, the Qing Dynasty, 3 7 2014 access date5 2 2017) Modules 2 Thread 1: FROM: Chapter in Media/Society and TED Talk Photos that Changed the World Original writing There is no question that the Internet has changed modern life by providing us with easy access to a lot of information. In my memory, the various of illness leave the deep impression to me. Media post pictures in the internet is very important to response the event, I think the black Death picture should be posted as News. The black death is the modern name given to the deadly bubonic plague an epidemic disease spread by rat fleas across Europe in the 14th century. It swept through England's population from million to two million by the end of the 14th century. the economic consequences of the black death were far-reaching. As a result of the plague, much land was left untended and there was a terrible shortage and labour. if we just watch newspaper with a article or print version, we cannot feel the terrible illness of Black death taking how much pain to people. the media have 4 advantage. 1,It Helps News Spread Fast We no longer have to wait for the morning or evening news to get caught up on current events. You can turn on CNN, Fox News, MSNBC or one of the many other 24-hour news channels to get news 2,It Keeps You Updated With Current Events Whether you want to keep up with your community, state, country or world, the media is there to provide you all the information you need to know.3,It Can Help You Form Opinions On The World By consuming a number of different opinions throughout the media, you can better know where you stand on the political spectrum. Doing this will help you to find more out about yourself.4,If you witness something that you think is newsworthy, you can call up the local or national media and pitch them a storyYou Can Use It To Get Stories Out. ail&ip Jayson DeMers” The Top 10 Benefits of Social Media Marketing” Aug 11(2014):n.pag.web.8 Mar 2017
  • 5. Modules 2Thread 2: Response to Articles on Hats as Communication Design 1 Trump’s ubiquitous bright red trucker hat, festooned with”make America Great Again” Good design doesn't necessarily mean effective design." the hat took on a life of trump’s own, becoming the subject of memes and parody. I thing trump use so much money on hats is for expressing information. Try to think about it, a huge amount of people wear the same hat, which is very in order, the hat also indicate some information about how animated the demographic trump was, another important issue is about the visual fluency is crucial for everyone, As we all know the hat, if the designer design”design thinking” and “design strategy”in the hat, so many people wear the hat with a kind of volition of trump, other people who was not wear the hat will feel very powerful about the group people wearing the hat I need to mention about the color of the hat, Trump company spend so much money to buy the red color hat,someone picked red since it's the color for the Republican party, and basic Times New Roman lettering in white so it would stand out against the cap., However, the Women’s march on Washington were wearing bright pink hats to be a strong visual signal on the day of the march. The same meaning of two hat is the hat represent of volition, the red hat represent the volition of trump and the pink hat represent the volition of American woman, the different thing I metion above. duimagedetail&ipn=d&word=black%20death&step_word=&ie=utf-8&in=&cl =2&lm=-1&st=undefined&cs=2940183815,94545625&os=756807776,572025 096&simid=3418444978,411134951&pn=1&rn=1&di=85953775930&ln=1980 &fr=&fmq=1493858124015_R&fm=&ic=undefined&s=undefined&se=&sme= &tab=0&width=undefined&height=undefined&face=undefined&is=0,0&istyp e=0&ist=&jit=&bdtype=0&spn=0&pi=0&gsm=0&objurl=http%3A%2F%2Fw png&rpstart=0&rpnum=0&adpicid=0&ctd=1493858126093^3_1188X843%1 Klein Jonathan. “Media and Social World” . Croteau and Hoynes 120.(I don’t know issue) (Fifth Edtion, 2014).30 print
  • 6. Week 3 modules Original writing first,cradle to cradle is a biomimetic approach to the design of products and syste. The cradle and cradle suggest the industry should to protect ecosystems and nature’s biological. The industry should product some high-quality and circulation of organic, which is holistic econommic. Industry try to creat a system, which not only have high efficient but also have essencially free waste. they can use the system in building and social system. second, the cradle to cradle will be helpful because the world’s population is increasing so fast. However, here are not so many rescourse in the world. I checked in the website and find some sourses about the cradle to cradle, which is Aquion energy, Aquion energy was producted in electronics industry and invented by CEOScott pearson and CTO Jay Whitarc. The Aquion energy is a electricity storage systems. The product can provide a low-cost way to store large amount of energy. the process of producting Aquion energy is super safty because industry can product it in a wide range of temperatures and non-toxic end product made from widely available material inputs. I think the Aquion Energy not only can provide large amount of energy at once charge but do not product any pollution. ail&ipn=d&word=cradle%20to%20cradle&step_word=&ie=utf-8&in=&cl=2& lm=-1&st=-1&cs=1906365766,2759121668&os=1787774509,3907257997&sim id=3381618166,532183442&pn=0&rn=1&di=197083966640&ln=1969&fr=&f mq=1493858227030_R&fm=result&ic=0&s=undefined&se=&sme=&tab=0& width=&height=&face=undefined&is=0,0&istype=2&ist=&jit=&bdtype=0&sp n=0&pi=0&gsm=0& Ffiles%2Fnews%2F2215685_c2c_bro_4ClgTM.jpg&rpstart=0&rpnum=0&ad picid=0&ctd=1493858230287^3_1188X843%1
  • 7. Klein Jonathan. “Photos That changed The World” 2 2(2010):n.pag.Web.8 Mar.2017. Week 3 modules Original writing Theard 1 By reading the book, I know the key characteristic of industrial design is therefore the manufacturing context for which designs are created. However, we know the industrial design is not design for a true thing or material but mass-production methods. The aim of modern industrial designers is to product a plan and a specification of a form or mechannism for large-scale. I really like a example about German car Volkswagen to explain the industry design. the beetle become the best selling vehicle of all time and I also have to mention a person-Adolf Hitle, who attempted to have such a car manufactured commercially failed and then he began to try mass-production method same to he used in U.S early. furthermore, the concept make a success in military vehicl. I also like the word said by john ruskin and william morris, which is the woker should have skill and creative In their work. I think worker should have their own thougnt but not a” mechain”, which just know how to made but don’t know how to invent. I think now we can use the concept providing by Henry Ford’s assembly line,which will make the products with a cheaper price to produce. People can buy the cheap goods that they can improve their quality of life. I have some advice about the product line. The invention of production line can reduce the skillful of worker, which also cause a bad effect that people do not want to think to use their intellegence. The product line can improve the quality and speed of producting goods even can produce more delicater goods than artifical goods. However, the line will cultivate people’s inert thought. Therefore, my advice is company shouldn’t only pursuing the efficient of product but some innovation things. Based on watching Ted talk, As conti is talking something in 4 minutes into the video He said about 3-D printed cabin design by a computer regarding a concept plane. perhaps, our father don’t know what is 3-D printed. but know the 3-D printed skill was been known all over the world so that the high-tech
  • 8. development is so fast. I am not sure that does the 3-D print can reduce the pollution but at least, I know the 3-D print can provide people with diffrient angle to watch the world. Therefore, the things is awesome at least now. Let us to see the result in the future. etail Manuel Lima. “ A Visual History of Human Knowledge ” 3 3(2015):n.pag.web.8 Mar.2017. Week 4 modules Original writing Thread 2: Response to Ballantyne and Zumthor Articles Andrew ballantyne believes that buildings that are involved with our daily lives are part of our system of habits, we also live with archtecture in the background. He give an example to record our relationship with building that is taking a picture to help perserve the memory. Author begin to tell us more about artwork for building, which can make us focus our attention on artwork and to derive some benefit by doing so. However, the Andrwe tell us that building is not a artwork but a tool. Then author talk the pragmatist aesthetics can help us to value the building that matter to us when we use the building and it is work well.(this author is first article) Now I want to taik more about the Ballantyne and zumthor. They are two different people, but they love the architecture, they want to think some way to change their style to build, they want make people to feel in a particular place but not to focus on the building. architecture. the architecture should base on our life. Therefore, they believes that architecture can make me people’s life become more convenience However, the Andrwe ballantyne tell us that we should aware building near us. he think we should find artwork in the building but not to ignore something. He is more concentrate more on the creative of the building. He allow us to find some fantastic things in building of our life, He think building should have a little psychological function. The Mr. Zumthors is a realism. He believes that every build have its own specific reason. He is more concentrate on the material of the building and essence of the building but not a creative. %20D%20print&step_word=&ie=utf-8&in=&cl=2&lm=-1&st=-1&cs=3752086285,1899593938&os =1160941267,1739397037&simid=4100997453,378669826&pn=6&rn=1&di=199071857490&ln= 1974&fr=&fmq Gary Hustwit. “Helvetica” Nov 16(2016):n.pag.Web.8 Mar. 2017.
  • 9. Week 4 modules Original writing Thread 1: Response to All Module 4 Materials I was watching the TED video, I am super interesting to talk the modern building and future building in this video. I think she is very far-sight because she believes that the architecture is to build a reletionship with each other including of human, nature even ecosystem. She believes that architecture should be based on climate, individual,plant,insect, community. For example, She talk about a past sensibilities building, which is a circle building surrounding by three triagle building. She was used tree to build the wall of the triagle. She said it is build a relationship with ecosystem. However, I have a little confuse about it. You cut a tree for building but you think you are build a relationship with ecosystem? The tree was die and you destory the ecosystem balance. I don’t think you cut trees for building, which is to build a relationship with ecosystem. However, I think use the center of the cycle building as a communication room, which is a good design. because people can be gathered from different way to center. Most important thing is people can see with each other. Another example is modern building, she was talked about a skyscraper in the city. She create a prominent place in every floor, which is super good for people to communicate with each other. They can talk with each other in different floor but not use their own phone. I think it is a good design for moden building Dianna Buddd. “The Worst Design of 2016 Was Also the Most Effective" 12 16(2016):n.pag.web.8 Mar. 2017. etail&ipn=d&word=Zumthor&step_word=&ie=utf-8&in=&cl=2&lm=-1&st=-1 &cs=4166081881,2066445598&os=876171598,385784437&simid=34407270 90,433724367&pn=1&rn=1&di=192735173290&ln=1703&fr=&fmq=14938614 76493_R&fm=result&ic=0&s=undefined&se=&sme=&tab=0&width=&height =&face=undefined&is=0,0&istype=2&ist=&jit=&bdtype=0&spn=0&pi=0&gs m=0& 2Fg5%2FM05%2FEF%2F64%2FCggYsFbJvxmAMv34AAKORCCoLjM443.jpg
  • 10. &rpstart=0&rpnum=0&adpicid=0&ctd=1493861481807^3_1188X843%1 Week 5modules Original writing Thread 2: Response to Pruitt Igoe Project, Talen, and Larson After watching the TV and reading two article, I want to talk about the Pruitt-igone, which is a large urban housing project first occupied in 1945(from video) In the 1960s the place had become infamous for its powerty, crime and racial segregation. The building of here were demolished with explosives in the mid-1970s,and the project become a failure urban design.Why Pruitt-igone was failure? I think the most important reason is residents were leaving the city, and leaving low-income families in here, who is low quality low education level even low cosumption. I think the Talen’s opinion is very important that Talen use design to promote social and economic mix in human settlement-mixed in income, mixed in use, and activety supportive of place that commingle people of different races, ethnicitise, genders ,ages, occupations and households. She believes that planner can let the different level of people to live in same place. I think it is important because it promote the diversity of society. The city need wealthy people to carry those poor people because if all of people have a lot of money, what we should to develop? or what we should to improve? Therefore, I think the social devircity is super important. However, I disagree with her opinion that mixing black, white and other skin color people living in same building because everyone take color glasses to look around. Try to think about it. If you are a white people, can you look black people as white people? I don’t think so, I am not a racial discrimination because I also come from China. My skin color is yellow. Therefore, I also keep distance with other racial. Therefore, I think we can make friend with each other but not deep. Therefore, I don’t think mix black, white together is a good strategy. Kent larson is a creative person, he always want to design efficient building to make sure you can fit the most people in the least amount of space. He live in a city for 15years. Therefore, I think he have many experience for building For example, he want to bring advanced technology into the apartment, technology enable infill. He is a strict person, I think if he rebuild the pruitt igoe project, he will not design the black and white people in same building and he will know them background and where is people’s mother or father come from. He is concentrate more on individual. He’s design can help us to understand their lives.
  • 11. wow, If I design the building, I would like to design building like a villa-dubble floor, I will build a lake in the middle of all building. the lake will surrounded by all of the villa as a center. I will keep same style about the building like larson said. I don’t like diversity. I will not leave so much distance between two house because people can communicate with each other. I want to build a high-level residential because I will give a little high price for safety. etail&ipn=d&word=pruitt%20igoe%20project&step_word=&ie=utf-8&in=&cl =2&lm=-1&st=-1&cs=2609402765,3800647791&os=1912959643,403079508 9&simid=0,0&pn=0&rn=1&di=129443366362&ln=125&fr=&fmq=149386171 1095_R&fm=result&ic=0&s=undefined&se=&sme=&tab=0&width=&height= &face=undefined&is=0,0&istype=2&ist=&jit=&bdtype=0&spn=0&pi=0&gsm =0& crSF0mZfpraqTkwvmmNbZFZ8.jpg&rpstart=0&rpnum=0&adpicid=0&ctd=1 493861714912^3_1188X843%1 Dianna Buddd. “The Worst Design of 2016 Was Also the Most Effective" 12 16(2016):n.pag.web.8 Mar. 2017 Week 5modules Original writing Thread 1: Response to Levy Article First, I want to talk about the plan,which can determine the characteristics of a place(cite from the beginning of the article) 1 the development city require planner to design a convenience transportation for citizen use. They also need to design a traffic patten to use but not so many people use it. Bicycle and walk should be separated from automobile traffic because in the development city, here is so many citizen. If all of them use the car, the traffic jam will happen. Another kind of city is developing city. In this country, planner need to design a low price house for those low income group of people. The planner also need to encourage existing industry to remain and that encourage new firms to locate within the community(cite from the last 2 paragraph), which is help for developing city. Now I want to introduce my home. I grew up in a big city in Daqing of HeiLongJiang province of China. Da qing located in north of China, which is a "oil city". Therefore, Daqing rely on exploiting oil for living.
  • 12. We have a traffic patten to use, which is not so many people to use it. we have four main path for automobile passing and we also have two bicycle path in the beside of the road. Da qing enjoy development transportation. the government build the high-speed rail and airport for the convenince of citizen. The planner design those noise place far away our center of city that we will not disturb by those noise. the level of people's life is higher than our surround city. Therefore, The planner design the supermarket in the center of the city, people use their own income to buy some luxury goods for their family. Obviously, Daqing is a developing city. Therefore, other citizen from other city want to find work in Daqing, which will exert the problem of unemployment because some people coming from small village are try hard to work for their family and house rent. Therefore, the planner design some cheap houses for those poor people beside of the center of Da Qing. Most important thing is about some old memory building. There is a problem for planner because with the development of economic city need to dismantle some old buildings. However, some old buildings have significant history meaning. I think planner should dismantle some slimsy buildings or some buildings take important place. Now I want to talk more about the interconnect and complexity in my city(cite from the beginning of the article) the meaning of the interconnect in our city is concern. the city is dense development but not fragmentary developments, we develop the high building, airport, we develop the agricultural too. The government give peasantry with extra money every year. Furthermore, our city is super complexity. because we process 2million people in the city. we have diverse transportation tools we have different cultural because people come from different place. Finally, I think planner should have common educational background,which is formal trainning in planning, most often a master's degree Katie Rogers, "Fashioning Protest for the Women’s March on Week 5modules Original writing Thread 1: Response to F.L. Olmsted Olmsted's principles of design, generally speaking, encourage the full utilization of the naturally occurring features of a given space. Olmsted designed primarily in the pastoral and picturesque styles. The buffalo niagara falls accord with the pastoral and picturesque features because I always come here.
  • 13. Olmsted incorporated three elements into the park system: a large park, about 350 acre, a large meadow park with 120 acres, and a parade ground in the inland area.(cite from the video)Finally Olmsted and Vaux added the system of parkways all which connected the parks. These parkways througout all of the city. I think Frederick is so successful to connect so many park with city. He is super glad to claim “the buffalo is the best planned city” I think he creat a city system in buffalo, which is city connect with nature,which is unique work in Frederick life. Therefore, if not the world, he said the buffalo is the best work, in his viewpoint, he can mix nature and city so well, which is a significant success. I was came so many city in the world. For example, Shang hai and guangzhou shen zhen of China. Those city is super big city in China. However, I cannot find a good nature place in those city. Those city planners build so many industries and building that the air condition is so terrible. Shang hai is the only city nearing the sea. However, here is so many people living in Shang hai that we cannnot feel the relationship between human and nature. Another example is American city. I also visited the tanpa bench in Miami, white bench, I think the city planning is so good because the bench near the city. people can walk around with tanpa when they feel suffer from heavy stress. However, here only have a beach in tanpa, no so many tree no park. Although so many place have park or beach or whatever, They cannot plan like buffalo,which have 3 park connect with city and a significant falls river. I don’t think olmsted would make that claim today. In modern society, we cannot find a city can connect with super big park because modern society design don’t allow so huge place to leave unused. I mean the place cannot take economic benefit. Although we have so much place for building park. Those place will not use same standard with buffalo. Therefore, Niagara falls park is a unique style I think and the buffalo is a life city, which have ability to grow and adapt to the lifestyles of its people d&word=F.L.%20Olmsted&step_word=&ie=utf-8&in=&cl=2&lm=-1&st=undefined&cs=390318297 8,1500525013&os=3792822481,2655059551&simid=3519248382,335575382&pn=2&rn=1&di=3 6248461370&ln=1362&fr=&fmq=1495043012413_R&fm=&ic=undefined&s=undefined&se=&sm e=&tab=0&width=undefined&height=undefined&face=undefined&is=0,0&istype=0&ist=&jit=&b dtype=0&spn=0&pi=0&gsm=0& e%2F83287409.jpg&rpstart=0&rpnum=0&adpicid=0&ctd=1495043017563^3_1908X963%1 Week 6modules Original writing Thread 2: Response to Walter Hood's Work As walter Hood's said the triad of investigation is landscapes designs life ways, which is depend on everyday, the mundane and designs life ways. In my opinion, I strongly agree the walter Hood's opinion that the river should keep intact but not change the river for communication or a park. I think the river have a little different with park. People can build a park, which is not destroy the nature balance because people was not cut tree or whatever.
  • 14. However, if we build something near the river like bridge. Think about it, If we build a bridge above the river, you have to fill sand in the river, which will reduce the scale of river. When we dismantle the bridge,which also ruin the nature balance because some fish or other animals rely on the bridge for living For example, sea mew build a nest under the bridge. If we dismantle the bridge, where the sea mew go? here have other species depend on bridge for living. Therefore, I design a new landscape. I will make the place look like very comfortable. For example, I live in Daqing of Heilongjiang of China. Daqing have a wet land in the center of city. As we all know, wed land is the kidney of global therefore, we should to protect the wet land but not allow industry to build near the wet land. Walter hood's said" the best appearance is the original appearance". I think the image of seabird fly in the sky with tweet, reed swing, and the breeze blew over the lake leave impress memorize when I was a small child. However, now people take the reed to make paper. people take bird eggs away. If I am a supervisor in here, I will not allow those things happen. Its funny that I talked about preserving the wetlands, because in todays day in agree no one does such a thing, they do like I say and just put sand on top of it. I think that we should try and persevere these great "lungs" as I can call them. Buffalo is a perfect example of filling in wetlands, especially with the more developing that is going on in buffalo. I remember I use to work at a store called Philips Hardware, anyways they were planning on developing and it didn't happen because they were surrounded by wet land, on the inside I was happy because I didn't want to see the destruction of the land.'s&st ep_word=&hs=0&pn=12&spn=0&di=136289479491&pi=0&rn=1&tn=baiduimagedetail&is=0%2C 0&istype=2&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&in=&cl=2&lm=-1&st=-1&cs=1691888741%2C925467463&os=128 0095594%2C124323760&simid=3578504333%2C765626391&adpicid=0&lpn=0&ln=371&fr=&fm q=1495043129838_R_D&fm=detail&ic=0&s=undefined&se=&sme=&tab=0&width=&height=&fac e=undefined&ist=&jit=&cg=&bdtype=15&oriquery=& m%2Falbums%2Fa124%2Fortelius%2FJune%2013%2Fziera2_zpsd311b01a.jpg&fromurl=ippr_z2C %24qAzdH3FAzdH3Fooo_z%26e3Bjkwy_z%26e3Bv54_z%26e3BihAzdH3Ftp4AzdH3FZIERIA-MACR OPHYLLA-Fs5oj6-Wwspj6-H551-Ftpvi-Agptq7j-B5pwgtvws-P6tgp-8b9l-AzdH3F808d0mdl9mad%3 Frp%3DUK_w6p_r6tgpf_GL%26iwfi%3Dtpj4d0ja1v1lvw&gsm=0&rpstart=0&rpnum=0 Week 7modules Original writing Thread 2: Response to Charles Davis and equityXdesign's Work The push for an African American history site in Washington began in 1915, when black Civil War veterans asked for a monument on the Mall. But it wasn’t until 2003 that President George W. Bush signed the museum’s authorizing legislationThe museum will “stand in proof that the most important things in life rarely come quickly or easily,”Obama said
  • 15. The concept of a national museum dedicated to African-American history and culture"National Memorial Building" showcasing African-American achievements in the arts and sciencesThe museum, built and funded with private money. I think the museum is invention, recognition and inclusion. For example, “art collection will explore the breadth and depth of hip-hop culture.” etail&ipn=d&word=equityXdesign%27s&step_word=&ie=utf-8&in=&cl=2&l m=-1&st=-1&cs=3648108560,3534333497&os=1238408417,1123952739&sim id=3537524001,236579573&pn=1&rn=1&di=205751211930&ln=1827&fr=&f mq=1493861856986_R&fm=detail&ic=0&s=undefined&se=&sme=&tab=0& width=&height=&face=undefined&is=0,0&istype=2&ist=&jit=&bdtype=0&sp n=0&pi=0&gsm=0& es%2Fchanging%2FMasterplanning-Futures.png&rpstart=0&rpnum=0&adpi cid=0&ctd=1493861858499^3_1188X843%1 Klein Jonathan. “Media and Social World” . Croteau and Hoynes 120.(I don’t know issue) (Fifth Edtion, 2014).30 print. Week 7modules Original writing Thread 1: Response to the Brookes Through most of the eighteenth and into the early nineteenth century a number of artists in new spain produced sets of portraits collectively known as castas paintings. castas=mixed people, which means the African woman get married with spanish man, which is different race mixed in 1750-1800 this painting depict people in a variety of trades and occupations, some picture tell us about a happyness family. For example picture 1, which is light falls on the whute paper that the boy is holding, on which he has written the word parco, which is peace picture another is aggressive picture. In this picture, The man’s eyes are wide open as he tires to restrain her. The child of their union, a Mulatta, looks up and screams in fear as she grabs her mother’s skirts. From this, we can see castas were somethings able to live beyond the limit set on their activities,whether in separate communities,through their intelligence and charm, or by passing as spaniards thanks to wealth, education and personal xicanas.jpgKlein Jonathan. “Photos That changed The World” 2 2(2010):n.pag.Web.8 Mar.2017.Week 8modules Original writing Thread 1: Response to "Landscape Stories" Chapter
  • 16. If you want me to describe my hometown, I have to mention about food-The northeast roast goose. In China, you only can eat authentic roast goose in northeast of China. because the condition of state. I think the roast goose are best thing to represent our ethnic background because you make other China guys guess where are me coming from by telling them about roast goose in my hometown. They can easy to know that I come from northeast of China. I think the roast goose,which will continuing establish in my home because it is super delicious. The most important thing is not so many people know how to made the roast goose. As we all know, the reason of fail of "hot business is so many people can do it. However, the "hot work" will keep hot until so many people know hot to do it. Therefore, I think the roast goose will continuing establish in my home. For example, the roast whole lamb in Mongolia I am from China; 0print&step_word=&hs=0&pn=1&spn=0&di=199084832210&pi=0&rn=1&tn=baidu imagedetail&is=0%2C0&istype=2&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&in=&cl=2&lm=-1&st=-1&cs =2248532939%2C326572211&os=3691063160%2C2679503078&simid=335728913 5%2C213425804&adpicid=0&lpn=0&ln=1975&fr=&fmq=1493861803693_R&fm=d etail&ic=0&s=undefined&se=&sme=&tab=0&width=&height=&face=undefined&ist =&jit=&cg=&bdtype=0&oriquery=& smimg%2F1161193%2F42643993-3686446-0%2Fnn%2F3a63.jpg&fromurl=ippr_z2 C%24qAzdH3FAzdH3F4_z%26e3Bihwuutgtpy_z%26e3BgjpAzdH3Ff14AzdH3F88 m88lnAzdH3FnAzdH3Fr1-cnl09mdAzdH3F8dbm9dcm-d0adl8lAzdH3FLwpjfp_H5p -fwsj_Rjr6wr_P67fw_In_n_D_P6tgp_DIY_KIT_z%26e3Bip4s&gsm=0&rpstart=0&r pnum=0 Dianna Buddd. “The Worst Design of 2016 Was Also the Most Effective" 12 16(2016):n.pag.web.8 Mar. 2017. Week 8modules Original writing Thread 2: Response to Article on Sports Branding I think the sports branding shouldn't focus on ethnicity because the ethnicity is super sensitive For example, Black people don't like to talk more about their own color of skin . First the sports branding have influence in the society. The sports brand will have different evaluation about white people and black people. However, here are so many other countries people who will have a potential recognize about black or white people, which perhaps will leave bad impression to other countries people. In my opinion, I don't like to focus on the color of skin or ethnicity because I think to talk the color about people, which is disrespect to someone. most important is potential "discriminate of color skin", which will
  • 17. cause people don't like to support the team, which is balck people team or white people. etail&ipn=d&word=equityXdesign%27s&step_word=&ie=utf-8&in=&cl=2&l m=-1&st=-1&cs=783459215,3377426860&os=279933740,2487651661&simid =3383942364,509212726&pn=3&rn=1&di=89921005131&ln=1827&fr=&fmq =1493861856986_R&fm=detail&ic=0&s=undefined&se=&sme=&tab=0&widt h=&height=&face=undefined&is=0,0&istype=2&ist=&jit=&bdtype=0&spn=0 &pi=0&gsm=0& ads%2F2014%2F06%2Fapartments-decoration-architecture-lanscaping-moti on-architecture-picture-floor-plan-software-3d-floor-plan-thought-equity-3d- floor-planner-home-design-so&rpstart=0&rpnum=0&adpicid=0&ctd=149386 1947982^3_1188X843%1 Gary Hustwit. “Helvetica” Nov 16(2016):n.pag.Web.8 Mar. 2017. Week 9modules Original writing  Thread 2: Response to Bathroom Bill Oh I Think we shouldn't to discrimination the person who change his own gender. Therefore, I believes that people shouldn't be required to use the bathroom that corresponds with the biological gender because of two reason First, if a man has change his own gender to woman. The ”man" believes that he is a "woman" because he even haven't genitals. If he come to man bathroom, I think all of the man in the bathroom will discriminate the "man" who haven't a genitals. Therefore, I think the "man" should to use the woman bathroom as the man thought. he believes that he is a woman. Why the law required him to look like a man? No sense right? another reason is why we should use the bathroom that corresponds with the gender? First because shy second sexual crime. Try to think about it, a man who become a woman. I think he using the woman bathroom will not make girl feel shy and I think we do not need to worry about "man" to crime right? Therefore, I believe that people don't need to use the bathroom that corresponded with the biological gender Visualizing%20Gende&step_word=&ie=utf-8&in=&cl=2&lm=-1&st=-1&cs=1068676899,38505539 50&os=1215089403,2873723126&simid=3501713383,440037373&pn=6&rn=1&di=33001021439 4&ln=1968&fr=&fmq=1495043420630_R&fm=detail&ic=0&s=undefined&se=&sme=&tab=0&wid th=&height=&face=undefined&is=0,0&istype=2&ist=&jit=&bdtype=15&spn=0&pi=0&gsm=0&obj e88766e1dac77fecedee40a191_320x320.jpg&rpstart=0&rpnum=0&adpicid=0&ctd=1495043431
  • 18. 042^3_1908X963%1 Week 9modules Original writing : Thread 1: Response to "Visualizing Gender" Chapter From this picture, we can see that the discrimination against female in china, which is reducing now because we can see the woman ratio is increasing with the time pass. At 19 th, most of people were lived in a small village. Therefore, They have to get an boy for farming. Another reason is the boy can keep continuity of a clan. However, the girl haven't so many advantage for poor family. However, with the development of economic, now we have condition to bring up a girl. people don't need to deliberate intervene the ratio of gender. However, now so many place also don't like to accept a girl because the name of their child. In china traditional culture. It is very disrespect for their parent when they cannot continuity of a clan. Therefore, it is always happen that some grandmother or grandfather don't want to get an girl. However, In American, people can accept the girl or boy because they never mind about the continuity of clan / Manuel Lima. “A Visual History of Human Knowledge” 3 3(2015):n.pag.web.8 Mar.2017. Week 10modules Original writing : Thread 1: Response to Hidden Ways Yes you can see the picture that I was posted, which is super strange for me. sure, here is the downtown night of buffalo. I feel afraid of this picture because the building and environment. First we can see the blue mixed with black sky and the yellow light. As we all know the mark building is the church with a poignant top, which is the feature of stealthy. Here is not happen in China. In China, Here is so many people live in a city that no matter what kind of building. The building never look like super stealthy because so many people live in here. However, In American, here is not so many people live in a same city that some place will look like a Ghost Town ail&ipn=d&word=The%20university%20atBuffalo&step_word=&ie=utf-8&in =&cl=2&lm=-1&st=-1&cs=4222707936,189088012&os=730394444,9239598 39&simid=3132270941,3843815929&pn=2&rn=1&di=112278332100&ln=132 2&fr=&fmq=1493855877115_R&fm=result&ic=0&s=undefined&se=&sme=&t
  • 19. ab=0&width=&height=&face=undefined&is=0,0&istype=2&ist=&jit=&bdtype =0&spn=0&pi=0&gsm=0& %2F6455db9dgab0a92b07cb0%26690&rpstart=0&rpnum=0&adpicid=0&ctd =1493855883398^3_1188X843%1 Kim Christian, “the relative important of social media for accessing, finding, and engaging with news” 03 Jan (2014):n.pag.web.8 Mar 2017. Week 10modules Original writing : Thread 2: Response to People Like Us First of all I think the question is not easy to find a answer because I think Tammy should be given the ability to live in city,which her job. However, Tammy is very proud of her independence. I think the Tammy should rent a good house for her sons or he can register the shop near the house, like selling some snake. I think she can find something to do near the house. We can calculate that 10D one hour. She work 10 hour one day about 100 D everyday. I think that is super good for her In the interview, The Tammy son tell us about the ambition that he would like to change the situation of now. However, he is a little lazy. Therefore, everything was happened, which will have some reasons design's&ie=utf-8&step_word=&ipn=d&istype=2&os=3310342083,28351510 &cs=3062516389,2192464134&di=177902781320&pn=0&simi=cardserver&si mics=783459215%2C3377426860&cardserver=1&srctype=0&bdtype=0&ctd= 1493862012207^3_1188X855%1 Jayson DeMers” The Top 10 Benefits of Social Media Marketing” Aug 11(2014):n.pag.web.8 Mar 2017 Week 11modules Week 11modules Original writing : Thread 2: Response to Enriquez TED Talk: “What Will Humans Look Like in 100 Years First of all, I think the important problem that is the rapid increasing of population. For example in China, As we all know, here i so many people living in China. However, The government need to resolve those problem by building so many house. The problem is people cannot find a place for
  • 20. recreation. I think the government can build so much high-building to resolve this problem. Another problem is Environment, As we all know, we use the global resource everyday. From nature gas to nature fuel. However, those resource is non-renewable resource. Therefore, Country have to find a new renewable resource for people's using in the future. I think that is another problem we need to resolve mans%20Look%20Like%20in%20100%20Years&step_word=&hs=0&pn=10&spn=0&di=17726035 1730&pi=0&rn=1&tn=baiduimagedetail&is=0%2C0&istype=2&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&in=&cl=2&lm= -1&st=-1&cs=4216920639%2C70897083&os=4215928119%2C3814503738&simid=4259613901% 2C506324736&adpicid=0&lpn=0&ln=1969&fr=&fmq=1495043716244_R&fm=detail&ic=0&s=und efined&se=&sme=&tab=0&width=&height=&face=undefined&ist=&jit=&cg=&oriquery=&objurl= 2Fsite1%2F20120711%2F0023ae731d751167764012.jpg&gsm=3c&rpstart=0&rpnum=0 Week 12modules Original writing : Thread 1: Response to PPT, Smithsonian, and Roy I agree that there are many advantages of human enhancement technologies and it will continue to grow in the near future. Human enhancement provides a wide range of opportunities for humans. Its main use is to help people with disabilities to do things they could not do before. Also, it has been very useful in curing diseases as well which results in longevity. But there are many disadvantages for this emerging technologies as well which we must take into account. Increased life spans can lead to overpopulation which will result in scarcity. Also, using technologies to make a child better and healthier will be unjust to those who are not able to afford it. Do you believe that human enhancements will change us in such a way that we will start to behave similarly to others? In my opinion, human enhancements will make us all look the same and have identical characteristics and there won't be much difference among people. arden&step_word=&hs=0&pn=2&spn=0&di=60131216750&pi=0&rn=1&tn= baiduimagedetail&is=0%2C0&istype=0&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&in=&cl=2&lm=- 1&st=undefined&cs=3965889874%2C2371752666&os=2745727069%2C9628 26735&simid=3464354847%2C294645445&adpicid=0&lpn=0&ln=1979&fr= &fmq=1493862118150_R&fm=&ic=undefined&s=undefined&se=&sme=&tab =0&width=undefined&height=undefined&face=undefined&ist=&jit=&cg=&b dtype=0&oriquery=&
  • 21. ews%2F36860%2Fa_368595381.jpg&fromurl=ippr_z2C%24qAzdH3FAzdH3 Ftgu5_z%26e3Bu5v7f_z%26e3BvgAzdH3FgjofAzdH3Fda8c-ab-8lAzdH3Fdlc d0c_z%26e3Bip4s&gsm=0&rpstart=0&rpnum=0 Hermida, Alfred, and Neil Thurman. 2008. “A Clash of Cultures.” Journalism Practice 2 (3): 343–356. doi:10.1080/17512780802054538. Hermida, Alfred, Week 12modules Original writing : Thread 2: Response to Survey, FIXED, and Stelarc One lesson that I think we should learn from history when thinking about emerging enhancement technologies and reproductive technologies is to use the technologies in a meaningful way that would favor the whole society rather than abuse them for bad individual intentions. This reminds me of the existing technology used to examine the gender of the fetus. This is currently prohibited in China since many families from rural areas would value boys more than girls. Once the family finds out that the fetus is a girl, they might consider abortion. This could lead to the serious problem of gender imbalance, and thus leads to many other problems in the society. In my opinion, the emerging enhancement technologies and reproductive technologies should be not randomly used by anyone. The use of the technologies should be limited and regulated. Being able to design our bodies and the bodies of our children might result in the positive consequence that there would be no one born with birth defects and needed to be taken care of by others in the society. This would alleviate the burdens for social welfare institutes and more resources would be used toward other social developments. Also, the favorable genes would make individuals get work done more efficiently and be able to bring more contributions to this world. However, being able to design our bodies and the bodies of our children might also lead to the negative consequence that this world would be extremely competitive or extremely uncompetitive because most of people would be incredibly intelligent, talented, and competent. People would make no difference from one another in the society. I could imagine how this could lead to chaos, fights, or even wars in the future society. These technologies pose ethical quandaries such that the naturally born people or the average people who do not have the favorable designed characteristics would be abandoned or discriminated in the society, and such that people would lose the motivation to work hard for etail&ipn=d&word=garden&step_word=&ie=utf-8&in=&cl=2&lm=-1&st=undefined &cs=3965889874,2371752666&os=2745727069,962826735&simid=3464354847,29
  • 22. 4645445&pn=2&rn=1&di=60131216750&ln=1979&fr=&fmq=1493862118150_R&f m=&ic=undefined&s=undefined&se=&sme=&tab=0&width=undefined&height=und efined&face=undefined&is=0,0&istype=0&ist=&jit=&bdtype=0&spn=0&pi=0&gsm =0& 8595381.jpg&rpstart=0&rpnum=0&adpicid=0&ctd=1493862246559^3_1188X843% 1 Fred Fletcher, 2 Darryl Korell, and Donna Logan. 2012. “Share, Like, Recommend.” Journalism Studies 13 (5-6): 815–824. Module 13 RE: Thread 1: Response to Titicut Follies I think Wiseman should have been allowed to film the residents of Bridgewater Massachusetts Correctional Facility because it allowed people to see the cruelty and the living conditions of the occupants. Even though the video didn't have the consent of the occupants, it created better living conditions in these facilities. The video led to the changes in awareness of the mentally ill in America and designers and workers started to pay attention to the design of the facility, patients' possessions, and the system of care. This film might be of value to designers because they will not let the actions in the video happen in the future. Also, it can let designers realize that what they design affect the residents of the facility and design a better place. It might affect architects because they might change the floor plans to create privacy in the rooms and more interaction within the residents. They will gain insight of what can happen if they design a poor and flawed
  • 23. facility. In the future, their other works that include facilities and homes may change depending on how they want users to interact within the space and not create a mess. d&word=Titicut%20Follies&step_word=&ie=utf-8&in=&cl=2&lm=-1&st=undefined&cs=13457466 29,4007832449&os=3067647393,1207149561&simid=10061586,648526902&pn=3&rn=1&di=12 8303431630&ln=39&fr=&fmq=1495044089582_R&fm=&ic=undefined&s=undefined&se=&sme= &tab=0&width=undefined&height=undefined&face=undefined&is=0,0&istype=0&ist=&jit=&bdty pe=0&spn=0&pi=0&gsm=0& %2F22%2F20150522034136271.jpg&rpstart=0&rpnum=0&adpicid=0&ctd=1495044098372^3_10 08X636%1 module 13 Thread 2: Response to PPT, The Architecture of Autism, Public Space As a resident of the neighborhood, I would support the proposal of building a group home for ten intellectually challenged adults. One reason why is because they are allowed to live anywhere they want and even though they are challenged, they are still function like humans and the rest of society. Also, if I were to oppose this proposal, I would be counteracting Wolf Wolfensberger's argument where he says that "this dehumanization, and the segregated institutions that result from it, ignored the potential productive contributions that all people make to society." After learning that the residents of the proposed group home in my neighborhood exhibited challenging behaviors in 2013, I would be affected by it, but I wouldn't allow
  • 24. my opinion to change. People that are "regular" scream in their homes and in public places too, so I don't think I should be judging the three adults. Moreover, their behaviors including public masturbation, repetitive rocking, and echolalia were taken in 2013, almost 4 years ago. By now, there might have been changes in their behavior and since the majority of them do not show these actions, it will be limited to what neighbors will see. A possible solution that would allow the residents of the home to be provided with "the same basic human rights as the rest of the population" is to let them live where they want to live. There shouldn't be a proposal to decide if they are allowed to live there or not and only proposals for big malls or a skyscraper. Another possible solution is to create a community around the residents so that they won't feel isolated and will be able to go around the neighborhood. &word=Autism%2C%20Public&step_word=&ie=utf-8&in=&cl=2&lm=-1&st=undefined&cs=34877 57142,351384612&os=1361580292,254102510&simid=3347588962,226539643&pn=1&rn=1&di =271753142991&ln=524&fr=&fmq=1495044256590_R&fm=&ic=undefined&s=undefined&se=&s me=&tab=0&width=undefined&height=undefined&face=undefined&is=0,0&istype=0&ist=&jit=& bdtype=15&spn=0&pi=0&gsm=0& s%2Fimage%2Fpng%2F2014-10%2Fchiffres_cleus_et_caracteuriqtiques-nautisme.png&rpstart=0 &rpnum=0&adpicid=0&ctd=1495044258782^3_1008X636%1 Module 14 Thread 1: Response to The Connection Between Religion and Urban Planning by David Engwicht
  • 25. During high school I had a friend who was very involved with her church, The Pleasant Valley United Methodist Church. While I was not religious and I belonged to a different religion technically, I still helped out with volunteer events at her church sometimes. The church is very involved with helping the poor and has a food pantry that they encourage members to donate to on a regular basis. By helping the poor with food, it has allowed them to focus on keeping their houses in good shape and tending to their own health. This has allowed the area to be warm looking and mostly free from crime. Over time, the church also developed a community garden in which people can take a plot and grow their own food. This has also encouraged people to grow gardens in their own homes. This church will continue to help poor in the future and hopefully encourage more people to grow gardens. Thread 2: Response to Prospects for the Future of Diversity and Design I am majoring in Aerospace Engineering and Math with an intent to work in the Aerospace field in the future. Considering the Aerospace field is huge, it's hard to pin down what the biggest problem is. The aerospace field incorporates jets, planes,
  • 26. drones, spacecraft, satellites and many more. I personally think that a problem that applies to everything in the field is finding long lasting materials to withstand atmospheric changes, heat, and high pressure. Currently, there has only been one rocket that has been able to be relaunched since the materials usually are unable to withstand more than one launch. In addition, The first supersonic jet, the Concorde had a very short lifespan due to a lack of strong enough materials. In my current classes, I have not gone into depth about how to solve the materials problem but I plan to take a materials class in my junior year. I plan to use the knowledge gained in that class and work with other people to find a solution once I am in the field.