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University at Buffalo State University of New York
ARC 211American Diversity and Design Spring 2017
MinHua Huang 50147129
University At Buffalo. South Lake Village. MinHua Huang. May 16, 2017
Online Discussion Questions
Week 1 Thread 2
On “What is design?” from Hello World: Where Design Meets Life by Alice Rawsthron
The author opened her chapter with the example of Ying Zheng, the ruler of the Qin empire, one
of the most powerful and enduring empires I the history of China. She explained how design
innovation contributed to Ying Zheng’s success. For example, in the development of weaponry,
he resolved many problems by standardizing parts, and this single innovation gave his armies
great advantage over other armies.
For this discussion, let’s move away from 246 B.C. China, and into the U.S. Describe an
innovation or invention (can be current or historical) that gave advantage to a group of people in
the U.S. or to the population as a whole. What were the social impacts of this innovation? Were
any groups negatively impacted by this innovation? For example, the telegraph, developed and
patented in the United States in 1837 by Samuel Morse, permitted people and commerce to
transmit messages across both continents and oceans almost instantly, with widespread social
and economic impacts. This heightened communication speed allowed business persons to make
decisions with up-to-date information, often resulting in big profits. Those without access had to
rely on outdated information, which put them at a disadvantage.
Week 1 Thread 3
On “Introduction” from Diversity and Design: Understanding Hidden Consequences
The editors state that “diverse participation in the design process, from both professionals and
public citizens alike, yields more equitable results.” This makes sense, but typically has not been
the case. Nonetheless, many marginalized groups have impacted design in ways that have
changed our visual and physical worlds as well as our systems, policies, and institutions. For
example, in the 1960s, disability rights advocates designed media events to raise awareness
about barriers in the physical environment. They persisted with their efforts for decades, and,
finally, in 1990, the Americans with Disabilities Act became law. It mandated accessibility in
public accommodations such as restaurants and stores, public transportation, communication,
and other areas of public life. This dramatically changed our physical environment (from curb
cuts to ramps to automatic doors) and the results made public life more equitable.
Now it’s your turn. Describe a design that was impacted by a diversity group. How and why did
it change form and/or circumstances? (Note that a design can be anything requiring planning and
development prior to the production of an action, system, visual, material object, or environment.
Also, keep in mind that, for our purposes, a diversity group is a group of individuals who are
underrepresented in society in some way—children, older adults, the economically
disadvantaged, those with cognitive disabilities, etc.)
Week 2 Thread 1
Where would you place the images shown in Photos That Changed the World into Croteau and
Hoynes' diagram entitled “Model of Media and the Social World”? Identify a mass media
photograph taken in your own lifetime that has served as an icon of an event. (Feel free to add an
attachment.) What roles does this photo play in the communication of the event?
Week 2 Thread 2
Thread 2: FROM: “Fashioning Protest for the Women’s March on Washington” and “The Worst
Design of 2016 Was Also the Most Effective”
NOTE: Use the first three part of the SEE-IT method of critical thinking (State, Elaborate,
Exemplify) to address the following questions:
Typically, we do not think of hats as elements of mass media or social media. However, the two
hats (red and pink) discussed in the articles certainly have taken on that role. Why the two hats
(red and pink) are mentioned in the articles vehicles of communication design? What meanings
do each of the two hats carry? In terms of communication design, how are they similar? And
how are they different from one another?
Week 3 Thread 1
Thread 1: Response to “Industrial Design” by John Heskett and "The Incredible Inventions of
Intuitive AI" by Maurice Conti
In his chapter on industrial design (written in 1987), historian John Heskett claims that the
methods of mass production introduced by Henry Ford in the U.S. involved new concepts of the
standardization and integration of the production line that were adopted across the world. With
Ford’s method, work could be completed by relatively unskilled workers; it was more efficient
and with this method, products were made more quickly and cheaply than previously possible.
What were some of the social consequences of Ford’s production line? In other words, how did
this system change our U.S. society? Do any of those changes remain with us today? Now
consider Maurice Conti’s TED Talk, and the predictions he makes about production. How do
you think manufacturing processes will change in the next twenty years? How do you think these
changes will affect our U.S. society?
Week 3 Thread 2
Thread 2: Response IDEA Awards and Cradle-to-Cradle Video
NOTE: Use the first three part of the SEE-IT method of critical thinking (State, Elaborate,
Exemplify) to address the following questions:
Which of the 2016 IDEA Gold Award products seems to defy the Cradle-to-Cradle concept
developed by architect William McDonough and chemist Dr. Michael Braungart? How does this
product resist or disregard the concept? Do you know of any products that embrace Cradle-to-
Cradle design? If so, please describe.
Week 4 Thread 1
Thread 1: Response to All Module 4 Materials
Your readings and viewings this week present different ways of thinking about architecture.
Mies Van der Rohe describes architecture as “The will of the epoch translated into space.”
Andrew Ballantyne describes architecture as the background for life. Jeanne Gang describes it as
the act of building relationships. All agree that architecture can change based on context and
culture. Choose two works of architecture from any of your materials this week—one with
sensibilities about the past and one with sensibilities about the present and/or future. How do
each of these buildings either reflect or challenge their cultural contexts? (Use the SEE-IT
method to respond to this question.)
Week 4 Thread 2
Thread 2: Response to Ballantyne and Zumthor Articles
Andrew Ballantyne and Peter Zumthor present ideas about architecture that seem to value the
sensorial and material elements of life. How are Ballantyne’s and Zumthor’s viewpoints on
architecture alike? More importantly, how do they differ? (Use the SEE-IT method to respond to
this question.)
Week 5 Thread 1
Here is your discussion question on the Levy article. Please post your own response, and respond
to at least two other students' responses.
John Levy’s article, “An Overview: The Need for Planning,” discussed ways in which planning
can determine the characteristics of a place. For example, some smaller towns restrict the heights
of buildings to maintain a certain scale. How did planning define the character of the place in
which you grew up?
Week 5 Thread 2
Here is your discussion question on the Pruitt Igoe project, the Talen article, and the Larson
lecture. Article. Please post your own response, and respond to at least two other students'
Imagine that you are part of a urban planning and design firm working with Emily Talen (author
of “Design That Enables Diversity”) and Kent Larson (who gave the TED Talk "Brilliant
Designs to Fit More People In Every City" The thee of you have been tasked with developing a
plan to rebuild Pruitt Igoe in St. Louis. City officials told the three of you that that they want to
do it right this time. Identify three strategies for rebuilding Pruitt Igoe in ways that promise to be
more successful. What would Talen do? What would Larson do? What would you do? How
would your strategies differ from those of the original urban planners/designers of the project?
Why would your strategies be more effective?
Week 6 Thread 1
Displaying his plan at the 1876 Centennial Exposition in Philadelphia, Frederick Law Olmsted
stated that "Buffalo is the best planned city, as to its streets, public places, and grounds, in the
United States, if not in the world." What was the basis for this claim? Would Olmsted still make
that claim today? Why or why not?
Week 6 Thread 2
Identify something that should be memorialized either on UB's campus or in your hometown.
Imagine that you are the person who will oversee this project, and that you are using Walter
Hood's 'triad of investigations' as your approach to the project. What would your landscape
intervention commemorate/memorialize? How will you use Hood's 'triad of investigations' to
design a new landscape intervention? What do you imagine that the design will be? (Either
written or visual descriptions are acceptable).
Week 7 Thread 1
The abolitionist poster, the Brookes, is an iconic image that often is included in exhibits that
explore issues of race and power. It was commissioned by Thomas Clarkson in 1788, and the
Committee of the Abolition of Slavery used it to inform and shock the public. While some
consider the poster as an important component of the abolitionist campaign, it recently “has been
strongly criticized by some individuals and groups of African heritage as providing a very
limited view of the history of the transatlantic slave trade, resistance and abolition (Hudson
2007).” The lesson here is that how a viewer sees an image is dependent upon his/her social,
economic, and cultural position. Keeping this in mind, find another iconic graphic that addresses
racial issues and post it for others in your group to view. (Add it to your response by clicking on
the picture in the tools section. Do not add it as an attachment that needs to be opened.) How do
you interpret the graphic? What is its meaning? Now imagine that someone from a racial and
cultural background different than your own is looking at the same graphic. Briefly describe this
person. How might s/he interpret its meaning? How might this differ from your interpretation?
What are the possible reasons for these differences? (Consider the three assessment principles
mentioned in the article to help you: a technology of vision, an instrument of empathy, and a
symbol of control.) (NOTE: Limit your response to less than 250 words.)
Week 7 Thread 2
Critique either the MLK Memorial or the National Museum of African American History and
Culture using equityXdesign’s core beliefs and/or design principles. (Use the beliefs or
principles that are most relevant to your critique rather than all of them.) (NOTE: Limit your
response to less than 250 words.)
Week 8 Thread 1
This is a two-part question. Please post your own response by Friday, March 31at 10:00 am, and
respond to at least two other students’ responses by Sunday, April 2 at 10:00 pm.
First, let’s start with your own home. Describe a place in your home (indoors and/or outdoors)
that you think of as representative of your own ethnic background and discuss why you consider
this place to be ‘ethnic’. –OR-- Describe an object in your home that you think of as
representative of your ethnic background and discuss why this object is considered to be ‘ethnic’.
(If possible, add photo/s.) Is this object or place something that you will keep or continue when
you establish your own home? Why or why not?
Now let’s move into your community. In “Landscape Stories,” the authors show how landscape
architects develop a historical narrative that sifts through and interpets the culture and material of
underrepresented groups. Think about the community where you grew up. Describe and discuss
any evidence of cultural influences on the physical environment in your community. If possible,
describe evidence of the cultural influence of an underrepresented group. (If possible, add
photo/s.) Is this cultural influence being acknowledged or preserved from future generations?
Why or why not? (Limit your response to 250 words.)
Week 9 Thread 1
Please post your own response by Friday, April 7 at 10:00 am, and respond to at least one other
student’s response by Sunday, April 9 at 10:00 pm.
In their chapter “Communicating Gender,” Maya Ganesh and Gabi Sobliye discuss two primary
visual advocacy approaches: 1) get the idea, and 2) stories in data. Find a new example of either
of the two visual advocacy approaches to gender issues, and post it in this thread. Cite the source.
First, identify the approach. Then explain how the designer uses the approach to communicate a
gender issue. Is the approach effective in this example? Why or why not? How could this graphic
be improved? (Limit your response to 200 words.)
Week 9 Thread 2
Last year, North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory signed into law a bill that repealed local LGBT
anti-discrimination laws, and required people to use the bathroom that corresponded with the
biological gender written on their birth certificates. This prompted massive backlash. McCrory
stated, “You know, we all have to make adjustments in life. And we’ve had the proper etiquette
situation for decades in our country, and all of a sudden through political correctness we’re
throwing away basic etiquette.” Just this past Thursday, the North Carolina General Assembly
passed a bill to repeal the law while placing a moratorium on nondiscrimination measures.
Should people be required to use the bathroom that corresponds with the biological gender
written on their birth certificate? State why AND state why not. In other words, to receive full
credit for this question, you need to present an argument for both sides of the issue. As a
designer, how would you solve this gender dilemma? Use the SEE-IT method to respond to this
question. (Limit your response to less than 250 words.)
(Other students in your group can comment on which of your two arguments is the most
convincing and why.)
Week 10 Thread 1
Author Steven Flusty categorized five types of disciplinary architecture that perpetuate what he
calls urban spatial injustice: 1) stealthy, 2) slippery, 3) crusty, 4) prickly, and 5) jittery. Go out
into the city of Buffalo, and find/photograph two examples from the list of five. Identify what
type of space you’ve photographed and why it might discriminate against a specific population.
Identify the location where you took the photograph, and make certain that you are in at least one
of the two photographs.
Week 10 Thread 2
After almost two decades of public assistance, Tammy Crabtree took herself and her family off
the welfare rolls. But her job cleaning bathrooms at a local Burger King barely paid the bills.
Crabtree wanted to do better and hopes to go to college and become a teacher.
Imagine this scenario. You are a designer who works at the well-known firm, iPD (Integrated
Planning and Design). You work on a team with planners, urban designers, policy designers,
architects, and social designers. You have been tasked to develop/design a way for Tammy
Crabtree and her family (and others with situations similar to Tammy’s) to move themselves out
of poverty. What will your team to do to help Tammy and her family achieve their goals? What
approach will your team take to address this difficult problem?
Week 11 Thread 1
The development of Regent Park is phased, and there are several more phases to the project.
What actions could be taken to ensure more social integration for the older people living in the
‘new and improved’ Regent Park?
Week 11 Thread 2
For this question, we will focus on Juan Enriquez’ Life Two civilization, which alters
fundamental aspects of the body. We are living longer than ever before in human history.
Enriquez argues that, because of advances in bio-medical technology, the possibility of living to
120 years of age and beyond is quite possible for many of us in this D+D class. Assuming that
his assertion is accurate, how do you think extended life spans will change our societies and built
environments? What new issues might designers face because of extended life spans?
Week 12 Thread 1
The two most frequently mentioned models of disability are the ‘social’ and the ‘medical’
models. The medical model of disability views disability as a medical ‘problem’ that belongs to
the disabled individual. The social model of disability, in contrast, draws on the idea that it is
society that disables people, through designing everything to meet the needs of the majority of
people who are not disabled. There is a recognition within the social model that there is a great
deal that society can do to reduce, and ultimately remove, some of these disabling barriers, and
that this task is the responsibility of society, rather than the disabled person.
In the Smithsonian online exhibition, the story about the superhero hand, and Elise Roy’s TED
Talk, you saw examples of ways to engage disability that use the social model rather than the
medical model. In the Disability and Design PowerPoint, you were introduced to the concept of
Universal Design (UD) (sometimes called inclusive design, design-for-all, or human-centered
design). Certainly, UD embraces the social model of disability. In this same PowerPoint, you
saw positive and negative examples of each of the seven principles of universal design.
For the Module 12 Thread 1, please select one of the seven universal design principles, and post
photographs that show both a positive and a negative example of the principle. Then address the
following question: How do your examples empower or disempower various people? Describe
the specific features of the positive example and the specific features of the negative example.
Discuss ways that the positive example could be even further improved.
Week 12 Thread 2
Our 2017 Design-A-Baby survey yielded the following characteristics as indicated by a majority
of you: Sex: Male (47%)Hair Color: Dark Brown (22%) Hair Texture: Wavy (33%) Eye Color:
Blue (26%) Race: Caucasian (36%) Height: 5’-10” to 6’-1” (45%) IQ: 131-140
(20%)Memory: Excellent (43%) Athletic Ability: Excellent (43%) Weight: Average (79%)
Disease Carrier: None (85%) Beauty: Somewhat attractive (46%)Empathy: Very empathetic
(38%) Creativity: Very creative (37%) Sounds like an all-around lovely person!
Currently, we have the technology for you to choose many of the survey characteristics in your
future child, and this ability to choose poses some ethical questions. Of course, we all want the
best for our own child. However, as we move into a more collective situation, we need to
consider how the consequences of majority choices for children might change who we are as a
In the film trailer FIXED, you were introduced to the dilemma of living in a culture in which the
“science-fiction of human enhancement” has become almost a way of life, from prenatal genetic
screening to bionic body parts. In the video, “A Man with Three Ears” you are introduced to an
artist who is using current technology to move humans beyond their current abilities. Last week,
Juan Enriquez asked us if it is ethical to evolve the human body. All of these videos suggest that
the concept of disability ‘as we know it’ could cease to exist in the future.
This leads us to this week’s discussion question:
What lessons do you think we should learn from history when thinking about emerging
enhancement technologies and reproductive technologies? What are some of the possible
consequences (both positive and negative) of being able to design our bodies and the bodies of
our children? What ethical quandaries do these technologies pose?
Week 13 Thread 1
The state of Massachusetts tried to ban the 1967 documentary Titicut Follies, arguing that
director Frederick Wiseman had violated the patients’ rights by not getting written permission to
film them. The case went to court, and Wiseman argued that he had consent from their legal
guardian, the institution. After a judge ruled in favor of the state, the legal appeals carried on for
several years: in 1969, Massachusetts allowed the film to be shown to doctors, lawyers, and
health care professionals; in 1991, a superior court judge ruled it could be released for the
“general public,” as privacy concerns were no longer at issue, so many years later.
Should Wiseman have been allowed to film the residents of Bridgewater Massachusetts
Correctional Facility? Why or why not? How might this film be of value to designers
(communication designers, product, designers, architects, interior designers, planners, landscape
designers, systems designers, and/or social designers)? In other words, what might they gain
from this film that they could use in their work?
Week 13 Thread 2
Prelude: Wolf Wolfensberger's seminal work "The Origin and Nature of Our Institutional
Models" posited that society characterizes people with intellectual disabilities as sub-human and
burdens of charity, He argued that this dehumanization, and the segregated institutions that result
from it, ignored the potential productive contributions that all people can make to society. He
pushed for a shift in policy and practice that recognized the human needs of those with
intellectual challenges and provided the same basic human rights as for the rest of the population.
The Scenario: Imagine that you and your four children live in Amherst, New York in a $650,000
home at the end of a cul-de-sac on the edge of a ten acre woods. The town has purchased a one
acre lot three houses away from yours, and plans to build a group home for ten intellectually
challenged adults.
As a resident of the neighborhood, would you support or oppose this proposal and why?
You've learned additional information about the residents of the proposed group home in your
neighborhood. In 2013, three of the ten intended residents exhibited challenging behaviors
including screaming, public masturbation, repetitive rocking, and echolalia (elective
incontinence). However, these behaviors have not occurred since then.
How would this change your opinion about the construction of the group home in your
The residents in your neighborhood voted (14-3) to reject the town of Amherst’s proposal to
build a group home in the neighborhood. Town officials agreed that the home would not be built
in your neighborhood if you and your neighbors could develop a workable alternative.
What are some possible solutions that would allow the residents of the home to be provided with
“the same basic human rights as the rest of the population”?
Week 14 Thread 1
In his article, David Engwicht discusses the fact that religions (of all types) have played major
roles in the development of our cities. Today, places of worship are primary components of
almost all urban centers. Author Lorne Daniel writes “From their often active role in supporting
people who live in city centers to their iconic influence on design and use of space, religious
structures tell us a lot about our history, our current needs, and where we might be headed in the
future. This is an aspect of our urban future that planners and urbanists should attend to.”
Identify a place of worship with which you are somewhat familiar. (If you are not familiar with
any places of worship, do a bit of research on one in your own city or town.) Show a photograph
of this religious structure. (You may use photographs from the web.) What roles has this place
served in the development of your city/town? How has it influenced the design of the area
around it? How has its role changed over time? What roles could this place of worship play in
the future development of your city/town?
Week 14 Thread 2
Consider the quote in your syllabus from educator Michael J. Shannon: “Design, as vision in
action--the intersection of understanding and creation--is a universal human capability that can
play a fundamental role in social evolution, in the process that transforms resources, energy, and
information to make our world.”
At the beginning of this course, we discussed the idea that we are all designers regardless of our
profession or field of study. We’ve asked some big questions along the way, and the conclusion
section of our textbook raises additional issues that require input from people who might not
consider themselves to be part of the formalized design professions.
Think about your own major and/or future profession. What is the biggest challenge, problem, or
question that your field needs to tackle right now? What do you plan to do to address this
challenge, problem, or question either as part of your studies or professional life?
Welcome to my thoughts
University at Buffalo. South Lake Village. MinHua Huang. May 16, 2017
My name is MinHua Huang and I am a second year undergraduate student at the Suny Buffalo. I
believe that designs can and always should be changed to adjust to our rapidly growing society.
There is no such thing as a perfect design because it can always be improved upon by through
the multiple diverse ideas from each and every insightful individual. D+D have influenced my
thoughts on multiple topics that I was not familiar with. For example, I have never imagined the
possibility that we have developed the technologies to design our children. I have learned how
designs and technologies can affect multiple aspects of our everyday life. In the beginning of this
course I did not expect D+D to tackle so many topics of which design affects. The most
intriguing of which were gender and religion because the response from each group member
were unique and interesting. The multiple responses from the gender and religion discussion
allowed me to see everyone’s perspective on how design is affected by religion and vice versa.
The gender discussion allowed me to see the thoughts of the majority of the members of my
group and what the traits the majority seek desirable. All the responses allowed me to create a
more coherent conclusion on these topics.
The following pages document my responses to the online discussion questions in the spring
2017 version of ARC 211 American Diversity and Design at the University at Buffalo State
University of New York
Response Thread 1 Week 1
One of the most innovative creations is the aircraft. Airplanes enabled mankind to take flight and
travel around the world in a manageable amount of time. Aircrafts travel at high speeds and
across oceans that would take boats and ships months to reach. Today millions around the world
exploit the many possible uses of these aircrafts such as trading, commuting, and etc. The
popularity of air travel negatively impact the usage of traveling by sea. This is most notable for
trading between different countries because shipping via air is much faster and safer than
delivery on sea.
Response Thread 2 Week 1
The Nutrition Label and Education Act of 1990 that was implemented by former president
George H. W. Bush gave the FDA (Federal Food Administration) the authority to demand all
food distributors and producers to label the nutrition facts of their product. This act enabled
millions of Americans to be conscious of what they consume. This eventually lead to people
creating organic markets because they were did not want to consume the unhealthy mass
produced foods. Although many people still consume these unhealthy mass produced foods, they
are at least aware of what they are consuming and how it would impact their lives.
Response Thread 1 Week 2
The images that were presented in the TED talk truly define the phrase, "a picture is worth a
thousand words". Each image shows and tells the intention and motives of what the artist was
trying to convey. Expressing their perspective and ideology of the world around them and how
everything is connected. I would place these images in a blank room because it will allow the
viewers to solely focus on the images and have them create their own interpretations of the
images. An iconic photo that was taken during my life time was the presidential inauguration of
democratic nominee Barack Obama. This event was truly iconic because it was the first time in
the history of the United States that an African American president would lead our country. It
showed a major progress in the United States attempt for racial equality through its history of
racial discrimination and slavery.!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_g
Response Thread 2 Week 2
The two different color hats in the articles represents two opposing views on the prior
presidential candidate and current president of the United States, Donald Trump. The red hat
represents those who supported the Donald Trump during his campaign because it was the color
of the hats he endorsed with the statement "make America great again". The color red that
Donald Trump chose to use on the hats is used to represent the Republican Party in which he
campaign under because Republican favored states are widely known as red states. The pink hat
represents individuals who opposed of Donald Trump's presidency because of his actions and
remarks. The color pink was chosen to oppose the color red because red is the color of lust that
was shown by some of Trump's previous statements regarding women. These two colored hats
are similar in their motives to express their perspective on Donald Trump, but the disparity
between each expression is great.
Response Thread 1 Week 3
With the introduction to the assembly line, mass production of goods and products was made
possible across the world. The assembly line allowed many opportunities for companies to
rapidly produce their goods to provide for consumers. However, the creation of the assembly line
also enabled many companies to exploit its workers. Cheap and hazardous labor was prominent
during the industrial revolution in the United States. The working class families consisted of
many immigrants that worked for 15+ hours daily in crammed and unsanitary factories.
Exploiting cheap labor by large industries was ceased when worker unions were formed to
protest against those various companies. Even in today's society, children and adults alike are
exploited for extremely cheap labor. Especially in third world countries such as India, Thailand,
and Vietnam, world renowned companies such as Apple, Walmart, and Disney keep their
factories oversea to exploit the working class families. In the next twenty years, professions such
as doctors and scientists will be accompanied by artificial intelligence in order to resolve future
problems. The U.S society will see an increase in participation of higher education because many
manual labor jobs will be done by machines.
Response Thread 2 Week 3
The Rolls-Royce Dawn by the BMW design group is one of the IDEA Gold Award products that
resists the Cradle-to-Cradle concept because it is an automobile that performs from fossil fuel
consumption which violates the requirements for both the technical and biological nutrients. The
product does not compose of any organic materials that are biodegradable and the usage of fossil
fuel or any diesels from the car is harmful to the environment. One product that does embrace the
Cradle-to-Cradle design is Aquion Energy's large scale batteries. Aquion Energy is a company
that creates salt water batteries and other electrical storage units which last for thousands of
battery lives and does not produce a toxic waste product. All these attributes qualify the Aquion
Energy batteries as technical nutrients which gives the products the Cradle-to-Cradle design.
Response Thread 1 Week 4
The Virginia state Captiol challenged the cultural contexts of the buildings during its time
because it adopted architecture from the Greeks whom were known as the creators of the
democratic system. Thomas Jefferson used the columns and steps from Greek architecture to
create a temple-like building that allows it to stand out from the rest of the buildings during that
period in which British colonial designs were predominately used for buildings. The most
notable design that Jefferson implemented in the building was the statue of George Washington
that depicted him as an ordinary man. Unlike Greek architecture which often included divine
figures as statues, the statue of George Washington was shown as an normal man with equal
rights as others around him.
The Vanna Venturi House was a revolutionary piece of work because it challenged the era of
modernism. The perception of the building is simplistic but its complexity is quite astounding
because of the multiple designs Robert Venturi implemented through many different trials.
Venturi's design was different from the normal abstract box that was used for modernism
architecture and thus he is the one of the most notable figures in the post modernism era.
Response Thread 2 Week 4
Andrew Ballantyne views architecture in a functional sense in which the inhabitants can innately
comprehend the functionality and purpose of the building. Ballantyne claims a building's
functionality must impact and influence its inhabitants and those around it. Whereas Peter
Zumthor believes that a building's design and aesthetics is most important to its viewers.
Zumthor believes that a building's value is the memories and attachments it has to those who
inhabits it. Both architects believe that a building's value is its meaning and influence on the
inhabitants. A building must be created for a purpose whether it’s for its aesthetics or its
Response Thread 1 Week 5
I grew up in Brooklyn, New York which is one of the 5 boroughs of New York City and is
known to be a suburban community. Unlike the neighboring borough of Manhattan, Brooklyn is
not filled with large skyscrapers but it is instead filled with private homes and large public areas.
The streets of Brooklyn are filled with homes and houses that allow its residents to communicate
with their neighbors. Homes in Manhattan are usually large scale apartments because most of the
space is used for commercial buildings. The houses and open public areas such as parks and
libraries characterizes Brooklyn as a suburban community.
Response Thread 2 Week 5
Strategies for rebuilding Puritt Igoe would be to build local public properties such as libraries
and parks, rebuild the decaying building, and provide local law enforcement to deal with any
crimes. Emily Talen would claim that the most important step to rebuilding Pruitt Ioge is to bring
diversity to the neighborhood by ending the racial segregation between the northern and southern
parts. Proper hygiene is not provided for the lower income tenants this creating land pollution
that deteriorate the environment of the community. Kent Larson would claim that the
environment is toxic and destroying the health of the community. The old slums must be
replaced or reconstructed in order for the residents to prosper. I would create a station for law
enforcement in order to cease criminal activities and building public areas where the community
can gather and interact with each other. My strategy will be more effective because it will allow
the residents of Pruitt Igoe to safely interact with each other in strong and long lasting structures.
Response Thread 1 Week 6
Frederick Law Olmsted claimed that Buffalo is the best planned city in the United States because
of the major parks that integrate themselves within the city. Olmsted created the first system of
parks in Buffalo in which there were multiple parks each with different special activities,
connected with each other. Olmsted's system allowed residents of Buffalo to easily travel
between different parks by connecting them through parkways. These parkways created an
illusion of a never-ending area filled with different activities and natural life because of its
massive scale connecting several major parks. Olmsted will still support his claim today because
a lot of the major features he incorporated into this system was kept including the parkways and
the multiple parks.
Response Thread 2 Week 6
The lake in the UB north campus located near the commons and south lake villages should be
commemorated. Currently there is a small run-down walkway where canoes are placed allowing
people to use the lake during the warmer climates. In the warmer seasons, the lights from the sun
reflects upon the clear waters creating beautiful imageries. There should be more walkways
allowing the students to use the lake more often, whether its for fishing, canoeing. or any other
reasonable aquatic based activities. Beside the large lake there should be shops set up to rent or
sell equipment for the students and others who are interested in using the lake. Jobs such as
lifeguards and monitors can be acquainted to ensure the safety of students. This will promote the
usage of such a beautiful and inactive lake while also creating new potential jobs and a source of
income for the university at little to no expense.
Response Thread 1 Week 7
This picture clearly depicts the effects of fear mongering and witch hunting in American history.
After the attack on Pearl Harbor, Americans began to fear and ostracize Japanese Americans
even going as far as excommunicating them from society. Paranoia grew as Americans started to
conspire absurd theories that questioned the loyalty of the Japanese American citizens. Japanese
Americans were forced out of their homes to stay in internment camps for over 4 years’ time.
This picture shows how the fear of a racial or minority group can negatively affect rational
people causing dilemmas such as racial discrimination and unjust segregation. Someone who has
an extremely patriotic view will argue that the cruel treatment of the Japanese Americans were
justified because of the circumstances involved. This person will state the potential danger of
allowing the Japanese Americans to be around society thus they must be monitored. Reasons for
these differences in opinions is our views on immigrants in the United States. Events such as the
attack on Pearl Harbor and the attack on the world trade center have caused many Americans to
fear immigrants and create ways to monitor them.
Response Thread 2 Week 7
The MLK Memorial stands as a linkage and symbolism of an historical movement that shaped
today's society. The monument represents all racial groups as they united to put an end to the
inequality and discrimination from segregation. The barrier between these racists was finally
broken by using civil disobedience and not violence. The MLK Memorial honors one of the most
important figures in American history. Dr. Martin Luther King jr recognized the inequality and
racial discrimination across the United States and decided to cease this injustice through non-
violent means. His innovation of using civil disobedience and peaceful protest in the United
States was revolutionary because it set a precedent for peaceful protests in today's society. This
design applies the ideas of the practice of equityXdesign.
Response Thread 1 Week 8
Back in my home in Brooklyn, New York, my family keeps a small religious altar to pray on
certain days of the year. To this day I still do not know of their religion but they always ask me
and my brother to pray to the altar during specific dates. Throughout the years that I have lived
in the United States, my family have slowly began adopted to modern day culture. We started
watching basketball games, brought new technologies, and etc. However, we have never gotten
rid of the single altar in the living room because it identifies our background and ethnicity.
However, when I establish my own home I will not be bringing the religious altar with me
because I am not religious. My parents never enforced their religion on me and my brother thus
we are not religious people.
Response Thread 2 Week 8
Sports teams should be allowed to use ethnic references in their designs because it is not used in
a negative light. If a sports team were to use a negative ethnic remark in their design then they
would only hurt their fans and insult their own brand. For example, teams such as the Boston
Celtics and the Atlanta Braves do not promote anything negative with their team name but
instead they are trying to honor the ethnicities through good sportsmanship and a loyal
community. These teams have made no ill remarks about any ethnicities but they chose these
names and name and images because they see them in a positive light.
Response Thread 1 Week 9
This article provides information about the issue of gender inequality in the business world.
According to the article, only 42 percent of the women that taken the survey are confident that
they will not receive a difference in pay due to their gender. This article uses the get it method by
showing images of data that revealing shocking information regarding gender inequality. The
image reveals the society's view on the effects of gender in regards to work. I would say this
method is effective because it is vivid and straight forward allowing the readers to grasp the
information and identify the issue easily.
Zlata Rodionova. (2016).Gender equality: more than half of women fear their gender will hurt
their career. The Independent
Response Thread 2 Week 9
People should be able use the bathroom that corresponds with their current gender. This should
only apply to those who have proven they cannot use the bathroom that corresponds with their
biological gender because of a change in their sexual orientation. For example, a biological male
that currently possesses his biological reproductive organ should not be able to use the female
bathroom because it is sexual harassment and will cause discomfort for other females in the
bathroom. This scenario can be applied to biological females that possess their biological
reproductive organs and desires to use the male bathroom. This rule is exempted for people
whom undergone sexual change that caused them to have the opposite reproductive organ
because the bathroom that is opposite to their biological gender now serves of purpose to these
Response Thread 1 Week 10
This picture is taken nearby the district around one of the major parks in the city of Buffalo
nearby Delaware Park. The properties around this area are extremely expensive because of the
location and historical relevance. Two architectural jewels with the Darwin Martin House and
Delaware Park are located nearby this district which makes the property values of these homes
not favorable for the middle class or lower class salaries. This location is an example of a crusty
design because of its exclusively to mainly the wealthy upper class minority that can afford these
homes. In order to travel to the park it requires an extensive amount of walking or driving unless
you lived nearby. The high value of these homes discriminate against the working and lower
class citizens that cannot afford this luxury.
Response Thread 2 Week 10
In order to help Ms. Crabtee and her family reach her goal and aid against her financial struggles,
new government homes must be constructed to help the low income families. These government
homes will be more successful than previous ones because they will be heavily monitored and
strict with applicants. The applicants must show determination to improve their lives and
eventually have to move out within a decade. Often government homes are not taken care of
causing problems with sanitation and crime, thus heavily monitoring the residents will prevent
these dilemmas within the community. Local schools and community colleges will be built to
allow people to receive cheap or free higher education. These are some ways to address Ms.
Crabtee's problems and other people who experience similar problems.
Response Thread 1 Week 11
Members of Regent Park suffer from problems that segregate the community and discriminates
against the elderly. Low income homes were built nearby for the elderly but they made the
community too clustered. When the government decided to split apart the community to create
space for the residences, it separated families and friends from each other. The amount of elderly
residents enabled people to commit crimes easily due to their inability for self-defense. To
improve the social integration for older people living in the "new and improved" Regent Park,
they should create new care centers for the elderly which provides a large area for them to
interact and staffs to ensure their safety in case of dilemmas.
Response Thread 2 Week 11
With the increase in life span and expectancy for the human race, many changes must be applied
in order to adjust with this change. For example, the global population will surely increase from
this increase in life expectancy thus enabling regions to become over populated. We must
accommodate this dilemma by spreading the global population among the countries, states, and
continents. Major states such as New York and California will be overcrowd thus it will be more
beneficial to move to less populated states such as Wyoming and Delaware. Issues such as city
development and attraction of the public might be trouble designers because these states are not
as developed and technologically advanced as the major cities and might not attract people to
move to these states.
Response Thread 1 Week 12
The first photograph is a picture of an automatic door and it follows the universal design
principle of low physical effort. The automatic door follows the guidelines of the low physical
effort principle because it empowers and benefits people who struggle with physical disabilities
such as movement impairments. The automatic door allows these individuals to easily access
buildings and other fatalities. The second photograph is a picture a elevator and it follows the
same design principle as the automatic door as it minimizes the effort required to complete a
task. However, some weight limit in elevators discriminates against heavy weight individuals. It
causes these individuals to feel self-conscious about their condition. The automatic door design
can be improved but adding ramps and other properties such as a conveyer belt further lessen the
required effort.
Response Thread 2 Week 12
I think that we should learn from history that reproductive technology is useful when it comes to
assisting someone during pregnancy but giving birth is and always will be an act of nature. Some
positive effects of having this technology available is that it can help parents obtain desirable
traits in their children. However, these reproductive technologies are not always safe for the
newborns and the children might later resent the parents for choosing these traits. Being able to
choose the traits and physical characteristics of a children before they are born is immoral
because it goes against the will of the child. However, similar ethical dilemma can be found in
medical procedures such as abortions. The fate of a child should not be predetermined but it
should be developed through their life.
Response Thread 1 Week 13
Enabling the Bridgewater Massachusetts Correctional Facility to record and document the lives
and behaviors of the institutes' inmates, designers can use the information collected to further
enhance the conditions in these faculties to help the patients within. By monitoring the actions of
these inmates and how they correspond with the living conditions within these institutions,
architects and planners can create altercations that will improve the living conditions of the
inmates. For example, designers for these institutions can propose to create establishments in
more populated areas for non-threatening patients so that they can remain connected with
society. This can help recovering inmates get back on their foot once they complete their
recovery. Interior designers and architects can create more gathering centers within these
institutions for the residents to communicate and interact together. Within these gathering
centers, books and other technologies should be implemented to help the patients adjust
themselves to create faster recoveries.
Response Thread 2 Week 13
If I were in this scenario, as a resident Amherst and a parent of 5 children I would approve the
decision for construction a group home for these ten intellectually challenged individuals. I think
it is important for people and especially children to be exposed to this type of scenario because
children are very influential. As society we must show the youthful culture that any form of
discrimination is not acceptable. If we do not accept these challenged individuals, then we are
not helping them reform into acceptable members of society. By rejecting these individuals'
rights to inhabit within our community, we will be setting a negative precedent for the children
of our community. Our action will be telling the children that society should not and will not
tolerate people who are different. One possible solution that would allow the challenged
residents to receive the same basic human rights as the rest of the population is monitor these
individuals with special carers to prevent potential conflicts that they might have with the current
residents of Amherst.
Response Thread 1 Week 14
The rural mountain and fields are places of worship that I am personally most familiar with.
When I was a child my parents would take me on a trip to these rural mountains in order to pray
and honor our ancestors. Items that we would bring would be a variety of foods and fake money
to burn as offerings to the gods and our ancestors. These large mountain ranges influenced the
lifestyles of the locals in the region. The vast fertile land allowed the farmers to settle in the land
and produce agricultural products. The large mountain ranges separated the locals from urban
life thus commuting and relationships between the neighboring city was difficult. The mountains
were quite unsteady and ancient thus the requirement of bridges and other infrastructures will be
implemented to guarantee safe travels for people who seek to visit this area.
Response Thread 2 Week 14
The profession that I would like to pursue in the future would be architecture and the biggest
challenge architects face today is how to come together and create an innovative design that can
effectively influence the environment of a certain community. Many architects today are too self-
involved and put too much emphasis on a single unique design that can revolutionize the field.
This mindset can only damage the architecture community because it will take an immense
amount of time to create these one of a kind designs which might not even have an significant
impact on those who receive the design. Architects must get rid of this self-involved mentality
and share their thoughts among their community. This will not only eliminate the room for
various errors but it will also make the progress for a great design quicker and more efficient.

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Arc 211 american diversity and design min hua huang

  • 1. University at Buffalo State University of New York ARC 211American Diversity and Design Spring 2017 MinHua Huang 50147129 University At Buffalo. South Lake Village. MinHua Huang. May 16, 2017 Online Discussion Questions Week 1 Thread 2 On “What is design?” from Hello World: Where Design Meets Life by Alice Rawsthron The author opened her chapter with the example of Ying Zheng, the ruler of the Qin empire, one of the most powerful and enduring empires I the history of China. She explained how design innovation contributed to Ying Zheng’s success. For example, in the development of weaponry, he resolved many problems by standardizing parts, and this single innovation gave his armies great advantage over other armies. For this discussion, let’s move away from 246 B.C. China, and into the U.S. Describe an innovation or invention (can be current or historical) that gave advantage to a group of people in the U.S. or to the population as a whole. What were the social impacts of this innovation? Were
  • 2. any groups negatively impacted by this innovation? For example, the telegraph, developed and patented in the United States in 1837 by Samuel Morse, permitted people and commerce to transmit messages across both continents and oceans almost instantly, with widespread social and economic impacts. This heightened communication speed allowed business persons to make decisions with up-to-date information, often resulting in big profits. Those without access had to rely on outdated information, which put them at a disadvantage. Week 1 Thread 3 On “Introduction” from Diversity and Design: Understanding Hidden Consequences The editors state that “diverse participation in the design process, from both professionals and public citizens alike, yields more equitable results.” This makes sense, but typically has not been the case. Nonetheless, many marginalized groups have impacted design in ways that have changed our visual and physical worlds as well as our systems, policies, and institutions. For example, in the 1960s, disability rights advocates designed media events to raise awareness about barriers in the physical environment. They persisted with their efforts for decades, and, finally, in 1990, the Americans with Disabilities Act became law. It mandated accessibility in public accommodations such as restaurants and stores, public transportation, communication, and other areas of public life. This dramatically changed our physical environment (from curb cuts to ramps to automatic doors) and the results made public life more equitable. Now it’s your turn. Describe a design that was impacted by a diversity group. How and why did it change form and/or circumstances? (Note that a design can be anything requiring planning and development prior to the production of an action, system, visual, material object, or environment. Also, keep in mind that, for our purposes, a diversity group is a group of individuals who are underrepresented in society in some way—children, older adults, the economically disadvantaged, those with cognitive disabilities, etc.) Week 2 Thread 1 Where would you place the images shown in Photos That Changed the World into Croteau and Hoynes' diagram entitled “Model of Media and the Social World”? Identify a mass media photograph taken in your own lifetime that has served as an icon of an event. (Feel free to add an attachment.) What roles does this photo play in the communication of the event? Week 2 Thread 2 Thread 2: FROM: “Fashioning Protest for the Women’s March on Washington” and “The Worst Design of 2016 Was Also the Most Effective” NOTE: Use the first three part of the SEE-IT method of critical thinking (State, Elaborate, Exemplify) to address the following questions: Typically, we do not think of hats as elements of mass media or social media. However, the two hats (red and pink) discussed in the articles certainly have taken on that role. Why the two hats (red and pink) are mentioned in the articles vehicles of communication design? What meanings
  • 3. do each of the two hats carry? In terms of communication design, how are they similar? And how are they different from one another? Week 3 Thread 1 Thread 1: Response to “Industrial Design” by John Heskett and "The Incredible Inventions of Intuitive AI" by Maurice Conti In his chapter on industrial design (written in 1987), historian John Heskett claims that the methods of mass production introduced by Henry Ford in the U.S. involved new concepts of the standardization and integration of the production line that were adopted across the world. With Ford’s method, work could be completed by relatively unskilled workers; it was more efficient and with this method, products were made more quickly and cheaply than previously possible. What were some of the social consequences of Ford’s production line? In other words, how did this system change our U.S. society? Do any of those changes remain with us today? Now consider Maurice Conti’s TED Talk, and the predictions he makes about production. How do you think manufacturing processes will change in the next twenty years? How do you think these changes will affect our U.S. society? Week 3 Thread 2 Thread 2: Response IDEA Awards and Cradle-to-Cradle Video Collapse NOTE: Use the first three part of the SEE-IT method of critical thinking (State, Elaborate, Exemplify) to address the following questions: Which of the 2016 IDEA Gold Award products seems to defy the Cradle-to-Cradle concept developed by architect William McDonough and chemist Dr. Michael Braungart? How does this product resist or disregard the concept? Do you know of any products that embrace Cradle-to- Cradle design? If so, please describe. Week 4 Thread 1 Thread 1: Response to All Module 4 Materials Your readings and viewings this week present different ways of thinking about architecture. Mies Van der Rohe describes architecture as “The will of the epoch translated into space.” Andrew Ballantyne describes architecture as the background for life. Jeanne Gang describes it as the act of building relationships. All agree that architecture can change based on context and culture. Choose two works of architecture from any of your materials this week—one with sensibilities about the past and one with sensibilities about the present and/or future. How do each of these buildings either reflect or challenge their cultural contexts? (Use the SEE-IT method to respond to this question.) Week 4 Thread 2 Thread 2: Response to Ballantyne and Zumthor Articles
  • 4. Andrew Ballantyne and Peter Zumthor present ideas about architecture that seem to value the sensorial and material elements of life. How are Ballantyne’s and Zumthor’s viewpoints on architecture alike? More importantly, how do they differ? (Use the SEE-IT method to respond to this question.) Week 5 Thread 1 Here is your discussion question on the Levy article. Please post your own response, and respond to at least two other students' responses. John Levy’s article, “An Overview: The Need for Planning,” discussed ways in which planning can determine the characteristics of a place. For example, some smaller towns restrict the heights of buildings to maintain a certain scale. How did planning define the character of the place in which you grew up? Week 5 Thread 2 Here is your discussion question on the Pruitt Igoe project, the Talen article, and the Larson lecture. Article. Please post your own response, and respond to at least two other students' responses. Imagine that you are part of a urban planning and design firm working with Emily Talen (author of “Design That Enables Diversity”) and Kent Larson (who gave the TED Talk "Brilliant Designs to Fit More People In Every City" The thee of you have been tasked with developing a plan to rebuild Pruitt Igoe in St. Louis. City officials told the three of you that that they want to do it right this time. Identify three strategies for rebuilding Pruitt Igoe in ways that promise to be more successful. What would Talen do? What would Larson do? What would you do? How would your strategies differ from those of the original urban planners/designers of the project? Why would your strategies be more effective? Week 6 Thread 1 Displaying his plan at the 1876 Centennial Exposition in Philadelphia, Frederick Law Olmsted stated that "Buffalo is the best planned city, as to its streets, public places, and grounds, in the United States, if not in the world." What was the basis for this claim? Would Olmsted still make that claim today? Why or why not? Week 6 Thread 2 Identify something that should be memorialized either on UB's campus or in your hometown. Imagine that you are the person who will oversee this project, and that you are using Walter Hood's 'triad of investigations' as your approach to the project. What would your landscape intervention commemorate/memorialize? How will you use Hood's 'triad of investigations' to design a new landscape intervention? What do you imagine that the design will be? (Either written or visual descriptions are acceptable). Week 7 Thread 1
  • 5. The abolitionist poster, the Brookes, is an iconic image that often is included in exhibits that explore issues of race and power. It was commissioned by Thomas Clarkson in 1788, and the Committee of the Abolition of Slavery used it to inform and shock the public. While some consider the poster as an important component of the abolitionist campaign, it recently “has been strongly criticized by some individuals and groups of African heritage as providing a very limited view of the history of the transatlantic slave trade, resistance and abolition (Hudson 2007).” The lesson here is that how a viewer sees an image is dependent upon his/her social, economic, and cultural position. Keeping this in mind, find another iconic graphic that addresses racial issues and post it for others in your group to view. (Add it to your response by clicking on the picture in the tools section. Do not add it as an attachment that needs to be opened.) How do you interpret the graphic? What is its meaning? Now imagine that someone from a racial and cultural background different than your own is looking at the same graphic. Briefly describe this person. How might s/he interpret its meaning? How might this differ from your interpretation? What are the possible reasons for these differences? (Consider the three assessment principles mentioned in the article to help you: a technology of vision, an instrument of empathy, and a symbol of control.) (NOTE: Limit your response to less than 250 words.) Week 7 Thread 2 Critique either the MLK Memorial or the National Museum of African American History and Culture using equityXdesign’s core beliefs and/or design principles. (Use the beliefs or principles that are most relevant to your critique rather than all of them.) (NOTE: Limit your response to less than 250 words.) Week 8 Thread 1 This is a two-part question. Please post your own response by Friday, March 31at 10:00 am, and respond to at least two other students’ responses by Sunday, April 2 at 10:00 pm. First, let’s start with your own home. Describe a place in your home (indoors and/or outdoors) that you think of as representative of your own ethnic background and discuss why you consider this place to be ‘ethnic’. –OR-- Describe an object in your home that you think of as representative of your ethnic background and discuss why this object is considered to be ‘ethnic’. (If possible, add photo/s.) Is this object or place something that you will keep or continue when you establish your own home? Why or why not? Now let’s move into your community. In “Landscape Stories,” the authors show how landscape architects develop a historical narrative that sifts through and interpets the culture and material of underrepresented groups. Think about the community where you grew up. Describe and discuss any evidence of cultural influences on the physical environment in your community. If possible, describe evidence of the cultural influence of an underrepresented group. (If possible, add photo/s.) Is this cultural influence being acknowledged or preserved from future generations? Why or why not? (Limit your response to 250 words.) Week 9 Thread 1
  • 6. Please post your own response by Friday, April 7 at 10:00 am, and respond to at least one other student’s response by Sunday, April 9 at 10:00 pm. In their chapter “Communicating Gender,” Maya Ganesh and Gabi Sobliye discuss two primary visual advocacy approaches: 1) get the idea, and 2) stories in data. Find a new example of either of the two visual advocacy approaches to gender issues, and post it in this thread. Cite the source. First, identify the approach. Then explain how the designer uses the approach to communicate a gender issue. Is the approach effective in this example? Why or why not? How could this graphic be improved? (Limit your response to 200 words.) Week 9 Thread 2 Last year, North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory signed into law a bill that repealed local LGBT anti-discrimination laws, and required people to use the bathroom that corresponded with the biological gender written on their birth certificates. This prompted massive backlash. McCrory stated, “You know, we all have to make adjustments in life. And we’ve had the proper etiquette situation for decades in our country, and all of a sudden through political correctness we’re throwing away basic etiquette.” Just this past Thursday, the North Carolina General Assembly passed a bill to repeal the law while placing a moratorium on nondiscrimination measures. Should people be required to use the bathroom that corresponds with the biological gender written on their birth certificate? State why AND state why not. In other words, to receive full credit for this question, you need to present an argument for both sides of the issue. As a designer, how would you solve this gender dilemma? Use the SEE-IT method to respond to this question. (Limit your response to less than 250 words.) (Other students in your group can comment on which of your two arguments is the most convincing and why.) Week 10 Thread 1 Author Steven Flusty categorized five types of disciplinary architecture that perpetuate what he calls urban spatial injustice: 1) stealthy, 2) slippery, 3) crusty, 4) prickly, and 5) jittery. Go out into the city of Buffalo, and find/photograph two examples from the list of five. Identify what type of space you’ve photographed and why it might discriminate against a specific population. Identify the location where you took the photograph, and make certain that you are in at least one of the two photographs. Week 10 Thread 2 After almost two decades of public assistance, Tammy Crabtree took herself and her family off the welfare rolls. But her job cleaning bathrooms at a local Burger King barely paid the bills. Crabtree wanted to do better and hopes to go to college and become a teacher. Imagine this scenario. You are a designer who works at the well-known firm, iPD (Integrated Planning and Design). You work on a team with planners, urban designers, policy designers, architects, and social designers. You have been tasked to develop/design a way for Tammy
  • 7. Crabtree and her family (and others with situations similar to Tammy’s) to move themselves out of poverty. What will your team to do to help Tammy and her family achieve their goals? What approach will your team take to address this difficult problem? Week 11 Thread 1 The development of Regent Park is phased, and there are several more phases to the project. What actions could be taken to ensure more social integration for the older people living in the ‘new and improved’ Regent Park? Week 11 Thread 2 For this question, we will focus on Juan Enriquez’ Life Two civilization, which alters fundamental aspects of the body. We are living longer than ever before in human history. Enriquez argues that, because of advances in bio-medical technology, the possibility of living to 120 years of age and beyond is quite possible for many of us in this D+D class. Assuming that his assertion is accurate, how do you think extended life spans will change our societies and built environments? What new issues might designers face because of extended life spans? Week 12 Thread 1 The two most frequently mentioned models of disability are the ‘social’ and the ‘medical’ models. The medical model of disability views disability as a medical ‘problem’ that belongs to the disabled individual. The social model of disability, in contrast, draws on the idea that it is society that disables people, through designing everything to meet the needs of the majority of people who are not disabled. There is a recognition within the social model that there is a great deal that society can do to reduce, and ultimately remove, some of these disabling barriers, and that this task is the responsibility of society, rather than the disabled person. In the Smithsonian online exhibition, the story about the superhero hand, and Elise Roy’s TED Talk, you saw examples of ways to engage disability that use the social model rather than the medical model. In the Disability and Design PowerPoint, you were introduced to the concept of Universal Design (UD) (sometimes called inclusive design, design-for-all, or human-centered design). Certainly, UD embraces the social model of disability. In this same PowerPoint, you saw positive and negative examples of each of the seven principles of universal design. For the Module 12 Thread 1, please select one of the seven universal design principles, and post photographs that show both a positive and a negative example of the principle. Then address the following question: How do your examples empower or disempower various people? Describe the specific features of the positive example and the specific features of the negative example. Discuss ways that the positive example could be even further improved. Week 12 Thread 2 Our 2017 Design-A-Baby survey yielded the following characteristics as indicated by a majority of you: Sex: Male (47%)Hair Color: Dark Brown (22%) Hair Texture: Wavy (33%) Eye Color: Blue (26%) Race: Caucasian (36%) Height: 5’-10” to 6’-1” (45%) IQ: 131-140 (20%)Memory: Excellent (43%) Athletic Ability: Excellent (43%) Weight: Average (79%)
  • 8. Disease Carrier: None (85%) Beauty: Somewhat attractive (46%)Empathy: Very empathetic (38%) Creativity: Very creative (37%) Sounds like an all-around lovely person! Currently, we have the technology for you to choose many of the survey characteristics in your future child, and this ability to choose poses some ethical questions. Of course, we all want the best for our own child. However, as we move into a more collective situation, we need to consider how the consequences of majority choices for children might change who we are as a species. In the film trailer FIXED, you were introduced to the dilemma of living in a culture in which the “science-fiction of human enhancement” has become almost a way of life, from prenatal genetic screening to bionic body parts. In the video, “A Man with Three Ears” you are introduced to an artist who is using current technology to move humans beyond their current abilities. Last week, Juan Enriquez asked us if it is ethical to evolve the human body. All of these videos suggest that the concept of disability ‘as we know it’ could cease to exist in the future. This leads us to this week’s discussion question: What lessons do you think we should learn from history when thinking about emerging enhancement technologies and reproductive technologies? What are some of the possible consequences (both positive and negative) of being able to design our bodies and the bodies of our children? What ethical quandaries do these technologies pose? Week 13 Thread 1 The state of Massachusetts tried to ban the 1967 documentary Titicut Follies, arguing that director Frederick Wiseman had violated the patients’ rights by not getting written permission to film them. The case went to court, and Wiseman argued that he had consent from their legal guardian, the institution. After a judge ruled in favor of the state, the legal appeals carried on for several years: in 1969, Massachusetts allowed the film to be shown to doctors, lawyers, and health care professionals; in 1991, a superior court judge ruled it could be released for the “general public,” as privacy concerns were no longer at issue, so many years later. Should Wiseman have been allowed to film the residents of Bridgewater Massachusetts Correctional Facility? Why or why not? How might this film be of value to designers (communication designers, product, designers, architects, interior designers, planners, landscape designers, systems designers, and/or social designers)? In other words, what might they gain from this film that they could use in their work? Week 13 Thread 2 Prelude: Wolf Wolfensberger's seminal work "The Origin and Nature of Our Institutional Models" posited that society characterizes people with intellectual disabilities as sub-human and burdens of charity, He argued that this dehumanization, and the segregated institutions that result from it, ignored the potential productive contributions that all people can make to society. He pushed for a shift in policy and practice that recognized the human needs of those with intellectual challenges and provided the same basic human rights as for the rest of the population.
  • 9. The Scenario: Imagine that you and your four children live in Amherst, New York in a $650,000 home at the end of a cul-de-sac on the edge of a ten acre woods. The town has purchased a one acre lot three houses away from yours, and plans to build a group home for ten intellectually challenged adults. As a resident of the neighborhood, would you support or oppose this proposal and why? You've learned additional information about the residents of the proposed group home in your neighborhood. In 2013, three of the ten intended residents exhibited challenging behaviors including screaming, public masturbation, repetitive rocking, and echolalia (elective incontinence). However, these behaviors have not occurred since then. How would this change your opinion about the construction of the group home in your neighborhood? The residents in your neighborhood voted (14-3) to reject the town of Amherst’s proposal to build a group home in the neighborhood. Town officials agreed that the home would not be built in your neighborhood if you and your neighbors could develop a workable alternative. What are some possible solutions that would allow the residents of the home to be provided with “the same basic human rights as the rest of the population”? Week 14 Thread 1 In his article, David Engwicht discusses the fact that religions (of all types) have played major roles in the development of our cities. Today, places of worship are primary components of almost all urban centers. Author Lorne Daniel writes “From their often active role in supporting people who live in city centers to their iconic influence on design and use of space, religious structures tell us a lot about our history, our current needs, and where we might be headed in the future. This is an aspect of our urban future that planners and urbanists should attend to.” Identify a place of worship with which you are somewhat familiar. (If you are not familiar with any places of worship, do a bit of research on one in your own city or town.) Show a photograph of this religious structure. (You may use photographs from the web.) What roles has this place served in the development of your city/town? How has it influenced the design of the area around it? How has its role changed over time? What roles could this place of worship play in the future development of your city/town? Week 14 Thread 2 Consider the quote in your syllabus from educator Michael J. Shannon: “Design, as vision in action--the intersection of understanding and creation--is a universal human capability that can play a fundamental role in social evolution, in the process that transforms resources, energy, and information to make our world.” At the beginning of this course, we discussed the idea that we are all designers regardless of our profession or field of study. We’ve asked some big questions along the way, and the conclusion
  • 10. section of our textbook raises additional issues that require input from people who might not consider themselves to be part of the formalized design professions. Think about your own major and/or future profession. What is the biggest challenge, problem, or question that your field needs to tackle right now? What do you plan to do to address this challenge, problem, or question either as part of your studies or professional life? Welcome to my thoughts University at Buffalo. South Lake Village. MinHua Huang. May 16, 2017 My name is MinHua Huang and I am a second year undergraduate student at the Suny Buffalo. I believe that designs can and always should be changed to adjust to our rapidly growing society. There is no such thing as a perfect design because it can always be improved upon by through the multiple diverse ideas from each and every insightful individual. D+D have influenced my thoughts on multiple topics that I was not familiar with. For example, I have never imagined the possibility that we have developed the technologies to design our children. I have learned how designs and technologies can affect multiple aspects of our everyday life. In the beginning of this course I did not expect D+D to tackle so many topics of which design affects. The most intriguing of which were gender and religion because the response from each group member were unique and interesting. The multiple responses from the gender and religion discussion allowed me to see everyone’s perspective on how design is affected by religion and vice versa. The gender discussion allowed me to see the thoughts of the majority of the members of my
  • 11. group and what the traits the majority seek desirable. All the responses allowed me to create a more coherent conclusion on these topics. The following pages document my responses to the online discussion questions in the spring 2017 version of ARC 211 American Diversity and Design at the University at Buffalo State University of New York Response Thread 1 Week 1 One of the most innovative creations is the aircraft. Airplanes enabled mankind to take flight and travel around the world in a manageable amount of time. Aircrafts travel at high speeds and across oceans that would take boats and ships months to reach. Today millions around the world exploit the many possible uses of these aircrafts such as trading, commuting, and etc. The popularity of air travel negatively impact the usage of traveling by sea. This is most notable for trading between different countries because shipping via air is much faster and safer than delivery on sea. Response Thread 2 Week 1 The Nutrition Label and Education Act of 1990 that was implemented by former president George H. W. Bush gave the FDA (Federal Food Administration) the authority to demand all food distributors and producers to label the nutrition facts of their product. This act enabled millions of Americans to be conscious of what they consume. This eventually lead to people creating organic markets because they were did not want to consume the unhealthy mass produced foods. Although many people still consume these unhealthy mass produced foods, they
  • 12. are at least aware of what they are consuming and how it would impact their lives. Response Thread 1 Week 2 The images that were presented in the TED talk truly define the phrase, "a picture is worth a thousand words". Each image shows and tells the intention and motives of what the artist was trying to convey. Expressing their perspective and ideology of the world around them and how everything is connected. I would place these images in a blank room because it will allow the viewers to solely focus on the images and have them create their own interpretations of the images. An iconic photo that was taken during my life time was the presidential inauguration of democratic nominee Barack Obama. This event was truly iconic because it was the first time in the history of the United States that an African American president would lead our country. It showed a major progress in the United States attempt for racial equality through its history of racial discrimination and slavery.
  • 13.!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_g en/derivatives/article_750/inauguration-1-0109.jpg Response Thread 2 Week 2 The two different color hats in the articles represents two opposing views on the prior presidential candidate and current president of the United States, Donald Trump. The red hat represents those who supported the Donald Trump during his campaign because it was the color of the hats he endorsed with the statement "make America great again". The color red that Donald Trump chose to use on the hats is used to represent the Republican Party in which he campaign under because Republican favored states are widely known as red states. The pink hat represents individuals who opposed of Donald Trump's presidency because of his actions and remarks. The color pink was chosen to oppose the color red because red is the color of lust that was shown by some of Trump's previous statements regarding women. These two colored hats are similar in their motives to express their perspective on Donald Trump, but the disparity between each expression is great.
  • 14. mpWomen_0.png Response Thread 1 Week 3 With the introduction to the assembly line, mass production of goods and products was made possible across the world. The assembly line allowed many opportunities for companies to rapidly produce their goods to provide for consumers. However, the creation of the assembly line also enabled many companies to exploit its workers. Cheap and hazardous labor was prominent during the industrial revolution in the United States. The working class families consisted of many immigrants that worked for 15+ hours daily in crammed and unsanitary factories. Exploiting cheap labor by large industries was ceased when worker unions were formed to protest against those various companies. Even in today's society, children and adults alike are exploited for extremely cheap labor. Especially in third world countries such as India, Thailand, and Vietnam, world renowned companies such as Apple, Walmart, and Disney keep their factories oversea to exploit the working class families. In the next twenty years, professions such as doctors and scientists will be accompanied by artificial intelligence in order to resolve future problems. The U.S society will see an increase in participation of higher education because many manual labor jobs will be done by machines.
  • 15. Response Thread 2 Week 3 The Rolls-Royce Dawn by the BMW design group is one of the IDEA Gold Award products that resists the Cradle-to-Cradle concept because it is an automobile that performs from fossil fuel consumption which violates the requirements for both the technical and biological nutrients. The product does not compose of any organic materials that are biodegradable and the usage of fossil fuel or any diesels from the car is harmful to the environment. One product that does embrace the Cradle-to-Cradle design is Aquion Energy's large scale batteries. Aquion Energy is a company that creates salt water batteries and other electrical storage units which last for thousands of battery lives and does not produce a toxic waste product. All these attributes qualify the Aquion Energy batteries as technical nutrients which gives the products the Cradle-to-Cradle design. M100BatteryModule_410_282_c1.jpg
  • 16. Response Thread 1 Week 4 The Virginia state Captiol challenged the cultural contexts of the buildings during its time because it adopted architecture from the Greeks whom were known as the creators of the democratic system. Thomas Jefferson used the columns and steps from Greek architecture to create a temple-like building that allows it to stand out from the rest of the buildings during that period in which British colonial designs were predominately used for buildings. The most notable design that Jefferson implemented in the building was the statue of George Washington that depicted him as an ordinary man. Unlike Greek architecture which often included divine figures as statues, the statue of George Washington was shown as an normal man with equal rights as others around him. The Vanna Venturi House was a revolutionary piece of work because it challenged the era of modernism. The perception of the building is simplistic but its complexity is quite astounding because of the multiple designs Robert Venturi implemented through many different trials. Venturi's design was different from the normal abstract box that was used for modernism architecture and thus he is the one of the most notable figures in the post modernism era. Rn9XTAhUG34MKHZ1NDXEQ_AUICSgA&biw=1536&bih=755&dpr=1.25 Response Thread 2 Week 4 Andrew Ballantyne views architecture in a functional sense in which the inhabitants can innately comprehend the functionality and purpose of the building. Ballantyne claims a building's functionality must impact and influence its inhabitants and those around it. Whereas Peter Zumthor believes that a building's design and aesthetics is most important to its viewers. Zumthor believes that a building's value is the memories and attachments it has to those who inhabits it. Both architects believe that a building's value is its meaning and influence on the inhabitants. A building must be created for a purpose whether it’s for its aesthetics or its functionality.
  • 17. Response Thread 1 Week 5 I grew up in Brooklyn, New York which is one of the 5 boroughs of New York City and is known to be a suburban community. Unlike the neighboring borough of Manhattan, Brooklyn is not filled with large skyscrapers but it is instead filled with private homes and large public areas. The streets of Brooklyn are filled with homes and houses that allow its residents to communicate with their neighbors. Homes in Manhattan are usually large scale apartments because most of the space is used for commercial buildings. The houses and open public areas such as parks and libraries characterizes Brooklyn as a suburban community. jumbo.jpg
  • 18. Response Thread 2 Week 5 Strategies for rebuilding Puritt Igoe would be to build local public properties such as libraries and parks, rebuild the decaying building, and provide local law enforcement to deal with any crimes. Emily Talen would claim that the most important step to rebuilding Pruitt Ioge is to bring diversity to the neighborhood by ending the racial segregation between the northern and southern parts. Proper hygiene is not provided for the lower income tenants this creating land pollution that deteriorate the environment of the community. Kent Larson would claim that the environment is toxic and destroying the health of the community. The old slums must be replaced or reconstructed in order for the residents to prosper. I would create a station for law enforcement in order to cease criminal activities and building public areas where the community can gather and interact with each other. My strategy will be more effective because it will allow the residents of Pruitt Igoe to safely interact with each other in strong and long lasting structures. Response Thread 1 Week 6 Frederick Law Olmsted claimed that Buffalo is the best planned city in the United States because of the major parks that integrate themselves within the city. Olmsted created the first system of parks in Buffalo in which there were multiple parks each with different special activities, connected with each other. Olmsted's system allowed residents of Buffalo to easily travel between different parks by connecting them through parkways. These parkways created an illusion of a never-ending area filled with different activities and natural life because of its massive scale connecting several major parks. Olmsted will still support his claim today because a lot of the major features he incorporated into this system was kept including the parkways and the multiple parks.
  • 19. Response Thread 2 Week 6 The lake in the UB north campus located near the commons and south lake villages should be commemorated. Currently there is a small run-down walkway where canoes are placed allowing people to use the lake during the warmer climates. In the warmer seasons, the lights from the sun reflects upon the clear waters creating beautiful imageries. There should be more walkways allowing the students to use the lake more often, whether its for fishing, canoeing. or any other reasonable aquatic based activities. Beside the large lake there should be shops set up to rent or sell equipment for the students and others who are interested in using the lake. Jobs such as lifeguards and monitors can be acquainted to ensure the safety of students. This will promote the usage of such a beautiful and inactive lake while also creating new potential jobs and a source of income for the university at little to no expense.
  • 20. Response Thread 1 Week 7 This picture clearly depicts the effects of fear mongering and witch hunting in American history. After the attack on Pearl Harbor, Americans began to fear and ostracize Japanese Americans even going as far as excommunicating them from society. Paranoia grew as Americans started to conspire absurd theories that questioned the loyalty of the Japanese American citizens. Japanese Americans were forced out of their homes to stay in internment camps for over 4 years’ time. This picture shows how the fear of a racial or minority group can negatively affect rational people causing dilemmas such as racial discrimination and unjust segregation. Someone who has an extremely patriotic view will argue that the cruel treatment of the Japanese Americans were justified because of the circumstances involved. This person will state the potential danger of allowing the Japanese Americans to be around society thus they must be monitored. Reasons for these differences in opinions is our views on immigrants in the United States. Events such as the attack on Pearl Harbor and the attack on the world trade center have caused many Americans to fear immigrants and create ways to monitor them.
  • 21. https://s-media-cache- Response Thread 2 Week 7 The MLK Memorial stands as a linkage and symbolism of an historical movement that shaped today's society. The monument represents all racial groups as they united to put an end to the inequality and discrimination from segregation. The barrier between these racists was finally broken by using civil disobedience and not violence. The MLK Memorial honors one of the most important figures in American history. Dr. Martin Luther King jr recognized the inequality and racial discrimination across the United States and decided to cease this injustice through non- violent means. His innovation of using civil disobedience and peaceful protest in the United States was revolutionary because it set a precedent for peaceful protests in today's society. This design applies the ideas of the practice of equityXdesign.
  • 22. Response Thread 1 Week 8 Back in my home in Brooklyn, New York, my family keeps a small religious altar to pray on certain days of the year. To this day I still do not know of their religion but they always ask me and my brother to pray to the altar during specific dates. Throughout the years that I have lived in the United States, my family have slowly began adopted to modern day culture. We started watching basketball games, brought new technologies, and etc. However, we have never gotten rid of the single altar in the living room because it identifies our background and ethnicity. However, when I establish my own home I will not be bringing the religious altar with me because I am not religious. My parents never enforced their religion on me and my brother thus we are not religious people. Response Thread 2 Week 8 Sports teams should be allowed to use ethnic references in their designs because it is not used in a negative light. If a sports team were to use a negative ethnic remark in their design then they would only hurt their fans and insult their own brand. For example, teams such as the Boston Celtics and the Atlanta Braves do not promote anything negative with their team name but instead they are trying to honor the ethnicities through good sportsmanship and a loyal community. These teams have made no ill remarks about any ethnicities but they chose these names and name and images because they see them in a positive light.
  • 23. Response Thread 1 Week 9 This article provides information about the issue of gender inequality in the business world. According to the article, only 42 percent of the women that taken the survey are confident that they will not receive a difference in pay due to their gender. This article uses the get it method by showing images of data that revealing shocking information regarding gender inequality. The image reveals the society's view on the effects of gender in regards to work. I would say this method is effective because it is vivid and straight forward allowing the readers to grasp the information and identify the issue easily. Zlata Rodionova. (2016).Gender equality: more than half of women fear their gender will hurt their career. The Independent fear-their-gender-will-hurt-their-career-a6993956.html
  • 24. _image2.jpg Response Thread 2 Week 9 People should be able use the bathroom that corresponds with their current gender. This should only apply to those who have proven they cannot use the bathroom that corresponds with their biological gender because of a change in their sexual orientation. For example, a biological male that currently possesses his biological reproductive organ should not be able to use the female bathroom because it is sexual harassment and will cause discomfort for other females in the bathroom. This scenario can be applied to biological females that possess their biological reproductive organs and desires to use the male bathroom. This rule is exempted for people whom undergone sexual change that caused them to have the opposite reproductive organ because the bathroom that is opposite to their biological gender now serves of purpose to these individuals. Response Thread 1 Week 10 This picture is taken nearby the district around one of the major parks in the city of Buffalo nearby Delaware Park. The properties around this area are extremely expensive because of the location and historical relevance. Two architectural jewels with the Darwin Martin House and Delaware Park are located nearby this district which makes the property values of these homes not favorable for the middle class or lower class salaries. This location is an example of a crusty design because of its exclusively to mainly the wealthy upper class minority that can afford these homes. In order to travel to the park it requires an extensive amount of walking or driving unless you lived nearby. The high value of these homes discriminate against the working and lower class citizens that cannot afford this luxury.
  • 25. Response Thread 2 Week 10 In order to help Ms. Crabtee and her family reach her goal and aid against her financial struggles, new government homes must be constructed to help the low income families. These government homes will be more successful than previous ones because they will be heavily monitored and strict with applicants. The applicants must show determination to improve their lives and eventually have to move out within a decade. Often government homes are not taken care of causing problems with sanitation and crime, thus heavily monitoring the residents will prevent these dilemmas within the community. Local schools and community colleges will be built to allow people to receive cheap or free higher education. These are some ways to address Ms. Crabtee's problems and other people who experience similar problems.
  • 26. Response Thread 1 Week 11 Members of Regent Park suffer from problems that segregate the community and discriminates against the elderly. Low income homes were built nearby for the elderly but they made the community too clustered. When the government decided to split apart the community to create space for the residences, it separated families and friends from each other. The amount of elderly residents enabled people to commit crimes easily due to their inability for self-defense. To improve the social integration for older people living in the "new and improved" Regent Park, they should create new care centers for the elderly which provides a large area for them to interact and staffs to ensure their safety in case of dilemmas.
  • 27. jose.jpg Response Thread 2 Week 11 With the increase in life span and expectancy for the human race, many changes must be applied in order to adjust with this change. For example, the global population will surely increase from this increase in life expectancy thus enabling regions to become over populated. We must accommodate this dilemma by spreading the global population among the countries, states, and continents. Major states such as New York and California will be overcrowd thus it will be more beneficial to move to less populated states such as Wyoming and Delaware. Issues such as city development and attraction of the public might be trouble designers because these states are not as developed and technologically advanced as the major cities and might not attract people to move to these states.
  • 28. Response Thread 1 Week 12 The first photograph is a picture of an automatic door and it follows the universal design principle of low physical effort. The automatic door follows the guidelines of the low physical effort principle because it empowers and benefits people who struggle with physical disabilities such as movement impairments. The automatic door allows these individuals to easily access buildings and other fatalities. The second photograph is a picture a elevator and it follows the same design principle as the automatic door as it minimizes the effort required to complete a task. However, some weight limit in elevators discriminates against heavy weight individuals. It causes these individuals to feel self-conscious about their condition. The automatic door design can be improved but adding ramps and other properties such as a conveyer belt further lessen the required effort.
  • 29. Response Thread 2 Week 12 I think that we should learn from history that reproductive technology is useful when it comes to assisting someone during pregnancy but giving birth is and always will be an act of nature. Some positive effects of having this technology available is that it can help parents obtain desirable traits in their children. However, these reproductive technologies are not always safe for the newborns and the children might later resent the parents for choosing these traits. Being able to choose the traits and physical characteristics of a children before they are born is immoral because it goes against the will of the child. However, similar ethical dilemma can be found in medical procedures such as abortions. The fate of a child should not be predetermined but it should be developed through their life. Response Thread 1 Week 13 Enabling the Bridgewater Massachusetts Correctional Facility to record and document the lives and behaviors of the institutes' inmates, designers can use the information collected to further enhance the conditions in these faculties to help the patients within. By monitoring the actions of these inmates and how they correspond with the living conditions within these institutions, architects and planners can create altercations that will improve the living conditions of the inmates. For example, designers for these institutions can propose to create establishments in more populated areas for non-threatening patients so that they can remain connected with society. This can help recovering inmates get back on their foot once they complete their recovery. Interior designers and architects can create more gathering centers within these institutions for the residents to communicate and interact together. Within these gathering centers, books and other technologies should be implemented to help the patients adjust themselves to create faster recoveries.
  • 30. Response Thread 2 Week 13 If I were in this scenario, as a resident Amherst and a parent of 5 children I would approve the decision for construction a group home for these ten intellectually challenged individuals. I think it is important for people and especially children to be exposed to this type of scenario because children are very influential. As society we must show the youthful culture that any form of discrimination is not acceptable. If we do not accept these challenged individuals, then we are not helping them reform into acceptable members of society. By rejecting these individuals' rights to inhabit within our community, we will be setting a negative precedent for the children of our community. Our action will be telling the children that society should not and will not tolerate people who are different. One possible solution that would allow the challenged residents to receive the same basic human rights as the rest of the population is monitor these individuals with special carers to prevent potential conflicts that they might have with the current residents of Amherst.
  • 31. Response Thread 1 Week 14 The rural mountain and fields are places of worship that I am personally most familiar with. When I was a child my parents would take me on a trip to these rural mountains in order to pray and honor our ancestors. Items that we would bring would be a variety of foods and fake money to burn as offerings to the gods and our ancestors. These large mountain ranges influenced the lifestyles of the locals in the region. The vast fertile land allowed the farmers to settle in the land and produce agricultural products. The large mountain ranges separated the locals from urban life thus commuting and relationships between the neighboring city was difficult. The mountains were quite unsteady and ancient thus the requirement of bridges and other infrastructures will be implemented to guarantee safe travels for people who seek to visit this area. graveyards-in-abandoned-chinese-cemetery-g0mtt4.jpg Response Thread 2 Week 14 The profession that I would like to pursue in the future would be architecture and the biggest challenge architects face today is how to come together and create an innovative design that can effectively influence the environment of a certain community. Many architects today are too self- involved and put too much emphasis on a single unique design that can revolutionize the field. This mindset can only damage the architecture community because it will take an immense amount of time to create these one of a kind designs which might not even have an significant impact on those who receive the design. Architects must get rid of this self-involved mentality and share their thoughts among their community. This will not only eliminate the room for various errors but it will also make the progress for a great design quicker and more efficient. project-33395044.jpg