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ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012
    Applied Statistics
          Q1 2012

ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012
Summary of the session (est. 4.5h)

•   Introduction & Objectives
•   Bibliography
•   First approach: Descriptive Statistics

•   The Normal Distribution
•   Applications (GBM, B&S, Greeks, CRR)

Introduction & Objectives
      • What are statistics?

                                                                  ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012
      • Why Should you use them?

                Describe data behaviour

                Modelise data behaviour
                Business decisions (pricing, investments,…)

• Take the opportunity to remember financial mathematics basics
• Acquire theory knowledge on statistics
• Usage of R and Excel                                                  3
Bibliography   ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012
First Approach: Descriptive
     FCOJ Front Month: 31st Dec 2008 / 30th Sep 2011

                                                       ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012
First step, calculate the linear returns                                ������������ =          −1
Then, the mean                                                               1
                                                                        ������ =             ������������

                                                                                                         ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012

                     Expected return, not average return!
How to calculate average return on the period? (compound return)

How to obtain it by a sum?
                                                           ������1 = ������������      = ln     ������2 − ln ������1
                                                           ������2 = ������������ = ln          ������3 − ln ������2
                     ������   ������1                                      ������������−1
      ������������������������������ =             −1                  ������������−1 = ������������           = ln     ������������−1 − ln ������������−2
                          ������������                                     ������������−2
                                                       ������������ = ������������         = ln         ������ − ln ������������−1
                                                    ������                                                         6
                                                                 ������������                         ������������
                                    ������������������������������ =          ������������        = ln ������ − ln ������1 = ������������
                                                               ������������−1                         ������1
Excel and R can give an idea of the distribution
   Excel, functions Min, Max, Average, Percentile

                                                    ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012
             • Free

             • Open Source
             • Developments shared by developers

   R, easier, faster,… Function summary

R can easily show the distribution of returns

                                                ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012

   Interesting shape but what next?
The four moments
       Mean                                       ������ =             ������������

                                                                          ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012
                       Expected Return
       Standard Deviation
                       Dispersion from the mean

                       Square root of the variance

            ������ =     ������ ������ − ������       2

              SD is the square root of the mean of squared
              differences to the mean

                            ������                                                  9
                      1                       2
              ������ =                ������������ − ������
Quick check: what is the SD of {1,2,-3,0,-2,1,1}?

                                                    ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012
       Excel function STDEVP
       R function sd
        FCOJ has a SD of 2.16%
> xBar<-mean(FCOJ$V1)
> SD <- sd(FCOJ$V1)
> hist(FCOJ$V1, breaks=c(xBar-6*SD,xBar-5*SD,xBar-4*SD,xBar-3*SD,xBar-
COJ Returns",xlab="Return",ylab="Occurence")

                                                                             ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012
           Histogram centred on the mean with SD multiples groups            11
ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012
693 data

75.04% within   ±1������

94.23% within   ±2������

98.99% within   ±3������

Skewness, the third moment
                       Asymmetry of the distribution

                                                                            ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012
• Negative skew: long left tail, mass on the right, skew to the left
• Positive skew: long right tail, mass on the left, skew to the right
                                         ������ − ������           ������ ������ − ������ 3
                      ������������������������ ������ = ������                 =                    13
                                            ������           ������ ������ − ������ 2 3/2
      Should I rather buy or sell a positive skewed asset?
ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012
Excel function SKEW
R function skewness (package moments)
> require(moments)
> library(moments)
> skewness(FCOJ$V1)
[1] 0.2030842
 FCOJ is positively skewed
Kurtosis, the fourth moment
                          Peakedness of the distribution
                                        ������ − ������          ������ ������ − ������ 4

                                                                                ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012
                     ������������������������ ������ = ������                 =
                                           ������           ������ ������ − ������ 2 2

        It’s a usage to deal with the excess kurtosis (relative to the normal
        distribution, subtracting 3

• Positive excess Kurtosis: high peak around the mean, fat tails
• Negative excess Kurtosis: low peak around the mean, thin tails                15

                   Which distribution you’d rather buy or sell?
What is the most platykurtic distribution in the nature?

                                                    Toss it!

                                                                          ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012
                       Head = Success = 1 / Tail = Failure = 0

> require(moments)
> library(moments)
> toss<-rbinom(10000000,1,0.5)
> mean(toss)
[1] 0.5001777
> kurtosis(toss)
[1] 1.000001
> kurtosis(toss)-3
[1] -1.999999
> hist(toss, breaks=10,main="Tossing a
coin 10 millions times",xlab="Result
of the trial",ylab="Occurence")                                           16
> sum(toss)
[1] 5001777
50.01777% rate of success: fair or not fair? Trick coin ?

        Will be tested later with a Bayesian approach

                                                                                        ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012
On a perfect 50/50, Kurtosis would be 1, Excess Kurtosis -2: the minimum!
This is a Bernoulli trial

 ������(������, ������) with     ������ > 1 and        0 < ������ < 1             ������ ∈ ℝ   and ������ integer

                            Mean            ������

                            SD                   ������(1 − ������)

                            Skewness          1 − 2������
                                             ������(1 − ������)

                            Kurtosis             1
                                             ������(1 − ������)
     Easy to demonstrate if p=0.5 the Kurtosis will be the lowest
     Bit more complicated to demonstrate it for any distribution
ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012
Excel function KURT
R function kurtosis (package moments)
> require(moments)
> library(moments)
> kurtosis(FCOJ$V1)
[1] 6.34176
> kurtosis(FCOJ$V1)
[1] 3.34176                             18
 FCOJ is leptokurtic
            • Positive expected return

                                                                       ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012
            • Positive skew
            • Positive excess kurtosis

                         Buy or Sell?

Is that actually enough to take investment decision?
What next?
How different is the FCOJ distribution from the Normal Distribution?

The Normal Distribution
Let’s discuss about the standard normal first…

                                                 ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012
            Snapshot, 4 moments:

            Mean                0
            SD                  1

            Skewness            0
            Kurtosis            3

            Snapshot, Shape:

Notation                        ������(������, ������)
                                                     1           (������−������)2
       Density                         ������ ������ =                ������ 2������2
                                                    2������������ 2

                                                                            ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012
Distributions of zeros means with following SD: 0.5 / 0.75 / 1 / 1.5 / 2

                       Which one is which one?

> x=seq(-4,4,length=500)
                  > y1=dnorm(x,mean=0,sd=0.5)
                  > y2=dnorm(x,mean=0,sd=0.75)
                  > y3=dnorm(x,mean=0,sd=1)
                  > y4=dnorm(x,mean=0,sd=1.5)
                  > y5=dnorm(x,mean=0,sd=2)
                  > plot(x,y1,type="l",lwd=3,col="red",
                  main="Normal Distributions", ylab="f(x)")

                                                                              ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012
                  > lines(x,y2,type="l",lwd=3,col="blue")
                  > lines(x,y3,type="l",lwd=3,col="black")
                  > lines(x,y4,type="l",lwd=3,col="yellow")
                  > lines(x,y5,type="l",lwd=3,col="pink")

              All other things equal, low SD is a high peak
              Values are more compacted around the mean

  • FCOJ has a mean of 1.364% and a SD of 2.164%
  • Let’s compare the distribution with a normal distribution with the same
    mean and SD
y1=dnorm(x,mean=mean(FCOJ$V1),sd=sd(FCOJ$V1))                                 22
hist(FCOJ$V1, breaks=100,main="FCOJ Returns / Normal
ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012
The excess Kurtosis sign is obvious, isn’t it?   23
Same SD, different mean, more straight forward

                                                 ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012
Cumulative Distribution

Reminder: the CDF (Cumulative Distribution Function) is the probability
of the random variable X given a distribution to be lower or equal to x

                                                                                        ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012
This is the integral of the density function   ������ ������ ≤ ������ = ������ ������ =        ������ ������ ������������

                           Important Properties

                              ������ ������ = ������ = 0

                       ������ ������ ≥ ������ = 1 − ������(������ ≤ ������)

                  ������ ������ ≤ ������ ≤ ������ = ������(������ ≤ ������)-������(������ ≤ ������)

                            lim ������ ������ ≤ ������ = 0                                          25

                            lim ������ ������ ≤ ������ = 1
Can’t be expressed with elementary functions:
                  - Help with tables
                  - Help with calculator

 Again, let’s discuss about the standard normal first…

                                                                                  ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012
������ ������ ≤ 0 = 0.5            ������ ������ ≤ −1 = 0.158            ������ −1 ≤ ������ ≤ 1 = 0.682
������ ������ ≤ −1.645 = 0.05      ������ ������ ≤ −2 = 0.023            ������ −2 ≤ ������ ≤ 2 = 0.954
������ ������ ≤ −2.326 = 0.01      ������ ������ ≤ −3 = 0.001            ������ −3 ≤ ������ ≤ 3 = 0.996

                                             > x=seq(-4,4,length=500)
                                             main="Normal Standard CFD")
General Case

������ ������ ≤ ������ = 0.5                                          ������ ������ − ������ ≤ ������ ≤ ������ + ������ = 0.682
                        ������ ������ ≤ −������ + ������ = 0.159
������ ������ ≤ −1.645 ∗ ������ + ������ = 0.05                   ������ ������ − 2 ∗ ������ ≤ ������ ≤ ������ + 2 ∗ ������   = 0.954
                        ������ ������ ≤ −2 ∗ ������ + ������ = 0.023

                                                                                                ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012
������ ������ ≤ −2.326 ∗ ������ + ������ = 0.01                   ������ ������ − 3 ∗ ������ ≤ ������ ≤ ������ + 3 ∗ ������ = 0.996
                        ������ ������ ≤ −3 ∗ ������ + ������ = 0.001

                Identify: N(0,0.75) / N(0,1) / N(0,1.25) / N(1,1.25)

                                                     main="Normal Distributions -
                                                     ),col="pink",type="l",lwd=3)               27

                        ������~������(������, ������)

                                                        ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012
                               ������ − ������
                        ������ =


       Only one statistical table to use

                     ������ − ������
������ ������ ≤ ������ = ������ ������ ≤              with     ������~������(0,1)

Let be X~N(2,4)
        ������ ������ ≤ −1.86

                                  ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012
������ ������ ≤ −1.86 =P ������ ≤

     With Y~N(0,1)
      P ������ ≤ −0.965 =?

          Use the table!

      P ������ ≤ −0.96 =0.1685
      P ������ ≤ −0.97 =0.1660
     P ������ ≤ −0.965 =0.16725

     P ������ ≤ −1.86 =0.16725
Back to FCOJ… Let’s compare FCOJ CFD with Normal Distribution (same mean/SD)

>plot(ecdf(FCOJ$V1),do.points=FALSE, col="red", lwd=3, main="Normal
Distribution against FCOJ - CFD's", xlab="x", ylab="P(X<=x)")

                                                                               ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012


               Where can you see the excess kurtosis?

                                                                                       ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012
Fat Tail

• This is the QQ Plot to compare the quantiles to a normal distribution
• If observations are not on the fitted line, it would suggest a normal distribution

                                  Conclusion?                                          31

            Following intuition is the first step of descriptive statistics,
            however, formally testing them is even better! Later step…

                                                                                    ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012
• Would you rather trade financial product with high or low SD?
• Would you rather trade financial product which has return with a negative


       SD measures the risk, the volatility: depends on risk appetite

       • Mean is irrelevant standalone and you could bet on mean reversion
       • Very often, the mean is fixed to 0 in finance whatever its real value is   32
                               Geometric Brownian Motion

                                                                                               ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012
    Based on Stochastic Differential Equation             ������������������ = ������������������ ������������ + ������������������ ������������

    Discrete form ������������������ = ������������������ ������������ + ������������������ ������������������   with ������~N(0,1)

    Used for random walk, martingale, Monte-Carlo, Black & Scholes…

    It becomes easy to simulate the price process but what are problems?

Volatility depends on the square root of the time, problem of extrapolation

                                                              1% Daily volatility is:
                                                              • 4.58% Monthly
                                    ������                        • 7.94% Quarterly
                      ������������ = ������������ ∗
                                    ������                        • 15.87% Yearly
                                                              • 35.50% 5 Years                 33
                                                              • 50.20% 10Years
                                         Is this realistic?
First Excel problem on the RAND function:
• Random number generation is pseudo random
• Uniform distribution [0,1]
• No seed fixing = Heavy memory usage (new numbers generated when
    spreadsheet is recalculated)

                                                                             ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012
  3 acceptable solutions:
  • Assume the generated number is a probability and the invert it with
     NORM.INV(RAND(), mean, standard_dev) but fatter tails
  • Box-Muller method using SQRT(-2*LN(RAND()))*SIN(2*PI()*RAND()) but is

     only exact with a perfect uniform random number generation
  • Central Limit Theorem, normal distribution is approached by 12 uniform
     random variables [0,1] subtracting 6, so use
     +RAND()+RAND()+RAND()-6 but fatter tails

 Actual normality of such methods will be tested later…
So Excel is an hassle… Use R!
    • Proper random number generation on any chosen distribution
    • Seed fixable
    • Quicker

                                                                                    ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012
    Let’s show why it’s better to use a discretisation
    • Let’s assume a stock with an annual drift (expected return) of 5%, a yearly
       volatility of 5%, let’s simulate the price in one year by two methods
          • One year “one shot”
          • One year with daily (252 business days) steps

> Drift<-0.05
> Volat<-0.05
> Spot<-100
> Simul<-Spot+Drift*Spot+Volat*Spot*rnorm(10)
> plot(c(Spot,Simul[1]), type="l",
main="Simulation one shot", xlab="T", ylab="S")
> lines(c(Spot,Simul[2]), type="l")
> lines(c(Spot,Simul[3]), type="l")
> lines(c(Spot,Simul[4]), type="l")
> lines(c(Spot,Simul[5]), type="l")
> lines(c(Spot,Simul[6]), type="l")
> lines(c(Spot,Simul[7]), type="l")                                                 35
> lines(c(Spot,Simul[8]), type="l")
> lines(c(Spot,Simul[9]), type="l")
> lines(c(Spot,Simul[10]), type="l")
ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012
> summary(Simul)
   Min. 1st Qu. Median          Mean 3rd Qu.     Max.
  96.51 105.10 107.00         106.60 108.80    116.50
> sd(Simul)
[1] 5.23066

  Very sensitive to the random number picked
  Very sensitive to the number of trials
  20.99 difference between the lowest and highest scenario
  SD of 5.23 in the results

  What would be the mean in a perfect situation?             36
Use the package sde of R for the step by step (discrete) method


                                                                    ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012
G1<-GBM(x=Spot,r=Drift, sigma=Volat,N=nbsim)
G2<-GBM(x=Spot,r=Drift, sigma=Volat,N=nbsim)
G3<-GBM(x=Spot,r=Drift, sigma=Volat,N=nbsim)
G4<-GBM(x=Spot,r=Drift, sigma=Volat,N=nbsim)
G5<-GBM(x=Spot,r=Drift, sigma=Volat,N=nbsim)

G6<-GBM(x=Spot,r=Drift, sigma=Volat,N=nbsim)
G7<-GBM(x=Spot,r=Drift, sigma=Volat,N=nbsim)
G8<-GBM(x=Spot,r=Drift, sigma=Volat,N=nbsim)
G9<-GBM(x=Spot,r=Drift, sigma=Volat,N=nbsim)
G10<-GBM(x=Spot,r=Drift, sigma=Volat,N=nbsim)
plot(G1,ylim=c(90,115), col=1, main="GBM day by day",
xlab="T", ylab="S")
lines(G2, col=2)
lines(G3, col=3)
lines(G4, col=4)
lines(G5, col=5)
lines(G6, col=6)
lines(G7, col=7)                                                    37
lines(G8, col=8)
lines(G9, col=9)
lines(G10, col=10)
ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012
> FinalS<-
> summary(FinalS)
   Min. 1st Qu. Median     Mean 3rd Qu.    Max.
  97.81 101.80 103.00 103.70 105.80 109.00
> sd(FinalS)
[1] 3.535826
                     Lower sensitive to the random numbers chosen
                     11.29 difference between the lowest and highest scenario
                     SD of 3.54                                                 38

                   Still sensitive to the number of trials
Introduction to LogNormaility

      Do you remember the slide number 6?

                                                                                  ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012
      ������������ = ������������−1 ∗ (1 + ������������������������ )                  ������������������������ = ������ ������������������ − 1
      ������������ = ������������−1 ∗ ������ ������������������                        ������������������ = ������������������������������������+1

hist(FCOJ$V1,breaks=100, main="FCOJ LogReturns / Normal

ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012
The LogReturns seem normal (ish) distributed

If LogReturns are normally distributed, the stock price is log
normally distributed (useful property as it’s bounded by 0
and it allows to use continuous compounded returns)
             ������������ = ������������−1 ������ ������������������   ������������−1 = ������������ ������ −������������������
Black & Scholes

     Let’s look at the underling price diffusion process through another angle

                                                                                 ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012

                                                                  ������������ + μ


                      Job done, isn’t it?                                        41
Pricing Principle

                 Price distribution of the underlying at maturity
                 Payoff distribution of the option at maturity can be deducted
                 Expected Payoff can be calculated

                                                                                          ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012
                 Present value of the expected payoff is the option price!


•   No arbitrage opportunity (no free lunch).
•   Existence of a risk-free rate (borrower and lender).
•   No liquidity problem on long and short positions.
•   No fees or costs.
•   Market efficiency.
•   Stock price follows a geometric Brownian motion with constant drift and volatility.
•   No dividend.

                 This is obviously not true… Very strong assumptions!                     42
Geometric Brownian Motion & Black & Scholes Option Valuation

Based on Stochastic Differential Equation      ������������������ = ������������������ ������������ + ������������������ ������������

                                                                                    ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012
������������ is a Brownian Motion, in other word a random walk following a
     normal distribution (zero mean)

������������                           Demonstration based on integration with
     = ������������������ + ������������������
 ������                            Ito Lemma and risk neutral probability

                               (11.6 / 12.7 in John Hull)

       A small variation of price has an expected return of ������ (known, drift)
       and a standard deviation of ������������������ (uncertain, diffusion)

       Over longer horizons, the price is lognormally distributed (then it
       can’t go below 0, we’ll come back to this)

       Risk neutral probability: an option perfectly hedge on continuous
       basis is risk free and portfolio earns the risk free rate. Drift then
       has no impact
Pricing Formulas
                                     ������ = ������ ������1 ∗ ������ − ������ ������2 ∗ ������ ∗ ������ −������∗(������−������)
                                     ������ = −������ −������1 ∗ ������ + ������ −������2 ∗ ������ ∗ ������ −������∗(������−������)
                                                   ������         ������ 2

                                                                                                             ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012
                                              ������������    + ������ +       ∗ (������ − ������)
                                                   ������          2
                                        ������1 =
                                                        ������ ������ − ������

                                          ������2 = ������1 − ������ ������ − ������

                        Buy the Call, Sell the Put… Arbitrage?

������ − ������ = ������ ������1 ∗ ������ − ������ ������2 ∗ ������ ∗ ������ −������∗       ������−������   + ������ −������1 ∗ ������ − ������ −������2 ∗ ������ ∗ ������ −������∗(������−������)

������ − ������ = ������ ������1 ∗ ������ − ������ ������2 ∗ ������ ∗ ������ −������∗ ������−������ +
                     1 − ������ ������1 ∗ ������ − 1 − ������ ������2                 ∗ ������ ∗ ������ −������∗(������−������)

������ − ������ = ������ − ������ ∗ ������ −������∗(������−������)
             The price difference is the present value of the difference to the strike                       44
             No arbitrage opportunity!
             When does C=P?
Greeks - Delta

∆������ =      = ������(������1 )
                             • First derivative of the value of the option with
∆������ = ������(������1 ) − 1

                                                                                  ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012
                               respect to the underlying price S
                             • Underlying equivalent position
                             • Probability of the option to be at the money at

    Delta ~0.5 if…              S is the present value of the strike for a call
    Delta [0,1] if…             For a Call
    Delta [-1,0] if…            For a Put

        What is the exact delta of a Long Call ATMF?

        What is the delta of a combined Long Call and Long Put ATMF?

        What is the delta of a combined Long Call and Short Put ATMF?             45
        What is the new price of the Call ($7.9683) if S moves up $1.5 with
Greeks - Gamma

     ������∆    ������ ′ (������1 )
������ =     =                     • Second derivative of the value of the option with
     ������������ ������������ ������ − ������

                                                                                     ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012
                                 respect to the underlying price S
                               • First derivative of the value of the delta with
                                 respect to the underlying price S
                               • Pace of the delta movement
                               • Second order Greek

       Gamma [0,1] if…            Long option
       Gamma [-1,0] if…            Short option
       Gamma=max if…               ATMF

          What is the new price of the Call ($7.9683) if S moves up $1.5 with
          delta=0.5398 and a gamma of 0.0198?
          Need to use second order central finite difference (Taylor Series)
Greeks – Delta/Gamma

                    ������������ = ������ + ∆ ∗ ������������ + ∗ ������ ∗ ������������ 2

                                                                                  ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012

Forgetting Gamma is dangerous, difference is 0.25% in our example!

What is the new delta?


Third order known as Speed, hardly used…

                                                        1                         47
    Write the Taylor Development until the Speed level…   ∗ ������������������������������ ∗ ������������ 3
How to delta hedge and gamma hedge?
Greeks - Vega
                    Note, it’s not an actual Greek letter! Tau is used…
������ =      = ������������ ′ (������1 ) ������ − ������       • First derivative of the value of the option with

                                                                                                ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012
                                          respect to the implied volatility
                                        • Volatility sensitivity
                                        • First order Greek

         Vega [0,1] if…                Long option
         Vega [-1,0] if…               Short option

             What is the new price of the Call ($7.9683) if the volatility moves up 1.5 point
             with a 0.7942 Vega?
             Second order exists as Vanna, third order as Vomma… Hardly used as it can’t
             be hedged easily. Volatility of the volatility is THE BIG problem in finance!
Greeks - Theta

                   Simply the time decay                ������ =

                                                                                   ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012
                               ������������ ′ ������1 ������
                    ������������ = −                   − ������������������ −������   ������−������   ������(������2 )
                                2 ������ − ������

                                ������������ ′ ������1 ������
                     ������������ = −                   + ������������������ −������   ������−������
                                                                       ������(−������2 )

                                 2 ������ − ������
Theta >0 if…              Short option
Theta <0 if…              Long option

   Theta is am annual value

   Time has as well noticeable effects on Delta (Charm), Gamma (Color) and
   Vega (DvegaDtime)
   What is the new price of the Call ($7.9683) in 2 days with -0.9920 Theta?
Greeks - Rho

      ������������ =       = ������ ������ − ������ ������ −������(������−������) ������(������2 )
       ������������ = −������ ������ − ������ ������ −������ ������−������ ������(−������2 )

                                                                               ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012
                         • First derivative of the value of the option with

                           respect to the interest rate

What is the new price of the Call ($7.9683) if r moves up 1 basis point with

Careful, high convexity. Need a second order for extreme movement.
Sum Up - Example

What is the new price of the Call ($7.9683) if S moves up $1.5 with

                                                                                ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012
delta=0.5398 and a gamma of 0.0198, volatility moves up 1.5 point
with a 0.7942 Vega, r moves up 1 basis point with Rho=184.1895 and
placing you 2 days after with a final Theta of -0.9920?


                     Real pricing: 10.0094

                     Difference of only 0.05% mainly due to the other effects
                     on Greeks by time decay but it’s pretty close!

Sum Up Greeks/Time
Call 100, S=105, r=5%, Maturity from 4y, Vol=10%

                                                   ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012
Sum Up Greeks/Spot Price
Call 100, r=5%, Maturity 4y, Vol=10%

                                       ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012
Sum Up Greeks/Strike
S=105, r=5%, Maturity 4y, Vol=10%

                                    ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012
Sum Up Greeks/Vol
Call 100, S=105, r=5%, Maturity 4y

                                     ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012
Conclusion on B&S

Great, easy, quick

                                                             ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012
Strong assumptions, continuous

Only European option

We need a path dependant method!

It will allow to include early exercise, dividend, pricing
European digital,…

Binomial Model (Cox, Ross, Rubinstein, 1979)

                                                      ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012
       Path dependent (valuation of European
       options, American options, Digital,…)

       May include dividends


       Discretisation of the continuous random walk

Binomial Model: principles

                                                                  ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012
3 Steps
          “Slice” maturity in a predefined number of steps

          Construct a tree lattice representing the stock price

          following a GBM

          Price the option by backwards induction

Let’s assume the maturity is divided by 2

                                            ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012
Cox Ross Rubinstein up and down factors based on GBM

At each node, S goes up or down by one SD

                                                              ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012
                ������ = ������ ������   ������

                ������ =      = ������ −������   ������

Do you see other methods? Which? Why? Which one are better?

                             ������������������������������������������ = 1               60
Let’s build a tree with 3 steps, with S=100, σ=10%, 1.5 year to maturity

              ������ = ������ ������   ������
                                = ������ 0.1    0.5
                                                  = 1.073271
              ������ = ������ −������       ������   = ������ −0.1    0.5   = 0.931731

                                                                               ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012

100                                                          100
                            93.17                                     93.17


   Be clever building it!
      What happened to the drift implied by the risk free rate?
What is the price of the stock at any given node?

                        ������������ = ������0 ∗ ������ ������������−������������

                                                                                     ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012
How many nodes do you have at the end of the tree?

                        ������ + 1

If number of steps are even, what’s the value of the middle node on the last step?

Having S at maturity, it’s easy to have the price of a EU Call 105 at maturity

                                                                                 ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012
                                              115.19                 18.63


 100                                          100                    2.33

                        93.17                                       93.17
                                             86.81                     0


Backward inductions, we have the probabilities, let’s assume a                   63
risk free rate of 5%
u           123.63
                     115.19                    18.63

                                                                            ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012

   Need to calculate the new probabilities integrating the Risk Free Rate
   to comply with the risk neutrality assumption

                       S������ ������������ = ������������������ + 1 − ������ ������������
                         ������ ������������ = ������������ + 1 − ������ ������
                                       ������ ������������ − ������
                                 ������ =
                                        ������ − ������

            BV= OpUp ∗ p + OpDown ∗ 1 − p ∗ ������ −������������                        64


                                  ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012
                115.19    18.63

       107.33   12.78
 100   8.74
                100      2.33

5.96            1.5
       93.17             93.17
       0.97     86.81      0

A European 105 Call option with 1.5 years to Maturity, a Volatility of 10%
and a risk free rate of 5% with three steps worth 5.96

                                                                             ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012
How much with B&S?                6.22

             Significant difference, why?

             Sensitivity to the number of steps

             The more step, the less discrete, the more continuous

             Extrapolated to the infinite, you’d find your GBM and so B&S!
B&S / CRR Convergence: usually 40 steps are reasonable



                                                                                        ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012



6.15                                                                              CRB





       1   6   11   16     21   26   31   36   41   46   51   56   61   66   71
ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012
                                I meant American Option!
                                  Let’s start all over again…


CRR main advantage is the ability to price American Options
On each node you need to check any early exercise possibility


                                                                                 ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012
                                             115.19                 18.63

                         107.33         13.84 10.19
                       8.74 2.33
  100                                          100                     2.33

5.96                                        1.5 0
                         93.17                                     93.17
                      0.97 0
                                              86.81                     0
                                             0 0

                            But sometimes holding is better than exercising
Binomial Value              and in this case no early exercise worth and price   69
Intrinsic value             of the European Call and American Call will be the
Pricing of an American Put option, S=50, K=50 with a 10% risk free rate, a 40%
              volatility, 5 steps and time to maturity 0.4167 year.

   Tree of stock price

                                                                                 ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012
Binomial Value at the next to last and last node (i.e. Valuating as if
it was a European Put)

                                                                                 ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012

Any early exercise worth?

                                                 ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012

                            0   0
                            0 0
                            2.66 0
                            9.90 10.31
                            18.08 18.5

                                                   ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012

                            0              0
                    0.64           0
           2.16             1.30           0
4.49               3.77            2.66
            6.96           6.38            5.45
                   10.36           10.31
                           14.64           14.64
ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012
  The American Put worth 4.49

  The European Put worth 4.32

Difference can be non negligible

Pricing of an European Digital Put option, Q=15, S=50, K=50 with a 10% risk free rate,
               a 40% volatility, 5 steps and time to maturity 0.4167 year.

       The pay-off at maturity is binary: 0 if out of the money, Q if in the money

                                                                                         ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012
       Tree of stock price

Last node pay off is then straight forward

                                                  ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012




Then method doesn’t change… Backward induction.

                                                               ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012

                                       0                  0
                           1.75                   0
                4.38                 3.58                 0
7.00                        7.15                  7.33
                9.81                 10.96                15
                           12.72                  14.88
                                     14.75                15
                                                  14.88        77
Pricing of an Bermuda Put option, S=50, K=50 with a 10% risk free rate, a 40%
              volatility, 5 steps and time to maturity 0.4167 year.

   Let’s suppose this Bermuda can only be exercised between the 4th and 5th step

                                                                                   ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012
   Tree of stock price

Any early exercise worth?

                                                        ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012

                                   0   0
                                   0 0
                                   2.66 0
                                   9.90 10.31
                                   18.08 18.5
     No exercises on lower steps

                                                                           ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012

                                              0                    0
                                  0.64                   0
                   2.16                       1.30                 0
   4.44                         3.77                    2.66
                     6.86                   6.38                   5.45
                                10.16                    10.31
                                            14.22                  14.64
A “full” American option would have been exercised, not this one
Pricing of an Put option, S=50, K=50 with a 10% risk free rate, a 40% volatility, 5 steps
   and time to maturity 0.4167 year, paying a $2.06 dividend on the in 3.5 months.

                3 Steps

                                                                                            ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012
           Construct the usual tree

           Subtract the present value of the dividend on each node before it occurs

           Pricing can continue as usual

                           The dividend occurs between the 3rd and 4th step
                 Value at step 0      ������������ = 2.06 ∗   ������       12   =2
                                                                 3.5 0.4167
                                                         −10%∗      −
                 Value at step 1      ������������ = 2.06 ∗ ������           12     5     = 2.02
                                                               3.5 0.4167∗2
                 Value at step 2                         −10%∗ 12 −
                                      ������������ = 2.06 ∗   ������               5        = 2.03      81
                                                                 3.5 0.4167∗3
                                                         −10%∗      −
                 Value at step 3      ������������ = 2.06 ∗ ������           12      5      = 2.05
ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012
Tree of stock price impacted of dividends

ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012
Pricing by the usual backward induction (don’t forget potential early exercise)


                                               0                   0
                                    0.64                0
                       2.16                 1.30                   0
         4.44                       3.77                2.66
                        6.86                 6.38                  5.45
                                    10.16               10.31
                                            14.22                  14.64
CRR Sum-Up

The American Put worth 4.49

                                                                             ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012
The European Put worth 4.32

The Digital Put paying 15 worth 7.00

The Bermuda Put with exercise on the lath fifth of the maturity worth 4.44

The American Put paying a 2.06 dividend worth 4.44

          You can virtually price anything you want!

                      What can’t you price?
Pricing of an Barrier Put option, S=50, K=50 with a 10% risk free rate, a 40% volatility,
       5 steps and time to maturity 0.4167 year with a knock out barrier at 60
       The option is cancelled if S goes to 60
       Way to reduce the price of the option

                                                                                            ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012
       Tree of stock price




           You can’t tell how much worth the option on this final node: 0 or 5.45?
CRR Extension

How to converge faster to the correct option price?

                                                           ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012
      Put a third factor

          • Up
          • Down

          • Stable

      Careful, the tree has to recombine!

     YES                                              NO   86

                              ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012
        Normal Distribution




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Applied Statistics I

  • 1. ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012 Applied Statistics Vincent JEANNIN – ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012 1
  • 2. ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012 Summary of the session (est. 4.5h) • Introduction & Objectives • Bibliography • First approach: Descriptive Statistics • The Normal Distribution • Applications (GBM, B&S, Greeks, CRR) 2
  • 3. Introduction & Objectives • What are statistics? ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012 • Why Should you use them? Describe data behaviour Modelise data behaviour Business decisions (pricing, investments,…) • Take the opportunity to remember financial mathematics basics • Acquire theory knowledge on statistics • Usage of R and Excel 3
  • 4. Bibliography ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012 4
  • 5. First Approach: Descriptive statistics FCOJ Front Month: 31st Dec 2008 / 30th Sep 2011 ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012 5
  • 6. ������������ First step, calculate the linear returns ������������ = −1 ������������−1 ������ Then, the mean 1 ������ = ������������ ������ ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012 ������=1 Expected return, not average return! How to calculate average return on the period? (compound return) How to obtain it by a sum? ������2 ������1 = ������������ = ln ������2 − ln ������1 ������1 ������3 ������2 = ������������ = ln ������3 − ln ������2 ������2 ������ ������1 ������������−1 ������������������������������ = −1 ������������−1 = ������������ = ln ������������−1 − ln ������������−2 ������������ ������������−2 ������������ ������������ = ������������ = ln ������ − ln ������������−1 ������ ������������−1 ������ 6 ������������ ������������ ������������������������������ = ������������ = ln ������ − ln ������1 = ������������ ������ ������������−1 ������1 ������=2
  • 7. Excel and R can give an idea of the distribution Excel, functions Min, Max, Average, Percentile ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012 • Free • Open Source • Developments shared by developers R, easier, faster,… Function summary 7
  • 8. R can easily show the distribution of returns ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012 8 Interesting shape but what next?
  • 9. The four moments ������ 1 Mean ������ = ������������ ������ ������=1 ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012 Expected Return Standard Deviation Dispersion from the mean Square root of the variance ������ = ������ ������ − ������ 2 SD is the square root of the mean of squared differences to the mean ������ 9 1 2 ������ = ������������ − ������ ������ ������=1
  • 10. Quick check: what is the SD of {1,2,-3,0,-2,1,1}? ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012 Excel function STDEVP R function sd 10 FCOJ has a SD of 2.16%
  • 11. > xBar<-mean(FCOJ$V1) > SD <- sd(FCOJ$V1) > hist(FCOJ$V1, breaks=c(xBar-6*SD,xBar-5*SD,xBar-4*SD,xBar-3*SD,xBar- 2*SD,xBar- SD,xBar,xBar+SD,xBar+2*SD,xBar+3*SD,xBar+4*SD,xBar+5*SD,xBar+6*SD),main="F COJ Returns",xlab="Return",ylab="Occurence") ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012 Histogram centred on the mean with SD multiples groups 11 Symmetric-ish
  • 12. ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012 693 data 75.04% within ±1������ 94.23% within ±2������ 98.99% within ±3������ 12
  • 13. Skewness, the third moment Asymmetry of the distribution ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012 • Negative skew: long left tail, mass on the right, skew to the left • Positive skew: long right tail, mass on the left, skew to the right 3 ������ − ������ ������ ������ − ������ 3 ������������������������ ������ = ������ = 13 ������ ������ ������ − ������ 2 3/2 Should I rather buy or sell a positive skewed asset?
  • 14. ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012 Excel function SKEW R function skewness (package moments) > require(moments) > library(moments) > skewness(FCOJ$V1) [1] 0.2030842 14 FCOJ is positively skewed
  • 15. Kurtosis, the fourth moment Peakedness of the distribution 4 ������ − ������ ������ ������ − ������ 4 ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012 ������������������������ ������ = ������ = ������ ������ ������ − ������ 2 2 It’s a usage to deal with the excess kurtosis (relative to the normal distribution, subtracting 3 • Positive excess Kurtosis: high peak around the mean, fat tails • Negative excess Kurtosis: low peak around the mean, thin tails 15 Which distribution you’d rather buy or sell?
  • 16. What is the most platykurtic distribution in the nature? Toss it! ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012 Head = Success = 1 / Tail = Failure = 0 > require(moments) > library(moments) > toss<-rbinom(10000000,1,0.5) > mean(toss) [1] 0.5001777 > kurtosis(toss) [1] 1.000001 > kurtosis(toss)-3 [1] -1.999999 > hist(toss, breaks=10,main="Tossing a coin 10 millions times",xlab="Result of the trial",ylab="Occurence") 16 > sum(toss) [1] 5001777
  • 17. 50.01777% rate of success: fair or not fair? Trick coin ? Will be tested later with a Bayesian approach ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012 On a perfect 50/50, Kurtosis would be 1, Excess Kurtosis -2: the minimum! This is a Bernoulli trial ������(������, ������) with ������ > 1 and 0 < ������ < 1 ������ ∈ ℝ and ������ integer Mean ������ SD ������(1 − ������) Skewness 1 − 2������ ������(1 − ������) Kurtosis 1 −3 ������(1 − ������) 17 Easy to demonstrate if p=0.5 the Kurtosis will be the lowest Bit more complicated to demonstrate it for any distribution
  • 18. ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012 Excel function KURT R function kurtosis (package moments) > require(moments) > library(moments) > kurtosis(FCOJ$V1) [1] 6.34176 > kurtosis(FCOJ$V1) [1] 3.34176 18 FCOJ is leptokurtic
  • 19. Sum-up: • Positive expected return ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012 • Positive skew • Positive excess kurtosis Buy or Sell? Is that actually enough to take investment decision? What next? How different is the FCOJ distribution from the Normal Distribution? 19
  • 20. The Normal Distribution Let’s discuss about the standard normal first… ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012 Snapshot, 4 moments: Mean 0 SD 1 Skewness 0 Kurtosis 3 Snapshot, Shape: 20
  • 21. Notation ������(������, ������) 1 (������−������)2 − Density ������ ������ = ������ 2������2 2������������ 2 ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012 Distributions of zeros means with following SD: 0.5 / 0.75 / 1 / 1.5 / 2 Which one is which one? 21
  • 22. > x=seq(-4,4,length=500) > y1=dnorm(x,mean=0,sd=0.5) > y2=dnorm(x,mean=0,sd=0.75) > y3=dnorm(x,mean=0,sd=1) > y4=dnorm(x,mean=0,sd=1.5) > y5=dnorm(x,mean=0,sd=2) > plot(x,y1,type="l",lwd=3,col="red", main="Normal Distributions", ylab="f(x)") ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012 > lines(x,y2,type="l",lwd=3,col="blue") > lines(x,y3,type="l",lwd=3,col="black") > lines(x,y4,type="l",lwd=3,col="yellow") > lines(x,y5,type="l",lwd=3,col="pink") All other things equal, low SD is a high peak Values are more compacted around the mean • FCOJ has a mean of 1.364% and a SD of 2.164% • Let’s compare the distribution with a normal distribution with the same mean and SD FCOJ<- read.csv(file="C:/Users/Vinz/Desktop/FCOJStats.csv",head=FALSE,sep=",") x=seq(-0.2,0.2,length=200) y1=dnorm(x,mean=mean(FCOJ$V1),sd=sd(FCOJ$V1)) 22 hist(FCOJ$V1, breaks=100,main="FCOJ Returns / Normal Distribution",xlab="Return",ylab="Occurence") lines(x,y1,type="l",lwd=3,col="red")
  • 23. ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012 The excess Kurtosis sign is obvious, isn’t it? 23
  • 24. Same SD, different mean, more straight forward ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012 24
  • 25. Cumulative Distribution Reminder: the CDF (Cumulative Distribution Function) is the probability of the random variable X given a distribution to be lower or equal to x ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012 ������ This is the integral of the density function ������ ������ ≤ ������ = ������ ������ = ������ ������ ������������ −∞ Important Properties ������ ������ = ������ = 0 ������ ������ ≥ ������ = 1 − ������(������ ≤ ������) ������ ������ ≤ ������ ≤ ������ = ������(������ ≤ ������)-������(������ ≤ ������) lim ������ ������ ≤ ������ = 0 25 ������→−∞ lim ������ ������ ≤ ������ = 1 ������→+∞
  • 26. Can’t be expressed with elementary functions: - Help with tables - Help with calculator Again, let’s discuss about the standard normal first… ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012 ������ ������ ≤ 0 = 0.5 ������ ������ ≤ −1 = 0.158 ������ −1 ≤ ������ ≤ 1 = 0.682 ������ ������ ≤ −1.645 = 0.05 ������ ������ ≤ −2 = 0.023 ������ −2 ≤ ������ ≤ 2 = 0.954 ������ ������ ≤ −2.326 = 0.01 ������ ������ ≤ −3 = 0.001 ������ −3 ≤ ������ ≤ 3 = 0.996 > x=seq(-4,4,length=500) >plot(x,pnorm(x,mean=0,sd=1),col= "red",type="l",lwd=3, xlab="x",ylab="P(X<=x)", main="Normal Standard CFD") 26
  • 27. General Case ������ ������ ≤ ������ = 0.5 ������ ������ − ������ ≤ ������ ≤ ������ + ������ = 0.682 ������ ������ ≤ −������ + ������ = 0.159 ������ ������ ≤ −1.645 ∗ ������ + ������ = 0.05 ������ ������ − 2 ∗ ������ ≤ ������ ≤ ������ + 2 ∗ ������ = 0.954 ������ ������ ≤ −2 ∗ ������ + ������ = 0.023 ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012 ������ ������ ≤ −2.326 ∗ ������ + ������ = 0.01 ������ ������ − 3 ∗ ������ ≤ ������ ≤ ������ + 3 ∗ ������ = 0.996 ������ ������ ≤ −3 ∗ ������ + ������ = 0.001 Identify: N(0,0.75) / N(0,1) / N(0,1.25) / N(1,1.25) >x=seq(-4,4,length=500) >plot(x,pnorm(x,mean=0,sd=1),co l="black",type="l",lwd=3, xlab="x",ylab="P(X<=x)", main="Normal Distributions - CFD's") >lines(x,pnorm(x,mean=0,sd=0.75 ),col="red",type="l",lwd=3) >lines(x,pnorm(x,mean=0,sd=1.25 ),col="pink",type="l",lwd=3) 27 >lines(x,pnorm(x,mean=1,sd=1.25 ),col="yellow",type="l",lwd=3)
  • 28. Standardization ������~������(������, ������) ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012 ������ − ������ ������ = ������ ������~������(0,1) Only one statistical table to use ������ − ������ ������ ������ ≤ ������ = ������ ������ ≤ with ������~������(0,1) ������ 28
  • 29. Let be X~N(2,4) Find: ������ ������ ≤ −1.86 ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012 −1.86−2 ������ ������ ≤ −1.86 =P ������ ≤ 4 With Y~N(0,1) P ������ ≤ −0.965 =? Use the table! Linear interpolation acceptable P ������ ≤ −0.96 =0.1685 P ������ ≤ −0.97 =0.1660 29 P ������ ≤ −0.965 =0.16725 P ������ ≤ −1.86 =0.16725
  • 30. Back to FCOJ… Let’s compare FCOJ CFD with Normal Distribution (same mean/SD) >x=seq(-4,4,length=500) >plot(ecdf(FCOJ$V1),do.points=FALSE, col="red", lwd=3, main="Normal Distribution against FCOJ - CFD's", xlab="x", ylab="P(X<=x)") >lines(x,pnorm(x,mean=mean(FCOJ$V1),sd=sd(FCOJ$V1)),col="blue",type="l",l ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012 wd=3) 30 Where can you see the excess kurtosis?
  • 31. >qqnorm(FCOJ$V1) >qqline(FCOJ$V1) ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012 Fat Tail • This is the QQ Plot to compare the quantiles to a normal distribution • If observations are not on the fitted line, it would suggest a normal distribution Conclusion? 31 Following intuition is the first step of descriptive statistics, however, formally testing them is even better! Later step…
  • 32. Discussion ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012 • Would you rather trade financial product with high or low SD? • Would you rather trade financial product which has return with a negative mean? SD measures the risk, the volatility: depends on risk appetite • Mean is irrelevant standalone and you could bet on mean reversion • Very often, the mean is fixed to 0 in finance whatever its real value is 32
  • 33. Applications Geometric Brownian Motion ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012 Based on Stochastic Differential Equation ������������������ = ������������������ ������������ + ������������������ ������������ Discrete form ������������������ = ������������������ ������������ + ������������������ ������������������ with ������~N(0,1) Used for random walk, martingale, Monte-Carlo, Black & Scholes… It becomes easy to simulate the price process but what are problems? Volatility depends on the square root of the time, problem of extrapolation 1% Daily volatility is: • 4.58% Monthly ������ • 7.94% Quarterly ������������ = ������������ ∗ ������ • 15.87% Yearly • 35.50% 5 Years 33 • 50.20% 10Years Is this realistic?
  • 34. First Excel problem on the RAND function: • Random number generation is pseudo random • Uniform distribution [0,1] • No seed fixing = Heavy memory usage (new numbers generated when spreadsheet is recalculated) ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012 3 acceptable solutions: • Assume the generated number is a probability and the invert it with NORM.INV(RAND(), mean, standard_dev) but fatter tails • Box-Muller method using SQRT(-2*LN(RAND()))*SIN(2*PI()*RAND()) but is only exact with a perfect uniform random number generation • Central Limit Theorem, normal distribution is approached by 12 uniform random variables [0,1] subtracting 6, so use RAND()+RAND()+RAND()+RAND()+RAND()+RAND()+RAND()+RAND()+RAND() +RAND()+RAND()+RAND()-6 but fatter tails Actual normality of such methods will be tested later… 34
  • 35. So Excel is an hassle… Use R! • Proper random number generation on any chosen distribution • Seed fixable • Quicker ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012 Let’s show why it’s better to use a discretisation • Let’s assume a stock with an annual drift (expected return) of 5%, a yearly volatility of 5%, let’s simulate the price in one year by two methods • One year “one shot” • One year with daily (252 business days) steps > Drift<-0.05 > Volat<-0.05 > Spot<-100 > Simul<-Spot+Drift*Spot+Volat*Spot*rnorm(10) > plot(c(Spot,Simul[1]), type="l", ylim=c(min(Simul)-1,max(Simul)+1), main="Simulation one shot", xlab="T", ylab="S") > lines(c(Spot,Simul[2]), type="l") > lines(c(Spot,Simul[3]), type="l") > lines(c(Spot,Simul[4]), type="l") > lines(c(Spot,Simul[5]), type="l") > lines(c(Spot,Simul[6]), type="l") > lines(c(Spot,Simul[7]), type="l") 35 > lines(c(Spot,Simul[8]), type="l") > lines(c(Spot,Simul[9]), type="l") > lines(c(Spot,Simul[10]), type="l")
  • 36. ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012 > summary(Simul) Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max. 96.51 105.10 107.00 106.60 108.80 116.50 > sd(Simul) [1] 5.23066 Very sensitive to the random number picked Very sensitive to the number of trials 20.99 difference between the lowest and highest scenario SD of 5.23 in the results What would be the mean in a perfect situation? 36
  • 37. Use the package sde of R for the step by step (discrete) method library(sde) require(sde) nbsim<-252 Drift<-0.05 Volat<-0.05 ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012 Spot<-100 G1<-GBM(x=Spot,r=Drift, sigma=Volat,N=nbsim) G2<-GBM(x=Spot,r=Drift, sigma=Volat,N=nbsim) G3<-GBM(x=Spot,r=Drift, sigma=Volat,N=nbsim) G4<-GBM(x=Spot,r=Drift, sigma=Volat,N=nbsim) G5<-GBM(x=Spot,r=Drift, sigma=Volat,N=nbsim) G6<-GBM(x=Spot,r=Drift, sigma=Volat,N=nbsim) G7<-GBM(x=Spot,r=Drift, sigma=Volat,N=nbsim) G8<-GBM(x=Spot,r=Drift, sigma=Volat,N=nbsim) G9<-GBM(x=Spot,r=Drift, sigma=Volat,N=nbsim) G10<-GBM(x=Spot,r=Drift, sigma=Volat,N=nbsim) plot(G1,ylim=c(90,115), col=1, main="GBM day by day", xlab="T", ylab="S") lines(G2, col=2) lines(G3, col=3) lines(G4, col=4) lines(G5, col=5) lines(G6, col=6) lines(G7, col=7) 37 lines(G8, col=8) lines(G9, col=9) lines(G10, col=10)
  • 38. ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012 > FinalS<- c(G1[nbsim+1],G2[nbsim+1],G3[nbsim+1],G4[nbsim+1],G5[nbsim+1],G6[nbsim+1],G7[ nbsim+1],G8[nbsim+1],G9[nbsim+1],G10[nbsim+1]) > summary(FinalS) Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max. 97.81 101.80 103.00 103.70 105.80 109.00 > sd(FinalS) [1] 3.535826 Lower sensitive to the random numbers chosen 11.29 difference between the lowest and highest scenario SD of 3.54 38 Still sensitive to the number of trials
  • 39. Introduction to LogNormaility Do you remember the slide number 6? ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012 ������������ = ������������−1 ∗ (1 + ������������������������ ) ������������������������ = ������ ������������������ − 1 ������������ = ������������−1 ∗ ������ ������������������ ������������������ = ������������������������������������+1 FCOJ<-read.csv(file="S:/Vincent/FCOJStats.csv",head=FALSE,sep=",") FCOJ$V1<-log(FCOJ$V1+1) hist(FCOJ$V1,breaks=100, main="FCOJ LogReturns / Normal Distribution",xlab="LogReturn",ylab="Occurence") x=seq(-0.2,0.2,length=200) y1=dnorm(x,mean=mean(FCOJ$V1),sd=sd(FCOJ$V1)) lines(x,y1,type="l",lwd=3,col="red") 39
  • 40. ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012 The LogReturns seem normal (ish) distributed If LogReturns are normally distributed, the stock price is log normally distributed (useful property as it’s bounded by 0 and it allows to use continuous compounded returns) 40 ������������ = ������������−1 ������ ������������������ ������������−1 = ������������ ������ −������������������
  • 41. Black & Scholes Let’s look at the underling price diffusion process through another angle ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012 ������ ������������ + μ Time Job done, isn’t it? 41
  • 42. Pricing Principle Price distribution of the underlying at maturity Payoff distribution of the option at maturity can be deducted Expected Payoff can be calculated ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012 Present value of the expected payoff is the option price! Assumptions • No arbitrage opportunity (no free lunch). • Existence of a risk-free rate (borrower and lender). • No liquidity problem on long and short positions. • No fees or costs. • Market efficiency. • Stock price follows a geometric Brownian motion with constant drift and volatility. • No dividend. This is obviously not true… Very strong assumptions! 42
  • 43. Geometric Brownian Motion & Black & Scholes Option Valuation Based on Stochastic Differential Equation ������������������ = ������������������ ������������ + ������������������ ������������ ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012 ������������ is a Brownian Motion, in other word a random walk following a normal distribution (zero mean) ������������ Demonstration based on integration with = ������������������ + ������������������ ������ Ito Lemma and risk neutral probability (11.6 / 12.7 in John Hull) A small variation of price has an expected return of ������ (known, drift) and a standard deviation of ������������������ (uncertain, diffusion) Over longer horizons, the price is lognormally distributed (then it can’t go below 0, we’ll come back to this) Risk neutral probability: an option perfectly hedge on continuous 43 basis is risk free and portfolio earns the risk free rate. Drift then has no impact
  • 44. Pricing Formulas ������ = ������ ������1 ∗ ������ − ������ ������2 ∗ ������ ∗ ������ −������∗(������−������) ������ = −������ −������1 ∗ ������ + ������ −������2 ∗ ������ ∗ ������ −������∗(������−������) ������ ������ 2 ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012 ������������ + ������ + ∗ (������ − ������) ������ 2 ������1 = ������ ������ − ������ ������2 = ������1 − ������ ������ − ������ Buy the Call, Sell the Put… Arbitrage? ������ − ������ = ������ ������1 ∗ ������ − ������ ������2 ∗ ������ ∗ ������ −������∗ ������−������ + ������ −������1 ∗ ������ − ������ −������2 ∗ ������ ∗ ������ −������∗(������−������) ������ − ������ = ������ ������1 ∗ ������ − ������ ������2 ∗ ������ ∗ ������ −������∗ ������−������ + 1 − ������ ������1 ∗ ������ − 1 − ������ ������2 ∗ ������ ∗ ������ −������∗(������−������) ������ − ������ = ������ − ������ ∗ ������ −������∗(������−������) The price difference is the present value of the difference to the strike 44 No arbitrage opportunity! When does C=P?
  • 45. Greeks - Delta ������������ ∆������ = = ������(������1 ) ������������ • First derivative of the value of the option with ∆������ = ������(������1 ) − 1 ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012 respect to the underlying price S • Underlying equivalent position • Probability of the option to be at the money at expiry Delta ~0.5 if… S is the present value of the strike for a call Delta [0,1] if… For a Call Delta [-1,0] if… For a Put What is the exact delta of a Long Call ATMF? What is the delta of a combined Long Call and Long Put ATMF? What is the delta of a combined Long Call and Short Put ATMF? 45 What is the new price of the Call ($7.9683) if S moves up $1.5 with delta=0.5398?
  • 46. Greeks - Gamma ������∆ ������ ′ (������1 ) ������ = = • Second derivative of the value of the option with ������������ ������������ ������ − ������ ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012 respect to the underlying price S • First derivative of the value of the delta with respect to the underlying price S • Pace of the delta movement • Second order Greek Gamma [0,1] if… Long option Gamma [-1,0] if… Short option Gamma=max if… ATMF What is the new price of the Call ($7.9683) if S moves up $1.5 with delta=0.5398 and a gamma of 0.0198? 46 Need to use second order central finite difference (Taylor Series)
  • 47. Greeks – Delta/Gamma 1 ������������ = ������ + ∆ ∗ ������������ + ∗ ������ ∗ ������������ 2 ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012 2 8.8003 Forgetting Gamma is dangerous, difference is 0.25% in our example! What is the new delta? 0.5695 Third order known as Speed, hardly used… 1 47 Write the Taylor Development until the Speed level… ∗ ������������������������������ ∗ ������������ 3 6 How to delta hedge and gamma hedge?
  • 48. Greeks - Vega Note, it’s not an actual Greek letter! Tau is used… ������������ ������ = = ������������ ′ (������1 ) ������ − ������ • First derivative of the value of the option with ������������ ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012 respect to the implied volatility • Volatility sensitivity • First order Greek Vega [0,1] if… Long option Vega [-1,0] if… Short option What is the new price of the Call ($7.9683) if the volatility moves up 1.5 point with a 0.7942 Vega? 48 Second order exists as Vanna, third order as Vomma… Hardly used as it can’t be hedged easily. Volatility of the volatility is THE BIG problem in finance!
  • 49. Greeks - Theta ������������ Simply the time decay ������ = ������������ ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012 ������������ ′ ������1 ������ ������������ = − − ������������������ −������ ������−������ ������(������2 ) 2 ������ − ������ ������������ ′ ������1 ������ ������������ = − + ������������������ −������ ������−������ ������(−������2 ) 2 ������ − ������ Theta >0 if… Short option Theta <0 if… Long option Theta is am annual value Time has as well noticeable effects on Delta (Charm), Gamma (Color) and Vega (DvegaDtime) 49 What is the new price of the Call ($7.9683) in 2 days with -0.9920 Theta?
  • 50. Greeks - Rho ������������ ������������ = = ������ ������ − ������ ������ −������(������−������) ������(������2 ) ������������ ������������ = −������ ������ − ������ ������ −������ ������−������ ������(−������2 ) ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012 • First derivative of the value of the option with respect to the interest rate What is the new price of the Call ($7.9683) if r moves up 1 basis point with Rho=184.1895? Careful, high convexity. Need a second order for extreme movement. 50
  • 51. Sum Up - Example What is the new price of the Call ($7.9683) if S moves up $1.5 with ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012 delta=0.5398 and a gamma of 0.0198, volatility moves up 1.5 point with a 0.7942 Vega, r moves up 1 basis point with Rho=184.1895 and placing you 2 days after with a final Theta of -0.9920? 10.0147 Real pricing: 10.0094 Difference of only 0.05% mainly due to the other effects on Greeks by time decay but it’s pretty close! 51
  • 52. Sum Up Greeks/Time Call 100, S=105, r=5%, Maturity from 4y, Vol=10% ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012 52
  • 53. Sum Up Greeks/Spot Price Call 100, r=5%, Maturity 4y, Vol=10% ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012 53
  • 54. Sum Up Greeks/Strike S=105, r=5%, Maturity 4y, Vol=10% ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012 54
  • 55. Sum Up Greeks/Vol Call 100, S=105, r=5%, Maturity 4y ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012 55
  • 56. Conclusion on B&S Great, easy, quick ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012 Strong assumptions, continuous Only European option We need a path dependant method! It will allow to include early exercise, dividend, pricing European digital,… 56
  • 57. Binomial Model (Cox, Ross, Rubinstein, 1979) ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012 Why? Path dependent (valuation of European options, American options, Digital,…) May include dividends How? Discretisation of the continuous random walk 57
  • 58. Binomial Model: principles ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012 3 Steps “Slice” maturity in a predefined number of steps Construct a tree lattice representing the stock price following a GBM Price the option by backwards induction 58
  • 59. Let’s assume the maturity is divided by 2 ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012 59
  • 60. Cox Ross Rubinstein up and down factors based on GBM At each node, S goes up or down by one SD ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012 ������ = ������ ������ ������ 1 ������ = = ������ −������ ������ ������ Do you see other methods? Which? Why? Which one are better? ������������������������������������������ = 1 60
  • 61. Let’s build a tree with 3 steps, with S=100, σ=10%, 1.5 year to maturity ������ = ������ ������ ������ = ������ 0.1 0.5 = 1.073271 ������ = ������ −������ ������ = ������ −0.1 0.5 = 0.931731 ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012 123.63 115.19 107.33 107.33 100 100 93.17 93.17 86.81 80.89 Be clever building it! 61 What happened to the drift implied by the risk free rate?
  • 62. What is the price of the stock at any given node? ������������ = ������0 ∗ ������ ������������−������������ ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012 How many nodes do you have at the end of the tree? ������ + 1 If number of steps are even, what’s the value of the middle node on the last step? 62 ������
  • 63. Having S at maturity, it’s easy to have the price of a EU Call 105 at maturity ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012 123.63 115.19 18.63 107.33 107.33 100 100 2.33 93.17 93.17 86.81 0 80.89 0 Backward inductions, we have the probabilities, let’s assume a 63 risk free rate of 5%
  • 64. u 123.63 115.19 18.63 ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012 107.33 d 2.33 Need to calculate the new probabilities integrating the Risk Free Rate to comply with the risk neutrality assumption S������ ������������ = ������������������ + 1 − ������ ������������ ������ ������������ = ������������ + 1 − ������ ������ ������ ������������ − ������ ������ = ������ − ������ Therfore: BV= OpUp ∗ p + OpDown ∗ 1 − p ∗ ������ −������������ 64 12.78
  • 65. 123.63 ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012 115.19 18.63 107.33 12.78 107.33 100 8.74 100 2.33 5.96 1.5 93.17 93.17 0.97 86.81 0 0 80.89 0 65
  • 66. A European 105 Call option with 1.5 years to Maturity, a Volatility of 10% and a risk free rate of 5% with three steps worth 5.96 ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012 How much with B&S? 6.22 Significant difference, why? Sensitivity to the number of steps The more step, the less discrete, the more continuous Extrapolated to the infinite, you’d find your GBM and so B&S! 66
  • 67. B&S / CRR Convergence: usually 40 steps are reasonable 6.4 6.35 ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012 6.3 6.25 6.2 6.15 CRB BS 6.1 6.05 6 5.95 67 5.9 1 6 11 16 21 26 31 36 41 46 51 56 61 66 71
  • 68. ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012 I meant American Option! Let’s start all over again… 68 CRR main advantage is the ability to price American Options
  • 69. On each node you need to check any early exercise possibility 123.63 ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012 115.19 18.63 107.33 13.84 10.19 107.33 8.74 2.33 100 100 2.33 5.96 1.5 0 93.17 93.17 0.97 0 86.81 0 0 0 80.89 0 But sometimes holding is better than exercising Binomial Value and in this case no early exercise worth and price 69 Intrinsic value of the European Call and American Call will be the same
  • 70. Pricing of an American Put option, S=50, K=50 with a 10% risk free rate, a 40% volatility, 5 steps and time to maturity 0.4167 year. Tree of stock price ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012 70
  • 71. Binomial Value at the next to last and last node (i.e. Valuating as if it was a European Put) ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012 0 0 0 0 0 2.66 5.45 9.90 14.64 18.08 71 21.93
  • 72. Any early exercise worth? ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.66 0 5.45 9.90 10.31 14.64 18.08 18.5 72 21.93
  • 73. Finally… ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012 0 0 0 0 0.64 0 2.16 1.30 0 4.49 3.77 2.66 6.96 6.38 5.45 10.36 10.31 14.64 14.64 18.5 73 21.93
  • 74. ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012 The American Put worth 4.49 The European Put worth 4.32 Difference can be non negligible 74
  • 75. Pricing of an European Digital Put option, Q=15, S=50, K=50 with a 10% risk free rate, a 40% volatility, 5 steps and time to maturity 0.4167 year. The pay-off at maturity is binary: 0 if out of the money, Q if in the money ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012 Tree of stock price 75
  • 76. Last node pay off is then straight forward ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012 0 0 0 15 15 76 15
  • 77. Then method doesn’t change… Backward induction. ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012 0 0 0 0 1.75 0 4.38 3.58 0 7.00 7.15 7.33 9.81 10.96 15 12.72 14.88 14.75 15 14.88 77 15
  • 78. Pricing of an Bermuda Put option, S=50, K=50 with a 10% risk free rate, a 40% volatility, 5 steps and time to maturity 0.4167 year. Let’s suppose this Bermuda can only be exercised between the 4th and 5th step ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012 Tree of stock price 78
  • 79. Any early exercise worth? ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.66 0 5.45 9.90 10.31 14.64 18.08 18.5 79 21.93 No exercises on lower steps
  • 80. Finally… ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012 0 0 0 0 0.64 0 2.16 1.30 0 4.44 3.77 2.66 6.86 6.38 5.45 10.16 10.31 14.22 14.64 18.5 80 21.93 A “full” American option would have been exercised, not this one
  • 81. Pricing of an Put option, S=50, K=50 with a 10% risk free rate, a 40% volatility, 5 steps and time to maturity 0.4167 year, paying a $2.06 dividend on the in 3.5 months. 3 Steps ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012 Construct the usual tree Subtract the present value of the dividend on each node before it occurs Pricing can continue as usual The dividend occurs between the 3rd and 4th step 3.5 −10%∗ Value at step 0 ������������ = 2.06 ∗ ������ 12 =2 3.5 0.4167 −10%∗ − Value at step 1 ������������ = 2.06 ∗ ������ 12 5 = 2.02 3.5 0.4167∗2 Value at step 2 −10%∗ 12 − ������������ = 2.06 ∗ ������ 5 = 2.03 81 3.5 0.4167∗3 −10%∗ − Value at step 3 ������������ = 2.06 ∗ ������ 12 5 = 2.05
  • 82. ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012 Tree of stock price impacted of dividends 82
  • 83. ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012 Pricing by the usual backward induction (don’t forget potential early exercise) 0 0 0 0 0.64 0 2.16 1.30 0 4.44 3.77 2.66 6.86 6.38 5.45 10.16 10.31 14.22 14.64 18.50 21.93 83
  • 84. CRR Sum-Up The American Put worth 4.49 ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012 The European Put worth 4.32 The Digital Put paying 15 worth 7.00 The Bermuda Put with exercise on the lath fifth of the maturity worth 4.44 The American Put paying a 2.06 dividend worth 4.44 You can virtually price anything you want! 84 What can’t you price?
  • 85. Pricing of an Barrier Put option, S=50, K=50 with a 10% risk free rate, a 40% volatility, 5 steps and time to maturity 0.4167 year with a knock out barrier at 60 The option is cancelled if S goes to 60 Way to reduce the price of the option ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012 Tree of stock price KO 0 5.45 85 You can’t tell how much worth the option on this final node: 0 or 5.45?
  • 86. CRR Extension How to converge faster to the correct option price? ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012 Put a third factor • Up • Down • Stable Careful, the tree has to recombine! YES NO 86
  • 87. Conclusion ESGF 4IFM Q1 2012 Normal Distribution GBM B&S CRR 87