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        Environment           Discourse
Space                                      Time
        Experience            Perception

                                                  Apoorv Tomar - Portfolio 09/2011
II                     Architect am                       an               and
C                                                              ommunicat                                 Desi                    ion                                     gner
with interests in space-
t                                                im                                                             e
discourse                                                                              and
interrelat                                               ionshi p b                                                     etween                                                     cinema
and                                                                        architect                                                          ure. I                                  am
passionate                                                                              about
the                                                                                                         collision                         and
use                                                                           of space
t                                                im                                                             e                                                             in
films                               and
architect                                                  ure
and                                                    my                     aim in research lies in explor                                                       ing
theor                                                   ies em                                                               erging
from these                                                        two                                                        for                                                        ms
of disci pline, that                                                                     can in effect
b                                            e                                                             realized                                                      in
creat                                                 ing new environm                                                                 ents
and                                                    exper                                                        iences

In the future cell, in a translucent glass                                                                                                          Apoorv Tomar - Portfolio 09/2011
*Space Time Experience
Space-time experience was my masters thesis project at the I.I.T
Guwahati. It studied theories that evolve from collision of
space and time, formed through interaction of various new
dimensions of architecture and cinema, and proposed a
methodology generated from theoretically built observations
and formulated assumptions.

Spatialization of Time – Representation in the form of
Based on the observations from the research, four hypotheses
were formulated, that were suggested explanations and a
group of theories talking about the nature of space-time,
spatiotemporal conditions and experiences. These were
illustrated and visualized to get certain scenarios, which were
in the form of narratives.

Dynamization of Space – Simulation to form an Experience
Reproduction of selected narratives were experimented with
reflection of a physical setup for their respective spaces. Thus
the hypothesis formulated earlier provided data for visualizing
these narratives, which were then simulated to form a multi-
sensory experience.

Hypotheses and experiments were based on following
Television Spaces
Game Spaces
Perception of Time in Space

                                                                   Apoorv Tomar - Portfolio 09/2011
Translated transformation of the project structure and time-line
                                                                   Apoorv Tomar - Portfolio 09/2011
Telecast Gamut, miniDV, 11:38min, May 2011
Surveillance within the densely layered, intertextual environment of televisual space.
                                                                                         Apoorv Tomar - Portfolio 09/2011
External Essence, video, 4:15min, May 2011
Simultaneous spatial journeys through time inside the game spaces
                                                                    Apoorv Tomar - Portfolio 09/2011
In Security Loop, video, 42min, May 2011
Perception of time in space - Time as it really is experienced in their waking and sleeping states.
                                                                                                      Apoorv Tomar - Portfolio 09/2011
*Scenography - NDT V Profit
Proposed design for the NDTV Profit News Desk at the NDTV
Profit Mumbai Studio while working with Anagram Architects

Sculpting space inside the congested NDTV Mumbai studio, the
idea was to design a space with an approach to reorganize the
visual dynamic aesthetics into an auditory image. The design
evolved from deconstructing geometry to spatially buffer an
active temporal vivacity that becomes an aid to the moving
camera, committing different perspectives in movement.

                                                                Apoorv Tomar - Portfolio 09/2011
NDTV Profit News Desk, Mumbai, March 2009                               *
                                            Apoorv Tomar - Portfolio 09/2011
*Scenography - NDT V Gadget Guru
Design of the NDTV Good Times Gadget Guru Set at the New
Delhi Studio produced at Anagram Architects

The design builds on the subject of space and interaction,
using media as a form of expression. Developed within the
financial and logistic concerns, the form and aesthetics were
determined within the design parameters set by a distinct and
well-defined activity. Focus was also to brace the lightings and
colors on the venue. The design evolved from idea of a cyber-
pod creating a visual enclosure within the constructed space.

                                                                   Apoorv Tomar - Portfolio 09/2011
NDTV Gadget Guru, NDTV Good Times, New Delhi, Oct 2008                               *
                                                         Apoorv Tomar - Portfolio 09/2011
*Scenography - NDT V Profit
Selected design for the NDTV Profit News Desk at the NDTV
Profit Mumbai Studio while working with Anagram Architects

This was the second and final proposal given to the NDTV
Profit Studio. Among few reasons of this design being
preferred over the previous one, cost chop-down was a major
rationale. With an altered approach, the design of this news
desk aimed at a much more resolute and uncomplicated
structure. Two more separate sections were recessed out of the
packed full studio space along with the main news desk.
Details of the news desk were structured with the optimal use
of materials.

                                                                 Apoorv Tomar - Portfolio 09/2011
NDTV Profit News Desk, Mumbai, April 2009                               *
                                            Apoorv Tomar - Portfolio 09/2011
NDTV Profit News Desk, Mumbai, April 2009
Working drawing details of the news desk and the small side table
                                                                    Apoorv Tomar - Portfolio 09/2011
*Montage - Nothing of Consequence to be Responsible for
This short video ’Nothing of Consequence to be Responsible       Abstract
for’ was a second semester design project at the Department
of Design, I.I.T. Guwahati.                                      It was this tendency with which the character in this fiction is
                                                                 openly and forcibly brought to the stage from his everyday
The video was designed on a realistic approach in creating a     life. Where in, he seemed to lose life and colour along with his
semi-fictional plot around a past middle aged inhabitant of a    ideal past. Here his longing transcends a passing moment, may
village by the river Brahmaputra. The idea of this project was   be in his dreams while he is asleep. But before this passing
to show a link between the traditional beliefs of Assamese       moment could be accepted, he is accidently dragged into a
rural culture and the unnoticed everyday heroic deeds of the     situation where he is himself held responsible for a reason
people.                                                          which is not only alien to him but also finds him in an anxious
                                                                 state of mind. Now no comfort avails anymore and as he tries
With the groundwork of a comparative study, in relation to       to understand the situation, he is unavoidably affected by it. In
distinctive works done by film makers and novelists, an          the course of time he is again acquainted with the similar
understanding of their sense and approach gave essential         passing moment, however this time he gets absorbed within
brain-waves for choosing the medium and creating a narrative.    the reality and meets up to its highest consequence.

The outcome intended to draw-in an intensified sense of
temporality in the play, creating a factual experience of the
genuine time spent on respective events. The video can also be
viewed as an amalgamation of left out simultaneous spaces in
the montage and the odds of deliberate sense of time passing
through them.

                                                                                                        Apoorv Tomar - Portfolio 09/2011
Nothing of Consequence to be Responsible for, miniDV, 22:55min, April 2010
Stills from the video
                                                                             Apoorv Tomar - Portfolio 09/2011
Nothing of Consequence to be Responsible for, miniDV, 22:55min, April 2010
Initial concept sketches from the storey board
                                                                             Apoorv Tomar - Portfolio 09/2011
*Montage - Not Equal To
‘Not equal to’ is a self initiated photographic montage. This
was made to explore the possibilities of sequential assortment
and study the form of a graphic novel.

In the process I also learned about the juxtapositioning of
images, and how different meanings can be created out of
altered arrangement of pictures. Through this montage, I was
able to experiment and learn how to communicate ideas
within a condensed format.

                                                                 Apoorv Tomar - Portfolio 09/2011
Not Equal To, Pictorial montage, 11.5 X 8”, June 2009                               *
                                                        Apoorv Tomar - Portfolio 09/2011
*Montage - Identity Theft
Identity Theft is a self initiated stop-motion which was an
outcome of a casual experiment carried out in a days time.

The idea was to communicate the issue of identity fraud, going
along with a symbolic approach, indulging in the version of
the term coined in 1964, that was actually considered as a
misnomer because it is not literally possible to steal an identity
as such. Though primarily what I intended to commit, was
solely a representational form in order to get across the idea.

                                                                     Apoorv Tomar - Portfolio 09/2011
Identity Theft, stop-motion, 42sec, June 2009
Few stills used in the stop-motion
                                                Apoorv Tomar - Portfolio 09/2011
* Print Design - Graduating Students Work Store
This is the Work Store for the 2011 graduating students of
Department of Design at Indian Institute of Technology
Guwahati. Academic works of thirteen design students along
with their graduation projects were showcased in this work
store, maintaining two pages for each student. Featuring
unpaginated A5 layouts displaying work and personal
information each on alternate sides of the spiral-bound loose
leaves. Illustrated text fore-thoughts were also designed to be
separated by spiral-bound boards on either sides of the work

The idea was to bring about the challenge of creating a
formation that stands out and creates an impression for the
multi-disciplinary design learning at the institute. The aim of
the catalogue was also to seek commission and employment
opportunities for the graduates.

                                                                  Apoorv Tomar - Portfolio 09/2011
Graduating Students Work Store, Spiral-Bound, 8.3 X 5.9”, Sept 2010
Unpaginated layouts printed on sprial-bound loose leaves
                                                                      Apoorv Tomar - Portfolio 09/2011
Graduating Students Work Store, Spiral Bound, 8.3 X 5.9”, Sept 2010
Unpaginated layouts printed on sprial-bound loose leaves
                                                                      Apoorv Tomar - Portfolio 09/2011
* Print Design - The Space and Time
Self-published book ‘The Space and Time’ as graduation            This exercise was a part of New Media Studies course, at the
research piece for my M.Des at I.I.T. Guwahati. I took a visual   Department of Design, where extensive use of cultural
and discontinuous approach as a response to my                    interface was studied as a medium having a non-linear history.
understanding of the subject. Other than concentrating on the     The idea of experimenting with this medium was in order to
content, which was mainly dealing with the premises of my         understand the interface as a n act, treating interaction
dissertation, the main idea was to go beyond a mere visual        through the book as an event. The experiment also dealt with
representation of interesting thoughts and ideas, and conjoin     the future of information, which in this case being ‘space-
message with the medium itself. Hence the flow, design and        time’, taken as a theme, my aim was to see how this
sequence of the book evolved from the idea of understanding       information can be aesthetized with the dominance of media.
the subject space and time separately, and eventually arriving
to the notion of simultaneity in Space-Time.

The narrative of the book was given a discontinuous order
where the story is divided into parts, without a conventional
explanation through chapters. But instead, the book was
divided into three relative events that consisted of space and
time starting simultaneously from either sides of the book, and
the notion of space-time in between. With this book I intend
to suggest the reader, how the movement through time in
consuming the content becomes a relative interpretation of
your thoughts when you are not directed to any sequential
pattern or flow, while grasping a diverse topic such as space-
time. The time is quantized. This way you are more immersed
within the subject, creating your own narrative unsuspected in
the approach.

                                                                                                        Apoorv Tomar - Portfolio 09/2011
The Space and Time, Paperback Bound, 5 X 7”, Nov 2010
Illustrated with colour and b/w representations of research and information, the page layouts were considered individually, immediately suggesting of their
wide range of potentials.
                                                                                                                                                              Apoorv Tomar - Portfolio 09/2011
The Space and Time, Paperback Bound, 5 X 7”, Nov 2010
The dominance of the content is no more than an extension of the variations of ideas, interpretations and observations in the context of space-time.
                                                                                                                                                       Apoorv Tomar - Portfolio 09/2011
*Illustrations - Whales
Three static, dim impressions of those few ineffable body to
space tragic events that had caused fractures on an ahistorical
daily grind, leaving a lining motif that is oddly peaceful
without them.

                                                                  Apoorv Tomar - Portfolio 09/2011
Water in the whales, gel-ink pen & felt-tip, 16.5 X 11.7”, Oct 2010                               *
                                                                      Apoorv Tomar - Portfolio 09/2011
When sunrise confused with sunset, and blood is mixed with oil
                                                                                                               When scream turns to a song, you breathe below the soil

Surfacing from the depths, gel-ink pen & felt-tip, 16.5 X 11.7”, Oct 2010
When sunrise confused with sunset, and blood is mixed with oil. When scream turns to a song, you breathe below the soil.
                                                                                                                                                                          Apoorv Tomar - Portfolio 09/2011
Last stone was black, gel-ink pen, 16.5 X 11.7”, Oct 2010                               *
                                                            Apoorv Tomar - Portfolio 09/2011
*Illustrations - Perplexes
A scope of occasionally emerging minute ideas, made in that
sum of the minute.

Prints of some pieces are available for a deal.

                                                              Apoorv Tomar - Portfolio 09/2011
Movement and Effect, gel-ink pen & felt tip, 16.5 X 11.7”, July 2011
Multiplicity is a process. It can be adjusted and brought into alignment. Each element has its own specific alignment; result of which is a pronounced effect of its
metamorphosis. The entropy behind adjustment endures a high probability of disorderly control.
                                                                                                                                                                       Apoorv Tomar - Portfolio 09/2011
Illustration for Periferry, gel-ink pen, 16.5 X 11.7”, Dec 2010
Periferry is a artist-led space, situated on a ferry docked on the Brahmaputra River in Guwahati, Assam. It was intiated in 2007 as a project alternative by Desire
Machine Collective, to create a nomadic space for hybrid art practices.
                                                                                                                                                                      Apoorv Tomar - Portfolio 09/2011
Study Finds No Logical Reason Why Planes Fly, gel-ink pen & fineliner, 16.5 X 11.7”, July 2010                               *
                                                                                                 Apoorv Tomar - Portfolio 09/2011
Unidentified, permanent marker, 16.5 X 11.7”, June 2010                               *
                                                          Apoorv Tomar - Portfolio 09/2011
Unconscious kinesics, ball point pen & felt tip, 16.5 X 11.7”, May 2010
Two time-worn strechmarked women communicating happy tunes, while they are unaware that they are sad, absorbing at length their restored tranquility.
                                                                                                                                                        Apoorv Tomar - Portfolio 09/2011
Time, gel-ink pen & fineliner, 16.5 X 11.7”, June 2011
Illustration made for a teacher whose journey in time has transcended her prodigious memory and knowledge into a spectacular city of admiration, of which she
bore the fruits once, has rendered those 25 years onerously stupendous.
                                                                                                                                                                Apoorv Tomar - Portfolio 09/2011
Forever Tourists, ball point pen, 11 X 7.9”, June 2010
To all those happy tourists - somewhere below the top of that hill, those who think they would stay there forever and wished if they had a small hut at the top, isolated
from the rest of the world. Along with that beautiful river flowing in their backyard, surrounded with those empty fields... I wish they suffer for their life. I wish sickness,
maltreatment and agonizing journey back to their puppet shows. I have no sympathy for them, I wish torture at every breathtaking site they visit. I wish they are ripped
out of their body and flow through the free sketch into the landscape forever. Forever Tourists.
                                                                                                                                                                                   Apoorv Tomar - Portfolio 09/2011
*Illustrations - Symbolic Constructs
A set of sketches plowed to form an understanding, lying
within the scope of limitless characteristics of individuals or
characters. Adding a relative dimension beyond the original,
with the intention to provide an imaginative designation to it.
Further dedicating a basic sensitivity with respect to its

                                                                  Apoorv Tomar - Portfolio 09/2011
From left to right
Friedrich Nietszche, charcoal(plastered wall), 132 X 152.4cm, Jan 2010 | Rabbit White, pencil & felt-tip, 10.5 X 9cm, May 2010 | Ashish, charcoal, 32 X 32cm, Dec 2006 |
He who knows and knows not he knows, permanent marker, 9 X 12cm, June 2009 | Nana, charcoal, 17.5 X 22cm, May 2007 | Bird, gel-ink pen, 4 X 10cm, Jan 2008 |
Furry Animal, ball point pen, 15 X 12cm, May 2010 | Chinmay, pencil, 29.7 X 21cm, Oct 2007 | Self, permanent marker, 10 X 15cm, March 2010
                                                                                                                                                                           Apoorv Tomar - Portfolio 09/2011
*Illustrations - Geometry Led Form Study
Form Study exercise was a working studio course at the
Department of Design, I.I.T. Guwahati, carried out to expand
our understanding of design theory as it relates to the three
dimensional world.

Working primarily in paper and file board, in this exercise we
explored concepts of modularity, sequence, series, relief,
contour, structure and symmetry. We also examined the
function of space, volume, mass, plane, and line. Sculptural
issues were explored through the solution of design problems.
The main emphasis of this course was the development of
critical thinking skills as they apply to three dimensional art
forms and to help us gain a deeper understanding of visual art.

                                                                  Apoorv Tomar - Portfolio 09/2011
Geometry led Form Studies
Illustrated ideas of the finished Archimedian and Platonic solids, after studying and understanding their form and structure through design problems
                                                                                                                                                       Apoorv Tomar - Portfolio 09/2011
*Illustrations - Ill Chosen
These are a set of self initiated conceptual illustrations,
reciprocating some ongoing ideas and narratives. These are
mostly represented using mixed media, also exploring the use
of different mediums for specific details.

                                                               Apoorv Tomar - Portfolio 09/2011
Conceptual Illustrations, Mixed Media                               *
                                        Apoorv Tomar - Portfolio 09/2011
*Apoorv Tomar
M.Des - 2011
Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati

B.Arch - 2008
National Institute of Technology Nagpur


I am an Architect and Communication Designer with interests in space-time discourse and interrelationship between cinema and
architecture. I have recently graduated from the Department of Design, Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati and previously
from the National Institute of Technology Nagpur. I am passionate about the collision and use of space and time in films and
architecture and my aim in research lies in exploring theories emerging from these two forms of discipline, that can in effect be
realized in creating new environments and experiences.


+91 9616082470


H.A.L. Township Korwa,
Distt. Sultanpur - 227 412 U.P


                                                                                                           Apoorv Tomar - Portfolio 09/2011

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The six step guide to practical project managementThe six step guide to practical project management
The six step guide to practical project management
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Beginners Guide to TikTok for Search - Rachel Pearson - We are Tilt __ Bright...Beginners Guide to TikTok for Search - Rachel Pearson - We are Tilt __ Bright...
Beginners Guide to TikTok for Search - Rachel Pearson - We are Tilt __ Bright...

Design Portfolio 09/2011

  • 2. Image Environment Discourse Space Time Experience Perception Video Apoorv Tomar - Portfolio 09/2011
  • 3. II Architect am an and C ommunicat Desi ion gner with interests in space- t im e discourse and interrelat ionshi p b etween cinema and architect ure. I am passionate about the collision and use of space and t im e in films and architect ure and my aim in research lies in explor ing theor ies em erging from these two for ms of disci pline, that can in effect b e realized in creat ing new environm ents and exper iences In the future cell, in a translucent glass Apoorv Tomar - Portfolio 09/2011
  • 4. *Space Time Experience Space-time experience was my masters thesis project at the I.I.T Guwahati. It studied theories that evolve from collision of space and time, formed through interaction of various new dimensions of architecture and cinema, and proposed a methodology generated from theoretically built observations and formulated assumptions. Spatialization of Time – Representation in the form of Narratives Based on the observations from the research, four hypotheses were formulated, that were suggested explanations and a group of theories talking about the nature of space-time, spatiotemporal conditions and experiences. These were illustrated and visualized to get certain scenarios, which were in the form of narratives. Dynamization of Space – Simulation to form an Experience Reproduction of selected narratives were experimented with reflection of a physical setup for their respective spaces. Thus the hypothesis formulated earlier provided data for visualizing these narratives, which were then simulated to form a multi- sensory experience. Hypotheses and experiments were based on following domains: Television Spaces Game Spaces Perception of Time in Space * Apoorv Tomar - Portfolio 09/2011
  • 5. Metamorphosis Translated transformation of the project structure and time-line * Apoorv Tomar - Portfolio 09/2011
  • 6. Telecast Gamut, miniDV, 11:38min, May 2011 Surveillance within the densely layered, intertextual environment of televisual space. * Apoorv Tomar - Portfolio 09/2011
  • 7. External Essence, video, 4:15min, May 2011 Simultaneous spatial journeys through time inside the game spaces * Apoorv Tomar - Portfolio 09/2011
  • 8. In Security Loop, video, 42min, May 2011 Perception of time in space - Time as it really is experienced in their waking and sleeping states. * Apoorv Tomar - Portfolio 09/2011
  • 9. *Scenography - NDT V Profit Proposed design for the NDTV Profit News Desk at the NDTV Profit Mumbai Studio while working with Anagram Architects Sculpting space inside the congested NDTV Mumbai studio, the idea was to design a space with an approach to reorganize the visual dynamic aesthetics into an auditory image. The design evolved from deconstructing geometry to spatially buffer an active temporal vivacity that becomes an aid to the moving camera, committing different perspectives in movement. * Apoorv Tomar - Portfolio 09/2011
  • 10. NDTV Profit News Desk, Mumbai, March 2009 * Apoorv Tomar - Portfolio 09/2011
  • 11. *Scenography - NDT V Gadget Guru Design of the NDTV Good Times Gadget Guru Set at the New Delhi Studio produced at Anagram Architects The design builds on the subject of space and interaction, using media as a form of expression. Developed within the financial and logistic concerns, the form and aesthetics were determined within the design parameters set by a distinct and well-defined activity. Focus was also to brace the lightings and colors on the venue. The design evolved from idea of a cyber- pod creating a visual enclosure within the constructed space. * Apoorv Tomar - Portfolio 09/2011
  • 12. NDTV Gadget Guru, NDTV Good Times, New Delhi, Oct 2008 * Apoorv Tomar - Portfolio 09/2011
  • 13. *Scenography - NDT V Profit Selected design for the NDTV Profit News Desk at the NDTV Profit Mumbai Studio while working with Anagram Architects This was the second and final proposal given to the NDTV Profit Studio. Among few reasons of this design being preferred over the previous one, cost chop-down was a major rationale. With an altered approach, the design of this news desk aimed at a much more resolute and uncomplicated structure. Two more separate sections were recessed out of the packed full studio space along with the main news desk. Details of the news desk were structured with the optimal use of materials. * Apoorv Tomar - Portfolio 09/2011
  • 14. NDTV Profit News Desk, Mumbai, April 2009 * Apoorv Tomar - Portfolio 09/2011
  • 15. NDTV Profit News Desk, Mumbai, April 2009 Working drawing details of the news desk and the small side table * Apoorv Tomar - Portfolio 09/2011
  • 16. *Montage - Nothing of Consequence to be Responsible for This short video ’Nothing of Consequence to be Responsible Abstract for’ was a second semester design project at the Department of Design, I.I.T. Guwahati. It was this tendency with which the character in this fiction is openly and forcibly brought to the stage from his everyday The video was designed on a realistic approach in creating a life. Where in, he seemed to lose life and colour along with his semi-fictional plot around a past middle aged inhabitant of a ideal past. Here his longing transcends a passing moment, may village by the river Brahmaputra. The idea of this project was be in his dreams while he is asleep. But before this passing to show a link between the traditional beliefs of Assamese moment could be accepted, he is accidently dragged into a rural culture and the unnoticed everyday heroic deeds of the situation where he is himself held responsible for a reason people. which is not only alien to him but also finds him in an anxious state of mind. Now no comfort avails anymore and as he tries With the groundwork of a comparative study, in relation to to understand the situation, he is unavoidably affected by it. In distinctive works done by film makers and novelists, an the course of time he is again acquainted with the similar understanding of their sense and approach gave essential passing moment, however this time he gets absorbed within brain-waves for choosing the medium and creating a narrative. the reality and meets up to its highest consequence. The outcome intended to draw-in an intensified sense of temporality in the play, creating a factual experience of the genuine time spent on respective events. The video can also be viewed as an amalgamation of left out simultaneous spaces in the montage and the odds of deliberate sense of time passing through them. * Apoorv Tomar - Portfolio 09/2011
  • 17. Nothing of Consequence to be Responsible for, miniDV, 22:55min, April 2010 Stills from the video * Apoorv Tomar - Portfolio 09/2011
  • 18. Nothing of Consequence to be Responsible for, miniDV, 22:55min, April 2010 Initial concept sketches from the storey board * Apoorv Tomar - Portfolio 09/2011
  • 19. *Montage - Not Equal To ‘Not equal to’ is a self initiated photographic montage. This was made to explore the possibilities of sequential assortment and study the form of a graphic novel. In the process I also learned about the juxtapositioning of images, and how different meanings can be created out of altered arrangement of pictures. Through this montage, I was able to experiment and learn how to communicate ideas within a condensed format. * Apoorv Tomar - Portfolio 09/2011
  • 20. Not Equal To, Pictorial montage, 11.5 X 8”, June 2009 * Apoorv Tomar - Portfolio 09/2011
  • 21. *Montage - Identity Theft Identity Theft is a self initiated stop-motion which was an outcome of a casual experiment carried out in a days time. The idea was to communicate the issue of identity fraud, going along with a symbolic approach, indulging in the version of the term coined in 1964, that was actually considered as a misnomer because it is not literally possible to steal an identity as such. Though primarily what I intended to commit, was solely a representational form in order to get across the idea. * Apoorv Tomar - Portfolio 09/2011
  • 22. Identity Theft, stop-motion, 42sec, June 2009 Few stills used in the stop-motion * Apoorv Tomar - Portfolio 09/2011
  • 23. * Print Design - Graduating Students Work Store This is the Work Store for the 2011 graduating students of Department of Design at Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati. Academic works of thirteen design students along with their graduation projects were showcased in this work store, maintaining two pages for each student. Featuring unpaginated A5 layouts displaying work and personal information each on alternate sides of the spiral-bound loose leaves. Illustrated text fore-thoughts were also designed to be separated by spiral-bound boards on either sides of the work store. The idea was to bring about the challenge of creating a formation that stands out and creates an impression for the multi-disciplinary design learning at the institute. The aim of the catalogue was also to seek commission and employment opportunities for the graduates. * Apoorv Tomar - Portfolio 09/2011
  • 24. Graduating Students Work Store, Spiral-Bound, 8.3 X 5.9”, Sept 2010 Unpaginated layouts printed on sprial-bound loose leaves * Apoorv Tomar - Portfolio 09/2011
  • 25. Graduating Students Work Store, Spiral Bound, 8.3 X 5.9”, Sept 2010 Unpaginated layouts printed on sprial-bound loose leaves * Apoorv Tomar - Portfolio 09/2011
  • 26. * Print Design - The Space and Time Self-published book ‘The Space and Time’ as graduation This exercise was a part of New Media Studies course, at the research piece for my M.Des at I.I.T. Guwahati. I took a visual Department of Design, where extensive use of cultural and discontinuous approach as a response to my interface was studied as a medium having a non-linear history. understanding of the subject. Other than concentrating on the The idea of experimenting with this medium was in order to content, which was mainly dealing with the premises of my understand the interface as a n act, treating interaction dissertation, the main idea was to go beyond a mere visual through the book as an event. The experiment also dealt with representation of interesting thoughts and ideas, and conjoin the future of information, which in this case being ‘space- message with the medium itself. Hence the flow, design and time’, taken as a theme, my aim was to see how this sequence of the book evolved from the idea of understanding information can be aesthetized with the dominance of media. the subject space and time separately, and eventually arriving to the notion of simultaneity in Space-Time. The narrative of the book was given a discontinuous order where the story is divided into parts, without a conventional explanation through chapters. But instead, the book was divided into three relative events that consisted of space and time starting simultaneously from either sides of the book, and the notion of space-time in between. With this book I intend to suggest the reader, how the movement through time in consuming the content becomes a relative interpretation of your thoughts when you are not directed to any sequential pattern or flow, while grasping a diverse topic such as space- time. The time is quantized. This way you are more immersed within the subject, creating your own narrative unsuspected in the approach. * Apoorv Tomar - Portfolio 09/2011
  • 27. The Space and Time, Paperback Bound, 5 X 7”, Nov 2010 Illustrated with colour and b/w representations of research and information, the page layouts were considered individually, immediately suggesting of their wide range of potentials. * Apoorv Tomar - Portfolio 09/2011
  • 28. The Space and Time, Paperback Bound, 5 X 7”, Nov 2010 The dominance of the content is no more than an extension of the variations of ideas, interpretations and observations in the context of space-time. * Apoorv Tomar - Portfolio 09/2011
  • 29. *Illustrations - Whales Three static, dim impressions of those few ineffable body to space tragic events that had caused fractures on an ahistorical daily grind, leaving a lining motif that is oddly peaceful without them. * Apoorv Tomar - Portfolio 09/2011
  • 30. Water in the whales, gel-ink pen & felt-tip, 16.5 X 11.7”, Oct 2010 * Apoorv Tomar - Portfolio 09/2011
  • 31. When sunrise confused with sunset, and blood is mixed with oil When scream turns to a song, you breathe below the soil Surfacing from the depths, gel-ink pen & felt-tip, 16.5 X 11.7”, Oct 2010 When sunrise confused with sunset, and blood is mixed with oil. When scream turns to a song, you breathe below the soil. * Apoorv Tomar - Portfolio 09/2011
  • 32. Last stone was black, gel-ink pen, 16.5 X 11.7”, Oct 2010 * Apoorv Tomar - Portfolio 09/2011
  • 33. *Illustrations - Perplexes A scope of occasionally emerging minute ideas, made in that sum of the minute. Prints of some pieces are available for a deal. * Apoorv Tomar - Portfolio 09/2011
  • 34. Movement and Effect, gel-ink pen & felt tip, 16.5 X 11.7”, July 2011 Multiplicity is a process. It can be adjusted and brought into alignment. Each element has its own specific alignment; result of which is a pronounced effect of its metamorphosis. The entropy behind adjustment endures a high probability of disorderly control. * Apoorv Tomar - Portfolio 09/2011
  • 35. Illustration for Periferry, gel-ink pen, 16.5 X 11.7”, Dec 2010 Periferry is a artist-led space, situated on a ferry docked on the Brahmaputra River in Guwahati, Assam. It was intiated in 2007 as a project alternative by Desire Machine Collective, to create a nomadic space for hybrid art practices. * Apoorv Tomar - Portfolio 09/2011
  • 36. Study Finds No Logical Reason Why Planes Fly, gel-ink pen & fineliner, 16.5 X 11.7”, July 2010 * Apoorv Tomar - Portfolio 09/2011
  • 37. Unidentified, permanent marker, 16.5 X 11.7”, June 2010 * Apoorv Tomar - Portfolio 09/2011
  • 38. Unconscious kinesics, ball point pen & felt tip, 16.5 X 11.7”, May 2010 Two time-worn strechmarked women communicating happy tunes, while they are unaware that they are sad, absorbing at length their restored tranquility. * Apoorv Tomar - Portfolio 09/2011
  • 39. Time, gel-ink pen & fineliner, 16.5 X 11.7”, June 2011 Illustration made for a teacher whose journey in time has transcended her prodigious memory and knowledge into a spectacular city of admiration, of which she bore the fruits once, has rendered those 25 years onerously stupendous. * Apoorv Tomar - Portfolio 09/2011
  • 40. Forever Tourists, ball point pen, 11 X 7.9”, June 2010 To all those happy tourists - somewhere below the top of that hill, those who think they would stay there forever and wished if they had a small hut at the top, isolated from the rest of the world. Along with that beautiful river flowing in their backyard, surrounded with those empty fields... I wish they suffer for their life. I wish sickness, maltreatment and agonizing journey back to their puppet shows. I have no sympathy for them, I wish torture at every breathtaking site they visit. I wish they are ripped out of their body and flow through the free sketch into the landscape forever. Forever Tourists. * Apoorv Tomar - Portfolio 09/2011
  • 41. *Illustrations - Symbolic Constructs A set of sketches plowed to form an understanding, lying within the scope of limitless characteristics of individuals or characters. Adding a relative dimension beyond the original, with the intention to provide an imaginative designation to it. Further dedicating a basic sensitivity with respect to its learning. * Apoorv Tomar - Portfolio 09/2011
  • 42. From left to right Friedrich Nietszche, charcoal(plastered wall), 132 X 152.4cm, Jan 2010 | Rabbit White, pencil & felt-tip, 10.5 X 9cm, May 2010 | Ashish, charcoal, 32 X 32cm, Dec 2006 | He who knows and knows not he knows, permanent marker, 9 X 12cm, June 2009 | Nana, charcoal, 17.5 X 22cm, May 2007 | Bird, gel-ink pen, 4 X 10cm, Jan 2008 | Furry Animal, ball point pen, 15 X 12cm, May 2010 | Chinmay, pencil, 29.7 X 21cm, Oct 2007 | Self, permanent marker, 10 X 15cm, March 2010 * Apoorv Tomar - Portfolio 09/2011
  • 43. *Illustrations - Geometry Led Form Study Form Study exercise was a working studio course at the Department of Design, I.I.T. Guwahati, carried out to expand our understanding of design theory as it relates to the three dimensional world. Working primarily in paper and file board, in this exercise we explored concepts of modularity, sequence, series, relief, contour, structure and symmetry. We also examined the function of space, volume, mass, plane, and line. Sculptural issues were explored through the solution of design problems. The main emphasis of this course was the development of critical thinking skills as they apply to three dimensional art forms and to help us gain a deeper understanding of visual art. * Apoorv Tomar - Portfolio 09/2011
  • 44. Geometry led Form Studies Illustrated ideas of the finished Archimedian and Platonic solids, after studying and understanding their form and structure through design problems * Apoorv Tomar - Portfolio 09/2011
  • 45. *Illustrations - Ill Chosen These are a set of self initiated conceptual illustrations, reciprocating some ongoing ideas and narratives. These are mostly represented using mixed media, also exploring the use of different mediums for specific details. * Apoorv Tomar - Portfolio 09/2011
  • 46. Conceptual Illustrations, Mixed Media * Apoorv Tomar - Portfolio 09/2011
  • 47. *Apoorv Tomar ***** M.Des - 2011 Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati B.Arch - 2008 National Institute of Technology Nagpur ************ I am an Architect and Communication Designer with interests in space-time discourse and interrelationship between cinema and architecture. I have recently graduated from the Department of Design, Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati and previously from the National Institute of Technology Nagpur. I am passionate about the collision and use of space and time in films and architecture and my aim in research lies in exploring theories emerging from these two forms of discipline, that can in effect be realized in creating new environments and experiences. ********* +91 9616082470 ******* C-155 H.A.L. Township Korwa, Distt. Sultanpur - 227 412 U.P India *** * Apoorv Tomar - Portfolio 09/2011