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Apocalypse in Death Valley
                                                 Back on Track – With Recap
   file:///D:/Eigene Dateien D/Sims Stories/Death Valley Apocalypse pics/Recap/snapshot_d4215251_d76c57f1.jpg
Hello and welcome, my dear readers. That is, if there's anyone out there
  still interested in a story that hasn't been updated for a year and a

I'm back on track in my RL after such a long time and finally I'm back to
   Sims 2 as well. After reinstalling my computer twice during this time I
   still have my Sims 2 files and reinstalled the game just a week ago...
   and there they were. My dear Apocalypse family, all happy and
   healthy. For an Apocalypse, of course.

I'd really love to go back and play and finish the challenge (and my
    story), but I realized I can't very well just hop in and continue – I've
    forgotten so many rules! Luckily I've found my notes and went
    through them and the rules so I'm a bit better prepared already.
But I have to go through everything what happened already to get it all
    back together... and I thought maybe someone else would enjoy a
    little recap.

Off we go then!
So, this is Braille. Second
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                                                                                                               generation heir, Romance Sim
                                                                                                               and current head of the family.
                                                                                                               The only Sim that can hear me
                                                                                                               right now. That's right.
                                                                                                               Something very odd prevents
                                                                                                               my normal communication with
                                                                                                               my Sims. So far, only one Sim
                                                                                                               per generation could hear me
                                                                                                               and Braille and I have no idea
                                                                                                               why. That's one thing we were
                                                                                                               trying to figure out before I had
                                                                                                               to go away...
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                                                                                                             Oi! Braille! Braille! I'm back!
                                                                                                             „Oh, heya Voice. Good you're
                                                                                                                back, I wanted to talk to you
                                                                                                                about yesterday...“
                                                                                                             Uh, Braille? I have something to
                                                                                                                talk about with you, too....
                                                                                                             See, what you think was
                                                                                                                yesterday actually happened
                                                                                                                over a year ago. Real time, not
                                                                                                                Sim time.
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                                                                                                             „Hu? What? What's that
                                                                                                                supposed to mean?“
                                                                                                             Well, I had to leave you for a
                                                                                                                while. See, some very
                                                                                                                important things with my own
                                                                                                                family going on. I'm sorry.
Braille? You're not going to stop
                                                                                                                  talking to me again, are you?
                                                                                                             Look, I'm back. I'm sorry I
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                                                                                                                  neglected you guys but I saved
                                                                                                                  your files twice when my
                                                                                                                  computer needed a new setup
                                                                                                                  and I'm back now! We can
                                                                                                                  solve this mystery, we can...
                                                                                                             „Hey, hey! Stop babbling, Voice.
                                                                                                                  Everything's fine.“
                                                                                                             It is?
                                                                                                             „Yeah... we all enjoyed the time
                                                                                                             Phew, I'm glad... wait, time off?
                                                                                                             But... I thought you wouldn't even
                                                                                                                  notice since time doesn't pass
                                                                                                                  for you when I'm not playing...
„Do you really know what's going on
                                                                                                                 on your computer when you turn
                                                                                                                 it off?“
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                                                                                                             I thought I did...
                                                                                                             „Let's get back to the important
                                                                                                                 stuff... you're back?
                                                                                                             „And... you still want to find out who
                                                                                                                 is behind all this and way?“
                                                                                                             I sure do!
                                                                                                             „Not leaving again?“
                                                                                                             I swear!
                                                                                                             „Then let's not waste any more
                                                                                                             Somehow, this talk totally didn't take
                                                                                                                 the turn I thought it would...
                                                                                                             „You do owe me something, of
                                                                                                                 course. Big time.“
                                                                                                              I guess that's only fair.
„So... about yesterday.“
                                                                                                             Braille, wait.
                                                                                                             „Now what?“
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                                                                                                             Well, I have to admit that after such a
                                                                                                                long time... could you quickly bring
                                                                                                                me up to date with your family
                                                                                                                story? As to who accomplished
                                                                                                             „You mean you forgot?“
                                                                                                             Um... yeah. Sorry.
                                                                                                             „Shesh, maybe I should do this thing
                                                                                                                on my own...“
                                                                                                             Hey! I helped you a lot in the past,
                                                                                                             „Yeah, but you forgot that! Hehe.“
                                                                                                             Now, Braille! I could also forget about
                                                                                                                the promise I made you... only
                                                                                                                marrying Komei if you both have
                                                                                                                the want locked in?
                                                                                                             *gasps* „You wouldn't!“
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                                                                                                             Actually... no. I wouldn't.
                                                                                                             „I'd never talk to you again if you
                                                                                                             I know. And see? I haven't
                                                                                                                 forgotten everything. So go on.
                                                                                                                 Let's recap. And after that you
                                                                                                                 can tell me everything about
                                                                                                                 yesterday. Deal?
                                                                                                             „Deal. Pfff, me and getting
                                                                                                                 married, you're nuts.“
                                                                                                             „Alright, alright, recapping!“
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                                                                                                             „Well, you do remember Kaylar,
                                                                                                                right? My grandmother?“
                                                                                                             I do. I remember all your family,
                                                                                                                I'm just not so sure about who
                                                                                                                brought back what...
                                                                                                             „Well, Grandma Kaylar became
                                                                                                                Space Pirate and brought the
                                                                                                                Jumbok and Smart Milk back.
                                                                                                                And the using of career
                                                                                                             Oh, ok. That's good. Gotta love
                                                                                                                Smart Milk and the Jumbok.
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                                                                                                             „She married Grandpa Drake and
                                                                                                                he brought back energizers
                                                                                                                and all kinds of electronics
                                                                                                             Oh, he lifted Science?
                                                                                                             And then they had kids.
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                                                                                                                                                 „Yes, they had my Dad, Magellan.
                                                                                                                                                     And Aunt Marie. And then for
                                                                                                                                                     some reason Grandma Kaylar
                                                                                                                                                     was ok with another pregnancy
                                                                                                                                                     – no idea why she'd like that –
                                                                                                                                                     and they had twins, uncle
                                                                                                                                                     Möbius and Aunt Mendela!“
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                                                                                                                                                 I remember! Second generation
                                                                                                                                                     of an Apocalypse and four
                                                                                                                                                     kids! And all of them inherited
                                                                                                                                                     Drake's nine active points!
                                                                                                                                                 „We like to be active.“
                                                                                                                                                 Right. You got them, too!
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                                                                                                             Aww, Magellan. He was such a
                                                                                                                great heir. Did you know he
                                                                                                                volunteered? And he was the
                                                                                                                only Sim who could hear me,
                                                                                                                until he turned elder.
                                                                                                             „Dad volunteered? I didn't know
Yes. He was very determined to find out
                                                                                                                 what had caused this disaster and
                                                                                                                 why Sims no longer could hear me.
                                                                                                             „Well, he didn't find out about that but
                                                                                                                 he managed to clear the phone lines
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                                                                                                                 and internet. Meaning more job ads
                                                                                                                 on the computer and no more
                                                                                                                 waiting for tuesdays to call people.“
                                                                                                             Gotta love him for that!
                                                                                                             And he married Meadow.
                                                                                                             „Yeah. Mom. I'm still not on speaking
                                                                                                                 terms with her.“
                                                                                                             I remember... she wanted to become
                                                                                                                 Education Minister, but I had her top
                                                                                                                 Show Business first, right? (After
                                                                                                                 she messed up Paranormal)
                                                                                                                 Anyway, after that she was so
                                                                                                                 determined to fulfill her life's dream
                                                                                                                 that she didn't really care much for
                                                                                                                 you kids.
„No. Dad and his siblings raised
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                                                                                                                  us. That is, Kepler there and
                                                                                                                  me. And they made time to be
                                                                                                                  there for us, even though Aunt
                                                                                                                  Marie made Education Minister
                                                                                                                  – before Mom, ha! - and
                                                                                                                  installed a high school, Aunt
                                                                                                                  Mendela cleared the roads...“
                                                                                                             Military lift? Great!
                                                                                                             „... and Uncle Möbius brought
                                                                                                                  back showers!“
                                                                                                             Which Kepler obviously loved!
                                                                                                             „Hehe, yeah, especially he did.
                                                                                                                  Though, actually we all do.“
But Kepler and you weren't the
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                                                                                                                only children in generation
                                                                                                             „No. Can you believe Mom? After
                                                                                                                already having two kids she
                                                                                                                hardly even knew she got
                                                                                                                pregnant once again. And
                                                                                                                what happened?“
                                                                                                             She had twins. Yes, I do
                                                                                                                remember that very well!
                                                                                                             „She didn't really care about
                                                                                                                them, either.“
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                                                                                                             „But Baily and Hawking were
                                                                                                                 raised very well without her!“
                                                                                                             I know. You and Kepler were
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                                                                                                                 great bigger siblings.
                                                                                                             Oh, I remember the headache
                                                                                                                 those two gave me... being
                                                                                                                 very hungry all the time...
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                                                                                                             „Oh, they were. We stuffed them
                                                                                                               with lots o' hamburgers and
                                                                                                               there were only very few
                                                                                                               snowdays. So they grew up
                                                                                                               happy and healthy. Baily is
                                                                                                               working on bringing back
                                                                                                               music and Hawking went into
                                                                                                             Oh, that's great. It would be nice
                                                                                                               to be able to expand the house
                                                                                                               a bit further. We're running out
                                                                                                               of floors here.
„Shortly after that picture of the two of
                                                                                                                them was taken, I had my first
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                                                                                                             „Yes. Isn't he a cute baby? Awww, he
                                                                                                                was so cudly and had that certain
                                                                                                                baby smell...“
                                                                                                             Oh, Braille, you're a Romance Sim,
                                                                                                             „Psh, of course. I still haven't rolled
                                                                                                                the want to get married to his
                                                                                                                father, have I?“
                                                                                                             True. And I promised you, you would
                                                                                                                have to get married unless you did.
                                                                                                             „Yeah, if Mom thought so, too... she
                                                                                                                actually had the nerve to ask
                                                                                                                Komei to move in – without asking
                                                                                                                me first! – so I could marry him and
                                                                                                                no longer disgrace my family, as
                                                                                                                she put it.“
„Turned out that Komei wasn't the type
                                                                                                                for marriage, either, so we just, well,
                                                                                                                got along great in our way.“
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                                                                                                             No more details, please!
                                                                                                             „Ha, that was always a good way to
                                                                                                                scare you away!“
                                                                                                             Pffft. Back to career lifts, please.
                                                                                                             „How boring... ok. I topped Athletics as I
                                                                                                                always wanted and Komei managed
                                                                                                                to top Paranormal. He didn't fail like
                                                                                                             Well, I guess new hairstyles and clothes
                                                                                                                are great, too. Not to mention dates
                                                                                                                and outings.
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                                                                                                             „Yeah, everything could have
                                                                                                                been great, but then...“
                                                                                                             The zombie chick! I remember,
                                                                                                                she turned up one day and
                                                                                                                threatened the family!
                                                                                                             „Yeah... that was scary, I'll admit
                                                                                                             You showed her not to mess with
                                                                                                                you, though.
„Yes. But she made strange hints
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                                                                                                                about someone who wanted
                                                                                                                our family to fail, so I thought
                                                                                                                of a way to be able to protect
                                                                                                                my family.“
                                                                                                             And became a vampire.
                                                                                                             „Yes. At that point we didn't know
                                                                                                                that the Count was actually the
                                                                                                                one who sent the zombie
                                                                                                                chick... and that I was playing
                                                                                                                right into his hands by
                                                                                                                becoming, er,... allergic to
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                                                                                                             Although, it paid off, too.
                                                                                                             „Yes... actually, I only wanted one
                                                                                                                more child! Three at once were
                                                                                                                quite a handful! But I could
                                                                                                                easily care for Bayer, Fleming
                                                                                                                and Rouelle during the nights,
                                                                                                                so it was ok.“
                                                                                                             Family Sim in disguise, that's
                                                                                                                what you are.
                                                                                                             Sorry, sorry, taking it all back...
                                                                                                                still hot-headed, that one...

  Author's Note: Curse that glitch! But I do love
  the babies!
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                                                                                                                   They all grew into happy kidlets,
                                                                                                                      that's for sure.
                                                                                                                   „Yep. I'm very proud of them. But
                                                                                                                      it was tough sometimes, caring
                                                                                                                      for three tots and not
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                                                                                                                      neglecting my firstborn at the
                                                                                                                      same time.“
„And if that wasn't enough, Mum
                                                                                                                came back in our lives. Well, at
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                                                                                                                least she tried to. She moved in
                                                                                                                with Dad and Marie and tried to
                                                                                                                make friends with Baily and
                                                                                                                Hawking. After not caring for
                                                                                                                them their whole childhood! The
                                                                                                             And did they connect with her?
                                                                                                             „Well, there wasn't really much
                                                                                                                chance for talking because that
                                                                                                                was the day when things
                                                                                                                became really dangerous!“
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                                                                                                             „Oh indeed! The zombie chick
                                                                                                                attacked again. Well, she was
                                                                                                                a zombie-vampire chick now...
                                                                                                                and being a dead undead she
                                                                                                                could attack in daylight!“
                                                                                                             So that was the Count's plan! Oh,
                                                                                                                what a...
                                                                                                             „You say it, Voice! Even if I had
                                                                                                                been there I couldn't have
                                                                                                                helped them. I dread the day
                                                                                                                they come to this house and
                                                                                                                attack my family!“
                                                                                                             Me, too, Braille, me too. But Baily
                                                                                                                and Hawking are ok, yes?
„Yes, they are. Thanks to her.“
                                                                                                             Uh, Braille, she looks like...
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                                                                                                             „She's not grandma. Apparently
                                                                                                                she is her twin sister. And she's
                                                                                                                been watching over us the
                                                                                                                whole time.“
                                                                                                             And she's a...
                                                                                                             „Yep, she's a zombie, too. But a
                                                                                                                nice one.“
                                                                                                             Oh. Ok. If you say so.
                                                                                                             „Trust me, Voice. Kaya is ok. She
                                                                                                                seems to know more about what
                                                                                                                is going on.“
                                                                                                             Oh. Good! Did she tell you?
„Not everything. The most important
                                                                                                                 thing is that we keep working to
                                                                                                                 restore the order in Death Valley,
                                                                                                                 she said. Oh, and she told me
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                                                                                                                 one very encouraging thing, too!“
                                                                                                             Oh, what's that?
                                                                                                             „The Count is going to attack
                                                                                                             Not what I'd call encouraging,
                                                                                                             „Will you listen to me? Sheesh. She
                                                                                                                 said, the Count is going to attack
                                                                                                                 again, but he can only do so once
                                                                                                                 per generation.“
                                                                                                             Now that's good news!
                                                                                                             „It seems his... minions aren't so
                                                                                                                 invincible after all. They don't die
                                                                                                                 in the sun, but they need a long
                                                                                                                 time to recover.“
                                                                                                             That's really good news!
„... Voice?“
                                                                                                             Yes, Braille?
                                                                                                             „She said one more thing.“
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                                                                                                             At what's that?
                                                                                                             „She said: 'The girl that brings
                                                                                                                  green into the family will save
                                                                                                             Any ideas what she could mean?“
                                                                                                             Um... not right now. Bring green
                                                                                                                  into the family... bringing back
                                                                                                                  plants, maybe?
                                                                                                             „Sounds probable.“
                                                                                                             Well, to bring back the plants we's
                                                                                                                  need to lift Natural Science
                                                                                                                  and to do so, we need a
                                                                                                                  college student... and a girl,
                                                                                                                  obviously. Which brings us to
                                                                                                                  another matter...
„Bleh! My children are only kids! You
                                                                                                                  don't want to discuss heirship right
                                                                                                             Well, if we take what Kaya said
                                                                                                                  seriously... you only had one girl,
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                                                                                                              „I said Bleh, Voice! I'm not sending any
                                                                                                                  of my children to college, anyway.
                                                                                                                  It's way too dangerous!“
                                                                                                             But we need Natural...
                                                                                                             „Pssh! The spouse can do that. Komeii
                                                                                                                  knows enough college students! My
                                                                                                                  children stay where I can protect
                                                                                                             Alright, alright, Braille! Woah! I suppose
                                                                                                                  I don't have a say in this matter.
                                                                                                             „No, you don't. They are my children,
                                                                                                                  after all. Bleh“
                                                                                                              Alright. No need for any more bleh-ing I
                                                                                                                  guess your way is just fine, too.
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                                                                                                             “Of course it is.“
                                                                                                             So that's settled. Now let's go
                                                                                                                 back to raising these kidlets of
                                                                                                                 yours, what do you say?
                                                                                                             „I say – you could change the
                                                                                                                 diapers for once.“
                                                                                                             Heh – I would if I could, Braille. I
                                                                                                                 would if I could.
No cliffhanger this time! Well, almost.

So there I am back again with my Apocalypse family. Some good news,
  some mysterious hints and a bit of memory helper.
The girl that brings the green into the family... I wonder who that is going to

And of course, when will the Count and his minions attack again? We'll have
  a bit of peace for a while, but for how long?

And not to forget - restrictions… are Baily and Hawking going to lift some?
  And which ones?

Everyone who came back to read this after such a long break – thank you.
  And if you just discovered this story and read it – thank you as well. I
  hope you enjoyed this little chapter.
What else?
After a year, I still can‘t decide on a heir for the next generation…
Fun Facts:
Uh. Since not much actually happened this chapter, I have none. But oh
  well. Next time for sure!
And The End once again!

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Modern Radio Frequency Access Control Systems: The Key to Efficiency and SafetyModern Radio Frequency Access Control Systems: The Key to Efficiency and Safety
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Apocalypse In Death Valley - Recap

  • 1. Apocalypse in Death Valley Back on Track – With Recap file:///D:/Eigene Dateien D/Sims Stories/Death Valley Apocalypse pics/Recap/snapshot_d4215251_d76c57f1.jpg
  • 2. Hello and welcome, my dear readers. That is, if there's anyone out there still interested in a story that hasn't been updated for a year and a half. I'm back on track in my RL after such a long time and finally I'm back to Sims 2 as well. After reinstalling my computer twice during this time I still have my Sims 2 files and reinstalled the game just a week ago... and there they were. My dear Apocalypse family, all happy and healthy. For an Apocalypse, of course. I'd really love to go back and play and finish the challenge (and my story), but I realized I can't very well just hop in and continue – I've forgotten so many rules! Luckily I've found my notes and went through them and the rules so I'm a bit better prepared already. But I have to go through everything what happened already to get it all back together... and I thought maybe someone else would enjoy a little recap. Off we go then! =>
  • 3. So, this is Braille. Second file:///D:/Eigene Dateien D/Sims Stories/Death Valley Apocalypse pics/Recap/snapshot_d4215251_f4bf6747.jpg generation heir, Romance Sim and current head of the family. The only Sim that can hear me right now. That's right. Something very odd prevents my normal communication with my Sims. So far, only one Sim per generation could hear me and Braille and I have no idea why. That's one thing we were trying to figure out before I had to go away...
  • 4. file:///D:/Eigene Dateien D/Sims Stories/Death Valley Apocalypse pics/Recap/snapshot_d4215251_34bf678e.jpg Oi! Braille! Braille! I'm back! „Oh, heya Voice. Good you're back, I wanted to talk to you about yesterday...“ Uh, Braille? I have something to talk about with you, too.... See, what you think was yesterday actually happened over a year ago. Real time, not Sim time.
  • 5. file:///D:/Eigene Dateien D/Sims Stories/Death Valley Apocalypse pics/Recap/snapshot_d4215251_34bf6782.jpg „Hu? What? What's that supposed to mean?“ Well, I had to leave you for a while. See, some very important things with my own family going on. I'm sorry.
  • 6. Braille? You're not going to stop talking to me again, are you? „Um...“ Look, I'm back. I'm sorry I file:///D:/Eigene Dateien D/Sims Stories/Death Valley Apocalypse pics/Recap/snapshot_d4215251_f4bf6765.jpg neglected you guys but I saved your files twice when my computer needed a new setup and I'm back now! We can solve this mystery, we can... „Hey, hey! Stop babbling, Voice. Everything's fine.“ It is? „Yeah... we all enjoyed the time off.“ Phew, I'm glad... wait, time off? „Sure.“ But... I thought you wouldn't even notice since time doesn't pass for you when I'm not playing...
  • 7. „Do you really know what's going on on your computer when you turn it off?“ file:///D:/Eigene Dateien D/Sims Stories/Death Valley Apocalypse pics/Recap/snapshot_d4215251_34bf678e.jpg I thought I did... „Let's get back to the important stuff... you're back? Yep! „And... you still want to find out who is behind all this and way?“ I sure do! „Not leaving again?“ I swear! „Then let's not waste any more time““ Somehow, this talk totally didn't take the turn I thought it would... „You do owe me something, of course. Big time.“ I guess that's only fair.
  • 8. „So... about yesterday.“ Braille, wait. „Now what?“ file:///D:/Eigene Dateien D/Sims Stories/Death Valley Apocalypse pics/Recap/snapshot_d4215251_74bf67a0.jpg Well, I have to admit that after such a long time... could you quickly bring me up to date with your family story? As to who accomplished what? „You mean you forgot?“ Um... yeah. Sorry. „Shesh, maybe I should do this thing on my own...“ Hey! I helped you a lot in the past, too! „Yeah, but you forgot that! Hehe.“ Now, Braille! I could also forget about the promise I made you... only marrying Komei if you both have the want locked in? *gasps* „You wouldn't!“
  • 9. file:///D:/Eigene Dateien D/Sims Stories/Death Valley Apocalypse pics/Recap/snapshot_d4215251_f4bf6797.jpg Actually... no. I wouldn't. „I'd never talk to you again if you did!“ I know. And see? I haven't forgotten everything. So go on. Let's recap. And after that you can tell me everything about yesterday. Deal? „Deal. Pfff, me and getting married, you're nuts.“ Braille! „Alright, alright, recapping!“
  • 10. file:///D:/Eigene Dateien D/Sims Stories/Death Valley Apocalypse pics/Recap/snapshot_f42380db_34215f55.jpg „Well, you do remember Kaylar, right? My grandmother?“ I do. I remember all your family, I'm just not so sure about who brought back what... „Well, Grandma Kaylar became Space Pirate and brought the Jumbok and Smart Milk back. And the using of career rewards.“ Oh, ok. That's good. Gotta love Smart Milk and the Jumbok.
  • 11. file:///D:/Eigene Dateien D/Sims Stories/Death Valley Apocalypse pics/Recap/snapshot_d4215251_d423899c.jpg „She married Grandpa Drake and he brought back energizers and all kinds of electronics stuff.“ Oh, he lifted Science? „Yep.“ And then they had kids.
  • 12. file:///D:/Eigene Dateien D/Sims Stories/Death Valley Apocalypse pics/Recap/snapshot_d4215251_b429d8db.jpg „Yes, they had my Dad, Magellan. And Aunt Marie. And then for some reason Grandma Kaylar was ok with another pregnancy – no idea why she'd like that – and they had twins, uncle Möbius and Aunt Mendela!“ file:///C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/Kathi/Eigene Dateien/EA Games/The Sims 2/Neighborhoods/N005/Storytelling/snapshot_d4215251_942382fb.jpg I remember! Second generation of an Apocalypse and four kids! And all of them inherited Drake's nine active points! „We like to be active.“ Right. You got them, too!
  • 13. file:///D:/Eigene Dateien D/Sims Stories/Death Valley Apocalypse pics/Recap/snapshot_d4215251_3429e045.jpg Aww, Magellan. He was such a great heir. Did you know he volunteered? And he was the only Sim who could hear me, until he turned elder. „Dad volunteered? I didn't know that.“
  • 14. Yes. He was very determined to find out what had caused this disaster and why Sims no longer could hear me. „Well, he didn't find out about that but he managed to clear the phone lines file:///D:/Eigene Dateien D/Sims Stories/Death Valley Apocalypse pics/Recap/snapshot_d4215251_d42bfdca.jpg and internet. Meaning more job ads on the computer and no more waiting for tuesdays to call people.“ Gotta love him for that! And he married Meadow. „Yeah. Mom. I'm still not on speaking terms with her.“ I remember... she wanted to become Education Minister, but I had her top Show Business first, right? (After she messed up Paranormal) Anyway, after that she was so determined to fulfill her life's dream that she didn't really care much for you kids.
  • 15. „No. Dad and his siblings raised file:///D:/Eigene Dateien D/Sims Stories/Death Valley Apocalypse pics/Recap/snapshot_d4215251_f4426615.jpg us. That is, Kepler there and me. And they made time to be there for us, even though Aunt Marie made Education Minister – before Mom, ha! - and installed a high school, Aunt Mendela cleared the roads...“ Military lift? Great! „... and Uncle Möbius brought back showers!“ Which Kepler obviously loved! „Hehe, yeah, especially he did. Though, actually we all do.“
  • 16. But Kepler and you weren't the file:///D:/Eigene Dateien D/Sims Stories/Death Valley Apocalypse pics/Recap/snapshot_d4215251_d45180eb.jpg only children in generation three. „No. Can you believe Mom? After already having two kids she hardly even knew she got pregnant once again. And what happened?“ She had twins. Yes, I do remember that very well! „She didn't really care about them, either.“
  • 17. file:///D:/Eigene Dateien D/Sims Stories/Death Valley Apocalypse pics/Recap/snapshot_d4215251_b456093e.jpg „But Baily and Hawking were raised very well without her!“ I know. You and Kepler were file:///D:/Eigene Dateien D/Sims Stories/Death Valley Apocalypse pics/Recap/snapshot_d4215251_b45609d7.jpg great bigger siblings. Oh, I remember the headache those two gave me... being very hungry all the time...
  • 18. file:///D:/Eigene Dateien D/Sims Stories/Death Valley Apocalypse pics/Recap/snapshot_d4215251_9458355c.jpg „Oh, they were. We stuffed them with lots o' hamburgers and there were only very few snowdays. So they grew up happy and healthy. Baily is working on bringing back music and Hawking went into Politics.“ Oh, that's great. It would be nice to be able to expand the house a bit further. We're running out of floors here.
  • 19. „Shortly after that picture of the two of them was taken, I had my first son.“ file:///D:/Eigene Dateien D/Sims Stories/Death Valley Apocalypse pics/Recap/snapshot_d4215251_34681cb8.jpg Diesel! „Yes. Isn't he a cute baby? Awww, he was so cudly and had that certain baby smell...“ Oh, Braille, you're a Romance Sim, remember? „Psh, of course. I still haven't rolled the want to get married to his father, have I?“ True. And I promised you, you would have to get married unless you did. „Yeah, if Mom thought so, too... she actually had the nerve to ask Komei to move in – without asking me first! – so I could marry him and no longer disgrace my family, as she put it.“
  • 20. „Turned out that Komei wasn't the type for marriage, either, so we just, well, got along great in our way.“ file:///D:/Eigene Dateien D/Sims Stories/Death Valley Apocalypse pics/Recap/snapshot_d4215251_b45841d8.jpg No more details, please! „Ha, that was always a good way to scare you away!“ Pffft. Back to career lifts, please. „How boring... ok. I topped Athletics as I always wanted and Komei managed to top Paranormal. He didn't fail like Mum.“ Well, I guess new hairstyles and clothes are great, too. Not to mention dates and outings.
  • 21. file:///D:/Eigene Dateien D/Sims Stories/Death Valley Apocalypse pics/Recap/snapshot_d4215251_f474044e.jpg „Yeah, everything could have been great, but then...“ The zombie chick! I remember, she turned up one day and threatened the family! „Yeah... that was scary, I'll admit that.“ You showed her not to mess with you, though.
  • 22. „Yes. But she made strange hints file:///D:/Eigene Dateien D/Sims Stories/Death Valley Apocalypse pics/Recap/snapshot_d4215251_348e334f.jpg about someone who wanted our family to fail, so I thought of a way to be able to protect my family.“ And became a vampire. „Yes. At that point we didn't know that the Count was actually the one who sent the zombie chick... and that I was playing right into his hands by becoming, er,... allergic to sunlight.“
  • 23. file:///D:/Eigene Dateien D/Sims Stories/Death Valley Apocalypse pics/Recap/snapshot_d4215251_548eb00e.jpg Although, it paid off, too. „Yes... actually, I only wanted one more child! Three at once were quite a handful! But I could easily care for Bayer, Fleming and Rouelle during the nights, so it was ok.“ Family Sim in disguise, that's what you are. *glares* Sorry, sorry, taking it all back... still hot-headed, that one... Author's Note: Curse that glitch! But I do love the babies!
  • 24. file:///D:/Eigene Dateien D/Sims Stories/Death Valley Apocalypse pics/Kapitel 4.1/snapshot_d4215251_54ab908e.jpg They all grew into happy kidlets, that's for sure. „Yep. I'm very proud of them. But it was tough sometimes, caring for three tots and not file:///D:/Eigene Dateien D/Sims Stories/Death Valley Apocalypse pics/Kapitel 4.1/snapshot_d4215251_94ac6c75.jpg neglecting my firstborn at the same time.“
  • 25. „And if that wasn't enough, Mum came back in our lives. Well, at file:///D:/Eigene Dateien D/Sims Stories/Death Valley Apocalypse pics/Recap/snapshot_9457fbb9_94b9ac0f.jpg least she tried to. She moved in with Dad and Marie and tried to make friends with Baily and Hawking. After not caring for them their whole childhood! The nerve!“ And did they connect with her? „Well, there wasn't really much chance for talking because that was the day when things became really dangerous!“ Oh!
  • 26. file:///D:/Eigene Dateien D/Sims Stories/Death Valley Apocalypse pics/Recap/snapshot_9457fbb9_54b9af50.jpg „Oh indeed! The zombie chick attacked again. Well, she was a zombie-vampire chick now... and being a dead undead she could attack in daylight!“ So that was the Count's plan! Oh, what a... „You say it, Voice! Even if I had been there I couldn't have helped them. I dread the day they come to this house and attack my family!“ Me, too, Braille, me too. But Baily and Hawking are ok, yes?
  • 27. „Yes, they are. Thanks to her.“ Uh, Braille, she looks like... file:///D:/Eigene Dateien D/Sims Stories/Death Valley Apocalypse pics/Recap/snapshot_9457fbb9_d4b9b0b6.jpg „She's not grandma. Apparently she is her twin sister. And she's been watching over us the whole time.“ And she's a... „Yep, she's a zombie, too. But a nice one.“ Oh. Ok. If you say so. „Trust me, Voice. Kaya is ok. She seems to know more about what is going on.“ Oh. Good! Did she tell you?
  • 28. „Not everything. The most important thing is that we keep working to restore the order in Death Valley, she said. Oh, and she told me file:///D:/Eigene Dateien D/Sims Stories/Death Valley Apocalypse pics/Recap/snapshot_9457fbb9_9753abce.jpg one very encouraging thing, too!“ Oh, what's that? „The Count is going to attack again...“ Not what I'd call encouraging, Braille... „Will you listen to me? Sheesh. She said, the Count is going to attack again, but he can only do so once per generation.“ Now that's good news! „It seems his... minions aren't so invincible after all. They don't die in the sun, but they need a long time to recover.“ That's really good news!
  • 29. „... Voice?“ Yes, Braille? „She said one more thing.“ file:///D:/Eigene Dateien D/Sims Stories/Death Valley Apocalypse pics/Recap/snapshot_9457fbb9_9753abd5.jpg At what's that? „She said: 'The girl that brings green into the family will save it.' Any ideas what she could mean?“ Um... not right now. Bring green into the family... bringing back plants, maybe? „Sounds probable.“ Well, to bring back the plants we's need to lift Natural Science and to do so, we need a college student... and a girl, obviously. Which brings us to another matter...
  • 30. „Bleh! My children are only kids! You don't want to discuss heirship right now!“ Well, if we take what Kaya said seriously... you only had one girl, file:///D:/Eigene Dateien D/Sims Stories/Death Valley Apocalypse pics/Recap/snapshot_d4215251_d76c57f1.jpg Braille. „I said Bleh, Voice! I'm not sending any of my children to college, anyway. It's way too dangerous!“ But we need Natural... „Pssh! The spouse can do that. Komeii knows enough college students! My children stay where I can protect them!“ Alright, alright, Braille! Woah! I suppose I don't have a say in this matter. „No, you don't. They are my children, after all. Bleh“ Alright. No need for any more bleh-ing I guess your way is just fine, too.
  • 31. file:///D:/Eigene Dateien D/Sims Stories/Death Valley Apocalypse pics/Recap/snapshot_d4215251_b76c5847.jpg “Of course it is.“ So that's settled. Now let's go back to raising these kidlets of yours, what do you say? „I say – you could change the diapers for once.“ Heh – I would if I could, Braille. I would if I could.
  • 32. No cliffhanger this time! Well, almost. So there I am back again with my Apocalypse family. Some good news, some mysterious hints and a bit of memory helper. The girl that brings the green into the family... I wonder who that is going to be. And of course, when will the Count and his minions attack again? We'll have a bit of peace for a while, but for how long? And not to forget - restrictions… are Baily and Hawking going to lift some? And which ones? Everyone who came back to read this after such a long break – thank you. And if you just discovered this story and read it – thank you as well. I hope you enjoyed this little chapter.
  • 33. What else? After a year, I still can‘t decide on a heir for the next generation…
  • 34. Fun Facts: Uh. Since not much actually happened this chapter, I have none. But oh well. Next time for sure!
  • 35. And The End once again!