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A S S E S S M E N T O F L E A R N I N G 1
The assessment tools of teacher-made
test are divided into;
There are two main types of Objective Tests.
These are the;
• Recall Type
• Recognition Type
The recall type is categorized into (1) simple
recall and (2) completion.
Objective Test
The recognition type is categorized into :
(1) alternative response; (2) multiple-choice;
(3)matching type; (4) rearrangement; (5)
analogy; and (6) identification.
Objective Test
• Recall Type
• Simple-Recall Type
This type of test is the easiest to construct among the
objective type of test because the item appears as a
direct question, a sentence, word, or phrase or even a
specific direction. The response requires the examinee
to recall previously learned lessons and the answers are
usually short consisting of either word or phrase.
This test is applicable in mathematics and
natural science subjects like biology,
chemistry, and physics where the stimulus
appears in a form of a problem that requires
• The test items must be worded that the response
is brief as possible, preferably a single word,
number, symbol, or a brief phrase. This objectifies
and facilitates scoring.
• The direct question is preferable than the
statement form. It is easier to phrase and more
natural to the examinees.
Rules and Suggestions for the Construction of
Simple-Recall Type
• The blanks for their responses must be in a
column preferably at the right column of the
items. This arrangements facilitates scoring
and is more convenient to the examinees
because they do not have to turn their neck to
go back to the left column to write their
answer before the item.
Rules and Suggestions for the Construction of
Simple-Recall Type
It is obsolete, though, this arrangement has been
practice for more than a century. The right
column response arrangement is more
convenient because the examinees write their
response directly to the right column.
Rules and Suggestions for the Construction of
Simple-Recall Type
• The question must be so worded that there is only
one correct response. Whenever this is impossible,
all acceptable answers must be included in the
scoring key.
• Make a minimum use of textbook language in
wording the question. Unfamiliar phrasing reduces
the possibility of correct responses that represent
more meaningless verbal associations.
Rules and Suggestions for the Construction of
Simple-Recall Type
Sample Test Items of Simple-Recall
Convert the following:
1. 5 meters to centimeters 1. 500 cm
2. 7 liters to milliliters 2. 7 ml
3. 8 grams to milligrams 3. 8 000 mg
4. 32 degrees Fahrenheit to degrees Centigrade 4. 0 c
5. 9 kilowatts to watts 5. 9 000 w
6. 18 000 grams to kilograms 6. 18 kg
7. 100 degrees Centigrade to degrees Fahrenheit 7. 212 F
8. 900 centimeters to meters 8. 9 m
9. 15 kilometers to meters 9. 15 000 m
10. If four kilograms of ripe mangoes cost 240.00, 10. 720.00
how much is the total cost of 12 kilograms ripe mangoes?
• Recall Type
2. Completion Test
This test consist of a series of items that requires
the examinee to fill the blank with the missing word
or phrase to complete a statement. A test item may
contain one or more blanks. This type of test is also
called Fill in the blank.
• Give the student a reasonable basis for the
responses desired. Avoid indefinite statements.
Example: Jose Rizal was born in
The statement is indefinite or vague because the
response is either date or place of birth.
*Avoid over mutilated statements.
Rules and Suggestions for the Construction of
Completion Test
*Avoid over mutilated statements.
Example: The is obtained by dividing the by
the .
The previous example is confusing because it does not
indicate whether the statement refers to Statistics or
to a Mathematical procedure.
Rules and Suggestions for the Construction of
Completion Test
Improved Form:
The mean is obtained by dividing the (1) by the
(2) .
1. Sum of scores
2. Number of cases
Rules and Suggestions for the Construction of
Completion Test
2. Avoid giving the examinee unwarranted clues
to the desired response.
There are several ways in which clues are often
carelessly given. The following suggestions may
help prevent common errors in constructing
completion test.
Rules and Suggestions for the Construction of
Completion Test
a. Avoid lifting statements directly from the book.
b. Omit only key words or phrases rather than
trivial details.
c. Whenever possible avoid “a” or “an” before a
blank this articles give a clue of whether a
response start with consonant or a vowel.
Rules and Suggestions for the Construction of
Completion Test
d. Do not indicate the expected response by varying
the length of blank or by using a dot for each letter in
the correct word.
e. Guard against the possibility that one item or part of
the test may suggest the correct response to another
f. Avoid giving grammatical clues to the expected
Rules and Suggestions for the Construction of
Completion Test
3. Arrange the test so as to facilitate scoring.
a. Allow one point for each blank correctly filled. Avoid
fractional credits or unequal weighing of items in a test.
b. Select the items to which only one correct response is
c. Arrange the items in a way that the examinees responses
are in the right column of the sentence.
Rules and Suggestions for the Construction of
Completion Test
1. The father of Educational measurement is . 1. Thorndike
2. The country noted as first leader of 2. France
abnormal psychology is .
3. Intelligence quotient is obtained by 3. Mental Age
dividing the by the chronological age.
4. The country wherein first psychological 4. Germany
laboratory was established is .
5. A German psychologist who was the 5. Ebbinghaus
founder of quantitative study of memory is .
Rules and Suggestions for the Construction of
Completion Test
d. Scoring is more rapid if the blanks are
numbered and the examinee is directed to write
his answer in the appropriate numbered blanks.
e. Prepare a scoring key by writing on another
sheet of test paper all acceptable answer.
Rules and Suggestions for the Construction of
Completion Test
Direction: Fill in the blank the correct word or phrase. Write
your answer at the right column blank.
1. The Philippine national hero is 1. Jose Rizal
2. The Philippine national fish is 2. Milkfish
3. The Philippine national flower is 3. Sampaguita
4. The Philippine national fruit is 4. Mango
5. The Philippine national leaf is 5. Anahaw
Sample Test Items for Completion Test
• Recognition Type
There are six kinds of recognition type test. These are ;
• Alternative response
• Multiple choice
• Matching type
• Analogy
• Rearrangement; and
• Identification
• Recognition Type
• Alternative Response
- This test consist of a series of items where it
admits only one correct response for each item from
two or three constant options to be chosen. This type is
commonly used in classroom testing, particularly, the
two-constant alternative type, namely, true-false type or
yes-no type.
• Recognition Type
Other types of constant alternative-response test are:
three constant alternative type, i.e., true-false, doubtful;
and constant alternative with correction, i.e., modified
true-false type.
1. The test must be arrange in groups of five to facilitate scoring. The
groups must be separated by two single spaces and the items
within a group by a single space.
2. In indicating response, it must be as simple as possible where
single letter is enough to facilitate scoring, for instance, T for True
and F for False, or X for True and O for False. It would be better if
responses be place in one column at the right margin to facilitate
Suggestions for the Construction of True-False
3. The use of similar statements from the book must
be avoided to minimize rote memory in studying.
4. The items must be carefully constructed so that the
language is within the level of the examinees, hence,
flowery statements should be avoided.
5. Specific determiners like “all” “always” “none” “never”
“not” “nothing” and “no” are more likely to be false and
should be avoided.
Suggestions for the Construction of True-False
6. Determiners such as “may” “some” “seldom”
“sometimes” “usually” and “often” are more likely to be
true, hence, the said determiners must be avoided
because they give indirect suggestion to probable
7. Qualitative terms like “few” “many” “great” “frequent”
and “large” are vague and indefinite and they must be
Suggestions for the Construction of True-False
8. Statements which are partly right and partly
wrong must be avoided.
9. Statements must be strongly considered that
they represent either true or false.
10. Ambiguous and double negative statements
must be avoided.
Suggestions for the Construction of True-False
Direction: Write X if the statement is True, and
O if false. Write your answer at the right column blank.
Consider your answers carefully; this is right minus
1. Valid test is always valid 1. X
2. Reliable test is always valid 2. O
3. Validity is veracity of response 3. X
4. Reliability means the degree to which test 4. O
measures what is intended to measure.
5. Construct validity is commonly used in 5. O
Achievement test.
• Recognition Type
• Multiple-choice Test
- This test is made up of items which consists of
three or more plausible options for each item. The
choices are multiple so that the examinees may choose
only one correct or best option for each item.
• Recognition Type
The multiple choice is regarded as one of the best test forms
in testing outcomes. This test form is most valuable and
widely used in standardized test due to its flexibility and
objectivity in terms scoring, For teacher-made test it is
applicable in testing the vocabulary , reading comprehension,
relationship, interpretation of graphs, formulae, tables, and in
drawing of inferences from a set of data.
1. Statements borrowed from the textbook or
reference book must be avoided. Use unfamiliar
phrasing to test the comprehension of students.
2. All options must be plausible with each other to let
the students attract the distractors or incorrect
responses where only those with high intellectual
level can get the correct answer.
Suggestions for the Construction of Multiple-
Choice Test
3. All options must be grammatically consistent. For
instance, if the stem is singular, the option are also
4. Articles “a” and “an” are avoided as last word in an
incomplete sentence. These articles give students
clues that are probable answer starts with a consonant
or vowel.
Suggestions for the Construction of Multiple-
Choice Test
5. Four or more options must be included in each item
to minimize guessing.
6. The order of correct answer in all items must be
randomly arranged rather than following a regular
7. A uniform number of options must be used in all
items. For instance, if there are four options in item 1,
the rest of the items must also have four options.
Suggestions for the Construction of Multiple-
Choice Test
8. The correct option must be of the same length with the
distractors or wrong answers.
9. Homogeneity of the options must be increased in order for
the examinee to choose the correct option by using logical
10. The simplest method of indicating a response must be
used to facilitate scoring. For instance, the options in each
item are numbered or lettered, Hence, the choice is either a
number or a letter.
Suggestions for the Construction of Multiple-
Choice Test
Multiple-choice has five varieties.
These are: (1) Stem-and-options variety, (2)
setting-and-options variety, (3) group-term variety,
(4) structured-response variety, and the (5)
contained-options variety.
Kinds of Multiple-Choice
1. Stem-and-options variety
This variety is most commonly used in
classroom testing, board examinations, civil
service examinations, and many others. The stem
serves as the problem and followed by four more
plausible options in which examinees choose the
best option or correct answer.
Kinds of Multiple-Choice
2. Setting-and-options variety
The optional responses to this type of
multiple choice test is dependent upon a setting
of foundation of some sort. A setting can be a
form of sentence , paragraph, graph, equation,
picture or some forms of representation.
Kinds of Multiple-Choice
3. Group-term variety
This variety consists of group of
words or terms in which one does not
belong to the group.
Kinds of Multiple-Choice
4. Structured-response variety
This variety makes use of structured response
which are commonly used in natural science
classroom testing. For instance, directly, indirectly,
and no way. This is to test how good the
examinees in determining statements which are
related to each other.
Kinds of Multiple-Choice
5. Contained-options variety
This variety is designed to identify
errors in a word, phrase, or sentence in
a paragraph.
Kinds of Multiple-Choice
• Recognition Type
• Matching type
Matching type consists of two columns in which proper
pairing relationship of two things is strictly observed. For
instance, Column A is to be matched with Column B.
In balanced matching type , the number of items are equal to
the number of options. For example, there are 15 items in
Column A, Column B should also have 15 items.
• Recognition Type
• Matching type
In unbalanced matching type, there is unequal number of
items and number of options. There are less number of
items than number of options. For instance, if there are
10 items in Column A, there should be more than 10
items in Column B.
1. Using heterogeneous materials must be avoided. Only
homogeneous materials are used. For example in item 1,
the answer is date, hence, all the answers must be dates.
If dates are used, use only dates. No combination of
dates and events, persons and dates, terms and person
and the like.
2. Unbalanced matching type is preferable wherein there
are more options than items to minimize the guessing
Suggestions for the Construction of Matching
3. Each category must be grammatically consistent.
4. All options including distractors or wrong responses are plausible or
closely related with each other.
5. The item column or Column A must be placed at the left and option
column of Column B must be placed at the right.
6. Option column must be arranged in alphabetical order, if dates in
chronological order, to facilitate the selection of correct answer. To
facilitate the examinees not to read all the options.
Suggestions for the Construction of Matching
7. There must be only one correct response in each item.
8. Be sure each item has a pair in the option column.
9. The ideal number of item is 5 to 10 and maximum of 15.
10.All items and options must appear in one page to avoid
waste of time and energy in turning the pages.
Suggestions for the Construction of Matching
• Recognition Type
• Rearrangement type
Rearrangement type consists of multiple-option
where it requires a chronological, logical or rank
• Recognition Type
• Analogy
Analogy is a type of test which is made up of items
consisting of a pair of words related to each other. It is
designed to measure the ability of the examinee to
observe the relationship of the first word to the second
There are 15 kinds of relationship of analogy test and
these are;
• 15 kinds of relationship of analogy test
1. Purpose
2. Cause and Effect
3. Part-Whole
4. Part-Part
5. Action to Object
6. Object to Action
7. Synonym
8. Antonym
• 15 kinds of relationship of analogy test
9. Place
10. Degree
11. Characteristics
12. Sequence
13. Grammatical
14. Numerical
15. Association
1. The relationship of the first pair of word is equal to the
relationship of the second.
2. Distractors or incorrect responses must be plausible or
closely related to the correct answer to attract the
examinees to the incorrect response. The process of
obtaining the correct answer is by logical elimination.
Suggestions for the Construction of Analogy Type
of Test
3. All options must be constructed in parallel language.
4. All option must be grammatically consistent.
5. Four or more options in each item must be included to
minimize guessing. If using three options, correction
formula (Right minus one-half Wrong or R-W/2) is applied.
Suggestions for the Construction of Analogy Type
of Test
6. Only homogeneous relationship must be included in each
item. For instance, if sequence relationship is used in the
first pair, the second pair is also in sequence relationship.
Suggestions for the Construction of Analogy Type
of Test
• Recognition Type
• Identification type
This type of test require the examinees to
identify what is being defined in the statement or
sentence and there are no options to choose from.
1. Easy to correct score. As regards to ease in scoring yje test,
the objective test is easy to correct or score because it usually
requires short responses in each item. Responses may contain
a letter, number, word or phrase in each item.
2. Eliminates subjectivity. An objective test eliminates
subjectivity in scoring because responses are short and exact.
Advantages of Objective Type of Test
3. Adequate sampling. More items are included in objective test
wherein validity and reliability can be observed.
4. Objectivity in scoring. Objectivity in scoring this type of test
can be done easily because the answers are only short and only
one response is required in each item.
5. Eliminates bluffing. Bluffing is eliminated in objective type of
test because examinees choose only from the options provided.
Advantages of Objective Type of Test
6. Norms can be established. Due to adequate sampling of
objective type of test, norms can be established.
7. Saves time and energy in answering questions. Objective
type of test saves the examinees time and energy in answering
questions because it involves short statement and there are
options provided for them to choose their answers from.
Advantages of Objective Type of Test
1. Difficult to construct. Construction of objective test is difficult
because there are so many items involved.
2. Encourages cheating and guessing. Objective test encourages
cheating and guessing due to short response in each item.
Response can be a letter, a number, a word, or a phrase.
3. Time consuming. Because there are so many items in an
objective test, preparation of this kind of test is time consuming
on the part of the teacher.
Disadvantages of Objective Type of Test
4. Expensive. Due to adequate sampling of objective test, it is expensive
when it comes to duplicating the test materials because questions cannot
be written on the board. It is disadvantageous to schools with inadequate
duplicating facilities.
5. Encourages rote memorization. Objective test encourages rote
memorization rather than logical memorization since responses for each
item only involves a letter, a number, a word or a phrase. Examinees
abilities to think critically, express, organize, and reasoning are not fully
Disadvantages of Objective Type of Test
Essay test are assessment tools which consist of
specific question or problem wherein the examinees
respond in one or more sentences. It is widely
considered to measure students ability to think and
express their ideas critically within a certain period of
Essay Test
1. Essay test must be planned in advanced by the
teacher to have effective results.
2. Major aspects of the lesson must be framed in
preparing the questions of essay test, hence, careful
and even distribution of the lessons must be
Suggestions in Constructing Essay Test
3. After the test has been planned and questions have been
written tentatively, precautions on the causes of unreliability
must be taken.
4. In assembling the questions into its final form, the
yeacher must be careful that questions are phrased clearly
so that the scope of the question is clear to the students.
Suggestions in Constructing Essay Test
5. Time limit on the coverage of each question
must be considered to give students adequate
time to answer.
Suggestions in Constructing Essay Test
1. Easy to construct. Essay test is easy to construct
because only few items involved.
2. Economical. Essay test is economical because the
questions can be written on the board. It is also
economical to schools which lack the duplicating facilities
like computers, mimeographing machines, scanners,
printers and many others.
Advantages of Essay Test
3. Saves time and energy. It saves the time and energy of
classroom teacher in constructing the test because few number of
test items are involved.
4. Trains the core of organizing ideas. Essay test trains the
students to organized their ideas.
5. Minimize guessing. It minimizes guessing because the answer
is long wherein it involves a sentence or more.
Advantages of Essay Test
6. Develops critical thinking. Essay test develops the
students critical thinking in logical analysis , comparison,
discussion, and reorganization of facts.
7. Minimize cheating. Cheating is minimized in essay test
because the response is evaluated according to content and
form and the answer is long. It involves one or more
Advantages of Essay Test
8. Minimize rote memorization. Rote memorization is minimized
in essay test because the answer to the question needs logical
discussion, expression of ideas, analysis, and reasoning power.
9. Develops good study habits. Essay test develops good study
habits on the part of the students because studying the lessons
with comprehension and logical understanding is needed to easily
answer essay questions.
Advantages of Essay Test
10. Develops student’s ability to express their own
ideas. Essay test develops the students ability to express
their ideas, abilities, and reasoning power.
Advantages of Essay Test
1. Low validity. Essay test has low validity because it has
limited sample since there are only few items involved.
2. Low reliability. Essay test has low reliability because of
subjectivity in scoring. Teachers react favorably to test
papers of bright students and react unfavorably to weak
students test papers.
Disadvantages of Essay Test
3. Low practicability. Essay test is time consuming on the part of the
teacher in scoring the test and also time consuming on the part of the
students in answering the questions, hence, much time and energy are
4. Encourage bluffing. Essay test encourages the students to bluff their
response especially if the answer involves a paragraph or two. In return the
teacher gets tired in reading the answers and his reaction is either to react
favorably or unfavorably to the response.
Disadvantages of Essay Test
5. Difficult to correct or score. Essay test is difficult to
correct or score because the answer is too long to read.
6. Disadvantage to students with poor penmanship. It is
disadvantage to students with poor penmanship because
the teacher will have hard tie in reading the contents of his
Disadvantages of Essay Test
Objective and Essay tests as assessment tools are both
teacher-made. The steps in constructing teacher-made
assessment tools are as follows:
1. Planning the test. In planning the test, five
principle must be considered. These are as follows:
Steps in Constructing Teacher-Made Assessment
a. A careful statement of the philosophy of the school
and objectives of the particular subject must be
b. Adequate provisions for review must be made
taking into consideration the adequacy of facilities
and equipment.
Steps in Constructing Teacher-Made Assessment
c. The purpose of the test must be defined.If the
purpose of the test is for diagnosis, it nust reveal the
specific weaknesses of the students as basis for
remedial instruction. However, if the purpose is to
appraise the critical thinking and reasoning power, the
scores are to be usedfor classification and grouping.
Steps in Constructing Teacher-Made Assessment
d. The nature of the test must take into consideration
the condition under which it is to be administered. In
planning the test, such factors as age, experience of
the examinees, testing environment , ventilation, cost
of materials and duplicating facilities must be
Steps in Constructing Teacher-Made Assessment
e. Length of the test must be determined. The time
element by the purpose it is to serve.
2. Preparing the test. The rules and suggestions in
preparing the test are as follows:
Steps in Constructing Teacher-Made Assessment
a. The first draft of the test must be prepared as early
as possible.
b. The test must include more than one type of item.
Two or three types of objective test may be used to
minimize monotony on the part of the examinee.
Steps in Constructing Teacher-Made Assessment
c. The items are arranged in ascending order from
most easy to most difficult.
d. More items must be stated included on the first
draft of the test for possible inclusion on the final
draft. Items with less important must be deleted.
Steps in Constructing Teacher-Made Assessment
e. The first and final draft of the test must be revised
and refined.
f. The items must be stated in order that the whole
content functions in determining the answer rather
than a part of it.
Steps in Constructing Teacher-Made Assessment
g. The items of similar type must be placed together in the
same test.
h. A regular sequence in the pattern of response must be
avoided The order of response must be incidental rather
than a regular pattern.
i. The direction of the test must be brief, clear, and complete
to the examinees.
Steps in Constructing Teacher-Made Assessment
3. Reproducing the test. In reproducing the test , the
following must be considered:
a. To facilitate in reproducing the test, duplicating facilities
must be available in every institution.
b. Every school must be provided with facilitative staffs to
do the encoding, printing, scanning, and mimeographing
the test questions.
Steps in Constructing Teacher-Made Assessment
4. Administering the test. In the administration of the test,
the following must be observed:
a. The test must be administered in an environment
familiar to the examinees.
b. Examinees must be sit far apart, free from books and
Steps in Constructing Teacher-Made Assessment
c. Typographical errors must be corrected to the class
before the test begins.
d. It is not advisable to administer the test before and after
a holiday.
e. Give complete and clear directions before the test begins
and questions about the direction must not be entertained
while the test is ongoing.
Steps in Constructing Teacher-Made Assessment
f. The distribution of testing materials must be planned in
advance to save time and effort.
g. Entertain briefly questions raised while the test is going
h. In timing the test, the examiner must write on the board
the time the test has started, and the time it will end.
Steps in Constructing Teacher-Made Assessment
i. The examinee must not be allowed to leave the
examination room except for personal necessities but
within reasonable time limit.
j. The test material must be collected carefully and quickly.
Steps in Constructing Teacher-Made Assessment
5. Scoring the test. In scoring the test, the following are to
be remembered:
a. The test procedure in scoring objective tesr is to give one
point of credit for each correct answer.
b. In case of a test with two or three options in each item,
correction formula is applied.
Steps in Constructing Teacher-Made Assessment
For two-option test, the correction formula is Score
equals Right minus Wrong or S = R – W. For instance,
the right response is 12 and the wrong response is 5.
Hence, S = R – W or 12 – 5 = 7.
Steps in Constructing Teacher-Made Assessment
For three-option test, the correction formula is Score equals Right
minus one half Wrong or S = R - W / 2. For instance, the right
response is 14 and the wrong response id 6. To substitute the
formula, Score = R – W / 2 = 14 – 6 / 2 or 14 – 3 = 11. Hence, S = 14
– 3 = 11.
However, correction formula is not applicable to four or more
options in a item and to elementary pupils.
Steps in Constructing Teacher-Made Assessment
6. Evaluating the test. The test is evaluated by the quality
of the students responses and quality of the test itself. The
principles in evaluating the test are as follows:
a. In a general achievement test with 50 percent difficulty in
each item, items with 100 percent and 0 percent answered
by examinees are valueless and they must be revised.
Steps in Constructing Teacher-Made Assessment
b. The validity of individual item is determined by index of
discrimination (Idisc) A common practice is to arrange the
test papers from highest or upper group and to lowest
score. One-third from the test papers from high or upper
group and one-third of the lower group from lowest score
are compared of the same test item.
Steps in Constructing Teacher-Made Assessment
The middle group is held in abeyance, For instance, in Item
18, there are 51 test papers. One-third of 51 is 07 or 51/3 =
17. Hence there are 17 test papers belonging tonthe upper
group and right response is 15 and 17 test papers belonging
to the lower group with right response of 10. To estimate
the index of discrimination, consider formula below.
Steps in Constructing Teacher-Made Assessment

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  • 2. The assessment tools of teacher-made test are divided into; OBJECTIVE TESTS ESSAY TESTS 1. 2.
  • 3. There are two main types of Objective Tests. These are the; • Recall Type • Recognition Type The recall type is categorized into (1) simple recall and (2) completion. Objective Test
  • 4. The recognition type is categorized into : (1) alternative response; (2) multiple-choice; (3)matching type; (4) rearrangement; (5) analogy; and (6) identification. Objective Test
  • 5. • Recall Type • Simple-Recall Type This type of test is the easiest to construct among the objective type of test because the item appears as a direct question, a sentence, word, or phrase or even a specific direction. The response requires the examinee to recall previously learned lessons and the answers are usually short consisting of either word or phrase.
  • 6. This test is applicable in mathematics and natural science subjects like biology, chemistry, and physics where the stimulus appears in a form of a problem that requires computation.
  • 7. • The test items must be worded that the response is brief as possible, preferably a single word, number, symbol, or a brief phrase. This objectifies and facilitates scoring. • The direct question is preferable than the statement form. It is easier to phrase and more natural to the examinees. Rules and Suggestions for the Construction of Simple-Recall Type
  • 8. • The blanks for their responses must be in a column preferably at the right column of the items. This arrangements facilitates scoring and is more convenient to the examinees because they do not have to turn their neck to go back to the left column to write their answer before the item. Rules and Suggestions for the Construction of Simple-Recall Type
  • 9. It is obsolete, though, this arrangement has been practice for more than a century. The right column response arrangement is more convenient because the examinees write their response directly to the right column. Rules and Suggestions for the Construction of Simple-Recall Type
  • 10. • The question must be so worded that there is only one correct response. Whenever this is impossible, all acceptable answers must be included in the scoring key. • Make a minimum use of textbook language in wording the question. Unfamiliar phrasing reduces the possibility of correct responses that represent more meaningless verbal associations. Rules and Suggestions for the Construction of Simple-Recall Type
  • 11. Sample Test Items of Simple-Recall Convert the following: 1. 5 meters to centimeters 1. 500 cm 2. 7 liters to milliliters 2. 7 ml 3. 8 grams to milligrams 3. 8 000 mg 4. 32 degrees Fahrenheit to degrees Centigrade 4. 0 c 5. 9 kilowatts to watts 5. 9 000 w 6. 18 000 grams to kilograms 6. 18 kg 7. 100 degrees Centigrade to degrees Fahrenheit 7. 212 F 8. 900 centimeters to meters 8. 9 m 9. 15 kilometers to meters 9. 15 000 m 10. If four kilograms of ripe mangoes cost 240.00, 10. 720.00 how much is the total cost of 12 kilograms ripe mangoes?
  • 12. • Recall Type 2. Completion Test This test consist of a series of items that requires the examinee to fill the blank with the missing word or phrase to complete a statement. A test item may contain one or more blanks. This type of test is also called Fill in the blank.
  • 13. • Give the student a reasonable basis for the responses desired. Avoid indefinite statements. Example: Jose Rizal was born in The statement is indefinite or vague because the response is either date or place of birth. *Avoid over mutilated statements. Rules and Suggestions for the Construction of Completion Test
  • 14. *Avoid over mutilated statements. Example: The is obtained by dividing the by the . The previous example is confusing because it does not indicate whether the statement refers to Statistics or to a Mathematical procedure. Rules and Suggestions for the Construction of Completion Test
  • 15. Improved Form: The mean is obtained by dividing the (1) by the (2) . 1. Sum of scores 2. Number of cases Rules and Suggestions for the Construction of Completion Test
  • 16. 2. Avoid giving the examinee unwarranted clues to the desired response. There are several ways in which clues are often carelessly given. The following suggestions may help prevent common errors in constructing completion test. Rules and Suggestions for the Construction of Completion Test
  • 17. a. Avoid lifting statements directly from the book. b. Omit only key words or phrases rather than trivial details. c. Whenever possible avoid “a” or “an” before a blank this articles give a clue of whether a response start with consonant or a vowel. Rules and Suggestions for the Construction of Completion Test
  • 18. d. Do not indicate the expected response by varying the length of blank or by using a dot for each letter in the correct word. e. Guard against the possibility that one item or part of the test may suggest the correct response to another item. f. Avoid giving grammatical clues to the expected answer. Rules and Suggestions for the Construction of Completion Test
  • 19. 3. Arrange the test so as to facilitate scoring. a. Allow one point for each blank correctly filled. Avoid fractional credits or unequal weighing of items in a test. b. Select the items to which only one correct response is possible. c. Arrange the items in a way that the examinees responses are in the right column of the sentence. Rules and Suggestions for the Construction of Completion Test
  • 20. Illustration: 1. The father of Educational measurement is . 1. Thorndike 2. The country noted as first leader of 2. France abnormal psychology is . 3. Intelligence quotient is obtained by 3. Mental Age dividing the by the chronological age. 4. The country wherein first psychological 4. Germany laboratory was established is . 5. A German psychologist who was the 5. Ebbinghaus founder of quantitative study of memory is . Rules and Suggestions for the Construction of Completion Test
  • 21. d. Scoring is more rapid if the blanks are numbered and the examinee is directed to write his answer in the appropriate numbered blanks. e. Prepare a scoring key by writing on another sheet of test paper all acceptable answer. Rules and Suggestions for the Construction of Completion Test
  • 22. Direction: Fill in the blank the correct word or phrase. Write your answer at the right column blank. 1. The Philippine national hero is 1. Jose Rizal 2. The Philippine national fish is 2. Milkfish 3. The Philippine national flower is 3. Sampaguita 4. The Philippine national fruit is 4. Mango 5. The Philippine national leaf is 5. Anahaw Sample Test Items for Completion Test
  • 23. • Recognition Type There are six kinds of recognition type test. These are ; • Alternative response • Multiple choice • Matching type • Analogy • Rearrangement; and • Identification
  • 24. • Recognition Type • Alternative Response - This test consist of a series of items where it admits only one correct response for each item from two or three constant options to be chosen. This type is commonly used in classroom testing, particularly, the two-constant alternative type, namely, true-false type or yes-no type.
  • 25. • Recognition Type Other types of constant alternative-response test are: three constant alternative type, i.e., true-false, doubtful; and constant alternative with correction, i.e., modified true-false type.
  • 26. 1. The test must be arrange in groups of five to facilitate scoring. The groups must be separated by two single spaces and the items within a group by a single space. 2. In indicating response, it must be as simple as possible where single letter is enough to facilitate scoring, for instance, T for True and F for False, or X for True and O for False. It would be better if responses be place in one column at the right margin to facilitate scoring. Suggestions for the Construction of True-False Test
  • 27. 3. The use of similar statements from the book must be avoided to minimize rote memory in studying. 4. The items must be carefully constructed so that the language is within the level of the examinees, hence, flowery statements should be avoided. 5. Specific determiners like “all” “always” “none” “never” “not” “nothing” and “no” are more likely to be false and should be avoided. Suggestions for the Construction of True-False Test
  • 28. 6. Determiners such as “may” “some” “seldom” “sometimes” “usually” and “often” are more likely to be true, hence, the said determiners must be avoided because they give indirect suggestion to probable answers. 7. Qualitative terms like “few” “many” “great” “frequent” and “large” are vague and indefinite and they must be avoided. Suggestions for the Construction of True-False Test
  • 29. 8. Statements which are partly right and partly wrong must be avoided. 9. Statements must be strongly considered that they represent either true or false. 10. Ambiguous and double negative statements must be avoided. Suggestions for the Construction of True-False Test
  • 30. Direction: Write X if the statement is True, and O if false. Write your answer at the right column blank. Consider your answers carefully; this is right minus wrong. 1. Valid test is always valid 1. X 2. Reliable test is always valid 2. O 3. Validity is veracity of response 3. X Illustration
  • 31. 4. Reliability means the degree to which test 4. O measures what is intended to measure. 5. Construct validity is commonly used in 5. O Achievement test. Illustration
  • 32. • Recognition Type • Multiple-choice Test - This test is made up of items which consists of three or more plausible options for each item. The choices are multiple so that the examinees may choose only one correct or best option for each item.
  • 33. • Recognition Type The multiple choice is regarded as one of the best test forms in testing outcomes. This test form is most valuable and widely used in standardized test due to its flexibility and objectivity in terms scoring, For teacher-made test it is applicable in testing the vocabulary , reading comprehension, relationship, interpretation of graphs, formulae, tables, and in drawing of inferences from a set of data.
  • 34. 1. Statements borrowed from the textbook or reference book must be avoided. Use unfamiliar phrasing to test the comprehension of students. 2. All options must be plausible with each other to let the students attract the distractors or incorrect responses where only those with high intellectual level can get the correct answer. Suggestions for the Construction of Multiple- Choice Test
  • 35. 3. All options must be grammatically consistent. For instance, if the stem is singular, the option are also singular. 4. Articles “a” and “an” are avoided as last word in an incomplete sentence. These articles give students clues that are probable answer starts with a consonant or vowel. Suggestions for the Construction of Multiple- Choice Test
  • 36. 5. Four or more options must be included in each item to minimize guessing. 6. The order of correct answer in all items must be randomly arranged rather than following a regular pattern. 7. A uniform number of options must be used in all items. For instance, if there are four options in item 1, the rest of the items must also have four options. Suggestions for the Construction of Multiple- Choice Test
  • 37. 8. The correct option must be of the same length with the distractors or wrong answers. 9. Homogeneity of the options must be increased in order for the examinee to choose the correct option by using logical elimination. 10. The simplest method of indicating a response must be used to facilitate scoring. For instance, the options in each item are numbered or lettered, Hence, the choice is either a number or a letter. Suggestions for the Construction of Multiple- Choice Test
  • 38. Multiple-choice has five varieties. These are: (1) Stem-and-options variety, (2) setting-and-options variety, (3) group-term variety, (4) structured-response variety, and the (5) contained-options variety. Kinds of Multiple-Choice
  • 39. 1. Stem-and-options variety This variety is most commonly used in classroom testing, board examinations, civil service examinations, and many others. The stem serves as the problem and followed by four more plausible options in which examinees choose the best option or correct answer. Kinds of Multiple-Choice
  • 40. 2. Setting-and-options variety The optional responses to this type of multiple choice test is dependent upon a setting of foundation of some sort. A setting can be a form of sentence , paragraph, graph, equation, picture or some forms of representation. Kinds of Multiple-Choice
  • 41. 3. Group-term variety This variety consists of group of words or terms in which one does not belong to the group. Kinds of Multiple-Choice
  • 42. 4. Structured-response variety This variety makes use of structured response which are commonly used in natural science classroom testing. For instance, directly, indirectly, and no way. This is to test how good the examinees in determining statements which are related to each other. Kinds of Multiple-Choice
  • 43. 5. Contained-options variety This variety is designed to identify errors in a word, phrase, or sentence in a paragraph. Kinds of Multiple-Choice
  • 44. • Recognition Type • Matching type Matching type consists of two columns in which proper pairing relationship of two things is strictly observed. For instance, Column A is to be matched with Column B. In balanced matching type , the number of items are equal to the number of options. For example, there are 15 items in Column A, Column B should also have 15 items.
  • 45. • Recognition Type • Matching type In unbalanced matching type, there is unequal number of items and number of options. There are less number of items than number of options. For instance, if there are 10 items in Column A, there should be more than 10 items in Column B.
  • 46. 1. Using heterogeneous materials must be avoided. Only homogeneous materials are used. For example in item 1, the answer is date, hence, all the answers must be dates. If dates are used, use only dates. No combination of dates and events, persons and dates, terms and person and the like. 2. Unbalanced matching type is preferable wherein there are more options than items to minimize the guessing factor. Suggestions for the Construction of Matching type
  • 47. 3. Each category must be grammatically consistent. 4. All options including distractors or wrong responses are plausible or closely related with each other. 5. The item column or Column A must be placed at the left and option column of Column B must be placed at the right. 6. Option column must be arranged in alphabetical order, if dates in chronological order, to facilitate the selection of correct answer. To facilitate the examinees not to read all the options. Suggestions for the Construction of Matching type
  • 48. 7. There must be only one correct response in each item. 8. Be sure each item has a pair in the option column. 9. The ideal number of item is 5 to 10 and maximum of 15. 10.All items and options must appear in one page to avoid waste of time and energy in turning the pages. Suggestions for the Construction of Matching type
  • 49. • Recognition Type • Rearrangement type Rearrangement type consists of multiple-option where it requires a chronological, logical or rank order.
  • 50. • Recognition Type • Analogy Analogy is a type of test which is made up of items consisting of a pair of words related to each other. It is designed to measure the ability of the examinee to observe the relationship of the first word to the second word. There are 15 kinds of relationship of analogy test and these are;
  • 51. • 15 kinds of relationship of analogy test 1. Purpose 2. Cause and Effect 3. Part-Whole 4. Part-Part 5. Action to Object 6. Object to Action 7. Synonym 8. Antonym
  • 52. • 15 kinds of relationship of analogy test 9. Place 10. Degree 11. Characteristics 12. Sequence 13. Grammatical 14. Numerical 15. Association
  • 53. 1. The relationship of the first pair of word is equal to the relationship of the second. 2. Distractors or incorrect responses must be plausible or closely related to the correct answer to attract the examinees to the incorrect response. The process of obtaining the correct answer is by logical elimination. Suggestions for the Construction of Analogy Type of Test
  • 54. 3. All options must be constructed in parallel language. 4. All option must be grammatically consistent. 5. Four or more options in each item must be included to minimize guessing. If using three options, correction formula (Right minus one-half Wrong or R-W/2) is applied. Suggestions for the Construction of Analogy Type of Test
  • 55. 6. Only homogeneous relationship must be included in each item. For instance, if sequence relationship is used in the first pair, the second pair is also in sequence relationship. Suggestions for the Construction of Analogy Type of Test
  • 56. • Recognition Type • Identification type This type of test require the examinees to identify what is being defined in the statement or sentence and there are no options to choose from.
  • 57. 1. Easy to correct score. As regards to ease in scoring yje test, the objective test is easy to correct or score because it usually requires short responses in each item. Responses may contain a letter, number, word or phrase in each item. 2. Eliminates subjectivity. An objective test eliminates subjectivity in scoring because responses are short and exact. Advantages of Objective Type of Test
  • 58. 3. Adequate sampling. More items are included in objective test wherein validity and reliability can be observed. 4. Objectivity in scoring. Objectivity in scoring this type of test can be done easily because the answers are only short and only one response is required in each item. 5. Eliminates bluffing. Bluffing is eliminated in objective type of test because examinees choose only from the options provided. Advantages of Objective Type of Test
  • 59. 6. Norms can be established. Due to adequate sampling of objective type of test, norms can be established. 7. Saves time and energy in answering questions. Objective type of test saves the examinees time and energy in answering questions because it involves short statement and there are options provided for them to choose their answers from. Advantages of Objective Type of Test
  • 60. 1. Difficult to construct. Construction of objective test is difficult because there are so many items involved. 2. Encourages cheating and guessing. Objective test encourages cheating and guessing due to short response in each item. Response can be a letter, a number, a word, or a phrase. 3. Time consuming. Because there are so many items in an objective test, preparation of this kind of test is time consuming on the part of the teacher. Disadvantages of Objective Type of Test
  • 61. 4. Expensive. Due to adequate sampling of objective test, it is expensive when it comes to duplicating the test materials because questions cannot be written on the board. It is disadvantageous to schools with inadequate duplicating facilities. 5. Encourages rote memorization. Objective test encourages rote memorization rather than logical memorization since responses for each item only involves a letter, a number, a word or a phrase. Examinees abilities to think critically, express, organize, and reasoning are not fully developed. Disadvantages of Objective Type of Test
  • 62. Essay test are assessment tools which consist of specific question or problem wherein the examinees respond in one or more sentences. It is widely considered to measure students ability to think and express their ideas critically within a certain period of time. Essay Test
  • 63. 1. Essay test must be planned in advanced by the teacher to have effective results. 2. Major aspects of the lesson must be framed in preparing the questions of essay test, hence, careful and even distribution of the lessons must be observed. Suggestions in Constructing Essay Test
  • 64. 3. After the test has been planned and questions have been written tentatively, precautions on the causes of unreliability must be taken. 4. In assembling the questions into its final form, the yeacher must be careful that questions are phrased clearly so that the scope of the question is clear to the students. Suggestions in Constructing Essay Test
  • 65. 5. Time limit on the coverage of each question must be considered to give students adequate time to answer. Suggestions in Constructing Essay Test
  • 66. 1. Easy to construct. Essay test is easy to construct because only few items involved. 2. Economical. Essay test is economical because the questions can be written on the board. It is also economical to schools which lack the duplicating facilities like computers, mimeographing machines, scanners, printers and many others. Advantages of Essay Test
  • 67. 3. Saves time and energy. It saves the time and energy of classroom teacher in constructing the test because few number of test items are involved. 4. Trains the core of organizing ideas. Essay test trains the students to organized their ideas. 5. Minimize guessing. It minimizes guessing because the answer is long wherein it involves a sentence or more. Advantages of Essay Test
  • 68. 6. Develops critical thinking. Essay test develops the students critical thinking in logical analysis , comparison, discussion, and reorganization of facts. 7. Minimize cheating. Cheating is minimized in essay test because the response is evaluated according to content and form and the answer is long. It involves one or more sentences. Advantages of Essay Test
  • 69. 8. Minimize rote memorization. Rote memorization is minimized in essay test because the answer to the question needs logical discussion, expression of ideas, analysis, and reasoning power. 9. Develops good study habits. Essay test develops good study habits on the part of the students because studying the lessons with comprehension and logical understanding is needed to easily answer essay questions. Advantages of Essay Test
  • 70. 10. Develops student’s ability to express their own ideas. Essay test develops the students ability to express their ideas, abilities, and reasoning power. Advantages of Essay Test
  • 71. 1. Low validity. Essay test has low validity because it has limited sample since there are only few items involved. 2. Low reliability. Essay test has low reliability because of subjectivity in scoring. Teachers react favorably to test papers of bright students and react unfavorably to weak students test papers. Disadvantages of Essay Test
  • 72. 3. Low practicability. Essay test is time consuming on the part of the teacher in scoring the test and also time consuming on the part of the students in answering the questions, hence, much time and energy are wasted. 4. Encourage bluffing. Essay test encourages the students to bluff their response especially if the answer involves a paragraph or two. In return the teacher gets tired in reading the answers and his reaction is either to react favorably or unfavorably to the response. Disadvantages of Essay Test
  • 73. 5. Difficult to correct or score. Essay test is difficult to correct or score because the answer is too long to read. 6. Disadvantage to students with poor penmanship. It is disadvantage to students with poor penmanship because the teacher will have hard tie in reading the contents of his answers. Disadvantages of Essay Test
  • 74. Objective and Essay tests as assessment tools are both teacher-made. The steps in constructing teacher-made assessment tools are as follows: 1. Planning the test. In planning the test, five principle must be considered. These are as follows: Steps in Constructing Teacher-Made Assessment Tools
  • 75. a. A careful statement of the philosophy of the school and objectives of the particular subject must be available. b. Adequate provisions for review must be made taking into consideration the adequacy of facilities and equipment. Steps in Constructing Teacher-Made Assessment Tools
  • 76. c. The purpose of the test must be defined.If the purpose of the test is for diagnosis, it nust reveal the specific weaknesses of the students as basis for remedial instruction. However, if the purpose is to appraise the critical thinking and reasoning power, the scores are to be usedfor classification and grouping. Steps in Constructing Teacher-Made Assessment Tools
  • 77. d. The nature of the test must take into consideration the condition under which it is to be administered. In planning the test, such factors as age, experience of the examinees, testing environment , ventilation, cost of materials and duplicating facilities must be considered. Steps in Constructing Teacher-Made Assessment Tools
  • 78. e. Length of the test must be determined. The time element by the purpose it is to serve. 2. Preparing the test. The rules and suggestions in preparing the test are as follows: Steps in Constructing Teacher-Made Assessment Tools
  • 79. a. The first draft of the test must be prepared as early as possible. b. The test must include more than one type of item. Two or three types of objective test may be used to minimize monotony on the part of the examinee. Steps in Constructing Teacher-Made Assessment Tools
  • 80. c. The items are arranged in ascending order from most easy to most difficult. d. More items must be stated included on the first draft of the test for possible inclusion on the final draft. Items with less important must be deleted. Steps in Constructing Teacher-Made Assessment Tools
  • 81. e. The first and final draft of the test must be revised and refined. f. The items must be stated in order that the whole content functions in determining the answer rather than a part of it. Steps in Constructing Teacher-Made Assessment Tools
  • 82. g. The items of similar type must be placed together in the same test. h. A regular sequence in the pattern of response must be avoided The order of response must be incidental rather than a regular pattern. i. The direction of the test must be brief, clear, and complete to the examinees. Steps in Constructing Teacher-Made Assessment Tools
  • 83. 3. Reproducing the test. In reproducing the test , the following must be considered: a. To facilitate in reproducing the test, duplicating facilities must be available in every institution. b. Every school must be provided with facilitative staffs to do the encoding, printing, scanning, and mimeographing the test questions. Steps in Constructing Teacher-Made Assessment Tools
  • 84. 4. Administering the test. In the administration of the test, the following must be observed: a. The test must be administered in an environment familiar to the examinees. b. Examinees must be sit far apart, free from books and notebooks. Steps in Constructing Teacher-Made Assessment Tools
  • 85. c. Typographical errors must be corrected to the class before the test begins. d. It is not advisable to administer the test before and after a holiday. e. Give complete and clear directions before the test begins and questions about the direction must not be entertained while the test is ongoing. Steps in Constructing Teacher-Made Assessment Tools
  • 86. f. The distribution of testing materials must be planned in advance to save time and effort. g. Entertain briefly questions raised while the test is going on. h. In timing the test, the examiner must write on the board the time the test has started, and the time it will end. Steps in Constructing Teacher-Made Assessment Tools
  • 87. i. The examinee must not be allowed to leave the examination room except for personal necessities but within reasonable time limit. j. The test material must be collected carefully and quickly. Steps in Constructing Teacher-Made Assessment Tools
  • 88. 5. Scoring the test. In scoring the test, the following are to be remembered: a. The test procedure in scoring objective tesr is to give one point of credit for each correct answer. b. In case of a test with two or three options in each item, correction formula is applied. Steps in Constructing Teacher-Made Assessment Tools
  • 89. For two-option test, the correction formula is Score equals Right minus Wrong or S = R – W. For instance, the right response is 12 and the wrong response is 5. Hence, S = R – W or 12 – 5 = 7. Steps in Constructing Teacher-Made Assessment Tools
  • 90. For three-option test, the correction formula is Score equals Right minus one half Wrong or S = R - W / 2. For instance, the right response is 14 and the wrong response id 6. To substitute the formula, Score = R – W / 2 = 14 – 6 / 2 or 14 – 3 = 11. Hence, S = 14 – 3 = 11. However, correction formula is not applicable to four or more options in a item and to elementary pupils. Steps in Constructing Teacher-Made Assessment Tools
  • 91. 6. Evaluating the test. The test is evaluated by the quality of the students responses and quality of the test itself. The principles in evaluating the test are as follows: a. In a general achievement test with 50 percent difficulty in each item, items with 100 percent and 0 percent answered by examinees are valueless and they must be revised. Steps in Constructing Teacher-Made Assessment Tools
  • 92. b. The validity of individual item is determined by index of discrimination (Idisc) A common practice is to arrange the test papers from highest or upper group and to lowest score. One-third from the test papers from high or upper group and one-third of the lower group from lowest score are compared of the same test item. Steps in Constructing Teacher-Made Assessment Tools
  • 93. The middle group is held in abeyance, For instance, in Item 18, there are 51 test papers. One-third of 51 is 07 or 51/3 = 17. Hence there are 17 test papers belonging tonthe upper group and right response is 15 and 17 test papers belonging to the lower group with right response of 10. To estimate the index of discrimination, consider formula below. Steps in Constructing Teacher-Made Assessment Tools