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Antonyms of PakMcqs By Bilawal Tunio 03322778928
1 | P a g e
Antonym of EXPAND is ___?
A. Congest
B. Conclude
C. Convert
D. Condense
Antonym of ARTIFICIAL is_?
A. Red
B. Solid
C. Truthful
D. Natural
Antonym of ENORMOUS
A. Fragile
B. Weak
C. Tiny
D. Soft
Antonym of RECONDITE
A. Hermetic
B. Manifest
C. Pedantic
D. Occult
Antonym of GUMPTION is
A. Apathy
B. Nerve
C. Initiative
D. Sagacity
Antonym of PIQUE is ____?
A. Hurt
B. Irk
C. Joy
D. Huff
Antonym of SARTORIAL is
A. Homespun
B. Cheerful
C. Inelegant
D. Sincere
Antonym of DOCILE is ___?
A. Pliable
B. Pliant
C. Quiet
D. Unyielding
Antonym of DEXTEROUS is_?
A. Inexpert
B. Acute
C. Active
D. Able
Antonym of CURTAIL is __?
A. Cramp
B. Prolong
C. Chop
D. Clip
Antonym of DEVIANT is ___?
A. Bent
B. Devious
C. Regular
D. Atypical
Antonym of DUCTILE is ___?
A. Docile
B. Pliable
C. Stiff
D. Supple
Antonym of FRIVOLOUS is
A. Trivial
B. Silly
C. Petty
D. Wise
Antonym of WEAN is ______?
A. Attach
B. Detach
C. Discourage
D. Halt
Antonym of PRODIGAL is __?
A. Spendthrift
B. Squandering
C. Thrifty
D. Wanton
Antonym of NEBULOUS is _?
A. Misty
B. Apparent
C. Murky
D. Shadowy
Antonym of MITE is _______?
A. Bit
B. Bug
C. Insect
D. Whole
Antonym of TACIT is _____?
A. Punish
B. Dictated
C. Grand
D. Small
Antonym of DOLEFUL is ___?
A. Vivacious
B. Witty
C. Empty
D. Full
Antonym of PARSIMONY
A. Verbosity
B. Generosity
C. Clan
D. Tenderness
Antonym of FALLACIOUS is
A. Credit
B. Clean
C. Truthful
D. Dishonest
Antonym of FOREMOST is _?
A. Unimportant
B. Hindmost
C. Disposed
D. Mature
Antonym of QUIESCENT is _?
A. Asleep
B. Active
C. Deactivated
D. Fallow
Antonym of PHILISTINE is _?
A. Smutty
B. Uncultured
C. Uncultured
D. Cultured
Antonym of NIGGARDLY is
A. Generous
B. Chintzy
Antonyms of PakMcqs By Bilawal Tunio 03322778928
2 | P a g e
C. Closefisted
D. Skimpy
Antonym of GARBLED is
A. Slant
B. Unscramble
C. Obscure
D. Pervert
Antonym of SENILE is ____?
A. Doting
B. Anile
C. Alert
D. Ancient
Antonym of INORDINATE is
A. Dizzying
B. Wasteful
C. Wanton
D. Moderate
Antonym of LUCID is _____?
A. Evident
B. Obvious
C. Explicit
D. Vague
Antonym of INGEST is
A. Disgorge
B. Disrupt
C. Absorb
D. Devour
Antonym of ELATED is
A. Roused
B. Blissful
C. Sad
D. Happy
Antonym of DENIGRATE is
A. Asperse
B. Besmirch
C. Boost
D. Vilify
The antonyms of Stale is_____?
A. Old
B. Fresh
C. Tale
D. Break
The antonym of Mammoth
A. Big
B. Giant
C. Small
D. Low
Antonym of Elastic is ______?
A. Yielding
B. Rigid
C. Mold-able
D. Supple
Antonym of Harmonious is
A. Peacful
B. Hostile
C. Dominant
D. Tuneful
Antonym of Facetious is ____?
A. Teasing
B. Serious
C. Tongue-in-check
D. Copy
“Profligate” Antonym ____?
A. Wildly extravagant
B. Dissolute
C. Dissipated
D. Thrfity
What is antonyms of word
A. Lexicon
B. Balm
C. Hoarding
D. Depredation
A. Abusive
B. Ribald
C. Decent
D. Mitigate
Antonym of TACITURN is __?
A. Judge
B. Garrulous
C. Immense
D. Silent
Antonym of SINGULAR is __?
A. Common
B. Social
C. Dull
D. Ancient
Antonym of PACIFIC is ____?
A. Aggressive
B. Peaceful
C. Hawkish
D. Discordant
Antonym of DWARF is ____?
A. Giant
B. Tiny
C. Huge
D. Enormous
Antonym of “famous” is ____.
A. poor
B. obscure
C. untalented
D. boring
Antonym of “labor” is _____.
A. amuse
B. surrender
C. rest
D. strive
Antonym of “Revenge” is ___.
A. vengeance
B. retribution
C. pardon
D. payback
E. reprisal
Antonym of “spurious” is ____.
A. flexible
B. thoughtless
C. provident
D. genuine
Antonym of “banal” is ____.
A. sincere
B. wealthy
C. extraordinary
D. trustworthy
Antonyms of PakMcqs By Bilawal Tunio 03322778928
3 | P a g e
Antonym of “kowtow” is ____.
A. snub
B. pull
C. fawn
D. forage
Antonym of “recondite” is ___.
A. give
B. obscure
C. patent
D. hardy
Antonym of “brazen” is ____.
A. bashful
B. boisterous
C. noisy
D. heated
Antonym of “awe” is _______.
A. borrow
B. shallow
C. low
D. contempt
Antonym of “matutinal” is ___.
A. paternal
B. crepuscular
C. maritime
D. marsupial
Antonym of “impecunious”
A. wealthy
B. cautious
C. hungry
D. tardy
Antonym of “quiescent” is ___.
A. lackadaisical
B. active
C. dull
D. prescient
Antonym of “sartorial” is ___.
A. cheerful
B. sincere
C. inelegant
D. homespun
Antonym of “dearth” is ____.
A. lack
B. poverty
C. abundance
D. foreign
Antonym of “peaked” is ____.
A. tired
B. arrogant
C. pointy
D. ruddy
Antonym of “gainsay” is ____.
A. regret
B. own
C. prudent
D. prude
Antonym of “effluvium” is ___.
A. land
B. essential
C. fragrance
D. solid
Antonym of “conversant” is
A. inexperienced
B. unprepared
C. shy
D. unpretentious
Antonym of “penurious” is
A. generous
B. lenient
C. injurious
D. relaxed
Antonym of “impervious” is _?
A. kind
B. disastrous
C. prone
D. perfect
Antonym of “bemuse” is ___?
A. depress
B. inspire
C. clarify
D. desire
Antonym of “accelerate” is __?
A. delay
B. risk
C. monitor
D. deny
Antonym of “earnest” is ___?
A. cheap
B. frivolous
C. release
D. civilized
Antonym of “Serene” is ____?
A. Tranquil
B. Calm
C. Placid
D. Anxious
Antonym of ” Taciturn ” is __?
A. reticent
B. introverted
C. meek
D. Loquacious
Antonym of ” Sloppy ” is ____?
A. Careful
B. Slapdash
C. Haphazard
D. Slovenly
E. Heedless
Antonym of ” Meticulous ” is_?
A. Fussy
B. Painstaking
C. Scrupulous
D. Sloppy
E. Conscientious
Antonym of ” Heartfelt ” is __?
A. Loving
B. Insincere
C. Unhealthy
D. Humorous
E. Heartly
Antonym of ” Perspicacious ”
is _____________?
A. Sagacious
B. Discerning
C. Astute
D. Dull
E. Canny
Antonym of ” Astute ” is ____?
A. Shrewd
B. Discerning
Antonyms of PakMcqs By Bilawal Tunio 03322778928
4 | P a g e
C. Canny
D. Whirlwind
E. Stupid
Antonym of ” Incur ” is ____?
A. Attract
B. Invite
C. Earn
D. Suffer
E. Avoid
Antonym of ” Provoke ” is __?
A. Arouse
B. Induce
C. Evoke
D. Produce
E. Allay
Antonym of ” Dismantle ” is _?
A. Vie
B. Raze
C. Outclass
D. Level
E. Build
Antonym of ” Sceptical ” is __?
A. Unconvinced
B. Scoffing
C. Certain
D. Reticent
E. Scapegoat
Antonym of ” Celibate ” is __?
A. Chaste
B. Ascetic
C. Monastic
D. Married
E. Genious
Antonym of ” Chaste ” is ____?
A. Shrewd
B. Talkative
C. Aspirant
D. Promiscuous
E. Celibate
Antonym of FALLACY is ___?
A. Abandon
B. Blunder
C. Truth
D. Error
Antonym of ” Pessimistic ” is
A. Devoted
B. Cheat
C. Despondent
D. Hopeful
E. Defeatist
Antonym of “Lenient” is ___?
A. easy-going
B. long-suffering
C. Strict
D. Liberal
E. Moderate
Antonym of ” Applicable ” is_?
A. Irrelevant
B. Minimifidian
C. Incredulous
D. Cynical
E. Upset
Antonym of BRUSQUE is ___?
A. Corrupt
B. Brash
C. energetic
D. Courteous
Antonym of
A. Sick
B. Healthy
C. Chemicals
D. Selective
Antonym of Abridge is ____?
A. Subdue
B. Augment
C. Encourage
D. Elaborate
Antonym of ARCHETYPE is
A. Origin
B. Copy
C. Generous
D. Factory
Antonym of APATHY is ____?
A. Sleep
B. Conclude
C. Zeal
D. None of these
Antonym of ADAPT is ____?
A. Applaud
B. Unfit
C. Approve
D. None of these
Antonym of ATTRACT is ___?
A. Repel
B. Demote
C. Expel
D. None of these
Antonym of Credulous is ____?
A. Respectfull
B. Hardworking
C. Skeptical
D. Frugal
Antonym of Felicity is _____?
A. Sadness
B. Powerful
C. Narrow
D. Opaque
Antonym of “Paucity” is ____?
A. Scarcity
B. Surplus
C. Presence
D. Shallow
Antonym of HYPOCRISY __?
A. Doubt
B. Uprightness
C. Budensome
D. Fluent
Antonym of ONEROUS is ___?
A. Light
B. Difficult
C. Burfensome
D. Fluent
Antonym of GREGARIOUS is
A. Talkative
B. Lonesome
C. Cheerful
D. Boring
Antonyms of PakMcqs By Bilawal Tunio 03322778928
5 | P a g e
Which one of the following is
antonym of ” Perpetrator ”
while others are synonyms?
A. Culprit
B. felon
C. Police
D. miscreant
Which one of the following is
antonym of ” Mordant ” while
others are synonyms?
A. acerbic
B. caustic
C. corrosive
D. pleasant
Which one of the following is
antonym of ” Perdition ” while
others are synonyms?
A. Heaven
B. Doom
C. Hell
D. Inferna
Which one of the following is
antonym of ” Epitome ” while
others are synonyms?
A. antithesis
B. abridgment
C. abstract
D. compendium
Which one of the following is
antonym of ” Flummox ” while
others are synonyms?
A. Baffle
B. Confound
C. Perplex
D. Enlighten
Which one of the following is
antonym of ”
others are synonyms?
A. broke
B. destitute
C. impecunious
D. wealthy
Which one of the following is
antonym of ” Minuscule ”
while others are synonyms?
A. Diminutive
B. Lilliputian
C. Miniature
D. Majuscule
Which one of the following is
antonym of ” Eclat ” while
others are synonyms?
A. Eminence
B. Esteem
C. Plaudit
D. Dullness
Which one of the following is
antonym of ” Welter ” while
others are synonyms?
A. Clutter
B. Fuddle
D. Order
Which one of the following is
antonym of ” Flaunt ” while
others are synonyms?
A. Cover
B. Brandish
C. Display
D. Exhibit
Which one of the following is
antonym of ” Picayune ” while
others are synonyms?
A. Piddling
B. Trifling
C. Colossal
D. Trivial
Which one of the following is
antonym of ” Raucous” while
others are synonyms?
A. Hoarse
B. Subdued
C. Strident
D. Discordant
Which one of the following is
antonym of ” Prosaic ” while
others are synonyms?
A. Pedestrian
B. Prosy
C. Tedious
D. Interesting
Which one of the following is
antonym of ” Apocryphal ”
while others are synonyms?
A. Genuine
B. Mythical
C. Obscure
D. Unsubstantiated

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Antonyms of PakMcqs Pdf.pdf

  • 1. Antonyms of PakMcqs By Bilawal Tunio 03322778928 1 | P a g e Antonym of EXPAND is ___? A. Congest B. Conclude C. Convert D. Condense Antonym of ARTIFICIAL is_? A. Red B. Solid C. Truthful D. Natural Antonym of ENORMOUS is_____? A. Fragile B. Weak C. Tiny D. Soft Antonym of RECONDITE is______? A. Hermetic B. Manifest C. Pedantic D. Occult Antonym of GUMPTION is ______? A. Apathy B. Nerve C. Initiative D. Sagacity Antonym of PIQUE is ____? A. Hurt B. Irk C. Joy D. Huff Antonym of SARTORIAL is ______? A. Homespun B. Cheerful C. Inelegant D. Sincere Antonym of DOCILE is ___? A. Pliable B. Pliant C. Quiet D. Unyielding Antonym of DEXTEROUS is_? A. Inexpert B. Acute C. Active D. Able Antonym of CURTAIL is __? A. Cramp B. Prolong C. Chop D. Clip Antonym of DEVIANT is ___? A. Bent B. Devious C. Regular D. Atypical Antonym of DUCTILE is ___? A. Docile B. Pliable C. Stiff D. Supple Antonym of FRIVOLOUS is _____? A. Trivial B. Silly C. Petty D. Wise Antonym of WEAN is ______? A. Attach B. Detach C. Discourage D. Halt Antonym of PRODIGAL is __? A. Spendthrift B. Squandering C. Thrifty D. Wanton Antonym of NEBULOUS is _? A. Misty B. Apparent C. Murky D. Shadowy Antonym of MITE is _______? A. Bit B. Bug C. Insect D. Whole Antonym of TACIT is _____? A. Punish B. Dictated C. Grand D. Small Antonym of DOLEFUL is ___? A. Vivacious B. Witty C. Empty D. Full Antonym of PARSIMONY is_____? A. Verbosity B. Generosity C. Clan D. Tenderness Antonym of FALLACIOUS is ____? A. Credit B. Clean C. Truthful D. Dishonest Antonym of FOREMOST is _? A. Unimportant B. Hindmost C. Disposed D. Mature Antonym of QUIESCENT is _? A. Asleep B. Active C. Deactivated D. Fallow Antonym of PHILISTINE is _? A. Smutty B. Uncultured C. Uncultured D. Cultured Antonym of NIGGARDLY is _____? A. Generous B. Chintzy
  • 2. Antonyms of PakMcqs By Bilawal Tunio 03322778928 2 | P a g e C. Closefisted D. Skimpy Antonym of GARBLED is _____? A. Slant B. Unscramble C. Obscure D. Pervert Antonym of SENILE is ____? A. Doting B. Anile C. Alert D. Ancient Antonym of INORDINATE is _____? A. Dizzying B. Wasteful C. Wanton D. Moderate Antonym of LUCID is _____? A. Evident B. Obvious C. Explicit D. Vague Antonym of INGEST is ______? A. Disgorge B. Disrupt C. Absorb D. Devour Antonym of ELATED is _____? A. Roused B. Blissful C. Sad D. Happy Antonym of DENIGRATE is _____? A. Asperse B. Besmirch C. Boost D. Vilify The antonyms of Stale is_____? A. Old B. Fresh C. Tale D. Break The antonym of Mammoth is____? A. Big B. Giant C. Small D. Low Antonym of Elastic is ______? A. Yielding B. Rigid C. Mold-able D. Supple Antonym of Harmonious is _____? A. Peacful B. Hostile C. Dominant D. Tuneful Antonym of Facetious is ____? A. Teasing B. Serious C. Tongue-in-check D. Copy “Profligate” Antonym ____? A. Wildly extravagant B. Dissolute C. Dissipated D. Thrfity What is antonyms of word Restoration? A. Lexicon B. Balm C. Hoarding D. Depredation Antonym of SCURRILOUS is_______? A. Abusive B. Ribald C. Decent D. Mitigate Antonym of TACITURN is __? A. Judge B. Garrulous C. Immense D. Silent Antonym of SINGULAR is __? A. Common B. Social C. Dull D. Ancient Antonym of PACIFIC is ____? A. Aggressive B. Peaceful C. Hawkish D. Discordant Antonym of DWARF is ____? A. Giant B. Tiny C. Huge D. Enormous Antonym of “famous” is ____. A. poor B. obscure C. untalented D. boring Antonym of “labor” is _____. A. amuse B. surrender C. rest D. strive Antonym of “Revenge” is ___. A. vengeance B. retribution C. pardon D. payback E. reprisal Antonym of “spurious” is ____. A. flexible B. thoughtless C. provident D. genuine Antonym of “banal” is ____. A. sincere B. wealthy C. extraordinary D. trustworthy
  • 3. Antonyms of PakMcqs By Bilawal Tunio 03322778928 3 | P a g e Antonym of “kowtow” is ____. A. snub B. pull C. fawn D. forage Antonym of “recondite” is ___. A. give B. obscure C. patent D. hardy Antonym of “brazen” is ____. A. bashful B. boisterous C. noisy D. heated Antonym of “awe” is _______. A. borrow B. shallow C. low D. contempt Antonym of “matutinal” is ___. A. paternal B. crepuscular C. maritime D. marsupial Antonym of “impecunious” is__. A. wealthy B. cautious C. hungry D. tardy Antonym of “quiescent” is ___. A. lackadaisical B. active C. dull D. prescient Antonym of “sartorial” is ___. A. cheerful B. sincere C. inelegant D. homespun Antonym of “dearth” is ____. A. lack B. poverty C. abundance D. foreign Antonym of “peaked” is ____. A. tired B. arrogant C. pointy D. ruddy Antonym of “gainsay” is ____. A. regret B. own C. prudent D. prude Antonym of “effluvium” is ___. A. land B. essential C. fragrance D. solid Antonym of “conversant” is _______? A. inexperienced B. unprepared C. shy D. unpretentious Antonym of “penurious” is _______? A. generous B. lenient C. injurious D. relaxed Antonym of “impervious” is _? A. kind B. disastrous C. prone D. perfect Antonym of “bemuse” is ___? A. depress B. inspire C. clarify D. desire Antonym of “accelerate” is __? A. delay B. risk C. monitor D. deny Antonym of “earnest” is ___? A. cheap B. frivolous C. release D. civilized Antonym of “Serene” is ____? A. Tranquil B. Calm C. Placid D. Anxious Antonym of ” Taciturn ” is __? A. reticent B. introverted C. meek D. Loquacious Antonym of ” Sloppy ” is ____? A. Careful B. Slapdash C. Haphazard D. Slovenly E. Heedless Antonym of ” Meticulous ” is_? A. Fussy B. Painstaking C. Scrupulous D. Sloppy E. Conscientious Antonym of ” Heartfelt ” is __? A. Loving B. Insincere C. Unhealthy D. Humorous E. Heartly Antonym of ” Perspicacious ” is _____________? A. Sagacious B. Discerning C. Astute D. Dull E. Canny Antonym of ” Astute ” is ____? A. Shrewd B. Discerning
  • 4. Antonyms of PakMcqs By Bilawal Tunio 03322778928 4 | P a g e C. Canny D. Whirlwind E. Stupid Antonym of ” Incur ” is ____? A. Attract B. Invite C. Earn D. Suffer E. Avoid Antonym of ” Provoke ” is __? A. Arouse B. Induce C. Evoke D. Produce E. Allay Antonym of ” Dismantle ” is _? A. Vie B. Raze C. Outclass D. Level E. Build Antonym of ” Sceptical ” is __? A. Unconvinced B. Scoffing C. Certain D. Reticent E. Scapegoat Antonym of ” Celibate ” is __? A. Chaste B. Ascetic C. Monastic D. Married E. Genious Antonym of ” Chaste ” is ____? A. Shrewd B. Talkative C. Aspirant D. Promiscuous E. Celibate Antonym of FALLACY is ___? A. Abandon B. Blunder C. Truth D. Error Antonym of ” Pessimistic ” is _____________? A. Devoted B. Cheat C. Despondent D. Hopeful E. Defeatist Antonym of “Lenient” is ___? A. easy-going B. long-suffering C. Strict D. Liberal E. Moderate Antonym of ” Applicable ” is_? A. Irrelevant B. Minimifidian C. Incredulous D. Cynical E. Upset Antonym of BRUSQUE is ___? A. Corrupt B. Brash C. energetic D. Courteous Antonym of PATHOLOGICAL is ____? A. Sick B. Healthy C. Chemicals D. Selective Antonym of Abridge is ____? A. Subdue B. Augment C. Encourage D. Elaborate Antonym of ARCHETYPE is ______? A. Origin B. Copy C. Generous D. Factory Antonym of APATHY is ____? A. Sleep B. Conclude C. Zeal D. None of these Antonym of ADAPT is ____? A. Applaud B. Unfit C. Approve D. None of these Antonym of ATTRACT is ___? A. Repel B. Demote C. Expel D. None of these Antonym of Credulous is ____? A. Respectfull B. Hardworking C. Skeptical D. Frugal Antonym of Felicity is _____? A. Sadness B. Powerful C. Narrow D. Opaque Antonym of “Paucity” is ____? A. Scarcity B. Surplus C. Presence D. Shallow Antonym of HYPOCRISY __? A. Doubt B. Uprightness C. Budensome D. Fluent Antonym of ONEROUS is ___? A. Light B. Difficult C. Burfensome D. Fluent Antonym of GREGARIOUS is ____? A. Talkative B. Lonesome C. Cheerful D. Boring
  • 5. Antonyms of PakMcqs By Bilawal Tunio 03322778928 5 | P a g e Which one of the following is antonym of ” Perpetrator ” while others are synonyms? A. Culprit B. felon C. Police D. miscreant Which one of the following is antonym of ” Mordant ” while others are synonyms? A. acerbic B. caustic C. corrosive D. pleasant Which one of the following is antonym of ” Perdition ” while others are synonyms? A. Heaven B. Doom C. Hell D. Inferna Which one of the following is antonym of ” Epitome ” while others are synonyms? A. antithesis B. abridgment C. abstract D. compendium Which one of the following is antonym of ” Flummox ” while others are synonyms? A. Baffle B. Confound C. Perplex D. Enlighten Which one of the following is antonym of ” IMPOVERISHED ” while others are synonyms? A. broke B. destitute C. impecunious D. wealthy Which one of the following is antonym of ” Minuscule ” while others are synonyms? A. Diminutive B. Lilliputian C. Miniature D. Majuscule Which one of the following is antonym of ” Eclat ” while others are synonyms? A. Eminence B. Esteem C. Plaudit D. Dullness Which one of the following is antonym of ” Welter ” while others are synonyms? A. Clutter B. Fuddle Jumble D. Order Which one of the following is antonym of ” Flaunt ” while others are synonyms? A. Cover B. Brandish C. Display D. Exhibit Which one of the following is antonym of ” Picayune ” while others are synonyms? A. Piddling B. Trifling C. Colossal D. Trivial Which one of the following is antonym of ” Raucous” while others are synonyms? A. Hoarse B. Subdued C. Strident D. Discordant Which one of the following is antonym of ” Prosaic ” while others are synonyms? A. Pedestrian B. Prosy C. Tedious D. Interesting Which one of the following is antonym of ” Apocryphal ” while others are synonyms? A. Genuine B. Mythical C. Obscure D. Unsubstantiated