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Annual Report
3 Curatorship’s Statement
4 Projects
4 Global Dignity
4 Research on Global Shapers Influence in Ukraine
5 Shape Ukraine
5 Secret Santa Gift Sharing
6 Shaping Davos #ShapingTalent
7 #FriendlyKyiv
7 Ukraine Discovery Tour
8 Initiatives in Partnership
8 Peace Talks
8 12th
Yalta European Strategy Forum
9 Tak is Ja
9 StudCamp2016
10 Shapers in Action
10 ShapeEurope’15, Vilnius
10 ShapeEurasia’15, Bishkek
11 Shape Pacific Asia’16, Hiroshima
11 Annual Curatorship Meeting 2015
12 Shapers at Work
15 Good News from Ukraine
16 Kyiv Hub’s Networking
18 Kyiv Hub’s Visibility
Olha Stoliarchuk
It always seems impossible until its done.
Nelson Mandela
Ukraine is the largest country in the Eastern Europe known for
its picturesque landscape, amazing cuisine, fertile lands and
growing economy.
After the recent event in 2014, Ukraine is reborn and is driven
by the new Generation. This generation is called Millennials, they
enter governmental institution, lead and organize NGOs, they
implement reforms and try to solve the biggest obstacles Ukraine
face starting from its independence. Millennials are the role
models and change-makers of modern Ukraine. A lot of them have
joined Kyiv Hub to make this world a better place to live.
I was privileged and honoured to be selected as a Curator for
2015-2016 and lead the team of 22 extraordinary minds for
making a real contribution and impact to our community, for
putting Ukraine on WEF’s global agenda, as well as for helping the
international community to hear Ukraine’s voice. Update on our
work through the 2015-2016 can see in this Annual Report. This
wouldn’t have happened without support of my dream team,
without non-stop hard work for 24/7 and continues efforts put by
shapers from all Ukrainian Hubs.
Together we are strong. Let’s keep shaping.
Don’t miss the chance to Open, Discover, Experience Ukraine and
visit GS Kyiv Hub.
2015/2016 became difficult, but crucial years for Ukraine.
Our country faced a number of internal and external challenges.
On one hand, for the first time in its modern history, country is
dealing with the long-term hybrid war with Russia in the form of the
“frozen conflict”. On the other hand, after 24 years of independence,
new pro-Ukrainian elite started its fight for Ukraine on political arena,
fight for reforms and against corruption, fight for the future of their
children in their successful country. A lot of Ukrainians are currently
“Improving the state of the world” through contribution to the
development of their own country. Every single day Ukraine makes
successful steps toward its development and comes closer to the
deep integration in the global economic and political life.
I am very happy that members of the Global Shapers Kyiv Hub
actively participate in the building of the new country: based on
democratic values and the rule of law. Each shaper individually and
within the hub, as a community, covers a whole range of possible
activities – in social, political and business spheres.
I would like to express gratitude to the World Economic Forum
and Global Shapers Community for the inspiration and motivation
on our way of “Improving the state of the world”.
Volodymyr Vargola
Global Dignity Day (21.10.2015)
Global Dignity Day takes place on the third Wednesday of
October each year. It is carried out in the Middle East, Europe,
Asia, Oceania, Africa and the Americas. Thousands of volunteers
act as guides and facilitators, leading the students in a
conversation about dignity. The aim is to make the concept of
dignity tangible and understandable for each and every student.
Defining dignity in their own words and sharing stories from their
own lives gives students ownership of the concept.
GS Kyiv Hub Team conducted a Global Dignity Day in Kyiv for
young leaders in the Ukrainian Leadership Academy, for Youth
Global Initiative in the Committee of Foreign Affairs of the
Parliament and for 8 grade pupils in Kyiv Gymnasium No.117.
Research on Global Shaper’s influence in
Ukraine and youth activism
GS Kyiv Hub together with TheRespo conducted a survey for
hearing the voice of active young people in big cities of Ukraine.
The main purpose of the survey was to obtain information about
(1) what interests active young people, (2) what obstacles they
face and (3) how young people overcome them. Among other
things, through the survey we tried to find out how famous is the
World Economic Forum (WEF) brand, as a platform for
addressing global issues before the Leaders and Global
Shapers. In particular, we wanted to know whether Ukrainians
believe in the WEF and GS as in players solving global and local
problems, as well as if they are ready to join these organizations.
Full version is available upon the link here.
Shape Ukraine
Shape Ukraine is an initiative launched by Kyiv Hub’s and Odesa
Hub’s shapers aimed at developing new strategies, visions and
projects within the regions and all-Ukraine. Shape Ukraine
includes series of unique events, workshops, sessions for
strengthen the collaboration between Ukrainian shapers, as well
as it is a chance to discover local “flavour and taste” of each of
Hub’s cities.
This first strategy session hosted by GS Odesa Hub provided
shapers an opportunity to meet each other, discuss internal
issues with the regard of Hub’s activity, share expertise and
experience on projects, as well as to discuss joined initiatives.
You can find more information on the strategic session here.
Secret Santa Gift Sharing
GS Kyiv Hub together with GS Yerevan Hub
launched a #giftexchange initiative within
the Global Shapers Community which
united more than 30 GS Hubs through the
world. Randomly divided Hubs shared
message about their community and their
city during Xmass Holidays.
GS Kyiv Hub was extremely happy to
receive a package from GS Moscow Hub
and to «pay it forward» to Yerevan and
Geneva Hubs. We are very glad to see all
warm and sincere messages went through
the community.
Participation in #giftexchangeis is an
amazing example of inter-hub collaboration
and #culturaldiplomacy.
Shaping Davos #ShapingTalent (21.01.2016)
GS KyivHub in frames of the Shaping Davos session organized a
television debate with the support of Hromadske International on
the topic "Millennials talent gap in goverment: What to do about
it?". The global debate format of Shaping Davos aims to bring the
world to Davos, and Davos to the World.
Our guests on the debates were GS Kyiv Hub members and
alumni, experts and activists from the goverment area. The event
were broadcasted online and is available here.
Some interesting topics considered the questions - why the
presence of young people in state affairs is still low, what are the
main challenges and how to tackle them. One thing became clear
is that we start the movement in the right direction and hopefully
from now on the younger generation will be more and more
involved in building the better country of tomorrow.
Besides the TV debate, Kyiv Hub's Shapers Denis Gursky took
part in debate live from Davos together with Monterrei, Mumbai
and Lyon Hubs, you can check the full version here.
Kyiv Shapers have opened the Kyiv city for their guests and
colleagues and opened new doors for those who lived in Kyiv for a
Our mission is to spread the message on Kyiv's positive vibration,
Kyiv's secret places and unique spots, which is a must to see, and to
raise awareness about Kyiv history and its famous people.
We are always happy to host visitors, break the stereotypes, share
insights and to
promote Kyiv as
the place to be
right now.
Ukraine Discovery Tour
Kyiv Hub together with Ukrainian YGLs
prepared a very special and unique tour to
Ukraine. This is not an official WEF
program, but a privately organized YGLs
and GSs Trip. Ukraine Discovery Tour is open to YGLs with a small
number of places available to selected group of the Global Shapers
members. The event took place on 2 - 6 of June 2016 in Kyiv.
The agenda included meetings with the business leaders, investors,
social activist, media, IT guru and other extraordinary and unique
people in different spheres and industries, as well as Workshops and
Session on doing business in Ukraine. We wanted to show a private
side of the country ordinarily missed by visiting delegations as well as
we continue the work the WEF started with the Geneva Ukraine Initiative.
Among the participants of Ukraine Discovery Tour 2016 we had guests from Switzerland, Turkey, Italy,
Germany, Belarus, Cyprus and Ukrainian delegates of Global Shapers Kyiv Hub, Global Shapers Odesa Hub
and Global Shapers Kharkiv Hub. More information on the Ukraine Discovery Tour 2016 is available on the FB
Page., where a summary fror UDT 2015 is avaliable here.
Initiatives in Partnership
Peace Talks
On October 6, 2015, GS Kyiv Hub organized a meeting of the Global
Shaper from Sarajevo Hub Jasminko Halilovic with leaders of human
rights organizations, volunteers and journalists dealing with the war
issues in the Eastern Ukraine since the Russian aggression in 2014.
Jasminko presented his book "Childhood in war" that describes life of
children in Sarajevo in 1992-1995 and told about broader activities
and plans in this area, such as opening War Childhood Museum in the
capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina and organizing exhibitions on this
subject in different parts of the world. Unfortunately, Ukraine has to
deal with similar problem today, when many children became victims
of the dreadful hostilities around them.
The discussion was aimed, in particular, at learning experience from the Balkans and, thus, finding solutions
how to protect children to the extent possible from the horrible consequences of the war.
Yalta European Strategy Forum
Kyiv Hub and its outstanding members attended 12th Yalta
European Strategy Annual Meeting YES and participated in
various panels on how new Ukraine's fate affects Europe and the
world. Global Shapers Community in Kyiv stays optimistic and
send a positive message to the world. YES was a platform for
collaboration and a place for meeting old friends, such as
colleagues from Odesa Hub, as well as finding new super active
Tak is Ja
Shapers from Kyiv and Odesa raised their voices and
prepared a story to tell before the European citizens. Shapers
took part in the initiative ‪#takisja‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪ for raising awareness on
UKRAINE as it is - modern, innovative, prosperous,
developing and its active, enthusiastic people willing to shape
this world for a better place to live.
You can see our messages on the official YouTube channel of
Kyiv Hub and of Odesa Hub. There are other Ukrainians
calling on Dutch citizens to support Ukraine before the voting
in the Netherlands, where you may listen to their stories
We tried to break the stereotype that might exist and remind
that there is a different side of Ukraine – we, and WE are
A unique event in the sphere of youth empowerment took place in
Odesa on 9-10 of April, 2016 in a strong partnership with Global
Shapers Odesa Hub. StudCamp 2016 – annual mass youth
conference in the bar-camp format that unites leaders of youth
organizations and regular students. The conference provided with 36
fascinating lectures given by successful Ukrainians under age of 30.
Among the speaker of StudCamp were shapers from Kyiv and Odesa
Hub, such as Darius Tamauskas (Global Shapers Kyiv Hub), Vitalii
Zakhozhyi (Kyiv Hub), Anna Bondarenko (Odesa Hub), Anna Soloid
(Kyiv Hub), Aleksandr Oleynik (Odesa Hub), and Aleksandr Slavskiy
(Odesa Hub).
Shapers in Action
ShapeEurope, Vilnius
During 4 - 6 of September, 2015, Olha Stoliarchuk and
Volodymyr Vargola attended the Shape Europe event in
Vilnius, Lithuania. During the ‪#ShapeEurope‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪ Volodymyr
presented a GlobalCalendar project before the GS
Community while Olha was a contributor on a workshop
dedicated to Open Data where she shared insights on
legislative development in Ukraine. Global Citizen. Local
Challenges - was a great experience for Kyiv Hub to
exchange ideas with European hubs and draft an agenda
for cooperation.
ShapeEurasia, Bishkek
Together with 70 young leaders Olha Stoliarchuk took part in
Shape Eurasia – four-day meeting in Bishkek (Kyrgyz
Republic), which became a global hub for wild and
recreational tourism. Olha benefited from learning about
Kyrgyz’s experience on issues of tourism and local
manufacturing, as well as discovered a nature of nomands.
The credo of the event was – Go Nomand.
Olha attended workshops on tourism development, on
entrepreneurship development and on creation of a public
places as well as had a chance to observe the role of young
Shape Asia Pacific in Hiroshima’16
Shape Hiroshima held on 18th - 21st of March, 2016, aimed to shape sustainable peace with multiple stakeholders
present. Our Shaper Dmytro Kostyk was among participants and had a unique chance to discover Hiroshima, Japan,
and its experience for the last 60 years. Dmytro extended Ukrainian collaboration with Japanese Hubs, shared his
knowledge being a technological pioneer, as well as opened an extraordinary part of Shapers community in Asia. Let
it be peace everywhere.
Annual Curatorship
Meeting 2015
Olha Stoliarchuk together with
curators of other Ukrainian hubs
Ostap Luchyshyn (Lviv), Anastasia
Sleptsova (Odesa), Oleksandr Elkin
(Kharkiv) and 450 curators from all around the world attended the ACM 2015 in
Geneva on 13-17 of August, 2015. ACM became a brilliant platform and
combination of trainings, sessions for discussing Shapers’ mission, aims and
values, exchanging experience on projects implementation, and teambuilding
activities as well place for meeting leaders of the World Economic Forum and
Global Shapers community.
Shapers at Work
Olha Stoliarchuk joined the National Joint Stock Company Naftogaz of Ukraine on a
position of a Legal Counsel with the main expertise in oil and gas law, data protection and
antitrust law. Except helping with various pro bono cases, including legal assistance of
soldiers in ATO zone (anti-terroristic operation), Olha actively participating in charity
organization's activity related to rehabilitation of orphans as they reach maturity, displaced
children socialization, raise awareness campaigns on importance of blood donation and
autism in Ukraine. In 2015 Olha became a grant holder of MASA grant for a program on
Project Management (PMP) at the Technion University (Israel) and is a founder of NGO
Volodymyr Vargola became a president of the Ukrainian branch of
charitable foundation “Alumni Fund Ukraine”. Main task of the foundation is to
support the development of Ukrainian education system, creation of the strong and
life-long connections between educational structures and their alumni. Volodymyr
also founded UkrainianTrade company with the main aim to promote and support
Ukrainian SMEs development, building of the business-clusters and international
development of Ukrainian companies.
Dmytro Kostyk - Ukrainian entrepreneur, after testing his interactive surfaces in
restaurants of Cyprus, Dubai and Abu-Dhabi, brought his Interactive Restaurant
Technology to US market. Dmytro also spoke at the fifth TEDxKyiv conference focused on
the theme “Instincts of the future”.
Conal Campbell worked on communications projects at the Administration of
the President of Ukraine and other public institutions as Ukraine seeks to overhaul its
economy and international relations following the Revolution of Dignity. He also
launched a start-up (‘explain with video’) making animated videos for
clients and has started working with Practice.Rocks a startup which converts software
video trainings into interactive simulations for employees and customers. He also
lectured to undergraduates and took part in the many charity events which are so vibrant
in Kyiv.
Valerie Sobakar Khudayar was a co-author of a social project named Freedom of
Panorama (FoP) in 2015. FoP is a right to freely take pictures in the public places that include
copyrighted objects of permanent public display. FoP was one of the key recommendations
of German Pirate MEP Julia Reda's copyright report, recommending that EU member-states
be required to enshrine this freedom in their national laws. Initiative caused a wide reaction of
the international community against it, including Valerie – together with Vadim Doctorov
Photography she conducted a series of photo-shoots in the EU countries with no FoP. The
project was successfully presented at the M17 Contemporary Art Center and supported by
WikiMedia Ukraine. Also, in December 2015, Valerie presented her first designer capsule
collection. In 2016 a new project, Forgotten Paints, was presented with Valerie’s artistic works
as a painter on a human body, creating illusions of the photographs being artistic canvases.
Valerie was also a partner of the International Designers Contest Pechersky Kashtany. As a
model, she featured not only FoP Project and Forgotten Paints, but also series of Vogue
Fashion Film Initiative for selected Ukrainian Designers. As an expert, Valerie is a co-author of
the educational courses and workshops such as Gloss Fashion Photography, Fashion
OpenAir, Photo-Posing etc. in Ukraine and abroad.
Svitlana Masharovska launched a civil educational project “Enlightenment
for everyone”. On the basis of her PhD thesis Svitlana elaborated and gave a series
of public lectures on information security, which is to be continued as a lecture tour
through the eastern cities located in near the ATO zone. Thе project aimed at
raising the level of political culture of Ukrainians which is a must in all prosperous
Yulia Solokha as an expert of public health issues was invited by the World Health
organization in June 2016 to conduct trainings for representatives of all regions of Ukraine and
regional journalists. Thanks to these trainings, participants got a chance to know about current
legislation and instruments of implementation control with the regard of tobacco and alcohol in
Ukraine; tobacco and alcohol marketing; Best Buys, best practices of interventions and
international experience; how to provide media campaigns to reduce alcohol and tobacco
consumption, etc.
Taras Byk as part of his work at the International Republican Institute
continued comprehensive Municipal Governance Program covering work of 24
major cities all over Ukraine. Thanks to this program, Ukrainian cities are becoming
more competitive in improving the quality of life of its citizens.
Alina Opanasenko co-organized all-Ukrainian youth training “Stereo_Type” and
photo exhibition of the NGO “Joy of Childhood” that aimed to promote non-violent
communication. Actively participated in a campaign of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of
Ukraine dedicated to raising awareness about relations between Dutch and Ukrainians ahead
of the referendum in the Netherlands. Became High Level Experts Program Alumni of the
German Embassy in Ukraine. Alina also was elected Global Shapers Kyiv Hub Curator 2016-
Vitalii Zakhozhyi since 2015 has been working as a Project Coordinator of the
WorldWideStudies (WWS) Program at the Victor Pinchuk Foundation. WWS aims to
create a new professional elite of Ukraine by financing young Ukrainians to help them
getting the world’s best education. During 2015-2016, Vitalii was also involved in the
other international projects of the Foundation, organizing the 12th Yalta European
Strategy Annual Meeting, a powerful public diplomacy platform for providing an open
dialogue on global issues affecting Ukraine, Europe and the world, and the 2016 Davos
Ukrainian Breakfast, private event dedicated to Ukraine, held annually in Davos at the
occasion of the Annual Meeting of the World Economic Forum.
Yaroslav Azhnyuk - Ukrainian entrepreneur, CEO of Petcube, a company that
connects people to their pets, have advocated for Ukrainian entrepreneurship to go global,
publishing a number of articles in online media and consulting dozens of Ukrainian
entrepreneurs. Petcube started selling its designed in Ukraine consumer electronics product in
large US retail networks, including Best Buy, Brookstone, Petco, and others and building on its
overwhelming success is launching two new products. Petcube became the first Ukrainian
company to join world’s most prestigious business accelerator, Y Combinator and initiated a Y
Combinator event in Ukraine that will happen this Fall.
Anna Soloid took a role of Team and Alumni Lead in Ukrainian Leadership
Academy to support team formation of four new entities in Kharkiv, Lviv, Poltava and
Mykolaiv. Ukrainian Leadership Academy aims to form a generation of youth leaders by
developing their intellectual and physical skills. Also as a cofounder of “Start2Go”, Anna
organized 3rd annual online conference ProForum devoted to employability skills and
career development. This year ProForum was visited by 150 participants from 10
countries. One more initiative of Start2Go, professional mentoring program
"MakeMeBetter", since January 2016 provided mentors for 40 participants.
Sviatoslav Sviatnenko serves as Director of Business Development at Borsch
Ventures, which goal is to build a high tech ecosystem in Ukraine working with innovative
Ukrainian companies and start-ups. Over the past year, Borsch developed a number of Center
of Excellences with world class expertise in various industries and technologies, including
microelectronics and electronics, laser technologies, nanotechnologies, and agtech. Sviatoslav
also led the process of attracting Horizon 2020 SME Instrument (Phase 2) funding for one of
the portfolio companies, which became the first and only company in Ukraine to
receive financing under this highly competitive European programme.
Max Semenchuk works on the development of the New York office of Seductive
Mobile. Working on a bunch of worldwide projects, including a governmental initiative in
Georgia, start-ups in US and Western Europe.
Oleg Dryzhak is a founder of the NGO “National Anti-Corruption Platform” (NAP), which
sums up a series of anti-corruption forums led by former President of Georgia Mikheil
Saakashvili throughout Ukraine and attended by tens of thousands of active citizens. The idea
of fighting corruption in the government has received national status and NAP consolidates the
most active project teams. Oleg was an Advisor on the reform of State-owned enterprises in
the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine and after the government
reshuffle joined the initiative group working on creating a political party of technocrats. The
new party brings together respectable and honest activists who want to realize the national
dream of living in a prosperous and democratic state.
Oksana Nezhyvenko continues teaching at the National University of Kyiv-
Mohyla Academy. This year she was selected as CERGE-EI Teaching Fellow for
teaching Microeconomics. Oksana was appointed an Administrative director at the Anti-
Corruption Research and Education Center. Also, during 2015-2016 she participated in
several international conferences presenting few papers on informal economy of Ukraine.
In April 2016 Oksana won VoxUkraine competition for best economic essay.
Oksana Nechyporenko became the partner of the GoGlobal initiative - national
NGO and movement that promotes foreign languages learning in Ukraine. Achievements:
President declared 2016 Year of English language; GoGlobal brought 130 international
language volunteers from 40 countries of the world and send them to 128 summer camps in
schools all over Ukraine with 9000 children participating; Draft Law on the Public Service
includes the special paragraph from GoGlobal and introduces the obligatory knowledge of one
of 2 languages of the Council of Europe for the al servants of category A; international
blockbusters are available in English language in the wide network of cinemas all over Ukraine
thanks to GoGlobal initiative.
Daruis Tamauskas is an advisor at the Ministry of Economic Development and
Trade of Ukraine. He is assisting with the coordination of foreign assistance efforts,
dealing with international financial institutions like the World Bank, OECD, EIB, EBRD
and alike. He has appeared on a number of tv interviews, media publications and public
events speaking about Ukraine transition period, economic development of the country,
youth empowerment. Darius has been elected as a curator of Vilnius Hub for the term of
Yuliya Tychkivska serves as a Vice president at Kyiv School of Economics leading
management education programs and MBA. During the year KSE started programs for civil
servants aiming improve Ukraine's top management in public finance area, in police and
improve corporate governance at state-own enterprises. Yulia aslo is a founder of
Bendukidze Free Market Centre - ukrainian free market think tank which is active in
development economic reforms agenda for Ukraine. Yulia also supports the project which
was founded during Maidan time - Open University of Maidan. The mission of the OUM is to
strengthen civil society in Ukraine through education. Yulia also invested in a small local
business in Lviv - chain of Educational centres for kids.
Good News from Ukraine
The world should know Ukrainian heroes.
During the Canada-Ukrainian business forum, the Prime
Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau had a chance to try
incredible interactive tables‪ made by Interactive Restaurant
Technology, where our Global Shaper Dmytro Kostyk serves
as a CEO.
By the way, tables are equipping in ‪#Ukraine‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪
Shapers met at the first exclusive premier screening of Batman vs
Superman in English (original) at the Oskar Cinema. The premier was
initiated within the GO Global aimed at promoting English language
among youth.
Thanks to #GoGlobal it is possible now to be closer to the original
cinema culture. It was amazing seeing so much people engaged and
seeing #UkraineSpeaking
Talented and famous Swiss photographer and Kyiv Hub’s Shaper
Niels Ackermann is very happy to share the results of his three
years project performed in a small and young city Slavutych. Niels’
project is aimed at showing the story of a city built as a most
progressive and modern city in 1988 and its habitants that were
grown from children to adults.
Is it interesting how Niels sees Ukraine and what kept him in
Ukraine for such long time? The answers can be found in his
Should you want to read more on Niels’ projects, find more
information on:
Each year, World Economic Forum selects the most innovative,
enterprising and socially minded men and women under the age of
40 who are pushing boundaries and rethinking the world around
them. 2015' class of Young Global Leaders gives hope that they
are ready to tackle the world’s most complex and pressing
We were proud to have four prominent Ukrainians among young
global leaders,such as: Wladimir Klitschko (since 2014), Ruslana
(since 2011), Andrey Kolodyuk (since 2008), and Ihor Shevchenko
(since 2006).
The YGL list in 2015 has increased by two extraordinary person,
Mustafa Nayyem and Hanna
GS Kyiv Hub Oksana Nechyporenko was among the civil activists
representing Ukrainian NGOs and initiatives that tightly connected with
Ukrainian development on the meeting with the Vice-President of USA Joe
Biden. This meeting aimed at discussion anticorruption issues that are a
common responsibility of MPs and civil society, president and government, as
well as civil servant reform, decentralization and local government developing.
Kyiv Hub's Curator Olha Stoliarchuk was invited to the UNICEF youth forum for sharing
information on Global Shaper Community and its activity in Ukraine.
Without any doubt, Kyiv Hub put youth development as a key priority for Sustainable
Development as it is defined in Goals by the UN and is willing to establish and
strengthen a sustainable cooperation between global organization in Ukraine. Kyiv
Hub sees such cooperation as a proper way of shaping the local agenda in Ukraine.
Global Shapers Darius Tamauskas and Sviatoslav Sviatnenko attended a IV Central
and Eastern European Investment Conference: Math Vs Geopolitics - Where to Play,
How to Win, organised by CFA Society in Kyiv, Ukraine. Among the participants were
financial industry leaders and government officials including Natalie Jaresko (Minister
of Finance) and Aivaras Abromavicius (Minister of Economy). Kyiv Hub's Shapers
made their best to establish a link between Ukraine and Polish, Hungarian, Turkish,
and Czech investors, who were very much interested in opportunities in Ukraine. That
is how #culturaldiplomacy works.
GS Kyiv Hub become an Annual Survey 2016 Affiliate. Global
Shapers Community is committed to ensuring that young people
contribute to shaping the world agenda. We do this for ensuring
that young people’s actions may have impact and that their
voices are heard. GS Kyiv Hub helps Ukrainian youth to raise
their voice and is eager to put Ukraine on a global WEF' agenda.
Kyiv Hub’s Networking
GS Kyiv Hub Shapers are grateful to Anna Koch - WEF Community
Specialist of Eurasia Regional Strategies and Andrew Chakhoyan -
WEF Global Leadership Fellow 2012, Head of Eurasia at WEF, for
the tasty dinner and food for thought!
KYIV Hub's members are attended a lecture on youth global
diplomacy delivered by a brilliant lector Anastasia Popova (Global
Shaper from Novosybyrsk), who shared her vision on Russian –
Ukraine relations after the 2014 in the one of the oldest university in
Western Ukraine – National University of Kyiv – Mohyla Academy.
Our brave Max Semenchuk during his stay in Almaty took
part in a volunteer project initiated by ‪#GSAlmatyHub‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪.
Together they helped people in Kargaly (Каргалы) to
overcome the problem of mud flow that recently destroyed
houses, ruined roads and blocked nearby territory. This
"cross-border" initiative within Global Shapers community is a
nice example on how exceptional young people shape this
world and contribute to local and global communities. Thank
you for doing our world better.
After Kyiv Hub Curator for 2015-2016 Olha Stoliarchuk finished her curatorship year Kyiv Hub welcomed on board
a new Kyiv Hub Curator for 2016-2017 Alina V. Opanasenko. Outgoing Curator as per Kyiv Hub’s tradition has
transferred "bulava" a symbol of power and attribute of Ukrainian Hetmans (kings) to the new Curator.
It was a wonderful year, - several projects, hundreds or ideas and brainstorming sessions, thousands hours of
work, millions of smiles and positive vibes, unlimited happiness. #WhatIsGlobalShapersIsAbout #TellUsYourStory
Kyiv Hub’s Visibility
Social Media
Instagram: @GlobalShapersKyiv
Current visibility - 135 followers
Twitter: @ShapersKyiv
Current visibility - 322 followers
Facebook: /GSKyivHub
Current visibility – 1166 followers
If you have any questions, feel free to contact

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Annual report 2015 2016 final-05092016

  • 2. Content 3 Curatorship’s Statement 4 Projects 4 Global Dignity 4 Research on Global Shapers Influence in Ukraine 5 Shape Ukraine 5 Secret Santa Gift Sharing 6 Shaping Davos #ShapingTalent 7 #FriendlyKyiv 7 Ukraine Discovery Tour 8 Initiatives in Partnership 8 Peace Talks 8 12th Yalta European Strategy Forum 9 Tak is Ja 9 StudCamp2016 10 Shapers in Action 10 ShapeEurope’15, Vilnius 10 ShapeEurasia’15, Bishkek 11 Shape Pacific Asia’16, Hiroshima 11 Annual Curatorship Meeting 2015 12 Shapers at Work 15 Good News from Ukraine 16 Kyiv Hub’s Networking 18 Kyiv Hub’s Visibility #SHAPERSKYIV COMMITTED TO IMPROVING THE STATE OF THE WORLD
  • 3. Olha Stoliarchuk Curator It always seems impossible until its done. Nelson Mandela Ukraine is the largest country in the Eastern Europe known for its picturesque landscape, amazing cuisine, fertile lands and growing economy. After the recent event in 2014, Ukraine is reborn and is driven by the new Generation. This generation is called Millennials, they enter governmental institution, lead and organize NGOs, they implement reforms and try to solve the biggest obstacles Ukraine face starting from its independence. Millennials are the role models and change-makers of modern Ukraine. A lot of them have joined Kyiv Hub to make this world a better place to live. I was privileged and honoured to be selected as a Curator for 2015-2016 and lead the team of 22 extraordinary minds for making a real contribution and impact to our community, for putting Ukraine on WEF’s global agenda, as well as for helping the international community to hear Ukraine’s voice. Update on our work through the 2015-2016 can see in this Annual Report. This wouldn’t have happened without support of my dream team, without non-stop hard work for 24/7 and continues efforts put by shapers from all Ukrainian Hubs. Together we are strong. Let’s keep shaping. Don’t miss the chance to Open, Discover, Experience Ukraine and visit GS Kyiv Hub. 2015/2016 became difficult, but crucial years for Ukraine. Our country faced a number of internal and external challenges. On one hand, for the first time in its modern history, country is dealing with the long-term hybrid war with Russia in the form of the “frozen conflict”. On the other hand, after 24 years of independence, new pro-Ukrainian elite started its fight for Ukraine on political arena, fight for reforms and against corruption, fight for the future of their children in their successful country. A lot of Ukrainians are currently “Improving the state of the world” through contribution to the development of their own country. Every single day Ukraine makes successful steps toward its development and comes closer to the deep integration in the global economic and political life. I am very happy that members of the Global Shapers Kyiv Hub actively participate in the building of the new country: based on democratic values and the rule of law. Each shaper individually and within the hub, as a community, covers a whole range of possible activities – in social, political and business spheres. I would like to express gratitude to the World Economic Forum and Global Shapers Community for the inspiration and motivation on our way of “Improving the state of the world”. Volodymyr Vargola Vice-Curator
  • 4. Projects Global Dignity Day (21.10.2015) Global Dignity Day takes place on the third Wednesday of October each year. It is carried out in the Middle East, Europe, Asia, Oceania, Africa and the Americas. Thousands of volunteers act as guides and facilitators, leading the students in a conversation about dignity. The aim is to make the concept of dignity tangible and understandable for each and every student. Defining dignity in their own words and sharing stories from their own lives gives students ownership of the concept. GS Kyiv Hub Team conducted a Global Dignity Day in Kyiv for young leaders in the Ukrainian Leadership Academy, for Youth Global Initiative in the Committee of Foreign Affairs of the Parliament and for 8 grade pupils in Kyiv Gymnasium No.117. Research on Global Shaper’s influence in Ukraine and youth activism GS Kyiv Hub together with TheRespo conducted a survey for hearing the voice of active young people in big cities of Ukraine. The main purpose of the survey was to obtain information about (1) what interests active young people, (2) what obstacles they face and (3) how young people overcome them. Among other things, through the survey we tried to find out how famous is the World Economic Forum (WEF) brand, as a platform for addressing global issues before the Leaders and Global Shapers. In particular, we wanted to know whether Ukrainians believe in the WEF and GS as in players solving global and local problems, as well as if they are ready to join these organizations. Full version is available upon the link here.
  • 5. Shape Ukraine Shape Ukraine is an initiative launched by Kyiv Hub’s and Odesa Hub’s shapers aimed at developing new strategies, visions and projects within the regions and all-Ukraine. Shape Ukraine includes series of unique events, workshops, sessions for strengthen the collaboration between Ukrainian shapers, as well as it is a chance to discover local “flavour and taste” of each of Hub’s cities. This first strategy session hosted by GS Odesa Hub provided shapers an opportunity to meet each other, discuss internal issues with the regard of Hub’s activity, share expertise and experience on projects, as well as to discuss joined initiatives. You can find more information on the strategic session here. Secret Santa Gift Sharing GS Kyiv Hub together with GS Yerevan Hub launched a #giftexchange initiative within the Global Shapers Community which united more than 30 GS Hubs through the world. Randomly divided Hubs shared message about their community and their city during Xmass Holidays. GS Kyiv Hub was extremely happy to receive a package from GS Moscow Hub and to «pay it forward» to Yerevan and Geneva Hubs. We are very glad to see all warm and sincere messages went through the community. Participation in #giftexchangeis is an amazing example of inter-hub collaboration and #culturaldiplomacy.
  • 6. Shaping Davos #ShapingTalent (21.01.2016) GS KyivHub in frames of the Shaping Davos session organized a television debate with the support of Hromadske International on the topic "Millennials talent gap in goverment: What to do about it?". The global debate format of Shaping Davos aims to bring the world to Davos, and Davos to the World. Our guests on the debates were GS Kyiv Hub members and alumni, experts and activists from the goverment area. The event were broadcasted online and is available here. Some interesting topics considered the questions - why the presence of young people in state affairs is still low, what are the main challenges and how to tackle them. One thing became clear is that we start the movement in the right direction and hopefully from now on the younger generation will be more and more involved in building the better country of tomorrow. Besides the TV debate, Kyiv Hub's Shapers Denis Gursky took part in debate live from Davos together with Monterrei, Mumbai and Lyon Hubs, you can check the full version here.
  • 7. FriendlyKyiv Kyiv Shapers have opened the Kyiv city for their guests and colleagues and opened new doors for those who lived in Kyiv for a while. Our mission is to spread the message on Kyiv's positive vibration, Kyiv's secret places and unique spots, which is a must to see, and to raise awareness about Kyiv history and its famous people. We are always happy to host visitors, break the stereotypes, share insights and to promote Kyiv as the place to be right now. Ukraine Discovery Tour Kyiv Hub together with Ukrainian YGLs prepared a very special and unique tour to Ukraine. This is not an official WEF program, but a privately organized YGLs and GSs Trip. Ukraine Discovery Tour is open to YGLs with a small number of places available to selected group of the Global Shapers members. The event took place on 2 - 6 of June 2016 in Kyiv. The agenda included meetings with the business leaders, investors, social activist, media, IT guru and other extraordinary and unique people in different spheres and industries, as well as Workshops and Session on doing business in Ukraine. We wanted to show a private side of the country ordinarily missed by visiting delegations as well as we continue the work the WEF started with the Geneva Ukraine Initiative. Among the participants of Ukraine Discovery Tour 2016 we had guests from Switzerland, Turkey, Italy, Germany, Belarus, Cyprus and Ukrainian delegates of Global Shapers Kyiv Hub, Global Shapers Odesa Hub and Global Shapers Kharkiv Hub. More information on the Ukraine Discovery Tour 2016 is available on the FB Page., where a summary fror UDT 2015 is avaliable here.
  • 8. Initiatives in Partnership Peace Talks On October 6, 2015, GS Kyiv Hub organized a meeting of the Global Shaper from Sarajevo Hub Jasminko Halilovic with leaders of human rights organizations, volunteers and journalists dealing with the war issues in the Eastern Ukraine since the Russian aggression in 2014. Jasminko presented his book "Childhood in war" that describes life of children in Sarajevo in 1992-1995 and told about broader activities and plans in this area, such as opening War Childhood Museum in the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina and organizing exhibitions on this subject in different parts of the world. Unfortunately, Ukraine has to deal with similar problem today, when many children became victims of the dreadful hostilities around them. The discussion was aimed, in particular, at learning experience from the Balkans and, thus, finding solutions how to protect children to the extent possible from the horrible consequences of the war. 12th Yalta European Strategy Forum Kyiv Hub and its outstanding members attended 12th Yalta European Strategy Annual Meeting YES and participated in various panels on how new Ukraine's fate affects Europe and the world. Global Shapers Community in Kyiv stays optimistic and send a positive message to the world. YES was a platform for collaboration and a place for meeting old friends, such as colleagues from Odesa Hub, as well as finding new super active people.
  • 9. Tak is Ja Shapers from Kyiv and Odesa raised their voices and prepared a story to tell before the European citizens. Shapers took part in the initiative ‪#takisja‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪ for raising awareness on UKRAINE as it is - modern, innovative, prosperous, developing and its active, enthusiastic people willing to shape this world for a better place to live. You can see our messages on the official YouTube channel of Kyiv Hub and of Odesa Hub. There are other Ukrainians calling on Dutch citizens to support Ukraine before the voting in the Netherlands, where you may listen to their stories ( We tried to break the stereotype that might exist and remind that there is a different side of Ukraine – we, and WE are Ukraine. StudCamp2016 A unique event in the sphere of youth empowerment took place in Odesa on 9-10 of April, 2016 in a strong partnership with Global Shapers Odesa Hub. StudCamp 2016 – annual mass youth conference in the bar-camp format that unites leaders of youth organizations and regular students. The conference provided with 36 fascinating lectures given by successful Ukrainians under age of 30. Among the speaker of StudCamp were shapers from Kyiv and Odesa Hub, such as Darius Tamauskas (Global Shapers Kyiv Hub), Vitalii Zakhozhyi (Kyiv Hub), Anna Bondarenko (Odesa Hub), Anna Soloid (Kyiv Hub), Aleksandr Oleynik (Odesa Hub), and Aleksandr Slavskiy (Odesa Hub).
  • 10. Shapers in Action ShapeEurope, Vilnius During 4 - 6 of September, 2015, Olha Stoliarchuk and Volodymyr Vargola attended the Shape Europe event in Vilnius, Lithuania. During the ‪#ShapeEurope‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪ Volodymyr presented a GlobalCalendar project before the GS Community while Olha was a contributor on a workshop dedicated to Open Data where she shared insights on legislative development in Ukraine. Global Citizen. Local Challenges - was a great experience for Kyiv Hub to exchange ideas with European hubs and draft an agenda for cooperation. ShapeEurasia, Bishkek Together with 70 young leaders Olha Stoliarchuk took part in Shape Eurasia – four-day meeting in Bishkek (Kyrgyz Republic), which became a global hub for wild and recreational tourism. Olha benefited from learning about Kyrgyz’s experience on issues of tourism and local manufacturing, as well as discovered a nature of nomands. The credo of the event was – Go Nomand. Olha attended workshops on tourism development, on entrepreneurship development and on creation of a public places as well as had a chance to observe the role of young people.
  • 11. Shape Asia Pacific in Hiroshima’16 Shape Hiroshima held on 18th - 21st of March, 2016, aimed to shape sustainable peace with multiple stakeholders present. Our Shaper Dmytro Kostyk was among participants and had a unique chance to discover Hiroshima, Japan, and its experience for the last 60 years. Dmytro extended Ukrainian collaboration with Japanese Hubs, shared his knowledge being a technological pioneer, as well as opened an extraordinary part of Shapers community in Asia. Let it be peace everywhere. Annual Curatorship Meeting 2015 Olha Stoliarchuk together with curators of other Ukrainian hubs Ostap Luchyshyn (Lviv), Anastasia Sleptsova (Odesa), Oleksandr Elkin (Kharkiv) and 450 curators from all around the world attended the ACM 2015 in Geneva on 13-17 of August, 2015. ACM became a brilliant platform and combination of trainings, sessions for discussing Shapers’ mission, aims and values, exchanging experience on projects implementation, and teambuilding activities as well place for meeting leaders of the World Economic Forum and Global Shapers community. 1 1 1 1
  • 12. Shapers at Work Olha Stoliarchuk joined the National Joint Stock Company Naftogaz of Ukraine on a position of a Legal Counsel with the main expertise in oil and gas law, data protection and antitrust law. Except helping with various pro bono cases, including legal assistance of soldiers in ATO zone (anti-terroristic operation), Olha actively participating in charity organization's activity related to rehabilitation of orphans as they reach maturity, displaced children socialization, raise awareness campaigns on importance of blood donation and autism in Ukraine. In 2015 Olha became a grant holder of MASA grant for a program on Project Management (PMP) at the Technion University (Israel) and is a founder of NGO "Go.UA". Volodymyr Vargola became a president of the Ukrainian branch of charitable foundation “Alumni Fund Ukraine”. Main task of the foundation is to support the development of Ukrainian education system, creation of the strong and life-long connections between educational structures and their alumni. Volodymyr also founded UkrainianTrade company with the main aim to promote and support Ukrainian SMEs development, building of the business-clusters and international development of Ukrainian companies. Dmytro Kostyk - Ukrainian entrepreneur, after testing his interactive surfaces in restaurants of Cyprus, Dubai and Abu-Dhabi, brought his Interactive Restaurant Technology to US market. Dmytro also spoke at the fifth TEDxKyiv conference focused on the theme “Instincts of the future”. Conal Campbell worked on communications projects at the Administration of the President of Ukraine and other public institutions as Ukraine seeks to overhaul its economy and international relations following the Revolution of Dignity. He also launched a start-up (‘explain with video’) making animated videos for clients and has started working with Practice.Rocks a startup which converts software video trainings into interactive simulations for employees and customers. He also lectured to undergraduates and took part in the many charity events which are so vibrant in Kyiv. Valerie Sobakar Khudayar was a co-author of a social project named Freedom of Panorama (FoP) in 2015. FoP is a right to freely take pictures in the public places that include copyrighted objects of permanent public display. FoP was one of the key recommendations of German Pirate MEP Julia Reda's copyright report, recommending that EU member-states be required to enshrine this freedom in their national laws. Initiative caused a wide reaction of the international community against it, including Valerie – together with Vadim Doctorov Photography she conducted a series of photo-shoots in the EU countries with no FoP. The project was successfully presented at the M17 Contemporary Art Center and supported by WikiMedia Ukraine. Also, in December 2015, Valerie presented her first designer capsule collection. In 2016 a new project, Forgotten Paints, was presented with Valerie’s artistic works as a painter on a human body, creating illusions of the photographs being artistic canvases. Valerie was also a partner of the International Designers Contest Pechersky Kashtany. As a model, she featured not only FoP Project and Forgotten Paints, but also series of Vogue Fashion Film Initiative for selected Ukrainian Designers. As an expert, Valerie is a co-author of the educational courses and workshops such as Gloss Fashion Photography, Fashion OpenAir, Photo-Posing etc. in Ukraine and abroad. Svitlana Masharovska launched a civil educational project “Enlightenment for everyone”. On the basis of her PhD thesis Svitlana elaborated and gave a series of public lectures on information security, which is to be continued as a lecture tour through the eastern cities located in near the ATO zone. Thе project aimed at raising the level of political culture of Ukrainians which is a must in all prosperous countries.
  • 13. Yulia Solokha as an expert of public health issues was invited by the World Health organization in June 2016 to conduct trainings for representatives of all regions of Ukraine and regional journalists. Thanks to these trainings, participants got a chance to know about current legislation and instruments of implementation control with the regard of tobacco and alcohol in Ukraine; tobacco and alcohol marketing; Best Buys, best practices of interventions and international experience; how to provide media campaigns to reduce alcohol and tobacco consumption, etc. Taras Byk as part of his work at the International Republican Institute continued comprehensive Municipal Governance Program covering work of 24 major cities all over Ukraine. Thanks to this program, Ukrainian cities are becoming more competitive in improving the quality of life of its citizens. Alina Opanasenko co-organized all-Ukrainian youth training “Stereo_Type” and photo exhibition of the NGO “Joy of Childhood” that aimed to promote non-violent communication. Actively participated in a campaign of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine dedicated to raising awareness about relations between Dutch and Ukrainians ahead of the referendum in the Netherlands. Became High Level Experts Program Alumni of the German Embassy in Ukraine. Alina also was elected Global Shapers Kyiv Hub Curator 2016- 2017. Vitalii Zakhozhyi since 2015 has been working as a Project Coordinator of the WorldWideStudies (WWS) Program at the Victor Pinchuk Foundation. WWS aims to create a new professional elite of Ukraine by financing young Ukrainians to help them getting the world’s best education. During 2015-2016, Vitalii was also involved in the other international projects of the Foundation, organizing the 12th Yalta European Strategy Annual Meeting, a powerful public diplomacy platform for providing an open dialogue on global issues affecting Ukraine, Europe and the world, and the 2016 Davos Ukrainian Breakfast, private event dedicated to Ukraine, held annually in Davos at the occasion of the Annual Meeting of the World Economic Forum. Yaroslav Azhnyuk - Ukrainian entrepreneur, CEO of Petcube, a company that connects people to their pets, have advocated for Ukrainian entrepreneurship to go global, publishing a number of articles in online media and consulting dozens of Ukrainian entrepreneurs. Petcube started selling its designed in Ukraine consumer electronics product in large US retail networks, including Best Buy, Brookstone, Petco, and others and building on its overwhelming success is launching two new products. Petcube became the first Ukrainian company to join world’s most prestigious business accelerator, Y Combinator and initiated a Y Combinator event in Ukraine that will happen this Fall. Anna Soloid took a role of Team and Alumni Lead in Ukrainian Leadership Academy to support team formation of four new entities in Kharkiv, Lviv, Poltava and Mykolaiv. Ukrainian Leadership Academy aims to form a generation of youth leaders by developing their intellectual and physical skills. Also as a cofounder of “Start2Go”, Anna organized 3rd annual online conference ProForum devoted to employability skills and career development. This year ProForum was visited by 150 participants from 10 countries. One more initiative of Start2Go, professional mentoring program "MakeMeBetter", since January 2016 provided mentors for 40 participants. Sviatoslav Sviatnenko serves as Director of Business Development at Borsch Ventures, which goal is to build a high tech ecosystem in Ukraine working with innovative Ukrainian companies and start-ups. Over the past year, Borsch developed a number of Center of Excellences with world class expertise in various industries and technologies, including microelectronics and electronics, laser technologies, nanotechnologies, and agtech. Sviatoslav also led the process of attracting Horizon 2020 SME Instrument (Phase 2) funding for one of the portfolio companies, which became the first and only company in Ukraine to receive financing under this highly competitive European programme.
  • 14. Max Semenchuk works on the development of the New York office of Seductive Mobile. Working on a bunch of worldwide projects, including a governmental initiative in Georgia, start-ups in US and Western Europe. Oleg Dryzhak is a founder of the NGO “National Anti-Corruption Platform” (NAP), which sums up a series of anti-corruption forums led by former President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili throughout Ukraine and attended by tens of thousands of active citizens. The idea of fighting corruption in the government has received national status and NAP consolidates the most active project teams. Oleg was an Advisor on the reform of State-owned enterprises in the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine and after the government reshuffle joined the initiative group working on creating a political party of technocrats. The new party brings together respectable and honest activists who want to realize the national dream of living in a prosperous and democratic state. Oksana Nezhyvenko continues teaching at the National University of Kyiv- Mohyla Academy. This year she was selected as CERGE-EI Teaching Fellow for teaching Microeconomics. Oksana was appointed an Administrative director at the Anti- Corruption Research and Education Center. Also, during 2015-2016 she participated in several international conferences presenting few papers on informal economy of Ukraine. In April 2016 Oksana won VoxUkraine competition for best economic essay. Oksana Nechyporenko became the partner of the GoGlobal initiative - national NGO and movement that promotes foreign languages learning in Ukraine. Achievements: President declared 2016 Year of English language; GoGlobal brought 130 international language volunteers from 40 countries of the world and send them to 128 summer camps in schools all over Ukraine with 9000 children participating; Draft Law on the Public Service includes the special paragraph from GoGlobal and introduces the obligatory knowledge of one of 2 languages of the Council of Europe for the al servants of category A; international blockbusters are available in English language in the wide network of cinemas all over Ukraine thanks to GoGlobal initiative. Daruis Tamauskas is an advisor at the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine. He is assisting with the coordination of foreign assistance efforts, dealing with international financial institutions like the World Bank, OECD, EIB, EBRD and alike. He has appeared on a number of tv interviews, media publications and public events speaking about Ukraine transition period, economic development of the country, youth empowerment. Darius has been elected as a curator of Vilnius Hub for the term of 2016-2017. Yuliya Tychkivska serves as a Vice president at Kyiv School of Economics leading management education programs and MBA. During the year KSE started programs for civil servants aiming improve Ukraine's top management in public finance area, in police and improve corporate governance at state-own enterprises. Yulia aslo is a founder of Bendukidze Free Market Centre - ukrainian free market think tank which is active in development economic reforms agenda for Ukraine. Yulia also supports the project which was founded during Maidan time - Open University of Maidan. The mission of the OUM is to strengthen civil society in Ukraine through education. Yulia also invested in a small local business in Lviv - chain of Educational centres for kids.
  • 15. Good News from Ukraine The world should know Ukrainian heroes. During the Canada-Ukrainian business forum, the Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau had a chance to try incredible interactive tables‪ made by Interactive Restaurant Technology, where our Global Shaper Dmytro Kostyk serves as a CEO. By the way, tables are equipping in ‪#Ukraine‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪ Shapers met at the first exclusive premier screening of Batman vs Superman in English (original) at the Oskar Cinema. The premier was initiated within the GO Global aimed at promoting English language among youth. Thanks to #GoGlobal it is possible now to be closer to the original cinema culture. It was amazing seeing so much people engaged and seeing #UkraineSpeaking Talented and famous Swiss photographer and Kyiv Hub’s Shaper Niels Ackermann is very happy to share the results of his three years project performed in a small and young city Slavutych. Niels’ project is aimed at showing the story of a city built as a most progressive and modern city in 1988 and its habitants that were grown from children to adults. Is it interesting how Niels sees Ukraine and what kept him in Ukraine for such long time? The answers can be found in his project. Should you want to read more on Niels’ projects, find more information on: Each year, World Economic Forum selects the most innovative, enterprising and socially minded men and women under the age of 40 who are pushing boundaries and rethinking the world around them. 2015' class of Young Global Leaders gives hope that they are ready to tackle the world’s most complex and pressing challenges. We were proud to have four prominent Ukrainians among young global leaders,such as: Wladimir Klitschko (since 2014), Ruslana (since 2011), Andrey Kolodyuk (since 2008), and Ihor Shevchenko (since 2006). The YGL list in 2015 has increased by two extraordinary person, Mustafa Nayyem and Hanna Hopko! GS Kyiv Hub Oksana Nechyporenko was among the civil activists representing Ukrainian NGOs and initiatives that tightly connected with Ukrainian development on the meeting with the Vice-President of USA Joe Biden. This meeting aimed at discussion anticorruption issues that are a common responsibility of MPs and civil society, president and government, as well as civil servant reform, decentralization and local government developing.
  • 16. Kyiv Hub's Curator Olha Stoliarchuk was invited to the UNICEF youth forum for sharing information on Global Shaper Community and its activity in Ukraine. Without any doubt, Kyiv Hub put youth development as a key priority for Sustainable Development as it is defined in Goals by the UN and is willing to establish and strengthen a sustainable cooperation between global organization in Ukraine. Kyiv Hub sees such cooperation as a proper way of shaping the local agenda in Ukraine. ‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪ Global Shapers Darius Tamauskas and Sviatoslav Sviatnenko attended a IV Central and Eastern European Investment Conference: Math Vs Geopolitics - Where to Play, How to Win, organised by CFA Society in Kyiv, Ukraine. Among the participants were financial industry leaders and government officials including Natalie Jaresko (Minister of Finance) and Aivaras Abromavicius (Minister of Economy). Kyiv Hub's Shapers made their best to establish a link between Ukraine and Polish, Hungarian, Turkish, and Czech investors, who were very much interested in opportunities in Ukraine. That is how #culturaldiplomacy works. GS Kyiv Hub become an Annual Survey 2016 Affiliate. Global Shapers Community is committed to ensuring that young people contribute to shaping the world agenda. We do this for ensuring that young people’s actions may have impact and that their voices are heard. GS Kyiv Hub helps Ukrainian youth to raise their voice and is eager to put Ukraine on a global WEF' agenda. Kyiv Hub’s Networking GS Kyiv Hub Shapers are grateful to Anna Koch - WEF Community Specialist of Eurasia Regional Strategies and Andrew Chakhoyan - WEF Global Leadership Fellow 2012, Head of Eurasia at WEF, for the tasty dinner and food for thought! KYIV Hub's members are attended a lecture on youth global diplomacy delivered by a brilliant lector Anastasia Popova (Global Shaper from Novosybyrsk), who shared her vision on Russian – Ukraine relations after the 2014 in the one of the oldest university in Western Ukraine – National University of Kyiv – Mohyla Academy.
  • 17. Our brave Max Semenchuk during his stay in Almaty took part in a volunteer project initiated by ‪#GSAlmatyHub‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪. Together they helped people in Kargaly (Каргалы) to overcome the problem of mud flow that recently destroyed houses, ruined roads and blocked nearby territory. This "cross-border" initiative within Global Shapers community is a nice example on how exceptional young people shape this world and contribute to local and global communities. Thank you for doing our world better. After Kyiv Hub Curator for 2015-2016 Olha Stoliarchuk finished her curatorship year Kyiv Hub welcomed on board a new Kyiv Hub Curator for 2016-2017 Alina V. Opanasenko. Outgoing Curator as per Kyiv Hub’s tradition has transferred "bulava" a symbol of power and attribute of Ukrainian Hetmans (kings) to the new Curator. It was a wonderful year, - several projects, hundreds or ideas and brainstorming sessions, thousands hours of work, millions of smiles and positive vibes, unlimited happiness. #WhatIsGlobalShapersIsAbout #TellUsYourStory
  • 18. Kyiv Hub’s Visibility Social Media Instagram: @GlobalShapersKyiv Current visibility - 135 followers Twitter: @ShapersKyiv Current visibility - 322 followers Facebook: /GSKyivHub Current visibility – 1166 followers THANK YOU FOR READING If you have any questions, feel free to contact