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American Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Research (AJHSSR) 2022
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American Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Research (AJHSSR)
e-ISSN : 2378-703X
Volume-6, Issue-10, pp-60-74
Research Paper Open Access
Analysis Of The Influence Of Organizational Culture,
Transformational Leadership Behavior, And Psychological
Capital On Readiness For Change In Elementary School
Ekawarna, Yusdi Anra, Yuliandra, Lela*
*Economic Education Department, Universitas Jambi
ABSTRACT : Purpose – This study describes the role of psychological capital in the relationship between
organizational culture and transformational leadership behavior towards Readiness for Changes in the context of
elementary school teachers in Sungai Penuh City, Jambi.
Design/methodology/approach - This study adopted an inferential research design. This is a cross-sectional
study because data were collected at a one-time point. This empirical study was conducted on a sample of 285
elementary school teachers who were willing to collaborate to participate voluntarily by filling in the online
questionnaire. Data analysis was divided into two parts; the first part analyzed the respondent's profile and
presented the frequency and percentage distribution of the respondent's profile. The second part was hypothesis
testing with two stages, namely the LS Algorithm to see data quality data and PLS Bootstrapping to test the
hypothesis of the proposed research model. The software includes the Statistical Package for Social Sciences
(SPSS) MS-Windows version 23 and Partial Least Square (Smart PLS-3).
Findings - Organizational culture directly affects psychological capital andreadiness to change and indirectly on
readiness for change through psychological means. Psychological Capital has a direct effect on willingness to
change. Transformational leadership behavior directly impacts psychological capital but does not directly affect
readiness to change and does not indirectly affect readiness to change through psychological means.
Research limitations/implications – The online cross-sectional survey design allows for the self-assessment of
data from respondents. The consequence is that response bias persists, although post-sampling statistical tests
were conducted to screen data to reduce it. Therefore, a more qualitative method with a longitudinal design and
a more extensive research sample is recommended for further research.
Practical implications - School administrators and higher authorities can promote readiness for cultural change,
leadership, and teacher psychological factors, as schools face constant and continuous change interventions.
This is expected to have an impact on improving the quality of educators, students, and the quality of Indonesian
KEYWORDS: Organizational Culture, Transformational Leadership Behavior, Psychological Capital, and
Readiness to Change.
Task principal and function of school teacher Basic in Indonesia is unique. They are a classroom teacher
who carries out the learning process for all students' eye lessons taught at school _ base. The problem when
faced with online learning during the covid-19 pandemic and the digitalization era is it? Do they have readiness
for change? By hypothesis, there are two teacher categories. First, partially great teachers, especially those
including generation digital migration ( generationbaby boomers and generation X), feel difficulties and
tendencies to reject change. Second, teachers who include Generation Y ( millennials ) who were born period
1980-1995 time which have been used to live in facility technology computerized hypothesized ready for
Draft readiness for change ( Readiness for Changes )has been defined and researched in many places
disclosed in the literature on change organization. Some researchers explain readiness for change as the extent to
which individuals view positively about needs for change organization and the area in which individuals
perceive change will positively impact them and the organization overall (Holt et al., 2007). By empirical many
factors influence readiness for change. Pratama and AchmadSobirin (2019) conclude that cultural organization
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takes effect to readiness individuals for change. The study of Jung, Chow, and Wu (2003) showed that
leadership is transformational by positively related to innovation organization and relationships; this is mediated
by cultural organizations where members push for discussion by open and implementing innovative suggestions
and ideas. Internal factors that influence readiness for change are psychological capital. Luthans, Youssef, and
Avolio (2007) stated that psychological capital is capableof positive psychology owned by each useful
individual _ to help the individual grow.
From the description above, the researcher will try to analyze readiness for change ( Readiness for
Changes ) which will be interpreted as the variables that affect it, among others; culture organization, behavior
leadership, transformational and psychological capital as perceived by the elementary school teacher of Sungai
Penuh City.
Readiness for Change
Readiness is one _ of the factor most important involved in Supporting beginning employees for
change organization ( Vakola, 2014). Academicreadiness for change is related to Kurt Lewin's model of
evolution, where he proposesa three-stage model (i.e., freeze, transform, and freeze return ) and stages this
related to steps for implementing change organization with success (Thakur & Srivastava, 2018). Feeling
optimistic from people about change must be called: acceptance of change, support for change, commitment for
change, openness for change, or readiness to change( Cinite& Duxbury, 2018). Feeling favorable to expressed
change _ in Step Lewin's first model is related toreadiness for change and openness for change. At this stage,
other feelings this is related to commitment to change. But, accepting change and support for change served in
all of Lewin's model stages.
Some literature mentioned that there are three draft differences reflecting _ readiness, namely; First,
readiness individual for change or belief in a person's ability( self-efficacy ). Second, the perceived organization
hasenthusiasm for change or confidence in the ability organization to manage change. The third isthe readiness
entire organization _ for change or the ability to implement change ( Vakola, 2014). Choi (2011) studies
qualitative that there is three antecedent readiness organization for change: the first is culture organization (
Relationship human ( Clan ) culture and system open ( adhocracy ) culture ), participation is felt on the spot
work, relationship social on the spot work and trust in friends the same age. Research by Holt et al. (2007)
shows that readiness for change is multidimensional, which is influenced by the belief of employeesthat ; (a)
they are capable of implementing proposed change (i.e., change efficacy ), (b ) proposed change in accordance
for an organization ( i.e., appropriateness ), (c) leaders committed for proposed changes ( i.e., management
support ), and (d ) proposed changes beneficial for organization members (i.e., personal benefits ).
Organizational Culture
Culture as a draft hasa long history. _ Somebody said to be very "cultured" has been used by
anthropologists for refers to the customs and rituals that developed in society throughout history. For a number
of the decade,the last word culture has been used by some researchers and managers of organizations for refers
to the climate and practices developed organization about handling people or with espoused values and creed _
an organization (Schein, 2004). In literature, managers often mention that a culture organization is required for
effective performance, an increasingly strong culture, more effective organization. Researchers _ have
supportedsome viewson this with report findings that the " power " of culture or type of culture-specific
relatestoPerformance (Sorensen, 2002).
Robbins & Judge (2018) next put forward that culture organization hasan impact on improvedperformance
or productivity of work employees, commitment to destination organization, and satisfaction work member
organization, as described in Figure 1 below.
FIGURE 1. The impact of organizational culture
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Source: Stephen P. Robbins and Timothy A. Judge. (2018). Essentials of Organizational Behavior. New York:
Pearson Education Limited 2018, p. 304.
Study Romi (2011) suggests that cultural organization impactsthe success of system information and
playsa role mainly in adopting the system information and technology information. Borkovich et al. (2015)
found that cultural organizations have a foreign influence _ larger and have an impact on the adoption of
technology than considered _ by traditional. The cultural organization takes effect to readiness acceptance of
information systems ( Syaifullah, RizqiWahyuningsih, Megawati, 2018). Pratama and Ahmad Sobirin (2019)
found that cultural organization takes effect to readiness individuals for change. The proposed hypothesis."
H 1: Culture Organization takes effect directlyon psychological capital.
H 2: Culture Organization takes effect direct to behavior leadership transformational.
H 3: Culture Organization takes effect direct to ready for change.
Psychological Capital/ PsyCap
Mature this has considerable result research that found that psychological capital takespositive and
significant effectsonreadiness for change. Adlina, F et al. ( 2018) found that when the psychological capital
owned employee is already high, then the employee will ready for change. This Thing means if linked with four
aspects of psychological capital, that is when there is a Duty or new job _ in flux, an employee will accept it
with a happy heart, as well will give effort for success in the profession. Employees will also consider that, work
new individuals _ isan as challenging job. _ Besides that, later,the employee will make positive decisions _ in
new tasks _ related to success now and in the future. Widarti and Baidun (2016) concluded there is significant
influence _ by together from psychological capital (self-efficacy, optimism, hope, resilience) and organizational
commitment (affective commitment, continuance commitment, normative commitment) to readiness to face
Ming-Chu and Meng-Hsiu (2015) found a significant relationship _ between psychological capital with
their readiness for change pay attention to employees company manufacture electronics in Taiwan. Jabbrian and
Chegini (2016) found that psychological capital has a positive influence _ onreadiness for change. Their
research _ does use a different subject _ which is the employee governance Province Guilan, Iran. So that could
be said results study this in line with what Kirrane( 2016) said, which stated that individuals need to prepare
source power psychological in the form of psychological capital (Luthans et al ., 2010) to increase readiness for
change to change organization that will or currently run in the organization. Lizar, Mangundjaya, and
Rachmawan (2015) also found that psychological capital has a role in optimism to readiness for change. Like
the previous results study, Wang (2015) found a positive connection between psychological capital and
supportive behavior _ change. The proposed hypothesis :
H 4: psychological capital has an effect directlyonreadiness for change.
Transformational Leadership Behaviors
According to Colquitt et al. (2017),the entire spectrum of transformational leadership could summarize
four dimensions:idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individualized
consideration. The collective fourth dimension of leadership is transformational, often called " the Four I's ." A
meta-analysis of 39 studies finds that transformational behavior charisma ( ideal influence ), individual
consideration, and stimulation of intellectual leadership are effective in some significantresearch. Still, unless
behavior appreciation is contingent, transactional style leadership does not increase leadership effectiveness
(Kevin et al., 1996). The more positive impact of transformational leadership on transactional leadership has
endured for many years. Timothy et al. (2004) mention that meta-analysis resultsof 87 studies find
transformational leadership related tothe desired outcome ( e.g.,satisfaction _ _ work followers, satisfaction
leader followers, motivation followers, performance profession leader, performance group or organization and
assess effectiveness leader ).
Related toreadiness for change, some expert has researched role leadership in employee readiness for
change (e.g.,Kirrane et al., 2016). Gap this is very important because administration especially setsthe direction
of the organization (O'Reilly et al., 2010); they are also makers decision central organization; they influence
deployment information in the organization; leadership focuses attention on employees on purpose-specific, and
overall, leadership influence action strategic by wide. More say that leadership is a process for making people
do their best to reach desired goals and can _ depicted as the ability to persuade others to behave in different
ways (Armstrong, 2016).
They were found latest from the study by Kleanthis et al. (2020),which claim that every style of
leadership could influence the readiness of employee for change; as well as that the willingness of employee for
change mediatesthe connection Between style of leadership and performance company. Leadership style is
something important Thing _ in stimulatingreadiness for change( Gabatz and Ensminger, 2017); consequently,
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performance organization will be increased ( Mathysen and Harris, 2018). Besides that, a leader's ability hasa
strong and positive influence _ and impact on the trend innovation (Ryan and Tipu, 2013) that affectsthe
initiation of the change process ( Talim, 2012). Furthermore, Bommer et al. (2005) found leaders with a style of
leadership transformational by practical could apply the change in the organization. Leaders _ that are
charismatic, visionary, and courageous take risky, energetic, and out-of-the-box thinking and possess the ability
to motivate others while acting as a role model and mentor for followers (Ward, 2002). Concurrently managers
who use transformational leadership have satisfaction with more work _ good and commitmenttothe
organization (Schwartz et al., 2011), and style are significantly related to perception conflict life work and
welfare psychological (Munir et al., 2012). Besides _ that, a leader with characteristics transformational could
resolve the complex problem and fast environment _ _ change (Murphy, 2005), is agent change cheerful (Ward,
2002), have an attitude positive toward applying practice-based evidence (Aarons, 2006), and has a positive
influence culture organization (Shiva and Suar, 2012).
Muhammad et al. (2012) found that transformational leadership style does not depend on variable
sociodemographic but on the kind that can be learned. The needed development of employees Becomes a
transformational leader, which later could influence the commitment of the employee to change (Lo et al.,
2010), affect creativity employees ( Wang et al., 2014), and increase performance organization (Samad, 2012).
Although proof previously proves that transformational leadership has abilities and qualifications that can
influence the organization's development and success. Van der Voet (2014) found that the leaders give
contributions small to changing planned organizations. _ Besides that, Nordin (2011) found that the
transactional leadership style could predict the organization's readiness with more good for a change.
Research by Rina Fitriana and Sugiyono . (2019) concludes that transformational leadershipdoes not
significantly influence readiness for change. Temporary Asbari M. et al. (2020) figure leadership
transformational take to effect positive and significant to enthusiasm for change yourself _ employees during
this COVID-19 pandemic. This is in line with Raffety et al. (2013), which show the organization's internal
context, including leaders who support change, has _ a role in preparingthe individual to face change. This
Thing is also compatible with what Liu (2010 ) stated that characteristics leader transformational capable change
behavior and beliefs as well as inspire his subordinates to become convinced that change is needed for good
together so that together they will contribute in accordance desired goal _ achieved. For that submitted
hypothesis :
H 5: Leadership transformational takes effect directlyon psychological capital.
H 6: Leadership transformational takes effect direct toreadiness for change.
H 7: Leadership transformational takes effect, not direct to readiness for change through psychological capital.
Research Design
Studies this use survey method, approach use exposed de facto, test role from psychological capital in
connection Among culture Organization and Leadership transformational perceived by school teachers
basedreadiness for changingthem.
Unit of Analysis
The unit of analysis in the study is a school teacherat the base of the Full River City Jambi Province.
Why are Elementary School Teachers Chosen as a unit of analysis? Because Based on The results of the
Teacher Competency Test (UKG) conducted on teachers in Indonesia show less effect _ exhilarating. The
average value of the Teacher Competency Test (UKG) in 2019 was the highest achieved by level teachers
school base is of 54.8 (fifty-four comaeeight ) of score a maximum of 100 ( one hundred ).
Study Measures
Data was collected through a designed questionnaire _ to measure the variables that impactreadiness
for change. The instrument measure used _ is as follows:
Readiness For Changed. Adopted from Holt et al. (2007), and who have modified via Item Measurement
Readiness For Change (Purwoko, 2017), which measures five indicators, namely; Discrepancy,
Appropriateness, Efficacy, Principal support, and Valence, each needle is measured via three items or totaling
15 measurement items. Example Discrepancy questions (e.g., I assume that change that necessary and
reasonable for done ), appropriateness (e.g., Changes made School following needs ), efficacy (e.g.,
Organizations and individuals within them ) have Required ability _ for face change ), Principal support
(e.g.,leader confirm and explain importance change by direct ), Valence (e.g., Organization and personal will
more develop after modification). Response use scale Likert start of 1 = not very much agree until 4 = strongly
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Psychological Capital. Adopted and modified from PsyCap Questionnaire developed by Luthans et al. (2007)
adjusted with Indonesian conditions. Psychological capital cover four dimensions, namely: hope, optimism,
resilience, and self-efficacy, be measured with 12 items consisting of four subscales. _ Example question: hope (
for example, "If I must find self I in a traffic jam in place work, I can think many methods for go out from
that"), resilience (e.g.,"I usually resolve the difficulty with one or other way in place work"), optimism (e.g. "I
always see side good about the profession I "), and efficacy ( e.g., "I" feel believe self-help set targets/ targets in
the work area me "). The response was given ona four-point Likert scale (very not agree score = 1, very agree
score = 4).
Culture Organization. I was adopted from Stephen P. Robbins and Timothy A. Judge. (2018), which measures
7 ( seven ) characteristics of cultural organization, namely,Innovation and Risk Taking,Attention to
Details,Outcome Orientation, People Orientation, Team Orientation,Aggressiveness, andStability, through 14
measurement items. Example question Innovation and Risk Taking (e.g.,I assess the frequency of lecturers at
this university who are encouraged for Becomes innovative ), Attention to Detail ( For example,I rate the
frequency of expected lecturers at this university for show precision, analysis, deep task ), Outcome Orientation
( For instance I assess management at this university focus on the results to be achieved ). People Orientation (
For example,I judge decision management at this university consideringthe effective results on the ability staff ),
Team Orientation ( For instance,I assume at this University activity work organized around _ teamwork than
individual ), Aggressiveness ( For example,I judge at this University lecturer pushed for more competitive ), and
Stability ( For instance I rate at this University activity organization emphasize maintain the status quo). The
response was given ona four-point Likert scale (very low = 1, very tall score = 4).
Behavior leadership was transformational. Adopted and adapted from Bass (1985), which measures four
indicators ;(a) Idealized Influence Charisma, (b) Inspirational Motivation, (c) Intellectual Stimulation, and (d)
Individual Consideration, where each indicator is measured via three items or totaling 15 measurement items.
Example Idealized Influence Charisma questions (e.g., I rate Superior capable give exemplary, so that deserve
respected ), Inspirational Motivation (e.g., Boss provide the opportunity on staff academic for reach something
with method own ), Intellectual Stimulation (e.g., Boss attempted push staff educational for reach maximum
performance ), and Individual Consideration (e.g.,ability superior in the lead could push team academic for
increase needs achievement ). Response use scale Likert start of 1 = not very much agree until 4 = strongly
Analysis and Testing Hypothesis
In this case, Smart PLS 3.0 and SPSS software are used in data analysis. SEM PLS works gradually to
getthe predictive model in the form of the final statistical report, completed with some statistical tests. SEM PLS
works through two stages that are Stage Factor Analysis and Stage Analysis Regression. At level construct
framework connection Among construct with indicator, Smart PLS uses Factor analysis because the data used
generally is categorical data with scale specific. Inthe class, when the analysis process factor has been done,
PLS-SEM work has a regression score, which can continue with analysis regression to testthe hypothesis. In the
study, test validity uses convergent and discriminant validity methods with Smart PLS 3.0 help and assistance
calculation using SPSS, which can be seen from the loading factor. Due to research character explanatory, score
average variance extracted (AVE) must be more significantthan 0.5, i.e., recommended AVE value. The
reliability test used _ is Cronnbach's. Alpha coefficient test with a limit coefficient more criticalthan 0.7 (Now
(2016). Testing model fit is done with some index Goodness of Fit Test (GFT) including P value ( probability )
statistic Chi-Square, Root Means Square Error of Approximation (RMSEA) value, Goodness of Fit Index (GFI),
AdjustedGoodness of Fit Index (AGFI), Normal Fit Index (NFI), Tucker Lewis Index (TLI) or Non-Normal Fit
Index (NNFI), and Comparative Fit Index (CFI).
Demographic Data
Information demographic respondents (N=226) are presented in TABLE 1 following.
TABLE 1 .Demographic Data Respondent
Characteristics Demographic Category Frequency Percentage %
Type Sex Man 73 32%
Woman 153 68%
Total 226 100%
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Age <20 Years 0 0%
>21 Years 100 100%
Total 226 100%
Working Period 5 to 10 years 54 24%
11 to 20 years 142 63%
> 21 Years 30 13%
Total 226 100%
Level of education Diploma 0 0%
Bachelor 226 100%
Master 0 0%
Doctor 0 0%
Total 226 100%
Training Once 188 84%
Not Once 38 16%
Total 226 100%
Validity and Reliability
To test Convergent validity,usedthe AVE value as suggested _ as a metric for measurement (Hair et al.,
2019). To calculate AVE, research this using PLS-SEM Algorithm stages. The minimum AVE you can receive
is 0.500 or more high, explaining 50% or more item variance for all constructs. All constructs in the study have
more AVE value significant from 0.500 or explain 50% or more about item variance for construct. AVE for all
factors is above 0.5. Reliability composite (CR) for elements the (0.8 kmabove ) more from the recommended
minimum level of CR (> 0.7). Measurement model results show that all factors confirm the validity and
adequate convergence. _
Internal consistency reliabilityis used for the evaluation of consistency results across items. The PLS-
SEM method for the study tested Cronbach's alpha and composite reliability (Hair et al., 2019). Reliability value
internal consistency is measured between 0 and 1, where the more tallweight shows, the more elevated level of
its validity. The value and reliability of Cronbach's alpha and composite should be tallerthan 0.700 (Hair et al.,
2019). The resulting Cronbach's alpha and composite reliability values for all construct are stable, equivalent,
and have reliability and good internal consistency exceeding recommended value _ that is, with score most
minor, i.e., 0.704 and below score most significant, i.e., 1,000.
Importance-Performance Map Analysis (IPMA)
Importance-Performance Map Analysis (IPMA) is used in the study to understand factors the key that
influencesthe primary variable readiness for changes in elementary school teachers in Sungai Penuh City.
Analysis this conducted with the use of SmartPLSto add the measurement of other factors that influence
variable readiness for change actually for every aspect of the proposed research model. IMPA aims to identify
factors that have performed relatively more height and are rathercrucial in structural models (Hair et al., 2014;
Ramayah, Chiun, Rouibah, May 2014; Ringle, Sarstedt, 2016). According to Hair et al. (2014),performanceis
obtained by calculating the average value latent variable, while importance is tested by estimating the total
effect of the structural model. FIGURE 2shows the Importance-Performance Map Analysis (IMPA) research
model results.
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FIGURE 2. Structural Model and Importance-Performance Map Analysis (IMPA)
Path Coefficients
The measurement coefficient track highlightsthe strength connection Between two construction in the
structural model (Wang and Chiu, 2011). In part, this Bootstrapping technique with 5,000 sample repeatswas
conducted to reach beta value (β) and t value and confirm the significance hypothesis as recommended by Chin
et al. (2003). Bootstrap results are shown below this.
Bootstrapping steps carried out in the study aim to inform level significance from the path of each
construct through 5000 resampling for test level significance. In bootstrapping, sub-samples were created with
observations taken randomly from the original data set ( with replacement ). A subsample was then used to
estimate the PLS path model. This process is repeated until an amount significant from sub-sample random has
been made ( usually around 5,000). Estimate from the sub- bootstrap sample used to get the standard error for
PLS-SEM results. With this information, t-values, p-values, and confidence intervalswere calculated to evaluate
the significance of PLS-SEM results.
TABLE 2. Bootstrapping results and hypotheses testing
Path Beta
Sig Decision
H 1 Culture Organization -> Psychological
0.440 0.099 4,436 0.000 Received
H2 _ Culture Organization -> Behavior
Leadership Transformational
-0.027 0.072 0.368 0.713 Rejected
H 3 Culture Organization -> Readiness for
0.665 0.078 8,542 0.000 Received
H 4 Psychological Capital -> Readiness for
0.165 0.064 2,590 0.010 Received
H 5 Behavior Leadership Transformational ->
Psychological Capital
0.121 0.059 2.038 0.042 Received
H 6 Behavior Leadership Transformational ->
Readiness for Changed
-0.025 0.051 0.500 0.618 Rejected
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Referring to the table above, the predictors of Psychological Capital are : (H 1 ) Culture Organization (β
= 0.440, p <0.05) status accepted, (H 5 ) Behavior Leadership Transformational (β = 0.121, p > 0.05) status is
accepted, all related by significant however varied on Psychological Capital with official status. Whereas
Predictor Readiness for changed are : (H 3 ) Culture Organization (β = 0.665, p < 0.05) accepted status , (H 4 )
Psychological Capital (β = 0.165, p < 0.05) accepted status , and (H6) Behavior Leadership Transformational (β
= -0.025, p>0.05) status is rejected .
Then to see the moderator effect or Evaluation Mediator Variable ( Influence Not direct ) Study, this
follows Preacher and Hayes (2008) method for To do analysis mediation. Mediation confirmed if (1) effect no
direct significant and (2) results from influence no direct from Confidence Intervals (CI) no show score zero it
means results Among limit bottom and limit top on (CI) no direct the effect all positive or negative (Hayes,
2009). (Hayes, 2009). The significant effect was not direct tested using a bootstrap routine with 5000
subsamples. The results of the mediator factors are shown in TABLE 3.
TABLE 3. Test results mediator factor ( Influence no direct )
Path Path a Path b Indirect
P Value 97.5%
decision _
H 7 Culture
Organization ->
Capital -
>Readiness for
0.440 0.655 0.030 2,174 0.030 0.142 Received
H 8 Behavior
Transformational -
> Psychological
Capital ->
Readiness for
0.121 -0.025 0.148 1,448 0.148 0.053 Rejected
The table above _ shows that Psychological Capital has mediated influence Among
Culturalorganizations andReadiness for Changed (H 7 ) p-Value <0.05), so that hypothesis is accepted. However,
satisfaction has failedto mediate the influence factor Behavior Leadership Transformational to Readiness for
Changed ( all p-value > 0.05). It means hypothesis (H 8 ) is rejected.
FIGURE 3. Final Model
The goodness of Fit model ( GoF )/Model Fit
Destination from GoF is to test the research model good at measuring structural levels and models with
a focus on the performance of an inclusive model (Henseler and Sarstedt, 2013). According to testing, the
saturated model should get an SRMR value below 0.08 (Hu and Bentler, 1998) to accept. Besides that,a model
with PLS can be seen from the Normed Fit Index (NFI) to evaluate the accuracy. Hair, Risher, Sarstedt, and
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Ringle (2019) suggest NFI value close to 1 indicates the model being tested has accuracy (fit model). In the case
study Here, the saturated model SRMR presents a value of 0.064, which confirms the goodness of the fit model.
NFI value that meets threshold limit evaluation which is 0.607. RMS_theta must be used to assess the factor
model general calculated by PLS-SEM, only for the estimated composite model with PLS-SEM. RMS_theta
values below 0.12 indicate a suitable model, while more value _ tall show a lack of suitability ( Henseler et al.,
2016). Following these results, model fit testing on the structural model.
TABLE 4. Model Fit PLS Algorithm (goodness of Fit test)
Saturated Model
SOME 0.064
d_ULS 5,174
d_G 2,364
Chi-Square 3060,035
NFI 0.607
RMS_theta 0.011
Study this focuses on teachers in District Elementary Education Kerinci and will discuss some problem
critical facing _ system administration public that is readiness for change, including role Culture Organization,
leadership transformational and psychological capital will help increase level performance management in
education base in Full River City. Besides that, the study will guide elementary school teachers in Sungai Penuh
Cityon how to respond to implementation change. It also gives the leaders clear insight _ into how they could
produce a level of readiness and high transition between _ _ followers. This will show the importance of teacher
readiness for change. Finally, the research could recommend leaders _ for more notice enhancement of their
teacher readiness for change, leading to increased performance organization.
Destination from the study is for test (H1) relationship Among culture school and psychological capital
district elementary school teacher Kerinci. Study this hypothesis first by analyzingthe connection Between
culture school and capital needs teacher psychology. Studies show that as much culture school is controller, the
level of psychological capital from needs will increase. The PLS-SEM analysis results showa significant
positive _ Among cultural organizations on psychological and cultural capital organization, clarifying 44
percent changes in psychological capital teacher base Elementary School in Full River City. Influence positive
this shows that as much culture organization tend to direct more control _ significant, the level of psychological
capital teacher base Elementary School in Full River Citywill increase.
Based on the research results, it can be said that some type of external motivationis created for teachers
at schools with a culture of more organization _ good as results in various development and competence. Deci
and Ryan (2000) believe that as much level motivation extrinsic height, function controller environment will be
increased and this has effect negative on need psychological. On the other hand, schools with good culture _
give more opportunities for psychological needs because they emphasize each additional support and have
connection friendships. This is because each other support and not control is one _ feature important ofa
supportive environment _ autonomy (Reeve, 2009).
Ina School with collective culture, partial teachersare significantly influenced by other teachers' ideas.
They must work in a group; other teachers affect each individual's life and career. The responsibility is to be in
the top group so that individuals and teachers align themselves with others ( Akour, 2006). An environment like
it's very limiting strength action and innovation individual because in many cases group decideson the
individual instead. Enhancement control by environment could negatively affectthe needs of the psychological
teacher in line with self-determination theory.
On the findings,Hypothesis 2, that is, influence Culture Organization to Leadership Transformational
find that Culture organization no take effect positive and significant to leadership transformational. Culture
character collective and culture is set values, beliefs, understanding general, thoughts and norms for behavior
shared by all _ member society. Culture guides conduct in the community in a clear way and sometimes _ not
too conspicuous, and it really affects decisions (Hofstede, 2001). Cultural school is conceptualized as
confidence together about how the school must operate, the core values that reflect what you want in a school
for students, and norms of behavior that reflect the teacher's perception of the school's environment( Maslowski,
2006). Pang (1998) argues that values are the essence of cultural organization because they represent " the
strengths and processes by which participants organization socialized to an organization. "
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Besides that, Elementary School teachersare more productive if they get clear direction _ from goal-
oriented values _ organization and if values this owned by the member organization. Regarding culture
organization, a number of the study show that that play a role key in performance organizations ( Prajogo&
McDermott, 2011; Baird et al., 2011; Hilal et al., 2009) are not leadership transformational. Other assumptions
hypothesis second is rejected with the rationale that many schools have structure more hierarchical _ many and
all decision education created by the head school without consultation with the teacher, and the teacher does not
have qualification for commenting on problem school, and they will have feeling more autonomy, competence,
and relatedness low. This Thing because schools with substantial-high distances _ notprovide the opportunity
forthe individual to show competence, innovation, and freedom. On the other hand, the structural organization is
hierarchical, and authority individuals with more positions _ high in school, like head school, lead to the
formation of an atmosphere that is unreliable and not could be dedicated to the individual ( Srite, 2000). This is
Correct because havinga connection with other people causesindividual authorityto increase and consequently
leads to an increased level of control; because of that, Thing this cause a drop in relationship between member.
The current result this in line with self-determination theory which states that environment controllers harmthe
satisfaction needs of psychological employees (Deci et al. 2001).
Hypothesis third test influences culture organization to readiness for change. They found study show
positive and significant influence. _ There is various study by supporting parallel _ with findings related tothe
connection Between organizational culture and readiness for change by ordinary (McNabb and Sepic, 1995;
Burke, 2002; Harris, 2002; Weiner, 2009). This result is also suitable with previous findings, where
Bouckenooghe et al. (2009) revealed that readiness for change attitude by positive awakened in the organization,
especially with cultural supporters. There is also research onthe connection Betweenpreparedness for change
and the relationship of essential humans _ for support culture (Jones et al., 2005; Madsen et al., 2005). The
teacher feels ready for change because they are convinced they will be in solidarity when preparedto face
uncertainty and outcome damagedby change. It is because they share happiness and sadness, and each other
appreciates. They do feel alone during and after the change process.
Hypothesis fourth in results testing shows the influence of Psychological Capital in predicting level
teacher readiness for changes at a high average rate. Finding study this is in line with Avey et al. (2011), who
showed that Psychological Capital could create desired and helpful attitudes, behaviors, and outcomes _
lightening up the behavior and moodof employees who don't expect it. Specifically, Psychological Capital is the
driving motivation _ of individualsto gather energy through structure psychological favorable from efficacy self,
hope, optimism, and resilience (Sweetman & Luthans, 2010). An increased Psychological Capital leads to
commitment to more organization _ good behavior _, employees _ reasonable satisfaction,and more work _
(Friend et al., 2018; Perkins, Hughey & Speer, 2002; Sweetman & Luthans, 2010).
Based on findings, it is possible to consider psychological and cultural capital school as factor
determinantsof readiness for change ( Hypothesis 7 ). This result is supported by views that involve teachers,
who are at the center of the change process in school, in psychological capital, and knowing their role new, they
will be at the level of readiness for change ( Akpınar and Aydın, 2007; Kondakci et al., 2010). As for culture
school, readiness for change is linked with beliefs, attitudes, and intentions of member organizations that do not
miss from values, culture, and beliefs organization ( Armenakis et al., 1993).
There is no difference in order interest dimensions culture school in Thing strength predictive on
dimension readiness for change. However, psychological capital comes after culture organization in predicting
readiness cognitive and follow culture organization and support for Readiness emotional temporary that precede
all dimensions of culture school for intentional willingness. _ Hypothesis 7 find findings that culture
organization mediated by psychological capital affectsreadiness for change and affects the most deliberate
Readiness _ could be generated from the fact that the teacher does not explicitly determine for devote self to
change. Uncertainty brought about by change could make teachers behave a little and increase their desire to
face change so that they could understand the need to involve teachers in consideringthe culture of ordinary
schools _ to increase teacher readiness for change.
Based on calculation statistics Hypothesis 6 findings the above research, can conclude that leadership
transformational no take to effect positive and significant to Readiness teacher change Elementary School in
Full River City. This Thing is proven with a T-Statistics value of 0.500 or more small than 1.96, and a P- Values
value of 0.618, which is more significantthan 0.05. It means hypothesis sixth (H 6 )is not supported or rejected.
Research supports evidence found in research _ previously concluding that transformational leadership does not
significantly affect readiness for change( Susyanto, 2019). However,many studies support positive leadership's
influenceonreadiness for change, such as ( Banjongprasert, 2017; Katsaros et al., 2020). Research results this is
also in line with some studies previously about the Indonesian practice of influencing leadership to readiness for
changed ( Asbari, Novitasari, Silitonga, Sutardi, et al., 2020; Asbari&Novitasari, 2020; Basuki et al., 2020;
Gazali et al ., 2020; Kamar et al ., 2019; Novitasari, Goestjahjanti, et al ., 2020; Novitasari, Sasono, et al ., 2020;
Zaman et al ., 2020).
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In other contexts, Research in Malaysia, Nordin (2012) studied influencing factors _ readiness change.
The finding shows that behavior leadership and commitment to the organization areessentialfor a readiness
change organization. Besides that, research shows that commitment affective is a significant moderate _ in
connection Between transformational leadership and readiness changes, and suggestions give more priorities in
the development process leadership transformational on the spot work more priority because this will positively
increase results organization.
In the study, this has reviewed literature moment this is related with role dimensions leadership
transformational which is ideal influence, individual judgment, motivation inspirational and stimulating
intellectual, on readiness organization for change. Study this will give an outlook on how dimensions of
transformational leadership could affect the readiness of elementary school teachers in Sungai Penuh City for
change. Due to the process of change in statement mission, any organization plays the role the key, the ability of
leaders transformational practical for increase motivation follower them.
theoretical and practical implicationsfor teachers and management stakeholders' education base in Full
River City.In context study, of course, occur challenge constant for all organization education, change
organization need managed by practical. Readiness for change needsto be handled with care because it reduces
behavior as opposedto In Thing. In this case, it is necessary to test the teacher's readiness to change need
evaluated for desired result _ from intervention changes in schools and ways with approach culture, leadership,
and psychology.Study this give proof empirical about various influence variable culture organization, leadership
and psychological capital to teacher readiness for change.By theoretical research, this providesa broad
understanding _ in connection with readiness changes in the organization's school base, especially in Full River
City. Besides that, the research contributes to the literature by investigatingthe connection Between two
constructionsignificant for a successful change process and bringing about a substantial relationship between _ _
them. In Thing this, though school base hassome characteristics typical from organization other education
outside level education basics, findings study this givesempirical proof about the importance readiness for
change and in management education. Because there is a scarcity of research that tests the research model in the
organization school basic, research this riveting attention of school administrators and more authorities tall for
push readiness for change culture, leadership and factors teacher psychology.Regarding practice, because
schoolsare faced with constant intervention change, the research aimsto give practical and guiding information _
with more authority _ tall for making the change process more successful.
Study this hassome limitations. First, research this analysis influence Culture Organization, Behavior
leadership transformational to readiness for change in school teacher country base in Full River City, good by
direct nor no direct through Psychological Capital variable. This is possible because other variables ( such as
motivation, competence, knowledge management, etc.) affect readiness for change. The writer recommends
discovering, exploring, and analyzing more carry on for study next. Besides that, research was carried out at the
Basic Education Organization (Elementary School ) in Sungai Penuh City,and maybe no one could be
generalized to Other Populations Outside the area. Because of that, recommended for To do study more carry on
about topics this is in Elementary schools with More population _ areas, which can be added to other areas such
as Province, State, or comparison Among readiness for change at schools public and private basis in the larger
Furthermore, in the study, only teachers work in the schools base country that Becomes the sample.
However, researchers more carry on could involve teachers who work in private schools to increase
generalization findings. Besides that, the method,Which is a public and private school, could be compared in
connection with the level of trust organization and readiness of teachers to change. Besides all that, though this
is designed as quantitative, design study qualitative can also be used for gathering more information _ in
connection with parts problems from trust organization and process of change organization at school from
corner look at the teacher.
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Analysis Of The Influence Of Organizational Culture, Transformational Leadership Behavior, And Psychological Capital On Readiness For Change In Elementary School Teachers

  • 1. American Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Research (AJHSSR) 2022 A J H S S R J o u r n a l P a g e | 60 American Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Research (AJHSSR) e-ISSN : 2378-703X Volume-6, Issue-10, pp-60-74 Research Paper Open Access Analysis Of The Influence Of Organizational Culture, Transformational Leadership Behavior, And Psychological Capital On Readiness For Change In Elementary School Teachers Ekawarna, Yusdi Anra, Yuliandra, Lela* *Economic Education Department, Universitas Jambi ABSTRACT : Purpose – This study describes the role of psychological capital in the relationship between organizational culture and transformational leadership behavior towards Readiness for Changes in the context of elementary school teachers in Sungai Penuh City, Jambi. Design/methodology/approach - This study adopted an inferential research design. This is a cross-sectional study because data were collected at a one-time point. This empirical study was conducted on a sample of 285 elementary school teachers who were willing to collaborate to participate voluntarily by filling in the online questionnaire. Data analysis was divided into two parts; the first part analyzed the respondent's profile and presented the frequency and percentage distribution of the respondent's profile. The second part was hypothesis testing with two stages, namely the LS Algorithm to see data quality data and PLS Bootstrapping to test the hypothesis of the proposed research model. The software includes the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) MS-Windows version 23 and Partial Least Square (Smart PLS-3). Findings - Organizational culture directly affects psychological capital andreadiness to change and indirectly on readiness for change through psychological means. Psychological Capital has a direct effect on willingness to change. Transformational leadership behavior directly impacts psychological capital but does not directly affect readiness to change and does not indirectly affect readiness to change through psychological means. Research limitations/implications – The online cross-sectional survey design allows for the self-assessment of data from respondents. The consequence is that response bias persists, although post-sampling statistical tests were conducted to screen data to reduce it. Therefore, a more qualitative method with a longitudinal design and a more extensive research sample is recommended for further research. Practical implications - School administrators and higher authorities can promote readiness for cultural change, leadership, and teacher psychological factors, as schools face constant and continuous change interventions. This is expected to have an impact on improving the quality of educators, students, and the quality of Indonesian education KEYWORDS: Organizational Culture, Transformational Leadership Behavior, Psychological Capital, and Readiness to Change. I. INTRODUCTION Task principal and function of school teacher Basic in Indonesia is unique. They are a classroom teacher who carries out the learning process for all students' eye lessons taught at school _ base. The problem when faced with online learning during the covid-19 pandemic and the digitalization era is it? Do they have readiness for change? By hypothesis, there are two teacher categories. First, partially great teachers, especially those including generation digital migration ( generationbaby boomers and generation X), feel difficulties and tendencies to reject change. Second, teachers who include Generation Y ( millennials ) who were born period 1980-1995 time which have been used to live in facility technology computerized hypothesized ready for change. Draft readiness for change ( Readiness for Changes )has been defined and researched in many places disclosed in the literature on change organization. Some researchers explain readiness for change as the extent to which individuals view positively about needs for change organization and the area in which individuals perceive change will positively impact them and the organization overall (Holt et al., 2007). By empirical many factors influence readiness for change. Pratama and AchmadSobirin (2019) conclude that cultural organization
  • 2. American Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Research (AJHSSR) 2022 A J H S S R J o u r n a l P a g e | 61 takes effect to readiness individuals for change. The study of Jung, Chow, and Wu (2003) showed that leadership is transformational by positively related to innovation organization and relationships; this is mediated by cultural organizations where members push for discussion by open and implementing innovative suggestions and ideas. Internal factors that influence readiness for change are psychological capital. Luthans, Youssef, and Avolio (2007) stated that psychological capital is capableof positive psychology owned by each useful individual _ to help the individual grow. From the description above, the researcher will try to analyze readiness for change ( Readiness for Changes ) which will be interpreted as the variables that affect it, among others; culture organization, behavior leadership, transformational and psychological capital as perceived by the elementary school teacher of Sungai Penuh City. II. OVERVIEW LITERATURE AND HYPOTHESES Readiness for Change Readiness is one _ of the factor most important involved in Supporting beginning employees for change organization ( Vakola, 2014). Academicreadiness for change is related to Kurt Lewin's model of evolution, where he proposesa three-stage model (i.e., freeze, transform, and freeze return ) and stages this related to steps for implementing change organization with success (Thakur & Srivastava, 2018). Feeling optimistic from people about change must be called: acceptance of change, support for change, commitment for change, openness for change, or readiness to change( Cinite& Duxbury, 2018). Feeling favorable to expressed change _ in Step Lewin's first model is related toreadiness for change and openness for change. At this stage, other feelings this is related to commitment to change. But, accepting change and support for change served in all of Lewin's model stages. Some literature mentioned that there are three draft differences reflecting _ readiness, namely; First, readiness individual for change or belief in a person's ability( self-efficacy ). Second, the perceived organization hasenthusiasm for change or confidence in the ability organization to manage change. The third isthe readiness entire organization _ for change or the ability to implement change ( Vakola, 2014). Choi (2011) studies qualitative that there is three antecedent readiness organization for change: the first is culture organization ( Relationship human ( Clan ) culture and system open ( adhocracy ) culture ), participation is felt on the spot work, relationship social on the spot work and trust in friends the same age. Research by Holt et al. (2007) shows that readiness for change is multidimensional, which is influenced by the belief of employeesthat ; (a) they are capable of implementing proposed change (i.e., change efficacy ), (b ) proposed change in accordance for an organization ( i.e., appropriateness ), (c) leaders committed for proposed changes ( i.e., management support ), and (d ) proposed changes beneficial for organization members (i.e., personal benefits ). Organizational Culture Culture as a draft hasa long history. _ Somebody said to be very "cultured" has been used by anthropologists for refers to the customs and rituals that developed in society throughout history. For a number of the decade,the last word culture has been used by some researchers and managers of organizations for refers to the climate and practices developed organization about handling people or with espoused values and creed _ an organization (Schein, 2004). In literature, managers often mention that a culture organization is required for effective performance, an increasingly strong culture, more effective organization. Researchers _ have supportedsome viewson this with report findings that the " power " of culture or type of culture-specific relatestoPerformance (Sorensen, 2002). Robbins & Judge (2018) next put forward that culture organization hasan impact on improvedperformance or productivity of work employees, commitment to destination organization, and satisfaction work member organization, as described in Figure 1 below. FIGURE 1. The impact of organizational culture
  • 3. American Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Research (AJHSSR) 2022 A J H S S R J o u r n a l P a g e | 62 Source: Stephen P. Robbins and Timothy A. Judge. (2018). Essentials of Organizational Behavior. New York: Pearson Education Limited 2018, p. 304. Study Romi (2011) suggests that cultural organization impactsthe success of system information and playsa role mainly in adopting the system information and technology information. Borkovich et al. (2015) found that cultural organizations have a foreign influence _ larger and have an impact on the adoption of technology than considered _ by traditional. The cultural organization takes effect to readiness acceptance of information systems ( Syaifullah, RizqiWahyuningsih, Megawati, 2018). Pratama and Ahmad Sobirin (2019) found that cultural organization takes effect to readiness individuals for change. The proposed hypothesis." H 1: Culture Organization takes effect directlyon psychological capital. H 2: Culture Organization takes effect direct to behavior leadership transformational. H 3: Culture Organization takes effect direct to ready for change. Psychological Capital/ PsyCap Mature this has considerable result research that found that psychological capital takespositive and significant effectsonreadiness for change. Adlina, F et al. ( 2018) found that when the psychological capital owned employee is already high, then the employee will ready for change. This Thing means if linked with four aspects of psychological capital, that is when there is a Duty or new job _ in flux, an employee will accept it with a happy heart, as well will give effort for success in the profession. Employees will also consider that, work new individuals _ isan as challenging job. _ Besides that, later,the employee will make positive decisions _ in new tasks _ related to success now and in the future. Widarti and Baidun (2016) concluded there is significant influence _ by together from psychological capital (self-efficacy, optimism, hope, resilience) and organizational commitment (affective commitment, continuance commitment, normative commitment) to readiness to face change. Ming-Chu and Meng-Hsiu (2015) found a significant relationship _ between psychological capital with their readiness for change pay attention to employees company manufacture electronics in Taiwan. Jabbrian and Chegini (2016) found that psychological capital has a positive influence _ onreadiness for change. Their research _ does use a different subject _ which is the employee governance Province Guilan, Iran. So that could be said results study this in line with what Kirrane( 2016) said, which stated that individuals need to prepare source power psychological in the form of psychological capital (Luthans et al ., 2010) to increase readiness for change to change organization that will or currently run in the organization. Lizar, Mangundjaya, and Rachmawan (2015) also found that psychological capital has a role in optimism to readiness for change. Like the previous results study, Wang (2015) found a positive connection between psychological capital and supportive behavior _ change. The proposed hypothesis : H 4: psychological capital has an effect directlyonreadiness for change. Transformational Leadership Behaviors According to Colquitt et al. (2017),the entire spectrum of transformational leadership could summarize four dimensions:idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individualized consideration. The collective fourth dimension of leadership is transformational, often called " the Four I's ." A meta-analysis of 39 studies finds that transformational behavior charisma ( ideal influence ), individual consideration, and stimulation of intellectual leadership are effective in some significantresearch. Still, unless behavior appreciation is contingent, transactional style leadership does not increase leadership effectiveness (Kevin et al., 1996). The more positive impact of transformational leadership on transactional leadership has endured for many years. Timothy et al. (2004) mention that meta-analysis resultsof 87 studies find transformational leadership related tothe desired outcome ( e.g.,satisfaction _ _ work followers, satisfaction leader followers, motivation followers, performance profession leader, performance group or organization and assess effectiveness leader ). Related toreadiness for change, some expert has researched role leadership in employee readiness for change (e.g.,Kirrane et al., 2016). Gap this is very important because administration especially setsthe direction of the organization (O'Reilly et al., 2010); they are also makers decision central organization; they influence deployment information in the organization; leadership focuses attention on employees on purpose-specific, and overall, leadership influence action strategic by wide. More say that leadership is a process for making people do their best to reach desired goals and can _ depicted as the ability to persuade others to behave in different ways (Armstrong, 2016). They were found latest from the study by Kleanthis et al. (2020),which claim that every style of leadership could influence the readiness of employee for change; as well as that the willingness of employee for change mediatesthe connection Between style of leadership and performance company. Leadership style is something important Thing _ in stimulatingreadiness for change( Gabatz and Ensminger, 2017); consequently,
  • 4. American Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Research (AJHSSR) 2022 A J H S S R J o u r n a l P a g e | 63 performance organization will be increased ( Mathysen and Harris, 2018). Besides that, a leader's ability hasa strong and positive influence _ and impact on the trend innovation (Ryan and Tipu, 2013) that affectsthe initiation of the change process ( Talim, 2012). Furthermore, Bommer et al. (2005) found leaders with a style of leadership transformational by practical could apply the change in the organization. Leaders _ that are charismatic, visionary, and courageous take risky, energetic, and out-of-the-box thinking and possess the ability to motivate others while acting as a role model and mentor for followers (Ward, 2002). Concurrently managers who use transformational leadership have satisfaction with more work _ good and commitmenttothe organization (Schwartz et al., 2011), and style are significantly related to perception conflict life work and welfare psychological (Munir et al., 2012). Besides _ that, a leader with characteristics transformational could resolve the complex problem and fast environment _ _ change (Murphy, 2005), is agent change cheerful (Ward, 2002), have an attitude positive toward applying practice-based evidence (Aarons, 2006), and has a positive influence culture organization (Shiva and Suar, 2012). Muhammad et al. (2012) found that transformational leadership style does not depend on variable sociodemographic but on the kind that can be learned. The needed development of employees Becomes a transformational leader, which later could influence the commitment of the employee to change (Lo et al., 2010), affect creativity employees ( Wang et al., 2014), and increase performance organization (Samad, 2012). Although proof previously proves that transformational leadership has abilities and qualifications that can influence the organization's development and success. Van der Voet (2014) found that the leaders give contributions small to changing planned organizations. _ Besides that, Nordin (2011) found that the transactional leadership style could predict the organization's readiness with more good for a change. Research by Rina Fitriana and Sugiyono . (2019) concludes that transformational leadershipdoes not significantly influence readiness for change. Temporary Asbari M. et al. (2020) figure leadership transformational take to effect positive and significant to enthusiasm for change yourself _ employees during this COVID-19 pandemic. This is in line with Raffety et al. (2013), which show the organization's internal context, including leaders who support change, has _ a role in preparingthe individual to face change. This Thing is also compatible with what Liu (2010 ) stated that characteristics leader transformational capable change behavior and beliefs as well as inspire his subordinates to become convinced that change is needed for good together so that together they will contribute in accordance desired goal _ achieved. For that submitted hypothesis : H 5: Leadership transformational takes effect directlyon psychological capital. H 6: Leadership transformational takes effect direct toreadiness for change. H 7: Leadership transformational takes effect, not direct to readiness for change through psychological capital. III. METHOD Research Design Studies this use survey method, approach use exposed de facto, test role from psychological capital in connection Among culture Organization and Leadership transformational perceived by school teachers basedreadiness for changingthem. Unit of Analysis The unit of analysis in the study is a school teacherat the base of the Full River City Jambi Province. Why are Elementary School Teachers Chosen as a unit of analysis? Because Based on The results of the Teacher Competency Test (UKG) conducted on teachers in Indonesia show less effect _ exhilarating. The average value of the Teacher Competency Test (UKG) in 2019 was the highest achieved by level teachers school base is of 54.8 (fifty-four comaeeight ) of score a maximum of 100 ( one hundred ). Study Measures Data was collected through a designed questionnaire _ to measure the variables that impactreadiness for change. The instrument measure used _ is as follows: Readiness For Changed. Adopted from Holt et al. (2007), and who have modified via Item Measurement Readiness For Change (Purwoko, 2017), which measures five indicators, namely; Discrepancy, Appropriateness, Efficacy, Principal support, and Valence, each needle is measured via three items or totaling 15 measurement items. Example Discrepancy questions (e.g., I assume that change that necessary and reasonable for done ), appropriateness (e.g., Changes made School following needs ), efficacy (e.g., Organizations and individuals within them ) have Required ability _ for face change ), Principal support (e.g.,leader confirm and explain importance change by direct ), Valence (e.g., Organization and personal will more develop after modification). Response use scale Likert start of 1 = not very much agree until 4 = strongly agree.
  • 5. American Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Research (AJHSSR) 2022 A J H S S R J o u r n a l P a g e | 64 Psychological Capital. Adopted and modified from PsyCap Questionnaire developed by Luthans et al. (2007) adjusted with Indonesian conditions. Psychological capital cover four dimensions, namely: hope, optimism, resilience, and self-efficacy, be measured with 12 items consisting of four subscales. _ Example question: hope ( for example, "If I must find self I in a traffic jam in place work, I can think many methods for go out from that"), resilience (e.g.,"I usually resolve the difficulty with one or other way in place work"), optimism (e.g. "I always see side good about the profession I "), and efficacy ( e.g., "I" feel believe self-help set targets/ targets in the work area me "). The response was given ona four-point Likert scale (very not agree score = 1, very agree score = 4). Culture Organization. I was adopted from Stephen P. Robbins and Timothy A. Judge. (2018), which measures 7 ( seven ) characteristics of cultural organization, namely,Innovation and Risk Taking,Attention to Details,Outcome Orientation, People Orientation, Team Orientation,Aggressiveness, andStability, through 14 measurement items. Example question Innovation and Risk Taking (e.g.,I assess the frequency of lecturers at this university who are encouraged for Becomes innovative ), Attention to Detail ( For example,I rate the frequency of expected lecturers at this university for show precision, analysis, deep task ), Outcome Orientation ( For instance I assess management at this university focus on the results to be achieved ). People Orientation ( For example,I judge decision management at this university consideringthe effective results on the ability staff ), Team Orientation ( For instance,I assume at this University activity work organized around _ teamwork than individual ), Aggressiveness ( For example,I judge at this University lecturer pushed for more competitive ), and Stability ( For instance I rate at this University activity organization emphasize maintain the status quo). The response was given ona four-point Likert scale (very low = 1, very tall score = 4). Behavior leadership was transformational. Adopted and adapted from Bass (1985), which measures four indicators ;(a) Idealized Influence Charisma, (b) Inspirational Motivation, (c) Intellectual Stimulation, and (d) Individual Consideration, where each indicator is measured via three items or totaling 15 measurement items. Example Idealized Influence Charisma questions (e.g., I rate Superior capable give exemplary, so that deserve respected ), Inspirational Motivation (e.g., Boss provide the opportunity on staff academic for reach something with method own ), Intellectual Stimulation (e.g., Boss attempted push staff educational for reach maximum performance ), and Individual Consideration (e.g.,ability superior in the lead could push team academic for increase needs achievement ). Response use scale Likert start of 1 = not very much agree until 4 = strongly agree. Analysis and Testing Hypothesis In this case, Smart PLS 3.0 and SPSS software are used in data analysis. SEM PLS works gradually to getthe predictive model in the form of the final statistical report, completed with some statistical tests. SEM PLS works through two stages that are Stage Factor Analysis and Stage Analysis Regression. At level construct framework connection Among construct with indicator, Smart PLS uses Factor analysis because the data used generally is categorical data with scale specific. Inthe class, when the analysis process factor has been done, PLS-SEM work has a regression score, which can continue with analysis regression to testthe hypothesis. In the study, test validity uses convergent and discriminant validity methods with Smart PLS 3.0 help and assistance calculation using SPSS, which can be seen from the loading factor. Due to research character explanatory, score average variance extracted (AVE) must be more significantthan 0.5, i.e., recommended AVE value. The reliability test used _ is Cronnbach's. Alpha coefficient test with a limit coefficient more criticalthan 0.7 (Now (2016). Testing model fit is done with some index Goodness of Fit Test (GFT) including P value ( probability ) statistic Chi-Square, Root Means Square Error of Approximation (RMSEA) value, Goodness of Fit Index (GFI), AdjustedGoodness of Fit Index (AGFI), Normal Fit Index (NFI), Tucker Lewis Index (TLI) or Non-Normal Fit Index (NNFI), and Comparative Fit Index (CFI). IV. RESULTS Demographic Data Information demographic respondents (N=226) are presented in TABLE 1 following. TABLE 1 .Demographic Data Respondent RESPONDENT DEMOGRAPHIC INFORMATION ( N=226) Characteristics Demographic Category Frequency Percentage % Type Sex Man 73 32% Woman 153 68% Total 226 100%
  • 6. American Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Research (AJHSSR) 2022 A J H S S R J o u r n a l P a g e | 65 Age <20 Years 0 0% >21 Years 100 100% Total 226 100% Working Period 5 to 10 years 54 24% 11 to 20 years 142 63% > 21 Years 30 13% Total 226 100% Level of education Diploma 0 0% Bachelor 226 100% Master 0 0% Doctor 0 0% Total 226 100% Training Once 188 84% Not Once 38 16% Total 226 100% Validity and Reliability To test Convergent validity,usedthe AVE value as suggested _ as a metric for measurement (Hair et al., 2019). To calculate AVE, research this using PLS-SEM Algorithm stages. The minimum AVE you can receive is 0.500 or more high, explaining 50% or more item variance for all constructs. All constructs in the study have more AVE value significant from 0.500 or explain 50% or more about item variance for construct. AVE for all factors is above 0.5. Reliability composite (CR) for elements the (0.8 kmabove ) more from the recommended minimum level of CR (> 0.7). Measurement model results show that all factors confirm the validity and adequate convergence. _ Internal consistency reliabilityis used for the evaluation of consistency results across items. The PLS- SEM method for the study tested Cronbach's alpha and composite reliability (Hair et al., 2019). Reliability value internal consistency is measured between 0 and 1, where the more tallweight shows, the more elevated level of its validity. The value and reliability of Cronbach's alpha and composite should be tallerthan 0.700 (Hair et al., 2019). The resulting Cronbach's alpha and composite reliability values for all construct are stable, equivalent, and have reliability and good internal consistency exceeding recommended value _ that is, with score most minor, i.e., 0.704 and below score most significant, i.e., 1,000. Importance-Performance Map Analysis (IPMA) Importance-Performance Map Analysis (IPMA) is used in the study to understand factors the key that influencesthe primary variable readiness for changes in elementary school teachers in Sungai Penuh City. Analysis this conducted with the use of SmartPLSto add the measurement of other factors that influence variable readiness for change actually for every aspect of the proposed research model. IMPA aims to identify factors that have performed relatively more height and are rathercrucial in structural models (Hair et al., 2014; Ramayah, Chiun, Rouibah, May 2014; Ringle, Sarstedt, 2016). According to Hair et al. (2014),performanceis obtained by calculating the average value latent variable, while importance is tested by estimating the total effect of the structural model. FIGURE 2shows the Importance-Performance Map Analysis (IMPA) research model results.
  • 7. American Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Research (AJHSSR) 2022 A J H S S R J o u r n a l P a g e | 66 FIGURE 2. Structural Model and Importance-Performance Map Analysis (IMPA) Path Coefficients The measurement coefficient track highlightsthe strength connection Between two construction in the structural model (Wang and Chiu, 2011). In part, this Bootstrapping technique with 5,000 sample repeatswas conducted to reach beta value (β) and t value and confirm the significance hypothesis as recommended by Chin et al. (2003). Bootstrap results are shown below this. Bootstrapping steps carried out in the study aim to inform level significance from the path of each construct through 5000 resampling for test level significance. In bootstrapping, sub-samples were created with observations taken randomly from the original data set ( with replacement ). A subsample was then used to estimate the PLS path model. This process is repeated until an amount significant from sub-sample random has been made ( usually around 5,000). Estimate from the sub- bootstrap sample used to get the standard error for PLS-SEM results. With this information, t-values, p-values, and confidence intervalswere calculated to evaluate the significance of PLS-SEM results. TABLE 2. Bootstrapping results and hypotheses testing Hypo thesis Path Beta Value (β) Standard Deviation (STDEV) T Statis tics Sig Decision H 1 Culture Organization -> Psychological Capital 0.440 0.099 4,436 0.000 Received H2 _ Culture Organization -> Behavior Leadership Transformational -0.027 0.072 0.368 0.713 Rejected H 3 Culture Organization -> Readiness for Changed 0.665 0.078 8,542 0.000 Received H 4 Psychological Capital -> Readiness for Changed 0.165 0.064 2,590 0.010 Received H 5 Behavior Leadership Transformational -> Psychological Capital 0.121 0.059 2.038 0.042 Received H 6 Behavior Leadership Transformational -> Readiness for Changed -0.025 0.051 0.500 0.618 Rejected
  • 8. American Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Research (AJHSSR) 2022 A J H S S R J o u r n a l P a g e | 67 Referring to the table above, the predictors of Psychological Capital are : (H 1 ) Culture Organization (β = 0.440, p <0.05) status accepted, (H 5 ) Behavior Leadership Transformational (β = 0.121, p > 0.05) status is accepted, all related by significant however varied on Psychological Capital with official status. Whereas Predictor Readiness for changed are : (H 3 ) Culture Organization (β = 0.665, p < 0.05) accepted status , (H 4 ) Psychological Capital (β = 0.165, p < 0.05) accepted status , and (H6) Behavior Leadership Transformational (β = -0.025, p>0.05) status is rejected . Then to see the moderator effect or Evaluation Mediator Variable ( Influence Not direct ) Study, this follows Preacher and Hayes (2008) method for To do analysis mediation. Mediation confirmed if (1) effect no direct significant and (2) results from influence no direct from Confidence Intervals (CI) no show score zero it means results Among limit bottom and limit top on (CI) no direct the effect all positive or negative (Hayes, 2009). (Hayes, 2009). The significant effect was not direct tested using a bootstrap routine with 5000 subsamples. The results of the mediator factors are shown in TABLE 3. TABLE 3. Test results mediator factor ( Influence no direct ) sis. hypothe sis Path Path a Path b Indirect Effect T Value P Value 97.5% CI decision _ H 7 Culture Organization -> Psychological Capital - >Readiness for Changed 0.440 0.655 0.030 2,174 0.030 0.142 Received H 8 Behavior Leadership Transformational - > Psychological Capital -> Readiness for Changed 0.121 -0.025 0.148 1,448 0.148 0.053 Rejected The table above _ shows that Psychological Capital has mediated influence Among Culturalorganizations andReadiness for Changed (H 7 ) p-Value <0.05), so that hypothesis is accepted. However, satisfaction has failedto mediate the influence factor Behavior Leadership Transformational to Readiness for Changed ( all p-value > 0.05). It means hypothesis (H 8 ) is rejected. FIGURE 3. Final Model The goodness of Fit model ( GoF )/Model Fit Destination from GoF is to test the research model good at measuring structural levels and models with a focus on the performance of an inclusive model (Henseler and Sarstedt, 2013). According to testing, the saturated model should get an SRMR value below 0.08 (Hu and Bentler, 1998) to accept. Besides that,a model with PLS can be seen from the Normed Fit Index (NFI) to evaluate the accuracy. Hair, Risher, Sarstedt, and
  • 9. American Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Research (AJHSSR) 2022 A J H S S R J o u r n a l P a g e | 68 Ringle (2019) suggest NFI value close to 1 indicates the model being tested has accuracy (fit model). In the case study Here, the saturated model SRMR presents a value of 0.064, which confirms the goodness of the fit model. NFI value that meets threshold limit evaluation which is 0.607. RMS_theta must be used to assess the factor model general calculated by PLS-SEM, only for the estimated composite model with PLS-SEM. RMS_theta values below 0.12 indicate a suitable model, while more value _ tall show a lack of suitability ( Henseler et al., 2016). Following these results, model fit testing on the structural model. TABLE 4. Model Fit PLS Algorithm (goodness of Fit test) Saturated Model SOME 0.064 d_ULS 5,174 d_G 2,364 Chi-Square 3060,035 NFI 0.607 RMS_theta 0.011 V. CONCLUSION AND DISCUSSION Study this focuses on teachers in District Elementary Education Kerinci and will discuss some problem critical facing _ system administration public that is readiness for change, including role Culture Organization, leadership transformational and psychological capital will help increase level performance management in education base in Full River City. Besides that, the study will guide elementary school teachers in Sungai Penuh Cityon how to respond to implementation change. It also gives the leaders clear insight _ into how they could produce a level of readiness and high transition between _ _ followers. This will show the importance of teacher readiness for change. Finally, the research could recommend leaders _ for more notice enhancement of their teacher readiness for change, leading to increased performance organization. Destination from the study is for test (H1) relationship Among culture school and psychological capital district elementary school teacher Kerinci. Study this hypothesis first by analyzingthe connection Between culture school and capital needs teacher psychology. Studies show that as much culture school is controller, the level of psychological capital from needs will increase. The PLS-SEM analysis results showa significant positive _ Among cultural organizations on psychological and cultural capital organization, clarifying 44 percent changes in psychological capital teacher base Elementary School in Full River City. Influence positive this shows that as much culture organization tend to direct more control _ significant, the level of psychological capital teacher base Elementary School in Full River Citywill increase. Based on the research results, it can be said that some type of external motivationis created for teachers at schools with a culture of more organization _ good as results in various development and competence. Deci and Ryan (2000) believe that as much level motivation extrinsic height, function controller environment will be increased and this has effect negative on need psychological. On the other hand, schools with good culture _ give more opportunities for psychological needs because they emphasize each additional support and have connection friendships. This is because each other support and not control is one _ feature important ofa supportive environment _ autonomy (Reeve, 2009). Ina School with collective culture, partial teachersare significantly influenced by other teachers' ideas. They must work in a group; other teachers affect each individual's life and career. The responsibility is to be in the top group so that individuals and teachers align themselves with others ( Akour, 2006). An environment like it's very limiting strength action and innovation individual because in many cases group decideson the individual instead. Enhancement control by environment could negatively affectthe needs of the psychological teacher in line with self-determination theory. On the findings,Hypothesis 2, that is, influence Culture Organization to Leadership Transformational find that Culture organization no take effect positive and significant to leadership transformational. Culture character collective and culture is set values, beliefs, understanding general, thoughts and norms for behavior shared by all _ member society. Culture guides conduct in the community in a clear way and sometimes _ not too conspicuous, and it really affects decisions (Hofstede, 2001). Cultural school is conceptualized as confidence together about how the school must operate, the core values that reflect what you want in a school for students, and norms of behavior that reflect the teacher's perception of the school's environment( Maslowski, 2006). Pang (1998) argues that values are the essence of cultural organization because they represent " the strengths and processes by which participants organization socialized to an organization. "
  • 10. American Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Research (AJHSSR) 2022 A J H S S R J o u r n a l P a g e | 69 Besides that, Elementary School teachersare more productive if they get clear direction _ from goal- oriented values _ organization and if values this owned by the member organization. Regarding culture organization, a number of the study show that that play a role key in performance organizations ( Prajogo& McDermott, 2011; Baird et al., 2011; Hilal et al., 2009) are not leadership transformational. Other assumptions hypothesis second is rejected with the rationale that many schools have structure more hierarchical _ many and all decision education created by the head school without consultation with the teacher, and the teacher does not have qualification for commenting on problem school, and they will have feeling more autonomy, competence, and relatedness low. This Thing because schools with substantial-high distances _ notprovide the opportunity forthe individual to show competence, innovation, and freedom. On the other hand, the structural organization is hierarchical, and authority individuals with more positions _ high in school, like head school, lead to the formation of an atmosphere that is unreliable and not could be dedicated to the individual ( Srite, 2000). This is Correct because havinga connection with other people causesindividual authorityto increase and consequently leads to an increased level of control; because of that, Thing this cause a drop in relationship between member. The current result this in line with self-determination theory which states that environment controllers harmthe satisfaction needs of psychological employees (Deci et al. 2001). Hypothesis third test influences culture organization to readiness for change. They found study show positive and significant influence. _ There is various study by supporting parallel _ with findings related tothe connection Between organizational culture and readiness for change by ordinary (McNabb and Sepic, 1995; Burke, 2002; Harris, 2002; Weiner, 2009). This result is also suitable with previous findings, where Bouckenooghe et al. (2009) revealed that readiness for change attitude by positive awakened in the organization, especially with cultural supporters. There is also research onthe connection Betweenpreparedness for change and the relationship of essential humans _ for support culture (Jones et al., 2005; Madsen et al., 2005). The teacher feels ready for change because they are convinced they will be in solidarity when preparedto face uncertainty and outcome damagedby change. It is because they share happiness and sadness, and each other appreciates. They do feel alone during and after the change process. Hypothesis fourth in results testing shows the influence of Psychological Capital in predicting level teacher readiness for changes at a high average rate. Finding study this is in line with Avey et al. (2011), who showed that Psychological Capital could create desired and helpful attitudes, behaviors, and outcomes _ lightening up the behavior and moodof employees who don't expect it. Specifically, Psychological Capital is the driving motivation _ of individualsto gather energy through structure psychological favorable from efficacy self, hope, optimism, and resilience (Sweetman & Luthans, 2010). An increased Psychological Capital leads to commitment to more organization _ good behavior _, employees _ reasonable satisfaction,and more work _ (Friend et al., 2018; Perkins, Hughey & Speer, 2002; Sweetman & Luthans, 2010). Based on findings, it is possible to consider psychological and cultural capital school as factor determinantsof readiness for change ( Hypothesis 7 ). This result is supported by views that involve teachers, who are at the center of the change process in school, in psychological capital, and knowing their role new, they will be at the level of readiness for change ( Akpınar and Aydın, 2007; Kondakci et al., 2010). As for culture school, readiness for change is linked with beliefs, attitudes, and intentions of member organizations that do not miss from values, culture, and beliefs organization ( Armenakis et al., 1993). There is no difference in order interest dimensions culture school in Thing strength predictive on dimension readiness for change. However, psychological capital comes after culture organization in predicting readiness cognitive and follow culture organization and support for Readiness emotional temporary that precede all dimensions of culture school for intentional willingness. _ Hypothesis 7 find findings that culture organization mediated by psychological capital affectsreadiness for change and affects the most deliberate Readiness _ could be generated from the fact that the teacher does not explicitly determine for devote self to change. Uncertainty brought about by change could make teachers behave a little and increase their desire to face change so that they could understand the need to involve teachers in consideringthe culture of ordinary schools _ to increase teacher readiness for change. Based on calculation statistics Hypothesis 6 findings the above research, can conclude that leadership transformational no take to effect positive and significant to Readiness teacher change Elementary School in Full River City. This Thing is proven with a T-Statistics value of 0.500 or more small than 1.96, and a P- Values value of 0.618, which is more significantthan 0.05. It means hypothesis sixth (H 6 )is not supported or rejected. Research supports evidence found in research _ previously concluding that transformational leadership does not significantly affect readiness for change( Susyanto, 2019). However,many studies support positive leadership's influenceonreadiness for change, such as ( Banjongprasert, 2017; Katsaros et al., 2020). Research results this is also in line with some studies previously about the Indonesian practice of influencing leadership to readiness for changed ( Asbari, Novitasari, Silitonga, Sutardi, et al., 2020; Asbari&Novitasari, 2020; Basuki et al., 2020; Gazali et al ., 2020; Kamar et al ., 2019; Novitasari, Goestjahjanti, et al ., 2020; Novitasari, Sasono, et al ., 2020; Zaman et al ., 2020).
  • 11. American Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Research (AJHSSR) 2022 A J H S S R J o u r n a l P a g e | 70 In other contexts, Research in Malaysia, Nordin (2012) studied influencing factors _ readiness change. The finding shows that behavior leadership and commitment to the organization areessentialfor a readiness change organization. Besides that, research shows that commitment affective is a significant moderate _ in connection Between transformational leadership and readiness changes, and suggestions give more priorities in the development process leadership transformational on the spot work more priority because this will positively increase results organization. In the study, this has reviewed literature moment this is related with role dimensions leadership transformational which is ideal influence, individual judgment, motivation inspirational and stimulating intellectual, on readiness organization for change. Study this will give an outlook on how dimensions of transformational leadership could affect the readiness of elementary school teachers in Sungai Penuh City for change. Due to the process of change in statement mission, any organization plays the role the key, the ability of leaders transformational practical for increase motivation follower them. VI. IMPLICATIONS theoretical and practical implicationsfor teachers and management stakeholders' education base in Full River City.In context study, of course, occur challenge constant for all organization education, change organization need managed by practical. Readiness for change needsto be handled with care because it reduces behavior as opposedto In Thing. In this case, it is necessary to test the teacher's readiness to change need evaluated for desired result _ from intervention changes in schools and ways with approach culture, leadership, and psychology.Study this give proof empirical about various influence variable culture organization, leadership and psychological capital to teacher readiness for change.By theoretical research, this providesa broad understanding _ in connection with readiness changes in the organization's school base, especially in Full River City. Besides that, the research contributes to the literature by investigatingthe connection Between two constructionsignificant for a successful change process and bringing about a substantial relationship between _ _ them. In Thing this, though school base hassome characteristics typical from organization other education outside level education basics, findings study this givesempirical proof about the importance readiness for change and in management education. Because there is a scarcity of research that tests the research model in the organization school basic, research this riveting attention of school administrators and more authorities tall for push readiness for change culture, leadership and factors teacher psychology.Regarding practice, because schoolsare faced with constant intervention change, the research aimsto give practical and guiding information _ with more authority _ tall for making the change process more successful. VII. LIMITATIONS OF STUDY Study this hassome limitations. First, research this analysis influence Culture Organization, Behavior leadership transformational to readiness for change in school teacher country base in Full River City, good by direct nor no direct through Psychological Capital variable. This is possible because other variables ( such as motivation, competence, knowledge management, etc.) affect readiness for change. The writer recommends discovering, exploring, and analyzing more carry on for study next. Besides that, research was carried out at the Basic Education Organization (Elementary School ) in Sungai Penuh City,and maybe no one could be generalized to Other Populations Outside the area. Because of that, recommended for To do study more carry on about topics this is in Elementary schools with More population _ areas, which can be added to other areas such as Province, State, or comparison Among readiness for change at schools public and private basis in the larger population-wide. Furthermore, in the study, only teachers work in the schools base country that Becomes the sample. However, researchers more carry on could involve teachers who work in private schools to increase generalization findings. Besides that, the method,Which is a public and private school, could be compared in connection with the level of trust organization and readiness of teachers to change. Besides all that, though this is designed as quantitative, design study qualitative can also be used for gathering more information _ in connection with parts problems from trust organization and process of change organization at school from corner look at the teacher. REFERENCE [1]. Aarons, G. (2006), "Transformational and transactional leadership: association with attitudes toward evidence-based practice," Psychiatric Services, Vol. 57 No. 8, p. 1162. [2]. Adlina ,EndroPuspoWiroko , FD Wara Timur Hayuwardhani . (2018). Psychological and Perceptual Capital Support Organization to Readiness Individual for Changes to PPPKP-KKP Employees, Psympatic, Journals Scientific Psychology December 2018, Vol. 5, No. 2, p . : 211-220 [3]. Akour, I. (2006). Factors influencing faculty computer Literacy and use in Jordan: A multivariate analysis. Louisiana Tech University.
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