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          2008 ANNUAL REPORT
Cover: Achuar Community in Ecuador (Antoine Bonsorte / Amazon Watch)
Outside Occidental Petroleum Annual Shareholder Meeting (Thomas Cavanagh / Amazon Watch)

                                                                                           From regime change in the White House to the major shake up of the
                                                                                           global economy, 2008 marked the beginning of a new era. The meltdown
                        MESSAGE FROM                                                       on Wall Street awakened people to the perils of rampant corporate greed,
                                                                                           lack of accountability and the failures of unbridled capitalism.
                           THE EXECUTIVE                                                   While the oil industry reported record profits through most of 2008,
                                                                                           Amazon Watch worked hard to shine the spotlight on the industry’s abus-
                                              DIRECTOR                                     es in the Amazon.
                                                                                           Our dedicated staff organized delegations from affected communities to
                                                                                           the annual stockholder meetings of Occidental Petroleum, ConocoPhillips,
                                                                                           Talisman, and Chevron calling for corporate accountability and respect for
                                                                                           human rights.
                                                                                           We celebrated some strategic milestones throughout the year; among
                                                                                           them the following stand out.
                                                                                           n   Ecuador’s Constitutional Assembly voted to grant inalienable rights to
                                                                                               nature in the country’s new constitution.
                                                                                           n   Petrobras abandoned plans for the controversial oil block 31 in
                                                                                               Ecuador’s Yasuni National Park.
                                                                                           n   The court appointed expert in the trial against Chevron released his
                                                                                               findings that the company is liable for an estimated $27 billion for
                                                                                               cleanup in the Ecuadorian Amazon.
n   Nominated by Amazon Watch, Pablo Fajardo and Luis              n   In Calgary, Talisman’s CEO met with our delegation
    Yanza won the 2008 Goldman Environmental Prize for                 and pledged to respect the Peruvian Achuar’s right to
    leading the 16-year legal battle against Chevron. The              consent.
    company chose unwisely to attack them in the media
                                                                   n   Throughout the year, Amazon Watch campaigners trav-
    with their efforts backfiring.
                                                                       eled to remote regions of the Amazon to carry out fact-
n   Amazon Watch and the Amazon Defense Coalition’s                    finding missions and advocacy training with local organi-
    multifaceted Chevron campaign for clean up of the                  zations and communities.
    Ecuadorian Amazon took first place at the Business
                                                                   n   Amazon Watch completed its strategic plan and vision
    Ethics Network’s 2008 Benny Awards.
                                                                       for the next 3 to 5 years. We identified strategies that
n   With support from Amazon Watch, Peru’s indigenous                  are working and created a plan to scale up programs
    movement effectively forced the Peruvian Congress to               and campaigns in the face of daunting challenges fac-
    modify several Presidential decrees that attempted to              ing the Amazon region, namely the reality that the
    roll back indigenous land rights. The problem however              Amazon rainforest is approaching the tipping point of

                                                                                                                                   Ecuadorian Amazon (Antoine Bonsorte / Amazon Watch)
    did not get fully resolved in 2008 foretelling an uprising         ecological collapse in our lifetime.
    in 2009.
                                                                   As 2008 came to a close, signs of hope appeared on the
n   In Los Angeles, Tomas Maynas Carijano, the Peruvian            horizon. We witnessed a growing public awareness for
    Achuar elder and lead plaintiff in the oil pollution lawsuit   addressing the global climate crisis and the role of tropical
    against Occidental Petroleum, delivered his message to         rainforests in stabilizing our global climate became more
    the company’s doorstep. Favorable editorials by the LA         widely recognized.
    Times called for “corporations doing business around the
                                                                   On behalf of everyone at Amazon Watch, I thank all of our
    world to take their best practices with them.” The editorial
                                                                   supporters and invite you to continue investing in Amazon
    brilliantly framed the issue: “Call it a reverse incursion—
                                                                   Watch in this critical time as we generate greater momen-
    tribes following corporate giants into their native habitats
                                                                   tum for defense of our planet and human rights.
    . . . Maynas and other indigenous leaders are bearding
    business lions in their own cultural dens: at shareholder
    meetings, in boardrooms and, increasingly, in court.”

                                                                   For Future Generations,

                                                                   Atossa Soltani
                                                                   Founder / Executive Director
Peruvian Achuar Territory (Nathalie Weemaels)

                                   OUR MISSION        Amazon Watch works to protect the rainforest and advance the rights of
                                                      indigenous peoples in the Amazon Basin. We partner with indigenous
                                         AND VISION   and environmental organizations in campaigns for human rights, corporate
                                                      accountability and the preservation of the Amazon’s ecological systems.

                                                      Our Vision                             We strive for a world in which gov-
                                                                                             ernments, corporations and civil
                                                      We envision a world that honors
                                                                                             society respect the collective rights
                                                      and values cultural and biological
                                                                                             of indigenous peoples to free, prior
                                                      diversity and the critical contribu-
                                                                                             and informed consent over any
                                                      tion of tropical rainforests to our
                                                                                             activity affecting their territories
                                                      planet’s life support systems.
                                                                                             and resources.
                                                      We believe that indigenous self-
                                                                                             We commit, in the spirit of partner-
                                                      determination is paramount, and
                                                                                             ship and mutual respect, to sup-
                                                      see that indigenous knowledge,
                                                                                             port our indigenous allies in their
                                                      cultures and traditional practices
                                                                                             efforts to protect life, land, and cul-
                                                      contribute greatly to sustainable
                                                                                             ture in accordance with their aspi-
                                                      and equitable stewardship of the
                                                                                             rations and needs.

            Human Banner in Ecuador (Lou Dematteis / Spectral Q)              Protest outside Oxy (Thomas Cavanagh / Amazon Watch)           Kevin Koenig and Achuar Leader in Houston (Amazon Watch)

In the Amazon region of Brazil,                                    legal action and shareholder cam-                                 extraction-based economic develop-
Colombia, Ecuador and Peru, Amazon                                 paigns to demand corporate social                                 ment. At the same time we monitor
                                                                   and environmental accountability.                                 and publicize new threats in pristine or
Watch is working directly with indige-
                                                                                                                                     vulnerable Amazon frontiers and seek
nous communities to build local
                                                                   Strengthen capacity of indige-                                    an end to public financing for destruc-
capacity and advance the long-term                                 nous organizations in the Amazon to                               tive projects.
protection of their territories. In part-                          defend their rights in local, national
nership with indigenous peoples, non-                              and international fora. Through legal,                            Educate corporate executives,
                                                                   advocacy, media and technology train-                             shareholders, public officials and the
governmental organizations, con-
                                                                   ing and the donation of equipment, we
cerned shareholders and citizens, we                                                                                                 general public using media coverage,
                                                                   help our indigenous partners assert
                                                                                                                                     websites, publications, documentary
utilize the following strategies:                                  their collective and territorial rights and
                                                                                                                                     films and dialogue. We strive to foster
                                                                   advance an alternative vision for con-
                                                                                                                                     widespread understanding of the
Campaign to persuade decision                                      servation-based development of their
                                                                   territories                                                       intrinsic value of indigenous peoples
makers in corporations, international
                                                                                                                                     stewardship and the global signifi-
financial institutions and national gov-
                                                                   Seek permanent protection                                         cance of the Amazon rainforest. By
ernments to honor the rights of indige-
nous peoples to self-determination                                 for threatened areas and vulnerable                               building awareness and promoting
and free, prior and informed consent                               indigenous populations in the Amazon                              green economic alternatives to the
over “development” decisions in their                              rainforest. In partnership with national                          current export-oriented fossil fuel
territories and to fund full cleanup of                            governments and ally organizations in                             based development model, we are
areas devastated by past and present                               South America, we promote new, sus-                               helping to bring about a paradigm shift
oil drilling. We use media exposure,                               tainable alternatives to resource                                 within key institutions and society.
Pablo Fajardo and leaders of the Frente de Defensa marching in Lago Agrio, Ecuador (Courtesy of the Goldman Environmental Prize)

                                                                                                                     2008 was a landmark year for the campaign to hold Chevron
                                                                                                                     accountable for the environmental disaster caused by Texaco
                                                                                                                     (now Chevron) in the Ecuadorian Amazon. During three decades
                                                                                                                     of drilling, Texaco dumped over 18 billion gallons of toxic waste-
                                                                                                                     water into rivers and streams, and abandoned 916 open-air waste
                                                         THE CLEAN UP                                                pits. In support of the class action lawsuit against Chevron, now in
                                                                                                                     its final stretch, Amazon Watch intensified a public pressure cam-
                                                                          ECUADOR                                    paign urging the company to clean up its toxic pollution and com-
                                                                                                                     pensate the roughly 30,000 residents of the area for the epidemic
                                                                     CAMPAIGN                                        of cancer and other health problems they continue to suffer.

                                                                                                                     Developments in the lawsuit against Chevron came to a head
                                                                                                                     when a court-appointed expert determined that Chevron was
                                                                                                                     liable for up to $27 billion in damages. Through media outreach
                                                                                                                     and direct communication, Amazon Watch alerted Chevron share-
                                                                                                                     holders to the company’s efforts to conceal this liability, which had
                                                                                                                     also been illegally omitted from its SEC filings. Throughout the
                                                                                                                     year, we worked with major institutional shareholders to bring
                                                                                                                     attention to Chevron’s tarnished record on environmental and
                                                                                                                     human rights abuses. The Clean Up Ecuador Campaign received
                                                                                                                     high-profile recognition winning first place in Business Ethics
                                                                                                                     Network’s annual BENNY awards.

Berkeley City Council votes to boy-
cott Chevron products and services.
The authority adopts a
resolution mandating that it "cease
all purchases from Chevron" as a
result of the corporation's record of
ecological destruction and involve-
ment in human rights abuses in
Angola, Burma, Ecuador and Nigeria,
as well as the San Francisco Bay
Area, where Chevron operates a
refinery widely suspected of causing
cancers and other health problems
among local residents.

April                                                                                           Luis Yanza and Emergildo Criollo at the Chevron Annual General Meeting (Thomas Cavanagh / Amazon Watch)

In Ecuador, court-appointed expert                                      Nominated by Amazon Watch, Pablo                      New York City and New York State
Richard Cabrera recommends to the                                       Fajardo, the lead Ecuadorian lawyer                   pension funds, two of the nation’s
judge that Chevron pay up to $16.3                                      for the communities suing Chevron,                    largest, calling on Chevron to assess
billion in damages, for environmental                                   and Luis Yanza, founder of the Amazon                 the adequacy of compliance with host
remediation, compensation for cancer                                    Defense Coalition in Ecuador, are hon-
deaths, and an “unjust enrichment”                                      ored with the Goldman Environmental
penalty for the money Texaco saved by                                   Prize, the world’s most prestigious
deliberately using inadequate environ-                                  environmental award. Chevron
mental practices. The assessment is                                     attempts to defame Luis and Pablo
based on three years of scientific data                                 taking out full-page ads in the San
collection, which reveal massive levels                                 Francisco Chronicle resulting in a
of soil and water contamination.                                        mainstream media flurry that further
                                                                        damages Chevron’s reputation.

                                                                        Amazon Watch again has a powerful
                                                                        presence at Chevron’s annual share-
                                                                        holder meeting at its headquarters in
                                                                        San Ramon, California. Three
                                                                                                                                                                      (Mitch Anderson / Amazon Watch)
                                                                        Ecuadorians from the affected commu-
                                                                        nities travel to participate in con-                  country laws to protect human health
                                                                        fronting CEO David O’Reilly face to                   and the environment. A “Clean Up
                                                                        face about Chevron’s deadly legacy.                   Chevron” demonstration outside the
                                                                        Amazon Watch helps promote a                          meeting, attended by over 100
Goldman Prize Winners, Attorney Pablo Fajardo and Lead Organizer Luis
Yanza (Mitch Anderson / Amazon Watch)                                   shareholder resolution filed by the                   activists in hazmat suits, draws signifi-
cant media attention to growing public    October                                   hand the devastation caused by
                outrage at the company’s actions.                                                   Texaco, writes a letter to President-
                                                          The Clean Up Ecuador Campaign
                                                                                                    elect Barack Obama urging him to
                                                          wins first place in the Business Ethics
                                                                                                    offer the support of the U.S. govern-
                June                                      Network’s annual BENNY awards, for
                                                                                                    ment to improving conditions for those
                                                          “outstanding achievement in advanc-
                The San Francisco Board of                ing corporate ethics.”                    living in the polluted area.
                Supervisors votes to condemn
                                                                                                    Court-appointed expert Richard
                Chevron for “a systemic pattern of        November                                  Cabrera increases his assessment of
                socially irresponsible activities and
                                                          Amazon Watch participates in a dele-      Chevron’s liability to $27 billion, in
                complicity in human rights violations.”                                             light of findings that he had dramati-
                                                          gation to the affected region in
                Amazon Watch’s efforts to bring the                                                 cally underestimated the likely number
                                                          Ecuador, which includes U.S.
                Ecuador controversy directly to           Representative Jim McGovern (D-MA),       of cancer deaths (now estimated at
                Chevron’s doorstep has visible results    chair of the House Human Rights           1401) attributable to oil contamina-
                in the Bay Area.                          Caucus. McGovern, upon seeing first-      tion. The New York Post runs a story.

                                                                                                          Flares in Ecuadorian Amazon (Mitch Anderson / Amazon Watch)
Lou Dematteis
Achuar Leader in Ecuador (Antoine Bonsorte)

              Amazon Watch continues to promote an alternative vision of
              sustainable development in the well-conserved rainforests of
 PROTECTING   Ecuador, a country whose economy is highly dependent on oil
              exports. Having supported local communities in halting
  ECUADOR’S   destructive drilling plans in the southern Ecuadorian Amazon
              by Burlington Resources and ConocoPhillips, Amazon Watch
              continued to work to ensure that ecologically and culturally
RAINFORESTS   sensitive areas remain “no-go zones” to the oil industry in the

              In 2008, Amazon Watch continued to play an important role
              supporting the Government of Ecuador in its pioneer proposal
              to protect world-renowned Yasuni National Park by not allow-
              ing extraction of Ecuador’s largest undeveloped oil reserved,
              the Ishpingo-Tambococha-Tiputini (ITT) oil block. The 2.5 mil-
              lion-acre Yasuni Park, one of the world’s greatest biodiversity
              hotspots, is the home to the Huaorani people and two indige-
              nous groups in voluntary isolation.
During the year, the Yasuni-ITT proposal acquired major           companies, pushing for a diverse range of funding
political support within Ecuador and abroad, particularly         sources beyond the sale of carbon credits, and seeking to
from the governments of Spain, Norway, Italy and                  obtain greater engagement and participation by
Germany. Amazon Watch was instrumental in safeguard-              Ecuadorian civil society in the proposal, especially the
ing the proposal’s integrity from co-option by private oil        national indigenous organizations.

May                                          July                                               In essence, the constitution provides
                                                                                                explicit legal protection for the exis-
Amazon Watch joins forces with               On July 22 in the coastal city of                  tence of nature and for all of its life
socially responsible investor col-           Guayaquil, Amazon Watch, along with                cycle functions, including regeneration
leagues Lily La Torre of Racimos de          the national Ecuador campaign                      and evolution. Legal claims can be
Ungurahui and Navajo activists from          Amazonía por la Vida and the                       brought by any individual to stop a
New Mexico. Together, they meet with                                                            damaging activity and restore an
ConocoPhillips senior management                                                                ecosystem to its original state. Article
during their annual meeting in                                                                  409 of the new constitution now theo-
Houston, demanding that the company                                                             retically bans resource extraction in
adopt a policy requiring free, prior and                                                        national parks and areas declared
informed consent—with a focus on                                                                “áreas intangibles,” or no-go zones.
operations in Peru and Ecuador. In
terms of its Ecuador holdings, the                                                              Also in September, Brazilian oil giant
company confirms that it has attempt-                                                           Petrobras announces its departure
ed to sell its Block 24 concession and                                                          from controversial oil Block 31 within
50 percent share in Block 23 without                                                            Yasuni National Park. This victory for
success—an indication that the compa-                                                           the campaign to protect Yasuni from
ny intends to leave Ecuador perma-                                                              oil drilling follows intense criticism of
nently.                                                                                         Petrobras’s drilling plans from Amazon
                                                                                                Watch and an international network of
June                                                                                            ally organizations. Amazon Watch pro-
                                                                           (Antoine Bonsorte)
                                                                                                vides support for an indigenous mobi-
The German parliament unanimously                                                               lization of local Huaorani people who
approves a resolution backing the            Fundación Pachamama, participates                  traveled to Quito in protest.
Yasuni-ITT initiative and commits the        jointly with the Minister of Foreign
government and Chancellor Angela             Affairs, the Ministry of Energy and
Merkel to financially and politically sup-
                                             Mines, and other government officials
porting the proposal, as well as pro-        in making the first financial contribu-            Amazon Watch participates in a high
moting it among European Union               tions to the Yasuni-ITT initiative.                level strategy meeting with the
countries and the Club of Paris. At the                                                         Ecuadorian President’s team and lead-
request of Germany’s Parliament,                                                                ing environmental experts in
President Correa extends the deadline                                                           Washington, DC to develop and pro-
for securing funds until December, and       Ecuadorian voters approve a ground-                mote the Yasuni-ITT initiative.
all signs point to another extension if      breaking new national constitution, the            Following the meeting, the government
concrete financial advances can be           first in the world to grant specific               team begins a tour of the EU to seek
shown.                                       recognition to the “Rights of Nature.”             greater support for the proposal.
Northern Peruvian Amazon (Nathalie Weemaels)

           With 74 percent of the Peruvian Amazon       In Northern Peru, Amazon Watch contin-
           now zoned for oil and gas extraction,        ued support for the Achuar people as
NORTHERN   Amazon Watch worked with our indige-         they sought justice for past harm to their
           nous partners to curtail industry’s expan-   health and environment. During its 30
    PERU   sion and instead advance indigenous          years operating in the Corrientes River
           peoples’ vision for an alternative devel-    basin, Occidental Petroleum (Oxy)
           opment path that does not destroy            dumped over 9 billion barrels of toxic
           nature or culture. Amazon Watch              production waters directly into the rain-
           worked with the Achuar and other             forest. Oxy sold the operation to
           indigenous groups to protect nearly 20       Argentine company Pluspetrol in 2000.
           million acres of well-conserved primary      In 2008, Amazon Watch joined as a
           rainforest. We supported indigenous          plaintiff in a U.S. lawsuit filed by
           land claims and pressured and engaged        EarthRights International against Oxy for
           companies currently holding conces-          its pollution of Achuar communities in oil
           sions in the region, including Talisman,     Block 1AB. Although the court ruled
           Petrolifera, Amerada Hess, Ramshorn,         that the U.S. is an “inconvenient forum”
           Hunt Oil and ConocoPhillips, to respect      for the lawsuit, the legal team appealed
           the rights of indigenous peoples to free,    the decision while preparing to file the
           prior and informed consent over any          lawsuit in Peru.
           activities affecting their territories and

April                                       their annual meeting in Houston                                            product of oil drilling. However, an
                                            demanding that the company adopt a                                         analysis later conducted by Amazon
The campaign to hold Oxy responsible        policy requiring free, prior and                                           Watch partner E-Tech International
for polluting the Achuar territory is       informed consent. We continue to                                           concludes that remediation of toxic
dealt a setback when a federal judge        monitor Conoco’s exploration and                                           waste pits in the area was insufficient.
in Los Angeles rules that the case          drilling plans in its 10 million acre
should be heard in Peru. The plaintiffs,    “mega-block” of adjacent oil conces-
including Amazon Watch and the                                                                                         November
                                            sions in northern Peru, an area which
Achuar, publicly vow to continue pur-       overlaps ecological reserves, titled                                       Amazon Watch calls on Talisman
suing all legal means of redress,           indigenous lands, and the territory of                                     Energy to suspend its operations in
including appealing the decision in the     indigenous peoples living in voluntary                                     the Pastaza River basin due to con-
U.S. and bringing the case to Peru          isolation.                                                                 cerns that that the company has not
The Los Angeles Times issues a favor-
able editorial.

Amazon Watch leads its first advocacy
mission to Calgary, the heart of
Canada’s oil industry, bringing two
Achuar representatives from Peru to
confront the latest companies active in
their territory: Talisman Energy and
Petrolífera. Following a meeting with
Talisman’s CEO John Manzoni and
other executives, Talisman publicly
commits in front of the company’s
shareholders to operate only where it
obtains community consent.

Amazon Watch attends Oxy’s annual
meeting at its Los Angeles headquar-
                                              Henderson Rengifo, Achuar Leader, and Daryl Hannah speak at a rally outside the Oxy Annual Meeting in Los Angeles (Thomas Cavanagh / Amazon Watch)
ters, accompanied by Achuar leaders
from Peru. Several days before, a large     August
                                                                                                                       obtained free, prior and informed con-
demonstration at Oxy headquarters,
                                            Amazon Watch joins a fact-finding and                                      sent for oil exploration from the com-
attended by Daryl Hannah and Stuart
                                            partnership building delegation to visit                                   munities in Peru’s oil Block 64. 34
Townsend, garners strong media
                                            the remote Corrientes River region to                                      communities in this Achuar, Shuar and
attention. At the shareholder meeting,
                                            engage Achuar communities, evaluate                                        Shapra territory declare their intent to
Achuar leaders confront senior man-
                                            capacity-building needs and monitor
agement and call for Oxy to take                                                                                       prevent Talisman from starting work in
                                            active oil concessions. Amazon Watch
responsibility for its legacy of contami-                                                                              the area. Amazon Watch maintains a
                                            verifies that Argentinian company
nation. This results in major press cov-                                                                               dialogue with the company about the
                                            PlusPetrol is abiding by the terms of
erage.                                                                                                                 adequacy of its consultation process.
                                            an earlier agreement with the Achuar
                                            and the Peruvian government to re-                                         The controversy receives favorable
Amazon Watch meets with
                                            inject the toxic waters that are a by-                                     coverage in Canadian press.
ConocoPhillips senior management at
Achuar Leaders and Amazon Watch staff strategize during a workshop in the Peruvian Amazon (Amazon Watch)

                On a national level, as part of our efforts          versity hotspot described by scientists
                to fight hydrocarbon expansion in the                as “the last place on earth” to drill for
                face of the Peruvian government’s disre-             fossil fuels. Through extremely poor envi-
                gard for indigenous rights, Amazon                   ronmental oversight, the project has
   INDIGENOUS   Watch stepped up our capacity building               been plagued by repeated spills and has
                work to provide tools and resources for              harmed the local Machiguenga, Nanti,
     CAPACITY   our partners to leverage political pressure          Nahua and Yine peoples while bringing
                both in Peru and abroad. Specialized
     BUILDING                                                        little economic benefits to the communi-
                trainings, targeted funding and sharp-               ties. Following the Inter-American
         AND    ened communications skills have enabled              Development Bank’s unfortunate deci-
                groups in Peru to more effectively com-
                                                                     sion to approve funding for Camisea
SOUTHERN PERU   municate directly with national and inter-
                                                                     Phase II in January 2008, Amazon
                national decision makers.
                                                                     Watch supported local partners in moni-
                In Southern Peru, Amazon Watch con-                  toring and documenting the project’s
                tinued to monitor the Camisea natural                impacts on local communities and bring-
                gas project. Located in the remote                   ing their concerns to key international
                Lower Urubamba Basin in the south-                   financial institutions. Moreover, we con-
                eastern Peruvian Amazon, the project                 tinued to call for a halt to oil drilling in
                includes two pipelines to the Peruvian               territories of isolated indigenous peoples
                coast, cutting through an Amazon biodi-              within the Kugapakori Nahua Reserve.

                                                      Inter-American Development Bank           and deliver a video camera and train-
                                                      (IDB), one of the principal financiers    ing to its communications team.
                                                      of destructive large-scale “develop-
                                                      ment” projects in the Amazon. We          November
                                                      coordinate the publication of an “IDB
                                                      Watch” publication by civil society       In November, we set in motion a
                                                      groups, which provides a critical look    process to have DAR, a local partner
                                                      at IDB policy and investments, includ-    organization, investigate the social and
                                                      ing the Camisea project. We also          environmental impacts of Camisea and
                                                      facilitate a delegation of Peruvian       to file a complaint through the
                                                      leaders from partner groups               International Finance Corporation’s
                                                      Asociación Labor and Derechos,            internal ombudsman’s office in 2009.
                                                      Ambiente y Recursos Naturales
                                                      (DAR) to attend meetings with senior      December
                                                      management and board members of
                                                                                                Throughout the year, Amazon Watch
                                                      the Bank.
                                                                                                provides continued support to
                                                                                                AIDESEP, the National Organization of
                                                      June                                      the Amazon Indigenous People of
                                                      Amazon Watch participates in the sec-     Peru, in their efforts to protect the
                    Amazon Watch launches IDB WATCH
                                                      ond year of Escuela Senen Soi, a          Kugapakori-Nahua Reserve for isolat-
January                                               training program by and for indigenous    ed indigenous peoples affected by the
                                                      leaders of the Peruvian Amazon to         Camisea project. In December, after
Amazon Watch encounters a major
                                                      build leadership in defense of their      traveling to Washington, D.C. to pres-
setback when the Inter-American
                                                      human rights and environment. Two         ent arguments at a hearing of the
Development Bank (IDB) loan pack-
                                                      staff members travel to Pucallpa, Peru    Inter-American Commission on Human
age for Camisea II is approved. This
                                                      to teach a curriculum focused on          Rights, AIDESEP presents a formal
loan approval again clearly indicates
                                                      strategic communication including         request for precautionary measures
the lack of accountability within the
                                                      spokesperson training and media out-      with the Commission.
IDB and its lack of respect for its own
social and environmental safeguard                    reach. Some 35 indigenous partici-
policies.                                             pants attend from across the Peruvian
Amazon Watch and Environmental
Defense jointly fund an Analysis of                   October
the Peru LNG Project by a Harvard
University professor. This economic                   In early October, our Environmental
analysis argues that exporting Peru’s                 and Human Rights Campaigner par-
natural gas reserves, as to be carried                ticipates in a fact-finding and capaci-
out in Camisea II, would be economi-                  ty building mission with Oxfam
cally detrimental to Peru in the long                 America to visit the Machiguenga
term.                                                 communities of the lower Urubamba
                                                      River region including Timpia,
                                                      Camisea, Segakiato, Cashiriari and
                                                      Kirigueti. While in the region, we also
Amazon Watch brings its message to                    participate in the congress of the
                                                                                                           Camisea fact-finding mission along the Urubamba River
Miami for the annual meeting of the                   Machiguenga federation, COMARU,                                     in Peru (Andrew Miller / Amazon Watch)
U'wa Leader at River Crossing (Proyecto Mujer U’wa)

          In 2008, Amazon Watch strengthened           Amazon Watch continued to spearhead
          our collaboration with the leadership of     an international campaign to halt oil and
          Colombia’s U’wa indigenous people as         gas operations on U’wa land and pres-
          we jointly responded to the renewed          sured the Colombian government to
   U’WA   threat of hydrocarbons projects within       demilitarize the area. In 2008, Amazon
          their cloud forest homelands.                Watch staff visited Colombia several
DEFENSE   Ecopetrol, the Colombian state oil           times to strategize with the U’wa lead-
          company, moved quickly to construct a        ership. We worked closely with the
          gas production plant in Gibraltar, within    U’wa to support their grassroots activi-
          the U’wa’s ancestral territory and pre-      ties, including a mobilization of hun-
          sented its plans to explore for oil in the   dreds of community members in oppo-
          heart of the U’wa’s legal reserve.           sition to Ecopetrol’s activities. We alert-
          Ecopetrol’s activities have coincided        ed the international financial community
          with increased militarization and pres-      to the human and environmental costs
          ence of guerrilla groups in the U’wa         of Ecopetrol’s projects as the company
          region. During 2008, the number of           looked to raise capital on Wall Street. In
          incidents of human rights abuses             addition, we helped connect the U’wa
          increased, including several killings of     to international supporters and political
          innocent community members by                leaders during a tour to New York City
          armed groups.                                and Washington, D.C.

                                                  Sirakubo Tegria, U'wa President (Atossa Soltani / Amazon Watch)   Girl in the U'wa territory photographed by the late Terence Freitas, founder of
                                                                                                                                                                         the U'wa Defense Project

February                                     both Colombian military forces and                                     which is located within their ancestral
                                             illegal armed groups from U’wa territo-                                territory against firm and reiterated
Two Amazon Watch staff make an               ry. 42 Colombian groups, 70 interna-                                   U’wa opposition. Amazon Watch pro-
emergency field visit to Bogotá, meet-       tional organizations from 27 countries,                                vides media support in the form of dis-
ing face-to-face with U’wa leaders           and dozens of individuals sign onto                                    tributing an English press release and
about their security situation, due to       the letter. In conjunction, we launch an
                                                                                                                    facilitating connection between U’wa
reports of increased armed presence          on-line action, urging the public to
                                                                                                                    leaders and Bogotá-based journalists.
starting in December of 2007. Amazon         pressure the Colombian Ambassador
Watch facilitates a larger coordination      to the U.S., Caroline Barco, in support
meeting between the U’wa and                 of the U’wa's call for de-militarization                               November
Bogotá-based organizations involved          of their territories.
                                                                                                                    Amazon Watch brings U’wa indige-
in the campaign.                                                                                                    nous leaders to the U.S. for a two-
                                             September                                                              week delegation In New York, they
March/April                                                                                                         meet with a dozen financial analysts
                                             As Ecopetrol prepares to sell shares
Amazon Watch provides small grants           on the New York Stock Exchange,                                        and representatives of institutional
to support both visits by U’wa               Amazon Watch targets JPMorgan                                          investors, urging them not to buy
Association (ASOUWA) leaders to              Chase, the underwriting bank. Amazon                                   shares of Ecopetrol. In Washington,
U’wa communities and the mass U’wa           Watch engages the bank in dialogues                                    DC, the U’wa delegation raises its
presence at the Permanent Peoples            about the human and environmental                                      case with congressional leaders,
Tribunal’s regional hearing in               costs of Ecopetrol’s projects on U’wa                                  including Representative Jim
Saravena.                                    land, as well as the financial and repu-
                                                                                                                    McGovern, and the Inter-American
                                             tational risks for JPMorgan Chase.
                                                                                                                    Commission on Human Rights
June                                                                                                                Amazon Watch launches an on-line
                                             October                                                                urgent action, building public pressure
Amazon Watch coordinates an open
letter to Colombian President Alvaro         Over 1,000 U’wa peacefully occupy                                      for JPMorgan Chase to terminate its
Uribe, calling for the demilitarization of   Ecopetrol’s Gibraltar oil platform,                                    financial support for Ecopetrol.

                                                                          Rapids on the Madeira river (Glenn Switkes)   The Ecuadorian Amazon (Lou Dematteis)

Climate Change                                                         IIRSA
Deforestation, especially of tropical forest, accounts for             The Initiative for Integration of Regional Infrastructure in
approximately 17 percent of total greenhouse gas emis-                 South America (IIRSA), a pan-regional development blue-
sions, contributing significantly to climate change and cre-           print of over 500 infrastructure projects, will bring major
ating a positive feedback loop that threatens the survival             ecological and social devastation to the Amazon through
of the Amazon rainforest and life on our increasingly frag-            extensive alterations to landscapes and livelihoods in the
ile planet.                                                            region. IIRSA’s development framework views mountains,
                                                                       forests, and wetlands as barriers to economic growth to
Given that indigenous peoples own three times more forest
                                                                       conquer while rivers are seen as the means for extracting
than national governments, the emerging discussion on
                                                                       natural resources and the generation of hydroelectricity.
Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation
                                                                       Amazonian indigenous peoples and traditional communities,
(REDD), as well as the inclusion of forest-based climate mit-
                                                                       whose lands lay in the path of these “development” proj-
igation in the carbon markets, is of great concern to them.
                                                                       ects, will be deeply and irreversibly affected, yet their per-
In the Amazon and elsewhere, many indigenous communi-                  spectives are rarely if ever considered relevant to project
ties lack official legal title to their ancestral territories. Thus,   planning, approval, and financing. Among the most contro-
there is a great risk that their rights and access to forest           versial of IIRSA’s projects is the Madeira River Complex,
territories could be adversely affected by REDD as a mar-              the cornerstone of IIRSA’s Brazil-Bolivia-Peru development
ket based emissions reduction mechanism, with grave cul-               hub, that seeks to turn the principal tributary to the Amazon
tural and social repercussions.                                        river into a major corridor for energy production and raw
                                                                       material export.
In 2008, Amazon Watch staff participated in various strate-
gy discussions on the topic of REDD with our indigenous                Amazon Watch continued to expand its work on IIRSA in
and NGO allies. We focused on identifying strategies to                2008 confronting officials from the Inter-American
engage around REDD in the series of international climate              Development Bank once again at its annual meeting in
meetings throughout 2009 leading up to the UN Framework                Miami about their funding for IIRSA projects. We identified
on Climate Change COP-15 meeting in Copenhagen.                        additional financial leverage points, namely Brazil’s National
Amazon Watch is uniquely positioned to help indigenous                 Development Bank and the Andean Development
organizations in the Amazon Basin understand the implica-              Corporation. Amazon Watch hired a dedicated Brazil IIRSA
tions of REDD and engage in the global climate debate.                 campaigner as we sought to build a stronger network with
                                                                       allied civil society groups in Brazil and beyond.

Statement of Financial Activity

January 1 to December 31                                          2008            2007
                                                                                                        Investment and
Foundation Grants                                             460,436           252,328
                                                                                                         Other Income
                                                                                                              >1%                Foundation Grants
Foundation Grants                                                                           Organizations                              47%
   Temporarily Restricted                                      195,676          201,352     & Businesses
Funds for Partner Groups                                        91,614          111,005         7%
Individual Donors                                              162,712          175,281
Organizations & Businesses                                      73,540           53,560
Investment & Other Income                                          709           27,165    Individual
TOTAL INCOME                                                   984,687          820,691

                                                                                             Funds for Partner Groups
EXPENSES                                                                                                9%                Foundation Grants
Programs and Campaigns                                        661,252           570,584
                                                                                                                         Temporarily Restricted
Grants to Amazonian Groups                                     97,501           136,097
Total Program Services                                        758,753           706,681

Management                                                      58,851           53,551
Fund Development                                               127,648          116,527

TOTAL EXPENSES                                                 945,252          876,759
                                                                                             INCOME 2008

Net Income                                                       39,435         (55,765)

Net Assets on January 1                                        418,644          474,409

                                                                                                        Management       Fund Development
Net Assets on December 31                                      458,079          418,644
                                                                                                           6%                  14%
Net Assets on Dec 31 Include
                                                                                              Grants to
Cash Assets                                                   181,040           189,164
Short-term Investments                                         61,375            30,405        Groups
Prepaid Rent                                                     7,452             7,452        10%
Grants Receivable                                             195,676           161,200
Net Equipment Assets                                            6,556             8,400
Other: Stock Donations                                         12,192            24,229
Less: Accounts Payable                                         (6,212)           (2,206)

TOTAL NET ASSETS                                               458,079          418,644

                                                                                                               Programs and Campaigns
Note: This report is based on the 2007 and 2008 audited financial statements.                                           70%

                                                                                            EXPENSES 2008
Amazon Watch                                       SPECIAL THANKS TO
Atossa Soltani             Maria Lya Ramos*
                                                   Contract Staff and Consultants
Founder and Executive      Southern Amazon
Director                   Program Coordinator
                                                   Melissa Adams           Susan E.                Joseph Mutti
                                                                           Goranson, CPA
Paul Paz y Miño                                    Celia Alario                                    John Parnell,
                           Gregor MacLennan                                Daniel Herriges         Wavebridge
Managing Director          Southern Amazon         Deborah Bassett                                 Communications
                           Program Coordinator                             Marika Holmgren
Thomas Cavanagh                                    Bart Beeson                                     John Picone
Technical and Financial                                                    Zachary Hurwitz
                           Andrew Miller           Greg Bernstein                                  Radical Designs
Manager                    Environmental and                               Kristen Irving
                                                   Moira Birss                                     Aliya Ryan
Cyndie Berg                Human Rights                                    Ariel Lopez
                           Campaigner              Ouida Chichester                                Mark Stuver
Development Director                                                       David Matchett
                                                   Design Action                                   Shannon Wright
Simeon Tegel*              Christian Poirier                               Leslie Morava
                           Brazil Program          E Tech                                          Michael Zap
Communications                                     International           Ana Maria Murillo

Kevin Koenig               Elisa Bravo
                           Research, Finance and
Northern Amazon
                           Development Associate
                                                   Our Partners in the Amazon
Program Coordinator                                We offer special thanks to all of our Amazonian partners who
Mitchell Anderson          Daniel Herriges         stand on the frontlines of this struggle for life, land and dignity.
                           Program Assistant       We are honored to stand with them.
Corporate Accountability
                                                   Acción Ecológica        Communidad de           Fundación
                                                                           Sarayaku                Pachamama
Board of                   Ambassadors                                     Derechos                NAE
                                                   Asociacion              Ambiente y
Directors                  Antoine Bonsorte        Indígena de                                     OilWatch
Andrew Beath                                       Morona
                           Benjamin Bratt                                  FECONACO                ONIC
Treasurer                                          AsoU'wa
                                                                           FECONAU                 ORACH
                           Cary Elwes              ATI
Dee Dominguez*                                                                                     ORAU
                           Daryl Hannah            CEDIA
Jonathan Frieman                                                           FICSHE                  Racimos de
                           Bianca Jagger           CENSAT Agua                                     Ungurahui
Ken Larson                                         Viva                    FIPSE
                                                                                                   Red Ambiental
President                  Q’orianka Kilcher       COIAB                   Frente de Defensa       Loretana
                           Youth Ambassador                                de la Amazonia
Lily la Torre                                      COICA                                           Selva Viva
                           John Quigley                                    Fundación Hemera
Daniela Meltzer                                    COMARU                                          Shinai
Chair                      Zoe Tryon
Jeff Mendelsohn
Jonas Minton               Executive               Collaborators, Volunteers & Interns
Ana Maria Murillo          Director's
                           Leadership              Celia Alario            Damara Ganley           Amelia Rudolph
Leila Salazar-Lopez
                           Council                 Janet Anderson          Stephanie               Kristen Sague
Atossa Soltani             Megan Wiese             Karolo Aparicio                                 Roel Seber
Secretary                  Chair                                           Heidi Kreiss
                                                   Zachary Boone                                   Ashkan Soltani
Richard Wegman                                                             Michael Kuehnert
                           Suzanne West            Martha Maria                                    Roxana Soltani
                                                   Carmona                 Marianne Manilov
                                                                                                   Claudia Wheeler-
                                                   Sue Chiang              Allison McManis         Rappe
                                                   Ouida Chichester        Maury Mendenhall        Rachel Whyte
* Departed 2008
                                                   Jackie Coates           Katherine Needles       Deborah Zierten
Tomas Maynas and Youth Ambassador Q'orianka Kilcher speak outside the Oxy AGM (Thomas Cavanagh / Amazon Watch)

Jaguar                        The Kindle Project                Hesperian Foundation                                    Tree Frog
$100,000 and Up               Michael Klein                     Hull Family Foundation                                  $500 - $999
The Blue Moon Fund**          Levi Strauss Foundation           Sarah Jaffe                                             Alan Hunt Badiner
Charles Stewart Mott          The Network for Social Change     Todd Laby                                               Environmental Defense
                                                                Ken Larson                                              Five Stones
Wallace Global Fund
                              Spider Monkey                     Lowepro                                                 Cherie Glasse
                              $5,000 to $9,999                                                                          Daniel Greaney
                                                                The George and Judy Marcus
Harpy Eagle                   As You Sow                          Family Foundation
$50,000 to $99,999
                                                                                                                        Thomas Hall
                              Raj and Helen Desai               John Anthony Martinez                                   Jacques Harari
The Moriah Fund**
                              The Olivia Companies              Jonas M. Minton & Julie                                 Deborah Harmon
Rudolf Steiner Foundation                                         Carrasco Minton
                              PS321 School                                                                              Michael Hirschhorn
The Sigrid Rausing Trust                                        Letitia & Milan Momirov
                              Rupp Foundation                                                                           Tamar Hurwitz
                              Megan & Russell Wiese             Daniel Nord
Anaconda                                                                                                                Terry Lynn Karl
                              Latin America Fund /              Jenny Overman
$25,000 to $49,999                                                                                                      Terry and Carolyn Koenig
                                Combined Federal                Pachamama Alliance
American Jewish World           Campaign                                                                                Kohn, Swift & Graf
 Service**                                                      Lyon and Rob Petty Family
                                                                  Foundation                                            Carol A. Kurtz
Conservation, Food & Health
                              Kapok Tree                        Rainforest Action Network                               Leeann Lahren
                              $1,000 to $4,999                                                                          Daniela Meltzer
John Dabrowski                                                  Bruce Robertson
                              Amnesty International                                                                     Radical Media
Overbrook Foundation                                            Heather Rosmarin
                              Angelo, Gordon & Co                                                                       The Rockefeller Foundation
Francis Tansley                                                 Peter Rosmarin
                              Bank Information Center                                                                   Jill Southard
Threshold Foundation                                            Ray and Anna Sargoni
                              Jeffrey Goldberg/CaliBamboo                                                               Allan Spiwak
                                                                John Seed / EarthWays
                              The Christensen Fund                Foundation                                            Wendy Volkmann
Pink River Dolphin
$10,000 to $24,999            Scott Fitzmorris                  Zoe Tryon                                               Nadine Weil
The Atticus Foundation        Forest Peoples Project            Vitaquest                                               James Whitson
The BENNY Award /             Heidi Gifford                     Frederick Welty
  Corporate Ethics            Goldman Environmental             Charities Aid Foundation / Zoe
  International                Foundation                        Tryon Walk

                                                                                                             **Giving levels reflect multi-year grants

River Spirits                     Tim Dale / Yoga Tree              Marika Holmgren                    Barbara Rogoff
$100 to $499                      Joanne Dale                       Jack Howell                        Lorraine Rominger
Stan Adler                        Davis Family Trust                I Do Foundation / Grelia and       Laurie Rosmarin
Leilani Alo                       Mark Delavalle                       Clark Smith                     Laurie Rowley
Karolo Aparicio                   Dolphin Foundation                Aviva Imhof                        Jenny Rudolph
Linda Assante                     Earth Rights International        International Rivers               Amelia Rudolph
Assurat Health Foundation         Ana Eder                          Rosalind Jackson                   Matthew Rudolph
Joseph E. Baker                   Robert Eisenbach                  Peter James                        Leila Salazar
Sheldon Baker                     David Eliason                     Donald Kagan                       Antonia Scott Day
Ben S. Bayer                      Melanie Engles                    Cindy and Michael Kamm             Abby Sher
Michael A. Beer                   Emily and Peter Evers             Jennifer Kim                       Richard Silver
Robbie Bent                       Lawrence E. Fahn                  Tracy King                         Kristin Spychalsky
Kenneth Bernstein                 Yael Falicov                      Sarosh Kumana                      Robert Stack
Steven Berse                      Linda and John Finn               Deborah Kushner                    Marie-Elisabeth Steindamm
Stephen Bickel                    First Giving / Zoe Tryon Walk     Maureen Langloss                   Jan Stensland
Phyllis Bieri                        Fund                           Ralph & Sandy Larson               Daniel Susott
J. Billock                        James Eric Fisher                 Leslie Leslie                      Tellus Construction
Colleen Bolton                    Lindsey Ford                      Lorna Li                           Robert Tindall
Ben Bowman                        S. David Freeman                  Mary J. Marcus                     Karen Topakian
Risa Boyer Leritz                 Michael Freund                    Matthew May/May Realty             Jeanne Trombly
David Brast                       Josh Fryday                       Jeff Mendelsohn                    Thomas Van Dyck
Eldy Bratt                        Marianne Gagen                    Bruce Michael                      Fred Vasquez
Adam Browning                     Angie Garling                     Jamie Myers                        Maria Verdesoto
Michael Brune                     Al Gedicks                        Martha Nicholson                   Violeta Villacorta
Scott Bryan                       Camellia George                   James Nunemacher                   Anna S. Wagner
Anthony Buscemi                   Global Exchange                   James O'Dea                        Scott D. Walker
Jesse Carmichael                  Robert Goodland                   Gigi Obrecht                       Paige Weber
Anna Carmichael                   Ryder Goodwin                     Lucky Otting                       Dewey Webster
Troy Casey                        Google                            Patagonia                          S. & K. Weinstein Family Fund
Julie Casinelli                   Gordon and Betty Moore            Perforce Foundation                Weitz Brothers
                                   Foundation                       Diane Perry
boona cheema                                                                                           Michelle C. Wells
                                  Nanci Graham                      Elaine Phillips
Steven Chow                                                                                            Barbara Williams
                                  Sara Greenfield                   Project Bandaloop
Dana Clark                                                                                             Jan Williamson
                                  Aurora Guerrero                   Tao Radoczy
Christopher Clay                                                                                       Gina Zappia
                                  Robert Guilbert                   Mark Randazzo
Molly Clinehens                                                                                        Brooke Zobrist
                                  Rodrigo Guimaraes                 American Endowment
Kevin Connelly
                                  Dan Bienenfeld / L.A. Healing      Foundation / Resonate
Allison Connor
                                    Arts Center                      Foundation
Daniel Coughlin
                                  Jeffrey Hertz                     Jesus Rodriguez
David J. Crawford
                                  Morgan Stanley Trade - Daniel     Erin Rogers
Custom Direct                      Holzer

And a very special thanks to our hundreds of grassroots supporters whose contributions help make our critical work possible.
Back Cover (Antoine Bonsorte / Amazon Watch)

                 w w w. a m a z o n w a t ch . o r g

 Printed on 100% Post-Consumer Recycled Paper, Process Chlorine Free.
Printing by Inkworks Press. Design by Design Action Collective. Union Labor.

       w w w. a m a z o n w a t ch . o r g

     MAIN OFFICE                             LOS ANGELES, CA         WASHINGTON, DC                QUITO, ECUADOR
221 Pine Street, 4th Floor                     P.O. Box 2421      1350 Connecticut Ave., NW         E-1270 y Portete
San Francisco, CA 94104                       Malibu, CA 90265            Suite 1100          c/o Frente de Defensa de la
    Tel: 415-487-9600                         Tel: 310-456-9158     Washington, DC 20010                Amazonia
    Fax: 415-487-9601                        Fax: 310-456-0388        Tel: 202-785-3962             Quito - Ecuador
                                                                     Fax: 202-355-7570           Tel: (593-9) 79-49-041

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  • 2. Cover: Achuar Community in Ecuador (Antoine Bonsorte / Amazon Watch)
  • 3. Outside Occidental Petroleum Annual Shareholder Meeting (Thomas Cavanagh / Amazon Watch) From regime change in the White House to the major shake up of the global economy, 2008 marked the beginning of a new era. The meltdown MESSAGE FROM on Wall Street awakened people to the perils of rampant corporate greed, lack of accountability and the failures of unbridled capitalism. THE EXECUTIVE While the oil industry reported record profits through most of 2008, Amazon Watch worked hard to shine the spotlight on the industry’s abus- DIRECTOR es in the Amazon. Our dedicated staff organized delegations from affected communities to the annual stockholder meetings of Occidental Petroleum, ConocoPhillips, Talisman, and Chevron calling for corporate accountability and respect for human rights. We celebrated some strategic milestones throughout the year; among them the following stand out. n Ecuador’s Constitutional Assembly voted to grant inalienable rights to nature in the country’s new constitution. n Petrobras abandoned plans for the controversial oil block 31 in Ecuador’s Yasuni National Park. n The court appointed expert in the trial against Chevron released his findings that the company is liable for an estimated $27 billion for cleanup in the Ecuadorian Amazon.
  • 4. n Nominated by Amazon Watch, Pablo Fajardo and Luis n In Calgary, Talisman’s CEO met with our delegation Yanza won the 2008 Goldman Environmental Prize for and pledged to respect the Peruvian Achuar’s right to leading the 16-year legal battle against Chevron. The consent. company chose unwisely to attack them in the media n Throughout the year, Amazon Watch campaigners trav- with their efforts backfiring. eled to remote regions of the Amazon to carry out fact- n Amazon Watch and the Amazon Defense Coalition’s finding missions and advocacy training with local organi- multifaceted Chevron campaign for clean up of the zations and communities. Ecuadorian Amazon took first place at the Business n Amazon Watch completed its strategic plan and vision Ethics Network’s 2008 Benny Awards. for the next 3 to 5 years. We identified strategies that n With support from Amazon Watch, Peru’s indigenous are working and created a plan to scale up programs movement effectively forced the Peruvian Congress to and campaigns in the face of daunting challenges fac- modify several Presidential decrees that attempted to ing the Amazon region, namely the reality that the roll back indigenous land rights. The problem however Amazon rainforest is approaching the tipping point of Ecuadorian Amazon (Antoine Bonsorte / Amazon Watch) did not get fully resolved in 2008 foretelling an uprising ecological collapse in our lifetime. in 2009. As 2008 came to a close, signs of hope appeared on the n In Los Angeles, Tomas Maynas Carijano, the Peruvian horizon. We witnessed a growing public awareness for Achuar elder and lead plaintiff in the oil pollution lawsuit addressing the global climate crisis and the role of tropical against Occidental Petroleum, delivered his message to rainforests in stabilizing our global climate became more the company’s doorstep. Favorable editorials by the LA widely recognized. Times called for “corporations doing business around the On behalf of everyone at Amazon Watch, I thank all of our world to take their best practices with them.” The editorial supporters and invite you to continue investing in Amazon brilliantly framed the issue: “Call it a reverse incursion— Watch in this critical time as we generate greater momen- tribes following corporate giants into their native habitats tum for defense of our planet and human rights. . . . Maynas and other indigenous leaders are bearding business lions in their own cultural dens: at shareholder meetings, in boardrooms and, increasingly, in court.” For Future Generations, Atossa Soltani Founder / Executive Director
  • 5. Peruvian Achuar Territory (Nathalie Weemaels) OUR MISSION Amazon Watch works to protect the rainforest and advance the rights of indigenous peoples in the Amazon Basin. We partner with indigenous AND VISION and environmental organizations in campaigns for human rights, corporate accountability and the preservation of the Amazon’s ecological systems. Our Vision We strive for a world in which gov- ernments, corporations and civil We envision a world that honors society respect the collective rights and values cultural and biological of indigenous peoples to free, prior diversity and the critical contribu- and informed consent over any tion of tropical rainforests to our activity affecting their territories planet’s life support systems. and resources. We believe that indigenous self- We commit, in the spirit of partner- determination is paramount, and ship and mutual respect, to sup- see that indigenous knowledge, port our indigenous allies in their cultures and traditional practices efforts to protect life, land, and cul- contribute greatly to sustainable ture in accordance with their aspi- and equitable stewardship of the rations and needs. Earth.
  • 6. OUR STRATEGIES Human Banner in Ecuador (Lou Dematteis / Spectral Q) Protest outside Oxy (Thomas Cavanagh / Amazon Watch) Kevin Koenig and Achuar Leader in Houston (Amazon Watch) In the Amazon region of Brazil, legal action and shareholder cam- extraction-based economic develop- Colombia, Ecuador and Peru, Amazon paigns to demand corporate social ment. At the same time we monitor and environmental accountability. and publicize new threats in pristine or Watch is working directly with indige- vulnerable Amazon frontiers and seek nous communities to build local Strengthen capacity of indige- an end to public financing for destruc- capacity and advance the long-term nous organizations in the Amazon to tive projects. protection of their territories. In part- defend their rights in local, national nership with indigenous peoples, non- and international fora. Through legal, Educate corporate executives, advocacy, media and technology train- shareholders, public officials and the governmental organizations, con- ing and the donation of equipment, we cerned shareholders and citizens, we general public using media coverage, help our indigenous partners assert websites, publications, documentary utilize the following strategies: their collective and territorial rights and films and dialogue. We strive to foster advance an alternative vision for con- widespread understanding of the Campaign to persuade decision servation-based development of their territories intrinsic value of indigenous peoples makers in corporations, international stewardship and the global signifi- financial institutions and national gov- Seek permanent protection cance of the Amazon rainforest. By ernments to honor the rights of indige- nous peoples to self-determination for threatened areas and vulnerable building awareness and promoting and free, prior and informed consent indigenous populations in the Amazon green economic alternatives to the over “development” decisions in their rainforest. In partnership with national current export-oriented fossil fuel territories and to fund full cleanup of governments and ally organizations in based development model, we are areas devastated by past and present South America, we promote new, sus- helping to bring about a paradigm shift oil drilling. We use media exposure, tainable alternatives to resource within key institutions and society.
  • 7. Pablo Fajardo and leaders of the Frente de Defensa marching in Lago Agrio, Ecuador (Courtesy of the Goldman Environmental Prize) 2008 was a landmark year for the campaign to hold Chevron accountable for the environmental disaster caused by Texaco (now Chevron) in the Ecuadorian Amazon. During three decades of drilling, Texaco dumped over 18 billion gallons of toxic waste- water into rivers and streams, and abandoned 916 open-air waste THE CLEAN UP pits. In support of the class action lawsuit against Chevron, now in its final stretch, Amazon Watch intensified a public pressure cam- ECUADOR paign urging the company to clean up its toxic pollution and com- pensate the roughly 30,000 residents of the area for the epidemic CAMPAIGN of cancer and other health problems they continue to suffer. Developments in the lawsuit against Chevron came to a head when a court-appointed expert determined that Chevron was liable for up to $27 billion in damages. Through media outreach and direct communication, Amazon Watch alerted Chevron share- holders to the company’s efforts to conceal this liability, which had also been illegally omitted from its SEC filings. Throughout the year, we worked with major institutional shareholders to bring attention to Chevron’s tarnished record on environmental and human rights abuses. The Clean Up Ecuador Campaign received high-profile recognition winning first place in Business Ethics Network’s annual BENNY awards.
  • 8. PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS January Berkeley City Council votes to boy- cott Chevron products and services. The authority adopts a resolution mandating that it "cease all purchases from Chevron" as a result of the corporation's record of ecological destruction and involve- ment in human rights abuses in Angola, Burma, Ecuador and Nigeria, as well as the San Francisco Bay Area, where Chevron operates a refinery widely suspected of causing cancers and other health problems among local residents. April Luis Yanza and Emergildo Criollo at the Chevron Annual General Meeting (Thomas Cavanagh / Amazon Watch) In Ecuador, court-appointed expert Nominated by Amazon Watch, Pablo New York City and New York State Richard Cabrera recommends to the Fajardo, the lead Ecuadorian lawyer pension funds, two of the nation’s judge that Chevron pay up to $16.3 for the communities suing Chevron, largest, calling on Chevron to assess billion in damages, for environmental and Luis Yanza, founder of the Amazon the adequacy of compliance with host remediation, compensation for cancer Defense Coalition in Ecuador, are hon- deaths, and an “unjust enrichment” ored with the Goldman Environmental penalty for the money Texaco saved by Prize, the world’s most prestigious deliberately using inadequate environ- environmental award. Chevron mental practices. The assessment is attempts to defame Luis and Pablo based on three years of scientific data taking out full-page ads in the San collection, which reveal massive levels Francisco Chronicle resulting in a of soil and water contamination. mainstream media flurry that further damages Chevron’s reputation. May Amazon Watch again has a powerful presence at Chevron’s annual share- holder meeting at its headquarters in San Ramon, California. Three (Mitch Anderson / Amazon Watch) Ecuadorians from the affected commu- nities travel to participate in con- country laws to protect human health fronting CEO David O’Reilly face to and the environment. A “Clean Up face about Chevron’s deadly legacy. Chevron” demonstration outside the Amazon Watch helps promote a meeting, attended by over 100 Goldman Prize Winners, Attorney Pablo Fajardo and Lead Organizer Luis Yanza (Mitch Anderson / Amazon Watch) shareholder resolution filed by the activists in hazmat suits, draws signifi-
  • 9. cant media attention to growing public October hand the devastation caused by outrage at the company’s actions. Texaco, writes a letter to President- The Clean Up Ecuador Campaign elect Barack Obama urging him to wins first place in the Business Ethics offer the support of the U.S. govern- June Network’s annual BENNY awards, for ment to improving conditions for those “outstanding achievement in advanc- The San Francisco Board of ing corporate ethics.” living in the polluted area. Supervisors votes to condemn Court-appointed expert Richard Chevron for “a systemic pattern of November Cabrera increases his assessment of socially irresponsible activities and Amazon Watch participates in a dele- Chevron’s liability to $27 billion, in complicity in human rights violations.” light of findings that he had dramati- gation to the affected region in Amazon Watch’s efforts to bring the cally underestimated the likely number Ecuador, which includes U.S. Ecuador controversy directly to Representative Jim McGovern (D-MA), of cancer deaths (now estimated at Chevron’s doorstep has visible results chair of the House Human Rights 1401) attributable to oil contamina- in the Bay Area. Caucus. McGovern, upon seeing first- tion. The New York Post runs a story. Flares in Ecuadorian Amazon (Mitch Anderson / Amazon Watch) Lou Dematteis
  • 10. Achuar Leader in Ecuador (Antoine Bonsorte) Amazon Watch continues to promote an alternative vision of sustainable development in the well-conserved rainforests of PROTECTING Ecuador, a country whose economy is highly dependent on oil exports. Having supported local communities in halting ECUADOR’S destructive drilling plans in the southern Ecuadorian Amazon by Burlington Resources and ConocoPhillips, Amazon Watch REMAINING continued to work to ensure that ecologically and culturally RAINFORESTS sensitive areas remain “no-go zones” to the oil industry in the future. In 2008, Amazon Watch continued to play an important role supporting the Government of Ecuador in its pioneer proposal to protect world-renowned Yasuni National Park by not allow- ing extraction of Ecuador’s largest undeveloped oil reserved, the Ishpingo-Tambococha-Tiputini (ITT) oil block. The 2.5 mil- lion-acre Yasuni Park, one of the world’s greatest biodiversity hotspots, is the home to the Huaorani people and two indige- nous groups in voluntary isolation.
  • 11. During the year, the Yasuni-ITT proposal acquired major companies, pushing for a diverse range of funding political support within Ecuador and abroad, particularly sources beyond the sale of carbon credits, and seeking to from the governments of Spain, Norway, Italy and obtain greater engagement and participation by Germany. Amazon Watch was instrumental in safeguard- Ecuadorian civil society in the proposal, especially the ing the proposal’s integrity from co-option by private oil national indigenous organizations. PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS May July In essence, the constitution provides explicit legal protection for the exis- Amazon Watch joins forces with On July 22 in the coastal city of tence of nature and for all of its life socially responsible investor col- Guayaquil, Amazon Watch, along with cycle functions, including regeneration leagues Lily La Torre of Racimos de the national Ecuador campaign and evolution. Legal claims can be Ungurahui and Navajo activists from Amazonía por la Vida and the brought by any individual to stop a New Mexico. Together, they meet with damaging activity and restore an ConocoPhillips senior management ecosystem to its original state. Article during their annual meeting in 409 of the new constitution now theo- Houston, demanding that the company retically bans resource extraction in adopt a policy requiring free, prior and national parks and areas declared informed consent—with a focus on “áreas intangibles,” or no-go zones. operations in Peru and Ecuador. In terms of its Ecuador holdings, the Also in September, Brazilian oil giant company confirms that it has attempt- Petrobras announces its departure ed to sell its Block 24 concession and from controversial oil Block 31 within 50 percent share in Block 23 without Yasuni National Park. This victory for success—an indication that the compa- the campaign to protect Yasuni from ny intends to leave Ecuador perma- oil drilling follows intense criticism of nently. Petrobras’s drilling plans from Amazon Watch and an international network of June ally organizations. Amazon Watch pro- (Antoine Bonsorte) vides support for an indigenous mobi- The German parliament unanimously lization of local Huaorani people who approves a resolution backing the Fundación Pachamama, participates traveled to Quito in protest. Yasuni-ITT initiative and commits the jointly with the Minister of Foreign government and Chancellor Angela Affairs, the Ministry of Energy and Merkel to financially and politically sup- December Mines, and other government officials porting the proposal, as well as pro- in making the first financial contribu- Amazon Watch participates in a high moting it among European Union tions to the Yasuni-ITT initiative. level strategy meeting with the countries and the Club of Paris. At the Ecuadorian President’s team and lead- request of Germany’s Parliament, ing environmental experts in September President Correa extends the deadline Washington, DC to develop and pro- for securing funds until December, and Ecuadorian voters approve a ground- mote the Yasuni-ITT initiative. all signs point to another extension if breaking new national constitution, the Following the meeting, the government concrete financial advances can be first in the world to grant specific team begins a tour of the EU to seek shown. recognition to the “Rights of Nature.” greater support for the proposal.
  • 12. Northern Peruvian Amazon (Nathalie Weemaels) With 74 percent of the Peruvian Amazon In Northern Peru, Amazon Watch contin- now zoned for oil and gas extraction, ued support for the Achuar people as NORTHERN Amazon Watch worked with our indige- they sought justice for past harm to their nous partners to curtail industry’s expan- health and environment. During its 30 PERU sion and instead advance indigenous years operating in the Corrientes River peoples’ vision for an alternative devel- basin, Occidental Petroleum (Oxy) PROGRAM opment path that does not destroy dumped over 9 billion barrels of toxic nature or culture. Amazon Watch production waters directly into the rain- worked with the Achuar and other forest. Oxy sold the operation to indigenous groups to protect nearly 20 Argentine company Pluspetrol in 2000. million acres of well-conserved primary In 2008, Amazon Watch joined as a rainforest. We supported indigenous plaintiff in a U.S. lawsuit filed by land claims and pressured and engaged EarthRights International against Oxy for companies currently holding conces- its pollution of Achuar communities in oil sions in the region, including Talisman, Block 1AB. Although the court ruled Petrolifera, Amerada Hess, Ramshorn, that the U.S. is an “inconvenient forum” Hunt Oil and ConocoPhillips, to respect for the lawsuit, the legal team appealed the rights of indigenous peoples to free, the decision while preparing to file the prior and informed consent over any lawsuit in Peru. activities affecting their territories and livelihood.
  • 13. PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS April their annual meeting in Houston product of oil drilling. However, an demanding that the company adopt a analysis later conducted by Amazon The campaign to hold Oxy responsible policy requiring free, prior and Watch partner E-Tech International for polluting the Achuar territory is informed consent. We continue to concludes that remediation of toxic dealt a setback when a federal judge monitor Conoco’s exploration and waste pits in the area was insufficient. in Los Angeles rules that the case drilling plans in its 10 million acre should be heard in Peru. The plaintiffs, “mega-block” of adjacent oil conces- including Amazon Watch and the November sions in northern Peru, an area which Achuar, publicly vow to continue pur- overlaps ecological reserves, titled Amazon Watch calls on Talisman suing all legal means of redress, indigenous lands, and the territory of Energy to suspend its operations in including appealing the decision in the indigenous peoples living in voluntary the Pastaza River basin due to con- U.S. and bringing the case to Peru isolation. cerns that that the company has not The Los Angeles Times issues a favor- able editorial. Amazon Watch leads its first advocacy mission to Calgary, the heart of Canada’s oil industry, bringing two Achuar representatives from Peru to confront the latest companies active in their territory: Talisman Energy and Petrolífera. Following a meeting with Talisman’s CEO John Manzoni and other executives, Talisman publicly commits in front of the company’s shareholders to operate only where it obtains community consent. May Amazon Watch attends Oxy’s annual meeting at its Los Angeles headquar- Henderson Rengifo, Achuar Leader, and Daryl Hannah speak at a rally outside the Oxy Annual Meeting in Los Angeles (Thomas Cavanagh / Amazon Watch) ters, accompanied by Achuar leaders from Peru. Several days before, a large August obtained free, prior and informed con- demonstration at Oxy headquarters, Amazon Watch joins a fact-finding and sent for oil exploration from the com- attended by Daryl Hannah and Stuart partnership building delegation to visit munities in Peru’s oil Block 64. 34 Townsend, garners strong media the remote Corrientes River region to communities in this Achuar, Shuar and attention. At the shareholder meeting, engage Achuar communities, evaluate Shapra territory declare their intent to Achuar leaders confront senior man- capacity-building needs and monitor agement and call for Oxy to take prevent Talisman from starting work in active oil concessions. Amazon Watch responsibility for its legacy of contami- the area. Amazon Watch maintains a verifies that Argentinian company nation. This results in major press cov- dialogue with the company about the PlusPetrol is abiding by the terms of erage. adequacy of its consultation process. an earlier agreement with the Achuar and the Peruvian government to re- The controversy receives favorable Amazon Watch meets with inject the toxic waters that are a by- coverage in Canadian press. ConocoPhillips senior management at
  • 14. Achuar Leaders and Amazon Watch staff strategize during a workshop in the Peruvian Amazon (Amazon Watch) On a national level, as part of our efforts versity hotspot described by scientists to fight hydrocarbon expansion in the as “the last place on earth” to drill for face of the Peruvian government’s disre- fossil fuels. Through extremely poor envi- gard for indigenous rights, Amazon ronmental oversight, the project has INDIGENOUS Watch stepped up our capacity building been plagued by repeated spills and has work to provide tools and resources for harmed the local Machiguenga, Nanti, CAPACITY our partners to leverage political pressure Nahua and Yine peoples while bringing both in Peru and abroad. Specialized BUILDING little economic benefits to the communi- trainings, targeted funding and sharp- ties. Following the Inter-American AND ened communications skills have enabled Development Bank’s unfortunate deci- groups in Peru to more effectively com- sion to approve funding for Camisea SOUTHERN PERU municate directly with national and inter- Phase II in January 2008, Amazon national decision makers. Watch supported local partners in moni- In Southern Peru, Amazon Watch con- toring and documenting the project’s tinued to monitor the Camisea natural impacts on local communities and bring- gas project. Located in the remote ing their concerns to key international Lower Urubamba Basin in the south- financial institutions. Moreover, we con- eastern Peruvian Amazon, the project tinued to call for a halt to oil drilling in includes two pipelines to the Peruvian territories of isolated indigenous peoples coast, cutting through an Amazon biodi- within the Kugapakori Nahua Reserve.
  • 15. PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS Inter-American Development Bank and deliver a video camera and train- (IDB), one of the principal financiers ing to its communications team. of destructive large-scale “develop- ment” projects in the Amazon. We November coordinate the publication of an “IDB Watch” publication by civil society In November, we set in motion a groups, which provides a critical look process to have DAR, a local partner at IDB policy and investments, includ- organization, investigate the social and ing the Camisea project. We also environmental impacts of Camisea and facilitate a delegation of Peruvian to file a complaint through the leaders from partner groups International Finance Corporation’s Asociación Labor and Derechos, internal ombudsman’s office in 2009. Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (DAR) to attend meetings with senior December management and board members of Throughout the year, Amazon Watch the Bank. provides continued support to AIDESEP, the National Organization of June the Amazon Indigenous People of Amazon Watch participates in the sec- Peru, in their efforts to protect the Amazon Watch launches IDB WATCH ond year of Escuela Senen Soi, a Kugapakori-Nahua Reserve for isolat- January training program by and for indigenous ed indigenous peoples affected by the leaders of the Peruvian Amazon to Camisea project. In December, after Amazon Watch encounters a major build leadership in defense of their traveling to Washington, D.C. to pres- setback when the Inter-American human rights and environment. Two ent arguments at a hearing of the Development Bank (IDB) loan pack- staff members travel to Pucallpa, Peru Inter-American Commission on Human age for Camisea II is approved. This to teach a curriculum focused on Rights, AIDESEP presents a formal loan approval again clearly indicates strategic communication including request for precautionary measures the lack of accountability within the spokesperson training and media out- with the Commission. IDB and its lack of respect for its own social and environmental safeguard reach. Some 35 indigenous partici- policies. pants attend from across the Peruvian Amazon. Amazon Watch and Environmental Defense jointly fund an Analysis of October the Peru LNG Project by a Harvard University professor. This economic In early October, our Environmental analysis argues that exporting Peru’s and Human Rights Campaigner par- natural gas reserves, as to be carried ticipates in a fact-finding and capaci- out in Camisea II, would be economi- ty building mission with Oxfam cally detrimental to Peru in the long America to visit the Machiguenga term. communities of the lower Urubamba River region including Timpia, Camisea, Segakiato, Cashiriari and April Kirigueti. While in the region, we also Amazon Watch brings its message to participate in the congress of the Camisea fact-finding mission along the Urubamba River Miami for the annual meeting of the Machiguenga federation, COMARU, in Peru (Andrew Miller / Amazon Watch)
  • 16. U'wa Leader at River Crossing (Proyecto Mujer U’wa) In 2008, Amazon Watch strengthened Amazon Watch continued to spearhead our collaboration with the leadership of an international campaign to halt oil and Colombia’s U’wa indigenous people as gas operations on U’wa land and pres- we jointly responded to the renewed sured the Colombian government to U’WA threat of hydrocarbons projects within demilitarize the area. In 2008, Amazon their cloud forest homelands. Watch staff visited Colombia several DEFENSE Ecopetrol, the Colombian state oil times to strategize with the U’wa lead- company, moved quickly to construct a ership. We worked closely with the PROJECT gas production plant in Gibraltar, within U’wa to support their grassroots activi- the U’wa’s ancestral territory and pre- ties, including a mobilization of hun- sented its plans to explore for oil in the dreds of community members in oppo- heart of the U’wa’s legal reserve. sition to Ecopetrol’s activities. We alert- Ecopetrol’s activities have coincided ed the international financial community with increased militarization and pres- to the human and environmental costs ence of guerrilla groups in the U’wa of Ecopetrol’s projects as the company region. During 2008, the number of looked to raise capital on Wall Street. In incidents of human rights abuses addition, we helped connect the U’wa increased, including several killings of to international supporters and political innocent community members by leaders during a tour to New York City armed groups. and Washington, D.C.
  • 17. PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS Sirakubo Tegria, U'wa President (Atossa Soltani / Amazon Watch) Girl in the U'wa territory photographed by the late Terence Freitas, founder of the U'wa Defense Project February both Colombian military forces and which is located within their ancestral illegal armed groups from U’wa territo- territory against firm and reiterated Two Amazon Watch staff make an ry. 42 Colombian groups, 70 interna- U’wa opposition. Amazon Watch pro- emergency field visit to Bogotá, meet- tional organizations from 27 countries, vides media support in the form of dis- ing face-to-face with U’wa leaders and dozens of individuals sign onto tributing an English press release and about their security situation, due to the letter. In conjunction, we launch an facilitating connection between U’wa reports of increased armed presence on-line action, urging the public to leaders and Bogotá-based journalists. starting in December of 2007. Amazon pressure the Colombian Ambassador Watch facilitates a larger coordination to the U.S., Caroline Barco, in support meeting between the U’wa and of the U’wa's call for de-militarization November Bogotá-based organizations involved of their territories. Amazon Watch brings U’wa indige- in the campaign. nous leaders to the U.S. for a two- September week delegation In New York, they March/April meet with a dozen financial analysts As Ecopetrol prepares to sell shares Amazon Watch provides small grants on the New York Stock Exchange, and representatives of institutional to support both visits by U’wa Amazon Watch targets JPMorgan investors, urging them not to buy Association (ASOUWA) leaders to Chase, the underwriting bank. Amazon shares of Ecopetrol. In Washington, U’wa communities and the mass U’wa Watch engages the bank in dialogues DC, the U’wa delegation raises its presence at the Permanent Peoples about the human and environmental case with congressional leaders, Tribunal’s regional hearing in costs of Ecopetrol’s projects on U’wa including Representative Jim Saravena. land, as well as the financial and repu- McGovern, and the Inter-American tational risks for JPMorgan Chase. Commission on Human Rights June Amazon Watch launches an on-line October urgent action, building public pressure Amazon Watch coordinates an open letter to Colombian President Alvaro Over 1,000 U’wa peacefully occupy for JPMorgan Chase to terminate its Uribe, calling for the demilitarization of Ecopetrol’s Gibraltar oil platform, financial support for Ecopetrol.
  • 18. CLIMATE CHANGE, IIRSA Rapids on the Madeira river (Glenn Switkes) The Ecuadorian Amazon (Lou Dematteis) Climate Change IIRSA Deforestation, especially of tropical forest, accounts for The Initiative for Integration of Regional Infrastructure in approximately 17 percent of total greenhouse gas emis- South America (IIRSA), a pan-regional development blue- sions, contributing significantly to climate change and cre- print of over 500 infrastructure projects, will bring major ating a positive feedback loop that threatens the survival ecological and social devastation to the Amazon through of the Amazon rainforest and life on our increasingly frag- extensive alterations to landscapes and livelihoods in the ile planet. region. IIRSA’s development framework views mountains, forests, and wetlands as barriers to economic growth to Given that indigenous peoples own three times more forest conquer while rivers are seen as the means for extracting than national governments, the emerging discussion on natural resources and the generation of hydroelectricity. Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation Amazonian indigenous peoples and traditional communities, (REDD), as well as the inclusion of forest-based climate mit- whose lands lay in the path of these “development” proj- igation in the carbon markets, is of great concern to them. ects, will be deeply and irreversibly affected, yet their per- In the Amazon and elsewhere, many indigenous communi- spectives are rarely if ever considered relevant to project ties lack official legal title to their ancestral territories. Thus, planning, approval, and financing. Among the most contro- there is a great risk that their rights and access to forest versial of IIRSA’s projects is the Madeira River Complex, territories could be adversely affected by REDD as a mar- the cornerstone of IIRSA’s Brazil-Bolivia-Peru development ket based emissions reduction mechanism, with grave cul- hub, that seeks to turn the principal tributary to the Amazon tural and social repercussions. river into a major corridor for energy production and raw material export. In 2008, Amazon Watch staff participated in various strate- gy discussions on the topic of REDD with our indigenous Amazon Watch continued to expand its work on IIRSA in and NGO allies. We focused on identifying strategies to 2008 confronting officials from the Inter-American engage around REDD in the series of international climate Development Bank once again at its annual meeting in meetings throughout 2009 leading up to the UN Framework Miami about their funding for IIRSA projects. We identified on Climate Change COP-15 meeting in Copenhagen. additional financial leverage points, namely Brazil’s National Amazon Watch is uniquely positioned to help indigenous Development Bank and the Andean Development organizations in the Amazon Basin understand the implica- Corporation. Amazon Watch hired a dedicated Brazil IIRSA tions of REDD and engage in the global climate debate. campaigner as we sought to build a stronger network with allied civil society groups in Brazil and beyond.
  • 19. AMAZON WATCH FINANCIAL REPORT Statement of Financial Activity January 1 to December 31 2008 2007 Investment and INCOME Foundation Grants 460,436 252,328 Other Income >1% Foundation Grants Foundation Grants Organizations 47% Temporarily Restricted 195,676 201,352 & Businesses Funds for Partner Groups 91,614 111,005 7% Individual Donors 162,712 175,281 Organizations & Businesses 73,540 53,560 Investment & Other Income 709 27,165 Individual Donors 17% TOTAL INCOME 984,687 820,691 Funds for Partner Groups EXPENSES 9% Foundation Grants Programs and Campaigns 661,252 570,584 Temporarily Restricted Grants to Amazonian Groups 97,501 136,097 20% Total Program Services 758,753 706,681 Management 58,851 53,551 Fund Development 127,648 116,527 TOTAL EXPENSES 945,252 876,759 INCOME 2008 Net Income 39,435 (55,765) Net Assets on January 1 418,644 474,409 Management Fund Development Net Assets on December 31 458,079 418,644 6% 14% Net Assets on Dec 31 Include Grants to Cash Assets 181,040 189,164 Amazonian Short-term Investments 61,375 30,405 Groups Prepaid Rent 7,452 7,452 10% Grants Receivable 195,676 161,200 Net Equipment Assets 6,556 8,400 Other: Stock Donations 12,192 24,229 Less: Accounts Payable (6,212) (2,206) TOTAL NET ASSETS 458,079 418,644 Programs and Campaigns Note: This report is based on the 2007 and 2008 audited financial statements. 70% EXPENSES 2008
  • 20. Amazon Watch SPECIAL THANKS TO Staff Atossa Soltani Maria Lya Ramos* Contract Staff and Consultants Founder and Executive Southern Amazon Director Program Coordinator Melissa Adams Susan E. Joseph Mutti Goranson, CPA Paul Paz y Miño Celia Alario John Parnell, Gregor MacLennan Daniel Herriges Wavebridge Managing Director Southern Amazon Deborah Bassett Communications Program Coordinator Marika Holmgren Thomas Cavanagh Bart Beeson John Picone Technical and Financial Zachary Hurwitz Andrew Miller Greg Bernstein Radical Designs Manager Environmental and Kristen Irving Moira Birss Aliya Ryan Cyndie Berg Human Rights Ariel Lopez Campaigner Ouida Chichester Mark Stuver Development Director David Matchett Design Action Shannon Wright Simeon Tegel* Christian Poirier Leslie Morava Brazil Program E Tech Michael Zap Communications International Ana Maria Murillo Coordinator Director Kevin Koenig Elisa Bravo Research, Finance and Northern Amazon Development Associate Our Partners in the Amazon Program Coordinator We offer special thanks to all of our Amazonian partners who Mitchell Anderson Daniel Herriges stand on the frontlines of this struggle for life, land and dignity. Program Assistant We are honored to stand with them. Corporate Accountability Campaigner Acción Ecológica Communidad de Fundación Sarayaku Pachamama AIDESEP Board of Ambassadors Derechos NAE Asociacion Ambiente y Directors Antoine Bonsorte Indígena de OilWatch Recursos Andrew Beath Morona Benjamin Bratt FECONACO ONIC Treasurer AsoU'wa FECONAU ORACH Cary Elwes ATI Dee Dominguez* ORAU FENAP Daryl Hannah CEDIA Jonathan Frieman FICSHE Racimos de Bianca Jagger CENSAT Agua Ungurahui Ken Larson Viva FIPSE Red Ambiental President Q’orianka Kilcher COIAB Frente de Defensa Loretana Youth Ambassador de la Amazonia Lily la Torre COICA Selva Viva John Quigley Fundación Hemera Daniela Meltzer COMARU Shinai Chair Zoe Tryon Jeff Mendelsohn Jonas Minton Executive Collaborators, Volunteers & Interns Ana Maria Murillo Director's Leadership Celia Alario Damara Ganley Amelia Rudolph Leila Salazar-Lopez Council Janet Anderson Stephanie Kristen Sague Gonzales Atossa Soltani Megan Wiese Karolo Aparicio Roel Seber Secretary Chair Heidi Kreiss Zachary Boone Ashkan Soltani Richard Wegman Michael Kuehnert Suzanne West Martha Maria Roxana Soltani Carmona Marianne Manilov Claudia Wheeler- Sue Chiang Allison McManis Rappe Ouida Chichester Maury Mendenhall Rachel Whyte * Departed 2008 Jackie Coates Katherine Needles Deborah Zierten
  • 21. Tomas Maynas and Youth Ambassador Q'orianka Kilcher speak outside the Oxy AGM (Thomas Cavanagh / Amazon Watch) AMAZON WATCH SUPPORTERS IN 2008 Jaguar The Kindle Project Hesperian Foundation Tree Frog $100,000 and Up Michael Klein Hull Family Foundation $500 - $999 The Blue Moon Fund** Levi Strauss Foundation Sarah Jaffe Alan Hunt Badiner Charles Stewart Mott The Network for Social Change Todd Laby Environmental Defense Foundation** Ken Larson Five Stones Wallace Global Fund Spider Monkey Lowepro Cherie Glasse $5,000 to $9,999 Daniel Greaney The George and Judy Marcus Harpy Eagle As You Sow Family Foundation $50,000 to $99,999 Thomas Hall Raj and Helen Desai John Anthony Martinez Jacques Harari The Moriah Fund** The Olivia Companies Jonas M. Minton & Julie Deborah Harmon Rudolf Steiner Foundation Carrasco Minton PS321 School Michael Hirschhorn The Sigrid Rausing Trust Letitia & Milan Momirov Rupp Foundation Tamar Hurwitz Megan & Russell Wiese Daniel Nord Anaconda Terry Lynn Karl Latin America Fund / Jenny Overman $25,000 to $49,999 Terry and Carolyn Koenig Combined Federal Pachamama Alliance American Jewish World Campaign Kohn, Swift & Graf Service** Lyon and Rob Petty Family Foundation Carol A. Kurtz Conservation, Food & Health Kapok Tree Rainforest Action Network Leeann Lahren Foundation $1,000 to $4,999 Daniela Meltzer John Dabrowski Bruce Robertson Amnesty International Radical Media Overbrook Foundation Heather Rosmarin Angelo, Gordon & Co The Rockefeller Foundation Francis Tansley Peter Rosmarin Bank Information Center Jill Southard Threshold Foundation Ray and Anna Sargoni Jeffrey Goldberg/CaliBamboo Allan Spiwak John Seed / EarthWays The Christensen Fund Foundation Wendy Volkmann Pink River Dolphin $10,000 to $24,999 Scott Fitzmorris Zoe Tryon Nadine Weil The Atticus Foundation Forest Peoples Project Vitaquest James Whitson The BENNY Award / Heidi Gifford Frederick Welty Corporate Ethics Goldman Environmental Charities Aid Foundation / Zoe International Foundation Tryon Walk **Giving levels reflect multi-year grants
  • 22. SUPPORTERS (CONTINUED) River Spirits Tim Dale / Yoga Tree Marika Holmgren Barbara Rogoff $100 to $499 Joanne Dale Jack Howell Lorraine Rominger Stan Adler Davis Family Trust I Do Foundation / Grelia and Laurie Rosmarin Leilani Alo Mark Delavalle Clark Smith Laurie Rowley Karolo Aparicio Dolphin Foundation Aviva Imhof Jenny Rudolph Linda Assante Earth Rights International International Rivers Amelia Rudolph Assurat Health Foundation Ana Eder Rosalind Jackson Matthew Rudolph Joseph E. Baker Robert Eisenbach Peter James Leila Salazar Sheldon Baker David Eliason Donald Kagan Antonia Scott Day Ben S. Bayer Melanie Engles Cindy and Michael Kamm Abby Sher Michael A. Beer Emily and Peter Evers Jennifer Kim Richard Silver Robbie Bent Lawrence E. Fahn Tracy King Kristin Spychalsky Kenneth Bernstein Yael Falicov Sarosh Kumana Robert Stack Steven Berse Linda and John Finn Deborah Kushner Marie-Elisabeth Steindamm Stephen Bickel First Giving / Zoe Tryon Walk Maureen Langloss Jan Stensland Phyllis Bieri Fund Ralph & Sandy Larson Daniel Susott J. Billock James Eric Fisher Leslie Leslie Tellus Construction Colleen Bolton Lindsey Ford Lorna Li Robert Tindall Ben Bowman S. David Freeman Mary J. Marcus Karen Topakian Risa Boyer Leritz Michael Freund Matthew May/May Realty Jeanne Trombly David Brast Josh Fryday Jeff Mendelsohn Thomas Van Dyck Eldy Bratt Marianne Gagen Bruce Michael Fred Vasquez Adam Browning Angie Garling Jamie Myers Maria Verdesoto Michael Brune Al Gedicks Martha Nicholson Violeta Villacorta Scott Bryan Camellia George James Nunemacher Anna S. Wagner Anthony Buscemi Global Exchange James O'Dea Scott D. Walker Jesse Carmichael Robert Goodland Gigi Obrecht Paige Weber Anna Carmichael Ryder Goodwin Lucky Otting Dewey Webster Troy Casey Google Patagonia S. & K. Weinstein Family Fund Julie Casinelli Gordon and Betty Moore Perforce Foundation Weitz Brothers Foundation Diane Perry boona cheema Michelle C. Wells Nanci Graham Elaine Phillips Steven Chow Barbara Williams Sara Greenfield Project Bandaloop Dana Clark Jan Williamson Aurora Guerrero Tao Radoczy Christopher Clay Gina Zappia Robert Guilbert Mark Randazzo Molly Clinehens Brooke Zobrist Rodrigo Guimaraes American Endowment Kevin Connelly Dan Bienenfeld / L.A. Healing Foundation / Resonate Allison Connor Arts Center Foundation Daniel Coughlin Jeffrey Hertz Jesus Rodriguez David J. Crawford Morgan Stanley Trade - Daniel Erin Rogers Custom Direct Holzer And a very special thanks to our hundreds of grassroots supporters whose contributions help make our critical work possible.
  • 23. Back Cover (Antoine Bonsorte / Amazon Watch) SUPPORTING INDIGENOUS PEOPLES PROTECTING THE AMAZON RAINFOREST w w w. a m a z o n w a t ch . o r g Printed on 100% Post-Consumer Recycled Paper, Process Chlorine Free. Printing by Inkworks Press. Design by Design Action Collective. Union Labor.
  • 24. SUPPORTING INDIGENOUS PEOPLES PROTECTING THE AMAZON RAINFOREST w w w. a m a z o n w a t ch . o r g MAIN OFFICE LOS ANGELES, CA WASHINGTON, DC QUITO, ECUADOR 221 Pine Street, 4th Floor P.O. Box 2421 1350 Connecticut Ave., NW E-1270 y Portete San Francisco, CA 94104 Malibu, CA 90265 Suite 1100 c/o Frente de Defensa de la Tel: 415-487-9600 Tel: 310-456-9158 Washington, DC 20010 Amazonia Fax: 415-487-9601 Fax: 310-456-0388 Tel: 202-785-3962 Quito - Ecuador Fax: 202-355-7570 Tel: (593-9) 79-49-041