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                                                                                                                                        Prsrt Standard                                                           Autumn 2012
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                                                                                                                                          Amazon Herb
  4455 Military Trail, Suite 200                                                                                                            84199
  Jupiter, FL 33458

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                        Our Commitment to the Rainforest
                        Amazon Herb is proud to support Indigenous Rainforest communities. Your purchase of Amazon Herb
                        products enables us to continue our work in the Rainforest by helping to provide scholarships, obtain land
                        titles and deeds, and securing the future of the Peruvian Rainforest. We have also formed an active partnership
                        with the Amazon Center for Environmental Education and Research (ACEER), a not-for-profit dedicated to
                        promoting conservation of the Amazon by fostering awareness, understanding, action, and transformation.
                        Scan for a video on how Amazon Herb is helping to support Indigenous communities.

                                                                                                   Scan using your smart phone. Download a free QR code reader.

Autumn’s Arrived!
Now’s the time to get back                                                                                                                                                                                   $59
into the swing of things.                                                                                                                                          BACK STRAIN,                           SPECIAL
Special Offer:                                                                                                                                                     SORE MUSCLES?                          SAVINGS
Buy a Six Pack of Camu Gold™                                                                                                                                       Help soothe away            Buy a Camu Gold™ 6-Pack,
and Receive a FREE Pure Camu™                                                                                                                                      pain with Recovazon™           Get Pure Camu™ FREE
Camu Camu: the world’s highest                                                                                                                                     Find out how                                     PAGE 3
concentration of natural Vitamin C
                                                                                                                                                                   PAGE 7
Offer expires October 31st, 2012 at 11:59 pm ET.

Camu Gold                                                                       Pure Camu                                                                          DISCOVER OUR
‘Amazon John’ calls it: “Pure liquid                                            Clear Your Mind • Brighten Your Day
                                                                                                                                                                   SKIN CARE

sunshine to jump start your day!”                                               USDA Certified Organic Camu Camu aids in:
Our signature product helps to:
 • Fortify a healthy immune system
                                                                                 • Maintaining emotional stability while enhancing your mood
                                                                                 • Supporting anti-aging and cardiovascular health
                                                                                 • Providing nutrition for healthy skin, hair and nails
 • Enhance your mood and emotional stability
 • Flood your body with vital micronutrients
                                                                                                                                                                   Deeper Than Beauty™
                                                                                Pure Camu (30 freshpacks)
                                                                                                                                                                   SEE PAGES 16-17
                                                                                FREE with the purchase of Camu Gold Six Pack
Camu Gold 6-Pack (1 oz. each bottle)                     $ 110                  A $59 Savings.

                                                          CALL TOLL FREE 1-800-835-0850                                                                            1-800-835-0850 •
Welcome                                                      Our Story
                              Welcome to our new Amazon Herb catalog! We hope              For many years, John ‘Amazon John’
                              that you enjoy it and will pass this copy along to           Easterling travelled in South America,
                                                                                           crisscrossing the Andes Mountains,
                              your friends and family so that we can all share in
                                                                                           searching for lost cities and pre-Columbian
                              the remarkable gifts of the Amazon Rainforest.               civilizations. His adventurous lifestyle and
                                                                                           early-in-life bouts of hepatitis and Rocky
                              We have arranged our catalog by health concern—              Mountain Spotted Fever, however, began to
                              lack of energy, the need for cleansing and detoxing,
                                                                                                                                                                     The world’s highest concentration
                                                                                           take their toll, compromising his health and
                              muscle aches and soreness. Like other herbs, our             leaving him in a state of chronic fatigue, both
                              formulations and pure herb nutritional supplements           physically and mentally.

                                                                                                                                                                           of natural Vitamin C
  Founder of Amazon
 Herb John Easterling         often have more than one health application because          Then, on one of his frequent trips into South
and wife Olivia Newton-       they are so rich in nutrients.                               America, local Indigenous people shared with
   John Easterling.                                                                        him their herbal secrets of the Amazon and
                              Take our signature products—Camu Gold™ and                   administered the herbs they had long used for                                                                  Camu Camu helps provide essential nutrients
                              Pure Camu™— which we are featuring this month in             their restorative, nutritional, and medicinal
                              our Special Savings Sale. Packed with the world’s            properties. It was to be a turning point in his                                                                       for a healthy body and mind
                                                                                           life. In a matter of days, his energy levels and
                              highest natural concentration of immune-boosting
                                                                                           mental clarity had greatly improved. In fact,
                              Vitamin C, Camu Camu catalyzes the production                his ability to enjoy life to the fullest, as well
                              of serotonin – the “feel good” hormone in the brain
                              that controls sleep, mood, appetite and libido.
                                                                                           as his sense of well-being and health soared.
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Special Offer:                                                                                                        A few drops help wake
                              Other nutrients found in Camu Camu, like calcium,            It was after this discovery that “Amazon
                                                                                           John” formed an exciting cooperative                                               Buy a Camu Gold™ 6-Pack                                                                                                                           you up, keep you going
                              phosphorus, potassium and iron, are necessary for an
                                                                                           enterprise with health care practitioners in                                                                                                                                                                                         Tap directly into the vibrant energy of the Rainforest with
                              energetic body and sharp mind. Recent studies have
                                                                                           several countries to develop herbal blends
                                                                                                                                                                           and Receive a FREE Pure Camu™                                                                                                                        Camu Gold. Forget caffeine—this highly concentrated
                              also revealed that the fruit has a high natural source       that address many of the chronic ailments of
                              of ellagic acid and quercetin, two very                      modern life. From that point on, he turned
                                                                                                                                                                                   $59 in Savings:                                                                                                                              liquid Camu Camu extract aids in unlocking your body’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                dormant energy with just a few drops. A little taste of “Pure
                              potent antioxidants.                                         his efforts solely to bringing these botanical                                            Just for you                                                                                                                               Liquid Sunshine,” made with our organic Camu Camu, will
                                                                                           treasures of the Amazon to you, and to                                                                                                                                                                                               help keep you focused throughout the day.
                              Our commitment to the Amazon Rainforest is                   finding ways to help sustain the Rainforest
                              unwavering, as is our dedication to providing you            that protects and nurtures them.                                                                                                                                                                                                     Camu Gold 6-Pack (1 oz. each)	                                                                          $110
                              with its healing treasures.                                                   Among his early advocates
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ($138 in total if sold individually)
                                                                                                            and assisting formulators
                              To your well-being,                                                           were Dr. James Hawver
                                                                                                            and Eric Innes. Dr. James                                                                                                                                                                                           Certified organic Camu Camu
                                                                                                            Hawver, founder and
                                                                                                            president of Standard                                                                                                                                                                                               to sip throughout the day
                                                                                                            Enzyme Company of North
                              ‘Amazon John’ Easterling                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Pure Camu is a 20-to-1 concentrate of Camu Camu powder.
                                                                                           America, Inc., is a Naturopathic Medical
                              Founder and Explorer                                         Doctor and has been deeply committed to the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Each freshpack provides you with the recommended daily
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                allowance of Vitamin C.
                                                                                           natural health and nutrition fields for more
                                                                                           than 38 years. A practitioner of Chiropractic                                                                                                                                                                                        To best enjoy the light citrus flavor and uplifting benefits of
                                                                                                              Care using nutrition and
Support for the Rainforest and Wellness                                                                       herbs since 1976, Eric
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Pure Camu, just empty your freshpack into a bottle of pure
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                water and shake vigorously. Remember, there are no fillers
Since 1990, Amazon Herb has worked directly with Rainforest Indigenous                                        Innes, DC, employs                                                                                                                                                                                                or additives in Pure Camu. Some of the micro-nutrients or
communities to create new models of prosperity and sustainability. Look for some                              primary procedures that                                                                                                                                                                                           minerals will remain in suspension and then slowly settle.
of these success stories told throughout the catalog. We also support the Amazon                              combine sacro-occipital                                                                                                                                                                                           So, shake it up and sip.
Center for Environmental Education and Research (ACEER), whose mission in part                                therapy, cranial balancing,
is to bring environmental education programs to Rainforest communities. And we are                            applied kinesiology, contact                                                                                                                                                                                      Pure Camu FREE with Camu Gold 6-Pack
proud to contribute to the Olivia Newton-John Cancer & Wellness Centre, a model for                           reflex analysis, nutritional
incorporating the concept of wellness into cancer care, located in northeast Melbourne,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         A Savings of $59
                                                                                           balancing, diet counseling, as well as
Australia. Your purchase of Amazon Herb products enables us to continue our work in        meridian, chakra, and emotional balancing.
the Amazon and make donations to these not-for-profit organizations.                       Their insights into the benefits and usage
 Thank you for recognizing the value                                                       of proprietary Amazon herbal blends may                                                  Offer expires October 31st, 2012 at 11:59 pm ET.
                                                                                           be found online at
of our living Rainforest and supporting
         a healthy future for all.
                                                                                           ‘Amazon John’ continues to search the                             Need help: Call 1-800-835-0850. Our Customer Care Experts are available 9am - 6 pm ET.
                                                                                           Rainforest, looking for yet-to-be discovered        Prices listed in this catalog are current as of the date of printing. The information in this catalog may contain errors or inaccuracies. We reserve the right to change prices, selections, update information and limit quantities without prior notice. Children, women who are pregnant or nursing
                       If you are not completely satisfied with your products, you         nutrients that can aid our health and well-         and all individuals allergic to any foods or ingredients should consult their healthcare provider before using any product. You should not stop taking any medication without first consulting with a healthcare provider. To report a serious adverse event or obtain product information, contact

                                                                                           being while helping to find ways to support
                                                                                                                                               1-800-835-0850. These Statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
                       can return them to us within 60 days of its order date for a full
                       refund (less shipping). We will replace any defective product       a sustainable future for the Rainforest and                                   For daily updates, contests and promotions,                                                                    Follow ‘Amazon John’ on                                                     Check out our library of videos at
                       within 30 days of order.                                            its inhabitants.                                                              check us out on                                                                                                       

                                                                                                                                                                                               Call to order at 1-800-835-0850 or visit us online at
2                         © 2012 Amazon Herb Company. All rights reserved.
Clear You Mind. Brighten You Day.                                                                                                                                                                            Camu Camu: The “Feal Good” Fruit
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Produces the highest naturally-occuring concentrated source of Vitamin C
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Many people are just now discovering the
                   Help protect your skin                                  An organic drink                                                                                                                  wonderful benefits of Camu Camu, the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Add a bounce to your step
                   from free radicals                                      to enhance your                                                                                                                   Amazon ‘feel good’ fruit. As a pioneer in                                                 Wake up with a clear sense of purpose
                   Outsmart the signs of aging
                                                                           well-being                                                                                                                        Rainforest nutrition, Amazon Herb has                                                     Put the Rainforest in your pocket and take it with
                   Caress your skin with a topical infusion of
                                                                                                                                                                                                             been leading the pack, offering some of                                                    you wherever you go. Pure Camu™ is 100% Camu
                                                                           For the first time, the Camu Camu berry                                                                                           the most effective Camu Camu-based                                                          Camu Powder. Each freshpack provides you with the
                   all-natural antioxidants. This superior anti-
                                                                           and select Rainforest botanicals have been                                                                                                                                                                                    recommended daily allowance of Vitamin C. This
                   aging treatment features Camu Camu, the most                                                                                                                                              products on the market.                                                                      refreshing beverage provides all of Camu Camu’s life-
                   concentrated source of naturally-occurring              brought together in an organically certified
                                                                           blend specifically formulated to promote                                                                                                                                                                                        enhancing properties in a highly absorbable form.
                   Vitamin C, and Sangre de Drago which is known
                                                                           a natural state of well-being. With every                                                                                         Our Camu Camu trees are organically
                   to support skin repair and regeneration. This                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             To best enjoy the light citrus flavor and
                   serum penetrates deep into the skin’s surface to        delicious sip, you are flooding your body                                                                                         grown in the Amazon basin and thrive in
                                                                           with life-enhancing nutrients that support a                                                                                                                                                                                       uplifting benefits of Pure Camu, just
                   stimulate healthy collagen production and help fight                                                                                                                                      the nutrient-rich biomass of the world’s                                                         empty your concentrated freshpack into a
                                                                           positive life experience. Learn more about
                   the effects of aging. As a result, your skin looks
                                                                           this all natural, certified organic beverage on
                                                                                                                                                                                                             richest living ecosystem. This unique                                                             bottle of pure water and shake vigorously.
                   younger, feels firmer, and glows just like it should.                                                                                                                                     origin is one of the secrets to Camu
                                                                           pages 30-31.
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Camu’s immense healing potential.                                                                      Pure Camu (30 freshpacks)	 $59
                   Camu C Serum (30 ml.)	                        $79
                                                                           ZAMU (750 ml. bottle)	 $40                                                                                                                                                                                                               Pure Camu 3-Pack	         $132
                                                                           ZAMU 4-Pack	        $137.50                                                                                                       The Camu Camu berry not only delivers
                                                                                                                                                                                                             the most concentrated source of naturally
Amazon Herb Collection                                                          Camu Camu produces the highest
                                                                                                                                                                                                             occurring vitamin C in the world, but also contains a wide
Camu Care                                                                                                                                                                                                    variety of vital micronutrients that are essentials for an
In the Camu Care Pack, you’ll receive the
                                                                                concentrated source of Vitamin C –
                                                                                thirty times more than an orange,                                                                                            energetic body and a sharp mind.                                              Pure Liquid Sunshine
complete line of Camu Camu products. ZAMU
                                                                                ten times as much iron, three times                                                                                                                                                                        Jump start your day and
                                                                                as much niacin, twice as much
(750 ml.), Pure Camu (30 freshpacks), Camu
                                                                                riboflavin and fifty percent
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           blast away afternoon blues
Gold (1 oz.), and Camu C Serum (30 ml.).                                                                                                                                                                        Essential Amino Acids found
With this pack, you are providing yourself                                      more phosphorus.                                                                                                                                                                                           Tap directly into the vibrant energy of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                in Camu Camu
with the best nutrients available for healthy                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Rainforest with Camu Gold™. Unlike other
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Perhaps the most important micronutrients found in                         energy-enhancing products, Camu Gold isn’t
skin, hair and nails, as well as its mood-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Camu Camu, Amino Acids cannot be manufactured by                           loaded with caffeine or synthetic vitamins. It’s just
enhancing effects. Add a Camu Gold
booster, to maximize results.                                                                                                                                                                                   our body and cannot be stored for later use. Therefore,                    highly concentrated Camu Camu. You’ll feel its
                                                                                                                                                                                                                they must be supplied everyday in the foods we eat.                        immediate wave of smooth, natural energy that
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Leucine: Increases production of growth hormones.                          will keep you focused throughout the day.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Deficiencies may result in fatigue and irritability.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           It’s easy to share, easy to carry, and fun for the
                                                                           ZAMU Ingredients: Camu Camu, Acai,         Camu Gold Ingredients: Organic Camu       Pure Camu Ingredients: Organic Camu
                      Sold Individually    Sold in Pack     You Save       Cacao, Cinnamon, Pinapple, Mango, Sangre   Camu Concentrate. Other Ingredients:      Camu Powder.
                                                                           De Drago.                                  Vegetable Glycerin                        Suggested Use: Empty the contents of 1          Serine: Supports proper functioning of the brain and                       whole family. The delicious tart flavor is enjoyed
      Pack Price          $201                $169             $32         Suggested Use: Enjoy 2 ounces twice a      Suggested Use: 1 ml. (20 Drops) twice a   freshpack into a bottle of water, shake
                                                                                                                                                                                                                nervous system. May benefit memory, sociability,                           by both kids and adults.
                                                                           day or as desired. Best served cold.       day or as desired.                        vigorously. Can also be blended in a juice
    With Booster          $224                $179             $45                                                                                              or smoothie.                                    and alertness.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Valine: Used as an energy source in muscles. Promotes                      Camu Gold Liquid (1 oz.)	                      $23
                                                                                                                                                                                                                mental vigor and calms emotions.                                           Camu Gold 6-Pack	                             $110
                                          Direct from the Source to You:                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Camu Gold 12-pack	                            $198
                       Sustainable Harvesting of Camu Camu at our fields in Peru

                           The Choice to Plant                               Nourished by the                                                       Vital Nutrients                                                                 Harvesting                                             Quality Drying                                          Bringing it
                           To ensure                                         Amazon River                                                           Not found in Any                                                                Camu Camu                                              Process                                                 Home to You
                           an ongoing                                        Our Camu Camu                                                          Other Source                                                                    New trees take 6 to 8                                  After harvest, the                                      Camu Camu is used
                           consistent supply                                 trees are grown on                                                     As the floodwaters                                                              years to first produce                                 fresh Camu Camu                                         in many Amazon
                           for generations,                                  the banks of a lagoon                                                  recede, the soil and                                                            fruit. Once it begins                                  fruits are transported                                  Herb products for its
                           Amazon Herb                                       in the Amazon                                                          nutrients from of                                                               the fruiting is quite                                  by boat to Amazon’s                                     variety of benefits
                           planted over 28,000                               floodplain and during                                                  the world’s richest                                                             abundant, with two                                     state of the art                                        both inside and
                           Camu Camu trees                                   the rainy season                                                       living ecosystem is                                                             or more harvests                                       drying facility.                                        out. The highest
                           in the nutrient-rich                              are completely                                                         redeposited. From                                                               per year. Often this                                   Here the seeds are                                      concentration of
                           soil of the Amazon                                underwater for                                                         this soil, the Camu                                                             will be done by boat                                   removed and the                                         Camu Camu is
                           Basin.                                            almost 4 months out                                                    Camu trees are                                                                  during high waters.                                    fruit dried under                                       found in the products
                                                                             of the year.                              able to pull the minerals they need to produce                                                                                        carefully controlled conditions and temperatures                                      shown on this page.
                                                                                                                       a natural density of vitamins, amino acids and                                                                                        to ensure all the nutrients stay intact.
                                                                                                                       other nutrients.

4                                           Order by phone at 1-800-835-0850 (9 am - 6 pm ET)                                                                                                                                                                     60-day money back guarantee                                                                         5
Bounce back more
    Wow! Recovazon is                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Recover and Rebuild
    such a gift to my poor,
    tired back and feet.
    I’ve discovered that
    after a long day two
                                 quickly from physical
    Recovazons take away
    the weariness, muscle
    aches and back pain
                                 and mental exhaustion                                                                                                                          Don’t let muscle soreness and achy joints hold you back
    for me. Thank you            True recovery works from within                                                                                                                Nutrients from the Amazon can aid rapid recovery
    Amazon Herb, for
    this terrific help with      The term “recovery” can be used in many ways: recovery from an accident,                                                                       Be as active as you like, as often as you want.         Brazil to relieve pain and swelling, and Dong
    such a chronic, long-        from a strenuous workout, from a surgery or an intense period of stress.                                                                       With Recovazon™, you’ll help give your body             Quai, which has been used for ages in China,
    standing issue.                                                                                                                                                             the natural boost it needs to recover from              Korea and Japan as an overall strengthening
                                 For proper recovery from stress, either physical or emotional, the body                                                                        muscle soreness and joint discomfort. So                plant that supports the whole body. In addition,
           Jana S, Tucson, AZ    invariably needs good lymphatic circulation to eliminate debris from the                                                                       whether you’ve been working out, working                Manaca is known to simulate lymphatic
                                 tissues, good blood circulation to delivery nutrients, anti-inflammatory and                                                                   hard or playing hard, Recovazon will help you           circulation, while Dalergia Wood and Aquilaria
                                 antioxidant nutrition, and good hormonal balance to assist in the rebuilding                                                                   recover faster.                                         assist in blood circulation. Unique anti-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        inflammatory properties can also be found in
                                 of muscles and tissues. The Recover and Rebuild Pack helps you do just that.                                                                   With its exclusive combination of 13                    the herbs, Iporuru and Samambaia.
                                                                                                                                                                                key botanicals, Recovazon helps reduce the
                                                                                                                                                                                formation of oxidative compounds that can               Recovazon (90 ct.) 	      $59
                                                                                                                                                                                cause sore muscles and joints. This synergistic
                                                                                                                                                                                blend includes Tayuya, historically used in             Recovazon Liquid (8 oz.) 	$59
                                 Help your body avoid
                                 environmental impurities
                                 Clear your body of toxins and rebuild you defense system                                                                                       Recovizon Ingredients: Dong Quai,
                                                                                                                                                                                Aquilaria, Safflower, Tangerine Peel,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        On the spot muscle relief
                                 Today we are constantly exposed to pollutants and toxins of all
                                                                                                                                                                                Samambaia, Sarsaparilla, Bitter Orange,                 Our thick topical gel provides
         Iporuru                                                                                                                                                                Bitter Orange, Dalbergia Wood, Peach
                                 kinds. Envirozon™ assists the body’s natural ability to cleanse and                                                                            seed, Manaca, Tayuya, Iporuru, Una de                   deep penetration to enhance treatment
    The bark of the Iporuru      restore balance after exposure to environmental impurities. Its strong
                                                                                                                                                                                Gato, Other Ingredients: 90 ct vegetable

    shrub is truly a treasure                                                                                                                                                                                                           When joint and muscle discomfort or skin              At home or on the go, Recovazon Topical Gel
                                                                                                                                                                                glycerin, vegetable cellulose (capsule) or
                                 antioxidant properties are particularly important to liver function,                                                                           8 oz purified water, pure grain alcohol.
    of the Amazon. It can        which is key to overall cleansing and detoxification of the body.                                                                              Suggested Use: Take 1-3 capsules a                      irritations strike, call Recovazon Topical Gel™       is the natural solution for adults, children and
    only be harvested in                                                                                                                                                        day as desired to maintain or accelerate
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        to the rescue. We took Recovazon’s healing            pets. It provides fast, soothing, temporary relief
    the dry season when its      Envirozon’s Rainforest botanicals include Jurubeba, Chanca Piedra,                                                                             Suggested Use 8oz: Shake well before                    Rainforest botanicals and added a special             for joint and muscle soreness, backaches, sports
    ingredients turn active.     and Uña de Gato. Jurubeba facilitates the body’s ability to reduce toxic                                                                       using. 1 teaspoon in a cup of pure water                combination of Aloe Vera and Essential Oil of         injuries and more. Keep a tube on hand in your
    Used by the Indigenous                                                                                                                                                                                                              Birch. The outcome: a topical gel that supplies       medicine cabinet, car, purse, gym bag, back
                                                                                                                                                                                once or more a day as desired.
                                 excesses. Chanca Piedra fortifies the body’s natural filtering organs
    people of Peru for           while stimulating the defense system. Uña de Gato’s reputation as an                                                                           Recovazon Gel Ingredients: Aloe Vera,                   all of the benefits of liquid Recovazon while         pack, suitcase and desk drawer.
    relieving symptoms of        overall cleansing agent is well known and documented.                                                                                          Dong Quai, Samambaia, Sarsaparilla,                     offering a thicker consistency for enhanced
    osteoarthritis. It helps                                                                                                                                                    Tangerine Peel, Aquilaria, Safflower,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        penetration. Its non-greasy, fast-absorbing           Recovazon Topical Gel 	                    $23
    to increase flexibility in
                                                                                                                                                                                Manaca, Peach seed, Dalbergia Wood,
                                 Envirozon (90 ct.) 	                                                                                               $59                                                                                 formula glides on the skin with ease. It supports
    movement and range of
                                                                                                                                                                                Bitter Orange, Tayuya, Iporuru, Una de
                                                                                                                                                                                Gato, Essential Oil of Birch.                           healthy mobility and range of motion by targeting
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              (2 oz. tube)
    motion. Its benefits come    Envirozon Liquid (8 oz.) 	                                                                                         $59                         Suggested Use: Apply topically to
                                                                                                                                                                                affected area twice a day or as desired.                the specific areas of your body that require help.
    from applying it either
    internally in the case of    Envirozon Ingredients: Jurubeba, Chanca Piedra, Alfalfa, Artichoke, Boldo, Una de Gato, Other Ingredients: 90 ct
                                 vegetable glycerin, vegetable cellulose (capsule) or 8 oz purified water, pure grain alcohol.
    Recovazon or externally
    in Recovazon Gel.
                                 Suggested Use: Take 1-3 capsules a day as desired to maintain or accelerate well-being.
                                 Suggested Use 8oz: Shake well before using. 1 teaspoon in a cup of pure water once or more a day as desired.
                                                                                                                                                                                Providing you the antioxidants                                                    Digestazon Plus helps
                                                                                                                                                                                you need to recover faster                                                        stop joint inflammation
                                                                                                                                                                                Pure Camu delivers key antioxidants, like Ellagic                                 Sufficient levels of digestive herbs and enzymes
                                                                                                                                                                                Acid and Quercetin. Ellagic Acid is known to                                      are necessary to ensure proper protein metabolism.
     Lifestyle Tip
                                 Amazon Herb Collection                                                                                                                         activate the cell receptor sites in your body to help                             If the body isn’t digesting proteins efficiently, it may
    Allow sufficient             Recovery and Rebuild                                                                                                                           eliminate free radical damage and remove toxins.                                  cannibalize them from joint surfaces. Digestazon Plus
    time for recovery,                                                                                                                                                          Quercetin is known to increase the production                                     provides the required nutrients and helps stop joint
    rest, and relaxation         With the Recovery and Rebuild Wellness                                                                                                         of both collagen and fibronectin, two substances                                  inflammation as a result.
    before stressing             Pack, you will receive everything you need                                                                                                     necessary to keep the joints and skin healthy.
    the affected area(s).        to help alleviate and recover from physical                                                                                                    To find out more about all the benefits of Camu                                   Digestive enzymes are also used to manage inflammation associated with
    Keep tender muscles          and emotional stress. The full line contains:                                                                                                  Camu, go to pages 4-5.                                                            injuries and bruises and help to accelerate recovery after exercise. When
    mobile, however,             Recovazon and Envirozon (both 90 ct), Pure                                                                                                                                                                                       bruising or tearing of tissues occurs, blood vessels are broken down and
    by stretching and            Camu (30 freshpacks) and Recovazon Gel                                                                                                         Envirozon (90 ct.) 	                            $59                               debris accumulates, which causes inflammation. Digestive enzymes, like
    exercising lightly.          (2 oz). Add Digestazon Plus (90 ct) as your                                                                                                                                                                                      those found in Digestazon Plus, help to break down this debris and assist
    Remember to eat                                                                                                                                                             Envirozon Liquid (8 oz.) 	                      $59                               is tissue regeneration. For a closer look at Digestazon, go to page 11.
                                 booster product to aid in
    healthy to aid tissue        digestive support and to                      Sold Individually                                                      Sold in Pack   You Save
    repair.                      facilitate the break down         Pack Price       $200                                                                  $169        $31                                                                                         Digestazon Plus (90 ct.) 	                                            $32
                                 of proteins, lipids and                                                                                                                                                                                                          Digestazon Plus (270 ct.) 	                                           $72
                                 carbohydrates.                With Booster        $232                                                                   $179        $53                                                                                         Digestazon Liquid (8 oz.) 	                                           $59

6                                                                               Order 24/7 online at                                                                                                               Call a Customer Care Expert at 1-800-835-0850                                                               7
Cleansing and Detox

Put your sluggish
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Eliminating toxins will help you feel
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Many health challenges begin in the colon. That’s why we need to understand
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different health issues facing us today are due to toxic colons.
                                                                                                                                                                                                The Colon Cleansing Solution                                         Start feeling lighter today
Detox the Right Way                                                                                                                                                                             Works like an intestinal broom to                                    by eliminating constipation,
Take a look at the box to your right.                Benefits of Colon Cleansing                                                                                                                cleanse and eliminate toxins gently
If you answered “yes” to any of these
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     gas and bloating
                                                     Do you have?           Do you want?                                                                                                        Fiberzon™ is a synergistic blend of fibers and                       The benefits of Fiberzon in
challenges, then it is time to start a                                                                                                                                                          botanicals recognized for centuries for their
                                                       •	   Sluggishness      •	   Improved Alertness
healthy cleansing regime that will get                 •	   Fatigue           •	   Increased Energy                                                                                             cleansing properties. As an internal cleansing                       an easy-to-take capsule
you back on track. Amazon Herb has                     •	   Constipation      •	   Proper Elimination                                                                                           program, this special formula blends 15 organic
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Fiberzon Plus™ capsules contain a gentle, yet more
created a completely natural detoxing                  •	   Bloating          •	   Fewer Toxins                                                                                                 Rainforest herbs to support the body’s intestinal
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     aggressive formulation than Fiberzon powder. It is
                                                       •	   Gas               •	   Improved Digestion                                                                                           hygiene, which is paramount to optimal health.
program that provides quick results.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 especially appropriate for those who prefer capsules
                                                       •	   Weight Gain       •	   Weight Loss                                                                                                  Fiberzon works like an intestinal broom to gently
It gently stimulates elimination,                      •	   Brain Fog         •	   Mental Clarity                                                                                               cleanse and eliminate unwanted waste. Designed
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     to a fiber drink. It has the same synergistic blend
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     of organic Rainforest herbs with the addition of
cleansing the colon and purging                        •	   Heavy Feeling     •	   Lighter Feeling                                                                                              as a detoxifying, energizing, and revitalizing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Rhubarb Root, which helps encourage regular bowel
harmful toxins from the body.                          •	   Bad Breath        •	   Fresh Breath                                                                                                 program, each bottle contains a one-month supply.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     movements and cleansing. This balanced formula
You’ll feel lighter and more alert                     •	   Bad Skin          •	   Clear Skin                                                                                                   Fiberzon is a powdered formula that can be mixed
                                                       •	   Headaches         •	   Clear Mind
                                                                                                            Fiberzon should be a main                                                           with water, juice or in your favorite smoothie.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     addresses all areas of the elimination system. Special
with a sense of renewed energy.                                                                             staple of everyone’s diet to                                                        It is recommended as an on-going program for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Rainforest herbs, like Sangre de Drago, help nurture a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     healthy lining of the stomach and intestines; stimulate
                                                           If your answer is “Yes,”                         stay healthy and regular.                                                           daily cleansing.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     liver function, and support healthy colon activity to
                                                     consider a colon cleansing program.                    I recommend this routinely                                                                                                                               help eliminate toxins from the body.
                                                                                                            in my practice.                                                                     Fiberzon (500 grams)	                         $43
                                                                                                                                                     Dr. James Hawver
                                                                                                                                                                                                Fiberzon Mint (500 grams)	                    $43                    Fiberzon Plus (90 ct.)	                          $34
                                                                                                                                                     Naturopathic MD                                                                                                 Fiberzon Plus (270 ct.)	                         $89
Amazon Herb Collection                                                                                                                                                                          Flush your body of toxins
Cleanse and Detox
                                                                                                                                                                                                with a delicious cup of tea
Combine the positive effects from each product          The complete pack contains: Fiberzon Mint (500
in this completely natrual cleanse and detox            grams), Treasure Tea (40 bags), Fiberzon Plus                                                                                           Rainforest Treasure Tea™ contains herbs like                              I am impressed with how well Fiberzon Plus
                                                                                                                                                                                                Chanca Piedra that stimulate kidney function,
program and get yourself back on track. You can         and Envirozon (both 90 ct.), and Camu Gold.
                                                                                                                                                                                                an important organ of detoxification, Una de
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          works in softening the stool and making
help your body naturally rid itself of accumulated      Add Digestzon Plus (90 ct.) as your booster      Fiberzon & Fiberzon Mint Ingredients: Psyllium, Hibiscus, Licorice,
                                                                                                                                                                                                Gato that provides strong antioxidant nutrition                           elimination easy. This is an effective formula.
waste material in the colon and intestines.             to help break down proteins and cleanse the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          I’m excited about this because many of my
                                                                                                         Fennugreek, Flax Seed, Boldo, Slippery Elm, Oat Bran, Una de Gato, Artichoke,
                                                                                                                                                                                                to assist detoxification, and Jatoba that helps
                                                        digestive tract.                                 Ouebra Pedra (Chanca Piedra), Camu Camu, Jotoba, Papaya, Sangre de Drago,
                                                                                                         Other Ingredients: Mint Flavor (in Mint formula only).                                 cleanse the blood. For more information on                                clients request a simple capsule solution for
                                                                                                                                                                                                both Rainforest Treasure and Matte Tea, go to
                                                                                                         Suggested Use: For best results vigorously blend 1 scoop of Fiberzon with 8 oz
                                                                                                         of pure, cool water or 4 oz of non-acidic juice and 4 oz of pure water. In addition,                                                                             their cleansing and detox needs.
                                                                                                         drink 8-10 glasses of pure water a day.                                                pages 20-21.
                    Sold Individually   Sold in Pack        You Save                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        John Terrusa
                                                                                                         Fiberzon Plus Ingredients: Rhubarb Root, Psyllium, Sangre de Drago, Boldo,             Rainforest Treasure Tea (20 tea bags) 	 $16.50                                                                  Licensed Colon Therapist
    Pack Price           $186              $159               $27                                        Una de Gato, Camu Camu, Hibiscus, Licorice, Fennugreek, Flax Seed, Slippery
                                                                                                         Elm, Oat Bran, Ouebra Pedra (Chanca Piedra), Artichoke, Jatoba, Papaya.                Rainforest Treasure Tea (40 tea bags) 	   $27
 With Booster            $218              $169               $49                                        Suggested Use: Take 1-2 capsules a day with an 8 oz glass of water in the
                                                                                                         morning, before bedtime or with a meal.                                                Rainforest Treasure Tea (200 tea bags) 	 $149                              More on Cleansing and Detox, next page

8                                                            60-day money back guarantee                                                                                                                                        Call a Customer Care Expert at 1-800-835-0850 for help with your order.                                    9
Cleansing and Detox

                                                                                                                                                                                                    Now you can enjoy your
                                                                                                                                                                                                    food – without feeling full
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Two formulations available,
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Digestazon Plus with extra enzymes
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Our Digestazon™ formulas—Digestazon Liquid           Digestazon Plus
                                                                                                                                                                                                    and Digestazon Plus—blend the most widely            contains nine extra
                                                                                                                                                                                                    used plants from the Amazon that are known for       digestive enzymes,
                                                                                                                                                                                                    their beneficial effects on digestion.               which help prepare the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         food in the stomach and
                                                                                                                                                                                                    A poor digestive system can contribute to            ease digestion. They
                                                                                                                                                                                                    inflammation, the source of many health              facilitate the breakdown
                                                                                                                                                                                                    issues. Improperly digested food particles           of proteins, lipids, and
                                                                                                                                                                                                    can, at times, stimulate the immune system,          carbohydrates so that
     Chanca Piedra                                      Don’t let environmental                                                 Testimonials                                                        which recognizes them as foreign matter. The         food particles may
     Translated in Spanish means “stone breaker”                                                                                                                                                    result: Immune complexes - combinations of           be properly absorbed
     or “shatter stone.” It has been used for           impurities slow you down                              I started taking Digestazon Plus during
                                                                                                                                                                                                    antibodies and food particles bound together -       into the blood stream.
     generations by Indigenous people of the                                                                  my meals and I feel great. I no longer
                                                                                                              experience that heavy, bloated feeling                                                may form without an actual infection to combat.      Improperly digested
     Amazon as an effective remedy for gall             Envirozon™ assists the body’s natural ability to
                                                                                                              like I ate too much. I have always had                                                They circulate in the blood and, eventually,         food, on the other
     stones, kidney stones and other kidney- related    cleanse and restore balance after exposure to
                                                                                                              trouble with digestion but now I don’t                                                are caught in tissue where they can trigger          hand, may cause
     problems. Also used as a digestive aid, Chanca     environmental impurities. This formula contains
                                                                                                              have to be concerned with having an                                                   inflammation. If they make their way to joints,      toxins to build up in your body, resulting in
     Piedra supports liver function and helps           Jurubeba, which stimulates liver function. The
                                                                                                              upset stomach after evey meal.                                                        they can also trigger a form of arthritis or         gas, constipation, and bloating. Other side
     eliminate colitis and intestinal parasites while   traditional use is for digestive upset due to over-
                                                                                                                                                                                                    another type of inflammation.                        effects of poor digestion include weight gain,
     maintaining a healthy cholesterol metabolism.      indulgence in food or alcohol. The Rainforest herb                            Susan C., West Palm Beach, FL
                                                        Boldo prevents re-absorption of detoxification by-                                                                                                                                               sleeplessness, fatigue, and even bad skin and
     Found in: Fiberzon, Envirozon, Treasure Tea.                                                                                                                                                   Properly digested food, then, helps play a
                                                        products and is a strong antioxidant. Discover more                                                                                                                                              bad breath.
                                                                                                                                                                                                    critical role in good health. Some of the herbs
                                                        about Envirozon on pages 6-7.                                                                                                               found in the Digestazon basic formulation
                                                                                                              All my life I lived with many food and                                                                                                     Digestazon also helps clean the digestive track
                                                                                                                                                                                                    include Carqueja, Boldo, and Star Anise.             while aiding digestion. It is available in liquid
     Boldo                                              Envirozon (90 ct.)	                         $59       enironmental allergies. When I started
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Carqueja supports the healthy functioning            only. Digestazon Plus, with added enzymes,
     Contains an antioxidant called boldine, which                                                            taking the Amazon herbs, especially
                                                        Envirozon Liquid (8 oz.)	                   $59                                                                                             of both the stomach and intestinal system.           comes in capsules.
     is used to treat symptoms of liver and bowel                                                             Envirozon, I was amazed at my ability
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Boldo helps promote good health through the
     dysfunction including constipation, gas,                                                                 to function in environments I never
                                                                                                                                                                                                    urinary and digestives systems by stimulating        Digestazon Plus (90 ct.) 	 $32
     and poor digestion. It acts as a tonic for the                                                           could before.                                                                         waste elimination. Originally used in ancient
     organism and helps combat weakness and                                                                                                        Judy T., Grants Pass, OR                         Egypt, Star Anise encourages overall                 Digestazon Plus (270 ct.) 	 $72
     dizziness often associated with a congested                         The Amazon                                                                                                                 digestive comfort.                                   Digestazon Liquid (8 oz.) 	 $59
     colon. Found in: Fiberzon and Envirozon.                         Hydrological Cycle
                                                                                                              The immuno-requlatory capacity of
                                                                                THE AMAZON RELEASES           Camu Gold is like nothing I’ve ever
                                                                                                              seen. I have tested this product on 3
                                                                  20,000,000,000                              differenet auto-immune cases and I
                                                                                                              must say: This is amazing stuff!
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Help fight off bacteria with Camu Gold™
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Along with its high Vitamin C content, Camu Gold also helps provide essential
                                                                    TONS OF MOISTURE
                                                                    INTO THE ATMOSPHERE   EVERY DAY                                             Dr. Jeff Essen, Naturopath                                           amino acids like Leucine, Serine, and Valine, which in combination assist in
     Known to help decongest the urinary tract                                                                                                                                                                       boosting the immune system, producing antibodies to fight off bacteria, viruses
     and is used to reduce bladder inflammation                                              MOISTURE                                                                                                                and other pathogens. For more on the benefits of Camu Gold, turn to page 4-5.
     (cystitis) and prostate infections. The bark,                                              THAT HELPS
     leaves and resin of Jatoba have been shown                                               FEED THE                                                                                                               Camu Gold Liquid (1 oz.)	                                                     $23
     to have strong antifungal and antimicrobial                                               WORLD           Digestazon Plus Ingredients: Star Anise, Carqueja, Peppermint, Boldo,                                 Camu Gold 6-Pack	                                                            $110
     properties. In folk medicine, Jatoba has a long                                         IN THE FORM OF    Plant Enzyme Blend: Amylase, Protease 4.5, Invertase, CereCalase (Phytase,
     history of use by the Indigenous people of the                                              RAINFALL
                                                                                                               Hemicellulase, Beta-glucanase), Bromelain, Lipase, Glucoamylase, Peptidase FP,                        Camu Gold 12-pack	                                                           $198
                                                                                                               Malt Diastase, Other Ingredients: vegetable cellulose.
     Amazon Rainforest to treat diarrhea. Found in:                                                            Suggested Use: 1 or 2 capsules with meals or as desired.
     Fiberzon and Treasure Tea.                                     THIS HYDROLOGIC CYCLE HELPS REGULATE
                                                                    GLOBAL TEMPERATURES
                                                                                                               Digestazon 8oz Ingredients: Star Anise, Carqueja, Peppermint, Boldo, Other
                                                                                                               Ingredients: purified water, pure grain alcohol.
                                                                                                               Suggested Use: Shake well before using. 1 teaspoon in a cup of pure water
                                                                                                               once or more a day as desired.

10                              Order 24/7 online at                                                                                                                             Order by phone at 1-800-835-0850 (9 am - 6 pm ET)                                                       11
Amazon Herb Autumn 2012
Amazon Herb Autumn 2012
Amazon Herb Autumn 2012
Amazon Herb Autumn 2012
Amazon Herb Autumn 2012
Amazon Herb Autumn 2012
Amazon Herb Autumn 2012
Amazon Herb Autumn 2012
Amazon Herb Autumn 2012
Amazon Herb Autumn 2012

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Amazon Herb Autumn 2012

  • 1. EW Prsrt Standard Autumn 2012 U.S. Postage Paid N Amazon Herb Company 4455 Military Trail, Suite 200 84199 Jupiter, FL 33458 MEMBER ID Please Recycle. Our Commitment to the Rainforest Amazon Herb is proud to support Indigenous Rainforest communities. Your purchase of Amazon Herb products enables us to continue our work in the Rainforest by helping to provide scholarships, obtain land titles and deeds, and securing the future of the Peruvian Rainforest. We have also formed an active partnership with the Amazon Center for Environmental Education and Research (ACEER), a not-for-profit dedicated to promoting conservation of the Amazon by fostering awareness, understanding, action, and transformation. Scan for a video on how Amazon Herb is helping to support Indigenous communities. Scan using your smart phone. Download a free QR code reader. Autumn’s Arrived! Now’s the time to get back $59 into the swing of things. BACK STRAIN, SPECIAL Special Offer: SORE MUSCLES? SAVINGS Buy a Six Pack of Camu Gold™ Help soothe away Buy a Camu Gold™ 6-Pack, and Receive a FREE Pure Camu™ pain with Recovazon™ Get Pure Camu™ FREE Camu Camu: the world’s highest Find out how PAGE 3 concentration of natural Vitamin C PAGE 7 Offer expires October 31st, 2012 at 11:59 pm ET. Camu Gold Pure Camu DISCOVER OUR ‘Amazon John’ calls it: “Pure liquid Clear Your Mind • Brighten Your Day SKIN CARE ™ sunshine to jump start your day!” USDA Certified Organic Camu Camu aids in: Our signature product helps to: • Fortify a healthy immune system • Maintaining emotional stability while enhancing your mood • Supporting anti-aging and cardiovascular health • Providing nutrition for healthy skin, hair and nails BOTANICALS • Enhance your mood and emotional stability • Flood your body with vital micronutrients Deeper Than Beauty™ Pure Camu (30 freshpacks) SEE PAGES 16-17 FREE with the purchase of Camu Gold Six Pack Camu Gold 6-Pack (1 oz. each bottle) $ 110 A $59 Savings. CALL TOLL FREE 1-800-835-0850 1-800-835-0850 •
  • 2. Welcome Our Story Welcome to our new Amazon Herb catalog! We hope For many years, John ‘Amazon John’ that you enjoy it and will pass this copy along to Easterling travelled in South America, crisscrossing the Andes Mountains, your friends and family so that we can all share in searching for lost cities and pre-Columbian the remarkable gifts of the Amazon Rainforest. civilizations. His adventurous lifestyle and early-in-life bouts of hepatitis and Rocky We have arranged our catalog by health concern— Mountain Spotted Fever, however, began to lack of energy, the need for cleansing and detoxing, The world’s highest concentration take their toll, compromising his health and muscle aches and soreness. Like other herbs, our leaving him in a state of chronic fatigue, both formulations and pure herb nutritional supplements physically and mentally. of natural Vitamin C Founder of Amazon Herb John Easterling often have more than one health application because Then, on one of his frequent trips into South and wife Olivia Newton- they are so rich in nutrients. America, local Indigenous people shared with John Easterling. him their herbal secrets of the Amazon and Take our signature products—Camu Gold™ and administered the herbs they had long used for Camu Camu helps provide essential nutrients Pure Camu™— which we are featuring this month in their restorative, nutritional, and medicinal our Special Savings Sale. Packed with the world’s properties. It was to be a turning point in his for a healthy body and mind life. In a matter of days, his energy levels and highest natural concentration of immune-boosting mental clarity had greatly improved. In fact, Vitamin C, Camu Camu catalyzes the production his ability to enjoy life to the fullest, as well of serotonin – the “feel good” hormone in the brain that controls sleep, mood, appetite and libido. as his sense of well-being and health soared. Special Offer: A few drops help wake Other nutrients found in Camu Camu, like calcium, It was after this discovery that “Amazon John” formed an exciting cooperative Buy a Camu Gold™ 6-Pack you up, keep you going phosphorus, potassium and iron, are necessary for an enterprise with health care practitioners in Tap directly into the vibrant energy of the Rainforest with energetic body and sharp mind. Recent studies have several countries to develop herbal blends and Receive a FREE Pure Camu™ Camu Gold. Forget caffeine—this highly concentrated also revealed that the fruit has a high natural source that address many of the chronic ailments of of ellagic acid and quercetin, two very modern life. From that point on, he turned $59 in Savings: liquid Camu Camu extract aids in unlocking your body’s dormant energy with just a few drops. A little taste of “Pure potent antioxidants. his efforts solely to bringing these botanical Just for you Liquid Sunshine,” made with our organic Camu Camu, will treasures of the Amazon to you, and to help keep you focused throughout the day. Our commitment to the Amazon Rainforest is finding ways to help sustain the Rainforest unwavering, as is our dedication to providing you that protects and nurtures them. Camu Gold 6-Pack (1 oz. each) $110 with its healing treasures. Among his early advocates ($138 in total if sold individually) and assisting formulators To your well-being, were Dr. James Hawver and Eric Innes. Dr. James Certified organic Camu Camu Hawver, founder and president of Standard to sip throughout the day Enzyme Company of North ‘Amazon John’ Easterling Pure Camu is a 20-to-1 concentrate of Camu Camu powder. America, Inc., is a Naturopathic Medical Founder and Explorer Doctor and has been deeply committed to the Each freshpack provides you with the recommended daily allowance of Vitamin C. natural health and nutrition fields for more than 38 years. A practitioner of Chiropractic To best enjoy the light citrus flavor and uplifting benefits of Care using nutrition and Support for the Rainforest and Wellness herbs since 1976, Eric Pure Camu, just empty your freshpack into a bottle of pure water and shake vigorously. Remember, there are no fillers Since 1990, Amazon Herb has worked directly with Rainforest Indigenous Innes, DC, employs or additives in Pure Camu. Some of the micro-nutrients or communities to create new models of prosperity and sustainability. Look for some primary procedures that minerals will remain in suspension and then slowly settle. of these success stories told throughout the catalog. We also support the Amazon combine sacro-occipital So, shake it up and sip. Center for Environmental Education and Research (ACEER), whose mission in part therapy, cranial balancing, is to bring environmental education programs to Rainforest communities. And we are applied kinesiology, contact Pure Camu FREE with Camu Gold 6-Pack proud to contribute to the Olivia Newton-John Cancer & Wellness Centre, a model for reflex analysis, nutritional incorporating the concept of wellness into cancer care, located in northeast Melbourne, A Savings of $59 balancing, diet counseling, as well as Australia. Your purchase of Amazon Herb products enables us to continue our work in meridian, chakra, and emotional balancing. the Amazon and make donations to these not-for-profit organizations. Their insights into the benefits and usage Thank you for recognizing the value of proprietary Amazon herbal blends may Offer expires October 31st, 2012 at 11:59 pm ET. be found online at of our living Rainforest and supporting Product-Spotlight-Archive.aspx. a healthy future for all. ‘Amazon John’ continues to search the Need help: Call 1-800-835-0850. Our Customer Care Experts are available 9am - 6 pm ET. Rainforest, looking for yet-to-be discovered Prices listed in this catalog are current as of the date of printing. The information in this catalog may contain errors or inaccuracies. We reserve the right to change prices, selections, update information and limit quantities without prior notice. Children, women who are pregnant or nursing If you are not completely satisfied with your products, you nutrients that can aid our health and well- and all individuals allergic to any foods or ingredients should consult their healthcare provider before using any product. You should not stop taking any medication without first consulting with a healthcare provider. To report a serious adverse event or obtain product information, contact being while helping to find ways to support 1-800-835-0850. These Statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. can return them to us within 60 days of its order date for a full refund (less shipping). We will replace any defective product a sustainable future for the Rainforest and For daily updates, contests and promotions, Follow ‘Amazon John’ on Check out our library of videos at within 30 days of order. its inhabitants. check us out on Call to order at 1-800-835-0850 or visit us online at 2 © 2012 Amazon Herb Company. All rights reserved.
  • 3. Clear You Mind. Brighten You Day. Camu Camu: The “Feal Good” Fruit Produces the highest naturally-occuring concentrated source of Vitamin C Many people are just now discovering the Help protect your skin An organic drink wonderful benefits of Camu Camu, the Add a bounce to your step from free radicals to enhance your Amazon ‘feel good’ fruit. As a pioneer in Wake up with a clear sense of purpose Outsmart the signs of aging well-being Rainforest nutrition, Amazon Herb has Put the Rainforest in your pocket and take it with Caress your skin with a topical infusion of been leading the pack, offering some of you wherever you go. Pure Camu™ is 100% Camu For the first time, the Camu Camu berry the most effective Camu Camu-based Camu Powder. Each freshpack provides you with the all-natural antioxidants. This superior anti- and select Rainforest botanicals have been recommended daily allowance of Vitamin C. This aging treatment features Camu Camu, the most products on the market. refreshing beverage provides all of Camu Camu’s life- concentrated source of naturally-occurring brought together in an organically certified blend specifically formulated to promote enhancing properties in a highly absorbable form. Vitamin C, and Sangre de Drago which is known a natural state of well-being. With every Our Camu Camu trees are organically to support skin repair and regeneration. This To best enjoy the light citrus flavor and serum penetrates deep into the skin’s surface to delicious sip, you are flooding your body grown in the Amazon basin and thrive in with life-enhancing nutrients that support a uplifting benefits of Pure Camu, just stimulate healthy collagen production and help fight the nutrient-rich biomass of the world’s empty your concentrated freshpack into a positive life experience. Learn more about the effects of aging. As a result, your skin looks this all natural, certified organic beverage on richest living ecosystem. This unique bottle of pure water and shake vigorously. younger, feels firmer, and glows just like it should. origin is one of the secrets to Camu pages 30-31. Camu’s immense healing potential. Pure Camu (30 freshpacks) $59 Camu C Serum (30 ml.) $79 ZAMU (750 ml. bottle) $40 Pure Camu 3-Pack $132 ZAMU 4-Pack $137.50 The Camu Camu berry not only delivers the most concentrated source of naturally Amazon Herb Collection Camu Camu produces the highest occurring vitamin C in the world, but also contains a wide Camu Care variety of vital micronutrients that are essentials for an In the Camu Care Pack, you’ll receive the concentrated source of Vitamin C – thirty times more than an orange, energetic body and a sharp mind. Pure Liquid Sunshine complete line of Camu Camu products. ZAMU ten times as much iron, three times Jump start your day and as much niacin, twice as much (750 ml.), Pure Camu (30 freshpacks), Camu riboflavin and fifty percent blast away afternoon blues Gold (1 oz.), and Camu C Serum (30 ml.). Essential Amino Acids found With this pack, you are providing yourself more phosphorus. Tap directly into the vibrant energy of the in Camu Camu with the best nutrients available for healthy Rainforest with Camu Gold™. Unlike other Perhaps the most important micronutrients found in energy-enhancing products, Camu Gold isn’t skin, hair and nails, as well as its mood- Camu Camu, Amino Acids cannot be manufactured by loaded with caffeine or synthetic vitamins. It’s just enhancing effects. Add a Camu Gold booster, to maximize results. our body and cannot be stored for later use. Therefore, highly concentrated Camu Camu. You’ll feel its they must be supplied everyday in the foods we eat. immediate wave of smooth, natural energy that Leucine: Increases production of growth hormones. will keep you focused throughout the day. Deficiencies may result in fatigue and irritability. It’s easy to share, easy to carry, and fun for the ZAMU Ingredients: Camu Camu, Acai, Camu Gold Ingredients: Organic Camu Pure Camu Ingredients: Organic Camu Sold Individually Sold in Pack You Save Cacao, Cinnamon, Pinapple, Mango, Sangre Camu Concentrate. Other Ingredients: Camu Powder. De Drago. Vegetable Glycerin Suggested Use: Empty the contents of 1 Serine: Supports proper functioning of the brain and whole family. The delicious tart flavor is enjoyed Pack Price $201 $169 $32 Suggested Use: Enjoy 2 ounces twice a Suggested Use: 1 ml. (20 Drops) twice a freshpack into a bottle of water, shake nervous system. May benefit memory, sociability, by both kids and adults. day or as desired. Best served cold. day or as desired. vigorously. Can also be blended in a juice With Booster $224 $179 $45 or smoothie. and alertness. Valine: Used as an energy source in muscles. Promotes Camu Gold Liquid (1 oz.) $23 mental vigor and calms emotions. Camu Gold 6-Pack $110 Direct from the Source to You: Camu Gold 12-pack $198 Sustainable Harvesting of Camu Camu at our fields in Peru The Choice to Plant Nourished by the Vital Nutrients Harvesting Quality Drying Bringing it To ensure Amazon River Not found in Any Camu Camu Process Home to You an ongoing Our Camu Camu Other Source New trees take 6 to 8 After harvest, the Camu Camu is used consistent supply trees are grown on As the floodwaters years to first produce fresh Camu Camu in many Amazon for generations, the banks of a lagoon recede, the soil and fruit. Once it begins fruits are transported Herb products for its Amazon Herb in the Amazon nutrients from of the fruiting is quite by boat to Amazon’s variety of benefits planted over 28,000 floodplain and during the world’s richest abundant, with two state of the art both inside and Camu Camu trees the rainy season living ecosystem is or more harvests drying facility. out. The highest in the nutrient-rich are completely redeposited. From per year. Often this Here the seeds are concentration of soil of the Amazon underwater for this soil, the Camu will be done by boat removed and the Camu Camu is Basin. almost 4 months out Camu trees are during high waters. fruit dried under found in the products of the year. able to pull the minerals they need to produce carefully controlled conditions and temperatures shown on this page. a natural density of vitamins, amino acids and to ensure all the nutrients stay intact. other nutrients. 4 Order by phone at 1-800-835-0850 (9 am - 6 pm ET) 60-day money back guarantee 5
  • 4. Bounce back more Testimonial Wow! Recovazon is Recover and Rebuild such a gift to my poor, tired back and feet. I’ve discovered that after a long day two quickly from physical Recovazons take away the weariness, muscle aches and back pain and mental exhaustion Don’t let muscle soreness and achy joints hold you back for me. Thank you True recovery works from within Nutrients from the Amazon can aid rapid recovery Amazon Herb, for this terrific help with The term “recovery” can be used in many ways: recovery from an accident, Be as active as you like, as often as you want. Brazil to relieve pain and swelling, and Dong such a chronic, long- from a strenuous workout, from a surgery or an intense period of stress. With Recovazon™, you’ll help give your body Quai, which has been used for ages in China, standing issue. the natural boost it needs to recover from Korea and Japan as an overall strengthening For proper recovery from stress, either physical or emotional, the body muscle soreness and joint discomfort. So plant that supports the whole body. In addition, Jana S, Tucson, AZ invariably needs good lymphatic circulation to eliminate debris from the whether you’ve been working out, working Manaca is known to simulate lymphatic tissues, good blood circulation to delivery nutrients, anti-inflammatory and hard or playing hard, Recovazon will help you circulation, while Dalergia Wood and Aquilaria antioxidant nutrition, and good hormonal balance to assist in the rebuilding recover faster. assist in blood circulation. Unique anti- inflammatory properties can also be found in of muscles and tissues. The Recover and Rebuild Pack helps you do just that. With its exclusive combination of 13 the herbs, Iporuru and Samambaia. key botanicals, Recovazon helps reduce the formation of oxidative compounds that can Recovazon (90 ct.) $59 cause sore muscles and joints. This synergistic blend includes Tayuya, historically used in Recovazon Liquid (8 oz.) $59 Help your body avoid environmental impurities Clear your body of toxins and rebuild you defense system Recovizon Ingredients: Dong Quai, Aquilaria, Safflower, Tangerine Peel, On the spot muscle relief Today we are constantly exposed to pollutants and toxins of all Samambaia, Sarsaparilla, Bitter Orange, Our thick topical gel provides Iporuru Bitter Orange, Dalbergia Wood, Peach kinds. Envirozon™ assists the body’s natural ability to cleanse and seed, Manaca, Tayuya, Iporuru, Una de deep penetration to enhance treatment The bark of the Iporuru restore balance after exposure to environmental impurities. Its strong Gato, Other Ingredients: 90 ct vegetable shrub is truly a treasure When joint and muscle discomfort or skin At home or on the go, Recovazon Topical Gel glycerin, vegetable cellulose (capsule) or antioxidant properties are particularly important to liver function, 8 oz purified water, pure grain alcohol. of the Amazon. It can which is key to overall cleansing and detoxification of the body. Suggested Use: Take 1-3 capsules a irritations strike, call Recovazon Topical Gel™ is the natural solution for adults, children and only be harvested in day as desired to maintain or accelerate well-being. to the rescue. We took Recovazon’s healing pets. It provides fast, soothing, temporary relief the dry season when its Envirozon’s Rainforest botanicals include Jurubeba, Chanca Piedra, Suggested Use 8oz: Shake well before Rainforest botanicals and added a special for joint and muscle soreness, backaches, sports ingredients turn active. and Uña de Gato. Jurubeba facilitates the body’s ability to reduce toxic using. 1 teaspoon in a cup of pure water combination of Aloe Vera and Essential Oil of injuries and more. Keep a tube on hand in your Used by the Indigenous Birch. The outcome: a topical gel that supplies medicine cabinet, car, purse, gym bag, back once or more a day as desired. excesses. Chanca Piedra fortifies the body’s natural filtering organs people of Peru for while stimulating the defense system. Uña de Gato’s reputation as an Recovazon Gel Ingredients: Aloe Vera, all of the benefits of liquid Recovazon while pack, suitcase and desk drawer. relieving symptoms of overall cleansing agent is well known and documented. Dong Quai, Samambaia, Sarsaparilla, offering a thicker consistency for enhanced osteoarthritis. It helps Tangerine Peel, Aquilaria, Safflower, penetration. Its non-greasy, fast-absorbing Recovazon Topical Gel $23 to increase flexibility in Manaca, Peach seed, Dalbergia Wood, Envirozon (90 ct.) $59 formula glides on the skin with ease. It supports movement and range of Bitter Orange, Tayuya, Iporuru, Una de Gato, Essential Oil of Birch. healthy mobility and range of motion by targeting (2 oz. tube) motion. Its benefits come Envirozon Liquid (8 oz.) $59 Suggested Use: Apply topically to affected area twice a day or as desired. the specific areas of your body that require help. from applying it either internally in the case of Envirozon Ingredients: Jurubeba, Chanca Piedra, Alfalfa, Artichoke, Boldo, Una de Gato, Other Ingredients: 90 ct vegetable glycerin, vegetable cellulose (capsule) or 8 oz purified water, pure grain alcohol. Recovazon or externally in Recovazon Gel. Suggested Use: Take 1-3 capsules a day as desired to maintain or accelerate well-being. Suggested Use 8oz: Shake well before using. 1 teaspoon in a cup of pure water once or more a day as desired. Providing you the antioxidants Digestazon Plus helps you need to recover faster stop joint inflammation Pure Camu delivers key antioxidants, like Ellagic Sufficient levels of digestive herbs and enzymes Acid and Quercetin. Ellagic Acid is known to are necessary to ensure proper protein metabolism. Lifestyle Tip Amazon Herb Collection activate the cell receptor sites in your body to help If the body isn’t digesting proteins efficiently, it may Allow sufficient Recovery and Rebuild eliminate free radical damage and remove toxins. cannibalize them from joint surfaces. Digestazon Plus time for recovery, Quercetin is known to increase the production provides the required nutrients and helps stop joint rest, and relaxation With the Recovery and Rebuild Wellness of both collagen and fibronectin, two substances inflammation as a result. before stressing Pack, you will receive everything you need necessary to keep the joints and skin healthy. the affected area(s). to help alleviate and recover from physical To find out more about all the benefits of Camu Digestive enzymes are also used to manage inflammation associated with Keep tender muscles and emotional stress. The full line contains: Camu, go to pages 4-5. injuries and bruises and help to accelerate recovery after exercise. When mobile, however, Recovazon and Envirozon (both 90 ct), Pure bruising or tearing of tissues occurs, blood vessels are broken down and by stretching and Camu (30 freshpacks) and Recovazon Gel Envirozon (90 ct.) $59 debris accumulates, which causes inflammation. Digestive enzymes, like exercising lightly. (2 oz). Add Digestazon Plus (90 ct) as your those found in Digestazon Plus, help to break down this debris and assist Remember to eat Envirozon Liquid (8 oz.) $59 is tissue regeneration. For a closer look at Digestazon, go to page 11. booster product to aid in healthy to aid tissue digestive support and to Sold Individually Sold in Pack You Save repair. facilitate the break down Pack Price $200 $169 $31 Digestazon Plus (90 ct.) $32 of proteins, lipids and Digestazon Plus (270 ct.) $72 carbohydrates. With Booster $232 $179 $53 Digestazon Liquid (8 oz.) $59 6 Order 24/7 online at Call a Customer Care Expert at 1-800-835-0850 7
  • 5. Cleansing and Detox Put your sluggish system back on track the natural way Eliminating toxins will help you feel better, look better and live better Many health challenges begin in the colon. That’s why we need to understand how important proper elimination is to optimal health. For our bodies to function properly, they need to digest nutrients and eliminate waste. Excess waste build-up can collect and putrefy, causing a congested colon. Research has shown that over 65 different health issues facing us today are due to toxic colons. The Colon Cleansing Solution Start feeling lighter today Detox the Right Way Works like an intestinal broom to by eliminating constipation, Take a look at the box to your right. Benefits of Colon Cleansing cleanse and eliminate toxins gently If you answered “yes” to any of these gas and bloating Do you have? Do you want? Fiberzon™ is a synergistic blend of fibers and The benefits of Fiberzon in challenges, then it is time to start a botanicals recognized for centuries for their • Sluggishness • Improved Alertness healthy cleansing regime that will get • Fatigue • Increased Energy cleansing properties. As an internal cleansing an easy-to-take capsule you back on track. Amazon Herb has • Constipation • Proper Elimination program, this special formula blends 15 organic Fiberzon Plus™ capsules contain a gentle, yet more created a completely natural detoxing • Bloating • Fewer Toxins Rainforest herbs to support the body’s intestinal aggressive formulation than Fiberzon powder. It is • Gas • Improved Digestion hygiene, which is paramount to optimal health. program that provides quick results. especially appropriate for those who prefer capsules • Weight Gain • Weight Loss Fiberzon works like an intestinal broom to gently It gently stimulates elimination, • Brain Fog • Mental Clarity cleanse and eliminate unwanted waste. Designed to a fiber drink. It has the same synergistic blend of organic Rainforest herbs with the addition of cleansing the colon and purging • Heavy Feeling • Lighter Feeling as a detoxifying, energizing, and revitalizing Rhubarb Root, which helps encourage regular bowel harmful toxins from the body. • Bad Breath • Fresh Breath program, each bottle contains a one-month supply. movements and cleansing. This balanced formula You’ll feel lighter and more alert • Bad Skin • Clear Skin Fiberzon is a powdered formula that can be mixed • Headaches • Clear Mind Fiberzon should be a main with water, juice or in your favorite smoothie. addresses all areas of the elimination system. Special with a sense of renewed energy. staple of everyone’s diet to It is recommended as an on-going program for Rainforest herbs, like Sangre de Drago, help nurture a healthy lining of the stomach and intestines; stimulate If your answer is “Yes,” stay healthy and regular. daily cleansing. liver function, and support healthy colon activity to consider a colon cleansing program. I recommend this routinely help eliminate toxins from the body. in my practice. Fiberzon (500 grams) $43 Dr. James Hawver Fiberzon Mint (500 grams) $43 Fiberzon Plus (90 ct.) $34 Naturopathic MD Fiberzon Plus (270 ct.) $89 Amazon Herb Collection Flush your body of toxins Cleanse and Detox with a delicious cup of tea Combine the positive effects from each product The complete pack contains: Fiberzon Mint (500 in this completely natrual cleanse and detox grams), Treasure Tea (40 bags), Fiberzon Plus Rainforest Treasure Tea™ contains herbs like I am impressed with how well Fiberzon Plus Chanca Piedra that stimulate kidney function, program and get yourself back on track. You can and Envirozon (both 90 ct.), and Camu Gold. an important organ of detoxification, Una de works in softening the stool and making help your body naturally rid itself of accumulated Add Digestzon Plus (90 ct.) as your booster Fiberzon & Fiberzon Mint Ingredients: Psyllium, Hibiscus, Licorice, Gato that provides strong antioxidant nutrition elimination easy. This is an effective formula. waste material in the colon and intestines. to help break down proteins and cleanse the I’m excited about this because many of my Fennugreek, Flax Seed, Boldo, Slippery Elm, Oat Bran, Una de Gato, Artichoke, to assist detoxification, and Jatoba that helps digestive tract. Ouebra Pedra (Chanca Piedra), Camu Camu, Jotoba, Papaya, Sangre de Drago, Other Ingredients: Mint Flavor (in Mint formula only). cleanse the blood. For more information on clients request a simple capsule solution for both Rainforest Treasure and Matte Tea, go to Suggested Use: For best results vigorously blend 1 scoop of Fiberzon with 8 oz of pure, cool water or 4 oz of non-acidic juice and 4 oz of pure water. In addition, their cleansing and detox needs. drink 8-10 glasses of pure water a day. pages 20-21. Sold Individually Sold in Pack You Save John Terrusa Fiberzon Plus Ingredients: Rhubarb Root, Psyllium, Sangre de Drago, Boldo, Rainforest Treasure Tea (20 tea bags) $16.50 Licensed Colon Therapist Pack Price $186 $159 $27 Una de Gato, Camu Camu, Hibiscus, Licorice, Fennugreek, Flax Seed, Slippery Elm, Oat Bran, Ouebra Pedra (Chanca Piedra), Artichoke, Jatoba, Papaya. Rainforest Treasure Tea (40 tea bags) $27 With Booster $218 $169 $49 Suggested Use: Take 1-2 capsules a day with an 8 oz glass of water in the morning, before bedtime or with a meal. Rainforest Treasure Tea (200 tea bags) $149 More on Cleansing and Detox, next page 8 60-day money back guarantee Call a Customer Care Expert at 1-800-835-0850 for help with your order. 9
  • 6. Cleansing and Detox Now you can enjoy your food – without feeling full Two formulations available, Digestazon Plus with extra enzymes Our Digestazon™ formulas—Digestazon Liquid Digestazon Plus and Digestazon Plus—blend the most widely contains nine extra used plants from the Amazon that are known for digestive enzymes, their beneficial effects on digestion. which help prepare the food in the stomach and A poor digestive system can contribute to ease digestion. They inflammation, the source of many health facilitate the breakdown issues. Improperly digested food particles of proteins, lipids, and can, at times, stimulate the immune system, carbohydrates so that Chanca Piedra Don’t let environmental Testimonials which recognizes them as foreign matter. The food particles may Translated in Spanish means “stone breaker” result: Immune complexes - combinations of be properly absorbed or “shatter stone.” It has been used for impurities slow you down I started taking Digestazon Plus during antibodies and food particles bound together - into the blood stream. generations by Indigenous people of the my meals and I feel great. I no longer experience that heavy, bloated feeling may form without an actual infection to combat. Improperly digested Amazon as an effective remedy for gall Envirozon™ assists the body’s natural ability to like I ate too much. I have always had They circulate in the blood and, eventually, food, on the other stones, kidney stones and other kidney- related cleanse and restore balance after exposure to trouble with digestion but now I don’t are caught in tissue where they can trigger hand, may cause problems. Also used as a digestive aid, Chanca environmental impurities. This formula contains have to be concerned with having an inflammation. If they make their way to joints, toxins to build up in your body, resulting in Piedra supports liver function and helps Jurubeba, which stimulates liver function. The upset stomach after evey meal. they can also trigger a form of arthritis or gas, constipation, and bloating. Other side eliminate colitis and intestinal parasites while traditional use is for digestive upset due to over- another type of inflammation. effects of poor digestion include weight gain, maintaining a healthy cholesterol metabolism. indulgence in food or alcohol. The Rainforest herb Susan C., West Palm Beach, FL Boldo prevents re-absorption of detoxification by- sleeplessness, fatigue, and even bad skin and Found in: Fiberzon, Envirozon, Treasure Tea. Properly digested food, then, helps play a products and is a strong antioxidant. Discover more bad breath. critical role in good health. Some of the herbs about Envirozon on pages 6-7. found in the Digestazon basic formulation All my life I lived with many food and Digestazon also helps clean the digestive track include Carqueja, Boldo, and Star Anise. while aiding digestion. It is available in liquid Boldo Envirozon (90 ct.) $59 enironmental allergies. When I started Carqueja supports the healthy functioning only. Digestazon Plus, with added enzymes, Contains an antioxidant called boldine, which taking the Amazon herbs, especially Envirozon Liquid (8 oz.) $59 of both the stomach and intestinal system. comes in capsules. is used to treat symptoms of liver and bowel Envirozon, I was amazed at my ability Boldo helps promote good health through the dysfunction including constipation, gas, to function in environments I never urinary and digestives systems by stimulating Digestazon Plus (90 ct.) $32 and poor digestion. It acts as a tonic for the could before. waste elimination. Originally used in ancient organism and helps combat weakness and Judy T., Grants Pass, OR Egypt, Star Anise encourages overall Digestazon Plus (270 ct.) $72 dizziness often associated with a congested The Amazon digestive comfort. Digestazon Liquid (8 oz.) $59 colon. Found in: Fiberzon and Envirozon. Hydrological Cycle The immuno-requlatory capacity of THE AMAZON RELEASES Camu Gold is like nothing I’ve ever seen. I have tested this product on 3 20,000,000,000 differenet auto-immune cases and I must say: This is amazing stuff! Help fight off bacteria with Camu Gold™ Along with its high Vitamin C content, Camu Gold also helps provide essential Jatoba TONS OF MOISTURE INTO THE ATMOSPHERE EVERY DAY Dr. Jeff Essen, Naturopath amino acids like Leucine, Serine, and Valine, which in combination assist in Known to help decongest the urinary tract boosting the immune system, producing antibodies to fight off bacteria, viruses and is used to reduce bladder inflammation MOISTURE and other pathogens. For more on the benefits of Camu Gold, turn to page 4-5. (cystitis) and prostate infections. The bark, THAT HELPS leaves and resin of Jatoba have been shown FEED THE Camu Gold Liquid (1 oz.) $23 to have strong antifungal and antimicrobial WORLD Digestazon Plus Ingredients: Star Anise, Carqueja, Peppermint, Boldo, Camu Gold 6-Pack $110 properties. In folk medicine, Jatoba has a long IN THE FORM OF Plant Enzyme Blend: Amylase, Protease 4.5, Invertase, CereCalase (Phytase, history of use by the Indigenous people of the RAINFALL Hemicellulase, Beta-glucanase), Bromelain, Lipase, Glucoamylase, Peptidase FP, Camu Gold 12-pack $198 Malt Diastase, Other Ingredients: vegetable cellulose. Amazon Rainforest to treat diarrhea. Found in: Suggested Use: 1 or 2 capsules with meals or as desired. Fiberzon and Treasure Tea. THIS HYDROLOGIC CYCLE HELPS REGULATE GLOBAL TEMPERATURES Digestazon 8oz Ingredients: Star Anise, Carqueja, Peppermint, Boldo, Other Ingredients: purified water, pure grain alcohol. Suggested Use: Shake well before using. 1 teaspoon in a cup of pure water once or more a day as desired. 10 Order 24/7 online at Order by phone at 1-800-835-0850 (9 am - 6 pm ET) 11