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State of the Net
essential eBusiness intelligence for Irish managers                                                                              

A quarterly bulletin on online activity in Ireland                          ISSN: 1649                                                     issue 18 Autumn 2010

Media habits change - and budgets follow
                                  which rely on media, traditional       The big                    Publishers’ ranks in Apple App Store for Ireland
                                  and digital, to build their brands     question for
                                  and transmit their marketing or        media is:
                                  communications messages.               who pays                                                      Top paid media apps
                                                                         for online
                                  Advertising follows audience –         content?
                                  advertising budgets in Ireland         Not us, say                                                   20
                                  are already on the move from           Irish online
                                  traditional to digital media.          audiences.
                                  Digital accounts for 10% of            A resounding                                                  27
                                  total advertising spend but            88% of Irish
                                  if trends across Europe, as            people
                                  evidenced by IAB research, are         are not                                                       47
                                  a barometer that figure could          prepared
  Aileen O’Toole,                 double over the coming years.          to pay
  Managing Director,                                                     for online                                                    Top free media apps
  AMAS                              Nowhere is the shift in media        content,
                                    behaviour more pronounced            according to
                                    than with news content:              international                                                 1
Irish audiences are                   • Want to catch the 9pm            research
consuming more media                  news bulletin when you’re          conducted
across a varied range of              not at home? No need to set        by KPMG. This                                                 2
platforms, formats and                the DVD player. Just log on to     reflects similar studies
technologies. The internet            the RTÉ Player, as thousands       internationally, which
is changing the Irish media           of viewers do each month           show a marked                                                 22
landscape, with profound              to catch the TV programmes         reluctance to pay for
implications for media                they miss                          the type of content
organisations and audiences.          • Need to catch the latest         that traditional                                              24
Greater and increasingly              news headlines when on the         publishers, such as
free media choices may                move? No need to switch            newspapers, offer.
be a positive, the argument           on the radio, or fire up your                                                                    26
goes, but the internet may            laptop to log on to a news         Yet there does not
                                                                                                        © AMAS graphic (

result in the dumbing down            website. Instead, use your         seem to be a similar
of content, with quality              iPhone and access the              reluctance to part with                                       28
journalism being the casualty.        headlines and the stories          cash to buy high-end
                                      through one of the many            gadgets or apps to
Far from being an insider             dozens of news or media apps       provide mobile access                                         30
debate, what’s happening              • Want not only to read the        to news content. Irish
in media is important to              news, but to contribute to         consumer demand
businesses and organisations          a debate about a breaking          for iPhones, iPads                                            42
                                                 story? You can          and other must-
             Paid content Ireland          UK    still “call Joe” or     have gadgets is
                                                 write a letter to       phenomenal –               Source: Apple’s App store for Ireland,
                                                 a newspaper             queues form outside        accessed on 31 August 2010
             Yes - all            2%       7%
                                                 editor. But             mobile phone shops
                                                                                                              among Irish iPhone users. News
                                                 increasingly you’re     on foot of rumours that a
             Yes - some          10%      12%                                                                 apps from three traditional
                                                 likely to join the      stock of iPhone 4s has landed.
                                                                                                              news organisations – The Irish
                                                 conversation about      There is no official data on the
                                                                                                              Times, The Guardian and The
             No                  88%      81%    that big story of the   number of iPhones in use, but
                                                                                                              Irish Independent – are in the
                                                 day on Facebook,        informed estimates put it at
                                                                                                              top 50 paid apps for Ireland on
Source: KPMG, Consumers and Convergence IV, Twitter and a galaxy         around 350,000 and climbing.
                                                                                                              Apple’s App Store. The once-
July 2010. Global survey covering 22 countries.  of other sites where
                                                                                                              off costs of these apps is
Data is based on a sample of 300 respondents in news is shared and       News apps – both free and
Ireland and 410 respondents in the UK            discussed.              paid – are proving popular           continued on page 5

Compiled by AMAS in association with the Irish Internet Association
1. Digital advertising                                                                                                                                                 Online advertising in Europe
2010 marks a watershed for digital advertising
in Ireland, with the publication of the first study                                                Greece
from IAB Ireland/PricewaterhouseCoopers.                                                                                            Austria
Digital advertising was worth €97.2 million in                                          14%                                                             Poland
2009, or 10.3% of the Irish advertising market.                                         12%                             Turkey
With advertising spend suffering a 20% fall
                                                             Year-on-year growth 2009

in 2009, digital is proving to be more resilient                                        10%                                                            Finland
                                                                                                                           Ireland Spain
than other categories.                                                                  8%                                                                   Germany
                                                                                                                                                                                               United Kingdom
Search – predominately Google AdWords                                                   6%                                 Italy                                           Sweden
– was the dominant format, accounting for                                               4%
                                                                                                                                        Belguim                               Netherlands
46.2% of online advertising spend, followed by                                                              Slovenia
classifieds (27.2%) and display (26.6%). A variety                                      2%
of formats, including email, sponsorships and                                           0%

affiliates, are included in the display category.                                             0%            5%             10%                15%                20%           25%             30%            35%
                                                                                        -2%                            Croatia
Property, recruitment and motoring were the                                                                                                                                                  Online Market Share
                                                                                        -4%         Romania
                                                                                                                         Slovakia                                              © AMAS graphic (
Irish online advertising breakdown                                                      -6%
                                   © AMAS graphic (
                                                                                              Sources: IAB Europe, AdEx 2009 Internet advertising spending in Europe. IAB
   Auto                                                                                       Ireland and PwC, Online Adspend Study 2009
     Auto                           7%          9%
   Telco                         2%
                                     7%          9%                                           biggest spenders, accounting for 45%                           tested methodology across all markets.
   Retail                     6% 2%
     Retail                    6%                                                             of digital advertising spend.
   FMCG                                                                                                                                                      Equivalent IAB research in other
   Travel                                                 20%                                 Why is this study so important? Many                           markets has accelerated the growth
     Travel                                                                                   large advertisers, notably global                              in online advertising, at the expense
   Govt/Public sector       25%
     Govt/Public sector      25%                                                              brands, tend not to commit budgets                             of traditional media. More mature
   Recruitment/Property                                                                       without industry-recognised data.                              markets, such as the UK and the
     Recruitment/Property                                9%                                   And that’s what they’re getting –                              Nordic countries, are reporting online
   Ent & Media                                            9%
     Ent & Media                                                                              the reconstituted IAB Ireland is                               advertising market shares in excess
   Technology                                 5%                                              part of a network of similar industry                          of 20%. Expect the next IAB Ireland
   Other                            3%5% 10% 5%                                               bodies internationally while Price-                            study, for the first half of 2010, to start
     Other                             5% 10%                                                 waterhouseCoopers uses a tried and                             plotting that growth curve.

2. Broadband                                                                                          1,600,000

                                                                                                                         Broadband growth
A new high point has been reached in Irish broadband
                                                                                                      1,400,000                                                                             1,443,350
adoption, with the number of subscribers exceeding                                                                                                                    1,305,035
1.5 million for the first time. ComReg data for quarter                                                1,300,000                                               1,272,166
one of 2010 reveals that broadband demand has                                                                                                           1,200,255
not been dented by the economic downturn, with                                                         1,200,000                              1,125,000
quarterly growth at 4.6% and annual growth at 19.3%.                                                  1,100,000
                                                                                                                        992,000                                                © AMAS graphic (
Mobile is the fastest growing platform, accounting for                                                1,000,000
one in three of all broadband subscriptions. Year-on-
year, mobile subscriptions grew by 47.2% with the rate of
                                                                                                                         Q1 08      Q2 08      Q3 08      Q4 08 Q1 09 Q2 09 Q3 09 Q4 09 Q1 10
growth tapering off. The quarter one number translates
into an increase of 9.7% on a quarter-by-quarter basis.                                                                Source: ComReg Quarterly Key Data Report, July 2010
Top Trends

 2010                             2009
                                                3. Digital                                      2010                             2009

 1                  Sweden             2                                                        16                 Japan              22

 2                  Denmark            1                                                        17                 Ireland            18

 3                  United States      5                                                        18                 Germany            17

 4                  Finland            10                                                       19                 Switzerland        12

 5                  Netherlands        3                                                        20                 France             15

 6                  Norway             4                                                        21                 Belgium            20

 7                  Hong Kong          8                                                        22                 Bermuda            21

 8                  Singapore          7                                                        23                 Malta              23

 9                  Australia          6                                                        24                 Spain              25

 10                 New Zealand 11                                                              25                 Estonia            24

 11                 Canada             9                                                        26                 Israel             27

 12                 Taiwan             16                                                       27                 Italy              26

 13                 South Korea        19                                                       28                 Portugal           28
                                                © AMAS graphic (
 14                 UK                 13                                                       29                 Slovenia           29
                                                Source: Economist Intelligence Unit,
 15                 Austria            14       digital economy rankings, June 2010             30                 Chile              30

At last, an international economic              cultural and legal environment – to arrive    the 70 countries covered. This heading
indicator that has some good news for           at the scoreboard. Over the ten years it      measures successful implementation and
Ireland. The Economist Intelligence Unit        has been tracking digital activity, the EIU   evaluates “the amount that businesses
(EIU) ranks Ireland in 17th place in a global   has made changes to keep pace with            and consumers spend on accessing ICT
scoreboard of digital economic activity.        developments, for instance factoring          services, the extent and range of internet
That’s one place ahead on the previous          the share of fibre optic access lines into    features used by individuals, their online
year’s score, within a whisker of the           its broadband scores and looking at 3G        purchasing activity, and the extent to
UK’s ranking (14) and ahead of leading          and 4G mobile subscriptions to arrive at a    which individuals and businesses use the
European economies such as Germany              score for mobile adoption.                    online public services that have been
(18) and France (20).                                                                         made available.”
                                                A breakdown of Ireland’s scorings
The EIU uses a number of measures –             under the various EIU categories is           This stellar result compensated for other
connectivity, infrastructure, consumer          revealing. In one category, “consumer         categories, such as government policy and
and business adoption, government               and business adoption,” Ireland made          the legal environment, where the Irish scores
policy, as well as the business, social,        it to the premier league – ranking 8th of     were lower than Ireland’s overall average.

        the opportunity to win online
4. eCommerce                                                                                                                            20%
                                                                                                                                                                       Purchasing behaviour

Not every business can sell its goods or services online                                                                     12%
but, increasingly, more and more purchasing decisions
are being researched or influenced online.
                                                                                               Technology                                            32%
Up to now the evidence has been mainly anecdotal.                                                                                 15%
A consumer walks into a store, tries on a pair of jeans,                                                                                      26%
notes the details and buys the jeans in an online store.
                                                                                               Media, Ents                                          31%
Another reads reviews about new smartphones on
gadget websites, makes a shortlist, visits a physical                                                                   6%
phone shop, tests the shortlisted phones and buys one.
A third reads reviews on TripAdvisor, compares prices
                                                                                                     Finance                                      27%
on a range of sites before using a deals website to
secure the best rate for a weekend break.                                                                                   10%
                      Research offline, purchase online                                                                                                                          49%
The Consumer Confidence Barometer tracks the
                                                                                                        Retail                         19%
consumer journey from research through offline
                      Research online, purchase to purchase.                                                                                                                          20%
The research was commissioned by Google and IAB                                                                                                                                         23%
Europe, and carried out by market research agency
                      Research online, purchase online                                                                  1%                               Travel                                                                        68

                                                                                                                                                  27%                  © AMAS graphic (
TNS. It questioned 2,000 Irish consumers about their                                                                                                                     12%
shopping habits.                                                                               Automotive                   8%                                                                                              54%
                                                                                                                                                    Technology                                    32%

It shows marked differences in purchasing behaviours                                                                   0%                                                        15%
across different sectors. Unsurprisingly, travel is the                                                                               18%                                                         31%
                                                                                                                                                    Media, Ents
sector where there is the greatest level of online                                       FMCG, healthcare              4%
research leading to online purchasing.                                                                                                                                 6%
                                                                                                                   0             10          20         30
                                                                                                                                                        Finance        40                  50   27%        60          70
What websites or online resources influence consumers?
The Irish research show a similar pattern across all sectors,                               Research offline, purchase online      Source: Consumer Commerce Barometer,                                               49%
with search being dominant (73% to 79% depending on                                                                                which covered 25 countries and 36 product
                                                                                                                                                    Retail     19%
                                                                                            Research online, purchase offline
the sector), followed by manufacturer websites (44% to                                                                             categories, Irish data based on a sample of
55%) and social media sites (21 – 25%)                                                      Research online, purchase online       2,000, data compiled April 2010 27%
                                                                                                                                                    Automotive             8%

                                                                       5. Social media
     Facebook users in Ireland                                                                                                                                                       18%
                                                                                                                                              FMCG, healthcare        4%

                                                                                                                                                                  0             10         20         30         40         50    60

                                                                       Love it, loathe it, can’t ignore it.                           network and to share favourite internet
                                                                       Facebook is changing online behaviour                          content, from YouTube videos to news
                                        © AMAS graphic (

                                                                       and is becoming a powerful marketing                           stories. Internationally, Facebook is closing
                                                                       and communications channel (but not                            the traffic gap with Google. Facebook was
                                                                       one that suits all brands).                                    ranked as the number one website in June
                                                                                                                                      in the US, Canada, New Zealand, Singapore
                                                                       The number of Irish registered users on                        and Hong Kong, according to website traffic
                                                                       Facebook was 1.7 million in August                             data gathered by Experian Hitwise.
                                                                       2010, four times what it was at the
                                                                       start of 2009. An active Irish user is                         Social networking sites such as Facebook
                                                                       likely to be on the site every day,                            are winning a greater share of advertising
                                                                       increasingly accessing Facebook                                budgets, with campaigns being organised
                                                                       over a mobile phone rather than a                              globally but using local content to reach
Source: Facebook, Jan 2009 - Aug 2010                                  PC, and using the site to socialise,                           and engage customers in specific markets.

Top Trends

continued from front page
less than the price of a skinny latte –    There is an expectation that                          Estimated newspaper revenue declines (2007-09)
€1.59, €2.99 and €2.39 respectively –      established media organisations                          %      -0      -5            -10        -15    -20        -25   -30                                  -35
and must be considered good value          with strong franchises in their
                                                                                                   USA                                                                -30
against the cost of one printed daily      respective markets will reinvent
                                                                                                     UK                                                 -21
newspaper (€1.80, €1 and €1.80).           themselves in the digital age.
                                                                                               Greece                                                  -20
                                                                                                   Italy                                             -18
There is a healthy demand, too,            As for quality journalism, new
                                                                                              Canada                                               -17
for free apps which are being              collaborative forms of investigative
                                                                                                 Spain                                            -16
used by traditional and online             journalism are emerging through
                                                                                                Turkey                                            -16
publishers to boost website traffic        the internet. Citizen journalism
                                                                                                 Japan                                         -15
and engagement. Ironically, the            means that authentic video, audio
                                                                                         New Zealand                                         -13
top free app, from Sky, comes              and other content from a warzone
                                                                                               Poland                                     -11
from the same stable as the                or the scene of a humanitarian
                                                                                               Ireland                                  -10
newspapers that are trying to              disaster gets to our screens (TV,
                                                                                            Germany                                     -10
pioneer paid online newspaper              PC, mobile) within hours. New
                                                                                             Hungary                               -9
content (Rupert Murdoch’s News             audiences are being found for
                                                                                              Norway                             -8
International) – with less than            “long form” journalism – powerful,
                                                                                          Switzerland                            -8
convincing results.                        well-written features from the likes
                                                                                             Belgium                             -8
                                           of Vanity Fair – through Twitter and
It would be foolish, though, to write      a range of other sites.                             Finland                          -7

                                                                                                                                                                          © AMAS graphic (
off traditional media, particularly                                                           Sweden                            -7
newspapers. International studies,         How this will all play out in terms of            Portugal                           -7
such as the most recent from               audience behaviour and the very                       Korea                     -6
the OECD, don’t sugar-coat the             survival of many traditional media          Czech Republic                      -6
facts – newspaper circulations are         organisations, is too difficult to call.       Netherlands                      -6
in decline globally, advertising           One thing is sure – as new media                 Denmark                        -6
revenues are under threat and new          patterns emerge, the churn and                      Mexico                    -5
business models need to emerge.            the change will continue.                            France              -4
                                                                                             Australia            -3
Source: OECD, the evolution of news and the internet, June 2010
                                                                                               Austria          -2
(graph includes both online and offline revenues of traditional newspapers)

                                       New skills will be ‘engine room’
                                       For Irish businesses too, there        Training and Prosperity                            their business, helping it to
                                       is a critical need for managers        Recruitment, has identified                        become more efficient and
                                       to learn or refresh their skills       the core skills for this                           more profitable.
                                       for a knowledge based                  professional discipline.
                                       economy, particularly in                                                                  The modules cover topics
    Joan Mulvihill                     fast-growing areas such                Our new Diploma in Digital                         such as digital marketing
    CEO, Irish Internet Association    as eCommerce, social net-              Marketing includes a FETAC                         strategy, search engine
                                       working and mobile internet.           accreditation (level 5 minor                       optimisation, online
  In today’s rapidly changing                                                 award) for participants                            advertising, mobile web,
  digital landscape, upskilling        Online marketing will                  who successfully complete                          website analytics, social
  and reskilling are very much         play an essential role                 a digital marketing plan,                          media, online PR and
  the order of the day. For            in leveraging these                    search engine assignment                           digital trends. Gareth
  individuals, this is reflected in    new applications and                   and research plan.                                 Dunlop (Ion Online
  the major increase in CAO            technologies for greater                                                                  Marketing), Colm Grealy
  applications by mature               return on investment. The              The new course builds                              (, Krishna De
  students – up by 26% this            challenge is to develop                on the IIA’s experience                            ( and
  year. Ongoing training and           courses to enhance                     over the past decade                               Conor Pope (Irish Times)
  education by this group              knowledge and skills in this           in providing training for                          are among the speakers.
  now accounts for 13% of all          relatively new discipline.             internet practitioners, and
  college applications, and                                                   gives participants a solid                         For further information on
  new skills will be the engine        The Irish Internet Association,        basis on which to build a                          the diploma, check out
  room of economic recovery.           in partnership with Irish Times        digital marketing plan for               
Is your reputation being trashed online?
BP, Nestlé, Honda,                                • Almost two
United Airlines                                   years on, the top
and Dominos                                       search results
have something                                    for Irish pork are
in common apart                                   still all about the
from being big                                    contamination
brands – all have                                 and recall in
been badly                                        2008
mauled in the
social media                                        People are
space. All have                                     spending an
taken a battering                                   increasing share
from angry users                                    of their media
of Facebook and                                     time on the          • Who is talking about us       some brands have turned
Twitter.                 Fiachra Ó Marcaigh internet. Much               online, where and what are      social media to their
                         Director, AMAS             of that time is      they saying?                    advantage and are using
They are not the                                    spent on social      • How much influence do         these channels to understand
first big brands                                    media, where         these voices have?              customer sentiment, deal with
this has happened                    they express themselves,            • What impact is this having    customer service queries and
to and they won’t be the last.       rather than just consume            on our business and how it is   market their brands. Listening,
Other examples include Irish         information.                        perceived?                      engaging and interacting
businesses (big and small)                                               • When should we join in        with customers through social
and individuals.                     Social media can focus              and when should we ignore       media delivers results.
                                     and amplify ill-feeling that        comment?
   • The campaign against the        is already widespread. But          • What allies and assets do
   Hunky Dorys adverts earlier       even one angry person               we have to monitor and          AMAS: what we do
   this year had a large online      can attract a worldwide             protect our reputation          AMAS is an internet consultancy
   aspect, with hundreds of          audience for a complaint            online?                         with a simple goal – help our
   posts on sites like,    (sometimes video or musical)        • Are our own staff helping     clients to exploit the internet.
   mostly negative                   that goes viral.                    or not?                         Large corporates, government
   • Supermarkets, telcos                                                                                bodies and, increasingly, high-
   and insurance companies           The reputations of brands,         Experience shows that it is      potential businesses retain us to
   are among those regularly         businesses and individuals         often a customer, supplier or    develop and help implement
   trashed online by their           face many new challenges in        staff member who alerts a        internet strategies.
   customers. Expect to see          this environment. Among the        company to a reputational
   phrases like “lousy service”,     questions business owners and      issue on a social media site.    We cut through the clutter
   “I hate” and “rip off”            managers must consider are:        But it’s not all negative –      and the complexity to allow
                                                                                                         our clients to capitalise on the
                                                                                                         unlimited opportunities offered
                                                                                                         by the internet.
 From the AMAS blog....                                                                                  Services:
                                                                                                         • Strategy

Manage your social media presence                                                                        • Research
                                                                                                         • User experience
                                                                                                         • Content
AMAS has launched Social            It combines strategic planning,                                      • Training
Media Means Business, a             practical implementation and                                         • Marketing
programme to empower Irish          training for effective use of                                        • Project management
businesses to manage their          social media.
online reputations, launch                                                                               Contact Aileen O’Toole,
campaigns and deliver               For more information, contact                                        Managing Director on
gains through social media          AMAS on or go                                           +353 1 6610499 or
channels.                           to

                                                © AMAS Ltd.
             Published by AMAS Ltd., 38 Lr. Leeson Street, Dublin 2, Ireland. Tel: +353 1 6610499
                                Email: Web:

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AMAS State Of The Net Autum 2010

  • 1. State of the Net essential eBusiness intelligence for Irish managers A quarterly bulletin on online activity in Ireland ISSN: 1649 issue 18 Autumn 2010 Media habits change - and budgets follow which rely on media, traditional The big Publishers’ ranks in Apple App Store for Ireland and digital, to build their brands question for and transmit their marketing or media is: communications messages. who pays Top paid media apps for online Advertising follows audience – content? advertising budgets in Ireland Not us, say 20 are already on the move from Irish online traditional to digital media. audiences. Digital accounts for 10% of A resounding 27 total advertising spend but 88% of Irish if trends across Europe, as people evidenced by IAB research, are are not 47 a barometer that figure could prepared Aileen O’Toole, double over the coming years. to pay Managing Director, for online Top free media apps AMAS Nowhere is the shift in media content, behaviour more pronounced according to than with news content: international 1 Irish audiences are • Want to catch the 9pm research consuming more media news bulletin when you’re conducted across a varied range of not at home? No need to set by KPMG. This 2 platforms, formats and the DVD player. Just log on to reflects similar studies technologies. The internet the RTÉ Player, as thousands internationally, which is changing the Irish media of viewers do each month show a marked 22 landscape, with profound to catch the TV programmes reluctance to pay for implications for media they miss the type of content organisations and audiences. • Need to catch the latest that traditional 24 Greater and increasingly news headlines when on the publishers, such as free media choices may move? No need to switch newspapers, offer. be a positive, the argument on the radio, or fire up your 26 goes, but the internet may laptop to log on to a news Yet there does not © AMAS graphic ( result in the dumbing down website. Instead, use your seem to be a similar of content, with quality iPhone and access the reluctance to part with 28 journalism being the casualty. headlines and the stories cash to buy high-end through one of the many gadgets or apps to Far from being an insider dozens of news or media apps provide mobile access 30 debate, what’s happening • Want not only to read the to news content. Irish in media is important to news, but to contribute to consumer demand businesses and organisations a debate about a breaking for iPhones, iPads 42 story? You can and other must- Paid content Ireland UK still “call Joe” or have gadgets is write a letter to phenomenal – Source: Apple’s App store for Ireland, a newspaper queues form outside accessed on 31 August 2010 Yes - all 2% 7% editor. But mobile phone shops among Irish iPhone users. News increasingly you’re on foot of rumours that a Yes - some 10% 12% apps from three traditional likely to join the stock of iPhone 4s has landed. news organisations – The Irish conversation about There is no official data on the Times, The Guardian and The No 88% 81% that big story of the number of iPhones in use, but Irish Independent – are in the day on Facebook, informed estimates put it at top 50 paid apps for Ireland on Source: KPMG, Consumers and Convergence IV, Twitter and a galaxy around 350,000 and climbing. Apple’s App Store. The once- July 2010. Global survey covering 22 countries. of other sites where off costs of these apps is Data is based on a sample of 300 respondents in news is shared and News apps – both free and Ireland and 410 respondents in the UK discussed. paid – are proving popular continued on page 5 Compiled by AMAS in association with the Irish Internet Association
  • 2. 1. Digital advertising Online advertising in Europe 2010 marks a watershed for digital advertising in Ireland, with the publication of the first study Greece 16% from IAB Ireland/PricewaterhouseCoopers. Austria Digital advertising was worth €97.2 million in 14% Poland 2009, or 10.3% of the Irish advertising market. 12% Turkey With advertising spend suffering a 20% fall Year-on-year growth 2009 in 2009, digital is proving to be more resilient 10% Finland Ireland Spain than other categories. 8% Germany Hungary United Kingdom Search – predominately Google AdWords 6% Italy Sweden – was the dominant format, accounting for 4% Belguim Netherlands 46.2% of online advertising spend, followed by Slovenia Norway classifieds (27.2%) and display (26.6%). A variety 2% France of formats, including email, sponsorships and 0% Denmark affiliates, are included in the display category. 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% -2% Croatia Property, recruitment and motoring were the Online Market Share -4% Romania Slovakia © AMAS graphic ( Irish online advertising breakdown -6% Finance © AMAS graphic ( Sources: IAB Europe, AdEx 2009 Internet advertising spending in Europe. IAB Finance Auto Ireland and PwC, Online Adspend Study 2009 Auto 7% 9% Telco 2% 7% 9% biggest spenders, accounting for 45% tested methodology across all markets. Telco Retail 6% 2% Retail 6% of digital advertising spend. FMCG Equivalent IAB research in other 20% FMCG Travel 20% Why is this study so important? Many markets has accelerated the growth Travel large advertisers, notably global in online advertising, at the expense Govt/Public sector 25% Govt/Public sector 25% brands, tend not to commit budgets of traditional media. More mature Recruitment/Property without industry-recognised data. markets, such as the UK and the Recruitment/Property 9% And that’s what they’re getting – Nordic countries, are reporting online Ent & Media 9% Ent & Media the reconstituted IAB Ireland is advertising market shares in excess Technology 5% part of a network of similar industry of 20%. Expect the next IAB Ireland 3% Technology Other 3%5% 10% 5% bodies internationally while Price- study, for the first half of 2010, to start Other 5% 10% waterhouseCoopers uses a tried and plotting that growth curve. 2. Broadband 1,600,000 1,500,000 Broadband growth 1,509,934 A new high point has been reached in Irish broadband 1,400,000 1,443,350 adoption, with the number of subscribers exceeding 1,305,035 1.5 million for the first time. ComReg data for quarter 1,300,000 1,272,166 1,361,254 one of 2010 reveals that broadband demand has 1,200,255 not been dented by the economic downturn, with 1,200,000 1,125,000 quarterly growth at 4.6% and annual growth at 19.3%. 1,100,000 1,055,000 992,000 © AMAS graphic ( Mobile is the fastest growing platform, accounting for 1,000,000 one in three of all broadband subscriptions. Year-on- year, mobile subscriptions grew by 47.2% with the rate of Q1 08 Q2 08 Q3 08 Q4 08 Q1 09 Q2 09 Q3 09 Q4 09 Q1 10 growth tapering off. The quarter one number translates into an increase of 9.7% on a quarter-by-quarter basis. Source: ComReg Quarterly Key Data Report, July 2010
  • 3. Top Trends 2010 2009 3. Digital 2010 2009 economy 1 Sweden 2 16 Japan 22 2 Denmark 1 17 Ireland 18 3 United States 5 18 Germany 17 4 Finland 10 19 Switzerland 12 5 Netherlands 3 20 France 15 6 Norway 4 21 Belgium 20 7 Hong Kong 8 22 Bermuda 21 8 Singapore 7 23 Malta 23 9 Australia 6 24 Spain 25 10 New Zealand 11 25 Estonia 24 11 Canada 9 26 Israel 27 12 Taiwan 16 27 Italy 26 13 South Korea 19 28 Portugal 28 © AMAS graphic ( 14 UK 13 29 Slovenia 29 Source: Economist Intelligence Unit, 15 Austria 14 digital economy rankings, June 2010 30 Chile 30 At last, an international economic cultural and legal environment – to arrive the 70 countries covered. This heading indicator that has some good news for at the scoreboard. Over the ten years it measures successful implementation and Ireland. The Economist Intelligence Unit has been tracking digital activity, the EIU evaluates “the amount that businesses (EIU) ranks Ireland in 17th place in a global has made changes to keep pace with and consumers spend on accessing ICT scoreboard of digital economic activity. developments, for instance factoring services, the extent and range of internet That’s one place ahead on the previous the share of fibre optic access lines into features used by individuals, their online year’s score, within a whisker of the its broadband scores and looking at 3G purchasing activity, and the extent to UK’s ranking (14) and ahead of leading and 4G mobile subscriptions to arrive at a which individuals and businesses use the European economies such as Germany score for mobile adoption. online public services that have been (18) and France (20). made available.” A breakdown of Ireland’s scorings The EIU uses a number of measures – under the various EIU categories is This stellar result compensated for other connectivity, infrastructure, consumer revealing. In one category, “consumer categories, such as government policy and and business adoption, government and business adoption,” Ireland made the legal environment, where the Irish scores policy, as well as the business, social, it to the premier league – ranking 8th of were lower than Ireland’s overall average. the opportunity to win online
  • 4. 4. eCommerce 20% 23% Purchasing behaviour 68% Travel Not every business can sell its goods or services online 12% but, increasingly, more and more purchasing decisions 54% are being researched or influenced online. Technology 32% Up to now the evidence has been mainly anecdotal. 15% A consumer walks into a store, tries on a pair of jeans, 26% notes the details and buys the jeans in an online store. Media, Ents 31% Another reads reviews about new smartphones on gadget websites, makes a shortlist, visits a physical 6% phone shop, tests the shortlisted phones and buys one. 42% A third reads reviews on TripAdvisor, compares prices Finance 27% on a range of sites before using a deals website to secure the best rate for a weekend break. 10% Research offline, purchase online 49% The Consumer Confidence Barometer tracks the Retail 19% consumer journey from research through offline Research online, purchase to purchase. 20% The research was commissioned by Google and IAB 23% Europe, and carried out by market research agency Research online, purchase online 1% Travel 68 27% © AMAS graphic ( TNS. It questioned 2,000 Irish consumers about their 12% shopping habits. Automotive 8% 54% Technology 32% It shows marked differences in purchasing behaviours 0% 15% 26% across different sectors. Unsurprisingly, travel is the 18% 31% Media, Ents sector where there is the greatest level of online FMCG, healthcare 4% research leading to online purchasing. 6% 42% 0 10 20 30 Finance 40 50 27% 60 70 What websites or online resources influence consumers? 10% The Irish research show a similar pattern across all sectors, Research offline, purchase online Source: Consumer Commerce Barometer, 49% with search being dominant (73% to 79% depending on which covered 25 countries and 36 product Retail 19% Research online, purchase offline the sector), followed by manufacturer websites (44% to categories, Irish data based on a sample of 1% 55%) and social media sites (21 – 25%) Research online, purchase online 2,000, data compiled April 2010 27% Automotive 8% 5. Social media 0% Facebook users in Ireland 18% FMCG, healthcare 4% 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Love it, loathe it, can’t ignore it. network and to share favourite internet Facebook is changing online behaviour content, from YouTube videos to news © AMAS graphic ( and is becoming a powerful marketing stories. Internationally, Facebook is closing and communications channel (but not the traffic gap with Google. Facebook was one that suits all brands). ranked as the number one website in June in the US, Canada, New Zealand, Singapore The number of Irish registered users on and Hong Kong, according to website traffic Facebook was 1.7 million in August data gathered by Experian Hitwise. 2010, four times what it was at the start of 2009. An active Irish user is Social networking sites such as Facebook likely to be on the site every day, are winning a greater share of advertising increasingly accessing Facebook budgets, with campaigns being organised over a mobile phone rather than a globally but using local content to reach Source: Facebook, Jan 2009 - Aug 2010 PC, and using the site to socialise, and engage customers in specific markets.
  • 5. Top Trends continued from front page less than the price of a skinny latte – There is an expectation that Estimated newspaper revenue declines (2007-09) €1.59, €2.99 and €2.39 respectively – established media organisations % -0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -25 -30 -35 and must be considered good value with strong franchises in their USA -30 against the cost of one printed daily respective markets will reinvent UK -21 newspaper (€1.80, €1 and €1.80). themselves in the digital age. Greece -20 Italy -18 There is a healthy demand, too, As for quality journalism, new Canada -17 for free apps which are being collaborative forms of investigative Spain -16 used by traditional and online journalism are emerging through Turkey -16 publishers to boost website traffic the internet. Citizen journalism Japan -15 and engagement. Ironically, the means that authentic video, audio New Zealand -13 top free app, from Sky, comes and other content from a warzone Poland -11 from the same stable as the or the scene of a humanitarian Ireland -10 newspapers that are trying to disaster gets to our screens (TV, Germany -10 pioneer paid online newspaper PC, mobile) within hours. New Hungary -9 content (Rupert Murdoch’s News audiences are being found for Norway -8 International) – with less than “long form” journalism – powerful, Switzerland -8 convincing results. well-written features from the likes Belgium -8 of Vanity Fair – through Twitter and It would be foolish, though, to write a range of other sites. Finland -7 © AMAS graphic ( off traditional media, particularly Sweden -7 newspapers. International studies, How this will all play out in terms of Portugal -7 such as the most recent from audience behaviour and the very Korea -6 the OECD, don’t sugar-coat the survival of many traditional media Czech Republic -6 facts – newspaper circulations are organisations, is too difficult to call. Netherlands -6 in decline globally, advertising One thing is sure – as new media Denmark -6 revenues are under threat and new patterns emerge, the churn and Mexico -5 business models need to emerge. the change will continue. France -4 Australia -3 Source: OECD, the evolution of news and the internet, June 2010 Austria -2 (graph includes both online and offline revenues of traditional newspapers) New skills will be ‘engine room’ For Irish businesses too, there Training and Prosperity their business, helping it to is a critical need for managers Recruitment, has identified become more efficient and to learn or refresh their skills the core skills for this more profitable. for a knowledge based professional discipline. economy, particularly in The modules cover topics Joan Mulvihill fast-growing areas such Our new Diploma in Digital such as digital marketing CEO, Irish Internet Association as eCommerce, social net- Marketing includes a FETAC strategy, search engine working and mobile internet. accreditation (level 5 minor optimisation, online In today’s rapidly changing award) for participants advertising, mobile web, digital landscape, upskilling Online marketing will who successfully complete website analytics, social and reskilling are very much play an essential role a digital marketing plan, media, online PR and the order of the day. For in leveraging these search engine assignment digital trends. Gareth individuals, this is reflected in new applications and and research plan. Dunlop (Ion Online the major increase in CAO technologies for greater Marketing), Colm Grealy applications by mature return on investment. The The new course builds (, Krishna De students – up by 26% this challenge is to develop on the IIA’s experience ( and year. Ongoing training and courses to enhance over the past decade Conor Pope (Irish Times) education by this group knowledge and skills in this in providing training for are among the speakers. now accounts for 13% of all relatively new discipline. internet practitioners, and college applications, and gives participants a solid For further information on new skills will be the engine The Irish Internet Association, basis on which to build a the diploma, check out room of economic recovery. in partnership with Irish Times digital marketing plan for
  • 6. Is your reputation being trashed online? BP, Nestlé, Honda, • Almost two United Airlines years on, the top and Dominos search results have something for Irish pork are in common apart still all about the from being big contamination brands – all have and recall in been badly 2008 mauled in the social media People are space. All have spending an taken a battering increasing share from angry users of their media of Facebook and time on the • Who is talking about us some brands have turned Twitter. Fiachra Ó Marcaigh internet. Much online, where and what are social media to their Director, AMAS of that time is they saying? advantage and are using They are not the spent on social • How much influence do these channels to understand first big brands media, where these voices have? customer sentiment, deal with this has happened they express themselves, • What impact is this having customer service queries and to and they won’t be the last. rather than just consume on our business and how it is market their brands. Listening, Other examples include Irish information. perceived? engaging and interacting businesses (big and small) • When should we join in with customers through social and individuals. Social media can focus and when should we ignore media delivers results. and amplify ill-feeling that comment? • The campaign against the is already widespread. But • What allies and assets do Hunky Dorys adverts earlier even one angry person we have to monitor and AMAS: what we do this year had a large online can attract a worldwide protect our reputation AMAS is an internet consultancy aspect, with hundreds of audience for a complaint online? with a simple goal – help our posts on sites like, (sometimes video or musical) • Are our own staff helping clients to exploit the internet. mostly negative that goes viral. or not? Large corporates, government • Supermarkets, telcos bodies and, increasingly, high- and insurance companies The reputations of brands, Experience shows that it is potential businesses retain us to are among those regularly businesses and individuals often a customer, supplier or develop and help implement trashed online by their face many new challenges in staff member who alerts a internet strategies. customers. Expect to see this environment. Among the company to a reputational phrases like “lousy service”, questions business owners and issue on a social media site. We cut through the clutter “I hate” and “rip off” managers must consider are: But it’s not all negative – and the complexity to allow our clients to capitalise on the unlimited opportunities offered by the internet. From the AMAS blog.... Services: • Strategy Manage your social media presence • Research • User experience • Content AMAS has launched Social It combines strategic planning, • Training Media Means Business, a practical implementation and • Marketing programme to empower Irish training for effective use of • Project management businesses to manage their social media. online reputations, launch Contact Aileen O’Toole, campaigns and deliver For more information, contact Managing Director on gains through social media AMAS on or go +353 1 6610499 or channels. to © AMAS Ltd. Published by AMAS Ltd., 38 Lr. Leeson Street, Dublin 2, Ireland. Tel: +353 1 6610499 Email: Web: