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Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia
Vicerrectoría Académica y de Investigación
Course: English B1
Code: 900003
Activity Guide and Evaluation Rubric - Task 2 - About me.
1. Activity Description
Type of activity: Individual
Evaluation moment: Intermediate Unit 1
Highest score of the activity: 100 points
The activity starts on:
Thursday, February 22nd,
The activity ends on: Friday, March 22nd, 2024.
With this activity, you are expected to achieve the following learning
outcomes: Produce in a written text personal experiences and dailylife
situations and past events using the appropriate grammatical structures and
the vocabulary studied in the contents.
Bear in mind: All the exercises have to develop individually. The collaborative
evidence is to participate in the forum by giving feedback on your classmates’
The activity consists of:
1.1 Go to Learning / E-book /Online Content English B1.
1.2 Study the content of modules 1 & 2 from the
E-book and do all the activities proposed in it.
You should study:
Module 1
Module 2
1.3 Based on exercise 10, module 1, Narrating a story in the past, record a special
past anecdote when you were a child during school routines. Do not forget the use
of Phrasal verbs and the verb Used to to write your text. (You can use vocaroo or
a voice recorder). (two minutes long).
1.4 Copy your text in this webpage to listen to
the pronunciation and repeat it as many times as you need to practice yours.
1.5 Upload it in the forum and wait for tutor and partners’ comments.
1.6 Artificial Intelligence tool: Choose a sentence containing a phrasal verb
that describes an action you performed in your special past anecdote. Visit You can watch the following video on how to create
the drawing on the website: . Illustrate the action
described in your sentence using the drawing tools. Enter your sentence in the
chatbox. Capture a screenshot of the generated image. Copy the link of the picture.
Share both the screenshot and the picture link in the forum.
LEARNING TIP You need to learn Conditionals and Phrasal Verbs, study
Exercises from 4 to 12 in Module 1.
A Green Journey
Meet Lisa, an eco-conscious person who takes
her responsibility toward the environm ent
seriously. Her daily routine and past habits
reflect a deep commitment to preserving our
planet. Let's dive into Lisa's world to discover
how she makes a difference and the changes
she has made over the years. Lisa gets up
early in the morning to enjoy the freshness of
the day. She believes in making the most of
daylight to reduce her energy consumption.
After getting up, Lisa stands up for what she
believes in – environmental conservation. She's an active member of her
community's eco-club. Lisa looks after her neighborhood's green spaces,
participating in local park clean-ups and encouraging others to do the same.
She hands in her recyclables diligently, ensuring they are properly sorted.
She knows that recycling is a simple but effective way to reduce waste.
Whenever she goes for a walk, Lisa takes away any litter she finds on the
streets, making the cleanliness of her surroundings a top priority.
In her younger years, Lisa used to take off on long road trips, largely
unaware of her carbon footprint and the distant concern of fuel consumption.
She also used to take over half-hour showers, unaware to the amount of
water being wasted. However, today, she's much more mindful and keeps
her showers short. In her youth, Lisa often came out of stores with plastic
bags full of groceries. Today, she opts for reusable bags, significantly
reducing plastic waste. Realizing the importance of environmental knowledge,
she looked up various sources to learn more about sustainable living,
strongly believing that education is key to change. She took away her old,
energy-inefficient appliances, replacing them with energy-saving ones, a
small change that had a big impact on her electricity bills and the
Lisa knows that if we don't take care of our planet, it will suffer. She firmly
believes that if she continues to lead an eco-friendly life, her efforts will
contribute to a greener future. She used to be less eco-conscious, but she's
come a long way in her journey. She used to waste resources, but now she
strives to be more sustainable.
2.1. Read the text “A Green Journey.”
2.2. According to the “A Green Journey” answer the questions below. Write
complete sentences.
• Why does Lisa believe that education is essential for making a change towards
sustainability? Explain it.
• Have you ever been a backpacker? How this traveling style contribute to take
care the environment in your region? Mention 3 contributions.
• What kind of changes have you adopted at home to have a greener future?
Describe 2 of them.
2.3. Post your answers on the forum and exchange opinions with your partners
regarding their answers.
LEARNING TIP You need to learn Phrasal verbs, used to and Present Simple -
Daily habits and Modal Verbs and use them to answer the question above. study
Exercises from 4 to 12 in Module 2.
3.1. Imagine that you are the editor of a About me magazine, and you are going
to design a special edition. To do this follow the next steps:
You are going to write three articles of two paragraphs each one as minimum.
•In the first one, you need to write about YOU. The title of the article is going to be:
BE YOU. In which you are going to describe what you were like in high school.
What you liked, how you dressed, how you talked, and how you behaved.
•In the second article, write about ECO actions to reduce harmful effects on the
environment. The title of the article is going to be: BE GREEN.
•In the third article, you will pretend to interview a celebrity that you choose,
regarding his/her environmental habits and beliefs. The title of the article is going
to be:
3.2 Complete chart below. Designing About me Magazine with the information of
each article you write about each category. You can find the chart below.
3.3 Copy your text in this webpage to check the
grammatical structure, spelling, and accuracy of your writing production.
You can see the following example to help you to design yours.
About me magazine samples: CANVA: FLIPSNACK: FLIPS
• If you need keywords related to environment, you can consult our Be Green
3.4 Upload your chart and your Magazine link in the forum.
LEARNING TIP: Write simple complete sentences. What is important is that
you write the sentences by yourself. (You don’t need translator; you can use
the vocabulary studied in the course resources). You can use flipsnack, canva,
Issuu, Genially, Calameo, and other tools.
Paste 5 or 6 Pictures
of you in high school.
(If you want to share
your own you can do
it, if you don´t, you
can use pictures
from the web,
related with your
Mention the
keywords you are
going to use in the
short article.
High school
Describe what you were like in high
school. What you liked, how you
dressed, how you talked, how you
behaved, what did you like to do
and what did you do. Remember
to write twoparagraphs.
When I was in high school, I was a
little bit shorter than I am now. In
my school, the students needed to
wear uniforms, so when I was at
home, I used to wear black
clothes, especially oversize,
T-shirts and jeans. I loved to wear
my sneakers and caps...
Paste 10 pictures of
your eco actions to
help and prevent the
harmful effects on
the environment. (If
you want to share
your own you can do
it, if you don´t, you
can use pictures
from the web,
related with your
Mention the
keywords you are
going to use in the
short article.
Take care
Ice caps
Public transport
Write 6 sentences about ECO
actions to reduce harmful effects
on the environment using the
conditionals and phrasal verbs.
If we don't take care of our
planet, the ice caps will melt.
If we use public transport more,
our cities will get cleaner.
Choose a famous
person in your region
or community with
whom you identify
and who you believe
is passionate about
conservation. (Paste
3 pictures) You will
Mention the
keywords you are
going to use in the
Create a script for your interview.
You will be the interviewer, and
you can either write the celebrity's
responses or imagine what their
responses might be based on your
knowledge of his/her beliefs and
public statements. Be sure to use
the grammatical structures
mentioned above.
pretend to interview
this celebrity.
Prepare a list of
questions you want to
ask the celebrity
about their
contributions to the
community and
environmental habits
and actions.
Transcribe the interview in this
place and ensure that you include
the questions and responses, and
clearly label which grammatical
structure is used in each questio n
or answer.
After completing the transcript,
reflect on what you've learned
from this activity about the
importance of environmental
conservation and how your chosen
celebrity's habits and beliefs align
with it.
Example Interview Transcript. (To be like):
Interviewer: Good morning. I’d like to ask you a few questions.
Celebrity (imagined response): Sure, go ahead.
Interviewer: First, what do you feel is your biggest achievement as a celebrity in
your community?
Celebrity: I must make conscious efforts to help my region by promoting charity
events to raise funds for the poorest children in the region and provide them an
opportunity to study.
Interviewer: What advice do you have for people who would like to be like You in
your region?
Celebrity: I will tell people who want to be like me that use the values and
attributes learned to help his/her region. They should stay humble and dedicated
regardless of where their craft takes them.
Interviewer: Who or what inspires you? Where do you get inspiration from?
Celebrity: My mother is my greatest inspiration. She has had a difficult life, and
she had to raise three children as a single mother. She worked extremely hard to
provide for us, but I never saw her complain.
Interviewer: Thank you for sharing your experiences and contributions to the
Celebrity: You're welcome. It's been a pleasure discussing these important topics
with you. And this is an invitation to all celebrities to take part in the change!
LEARNING TIP: Remember to customize the questions and responses
according to your chosen celebrity and make the interview as engaging and
informative as possible.
LEARNING TIP: Ensure that your questions incorporate the following
grammatical structures: First conditional, must, have to, don’t have to, must
not, would like and used to. You can do it!
(Students Talking Time)
During the academic process, it is important to participate in two (2) practical
workshops. In accordance with this, keep in mind:
i. The tutor will share the schedule of the workshops that will be
ii. The invitation will be sent by e-mail or other communication channels.
iii. During the practical workshops called STT it is important to participate
actively with your peers and tutor.
iv. Do not forget to turn on the camera during the session, take a
screenshot which should be posted in the forum, and fill the
attendance form.
v. The final document must support evidence of participation in the TWO
(2) workshops.
5.1. At this point you are invited to exchange information with your classmates and
to give feedback on their work. Check your classmates’ answers and make 2
comments about their work or the magazine.
A comment is not to write a compliment, not just saying “good work”, this will not
be considered as a valid comment.
In this step, you are going to reflect on your performance in the course activities.
To do this:
6.1 Fill in the form “Self-assessment template” (It is included in the Final
Document annex 1)
6.2 Take a screenshot and share it both in the forum and in the final document.
7.1 Consolidate all the activities done in this Task in a PDF document and, upload it
individually on the Evaluation environment (Annex 1). Remember that the product
of this task must comply with the APA standards.
You must include:
• A special past anecdote audio recording and picture with Artificial Intelligence
• “A Green Journey” answers.
• The screenshots of your participations in the 2 STTs.
• The screenshots of your forum comments about your classmates’ answers and
• The Designing About me magazine chart.
• The screenshots of your magazine and the link.
• The self-assessment format. (Included in the annex 1)
• The bibliographic references.
Regarding the development of the activity, consider that:
In the Initial Information Environment, you must: Check for the initial and
closing dates.
In the Learning Environment, you must:
Review and complete the exercises proposed in modules 1 and 2 from the
E-book/Online English contents. Review the OVI: Designing About me Magazine.
Participate and upload individual & collaborative activities in Discussion forum - Unit
1- Task 2 “About me”.
In the Evaluation Environment, you must:
Submit a PDF document containing the development of the individual and the
collaborative activities. (Annex 1)
Evidence of individual work:
The individual evidence to be submitted is A pdf document containing:
● A cover.
● The link to the audio recording of exercise 10, module 1 from the E-book.
● The answers to the questions based on the reading “A Green Journey”.
● The completed chart “Designing about me magazine”.
● The News Magazine images, and the link posted into the forum as well as in the
final document.
● A screenshot of the comments you made to your colleagues on the forum.
● The completed “Self-assessment” chart-included in the annex 1
Upload it in Task 2 “About Me” Evaluation rubric and activity submission.
Remember the product of this activity must comply with the APA style for
references. You can use the template “Annex 1.
Evidence of the forum work:
The participation evidence to be submitted is: Screenshots of the comments you
made to your colleagues on the forum.
2. General Guidelines for the Development of Evidence to
For the Forum evidence, consider the following:
• All members of the group must participate with their contributions in the
development of the activity posting comments.
Please keep in mind that all individual or collaborative written products must comply
with the spelling rules and presentation conditions defined in this activity guide.
Regarding the use of references, consider that the product of this activity must
comply with the APA style.
In any case, make sure you comply with the rules and avoid academic plagiarism.
You can review your written products using the Turnitin tool found in the virtual
campus. Under the Academic Code of Conduct, the actions that infringe the academic
order, among others, are the following: paragraph e) Plagiarism is to present as your
To reproduce, or copy for profit, educational resources, or results of research products,
which have rights reserved for the University. (Acuerdo 029 – 13 de diciembre de 2013,
3. Evaluation Rubric Template
Type of activity: Individual
Evaluation moment: Intermediate Unit 1
Highest score of the activity: 100 points
First evaluation
criterion: Content
Development of Steps
1,& 2 (Individual
This criterion
represents 20
points of the total
of 100 points of the
High level: The sentences in Steps 1,& 2 are built using
conditionals, modal verbs, and phrasal verbs, with a few or no
grammar and spelling mistakes. Punctuation marks and capital
letters use is correct, and the message can be clearly understood.
In the audio the student shows a good pronunciation, intonation,
fluency, and rhythm.
If your work is at this level, you can get between 15 points
and 20 points.
Average level: Some of the sentences in Steps 1 & 2 are built
using conditionals, modal verbs, and phrasal verbs, with some
grammar or spelling mistakes. Punctuation marks and capital
letters use is sometimes correct, but the message can be
understood. In the audio the student sometimes shows a good
pronunciation, intonation, fluency, and rhythm.
If your work is at this level, you can get between 5 points
and 14 points.
Low level: The sentences used in Steps 1 & 2 are not well
constructed. There is no use of conditionals, modal verbs, and
phrasal verbs and/or have many grammar or spelling mistakes.
Punctuation marks and capital letters use is not correct, and the
message cannot be easily understood. In the audio the student
does not show a good pronunciation, intonation, fluency, and
rhythm. The student doesn't participate in this task.
If your work is at this level, you can get between 0 points
and 4 points
Second evaluation
The news Magazine
Development of Step
3 (Individual activity)
This criterion
represents 40
points of the total
of 100 points of the
High level: The sentences in the chart, Designing about me
magazine , are built using conditionals, modal verbs, and phrasal
verbs, with a few or no grammar and spelling mistakes. The
student creates a magazine according to the instructions given
in Step 3, including suitable pictures. The student shares his/her
magazine directly in the forum (no files attached).
If your work is at this level, you can get between 30
points and 40 points.
Average level: Some of the sentences in the chart, Designing
about me magazine, are built using conditionals, modal verbs,
and phrasal verbs, with some grammar or spelling mistakes. The
student creates a magazine according to some of the instructions
given in Step 3, including a few suitable pictures. The student
shares his/her magazine directly in the forum (no files attached).
If your work is at this level, you can get between 14 points
and 29 points.
Low level: The sentences used in the chart, Designing about
me magazine, are not well constructed. There is no use of
conditionals, modal verbs, and phrasal verbs. The student does
not create the travel guide according to the instructions given in
Step 3 and does not include suitable pictures. The student does
not share his/her magazine in the forum. The student doesn't
participate in this task.
If your work is at this level, you can get between 0 points
and 13 points.
Third evaluation
criterion: Content
Development of Step
Attendance To
Practical Workshop
STT (Students
Talking Time)
This criterion
represents 10
points of the total
High level: High level: The student posts the evidence of
His/her participation in the Practical Workshops programmed by
tutors in the final document.
If your work is at this level, you can get between 8 points
and 10 points.
Average level: The student posts some evidence of his/her
participation in the Practical Workshops programmed by tutors in
the final document.
If your work is at this level, you can get between 3 points
and 7 points.
Low level: The student does not post any evidence of his/her
participation in the Practical Workshops. The student doesn't
participate in this exercise.
If your work is at this level, you can get between 0
points and 6 points.
of 100 points of the
Fourth evaluation
High level: The student posts all the evidence of individual
activity steps in the forum and his/her comments are accurate
and relevant for the improvement his/her classmate's work. The
contributions are posted respecting the given schedule.
If your work is at this level, you can get between 8 points
and 10 points.
Participation in the
This criterion
represents 10
points of the total
of 100 points of the
Average level: The student posts some evidence of individual
activity steps in the forum and his/her comments are not enough
accurate and relevant for the improvement of his/her classmate's
work. The contributions are posted respecting the given
If your work is at this level, you can get between 3 points
7 points.
Low level: The student does not post evidence of individual
activity steps in the forum and do not make comments for his/her
classmate's work. The student doesn't participate in this task.
If your work is at this level, you can get between 0 points
and 6 points.
Fifth evaluation
High level: The student posts the self-assessment format in the
final document. It includes all the items established.
If your work is at this level, you can get between 8 points
and 10 points.
Average level: The student posts the self-assessment format in
the final document. But it includes some the items established.
If your work is at this level, you can get between 3 points
and 7 points.
This criterion
represents 10
points of the total
of 100 points of the
Low level: The student does not post the self-assessment
format in the final document.
The student doesn't participate in this task.
If your work is at this level, you can get between 0 points
and 2 points.
Sixth evaluation
criterion: Formal
Consolidation and
This criterion
represents 10
points of the total
of 100 points of the
High level: The final document is consolidated individually in a
PDF format and uploaded in the Evaluation Enviro nm ent
according to the # of items requested in “Evidence of individual
If your work is at this level, you can get between 8 points
and 10 points.
Average level: The final document is consolidated individually
in a PDF format and uploaded in the Evaluation Environment but
does not include all the items requested in the “Evidence of
individual work”.
If your work is at this level, you can get between 3 points
and 7 points.
Low level: The final document is not uploaded in the Evaluation
Environment. The student doesn't participate in this task.
If your work is at this level, you can get between 0 points
and 2 points.

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  • 1. Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia Vicerrectoría Académica y de Investigación Course: English B1 Code: 900003 Activity Guide and Evaluation Rubric - Task 2 - About me. 1. Activity Description Type of activity: Individual Evaluation moment: Intermediate Unit 1 Highest score of the activity: 100 points The activity starts on: Thursday, February 22nd, 2024. The activity ends on: Friday, March 22nd, 2024. With this activity, you are expected to achieve the following learning outcomes: Produce in a written text personal experiences and dailylife situations and past events using the appropriate grammatical structures and the vocabulary studied in the contents. Bear in mind: All the exercises have to develop individually. The collaborative evidence is to participate in the forum by giving feedback on your classmates’ work. The activity consists of: STEP 1 CONTENT REVIEW 1.1 Go to Learning / E-book /Online Content English B1. 1.2 Study the content of modules 1 & 2 from the E-book and do all the activities proposed in it. You should study: Module 1 Module 2 1.3 Based on exercise 10, module 1, Narrating a story in the past, record a special past anecdote when you were a child during school routines. Do not forget the use of Phrasal verbs and the verb Used to to write your text. (You can use vocaroo or a voice recorder). (two minutes long). 1.4 Copy your text in this webpage to listen to the pronunciation and repeat it as many times as you need to practice yours.
  • 2. 1.5 Upload it in the forum and wait for tutor and partners’ comments. 1.6 Artificial Intelligence tool: Choose a sentence containing a phrasal verb that describes an action you performed in your special past anecdote. Visit You can watch the following video on how to create the drawing on the website: . Illustrate the action described in your sentence using the drawing tools. Enter your sentence in the chatbox. Capture a screenshot of the generated image. Copy the link of the picture. Share both the screenshot and the picture link in the forum. LEARNING TIP You need to learn Conditionals and Phrasal Verbs, study Exercises from 4 to 12 in Module 1. STEP 2. - READING ACTIVITY A Green Journey Meet Lisa, an eco-conscious person who takes her responsibility toward the environm ent seriously. Her daily routine and past habits reflect a deep commitment to preserving our planet. Let's dive into Lisa's world to discover how she makes a difference and the changes she has made over the years. Lisa gets up early in the morning to enjoy the freshness of the day. She believes in making the most of daylight to reduce her energy consumption. After getting up, Lisa stands up for what she believes in – environmental conservation. She's an active member of her community's eco-club. Lisa looks after her neighborhood's green spaces, participating in local park clean-ups and encouraging others to do the same. She hands in her recyclables diligently, ensuring they are properly sorted. She knows that recycling is a simple but effective way to reduce waste. Whenever she goes for a walk, Lisa takes away any litter she finds on the streets, making the cleanliness of her surroundings a top priority. In her younger years, Lisa used to take off on long road trips, largely unaware of her carbon footprint and the distant concern of fuel consumption.
  • 3. She also used to take over half-hour showers, unaware to the amount of water being wasted. However, today, she's much more mindful and keeps her showers short. In her youth, Lisa often came out of stores with plastic bags full of groceries. Today, she opts for reusable bags, significantly reducing plastic waste. Realizing the importance of environmental knowledge, she looked up various sources to learn more about sustainable living, strongly believing that education is key to change. She took away her old, energy-inefficient appliances, replacing them with energy-saving ones, a small change that had a big impact on her electricity bills and the environment. Lisa knows that if we don't take care of our planet, it will suffer. She firmly believes that if she continues to lead an eco-friendly life, her efforts will contribute to a greener future. She used to be less eco-conscious, but she's come a long way in her journey. She used to waste resources, but now she strives to be more sustainable. 2.1. Read the text “A Green Journey.” 2.2. According to the “A Green Journey” answer the questions below. Write complete sentences. • Why does Lisa believe that education is essential for making a change towards sustainability? Explain it. • Have you ever been a backpacker? How this traveling style contribute to take care the environment in your region? Mention 3 contributions. • What kind of changes have you adopted at home to have a greener future? Describe 2 of them. 2.3. Post your answers on the forum and exchange opinions with your partners regarding their answers. LEARNING TIP You need to learn Phrasal verbs, used to and Present Simple - Daily habits and Modal Verbs and use them to answer the question above. study Exercises from 4 to 12 in Module 2. STEP 3- WRITING ACTIVITY 3.1. Imagine that you are the editor of a About me magazine, and you are going to design a special edition. To do this follow the next steps: You are going to write three articles of two paragraphs each one as minimum. •In the first one, you need to write about YOU. The title of the article is going to be: BE YOU. In which you are going to describe what you were like in high school. What you liked, how you dressed, how you talked, and how you behaved. •In the second article, write about ECO actions to reduce harmful effects on the environment. The title of the article is going to be: BE GREEN.
  • 4. •In the third article, you will pretend to interview a celebrity that you choose, regarding his/her environmental habits and beliefs. The title of the article is going to be: TO BE LIKE... 3.2 Complete chart below. Designing About me Magazine with the information of each article you write about each category. You can find the chart below. 3.3 Copy your text in this webpage to check the grammatical structure, spelling, and accuracy of your writing production. You can see the following example to help you to design yours. About me magazine samples: CANVA: FLIPSNACK: FLIPS • If you need keywords related to environment, you can consult our Be Green Booklet 3.4 Upload your chart and your Magazine link in the forum. LEARNING TIP: Write simple complete sentences. What is important is that you write the sentences by yourself. (You don’t need translator; you can use the vocabulary studied in the course resources). You can use flipsnack, canva, Issuu, Genially, Calameo, and other tools. DESIGNING ABOUT ME MAGAZINE
  • 5. BE YOU VOCABULARY ARTICLE Paste 5 or 6 Pictures of you in high school. (If you want to share your own you can do it, if you don´t, you can use pictures from the web, related with your text) Mention the keywords you are going to use in the short article. Example: High school Uniforms Wear Oversize Sneakers caps Describe what you were like in high school. What you liked, how you dressed, how you talked, how you behaved, what did you like to do and what did you do. Remember to write twoparagraphs. Example: When I was in high school, I was a little bit shorter than I am now. In my school, the students needed to wear uniforms, so when I was at home, I used to wear black clothes, especially oversize, T-shirts and jeans. I loved to wear my sneakers and caps... BE GREEN VOCABULARY ARTICLE Paste 10 pictures of your eco actions to help and prevent the harmful effects on the environment. (If you want to share your own you can do it, if you don´t, you can use pictures from the web, related with your text) Mention the keywords you are going to use in the short article. Example: Take care Ice caps Melt Cleaner Public transport Write 6 sentences about ECO actions to reduce harmful effects on the environment using the conditionals and phrasal verbs. Example: If we don't take care of our planet, the ice caps will melt. If we use public transport more, our cities will get cleaner. TO BE LIKE... VOCABULARY ARTICLE Choose a famous person in your region or community with whom you identify and who you believe is passionate about environmental conservation. (Paste 3 pictures) You will Mention the keywords you are going to use in the INTERVIEW. Create a script for your interview. You will be the interviewer, and you can either write the celebrity's responses or imagine what their responses might be based on your knowledge of his/her beliefs and public statements. Be sure to use the grammatical structures mentioned above.
  • 6. pretend to interview this celebrity. Prepare a list of questions you want to ask the celebrity about their achievements, contributions to the community and environmental habits and actions. Transcribe the interview in this place and ensure that you include the questions and responses, and clearly label which grammatical structure is used in each questio n or answer. After completing the transcript, reflect on what you've learned from this activity about the importance of environmental conservation and how your chosen celebrity's habits and beliefs align with it. Example Interview Transcript. (To be like): Interviewer: Good morning. I’d like to ask you a few questions. Celebrity (imagined response): Sure, go ahead. Interviewer: First, what do you feel is your biggest achievement as a celebrity in your community? Celebrity: I must make conscious efforts to help my region by promoting charity events to raise funds for the poorest children in the region and provide them an opportunity to study. Interviewer: What advice do you have for people who would like to be like You in your region? Celebrity: I will tell people who want to be like me that use the values and attributes learned to help his/her region. They should stay humble and dedicated regardless of where their craft takes them. Interviewer: Who or what inspires you? Where do you get inspiration from? Celebrity: My mother is my greatest inspiration. She has had a difficult life, and she had to raise three children as a single mother. She worked extremely hard to provide for us, but I never saw her complain. Interviewer: Thank you for sharing your experiences and contributions to the community. Celebrity: You're welcome. It's been a pleasure discussing these important topics with you. And this is an invitation to all celebrities to take part in the change! LEARNING TIP: Remember to customize the questions and responses according to your chosen celebrity and make the interview as engaging and informative as possible. LEARNING TIP: Ensure that your questions incorporate the following grammatical structures: First conditional, must, have to, don’t have to, must not, would like and used to. You can do it!
  • 7. STEP 4. ATTENDANCE TO PRACTICAL WORKSHOP STT (Students Talking Time) During the academic process, it is important to participate in two (2) practical workshops. In accordance with this, keep in mind: i. The tutor will share the schedule of the workshops that will be programmed. ii. The invitation will be sent by e-mail or other communication channels. iii. During the practical workshops called STT it is important to participate actively with your peers and tutor. iv. Do not forget to turn on the camera during the session, take a screenshot which should be posted in the forum, and fill the attendance form. v. The final document must support evidence of participation in the TWO (2) workshops. STEP 5 – COLLABORATIVE ACTIVITY 5.1. At this point you are invited to exchange information with your classmates and to give feedback on their work. Check your classmates’ answers and make 2 comments about their work or the magazine. A comment is not to write a compliment, not just saying “good work”, this will not be considered as a valid comment. STEP 6 – SELF ASSESSMENT In this step, you are going to reflect on your performance in the course activities. To do this: 6.1 Fill in the form “Self-assessment template” (It is included in the Final Document annex 1) 6.2 Take a screenshot and share it both in the forum and in the final document. STEP 7 - FINAL DOCUMENT 7.1 Consolidate all the activities done in this Task in a PDF document and, upload it individually on the Evaluation environment (Annex 1). Remember that the product of this task must comply with the APA standards. You must include: • A special past anecdote audio recording and picture with Artificial Intelligence tool • “A Green Journey” answers. • The screenshots of your participations in the 2 STTs. • The screenshots of your forum comments about your classmates’ answers and magazine.
  • 8. • The Designing About me magazine chart. • The screenshots of your magazine and the link. • The self-assessment format. (Included in the annex 1) • The bibliographic references. Regarding the development of the activity, consider that: In the Initial Information Environment, you must: Check for the initial and closing dates. In the Learning Environment, you must: Review and complete the exercises proposed in modules 1 and 2 from the E-book/Online English contents. Review the OVI: Designing About me Magazine. Participate and upload individual & collaborative activities in Discussion forum - Unit 1- Task 2 “About me”. In the Evaluation Environment, you must: Submit a PDF document containing the development of the individual and the collaborative activities. (Annex 1) Evidence of individual work: The individual evidence to be submitted is A pdf document containing: ● A cover. ● The link to the audio recording of exercise 10, module 1 from the E-book. ● The answers to the questions based on the reading “A Green Journey”. ● The completed chart “Designing about me magazine”. ● The News Magazine images, and the link posted into the forum as well as in the final document. ● A screenshot of the comments you made to your colleagues on the forum. ● The completed “Self-assessment” chart-included in the annex 1 Upload it in Task 2 “About Me” Evaluation rubric and activity submission. Remember the product of this activity must comply with the APA style for references. You can use the template “Annex 1. Evidence of the forum work: The participation evidence to be submitted is: Screenshots of the comments you made to your colleagues on the forum. 2. General Guidelines for the Development of Evidence to Submit For the Forum evidence, consider the following: • All members of the group must participate with their contributions in the development of the activity posting comments. Please keep in mind that all individual or collaborative written products must comply with the spelling rules and presentation conditions defined in this activity guide. Regarding the use of references, consider that the product of this activity must comply with the APA style. In any case, make sure you comply with the rules and avoid academic plagiarism. You can review your written products using the Turnitin tool found in the virtual campus. Under the Academic Code of Conduct, the actions that infringe the academic order, among others, are the following: paragraph e) Plagiarism is to present as your
  • 9. To reproduce, or copy for profit, educational resources, or results of research products, which have rights reserved for the University. (Acuerdo 029 – 13 de diciembre de 2013, 3. Evaluation Rubric Template Type of activity: Individual Evaluation moment: Intermediate Unit 1 Highest score of the activity: 100 points First evaluation criterion: Content assessment Development of Steps 1,& 2 (Individual activity) This criterion represents 20 points of the total of 100 points of the activity. High level: The sentences in Steps 1,& 2 are built using conditionals, modal verbs, and phrasal verbs, with a few or no grammar and spelling mistakes. Punctuation marks and capital letters use is correct, and the message can be clearly understood. In the audio the student shows a good pronunciation, intonation, fluency, and rhythm. If your work is at this level, you can get between 15 points and 20 points. Average level: Some of the sentences in Steps 1 & 2 are built using conditionals, modal verbs, and phrasal verbs, with some grammar or spelling mistakes. Punctuation marks and capital letters use is sometimes correct, but the message can be understood. In the audio the student sometimes shows a good pronunciation, intonation, fluency, and rhythm. If your work is at this level, you can get between 5 points and 14 points. Low level: The sentences used in Steps 1 & 2 are not well constructed. There is no use of conditionals, modal verbs, and phrasal verbs and/or have many grammar or spelling mistakes. Punctuation marks and capital letters use is not correct, and the message cannot be easily understood. In the audio the student does not show a good pronunciation, intonation, fluency, and rhythm. The student doesn't participate in this task. If your work is at this level, you can get between 0 points and 4 points
  • 10. Second evaluation criterion: Procedure assessment The news Magazine Development of Step 3 (Individual activity) This criterion represents 40 points of the total of 100 points of the activity. High level: The sentences in the chart, Designing about me magazine , are built using conditionals, modal verbs, and phrasal verbs, with a few or no grammar and spelling mistakes. The student creates a magazine according to the instructions given in Step 3, including suitable pictures. The student shares his/her magazine directly in the forum (no files attached). If your work is at this level, you can get between 30 points and 40 points. Average level: Some of the sentences in the chart, Designing about me magazine, are built using conditionals, modal verbs, and phrasal verbs, with some grammar or spelling mistakes. The student creates a magazine according to some of the instructions given in Step 3, including a few suitable pictures. The student shares his/her magazine directly in the forum (no files attached). If your work is at this level, you can get between 14 points and 29 points. Low level: The sentences used in the chart, Designing about me magazine, are not well constructed. There is no use of conditionals, modal verbs, and phrasal verbs. The student does not create the travel guide according to the instructions given in Step 3 and does not include suitable pictures. The student does not share his/her magazine in the forum. The student doesn't participate in this task. If your work is at this level, you can get between 0 points and 13 points. Third evaluation criterion: Content assessment Development of Step 4. Attendance To Practical Workshop STT (Students Talking Time) This criterion represents 10 points of the total High level: High level: The student posts the evidence of His/her participation in the Practical Workshops programmed by tutors in the final document. If your work is at this level, you can get between 8 points and 10 points. Average level: The student posts some evidence of his/her participation in the Practical Workshops programmed by tutors in the final document. If your work is at this level, you can get between 3 points and 7 points. Low level: The student does not post any evidence of his/her participation in the Practical Workshops. The student doesn't participate in this exercise. If your work is at this level, you can get between 0 points and 6 points.
  • 11. of 100 points of the activity. Fourth evaluation criterion: Participation assessment High level: The student posts all the evidence of individual activity steps in the forum and his/her comments are accurate and relevant for the improvement his/her classmate's work. The contributions are posted respecting the given schedule. If your work is at this level, you can get between 8 points and 10 points. Participation in the forum This criterion represents 10 points of the total of 100 points of the activity. Average level: The student posts some evidence of individual activity steps in the forum and his/her comments are not enough accurate and relevant for the improvement of his/her classmate's work. The contributions are posted respecting the given schedule. If your work is at this level, you can get between 3 points and 7 points. Low level: The student does not post evidence of individual activity steps in the forum and do not make comments for his/her classmate's work. The student doesn't participate in this task. If your work is at this level, you can get between 0 points and 6 points. Fifth evaluation criterion: Participation assessment High level: The student posts the self-assessment format in the final document. It includes all the items established. If your work is at this level, you can get between 8 points and 10 points. Participation Assessment Self-assessment Average level: The student posts the self-assessment format in the final document. But it includes some the items established. If your work is at this level, you can get between 3 points and 7 points. This criterion represents 10 points of the total of 100 points of the activity. Low level: The student does not post the self-assessment format in the final document. The student doesn't participate in this task. If your work is at this level, you can get between 0 points and 2 points.
  • 12. Sixth evaluation criterion: Formal Assessment Consolidation and submission This criterion represents 10 points of the total of 100 points of the activity. High level: The final document is consolidated individually in a PDF format and uploaded in the Evaluation Enviro nm ent according to the # of items requested in “Evidence of individual work”. If your work is at this level, you can get between 8 points and 10 points. Average level: The final document is consolidated individually in a PDF format and uploaded in the Evaluation Environment but does not include all the items requested in the “Evidence of individual work”. If your work is at this level, you can get between 3 points and 7 points. Low level: The final document is not uploaded in the Evaluation Environment. The student doesn't participate in this task. If your work is at this level, you can get between 0 points and 2 points.