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36   DALIA SPEAKS                                                                                                                                                                             JANUARY 2012       37

     Picture credit John Morad & Ahmed Mleeg

                                                            In the previous issue I started discussing
                                                            the dazzling world of the Interior Designer,
                                                            as you have seen it is a rich topic , I have
                                                            partially covered it and will continue it
                                                            in this article .So let’s recap what was
                                                            formerly mentioned .
                                                                                                             complement each other to end up in a lucid       truth. Interior designers are professionals
                                                            The definition of interior design was            collage.” I also explained the categorizing of   in the art of creating the look that you are
                                                            clarified as “The protocol that looks after      the types of Interior Designers whether by       seeking, via combining several factors. This
                                                            designing all of the interiors of any given      sectors, styles, spaces or elements.             vibe specially, comes to some clients who
                                                            space “.Also the fact that interior design is                                                     have some knowledge of the procedures,
                                                            not exclusively implemented on residential       I highlighted as well the reasons for hiring     but look at it in this light; do you feel
                                                            projects, as a matter of fact all types of       an Interior designer such as the fact that       uncomfortable describing your vision to
                                                            building benefit extensively from the            home owners have intense life schedules          a painting contractor? You most likely do
                                                            significant touch of interior design, whether    that would not commonly stretch to               not, so why should you feel that way about
                                                            in beautifying the space, enhancing              withstand such a rigorous job. As well           a professional that combines paint ,wall
                                                            affecting mode, increasing market value,         as the privileges of accessing materials,        coverings with fabrics and furniture with
                                                            raising productivity and upturning profit.       styles and trends database that only a           lighting and all other vital factors to create
                                                                                                             professional could. Another advantage            the unique vision that you have for the
                                                            I elaborated on the definition of the            for hiring a pro is mediating her/him as an      inside of your home? Again I would refer to
                                                            Interior designer, “She/he the professional      acting liaison between designated needed         my motto “Hire Pro to do pro jobs “
                                                            concerned with the look and design of the        technical engineers.
                                                            interiors of spaces. Their goal is to make a
                                                                                                                                                              What is the difference between

                             THE INTERIOR
                                                            space visually appealing while reflecting the    Sometimes the decision to invest in hiring
                                                            space owner’s preferences and functional         a professional to interior design a project      Interior Designer and Decorator?
                                                            needs”. In this context interior designers       could seem as an extra, unneeded, lavish         There is a big difference between an interior
                                                            are mainly concerned with how to make            expense, since some people have the              designer and an interior decorator. Legally,

                             DESIGNER II
                                                            several factors work coherently together         impression that interior designers are only      in some countries abroad it is illegal to call
                                                            such as colors, lighting, materials, textures,   relevant to those who are wealthy and            yourself an interior designer if you are not

                                                            furnishings and that all these aspects           pretentious; however, this is far from the       certified. Interior decorators are concerned
                                                                                                                                                              with and change the aesthetics of a space.
                                                                                                                                                              They mainly work with surface decorations(
                                                                                                                                                              known as surface design) as they can

                        Dalia Sadany Ask Magazine's
                                                                                                                                                              change the walls, floors and add decorative
                                                                                                                                                              elements to the room, but they can’t do is
                                                                                                                                                              alter or change the structure.
                        design consultant, Chief Designer                                                                                                     He or she will most likely be involved in a
                        & Founder of Dezines Architecture                                                                                                     more temporary type of interior design that
                                                                                                                                                              is only seen for a few days and possibly then
                        & Interiors, Managing Director                                                                                                        photographed for marketing and publicity
                                                                                                                                                              purposes. A common misconception here
                        & Partner of Divine Contracting                                                                                                       in Egypt us that Interior Designers only work
                                                                                                                                                              with furniture, fabrics and accessories (i.e.
                        as well as the creator of the new                                                                                                     the soft interior) that would be the job of a
                                                                                                                                                              decorator. In fact it is the interior designer’s
                        furniture brand GUSH is dwelling                                                                                                      job to help you with all aspects related to
                                                                                                                                                              selecting the hard and soft interior, select

                        into the world of Architecture,                                                                                                       sub-contractors, prepare sets of drawings
                                                                                                                                                              and eventually supervise implementation of

                        Interior Design and Contracting.                                                                                                      the work. In a nutshell an interior designer
                                                                                                                                                              can do interior decorating job, but a interior
                                                                                                                                                              decorator can’t do an interior design job.

     ASK JANUARY 2012
38   DALIA SPEAKS                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             JANUARY 2012       39

     What is the difference between
     Interior Designer and Architect?
     Traditionally the architect use to interior design
     their project, for example the master architect                                                                                                                                                                                                            8. Collaborate with other practitioners
     Frank Lloyd Wright , exerted equal effort and                                                                                                                                                                                                                who offer professional services in the
     creativity into the interiors as in the exteriors,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  technical areas of mechanical, electrical
     he generated a building that is captivating
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  and Heating/air-conditioning engineers,
     and mesmerizing both to look it and inhabit.
     But the tremendous development in interiors                                                                                                                                                                                                                  and if a project requires structural work,
     in modern times demanded a new set of skills                                                                                                                                                                                                                 the designer works with civil engineer for
     and paved the way to the creation of interior                                                                                                                                                                                                                that part of the project.
     design as an area of study and a discipline in its                                                                                                                                                                                                         9. Prepare contract documents and
     own right. Interior designers have a wide range                                                                                                                                                                                                              administer bids as the client's agent, after
     of technical and analytical skills spanning                                                                                                               3. He would then take inventory of old              easier corrections than sketches made by       cooperating with the client in choosing
     various disciplines.                                                                                                                                         furniture and other items that the client        hand. Upon completing the design plan,         the appropriate needed contractors to
                                                                                                                                                                  would reuse if any, to incorporate them in       the designer will present it to the client     execute the required jobs.
     While it’s the architect’s job to imagine the                                                                                                                the design, so they would blend-in with          and make revisions based on the client's     10. Finally, the designer develops a timeline
     larger structure, it’s the interior designer’s job
                                                                                                                                                                  the new design and its elements.                 input.                                         for the project, coordinates contractor
     to imagine the way the interior of that structure
                                                                                                                                                               4. At this stage, the designer needs to          6. When the design concept is finalized, and      work schedules. The designer oversees
                                                                                                                                                                  determine whether building permits are           approved by the client, the designer will      the installation of the design elements
                                                          will interact with the people inside it. This means
                                                                                                                                                                  required for work involved.                      begin preparing working drawings and           as well as, reviewing and evaluating
                                                          everything from the placement of lighting
                                                          fixtures to the style of handle that opens the
                                                                                                                                                               5. After collecting this data and integrating       specifications for interior construction,      construction during implementation
                                                          door. It is these elements that we interact with                                                        findings with knowledge of interior design,      space planning, materials, finishes,           and coordinate completion of project
                                                          every day, making them at least as important as                                                         economic trends, legal and regulatory            furnishings, fixtures and furnishings          with consultant team. Basically, act as
                                                          the structure itself.                                                                                   requirements, the designer formulates            required, such as furniture, lighting,         Project Manager on behalf of the client
                                                                                                                                                                  preliminary design conceptual plan that          flooring, wall covering, and artwork.          to manage the project teams through all
                                                          Most of the good interior designers here                                                                is functional, fiscally appropriate, and      7. Depending on the complexity of the             phases of the project.
                                                          in Egypt are architects with professional                                                               aesthetically pleasing and estimates costs.      project, the designer also might submit      P.S. The key word to each step is
                                                          experience in interior design while some like                                                           Today, designs often are created with            drawings for approval by a permits           highlighted in bold.
                                                          myself, have also studied interior design, as a                                                         the use of computer-aided design (CAD)           committee to ensure that the design          Below is a diagram to clarify the design
                                                          distinctive broad field by itself .
                                                                                                                                                                  software, which provides more detail and         meets building codes.                        process in its order of execution.

                                                                                                                What are the types of services
                                                                                                                Interior Designers provide?
                                                                                                                Beside is a diagram listing the various
                                                                                                                services an Interior Designer can provide,
                                                                                                                I have chosen to divide them into three
                                                                                                                categories, the technical services, The
                                                                                                                hard interior services which is the scope
                                                                                                                of work that requires contracting, and the
                                                                                                                soft interior services is the department
                                                                                                                of installation.

                                                                                                                What will the Interior designer do?
                                                                                                                Interior design services may vary with
                                                                                                                each project, so whatever space they are
                                                                                                                working on, almost all designers follow the
                                                                                                                same process:

                                                                                                                1. The first step, known as programming,
                                                                                                                  is to determine and analyze the client's
                                                                                                                  needs, preferences and wishes. The
                                                                                                                  designer usually meets face-to-face with
                                                                                                                  the client to find out how the space will
                                                                                                                  be used and to get an idea of the client's
                                                                                                                  preferences and budget.
                                                                                                                2. She/he will also visit the space to be
                                                                                                                  designed in order identify positive
                                                                                                                  attributes of the space and potential

     ASK JANUARY 2012
40   DALIA SPEAKS                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           JANUARY 2012        41

                                                                                                       6. Discuss fees, payment methods and            Before You Begin: You will save a lot of time       Sticking to Your Budget: Make sure your         A- Fixed fees are usually based on an
                                                                                                          anticipated construction cost and            and frustration if you know what you hope           interior designer understands your budget       a project's allocated construction cost
                                                                                                          duration.                                    to accomplish. Try to come up with an idea          restrictions. Don't be shy about voicing your   and can range between 10 to 15 % of
                                                                                                       7. Ask for references from past clients. Find   of the size of the project. Do you want to          limit or overestimate what you can spend.       the construction cost depending on the
                                                                                                          out how past clients feel about their new    knock down a wall or simply rearrange some          A good interior designer will give you a        size and complexity of the project. The
                                                                                                          home.                                        furniture? What colors do you like and what         project budget and series of timeframes for     portfolio of the designer, whether he /
                                                                                                       8. Visit at least one project by your           colors do you want to avoid? How would              the project and will always be up front and     she is a reputable, well known designer or
                                                                                                          prospective designer. Ask the owners         you describe your style? What activities will       clear with our clients on how much they will    a relatively young aspiring is also a vital
                                                                                                          about any problems that may have been        take place in the space? It is okay if you don't    be billed and what services they will receive   factor in the evaluation of the fees.
                                                                                                          encountered during the design and            know the answers to these questions. Your           in return. He / she should excel at coming
                                                                                                          construction of the project.                 interior designer will be able to give you some     up with creative solutions that allow you to    B-As for the fixed rate per visit, this is usually
                                                                                                       9. Interview prospective designers at their     guidance. However, the more you know now,           maximize your budget while still achieving      calculated as in the range of 1 to 2% per
                                                                                                          offices, if possible.                        the easier it will be for your designer to create   a space that meets your needs.                  visit of his fixed fees for the design phase.
                                                                                                       10. Plan to spend at least one hour on          your perfect space. It's also a good idea to
                                                                                                          your first meeting with a prospective        accumulate photos of rooms, furniture, and          HOW TO PAY AN INTERIOR                            Tips;
                                                                                                          architect.                                   accessories you like. Don't worry if you like       DESIGNER?                                         1- Make sure you question about the
                                                                                                                                                       many different styles. Your interior designer       Abroad there are several methods to               designer’s fees when you meet him /her
     HOW TO CHOOSE AN INTERIOR                          After you have prepared your short list of
                                                                                                       HOW TO WORK WITH AN                             will help you figure out what will ultimately
                                                        possible designers, you need to follow these                                                                                                       calculate the fees of an interior designer
     DESIGNER?                                          procedures.                                    INTERIOR DESIGNER?                              work in your room.                                  , as a fixed fee, hourly fee, percentage          2- Make sure all means of payments
     Part of your costs for your project will be        1. Call prospective designers. Find out        You've decided to work with an interior                                                             fee, cost plus, retail charge and by square       are clarified in your contract with the
     the design fees and naturally you would               whether they would be interested in your    designer. This is an exciting time as you       During the Project: Once your project is            meter. While in Egypt it is usually split         designer whether the installments are
     be worried about the designer you end up              project.                                    prepare to create the space of your dreams.     underway, make communication a priority.            into two components by phase; preparing           date of work delivery or phase related.
     working with. That actually is a key point         2. Meet with several prospects.                However, you probably have a lot of             Listen with an open mind to your interior           the project design documents during the
     to consider, the "working relationship" you        3. Confirm that the designer you are           questions, including "How will I get the look   designer's ideas. At the same time, express         design phase and site inspections during          3- Question your designer about any extra
     develop with your designer not only for               meeting is the person who will actually     I want?" and "Am I going to get my money's      your true feelings about your desires. Don't        the construction phase.                           fees for any alterations you request due
     design purposes, but also because he or               work on your project.                       worth?" This month, I'm going to give you       be afraid to speak up about your likes and                                                            to your change of mind in any aspect.
     she will be your representative throughout         4. Question his or hers’ design philosophy.    some pointers on how to get the most from       dislikes. After all, you will be the one who        The fee structures are typically based on
     the project.                                       5. Ask how long the project will take.         a relationship with an interior designer.       lives with the final outcome.                                                                         4- As for inevitable alterations during
                                                                                                                                                                                                           a percentage of construction value, a visit
                                                                                                                                                                                                           rate or a fixed lump sum fee. Combinations        the execution phase due to mistakes in
     You will be working with them for a good                                                                                                                                                              of these structures are also common.              design or lack of necessary data in his
     deal of time so having rapport and good                                                                                                                                                               Generally, designers use a fixed fee for The      drawings that are not a contractor’s fault
     communication is a vital key point.                                                                                                                                                                   first component ;the phase of the work that       in construction and were not obvious
                                                                                                                                                                                                           they have the most control over, such as the      to the contractor to question before
     Talking to your architect enables you to                                                                                                                                                              preparation of design, and use a fixed rate       the start of work are all alterations free
     verbalize your needs and desires for your                                                                                                                                                             per visit for the second component which          of charge.
     project. It helps him/her understand where                                                                                                                                                            is the phases that are less predictable, like
     you are coming from and to respond                                                                                                                                                                    site supervision. Generally the designer or       5- In case you want a preliminary
     appropriately. Your home is a very personal                                                                                                                                                           their representative makes one visit per          presentation from your short listed
     and private part of your life, bringing in a                                                                                                                                                          week unless there is a problem and their          designer before deciding to sign up with
     professional to become part of this process                                                                                                                                                           presence is requested on site. .                  him, there is a retainer to be paid at first
     requires a relationship built on trust.                                                                                                                                                                                                                 as fees for the work he/she will perform
     Remember that when you work with the                                                                                                                                                                  To give you an approximate margin for             on this presentation that if you decide
     right designer, it's a home you are designing                                                                                                                                                         calculating The Interior Designer’s fees,         on signing up with will be inclusive in
     and not just a house                                                                                                                                                                                  here is a simple rule;                            his fees.
     Therefore it's advisable to make a short list of                                                                                                                                                                                                      And now as we have clarified all need
     Interior designer via the following channels;
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           to know information about the Interior
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Designers, who are they, what do they do,
     1. Ask friends, neighbors, and co-workers
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           how to choose them, deal with them and
       about their architects.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           pay them ,in the next issue we will extend
     2. Also check with contractors you might
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           our protocol on how to build your own
       know about the best designers they have
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           project by highlighting the new worldwide
       worked with to find the who designed
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           spread method of design and build versus
       projects similar to the one you plan.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           old traditional method, in order to turn your
     3. Check out online directories, for the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           dream project whatever it is residential or
       websites of Interior designers.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           commercial into a reality.
     4. Check out specialized magazines for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 You can reach me at my email
       information’s about interior design.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   
     5. Check out a literature as in a portfolio
       that describes the firm's qualifications
       and experience.

     ASK JANUARY 2012

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About the Interior Designer

  • 1. 36 DALIA SPEAKS JANUARY 2012 37 Picture credit John Morad & Ahmed Mleeg In the previous issue I started discussing the dazzling world of the Interior Designer, as you have seen it is a rich topic , I have partially covered it and will continue it in this article .So let’s recap what was formerly mentioned . complement each other to end up in a lucid truth. Interior designers are professionals The definition of interior design was collage.” I also explained the categorizing of in the art of creating the look that you are clarified as “The protocol that looks after the types of Interior Designers whether by seeking, via combining several factors. This designing all of the interiors of any given sectors, styles, spaces or elements. vibe specially, comes to some clients who space “.Also the fact that interior design is have some knowledge of the procedures, not exclusively implemented on residential I highlighted as well the reasons for hiring but look at it in this light; do you feel projects, as a matter of fact all types of an Interior designer such as the fact that uncomfortable describing your vision to building benefit extensively from the home owners have intense life schedules a painting contractor? You most likely do significant touch of interior design, whether that would not commonly stretch to not, so why should you feel that way about in beautifying the space, enhancing withstand such a rigorous job. As well a professional that combines paint ,wall affecting mode, increasing market value, as the privileges of accessing materials, coverings with fabrics and furniture with raising productivity and upturning profit. styles and trends database that only a lighting and all other vital factors to create professional could. Another advantage the unique vision that you have for the I elaborated on the definition of the for hiring a pro is mediating her/him as an inside of your home? Again I would refer to Interior designer, “She/he the professional acting liaison between designated needed my motto “Hire Pro to do pro jobs “ concerned with the look and design of the technical engineers. interiors of spaces. Their goal is to make a What is the difference between THE INTERIOR space visually appealing while reflecting the Sometimes the decision to invest in hiring space owner’s preferences and functional a professional to interior design a project Interior Designer and Decorator? needs”. In this context interior designers could seem as an extra, unneeded, lavish There is a big difference between an interior are mainly concerned with how to make expense, since some people have the designer and an interior decorator. Legally, DESIGNER II several factors work coherently together impression that interior designers are only in some countries abroad it is illegal to call such as colors, lighting, materials, textures, relevant to those who are wealthy and yourself an interior designer if you are not " furnishings and that all these aspects pretentious; however, this is far from the certified. Interior decorators are concerned with and change the aesthetics of a space. They mainly work with surface decorations( known as surface design) as they can Dalia Sadany Ask Magazine's change the walls, floors and add decorative elements to the room, but they can’t do is alter or change the structure. design consultant, Chief Designer He or she will most likely be involved in a & Founder of Dezines Architecture more temporary type of interior design that is only seen for a few days and possibly then & Interiors, Managing Director photographed for marketing and publicity purposes. A common misconception here & Partner of Divine Contracting in Egypt us that Interior Designers only work with furniture, fabrics and accessories (i.e. as well as the creator of the new the soft interior) that would be the job of a decorator. In fact it is the interior designer’s furniture brand GUSH is dwelling job to help you with all aspects related to selecting the hard and soft interior, select " into the world of Architecture, sub-contractors, prepare sets of drawings and eventually supervise implementation of Interior Design and Contracting. the work. In a nutshell an interior designer can do interior decorating job, but a interior decorator can’t do an interior design job. ASK JANUARY 2012
  • 2. 38 DALIA SPEAKS JANUARY 2012 39 What is the difference between Interior Designer and Architect? Traditionally the architect use to interior design their project, for example the master architect 8. Collaborate with other practitioners Frank Lloyd Wright , exerted equal effort and who offer professional services in the creativity into the interiors as in the exteriors, technical areas of mechanical, electrical he generated a building that is captivating and Heating/air-conditioning engineers, and mesmerizing both to look it and inhabit. But the tremendous development in interiors and if a project requires structural work, in modern times demanded a new set of skills the designer works with civil engineer for and paved the way to the creation of interior that part of the project. design as an area of study and a discipline in its 9. Prepare contract documents and own right. Interior designers have a wide range administer bids as the client's agent, after of technical and analytical skills spanning 3. He would then take inventory of old easier corrections than sketches made by cooperating with the client in choosing various disciplines. furniture and other items that the client hand. Upon completing the design plan, the appropriate needed contractors to would reuse if any, to incorporate them in the designer will present it to the client execute the required jobs. While it’s the architect’s job to imagine the the design, so they would blend-in with and make revisions based on the client's 10. Finally, the designer develops a timeline larger structure, it’s the interior designer’s job the new design and its elements. input. for the project, coordinates contractor to imagine the way the interior of that structure 4. At this stage, the designer needs to 6. When the design concept is finalized, and work schedules. The designer oversees determine whether building permits are approved by the client, the designer will the installation of the design elements will interact with the people inside it. This means required for work involved. begin preparing working drawings and as well as, reviewing and evaluating everything from the placement of lighting fixtures to the style of handle that opens the 5. After collecting this data and integrating specifications for interior construction, construction during implementation door. It is these elements that we interact with findings with knowledge of interior design, space planning, materials, finishes, and coordinate completion of project every day, making them at least as important as economic trends, legal and regulatory furnishings, fixtures and furnishings with consultant team. Basically, act as the structure itself. requirements, the designer formulates required, such as furniture, lighting, Project Manager on behalf of the client preliminary design conceptual plan that flooring, wall covering, and artwork. to manage the project teams through all Most of the good interior designers here is functional, fiscally appropriate, and 7. Depending on the complexity of the phases of the project. in Egypt are architects with professional aesthetically pleasing and estimates costs. project, the designer also might submit P.S. The key word to each step is experience in interior design while some like Today, designs often are created with drawings for approval by a permits highlighted in bold. myself, have also studied interior design, as a the use of computer-aided design (CAD) committee to ensure that the design Below is a diagram to clarify the design distinctive broad field by itself . software, which provides more detail and meets building codes. process in its order of execution. What are the types of services Interior Designers provide? Beside is a diagram listing the various services an Interior Designer can provide, I have chosen to divide them into three categories, the technical services, The hard interior services which is the scope of work that requires contracting, and the soft interior services is the department of installation. What will the Interior designer do? Interior design services may vary with each project, so whatever space they are working on, almost all designers follow the same process: 1. The first step, known as programming, is to determine and analyze the client's needs, preferences and wishes. The designer usually meets face-to-face with the client to find out how the space will be used and to get an idea of the client's preferences and budget. 2. She/he will also visit the space to be designed in order identify positive attributes of the space and potential problems. ASK JANUARY 2012
  • 3. 40 DALIA SPEAKS JANUARY 2012 41 6. Discuss fees, payment methods and Before You Begin: You will save a lot of time Sticking to Your Budget: Make sure your A- Fixed fees are usually based on an anticipated construction cost and and frustration if you know what you hope interior designer understands your budget a project's allocated construction cost duration. to accomplish. Try to come up with an idea restrictions. Don't be shy about voicing your and can range between 10 to 15 % of 7. Ask for references from past clients. Find of the size of the project. Do you want to limit or overestimate what you can spend. the construction cost depending on the out how past clients feel about their new knock down a wall or simply rearrange some A good interior designer will give you a size and complexity of the project. The home. furniture? What colors do you like and what project budget and series of timeframes for portfolio of the designer, whether he / 8. Visit at least one project by your colors do you want to avoid? How would the project and will always be up front and she is a reputable, well known designer or prospective designer. Ask the owners you describe your style? What activities will clear with our clients on how much they will a relatively young aspiring is also a vital about any problems that may have been take place in the space? It is okay if you don't be billed and what services they will receive factor in the evaluation of the fees. encountered during the design and know the answers to these questions. Your in return. He / she should excel at coming construction of the project. interior designer will be able to give you some up with creative solutions that allow you to B-As for the fixed rate per visit, this is usually 9. Interview prospective designers at their guidance. However, the more you know now, maximize your budget while still achieving calculated as in the range of 1 to 2% per offices, if possible. the easier it will be for your designer to create a space that meets your needs. visit of his fixed fees for the design phase. 10. Plan to spend at least one hour on your perfect space. It's also a good idea to your first meeting with a prospective accumulate photos of rooms, furniture, and HOW TO PAY AN INTERIOR Tips; architect. accessories you like. Don't worry if you like DESIGNER? 1- Make sure you question about the many different styles. Your interior designer Abroad there are several methods to designer’s fees when you meet him /her HOW TO CHOOSE AN INTERIOR After you have prepared your short list of HOW TO WORK WITH AN will help you figure out what will ultimately possible designers, you need to follow these calculate the fees of an interior designer DESIGNER? procedures. INTERIOR DESIGNER? work in your room. , as a fixed fee, hourly fee, percentage 2- Make sure all means of payments Part of your costs for your project will be 1. Call prospective designers. Find out You've decided to work with an interior fee, cost plus, retail charge and by square are clarified in your contract with the the design fees and naturally you would whether they would be interested in your designer. This is an exciting time as you During the Project: Once your project is meter. While in Egypt it is usually split designer whether the installments are be worried about the designer you end up project. prepare to create the space of your dreams. underway, make communication a priority. into two components by phase; preparing date of work delivery or phase related. working with. That actually is a key point 2. Meet with several prospects. However, you probably have a lot of Listen with an open mind to your interior the project design documents during the to consider, the "working relationship" you 3. Confirm that the designer you are questions, including "How will I get the look designer's ideas. At the same time, express design phase and site inspections during 3- Question your designer about any extra develop with your designer not only for meeting is the person who will actually I want?" and "Am I going to get my money's your true feelings about your desires. Don't the construction phase. fees for any alterations you request due design purposes, but also because he or work on your project. worth?" This month, I'm going to give you be afraid to speak up about your likes and to your change of mind in any aspect. she will be your representative throughout 4. Question his or hers’ design philosophy. some pointers on how to get the most from dislikes. After all, you will be the one who The fee structures are typically based on the project. 5. Ask how long the project will take. a relationship with an interior designer. lives with the final outcome. 4- As for inevitable alterations during a percentage of construction value, a visit rate or a fixed lump sum fee. Combinations the execution phase due to mistakes in You will be working with them for a good of these structures are also common. design or lack of necessary data in his deal of time so having rapport and good Generally, designers use a fixed fee for The drawings that are not a contractor’s fault communication is a vital key point. first component ;the phase of the work that in construction and were not obvious they have the most control over, such as the to the contractor to question before Talking to your architect enables you to preparation of design, and use a fixed rate the start of work are all alterations free verbalize your needs and desires for your per visit for the second component which of charge. project. It helps him/her understand where is the phases that are less predictable, like you are coming from and to respond site supervision. Generally the designer or 5- In case you want a preliminary appropriately. Your home is a very personal their representative makes one visit per presentation from your short listed and private part of your life, bringing in a week unless there is a problem and their designer before deciding to sign up with professional to become part of this process presence is requested on site. . him, there is a retainer to be paid at first requires a relationship built on trust. as fees for the work he/she will perform Remember that when you work with the To give you an approximate margin for on this presentation that if you decide right designer, it's a home you are designing calculating The Interior Designer’s fees, on signing up with will be inclusive in and not just a house here is a simple rule; his fees. Therefore it's advisable to make a short list of And now as we have clarified all need Interior designer via the following channels; to know information about the Interior Designers, who are they, what do they do, 1. Ask friends, neighbors, and co-workers how to choose them, deal with them and about their architects. pay them ,in the next issue we will extend 2. Also check with contractors you might our protocol on how to build your own know about the best designers they have project by highlighting the new worldwide worked with to find the who designed spread method of design and build versus projects similar to the one you plan. old traditional method, in order to turn your 3. Check out online directories, for the dream project whatever it is residential or websites of Interior designers. commercial into a reality. 4. Check out specialized magazines for You can reach me at my email information’s about interior design. 5. Check out a literature as in a portfolio that describes the firm's qualifications and experience. ASK JANUARY 2012