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a rare element
Index .......................................................................................................................................... 1
the sleeping heart princess .................................................................................................. 3
a rare element......................................................................................................................... 9
what would i ask you?.......................................................................................................... 12
thank you moon..................................................................................................................... 13
1001 letters............................................................................................................................ 14
the cisne.................................................................................................................................. 16
the fairy................................................................................................................................... 17
a thousand years ................................................................................................................... 20
a................................................................................................................................................. 21
my rose.................................................................................................................................... 22
the rock and the vortex ...................................................................................................... 23
a flower ................................................................................................................................... 25
14.............................................................................................................................................. 27
thousand stars........................................................................................................................ 28
protein s infinity ................................................................................................................... 29
art ............................................................................................................................................. 32
I know it's you........................................................................................................................ 33
my course................................................................................................................................ 35
she is like that ....................................................................................................................... 36
grigio ........................................................................................................................................ 39
the thirteenth pair ............................................................................................................... 41
the princess who traveled through infinity... ............................................................... 42
gun your sky ........................................................................................................................... 52
american express love......................................................................................................... 54
treble clef ............................................................................................................................... 55
the robin and the wolf......................................................................................................... 57
your diploma .......................................................................................................................... 60
carmina liberi......................................................................................................................... 62
shouldn'tyo ............................................................................................................................. 66
I will take you with me........................................................................................................ 68
home ........................................................................................................................................ 74
that's what it will be like .................................................................................................... 76
my little cleopatra ................................................................................................................ 88
tree........................................................................................................................................... 90
like the veil of the stars ...................................................................................................... 96
aua .......................................................................................................................................... 104
the branch ............................................................................................................................ 132
ex 10^ 500-n∞...................................................................................................................... 148
ab ............................................................................................................................................ 150
the essence........................................................................................................................... 161
If .............................................................................................................................................. 163
the sleeping heart princess a parallel world, the world of om where there are no negative or gray-spirited people lived
a very shy princess named ying... Ying never left her house unless it was her birthday, she was
the daughter of the sun And from a very beautiful star in the constellation Isis, she had a white
and pure complexion like moon sand and emerald green eyes that hypnotized when looking
at them. Ying, due to her purity and noble blood, never disobeyed the established norms and
year after year her beauty grew and grew and the legend that her beauty would dethrone the
purest constellations ignited the jealousy of the brightest stars, knowing that age had come in
that his heart would know the secret to stop being asleep, something that the princess
considered strange because she heard it beat every morning, but hey, legends are legends.
One morning on his 16th birthday, Ying woke up like every year with his eyes full of life and got
ready to wait for his parents to visit him, who only visited him that day because their multiple
occupations only allowed them to be absent from their obligations. For more than a few hours,
the very responsible male sun asked the moon that if it wasn't too much trouble, she would
schedule a long and lasting eclipse like never before, so that she could dance with her beloved
daughter who was the light of her eyes... Her mother a a little more prepared and knowing the
importance of the date, I only ask some neighboring stars to set aside the place and to shine a
little more than usual in case the scientists on earth had the bad sense to meddlesomely
observe them with their devices called telescopes and not finding him as a lucky star in his
place,They will put together such a revolution that they believe that the world is going to end
and they have to see the jokes that they played on poor Copernicus at the time.
If he did not have the help of the moon and the stars, the dark lord, owner of the black hole,
devourer of entire constellations, would do his crude work, which is to absorb the lives of those
who dare to leave the stellar balance at times.
Guests arrived from the farthest corners of the galaxy, thousands of present brought as a sign
of respect to the parents of princess ying and when all the guests were gathered waiting for
the appearance of the princess, time froze for moments, it seemed that the world de om would
have been paralyzed when he saw the princess ying arrive, her hair long and illuminated as if
it gave off dim and living light, it gave off a fragrance that made the very rocks bloom and the
same gnomes smile that that day they forgot to be grumpy The princess's fearless and tender
look was like looking at the sea with the sun at its zenith that reflects crystalline and pure waves,
full of life, everyone wanted her to look up and look at them, but her shyness did not allow her
that gift. .The gnomes brought her a halo of the most marvelous flowers that they grew
especially for that day and crowned her with the permission of the audience in the princess
ying of the stars...
This news spread like the speed of light through all the constellations and the hidden feeling of
jealousy could not wait for a better moment to unleash the point of view of the stars that had
never had the fortune to be so beautiful or revered.
And in a blind start the moon ended the eclipse and the stars stopped shining making evident
the lack of certain characters in their place in creation and chaos broke out that in a fraction of
a second overshadowed the majestic date, the black hole king of the Terrible night watchman
of universal obligations, invisible but lethal, knew of the mistake.
The sun ran to its place, the mother star the same, without even being able to say goodbye to
her beloved daughter, which filled her with a feeling never before experienced by the princess...
And without knowing the secret that she had longed for so much to make her heart live. .
The king of the night, knowing the consequences and the price to be charged, spoke with the
sun and the star and conditioned his pardon on one and only one condition: the hand of the
The terrible news spread like wildfire, she was no longer the same, the shine in her hair was
not the same and the light in her eyes was different like that of a sunset that you know will end...
she had no choice, it was her parents or she.
She cried and cried at the foot of the wishing tree, her tears falling to the ground turned into
diamonds, there was no longer the song of birds that returned the smile to the princess ying,
but a wise and old wind that knew the whole story of all times he approached the young
princess in the form of an innocent cloud and she fell into a very deep sleep... And the cloud
told her a secret:
-young princess ying, don't cry anymore, make it known that every lady before granting her
love has the universal right to impose her condition of love, that is, your hand may be granted,
but not your heart... and that one only has one key that can open it and that is something that
only when hearing certain words can come to life, ask them to make you poems that open your
heart, do not judge where it comes from just listen, do not see... and so you will know who you
belong to.
The princess woke up as if she had been injected with life, she ran to her father and told him
the dream and the sun gathered the wise men from all corners of the universe and confirmed
what the cloud said in the dream... and I quote the king of the night and with a tender voice the
He granted him his hand but only when he heard words that opened his heart and surrendered
completely, the dark lord turned into an imposing and giant black when he knew he was
defeated since he could never harbor a tender word, much less feel it.
He had to give up the request of the young princess and know that his feat ended in failure. But
the princess, knowing that she was free from eternal damnation, asked her father for the sun
to grant her the ability to hear poems of faceless voices, and when she felt her heart vibrate,
she would know how the cloud indicated, she knew that this, this was the bearer of her
happiness. true.
And they issued invitations to all those willing to speak without hesitation to such an
unattainable creation of light... but they only managed to make her sleep last longer than usual,
until one day, without wanting to, she walked sad through her kingdom, since now free -but
condemned to solitude- it seems that what seemed easier was actually the most difficult, that
a voice awakened life to her heart... and suddenly in the distance, a different voice was heard,
that was not from there voice, it was new, she approached stealthily, some leafy trees
prevented her from seeing who was the person who had those words and she said:
-who are you? What are you doing here?
-The young man replied: -I'm not from here, I got lost, my godfather who is a powerful magician
made a spell to make me get to my parents faster, but for not using the correct ingredients or
for stuttering when saying the spell he sent me here and I don't know where I am.
-she replied: -I don't believe you, what do you do, what talent do you have?
-he told him: -I am a humble page of a kingdom, I can't read or write, but there are
something that I don't know what it's called that sounds very nice and that I'm going to tell my
-She told him, what can you say that you can't read or write to your fiancée?
-He told him, I don't know, you have. reason, I just know that when I'm with her my heart beats
without being able to control it and it makes me talk as if I weren't me.
-She: -I've heard everything from men and never heard anything so unreal-
-he humbly told him: close your eyes and listen to my voice, I will close mine and for a moment
let me imagine that you. it's her...
-she accepted, but on the condition that he told her the name of his fiancée
-He had to confess that he really did not have a fiancée, but that once a cloud in a dream told
him to learn these words faithfully... and since that dream I have them engraved in my mind
and I began my search for her... and that When he saw the stars, he said them with faith and
that's why he knew he had a fiancée even though he had never seen her... maybe she would
come down from a star... maybe that's why he hadn't seen him yet.
-She laughed at how naive the young man was, but even so -out of curiosity- she agreed to
listen to him...
...and feeling something magical in her voice... he began to speak to the princess:
At birth my memory was erased
I don't know where this feeling for you is born
Nothing explains it unless I have ever seen you...
Why do I long for you if I don't know you?
Why does my soul implore you night and day?
Sometimes I feel like it's just an eternal dream...
I feel what calls you inside of me
It's a love from another life
where i promised to love you
Where I swore to love you
always love you madly
Love you in life and in eternity
My love is sincere and pure
That's why I sealed my fate
And only then I ask you to come back to me
I belong to you and I find no peace, no joy
I need you
I only know that something in me is not of this world
and calls you and needs you
I swore to love you and never leave you
My being is faithful to you
Nobody is like you
nothing is life but you
my spirit needs you
My soul loves you and I know that no one
No one will fill my being like you
I know that your love exists and that it is there...
I have to get to you and you to me
And nothing will stop us
I will know when I look at you
And you when discovering my gaze on you
Nothing will stop us
nothing will separate us
And if that happened... nothing would happen to us
because we will have met
And something else will unite us again
Here or there...
There won't always be...
because he is always eternal
And the eternal is you and me
I in your thought
and you in my heart
We are only one...
…without beginning or end(April 2008, Cancun) first the princess laughed but little by little her laugh faded and changed it for a sepulchral
seriousness in unison with the beating of her heart that began to beat in a way totally unknown
to her.
... The young man finished... he silenced his voice for a few moments and asked: did he like me
at least a little?
... and she opened her eyes with a countenance of enlightenment and smiled, throwing a "yes"
of joy.
And shining her eyes and her smile, her entire complexion lit up like star dust and suddenly the
trees gathered up their leafy branches and allowed the young people in question to see each
other for the first time.
And they saw each other slowly, step by step, until they were only one step from each other.
They stared at each other, his mouth open with the beauty of the princess, she serene but
speechless since he was skinny and without bearing anything like royalty but with a magic in
his words that made him forgive his crooked posture.
I take her hand and they went to see her parents, who joyfully celebrated the brilliant news that
their daughter gave them.
And they celebrated a simple wedding ceremony but they invited (...this time yes!) to all creation
- including the grumpy king of the night- for such a gesture I forgive everyone for going to the
banquet, the king of the night was so happy since it had been millennia that no one would
open the door of his house! because something always disappeared... and they blamed him,
like a black hole... And for that reason, I give them some rings made of moon dust and sealed
with sunlight, so that in the darkest nights they always shine and never miss the one from
At the same table, the wise cloud and the king of the night, toasted the moments of peace that
were lived in the universe, knowing that the future lies in the young people who know how to
listen to their hearts and who, with faith, give everything for a better tomorrow. …commenting
within each other:
How tiring we made the road for them, right night?
And the wise cloud answered: cheating is wanting to steal the illusion of a young woman who,
no matter how beautiful she is, is destined -you know- for another young man since he creates
them in pairs, we only agreed to make the path interesting
-and the king of the night coughed repeatedly... ahem ahem, well well let's not talk anymore,
let's toast to the happiness of these two
-and the wise cloud closes-... three coming soon... they just don't know it yet... they smiled
mischievously and life goes on.
The final has come, this story has ended. Thank you 09/10/2011
a rare element
I love you... And it's useless to say it, I can't change anything, not time, not pain, not trying to
understand why things happened that way...
Of course I don't think about you anymore, because it's feeding a disease that eats you inside
and even so you feel that it kills you and gives life at the same time...
Not because of your beauty as God made you on the outside, but because your way of being
that is shocking, indescribable what it provokes, is an irrepressible desire to stop time, to invoke
all the forces of good so that that minute of being does not end. with you, is asking forgiveness
from eternity for not being enough for your life...
It's the abyss of madness... it's just wanting to be happy with you and knowing that it's like
wanting to be half god and half man to give you everything and love you without restraint.
The brake exists and is permanent, I do not fight against it, I understand that it is a gift of life to
have met you and to know that there is someone like you, I only wish with all my heart that in
the next life I am granted to love you for eternity, no I care about no consequence, loving you
is everything.
I renounce any ambition, I just want to be happy with you, join you and be happy until the last
drop of my being bursts, leave a trail of life where I walk with you, breathe your air, reflect myself
in your gaze, carry you in my arms so that you don't walk and move slowly for hours and hours
until I don't feel my arms... May my arms ache and fall asleep from having you in them, stop
feeling them, but resist until I can't anymore...
See your smile…
feel nothing but you near me... I don't know...
What I know is that when I think of you I become someone totally unknown, I don't feel tired,
nor do I know the impossible, deep down I certainly feel that I can achieve everything if it's to
make you happy.
Your energy has something to correct all the bad things I have due to laziness, neglect or
indifference... it's like a match or a drop of life...
Do you know what happens to me when I think of you? I can only do good... I have an
inexplicable desire to do good to anyone...
I feel so full that I want to share, at that moment I can give everything away, help with everything,
solve everything...
My mind works so fast that I can feel the blood flow in my head and it's like I know everything...
And I guess being like that makes you happy...
A son of yours… ha! It's like asking for a door to heaven itself, a living star wrapped in crystal, a
diamond of a thousand colors, an angel with a body... I don't know, I feel like I would go crazy
with happiness if that happened... I would work a thousand shifts, a thousand hours, a thousand
days without stopping to that they do not lack anything, I would never steal, or lie, or speak ill
of anyone, or cheat on anything...
...and speaking of cheating, the first is not to cheat in wanting to achieve a feeling that I always
wanted from you... That's why I let you go in my mind and little by little in my heart...
You make me dream... Feel... live... You make me want to be better, not the best of all, but the
best in your eyes... I couldn't even remember what pain is, nor the past ... a child of yours and
mine would be like feeling paradise... From work I would run home to see them... Sometimes I
would have dinner, sometimes not... I would carry it without stopping, without getting tired,
sometimes I would cry inside to see that we are you and I united in him.
...and from the bottom of my heart I hope she looks like you... If she's a girl, I would love to see
her grow up and see your face, your smile, see you run, hear her laugh, scream, understand
how she thinks... Hear her smiles all over the home... Wait for the tooth mouse... Take her to
school... Encourage her to do homework... Teach her the value of friends...
I would make you a house with my own hands... Something so, so beautiful that it would
scream home everywhere... Small... But a home...
We would sing with the baby (or the babies), we would have a party for everything... Who like
I would never make you cry, I would not stand it and raise your hand... I would prefer to break
them before... you don't know how I dream one day to put on your shoes and... Before kissing
your feet... to see you smile...
I can't change a thing, but these silly lines pour out my chafi heart...
I really don't know what love is, nor what love is, I don't know... It's hard to want to reach or find
something that you only suppose exists and you don't know what it is or how it is... What I know
is that when you think Everything changes in you... You are an unwritten or unmeasured
element on the periodic table... an element that causes everything and generates an
unstoppable, unstoppable, endless and indeterminable chain reaction... that does not destroy...
on the contrary... it creates... An element that makes you not see... But feel the universe... You
do that to me...
You are something that creates for good...
I don't die for you... Never... But I would die for you... Without thinking or hesitating... I solved the
most complicated equation... You + whatever = heaven
The first time I saw you, something inside me screamed that it said "it's her, it's she, it's her",
but magic was not on my side... It doesn't matter... I met you and it changed my life...
If I could ask for the most difficult wish to grant... I would ask to have known you as a child, to
have seen you grow up and play with you in adolescence, to have gone to the movies with you
for the first time, to do homework together, to fight but be happy, to know everything about you.
Something magical that happened when I saw you was that you had a thousand admirers and
I didn't feel any jealousy... It was like knowing that they saw the same thing as me, a beautiful
being and something like that doesn't hide, on the contrary, it's like seeing the stars and being
jealous of someone else seeing them. time went by, I couldn't forget you...
You changed me inside...
I gave up a pride that held me...
I learned to live with that small doubt of what could have been...
I learned that there are special women, out of the ordinary... Who are here to awaken the best
in one, remind us of the right path and give up what separates us from finding someone like
you and fill our lives...
Women like you make us think that heaven exists... And that there are no short paths to reach
why think of you?... I don't know...
I remember that you were never bad, or heavy, I think you were so, so special, a sum or alloy
of nobility and beauty, a combination of tales...
A medicine that cures everything...
You were a very rare combination...
wherever you are... i know you shine
thank you, thank you, thank you for existing...
may the universe take care of you and eternity allow me to keep your memory... it's all my
treasure, it's all I want, it's all I ask for, it's all I want... Thank you! 09/10/2016
what would i ask you?
I know it's not what you expected to hear... forgive me
You ask me what I would ask you if today you said yes to whatever...
…I would ask you not to lie to me
...I would ask you to tell me how you see me...
...I would ask you, with the desire to help me, to tell me how others see me, to help me wake
up from my fantasy and to be able to correct my errors in attitude
...I would ask you to respect my ideas and desires, not that you feed them... But do not destroy
...I would ask you to listen to my story and judge me in silence... to let me talk about the
unspeakable... about what marks you and never heals...
...I would tell you about the debts that you can never pay.... The ones that are not material...
…that you know the whole story from my trench making a vow of silence…
...I would speak to you with the desire that you would listen as I leave paths, plans and wishes
in the air, except that of my love for you...
You were everything and I felt that I already had everything
…I would ask you to really be my friend…
…a true friend who knows how to keep silent…a lady…a true woman…
...I would ask you not to laugh at my sadness...
It's not because I'm cowardly or weak...
But because you would give absolutely everything without hesitation because things would
have been different...
...because the strength of man...his temperance is only achieved with pain... A lot, a lot of pain...
And that is what shapes you into who you are
…that you know why loneliness is so beautiful
...I would tell you why silence is sometimes so necessary
...I would tell you why faith in friendships is lost like a river that dries up and only you are the
spring that quenches this thirst to believe in the goodness of acts...
...I would tell you how you were my sun, my rainbow and the most beautiful creation of all
existence and why...
…because beauty is admirable and nothing takes away the taste for it
…but at the same time beauty should only inspire…never possess your senses…it loses you
…that you know my falls and their link with the love that I felt at some point…
…brief moments that mark a lifetime…a silent love.
…love like that really makes you believe in eternity…
…because you feel inexplicable pain and yearn for the undesirable in a clean way…
…without cheating or harming anyone…
...I would ask you for the sweetest and most tender hugs...
…I would ask you not to forget me in your prayers…
…with my heart…thank you. 11/05/2014
thank you moon
Thank you moon because you shape destinations... You cross paths for no reason or why...
...that's how it was to see you again... that's the only way I understand it...
Fate is sometimes the most tragic and beautiful at the same time...
I have always felt for you what I feel, I learned to hide it because it hurts and because I know
that I am not reciprocated... when you left it hurt my soul...
I thought I would never see you again, you know you broke my heart...
... I felt pain in everything I didn't know existed...
Even my mitochondria were sad...
All my electrolytes lined up to make your name
...but that intensity of suffering gave me the pain necessary to make my life goals no matter
how long it takes me to achieve them...
...little by little I learned to no longer see you everywhere, everywhere, in every woman who
looked like you...
My limbic system was beginning to see you as an angel...
You exist but you are not verifiable...
...I was left alone with the moon... The moon and me
With her, when I saw her, I always thought if you were seeing her at that moment the same as
me, if you would remember to see her...
…I closed my eyes and silently said your name imagining a kiss on your cheek... soft... like a
...seeing you was a gift of fate
...a gift that I will never be able to pay for...
But I thank the moon with all my heart...
When I hugged you, everything disappeared for a moment...
...the only thing that changed in my mind is the place...
We are on the beach, by the sea and with... the same moon
God bless you always princess...
The princess of the sleeping heart...
1001 letters
…there was no night that I did not write to you, night that my spirit did not look for you… and
when you felt close, everything made sense…
At dawn, sometimes, in the cold of the desert when the wind blew, I would look up to Orion's
belt and draw your face in the sky... I would say your name and draw it in the sand... I would do
it the same way on the beach and hope that a wave will erase it...
…with the first letter of your name I designed an engagement ring… do you remember it?
...only once I asked you to unite your life with me... and -sigh- it was the only time in my life that
I did something not caring about the world, or fate, or what will happen... you were everything...
almost a fantasy
The melody that I listen to countless times to dream of you...
almost a fantasy... the sonata that rewrites its history with yours and mine... a stolen love... a
love that never came...
Time goes by taking everything from me... only your memory keeps my heart young and no
matter how crazy my longing was, without any support or possibility of achievement, I don't
regret a second of having tried...
It was you who woke my spirit from the dream in which it slept...
because until I saw your eyes for the first time I felt life... when I heard your voice everything
disappeared and all my senses only attended to your movements... or your desires...
Sometimes when I hug you, it was with so much joy that I felt
that I could synchronize my heart to yours... that they beat as one...
and that's why it hurt me to let you go...
…I could never caress your hair and still I loved to see it fall on your face…
I wanted to lose my hand a thousand times between that layer of power of yours called hair...
short hair, long hair... you were always a princess...
And my life went away... that's how it was to wait and wait to see you again... my life went away
waiting... Time was eternal and I took care of all the details, not getting sick, canceling
everything, getting out of the way anything that wouldn't allow me to see you again…
...the only thing I couldn't control... happened... You didn't make it to the agreed appointment...
…you gave up on me and I on my cards…
1001 letters that were like 1001 years... without you... pain blocks all logic...
and they were the longest streets of my life... I couldn't hear the crowd and its thousand
sounds... so it was a few hours that were an eternity... until I couldn't take it anymore and I
dropped the envelope, the album with all my letters... all my nights on paper they left...
At times I felt that it had to be like this...
that in truth my love for you was more than forbidden... and the worst... the worst is not that you
denied me seeing you...
The worst thing was that fate did everything to not let me see you...
And against that, traveling alone with the illusion of being with you...
just for putting myself at your feet... and telling you everything you wanted to know...
Answer all your questions, resolve all your doubts, try to evaporate all your fears... it wasn't like
that and I just know that... it had to be like that...
...the letters were taken by a bag into oblivion... an unimportant street... it took my feelings for
you unimportant... there I tried to give you a thousand silly advice, from my way of being, I asked
you to take care of yourself... I drew something so as not to hurt you The album was boring and
I put some phrase or some thought...
…why feel this for you? I really don't know… I don't know
...that night when I got home I had a little fever... I knew I had lost you forever...
and leave the cards there to their fate... I knew that I had given up on you...
...and by giving up on you... I gave up feeling... whoever came after you would find a desolate
heart... a lost spirit... a spirit that will live in the limbo of the unrequited... a place where good or
evil does not matter... everything it's the same... only your memory makes the difference... there
I will be waiting for eternity to hear your voice again... your voice that once woke him up... now
he sleeps so as not to become completely extinct... a spirit that sleeps the sleep of the just...
...if your spirit ever gets in there...
To that limbo... Find me...
...You will surely find me because I will sleep holding a feather...
Ornate on a sheet
...waiting for the inspiration of your memory... to write you another letter... 12/21/2014
the cisne
I can lose everything but not you
You live generating more than I can remember
I know you are impossible but life is made up of it... of impossible
Of what you want stays in your life forever and there is nothing written The winds of change
arrive and just as it brought you I know it can take you
Even so, you live in my thoughts, in my joys, in my feelings.
Like a squirrel I climb the branches of the trees to be able to see you in the distance
And I throw in a whole nut so it floats up to you
Sometimes I just sit on the shore of the lake and see your princess elegance. You light up
everything with your presence...
…and you darken it with your absence
You were born like this, sensitive, tender, with a heart white as snow and romantic as the full
moon... You will always be...
…a star turned into an angel
…an angel turned into dawn light
…a light that shines like a mirror of water
… pure water that comes from a spring
…spring of life
…the most beautiful thing… to give life… two drops of water that come together
…the infinite lives in you….
…infinity comes from you…
...I don't know if there is something more sublime than you... the most beautiful swan
…I see you from the shore of the lake, from the highest branch of that tree where I engraved
your name
... you only smiled at me once... and it was a micro dose of serotonin...
...everything is impossible to get to you... and everything is possible if I think of you... 01/10/2015
the fairy
I woke up and I was in eternity, but it was not what I expected, I thought that by loving you I
would always be with you... and we were in eternity but... I didn't count on this...
…you were a fairy… the most beautiful of them
…your hair really shone like gold…
…your face in a whiteness…
Skin like a baby's... A porcelain complexion, perfect, your pink sheets
... your emerald eyes... like the bottom of the water of the most beautiful lake I have ever seen.
Your white wings made a mirror in your hair... your spirit was always that... that of a fairy...
…me too…
…I got trapped on this threshold… with wings too… but burnt… a little with the smell of charcoal…
I opened them and only sparkles and a few small fathoms came out….
And everyone who talks about it knows nothing...
It's colder than an iceberg here... I don't feel anything...
I see the sun... But I don't feel its heat...
….I instantly understood why you were truly forbidden to me….
As never imagined...
…I was a little devil… paunchy and good-natured….
...I understood why those who received me in my last form told me in a dream to renounce
you... I didn't want to and I'm here... free to do all the mischief I want and I tell you something...
I have no desire... all I wanted was to be with you in eternity... that was my wish... but today I
know that I failed in something... in asking the universe for permission to feel your heart...
…I scream at you but you can't hear me…I'm in front of you…but you don't see me…you just
shake your nose because you say it smells like something too toasty….
... that overcooked and toasted ... it's me
With the little ones that they gave me in the welcome kit, I make pyrography writing your name
on the little trees…
But you, before reading my message, heal the poor little tree by deleting what I did for you...
And so I have spent these first years of my new existence... sitting on my charcoal, which is the
only thing that holds me...
…and I see you fly, fly very high in all directions and I am there when you help everyone who
asks you… and sometimes I spend my time moving something, pulling a hair out quickly so
they ask you for help… and see you again
18 day in spring I could see someone just like you but in another part of this prison called
the world... what good is eternity if I'm going to be alone... for menso
…I put a photo of myself old lady on your double-light and I wrote your name and made her say
it 3 times and you arrived… this time fortunately you saw the photo and you blinked with your
eyelashes… for a second you remembered me…
And you went to see my file in the book that says "do not open it even for emergencies" and
so, you secretly took it to your forest, bedroom or whatever it is called where you only hear zzz
there you saw my name, my bad jokes and why they didn't let me
be with you... you looked for lawyers to look at my case, but it turns out that up there... there
isn't just one lawyer... they're all down here... night I raised my eyes and looked at the highest and most illuminated star in the
firmament... I closed my eyes and wholeheartedly regretted having fallen in love with you... and
there, in that instant, you could suddenly see me!
As if my words fell like a stone on my head and I had to confess that whatever I said... I was still
tied to you...
the sky was suspended... time, the stars and the moon froze... it's as if there had been a truce
to be with you... just once
...I looked into your eyes... No words came out of my mouth... you smiled at me and I was afraid
to hug you, I might leave you without wings... and you will be very fairy, but I do remind you
how angry you are...
...with everything and how ugly they made hugged me without fear...I felt your heart
beating...The one I always said you had asleep...He woke up and I wasn't there to see him...
You have the charm of the first rays of dawn... in truth you always had the heart of a princess
...and I felt my soul, the one that I lost... come back to me... I hugged you and a soft, very soft
music began from the wind... a melody that we had heard before... we heard... moonlight...
we danced… all night we danced…. My sulphurous feet were leaving
scribbles on the ground and you suspended in the air, floating, we danced smiling without
stopping looking at each other... at one point you closed your eyes and rested your head on my
shoulder... hugging you was the most incredible thing I ever felt... I even forgot it was me...
…a sudden sound of bells gave us the signal that the truce had ended…
You released me and I could feel how your hand slipped from mine without being able to do
anything to stop it...
…but then you could hear my voice screaming: come back to me… Come back…
and you only manage to say: soon... I couldn't kiss you...
...I have waited for you 100 years... and I will wait 100 more with pleasure to embrace you again...
Something that happened is that my wings from being all twisted and black as bank debt... little
by little they were taking on a sand tone... my hands from being uglier than working on Sunday
have slowly been recovering a normal shape... it's as if your hug It would have given me back
some humanity... I stopped being cold... haven't let yourself be seen again... it's like up there after our meeting they improved their
"software"... for fear that by becoming friends with me chances are in your goodness I'll
convince you and you stay here...
…but if they weren't the ones who gave us that night… that suspension from the stars? So who?...
I'm beginning to feel hope... hope that what we feel unites us all... and it's the only thing that
they couldn't change in me... what I feel for you.
…bye bye super precious fairy… bye bye 01/19/2015
a thousand years
You would have left me... it is not the time to claim that nothing real can be done... but you
would have left me
…I would have given my life for you…I would have given my life for you…
there is nothing I would not have done for you... sometimes it is too dangerous to love like this...
maybe that's why you never dared... maybe live something so, so intense that it exceeded your
reason, your control, your status... surrender to something overcoming fear ... I did want it ...
…every day the passion to live can be so strong that it destroys a built world… like the end of a
star and after that… the rebirth
No one can take that step for oneself, it is oneself who gives up to find or find oneself and that
moment of not having a fall net... is life
...I never thought it would be after... never... I just know that I wanted something stronger than
me to be with you... only with you...
I don't ask for anything... I only dreamed of you once (since I had forgotten you)
and you were angry... bright memory...
...I dreamed a thousand times I wake up to happiness with you... I sigh... sometimes I wish I had
never met you... but then I think that what I suffer for you takes me to a level of
love that I never knew... because it is the soldier who goes to war knowing that he will not return
and still wanting to go for an ideal...
…air… it was air that I offered to your life… but it was country air, pure, full of freshness and life…
warm, temperate, full of softness and tenderness just for you… I have been faithful to you…
because loving is something very own and one gives their feelings to whoever one wishes and
cannot be judged for it... it just happens and that's it...
…I can do nothing but just forget you… let go of you until in a thousand years I need you to feel
life itself again… and I feel that I am only going to say the same thing that I engraved on that
tree next to your name… you would have let me love you… 01/26/2015
your blinks, the shape of your hands... now yes... I have tattooed you in my mind... Why did I get
lost in making your name a jewel? When the only priceless and incomparable jewel is the
splendor of your beauty... When loving, the micron of a second in which all the elements of
conception come together, the release of cph4 occurs at the molecular level, a protein that
triggers an atomic reaction force... but pure love is the one that invokes the spirit that takes life
in that new being... your being... and that spirit that lives in you is eternal, it has always been
yours and it does not reach a new being because you call it or want it... the only The way you
are the way you are is because perfect love was in the hearts of those who love you and gave
life... unique and unrepeatable for millennia... that's how you are. Do you make me nervous?
Yes... because it's a dream to see you, talk to you, smile at you and live the best minutes of my
life… is it a drama? Yes... feel for years and years what I feel and repress it because I could not
create the path to reach your heart... you are right... if it is a drama... the most unbearable feeling
for which there is no resignation or rest... it catches you like a disease of antiquity that
overcomes all forces against it... it is not possible to resist... Sometimes I would like to please
you in everything... but you have a strong character, of the lineage of the pharaohs who do not
know the impossible... and this feeling that I feel for you... From that... I can't please you...
I know that of the two... I am the one who has loved, desired, loved and suffered the most...
Because you are worth everything... everything... only one song came to me the mind..."it's
enough for me"... And although I don't know the direction this feeling takes,
my rose
I'm not ready to lose you
I beg you with my heart to take care of yourself
I ask God to hear my prayer and take care of you
From my heart I'm not prepared to lose you...
I don't care which path you take... or if I'm in your life
From the bottom of my soul I only ask you to take care of yourself... a lot Because I couldn't live
if something happened to you... I don't know what I would do... I really don't know
Of everything that can take my life... the only thing I couldn't bear is that something happened
to you... I don't love you... it's something higher... I can feel it... it's that I joined you in spirit... and
it's not a metaphor
...I gave myself to you regardless of fate...
And I know... I know that wherever you go... you will take something of me
…I wish I had received help from heaven…divine help to be happy with you…
I don't care... you decided your life, your path, your decisions and I only ask you... live... live...
Live long and I hope you remember me... if not really... I don't care... as long as I know you're
…you are my Jenny… I am your eternal lover
… the one who has a certain slowness in feelings… I know….
…the one who did not know how to live with your dreams… but please live them… achieve them…
…the one who would have given his life to be the one who made you happy…
…the one who sighs when thinking of you…
...the one who did not meet any of your expectations... but still loved you
...I am the one who if I could... would take you around the world... because it would not be to
enjoy new landscapes... but to see your face in a new dawn every day... that is beauty for me...
seeing you smile when you wake up and see your eyes... bring you a coffee...
…I am the one who cares about your ideals…
…the one who would give everything just to see you again… just that… To see you again…
…I am the one that wherever you go I will always be waiting for you…
i'm your forrest
…because I would die… I would die if something happened to you… what you want... but I beg you... you are the most beautiful thing in my world... you are my
rose from my glass sphere... nothing exists in my world... only you...
…I would sing to you in a soft tone… I would bring my hands closer little by little to warm you
and protect you from the cold… You are my everything…
And if I felt that you lacked water to live... I would cry... I would give all my tears for you to live...
and if it were not enough I would put my arm to the sharpest of your thorns... from me you
would have water to live and color for your petals... even if they had to dry my veins... for you I
would be happy... …a rose like you not only lights up my world… I know… you light up the
universe. 01/31/2015
the rock and the vortex
You cannot walk with an empty heart... without a name to love from a distance...
You left without saying anything... You simply left... when I felt you my heart was one... The two
cavities were one... you were my diastole...
Sometimes I thought that no more damage can be done to a heart, dry of feelings, hardened
by the most terrible of experiences... not being able to process the pain... it makes your immune
system activate... That it defends itself... in the face of so much injury and so deep it cannot
recover... it loses its function little by little... it forms more and more rigid fibers to avoid pain... it
replaces the wounds... it beats less... but it lives... it survives...
...that's how the first attacks were... he protected himself from so much pain and became so
hard that one day he woke up like a rock... he didn't feel, he just did his job by letting what had
to happen go by... things just flowed without ceasing...
Everything was functional in part... until your existence came into his life... and broke him... once
again there were two cavities... and of the mind... of the two hemispheres... none could fully or
partially process what was happening...
And this deep, black hole that ran through my being...
This abyss that extends to the depths of the universe... has no end... it's a vortex that devours
everything I felt for you... it was a lot and it took a long time... it burned the stone... it tempered
…even so, one day the
sub-armstrong that was left of my feeling for you…that reacted to hearing your name…and
emitted your frequency…
the special and unique, inviolable frequency that my mind and my heart built to feel you close...
thinking of you... they became one with you... they lived from you...
...what the abyss emitted burned... the heart wanted to stop being a rock... It wanted to beat but
could not... I imagined, I dreamed and the two hemispheres tried to re-arm themselves to think
of you... and they succeeded... against all prohibitions they succeeded and they sent you a
message…come back to me…
…it seems that they had erased the past, they had suppressed it to tie a
new reality for you... it didn't take me long to receive his dose of reality... you wouldn't come
…it was not a catharsis…he wanted to activate the self-blocking…he could not and the apoptosis
of my whole being came…until finally wanting to deactivate my center… My heart…
…the vortex of the black hole that split my heart… That abyss began to rotate with greater force
and intensity… and it expanded… expanded and the rock of my heart did not give way... it received the blind heat of that vortex
on its walls... And he resisted... when he could not absorb it, the black abyss pressed him with
intensity to break it...he couldn't either... then he invested his strength …he magnetized them
together…the two cavities stuck to each other…they were one again…the union was very
strong…they got hot…
They burned... and everything indicated that the pressure and heat would make them into fine
stone dust, easy to take everything to the bottom...
…and it happened that from that something that once felt for you…that which gave life did the
inexplicable…from that rock hardened by the weight of pain…little by little it lost its color…and
became transparent…crystalline.... And that black and insensitive hole that emitted the force of
pain from a million abysses remained locked in its center of the rock walls... and what no one
would ever understand happened...
The heart ceased to exist... it was made of stone... A rock... It stopped beating because it could
not resist anymore... and it happened that the simplest decree of love is heard in the confines
of eternity... and so it happened... that love became frequency… your frequency…
and at the end of its existence... Not knowing more about you...
In its last second of life... The rock emitted back your frequency from the bottom of the abyss...
And from being the most insignificant... before ceasing to exist... that rock that lost all color and
all life became the who promised you... a crystalline and pure diamond...
A diamond capable of resisting everything...
When you find it... if you come back... that simple rock is my heart, the center diamond of the
ring I made for you...
supported by 5 other lateral diamonds, where each one represents my vows... All supported in
gold where the letters that form your name are hidden...
What form the walls of the ring?
From the vortex... where I got lost...
...when looking at the ring from above you will see that the diamonds form the silhouette of
what you always were for me... an unattainable... but beautiful... very beautiful... star... the most
intense... the brightest... I understand the end of the theme "the impossible dream"...
Reaching the unreachable star...
And that ring can only be used by you... By no one else... in your hands...
By putting it on... You will seal the doors of that abyss... You will put an end to the force of that
vortex... And the firmament will say your name... Your beautiful name...
because they know in eternity... that -without you knowing it-...
You will carry in your hands not a meaningless rock...
But all the feelings of my heart...
...when you have it with you, slowly bring your ear closer to the ring... to the diamond... Close
your eyes... you will be able to gently hear a heartbeat... That emits your frequency...
Your name... because on that rock... I will always be there... for you. 02/03/2015
a flower
Come... let me hug you... don't say anything... Let me tell you who you are to me...
…I would love to say it to your eyes, but you cloud my senses…
I noticed you because I feel that you are the best of women...
I know you don't believe it, I just want to talk just to talk... no, it's like that...
...I wish this time you could see what I see, what I feel for you...
…I feel trust in your heart,
...I feel that you are a good person,
Someone who is sincere, although you know that you cause pain, I know that you do it with a
touch of sweetness...
I see how you are with others, how you smile, how you always make them feel good... You have
a lot of love in your heart...
…I know that it is selfish to love you for myself… but with you I feel that I want nothing more… I
see you walk with elegance, with poise, with your eyes raised… with pride
A hard-earned pride... a royal demeanor accompanies you... and I don't know why... but I like it
I like it when you hold your hair with any pencil as a headdress... leaving your neck exposed...
playing a deadly game between your eyes and your smile …
You are delicate to take things, you slowly caress the air with your hands as if they were wings...
In a wide dress or pants... you always look good...
…even in the worst of appearances…in the most worn-out denim…you always look good…
…you look for answers to everything… you find… and you share…
…you pay attention to the details that nobody takes care of… you always try to make people feel
…you are more than what I always asked for… much more…
…you have habits that no one else has… you adopted them as yours… and you left your mark
…you read a lot and you give yourself time for everything… you are not selfish… don't like always take the side of the weakest... It doesn't matter what
happens... And you defend your cause like the most terrible of lawyers... You are tireless...
Tireless. ..
...1 in the morning is the ideal time to exchange points of view...
And it's hours... And hours... But hearing you... Seeing you... It's the best adventure of the heart...
Knowing what's going through your mind... Knowing life through your eyes... You I love it for it... really like cleanliness... even so, you have never made me feel bad if I am not what you
26 are the one who does first things first... Although it contrasts that I do it last... And you let
me be...
…you have never hidden who I am from you…with how crooked I am….
let me be happy... get angry to the breaking point... you transform from a gentle breeze to a hurricane... but
as the storm passes, burning everything in its path... you have the humility to return and smile...
and everything is forgotten...
…because your look heals… I don't feel any pain…
…if I could have a garden full of thousands of flowers… I feel that it would be little for what you
are for me…
…you see life in a simple way… because where you pass everything changes… you arrive and
everything changes… you illuminate it… you are a poem…. Something that seduces just by being
…where you go, the sun follows you… sometimes I think the weather forecast depends on you…
…you are my first thought at dawn and my treasure when the sun sets…
…you watch a movie and you are the protagonist…you cry, you suffer, you feel… eat everything... from the most complicated to the simplest... anywhere... street dinner or
the finest place... you don't distinguish by will... everything for you is a paradise... and I know it...
because you are there
…you don't know poverty… you make alchemy with the purity of your heart…
and everything is better...
...since I met you, I only wanted to know about you... it wasn't always possible... but I was always
attentive when someone brought news about you... I separated every scene... I stayed in my
part of your life...
...when it is necessary you let yourself be pampered... and when I can't do it... you just say... hug
me... And that hug is touching the sky...
You have dreams and you follow them... and you teach me to follow mine...
...for me... you are the one I want to see my days, sunsets... nights...
and early mornings...
…and in moments of pain… you are the one who comforts my soul…
...that comes later... I don't know... a flower like you... is one in a million flowers... one in a million
…and luckily for me… life let me meet you… 02/04/2015
I dressed as if I were with you... as cheerful and light as I could...
I took my backpack as if I was never going to return... with that peace when you know that you
are facing your destiny and that nothing can change it...
I went to the countryside, I looked for nature where I could feel what you make me feel, it
seemed like a cloudy day, it was a high place and it had a nice view...
...I sat down and put on music in a light tone... I felt the wind that comes with the change in
temperature... a little cold and warm at the same time... the sun was rising and I thought of you...
Sensing that it was time, I dug a hole in the ground and first placed the ring… the one that takes
one day to design and 7 years to make it happen…. Later, together I put a little gold plaque with
your story and mine... and in the end... I planted a sequoia sempervirens on top of my offering...
I left my life, my soul, all my heart for you...
I lay down next to him, caressed him saying goodbye... I felt a tear that, still warm, reached the
ground to feed him for the first time...
The sequoia will grow and will have in its roots... In its branches... In its leaves part of you and
me... Each being that settles under its shadow, the tree will tell the story and I know that they
will make their nest thinking of you... and if that tree ever cries, sap will sprout that will roll in
drops of amber... In the shape of a heart...
I chose that tree for growing tall to the sky and as long as my love for you... they live 3 thousand
years... which is like a sigh to see you again...
Every year I will go to see him... To protect his area... and leave a flower...
To your essence... to your existence... I will go away
There they study everything I look for... I take the couple of the sequoia sempervirens... there I
will plant it and sow under it, the other little gold plate with our history... I don't know how the
leaves will grow... but I know that every 14th of the second month... . They will see your name...
Your image will be formed in flashes of light and mirrors of water...
and they will know about the princess with emerald eyes...
…I know that I will not return and my desire is to rest next to that tree….
When the sun hits it, between the branches your shadow will be seen, your silhouette and
everyone will know that a star woman... an untouchable swan... lives there...
…that the wind caresses its leaves whispering your name…that the branches move smiling
remembering their roots and what they keep…that the robust trunk feels proud to envelop your
heart…because each bird just to get there…its song will change and sing not just any song... but
a singular song... Of a sparrow... our story... Everything I felt for you... You inadvertently changed
everything... without wanting to, without knowing you as I wish... I feel you in me... And all the
The inhabitants of the forest will know about the princess made swan... The swan that eclipsed
the beauty of the moon... the brightness of the star... The sunlight... because even more than all
of this put together... It was always you. 02/14/2015
thousand stars
Now comes the hardest work... how do I master your memory?
How should I not see you everywhere?...
How to avoid making mistakes and saying your name...
…your name… made by the wind, sounds that caress the fall of the river, the waving of the leaves
of the tree, the peace of the mountain…
I close my eyes and see you... You are lying in the field full of flowers, where the grass grows
over what it hides... I am by your side... I see your eyes and I cannot
say nothing... I look at you and sigh...
I wouldn't change that moment for anything... seeing how the wind plays with your hair...
listening to the birds singing and seeing you smile...
…I do not want anything…. Only that this moment never ends... there is nothing I would change
about you... We turn on our backs and watch the sunset come... the sky turns pink... we make
a wish... we talk about everything we did and didn't do to be together... we laugh from our
assumptions... You scold me… I accept… I debate… I never win…
...when the moon rises, it traces a path that reaches us... we see endless stars... and with the tip
of my finger I raise my hand as if touching the firmament and I touch a star... it sticks to my
finger and I lower it little by little and the I hit your face... that's what I was missing... put the stars
in their place... with you...
I raise my hand again and touch another star and do the same….
With the tip of my finger I lower it, I bring it closer to you and it alone descends into your being….
Under all that she can and I fill you with them...
Without wanting to, I have disturbed the sky... to fill those spaces I take a hair of yours... I stick it
from its tip to my finger and I raise my hand... sticking it to the universe... I take your curls, each
one instead of each star that I take for you... little by little it takes on a certain shape... by leaving
them there, little by little each curl begins to shine... their brightness spreads... and suddenly
you smile... you smile in such a magical way that the stars attached to your being shine and at
the same time... up there as if they were a pair... one in you and one there...
the shape makes sense... It's you... Each star attached to you shines with its twin of your curls
there in the firmament... like a mirror... you are so beautiful... that this time the stars were not the
ones who guided us to form an image, a smile, a silhouette...
upon seeing you, they took your form... leaving your essence in eternity... the stars shine... there
I will always be able to see you... I will raise my hand to meet yours... Up there in the universe...
where the shape and smile of the most beautiful being that came into my life was suspended
for eternity... you... the princess made... of a thousand stars... 02/16/2015
protein s infinity
When I fell in love with you, I knew you were different, from a very different plane than mine...
I went to the sea at night, see the reflection of the moon as I walk towards you, listen to the
crash of the waves, see the stars in the dark, feel that you are there looking at me...
I knew that letting go was having one foot on the cliff, feeling the wind push you, closing your
eyes and knowing there is a balance you want to break...
…I know that it is not possible for you to go down to this dimension… you were not made for this
One night I fell into a febrile stage with a very high temperature, nothing was able to control my
They took my blood to analyze, they found something irregular and they asked for different tests
for the entire series of my DNA...
...they put me in a coma... the sub-armstrong level they could see the strands of my DNA arranged in the form of an
s, from 5 cousin to 3 cousin... everything seemed normal... there was a young man who wore
headphones so as not to distract the investigations and come across another companion, the
cord of his earphones got caught in a drawer handle and popped the earphone off….
The sound was released and at that moment a melody was heard that said your name for a
And the person who was analyzing the sample could see how the strands replicated, how the
telomeres stretched trying to reach each other, they sponged up, they strengthened...
They had not seen anything like it and that gave them greater interest...
No one related the facts, they searched and tried all means, but they could not replicate the
Until one day a geneticist who knew about the case arrived and asked that
to do everything exactly like the first day... he observed and observed... and a beginner
remembered that that day the fact of the hearing aids...
And they laughed at the beginner's so innocent comment, but already half tired of not finding
an answer, they asked that they bring the right melody from
that occasion...
all prepared in 5 different analyses, hoping to laugh at the delusional who made the comment
to the notable geneticist…
and the inexplicable happened... as the melody passed and in certain
parts mentioned your name, the threads opened, cut, spliced in a beautiful way, coordinated
in space and time, the imprint was magical... it was a radio effect and its receptor... Your
Nothing was new… just that no substance had been applied to this… it was all because of your
They took the sample to the hadron accelerator lab below Gin and ran millions of volts through
the DNA along with your sound and it was like no other… they could see how the valence
electrons arranged the carbons into a series of dots a kind of morse code ...was your name...
They isolated the sample and were even more surprised when they realized that where there
were changes was in the part of the DNA chain considered introns or false... which is ninety-
five percent of the total DNA...
And the interesting thing began...
they called other geneticists who refused to have their names exposed to such an illogical
experiment... but no... seeing that the same thing happened in the different sequences, no
matter how many times they did it... they decided not to wake me up to congratulate me... but
rather take me as a guinea pig to see what the hell I had in my blood...
...they asked for everything from me... they even found out what I had hidden in the depths of
oblivion... and it happened... when I reached the stage where I met you, it was the beginning of
another existence...
…they did it with the DNA of other people… the sound of your name and absolutely nothing
happened… they tried it with the name of special people and the result was zero…
...31 days had passed in an induced coma and due to a premonition of the doctor (a genius),
they withdrew the medications that kept me sedated... they put me some headphones, your
name in a low tone... and little by little all the symptoms of the fever disappeared …
The geneticist and neurologist asked me to do an ecg, a scan of the hemispheres and nothing
strange happened... until it occurred to her to let your sound be heard at the time of the exam...
and she went back to
Something special happened... all the areas lit up, all showed neural activity, intensely the
synapse was in pulses as if they were sending a message... looking for you... Even at the end
of the universe...
The hubble space telescope managed to record your sound emitted by my hemispheres and
followed it up to the best of its resources... The signal was
he lost after crossing all space at a speed greater than what can be explained... It is believed
that the portal that he went to is known as infinity...
…but the strangest thing was that the space telescope managed to capture how, as the signal
passed, certain stars lit up at the same time, forming an image… it managed to count a
thousand stars…
...nobody could explain it... at the end of the exams they asked me for a photo of you... but I
didn't have... just the memory of your image in my mind... and perfectly the sound of your voice...
and I paused softly with which you told me for the first time your name…
They asked me for your details, but I gave them false, no one would believe that I met you...
I signed the confidentiality agreements and agreed not to disclose the experience, only through
this means, the narrative of an event that changed my life and that I know will change many
...different laboratories saw the results and for months they did not know what to do with them...
Well, your name had a domino effect on millions of amino acids, coded and corrected all my
Millions of new proteins... but they only served me... they gave me inexhaustible energy...
...from being an empty name and code of the experiment... they managed to get all the
permissions to call you... the protein s∞…s infinity.
Although there is already the protein s that helps the coagulation of the
by your name, your sound, your frequency, which not only has that function and therefore they
decided to add the symbol∞(infinity), which are actually two letters s strung together: protein
s∞for encoding new proteins and the reactions you cause are infinite...
...sometimes I think that's why DNA strands have that shape...
From s continues…
The doctor who led the research wrote a thesis on the matter, in which she postulates that in
the future science will be able to endlessly regenerate people's DNA and enhance the synapse
of the neural network to an unknown level, if these people only have the name… of someone to
love… 02/23/2015
You're not here and yet you fill my world
You are quite a woman, however you have a pure, innocent, unstained soul, the soul of a girl...
It doesn't matter what you dress, how you put on your makeup, your multiple poses and
costumes before life, your gaze does not change... you cannot hide or modify it... it is you...
And when you look up they shine like a mirror
You make a slight smile, fold your lips... you change my universe
Your freckles are stamps from the rain of stars crashing against your being...
You are not afraid of what people think... I love that... I love you... You are natural like a
landscape... you are... you are... and you don't need to change anything... You rethink life,
existence, it is a delight to hear you speak...
You walk as if you were floating, as if the air carried you...
You sponge your long wavy hair, you raise it on a war footing and you conquer everything
because it envelops your angel face...
You stay awake, you sleep like a baby, you breathe like a baby, with that calm that your dreams
without veils, because you are loved...
You ask for everything in a kind way, even when you're angry you smile and no one can deny
you anything...
You tan and your beauty becomes extreme, everything comes to a standstill….
It's like a slow motion film shot... that can only focus on you... everything disappears...
It doesn't matter that you are on the other side of the world
It doesn't matter that I have to walk my towns and have to win their approval to get to you...
…I know I will…I know…
Because you smile, talk, shut up, look, get sad, cry or sing... all of you is life for me... Let me
achieve it all by your side...
Let me connect your energy to mine... Let me add...
Let me feel what it is to live without feeling time or the world...
Let me count the seconds to see you again...
Let me know what it is to create in plastic arts with you in my life….
Because after seeing you, works of your soul will be born through my eyes...
You are art… living art…27/02/2015
I know it's you
By the lake I wanted to capture your essence
Plant your love and make it bear fruit
I watered it with my best wishes
Little by little it grew
With a foliage of a special brightness
In spring it bears a pale purple flower.
When you get closer it becomes an intense tone
That's how you are
color intensity
The softness of the scent
Sparrows come and come to keep you company
you never dry
your leaves never fall
I sit in your shadow
Even in winter your shadow gives warmth
I feel your joy every time the leaves move
Every time its flowers open
I know it's you
The rain runs through your leaves
The drops fall making melodies like a music box
They fall forming waves of colors
The drops fall and laugh
I reach out my hand to you
And little by little yours is drawn in front of mine
pianist hands
I know it's you
It looks a little sap
don't cry i'm here
Where I go my clothes carry your scent
A sparrow comes to my window bringing your message
sing non-stop
I know it's you
Every night I make you a poem
Every afternoon I read it to you and
Your flowers are born of a very soft velvet
Its color changes telling me if you're happy or angry
If you miss me or scold me, your tones say everything
I know it's you
The sunset gives a pink sky
I make a wish
The sun goes down little by little
And its color like your leaves intensify its color
In the last seconds before disappearing
The sun gives a deep red
Your branches, your leaves, all your flowers little by little are transparent
as if they were made of water
The light passes illuminating the center of the tree
And little by little your eyes are drawn
your innocent smile
your raised hand
I bring mine closer
my wish came true
I know it's you 03/06/2015
my course
You are like faith, inexplicable, but it is felt.
You are like a road with many falls but I always get up thinking of you, you fill me up, you make
me feel satisfied with my achievements
I have left behind my favorite hobby of falling and getting up, you are a vector of joy
You are my constant...
I would give everything to see you again and that's what I'm doing, I think of you and I give
everything at every moment You are my engine and remind you of the flag that flies high in my
You fill me up so much that I don't understand it, absolutely all my neurons work in harmony
pausing, truce, pact or alliance to think of you and wish that where you are is the best of your
days... because wherever you are if you smile... I smile... although everything separates us...
There is no reason why our paths crossed, but because my entire limbic system learned to
bring to this plane sensations for you that exceed what I can understand. You are all the sounds
of joy, all the bright colors...
I sit on the sand and the waves reach my feet and I know it's you... tender as always... Under
my hands and they only touch the surface of the water, I feel the coming and going of your
You know that I will not lower my arms, that I am fighting for you, that nothing will stop me and
if something stopped me... you know that whatever stopped me... I would find myself standing
and with your image in my eyes... Sometimes I walk to the end of the pier where we sit a
thousand times to watch the sunset, I see the horizon and feel the storm of the last months of
the year, I keep my hands in my jacket, but I love feeling the cutting wind at full speed crashing
against my face, letting myself fall against the wind, feeling that its strength holds me up,
knowing that this is all I need to be with you... desire and will...
That will and a little foolishness with which I swam the boat when we drifted, you were scared,
I was scared too, a lot, but the only thing I thought while it was getting dark was that my faith
in you sustained me, fed me, faith not to get tired, faith of being able to move forward a little
more and a little more still tired… I don't know how but the sea was generous… I remember your
face and the universe in the background…. That scene was worth a lifetime to me... when you
arrived you didn't say anything, but you saw me in a way where I knew that nothing would ever
separate us... that if I was born for something, it was for that moment... to seal my destiny...
We learned the value of a radio that does work...
I don't know where your path is, but on my boat... You are my course... 03/20/2015
she is like that
After life collapsed I understood that the heart also has a cognitive system, perhaps there is no
room for knowledge of reasoning but only what is important, feeling, living, wanting... that of
which eternal stories will be made, not what you achieved, but about what you felt and if it is to
be judged because you felt… there will never be any explanation… it simply is…. Just like you...
you just are...
Only that remains of me, burned pieces of something that once beat, unrecognizable except
for small flashes of crimson red that little by little were reduced to a bright ash, of all that was
not even half of what it once was. It was not even the shadow of what it was, what it did, what
it achieved, what it dreamed of, what it created... and it did not create anything, it only translated
what it understood when it saw you... It flowed like counting the stars... it was endless...
Why I wasn't totally destroyed, I don't know, I don't understand it, I can't explain it, it turns out
that what feelings are made of floats while everything else is destroyed, that doesn't suffer any
deterioration, it prevails over everything… Everything.
Something happened and everything moved, it trembled strongly, everything tilted and I rolled
like a stone on a hill, in case something else was missing to feel now if nothing was missing,
but when night came I could hear a new heartbeat... and as the moon As I moved up, I felt like
a drop of mercury, separated into cold and brilliant drops,
re-uniting what was left of me to roll close to you...
When I arrived next to you, I saw that the same thing had happened to me, only that you were
stronger, I got as close as I could, I felt your heartbeat and little by little my insipid color of
mercury took on color and I wanted to be the half that beat in melody with you... and so were
some moons... it was not a heart made of the pieces of two whole... It was an instrument that
spoke with the universe... when it beat happy the birds sang... when it beat sadly the rain was
the nostalgia for the sordid and intense piano note... and with the ease that being a liquid metal
gives me, it molded me to be anything that would make you smile... Making you smile was all
I asked... We beat making our own sounds, our own melody...
But even the happiest beat ends and that time I was with you I knew I wanted nothing more, I
knew what destiny I wanted in my life, beating near you felt as if my senses were opening up,
suddenly everything made sense, the end of my world, every fall, every mistake, every time
something didn't work out, I was grateful for everything, because if only something had been
different, the time to meet you would not have come.
And from the moment I saw you I knew that I couldn't hold you back, I knew that it was an
instant, a moment of life's gift, why I don't know, I know that even the worst in my life was
grateful for it at that moment, nothing bothered me anymore, You were like a glimpse of
I would go anywhere with you... what if I wanted you just for me?
I would have given my life, believe me, my life... It would only have beat for you...
Know? You are fascinating, simply fascinating, if there was a gene that encoded your way of
being, all the scientific research of the entire world would be used to obtain your essence, your
sequence... all the medicines would be made with your gene included...
Because you are someone with a perfect spirit of struggle, delivery, joy and sensitivity.
With your gene, what would change would not be the world, but the way you see it and feel it,
and the problems would not be a burden, because what you have is, whatever it is, you manage
to overcome it or turn it in your favor... it would be like changing the sense of things, but while I
am a drop of mercury that the most I do is change color and temperature, you are also mercury,
but not the metal but the planet... Full of mysteries and mysticisms... Indecipherable ...
And the real world is not like that... it is not made up of dreams and achievements, but of falls
and resignations, that's why with what's left of me, I take your memory where you can't find it,
where you can't alter it from my senses, I take from you, the best thing I saw, the best thing I
could feel, the best thing I could beat, what made me vibrate, what made me fly...
Without understanding it again -I think because I wanted it- she trembled again and a stone
came towards you with full speed, you were sleeping, even though everything moved you had
the peaceful sleep of a newborn and in an instant I wanted to join you , but my fear did not
make it... I was cold, I stopped seeing you and I felt an uncontrollable vertigo, I rolled and rolled
with the stone downhill while I was moving away from you forever, the last thing I could see is
that when I hit the stone I had pushed you, unintentionally under a tree... you would be safe
there... I think it didn't matter what happened anymore, I stopped seeing and felt tired, to wait
for the end of the whim of life...
I woke up next to a beach, it was incredible what you could see, even though you weren't there
I could feel you... feeling you was like flying... and as a gift of life I was able to do it... I began to
fly, fly like a seagull, and I imagined myself with you by my side, it was flying seeing the endless
blue of the sea and coming down from the top of the sky at full speed and turning at the level
of the sand, flying at full speed feeling the breeze and the reflection of the sun in the water, I
recognized the beach, it was ipanema...
Being with you was simply living in a bossa nova tone, it was owning a moment of life... that
was being with you... sharing to see you smile... you were that girl from ipanema...
But I know that one day, no matter how high I flew and made use of the wind, I would have to
go down to earth and just as the change of season comes to change the leaves of the oak, no
matter how strong it is, it cannot resist... even in the most beautiful horizon its sun hides and for
moments the infinity of stars and dreams come...
Unchangeable time passed and I did not find a gene like yours, the wind and the stars came
to bring me news of you, you were not another... only you also flew, you took another flight and
that freedom of yours, that arrogance of a bird from Greek mythology that It was what attracted
me to you. I take your joy to bring joy to other lands, to other horizons...
One day flying I saw in front of my light, intense, blinding, but it didn't burn, I could see the sea
to guide me but it reflected the intensity of the sun, I hurried my flight to take another angle but
nothing changed... I felt afraid but I kept going and suddenly everything It blinded me... I flew
without fatigue, with the softness of the air and I was able to see you again... as if time had
I went ashore to try to understand what was happening, but nothing changed, I could see you,
so close and so real that I could reflect myself in your eyes, which you always knew I loved
about you... but something was strange, you couldn't hear me, I didn't even see myself... I
thought it was the indifference with which you always treated me and it hurt me, but seeing
you was so much for me that I didn't pay attention to the details, I don't know where you were
going because I arrived earlier and if you said something, I thought about it and instantly
appeared and you smiled and that was enough for me, to see your eyes in the shape of an
almond, like the sun at sunset... big, deep, perfect...
One day I got tired of just seeing you... from afar I heard a melody and I didn't understand why
that melody either... until I could understand that this melody is called after you... after you...
And I could hear it over and over again while I was flying guided by that song, little by little I
understood that my lack of tiredness was because I was like a ghost and because I couldn't
give up feeling what I felt for you, I couldn't fly far, far from you... but with that music I made it,
like floating, I flew higher than I wanted, more intense, more joyful, I felt how speed drew silver
on my head and my feathers were white, blue and red... I owe it to you who could forgive me,
the blue to my dreams and the red to what I felt for you...
I don't know where I'm going…. I'm still flying and I haven't reached the origin of the melody...
I just follow her… but wherever it is, because it is called like your name, I know that it is where I
want to be…
And if I don't get anywhere, I know that if I see the universe with a bit of luck I will be able to see
The girl who came from mercury with eyes of stars...
Almost at the end of my flight I was able to understand that a woman should not be changed,
that's what I lived with you, a spirit with an indomitable, capricious and seductive stormy
character, sometimes a girl, sometimes a woman, sometimes an angel, sometimes
sometimes... sometimes in a subtle way something inside me said: don't analyze her, don't
understand her... Just love her as she is, because she is who she is... She... is like that.05/16/15
By your side I felt the peace that I could not find anywhere else
That's why it hurts me that you leave
I know you're leaving and you won't come back...
I know that your path is that and that you cannot change
But it hurts me to understand it and not being able to do something to change it With all my
heart I hope you find what you are looking for
These days with you were the best of my life because you are such a simple woman with so
many facets, like water on land, wherever you are, you are joy.
I felt like I was living with you... You are beautiful and intense...
News never took me so by surprise, while you spoke I only felt my soul dry up as if it were an
intermediate layer between the heart and the spirit
I only felt like I was losing elasticity, moisture and function...
As if I lived in a large transparent gel globe not visible to me and without knowing of its existence
until that moment when you came to speak to me...
As if you had arrived with a pin with a double zero thread to make a small and simple hole in
it. As if, with that simple silk thread less than a hair thick, you had managed to pierce not only
the large balloon that protected me, but also by putting your weight
on the east pin, as if it knew the way, it crossed without any intercostal or pleural resistance
reaching the lung, leaving me breathless to scream stay here...
And the pin continued its journey until it reached the heart and came out again as an
intradermal suture... deep... very deep, surgical precision but not to avoid the scar... quite the
opposite... to make the perforation unrecognizable and irreparable...
…I wasn't leaving life because of that little trickle from my heart, but because everything
It was added like a syndrome of a thousand pathologies of the soul, I had no fresh air because
the gel bubble was shrinking little by little... With each word of yours my senses went away, I
heard but did not listen, like someone who receives a frontal blow and wants to hear but does
not it can, it doesn't spin, it doesn't process... only a perfect whistle crossed my head...
With the little time that I felt I had left, I gave you my four-leaf clover that I always carried in my
purse, I want it to grant you everything you want, that you achieve everything you long for... I
don't want you to change anything, I never wanted to change anything about you , for me you
are perfect... the most beautiful sea sunrise... a poem...
In an act that I could not even imagine at any time, you took out some blunt-tipped elementary
scissors and cut a lock of your hair and gave it to me... I don't really know how to describe what
I felt but for me it is the best gift in the world... I put it with your photo and believe me I will always
have it with me, because it represents your innocence of soul and the purity of your heart,
because it has all your essence, because you gave up your perfect image to give me of you...
I know that you are a star and that you owe yourself to your people and that it is the life you
chose and that's how I met you...
And I don't want you to cancel anything... I just wish I could do something to be with you...
If you ever think of me at your concerts, yell “grigio grigio”…
Everyone will think of the romantic jumping green bug named cricket... only you and I will know
that this cry belongs to that time when we waited for dawn after finishing the white cava that
dominated the chablis and in the end you found one last one and shouted: a pinot! a grigio!!
And we uncorked at dawn with the best loaf of rustic bread, cheese and a pinot... grigio... What
a strange time?... You asked me... original, I answered you...
I don't know what fate will do with you or with me now that a chess game ties me to stay and
takes you to places so far away, I don't know if we will see each other again, I just know that I
will write to you every time I miss you and my hands allow me... I hope those lines reach your
eyes... as you ask me, I will continue my path, I will stand up and my grades will be the highest
you have ever seen, I dedicate everything to you...
The investigation that I carry out has many surprises, possibly you are only leaving in advance...
I want to think that this is just one more test of life to measure what I can endure under
pressure... possibly if fate allows it... I'll see you there... Something of a flight, a long flight in a
plane with paper wings flying facing the sun... feeling that everything burns, everything burns
and yet I don't feel anything... I don't feel the flames of my guilt for feeling what I feel for you...
When getting off the plane, I just want to hug you again, if so, every test, no matter how hard it
seemed, was not enough, neither leaving me without air, nor badly injured, nor the pain of living
with a lifeless soul and the lethality of your goodbye could drown my hope of seeing you again,
they could not drown my dreams... my desire to hug you fed them... it didn't matter that they
took you to the other side of the world, it didn't matter that they surrounded you with a thousand
insurmountable barriers, it didn't matter that the world I was against it, it didn't matter that
finding you took me a lifetime... I know that I will see you again because you are the star that
lives in me forever... I will not look back on my world but only to let go of everything, hug you
with all my might … what if I leave something? Maybe... maybe... but what good is the most
incredible landscape, sunset, wine or work of art... if you are not... you are
the infinite sum of beauty of all the constellations of all time, you are the one who gives life to
this pen with the ink of my heart... when I crossed it when leaving, I only had to let my hand
slide over the paper placing each letter , each word only for your eyes... that's how everything
is born when thinking about you... that's how I know that
I will hug you and I will not let go... I will have a knot... I know that I will not be able to utter a
word, only with my gaze on you will I tell you... I love you, I love you... thank you! 06/01/2015
the thirteenth pair
The calls, the emails, the messages stopped... the most impersonal and innocent is what I miss
the most... those messages that border on the childish, but that made me feel so close... from
one day to the next the cold of the arctic wind... cutting …
It is so tense to make a mistake when saying your name to someone who is not you, to hear
someone else say one of your words and know that you have to take an antacid made up of
pride and a promise... a promise not to give in even if your veins hurt, not to give in even if you
feel the hunger of wanting to feed on knowing about you... It is not a war, because I have lost
the battle before starting it... it is a bastion of survival... it is a barricade to what I feel for you... I
can't feel more, not because I don't want to , but because I shouldn't... I shouldn't, because I'm
afraid of feeling what I feel and not being able to stop it...
Closing all the doors to feeling was the only way out to survive, a hypovolemic shock at the
level of the soul... a state of feeling in a coma that froze my spirit...
Only the basic systems of existence should work, everything else is blocked, suspended...
vetoed... Because it is seeing the sea one step away and not knowing how to swim... I should
no longer feel...
I don't know how to cry, but if I knew I would and I don't know if it helps but the impotence of
having reached the edge of the precipice and knowing that I would not hesitate to take the step
for you makes me wake up to know that you are an unattainable dream, where not even
isofentanyl It compares to what happened when I saw you... everything disappeared...
There must be a thirteenth cranial nerve that dominates the other twelve when one loves...
there must be a conspiracy of the hypothalamus, pituitary gland and the limbic system to
generate hormones, proteins, neurotransmitters undetectable to medicine that make the
impossible happen... as if a 10-hour documentary about stars looks like a 10-minute short film,
which is what happens when you get closer…. You stop time... you stop everything... everything
moves forward and yet you... your essence seems immovable and eternal...
I can't forget you, whatever I see, whoever comes... they are no less, not at all, they are incredible
people in many ways, with many talents, smiles, stories... but your essence... that language that
only my soul spoke with yours... nobody has that configuration... nobody...
Whoever designed all this network of nerves did it so that no one could alter it even if they gave
their life to it... but I am sure that the network of feelings only responds, turns on, works and
processes when the frequency signal for the soul mate that It was made, it was detected... a
Wi-Fi from the heart... ...and that's how you entered my life... but I didn't know how to emit the
clear sender of that signal so that it was only one... That's why the cryogenics protocol of the
soul enters... nothing enters... nothing comes out…. I don't know what comes... I don't know if I'll
hear from you again... but I know that releasing that signal only responds to you... and because
my life was completely subordinated to the emission of that signal... And there was no response
pulse... It was just... a lost signal... 06/23/2015
the princess who traveled through infinity...
They were twins... when their world was destroyed, two stars left Altair with different directions,
the mission was to start a new world... a star fell into this plane of this world and nothing is
new... but the other... took a different course... somewhere point crossed a time-space portal, a
tunnel in space through which the star crossed to the other end of the universe... simply
unreachable for our reality... there were hours where the star completely enveloped the
princess, becoming one with her... the princess for her nature of light had no problem merging
with the star… the two were now one
white and blue light, they traveled at that speed through the tunnel... I can't explain it in
measurements but I know that to protect them the universe took them to what is known as
Thus they arrived at a plane where the new home was very similar to ours, as the star
approached its new home everything was blue...
At the end of their journey, everything seemed the same as our solar system... Except that the
star was able to cross its sun without suffering any alteration... they slowed down a bit to choose
the planet they liked best... they identified with one in particular, one of color mostly blue and
white like the light that they issued thus having agreed... the descent began... smooth... with
elegance... to touch new ground for the first time they chose a site with a beautiful view of a
sea and not a building as far as the sun hides...
Slowly the star returned to the baby's body... kar-l was a beautiful, very beautiful baby and
slowly the star became smaller, the baby seeing her understood what she had to do with her,
she took her with her hands and put her up of his head… like a crown…
the crown of a princess... that star floating above her head would be her crown of starlight and
her protective angel... her guardian angel... years and years went by... the star grew and
enveloped her to sleep, providing warmth and protection... and when he felt a strange presence
he became invisible, preventing him from approaching them...
All the wild beings, feeling the nature of the princess, went and brought them food, slept near
them and also took care of them, everything was calm, the star took the necessary shape to
teach the princess everything she needed for her new home and that of its roots...
The princess grew beautiful and took her beauty from what she saw and liked... every night she
admired the celestial vault and decided that her hair would be black as night, on another
occasion, walking freely, she was amazed at the force of falling water of a waterfall and decided
that her hair would be like this, like falling water and with its brilliance... and that's how it was,
black hair, long and straight like a waterfall and she asked for it to be shiny to remember the
brightness of the sun when reflected in the water... another One day a horse appeared on his
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a rare element

  • 2. 1 Index Index .......................................................................................................................................... 1 the sleeping heart princess .................................................................................................. 3 a rare element......................................................................................................................... 9 what would i ask you?.......................................................................................................... 12 thank you moon..................................................................................................................... 13 1001 letters............................................................................................................................ 14 the cisne.................................................................................................................................. 16 the fairy................................................................................................................................... 17 a thousand years ................................................................................................................... 20 a................................................................................................................................................. 21 my rose.................................................................................................................................... 22 the rock and the vortex ...................................................................................................... 23 a flower ................................................................................................................................... 25 14.............................................................................................................................................. 27 thousand stars........................................................................................................................ 28 protein s infinity ................................................................................................................... 29 art ............................................................................................................................................. 32 I know it's you........................................................................................................................ 33 my course................................................................................................................................ 35 she is like that ....................................................................................................................... 36 grigio ........................................................................................................................................ 39 the thirteenth pair ............................................................................................................... 41 the princess who traveled through infinity... ............................................................... 42 gun your sky ........................................................................................................................... 52 american express love......................................................................................................... 54 treble clef ............................................................................................................................... 55 the robin and the wolf......................................................................................................... 57 your diploma .......................................................................................................................... 60 carmina liberi......................................................................................................................... 62 shouldn'tyo ............................................................................................................................. 66
  • 3. 2 I will take you with me........................................................................................................ 68 home ........................................................................................................................................ 74 that's what it will be like .................................................................................................... 76 my little cleopatra ................................................................................................................ 88 tree........................................................................................................................................... 90 like the veil of the stars ...................................................................................................... 96 aua .......................................................................................................................................... 104 the branch ............................................................................................................................ 132 ex 10^ 500-n∞...................................................................................................................... 148 ab ............................................................................................................................................ 150 the essence........................................................................................................................... 161 If .............................................................................................................................................. 163
  • 4. 3 the sleeping heart princess a parallel world, the world of om where there are no negative or gray-spirited people lived a very shy princess named ying... Ying never left her house unless it was her birthday, she was the daughter of the sun And from a very beautiful star in the constellation Isis, she had a white and pure complexion like moon sand and emerald green eyes that hypnotized when looking at them. Ying, due to her purity and noble blood, never disobeyed the established norms and year after year her beauty grew and grew and the legend that her beauty would dethrone the purest constellations ignited the jealousy of the brightest stars, knowing that age had come in that his heart would know the secret to stop being asleep, something that the princess considered strange because she heard it beat every morning, but hey, legends are legends. One morning on his 16th birthday, Ying woke up like every year with his eyes full of life and got ready to wait for his parents to visit him, who only visited him that day because their multiple occupations only allowed them to be absent from their obligations. For more than a few hours, the very responsible male sun asked the moon that if it wasn't too much trouble, she would schedule a long and lasting eclipse like never before, so that she could dance with her beloved daughter who was the light of her eyes... Her mother a a little more prepared and knowing the importance of the date, I only ask some neighboring stars to set aside the place and to shine a little more than usual in case the scientists on earth had the bad sense to meddlesomely observe them with their devices called telescopes and not finding him as a lucky star in his place,They will put together such a revolution that they believe that the world is going to end and they have to see the jokes that they played on poor Copernicus at the time. If he did not have the help of the moon and the stars, the dark lord, owner of the black hole, devourer of entire constellations, would do his crude work, which is to absorb the lives of those who dare to leave the stellar balance at times. Guests arrived from the farthest corners of the galaxy, thousands of present brought as a sign of respect to the parents of princess ying and when all the guests were gathered waiting for the appearance of the princess, time froze for moments, it seemed that the world de om would have been paralyzed when he saw the princess ying arrive, her hair long and illuminated as if it gave off dim and living light, it gave off a fragrance that made the very rocks bloom and the same gnomes smile that that day they forgot to be grumpy The princess's fearless and tender look was like looking at the sea with the sun at its zenith that reflects crystalline and pure waves, full of life, everyone wanted her to look up and look at them, but her shyness did not allow her that gift. .The gnomes brought her a halo of the most marvelous flowers that they grew especially for that day and crowned her with the permission of the audience in the princess ying of the stars...
  • 5. 4 This news spread like the speed of light through all the constellations and the hidden feeling of jealousy could not wait for a better moment to unleash the point of view of the stars that had never had the fortune to be so beautiful or revered. And in a blind start the moon ended the eclipse and the stars stopped shining making evident the lack of certain characters in their place in creation and chaos broke out that in a fraction of a second overshadowed the majestic date, the black hole king of the Terrible night watchman of universal obligations, invisible but lethal, knew of the mistake. The sun ran to its place, the mother star the same, without even being able to say goodbye to her beloved daughter, which filled her with a feeling never before experienced by the princess... And without knowing the secret that she had longed for so much to make her heart live. . The king of the night, knowing the consequences and the price to be charged, spoke with the sun and the star and conditioned his pardon on one and only one condition: the hand of the princess. The terrible news spread like wildfire, she was no longer the same, the shine in her hair was not the same and the light in her eyes was different like that of a sunset that you know will end... she had no choice, it was her parents or she. She cried and cried at the foot of the wishing tree, her tears falling to the ground turned into diamonds, there was no longer the song of birds that returned the smile to the princess ying, but a wise and old wind that knew the whole story of all times he approached the young princess in the form of an innocent cloud and she fell into a very deep sleep... And the cloud told her a secret: -young princess ying, don't cry anymore, make it known that every lady before granting her love has the universal right to impose her condition of love, that is, your hand may be granted, but not your heart... and that one only has one key that can open it and that is something that only when hearing certain words can come to life, ask them to make you poems that open your heart, do not judge where it comes from just listen, do not see... and so you will know who you belong to. The princess woke up as if she had been injected with life, she ran to her father and told him the dream and the sun gathered the wise men from all corners of the universe and confirmed what the cloud said in the dream... and I quote the king of the night and with a tender voice the princess He granted him his hand but only when he heard words that opened his heart and surrendered completely, the dark lord turned into an imposing and giant black when he knew he was defeated since he could never harbor a tender word, much less feel it. He had to give up the request of the young princess and know that his feat ended in failure. But the princess, knowing that she was free from eternal damnation, asked her father for the sun
  • 6. 5 to grant her the ability to hear poems of faceless voices, and when she felt her heart vibrate, she would know how the cloud indicated, she knew that this, this was the bearer of her happiness. true. And they issued invitations to all those willing to speak without hesitation to such an unattainable creation of light... but they only managed to make her sleep last longer than usual, until one day, without wanting to, she walked sad through her kingdom, since now free -but condemned to solitude- it seems that what seemed easier was actually the most difficult, that a voice awakened life to her heart... and suddenly in the distance, a different voice was heard, that was not from there voice, it was new, she approached stealthily, some leafy trees prevented her from seeing who was the person who had those words and she said: -who are you? What are you doing here? -The young man replied: -I'm not from here, I got lost, my godfather who is a powerful magician made a spell to make me get to my parents faster, but for not using the correct ingredients or for stuttering when saying the spell he sent me here and I don't know where I am. -she replied: -I don't believe you, what do you do, what talent do you have? -he told him: -I am a humble page of a kingdom, I can't read or write, but there are something that I don't know what it's called that sounds very nice and that I'm going to tell my fiancée -She told him, what can you say that you can't read or write to your fiancée? -He told him, I don't know, you have. reason, I just know that when I'm with her my heart beats without being able to control it and it makes me talk as if I weren't me. -She: -I've heard everything from men and never heard anything so unreal- -he humbly told him: close your eyes and listen to my voice, I will close mine and for a moment let me imagine that you. it's her... -she accepted, but on the condition that he told her the name of his fiancée -He had to confess that he really did not have a fiancée, but that once a cloud in a dream told him to learn these words faithfully... and since that dream I have them engraved in my mind and I began my search for her... and that When he saw the stars, he said them with faith and that's why he knew he had a fiancée even though he had never seen her... maybe she would come down from a star... maybe that's why he hadn't seen him yet. -She laughed at how naive the young man was, but even so -out of curiosity- she agreed to listen to him... ...and feeling something magical in her voice... he began to speak to the princess:
  • 7. 6 At birth my memory was erased I don't know where this feeling for you is born Nothing explains it unless I have ever seen you... Why do I long for you if I don't know you? Why does my soul implore you night and day? Sometimes I feel like it's just an eternal dream... I feel what calls you inside of me It's a love from another life where i promised to love you Where I swore to love you always love you madly Love you in life and in eternity My love is sincere and pure That's why I sealed my fate And only then I ask you to come back to me I belong to you and I find no peace, no joy I need you I only know that something in me is not of this world and calls you and needs you I swore to love you and never leave you My being is faithful to you Nobody is like you nothing is life but you my spirit needs you My soul loves you and I know that no one No one will fill my being like you I know that your love exists and that it is there... I have to get to you and you to me And nothing will stop us I will know when I look at you And you when discovering my gaze on you Nothing will stop us nothing will separate us And if that happened... nothing would happen to us because we will have met And something else will unite us again Here or there... There won't always be... because he is always eternal And the eternal is you and me
  • 8. 7 I in your thought and you in my heart We are only one... …forever …without beginning or end(April 2008, Cancun) first the princess laughed but little by little her laugh faded and changed it for a sepulchral seriousness in unison with the beating of her heart that began to beat in a way totally unknown to her. ... The young man finished... he silenced his voice for a few moments and asked: did he like me at least a little? ... and she opened her eyes with a countenance of enlightenment and smiled, throwing a "yes" of joy. And shining her eyes and her smile, her entire complexion lit up like star dust and suddenly the trees gathered up their leafy branches and allowed the young people in question to see each other for the first time. And they saw each other slowly, step by step, until they were only one step from each other. They stared at each other, his mouth open with the beauty of the princess, she serene but speechless since he was skinny and without bearing anything like royalty but with a magic in his words that made him forgive his crooked posture. I take her hand and they went to see her parents, who joyfully celebrated the brilliant news that their daughter gave them. And they celebrated a simple wedding ceremony but they invited (...this time yes!) to all creation - including the grumpy king of the night- for such a gesture I forgive everyone for going to the banquet, the king of the night was so happy since it had been millennia that no one would open the door of his house! because something always disappeared... and they blamed him, like a black hole... And for that reason, I give them some rings made of moon dust and sealed with sunlight, so that in the darkest nights they always shine and never miss the one from another... At the same table, the wise cloud and the king of the night, toasted the moments of peace that were lived in the universe, knowing that the future lies in the young people who know how to listen to their hearts and who, with faith, give everything for a better tomorrow. …commenting within each other: How tiring we made the road for them, right night?
  • 9. 8 And the wise cloud answered: cheating is wanting to steal the illusion of a young woman who, no matter how beautiful she is, is destined -you know- for another young man since he creates them in pairs, we only agreed to make the path interesting -and the king of the night coughed repeatedly... ahem ahem, well well let's not talk anymore, let's toast to the happiness of these two -and the wise cloud closes-... three coming soon... they just don't know it yet... they smiled mischievously and life goes on. The final has come, this story has ended. Thank you 09/10/2011
  • 10. 9 a rare element I love you... And it's useless to say it, I can't change anything, not time, not pain, not trying to understand why things happened that way... Of course I don't think about you anymore, because it's feeding a disease that eats you inside and even so you feel that it kills you and gives life at the same time... Not because of your beauty as God made you on the outside, but because your way of being that is shocking, indescribable what it provokes, is an irrepressible desire to stop time, to invoke all the forces of good so that that minute of being does not end. with you, is asking forgiveness from eternity for not being enough for your life... It's the abyss of madness... it's just wanting to be happy with you and knowing that it's like wanting to be half god and half man to give you everything and love you without restraint. The brake exists and is permanent, I do not fight against it, I understand that it is a gift of life to have met you and to know that there is someone like you, I only wish with all my heart that in the next life I am granted to love you for eternity, no I care about no consequence, loving you is everything. I renounce any ambition, I just want to be happy with you, join you and be happy until the last drop of my being bursts, leave a trail of life where I walk with you, breathe your air, reflect myself in your gaze, carry you in my arms so that you don't walk and move slowly for hours and hours until I don't feel my arms... May my arms ache and fall asleep from having you in them, stop feeling them, but resist until I can't anymore... See your smile… feel nothing but you near me... I don't know... What I know is that when I think of you I become someone totally unknown, I don't feel tired, nor do I know the impossible, deep down I certainly feel that I can achieve everything if it's to make you happy. Your energy has something to correct all the bad things I have due to laziness, neglect or indifference... it's like a match or a drop of life... Do you know what happens to me when I think of you? I can only do good... I have an inexplicable desire to do good to anyone... I feel so full that I want to share, at that moment I can give everything away, help with everything, solve everything...
  • 11. 10 My mind works so fast that I can feel the blood flow in my head and it's like I know everything... And I guess being like that makes you happy... A son of yours… ha! It's like asking for a door to heaven itself, a living star wrapped in crystal, a diamond of a thousand colors, an angel with a body... I don't know, I feel like I would go crazy with happiness if that happened... I would work a thousand shifts, a thousand hours, a thousand days without stopping to that they do not lack anything, I would never steal, or lie, or speak ill of anyone, or cheat on anything... ...and speaking of cheating, the first is not to cheat in wanting to achieve a feeling that I always wanted from you... That's why I let you go in my mind and little by little in my heart... You make me dream... Feel... live... You make me want to be better, not the best of all, but the best in your eyes... I couldn't even remember what pain is, nor the past ... a child of yours and mine would be like feeling paradise... From work I would run home to see them... Sometimes I would have dinner, sometimes not... I would carry it without stopping, without getting tired, sometimes I would cry inside to see that we are you and I united in him. ...and from the bottom of my heart I hope she looks like you... If she's a girl, I would love to see her grow up and see your face, your smile, see you run, hear her laugh, scream, understand how she thinks... Hear her smiles all over the home... Wait for the tooth mouse... Take her to school... Encourage her to do homework... Teach her the value of friends... I would make you a house with my own hands... Something so, so beautiful that it would scream home everywhere... Small... But a home... We would sing with the baby (or the babies), we would have a party for everything... Who like you?... I would never make you cry, I would not stand it and raise your hand... I would prefer to break them before... you don't know how I dream one day to put on your shoes and... Before kissing your feet... to see you smile... I can't change a thing, but these silly lines pour out my chafi heart... I really don't know what love is, nor what love is, I don't know... It's hard to want to reach or find something that you only suppose exists and you don't know what it is or how it is... What I know is that when you think Everything changes in you... You are an unwritten or unmeasured element on the periodic table... an element that causes everything and generates an unstoppable, unstoppable, endless and indeterminable chain reaction... that does not destroy... on the contrary... it creates... An element that makes you not see... But feel the universe... You do that to me... You are something that creates for good...
  • 12. 11 I don't die for you... Never... But I would die for you... Without thinking or hesitating... I solved the most complicated equation... You + whatever = heaven The first time I saw you, something inside me screamed that it said "it's her, it's she, it's her", but magic was not on my side... It doesn't matter... I met you and it changed my life... If I could ask for the most difficult wish to grant... I would ask to have known you as a child, to have seen you grow up and play with you in adolescence, to have gone to the movies with you for the first time, to do homework together, to fight but be happy, to know everything about you. .. Something magical that happened when I saw you was that you had a thousand admirers and I didn't feel any jealousy... It was like knowing that they saw the same thing as me, a beautiful being and something like that doesn't hide, on the contrary, it's like seeing the stars and being jealous of someone else seeing them. time went by, I couldn't forget you... You changed me inside... I gave up a pride that held me... I learned to live with that small doubt of what could have been... I learned that there are special women, out of the ordinary... Who are here to awaken the best in one, remind us of the right path and give up what separates us from finding someone like you and fill our lives... Women like you make us think that heaven exists... And that there are no short paths to reach it... why think of you?... I don't know... I remember that you were never bad, or heavy, I think you were so, so special, a sum or alloy of nobility and beauty, a combination of tales... A medicine that cures everything... You were a very rare combination... wherever you are... i know you shine thank you, thank you, thank you for existing... may the universe take care of you and eternity allow me to keep your memory... it's all my treasure, it's all I want, it's all I ask for, it's all I want... Thank you! 09/10/2016
  • 13. 12 what would i ask you? I know it's not what you expected to hear... forgive me You ask me what I would ask you if today you said yes to whatever... …I would ask you not to lie to me ...I would ask you to tell me how you see me... ...I would ask you, with the desire to help me, to tell me how others see me, to help me wake up from my fantasy and to be able to correct my errors in attitude ...I would ask you to respect my ideas and desires, not that you feed them... But do not destroy them... ...I would ask you to listen to my story and judge me in silence... to let me talk about the unspeakable... about what marks you and never heals... ...I would tell you about the debts that you can never pay.... The ones that are not material... …that you know the whole story from my trench making a vow of silence… ...I would speak to you with the desire that you would listen as I leave paths, plans and wishes in the air, except that of my love for you... You were everything and I felt that I already had everything …I would ask you to really be my friend… …a true friend who knows how to keep silent…a lady…a true woman… ...I would ask you not to laugh at my sadness... It's not because I'm cowardly or weak... But because you would give absolutely everything without hesitation because things would have been different... ...because the strength of man...his temperance is only achieved with pain... A lot, a lot of pain... And that is what shapes you into who you are …that you know why loneliness is so beautiful ...I would tell you why silence is sometimes so necessary ...I would tell you why faith in friendships is lost like a river that dries up and only you are the spring that quenches this thirst to believe in the goodness of acts... ...I would tell you how you were my sun, my rainbow and the most beautiful creation of all existence and why... …because beauty is admirable and nothing takes away the taste for it …but at the same time beauty should only inspire…never possess your senses…it loses you …that you know my falls and their link with the love that I felt at some point… …brief moments that mark a lifetime…a silent love. …love like that really makes you believe in eternity… …because you feel inexplicable pain and yearn for the undesirable in a clean way… …without cheating or harming anyone… ...I would ask you for the sweetest and most tender hugs... …I would ask you not to forget me in your prayers… …with my heart…thank you. 11/05/2014
  • 14. 13 thank you moon Thank you moon because you shape destinations... You cross paths for no reason or why... ...that's how it was to see you again... that's the only way I understand it... Fate is sometimes the most tragic and beautiful at the same time... I have always felt for you what I feel, I learned to hide it because it hurts and because I know that I am not reciprocated... when you left it hurt my soul... I thought I would never see you again, you know you broke my heart... ... I felt pain in everything I didn't know existed... Even my mitochondria were sad... All my electrolytes lined up to make your name ...but that intensity of suffering gave me the pain necessary to make my life goals no matter how long it takes me to achieve them... ...little by little I learned to no longer see you everywhere, everywhere, in every woman who looked like you... My limbic system was beginning to see you as an angel... You exist but you are not verifiable... ...I was left alone with the moon... The moon and me With her, when I saw her, I always thought if you were seeing her at that moment the same as me, if you would remember to see her... …I closed my eyes and silently said your name imagining a kiss on your cheek... soft... like a princess... ...seeing you was a gift of fate ...a gift that I will never be able to pay for... But I thank the moon with all my heart... When I hugged you, everything disappeared for a moment... ...the only thing that changed in my mind is the place... We are on the beach, by the sea and with... the same moon God bless you always princess... The princess of the sleeping heart... 10/12/2014
  • 15. 14 1001 letters …there was no night that I did not write to you, night that my spirit did not look for you… and when you felt close, everything made sense… At dawn, sometimes, in the cold of the desert when the wind blew, I would look up to Orion's belt and draw your face in the sky... I would say your name and draw it in the sand... I would do it the same way on the beach and hope that a wave will erase it... …with the first letter of your name I designed an engagement ring… do you remember it? ...only once I asked you to unite your life with me... and -sigh- it was the only time in my life that I did something not caring about the world, or fate, or what will happen... you were everything... almost a fantasy The melody that I listen to countless times to dream of you... almost a fantasy... the sonata that rewrites its history with yours and mine... a stolen love... a love that never came... Time goes by taking everything from me... only your memory keeps my heart young and no matter how crazy my longing was, without any support or possibility of achievement, I don't regret a second of having tried... It was you who woke my spirit from the dream in which it slept... because until I saw your eyes for the first time I felt life... when I heard your voice everything disappeared and all my senses only attended to your movements... or your desires... Sometimes when I hug you, it was with so much joy that I felt that I could synchronize my heart to yours... that they beat as one... and that's why it hurt me to let you go... …I could never caress your hair and still I loved to see it fall on your face… I wanted to lose my hand a thousand times between that layer of power of yours called hair... short hair, long hair... you were always a princess... And my life went away... that's how it was to wait and wait to see you again... my life went away waiting... Time was eternal and I took care of all the details, not getting sick, canceling everything, getting out of the way anything that wouldn't allow me to see you again… ...the only thing I couldn't control... happened... You didn't make it to the agreed appointment...
  • 16. 15 …you gave up on me and I on my cards… 1001 letters that were like 1001 years... without you... pain blocks all logic... and they were the longest streets of my life... I couldn't hear the crowd and its thousand sounds... so it was a few hours that were an eternity... until I couldn't take it anymore and I dropped the envelope, the album with all my letters... all my nights on paper they left... At times I felt that it had to be like this... that in truth my love for you was more than forbidden... and the worst... the worst is not that you denied me seeing you... The worst thing was that fate did everything to not let me see you... And against that, traveling alone with the illusion of being with you... just for putting myself at your feet... and telling you everything you wanted to know... Answer all your questions, resolve all your doubts, try to evaporate all your fears... it wasn't like that and I just know that... it had to be like that... ...the letters were taken by a bag into oblivion... an unimportant street... it took my feelings for you unimportant... there I tried to give you a thousand silly advice, from my way of being, I asked you to take care of yourself... I drew something so as not to hurt you The album was boring and I put some phrase or some thought... …why feel this for you? I really don't know… I don't know ...that night when I got home I had a little fever... I knew I had lost you forever... and leave the cards there to their fate... I knew that I had given up on you... ...and by giving up on you... I gave up feeling... whoever came after you would find a desolate heart... a lost spirit... a spirit that will live in the limbo of the unrequited... a place where good or evil does not matter... everything it's the same... only your memory makes the difference... there I will be waiting for eternity to hear your voice again... your voice that once woke him up... now he sleeps so as not to become completely extinct... a spirit that sleeps the sleep of the just... ...if your spirit ever gets in there... To that limbo... Find me... ...You will surely find me because I will sleep holding a feather... Ornate on a sheet ...waiting for the inspiration of your memory... to write you another letter... 12/21/2014
  • 17. 16 the cisne I can lose everything but not you You live generating more than I can remember I know you are impossible but life is made up of it... of impossible Of what you want stays in your life forever and there is nothing written The winds of change arrive and just as it brought you I know it can take you Even so, you live in my thoughts, in my joys, in my feelings. Like a squirrel I climb the branches of the trees to be able to see you in the distance And I throw in a whole nut so it floats up to you Sometimes I just sit on the shore of the lake and see your princess elegance. You light up everything with your presence... …and you darken it with your absence You were born like this, sensitive, tender, with a heart white as snow and romantic as the full moon... You will always be... …a star turned into an angel …an angel turned into dawn light …a light that shines like a mirror of water … pure water that comes from a spring …spring of life …the most beautiful thing… to give life… two drops of water that come together …the infinite lives in you…. …infinity comes from you… ...I don't know if there is something more sublime than you... the most beautiful swan …I see you from the shore of the lake, from the highest branch of that tree where I engraved your name ... you only smiled at me once... and it was a micro dose of serotonin... ...everything is impossible to get to you... and everything is possible if I think of you... 01/10/2015
  • 18. 17 the fairy I woke up and I was in eternity, but it was not what I expected, I thought that by loving you I would always be with you... and we were in eternity but... I didn't count on this... …you were a fairy… the most beautiful of them …your hair really shone like gold… …your face in a whiteness… Skin like a baby's... A porcelain complexion, perfect, your pink sheets ... your emerald eyes... like the bottom of the water of the most beautiful lake I have ever seen. Your white wings made a mirror in your hair... your spirit was always that... that of a fairy... …me too… …I got trapped on this threshold… with wings too… but burnt… a little with the smell of charcoal… I opened them and only sparkles and a few small fathoms came out…. And everyone who talks about it knows nothing... It's colder than an iceberg here... I don't feel anything... I see the sun... But I don't feel its heat... ….I instantly understood why you were truly forbidden to me…. As never imagined... …I was a little devil… paunchy and good-natured…. ...I understood why those who received me in my last form told me in a dream to renounce you... I didn't want to and I'm here... free to do all the mischief I want and I tell you something... I have no desire... all I wanted was to be with you in eternity... that was my wish... but today I know that I failed in something... in asking the universe for permission to feel your heart... …I scream at you but you can't hear me…I'm in front of you…but you don't see me…you just shake your nose because you say it smells like something too toasty…. ... that overcooked and toasted ... it's me With the little ones that they gave me in the welcome kit, I make pyrography writing your name on the little trees… But you, before reading my message, heal the poor little tree by deleting what I did for you... And so I have spent these first years of my new existence... sitting on my charcoal, which is the only thing that holds me... …and I see you fly, fly very high in all directions and I am there when you help everyone who asks you… and sometimes I spend my time moving something, pulling a hair out quickly so they ask you for help… and see you again
  • 19. 18 day in spring I could see someone just like you but in another part of this prison called the world... what good is eternity if I'm going to be alone... for menso …I put a photo of myself old lady on your double-light and I wrote your name and made her say it 3 times and you arrived… this time fortunately you saw the photo and you blinked with your eyelashes… for a second you remembered me… And you went to see my file in the book that says "do not open it even for emergencies" and so, you secretly took it to your forest, bedroom or whatever it is called where you only hear zzz there you saw my name, my bad jokes and why they didn't let me be with you... you looked for lawyers to look at my case, but it turns out that up there... there isn't just one lawyer... they're all down here... night I raised my eyes and looked at the highest and most illuminated star in the firmament... I closed my eyes and wholeheartedly regretted having fallen in love with you... and there, in that instant, you could suddenly see me! As if my words fell like a stone on my head and I had to confess that whatever I said... I was still tied to you... the sky was suspended... time, the stars and the moon froze... it's as if there had been a truce to be with you... just once ...I looked into your eyes... No words came out of my mouth... you smiled at me and I was afraid to hug you, I might leave you without wings... and you will be very fairy, but I do remind you how angry you are... ...with everything and how ugly they made hugged me without fear...I felt your heart beating...The one I always said you had asleep...He woke up and I wasn't there to see him... You have the charm of the first rays of dawn... in truth you always had the heart of a princess ...and I felt my soul, the one that I lost... come back to me... I hugged you and a soft, very soft music began from the wind... a melody that we had heard before... we heard... moonlight... we danced… all night we danced…. My sulphurous feet were leaving scribbles on the ground and you suspended in the air, floating, we danced smiling without stopping looking at each other... at one point you closed your eyes and rested your head on my shoulder... hugging you was the most incredible thing I ever felt... I even forgot it was me... …a sudden sound of bells gave us the signal that the truce had ended… You released me and I could feel how your hand slipped from mine without being able to do anything to stop it...
  • 20. 19 …but then you could hear my voice screaming: come back to me… Come back… and you only manage to say: soon... I couldn't kiss you... ...I have waited for you 100 years... and I will wait 100 more with pleasure to embrace you again... Something that happened is that my wings from being all twisted and black as bank debt... little by little they were taking on a sand tone... my hands from being uglier than working on Sunday have slowly been recovering a normal shape... it's as if your hug It would have given me back some humanity... I stopped being cold... haven't let yourself be seen again... it's like up there after our meeting they improved their "software"... for fear that by becoming friends with me chances are in your goodness I'll convince you and you stay here... …but if they weren't the ones who gave us that night… that suspension from the stars? So who?... I'm beginning to feel hope... hope that what we feel unites us all... and it's the only thing that they couldn't change in me... what I feel for you. …bye bye super precious fairy… bye bye 01/19/2015
  • 21. 20 a thousand years You would have left me... it is not the time to claim that nothing real can be done... but you would have left me …I would have given my life for you…I would have given my life for you… there is nothing I would not have done for you... sometimes it is too dangerous to love like this... maybe that's why you never dared... maybe live something so, so intense that it exceeded your reason, your control, your status... surrender to something overcoming fear ... I did want it ... …every day the passion to live can be so strong that it destroys a built world… like the end of a star and after that… the rebirth No one can take that step for oneself, it is oneself who gives up to find or find oneself and that moment of not having a fall net... is life ...I never thought it would be after... never... I just know that I wanted something stronger than me to be with you... only with you... I don't ask for anything... I only dreamed of you once (since I had forgotten you) and you were angry... bright memory... ...I dreamed a thousand times I wake up to happiness with you... I sigh... sometimes I wish I had never met you... but then I think that what I suffer for you takes me to a level of love that I never knew... because it is the soldier who goes to war knowing that he will not return and still wanting to go for an ideal... …air… it was air that I offered to your life… but it was country air, pure, full of freshness and life… warm, temperate, full of softness and tenderness just for you… I have been faithful to you… because loving is something very own and one gives their feelings to whoever one wishes and cannot be judged for it... it just happens and that's it... …I can do nothing but just forget you… let go of you until in a thousand years I need you to feel life itself again… and I feel that I am only going to say the same thing that I engraved on that tree next to your name… you would have let me love you… 01/26/2015
  • 22. 21 a your blinks, the shape of your hands... now yes... I have tattooed you in my mind... Why did I get lost in making your name a jewel? When the only priceless and incomparable jewel is the splendor of your beauty... When loving, the micron of a second in which all the elements of conception come together, the release of cph4 occurs at the molecular level, a protein that triggers an atomic reaction force... but pure love is the one that invokes the spirit that takes life in that new being... your being... and that spirit that lives in you is eternal, it has always been yours and it does not reach a new being because you call it or want it... the only The way you are the way you are is because perfect love was in the hearts of those who love you and gave life... unique and unrepeatable for millennia... that's how you are. Do you make me nervous? Yes... because it's a dream to see you, talk to you, smile at you and live the best minutes of my life… is it a drama? Yes... feel for years and years what I feel and repress it because I could not create the path to reach your heart... you are right... if it is a drama... the most unbearable feeling for which there is no resignation or rest... it catches you like a disease of antiquity that overcomes all forces against it... it is not possible to resist... Sometimes I would like to please you in everything... but you have a strong character, of the lineage of the pharaohs who do not know the impossible... and this feeling that I feel for you... From that... I can't please you... I know that of the two... I am the one who has loved, desired, loved and suffered the most... Because you are worth everything... everything... only one song came to me the mind..."it's enough for me"... And although I don't know the direction this feeling takes,
  • 23. 22 my rose I'm not ready to lose you I beg you with my heart to take care of yourself I ask God to hear my prayer and take care of you From my heart I'm not prepared to lose you... I don't care which path you take... or if I'm in your life From the bottom of my soul I only ask you to take care of yourself... a lot Because I couldn't live if something happened to you... I don't know what I would do... I really don't know Of everything that can take my life... the only thing I couldn't bear is that something happened to you... I don't love you... it's something higher... I can feel it... it's that I joined you in spirit... and it's not a metaphor ...I gave myself to you regardless of fate... And I know... I know that wherever you go... you will take something of me …I wish I had received help from heaven…divine help to be happy with you… I don't care... you decided your life, your path, your decisions and I only ask you... live... live... Live long and I hope you remember me... if not really... I don't care... as long as I know you're happy... …you are my Jenny… I am your eternal lover … the one who has a certain slowness in feelings… I know…. …the one who did not know how to live with your dreams… but please live them… achieve them… …the one who would have given his life to be the one who made you happy… …the one who sighs when thinking of you… ...the one who did not meet any of your expectations... but still loved you ...I am the one who if I could... would take you around the world... because it would not be to enjoy new landscapes... but to see your face in a new dawn every day... that is beauty for me... seeing you smile when you wake up and see your eyes... bring you a coffee... …I am the one who cares about your ideals… …the one who would give everything just to see you again… just that… To see you again… …I am the one that wherever you go I will always be waiting for you… i'm your forrest …because I would die… I would die if something happened to you… what you want... but I beg you... you are the most beautiful thing in my world... you are my rose from my glass sphere... nothing exists in my world... only you... …I would sing to you in a soft tone… I would bring my hands closer little by little to warm you and protect you from the cold… You are my everything… And if I felt that you lacked water to live... I would cry... I would give all my tears for you to live... and if it were not enough I would put my arm to the sharpest of your thorns... from me you would have water to live and color for your petals... even if they had to dry my veins... for you I would be happy... …a rose like you not only lights up my world… I know… you light up the universe. 01/31/2015
  • 24. 23 the rock and the vortex You cannot walk with an empty heart... without a name to love from a distance... You left without saying anything... You simply left... when I felt you my heart was one... The two cavities were one... you were my diastole... Sometimes I thought that no more damage can be done to a heart, dry of feelings, hardened by the most terrible of experiences... not being able to process the pain... it makes your immune system activate... That it defends itself... in the face of so much injury and so deep it cannot recover... it loses its function little by little... it forms more and more rigid fibers to avoid pain... it replaces the wounds... it beats less... but it lives... it survives... ...that's how the first attacks were... he protected himself from so much pain and became so hard that one day he woke up like a rock... he didn't feel, he just did his job by letting what had to happen go by... things just flowed without ceasing... Everything was functional in part... until your existence came into his life... and broke him... once again there were two cavities... and of the mind... of the two hemispheres... none could fully or partially process what was happening... And this deep, black hole that ran through my being... This abyss that extends to the depths of the universe... has no end... it's a vortex that devours everything I felt for you... it was a lot and it took a long time... it burned the stone... it tempered it. …even so, one day the sub-armstrong that was left of my feeling for you…that reacted to hearing your name…and emitted your frequency… the special and unique, inviolable frequency that my mind and my heart built to feel you close... thinking of you... they became one with you... they lived from you... ...what the abyss emitted burned... the heart wanted to stop being a rock... It wanted to beat but could not... I imagined, I dreamed and the two hemispheres tried to re-arm themselves to think of you... and they succeeded... against all prohibitions they succeeded and they sent you a message…come back to me… …it seems that they had erased the past, they had suppressed it to tie a new reality for you... it didn't take me long to receive his dose of reality... you wouldn't come back... …it was not a catharsis…he wanted to activate the self-blocking…he could not and the apoptosis of my whole being came…until finally wanting to deactivate my center… My heart… …the vortex of the black hole that split my heart… That abyss began to rotate with greater force and intensity… and it expanded… expanded and the rock of my heart did not give way... it received the blind heat of that vortex on its walls... And he resisted... when he could not absorb it, the black abyss pressed him with intensity to break it...he couldn't either... then he invested his strength …he magnetized them
  • 25. 24 together…the two cavities stuck to each other…they were one again…the union was very strong…they got hot… They burned... and everything indicated that the pressure and heat would make them into fine stone dust, easy to take everything to the bottom... …and it happened that from that something that once felt for you…that which gave life did the inexplicable…from that rock hardened by the weight of pain…little by little it lost its color…and became transparent…crystalline.... And that black and insensitive hole that emitted the force of pain from a million abysses remained locked in its center of the rock walls... and what no one would ever understand happened... The heart ceased to exist... it was made of stone... A rock... It stopped beating because it could not resist anymore... and it happened that the simplest decree of love is heard in the confines of eternity... and so it happened... that love became frequency… your frequency… and at the end of its existence... Not knowing more about you... In its last second of life... The rock emitted back your frequency from the bottom of the abyss... And from being the most insignificant... before ceasing to exist... that rock that lost all color and all life became the who promised you... a crystalline and pure diamond... A diamond capable of resisting everything... When you find it... if you come back... that simple rock is my heart, the center diamond of the ring I made for you... supported by 5 other lateral diamonds, where each one represents my vows... All supported in gold where the letters that form your name are hidden... What form the walls of the ring? From the vortex... where I got lost... ...when looking at the ring from above you will see that the diamonds form the silhouette of what you always were for me... an unattainable... but beautiful... very beautiful... star... the most intense... the brightest... I understand the end of the theme "the impossible dream"... Reaching the unreachable star... And that ring can only be used by you... By no one else... in your hands... By putting it on... You will seal the doors of that abyss... You will put an end to the force of that vortex... And the firmament will say your name... Your beautiful name... because they know in eternity... that -without you knowing it-... You will carry in your hands not a meaningless rock... But all the feelings of my heart... ...when you have it with you, slowly bring your ear closer to the ring... to the diamond... Close your eyes... you will be able to gently hear a heartbeat... That emits your frequency... Your name... because on that rock... I will always be there... for you. 02/03/2015
  • 26. 25 a flower Come... let me hug you... don't say anything... Let me tell you who you are to me... …I would love to say it to your eyes, but you cloud my senses… I noticed you because I feel that you are the best of women... I know you don't believe it, I just want to talk just to talk... no, it's like that... ...I wish this time you could see what I see, what I feel for you... …I feel trust in your heart, ...I feel that you are a good person, Someone who is sincere, although you know that you cause pain, I know that you do it with a touch of sweetness... I see how you are with others, how you smile, how you always make them feel good... You have a lot of love in your heart... …I know that it is selfish to love you for myself… but with you I feel that I want nothing more… I see you walk with elegance, with poise, with your eyes raised… with pride A hard-earned pride... a royal demeanor accompanies you... and I don't know why... but I like it I like it when you hold your hair with any pencil as a headdress... leaving your neck exposed... playing a deadly game between your eyes and your smile … You are delicate to take things, you slowly caress the air with your hands as if they were wings... In a wide dress or pants... you always look good... …even in the worst of appearances…in the most worn-out denim…you always look good… …you look for answers to everything… you find… and you share… …you pay attention to the details that nobody takes care of… you always try to make people feel good… …you are more than what I always asked for… much more… …you have habits that no one else has… you adopted them as yours… and you left your mark …you read a lot and you give yourself time for everything… you are not selfish… don't like always take the side of the weakest... It doesn't matter what happens... And you defend your cause like the most terrible of lawyers... You are tireless... Tireless. .. ...1 in the morning is the ideal time to exchange points of view... And it's hours... And hours... But hearing you... Seeing you... It's the best adventure of the heart... Knowing what's going through your mind... Knowing life through your eyes... You I love it for it... really like cleanliness... even so, you have never made me feel bad if I am not what you want...
  • 27. 26 are the one who does first things first... Although it contrasts that I do it last... And you let me be... …you have never hidden who I am from you…with how crooked I am…. let me be happy... get angry to the breaking point... you transform from a gentle breeze to a hurricane... but as the storm passes, burning everything in its path... you have the humility to return and smile... and everything is forgotten... …because your look heals… I don't feel any pain… …if I could have a garden full of thousands of flowers… I feel that it would be little for what you are for me… …you see life in a simple way… because where you pass everything changes… you arrive and everything changes… you illuminate it… you are a poem…. Something that seduces just by being there... …where you go, the sun follows you… sometimes I think the weather forecast depends on you… …you are my first thought at dawn and my treasure when the sun sets… …you watch a movie and you are the protagonist…you cry, you suffer, you feel… eat everything... from the most complicated to the simplest... anywhere... street dinner or the finest place... you don't distinguish by will... everything for you is a paradise... and I know it... because you are there …you don't know poverty… you make alchemy with the purity of your heart… and everything is better... ...since I met you, I only wanted to know about you... it wasn't always possible... but I was always attentive when someone brought news about you... I separated every scene... I stayed in my part of your life... ...when it is necessary you let yourself be pampered... and when I can't do it... you just say... hug me... And that hug is touching the sky... You have dreams and you follow them... and you teach me to follow mine... ...for me... you are the one I want to see my days, sunsets... nights... and early mornings... …and in moments of pain… you are the one who comforts my soul… ...that comes later... I don't know... a flower like you... is one in a million flowers... one in a million years... …and luckily for me… life let me meet you… 02/04/2015
  • 28. 27 14 I dressed as if I were with you... as cheerful and light as I could... I took my backpack as if I was never going to return... with that peace when you know that you are facing your destiny and that nothing can change it... I went to the countryside, I looked for nature where I could feel what you make me feel, it seemed like a cloudy day, it was a high place and it had a nice view... ...I sat down and put on music in a light tone... I felt the wind that comes with the change in temperature... a little cold and warm at the same time... the sun was rising and I thought of you... Sensing that it was time, I dug a hole in the ground and first placed the ring… the one that takes one day to design and 7 years to make it happen…. Later, together I put a little gold plaque with your story and mine... and in the end... I planted a sequoia sempervirens on top of my offering... I left my life, my soul, all my heart for you... I lay down next to him, caressed him saying goodbye... I felt a tear that, still warm, reached the ground to feed him for the first time... The sequoia will grow and will have in its roots... In its branches... In its leaves part of you and me... Each being that settles under its shadow, the tree will tell the story and I know that they will make their nest thinking of you... and if that tree ever cries, sap will sprout that will roll in drops of amber... In the shape of a heart... I chose that tree for growing tall to the sky and as long as my love for you... they live 3 thousand years... which is like a sigh to see you again... Every year I will go to see him... To protect his area... and leave a flower... To your essence... to your existence... I will go away There they study everything I look for... I take the couple of the sequoia sempervirens... there I will plant it and sow under it, the other little gold plate with our history... I don't know how the leaves will grow... but I know that every 14th of the second month... . They will see your name... Your image will be formed in flashes of light and mirrors of water... and they will know about the princess with emerald eyes... …I know that I will not return and my desire is to rest next to that tree…. When the sun hits it, between the branches your shadow will be seen, your silhouette and everyone will know that a star woman... an untouchable swan... lives there... …that the wind caresses its leaves whispering your name…that the branches move smiling remembering their roots and what they keep…that the robust trunk feels proud to envelop your heart…because each bird just to get there…its song will change and sing not just any song... but a singular song... Of a sparrow... our story... Everything I felt for you... You inadvertently changed everything... without wanting to, without knowing you as I wish... I feel you in me... And all the The inhabitants of the forest will know about the princess made swan... The swan that eclipsed the beauty of the moon... the brightness of the star... The sunlight... because even more than all of this put together... It was always you. 02/14/2015
  • 29. 28 thousand stars Now comes the hardest work... how do I master your memory? How should I not see you everywhere?... How to avoid making mistakes and saying your name... …your name… made by the wind, sounds that caress the fall of the river, the waving of the leaves of the tree, the peace of the mountain… I close my eyes and see you... You are lying in the field full of flowers, where the grass grows over what it hides... I am by your side... I see your eyes and I cannot say nothing... I look at you and sigh... I wouldn't change that moment for anything... seeing how the wind plays with your hair... listening to the birds singing and seeing you smile... …I do not want anything…. Only that this moment never ends... there is nothing I would change about you... We turn on our backs and watch the sunset come... the sky turns pink... we make a wish... we talk about everything we did and didn't do to be together... we laugh from our assumptions... You scold me… I accept… I debate… I never win… ...when the moon rises, it traces a path that reaches us... we see endless stars... and with the tip of my finger I raise my hand as if touching the firmament and I touch a star... it sticks to my finger and I lower it little by little and the I hit your face... that's what I was missing... put the stars in their place... with you... I raise my hand again and touch another star and do the same…. With the tip of my finger I lower it, I bring it closer to you and it alone descends into your being…. Under all that she can and I fill you with them... Without wanting to, I have disturbed the sky... to fill those spaces I take a hair of yours... I stick it from its tip to my finger and I raise my hand... sticking it to the universe... I take your curls, each one instead of each star that I take for you... little by little it takes on a certain shape... by leaving them there, little by little each curl begins to shine... their brightness spreads... and suddenly you smile... you smile in such a magical way that the stars attached to your being shine and at the same time... up there as if they were a pair... one in you and one there... the shape makes sense... It's you... Each star attached to you shines with its twin of your curls there in the firmament... like a mirror... you are so beautiful... that this time the stars were not the ones who guided us to form an image, a smile, a silhouette... upon seeing you, they took your form... leaving your essence in eternity... the stars shine... there I will always be able to see you... I will raise my hand to meet yours... Up there in the universe... where the shape and smile of the most beautiful being that came into my life was suspended for eternity... you... the princess made... of a thousand stars... 02/16/2015
  • 30. 29 protein s infinity When I fell in love with you, I knew you were different, from a very different plane than mine... I went to the sea at night, see the reflection of the moon as I walk towards you, listen to the crash of the waves, see the stars in the dark, feel that you are there looking at me... I knew that letting go was having one foot on the cliff, feeling the wind push you, closing your eyes and knowing there is a balance you want to break... …I know that it is not possible for you to go down to this dimension… you were not made for this world… One night I fell into a febrile stage with a very high temperature, nothing was able to control my temperature... They took my blood to analyze, they found something irregular and they asked for different tests for the entire series of my DNA... ...they put me in a coma... the sub-armstrong level they could see the strands of my DNA arranged in the form of an s, from 5 cousin to 3 cousin... everything seemed normal... there was a young man who wore headphones so as not to distract the investigations and come across another companion, the cord of his earphones got caught in a drawer handle and popped the earphone off…. The sound was released and at that moment a melody was heard that said your name for a second... And the person who was analyzing the sample could see how the strands replicated, how the telomeres stretched trying to reach each other, they sponged up, they strengthened... They had not seen anything like it and that gave them greater interest... No one related the facts, they searched and tried all means, but they could not replicate the phenomenon... Until one day a geneticist who knew about the case arrived and asked that to do everything exactly like the first day... he observed and observed... and a beginner remembered that that day the fact of the hearing aids... And they laughed at the beginner's so innocent comment, but already half tired of not finding an answer, they asked that they bring the right melody from that occasion...
  • 31. 30 all prepared in 5 different analyses, hoping to laugh at the delusional who made the comment to the notable geneticist… and the inexplicable happened... as the melody passed and in certain parts mentioned your name, the threads opened, cut, spliced in a beautiful way, coordinated in space and time, the imprint was magical... it was a radio effect and its receptor... Your radioligand… Nothing was new… just that no substance had been applied to this… it was all because of your sound… They took the sample to the hadron accelerator lab below Gin and ran millions of volts through the DNA along with your sound and it was like no other… they could see how the valence electrons arranged the carbons into a series of dots a kind of morse code ...was your name... They isolated the sample and were even more surprised when they realized that where there were changes was in the part of the DNA chain considered introns or false... which is ninety- five percent of the total DNA... And the interesting thing began... they called other geneticists who refused to have their names exposed to such an illogical experiment... but no... seeing that the same thing happened in the different sequences, no matter how many times they did it... they decided not to wake me up to congratulate me... but rather take me as a guinea pig to see what the hell I had in my blood... ...they asked for everything from me... they even found out what I had hidden in the depths of oblivion... and it happened... when I reached the stage where I met you, it was the beginning of another existence... …they did it with the DNA of other people… the sound of your name and absolutely nothing happened… they tried it with the name of special people and the result was zero… ...31 days had passed in an induced coma and due to a premonition of the doctor (a genius), they withdrew the medications that kept me sedated... they put me some headphones, your name in a low tone... and little by little all the symptoms of the fever disappeared … The geneticist and neurologist asked me to do an ecg, a scan of the hemispheres and nothing strange happened... until it occurred to her to let your sound be heard at the time of the exam... and she went back to Something special happened... all the areas lit up, all showed neural activity, intensely the synapse was in pulses as if they were sending a message... looking for you... Even at the end of the universe...
  • 32. 31 The hubble space telescope managed to record your sound emitted by my hemispheres and followed it up to the best of its resources... The signal was he lost after crossing all space at a speed greater than what can be explained... It is believed that the portal that he went to is known as infinity... …but the strangest thing was that the space telescope managed to capture how, as the signal passed, certain stars lit up at the same time, forming an image… it managed to count a thousand stars… ...nobody could explain it... at the end of the exams they asked me for a photo of you... but I didn't have... just the memory of your image in my mind... and perfectly the sound of your voice... and I paused softly with which you told me for the first time your name… They asked me for your details, but I gave them false, no one would believe that I met you... I signed the confidentiality agreements and agreed not to disclose the experience, only through this means, the narrative of an event that changed my life and that I know will change many more. ...different laboratories saw the results and for months they did not know what to do with them... Well, your name had a domino effect on millions of amino acids, coded and corrected all my blood... Millions of new proteins... but they only served me... they gave me inexhaustible energy... ...from being an empty name and code of the experiment... they managed to get all the permissions to call you... the protein s∞…s infinity. Although there is already the protein s that helps the coagulation of the blood, by your name, your sound, your frequency, which not only has that function and therefore they decided to add the symbol∞(infinity), which are actually two letters s strung together: protein s∞for encoding new proteins and the reactions you cause are infinite... ...sometimes I think that's why DNA strands have that shape... From s continues… The doctor who led the research wrote a thesis on the matter, in which she postulates that in the future science will be able to endlessly regenerate people's DNA and enhance the synapse of the neural network to an unknown level, if these people only have the name… of someone to love… 02/23/2015
  • 33. 32 art You're not here and yet you fill my world You are quite a woman, however you have a pure, innocent, unstained soul, the soul of a girl... It doesn't matter what you dress, how you put on your makeup, your multiple poses and costumes before life, your gaze does not change... you cannot hide or modify it... it is you... And when you look up they shine like a mirror You make a slight smile, fold your lips... you change my universe Your freckles are stamps from the rain of stars crashing against your being... You are not afraid of what people think... I love that... I love you... You are natural like a landscape... you are... you are... and you don't need to change anything... You rethink life, existence, it is a delight to hear you speak... You walk as if you were floating, as if the air carried you... You sponge your long wavy hair, you raise it on a war footing and you conquer everything because it envelops your angel face... You stay awake, you sleep like a baby, you breathe like a baby, with that calm that your dreams without veils, because you are loved... You ask for everything in a kind way, even when you're angry you smile and no one can deny you anything... You tan and your beauty becomes extreme, everything comes to a standstill…. It's like a slow motion film shot... that can only focus on you... everything disappears... It doesn't matter that you are on the other side of the world It doesn't matter that I have to walk my towns and have to win their approval to get to you... …I know I will…I know… Because you smile, talk, shut up, look, get sad, cry or sing... all of you is life for me... Let me achieve it all by your side... Let me connect your energy to mine... Let me add... Let me feel what it is to live without feeling time or the world... Let me count the seconds to see you again... Let me know what it is to create in plastic arts with you in my life…. Because after seeing you, works of your soul will be born through my eyes... You are art… living art…27/02/2015
  • 34. 33 I know it's you By the lake I wanted to capture your essence Plant your love and make it bear fruit I watered it with my best wishes Little by little it grew With a foliage of a special brightness In spring it bears a pale purple flower. When you get closer it becomes an intense tone That's how you are color intensity The softness of the scent Sparrows come and come to keep you company you never dry your leaves never fall I sit in your shadow Even in winter your shadow gives warmth I feel your joy every time the leaves move Every time its flowers open I know it's you The rain runs through your leaves The drops fall making melodies like a music box They fall forming waves of colors The drops fall and laugh I reach out my hand to you And little by little yours is drawn in front of mine pianist hands I know it's you It looks a little sap
  • 35. 34 don't cry i'm here Where I go my clothes carry your scent A sparrow comes to my window bringing your message sing non-stop I know it's you Every night I make you a poem Every afternoon I read it to you and Your flowers are born of a very soft velvet Its color changes telling me if you're happy or angry If you miss me or scold me, your tones say everything I know it's you The sunset gives a pink sky I make a wish The sun goes down little by little And its color like your leaves intensify its color In the last seconds before disappearing The sun gives a deep red Your branches, your leaves, all your flowers little by little are transparent as if they were made of water The light passes illuminating the center of the tree And little by little your eyes are drawn your innocent smile your raised hand I bring mine closer my wish came true I know it's you 03/06/2015
  • 36. 35 my course You are like faith, inexplicable, but it is felt. You are like a road with many falls but I always get up thinking of you, you fill me up, you make me feel satisfied with my achievements I have left behind my favorite hobby of falling and getting up, you are a vector of joy You are my constant... I would give everything to see you again and that's what I'm doing, I think of you and I give everything at every moment You are my engine and remind you of the flag that flies high in my dreams You fill me up so much that I don't understand it, absolutely all my neurons work in harmony pausing, truce, pact or alliance to think of you and wish that where you are is the best of your days... because wherever you are if you smile... I smile... although everything separates us... There is no reason why our paths crossed, but because my entire limbic system learned to bring to this plane sensations for you that exceed what I can understand. You are all the sounds of joy, all the bright colors... I sit on the sand and the waves reach my feet and I know it's you... tender as always... Under my hands and they only touch the surface of the water, I feel the coming and going of your messages You know that I will not lower my arms, that I am fighting for you, that nothing will stop me and if something stopped me... you know that whatever stopped me... I would find myself standing and with your image in my eyes... Sometimes I walk to the end of the pier where we sit a thousand times to watch the sunset, I see the horizon and feel the storm of the last months of the year, I keep my hands in my jacket, but I love feeling the cutting wind at full speed crashing against my face, letting myself fall against the wind, feeling that its strength holds me up, knowing that this is all I need to be with you... desire and will... That will and a little foolishness with which I swam the boat when we drifted, you were scared, I was scared too, a lot, but the only thing I thought while it was getting dark was that my faith in you sustained me, fed me, faith not to get tired, faith of being able to move forward a little more and a little more still tired… I don't know how but the sea was generous… I remember your face and the universe in the background…. That scene was worth a lifetime to me... when you arrived you didn't say anything, but you saw me in a way where I knew that nothing would ever separate us... that if I was born for something, it was for that moment... to seal my destiny... We learned the value of a radio that does work... I don't know where your path is, but on my boat... You are my course... 03/20/2015
  • 37. 36 she is like that After life collapsed I understood that the heart also has a cognitive system, perhaps there is no room for knowledge of reasoning but only what is important, feeling, living, wanting... that of which eternal stories will be made, not what you achieved, but about what you felt and if it is to be judged because you felt… there will never be any explanation… it simply is…. Just like you... you just are... Only that remains of me, burned pieces of something that once beat, unrecognizable except for small flashes of crimson red that little by little were reduced to a bright ash, of all that was not even half of what it once was. It was not even the shadow of what it was, what it did, what it achieved, what it dreamed of, what it created... and it did not create anything, it only translated what it understood when it saw you... It flowed like counting the stars... it was endless... Why I wasn't totally destroyed, I don't know, I don't understand it, I can't explain it, it turns out that what feelings are made of floats while everything else is destroyed, that doesn't suffer any deterioration, it prevails over everything… Everything. Something happened and everything moved, it trembled strongly, everything tilted and I rolled like a stone on a hill, in case something else was missing to feel now if nothing was missing, but when night came I could hear a new heartbeat... and as the moon As I moved up, I felt like a drop of mercury, separated into cold and brilliant drops, re-uniting what was left of me to roll close to you... When I arrived next to you, I saw that the same thing had happened to me, only that you were stronger, I got as close as I could, I felt your heartbeat and little by little my insipid color of mercury took on color and I wanted to be the half that beat in melody with you... and so were some moons... it was not a heart made of the pieces of two whole... It was an instrument that spoke with the universe... when it beat happy the birds sang... when it beat sadly the rain was the nostalgia for the sordid and intense piano note... and with the ease that being a liquid metal gives me, it molded me to be anything that would make you smile... Making you smile was all I asked... We beat making our own sounds, our own melody... But even the happiest beat ends and that time I was with you I knew I wanted nothing more, I knew what destiny I wanted in my life, beating near you felt as if my senses were opening up, suddenly everything made sense, the end of my world, every fall, every mistake, every time something didn't work out, I was grateful for everything, because if only something had been different, the time to meet you would not have come. And from the moment I saw you I knew that I couldn't hold you back, I knew that it was an instant, a moment of life's gift, why I don't know, I know that even the worst in my life was grateful for it at that moment, nothing bothered me anymore, You were like a glimpse of paradise.
  • 38. 37 I would go anywhere with you... what if I wanted you just for me? I would have given my life, believe me, my life... It would only have beat for you... Know? You are fascinating, simply fascinating, if there was a gene that encoded your way of being, all the scientific research of the entire world would be used to obtain your essence, your sequence... all the medicines would be made with your gene included... Because you are someone with a perfect spirit of struggle, delivery, joy and sensitivity. With your gene, what would change would not be the world, but the way you see it and feel it, and the problems would not be a burden, because what you have is, whatever it is, you manage to overcome it or turn it in your favor... it would be like changing the sense of things, but while I am a drop of mercury that the most I do is change color and temperature, you are also mercury, but not the metal but the planet... Full of mysteries and mysticisms... Indecipherable ... And the real world is not like that... it is not made up of dreams and achievements, but of falls and resignations, that's why with what's left of me, I take your memory where you can't find it, where you can't alter it from my senses, I take from you, the best thing I saw, the best thing I could feel, the best thing I could beat, what made me vibrate, what made me fly... Without understanding it again -I think because I wanted it- she trembled again and a stone came towards you with full speed, you were sleeping, even though everything moved you had the peaceful sleep of a newborn and in an instant I wanted to join you , but my fear did not make it... I was cold, I stopped seeing you and I felt an uncontrollable vertigo, I rolled and rolled with the stone downhill while I was moving away from you forever, the last thing I could see is that when I hit the stone I had pushed you, unintentionally under a tree... you would be safe there... I think it didn't matter what happened anymore, I stopped seeing and felt tired, to wait for the end of the whim of life... I woke up next to a beach, it was incredible what you could see, even though you weren't there I could feel you... feeling you was like flying... and as a gift of life I was able to do it... I began to fly, fly like a seagull, and I imagined myself with you by my side, it was flying seeing the endless blue of the sea and coming down from the top of the sky at full speed and turning at the level of the sand, flying at full speed feeling the breeze and the reflection of the sun in the water, I recognized the beach, it was ipanema... Being with you was simply living in a bossa nova tone, it was owning a moment of life... that was being with you... sharing to see you smile... you were that girl from ipanema... But I know that one day, no matter how high I flew and made use of the wind, I would have to go down to earth and just as the change of season comes to change the leaves of the oak, no matter how strong it is, it cannot resist... even in the most beautiful horizon its sun hides and for moments the infinity of stars and dreams come...
  • 39. 38 Unchangeable time passed and I did not find a gene like yours, the wind and the stars came to bring me news of you, you were not another... only you also flew, you took another flight and that freedom of yours, that arrogance of a bird from Greek mythology that It was what attracted me to you. I take your joy to bring joy to other lands, to other horizons... One day flying I saw in front of my light, intense, blinding, but it didn't burn, I could see the sea to guide me but it reflected the intensity of the sun, I hurried my flight to take another angle but nothing changed... I felt afraid but I kept going and suddenly everything It blinded me... I flew without fatigue, with the softness of the air and I was able to see you again... as if time had returned... I went ashore to try to understand what was happening, but nothing changed, I could see you, so close and so real that I could reflect myself in your eyes, which you always knew I loved about you... but something was strange, you couldn't hear me, I didn't even see myself... I thought it was the indifference with which you always treated me and it hurt me, but seeing you was so much for me that I didn't pay attention to the details, I don't know where you were going because I arrived earlier and if you said something, I thought about it and instantly appeared and you smiled and that was enough for me, to see your eyes in the shape of an almond, like the sun at sunset... big, deep, perfect... One day I got tired of just seeing you... from afar I heard a melody and I didn't understand why that melody either... until I could understand that this melody is called after you... after you... And I could hear it over and over again while I was flying guided by that song, little by little I understood that my lack of tiredness was because I was like a ghost and because I couldn't give up feeling what I felt for you, I couldn't fly far, far from you... but with that music I made it, like floating, I flew higher than I wanted, more intense, more joyful, I felt how speed drew silver on my head and my feathers were white, blue and red... I owe it to you who could forgive me, the blue to my dreams and the red to what I felt for you... I don't know where I'm going…. I'm still flying and I haven't reached the origin of the melody... I just follow her… but wherever it is, because it is called like your name, I know that it is where I want to be… And if I don't get anywhere, I know that if I see the universe with a bit of luck I will be able to see you... The girl who came from mercury with eyes of stars... Almost at the end of my flight I was able to understand that a woman should not be changed, that's what I lived with you, a spirit with an indomitable, capricious and seductive stormy character, sometimes a girl, sometimes a woman, sometimes an angel, sometimes sometimes... sometimes in a subtle way something inside me said: don't analyze her, don't understand her... Just love her as she is, because she is who she is... She... is like that.05/16/15
  • 40. 39 grigio By your side I felt the peace that I could not find anywhere else That's why it hurts me that you leave I know you're leaving and you won't come back... I know that your path is that and that you cannot change But it hurts me to understand it and not being able to do something to change it With all my heart I hope you find what you are looking for These days with you were the best of my life because you are such a simple woman with so many facets, like water on land, wherever you are, you are joy. I felt like I was living with you... You are beautiful and intense... News never took me so by surprise, while you spoke I only felt my soul dry up as if it were an intermediate layer between the heart and the spirit I only felt like I was losing elasticity, moisture and function... As if I lived in a large transparent gel globe not visible to me and without knowing of its existence until that moment when you came to speak to me... As if you had arrived with a pin with a double zero thread to make a small and simple hole in it. As if, with that simple silk thread less than a hair thick, you had managed to pierce not only the large balloon that protected me, but also by putting your weight on the east pin, as if it knew the way, it crossed without any intercostal or pleural resistance reaching the lung, leaving me breathless to scream stay here... And the pin continued its journey until it reached the heart and came out again as an intradermal suture... deep... very deep, surgical precision but not to avoid the scar... quite the opposite... to make the perforation unrecognizable and irreparable... …I wasn't leaving life because of that little trickle from my heart, but because everything It was added like a syndrome of a thousand pathologies of the soul, I had no fresh air because the gel bubble was shrinking little by little... With each word of yours my senses went away, I heard but did not listen, like someone who receives a frontal blow and wants to hear but does not it can, it doesn't spin, it doesn't process... only a perfect whistle crossed my head... With the little time that I felt I had left, I gave you my four-leaf clover that I always carried in my purse, I want it to grant you everything you want, that you achieve everything you long for... I don't want you to change anything, I never wanted to change anything about you , for me you are perfect... the most beautiful sea sunrise... a poem... In an act that I could not even imagine at any time, you took out some blunt-tipped elementary scissors and cut a lock of your hair and gave it to me... I don't really know how to describe what I felt but for me it is the best gift in the world... I put it with your photo and believe me I will always have it with me, because it represents your innocence of soul and the purity of your heart, because it has all your essence, because you gave up your perfect image to give me of you...
  • 41. 40 I know that you are a star and that you owe yourself to your people and that it is the life you chose and that's how I met you... And I don't want you to cancel anything... I just wish I could do something to be with you... If you ever think of me at your concerts, yell “grigio grigio”… Everyone will think of the romantic jumping green bug named cricket... only you and I will know that this cry belongs to that time when we waited for dawn after finishing the white cava that dominated the chablis and in the end you found one last one and shouted: a pinot! a grigio!! And we uncorked at dawn with the best loaf of rustic bread, cheese and a pinot... grigio... What a strange time?... You asked me... original, I answered you... I don't know what fate will do with you or with me now that a chess game ties me to stay and takes you to places so far away, I don't know if we will see each other again, I just know that I will write to you every time I miss you and my hands allow me... I hope those lines reach your eyes... as you ask me, I will continue my path, I will stand up and my grades will be the highest you have ever seen, I dedicate everything to you... The investigation that I carry out has many surprises, possibly you are only leaving in advance... I want to think that this is just one more test of life to measure what I can endure under pressure... possibly if fate allows it... I'll see you there... Something of a flight, a long flight in a plane with paper wings flying facing the sun... feeling that everything burns, everything burns and yet I don't feel anything... I don't feel the flames of my guilt for feeling what I feel for you... When getting off the plane, I just want to hug you again, if so, every test, no matter how hard it seemed, was not enough, neither leaving me without air, nor badly injured, nor the pain of living with a lifeless soul and the lethality of your goodbye could drown my hope of seeing you again, they could not drown my dreams... my desire to hug you fed them... it didn't matter that they took you to the other side of the world, it didn't matter that they surrounded you with a thousand insurmountable barriers, it didn't matter that the world I was against it, it didn't matter that finding you took me a lifetime... I know that I will see you again because you are the star that lives in me forever... I will not look back on my world but only to let go of everything, hug you with all my might … what if I leave something? Maybe... maybe... but what good is the most incredible landscape, sunset, wine or work of art... if you are not... you are the infinite sum of beauty of all the constellations of all time, you are the one who gives life to this pen with the ink of my heart... when I crossed it when leaving, I only had to let my hand slide over the paper placing each letter , each word only for your eyes... that's how everything is born when thinking about you... that's how I know that I will hug you and I will not let go... I will have a knot... I know that I will not be able to utter a word, only with my gaze on you will I tell you... I love you, I love you... thank you! 06/01/2015
  • 42. 41 the thirteenth pair The calls, the emails, the messages stopped... the most impersonal and innocent is what I miss the most... those messages that border on the childish, but that made me feel so close... from one day to the next the cold of the arctic wind... cutting … It is so tense to make a mistake when saying your name to someone who is not you, to hear someone else say one of your words and know that you have to take an antacid made up of pride and a promise... a promise not to give in even if your veins hurt, not to give in even if you feel the hunger of wanting to feed on knowing about you... It is not a war, because I have lost the battle before starting it... it is a bastion of survival... it is a barricade to what I feel for you... I can't feel more, not because I don't want to , but because I shouldn't... I shouldn't, because I'm afraid of feeling what I feel and not being able to stop it... Closing all the doors to feeling was the only way out to survive, a hypovolemic shock at the level of the soul... a state of feeling in a coma that froze my spirit... Only the basic systems of existence should work, everything else is blocked, suspended... vetoed... Because it is seeing the sea one step away and not knowing how to swim... I should no longer feel... I don't know how to cry, but if I knew I would and I don't know if it helps but the impotence of having reached the edge of the precipice and knowing that I would not hesitate to take the step for you makes me wake up to know that you are an unattainable dream, where not even isofentanyl It compares to what happened when I saw you... everything disappeared... There must be a thirteenth cranial nerve that dominates the other twelve when one loves... there must be a conspiracy of the hypothalamus, pituitary gland and the limbic system to generate hormones, proteins, neurotransmitters undetectable to medicine that make the impossible happen... as if a 10-hour documentary about stars looks like a 10-minute short film, which is what happens when you get closer…. You stop time... you stop everything... everything moves forward and yet you... your essence seems immovable and eternal... I can't forget you, whatever I see, whoever comes... they are no less, not at all, they are incredible people in many ways, with many talents, smiles, stories... but your essence... that language that only my soul spoke with yours... nobody has that configuration... nobody... Whoever designed all this network of nerves did it so that no one could alter it even if they gave their life to it... but I am sure that the network of feelings only responds, turns on, works and processes when the frequency signal for the soul mate that It was made, it was detected... a Wi-Fi from the heart... ...and that's how you entered my life... but I didn't know how to emit the clear sender of that signal so that it was only one... That's why the cryogenics protocol of the soul enters... nothing enters... nothing comes out…. I don't know what comes... I don't know if I'll hear from you again... but I know that releasing that signal only responds to you... and because my life was completely subordinated to the emission of that signal... And there was no response pulse... It was just... a lost signal... 06/23/2015
  • 43. 42 the princess who traveled through infinity... They were twins... when their world was destroyed, two stars left Altair with different directions, the mission was to start a new world... a star fell into this plane of this world and nothing is new... but the other... took a different course... somewhere point crossed a time-space portal, a tunnel in space through which the star crossed to the other end of the universe... simply unreachable for our reality... there were hours where the star completely enveloped the princess, becoming one with her... the princess for her nature of light had no problem merging with the star… the two were now one white and blue light, they traveled at that speed through the tunnel... I can't explain it in measurements but I know that to protect them the universe took them to what is known as infinity... Thus they arrived at a plane where the new home was very similar to ours, as the star approached its new home everything was blue... At the end of their journey, everything seemed the same as our solar system... Except that the star was able to cross its sun without suffering any alteration... they slowed down a bit to choose the planet they liked best... they identified with one in particular, one of color mostly blue and white like the light that they issued thus having agreed... the descent began... smooth... with elegance... to touch new ground for the first time they chose a site with a beautiful view of a sea and not a building as far as the sun hides... Slowly the star returned to the baby's body... kar-l was a beautiful, very beautiful baby and slowly the star became smaller, the baby seeing her understood what she had to do with her, she took her with her hands and put her up of his head… like a crown… the crown of a princess... that star floating above her head would be her crown of starlight and her protective angel... her guardian angel... years and years went by... the star grew and enveloped her to sleep, providing warmth and protection... and when he felt a strange presence he became invisible, preventing him from approaching them... All the wild beings, feeling the nature of the princess, went and brought them food, slept near them and also took care of them, everything was calm, the star took the necessary shape to teach the princess everything she needed for her new home and that of its roots... The princess grew beautiful and took her beauty from what she saw and liked... every night she admired the celestial vault and decided that her hair would be black as night, on another occasion, walking freely, she was amazed at the force of falling water of a waterfall and decided that her hair would be like this, like falling water and with its brilliance... and that's how it was, black hair, long and straight like a waterfall and she asked for it to be shiny to remember the brightness of the sun when reflected in the water... another One day a horse appeared on his