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A Compilation of all Astrological Info!

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Your Week Ahead                                            Saturday, 18 August 2012

This week begins with a
powerful new Moon and
  goes on to provide us
  all with the chance to
  make a fresh start. To
 add to this, Mercury is
    now making up the
   ground it lost after it
  turned retrograde last
 month. No planet ever
truly moves backwards.
But our skies are full of
 things that seem to tell
  one story when really,
 they’re telling another.
    You could say the
      same about our
personal stories! When
   Mercury gets back to
   the point it occupied
     before it ‘turned’,

                                                                               1 / 10
many people’s lives
get back on track. The
week is looking good!

Although                the
conjunction has now
officially     peaked,    it
remains a potent force
for       change       this
weekend.               The
alignment is still visible
just after Sunset and
you can feel the impact
in your life wherever
you        find    yourself
wrestling with a big

            Astrology Today: Oracle for Saturday, August 18, 2012
                               Posted on August 18, 2012 by Eric Francis

                                                                           2 / 10
There’s a wave of energy rising in your life now. It’s rising for everyone, but for Pisces there is
  a particularly intense quality. That does not mean destructive, nor does it necessarily imply
 productive — but it surely can be. You get to decide, but how exactly you do that may not be
clear. As a Pisces, you know more than most that we all have a significant ability to determine
what is real for us, and what is not. Yet implicit in that process is making decisions about these
things as they present themselves, rather than delaying. The pace of your feelings, your mind
     and your activities is quickening now. Make sure you take your choices one at a time.

             Astrology Today: Oracle for Friday, August 17, 2012
                           Posted on August 17, 2012 by Eric Francis

  There is a complex dance going on between your personality-level growth process and your
awareness on some other level of reality: a level you may just be discovering for the first time.
You are waking up to yourself, and this is a lot like waking up in the morning: you’re not always
 willing, but you do it anyway. Here’s how it looks on my Google Maps version of your psyche,
  known as astrology. You are beginning to experience emotions as receptive, rather than as
expressive. In a sense, you are beginning to learn how you feel about how you feel. This is no
 small development: because what we’re talking about is the emergence of the Inner Witness.
  Once you learn to observe yourself, anything is possible, in particular, making decisions for
                              yourself that you actually agree with.

                                                                                             3 / 10
On Saturday the 18th, tend to practical projects earlier in the day under an efficient Virgo
moon. By late afternoon, you just want to be free to explore something or someone
 new.Quick Mercury is in harmony with innovative Uranus, so you just have to take a
                         quick step out of your normal routine.

                                           Dear Friends,

  We are now in the Dark of the Moon and tomorrow at 11:54 AM EDT the Sun conjuncts the
  Moon at 25+ Leo marking the Leo New Moon, heralding a new dawn. This New Moon also
                           forms a sextile to Saturn (and Mars) in

                                                                   Libra fanning flames of passions
while still suggesting a solidity in the air backing us up with the risks we are being called to take.

Leo is the sign that rules the “Self” and the heart; it represents passion, sense of self, sexuality,
 creativity, charm, youth, children, creativity and the “eternal now.” Its ruler is the Sun which is
  always shining even behind the clouds — representing the part of our consciousness that is
                                        eternal and constant.

      The Sabian Symbol for 26 Leo reads: AFTER THE HEAVY STORM, A RAINBOW.

                                                                                               4 / 10
Here is Dane Rudhyar’s interpretation for this degree of the Zodiac, taken from his book An
Astrological Mandala.

    “KEYNOTE: Linking above and below, the Covenant with one’s divine nature, promise of
  In the Bible the rainbow is the sign of the Covenant established by God with Noah (the cyclic
“Seed man”) guaranteeing that no longer shall the destructive power of Spirit (the Shiva aspect
of the Divine) be used to destroy life on earth. As we come to the third level of the scene of
       “Release,” we find the man who has been able to weather the cathartic storm
 face-to-face with his divine Archetype; because he has been victorious, a link has been
 established with his divine Soul-being. Both the human and the divine partners should
     remain thus linked. H. P. Blavatsky’s last words are said to have been: “Keep the Link
unbroken” — the Link she forged With the Trans-Himalayan Brotherhood that had sent her into
                 the darkness of nineteenth-century materialism for this purpose.

  “At the first stage of this thirtieth sequence, the symbol of the rainbow shows us the need to
maintain a state of open communication between the Sky and the Earth within our total being —
 not for the sake of finding an ever-elusive “pot of gold” at the end of the rainbow, for this end is
 never to be reached, but in order to face the totality of our individual selfhood as it is projected
in the many-hued dome of our sky-flung consciousness. After every successfully met crisis, the
 REVELATION OF WORTH comes to us, and with it comes the promise of success, if only we
                                              do our part.”

Really the message above says it all. And with the New Moon aspecting Saturn, it asks that we
 stay true to our integrity as we chase our passion boldly and fearlessly. Be extremely honest
   with yourself first, then we can be honest with all others in our lives — building the kind of
                relationships that warm our hearts and allow us to be our selves.

 Love is in the air and relationships can get a new start as well with this new cycle. But
  the aspect to Saturn suggests this is about true lasting love that has weathered the
  storms rather than just fleeting attractions, or a romp in the hay that fades with the

Rather than get too serious or let pride, ego or past hurt stand in the way of you expressing your
  desire, passion, creativity, compassion and experiencing warmth, try reintroducing a sense of
 fun, playfulness and spontaneity. And love never came without it’s risks, but the more you can
 stay in the present while still keeping awareness of the lessons you have learned over the past
two years of mutual respect, equality and commitment, we can resurrect what is solid, constant,
  ever present and true – Love. We never know what tomorrow may bring — but if we can love
           deeply and truly in the present, then the love we share will linger for eternity.

  Creativity too can flourish at this time allowing us to create and bring to form something truly
 beautiful. Again this will call for an inner confidence and dropping of the ego, so we can
     let our inner light shine and create something of substance without any fear or
          expectations of how it will be received or what we will receive in return.

                                                                                              5 / 10
This is not about ego, or recognition but simply about “being” for then we can radiate
our inner “Sun” with its life-giving, heart-warming creative energy. You never know when
a smile can warm up and brighten someones day. For this you don’t have to do anything
                     — your “being” and presence alone is enough.

For now as you move through the Dark of the Moon take the time to go inward for self-reflection
 to find your inner light and let it guide you. After the trials and storms we’ve recently endured
      over the past few months — this New Moon indeed marks a new day and new dawn.

 As long as we stay in the present, like curious children of a higher divine power there can be a
recognition of eternity and our immortality. Be bold, confident, passionate, creative and unafraid
  to shine. There is no past and there is no future — only an ever present now. The more we
 recognize this, we can create the reality we most desire. Shine on and take a chance on your



                                                                                             Yesterday Tomorrow

  Saturday, August 18
  We may find ourselves embroiled in a power struggle today as communicator Mercury forms a difficult
  quincunx with intense Pluto. We might not be interested in negotiating since the Moon’s harmonious trine to
  Pluto strengthens our resolve. Although the fussy Virgo Moon reminds us to focus on details, we still might
  miss what’s most important. Thankfully, a brilliant stroke of genius unexpectedly saves the day as Mercury
  trines innovative Uranus.

                                                                                                          6 / 10
Aries                  Cancer                 Libra               Capricorn
Taurus                  Leo                  Scorpio               Aquarius
Gemini                 Virgo               Sagittarius                 Pisces

         Aries Your idealism quickly fades as new thoughts
         fuel your creativity today. You don’t need to rely on
         your dreams now; you can step beyond the limitations
         that were previously holding you back. Your real life
         could become almost as good as your fantasy world.
         But don’t keep your enthusiasm all to yourself; your
         story is inspirational to others. Your influence positively
         impacts those who know you as long as you
         acknowledge the difference between fact and fancy.

         Taurus An authority figure may be the source of a
         problem today, leaving you unsure how to respond. You
         don’t want to make a big deal out of something
         unimportant, yet glossing over a significant issue can
         come back to haunt you later on. Delay action for the
         first part of the day if possible; once you trust your
         instincts your uncertainty will fade and you’ll know
         exactly how to approach the situation.

         Gemini You have a lot to say today and people
         listen to you because you’re often very clever. The
         words slip smoothly off your tongue with the greatest of
         ease. However, if anyone assumes that you’re telling
         the whole truth, you could find yourself in trouble now.
         Stretching poetic license too far in your favor isn’t a
         good idea, for you might not feel so great when the
         tension snaps back to reality. It may be more fun to
         embellish your story, but it’s wiser to stick with the

                                                                                7 / 10
Cancer It’s challenging to remain clear about your
desires today, but a lack of certainty won’t stop you
from voicing your feelings anyway. Your understanding
of what you want is transforming along with your values,
so try not to make too much of your current needs. Give
yourself room to vacillate before creating a concrete
plan and announcing your new intentions to the world.

Leo You have the finesse to talk your way out of
almost anything now, but it’s not a smart idea to test
the limits of this gift. You are very charming, yet a
pleasant personality isn’t a substitute for speaking the
truth. There’s no need to rely on anyone else for your
reality check today, since others may be feeding your
fantasies. Instead, take your current thoughts with a
grain of salt, no matter how amazing they sound. The
most worthwhile ones will still be useful in a few days.

Virgo An emotional connection with a profound
spiritual truth might open up a new path for you to
follow. You have a chance to move past your analytical
skills and tap into the power of your imagination.
Visualize all the possibilities and let your mind travel
just for curiosity’s sake. If you discover a brilliant idea
on your journey, seize the opportunity and work toward
making your dreams come true.

Libra You’re appreciative of the unconventional
people in your life now, for they spur you to the heights
of your creativity. Although your intuition is strong, you
cannot get away with making unrealistic wishes. The
power of your positive thoughts might be able to move
mountains, but not necessarily according to your
schedule. Instead of focusing on others today, increase
your efficiency by improving your own work habits.
Minor changes can have major impact on your

Scorpio If you stay in touch with your feelings today,
you can reach beyond your usual limits. But you won’t
be happy unless you consciously integrate your spiritual
beliefs into everything else that you do. Monetary
success isn’t what’s most important now. Possessions
come and go, yet memories are yours to keep forever.

                                                              8 / 10
Make choices from a sacred perspective rather than a
mundane one and the rest will fall into place.

Sagittarius It’s not easy to focus on one specific
project today, since your mind is traveling all over the
place. Fortunately, you don’t need to spend money on
an airplane ticket to visit faraway places; you can go
anywhere within your imagination. Do some
metaphysical journeying now because original ideas
come to you when your brain is free from the drudgery
of everyday routine. Just remember to meet your
obligations before you slip away to dream.

Capricorn A little misunderstanding about shared
property or resources may create a temporary rift
between you and a close friend or partner. But instead
of limiting your discussion to the specific issue, you
need to dig beyond the apparent problem. A
disagreement over finances might be symptomatic of a
deeper struggle. Go directly toward the heart of the
matter, even if it makes you feel uncomfortable at first.
Your vulnerability can lead to unexpected rewards.

Aquarius You are comfortable with all the
movement today because your brain is buzzing and you
feel very smart. But your edgy behavior might stir
anxiety in others since they may not be used to the high
level of mental activity. Examine your feelings because
you could be sending mixed messages without even
realizing it. Take the extra step and make sure that your
friends and family understand your true intentions
before rushing ahead and inadvertently hurting
someone’s feelings.

Pisces If you are unsure that your current approach
to a problem is the best one, don’t pretend that you
have all the answers. Your defensive behavior only
makes matters worse today, especially if someone is
showing you a better way to accomplish a goal.

                                                            9 / 10
Remember, there are multiple paths to the same
                                                 destination; your willingness to take a different route
                                                 can make all the difference in the world.

                                   May we all open to the light within and share it!

                                                                                                           10 / 10
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A Compilation of all Astrological Info!

  • 1. A Compilation of all Astrological Info! <iframe width=”420? height=”315? src=” frameborder=”0? allowfullscreen></iframe> Your Week Ahead Saturday, 18 August 2012 This week begins with a powerful new Moon and goes on to provide us all with the chance to make a fresh start. To add to this, Mercury is now making up the ground it lost after it turned retrograde last month. No planet ever truly moves backwards. But our skies are full of things that seem to tell one story when really, they’re telling another. You could say the same about our personal stories! When Mercury gets back to the point it occupied before it ‘turned’, 1 / 10
  • 2. many people’s lives get back on track. The week is looking good! Although the Mars/Saturn conjunction has now officially peaked, it remains a potent force for change this weekend. The alignment is still visible just after Sunset and you can feel the impact in your life wherever you find yourself wrestling with a big decision. Astrology Today: Oracle for Saturday, August 18, 2012 Posted on August 18, 2012 by Eric Francis 2 / 10
  • 3. There’s a wave of energy rising in your life now. It’s rising for everyone, but for Pisces there is a particularly intense quality. That does not mean destructive, nor does it necessarily imply productive — but it surely can be. You get to decide, but how exactly you do that may not be clear. As a Pisces, you know more than most that we all have a significant ability to determine what is real for us, and what is not. Yet implicit in that process is making decisions about these things as they present themselves, rather than delaying. The pace of your feelings, your mind and your activities is quickening now. Make sure you take your choices one at a time. Astrology Today: Oracle for Friday, August 17, 2012 Posted on August 17, 2012 by Eric Francis There is a complex dance going on between your personality-level growth process and your awareness on some other level of reality: a level you may just be discovering for the first time. You are waking up to yourself, and this is a lot like waking up in the morning: you’re not always willing, but you do it anyway. Here’s how it looks on my Google Maps version of your psyche, known as astrology. You are beginning to experience emotions as receptive, rather than as expressive. In a sense, you are beginning to learn how you feel about how you feel. This is no small development: because what we’re talking about is the emergence of the Inner Witness. Once you learn to observe yourself, anything is possible, in particular, making decisions for yourself that you actually agree with. 3 / 10
  • 4. On Saturday the 18th, tend to practical projects earlier in the day under an efficient Virgo moon. By late afternoon, you just want to be free to explore something or someone new.Quick Mercury is in harmony with innovative Uranus, so you just have to take a quick step out of your normal routine. Dear Friends, We are now in the Dark of the Moon and tomorrow at 11:54 AM EDT the Sun conjuncts the Moon at 25+ Leo marking the Leo New Moon, heralding a new dawn. This New Moon also forms a sextile to Saturn (and Mars) in Libra fanning flames of passions while still suggesting a solidity in the air backing us up with the risks we are being called to take. Leo is the sign that rules the “Self” and the heart; it represents passion, sense of self, sexuality, creativity, charm, youth, children, creativity and the “eternal now.” Its ruler is the Sun which is always shining even behind the clouds — representing the part of our consciousness that is eternal and constant. The Sabian Symbol for 26 Leo reads: AFTER THE HEAVY STORM, A RAINBOW. 4 / 10
  • 5. Here is Dane Rudhyar’s interpretation for this degree of the Zodiac, taken from his book An Astrological Mandala. “KEYNOTE: Linking above and below, the Covenant with one’s divine nature, promise of immortality. In the Bible the rainbow is the sign of the Covenant established by God with Noah (the cyclic “Seed man”) guaranteeing that no longer shall the destructive power of Spirit (the Shiva aspect of the Divine) be used to destroy life on earth. As we come to the third level of the scene of “Release,” we find the man who has been able to weather the cathartic storm face-to-face with his divine Archetype; because he has been victorious, a link has been established with his divine Soul-being. Both the human and the divine partners should remain thus linked. H. P. Blavatsky’s last words are said to have been: “Keep the Link unbroken” — the Link she forged With the Trans-Himalayan Brotherhood that had sent her into the darkness of nineteenth-century materialism for this purpose. “At the first stage of this thirtieth sequence, the symbol of the rainbow shows us the need to maintain a state of open communication between the Sky and the Earth within our total being — not for the sake of finding an ever-elusive “pot of gold” at the end of the rainbow, for this end is never to be reached, but in order to face the totality of our individual selfhood as it is projected in the many-hued dome of our sky-flung consciousness. After every successfully met crisis, the REVELATION OF WORTH comes to us, and with it comes the promise of success, if only we do our part.” Really the message above says it all. And with the New Moon aspecting Saturn, it asks that we stay true to our integrity as we chase our passion boldly and fearlessly. Be extremely honest with yourself first, then we can be honest with all others in our lives — building the kind of relationships that warm our hearts and allow us to be our selves. Love is in the air and relationships can get a new start as well with this new cycle. But the aspect to Saturn suggests this is about true lasting love that has weathered the storms rather than just fleeting attractions, or a romp in the hay that fades with the summer. Rather than get too serious or let pride, ego or past hurt stand in the way of you expressing your desire, passion, creativity, compassion and experiencing warmth, try reintroducing a sense of fun, playfulness and spontaneity. And love never came without it’s risks, but the more you can stay in the present while still keeping awareness of the lessons you have learned over the past two years of mutual respect, equality and commitment, we can resurrect what is solid, constant, ever present and true – Love. We never know what tomorrow may bring — but if we can love deeply and truly in the present, then the love we share will linger for eternity. Creativity too can flourish at this time allowing us to create and bring to form something truly beautiful. Again this will call for an inner confidence and dropping of the ego, so we can let our inner light shine and create something of substance without any fear or expectations of how it will be received or what we will receive in return. 5 / 10
  • 6. This is not about ego, or recognition but simply about “being” for then we can radiate our inner “Sun” with its life-giving, heart-warming creative energy. You never know when a smile can warm up and brighten someones day. For this you don’t have to do anything — your “being” and presence alone is enough. For now as you move through the Dark of the Moon take the time to go inward for self-reflection to find your inner light and let it guide you. After the trials and storms we’ve recently endured over the past few months — this New Moon indeed marks a new day and new dawn. As long as we stay in the present, like curious children of a higher divine power there can be a recognition of eternity and our immortality. Be bold, confident, passionate, creative and unafraid to shine. There is no past and there is no future — only an ever present now. The more we recognize this, we can create the reality we most desire. Shine on and take a chance on your heart… Lovingly, Priya Yesterday Tomorrow Saturday, August 18 We may find ourselves embroiled in a power struggle today as communicator Mercury forms a difficult quincunx with intense Pluto. We might not be interested in negotiating since the Moon’s harmonious trine to Pluto strengthens our resolve. Although the fussy Virgo Moon reminds us to focus on details, we still might miss what’s most important. Thankfully, a brilliant stroke of genius unexpectedly saves the day as Mercury trines innovative Uranus. 6 / 10
  • 7. Aries Cancer Libra Capricorn Taurus Leo Scorpio Aquarius Gemini Virgo Sagittarius Pisces Aries Your idealism quickly fades as new thoughts fuel your creativity today. You don’t need to rely on your dreams now; you can step beyond the limitations that were previously holding you back. Your real life could become almost as good as your fantasy world. But don’t keep your enthusiasm all to yourself; your story is inspirational to others. Your influence positively impacts those who know you as long as you acknowledge the difference between fact and fancy. Taurus An authority figure may be the source of a problem today, leaving you unsure how to respond. You don’t want to make a big deal out of something unimportant, yet glossing over a significant issue can come back to haunt you later on. Delay action for the first part of the day if possible; once you trust your instincts your uncertainty will fade and you’ll know exactly how to approach the situation. Gemini You have a lot to say today and people listen to you because you’re often very clever. The words slip smoothly off your tongue with the greatest of ease. However, if anyone assumes that you’re telling the whole truth, you could find yourself in trouble now. Stretching poetic license too far in your favor isn’t a good idea, for you might not feel so great when the tension snaps back to reality. It may be more fun to embellish your story, but it’s wiser to stick with the facts. 7 / 10
  • 8. Cancer It’s challenging to remain clear about your desires today, but a lack of certainty won’t stop you from voicing your feelings anyway. Your understanding of what you want is transforming along with your values, so try not to make too much of your current needs. Give yourself room to vacillate before creating a concrete plan and announcing your new intentions to the world. Leo You have the finesse to talk your way out of almost anything now, but it’s not a smart idea to test the limits of this gift. You are very charming, yet a pleasant personality isn’t a substitute for speaking the truth. There’s no need to rely on anyone else for your reality check today, since others may be feeding your fantasies. Instead, take your current thoughts with a grain of salt, no matter how amazing they sound. The most worthwhile ones will still be useful in a few days. Virgo An emotional connection with a profound spiritual truth might open up a new path for you to follow. You have a chance to move past your analytical skills and tap into the power of your imagination. Visualize all the possibilities and let your mind travel just for curiosity’s sake. If you discover a brilliant idea on your journey, seize the opportunity and work toward making your dreams come true. Libra You’re appreciative of the unconventional people in your life now, for they spur you to the heights of your creativity. Although your intuition is strong, you cannot get away with making unrealistic wishes. The power of your positive thoughts might be able to move mountains, but not necessarily according to your schedule. Instead of focusing on others today, increase your efficiency by improving your own work habits. Minor changes can have major impact on your productivity. Scorpio If you stay in touch with your feelings today, you can reach beyond your usual limits. But you won’t be happy unless you consciously integrate your spiritual beliefs into everything else that you do. Monetary success isn’t what’s most important now. Possessions come and go, yet memories are yours to keep forever. 8 / 10
  • 9. Make choices from a sacred perspective rather than a mundane one and the rest will fall into place. Sagittarius It’s not easy to focus on one specific project today, since your mind is traveling all over the place. Fortunately, you don’t need to spend money on an airplane ticket to visit faraway places; you can go anywhere within your imagination. Do some metaphysical journeying now because original ideas come to you when your brain is free from the drudgery of everyday routine. Just remember to meet your obligations before you slip away to dream. Capricorn A little misunderstanding about shared property or resources may create a temporary rift between you and a close friend or partner. But instead of limiting your discussion to the specific issue, you need to dig beyond the apparent problem. A disagreement over finances might be symptomatic of a deeper struggle. Go directly toward the heart of the matter, even if it makes you feel uncomfortable at first. Your vulnerability can lead to unexpected rewards. Aquarius You are comfortable with all the movement today because your brain is buzzing and you feel very smart. But your edgy behavior might stir anxiety in others since they may not be used to the high level of mental activity. Examine your feelings because you could be sending mixed messages without even realizing it. Take the extra step and make sure that your friends and family understand your true intentions before rushing ahead and inadvertently hurting someone’s feelings. Pisces If you are unsure that your current approach to a problem is the best one, don’t pretend that you have all the answers. Your defensive behavior only makes matters worse today, especially if someone is showing you a better way to accomplish a goal. 9 / 10
  • 10. Remember, there are multiple paths to the same destination; your willingness to take a different route can make all the difference in the world. May we all open to the light within and share it! 10 / 10 Powered by TCPDF (