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Meningococcal infection
Lecture for students of JSC "MUA"
Department of infectious diseases, epidemiology and
Made by associated prof. Konkayeva M.E.
Менингококковый менингит; эпидемический
цереброспинальный менингит — old russian;
meningitis cerebrospinalis epidemica — latin.;
сеrebrospinal Fever — engl.;
epidemische cerebrospinale Meningitis —
meningе epidemique — french.;
meningitis epidemica — spanish.
Meningococcal infection is an acute infectious
disease caused by meningococcus
Neisseria meningitidis…
with aerosol transmission of causative
which characterized by affection of mucouse
layer of nasopharynx (nasopharyngitis),
generalization in form cepticaemia
(meningococcaemia) and inflammation of pia
mater (meningitis).
Meningococcal meningitis
It is known from ancient times
Firstly was described by Celsus (I century
BC), Aretha (II century BC), Pavel Eginsky
(VII century BC).
First scientific description was given by
Willis at 1661.
Causative agent meningococcus
(Neisseria meningitidis) was revealed at
1887 by A.Wekselbaum.
Etiology (1)
Causative agent of disease is Wekselbaum
meningococcus — Neisseria meningitidis.
gram-negative diplococci, immovable, with no
filaments and capsule, do not form spores.
It grows in medium which contains human or
animal protein. Grow in optimal temperature —
37°С. Aerobe and facultative anaerobe.
Etiology (2)
Meningococci contain endotoxin
Divides into few serogroups from A to Z.
Mostly serogroup A meningococci was
extracted from patients in period of
epidemic raise of morbidity.
Now a days serogroups B and C are
revealed often.
Etiology (3)
Source of infection –
 patients with meningitis and
 vechicle of meningococci
Transmission –
 airborne.
People without any clinical manifestations —
meningococci carriers and patients with not revealed
nasopharyngitis (similar to acute respiratory diseases)
epidemiologically constitute more danger .
The infection occurs in winter-spring periods
predominantly. Children are more sicky to this
infection — about 8-10 % from all generalized forms
occur in children under 14 years.
Epidemic raise of morbidity rate is observed every 10-
15 years which can could be connected with
microorganism alternation and decrease of
community immunity.
Meningococcal infection in the world
The highest morbidity is seen in African
especially in Central and West part (so called
«meningitis belt»).
Risk factors
Traditionally, this disease belongs to «military» infections, so
far as incidence rate directly correlates with wars, also with
major disasters and accidents.
Stress from one side and congestion of people with poor living
conditions from the other side are characterized by high risk of
meningococcal infection.
If amount of meningococci carriers in community reaches 20%
and more, this means appearing of clinically manifested forms
of infection.
Physical and mental overwork, also overcooling are
predisposing moments in contraction of disease (decrease of
IgA in secret of mucouse membrane of respiratory tract and
IgG in blood).
Pathogenesis (1)
Two elements play main role in
pathogenesis of meningococcal infection:
 Infectious and
 Toxical
Infectious element
Сausative agent runs into organism through repiratory system.
After contamination it can persist in mucouse membrane of nasopharynx for
a long time, multuply and discharge with nasopharyngeal mucouse to the
environment which goes with high rate of latent form — meningococci
In case of local immunity reduction, disorders of biocenosis meningococcus
runs into submucouse membrane causing inflammation, this goes with
phase of primary focality, and clinically — nasopharyngitis.
Only in 5% of patients with nasopharyngitis meningococcus crosses the
local barriers and runs into vessels of submucouse membrane, spreads
hematogenously turning the diseases into phase of generalization, clinically
this phase is manifested in form of meningococcaemia or bacteraemia.
Hematogeous dissemination of agent in some cases leads to secondary
focality of pathogenesis, gives place to formation of secondary focal form of
infection. Meningococci penetrates meninges, skin, joints, retina, suprarenal
glands, lungs, myocard and other organs.
Toxical element
Infectious toxic shock associated with reaction of
immune system to toxinaemia plays main role in
pathogenesis of sever forsm of meningococcal infection.
Alongside shock disseminated intravascular
coagulopathy and deep metabolic disorders may occur
and thus leads to severe and nonreversible damage of
vital organs.
The cause of death in generalized forms of disease
might be acute cardiovascular insufficiency, edema of
brain and lungs and acute renal failure.
Mortality in meningococcal infection reaches 12,5 %.
Type-specific immunity is formed after having illness.
Pathogenesis of meningoencephalitis
During the penetration of meningococcus to meninges the clinical and
pathomorphological findings of meningitis are formed. Inflammatory
process is formed in pia mater and pia arachnoid in the beginning
(showing meningitis syndrome) and then can perivascularly spread to
brain substance and often limited by outer layer of cortex reaching white
substance (syndrome of encephalitis).
Inflammation in first hours is serous, then — pyogenic. Location of
exudate: on surface of frontal and parietal area, basal brain and spinal
medulla surface, in tunic of strating sections of cranial nerves and spinal
roots (neuritis). In case of damage of ependyma of ventricles the
ependymitis occurs.
If the disorder of circulation of cerebrospinal fluid takes place, the exudate
might accumulate in ventricls which leads to (in children) hydrocephaly or
pyocephalus. The increasing of intracranial pressure may lead to extrusion
of brain by cerebral axis and tonsillar herniation into foramen magnum with
compression of medulla oblongata (death from respiratory paralysis).
Classification (1)
by V.I.Pokrovskyi there are:
Localized forms:
 Meningococci carrier and
 Acute nasopharyngitis;
Generalized forms:
 meningococcaemia,
 meningitis,
 meningoencephalitis
 combined;
Rare forms:
 endocarditis,
 polyarthritis,
 pneumonia,
 Iridocyclitis.
The most spread
generalized forms in young
people are meningitis in
combination with
meningococcaemia, rarely
— meningococcaemia
without meningitis, also
Classification (2) by Dmitrovskyi A.M.
Pathogenesis phase Clinical forms
Latent meningococci carrier
Primary focalty acute nasopharyngitis
Generalization meningococcaemia
Secondary focalty meningitis
Acute nasopharyngitis
It is the primary focalty form
Characterized by high body temperature (till
38,5°С) which lasts 1-3 days.
General intoxication (fatigue,headache,
dizziness) and
Nasopharyngitis (nasal stuffiness, hyperemia,
dryness,swollen pharyngeal walls with
hyperplasia of lymphoid folliculi .
Process can be limited ny primary focalty, but it
also can turn to generalization -
meningococcaemia or secondary focalty.
Acute onset with shivering attack and high body temperature (38—40°С).
Expressed general weakness, pain in eyeglobs, then – headache. Headaches raises
rapidly, becomes extended, excruciating, bursting or pressing character.
Vomiting which does not bring relief occurs.
Hyperethesia, photophobia, lethargy, sleep disorders.
In severe cases – alteration of consciousness.
After 12-14 hours from beginning of disease, symptoms of meningeal irritation occur
(neck stiffness, Kernig's symptom, Brudzinskyi's symptom).
Decrease of peritoneal, periostal and tendon reflexes, also their discontinuity
Damage of cranial nerves from first days — facial nerve, oculomotor nerves (III, IV и
VI pairs), rarely — sublingual and trigeminal nerves.
In blood — high WBS and neutrophil count, left deviation, acceleration of ESR.
Cerebrospinal fluid – high pressure, cloudy, very high neutrophil count, high level of
Only in some patients (45%) in 1-5 days the symptoms of nasopharyngitis develops.
Meningeal symptoms (1)
Neck stiffness
Kernig's and Brudzinskyi's symptoms (lower)
To the end of first day and beginning of second day of disease, the
alterations of consciousness like profound sopor, psychomotor agitation,
seizures often with visual and auditory hallucinations.
Alongside meningeal symptoms get raised. After 24 hoursfrom the beginning
of disease most patients have attribute meningeal position (patient lies on
his side with incurvated legs and head back).
There are also cerebral symptoms like pyramidal insufficiency: central
bifacial weakness, expressed anisoreflexia of tendon and periostal reflexes,
sharp pathologic symptoms, spastic hemi- and paraparesis, rarely — palsy
with hyper- or hypoesthesia, coordination disturbances.
Focal damages of brain substance are revealed in form of damage of cranial
nerves. There may be cortical abnormalities like mental disturbance,
incomplete or complete amnesia, visual and auditory hallucinations,
euphoria or depression.
«Pointing dog» position
In first hours of disease the scanty petechial skin rash with
sporadic starlike elements (with diameter of 2-3 mm, irregulare
shape, above the skin, indurated touch) occurs on lower
extremities and trunk.
In case of advance of disease — increase of body temperature
to 40°С. Hemorrhagic rash is plethorical, petechial and starlike.
Rash elements can enlarge in sizes reaching 5-15 and more
sm in diameter, with skin nesrosis.
There are also scleral, conjuctival hemorrhages and
hemorrhages into mucous membrane. Also other hemorrhagic
findings can be observed: nasal, stomach and uterine
bleedings, micro- and macrohaematuria, subarachnoid
Rash in meningococcaemia
The most dangerous and frequent
complications in young people are:
 Infectious-toxic shock
 DIC syndrome
 Brain edema
Infectious-toxic shock
There are 3 degrees of shock.
1-degree shock (compensated): severe general
condition, often agitation, motor anxiety; rash is often
small; tachycardia, mild dyspnea; BP is normal; but pulse
pressure might be decreased; urine output is low.
2-degree shock (subcompensated): agitation turns to
lethargy; pallor; acrocyanosis; rash is larger, with
necrosis; tachycardia; dyspnea; BP is decreased no less
than to 1/3 from initial level, which is 85/60 - 60/20
mm.Hg in normotonics; oligoanuria.
3-degree shock (decompensated): total cyanosis ("death
spot"); hypothermia, anuria; filiform or undefined pulse;
BP is 50/20 - 0/0 mm.Hg., consciousness is maintained;
сохранено; in brain edema — loss of consciousness and
Brain edema
Occurs mostly in the end of first 24 hours and in the beginning of second one.
During the stormy course of meningitis the loss of consciousness develops.
Patients do not react to strong stimulus.
General tonic-clonic muscle activity occurs and develops.
The loss of cornel reflexes, myosis and poor reaction to the light are observed.
Bradycardia turns to tachycardia.
BP is labile in the beginning, with tendency to decrease, in terminal stages — high
and reaches в 150/90-180/110 mm.Hg.
Dyspnea raises to 50—60 breathes per minute, breathing becomes noisy, shallow,
with participation of breathign muscles, then it becomes arythmic.
Meningeal syptoms expire, cerebrospinal fluid pressure decreases. Involuntary
defaecation and urination may be observed.
Pulmonary edema develops, hemiparesis occurs.
Death occurs when breathings stops due to respiratory paralysis, cardiac activity may
last more 5-10 minutes.
Diagnosis (1)
Diagnostics is based on clinical and epidemiological
The most important clinical findings are:
 Acute onset of disease,
 Expressed sypmtoms of intoxication — high body
temperature, shiver, loss of appetite, sleep disorders,
pain in eyeglobs, muscles of whole body, somnolentia or
 Developing menigeal symptoms — headache, general
hyperesthesia, nausea, vomiting, changes of peritoneal,
tendon and periostal reflexes, neck stiffness, Kernig's and
Brudzinskyi's symptoms.
Diagnosis (2)
Counting the peracute course of meningococcal
infection, the optimal time-line for diagnostics should
be first 12 hours from the beginning of disease;
appropriate treatment which was begun in this time-
line leads to full recovery of patients.
However we must take into account that in first hours
of disease there may be no meningeal symptoms
(neck stiffness, Kernig's and Brudzinskyi's symptoms
and others)
Laboratory-clinical study
Lumbar puncture:
 The pressure of cerebrospinal fluid is increased.
 In the end of first 24 hours it becomes cloudy,
albumino-cytologic dissociation is observed and
globulin-rich reactions (Pandi, Nonna-Appelt) are
sharply positive.
 Low level of glucose and chlorides.
 Very high neutrophil count
In peripheral blood:
 High WBS count, left deviation
 From second 24hours— acceleration of ESR.
Lumbar puncture
Lumbar puncture
Laboratory-etiological diagnostics
Composed of:
 Microscopic
 Serological and
 Bacteriological methods of study
Microscopy of cerebrospinal fluid or blood
Intracellular location
of meningococci
in cerebrospinal
Gram-negative cocci are found, mostly located
inside neutrophils which is goes with probable
case of meningococcal infection.
Serologic study
Based on finding the antibodies in paired
serums with passive hemagglutination
Test becomes confirming in case of rising
antibody titres for4 times and more.
Bacteriological study
The main conformative method is bacteriological. Study of:
Cerebrospinal fluid which must be delivered to bacteriological
laboratory as soon as possible after lumbar puncture, not letting
its cooling because meningococci are not resistant in the
Nasopharyngeal mucus, material is taken by sterile cotton swab
and immediately is being seed on serum agar and medium with
ristomycin (delivery to the laboratory without inoculated cotton
swabs is not admitted).
Blood culture (5-10 ml) taken from vein into matrass with 50 ml
0,1 % of semisolid agar.
Sampling from oropharynx
Differential diagnosis
Held with meningitis caused by various
microbial flora: pneumococci,
H.influenzae, staphylococci, streptococci,
candida and others.
Meningococcaemia should be
differentiated from measles, rubella,
Henoch-Schonlein purpura and etc.
In acuity of disease the complex therapy is
performed, which includes prescription of:
 etiotropic and
 pathogenetic agents
Management of meningitis
Dehydration therapy.
Low-molecular compounds are used: rheopolyglucin, sorbitol,
sorbite, mannitol. Glycerin is useful for peroral taking. Protein
medications (albumin), diuretics (lasix). Limbar puncture is
Etiotropic therapy.
The best medicine is penicillinum: cross the blood-brain barrier
not toxic.Dose is 100-500 ths.Un. per kg in 24 hours. Single
dose is 2-3 mil.units by 7-8 times a day.
In severe forms of disease:
Gluco-corticosteroids, but alongside increasing the dose of
antibacterial drugs, because glucocorticoids condense the
blood-brain barrier.
Treatment of meningococcaemia
Thsi firstly is the treatment of infectious-toxic
Prescriptions: detoxication therapy with
glucocorticoids, and artificial diuresis.
Antibiotics with cidal effect (penicillinum) are
useless in this situation, so as their use leads to
massive dying of microorganism and
exacerbates shock.
Chloramphenicol succinate is used i.m. in 1 ml 4
times a day.
Treatment of nasopharyngitis
Is being treated only in in-patient hospitals
Peroral antibiotics are used,
Local treatment, physiotherapy (far
ultraviolet, high-frequency therapy.
Etiotropic therapy
Drug of choice - benzylpenicillin, 200 ths. UN/kg/day; every 4 hrs i.m. (might
be interchanged with i.v.).
Combinate with agents which omproves the cross through blood-brain
barrier; they are -
 Caffeine sodiobenzoate (single dose 4-5 mg/kg),
 furosemide (0,3-0,6 mg/kg) and
 NaCl and glucose solutions (15—20 ml/kg);
 All these medicine must be given i.v. every 8hrs.
Duration of therapy is 6—7 days. Indication for therapy cancellation is low
decrease of cytosis less than 100 cells in 1mcl in cerebrospinal fluid with
predominantly lymphocytes
Store drugs are used in case of idiosyncrasy of penicillinum, absence of
therapy effect:
 Chloramphenicol succinate is used by 1,0—1,5 g i.v.or i.m. every 8hrs
 Rifampicin — per os or parenteral taking by 0,6 g every 8hrs
BUT the etiotropic treatment of patients
with shock must be started with
chloramphenicol succinate by 1,5 g every
8 hrs parenterally, till the full egestion from
Pathogenetic therapy
Directed to the rehydration and detoxication.
500 ml NaCl is given i.v. (5% glucose solution, Ringer's solution) by using
prednisolone in dose of 120 mg (i.v.) and 5—10 ml 5% ascorbic acid solution
at the same time.
In case of sudden drop of BP - 1 ml 1% mesatone solution in 500 ml of
Use of colloid solutions is inappropriate (hemodez, polyglucin,
rheopolyglucin and etc.) due to high risk of acute cardiovascular insufficiency
and pulmonatu edema (especially during injection of high amount of these
solutions — to 1 liter and more).
For arresting of hypertonic dehydration it is better to use isotonic cristalloid
solutions. The speed and duration of perfusion, total amount of injected fluid,
glucocorticoids, pressor amine must be regulated depending on level of BP
and diuresis.
Regular auscultation of lungs is necessary 9high risk of pulmonary edema!)
In the initial phase of shock it is obligatory to give i.v. 10—20 ths. Units of
heparinfor prevention of disseminated intravascular coagulopathy syndrome.
In early recovery period
After cancellation of etiotropic agents the following agents
are prescribed:
- medicine that improves the brain circulation (trantal or
emoxypine by 2 pills 3 times a day or doxium to 0,25 g 3 times a
day during 3 weeks);
- nootropic agents that normalize tussular methabolism of brain
(pantogam by 1 tablet 3 times or piracetam by 2 capsule 3 times
or aminalone by 2 tablets 3 times a day during 6 weeks);
- from 4th week of recovery treatment agents with adaptogenic
activity are prescribed: pantocrine by 30-40 drops 2 times a day or
may chang 30-40 drops 2 times a day or eleuterococcus by 30-40
drops 2 times a day during 3 weeks.
- on duration of whole recovery period patients receive
multivitamins (undevit,hexavit), calcium glycerophosphate by 0,5 g
2 times a day and glutamate 1 g 2 times a day.
Mortality rate ranges from 5—6 to 12-14%.
In Armed Forces mortality is 8-10 times less.
Prevention and arrangements in
the center of infection
The main preventive arrangements are earlier case
detection and their quarantine
Sanitation of meningococci carriers
(benzylpenicillinum 300 ths.units i.m. every 4 hrs during
6 days or bicillinum-5 by 1,5 mil.units i.m. once, or
chloramphenicol by 0,5 ml 4 times a day during 6 days),
Publicity of personal and social hygiene, tempering
and educative activities.
Pokrovskyi V.I., Favorova L.A. and
Kostyukova N.N. «Meningococcal
infection», М.,1976;
Hodzhaev Sh.H.. and Sokolova I.A.
«Meningococcal infection», Tashkent,

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9 менингококковая инфекция англ.ppt

  • 1. Meningococcal infection Lecture for students of JSC "MUA" Department of infectious diseases, epidemiology and immunology Made by associated prof. Konkayeva M.E.
  • 2. Terminology Менингококковый менингит; эпидемический цереброспинальный менингит — old russian; meningitis cerebrospinalis epidemica — latin.; сеrebrospinal Fever — engl.; epidemische cerebrospinale Meningitis — german; meningе epidemique — french.; meningitis epidemica — spanish.
  • 3. Definition Meningococcal infection is an acute infectious disease caused by meningococcus Neisseria meningitidis… with aerosol transmission of causative microorganism; which characterized by affection of mucouse layer of nasopharynx (nasopharyngitis), generalization in form cepticaemia (meningococcaemia) and inflammation of pia mater (meningitis).
  • 4. Meningococcal meningitis It is known from ancient times Firstly was described by Celsus (I century BC), Aretha (II century BC), Pavel Eginsky (VII century BC). First scientific description was given by Willis at 1661. Causative agent meningococcus (Neisseria meningitidis) was revealed at 1887 by A.Wekselbaum.
  • 5. Etiology (1) Causative agent of disease is Wekselbaum meningococcus — Neisseria meningitidis. gram-negative diplococci, immovable, with no filaments and capsule, do not form spores. It grows in medium which contains human or animal protein. Grow in optimal temperature — 37°С. Aerobe and facultative anaerobe.
  • 6. Etiology (2) Meningococci contain endotoxin Divides into few serogroups from A to Z. Mostly serogroup A meningococci was extracted from patients in period of epidemic raise of morbidity. Now a days serogroups B and C are revealed often.
  • 8.
  • 9. Epidemiology Source of infection –  patients with meningitis and  vechicle of meningococci Transmission –  airborne.
  • 10. Epidemiology People without any clinical manifestations — meningococci carriers and patients with not revealed nasopharyngitis (similar to acute respiratory diseases) epidemiologically constitute more danger . The infection occurs in winter-spring periods predominantly. Children are more sicky to this infection — about 8-10 % from all generalized forms occur in children under 14 years. Epidemic raise of morbidity rate is observed every 10- 15 years which can could be connected with microorganism alternation and decrease of community immunity.
  • 11. Meningococcal infection in the world The highest morbidity is seen in African countries, especially in Central and West part (so called «meningitis belt»).
  • 12. Risk factors Traditionally, this disease belongs to «military» infections, so far as incidence rate directly correlates with wars, also with major disasters and accidents. Stress from one side and congestion of people with poor living conditions from the other side are characterized by high risk of meningococcal infection. If amount of meningococci carriers in community reaches 20% and more, this means appearing of clinically manifested forms of infection. Physical and mental overwork, also overcooling are predisposing moments in contraction of disease (decrease of IgA in secret of mucouse membrane of respiratory tract and IgG in blood).
  • 13. Pathogenesis (1) Two elements play main role in pathogenesis of meningococcal infection:  Infectious and  Toxical
  • 14. Infectious element Сausative agent runs into organism through repiratory system. After contamination it can persist in mucouse membrane of nasopharynx for a long time, multuply and discharge with nasopharyngeal mucouse to the environment which goes with high rate of latent form — meningococci carrier. In case of local immunity reduction, disorders of biocenosis meningococcus runs into submucouse membrane causing inflammation, this goes with phase of primary focality, and clinically — nasopharyngitis. Only in 5% of patients with nasopharyngitis meningococcus crosses the local barriers and runs into vessels of submucouse membrane, spreads hematogenously turning the diseases into phase of generalization, clinically this phase is manifested in form of meningococcaemia or bacteraemia. Hematogeous dissemination of agent in some cases leads to secondary focality of pathogenesis, gives place to formation of secondary focal form of infection. Meningococci penetrates meninges, skin, joints, retina, suprarenal glands, lungs, myocard and other organs.
  • 15. Toxical element Infectious toxic shock associated with reaction of immune system to toxinaemia plays main role in pathogenesis of sever forsm of meningococcal infection. Alongside shock disseminated intravascular coagulopathy and deep metabolic disorders may occur and thus leads to severe and nonreversible damage of vital organs. The cause of death in generalized forms of disease might be acute cardiovascular insufficiency, edema of brain and lungs and acute renal failure. Mortality in meningococcal infection reaches 12,5 %. Type-specific immunity is formed after having illness.
  • 16. Pathogenesis of meningoencephalitis During the penetration of meningococcus to meninges the clinical and pathomorphological findings of meningitis are formed. Inflammatory process is formed in pia mater and pia arachnoid in the beginning (showing meningitis syndrome) and then can perivascularly spread to brain substance and often limited by outer layer of cortex reaching white substance (syndrome of encephalitis). Inflammation in first hours is serous, then — pyogenic. Location of exudate: on surface of frontal and parietal area, basal brain and spinal medulla surface, in tunic of strating sections of cranial nerves and spinal roots (neuritis). In case of damage of ependyma of ventricles the ependymitis occurs. If the disorder of circulation of cerebrospinal fluid takes place, the exudate might accumulate in ventricls which leads to (in children) hydrocephaly or pyocephalus. The increasing of intracranial pressure may lead to extrusion of brain by cerebral axis and tonsillar herniation into foramen magnum with compression of medulla oblongata (death from respiratory paralysis).
  • 17. Classification (1) by V.I.Pokrovskyi there are: Localized forms:  Meningococci carrier and  Acute nasopharyngitis; Generalized forms:  meningococcaemia,  meningitis,  meningoencephalitis  combined; Rare forms:  endocarditis,  polyarthritis,  pneumonia,  Iridocyclitis. The most spread generalized forms in young people are meningitis in combination with meningococcaemia, rarely — meningococcaemia without meningitis, also meningoencephalitis.
  • 18. Classification (2) by Dmitrovskyi A.M. Pathogenesis phase Clinical forms Latent meningococci carrier Primary focalty acute nasopharyngitis Generalization meningococcaemia Secondary focalty meningitis meningoencephalitis pneumonia endocarditis polyarthritis iridocyclitis combined septic
  • 19. Acute nasopharyngitis It is the primary focalty form Characterized by high body temperature (till 38,5°С) which lasts 1-3 days. General intoxication (fatigue,headache, dizziness) and Nasopharyngitis (nasal stuffiness, hyperemia, dryness,swollen pharyngeal walls with hyperplasia of lymphoid folliculi . Process can be limited ny primary focalty, but it also can turn to generalization - meningococcaemia or secondary focalty.
  • 20. Meningitis Acute onset with shivering attack and high body temperature (38—40°С). Expressed general weakness, pain in eyeglobs, then – headache. Headaches raises rapidly, becomes extended, excruciating, bursting or pressing character. Vomiting which does not bring relief occurs. Hyperethesia, photophobia, lethargy, sleep disorders. In severe cases – alteration of consciousness. After 12-14 hours from beginning of disease, symptoms of meningeal irritation occur (neck stiffness, Kernig's symptom, Brudzinskyi's symptom). Decrease of peritoneal, periostal and tendon reflexes, also their discontinuity (anisoreflexia). Damage of cranial nerves from first days — facial nerve, oculomotor nerves (III, IV и VI pairs), rarely — sublingual and trigeminal nerves. In blood — high WBS and neutrophil count, left deviation, acceleration of ESR. Cerebrospinal fluid – high pressure, cloudy, very high neutrophil count, high level of proteins. Only in some patients (45%) in 1-5 days the symptoms of nasopharyngitis develops.
  • 23. Kernig's and Brudzinskyi's symptoms (lower)
  • 24. Meningoencephalitis To the end of first day and beginning of second day of disease, the alterations of consciousness like profound sopor, psychomotor agitation, seizures often with visual and auditory hallucinations. Alongside meningeal symptoms get raised. After 24 hoursfrom the beginning of disease most patients have attribute meningeal position (patient lies on his side with incurvated legs and head back). There are also cerebral symptoms like pyramidal insufficiency: central bifacial weakness, expressed anisoreflexia of tendon and periostal reflexes, sharp pathologic symptoms, spastic hemi- and paraparesis, rarely — palsy with hyper- or hypoesthesia, coordination disturbances. Focal damages of brain substance are revealed in form of damage of cranial nerves. There may be cortical abnormalities like mental disturbance, incomplete or complete amnesia, visual and auditory hallucinations, euphoria or depression.
  • 26. Meningococcaemia In first hours of disease the scanty petechial skin rash with sporadic starlike elements (with diameter of 2-3 mm, irregulare shape, above the skin, indurated touch) occurs on lower extremities and trunk. In case of advance of disease — increase of body temperature to 40°С. Hemorrhagic rash is plethorical, petechial and starlike. Rash elements can enlarge in sizes reaching 5-15 and more sm in diameter, with skin nesrosis. There are also scleral, conjuctival hemorrhages and hemorrhages into mucous membrane. Also other hemorrhagic findings can be observed: nasal, stomach and uterine bleedings, micro- and macrohaematuria, subarachnoid hemorrhage.
  • 29. Complications The most dangerous and frequent complications in young people are:  Infectious-toxic shock  DIC syndrome  Brain edema
  • 30. Infectious-toxic shock There are 3 degrees of shock. 1-degree shock (compensated): severe general condition, often agitation, motor anxiety; rash is often small; tachycardia, mild dyspnea; BP is normal; but pulse pressure might be decreased; urine output is low. 2-degree shock (subcompensated): agitation turns to lethargy; pallor; acrocyanosis; rash is larger, with necrosis; tachycardia; dyspnea; BP is decreased no less than to 1/3 from initial level, which is 85/60 - 60/20 mm.Hg in normotonics; oligoanuria. 3-degree shock (decompensated): total cyanosis ("death spot"); hypothermia, anuria; filiform or undefined pulse; BP is 50/20 - 0/0 mm.Hg., consciousness is maintained; сохранено; in brain edema — loss of consciousness and seizures.
  • 31. Brain edema Occurs mostly in the end of first 24 hours and in the beginning of second one. During the stormy course of meningitis the loss of consciousness develops. Patients do not react to strong stimulus. General tonic-clonic muscle activity occurs and develops. The loss of cornel reflexes, myosis and poor reaction to the light are observed. Bradycardia turns to tachycardia. BP is labile in the beginning, with tendency to decrease, in terminal stages — high and reaches в 150/90-180/110 mm.Hg. Dyspnea raises to 50—60 breathes per minute, breathing becomes noisy, shallow, with participation of breathign muscles, then it becomes arythmic. Meningeal syptoms expire, cerebrospinal fluid pressure decreases. Involuntary defaecation and urination may be observed. Pulmonary edema develops, hemiparesis occurs. Death occurs when breathings stops due to respiratory paralysis, cardiac activity may last more 5-10 minutes.
  • 32. Diagnosis (1) Diagnostics is based on clinical and epidemiological findings. The most important clinical findings are:  Acute onset of disease,  Expressed sypmtoms of intoxication — high body temperature, shiver, loss of appetite, sleep disorders, pain in eyeglobs, muscles of whole body, somnolentia or agitation;  Developing menigeal symptoms — headache, general hyperesthesia, nausea, vomiting, changes of peritoneal, tendon and periostal reflexes, neck stiffness, Kernig's and Brudzinskyi's symptoms.
  • 33. Diagnosis (2) Counting the peracute course of meningococcal infection, the optimal time-line for diagnostics should be first 12 hours from the beginning of disease; appropriate treatment which was begun in this time- line leads to full recovery of patients. However we must take into account that in first hours of disease there may be no meningeal symptoms (neck stiffness, Kernig's and Brudzinskyi's symptoms and others)
  • 34. Laboratory-clinical study Lumbar puncture:  The pressure of cerebrospinal fluid is increased.  In the end of first 24 hours it becomes cloudy, albumino-cytologic dissociation is observed and globulin-rich reactions (Pandi, Nonna-Appelt) are sharply positive.  Low level of glucose and chlorides.  Very high neutrophil count In peripheral blood:  High WBS count, left deviation  From second 24hours— acceleration of ESR.
  • 37. Laboratory-etiological diagnostics Composed of:  Microscopic  Serological and  Bacteriological methods of study
  • 38. Microscopy of cerebrospinal fluid or blood Intracellular location of meningococci in cerebrospinal fluid Gram-negative cocci are found, mostly located inside neutrophils which is goes with probable case of meningococcal infection.
  • 39. Serologic study Based on finding the antibodies in paired serums with passive hemagglutination test. Test becomes confirming in case of rising antibody titres for4 times and more.
  • 40. Bacteriological study The main conformative method is bacteriological. Study of: Cerebrospinal fluid which must be delivered to bacteriological laboratory as soon as possible after lumbar puncture, not letting its cooling because meningococci are not resistant in the environment. Nasopharyngeal mucus, material is taken by sterile cotton swab and immediately is being seed on serum agar and medium with ristomycin (delivery to the laboratory without inoculated cotton swabs is not admitted). Blood culture (5-10 ml) taken from vein into matrass with 50 ml 0,1 % of semisolid agar.
  • 42. Differential diagnosis Held with meningitis caused by various microbial flora: pneumococci, H.influenzae, staphylococci, streptococci, candida and others. Meningococcaemia should be differentiated from measles, rubella, Henoch-Schonlein purpura and etc.
  • 43. Treatment In acuity of disease the complex therapy is performed, which includes prescription of:  etiotropic and  pathogenetic agents
  • 44. Management of meningitis Dehydration therapy. Low-molecular compounds are used: rheopolyglucin, sorbitol, sorbite, mannitol. Glycerin is useful for peroral taking. Protein medications (albumin), diuretics (lasix). Limbar puncture is performed. Etiotropic therapy. The best medicine is penicillinum: cross the blood-brain barrier not toxic.Dose is 100-500 ths.Un. per kg in 24 hours. Single dose is 2-3 mil.units by 7-8 times a day. In severe forms of disease: Gluco-corticosteroids, but alongside increasing the dose of antibacterial drugs, because glucocorticoids condense the blood-brain barrier.
  • 45. Treatment of meningococcaemia Thsi firstly is the treatment of infectious-toxic shock. Prescriptions: detoxication therapy with glucocorticoids, and artificial diuresis. Antibiotics with cidal effect (penicillinum) are useless in this situation, so as their use leads to massive dying of microorganism and exacerbates shock. Chloramphenicol succinate is used i.m. in 1 ml 4 times a day.
  • 46. Treatment of nasopharyngitis Is being treated only in in-patient hospitals Peroral antibiotics are used, cephalosporins Local treatment, physiotherapy (far ultraviolet, high-frequency therapy.
  • 47. Etiotropic therapy Drug of choice - benzylpenicillin, 200 ths. UN/kg/day; every 4 hrs i.m. (might be interchanged with i.v.). Combinate with agents which omproves the cross through blood-brain barrier; they are -  Caffeine sodiobenzoate (single dose 4-5 mg/kg),  furosemide (0,3-0,6 mg/kg) and  NaCl and glucose solutions (15—20 ml/kg);  All these medicine must be given i.v. every 8hrs. Duration of therapy is 6—7 days. Indication for therapy cancellation is low decrease of cytosis less than 100 cells in 1mcl in cerebrospinal fluid with predominantly lymphocytes Store drugs are used in case of idiosyncrasy of penicillinum, absence of therapy effect:  Chloramphenicol succinate is used by 1,0—1,5 g i.v.or i.m. every 8hrs  Rifampicin — per os or parenteral taking by 0,6 g every 8hrs
  • 48. BUT the etiotropic treatment of patients with shock must be started with chloramphenicol succinate by 1,5 g every 8 hrs parenterally, till the full egestion from shock.
  • 49. Pathogenetic therapy Directed to the rehydration and detoxication. 500 ml NaCl is given i.v. (5% glucose solution, Ringer's solution) by using prednisolone in dose of 120 mg (i.v.) and 5—10 ml 5% ascorbic acid solution at the same time. In case of sudden drop of BP - 1 ml 1% mesatone solution in 500 ml of NaCl. Use of colloid solutions is inappropriate (hemodez, polyglucin, rheopolyglucin and etc.) due to high risk of acute cardiovascular insufficiency and pulmonatu edema (especially during injection of high amount of these solutions — to 1 liter and more). For arresting of hypertonic dehydration it is better to use isotonic cristalloid solutions. The speed and duration of perfusion, total amount of injected fluid, glucocorticoids, pressor amine must be regulated depending on level of BP and diuresis. Regular auscultation of lungs is necessary 9high risk of pulmonary edema!) In the initial phase of shock it is obligatory to give i.v. 10—20 ths. Units of heparinfor prevention of disseminated intravascular coagulopathy syndrome.
  • 50. In early recovery period After cancellation of etiotropic agents the following agents are prescribed: - medicine that improves the brain circulation (trantal or emoxypine by 2 pills 3 times a day or doxium to 0,25 g 3 times a day during 3 weeks); - nootropic agents that normalize tussular methabolism of brain (pantogam by 1 tablet 3 times or piracetam by 2 capsule 3 times or aminalone by 2 tablets 3 times a day during 6 weeks); - from 4th week of recovery treatment agents with adaptogenic activity are prescribed: pantocrine by 30-40 drops 2 times a day or may chang 30-40 drops 2 times a day or eleuterococcus by 30-40 drops 2 times a day during 3 weeks. - on duration of whole recovery period patients receive multivitamins (undevit,hexavit), calcium glycerophosphate by 0,5 g 2 times a day and glutamate 1 g 2 times a day.
  • 51. Prognosis Mortality rate ranges from 5—6 to 12-14%. In Armed Forces mortality is 8-10 times less.
  • 52. Prevention and arrangements in the center of infection The main preventive arrangements are earlier case detection and their quarantine Sanitation of meningococci carriers (benzylpenicillinum 300 ths.units i.m. every 4 hrs during 6 days or bicillinum-5 by 1,5 mil.units i.m. once, or chloramphenicol by 0,5 ml 4 times a day during 6 days), Publicity of personal and social hygiene, tempering and educative activities.
  • 53. References Pokrovskyi V.I., Favorova L.A. and Kostyukova N.N. «Meningococcal infection», М.,1976; Hodzhaev Sh.H.. and Sokolova I.A. «Meningococcal infection», Tashkent, 1978.