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Steppling and Morrow Stir the Audiences with Charismatic Dogmouth 
New York City’s Eighth Greek Film Festival Might Well Be Best One Yet 
Monica and Richie Barsamian, 
who have attended every film 
festival and seen every film said, 
“It’s like an open window on 
Greek culture. We’re avid sup-porters 
and we’re always chal-lenged 
by how the movies re-flect 
current issues, how they’re 
part of Greek culture today.” 
Voulgaris and Karystiani 
came from Athens for the festi-val 
and a once-in-a-lifetime dou-bleheader, 
the tenth anniversary 
screening of Brides and the New 
York premiere of Little England, 
Greece’s 2014 Oscar entry. The 
Museum of the Moving Image 
hosted the Brides event. 
Brides looks even better ten 
years after its inception. A ship 
sails from Smyrna with 700 mail 
order brides aboard. A seam-stress 
Niki falls in love with an 
American photographer, played 
by Damian Lewis, most recently 
seen starring in Showtime’s 
Homeland. It is an exquisitely 
beautiful film, and resonates 
with complex emotions, the sor-row 
of separation mingled with 
the hopes for a new life. It cer-tainly 
deserves U.S. distribution. 
This has not been achieved, de-spite 
the efforts of the film’s ex-ecutive 
producer, Hollywood 
powerhouse Martin Scorcese. 
Scott Foundas, Variety’s top 
film critic, interviewed the film-makers 
after the screening. Said 
Karystiani, Brides scriptwriter, 
“It’s very hard to get films from 
small countries like Greece dis-tributed 
abroad. It’s like a game 
that you don’t know how to 
play. We would like to see the 
film distributed because there is 
pure soul in the film. Speaking 
as a writer, I like books or peo-ple 
or paintings not because 
they are perfect but because 
there is some pure authentic 
sentiment there. I think Brides 
is a movie like that.” With seven 
novels and short story collec-tions 
to her credit, Karystiani 
ranks as one of Greece’s most 
popular writers. Now 62, she 
did not begin writing until age 
42. “I enjoy collaborating with 
my husband. It’s difficult but it’s 
good. You have so much to dis-cuss,” 
she said. “Brides was a 
challenging production that 
took seven years. It’s the first 
film with all Greek girls – 2,500 
auditioned for the roles!” 
At age 74, Voulgaris im-presses 
with his candor, warmth, 
and humor. Although he studied 
at the Stavrakos Film School in 
Athens, he said he “learned by 
doing,” working as a child on 
film sets, “and through the peo-ple 
I encountered. But my most 
important education came from 
my parents, who were incredible 
story-tellers. I grew up sur-rounded 
by stories.” 
If Brides takes the prize for 
beauty, Little England wins the 
laurel wreath as an emotional 
cinematic experience, the kind 
of film we so rarely see today. 
The film opens with huge waves 
washing up on the shores of the 
island of Andros, cuing the vio-lent 
and passionate drama 
about two sisters in love with 
the same man. Penelope Tsilika 
plays Orsa, with Sophia Kakkali 
her younger sister Moscha. Per-haps 
not since actresses like 
Bette Davis and Joan Crawford 
burned up the screen has there 
been this depth of cinematic 
love and hate in a movie. Little 
England sets a new standard for 
eroticism on film. Rather than 
see a couple making love, a 
commonplace of multiplex 
films, we listen in on the lovers. 
Totally, this film is a five-star 
Litte England was based on 
the novel The Jasmine Isle by 
Karystiani, who also wrote the 
script. Arriving at the Ziegfeld 
theater after a packed cocktail 
party at the Russian Tea Room 
and seeing the crowd waiting 
for tickets, Karystiani said, “Pan-delis 
and I will give our seats 
away. We have already seen the 
film.” Fortunately, they stayed 
to hear the audience sing 
“Happy Birthday” to Voulgaris, 
and to enjoy the enormously en-thusiastic 
response to the film. 
Voulgaris commented, “It is as 
if we were watching the movie 
for the very first time. I have 
never seen it so beautifully pro-jected 
and with such a fine 
sound quality.” 
Karystiani has written a new 
script titled One Thousand 
Breaths. “It is based on the cur-rent 
situation in Greece. Voul-garis 
is trying to raise money for 
it. It’s not an expensive produc-tion, 
like Brides or Little Eng-land, 
but the situation is really 
very difficult.” 
A brief look at some other 
outstanding festival entries: 
The Enemy Within – A pow-erful, 
important film from direc-tor 
Yorgos Tsemberopoulos in-spired 
by life on Athens’ mean 
streets. After thugs invade the 
home of idealistic Kostas and 
rape his daughter, he sets out for 
revenge. The old “if you can’t lick 
them join them” applies here. 
Common Denominator – 
Tyro film-maker Sotiris Tsafou-lias 
broke all the rules of film-making 
to produce this gem. 
The only action in the film is a 
tavli game. Three guys meet in 
a kafeneion and rap about 
women, the conversation veer-ing 
between the philosophical 
and the physical. Renos Har-alambides 
plays one of the men. 
Of course a beautiful young 
woman comes into the story. 
Xenia –A four-star winner 
from director Panos Koutros, 
who a few years ago gave us 
Strella. Following the death of 
their Albanian mother, two 
(L-R) Translator Sophia Efthimatou, Variety film critic Scott Foundas, screenwriter and author 
Ioanna Karystiani, and legendary film director Pantelis Voulgaris join in the conversation after 
the 10th anniversary screening of Brides at the Museum for the Moving Image. 
brothers, one gay and one 
straight, hit the road to seek out 
their Greek father. Koutros in-terviewed 
a thousand plus ac-tors 
to find Kostas Nikouli who 
plays Danny, a heart-winner and 
The Winter – Any film that 
features actor Vangelis Mourikis 
has to be special, and this film 
is no exception. It is wonderful, 
a first film from Konstantinos 
Koutsoliotis, written with his 
wife Elizabeth E. Schuch. A 
failed writer leaves London to 
return to Siatista and finish his 
novel. Theo Albanis portrays 
Nikos, with Mourikis as his dead 
father. “I die in all my films,” 
says Mourikis. “I like it.” 
September – The story of a 
waitress whose entire life con-sists 
of looking after her dog. 
When he dies, she intrudes on 
the lives of doctor and his sym-pathetic 
wife, who befriends 
her. Intriguing and Ingmar 
Bergmanesque. Committed – 
Put two beautiful people on the 
road in a white convertible and 
send them on a trip through 
scenic Cyprus. How can you 
lose? George, a sweet, dimpled 
hunk picks up a bride who 
claims to have had wedding jit-ters. 
A twist at the end elevates 
this charming romance. 
Lost in the Bewilderness – 
Thirty years in the making, this 
documentary from Alexandra 
Anthony traces the life of Lucas, 
who was kidnapped by his 
mother at age five and taken to 
America. Eleven years later, he 
returns to Greece to meet his fa-ther. 
A fascinating doc with a 
happy ending, Lucas’s wedding 
at age 38. 
The Hellenic American 
Chamber of Commerce, includ-ing 
executive director Stamatis 
Ghikas staged the Festival, with 
important support from the 
Onassis Foundation, the Agnes 
Varis Charitable Trust, Dr. 
Alexander Kofinas and Eleni Ko-finas 
and the Stavros Niarchos 
By Constantine S. Sirigos 
NEW YORK – The audience did 
not know what to expect from 
Dogmouth, the movie adapted 
from the play written by John 
Steppling. Many of them had al-ready 
acquired a taste for “The 
Greek weird wave” of films that 
have made their way not only 
to the annual New York City 
Greek Film Festival, which pre-sented 
Dogmouth, but to the at-tention 
of film lovers world-wide. 
They were prepared for 
weirdness and violence, and to 
be disturbed by the experience, 
but how much? Some may have 
wondered “who can I take to 
this film?” 
James DeMetro, the founder 
and director of the festival, in-troduced 
Stephan Morrow, the 
Greek-American director, prior 
to the screening at the Cinema 
Village Theater. 
“Dogmouth is controversial,” 
Morrow said. “Steppling is an 
equal opportunity offender… 
but I find his writing to be some 
of the best around. This is a film 
that is rare these days, one to 
be listened to as much as any-thing 
The Festival program called 
Dogmouth, the character was 
played by Morrow, “a bitter Viet-nam 
vet and rail-riding rene-gade 
living his last days.” 
But there is some charisma 
to Dogmouth, which spawns 
disturbing thoughts about that 
human quality. He has a follow-ing 
and has managed to charm 
a pretty young woman, Nyah, 
played with excruciating ingen-uousness 
by Alexandra Milne. 
She not only joined his not-so- 
merry-band-of-men, which 
Morrow calls “a mysterious 
mafia of racist, violent, Vietnam 
Vets living on freight trains… a 
repugnant set of people” - she 
was carrying his baby. 
They are not a harmless bank 
of misfits. Dogmouth is de-pressed 
because his profession 
of training dogs for violent 
fights has been outlawed, and 
it slowly becomes clear that a 
murder being discussed was ac-tual, 
not hypothetical. The 
metaphors come fast and furi-ously. 
“This film stands apart be-cause 
of its powerful dialogue - 
the authentic language of crim-inals 
but it’s also intertwined 
with ruminations on birth, 
death, dreams, even survival of 
the fittest,” Morrow writes. 
A forest is the setting for the 
burnt out men – and one 
woman – in Dogmouth’s life. 
They are camping out by long-abandoned 
railroad tracks, 
seeming sometimes to be wait-ing 
for a train that never comes 
– like Godot. 
Among Steppling's many siz-zling 
sentences is one simple 
devastating line: 
“I am not a good man” 
Perhaps the question that dis-turbs 
is not how much humanity 
there is in a bad man – the film 
makes it clear there is always 
some as even Dogmouth feels 
the pain of children and little 
birds – but how much humanity 
there is in the rest of us who 
meet them. 
The script has no hints – and 
there shouldn’t be – about what 
Dogmouth was like before he 
went to Vietnam. 
Just as Morrow’s gripping 
portrayal of a damaged human 
being tempts the thought that it 
is not evil which lurked in the 
forest, Steppling and Morrow-as- 
director pull the rug out from 
under liberals in the audience 
with the edgy scenes of Dog-mouth 
fuming or seething in si-lence 
as Nyah, clutching her 
swelling womb, tries to preserve 
the peace and her sanity. 
Should we be worried about 
her and the baby in an environ-ment 
when murder is being dis-cussed 
so openly and blithely? 
thoughts are triggered through-out 
the movie. 
Aren’t presidents, monarchs 
and their generals calm, even 
jovial as they plan the next bat-tle 
with its guaranteed deaths 
for hundreds or thousands? 
Hannah Arendt’s haunting 
phrase “the banality of evil” 
comes to mind as we watch 
Dogmouth’s friend Weeks 
(William Tate) express how ea-ger 
he is to do what he believes 
is a just deed. How easily can 
we be recruited into a murder-ous 
cause by charismatic people 
we sympathize with? 
Perhaps we learn something 
else about our leaders from 
Morrow, who allowed some of 
the mannerisms of stage acting 
to show in his performance, 
showing that there is little left 
of whatever Dogmouth was. He 
too is just playing a role, all per-sona 
as Carl Jung might say. 
Dostoyevsky would say a dead 
soul.What becomes of a man who 
cannot reflect on his emotions 
and actions? When Nyah tries 
to get him to talk about the im-pending 
birth of his child, let 
alone the apparent murder plot 
he was orchestrating, Dogmouth 
barks: “Shut up!” 
Morrow quoted Steppling: 
“Art is not your friend.” But is 
should not be ignored. The 20th 
century taught humanity that 
art is not about pretty things. 
Beauty is truth. Ugly is truth too. 
“I think an artist’s obligation 
is to move to the truth,” Morrow 
told the audience, “whatever it 
is, under the darkest slimiest 
rock if that’s where it exists… 
it’s not easy, but it is really im-portant 
for our souls,” 
Because it throws mirrors in 
front of us. 
Dogmouth shows illumina-tion 
can come from darkness, 
and makes a powerful case for 
self-reflection as the essence of 
our humanity. 
Greek-American in Love Triangle Commits Murder-Suicide 
Kontos Foods 
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Greek-American theater and 
movie actor and director 
Stephan Morrow directed the 
film adaptation of John 
Steppling’s play Dogmouth. 
He also portrayed the 
character named Dogmouth. 
Continued from page 1 
TNH Staff 
PORT JEFFERSON, NY – A gruesome 
scene unfolded Sunday evening, Nov. 2 in 
the Long Island town of Port Jefferson, in-volving 
a Greek-American man who shot 
and killed his ex-girlfriend’s new boyfriend, 
and then killed himself. 
Frank Panebianco and Jessica Kasten 
exited the Pour House Bar and Grill in Port 
Jefferson, ABC news reported, and headed 
to the parking lot when they were con-fronted 
by Michael Skiadas, Kasten’s ex-boyfriend. 
Apparently, the couple and Skiadas en-gaged 
in a screaming match, according to 
NBC News for NY, at which point a friend, 
Jack Schneider, attempted to calm Skiadas 
as the couple tried to drive away. 
To no avail, Skiadas went into his car, 
pulled out a shotgun, and hit Schneider 
with it. 
Then, Skiadas approached the couple’s 
car and fired twice, killing Panebianco. Ski-adas 
then returned to his own car and 
killed himself. 
Schneider did not suffer any serious in-juries, 
and Kasten was not harmed. 
Police continue to investigate the story. 
At press time, there were no further de-velopments. 
Various Internet sites posted pho-tographs 
of Skiadas and Kasten together, 
when they were a couple, and countless 
comments from random readers ranging 
from compassionate to lewd were preva-lent. 
TNH continues to monitor the story and 
will provide updates accordingly.

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  • 1. THE NATIONAL HERALD, NOVEMBER 8-14, 2014 COMMUNITY 5 Steppling and Morrow Stir the Audiences with Charismatic Dogmouth New York City’s Eighth Greek Film Festival Might Well Be Best One Yet Monica and Richie Barsamian, who have attended every film festival and seen every film said, “It’s like an open window on Greek culture. We’re avid sup-porters and we’re always chal-lenged by how the movies re-flect current issues, how they’re part of Greek culture today.” Voulgaris and Karystiani came from Athens for the festi-val and a once-in-a-lifetime dou-bleheader, the tenth anniversary screening of Brides and the New York premiere of Little England, Greece’s 2014 Oscar entry. The Museum of the Moving Image hosted the Brides event. Brides looks even better ten years after its inception. A ship sails from Smyrna with 700 mail order brides aboard. A seam-stress Niki falls in love with an American photographer, played by Damian Lewis, most recently seen starring in Showtime’s Homeland. It is an exquisitely beautiful film, and resonates with complex emotions, the sor-row of separation mingled with the hopes for a new life. It cer-tainly deserves U.S. distribution. This has not been achieved, de-spite the efforts of the film’s ex-ecutive producer, Hollywood powerhouse Martin Scorcese. Scott Foundas, Variety’s top film critic, interviewed the film-makers after the screening. Said Karystiani, Brides scriptwriter, “It’s very hard to get films from small countries like Greece dis-tributed abroad. It’s like a game that you don’t know how to play. We would like to see the film distributed because there is pure soul in the film. Speaking as a writer, I like books or peo-ple or paintings not because they are perfect but because there is some pure authentic sentiment there. I think Brides is a movie like that.” With seven novels and short story collec-tions to her credit, Karystiani ranks as one of Greece’s most popular writers. Now 62, she did not begin writing until age 42. “I enjoy collaborating with my husband. It’s difficult but it’s good. You have so much to dis-cuss,” she said. “Brides was a challenging production that took seven years. It’s the first film with all Greek girls – 2,500 auditioned for the roles!” At age 74, Voulgaris im-presses with his candor, warmth, and humor. Although he studied at the Stavrakos Film School in Athens, he said he “learned by doing,” working as a child on film sets, “and through the peo-ple I encountered. But my most important education came from my parents, who were incredible story-tellers. I grew up sur-rounded by stories.” If Brides takes the prize for beauty, Little England wins the laurel wreath as an emotional cinematic experience, the kind of film we so rarely see today. The film opens with huge waves washing up on the shores of the island of Andros, cuing the vio-lent and passionate drama about two sisters in love with the same man. Penelope Tsilika plays Orsa, with Sophia Kakkali her younger sister Moscha. Per-haps not since actresses like Bette Davis and Joan Crawford burned up the screen has there been this depth of cinematic love and hate in a movie. Little England sets a new standard for eroticism on film. Rather than see a couple making love, a commonplace of multiplex films, we listen in on the lovers. Totally, this film is a five-star masterpiece. Litte England was based on the novel The Jasmine Isle by Karystiani, who also wrote the script. Arriving at the Ziegfeld theater after a packed cocktail party at the Russian Tea Room and seeing the crowd waiting for tickets, Karystiani said, “Pan-delis and I will give our seats away. We have already seen the film.” Fortunately, they stayed to hear the audience sing “Happy Birthday” to Voulgaris, and to enjoy the enormously en-thusiastic response to the film. Voulgaris commented, “It is as if we were watching the movie for the very first time. I have never seen it so beautifully pro-jected and with such a fine sound quality.” Karystiani has written a new script titled One Thousand Breaths. “It is based on the cur-rent situation in Greece. Voul-garis is trying to raise money for it. It’s not an expensive produc-tion, like Brides or Little Eng-land, but the situation is really very difficult.” A brief look at some other outstanding festival entries: The Enemy Within – A pow-erful, important film from direc-tor Yorgos Tsemberopoulos in-spired by life on Athens’ mean streets. After thugs invade the home of idealistic Kostas and rape his daughter, he sets out for revenge. The old “if you can’t lick them join them” applies here. Common Denominator – Tyro film-maker Sotiris Tsafou-lias broke all the rules of film-making to produce this gem. The only action in the film is a tavli game. Three guys meet in a kafeneion and rap about women, the conversation veer-ing between the philosophical and the physical. Renos Har-alambides plays one of the men. Of course a beautiful young woman comes into the story. Xenia –A four-star winner from director Panos Koutros, who a few years ago gave us Strella. Following the death of their Albanian mother, two (L-R) Translator Sophia Efthimatou, Variety film critic Scott Foundas, screenwriter and author Ioanna Karystiani, and legendary film director Pantelis Voulgaris join in the conversation after the 10th anniversary screening of Brides at the Museum for the Moving Image. brothers, one gay and one straight, hit the road to seek out their Greek father. Koutros in-terviewed a thousand plus ac-tors to find Kostas Nikouli who plays Danny, a heart-winner and heart-breaker. The Winter – Any film that features actor Vangelis Mourikis has to be special, and this film is no exception. It is wonderful, a first film from Konstantinos Koutsoliotis, written with his wife Elizabeth E. Schuch. A failed writer leaves London to return to Siatista and finish his novel. Theo Albanis portrays Nikos, with Mourikis as his dead father. “I die in all my films,” says Mourikis. “I like it.” September – The story of a waitress whose entire life con-sists of looking after her dog. When he dies, she intrudes on the lives of doctor and his sym-pathetic wife, who befriends her. Intriguing and Ingmar Bergmanesque. Committed – Put two beautiful people on the road in a white convertible and send them on a trip through scenic Cyprus. How can you lose? George, a sweet, dimpled hunk picks up a bride who claims to have had wedding jit-ters. A twist at the end elevates this charming romance. Lost in the Bewilderness – Thirty years in the making, this documentary from Alexandra Anthony traces the life of Lucas, who was kidnapped by his mother at age five and taken to America. Eleven years later, he returns to Greece to meet his fa-ther. A fascinating doc with a happy ending, Lucas’s wedding at age 38. The Hellenic American Chamber of Commerce, includ-ing executive director Stamatis Ghikas staged the Festival, with important support from the Onassis Foundation, the Agnes Varis Charitable Trust, Dr. Alexander Kofinas and Eleni Ko-finas and the Stavros Niarchos Foundation. By Constantine S. Sirigos NEW YORK – The audience did not know what to expect from Dogmouth, the movie adapted from the play written by John Steppling. Many of them had al-ready acquired a taste for “The Greek weird wave” of films that have made their way not only to the annual New York City Greek Film Festival, which pre-sented Dogmouth, but to the at-tention of film lovers world-wide. They were prepared for weirdness and violence, and to be disturbed by the experience, but how much? Some may have wondered “who can I take to this film?” James DeMetro, the founder and director of the festival, in-troduced Stephan Morrow, the Greek-American director, prior to the screening at the Cinema Village Theater. “Dogmouth is controversial,” Morrow said. “Steppling is an equal opportunity offender… but I find his writing to be some of the best around. This is a film that is rare these days, one to be listened to as much as any-thing else.” The Festival program called Dogmouth, the character was played by Morrow, “a bitter Viet-nam vet and rail-riding rene-gade living his last days.” But there is some charisma to Dogmouth, which spawns disturbing thoughts about that human quality. He has a follow-ing and has managed to charm a pretty young woman, Nyah, played with excruciating ingen-uousness by Alexandra Milne. She not only joined his not-so- merry-band-of-men, which Morrow calls “a mysterious mafia of racist, violent, Vietnam Vets living on freight trains… a repugnant set of people” - she was carrying his baby. They are not a harmless bank of misfits. Dogmouth is de-pressed because his profession of training dogs for violent fights has been outlawed, and it slowly becomes clear that a murder being discussed was ac-tual, not hypothetical. The metaphors come fast and furi-ously. “This film stands apart be-cause of its powerful dialogue - the authentic language of crim-inals but it’s also intertwined with ruminations on birth, death, dreams, even survival of the fittest,” Morrow writes. A forest is the setting for the burnt out men – and one woman – in Dogmouth’s life. They are camping out by long-abandoned railroad tracks, seeming sometimes to be wait-ing for a train that never comes – like Godot. Among Steppling's many siz-zling sentences is one simple devastating line: “I am not a good man” Perhaps the question that dis-turbs is not how much humanity there is in a bad man – the film makes it clear there is always some as even Dogmouth feels the pain of children and little birds – but how much humanity there is in the rest of us who meet them. The script has no hints – and there shouldn’t be – about what Dogmouth was like before he went to Vietnam. Just as Morrow’s gripping portrayal of a damaged human being tempts the thought that it is not evil which lurked in the forest, Steppling and Morrow-as- director pull the rug out from under liberals in the audience with the edgy scenes of Dog-mouth fuming or seething in si-lence as Nyah, clutching her swelling womb, tries to preserve the peace and her sanity. Should we be worried about her and the baby in an environ-ment when murder is being dis-cussed so openly and blithely? Disturbing/illuminating thoughts are triggered through-out the movie. Aren’t presidents, monarchs and their generals calm, even jovial as they plan the next bat-tle with its guaranteed deaths for hundreds or thousands? Hannah Arendt’s haunting phrase “the banality of evil” comes to mind as we watch Dogmouth’s friend Weeks (William Tate) express how ea-ger he is to do what he believes is a just deed. How easily can we be recruited into a murder-ous cause by charismatic people we sympathize with? Perhaps we learn something else about our leaders from Morrow, who allowed some of the mannerisms of stage acting to show in his performance, showing that there is little left of whatever Dogmouth was. He too is just playing a role, all per-sona as Carl Jung might say. Dostoyevsky would say a dead soul.What becomes of a man who cannot reflect on his emotions and actions? When Nyah tries to get him to talk about the im-pending birth of his child, let alone the apparent murder plot he was orchestrating, Dogmouth barks: “Shut up!” Morrow quoted Steppling: “Art is not your friend.” But is should not be ignored. The 20th century taught humanity that art is not about pretty things. Beauty is truth. Ugly is truth too. “I think an artist’s obligation is to move to the truth,” Morrow told the audience, “whatever it is, under the darkest slimiest rock if that’s where it exists… it’s not easy, but it is really im-portant for our souls,” Because it throws mirrors in front of us. Dogmouth shows illumina-tion can come from darkness, and makes a powerful case for self-reflection as the essence of our humanity. Greek-American in Love Triangle Commits Murder-Suicide POCKET-LESS PITA BREAD Kontos Foods Manufacturers of Authentic Ethnic Hand Stretched Flat bread. Kontos the first family in fillo dough and fillo products. FILLO KATAIFI, BAKLAVA, SPANAKOPITA, TYROPITA NUT ROLL, MELOMAKARONA and the TRADITIONAL MEDITERRANEAN DESSERTS. Excellent quality and service. We distribute in USA and Canada. Special prices for communities, schools, churches festivals and other events Kontos Foods, Inc Box 628, Paterson, NJ 07544 Tel.: (973) 278-2800 Fax: (973) 278-7943 a b The Leading Company in Flat Breads Well known for the Pocket-Less Pita Law Firm G. Dimitriadis Associates Our company aims to provide high quality services, adapted to the specific needs of our clients. The main areas of our activities include: • Legal services • Financial managerial services • Real Estate Our wide network of contacts in Greece guarantees the immediate and unified handling of our clients’ matters. Phone: 01130 210 3390080 • Cell.: 01130 6977 469888 Fax: 01130 210 3390044 e-mail: Greek-American theater and movie actor and director Stephan Morrow directed the film adaptation of John Steppling’s play Dogmouth. He also portrayed the character named Dogmouth. Continued from page 1 ADRIENNE MATHIOWETZ TNH Staff PORT JEFFERSON, NY – A gruesome scene unfolded Sunday evening, Nov. 2 in the Long Island town of Port Jefferson, in-volving a Greek-American man who shot and killed his ex-girlfriend’s new boyfriend, and then killed himself. Frank Panebianco and Jessica Kasten exited the Pour House Bar and Grill in Port Jefferson, ABC news reported, and headed to the parking lot when they were con-fronted by Michael Skiadas, Kasten’s ex-boyfriend. Apparently, the couple and Skiadas en-gaged in a screaming match, according to NBC News for NY, at which point a friend, Jack Schneider, attempted to calm Skiadas as the couple tried to drive away. To no avail, Skiadas went into his car, pulled out a shotgun, and hit Schneider with it. Then, Skiadas approached the couple’s car and fired twice, killing Panebianco. Ski-adas then returned to his own car and killed himself. Schneider did not suffer any serious in-juries, and Kasten was not harmed. Police continue to investigate the story. At press time, there were no further de-velopments. Various Internet sites posted pho-tographs of Skiadas and Kasten together, when they were a couple, and countless comments from random readers ranging from compassionate to lewd were preva-lent. TNH continues to monitor the story and will provide updates accordingly.