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500 Spanish business verbs
    by Andrew D. Miles

       Copyright by Andrew D. Miles, 2007
Copy right by And re w D. M il es, Ba rcel ona , 2007.

 All rights rese rved . No pa rt of this p ubl ica tion
   may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval
  system, or transmitted, in any form without
      written authorization from the author.

     Cove r p hotograp h by And re w D. M iles

                Copyright by Andrew D. Miles, 2007
acusar recibo acknowledge
A                                              receipt.

                                               adelantar 1. advance 2. bring
                                               forward, put forward.

                                               adeudar 1. owe 2. charge, debit,
abandonar abandon, waive.
                                               make a debit entry.
abaratar lower a price, cheapen.
                                               adicionar add.
abastecer supply.
                                               adiestrar train.
abonar 1. i.v. subscribe 2. t.v. make a
                                               adjudicar 1. award 2. allot, assign,
credit entry, credit 3. t.v. pay.
abrir open.
                                               adjuntar attach, enclose.
abrir crédito open credit.
                                               administrar manage, administrate,
abrir libros open books.                       administer, direct, run.

abrir una cuenta open an account.              adquirir acquire.

absorber absorb, take over.                    afectar 1. allocate, assign 2. affect,
acaparar hoard, monopolize (AmE),
monopolise (BrE), corner.                      afianzar secure, guarantee.

aceptar accept.                                afiliar 1. t.v. affiliate 2. t.v. name as a
                                               member or affiliate 3. i.v. become a
aconsejar advise.                              member or affiliate.

acopiar hoard, stockpile.                      aflorar register in books items that
                                               were previously concealed,
acrecentar increase.                           launder.
acreditar 1. credit, make a credit             aforar appraise, value, assess.
entry 2. authorize (AmE), authorise (BrE),
grant credentials.                             agotar 1. deplete, use up, finish off
                                               2. sell out.
activar carry forward as an asset.
                                               agremiar 1. t.v. unionise (BrE), unionize
actualizar 1. update, bring up to              (AmE), join a union or syndicate
date 2. revalue, revaluate, restate,           2. p.v. start a union or syndicate.
write up 3. modernize (AmE),
modernise (BrE), update 4. readjust            ahorrar save, economize (AmE),
values according to the rate of                economise (BrE).
                                               ajustar 1. adjust 2. settle.
acumular 1. accrue 2. accumulate.
                                               almacenar store, stock.
acuñar mint.
                                               alquilar 1. hire, rent 2. let, lease, rent,
acusar 1. accuse 2. acknowledge.               rent out.

                           Copyright by Andrew D. Miles, 2007
alzar rise, increase.                          apropiar appropriate.

amalgamar merge, amalgamate.                   aprovisionar supply, provision, stock.

amortizar 1. depreciate 2. pay, pay            apuntar note down, write down,
in instalments, amortize (AmE),                enter.
amortise (BrE) 3. write off 4. redeem 5.
recover an investment.                         archivar file, archive.

ampliar enlarge, extend.                       arquear control, count, audit.

ampliar el capital increase capital.           arrastrar carry over.

ampliar el plazo extend the term.              arrendar 1. hire, rent 2. let, lease,
                                               rent, rent out.
analizar analyse.
                                               arriesgar risk.
anexar attach, annex, incorporate,
add.                                           asalariar include in the payroll.

anotar note down, take note, write             ascender 1. i.v. be promoted
down, enter.                                   2. t.v. promote.

antedatar date back, backdate,                 asegurar insure, underwrite.
                                               asentar post, register, enter,
anticipar advance.                             journalize (AmE), journalise (BrE),
                                               record, make an entry, enter into
anticipar pagos advance                        books.
                                               asesorar counsel, advise.
anticuar age.
                                               asignar 1. appropriate, allocate,
anualizar annualise (BrE), annualize
                                               allot, apportion 2. assign 3. appoint.

                                               asistir 1. attend 2. assist, help.
anular cancel, void, annul, nullify.
                                               asociar 1. t.v. associate, make
anunciar 1. announce 2. advertise.
                                               someone a member 2. p.v. join,
apelar appeal.                                 become a member.

aplazar defer, postpone, adjourn.              atracar berth.

aplicar 1. apply 2. appropriate,               atrasar 1. i.v. fall behind, be late in
allocate.                                      paying 2. t.v. delay, postpone.

aportar contribute.                            auditar audit

apoyar support, back up.                       aumentar 1. t.v. increase, raise
                                               2. i.v. rise.
apreciar 1. appreciate, increase in
price or value 2. appraise.                    auspiciar sponsor.

aprobar 1. approve 2. pass.                    autenticar authenticate, attest.

                           Copyright by Andrew D. Miles, 2007
autentificar authenticate, attest.             calcular calculate, compute.

automatizar automate.                          calificar 1. rate 2. mark.

autorizar authorize (AmE),                     cambiar change, exchange.
authorise (BrE).
                                               canalizar channel.
avalar endorse, guarantee, warrant.
                                               cancelar 1. cancel, settle, honour
avalorar appraise, assess, value.              (BrE), honor (AmE), pay off 2. write off.

avaluar appraise, assess, value.               canibalizar cannibalize (AmE),
                                               cannibalise (BrE).
avisar advise, notify.
                                               canjear 1. barter, exchange
ayudar help, aid.
                                               2. redeem, convert.

                                               capacitar train.

B                                              capitalizar capitalize (AmE),
                                               capitalise (BrE), fund, convert into
bajar 1. t.v. decrease, lower 2. i.v. go       captar clientes obtain clients, gain
down, decrease, diminish.                      clients.
balancear 1. balance 2. offset.                captar fondos raise funds.
bancarizar convert a cash-based                cargar 1. charge, debit 2. load.
payment and collection system into
a bank-based system.                           catalogar catalogue (BrE),
                                               catalog (AmE).
beneficiar benefit.
                                               caucionar pledge, bond, place a
blanquear launder assets, reveal               bond.
concealed assets.
                                               centralizar centralize (AmE),
bloquear 1. block, freeze
                                               centralise (BrE).
2. blockade.

                                               certificar certify, attest.
boicotear boycott.
                                               cesar 1. i.v. stop 2. t.v. suspend from
bonificar 1. pay a subsidy 2. give a
                                               job, dismiss.
discount 3. pay a bonus.
                                               chatear chat.
borrar erase, delete.
                                               cifrar encrypt, encode.

                                               citar 1. make an appointment
C                                              2. summon.

                                               clasificar classify, rank.

caducar lapse, mature, expire.                 clausurar close.

                           Copyright by Andrew D. Miles, 2007
coadministrar co-manage, manage                condonar condone.
                                               confiscar confiscate, seize, attach.
coasegurar co-insure.
                                               conformar conform.
cobrar 1. collect, cash, cash in
2. charge.                                     congelar freeze.

codificar 1. codify, code 2. encrypt,          consignar consign.
                                               consolidar consolidate, combine,
cogenerar co-generate.                         merge.

cogestionar manage jointly, co-                constituir constitute, incorporate, set
manage.                                        up, form.

coinvertir co-invest, invest jointly.          consumir consume.

colocar invest, collocate, place.              contabilizar 1. enter into accounts,
                                               record in accountancy books 2.
combinar combine, compound.                    count.
comercializar market,                          contaminar pollute.
commercialize (AmE),
commercialise (BrE).                           contar count.
comerciar trade, deal, do business.            contrabandear smuggle.
comisar confiscate                             contraer contract, shrink.
comisionar commission.                         contraofertar counterbid.
compactar compact.                             contratar contract, hire, recruit, take
compaginar lay out, arrange.

compensar 1. compensate,                       contribuir contribute.
indemnify 2. compensate, offset.               controlar control.
competir compete.
                                               convenir agree.
componer 1. compose 2. compound
                                               convertir convert.
comprar buy, purchase.
                                               convocar summon, call, call a
comprimir 1. compress 2. zip.                  meeting, demonstration, strike, etc.

comprobar check, audit, verify.                coordinar coordinate.

computar count, take into account.             copiar copy.

comunicar communicate.                         cortar cut.

conceder award, grant.                         cosechar harvest.

conciliar reconcile.                           costar cost.

                           Copyright by Andrew D. Miles, 2007
cotizar 1. quote 2. pay social security       depositar deposit.
dues 3. give a price, set a value.
                                              depreciar depreciate.
cotizar en alza increase in value.
                                              depurar debug.
cotizar en baja decrease in value.
                                              derivar derive.
cotizar en bolsa be listed at the
stock market.                                 desacelerar decelerate.

crecer grow.                                  desahuciar evict, dispossess.

cuadrar 1. balance, tally 2. square.          desalojar evict, dispossess.
custodiar 1. watch, guard 2. take into        desarrollar develop.
                                              desasociar terminate membership
                                              of an association, society, club, etc.

D                                             descapitalizar decapitalize (AmE),
                                              decapitalise (BrE), reduce net worth
                                              or capital.

datar date.                                   descargar download.

deber owe.                                    descentralizar decentralize (AmE),
                                              decentralise (BrE).
debitar 1. debit, make a debit entry
2. charge.                                    descifrar decrypt, decode.

decidir decide.                               descodificar decode, decrypt.
declarar declare.                             descomprimir 1. decompress 2. unzip.
decomisar seize, confiscate                   desconectar disconnect.
deducir 1. subtract, deduct                   descontar 1. give a discount or
2. deduce.
                                              rebate, discount, rebate 2. discount
deflactar deflate.

deforestar deforest.                          descontar documentos discount
defraudar defraud.
                                              desembargar release seizure,
delegar delegate.                             withdraw attachment order.

delinear draft, draught (BrE).                desembolsar outlay, disburse, pay.

demandar 1. sue 2. demand.                    desestacionalizar seasonally adjust.

denegar deny.                                 desfalcar embezzle, defalcate.
departamentalizar departmentalize             desgastar wear, wear out.
(AmE), departmentalise (BrE).

                          Copyright by Andrew D. Miles, 2007
desgravar 1. t.v. exempt from taxes 2.           disolver dissolve.
i.v. be tax-deductible, allow for a tax
rebate 3. t.v. remove a lien or                  distribuir distribute.
                                                 diversificar diversify.
desguazar break up, scrap.
                                                 documentar document, provide
designar appoint, nominate.                      documentation, supply evidence.

desinvertir divest.                              dolarizar dollarize (AmE), dollarise (BrE).

deslocalizar offshore.                           domiciliar pay by banker’s order,
                                                 pay by direct transfer from a bank
desmoldar strip, cast out.                       account, pay by direct debit.

desmonetizar demonetize (AmE),                   donar donate, grant.
demonetise (BrE).
                                                 dotar assign, provide, allot.
desnacionalizar denationalize (AmE),
denationalise (BrE).

despachar deliver, ship.
despedir dismiss, lay off, fire,
                                                 economizar economize (AmE),
desvalorizar 1. t.v. devalue,                    economise (BrE), save.
devaluate 2. p.v. depreciate, lose
value.                                           embalar pack.
desviar deviate.                                 embarcar board.

devaluar devaluate, devalue.                     embargar seize, attach, garnish,
devengar 1. accrue 2. produce,
bear, yield.                                     embotellar bottle.

devolver return, give back.                      emitir issue.

diferir defer.                                   emitir acciones issue shares (BrE),
                                                 issue stock (AmE).
digitalizar digitize (AmE), digitise (BrE),
digitalize (AmE), digitalise (BrE).              empeñar pawn.

diligenciar acknowledge, approve,                emplazar summon.
                                                 emplear employ.
diluir dilute, water.
                                                 encuestar poll, survey.
dirigir lead, direct, manage, run.
                                                 endeudar 1. p.v. contract a debt, go
diseñar design.                                  into debt 2. t.v. get someone into
disminuir diminish, decrease.
                                                 endosar endorse.

                             Copyright by Andrew D. Miles, 2007
engrapar staple.                                 exhibir exhibit, display, show.

enjuiciar bring to trial.                        eximir exempt.
enlazar link.                                    expandir expand.
ensamblar assemble.                              expedir 1. dispatch, ship, deliver,
ensayar test.                                    forward 2. issue.

entrenar train.                                  expender sell.

entrevistar interview.                           expirar expire.

envasar put into any type of                     explotar 1. run a business, shop,
container.                                       concern, etc. 2. exploit.
enviar deliver, send.                            exponer 1. expose 2. exhibit, show.
erosionar erode.                                 exportar export.
escalonar graduate, stagger.
                                                 expropiar expropriate.
escindir 1. split 2. spin off.
                                                 extender extend.
escribir write.
                                                 externalizar outsource.
escriturar sign a deed.
                                                 extraer withdraw, extract.
especular speculate.
                                                 extrapolar extrapolate.
esponsorizar sponsor.

establecer establish.

estafar embezzle, defraud, swindle.
estandarizar standardize (AmE),
standardise (BrE).

estenografiar stenograph.                        fabricar manufacture.

estimar estimate.                                facturar invoice, bill.

estructurar structure.                           falsificar forge, counterfeit, falsify.

estudiar study.                                  fechar date.

etiquetar label.                                 fiar 1. sell on credit, sell on account
                                                 2. trust, rely on.
evadir evade.

evadir impuestos evade taxes.                    fichar 1. t.v. sign up, hire 2. i.v. clock in,
                                                 clock on (BrE), punch in (AmE) 3. i.v.
evaluar evaluate, assess, appraise.              clock off, clock out (BrE), punch out
                                                 (AmE) 4. i.v. sign up, join.
examinar examine.

                             Copyright by Andrew D. Miles, 2007
fidelizar make faithful, generate                  girar 1. draw, write out, issue 2. send
brand loyalty, make someone loyal                  a money order.
to a brand, product, organisation,
etc.                                               girar en descubierto overdraw.

financiar finance, fund.                           globalizar globalize (AmE),
                                                   globalise (BrE).
finiquitar settle.
                                                   graduar graduate.
firmar sign.
                                                   gráfico circular pie chart.
fletar charter, freight.
                                                   grapar staple.
flotar float.
                                                   gratificar 1. gratify 2. give a bonus
fluctuar fluctuate.                                payment.

fomentar promote.                                  gravar 1. tax, levy 2. encumber.

formalizar formalize (AmE), formalise
(BrE), make official.

Formar 1. form   2.   train.                       H
funcionar function, work, run.

fundir 1. p.v. become bankrupt 2. t.v.             habilitar 1. authorize (AmE), authorise
provoke bankruptcy 3. t.v. & p.v. melt.            (BrE) 2. provide funds.

fusionar merge, amalgamate.                        heredar inherit.

                                                   hilar spin.

                                                   hipotecar mortgage.
G                                                  homologar validate, certify,

ganar 1. earn 2. gain 3. win.

garantizar 1. guarantee, warrant
2. guarantee, provide surety,                      I
collateralize (AmE), collateralise (BrE).

gastar 1. t.v. spend 2. t.v. & p.v. wear
                                                   imponer 1. impose 2. tax, levy.
                                                   importar import.
gerenciar manage.
                                                   imprimir print.
gestionar 1. manage, run,
administrate 2. deal with, negotiate               imputar 1. assign, allocate, book as
3. follow steps and procedures in                  2. charge, accuse 3. attribute.
order to obtain authorisations,
licences, permits, subsidies, etc.                 incautar seize, attach, confiscate.

                               Copyright by Andrew D. Miles, 2007
incentivar promote, give incentive
to.                                              JK
incorporar 1. t.v. incorporate 2. t.v. hire
3. p.v. join.
                                                 jubilar pension, pension off, retire.
incrementar increase.

indemnizar indemnify, compensate.

indexar 1. index 2. update, adjust
according to inflation.
industrializar industrialize (AmE),
industrialise (BrE).                             lacrar seal.

inflar inflate.                                  lanzar 1. launch, release 2. evict.

informar report, inform.                         legalizar legalize (AmE), legalise (BrE),
infravalorar 1. underestimate
2. undervalue.                                   legar bequeath, will, devise.

ingresar 1. i.v. enter, join 2. t.v. deposit     liberar release, clear, free.
3. t.v. input, enter, introduce.
                                                 liberar acciones issue shares (BrE),
inmovilizar block.                               issue stock (AmE).

inscribir register, inscribe, enrol.             liberar el mercado deregulate the
inspeccionar inspect.
                                                 librar draw, issue.
instalar install.
                                                 licenciar 1. t.v. license 2. t.v. discharge
integrar integrate.
                                                 3. p.v. obtain a professional degree,

intercambiar exchange,                           graduate.
interchange, swap.
                                                 licitar offer through a public tender.
interpolar interpolate.
                                                 liderar lead.
intervenir 1. intervene, take part
2. subject an institution or estate to
                                                 limitar limit.
                                                 liquidar 1. liquidate, dissolve 2. sell
invalidar invalidate, nullify, void.             off, sell out, clear 3. adjust, settle,
inventariar inventory, take inventory,
take stock.                                      liquidar salario pay salary.

invertir invest.                                 liquidar sueldo pay salary.

investigar research.                             liquidar sueldo pay salary.

inyectar inject.                                 liquidar cuentas settle accounts.

                             Copyright by Andrew D. Miles, 2007
negociar 1. negotiate, deal             buy
                                               and sell, deal in.

                                               nombrar name, appoint.

malgastar waste.                               nominar name, nominate.

malversar misappropriate,                      normalizar standardize (AmE),
embezzle.                                      standardise (BrE).

mancomunar join, pool, combine,                notificar notify.
                                               numerar number.
mantener 1. support, maintain,
sustain 2. maintain, keep.

manufacturar manufacture.
maquilar manufacture at a low-
cost, cross-border factory.

matricular 1. register, enrol    2.   obtain   ocupar 1. employ, occupy 2.
a professional licence.                        occupy, take up place.

mecanografiar type.                            ofertar offer, bid.

mercadear sell, market.                        ofrecer offer.

mercar trade.                                  operar operate.

mermar diminish, waste.                        optimizar optimize (AmE), optimise
mezclar mix.
                                               ordenar order.
minusvalorar undervalue.
                                               organizar organize (AmE), organise
modernizar modernise.                          (BrE).

monopolizar monopolize (AmE),                  otorgar grant.
monopolise (BrE).

multar fine.

multiplicar multiply.                          P

NÑ                                             pactar agree, reach an agreement.

                                               pagar pay.

nacionalizar nationalize (AmE),                pagar por adelantado prepay, pay
nationalise (BrE).                             in advance.

navegar 1. navigate, sail   2.   surf.         parar   1.   stop 2. strike, go on strike.

                          Copyright by Andrew D. Miles, 2007
participar 1. participate 2. share.             presentar 1. t.v. present, submit
                                                2. t.v. introduce 3. p.v. apply for,
particular 1. private 2. particular.            apply to 4. p.v. introduce oneself.

pasar a libros enter into books.                prestar 1. lend 2. provide a service.

pasar aduanas clear customs.                    presupuestar budget.

patrocinar sponsor.                             privatizar privatize (AmE),
                                                privatise (BrE).
pedir order.
                                                procesar 1. process 2. prosecute.
pensionar retire, pension.
                                                producir 1. produce 2. yield, bear.
percibir receive.
                                                programar 1. program       2.   plan,
perder lose.                                    schedule.

periodificar accrue, divide into                promocionar promote.
                                                promover promote.
peritar survey, appraise.                       pronosticar forecast.
permutar barter.                                prorratear prorate, apportion.
personalizar customize (AmE),                   prorrogar postpone.
customise (BrE).
                                                protocolizar record, register.
pignorar pledge, hypothecate.
                                                proyectar 1. project 2. plan,
planificar plan, schedule.                      schedule.

ponderar weight.                                publicar publish, issue.

posdatar post-date.                             publicitar advertise.

poseer possess, have, own.                      pujar 1. bid 2. raise a bid, bid higher.

posicionar place.                               pulir polish.

posponer postpone.                              pulsar click, press.

practicar practise.

prefabricar prefabricate.                       Q
prefinanciar prefinance.

preliminar preliminary.                         quebrar 1. i.v. become bankrupt,
                                                go bankrupt, fail 2. t.v. provoke
prendar pledge.                                 bankruptcy, make bankrupt.

prescribir prescribe, lapse.                    querellar bring suit.

                            Copyright by Andrew D. Miles, 2007
reconvertir restructure.
R                                                recuperar 1. recover, redeem
                                                 2. salvage.

racionalizar rationalize (AmE),                  redactar write, edit.
rationalise (BrE).
                                                 redescontar rediscount.
readquirir reacquire.
                                                 redituar yield, yield a profit,
reajustar readjust, adjust.                      produce.

realizar 1. realize (AmE), realise (BrE)         redondear round off.
2. cash in, turn into cash.
                                                 reembolsar reimburse, refund, pay
realizar beneficios cash in benefits.            back, repay.

reasegurar reinsure, reassure.                   reenviar forward, send again.
rebajar reduce, rebate, lower, cut.              reestructurar restructure.
recapitalizar recapitalize (AmE),                reexportar reexport, re-export.
recapitalise (BrE).
                                                 refinanciar refinance, roll over.
recargar 1. overcharge, surcharge
2. overload.                                     refinanciar refinance.

recaudar collect, raise.                         refrendar countersign, authenticate.

rechazar 1. reject, turn down 2.                 regatear bargain, haggle.
return, dishonour (BrE), dishonor (AmE).
                                                 registrar 1. t.v. register, record, enter
rechazar un cheque return a                      2. p.v. enrol, register.
cheque (BrE), return a check (AmE),
dishonour a cheque (BrE), dishonor a             reglamentar regulate, establish
check (AmE).                                     rules.

rechazar una moción reject a                     regular regulate.
motion, defeat a motion.                         reimportar re-import.
recibir receive.                                 reintegrar 1. t.v. refund, reimburse
                                                 2. p.v. join back, return.
reciclar recycle.

reclamar claim.                                  reinvertir reinvest.

reclutar recruit.                                relevar 1. survey 2. replace 3. release,
recobrar recover.
                                                 rematar auction.
recompensar reward.
                                                 remesar 1. ship, deliver 2. remit, send
recomprar repurchase, reacquire.                 money.

reconciliar reconcile.                           remitir send, deliver.

                             Copyright by Andrew D. Miles, 2007
remunerar pay, remunerate,                      resultar result.
                                                resumir summarize (AmE),
rendir 1. yield, bear, produce                  summarise (BrE).
2. render, settle, report 3. perform.
                                                retener withhold.
rendir cuentas 1. settle accounts,
render accounts 2. give                         retirar 1. p.v. retire 2. t.v. withdraw,
explanations.                                   recall.

rendir interés bear interest.                   retrasar delay, postpone, adjourn.

renegociar renegotiate.                         retribuir pay.
renovar renew.                                  retroalimentar feed back.
rentabilizar make profitable,                   reubicar relocate, redeploy.
maximise profits.
                                                revalorizar 1. revaluate, increase
rentabilizar activos maximise return
                                                2. revalue, valuate again.
on assets.
                                                revaluar revaluate, write up.
rentar hire, rent, lease.

renunciar 1. resign 2. waive,                   revender 1. resell    2.   scalp.
relinquish.                                     revertir reverse, revert.
reorganizar reorganize (AmE),
                                                revisar examine, revise, audit.
reorganise (BrE).
                                                revocar revoke, abrogate.
repartir 1. distribute, deliver
2. distribute, apportion, allot.
                                                robotizar robotise (BrE), robotize (AmE).
reponer replace.
                                                rotar turn, rotate.
reposicionar reposition.
                                                rotular label.
representar represent.
                                                rubricar sign, sign and seal.
reprogramar reprogram.

rescatar redeem, recall, recover,
rescindir cancel, terminate, rescind,
abrogate, revoke.

reservar 1. reserve, allow 2. book,             salariar include in the payroll, give a
reserve.                                        job with a fixed salary.

respaldar endorse, back, support.               saldar 1. settle, pay, pay off, cancel
                                                2. balance.
restar deduct, subtract.
                                                saldar cuentas settle accounts,
restringir restrict.                            settle up.

                            Copyright by Andrew D. Miles, 2007
salvar 1. save, salvage 2.                     sobretasar value in excess,
authenticate changes in a                      overvalue, rate in excess.
                                               sobrevalorar value in excess,
sanear free from an excessive debt             overvalue, overvalorate, write up.
burden, clean up.
                                               sobrevaluar overvalue, grant an
secuestrar 1. seize, sequester                 excessive value.
2. kidnap.
                                               solicitar 1. apply, apply for 2. request.
secundar second.
                                               solventar 1. finance, pay for, fund 2.
segmentar segment.                             pay, settle.

seleccionar select.                            subalquilar sublet, sublease.

sellar stamp, seal.                            subarrendar sublease, sublet.

señar make a down payment.                     subastar auction.
sindicalizar 1. t.v. unionize (AmE),           subcontratar subcontract.
unionise (BrE), organise into a trade
union 2. p.v. unionize (AmE), unionise         subordinar subordinate.
(BrE), form a trade union
3. t.v. syndicalize (AmE), syndicalise         subrogar subrogate.
                                               subscribir 1. t.v. subscribe
sindicar 1. p.v. syndicate, pool,              2. t.v. underwrite 3. p.v. subscribe

organise into a syndicate                      to a publication.
2. p.v. unionize (AmE), unionise (BrE),
                                               subscribir acciones subscribe shares
form a trade union 3. t.v. unionize
                                               (BrE), subscribe stocks (AmE),
(AmE), unionise (BrE), organise into a
                                               underwrite shares (BrE), underwrite
trade union
                                               stocks (AmE).
sinterizar sinter.
                                               subvalorar undervalue,
sistematizar systematize (AmE),                underestimate.
systematise (BrE), automate.
                                               subvaluar undervalue.
sobornar bribe, pay off.
                                               subvencionar subsidize (AmE),
sobrecapitalizar overcapitalize (AmE),         subsidise (BrE).
overcapitalise (BrE).
                                               sumar 1. add, sum up 2. amount to,
sobrecargar 1. overcharge,                     add up to.
surcharge, charge in excess 2.
overload, load in excess.                      suministrar supply, purvey.

sobredepreciar overdepreciate.                 supervisar supervise.

sobregirar overdraw.                           suscribir 1. t.v. subscribe
                                               2. t.v. underwrite 3. p.v. subscribe to a
sobreproducir overproduce.                     publication.

                           Copyright by Andrew D. Miles, 2007
suscribir acciones subscribe shares              transferir título transfer title, pass title.
(BrE), subscribe stock (AmE), underwrite
shares (BrE), underwrite stock (AmE).            transportar 1. transport, haul, carry
                                                 2. carry forward, carry over
suspender 1. suspend, interrupt
2. remove from office temporarily.               trasladar 1. transfer, translate, move
                                                 2. carry forward, carry over.
suspender pagos stop payment.
                                                 traspasar 1. transfer, pass over to,
sustituir substitute.                            turn over to 2. carry forward, carry

                                                 tratar 1. deal in, trade in 2. deal with.
T                                                tributar pay taxes.

tabular tabulate, table.

taquigrafiar stenograph, shorthand,              U
write in shorthand.

tasar assess, appraise, valuate.
                                                 uniformalizar standardize (AmE),
telefonear telephone.                            standardise (BrE).

tender tend.                                     unir join.

terminar terminate.                              urbanizar develop.
testar make a will or testament.                 usufructuar use, utilize (AmE),
                                                 utilise (BrE).
timbrar stamp, put a seal or stamp.

titularizar securitize.

tomar take.
tomar prestado borrow.

totalizar totalize (AmE), totalise (BrE),
                                                 valer cost, be valued at, be worth,
add up, sum up.
                                                 have a price of.
trabajar 1. work 2. operate.
                                                 validar validate.
traducir translate.
                                                 valorar 1. value, appraise, assess
traficar deal, trade, traffic.                   2. appreciate, increase in value.

tramitar carry out procedures in                 valorizar 1. appreciate, increase in
order to obtain official                         value 2. value, appraise.
authorisations, permits, documents,
etc.                                             valuar value, appraise, assess.

transferir transfer, pass, convey.               variar vary, fluctuate.

                             Copyright by Andrew D. Miles, 2007
vencer 1. expire, lapse 2. fall due,            vincular 1. link 2. bind.

vender sell.

vetar veto.
vigilar watch.                                  zonificar zone, divide into zones.

                           BrE         British English
                           AmE         American English
                           t.v.        transitive verb
                           i.v.        intransitive verb
                           p.v.        pronominal verb

                           BrE         ingles británico.
                           AmE         inglés americano.
                           t.v.        verbo transitivo.
                           i.v.        verbo intransitivo.
                           p.v.        verbo pronominal.

                          Copyright by Andrew D. Miles, 2007
And re w D. M iles is the d irec tor of
 English for Business Barcelona,
   English for Business M adrid
        and English Phone

  English for Business Barcelona
    teaches English lessons to
         companies in the
         Barcelona area.

    English for Business M adrid
    teaches English lessons to
         companies in the
           Madrid area.

 English Phone provides lessons
 by telephone to students who
   want to improve their oral
      communication skills

      Copyright by Andrew D. Miles, 2007

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500 verbos spanish to english

  • 1. 500 Spanish business verbs by Andrew D. Miles Copyright by Andrew D. Miles, 2007
  • 2. 500 Spanish Business Verbs Copy right by And re w D. M il es, Ba rcel ona , 2007. All rights rese rved . No pa rt of this p ubl ica tion may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form without written authorization from the author. Cove r p hotograp h by And re w D. M iles www.barcel Copyright by Andrew D. Miles, 2007
  • 3. acusar recibo acknowledge A receipt. adelantar 1. advance 2. bring forward, put forward. adeudar 1. owe 2. charge, debit, abandonar abandon, waive. make a debit entry. abaratar lower a price, cheapen. adicionar add. abastecer supply. adiestrar train. abonar 1. i.v. subscribe 2. t.v. make a adjudicar 1. award 2. allot, assign, credit entry, credit 3. t.v. pay. adjudicate. abrir open. adjuntar attach, enclose. abrir crédito open credit. administrar manage, administrate, abrir libros open books. administer, direct, run. abrir una cuenta open an account. adquirir acquire. absorber absorb, take over. afectar 1. allocate, assign 2. affect, encumber. acaparar hoard, monopolize (AmE), monopolise (BrE), corner. afianzar secure, guarantee. aceptar accept. afiliar 1. t.v. affiliate 2. t.v. name as a member or affiliate 3. i.v. become a aconsejar advise. member or affiliate. acopiar hoard, stockpile. aflorar register in books items that were previously concealed, acrecentar increase. launder. acreditar 1. credit, make a credit aforar appraise, value, assess. entry 2. authorize (AmE), authorise (BrE), grant credentials. agotar 1. deplete, use up, finish off 2. sell out. activar carry forward as an asset. agremiar 1. t.v. unionise (BrE), unionize actualizar 1. update, bring up to (AmE), join a union or syndicate date 2. revalue, revaluate, restate, 2. p.v. start a union or syndicate. write up 3. modernize (AmE), modernise (BrE), update 4. readjust ahorrar save, economize (AmE), values according to the rate of economise (BrE). inflation. ajustar 1. adjust 2. settle. acumular 1. accrue 2. accumulate. almacenar store, stock. acuñar mint. alquilar 1. hire, rent 2. let, lease, rent, acusar 1. accuse 2. acknowledge. rent out. Copyright by Andrew D. Miles, 2007
  • 4. alzar rise, increase. apropiar appropriate. amalgamar merge, amalgamate. aprovisionar supply, provision, stock. amortizar 1. depreciate 2. pay, pay apuntar note down, write down, in instalments, amortize (AmE), enter. amortise (BrE) 3. write off 4. redeem 5. recover an investment. archivar file, archive. ampliar enlarge, extend. arquear control, count, audit. ampliar el capital increase capital. arrastrar carry over. ampliar el plazo extend the term. arrendar 1. hire, rent 2. let, lease, rent, rent out. analizar analyse. arriesgar risk. anexar attach, annex, incorporate, add. asalariar include in the payroll. anotar note down, take note, write ascender 1. i.v. be promoted down, enter. 2. t.v. promote. antedatar date back, backdate, asegurar insure, underwrite. antedate. asentar post, register, enter, anticipar advance. journalize (AmE), journalise (BrE), record, make an entry, enter into anticipar pagos advance books. payments. asesorar counsel, advise. anticuar age. asignar 1. appropriate, allocate, anualizar annualise (BrE), annualize allot, apportion 2. assign 3. appoint. (AmE). asistir 1. attend 2. assist, help. anular cancel, void, annul, nullify. asociar 1. t.v. associate, make anunciar 1. announce 2. advertise. someone a member 2. p.v. join, apelar appeal. become a member. aplazar defer, postpone, adjourn. atracar berth. aplicar 1. apply 2. appropriate, atrasar 1. i.v. fall behind, be late in allocate. paying 2. t.v. delay, postpone. aportar contribute. auditar audit apoyar support, back up. aumentar 1. t.v. increase, raise 2. i.v. rise. apreciar 1. appreciate, increase in price or value 2. appraise. auspiciar sponsor. aprobar 1. approve 2. pass. autenticar authenticate, attest. Copyright by Andrew D. Miles, 2007
  • 5. autentificar authenticate, attest. calcular calculate, compute. automatizar automate. calificar 1. rate 2. mark. autorizar authorize (AmE), cambiar change, exchange. authorise (BrE). canalizar channel. avalar endorse, guarantee, warrant. cancelar 1. cancel, settle, honour avalorar appraise, assess, value. (BrE), honor (AmE), pay off 2. write off. avaluar appraise, assess, value. canibalizar cannibalize (AmE), cannibalise (BrE). avisar advise, notify. canjear 1. barter, exchange ayudar help, aid. 2. redeem, convert. capacitar train. B capitalizar capitalize (AmE), capitalise (BrE), fund, convert into capital. bajar 1. t.v. decrease, lower 2. i.v. go captar clientes obtain clients, gain down, decrease, diminish. clients. balancear 1. balance 2. offset. captar fondos raise funds. bancarizar convert a cash-based cargar 1. charge, debit 2. load. payment and collection system into a bank-based system. catalogar catalogue (BrE), catalog (AmE). beneficiar benefit. caucionar pledge, bond, place a blanquear launder assets, reveal bond. concealed assets. centralizar centralize (AmE), bloquear 1. block, freeze centralise (BrE). 2. blockade. certificar certify, attest. boicotear boycott. cesar 1. i.v. stop 2. t.v. suspend from bonificar 1. pay a subsidy 2. give a job, dismiss. discount 3. pay a bonus. chatear chat. borrar erase, delete. cifrar encrypt, encode. citar 1. make an appointment C 2. summon. clasificar classify, rank. caducar lapse, mature, expire. clausurar close. Copyright by Andrew D. Miles, 2007
  • 6. coadministrar co-manage, manage condonar condone. jointly. confiscar confiscate, seize, attach. coasegurar co-insure. conformar conform. cobrar 1. collect, cash, cash in 2. charge. congelar freeze. codificar 1. codify, code 2. encrypt, consignar consign. code. consolidar consolidate, combine, cogenerar co-generate. merge. cogestionar manage jointly, co- constituir constitute, incorporate, set manage. up, form. coinvertir co-invest, invest jointly. consumir consume. colocar invest, collocate, place. contabilizar 1. enter into accounts, record in accountancy books 2. combinar combine, compound. count. comercializar market, contaminar pollute. commercialize (AmE), commercialise (BrE). contar count. comerciar trade, deal, do business. contrabandear smuggle. comisar confiscate contraer contract, shrink. comisionar commission. contraofertar counterbid. compactar compact. contratar contract, hire, recruit, take on. compaginar lay out, arrange. compensar 1. compensate, contribuir contribute. indemnify 2. compensate, offset. controlar control. competir compete. convenir agree. componer 1. compose 2. compound convertir convert. comprar buy, purchase. convocar summon, call, call a comprimir 1. compress 2. zip. meeting, demonstration, strike, etc. comprobar check, audit, verify. coordinar coordinate. computar count, take into account. copiar copy. comunicar communicate. cortar cut. conceder award, grant. cosechar harvest. conciliar reconcile. costar cost. Copyright by Andrew D. Miles, 2007
  • 7. cotizar 1. quote 2. pay social security depositar deposit. dues 3. give a price, set a value. depreciar depreciate. cotizar en alza increase in value. depurar debug. cotizar en baja decrease in value. derivar derive. cotizar en bolsa be listed at the stock market. desacelerar decelerate. crecer grow. desahuciar evict, dispossess. cuadrar 1. balance, tally 2. square. desalojar evict, dispossess. custodiar 1. watch, guard 2. take into desarrollar develop. custody. desasociar terminate membership of an association, society, club, etc. D descapitalizar decapitalize (AmE), decapitalise (BrE), reduce net worth or capital. datar date. descargar download. deber owe. descentralizar decentralize (AmE), decentralise (BrE). debitar 1. debit, make a debit entry 2. charge. descifrar decrypt, decode. decidir decide. descodificar decode, decrypt. declarar declare. descomprimir 1. decompress 2. unzip. decomisar seize, confiscate desconectar disconnect. deducir 1. subtract, deduct descontar 1. give a discount or 2. deduce. rebate, discount, rebate 2. discount documents. deflactar deflate. deforestar deforest. descontar documentos discount documents. defraudar defraud. desembargar release seizure, delegar delegate. withdraw attachment order. delinear draft, draught (BrE). desembolsar outlay, disburse, pay. demandar 1. sue 2. demand. desestacionalizar seasonally adjust. denegar deny. desfalcar embezzle, defalcate. departamentalizar departmentalize desgastar wear, wear out. (AmE), departmentalise (BrE). Copyright by Andrew D. Miles, 2007
  • 8. desgravar 1. t.v. exempt from taxes 2. disolver dissolve. i.v. be tax-deductible, allow for a tax rebate 3. t.v. remove a lien or distribuir distribute. attachment. diversificar diversify. desguazar break up, scrap. documentar document, provide designar appoint, nominate. documentation, supply evidence. desinvertir divest. dolarizar dollarize (AmE), dollarise (BrE). deslocalizar offshore. domiciliar pay by banker’s order, pay by direct transfer from a bank desmoldar strip, cast out. account, pay by direct debit. desmonetizar demonetize (AmE), donar donate, grant. demonetise (BrE). dotar assign, provide, allot. desnacionalizar denationalize (AmE), denationalise (BrE). despachar deliver, ship. E despedir dismiss, lay off, fire, discharge. economizar economize (AmE), desvalorizar 1. t.v. devalue, economise (BrE), save. devaluate 2. p.v. depreciate, lose value. embalar pack. desviar deviate. embarcar board. devaluar devaluate, devalue. embargar seize, attach, garnish, sequestrate. devengar 1. accrue 2. produce, bear, yield. embotellar bottle. devolver return, give back. emitir issue. diferir defer. emitir acciones issue shares (BrE), issue stock (AmE). digitalizar digitize (AmE), digitise (BrE), digitalize (AmE), digitalise (BrE). empeñar pawn. diligenciar acknowledge, approve, emplazar summon. stamp. emplear employ. diluir dilute, water. encuestar poll, survey. dirigir lead, direct, manage, run. endeudar 1. p.v. contract a debt, go diseñar design. into debt 2. t.v. get someone into debt. disminuir diminish, decrease. endosar endorse. Copyright by Andrew D. Miles, 2007
  • 9. engrapar staple. exhibir exhibit, display, show. enjuiciar bring to trial. eximir exempt. enlazar link. expandir expand. ensamblar assemble. expedir 1. dispatch, ship, deliver, ensayar test. forward 2. issue. entrenar train. expender sell. entrevistar interview. expirar expire. envasar put into any type of explotar 1. run a business, shop, container. concern, etc. 2. exploit. enviar deliver, send. exponer 1. expose 2. exhibit, show. erosionar erode. exportar export. escalonar graduate, stagger. expropiar expropriate. escindir 1. split 2. spin off. extender extend. escribir write. externalizar outsource. escriturar sign a deed. extraer withdraw, extract. especular speculate. extrapolar extrapolate. esponsorizar sponsor. establecer establish. estafar embezzle, defraud, swindle. F estandarizar standardize (AmE), standardise (BrE). estenografiar stenograph. fabricar manufacture. estimar estimate. facturar invoice, bill. estructurar structure. falsificar forge, counterfeit, falsify. estudiar study. fechar date. etiquetar label. fiar 1. sell on credit, sell on account 2. trust, rely on. evadir evade. evadir impuestos evade taxes. fichar 1. t.v. sign up, hire 2. i.v. clock in, clock on (BrE), punch in (AmE) 3. i.v. evaluar evaluate, assess, appraise. clock off, clock out (BrE), punch out (AmE) 4. i.v. sign up, join. examinar examine. Copyright by Andrew D. Miles, 2007
  • 10. fidelizar make faithful, generate girar 1. draw, write out, issue 2. send brand loyalty, make someone loyal a money order. to a brand, product, organisation, etc. girar en descubierto overdraw. financiar finance, fund. globalizar globalize (AmE), globalise (BrE). finiquitar settle. graduar graduate. firmar sign. gráfico circular pie chart. fletar charter, freight. grapar staple. flotar float. gratificar 1. gratify 2. give a bonus fluctuar fluctuate. payment. fomentar promote. gravar 1. tax, levy 2. encumber. formalizar formalize (AmE), formalise (BrE), make official. Formar 1. form 2. train. H funcionar function, work, run. fundir 1. p.v. become bankrupt 2. t.v. habilitar 1. authorize (AmE), authorise provoke bankruptcy 3. t.v. & p.v. melt. (BrE) 2. provide funds. fusionar merge, amalgamate. heredar inherit. hilar spin. hipotecar mortgage. G homologar validate, certify, homologate. ganar 1. earn 2. gain 3. win. garantizar 1. guarantee, warrant 2. guarantee, provide surety, I collateralize (AmE), collateralise (BrE). gastar 1. t.v. spend 2. t.v. & p.v. wear imponer 1. impose 2. tax, levy. out. importar import. gerenciar manage. imprimir print. gestionar 1. manage, run, administrate 2. deal with, negotiate imputar 1. assign, allocate, book as 3. follow steps and procedures in 2. charge, accuse 3. attribute. order to obtain authorisations, licences, permits, subsidies, etc. incautar seize, attach, confiscate. Copyright by Andrew D. Miles, 2007
  • 11. incentivar promote, give incentive to. JK incorporar 1. t.v. incorporate 2. t.v. hire 3. p.v. join. jubilar pension, pension off, retire. incrementar increase. indemnizar indemnify, compensate. indexar 1. index 2. update, adjust according to inflation. L industrializar industrialize (AmE), industrialise (BrE). lacrar seal. inflar inflate. lanzar 1. launch, release 2. evict. informar report, inform. legalizar legalize (AmE), legalise (BrE), validate. infravalorar 1. underestimate 2. undervalue. legar bequeath, will, devise. ingresar 1. i.v. enter, join 2. t.v. deposit liberar release, clear, free. 3. t.v. input, enter, introduce. liberar acciones issue shares (BrE), inmovilizar block. issue stock (AmE). inscribir register, inscribe, enrol. liberar el mercado deregulate the market. inspeccionar inspect. librar draw, issue. instalar install. licenciar 1. t.v. license 2. t.v. discharge integrar integrate. 3. p.v. obtain a professional degree, intercambiar exchange, graduate. interchange, swap. licitar offer through a public tender. interpolar interpolate. liderar lead. intervenir 1. intervene, take part 2. subject an institution or estate to limitar limit. receivership. liquidar 1. liquidate, dissolve 2. sell invalidar invalidate, nullify, void. off, sell out, clear 3. adjust, settle, pay. inventariar inventory, take inventory, take stock. liquidar salario pay salary. invertir invest. liquidar sueldo pay salary. investigar research. liquidar sueldo pay salary. inyectar inject. liquidar cuentas settle accounts. Copyright by Andrew D. Miles, 2007
  • 12. negociar 1. negotiate, deal buy M 2. and sell, deal in. nombrar name, appoint. malgastar waste. nominar name, nominate. malversar misappropriate, normalizar standardize (AmE), embezzle. standardise (BrE). mancomunar join, pool, combine, notificar notify. associate. numerar number. mantener 1. support, maintain, sustain 2. maintain, keep. manufacturar manufacture. O maquilar manufacture at a low- cost, cross-border factory. matricular 1. register, enrol 2. obtain ocupar 1. employ, occupy 2. a professional licence. occupy, take up place. mecanografiar type. ofertar offer, bid. mercadear sell, market. ofrecer offer. mercar trade. operar operate. mermar diminish, waste. optimizar optimize (AmE), optimise (BrE). mezclar mix. ordenar order. minusvalorar undervalue. organizar organize (AmE), organise modernizar modernise. (BrE). monopolizar monopolize (AmE), otorgar grant. monopolise (BrE). multar fine. multiplicar multiply. P NÑ pactar agree, reach an agreement. pagar pay. nacionalizar nationalize (AmE), pagar por adelantado prepay, pay nationalise (BrE). in advance. navegar 1. navigate, sail 2. surf. parar 1. stop 2. strike, go on strike. Copyright by Andrew D. Miles, 2007
  • 13. participar 1. participate 2. share. presentar 1. t.v. present, submit 2. t.v. introduce 3. p.v. apply for, particular 1. private 2. particular. apply to 4. p.v. introduce oneself. pasar a libros enter into books. prestar 1. lend 2. provide a service. pasar aduanas clear customs. presupuestar budget. patrocinar sponsor. privatizar privatize (AmE), privatise (BrE). pedir order. procesar 1. process 2. prosecute. pensionar retire, pension. producir 1. produce 2. yield, bear. percibir receive. programar 1. program 2. plan, perder lose. schedule. periodificar accrue, divide into promocionar promote. periods. promover promote. peritar survey, appraise. pronosticar forecast. permutar barter. prorratear prorate, apportion. personalizar customize (AmE), prorrogar postpone. customise (BrE). protocolizar record, register. pignorar pledge, hypothecate. proyectar 1. project 2. plan, planificar plan, schedule. schedule. ponderar weight. publicar publish, issue. posdatar post-date. publicitar advertise. poseer possess, have, own. pujar 1. bid 2. raise a bid, bid higher. posicionar place. pulir polish. posponer postpone. pulsar click, press. practicar practise. prefabricar prefabricate. Q prefinanciar prefinance. preliminar preliminary. quebrar 1. i.v. become bankrupt, go bankrupt, fail 2. t.v. provoke prendar pledge. bankruptcy, make bankrupt. prescribir prescribe, lapse. querellar bring suit. Copyright by Andrew D. Miles, 2007
  • 14. reconvertir restructure. R recuperar 1. recover, redeem 2. salvage. racionalizar rationalize (AmE), redactar write, edit. rationalise (BrE). redescontar rediscount. readquirir reacquire. redituar yield, yield a profit, reajustar readjust, adjust. produce. realizar 1. realize (AmE), realise (BrE) redondear round off. 2. cash in, turn into cash. reembolsar reimburse, refund, pay realizar beneficios cash in benefits. back, repay. reasegurar reinsure, reassure. reenviar forward, send again. rebajar reduce, rebate, lower, cut. reestructurar restructure. recapitalizar recapitalize (AmE), reexportar reexport, re-export. recapitalise (BrE). refinanciar refinance, roll over. recargar 1. overcharge, surcharge 2. overload. refinanciar refinance. recaudar collect, raise. refrendar countersign, authenticate. rechazar 1. reject, turn down 2. regatear bargain, haggle. return, dishonour (BrE), dishonor (AmE). registrar 1. t.v. register, record, enter rechazar un cheque return a 2. p.v. enrol, register. cheque (BrE), return a check (AmE), dishonour a cheque (BrE), dishonor a reglamentar regulate, establish check (AmE). rules. rechazar una moción reject a regular regulate. motion, defeat a motion. reimportar re-import. recibir receive. reintegrar 1. t.v. refund, reimburse 2. p.v. join back, return. reciclar recycle. reclamar claim. reinvertir reinvest. reclutar recruit. relevar 1. survey 2. replace 3. release, exempt. recobrar recover. rematar auction. recompensar reward. remesar 1. ship, deliver 2. remit, send recomprar repurchase, reacquire. money. reconciliar reconcile. remitir send, deliver. Copyright by Andrew D. Miles, 2007
  • 15. remunerar pay, remunerate, resultar result. compensate. resumir summarize (AmE), rendir 1. yield, bear, produce summarise (BrE). 2. render, settle, report 3. perform. retener withhold. rendir cuentas 1. settle accounts, render accounts 2. give retirar 1. p.v. retire 2. t.v. withdraw, explanations. recall. rendir interés bear interest. retrasar delay, postpone, adjourn. renegociar renegotiate. retribuir pay. renovar renew. retroalimentar feed back. rentabilizar make profitable, reubicar relocate, redeploy. maximise profits. revalorizar 1. revaluate, increase rentabilizar activos maximise return 2. revalue, valuate again. on assets. revaluar revaluate, write up. rentar hire, rent, lease. renunciar 1. resign 2. waive, revender 1. resell 2. scalp. relinquish. revertir reverse, revert. reorganizar reorganize (AmE), revisar examine, revise, audit. reorganise (BrE). revocar revoke, abrogate. repartir 1. distribute, deliver 2. distribute, apportion, allot. robotizar robotise (BrE), robotize (AmE). reponer replace. rotar turn, rotate. reposicionar reposition. rotular label. representar represent. rubricar sign, sign and seal. reprogramar reprogram. rescatar redeem, recall, recover, rescue. S rescindir cancel, terminate, rescind, abrogate, revoke. reservar 1. reserve, allow 2. book, salariar include in the payroll, give a reserve. job with a fixed salary. respaldar endorse, back, support. saldar 1. settle, pay, pay off, cancel 2. balance. restar deduct, subtract. saldar cuentas settle accounts, restringir restrict. settle up. Copyright by Andrew D. Miles, 2007
  • 16. salvar 1. save, salvage 2. sobretasar value in excess, authenticate changes in a overvalue, rate in excess. document. sobrevalorar value in excess, sanear free from an excessive debt overvalue, overvalorate, write up. burden, clean up. sobrevaluar overvalue, grant an secuestrar 1. seize, sequester excessive value. 2. kidnap. solicitar 1. apply, apply for 2. request. secundar second. solventar 1. finance, pay for, fund 2. segmentar segment. pay, settle. seleccionar select. subalquilar sublet, sublease. sellar stamp, seal. subarrendar sublease, sublet. señar make a down payment. subastar auction. sindicalizar 1. t.v. unionize (AmE), subcontratar subcontract. unionise (BrE), organise into a trade union 2. p.v. unionize (AmE), unionise subordinar subordinate. (BrE), form a trade union 3. t.v. syndicalize (AmE), syndicalise subrogar subrogate. (BrE). subscribir 1. t.v. subscribe sindicar 1. p.v. syndicate, pool, 2. t.v. underwrite 3. p.v. subscribe organise into a syndicate to a publication. 2. p.v. unionize (AmE), unionise (BrE), subscribir acciones subscribe shares form a trade union 3. t.v. unionize (BrE), subscribe stocks (AmE), (AmE), unionise (BrE), organise into a underwrite shares (BrE), underwrite trade union stocks (AmE). sinterizar sinter. subvalorar undervalue, sistematizar systematize (AmE), underestimate. systematise (BrE), automate. subvaluar undervalue. sobornar bribe, pay off. subvencionar subsidize (AmE), sobrecapitalizar overcapitalize (AmE), subsidise (BrE). overcapitalise (BrE). sumar 1. add, sum up 2. amount to, sobrecargar 1. overcharge, add up to. surcharge, charge in excess 2. overload, load in excess. suministrar supply, purvey. sobredepreciar overdepreciate. supervisar supervise. sobregirar overdraw. suscribir 1. t.v. subscribe 2. t.v. underwrite 3. p.v. subscribe to a sobreproducir overproduce. publication. Copyright by Andrew D. Miles, 2007
  • 17. suscribir acciones subscribe shares transferir título transfer title, pass title. (BrE), subscribe stock (AmE), underwrite shares (BrE), underwrite stock (AmE). transportar 1. transport, haul, carry 2. carry forward, carry over suspender 1. suspend, interrupt 2. remove from office temporarily. trasladar 1. transfer, translate, move 2. carry forward, carry over. suspender pagos stop payment. traspasar 1. transfer, pass over to, sustituir substitute. turn over to 2. carry forward, carry over. tratar 1. deal in, trade in 2. deal with. T tributar pay taxes. tabular tabulate, table. taquigrafiar stenograph, shorthand, U write in shorthand. tasar assess, appraise, valuate. uniformalizar standardize (AmE), telefonear telephone. standardise (BrE). tender tend. unir join. terminar terminate. urbanizar develop. testar make a will or testament. usufructuar use, utilize (AmE), utilise (BrE). timbrar stamp, put a seal or stamp. titularizar securitize. tomar take. V tomar prestado borrow. totalizar totalize (AmE), totalise (BrE), valer cost, be valued at, be worth, add up, sum up. have a price of. trabajar 1. work 2. operate. validar validate. traducir translate. valorar 1. value, appraise, assess traficar deal, trade, traffic. 2. appreciate, increase in value. tramitar carry out procedures in valorizar 1. appreciate, increase in order to obtain official value 2. value, appraise. authorisations, permits, documents, etc. valuar value, appraise, assess. transferir transfer, pass, convey. variar vary, fluctuate. Copyright by Andrew D. Miles, 2007
  • 18. vencer 1. expire, lapse 2. fall due, vincular 1. link 2. bind. mature. vender sell. vetar veto. WXYZ vigilar watch. zonificar zone, divide into zones. Abbreviations BrE British English AmE American English t.v. transitive verb i.v. intransitive verb p.v. pronominal verb Abreviaturas BrE ingles británico. AmE inglés americano. t.v. verbo transitivo. i.v. verbo intransitivo. p.v. verbo pronominal. Copyright by Andrew D. Miles, 2007
  • 19. And re w D. M iles is the d irec tor of English for Business Barcelona, English for Business M adrid and English Phone English for Business Barcelona teaches English lessons to companies in the Barcelona area. English for Business M adrid teaches English lessons to companies in the Madrid area. English Phone provides lessons by telephone to students who want to improve their oral communication skills Copyright by Andrew D. Miles, 2007