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LOS ANGELES, CA ~ APRIL 12 - 13, 2023
Content Strategy
Master Class
Jon Wuebben
Content Strategy in 2023 & Beyond
Jon Wuebben,CEO
Founder/CEO – Content Launch (content marketing
Keynote speaker (Content Marketing World, Content
Marketing Conference, Online Marketing Summit,
South by Southwest, Marketing Profs B2B Forum,
Search Marketing Expo)
Content Strategist for Konica Minolta, Intuit &
Kimberly Clark and more
MBA in International Marketing: Thunderbird,The
American Graduate School of International
Management. (1998)
Content Marketing Re-fresh
A marketing technique that…
• Creates and distributes relevant and valuable information
• Attracts, acquires, and engages a clearly defined and
understood target audience
• With the objective to drive profitable customer action
| @JonWuebben
• Blog posts
• Website pages
• YouTube videos
• E-books
• Case studies
• Podcasts
• Webinars
| @JonWuebben
• E-newsletters
• Digital magazines
• Press releases
• White papers
• E-mails
• Social updates
• 77% of B2B marketers say they changed their content strategy after the pandemic.
• 70% of brands changed their audience targeting and messaging after the pandemic.
• 68% of online experiences start with a search query.
• 46% of businesses want to spend more on content.
• 79% of brands use content to generate leads.
• 84% of organizations follow a content strategy.
• 53% of mobile users will leave if your website loads in more than three seconds.
• 63% of B2B marketers use content to boost customer loyalty.
• 79% of B2B consumers care about content trustworthiness.
• 86% of marketers drive traffic to their website with video content.
| @JonWuebben
| @JonWuebben
| @JonWuebben
• Core audience target: Type of person you can help most
with your content
• What will be delivered to the audience: Types of info
provided through your content
• Desired outcome for the audience: Things your
audience can do after consuming your content
| @JonWuebben
• $50 billion spent on content every year
• Marketers spend 35% marketing budget on content marketing
• 62% of companies outsource content marketing
• 61% of consumers feel better about a company that delivers custom
content & will buy from that company
• Blogs give sites 434% more indexed pages & 97% more indexed links
• B2B companies with blogs generate 67% more leads per month on average
than non-blogging firms
| @JonWuebben
| @JonWuebben
| @JonWuebben
WHO is the persona? What traits characterize her?
WHAT roles does she play? What does her typical
day look like?
WHERE is there a gap in her needs/wants (beyond
our products/services)?
WHEN does she need to close this gap (i.e., where
is she in the purchase funnel)?
WHY would she care about us, as a company
(aside from our product)?
| @JonWuebben
What words are potential customers using
to search for you?
Measure demand & competition
Keyword Research Tools?
Google Keyword Planner
Align keywords with customer buying cycle
Long Tail Keyword Phrases
| @JonWuebben
Google Trends
Twitter Search
Top industry blogs & association blogs
Competitive blogs
Your internal team
Your customers
| @JonWuebben
Editorial calendar: to help you plan topics,
keep track of content assets, schedule
publication across media channels
Publishing guidelines: outlines preferred
editorial style details, tone/voice & other
Channel plan: Governs how, when & where
you publish content
| @JonWuebben
• Date the piece of content will be
• Author of the content
• Topic or headline of the content
| @JonWuebben
• Current status of the content
• Owner of the content
Governs how, when & on what specific platforms
you will publish content & rules of engagement
for interacting on those channels
• Your website/blog
• Mobile
• Guest blogging on others’ sites/publications
• Social media (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn,
Instagram, etc.)
• Podcasts
• Video
• Webinars
• Live events
| @JonWuebben
Team resources needed to produce high quality
content on a consistent basis?
What core materials/processes should we implement
for content creation/management?
The Team: Determine who will be involved in content
creation & specific tasks for each team member
Workflow: Establish what tasks need to be completed
to bring a content idea to fruition, how to keep the
process organized
Tactical Plan: What topics to cover? How often to
publish, on which channels? How to measure your
| @JonWuebben
| @JonWuebben
Team resources needed to produce high quality content
on a consistent basis?
What core materials/processes should we implement for
content creation/management?
The Team: Determine who will be involved in content
creation & specific tasks for each team member
Workflow: Establish what tasks need to be completed to
bring a content idea to fruition, how to keep the process
Tactical Plan: What topics to cover? How often to publish,
on which channels? How to measure your progress?
| @JonWuebben
Content Strategy
in 2023
Planning for the creation, delivery, and governance of useful,
usable content.
- Kristina Halvorson, founder of Brain Traffic
Using ‘words and data to create unambiguous content that
supports meaningful, interactive experiences. Content strategy is
to copywriting as information architecture is to design.
- Rachel Lovinger “Content Strategy:The Philosophy of Data”
Content strategy deals with the planning aspects of managing
content throughout its lifecycle, and includes aligning content to
business goals, analysis, and modeling, and influences the
development, production, presentation, evaluation, measurement,
and sunsetting of content, including governance.
- Rahel Bailie, Content Strategy: Connecting the dots between
business & brand
What is Content Strategy?
| @JonWuebben
All content for your company should be:
Relevant - your content needed to be managed
throughout its entire lifecycle
Optimized – the search engines and social networks
are a key channel for your content
Leveragable – the content needs to serve multiple
roles and be used to inform other pieces of the content
Profitable – the success of the content should be
partially measured by its impact on your organization’s
bottom line
What is Content Strategy?
| @JonWuebben
Most legacy content is inconsistent, irrelevant and out-of-date.
Working with your internal team, a content strategist reviews your
current content assets and ecosystem.They should review:
• Existing content performance (web, social media, SEO, print, etc)
• Internal roles and processes
• Content strategy readiness
• User expectations
• Competitors and influencers
• Content supply chain
Audit & Assessment
| @JonWuebben
All content needs to serve a purpose. All content should be
proactive. All content should support business objectives and
meet your user goals.
A quality content strategy exercise will perform this role. In this
stage, we set up and design content solutions that are specific
and measurable.
Your content strategy will include detailed recommendations for:
• Messaging
• Structure
• Workflow
• Governance
Strategy & Integration
| @JonWuebben
Audience Problem = Content Idea
| @JonWuebben
Take the time to understand the needs and interests of your target
Determine what is relevant to them, what maintains their interest, and
what they value most when evaluating your brand and products.
Enhancing customer experience involves developing personalized
customer profiles that allow you to create and publish highly targeted
Factor in who you are addressing and create content that provides
knowledge and solves their problem.
Developing a customer journey map ensures you engage with all
customers in the different phases of their interaction with your brand.
MapYour Customers Journey
| @JonWuebben
Process of making your content accessible to your target audience.
Where, when, and how you publish will influence your target audience’s
interaction with your brand.
Reach potential leads by using multiple media channels such as social
media, email marketing, search engine optimization, and paid advertising.
Ensure that your channels align with your audience profiles and goals.
The best distribution strategy depends on budget, target audience, and
the type of content you’re creating.
Frequency is another critical factor that you must pay attention to.
Content Distribution Game Plan
| @JonWuebben
Content creation is an evolving element that drives content distribution,
user experience, and brand focus.
Involves generating ideas that appeal to your target audience and
creating content, written, visual, or audio, around the ideas.
Effectively creating and curating engaging content positions you to
succeed in an increasingly competitive landscape.
Focus on creating quality over quantity and creating original content that
provides value to your brand’s audience.
Plagiarism and recycling old content will not only turn off readers but can
also lead to search engine penalties.
Ensure that all content is properly optimized for search engine ranking.
Create Content Consistently
| @JonWuebben
Upcoming pieces: Track content you will create in the future.
Updates to existing content: As your website or blog grows, you’ll need
to make updates to existing content.
Status updates: info on the current stage of development, who is working
on it, and when it is due to be published.
Partnerships: Could include guest posts, cross-promotions, or joint
Planned promotional activities: In order to get the most out of your
content, it’s important to promote it effectively once it’s published.
Promotional activities could include social media campaigns, email
marketing blasts, or even paid advertisements.
Content Calendar
| @JonWuebben
Most brands use many content formats and publishing channels.
Different formats will produce different results.
Important to establish the performance of each channel and format.
Content auditing will help you assess your content. Once you determine
what content is performing and what is not, you can decide the direction
of your content strategy.
By understanding your content’s performance, you can set new goals or
readjust the existing ones.
Whatever content format or channel you use, a content audit will help
you identify gaps and find fresh ideas.
Conduct a content audit
| @JonWuebben
A (CMS) assists users with content creation, publication, and analytics.
Helps content teams plan, produce, manage, publish, and modify content
efficiently and sustainably.
Allows non-technical users to create content, publish, and modify it
without outsourcing web developers.
CMS platforms like WordPress, Drupal, and Joomla are user-friendly and
allow anyone to create a website or blog without needing any coding
Additionally, CMSs make it easy to manage large amounts of content and
keep track of revisions.
Pick a content management system
| @JonWuebben
Blog posts: Producing valuable content and publishing frequently
attracts new traffic and may encourage your audience to share the
content on other websites and social media platforms.
Ebooks: Downloadable lead-generation tools that site visitors access
after filing a lead form.
Case studies: Help build credibility by allowing you to share customer
Infographics: Visualize and organize data to make it easier to understand.
Videos: Engaging and are distributable across multiple channels, such as
websites and social media. Offer a higher ROI.
Social media: Allows you to distribute your content now to large groups
of people. Apart from sharing your content, you can repurpose it to fit
each platform.
Determine what content you will create
| @JonWuebben
Top Content Marketing
Trends for 2023
In today’s media environment, video is king.The average user now
watches 19 hours of video content every week.
Video is the top channel for B2B marketing and the hot new trend
is short-form video.
TikTok, Instagram Reels, and YouTube Shorts are the most
popular media for brands, accounts for 80% of all mobile data
Short-form video is also great for your brand.You can produce
more content in less time — plus, viewers are more likely to
engage with a shorter video that gets straight to the point.
Short FormVideos
| @JonWuebben
Avoid producing business-focused or detached material.
Your content needs to make it obvious that you connect with your
Lean into relatability, emotions, and empathy; build real
connections with your followers.
It’s not “ feel-good” content. 95% of consumers are loyal to brands
that are transparent & genuine — 75% would pay more to support
genuine brands.
Stop using hard sales pitches and salesy language. Find your
natural voice and embrace it.
Empathy & Human-Focused Content
| @JonWuebben
Search engines are getting smarter, so adjust your SEO game for
First, write for people before search engines.
The idea is to use strategic keywords to show up on the first page
and then let the quality of the content speak for itself.
Instead of creating a keyword-laden attempt at ranking for a query,
you need to become the authority on a topic.
Strive to be the best resource on whatever topic you’re discussing.
Instead of looking solely at your URL ranking, focus on your click-
through rates and engagement metrics.
Strategic SEO
| @JonWuebben
Content isn’t just a branding tool or a means to bring shoppers
into your funnel.
You aren’t just a brand — you’re a media company and influencer,
Treat content creation as a separate wing of the business with its
own revenue-generating opportunities.
Treat this like it’s a new business venture.That might mean:
1. Creating a strategy that funnels users to paying for content,
not just your products
2. Rolling out shoppable content that allows customers to make a
purchase directly from a piece of content
3. Setting and tracking performance KPIs for content marketing
efforts and treating it as seriously as you would ad spend
Content-powered revenue
| @JonWuebben
Stop creating content that no one consumes.
Brands are creating so much content today that users just don’t
have time for subpar stuff.
Personalization is the solution.This allows you to tailor content
directly to the wants and needs of specific customers.
Keep track of your audience’s needs via a smart CRM or data
solution so you can build a content strategy around what people
really care about.
Value-driven content made for customers
| @JonWuebben
You can have the best content in the world — but if you give users
a poor experience, it just won’t perform well.
This means you have to prioritize the user experience in terms of:
• Page speed
• Mobile performance
• Cohesive style and voice
• Image placement
• Image quality
Personalization comes into play here, too.
When you provide customers with content that solves their
biggest problems, they’re more likely to have a positive
User experience matters
| @JonWuebben
People are concerned about misleading news stories and
It isn’t enough to just make a statement — users want to see
insights backed by data.
Crave high-quality, well-researched content.
Have your own in-house resources as it makes your material
stand out. Plus, other sites will link to your research as a source
that can give you a serious boost in SEO and authority.
Write white papers or conduct surveys for your brand.
48% of marketers say research reports produced the best results
of any of their 2022 content marketing efforts.
High-quality researched content
| @JonWuebben
Most content won’t change year over year, but the technology to create
that content is evolving rapidly.
Technology allows you to collect an immense amount of data, which can
help you hyper-personalize content and get more results.
AI can create content or supplement your existing content, allowing
brands to generate more material in less time.
Automation is a smart way to streamline certain aspects of content
Simple setups like IFTTT or Zapier can push content tasks around in your
project management software, automatically generate video captions,
and more.
AR, VR, and the metaverse are only viable for large enterprises, but it’s
good to plan for these platforms once they become more accessible.
Leverage data, AI, automation & the metaverse
| @JonWuebben
Content quality matters, but so does your publishing schedule.
As long as you commit to quality and post on a predictable
schedule, your content will get results.
Consumers lost a lot of trust in brands and institutions during the
Consistency is something they’re craving right now, so give it to
them in the form of regular content creation.
Your brand should post at least a handful of times per month.
Enough to guarantee the quality of the content while also staying
top of mind with potential customers.
Consistency matters
| @JonWuebben
The Martech Stack –
A Part of Strategy
A MarTech stack is a collection
of complementary marketing
applications that share data.
| @JonWuebben
| @JonWuebben
• A strategic MarTech stack is how you can
effectively stay connected to your buyers
• You are competing on customer experience!
• Martech is essential to creating agile and fluid
structures and driving customer engagement
• Can gain better insights into the unique
relationships and connections with
| @JonWuebben
Overwhelming volumes of data collected
from online and offline interactions with
prospective buyers.
Some companies get bogged down in the
fact that there are SO many available
martech tools
| @JonWuebben
| @JonWuebben
| @JonWuebben
6 C’s Model for Organizing Martech
| @JonWuebben
| @JonWuebben
R.A.C.E. – Smart Insights
| @JonWuebben
30Tools – Reach & Engage
| @JonWuebben
30Tools – Convert & Act
| @JonWuebben
| @JonWuebben
1. Document your strategy + buyers journey
2. Take inventory (existing tools)
3. Get your data in order (cleanse/validate)
4. Conduct a content audit
5. Build your stack
6. Weigh costs against business impact
7. Build in the people and processes to make it
all work
| @JonWuebben
Need a central repository for the data
Can listen for all signals customers send
when they interact across channels
Can be analyzed and utilized by your team
Used to automate campaigns
Pass information quickly between platforms.
| @JonWuebben
| @JonWuebben
| @JonWuebben
| @JonWuebben
| @JonWuebben
1. Document your strategy + buyers journey
2. Take inventory
3. Get your data in order (cleanse/validate)
4. Conduct a content audit
5. Build your stack
6. Weigh costs against business impact
7. Build in the people and processes to make it
all work
| @JonWuebben
Wrapping Up…
Jon Wuebben:
Content Strategy Master Class - Jon Wuebben, Content Launch

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  • 1. MASTER CLASS LOS ANGELES, CA ~ APRIL 12 - 13, 2023 DIGIMARCONWEST.COM | #DigiMarConWest Content Strategy Master Class Jon Wuebben FOUNDER & CEO CONTENT LAUNCH
  • 2. Content Strategy in 2023 & Beyond THE MASTER CLASS Jon Wuebben,CEO
  • 3. Founder/CEO – Content Launch (content marketing platform) Keynote speaker (Content Marketing World, Content Marketing Conference, Online Marketing Summit, South by Southwest, Marketing Profs B2B Forum, Search Marketing Expo) Content Strategist for Konica Minolta, Intuit & Kimberly Clark and more MBA in International Marketing: Thunderbird,The American Graduate School of International Management. (1998) BIO @JonWuebben
  • 5. A marketing technique that… • Creates and distributes relevant and valuable information • Attracts, acquires, and engages a clearly defined and understood target audience • With the objective to drive profitable customer action WHAT IS CONTENT MARKETING? | @JonWuebben
  • 6. • Blog posts • Website pages • YouTube videos • E-books • Case studies • Podcasts • Webinars WHATTYPES OF CONTENT? | @JonWuebben • E-newsletters • Digital magazines • Press releases • White papers • E-mails • Social updates
  • 7. • 77% of B2B marketers say they changed their content strategy after the pandemic. • 70% of brands changed their audience targeting and messaging after the pandemic. • 68% of online experiences start with a search query. • 46% of businesses want to spend more on content. • 79% of brands use content to generate leads. • 84% of organizations follow a content strategy. • 53% of mobile users will leave if your website loads in more than three seconds. • 63% of B2B marketers use content to boost customer loyalty. • 79% of B2B consumers care about content trustworthiness. • 86% of marketers drive traffic to their website with video content. CONTENT MARKETING STATS | @JonWuebben
  • 8. THE CONTENT LIFECYCLE | @JonWuebben
  • 9. CONTENT MARKETING MISSION STATTEMENT | @JonWuebben • Core audience target: Type of person you can help most with your content • What will be delivered to the audience: Types of info provided through your content • Desired outcome for the audience: Things your audience can do after consuming your content
  • 10. CONTENT MARKETING FACTS | @JonWuebben • $50 billion spent on content every year • Marketers spend 35% marketing budget on content marketing • 62% of companies outsource content marketing • 61% of consumers feel better about a company that delivers custom content & will buy from that company • Blogs give sites 434% more indexed pages & 97% more indexed links • B2B companies with blogs generate 67% more leads per month on average than non-blogging firms • AVG COST TO GENERATE A LEAD W/ INBOUND MARKETING ($143) IS HALF THE AVERAGE FOR OUTBOUND MARKETING ($373)
  • 15. WHO is the persona? What traits characterize her? WHAT roles does she play? What does her typical day look like? WHERE is there a gap in her needs/wants (beyond our products/services)? WHEN does she need to close this gap (i.e., where is she in the purchase funnel)? WHY would she care about us, as a company (aside from our product)? CREATE BUYER PERSONAS | @JonWuebben
  • 16. What words are potential customers using to search for you? Measure demand & competition Keyword Research Tools? Google Keyword Planner Align keywords with customer buying cycle Long Tail Keyword Phrases PERFORM KEYWORD RESEARCH | @JonWuebben
  • 17. Google Trends Twitter Search Top industry blogs & association blogs Competitive blogs Your internal team Your customers BRAINSTORMTOPIC IDEAS | @JonWuebben
  • 18. Editorial calendar: to help you plan topics, keep track of content assets, schedule publication across media channels Publishing guidelines: outlines preferred editorial style details, tone/voice & other rules Channel plan: Governs how, when & where you publish content CREATEYOUR CONTENT PLAN | @JonWuebben
  • 19. • Date the piece of content will be published • Author of the content • Topic or headline of the content EDITORIAL CALENDAR | @JonWuebben • Current status of the content • Owner of the content
  • 20. Governs how, when & on what specific platforms you will publish content & rules of engagement for interacting on those channels • Your website/blog • Mobile • Guest blogging on others’ sites/publications • Social media (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, etc.) • Podcasts • Video • Webinars • Live events CHANNEL PLAN | @JonWuebben
  • 21. Team resources needed to produce high quality content on a consistent basis? What core materials/processes should we implement for content creation/management? The Team: Determine who will be involved in content creation & specific tasks for each team member Workflow: Establish what tasks need to be completed to bring a content idea to fruition, how to keep the process organized Tactical Plan: What topics to cover? How often to publish, on which channels? How to measure your progress? GETTHE CONTENT DONE | @JonWuebben
  • 23. Team resources needed to produce high quality content on a consistent basis? What core materials/processes should we implement for content creation/management? The Team: Determine who will be involved in content creation & specific tasks for each team member Workflow: Establish what tasks need to be completed to bring a content idea to fruition, how to keep the process organized Tactical Plan: What topics to cover? How often to publish, on which channels? How to measure your progress? GETTINGTHE CONTENT DONE | @JonWuebben
  • 25. Planning for the creation, delivery, and governance of useful, usable content. - Kristina Halvorson, founder of Brain Traffic Using ‘words and data to create unambiguous content that supports meaningful, interactive experiences. Content strategy is to copywriting as information architecture is to design. - Rachel Lovinger “Content Strategy:The Philosophy of Data” Content strategy deals with the planning aspects of managing content throughout its lifecycle, and includes aligning content to business goals, analysis, and modeling, and influences the development, production, presentation, evaluation, measurement, and sunsetting of content, including governance. - Rahel Bailie, Content Strategy: Connecting the dots between business & brand What is Content Strategy? | @JonWuebben
  • 26. All content for your company should be: Relevant - your content needed to be managed throughout its entire lifecycle Optimized – the search engines and social networks are a key channel for your content Leveragable – the content needs to serve multiple roles and be used to inform other pieces of the content universe Profitable – the success of the content should be partially measured by its impact on your organization’s bottom line What is Content Strategy? | @JonWuebben
  • 27. Most legacy content is inconsistent, irrelevant and out-of-date. Working with your internal team, a content strategist reviews your current content assets and ecosystem.They should review: • Existing content performance (web, social media, SEO, print, etc) • Internal roles and processes • Content strategy readiness • User expectations • Competitors and influencers • Content supply chain Audit & Assessment | @JonWuebben
  • 28. All content needs to serve a purpose. All content should be proactive. All content should support business objectives and meet your user goals. A quality content strategy exercise will perform this role. In this stage, we set up and design content solutions that are specific and measurable. Your content strategy will include detailed recommendations for: • Messaging • Structure • Workflow • Governance Strategy & Integration | @JonWuebben
  • 29. T Audience Problem = Content Idea | @JonWuebben
  • 30. Take the time to understand the needs and interests of your target audience. Determine what is relevant to them, what maintains their interest, and what they value most when evaluating your brand and products. Enhancing customer experience involves developing personalized customer profiles that allow you to create and publish highly targeted content. Factor in who you are addressing and create content that provides knowledge and solves their problem. Developing a customer journey map ensures you engage with all customers in the different phases of their interaction with your brand. MapYour Customers Journey | @JonWuebben
  • 31. Process of making your content accessible to your target audience. Where, when, and how you publish will influence your target audience’s interaction with your brand. Reach potential leads by using multiple media channels such as social media, email marketing, search engine optimization, and paid advertising. Ensure that your channels align with your audience profiles and goals. The best distribution strategy depends on budget, target audience, and the type of content you’re creating. Frequency is another critical factor that you must pay attention to. Content Distribution Game Plan | @JonWuebben
  • 32. Content creation is an evolving element that drives content distribution, user experience, and brand focus. Involves generating ideas that appeal to your target audience and creating content, written, visual, or audio, around the ideas. Effectively creating and curating engaging content positions you to succeed in an increasingly competitive landscape. Focus on creating quality over quantity and creating original content that provides value to your brand’s audience. Plagiarism and recycling old content will not only turn off readers but can also lead to search engine penalties. Ensure that all content is properly optimized for search engine ranking. Create Content Consistently | @JonWuebben
  • 33. Upcoming pieces: Track content you will create in the future. Updates to existing content: As your website or blog grows, you’ll need to make updates to existing content. Status updates: info on the current stage of development, who is working on it, and when it is due to be published. Partnerships: Could include guest posts, cross-promotions, or joint ventures. Planned promotional activities: In order to get the most out of your content, it’s important to promote it effectively once it’s published. Promotional activities could include social media campaigns, email marketing blasts, or even paid advertisements. Content Calendar | @JonWuebben
  • 34. Most brands use many content formats and publishing channels. Different formats will produce different results. Important to establish the performance of each channel and format. Content auditing will help you assess your content. Once you determine what content is performing and what is not, you can decide the direction of your content strategy. By understanding your content’s performance, you can set new goals or readjust the existing ones. Whatever content format or channel you use, a content audit will help you identify gaps and find fresh ideas. Conduct a content audit | @JonWuebben
  • 35. A (CMS) assists users with content creation, publication, and analytics. Helps content teams plan, produce, manage, publish, and modify content efficiently and sustainably. Allows non-technical users to create content, publish, and modify it without outsourcing web developers. CMS platforms like WordPress, Drupal, and Joomla are user-friendly and allow anyone to create a website or blog without needing any coding knowledge. Additionally, CMSs make it easy to manage large amounts of content and keep track of revisions. Pick a content management system | @JonWuebben
  • 36. Blog posts: Producing valuable content and publishing frequently attracts new traffic and may encourage your audience to share the content on other websites and social media platforms. Ebooks: Downloadable lead-generation tools that site visitors access after filing a lead form. Case studies: Help build credibility by allowing you to share customer stories. Infographics: Visualize and organize data to make it easier to understand. Videos: Engaging and are distributable across multiple channels, such as websites and social media. Offer a higher ROI. Social media: Allows you to distribute your content now to large groups of people. Apart from sharing your content, you can repurpose it to fit each platform. Determine what content you will create | @JonWuebben
  • 38. In today’s media environment, video is king.The average user now watches 19 hours of video content every week. Video is the top channel for B2B marketing and the hot new trend is short-form video. TikTok, Instagram Reels, and YouTube Shorts are the most popular media for brands, accounts for 80% of all mobile data traffic. Short-form video is also great for your brand.You can produce more content in less time — plus, viewers are more likely to engage with a shorter video that gets straight to the point. Short FormVideos | @JonWuebben
  • 39. Avoid producing business-focused or detached material. Your content needs to make it obvious that you connect with your customers. Lean into relatability, emotions, and empathy; build real connections with your followers. It’s not “ feel-good” content. 95% of consumers are loyal to brands that are transparent & genuine — 75% would pay more to support genuine brands. Stop using hard sales pitches and salesy language. Find your natural voice and embrace it. Empathy & Human-Focused Content | @JonWuebben
  • 40. Search engines are getting smarter, so adjust your SEO game for 2023. First, write for people before search engines. The idea is to use strategic keywords to show up on the first page and then let the quality of the content speak for itself. Instead of creating a keyword-laden attempt at ranking for a query, you need to become the authority on a topic. Strive to be the best resource on whatever topic you’re discussing. Instead of looking solely at your URL ranking, focus on your click- through rates and engagement metrics. Strategic SEO | @JonWuebben
  • 41. Content isn’t just a branding tool or a means to bring shoppers into your funnel. You aren’t just a brand — you’re a media company and influencer, too. Treat content creation as a separate wing of the business with its own revenue-generating opportunities. Treat this like it’s a new business venture.That might mean: 1. Creating a strategy that funnels users to paying for content, not just your products 2. Rolling out shoppable content that allows customers to make a purchase directly from a piece of content 3. Setting and tracking performance KPIs for content marketing efforts and treating it as seriously as you would ad spend Content-powered revenue | @JonWuebben
  • 42. Stop creating content that no one consumes. Brands are creating so much content today that users just don’t have time for subpar stuff. Personalization is the solution.This allows you to tailor content directly to the wants and needs of specific customers. Keep track of your audience’s needs via a smart CRM or data solution so you can build a content strategy around what people really care about. Value-driven content made for customers | @JonWuebben
  • 43. You can have the best content in the world — but if you give users a poor experience, it just won’t perform well. This means you have to prioritize the user experience in terms of: • Page speed • Mobile performance • Cohesive style and voice • Image placement • Image quality Personalization comes into play here, too. When you provide customers with content that solves their biggest problems, they’re more likely to have a positive experience. User experience matters | @JonWuebben
  • 44. People are concerned about misleading news stories and misinformation. It isn’t enough to just make a statement — users want to see insights backed by data. Crave high-quality, well-researched content. Have your own in-house resources as it makes your material stand out. Plus, other sites will link to your research as a source that can give you a serious boost in SEO and authority. Write white papers or conduct surveys for your brand. 48% of marketers say research reports produced the best results of any of their 2022 content marketing efforts. High-quality researched content | @JonWuebben
  • 45. Most content won’t change year over year, but the technology to create that content is evolving rapidly. Technology allows you to collect an immense amount of data, which can help you hyper-personalize content and get more results. AI can create content or supplement your existing content, allowing brands to generate more material in less time. Automation is a smart way to streamline certain aspects of content production. Simple setups like IFTTT or Zapier can push content tasks around in your project management software, automatically generate video captions, and more. AR, VR, and the metaverse are only viable for large enterprises, but it’s good to plan for these platforms once they become more accessible. Leverage data, AI, automation & the metaverse | @JonWuebben
  • 46. Content quality matters, but so does your publishing schedule. As long as you commit to quality and post on a predictable schedule, your content will get results. Consumers lost a lot of trust in brands and institutions during the pandemic. Consistency is something they’re craving right now, so give it to them in the form of regular content creation. Your brand should post at least a handful of times per month. Enough to guarantee the quality of the content while also staying top of mind with potential customers. Consistency matters | @JonWuebben
  • 47. @JonWuebben The Martech Stack – A Part of Strategy
  • 48. A MarTech stack is a collection of complementary marketing applications that share data. WHAT ISTHE STACK? | @JonWuebben
  • 49. WHAT ISTHE STACK? | @JonWuebben
  • 50. • A strategic MarTech stack is how you can effectively stay connected to your buyers • You are competing on customer experience! • Martech is essential to creating agile and fluid structures and driving customer engagement • Can gain better insights into the unique relationships and connections with customers/prospects. WHY DO I NEED A STACK? | @JonWuebben
  • 51. Overwhelming volumes of data collected from online and offline interactions with prospective buyers. Some companies get bogged down in the fact that there are SO many available martech tools THE PROBLEM | @JonWuebben
  • 52. SCOTT BRINKER SAYS… | @JonWuebben
  • 54. 6 C’s Model for Organizing Martech | @JonWuebben
  • 55. CONVERSATION PRISM – Brian Solis/JESS3 | @JonWuebben
  • 56. R.A.C.E. – Smart Insights | @JonWuebben
  • 57. 30Tools – Reach & Engage | @JonWuebben
  • 58. 30Tools – Convert & Act | @JonWuebben
  • 60. 1. Document your strategy + buyers journey 2. Take inventory (existing tools) 3. Get your data in order (cleanse/validate) 4. Conduct a content audit 5. Build your stack 6. Weigh costs against business impact 7. Build in the people and processes to make it all work 7 STEPS: DEVELOPINGYOUR STACK | @JonWuebben
  • 61. Need a central repository for the data Can listen for all signals customers send when they interact across channels Can be analyzed and utilized by your team Used to automate campaigns Pass information quickly between platforms. MARKETING AUTOMATION PLATFORM | @JonWuebben
  • 66. 1. Document your strategy + buyers journey 2. Take inventory 3. Get your data in order (cleanse/validate) 4. Conduct a content audit 5. Build your stack 6. Weigh costs against business impact 7. Build in the people and processes to make it all work 7 STEPS: DEVELOPINGYOUR STACK | @JonWuebben