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• Intensive care, also known as critical care, is a
multidisciplinary and inter-professional specialty
dedicated to the comprehensive management of
patients having, or at risk of developing acute,
life-threatening organ dysfunction.
• The primary goal of intensive care is to prevent
further physiologic deterioration while the
underlying disease is treated and resolves.
• Intensive care is not just a clinical specialty,
but a system of care delivered by a skilled
interprofessional team that includes
physicians, nurses, respiratory therapists,
physiotherapists, pharmacists, microbiologists,
social workers, ethicists, spiritual care, and
many others.
• An intensive care unit (ICU) is an organized
system for the provision of care to critically ill
patients that provides intensive and specialized
medical and nursing care, an enhanced capacity
for monitoring, and multiple modalities of
physiologic organ support to sustain life during a
period of acute organ system insufficiency.
• Neonatal intensive care unit (NICU)
• Pediatric intensive care unit (PICU)
• Coronary care unit (CCU)
• Neurological intensive care unit (NeuroICU).
• Trauma intensive care unit (Trauma ICU)
• Post-anesthesia care unit (PACU)
• High dependency unit (HDU)
• Surgical Intensive Care Unit (SICU)
• Medical Intensive Care Unit (MICU)
• Post Operative Care Unit
• Non-invasive monitoring:-
1. Temperature
2. Heart rate
3. Respiratory rate
4. Blood pressure
5. Oxygen saturation
6. End-tidal CO2
• Invasive monitoring
1. Arterial blood pressure
2. Central venous pressure (CVP)
3. Pulmonary
4. Capillary wedge pressure (PCWP)
• ECG monitoring
• Bed rest and immobility during critical illness
result in profound physical deconditioning.
• Skeletal muscle weakness in the intensive care
• Development of neuropathy or myopathy
contributes to weaning failure
• Respiratory dysfunction
• Prolonged ventilator dependence
• Decreased lung volumes/ compliance
• Decreased gas exchange
• Decreased mucociliary clearance
• Weakness of peripheral and respiratory
• Increased work of breathing
• Physical therapy in the intensive care unit
(lCU) is a specialty in itself.
• Clinical decision making in the lCU and
rational management of patients is based on a
tripod approach.
• General information required before treating the ICU
1. Medical and surgical histories
2. Gender and age
3. Premorbid status (e.g., life style. ethnicity. culture,
work situation. stress, cardiopulmonary conditioning,
and oxygen transport reserve capacity)
4. Smoking history
5. Hydration and nutritional status: deficiencies.
obesity, or asthenia
6. Recency of onset and course of present condition
7. Existing or potential medical instability
8. Indications or necessity for intubation and
mechanical ventilation
9. Invasive monitoring, lines, leads, and catheters
10.Existing or potential for complications and
multiorgan system failure
12.Elevated intracranial pressure (lCP) and the need
for ICP monitoring
13.Risk or presence and site(s) of infection
14.Quality of sleep and rest periods
15.Nutritional support during ICU stay
16.Pain control regimen
• Maintain or restore adequate alveolar ventilation and
perfusion and their matching in nonaffected and
affected lung fields and thereby optimize oxygen
transport overall
• Prolong spontaneous breathing (to the extent that is
therapeutically indicated) and thereby avoid, postpone,
or minimize need for mechanical ventilation
• Minimize the work of breathing
• Minimize the work of the heart
• Design a positioning schedule to maintain comfort and postural
alignment (distinct from therapeutic body positioning to
optimize oxygen transport)
• Maintain or restore general mobility, strength. endurance, and
coordination, within the limitations of the patient's condition
and consistent with the patient's anticipated rehabilitation
• Maximally involve the patient in a daily routine including self-
care, changing body position, standing, transferring, sitting in a
chair, and ambulating in patients for whom these activities are
• Optimize treatment outcome by interfacing physical therapy
with the goals and patient-related activities of other team
members, coordinating treatments with medication schedules.
• Once a thorough assessment has been
completed, the findings must be analysed to
identify relevant physiotherapeutic problems.
• For each problem a suitable treatment plan
must be formulated taking into consideration
any potential influencing factors.
• All modes of lung expansion therapy increase
lung volume by increasing the transpulmonary
pressure (PTP) gradient.
• The PTP gradient can be increased by either
1. Decreasing the surrounding Ppl
2. Increasing the Palv
• To implement a plan that provides an effective
strategy in the most efficient manner.
• The purpose of IS is to coach the patient to
take a sustained maximal inspiratory (SMI)
effort resulting in a decrease in Ppl and
maintaining the patency of airways at risk for
Physiologic Basis:-
• An SMI is functionally equivalent to
performing a functional residual capacity
(FRC) to inspiratory capacity (IC) maneuver,
followed by a breath hold.
1. Presence of pulmonary
2. Presence of conditions
predisposing to atelectasis
• Upper abdominal surgery
• Thoracic surgery
• Surgery in patients with COPD
3. Presence of a restrictive lung
defect associated with
quadriplegia or
dysfunctional diaphragm
1. Patient cannot be instructed
or supervised to ensure
appropriate use of device
2. Patient cooperation is
absent, or patient is unable
to understand or
demonstrate proper use of
3. Patients unable to deep
breathe effectively (VC <10
ml/kg or IC <1 3 predicted)
Hazards and Complications:-
1. Hyperventilation and respiratory alkalosis
2. Discomfort secondary to inadequate pain
3. Pulmonary barotrauma
4. Exacerbation of bronchospasm
5. Fatigue
Potential Outcomes:-
1. Absence of or improvement in signs of atelectasis
2. Decreased respiratory rate
3. Normal pulse rate
4. Resolution of abnormal breath sounds
5. Normal or improved chest radiograph
6. Improved PaO2 and decreased PaCO2
7. Increased SpO2
8. Increased VC and peak expiratory flows
9. Restoration of preoperative FRC or VC
10. Improved inspiratory muscle performance and cough
11. Attainment of preoperative flow and volume levels
12. Increased FVC
Noninvasive Ventilation
• Noninvasive ventilation (NIV) provides breathing
support to patients with inadequate ability to
• Variations of NIV, including IPPB and PEP therapy,
are the potentially valuable lung expansion tools.
Intermittent Positive Airway
Pressure Breathing
Physiologic Basis:-
• IPPB is a specialized form of NIV used for relatively
short treatment periods (approximately 15 minutes per
• The intent of IPPB, to provide machine-assisted deep
breaths assisting the patient to deep breathe and
stimulate a cough.
• IPPB has historically consisted of providing an aerosol
under positive pressure, augmenting the patient’s own
inspiratory efforts and thus resulting in a larger tidal
volume (VT) than could be spontaneously generated.
1. Need to improve lung expansion
2. Presence of clinically significant
pulmonary atelectasis
3. Inability to clear secretions
4. Need for short-term noninvasive
ventilatory support for
hypercapnic patients
5. Need to deliver aerosol
6. IPPB may be used to deliver
aerosol medications to patients
with ventilatory muscle
weakness or fatigue or chronic
conditions in which intermittent
noninvasive ventilatory support
is indicated.
1. Tension pneumothorax
2. ICP >15 mm Hg
3. Hemodynamic instability
4. Active hemoptysis
5. Tracheoesophageal fistula
6. Recent esophageal surgery
7. Active, untreated tuberculosis
8. Radiographic evidence of
9. Recent facial, oral, or skull
10. Singultus (hiccups)
11. Air swallowing
12. Nausea
Hazards and Complications:-
1. Increased airway resistance and work of breathing
2. Barotrauma, pneumothorax
3. Nosocomial infection
4. Hypocarbia
5. Hemoptysis
6. Gastric distention
7. Impaction of secretions (associated with inadequately
humidified gas mixture)
8. Psychologic dependence
9. Impedance of venous return
10. Exacerbation of hypoxemia
11. Hypoventilation or hyperventilation
12. Increased mismatch of ventilation and perfusion
13. Air trapping, auto-PEEP, overdistention
Potential Outcomes:-
1. Improved VC
2. Increased FEV1 or peak flow
3. Enhanced cough and secretion clearance
4. Improved chest radiograph
5. Improved breath sounds
6. Improved oxygenation
7. Favorable patient subjective response
Positive Airway Pressure Therapy
Physiologic Basis
• There are three current approaches to PAP therapy: PEP, flutter, and
• PEP and flutter valves create expiratory positive pressure only, whereas
CPAP maintains a positive airway pressure throughout both inspiration
and expiration.
• CPAP elevates and maintains high alveolar and airway pressures
throughout the full breathing cycle, this increases PTP gradient
throughout both inspiration and expiration.
• Typically, a patient on CPAP breathes through a pressurized circuit
against a threshold resistor, with pressures maintained between 5 cm
H2O and 20 cm H2O.
• Postoperative atelectasis
• Cardiogenic pulmonary
• Pulmonary vascular
• Lung compliance is
• Hypoventilation
• Hemodynamically unstable
• Nausea
• Facial trauma
• Untreated pneumothorax
• Elevated intracranial
pressure (ICP).
• Manual hyperinflation delivers extra volume and
oxygen to the lungs via a bag such as a rebreathing
• Manual ventilation means squeezing gas into the
patient's lungs at tidal volume, e.g. when changing
ventilator tubing.
• Manual hyperventilation delivers rapid breaths, e.g. if
the patient is breathless, hypoxaernic or hypercapnic.
• It provides deep breaths in order to increase lung
Beneficial effects:
1. Reversal of atelectasis
2. Sustained improvement in lung compliance and oxygen
3. Improved sputum clearance
1. Haemodynamic and metabolic upset
2. Risk of barotrauma for certain patients
3. Discomfort and anxiety if done incorrectly.
1. Extra-alveolar air, e.g. undrained pneumothorax, bullae,
surgical emphysema.
2. Bronchospasm causing peak airway pressure above 40
• Positioning is the main physiotherapy treatment for
patients in intensive care, and may be the only
intervention for some patients.
• Positioning can be used to:
1. Optimize relaxation
2. Provide pain relief
3. Improve ventilation, ventilation-perfusion matching,
and gas exchange
4. Minimize dyspnea
5. Minimize the work of breathing—i.e promote efficient
diaphragm and accessory muscle function
6. Promote airway clearance
Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Effects
of Different Positions:-
1. Increases FRC
2. Increases FVC
3. Decreases closing volume
4. Increases chest wall anterior-
posterior diameter
5. Decreases venous return and
cardiac output
6. Increases pooling of secretions in
the bases of the lung
7. Better basal expansion with large
8. Decreases curvature of diaphragm
at end-expiration—especially in
those patients with weak
1. Decreases chest wall AP
2. Reduces FRC
3. Pooling of secretions to the
posterior (dependent) lung
4. Increases central blood volume
5. Increases airway closure
6. Increases curvature of
diaphragm at end-expiration—
especially in those with weak
1. Increases chest wall AP
diameter of the
dependent region
2. Increases ventilation to
the dependent region
but decreases tidal
volume and FRC
3. Theoretically speaking,
positioning the good
lung lowermost should
improve oxygenation
• Improves oxygenation in
patients with ARDS or acute
lung injury
• improved lung compliance
secondary to stabilization of
anterior chest wall,
• Improved tidal ventilation,
diphragmatic excrusion and
functional residual capacity
• Reduced airway closure
• Airway clearance therapy uses noninvasive techniques
designed to assist in mobilizing and removing
secretions to improve gas exchange.
• Five general approaches to ACT, which can be used
alone or in combination, include
1. CPT
2. Coughing and related expulsion techniques (including
manual insufflation-exsufflation
3. Positive expiratory pressure [PEP] devices)
4. Active cycle of breathing technique
5. mobilization and physical activity.
• This therapy includes postural drainage (PD) and
percussion or vibration.
Postural drainage:-
• Postural drainage (PD) has been shown to increase
mucociliary clearance in patients by means of
measuring sputum collection dry weight, volume, or
radionuclide particles clearance rate.
• The classic postural drainage positions are designed
to drain individual segments of the lungs
Cough and Huff:-
• Coughing clears the larger airways of excessive
mucus and foreign matter, assists normal
mucociliary clearance, and helps ensure airway
• Staccato-like bursts of air against an open
glottis are referred to as huffing.
• With this technique the patient is instructed
to make the sound “huff, huff, huff” rapidly
with the mouth and glottis open.
• Suctioning is the application of negative pressure
(vacuum) to the airways through a collecting tube
(flexible catheter or suction tip).
• Suctioning can be performed by way of either the
upper airway (oropharynx) or the lower airway
(trachea and bronchi).
• Secretions or fluids also can be removed from the
oropharynx by using a rigid tonsillar or Yankauer
suction tip.
• Access to the lower airway is by introduction
of a flexible suction catheter through the nose
(nasotracheal suctioning) or artificial airway
(endotracheal suctioning).
• Tracheal suctioning through the mouth should
be avoided because it causes gagging.
• Endotracheal Suctioning
• Closed suctioning:-
Mechanically ventilated patients,
especially neonates and patients
1. Positive end expiratory pressure
≥10 cm H2O
2. Mean airway pressure ≥20 cm
3. Inspiratory time ≥1.5 seconds
4. FiO2 ≥0.60
5. Frequent suctioning (≥6
6. Hemodynamic instability
associated with ventilator
7. Respiratory infections requiring
airborne or droplet precautions
8. Inhaled agents that cannot be
interrupted by ventilator
disconnection (e.g., nitric oxide,
helium/oxygen mixture)
• Nasotracheal Suctioning
• Positive expiratory pressure includes one way
breathing valve and an adjustable level of
expiratory resistance that create back pressure to
stent the airways opening during exhalation.
• PEP therapy involves active expiration against a
fixed orifice flow resistor or variable orifice
threshold resistor capable of developing pressure
of 10-20cm H2O
• PEP breathing reinflates collapsed alveoli by
allowing air to be redistributed through
collateral channels- the pores of Kohn, and the
Lambert canals- allowing pressure to build up
distal to the obstruction and promoting the
movement of secretion toward the larger
• Low pressure PEP resistance is regulated to
achieve 10-20cm H2O during slightly active
• High pressure PEP use the same principle but at
much higher levels of pressure (50-120cm H2O).
• Oscillating PEP provide positive expiratory
pressure, oscillation of the airway and
accelerated expiratory flow rate to loose
secretion and move secretion centrally.
• Reductions in functional performance, exercise
capacity, and quality of life in ICU survivors indicate
the need for rehabilitation following ICU stay.
• It is important to prevent or attenuate muscle
deconditioning as early as possible in patients with
an expected prolonged bed rest.
• Intensive care unit-acquired weakness (ICUAW) is
observed in a substantial proportion of patients
receiving MV for more than 1 week in the ICU.
1. Atelectasis
2. Pulmonary consolidation
3. Pulmonary intiltrates
4. Bronchopulmonary and lobar pneumonias
5. Bronchiolitis
6. Alveolitis
7. Pleural effusions
8. Acute lung injury and pulmonary edema
9. Hemothorax
10. Pneumothorax
11. Cardiopulmonary insufficiency
12. Cardiopulmonary sequelae of surgery
13. Cardiopulmonary sequelae of immobility
1. Terminal diseases
2. Systolic hypertension > 170mmhg
3. Spo2 < 90%
4. Intracranial hypertension
5. Unstable fractures
6. Recent acute myocardial infarction
7. Open abdominal wounds
8. Heart rate reduction of 20% or more during early
mobilization activities.
9. Deep cognitive and neurological deficits
• The etiology includes deconditioning and disuse
atrophy due to prolonged bed rest and
immobility, and critical illness polyneuropathy
and/or myopathy, known as critical illness
• Other risk factors for ICUAW include the
systemic inflammatory response syndrome,
sepsis, and multiple organ dysfunction
syndrome; hyperglycemia; and medications,
such as use of corticosteroids and
neuromuscular blocking agents
Passive mobilization:-
• Patient unable to follow commands and actively
participate in mobilization are suitable for passive
mobilization (ie, hoist transfer to sit-out-of-bed).
• Patients who are sedated and unresponsive may
benefit from the high sitting position in an
appropriate chair to potentially minimize
orthostatic intolerance
• A portable sling lifter for mobilization is feasible
Active mobilization:-
• Phase 1 can involve sitting balance retraining (eg,
reaching and returning to midline from the bed
or chair), strength training including the use of
weights or slings, and/ or treatment on the tilt
• A patient will remain in this phase until they
achieve adequate sitting balance and lower limb
strength to progress to “phase 2 mobilization”.
• If patient is not able to stand with the assistance
the “supported weight-bearing” phase, which
involves the use of a gait harness to facilitate
• If the patient is able to stand with the
assistance the “active weight-bearing phase”
• Early mobilization can be performed also in
unconscious or sedated patients.
Acutely ill, uncooperative patients
• Treated with modalities such as
1. Passive range of motion,
2. Muscle stretching,
3. Splinting,
4. Body positioning,
5. Passive cycling with a bed cycle,
6. Electrical muscle stimulation
The stable cooperative patient (on mechanical
1. Mobilized on the edge of the bed,
2. Transfer to a chair,
3. Perform resistance muscle training
4. Active cycling with a bed cycle or chair cycle
5. Walk with or without assistance.
The uncooperative critically ill patient
1. Needs to be positioned upright (well supported),
and rotated when recumbent.
2. Passive stretching or range of motion exercise
The cooperative critically ill patient
1. Mobilization strategies –in order of intensity-
• Transferring in bed
• Sitting over the edge of the bed
• Moving from bed to chair,
• Standing,
• Stepping in place
• Walking with or without support.
2. standing aids, and tilt tables, enhance physiological
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  • 2. INTRODUCTION • Intensive care, also known as critical care, is a multidisciplinary and inter-professional specialty dedicated to the comprehensive management of patients having, or at risk of developing acute, life-threatening organ dysfunction. • The primary goal of intensive care is to prevent further physiologic deterioration while the underlying disease is treated and resolves.
  • 3. • Intensive care is not just a clinical specialty, but a system of care delivered by a skilled interprofessional team that includes physicians, nurses, respiratory therapists, physiotherapists, pharmacists, microbiologists, social workers, ethicists, spiritual care, and many others.
  • 4. DEFINITION OF ICU • An intensive care unit (ICU) is an organized system for the provision of care to critically ill patients that provides intensive and specialized medical and nursing care, an enhanced capacity for monitoring, and multiple modalities of physiologic organ support to sustain life during a period of acute organ system insufficiency.
  • 5. TYPES OF ICU UNITS • Neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) • Pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) • Coronary care unit (CCU) • Neurological intensive care unit (NeuroICU). • Trauma intensive care unit (Trauma ICU) • Post-anesthesia care unit (PACU) • High dependency unit (HDU) • Surgical Intensive Care Unit (SICU) • Medical Intensive Care Unit (MICU) • Post Operative Care Unit
  • 6. MONITORING • Non-invasive monitoring:- 1. Temperature 2. Heart rate 3. Respiratory rate 4. Blood pressure 5. Oxygen saturation 6. End-tidal CO2
  • 7. • Invasive monitoring 1. Arterial blood pressure 2. Central venous pressure (CVP) 3. Pulmonary 4. Capillary wedge pressure (PCWP)
  • 10.
  • 11. ADVERSE EFFECTS OF ICU STAY • Bed rest and immobility during critical illness result in profound physical deconditioning. • Skeletal muscle weakness in the intensive care unit • Development of neuropathy or myopathy contributes to weaning failure • Respiratory dysfunction • Prolonged ventilator dependence
  • 12. PROBLEMS IN ICU • Decreased lung volumes/ compliance • Decreased gas exchange • Decreased mucociliary clearance • Weakness of peripheral and respiratory muscles • Increased work of breathing
  • 13. PHYSIOTHERAPY IN ICU • Physical therapy in the intensive care unit (lCU) is a specialty in itself. • Clinical decision making in the lCU and rational management of patients is based on a tripod approach.
  • 14. • General information required before treating the ICU patient:- 1. Medical and surgical histories 2. Gender and age 3. Premorbid status (e.g., life style. ethnicity. culture, work situation. stress, cardiopulmonary conditioning, and oxygen transport reserve capacity) 4. Smoking history 5. Hydration and nutritional status: deficiencies. obesity, or asthenia 6. Recency of onset and course of present condition 7. Existing or potential medical instability
  • 15. 8. Indications or necessity for intubation and mechanical ventilation 9. Invasive monitoring, lines, leads, and catheters 10.Existing or potential for complications and multiorgan system failure 11.Coma 12.Elevated intracranial pressure (lCP) and the need for ICP monitoring 13.Risk or presence and site(s) of infection 14.Quality of sleep and rest periods 15.Nutritional support during ICU stay 16.Pain control regimen
  • 16. GOALS IN THE ICU PATIENT • Maintain or restore adequate alveolar ventilation and perfusion and their matching in nonaffected and affected lung fields and thereby optimize oxygen transport overall • Prolong spontaneous breathing (to the extent that is therapeutically indicated) and thereby avoid, postpone, or minimize need for mechanical ventilation • Minimize the work of breathing • Minimize the work of the heart
  • 17. • Design a positioning schedule to maintain comfort and postural alignment (distinct from therapeutic body positioning to optimize oxygen transport) • Maintain or restore general mobility, strength. endurance, and coordination, within the limitations of the patient's condition and consistent with the patient's anticipated rehabilitation prognosis. • Maximally involve the patient in a daily routine including self- care, changing body position, standing, transferring, sitting in a chair, and ambulating in patients for whom these activities are indicated • Optimize treatment outcome by interfacing physical therapy with the goals and patient-related activities of other team members, coordinating treatments with medication schedules.
  • 18. PHYSIOTHERAPY TECHNIQUES • Once a thorough assessment has been completed, the findings must be analysed to identify relevant physiotherapeutic problems. • For each problem a suitable treatment plan must be formulated taking into consideration any potential influencing factors.
  • 19. LUNG EXPANSION THERAPY • All modes of lung expansion therapy increase lung volume by increasing the transpulmonary pressure (PTP) gradient. • The PTP gradient can be increased by either 1. Decreasing the surrounding Ppl 2. Increasing the Palv
  • 20. GOAL:- • To implement a plan that provides an effective strategy in the most efficient manner.
  • 21. INCENTIVE SPIROMETRY • The purpose of IS is to coach the patient to take a sustained maximal inspiratory (SMI) effort resulting in a decrease in Ppl and maintaining the patency of airways at risk for closure. Physiologic Basis:- • An SMI is functionally equivalent to performing a functional residual capacity (FRC) to inspiratory capacity (IC) maneuver, followed by a breath hold.
  • 22. Indications 1. Presence of pulmonary atelectasis 2. Presence of conditions predisposing to atelectasis • Upper abdominal surgery • Thoracic surgery • Surgery in patients with COPD 3. Presence of a restrictive lung defect associated with quadriplegia or dysfunctional diaphragm Contraindications 1. Patient cannot be instructed or supervised to ensure appropriate use of device 2. Patient cooperation is absent, or patient is unable to understand or demonstrate proper use of device 3. Patients unable to deep breathe effectively (VC <10 ml/kg or IC <1 3 predicted)
  • 23. Hazards and Complications:- 1. Hyperventilation and respiratory alkalosis 2. Discomfort secondary to inadequate pain control 3. Pulmonary barotrauma 4. Exacerbation of bronchospasm 5. Fatigue
  • 24. Potential Outcomes:- 1. Absence of or improvement in signs of atelectasis 2. Decreased respiratory rate 3. Normal pulse rate 4. Resolution of abnormal breath sounds 5. Normal or improved chest radiograph 6. Improved PaO2 and decreased PaCO2 7. Increased SpO2 8. Increased VC and peak expiratory flows 9. Restoration of preoperative FRC or VC 10. Improved inspiratory muscle performance and cough 11. Attainment of preoperative flow and volume levels 12. Increased FVC
  • 25. Noninvasive Ventilation • Noninvasive ventilation (NIV) provides breathing support to patients with inadequate ability to ventilate. • Variations of NIV, including IPPB and PEP therapy, are the potentially valuable lung expansion tools.
  • 26.
  • 27. Intermittent Positive Airway Pressure Breathing Physiologic Basis:- • IPPB is a specialized form of NIV used for relatively short treatment periods (approximately 15 minutes per treatment). • The intent of IPPB, to provide machine-assisted deep breaths assisting the patient to deep breathe and stimulate a cough. • IPPB has historically consisted of providing an aerosol under positive pressure, augmenting the patient’s own inspiratory efforts and thus resulting in a larger tidal volume (VT) than could be spontaneously generated.
  • 28. Indication 1. Need to improve lung expansion 2. Presence of clinically significant pulmonary atelectasis 3. Inability to clear secretions 4. Need for short-term noninvasive ventilatory support for hypercapnic patients 5. Need to deliver aerosol medication 6. IPPB may be used to deliver aerosol medications to patients with ventilatory muscle weakness or fatigue or chronic conditions in which intermittent noninvasive ventilatory support is indicated. Contraindication 1. Tension pneumothorax 2. ICP >15 mm Hg 3. Hemodynamic instability 4. Active hemoptysis 5. Tracheoesophageal fistula 6. Recent esophageal surgery 7. Active, untreated tuberculosis 8. Radiographic evidence of blebs 9. Recent facial, oral, or skull surgery 10. Singultus (hiccups) 11. Air swallowing 12. Nausea
  • 29. Hazards and Complications:- 1. Increased airway resistance and work of breathing 2. Barotrauma, pneumothorax 3. Nosocomial infection 4. Hypocarbia 5. Hemoptysis 6. Gastric distention 7. Impaction of secretions (associated with inadequately humidified gas mixture) 8. Psychologic dependence 9. Impedance of venous return 10. Exacerbation of hypoxemia 11. Hypoventilation or hyperventilation 12. Increased mismatch of ventilation and perfusion 13. Air trapping, auto-PEEP, overdistention
  • 30. Potential Outcomes:- 1. Improved VC 2. Increased FEV1 or peak flow 3. Enhanced cough and secretion clearance 4. Improved chest radiograph 5. Improved breath sounds 6. Improved oxygenation 7. Favorable patient subjective response
  • 31. Positive Airway Pressure Therapy Physiologic Basis • There are three current approaches to PAP therapy: PEP, flutter, and CPAP. • PEP and flutter valves create expiratory positive pressure only, whereas CPAP maintains a positive airway pressure throughout both inspiration and expiration. • CPAP elevates and maintains high alveolar and airway pressures throughout the full breathing cycle, this increases PTP gradient throughout both inspiration and expiration. • Typically, a patient on CPAP breathes through a pressurized circuit against a threshold resistor, with pressures maintained between 5 cm H2O and 20 cm H2O.
  • 32. Indications • Postoperative atelectasis • Cardiogenic pulmonary edema • Pulmonary vascular congestion. • Lung compliance is improved Contraindications • Hypoventilation • Hemodynamically unstable • Nausea • Facial trauma • Untreated pneumothorax • Elevated intracranial pressure (ICP).
  • 33. MANUAL HYPERINFLATION • Manual hyperinflation delivers extra volume and oxygen to the lungs via a bag such as a rebreathing bag. • Manual ventilation means squeezing gas into the patient's lungs at tidal volume, e.g. when changing ventilator tubing. • Manual hyperventilation delivers rapid breaths, e.g. if the patient is breathless, hypoxaernic or hypercapnic. • It provides deep breaths in order to increase lung volume.
  • 34.
  • 35. Beneficial effects: 1. Reversal of atelectasis 2. Sustained improvement in lung compliance and oxygen saturation 3. Improved sputum clearance Disadvantages:- 1. Haemodynamic and metabolic upset 2. Risk of barotrauma for certain patients 3. Discomfort and anxiety if done incorrectly. Contraindications:- 1. Extra-alveolar air, e.g. undrained pneumothorax, bullae, surgical emphysema. 2. Bronchospasm causing peak airway pressure above 40 cmH20.
  • 36. POSITIONING • Positioning is the main physiotherapy treatment for patients in intensive care, and may be the only intervention for some patients. • Positioning can be used to: 1. Optimize relaxation 2. Provide pain relief 3. Improve ventilation, ventilation-perfusion matching, and gas exchange 4. Minimize dyspnea 5. Minimize the work of breathing—i.e promote efficient diaphragm and accessory muscle function 6. Promote airway clearance
  • 37. Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Effects of Different Positions:- Upright 1. Increases FRC 2. Increases FVC 3. Decreases closing volume 4. Increases chest wall anterior- posterior diameter 5. Decreases venous return and cardiac output 6. Increases pooling of secretions in the bases of the lung 7. Better basal expansion with large inspiration 8. Decreases curvature of diaphragm at end-expiration—especially in those patients with weak abdominals
  • 38. Supine 1. Decreases chest wall AP diameter 2. Reduces FRC 3. Pooling of secretions to the posterior (dependent) lung zone 4. Increases central blood volume 5. Increases airway closure 6. Increases curvature of diaphragm at end-expiration— especially in those with weak abdominals
  • 39. Side-Lying 1. Increases chest wall AP diameter of the dependent region 2. Increases ventilation to the dependent region but decreases tidal volume and FRC 3. Theoretically speaking, positioning the good lung lowermost should improve oxygenation •
  • 40. Prone • Improves oxygenation in patients with ARDS or acute lung injury • improved lung compliance secondary to stabilization of anterior chest wall, • Improved tidal ventilation, diphragmatic excrusion and functional residual capacity • Reduced airway closure
  • 41. AIRWAY CLEARANCE THERAPY (ACT) • Airway clearance therapy uses noninvasive techniques designed to assist in mobilizing and removing secretions to improve gas exchange. • Five general approaches to ACT, which can be used alone or in combination, include 1. CPT 2. Coughing and related expulsion techniques (including manual insufflation-exsufflation 3. Positive expiratory pressure [PEP] devices) 4. Active cycle of breathing technique 5. mobilization and physical activity.
  • 42. CHEST PHYSIOTHERAPY • This therapy includes postural drainage (PD) and percussion or vibration. Postural drainage:- • Postural drainage (PD) has been shown to increase mucociliary clearance in patients by means of measuring sputum collection dry weight, volume, or radionuclide particles clearance rate. • The classic postural drainage positions are designed to drain individual segments of the lungs
  • 43.
  • 44.
  • 45. Cough and Huff:- • Coughing clears the larger airways of excessive mucus and foreign matter, assists normal mucociliary clearance, and helps ensure airway patency.
  • 46. • Staccato-like bursts of air against an open glottis are referred to as huffing. • With this technique the patient is instructed to make the sound “huff, huff, huff” rapidly with the mouth and glottis open.
  • 48. SUCTIONING • Suctioning is the application of negative pressure (vacuum) to the airways through a collecting tube (flexible catheter or suction tip). • Suctioning can be performed by way of either the upper airway (oropharynx) or the lower airway (trachea and bronchi). • Secretions or fluids also can be removed from the oropharynx by using a rigid tonsillar or Yankauer suction tip.
  • 49. • Access to the lower airway is by introduction of a flexible suction catheter through the nose (nasotracheal suctioning) or artificial airway (endotracheal suctioning). • Tracheal suctioning through the mouth should be avoided because it causes gagging.
  • 51. • Closed suctioning:- Mechanically ventilated patients, especially neonates and patients with: 1. Positive end expiratory pressure ≥10 cm H2O 2. Mean airway pressure ≥20 cm H2O 3. Inspiratory time ≥1.5 seconds 4. FiO2 ≥0.60 5. Frequent suctioning (≥6 times/day) 6. Hemodynamic instability associated with ventilator disconnection 7. Respiratory infections requiring airborne or droplet precautions 8. Inhaled agents that cannot be interrupted by ventilator disconnection (e.g., nitric oxide, helium/oxygen mixture)
  • 53.
  • 54. POSITIVE EXPIRATORY PRESSURE • Positive expiratory pressure includes one way breathing valve and an adjustable level of expiratory resistance that create back pressure to stent the airways opening during exhalation. • PEP therapy involves active expiration against a fixed orifice flow resistor or variable orifice threshold resistor capable of developing pressure of 10-20cm H2O
  • 55. • PEP breathing reinflates collapsed alveoli by allowing air to be redistributed through collateral channels- the pores of Kohn, and the Lambert canals- allowing pressure to build up distal to the obstruction and promoting the movement of secretion toward the larger airways. • Low pressure PEP resistance is regulated to achieve 10-20cm H2O during slightly active expiration.
  • 56. • High pressure PEP use the same principle but at much higher levels of pressure (50-120cm H2O).
  • 57. • Oscillating PEP provide positive expiratory pressure, oscillation of the airway and accelerated expiratory flow rate to loose secretion and move secretion centrally.
  • 58.
  • 59. MOBILIZATION • Reductions in functional performance, exercise capacity, and quality of life in ICU survivors indicate the need for rehabilitation following ICU stay. • It is important to prevent or attenuate muscle deconditioning as early as possible in patients with an expected prolonged bed rest. • Intensive care unit-acquired weakness (ICUAW) is observed in a substantial proportion of patients receiving MV for more than 1 week in the ICU.
  • 60.
  • 61. Indications:- 1. Atelectasis 2. Pulmonary consolidation 3. Pulmonary intiltrates 4. Bronchopulmonary and lobar pneumonias 5. Bronchiolitis 6. Alveolitis 7. Pleural effusions 8. Acute lung injury and pulmonary edema 9. Hemothorax 10. Pneumothorax 11. Cardiopulmonary insufficiency 12. Cardiopulmonary sequelae of surgery 13. Cardiopulmonary sequelae of immobility
  • 62. Contraindications:- 1. Terminal diseases 2. Systolic hypertension > 170mmhg 3. Spo2 < 90% 4. Intracranial hypertension 5. Unstable fractures 6. Recent acute myocardial infarction 7. Open abdominal wounds 8. Heart rate reduction of 20% or more during early mobilization activities. 9. Deep cognitive and neurological deficits
  • 63. • The etiology includes deconditioning and disuse atrophy due to prolonged bed rest and immobility, and critical illness polyneuropathy and/or myopathy, known as critical illness neuromyopathy. • Other risk factors for ICUAW include the systemic inflammatory response syndrome, sepsis, and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome; hyperglycemia; and medications, such as use of corticosteroids and neuromuscular blocking agents
  • 64.
  • 65.
  • 66. Passive mobilization:- • Patient unable to follow commands and actively participate in mobilization are suitable for passive mobilization (ie, hoist transfer to sit-out-of-bed). • Patients who are sedated and unresponsive may benefit from the high sitting position in an appropriate chair to potentially minimize orthostatic intolerance • A portable sling lifter for mobilization is feasible
  • 67. Active mobilization:- • Phase 1 can involve sitting balance retraining (eg, reaching and returning to midline from the bed or chair), strength training including the use of weights or slings, and/ or treatment on the tilt table. • A patient will remain in this phase until they achieve adequate sitting balance and lower limb strength to progress to “phase 2 mobilization”. • If patient is not able to stand with the assistance the “supported weight-bearing” phase, which involves the use of a gait harness to facilitate mobilization.
  • 68.
  • 69. • If the patient is able to stand with the assistance the “active weight-bearing phase” facilitated
  • 70.
  • 71. • Early mobilization can be performed also in unconscious or sedated patients. Acutely ill, uncooperative patients • Treated with modalities such as 1. Passive range of motion, 2. Muscle stretching, 3. Splinting, 4. Body positioning, 5. Passive cycling with a bed cycle, 6. Electrical muscle stimulation
  • 72. The stable cooperative patient (on mechanical ventilation) 1. Mobilized on the edge of the bed, 2. Transfer to a chair, 3. Perform resistance muscle training 4. Active cycling with a bed cycle or chair cycle 5. Walk with or without assistance. The uncooperative critically ill patient 1. Needs to be positioned upright (well supported), and rotated when recumbent. 2. Passive stretching or range of motion exercise
  • 73. The cooperative critically ill patient 1. Mobilization strategies –in order of intensity- include:- • Transferring in bed • Sitting over the edge of the bed • Moving from bed to chair, • Standing, • Stepping in place • Walking with or without support. 2. standing aids, and tilt tables, enhance physiological responses
  • 74.
  • 75.
  • 77. REFERENCES • Marshall JC, Bosco L, Adhikari NK, Connolly B, Diaz JV, Dorman T, Fowler RA, Meyfroidt G, Nakagawa S, Pelosi P, Vincent JL. What is an intensive care unit? A report of the task force of the World Federation of Societies of Intensive and Critical Care Medicine. Journal of critical care. 2017 Feb 1;37:270-6. • Pryor JA, Prasad AS. Physiotherapy for respiratory and cardiac problems: adults and paediatrics. Elsevier Health Sciences; 2008 Mar 6.
  • 78. • Reid WD, Chung F, Hill K. Cardiopulmonary physical therapy: management and case studies. Slack Incorporated; 2014. • Kacmarek RM, Stoller JK, Heuer A. Egan's Fundamentals of Respiratory Care-E-Book. Elsevier Health Sciences; 2016 Feb 5. • Hough A. Physiotherapy in respiratory care: an evidence-based approach to respiratory and cardiac management. Nelson Thornes; 2001. • Frownfelter DL, Dean EW, editors. Principles and practice of cardiopulmonary physical therapy. Mosby Incorporated; 1996.
  • 79. • Puthucheary ZA, Rawal J, McPhail M, Connolly B, Ratnayake G, Chan P. Acute skeletal muscle wasting in critical illness. JAMA. 2013;310 (15):1591-1600. • Stevens RD, Marshall SA, Cornblath DR, Hoke A, Needham DM, de Jonghe B, et al. A framework for diagnosing and classifying intensive care unit- acquired weakness. Crit Care Med 2009;37(10 suppl):S299-S308. • Gosselink R, Clerckx B, Robbeets C, Vanhullebusch T, Vanpee G, Segers J. Physiotherapy in the intensive care unit. Neth J Crit Care. 2011 Apr 1;15(2):66-75.
  • 80. • Al AM. Outcome of Early Mobilization of Critically Ill Patients: A Propensity Score Matching Trial. Journal of Intensive and Critical Care. 2018;4(3):13. • Aquim EE, Bernardo WM, Buzzini RF, de Azeredo NS, da Cunha LS, Damasceno MC, de Oliveira Deucher RA, Duarte AC, Librelato JT, Melo-Silva CA, Nemer SN. Brazilian Guidelines for Early Mobilization in Intensive Care Unit. Revista Brasileira de Terapia Intensiva. 2019 Oct;31(4):434. • Green M, Marzano V, Leditschke IA, Mitchell I, Bissett B. Mobilization of intensive care patients: a multidisciplinary practical guide for clinicians. Journal of multidisciplinary healthcare. 2016;9:247.