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The Third Advanced: Collection of Practices                            1

  Chenrezig and, his disciple, Lama Jigme Gyatso: Rime Manipa Tantrika’s

The Third Advanced Collection of Practices©
                    Tuesday, the 13th of April, 2010 [b]
The Third Advanced: Collection of Practices          2

                               Table of Contents

Title Page                                                1
Table of Contents                                         2

I. Opening Recitations
   A. Four Thoughts that Turn the Mind to the Teachings   6
   B. Prayer of Compassion                                9
   C. Prayer of Refuge and Bodhichitta

II. Buddha’s Essence of Love and Letting-go
   A. Verbal
      1. Compassion or Love                               10
         a. Logic
         b. Will
         c. Optional-Color-play
      2. Wisdom                                           11
         a. Awareness
         b. NOT-satisfying
         c. NOT-permanent
         d. NOT-graspable
         e. Letting-go

   B. Silent
      1. Compassion or Love                               12
          a. Logic
          b. Will
          c. Optional-Color-play
      2. Wisdom
          a. Awareness
          b. NOT-satisfying                               13
          c. NOT-permanent
          d. NOT-graspable
          e. Letting-go
The Third Advanced: Collection of Practices                                 3

III.      Buddha’s Three Cauldrons {OR Buddha Bowing}
       A. The Belly Cauldron’s Union of Bliss and Letting-go

          1. First Set of Practices                                                 14
             a. Belly-awareness
             b. Chin-awareness
             c. Head-awareness
             d. Exploring Buddha’s Wisdom of Letting-go

          2. Second Set of Practices                                                15
             a. Belly-awareness
             b. Jaw-awareness
             c. Smile-awareness
             d. Exploring Buddha’s Wisdom of Letting-go

          3. Third Set of Practices                                                 16
             a. Belly-awareness
             b. Precious Human Life
             c. Renouncing Suffering and it’s Causes
             d. Exploring Buddha’s Wisdom of Letting-go

       B. The Chest Cauldron’s Union of Compassion, Devotion, Love and Letting-go

          1. First Set of Practices  The Mahamudra of Compassion and Letting-go     18
             a. Chest-awareness
             b. Compassionate Logic
             c. Compassionate Will
             d. Exploring Buddha’s Wisdom of Letting-go

          2. Second Set of Practices The Mahamudra of Devotion and Letting-go       19
             a. Chest-awareness
             b. Generating Gratitude
             c. Generating Devotion
             d. Exploring Buddha’s Wisdom of Letting-go

          3. Third Set of Practices  The Mahamudra of Love and Letting-go           21
             a. Chest-awareness
             b. Loving Logic
             c. Loving Will
             d. Exploring Buddha’s Wisdom of Letting-go
The Third Advanced: Collection of Practices               4

C. The Head Cauldron’s Union of Awareness and Letting-go

   1. Concentrations                                       22
      a. Electives
         I) Belly-awareness
         II) Chest-awareness
         III) Nostril-awareness
      b. Constant {Spontaneous Awareness-training}

   2. Contemplations                                       23
      a. Electives
         I) Renunciation-training
         II) Impermanence-training
         III NON-graspability training
      b. Constant {The Will to Let-go}
The Third Advanced: Collection of Practices        5

IV.     Buddha Bowing {OR Buddha’s Three Cauldrons}      25

     A. Compassion and Letting-go
        1. Compassionate Will
        2. Letting-go
     B. Love and Letting-go
        1. Compassionate Will
        2. Letting-go

V.      Closing Recitations                              26

     A. Opening-up and Clearing-out
     B. Bodhichitta’s Essence
     C. Essence of the Manipa’s Heart {Concise}
The Third Advanced: Collection of Practices                                                                          6

                                          Opening Recitations

                   Four Thoughts that Turn the Mind to the Teachings
    bring both hands together into the “Puckered Palm” gesture and touch the tip of the Index-finger to the center of the lips

IN-breath:         Om Ma-ni Pad-me Hum
                                                                                                                 Sunday’s Emphasis

Homage oh La-ma Chen-re-zig
constant and perfect protector who knows all things;
                                                             First Thought: Making the Most of this Precious Human Life
                                                                                                       Monday’s Emphasis

it is extremely important to make the most
of the freedoms and opportunities that we have received;
The Third Advanced: Collection of Practices                                   7

IN-breath:   Om Ma-ni Pad-me Hum
                                           Second Thought: Death and Impermanence
                                                                   Tuesday’s Emphasis

ever-changing, one and all,
there is nothing permanent to grasp;
                                           Third Thought: Karma and Interconnection
                                                                Wednesday’s Emphasis

be it karma, components, conditions or perceptions,
separateness is but an illusion;

IN-breath:   Om Ma-ni Pad-me Hum
                                           Fourth Thought: Suffering and Compassion
                                                                   Thursday’s Emphasis

neither getting nor keeping the desired
as well as enduring the disliked is universal;
                                                                        Friday’s Emphasis

remembering this may my mind turn towards Buddha’s Dhar-ma,
Om Ma-ni Pad-me Hum!

                                                                  for Saturday’s Emphasis
                                                 see “Bodhichitta’s Essence” on pg. 37
The Third Advanced: Collection of Practices   8
The Third Advanced: Collection of Practices                                                                          9

                                               Prayer of Compassion
    bring both hands together into the “Puckered Palm” gesture and touch the tip of the Index-finger to the center of the lips
                                            OPTIONAL: First Rite of Rejuvenation

IN-breath:   Om Ma-ni Pad-me Hum
May everyone be happy;
may everyone be free from misery;
may NO one ever be separated
from their happiness;
IN-breath:   Om Ma-ni Pad-me Hum
may everyone have balance,
free from greed, hatred and confusion;
that all beings may benefit
Om Ma-ni Pad-me Hum!

                                   Prayer of Refuge and Bodhichitta

IN-breath:         Completely Letting-go!

                   Thank you my kind teacher!

                   May all beings benefit!
Eternally “I” take refuge
    in the possibility of Buddha’s liberation
       from the tyranny of suffering,
    in the tools of his teachings
IN-breath:  Om Ma-ni Pad-me Hum
   and in the assistance, guidance and example
      of his higher students.
For the benefit of every living being
may I accomplish Chen-re-zig right now!                                                                                x’s 1-3+
The Third Advanced: Collection of Practices                                    10

                Buddha’s Essence of Love and Letting-go
                                         Verbal recitations

                                        OPTIONAL color play

IN-breath:          May everyone be lavished with
                    {Black, Red, Orange,
                    Yellow, Green, Sky-blue,
                    Deep-blue, Purple, or White}
                    Blessing light!
Recite:             Om Ma-ni Pad-me Hum                                   {[x’s 1-3,] x 1-2+}

                              Universal – Compassionate or Loving LOGIC

IN-breath:          What are some of the reasons “I” could long to
                    {Free or Bless} everyone {from or with} __________
                    {[Ill, Weak, Lack, Lone, Frust] or [Health, Wealth, Match, Fulfill]}
                    {[Sadness, Anger, Suff’ring, Fear] or [Joy, Love, Bod-hi, Peace]}
                    as well as {it’s or their} causes?
Recite:             Om Ma-ni Pad-me Hum                                             x’s 1-3+

                                Universal Compassionate or Loving WILL

IN-breath:          May everyone be {Freed or Blessed}
                    {from or with} __________
                    {[Ill, Weak, Lack, Lone, Frust] or [Health, Wealth, Match, Fulfill]}
                    {[Sadness, Anger, Suff’ring, Fear] or [Joy, Love, Bod-hi, Peace]}
                    right now!
Recite:             Om Ma-ni Pad-me Hum                                             x’s 1-3

The Third Advanced: Collection of Practices                                11

                                   Spontaneous Awareness-training

IN-breath:          What _____ {breathing, action, feeling, sound, sight [or] thought}
                    {body, mind [or] “me”} am “I” now experiencing?

Recite:             Om Ma-ni Pad-me Hum                                {[x’s 1-3,] x 1-2+}

                                   Contrived Renunciation-training

IN-breath:          How could { This [or] __________ } NOT satisfy?
Recite:             Om Ma-ni Pad-me Hum                                {[x’s 1-3,] x 1-4+}

                                  Contrived Impermanence-training

IN-breath:          How could { This [or] __________ } NOT be permanent?
Recite:             Om Ma-ni Pad-me Hum                                {[x’s 1-3,] x 1-4+}

                                 Contrived NON-graspability training

IN-breath:          How could { This [or] __________ } NOT be Grasp-able?
Recite:             Om Ma-ni Pad-me Hum                                {[x’s 1-3,] x 1-4+}


                           Exploring Buddha’s Wisdom of Letting-go

IN-breath:          What could completely Letting-go feel like?
Recite:             Om Ma-ni Pad-me Hum                                {[x’s 1-3,] x 1-2+}
The Third Advanced: Collection of Practices                                      12

              Buddha’s Essence of Love and Letting-go
                                     Silent recitations

                                    OPTIONAL color play

IN-breath:       Chen-re-zig
OUT-breath:      {Black-light, Red-light, Orange,
                 Yellow, Green-light, Sky-blue,
                 Deep-blue, Purple, or White-light}        Bless!

                                Compassionate or Loving Logic

IN-breath:    Why take __________ {Sad, Rage, Fear, Suff}? [or]
              Why give __________ {Joy, Love, Peace, Bodh}
OUT-breath:   Chen-re-zig                                           {[x’s 1-3,] x 1-2+}


                                Compassionate or Loving Will

IN-breath:       {Taking or Take} __________ {Sad, Rage, Fear, Suff’ring} [or]
                 Chen-re-zig {[or] Om}
OUT-breath:      Chen-re-zig {[or] Om} [or]
                 {Giving or Give} __________{Joy, Love, Peace, Bodhi}

The Third Advanced: Collection of Practices                                          13

                             *Spontaneous Awareness-training*

IN-breath:      {What is this?} {How Breathing?} {[Gut, Chest, Nose] breathe long}
                {What [Doing, Feeling, Hearing, Seeing [or] Thinking ] ? }
                {Where [is [or] feel] __________ [body, mind [or] “me”] ? }
OUT-breath:     Chen-re-zig                                       {[x’s 1-3,] x 3, 6, 12, ¼ mala}

                             Contrived Dissatisfaction-training

IN-breath:      How { __________ [or] This} NOT
OUT-breath:     satisfy?                                                     {[x’s 1-3,] x 1-2+}

                             Contrived Impermanence-training

IN-breath:      How could { __________ [or] This}
OUT-breath:     {Never last [or] Always change} ?                            {[x’s 1-3,] x 1-2+}

                            Contrived NON-graspability training

IN-breath:      How could { __________ [or] This}
OUT-breath:     NOT be Grasp’d?                                              {[x’s 1-3,] x 1-2+}

                                  The Will to Let-go

IN-breath:      Chen-re-zig {[or] This}
OUT-breath:     Letting-go {[or] Om}                              {[x’s 1-3,] x 3, 6, 12, ¼ mala}
The Third Advanced: Collection of Practices                                                                          14


                                  Buddha’s Three Cauldrons

                  The Belly Cauldron’s union of Bliss and Letting-go
                                   Silent recitations
     touch the tip of the Right, Ring-finger to the tip of it’s Thumb while using the Left, Ring-finger to count on your Mala
                                            OPTIONAL: Second Rite of Rejuvenation

                               The Mahamudra of Bliss and Letting-go


IN-breath:              Gut-breathe, Long
OUT-breath:             Chen-re-zig                                                    {[x’s 1-3,] x 3, 6, 12, ¼ mala}


IN-breath:              Chen-re-zig
OUT-breath:             Chin tucking                                                                                    x’s 1-3+


IN-breath:              Head pulling
OUT-breath:             Chen-re-zig                                                                                     x’s 1-3+

                                                Buddha’s Wisdom of Letting-go

IN-breath:              Chen-re-zig
OUT-breath:             Letting-go                                                     {[x’s 1-3,] x 3, 6, 12, ¼ mala}
The Third Advanced: Collection of Practices                                    15


IN-breath:    Gut-breathe, Long
OUT-breath:   Chen-re-zig                                   {[x’s 1-3,] x 3, 6, 12, ¼ mala}


IN-breath:    relaxed Jaw
OUT-breath:   Chen-re-zig                                                         x’s 1-3+


IN-breath:    faint Smile
OUT-breath:   Chen-re-zig                                                         x’s 1-3+

                            Buddha’s Wisdom of Letting-go

IN-breath:    Chen-re-zig
OUT-breath:   Letting-go                                    {[x’s 1-3,] x 3, 6, 12, ¼ mala}
The Third Advanced: Collection of Practices                                      16

                       OPTIONAL: Third Rite of Rejuvenation


IN-breath:    Gut-breathe, Long
OUT-breath:   Chen-re-zig                                     {[x’s 1-3,] x 3, 6, 12, ¼ mala}

                               Precious Human Life

IN-breath:    How this chance
OUT-breath:   be precious?                                                          x’s 1-3+


IN-breath:    Why turn from
OUT-breath:   suff’ring’s cause?                                                    x’s 1-3+

                           Buddha’s Wisdom of Letting-go

IN-breath:    Chen-re-zig
OUT-breath:   Letting-go                                      {[x’s 1-3,] x 3, 6, 12, ¼ mala}
The Third Advanced: Collection of Practices   17
The Third Advanced: Collection of Practices                                                                     18

The Chest Cauldron’s union of Devotion, Compassion, Love and Letting-go
                            Silent recitations

       bring the hands out to the sides, palm-up, and touch the Tip of the Right, Middle-finger to the Tip of the Thumb
                                  while using the Left, Middle-finger to count on your Mala

                       The Mahamudra of Compassion and Letting-go


IN-breath:             Chest-breathe, Long
OUT-breath:            Chen-re-zig                                                                                   x’s 1-3+

                                                    Compassionate Logic

IN-breath:             Why take ________ {Pain, Sad, Rage, [or] Fear}?
OUT-breath:            Chen-re-zig                                                   {[x’s 1-3,] x 3, 6, 12, ¼ mala}

                                                    Compassionate Will

IN-breath:             Taking ________ {Pain, Sad, Rage, [or] Fear}!
OUT-breath:            Chen-re-zig                                                   {[x’s 1-3,] x 3, 6, 12, ¼ mala}

                                              Buddha’s Wisdom of Letting-go

IN-breath:             Chen-re-zig
OUT-breath:            Letting-go                                                    {[x’s 1-3,] x 3, 6, 12, ¼ mala}
The Third Advanced: Collection of Practices                                       19

                       OPTIONAL: Fourth Rite of Rejuvenation

               The Mahamudra of Devotion and Letting-go


IN-breath:    Chest-breathe, Long
OUT-breath:   Chen-re-zig                                                            x’s 1-3+

                               Generating Gratitude

IN-breath:    Thanks for what?
OUT-breath:   Chen-re-zig                                                            x’s 1-3+


IN-breath:    Chen-re-zig
OUT-breath:   Thanks Teacher                                   {[x’s 1-3,] x 3, 6, 12, ¼ mala}

                           Buddha’s Wisdom of Letting-go

IN-breath:    Chen-re-zig
OUT-breath:   Letting-go                                       {[x’s 1-3,] x 3, 6, 12, ¼ mala}
The Third Advanced: Collection of Practices   20
The Third Advanced: Collection of Practices                                   21

                 The Mahamudra of Love and Letting-go


IN-breath:    Chest-breathe, Long
OUT-breath:   Chen-re-zig                                                        x’s 1-3+

                                   Loving Logic

IN-breath:    Why give ________ { Joy, Love, Peace }?
OUT-breath:   Chen-re-zig                                  {[x’s 1-3,] x 3, 6, 12, ¼ mala}

                                    Loving Will

IN-breath:    Chen-re-zig
OUT-breath:   Giving ______{Joy, Love, Peace} {[x’s 1-3,] x 3, 6, 12, ¼ mala}

                           Buddha’s Wisdom of Letting-go

IN-breath:    Chen-re-zig
OUT-breath:   Letting-go                                   {[x’s 1-3,] x 3, 6, 12, ¼ mala}
The Third Advanced: Collection of Practices                                                                         22

             The Head Cauldron’s union of Awareness and Letting-go
                                Silent recitations
     tuck the Right, Index-finger under the Thumb so that the Nail-flat of the Index-finger touches the Thumb’s lowest joint
                                    while using the Left, Index-finger to count on your Mala

                                            OPTIONAL: Fifth Rite of Rejuvenation

                          The Mahamudra of Awareness and Letting-go


IN-breath:              Gut-breathe, Long
OUT-breath:             Chen-re-zig                                                   {[x’s 1-3,] x 3, 6, 12, ¼ mala}



IN-breath:              Chest-breathe, Long
OUT-breath:             Chen-re-zig                                                   {[x’s 1-3,] x 3, 6, 12, ¼ mala}



IN-breath:              Nose-breathe, Long
OUT-breath:             Chen-re-zig                                                   {[x’s 1-3,] x 3, 6, 12, ¼ mala}


                                              *Spontaneous Awareness-training*

IN-breath:              {What is this?} {How Breathing?}
                        {What [Doing, Feeling, Hearing, Seeing [or] Thinking ] ? }
                        {Where [is] __________ [body, mind [or] “me”] ? }
OUT-breath:             Chen-re-zig                                                   {[x’s 1-3,] x 3, 6, 12, ¼ mala}
The Third Advanced: Collection of Practices                                          23

                             Contrived Dissatisfaction-training

IN-breath:      How { __________ [or] This} NOT
OUT-breath:     satisfy?                                                     {[x’s 1-3,] x 1-2+}


                             Contrived Impermanence-training

IN-breath:      How could { __________ [or] This}
OUT-breath:     {Never last [or] Always change} ?                            {[x’s 1-3,] x 1-2+}


                            Contrived NON-graspability training

IN-breath:      How could { __________ [or] This}
OUT-breath:     NOT be Grasp’d?                                              {[x’s 1-3,] x 1-2+}


                                  The Will to Let-go

IN-breath:      Chen-re-zig
OUT-breath:     Letting-go {[or] ease}                            {[x’s 1-3,] x 3, 6, 12, ¼ mala}
The Third Advanced: Collection of Practices   24
The Third Advanced: Collection of Practices                                        25

                               Buddha Bowing

                                     Compassionate Will

IN-breath:      {Taking or Take} ________ {Pain, Sad, Rage, [or] Fear}!
OUT-breath:     Chen-re-zig                                     {[x’s 1-3,] x 3, 6, 12, ¼ mala}

                                Buddha’s Wisdom of Letting-go

IN-breath:      Chen-re-zig
OUT-breath:     Letting-go                                      {[x’s 1-3,] x 3, 6, 12, ¼ mala}


                                         Loving Will

IN-breath:      Chen-re-zig
OUT-breath:     {Giving or Give} ______{Joy, Love, Peace} {[x’s 1-3,] x 3, 6, 12, ¼ mala}

                                Buddha’s Wisdom of Letting-go

IN-breath:      Chen-re-zig
OUT-breath:     Letting-go                                      {[x’s 1-3,] x 3, 6, 12, ¼ mala}
The Third Advanced: Collection of Practices                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            26

                                                                                                              Closing Recitations

                                                                                                   Opening-up and Clearing-out
                                                      Hands out to the sides, palms up, fingers gently splayed, in a relaxed and natural manner

IN-breath:                                                         Gently smiling to the top of this head {top}
OUT-breath:                                                        Gently smiling to this perineum                                                                                                                                                              {taint}                             x’s 1-3+

                                                                                                                  Bodhichitta’s Essence
                bring both hands together into the “Puckered Palm” gesture and touch the tip of the Index-finger to the center of the lips

IN-breath:                                            Completely Letting-go!

                                                      Thank you my kind teacher!

                                                      May all beings benefit!
By this virtue may “I” now accomplish
the spontaneous, habitual, easy and effective mastery
of Buddha’s mental yogas
of Devotion, Awareness, Love and Letting-go
and now lead every living being
without exception to that ground.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   x’s 1-3+

                                                                                                Essence of the Manipa’s Heart

IN-breath:                                            Om Ma-ni Pad-me Hum
May everyone be: healthy, wealthy and happy,
may everyone practice skillfully and joyfully,
may everyone accomplish Chen-re-zig in THIS life
and then help many others do likewise;
IN-breath:                                            Om Ma-ni Pad-me Hum
for truly that is the meaning of life:
Om Ma-ni Pad-me Hum!

                                  Could you desire further: instruction, blessings or healing treatments?


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3 third-advanced-collection ofpractices2010-a04-15b

  • 1. The Third Advanced: Collection of Practices 1 Chenrezig and, his disciple, Lama Jigme Gyatso: Rime Manipa Tantrika’s The Third Advanced Collection of Practices© Tuesday, the 13th of April, 2010 [b]
  • 2. The Third Advanced: Collection of Practices 2 Table of Contents Title Page 1 Table of Contents 2 I. Opening Recitations A. Four Thoughts that Turn the Mind to the Teachings 6 B. Prayer of Compassion 9 C. Prayer of Refuge and Bodhichitta II. Buddha’s Essence of Love and Letting-go A. Verbal 1. Compassion or Love 10 a. Logic b. Will c. Optional-Color-play 2. Wisdom 11 a. Awareness b. NOT-satisfying c. NOT-permanent d. NOT-graspable e. Letting-go B. Silent 1. Compassion or Love 12 a. Logic b. Will c. Optional-Color-play 2. Wisdom a. Awareness b. NOT-satisfying 13 c. NOT-permanent d. NOT-graspable e. Letting-go
  • 3. The Third Advanced: Collection of Practices 3 III. Buddha’s Three Cauldrons {OR Buddha Bowing} A. The Belly Cauldron’s Union of Bliss and Letting-go 1. First Set of Practices 14 a. Belly-awareness b. Chin-awareness c. Head-awareness d. Exploring Buddha’s Wisdom of Letting-go 2. Second Set of Practices 15 a. Belly-awareness b. Jaw-awareness c. Smile-awareness d. Exploring Buddha’s Wisdom of Letting-go 3. Third Set of Practices 16 a. Belly-awareness b. Precious Human Life c. Renouncing Suffering and it’s Causes d. Exploring Buddha’s Wisdom of Letting-go B. The Chest Cauldron’s Union of Compassion, Devotion, Love and Letting-go 1. First Set of Practices The Mahamudra of Compassion and Letting-go 18 a. Chest-awareness b. Compassionate Logic c. Compassionate Will d. Exploring Buddha’s Wisdom of Letting-go 2. Second Set of Practices The Mahamudra of Devotion and Letting-go 19 a. Chest-awareness b. Generating Gratitude c. Generating Devotion d. Exploring Buddha’s Wisdom of Letting-go 3. Third Set of Practices The Mahamudra of Love and Letting-go 21 a. Chest-awareness b. Loving Logic c. Loving Will d. Exploring Buddha’s Wisdom of Letting-go
  • 4. The Third Advanced: Collection of Practices 4 C. The Head Cauldron’s Union of Awareness and Letting-go 1. Concentrations 22 a. Electives I) Belly-awareness II) Chest-awareness III) Nostril-awareness b. Constant {Spontaneous Awareness-training} 2. Contemplations 23 a. Electives I) Renunciation-training II) Impermanence-training III NON-graspability training b. Constant {The Will to Let-go}
  • 5. The Third Advanced: Collection of Practices 5 IV. Buddha Bowing {OR Buddha’s Three Cauldrons} 25 A. Compassion and Letting-go 1. Compassionate Will 2. Letting-go B. Love and Letting-go 1. Compassionate Will 2. Letting-go V. Closing Recitations 26 A. Opening-up and Clearing-out B. Bodhichitta’s Essence C. Essence of the Manipa’s Heart {Concise}
  • 6. The Third Advanced: Collection of Practices 6 Opening Recitations Four Thoughts that Turn the Mind to the Teachings bring both hands together into the “Puckered Palm” gesture and touch the tip of the Index-finger to the center of the lips IN-breath: Om Ma-ni Pad-me Hum Invocation Sunday’s Emphasis Homage oh La-ma Chen-re-zig constant and perfect protector who knows all things; First Thought: Making the Most of this Precious Human Life Monday’s Emphasis it is extremely important to make the most of the freedoms and opportunities that we have received;
  • 7. The Third Advanced: Collection of Practices 7 IN-breath: Om Ma-ni Pad-me Hum Second Thought: Death and Impermanence Tuesday’s Emphasis ever-changing, one and all, there is nothing permanent to grasp; Third Thought: Karma and Interconnection Wednesday’s Emphasis be it karma, components, conditions or perceptions, separateness is but an illusion; IN-breath: Om Ma-ni Pad-me Hum Fourth Thought: Suffering and Compassion Thursday’s Emphasis neither getting nor keeping the desired as well as enduring the disliked is universal; Supplication Friday’s Emphasis remembering this may my mind turn towards Buddha’s Dhar-ma, Om Ma-ni Pad-me Hum! for Saturday’s Emphasis see “Bodhichitta’s Essence” on pg. 37
  • 8. The Third Advanced: Collection of Practices 8
  • 9. The Third Advanced: Collection of Practices 9 Prayer of Compassion bring both hands together into the “Puckered Palm” gesture and touch the tip of the Index-finger to the center of the lips -OR- OPTIONAL: First Rite of Rejuvenation IN-breath: Om Ma-ni Pad-me Hum May everyone be happy; may everyone be free from misery; may NO one ever be separated from their happiness; IN-breath: Om Ma-ni Pad-me Hum may everyone have balance, free from greed, hatred and confusion; that all beings may benefit Om Ma-ni Pad-me Hum! Prayer of Refuge and Bodhichitta IN-breath: Completely Letting-go! or Thank you my kind teacher! or May all beings benefit! Eternally “I” take refuge  in the possibility of Buddha’s liberation from the tyranny of suffering,  in the tools of his teachings IN-breath: Om Ma-ni Pad-me Hum  and in the assistance, guidance and example of his higher students. For the benefit of every living being may I accomplish Chen-re-zig right now! x’s 1-3+
  • 10. The Third Advanced: Collection of Practices 10 Buddha’s Essence of Love and Letting-go Verbal recitations --------------------------------OR-------------------------------- OPTIONAL color play IN-breath: May everyone be lavished with {Black, Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Sky-blue, Deep-blue, Purple, or White} Blessing light! Recite: Om Ma-ni Pad-me Hum {[x’s 1-3,] x 1-2+} -------------------------------AND------------------------------- Universal – Compassionate or Loving LOGIC IN-breath: What are some of the reasons “I” could long to {Free or Bless} everyone {from or with} __________ {[Ill, Weak, Lack, Lone, Frust] or [Health, Wealth, Match, Fulfill]} {[Sadness, Anger, Suff’ring, Fear] or [Joy, Love, Bod-hi, Peace]} as well as {it’s or their} causes? Recite: Om Ma-ni Pad-me Hum x’s 1-3+ -------------------------------AND------------------------------- Universal Compassionate or Loving WILL IN-breath: May everyone be {Freed or Blessed} {from or with} __________ {[Ill, Weak, Lack, Lone, Frust] or [Health, Wealth, Match, Fulfill]} {[Sadness, Anger, Suff’ring, Fear] or [Joy, Love, Bod-hi, Peace]} right now! Recite: Om Ma-ni Pad-me Hum x’s 1-3 -------------------------------AND-------------------------------
  • 11. The Third Advanced: Collection of Practices 11 -------------------------------AND------------------------------- Spontaneous Awareness-training IN-breath: What _____ {breathing, action, feeling, sound, sight [or] thought} {body, mind [or] “me”} am “I” now experiencing? Recite: Om Ma-ni Pad-me Hum {[x’s 1-3,] x 1-2+} --------------------------------OR-------------------------------- Contrived Renunciation-training IN-breath: How could { This [or] __________ } NOT satisfy? Recite: Om Ma-ni Pad-me Hum {[x’s 1-3,] x 1-4+} --------------------------------OR-------------------------------- Contrived Impermanence-training IN-breath: How could { This [or] __________ } NOT be permanent? Recite: Om Ma-ni Pad-me Hum {[x’s 1-3,] x 1-4+} --------------------------------OR-------------------------------- Contrived NON-graspability training IN-breath: How could { This [or] __________ } NOT be Grasp-able? Recite: Om Ma-ni Pad-me Hum {[x’s 1-3,] x 1-4+} -------------------------------AND------------------------------- Exploring Buddha’s Wisdom of Letting-go IN-breath: What could completely Letting-go feel like? Recite: Om Ma-ni Pad-me Hum {[x’s 1-3,] x 1-2+}
  • 12. The Third Advanced: Collection of Practices 12 Buddha’s Essence of Love and Letting-go Silent recitations --------------------------------OR-------------------------------- OPTIONAL color play IN-breath: Chen-re-zig OUT-breath: {Black-light, Red-light, Orange, Yellow, Green-light, Sky-blue, Deep-blue, Purple, or White-light} Bless! -------------------------------AND------------------------------- Compassionate or Loving Logic IN-breath: Why take __________ {Sad, Rage, Fear, Suff}? [or] Why give __________ {Joy, Love, Peace, Bodh} OUT-breath: Chen-re-zig {[x’s 1-3,] x 1-2+} -------------------------------AND------------------------------- Compassionate or Loving Will IN-breath: {Taking or Take} __________ {Sad, Rage, Fear, Suff’ring} [or] Chen-re-zig {[or] Om} OUT-breath: Chen-re-zig {[or] Om} [or] {Giving or Give} __________{Joy, Love, Peace, Bodhi} -------------------------------AND-------------------------------
  • 13. The Third Advanced: Collection of Practices 13 -------------------------------AND------------------------------- *Spontaneous Awareness-training* IN-breath: {What is this?} {How Breathing?} {[Gut, Chest, Nose] breathe long} {What [Doing, Feeling, Hearing, Seeing [or] Thinking ] ? } {Where [is [or] feel] __________ [body, mind [or] “me”] ? } OUT-breath: Chen-re-zig {[x’s 1-3,] x 3, 6, 12, ¼ mala} --------------------------------OR-------------------------------- Contrived Dissatisfaction-training IN-breath: How { __________ [or] This} NOT OUT-breath: satisfy? {[x’s 1-3,] x 1-2+} --------------------------------OR-------------------------------- Contrived Impermanence-training IN-breath: How could { __________ [or] This} OUT-breath: {Never last [or] Always change} ? {[x’s 1-3,] x 1-2+} --------------------------------OR-------------------------------- Contrived NON-graspability training IN-breath: How could { __________ [or] This} OUT-breath: NOT be Grasp’d? {[x’s 1-3,] x 1-2+} -------------------------------AND------------------------------- The Will to Let-go IN-breath: Chen-re-zig {[or] This} OUT-breath: Letting-go {[or] Om} {[x’s 1-3,] x 3, 6, 12, ¼ mala}
  • 14. The Third Advanced: Collection of Practices 14 optional Buddha’s Three Cauldrons Silent The Belly Cauldron’s union of Bliss and Letting-go Silent recitations touch the tip of the Right, Ring-finger to the tip of it’s Thumb while using the Left, Ring-finger to count on your Mala OR OPTIONAL: Second Rite of Rejuvenation The Mahamudra of Bliss and Letting-go Belly-awareness IN-breath: Gut-breathe, Long OUT-breath: Chen-re-zig {[x’s 1-3,] x 3, 6, 12, ¼ mala} Chin-awareness IN-breath: Chen-re-zig OUT-breath: Chin tucking x’s 1-3+ Head-awareness IN-breath: Head pulling OUT-breath: Chen-re-zig x’s 1-3+ Buddha’s Wisdom of Letting-go IN-breath: Chen-re-zig OUT-breath: Letting-go {[x’s 1-3,] x 3, 6, 12, ¼ mala}
  • 15. The Third Advanced: Collection of Practices 15 Belly-awareness IN-breath: Gut-breathe, Long OUT-breath: Chen-re-zig {[x’s 1-3,] x 3, 6, 12, ¼ mala} Jaw-awareness IN-breath: relaxed Jaw OUT-breath: Chen-re-zig x’s 1-3+ Smile-awareness IN-breath: faint Smile OUT-breath: Chen-re-zig x’s 1-3+ Buddha’s Wisdom of Letting-go IN-breath: Chen-re-zig OUT-breath: Letting-go {[x’s 1-3,] x 3, 6, 12, ¼ mala}
  • 16. The Third Advanced: Collection of Practices 16 OPTIONAL: Third Rite of Rejuvenation Belly-awareness IN-breath: Gut-breathe, Long OUT-breath: Chen-re-zig {[x’s 1-3,] x 3, 6, 12, ¼ mala} Precious Human Life IN-breath: How this chance OUT-breath: be precious? x’s 1-3+ Renunciation IN-breath: Why turn from OUT-breath: suff’ring’s cause? x’s 1-3+ Buddha’s Wisdom of Letting-go IN-breath: Chen-re-zig OUT-breath: Letting-go {[x’s 1-3,] x 3, 6, 12, ¼ mala}
  • 17. The Third Advanced: Collection of Practices 17
  • 18. The Third Advanced: Collection of Practices 18 The Chest Cauldron’s union of Devotion, Compassion, Love and Letting-go Silent recitations silent bring the hands out to the sides, palm-up, and touch the Tip of the Right, Middle-finger to the Tip of the Thumb while using the Left, Middle-finger to count on your Mala The Mahamudra of Compassion and Letting-go Chest-awareness IN-breath: Chest-breathe, Long OUT-breath: Chen-re-zig x’s 1-3+ Compassionate Logic IN-breath: Why take ________ {Pain, Sad, Rage, [or] Fear}? OUT-breath: Chen-re-zig {[x’s 1-3,] x 3, 6, 12, ¼ mala} Compassionate Will IN-breath: Taking ________ {Pain, Sad, Rage, [or] Fear}! OUT-breath: Chen-re-zig {[x’s 1-3,] x 3, 6, 12, ¼ mala} Buddha’s Wisdom of Letting-go IN-breath: Chen-re-zig OUT-breath: Letting-go {[x’s 1-3,] x 3, 6, 12, ¼ mala}
  • 19. The Third Advanced: Collection of Practices 19 OPTIONAL: Fourth Rite of Rejuvenation The Mahamudra of Devotion and Letting-go Chest-awareness IN-breath: Chest-breathe, Long OUT-breath: Chen-re-zig x’s 1-3+ Generating Gratitude IN-breath: Thanks for what? OUT-breath: Chen-re-zig x’s 1-3+ Devotion IN-breath: Chen-re-zig OUT-breath: Thanks Teacher {[x’s 1-3,] x 3, 6, 12, ¼ mala} Buddha’s Wisdom of Letting-go IN-breath: Chen-re-zig OUT-breath: Letting-go {[x’s 1-3,] x 3, 6, 12, ¼ mala}
  • 20. The Third Advanced: Collection of Practices 20
  • 21. The Third Advanced: Collection of Practices 21 The Mahamudra of Love and Letting-go Chest-awareness IN-breath: Chest-breathe, Long OUT-breath: Chen-re-zig x’s 1-3+ Loving Logic IN-breath: Why give ________ { Joy, Love, Peace }? OUT-breath: Chen-re-zig {[x’s 1-3,] x 3, 6, 12, ¼ mala} Loving Will IN-breath: Chen-re-zig OUT-breath: Giving ______{Joy, Love, Peace} {[x’s 1-3,] x 3, 6, 12, ¼ mala} Buddha’s Wisdom of Letting-go IN-breath: Chen-re-zig OUT-breath: Letting-go {[x’s 1-3,] x 3, 6, 12, ¼ mala}
  • 22. The Third Advanced: Collection of Practices 22 The Head Cauldron’s union of Awareness and Letting-go Silent recitations tuck the Right, Index-finger under the Thumb so that the Nail-flat of the Index-finger touches the Thumb’s lowest joint while using the Left, Index-finger to count on your Mala OPTIONAL: Fifth Rite of Rejuvenation The Mahamudra of Awareness and Letting-go Belly-awareness IN-breath: Gut-breathe, Long OUT-breath: Chen-re-zig {[x’s 1-3,] x 3, 6, 12, ¼ mala} --------------------------------OR-------------------------------- Chest-awareness IN-breath: Chest-breathe, Long OUT-breath: Chen-re-zig {[x’s 1-3,] x 3, 6, 12, ¼ mala} --------------------------------OR-------------------------------- Nostril-awareness IN-breath: Nose-breathe, Long OUT-breath: Chen-re-zig {[x’s 1-3,] x 3, 6, 12, ¼ mala} -------------------------------AND------------------------------- *Spontaneous Awareness-training* IN-breath: {What is this?} {How Breathing?} {What [Doing, Feeling, Hearing, Seeing [or] Thinking ] ? } {Where [is] __________ [body, mind [or] “me”] ? } OUT-breath: Chen-re-zig {[x’s 1-3,] x 3, 6, 12, ¼ mala}
  • 23. The Third Advanced: Collection of Practices 23 Contrived Dissatisfaction-training IN-breath: How { __________ [or] This} NOT OUT-breath: satisfy? {[x’s 1-3,] x 1-2+} --------------------------------OR-------------------------------- Contrived Impermanence-training IN-breath: How could { __________ [or] This} OUT-breath: {Never last [or] Always change} ? {[x’s 1-3,] x 1-2+} --------------------------------OR-------------------------------- Contrived NON-graspability training IN-breath: How could { __________ [or] This} OUT-breath: NOT be Grasp’d? {[x’s 1-3,] x 1-2+} -------------------------------AND------------------------------- The Will to Let-go IN-breath: Chen-re-zig OUT-breath: Letting-go {[or] ease} {[x’s 1-3,] x 3, 6, 12, ¼ mala}
  • 24. The Third Advanced: Collection of Practices 24
  • 25. The Third Advanced: Collection of Practices 25 Buddha Bowing Compassionate Will IN-breath: {Taking or Take} ________ {Pain, Sad, Rage, [or] Fear}! OUT-breath: Chen-re-zig {[x’s 1-3,] x 3, 6, 12, ¼ mala} Buddha’s Wisdom of Letting-go IN-breath: Chen-re-zig OUT-breath: Letting-go {[x’s 1-3,] x 3, 6, 12, ¼ mala} --------------------------------OR-------------------------------- Loving Will IN-breath: Chen-re-zig OUT-breath: {Giving or Give} ______{Joy, Love, Peace} {[x’s 1-3,] x 3, 6, 12, ¼ mala} Buddha’s Wisdom of Letting-go IN-breath: Chen-re-zig OUT-breath: Letting-go {[x’s 1-3,] x 3, 6, 12, ¼ mala}
  • 26. The Third Advanced: Collection of Practices 26 Closing Recitations Opening-up and Clearing-out Hands out to the sides, palms up, fingers gently splayed, in a relaxed and natural manner IN-breath: Gently smiling to the top of this head {top} OUT-breath: Gently smiling to this perineum {taint} x’s 1-3+ Bodhichitta’s Essence bring both hands together into the “Puckered Palm” gesture and touch the tip of the Index-finger to the center of the lips IN-breath: Completely Letting-go! or Thank you my kind teacher! or May all beings benefit! By this virtue may “I” now accomplish the spontaneous, habitual, easy and effective mastery of Buddha’s mental yogas of Devotion, Awareness, Love and Letting-go and now lead every living being without exception to that ground. x’s 1-3+ Essence of the Manipa’s Heart Concise IN-breath: Om Ma-ni Pad-me Hum May everyone be: healthy, wealthy and happy, may everyone practice skillfully and joyfully, may everyone accomplish Chen-re-zig in THIS life and then help many others do likewise; IN-breath: Om Ma-ni Pad-me Hum for truly that is the meaning of life: Om Ma-ni Pad-me Hum! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Could you desire further: instruction, blessings or healing treatments?