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A project on
         Misuse of women law

    Collage: Rajasthan university
                                                                                                      Under the guidance of
                 Dep. of law fylc
                                                                                                         Chairperson ,
                                                                                                       Justice N.K. Jain
                                                                                                       (Former Chief Justice
                                                                                                 High Court of Madras & Karnataka)

                                                                                                  With best Compliments
Submitted to:                   Submitted by:                                                            RSHRC
 Hon’ble Mr. Justice N. k. jain Deepika verma


                                                                           Human Rights Commission is an autonomous body to protect
                                                                           and promote basic rights of citizens. Its primary aim is to help
                                                                           every deprived person to acquire equal status in society.

                                                                            By the Parliamentary act there is National Human Rights
                                                                           Commission at New Delhi and each state has State Human
Under the guidance of Hon’ble Mr.
        Justice N.K. Jain.
                                        SECRETARIAT                        Rights Commission. This commission has power equivalent to a
                                                                           civil court. It has equivalent power to hear the plea of sufferer
  (Former Chief justice of Madras                                          and give recommendation to concerned department to work on
          and Karnataka                                                    it. Its recommendation has a high stake and non performance on
                                    Prepared by:- Internship students of   its recommendation can lead to questioning in the Legislative
           High Court)              various law university and colleges.   Assembly. Otherwise the government has to give reason for not
       Chairperson, RSHRC                                                  compliance.      The commission or the other party can file writ
                                                                           petition in the High Court.

                                                                   3                                                                   4

Hon’ble Chairperson and
Members Of Rajasthan State
Human Rights Commission are:
From 06-07-2005

Justice N K Jain,


  Justice Jagat Singh
  Shri D.S.Meena
  Shri Pukhraj Seervi

       5                       Hon’ble Chief Minister Shri Ashok Gehlot

Misuse of women law                                   There are three fundamental problems with this law –
                                                           a) it is overwhelmingly gender biased in favor of
                                                           women, b) the potential for misuse is astounding and
On the face of it, the law appears to be a blessing        c) the definition of domestic violence is too
for people in abusive or violent relationships.            expansive.
However, a careful analysis reveals that, under            The DV act singles out men as perpetrators of
the ploy of “women and children welfare”, this
                                     welfare”              domestic violence and assumes that only women are
law is yet another misguided attempt to enact              victims. As per this law, only a woman can file a
legislation to grant women legal supremacy over            complaint against her male partner. A man, who is a
men and to create a society where men are                  victim of domestic violence, has no rights under this
deprived of their rights.                                  law.

 The fact is that it has been comprehensively proven in      The second significant flaw in this law is that
 numerous studies that women are no less abusive as          it lends itself to such easy misuse that women
 men in intimate relationships. Giving such sweeping         will find it hard to resist the temptation to
 legal powers to women while withholding protection          “teach a lesson” to their male relatives and
                                                             will file frivolous and false cases. A similar
 to male victims is tantamount to systematic legal
                                                             trend is already being observed in the case of
 victimization of men. In the western world, the             anti-dowry law (498a), which is being
 domestic violence laws are gender neutral and               misused to such an extent that the Supreme
 provide protection to the victims, both men and             Court has termed it “Legal Terrorism”. To
 women. The fact that the Indian version explicitly          illustrate how easy it is to misuse the DV law,
 prohibits any male victim to seek relief under this law     consider the scenarios below. [She means
 defies all logic and is beyond comprehension.               wife/female live-in partner and he means
                                                             husband/male live-in partner] .

a) If she demands any amount of money from              b) As per the law, she retains the right to the
   him, for any reason whatsoever, he is legally           residence. This is a very convenient means of
   bound to pay that amount in full, failing which         getting control of the house regardless of
   he can be imprisoned. Under the pretext of              whether she has any legal right on the
   preventing economic abuse of women, this                property. Moreover, if he is booked under DV,
   law legalizes the extortion of money by                 he is responsible for paying the rent as well,
   women. Interestingly, if he asks for money              even though he may not be allowed to live in
   from her, he can be jailed for that as well.            the house or he might even be in jail.
   Furthermore, he is responsible for paying the           c) If she decides not to cook and wishes to
   rent if the couple resides in a shared rented           eat out in a restaurant everyday, he cannot
   accommodation .                                         afford not to oblige, lest he invites the DV
                                                           provision for “not providing food”, for which
                                                           he could be jailed.

   d) If she has an affair and he tries to prevent her
                                                         These are just some of the ways in which
   from meeting her lover, he could be punished
                                                         women can exploit men in a legally permitted
   under the DV act, as he is preventing her from
                                                         manner. The fact that the complaint by a
   meeting someone.
                                                         woman will be treated, prima facie, as “true and
   e) He can be booked under the DV act if she           genuine” opens up a whole new realm of
feels that she has been insulted. Insult is a relative   possibilities where innocent men will be accused
term, which is totally left to her discretion.           and implicated in false cases, just because they
Interestingly, if she insults and abuses him verbally    refuse to give in to her unreasonable demands.
or even physically, he does not have any legal
recourse in this law .

Most people readily agree that the law will be      b) If she is happy, then why will she file a
misused. Their counter arguments generally are      complaint – Ah ! So, the man exists at the mercy
                                                    of the woman. If the wife wants to kick out old
a) The number of miuses will be very low OR         parents from home or wants to pursue an affair
every law is misused – The objective of any law     and should the man dare to object, she can get
should be to punish the guilty and protect the      him incarcerated with alacrity. Any law that
innocent. The persecution of innocents cannot       forcefully subjects a section of a society to
be justified in any circumstances. As is the case   conduct as per the pleasure of another section is
with 498 A, this law will be heavily misused in     deemed oppressive and should be vehemently
urban India.                                        opposed.

c) There are other provisions to deal with the      The third major flaw in this law is that it
misuse of this law – The fact is that there are     provides an all-encompassing definition of
other legal provisions to deal with domestic        domestic violence and some terms (insults,
violence as well. If a strict law is made for a     name calling) are extremely subjective. The
specific purpose, then the provisions for dealing   radical feminists claim that 70% of women in
with its misuse should be in the law itself.        India face domestic violence which comes as no
                                                    surprise as even an insult is considered domestic
                                                    violence. Interestingly, they are mum on how
                                                    many indian men suffer domestic violence using
                                                    the same criteria.

However, this law makes it very easy to escalate
This law strikes at the very foundation of
                                                     the domestic problems in daily life to such a
marriage by promoting intolerance and litigation     level that it eventually leads to a breakdown in
for petty domestic disputes. It is universally       marriage. Once a man has been accused of
recognized that from time to time differences        domestic violence for a something relatively
arise in a marriage and sometimes people, both       minor (insult), while he might have been
men and women, behave in hurtful ways                subjected to the same treatment from her, he
towards each other. Most people, though, are         will perpetually feel threatened by his partner
able to work them out and lead a more or less        and that is the beginning of the end. This law
                                                     will lead to more divorces, broken homes and
happy life with their loved one.
                                                     the children will pay the ultimate price by
                                                     getting deprived of a pleasant childhood.

There are degrees of domestic violence and not       On the other hand, it gives lots of rights to
all conflicts in a relationship can be termed as     women without requiring them to be
domestic violence. This law trivializes the issue    responsible. At the very minimum, it should be
of domestic violence by including minor              made gender neutral, offering protection to both
differences in its realm and by explicitly denying   men and women. Also, provisions for stringent
protection to half of the population.                punishments need to be incorporated into the
The law in its current form is grossly inadequate    law to prevent misuse. Moreover, the law needs
to tackle the problem of domestic violence. It       to be made more practical by differentiating
imposes a lot of responsibility on men, without      between various degrees of conflicts and by
giving them rights.                                  unambiguously      defining  what    constitutes
                                                     domestic violence.

The fact is domestic violence is a serious                  Innocent families are being victimized. the
problem and a neutral and unprejudiced law is               misuse of women protection laws. Section 498A
needed to protect the genuine victims of                    of the Indian Penal Code was passed to protect
domestic violence, irrespective of gender. The              women against marital cruelty and dowry
perpetrators of domestic violence need to be                harassment. This allows the arrest of the
appropriately punished and dealt with. At the               husband and his relatives solely on the basis of
same time, protection cannot be withheld from               allegations made by the wife, without any
real victims for any reason whatsoever, least of            evidence and investigation. Section 498A, being
all their gender. One can be certain that there is          non-bailable, allows punishing the accused by
                                                            non- bailable,
something sinister about a law, when it                     imprisonment even before the guilt is
intimidates and instills fear in innocent people.           established. Unfortunately, it is increasingly
When a person who has not committed any                     being misused by women to settle scores with
crime, begins to fear punishment under the                  their in-laws and husband. Innocent families
provisions of a law, it is not a law anymore – it           have been imprisoned only on the basis of the
is state sponsored terrorism.                               wife's allegations.

ShilpaRane                                                  ManjuBharghav
Several authorities have noted that almost 98 per cent of
cases filed under Section 498A are based on false           How can they arrest without proof? Section 498 A of the
accusations. We underwent emotional trauma y family         Indian Penal Code needs to be revised. Such laws will
and I have been at the receiving end of women               only be misused by women for personal gain. Which
protection laws. My brother's wife wanted to divorce        couple does not fight? We should encourage couples to
him. To make the divorce process easier, she filed a        sort out their difference mutually. Dragging each other
harassment case against us under Section 498 A of the       to court and implicating family members will only lead to
IPC. We always treated her with respect and it came as      a complete breakdown of the social fabric of our society.
a shock. This completely shattered my brother and           My family and I went through a harrowing time after a
plunged him into depression. She didn't even spare a        relative registered a complaint against us under the
thought about the one-year-old child she has with my
                     one- year-                             draconian 498A of the Indian Penal Code. In case of an
brother. My family had to go through a lot of mental and    accident or murder, law requires proof before action can
emotional trauma. We had to run from pillar to post to      be initiated against the accused. So why does the law
prove our innocence. It's been three years now and she      allow innocent families to suffer merely on the basis of a
has not produced any evidence to substantiate her           false complaint. There's an urgent need to look into the
claims. She has realized that her case is weak and wants    misuse of women protection laws.
to reconcile with us now. But the case is in our favour
and we are waiting for the court's verdict.

Madhavi Pillai. Family counselor and advocate                 PR Gokul. Director, Protect Indian Family Foundation

                                                              Abusers of the law should be jailed My NGO is creating
Lawyers are equally responsible Only Section 498A of          awareness on the misuse of the Section 498A of the
the Indian Penal Code allows the arrest of the husband        Indian Penal Code. We have already organized about 25
and his male and female relatives, irrespective of their      press conferences in cities such as Luck now, Bangalore,
age and health, without any evidence and investigation.       Hyderabad and Delhi. This law came into effect to
I am not against the law. But I do think we need to find
ways to stop its misuse by women. If a woman registers        prevent women against domestic violence and
a complaint under Section 498A, police are bound to           harassment for dowry. It is an important law but the
take action. But all complaints are not genuine. Many         practice of arresting people without investigation needs
women misuse the law to harass their in-laws. Recently,
                                        in-                   to be changed. Most women misuse the law not only to
a woman approached me. She wanted to file a complaint         extract money from their spouses, but also due to career
against her husband under Section 498A because her            constraints or adjustment problems faced by them after
husband had failed to keep his promises. I turned down        marriage. Misguided advice turns petty quarrels into big
her case and advised her to resolve the issue amicably.       fights. I too have been at the receiving end. Earlier, I
Now, another lawyer has taken up her case. I think the
lawyers too are equally responsible for the misuse of the     used to feel very lonely and didn't know whom to
women protection laws.                                        approach. According to me, the person who misuses
                                                              laws should be arrested and put behind bars.

Balkrishna Shetty. President, Human Rights and                Anita                                           Kumar
Development                       Organization
                                                              How many laws are there for men? Many women are
Some complaints are made in anger. The rampant                using the laws to satiate their greed for money. They
corruption in our system has led to misuse of women           use the law to extract money from the husband and in-in-
protection laws. When an angry wife approaches the            laws. In fact, the law is being used by women against
police, she is received by lower rank officers. Depending     women. Old mothers and pregnant sisters have been
on her husband's financial condition, these officers          sent to jail on the basis of mere allegations. I am not
advise the woman on further course of action. Mostly,         against the law but I am against its misuse. There are
women from lower income groups don't file such                many laws to safeguard the interest of women. How
complaints. It's usually the financially well-off women
                                           well-              many such laws do we have for men? Even they need
who register complaints under Section 498A. I think only      legal protection. My brother was implicated by his wife.
an officer of the rank of commissioner should look into       She registered a complaint against him under Section
the matter. In many cases, the wife gets angry and            498A. Our family went through a very difficult time. I
rushes to the police station. A senior officer would listen   recommend that those who misuse the law should be
to her grievances and give her sound advice. It may be        severely punished. We can't solve marital problems by
possible that the woman took the step in anger and may        dragging families to court and sending them to jail.
change her mind later.

A senior officer should investigate We need laws     Since the nature of charges is very serious, the
to protect women against marital cruelty and         matter should be investigated by an officer of
dowry harassment. However, I feel there's need       the rank      of deputy commissioner or
to revise the stringent Section 498A of the          commissioner. Many women are using the law
Indian Penal Code. At present, the accused is        against their in-laws and husband to extract
arrested as soon as a case is registered under       revenge. Each one of us is equally responsible
Section 489A and the investigations are carried
out later. Old and ailing parents and relatives of   for the rampant corruption in our system that
the husband have been jailed. I think it should      allows one to misuse such laws.
be made a bailable offence.

                                                        MISUSE OF LAWS OF DOMESTIC
Misuse of DOWRY LAW (498A) By women                         VIOLENCE BY WOMEN
                                                     There are many instances where the main point of
                                                     discord between the couple was that the wife wanted
This is all about Indian Penal Code 498a,How         the husband to leave his parent's home or an old
                                                     parents and set up a nuclear family. Since the man
Indian women harass men with the help of Law.        resisted this move, the wife used 498A as a bargaining
when they are not able to adjust to husband          device, without success though. In one instance, the
                                                     young wife being the only daughter of a wealthy
home or with her in laws. or when husband find       businessman, wanted her husband to move in with her
out her Pre marital / Extra marital Affair, or       parents because his income allowed middle class
                                                     comforts, not the luxuries she was used to. Since he did
husband is not doing as she and her family wish      not succumb to the pressure of leaving his parents, of if
and hight of all when she want divorce and           a women having extra-marital affairs, wanted to settle
money from husband, IPC 498a is right tool to do     with new partner where the husband and her in-lawsin-
                                                     resists, that too after having the grown up children, she
all this legally.                                    got both her husband, father and mother in-law arrested
                                                     and put in jail for several days under 498A. Is it not a
                                                     misuse of law against our own and that too loved ones?
                                                     might be the percentage of misuse is less but trust me,
                                                     many      homes      and    families  are   badly     hit!!

At a meeting on Sunday, attended by over 50
Protect men from misuse of laws by women             men, there was a talk about rights and laws
                                                     favouring women. But the association is not to
                                                     protect men from the misuse of the Domestic
 CHENNAI: This is a stag party with a difference.    Violence Act and Dowry Harassment Act alone
 Men, who accuse their girl friends, wives and       but also youngsters falsely accused of eve
 fiancées of duping them or foisting cases against
 fiancé                                              teasing.
 them, have come together in Tamil Nadu to put       As one man said: “I was dragged by the police
                                                     and beaten up in the station. If a girl has a
 up a collective fight.                              personal enmity, she takes it out by falsely
 According to the general secretary of Association   accusing men of eve-teasing. And there is no
 for Protection of Men, Madhu Sudhanan, more         verification done by the police when it comes to
                                                     women, they just accept what she says as the
 than 1000 members are aged below 25 years           sacred truth.” Another member of the
 and 4000 members are below 40.                      association said that he was right now on the
                                                     streets after he registered his family property in
                                                     the name of his lover, who conveniently duped
                                                     him                    after                 that.

 Madhu Sudan an said that many young men             “Gone are the days when women were
 were being cheated by girl friends – they           exploited. Now, many women misuse the laws
 emotionally ditch the man, by marrying men of       meant for their protection. Many young men
 their parents’ choice. But such cheating was
       parents’                                      have been trapped by the laws.
 never taken as a crime, he said. Most of the        Many youth ditched by girl friends are
 association members had been harassed by            unnecessarily harassed by police following false
 women – wives, girlfriends, fiancées – or duped.
                             fiancé                  complaints, another association member in his
 But the system is biased towards women,             mid-30s, said.
 Madhu Sudanan said, and added there are 84
 laws for the protection of women’s rights, but
 none for men.

Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act,
                        Comments:                                              2005& ?kjsyw fgalk ls efgykvksa dk laj{k.k vf/kfu;e 2005& eq[; izko/kkuksa ds
                                                                               2005& ?kjs                                                            [;
                                                                               vuqlkj nks"kh O;fDr;ksa dks rRlacaf/kr fof/k esa ltk fey lds ,oa blds vykok ihfM+r
                                                                               efgykvksa dks fpfdRlh; lqfo/kk] vkSj cPpksa ds ckjs esa laj{k.k dh lgk;rk fey lds A
                                                                                              fpfdRlh; o/kk]
 Replace the word in Domestic violence act the                                 vxj fgalk dh ?kVuk gks pqdh gS rks mlds fy, vkfFkZd eqvkotk nsus dk Hkh izko/kku
                                                                                                 ?kVuk                         fy,
 men/women to person and husband/wife to                                              ihfM+r ?kjsyw efgyk ds LokLF;] lqj{kk] thou rFkk vU; lq[k ls jgus dh bPNk
                                                                                                               LokLF;] {kk]                vU;
 spouse, let the punishment equal for all who do                               dk guu gksrk gks] ekjihV] HkkoukRed izrkM+uk] vkfFkZd izrkM+uk vkSj uktk;t 'kkjhfjd
                                                                                                    ekjihV]                     k]
 the domestic violence, will women organizations                               lEcU/k cukus dh dksf’k’k] xkyh ;k rkus nsuk Hkh ifjHkk"kk esa lekos’k gSA mlds fdlh
 will agree, if they think they do not do the                                  fj’rsnkj dks mlds fo:) djuk Hkh mlesa 'kkfey gSA
                                                                               fj’                  fo:)
                                                                                      mRihfM+r efgyk ds fy, vf/kfu;e esa dbZ O;oLFkk,a vf/kdkfj;ksa ,oa U;k;ky;ksa ds
 domestic violence against men?                                                ek/;e ls nh xbZ gSaA eftLVªªsV ds le{k izkFkZuk i= nsdj vfUrfje fu"ks/kkRed dk Hkh
                                                                               izko/kku gSA eftLVªªsV ds fu.kZ; ds ckn l= U;k;k/kh’k esa 30 fnu esa vihy gksrh gSA
                                                                                             eftLV                               U;k;k/kh’
                                                                               (/kkjk& 2] 3] 5] 6] 12] 16] 17] 20] 31½ bl ,DV ds ykxw gksus ij bu izko/kkuksa dk
                                                                               (/kkjk&                                31½
                                                                               mfpr mi;ksx efgykvksa ds gkFk esa gS vkSj budk vuqfpr mi;ksx gksdj og funksZ"k
                                                                               O;fDr;ksa dh mRihM+u dk tfj;k u cu tk;s] bldh Hkh [kcjnkjh ysus dk mÙkjnkf;Ro
                                                                               Hkh efgykvksa ij gh gSA
                                                                           L=ksr % efgykvksa ds dkuwuh vf/kdkj] dh cqdysV uEcj 8@2008 ls

                                                                                       Legal Awareness Programmes

                                                                              For the awareness of the human rights in public at large, Justice Jain has
These books are kept in the Libraries of different schools and colleges       wrote about 31 booklets of various legal issues. Out of these booklets 18
for awareness of students as well as the teaching and ministerial staff.      booklets have been published by the R.S.H.R.C. Many other organizations,
Some books are even kept in the UN-Congress Library at New Delhi.             District Legal Aid Authorities, Departments, Schools, Colleges etc. has also
                                                                              published some booklets like Women, Children, Dalits, Arrest, HIV/AIDS,
Teachers of various school are interacting with the students on these         Human Rights etc. by the permission of the Commission. They have
issues in zero hours.                                                         distributed these booklets in 80000 in numbers.
                                                                              Some of these booklets are available on Commission’s website
About legal aid committees, NGO’s / Educational Institutions above   and English translation of Some
55, and some Newspapers have re-printed/Published these booklets as           booklets are also available on a German website
intimated and about 80,000 booklets titled on women, child rights,
dalits, arrest, human rights and HIV have been published and
                                                                              These books are:
distributed free of cost among the general public to create awareness.

                                                                    43                                                                                    44

31 booklet have been written by Justice Nagendra
Jain (Chairperson RSHRC, Jaipur) on different legal
and important issues                                               Fundamental Duties Art 51-A

                                                           The Commission under the guidance of the Hon’ble    Hon’
                                                           Chairperson is making the common people aware about the
                                                           duties mentioned in Art. 51(A) of the Constitution.

                                                           Justice N.K Jain has made the Performa of these duties and
                                                           distributed. So many institutions have reprinted and
                                                           distributed in public to create awareness as many people are
                                                           not aware of their duties.

                                                           He is motivating students of various schools, colleges and other
                                                           institutions. Students of these institutions are reciting the oath
                                                           of article 51(A) of Constitution of India under the guidance of
                                                      45                                                                46


93- jktLFkku mPp U;k;ky; deZpkjh la?k }kjk izdkf’kr       Students reciting the oath of section 51(A) of Constitution of India
     Lekfjdk& 2010                                                         under the guidelines of RSHRC.
94- lekpkj txr& lekpkj i= esa izdkf’kr
95- jkSud VkbZEl^ lekpkj i= esa izdkf’kr
96- ^nSfud uoT;ksfr^ lekpkj i= esa izdkf’kr
97- jktLFkku pSEcj vkWQ dkelZ ds^jktLFkku pSEcj lans’k^
    ¼vad& vizsy&2010½
98- Lo0 xsanhyky 'kkg] ,MoksdsV dh Le`fr esa ykW;u
    dSyk’kpan o vt; 'kkg }kjk
99- Hkkjro"khZ; fnxEcj tSu desVh] eqEcbZ vapy dk;kZy;&
     t;iqj ds v/;{k v’kksd usrk
100- lsaV ikWYl baxfy’k Ldwy] Hknknk ckx] HkhyokMk
101- jktLFkku fdMuh ds;j o fdMuh is’ksUV ,lksfl;s’ku]
102- t;iqj dSalj fjyhQ lkslk;Vh] t;iqj
103- bf.M;u vLFkek ds;j lkslk;Vh] t;iqj
104- gSYi ,t }kjk World Elder Abuse Awareness Day           In addition to that in legal literacy and awareness program, chairman
      ij                                                    motivated students and even general public to recite the pledge as
105- Addl. D. G. P. o Mk;jsDVj iqfyl ,dsMeh rfeyukMw]       mentioned in article 51(A) of Constitution of India. It is good sign that
106- International Summer School of Jain Studies,           so many schools have started taking prayer as per instructions of      of
     New Delhi
107-   D. G. P.   jktLFkku] iqfyl eq[;ky;] t;iqj
                                                            different concerned authorities as per the request of the commission.
                                                            Some of them are as follows:-
                                                                                 follows:-                                 50

                                                                 Students of some institutions reciting the Oath as
                                                                 per Article 51(A) of Constitution of India under
                                                                 the guidelines of RSHRC.

                                                   51                                                                      52


Students reciting the pledge.

                                       53                         54

                                News             News Reporting

                                            55                    56


                                              Thank you

I Deepika Verma would like to ackowledge
Mr. Justice N.K. Jain , Chairman Human
rights commission , Rajasthan under
whose able guidance I have been able to
accomplish my project on the topic “ Misuse
of Women Law” . I would like to thank him                         Thank You
                                                                   THANK YOU
for sparing his valuable time.


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Misuse of Womens Law

  • 1. A project on Misuse of women law Collage: Rajasthan university Under the guidance of Dep. of law fylc Chairperson , Justice N.K. Jain (Former Chief Justice High Court of Madras & Karnataka) With best Compliments Submitted to: Submitted by: RSHRC Hon’ble Mr. Justice N. k. jain Deepika verma Hon’ 2 RAJASTHAN STATE HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION Human Rights Commission is an autonomous body to protect and promote basic rights of citizens. Its primary aim is to help every deprived person to acquire equal status in society. By the Parliamentary act there is National Human Rights Commission at New Delhi and each state has State Human Under the guidance of Hon’ble Mr. Justice N.K. Jain. SECRETARIAT Rights Commission. This commission has power equivalent to a civil court. It has equivalent power to hear the plea of sufferer sufferer (Former Chief justice of Madras and give recommendation to concerned department to work on and Karnataka it. Its recommendation has a high stake and non performance on Prepared by:- Internship students of its recommendation can lead to questioning in the Legislative High Court) various law university and colleges. Assembly. Otherwise the government has to give reason for not Chairperson, RSHRC compliance. The commission or the other party can file writ petition in the High Court. 3 4 1
  • 2. Hon’ble Chairperson and Members Of Rajasthan State Human Rights Commission are: From 06-07-2005 Justice N K Jain, (Chairperson) Members:- Justice Jagat Singh Shri D.S.Meena Shri Pukhraj Seervi 5 Hon’ble Chief Minister Shri Ashok Gehlot 2
  • 3. Misuse of women law There are three fundamental problems with this law – a) it is overwhelmingly gender biased in favor of women, b) the potential for misuse is astounding and On the face of it, the law appears to be a blessing c) the definition of domestic violence is too for people in abusive or violent relationships. expansive. However, a careful analysis reveals that, under The DV act singles out men as perpetrators of the ploy of “women and children welfare”, this welfare” domestic violence and assumes that only women are law is yet another misguided attempt to enact victims. As per this law, only a woman can file a legislation to grant women legal supremacy over complaint against her male partner. A man, who is a men and to create a society where men are victim of domestic violence, has no rights under this deprived of their rights. law. The fact is that it has been comprehensively proven in The second significant flaw in this law is that numerous studies that women are no less abusive as it lends itself to such easy misuse that women men in intimate relationships. Giving such sweeping will find it hard to resist the temptation to legal powers to women while withholding protection “teach a lesson” to their male relatives and lesson” will file frivolous and false cases. A similar to male victims is tantamount to systematic legal trend is already being observed in the case of victimization of men. In the western world, the anti-dowry law (498a), which is being anti- domestic violence laws are gender neutral and misused to such an extent that the Supreme provide protection to the victims, both men and Court has termed it “Legal Terrorism”. To Terrorism” women. The fact that the Indian version explicitly illustrate how easy it is to misuse the DV law, prohibits any male victim to seek relief under this law consider the scenarios below. [She means defies all logic and is beyond comprehension. wife/female live-in partner and he means live- husband/male live-in partner] . live- 3
  • 4. a) If she demands any amount of money from b) As per the law, she retains the right to the him, for any reason whatsoever, he is legally residence. This is a very convenient means of bound to pay that amount in full, failing which getting control of the house regardless of he can be imprisoned. Under the pretext of whether she has any legal right on the preventing economic abuse of women, this property. Moreover, if he is booked under DV, law legalizes the extortion of money by he is responsible for paying the rent as well, women. Interestingly, if he asks for money even though he may not be allowed to live in from her, he can be jailed for that as well. the house or he might even be in jail. Furthermore, he is responsible for paying the c) If she decides not to cook and wishes to rent if the couple resides in a shared rented eat out in a restaurant everyday, he cannot accommodation . afford not to oblige, lest he invites the DV provision for “not providing food”, for which food” he could be jailed. d) If she has an affair and he tries to prevent her These are just some of the ways in which from meeting her lover, he could be punished women can exploit men in a legally permitted under the DV act, as he is preventing her from manner. The fact that the complaint by a meeting someone. woman will be treated, prima facie, as “true and e) He can be booked under the DV act if she genuine” opens up a whole new realm of genuine” feels that she has been insulted. Insult is a relative possibilities where innocent men will be accused term, which is totally left to her discretion. and implicated in false cases, just because they Interestingly, if she insults and abuses him verbally refuse to give in to her unreasonable demands. or even physically, he does not have any legal recourse in this law . 4
  • 5. Most people readily agree that the law will be b) If she is happy, then why will she file a misused. Their counter arguments generally are complaint – Ah ! So, the man exists at the mercy of the woman. If the wife wants to kick out old a) The number of miuses will be very low OR parents from home or wants to pursue an affair every law is misused – The objective of any law and should the man dare to object, she can get should be to punish the guilty and protect the him incarcerated with alacrity. Any law that innocent. The persecution of innocents cannot forcefully subjects a section of a society to be justified in any circumstances. As is the case conduct as per the pleasure of another section is with 498 A, this law will be heavily misused in deemed oppressive and should be vehemently urban India. opposed. c) There are other provisions to deal with the The third major flaw in this law is that it misuse of this law – The fact is that there are provides an all-encompassing definition of all- other legal provisions to deal with domestic domestic violence and some terms (insults, violence as well. If a strict law is made for a name calling) are extremely subjective. The specific purpose, then the provisions for dealing radical feminists claim that 70% of women in with its misuse should be in the law itself. India face domestic violence which comes as no surprise as even an insult is considered domestic violence. Interestingly, they are mum on how many indian men suffer domestic violence using the same criteria. 5
  • 6. However, this law makes it very easy to escalate This law strikes at the very foundation of the domestic problems in daily life to such a marriage by promoting intolerance and litigation level that it eventually leads to a breakdown in for petty domestic disputes. It is universally marriage. Once a man has been accused of recognized that from time to time differences domestic violence for a something relatively arise in a marriage and sometimes people, both minor (insult), while he might have been men and women, behave in hurtful ways subjected to the same treatment from her, he towards each other. Most people, though, are will perpetually feel threatened by his partner able to work them out and lead a more or less and that is the beginning of the end. This law will lead to more divorces, broken homes and happy life with their loved one. the children will pay the ultimate price by getting deprived of a pleasant childhood. There are degrees of domestic violence and not On the other hand, it gives lots of rights to all conflicts in a relationship can be termed as women without requiring them to be domestic violence. This law trivializes the issue responsible. At the very minimum, it should be of domestic violence by including minor made gender neutral, offering protection to both differences in its realm and by explicitly denying men and women. Also, provisions for stringent protection to half of the population. punishments need to be incorporated into the The law in its current form is grossly inadequate law to prevent misuse. Moreover, the law needs to tackle the problem of domestic violence. It to be made more practical by differentiating imposes a lot of responsibility on men, without between various degrees of conflicts and by giving them rights. unambiguously defining what constitutes domestic violence. 6
  • 7. The fact is domestic violence is a serious Innocent families are being victimized. the problem and a neutral and unprejudiced law is misuse of women protection laws. Section 498A needed to protect the genuine victims of of the Indian Penal Code was passed to protect domestic violence, irrespective of gender. The women against marital cruelty and dowry perpetrators of domestic violence need to be harassment. This allows the arrest of the appropriately punished and dealt with. At the husband and his relatives solely on the basis of same time, protection cannot be withheld from allegations made by the wife, without any real victims for any reason whatsoever, least of evidence and investigation. Section 498A, being all their gender. One can be certain that there is non-bailable, allows punishing the accused by non- bailable, something sinister about a law, when it imprisonment even before the guilt is intimidates and instills fear in innocent people. established. Unfortunately, it is increasingly When a person who has not committed any being misused by women to settle scores with crime, begins to fear punishment under the their in-laws and husband. Innocent families in- provisions of a law, it is not a law anymore – it have been imprisoned only on the basis of the is state sponsored terrorism. wife's allegations. ShilpaRane ManjuBharghav Several authorities have noted that almost 98 per cent of cases filed under Section 498A are based on false How can they arrest without proof? Section 498 A of the accusations. We underwent emotional trauma y family Indian Penal Code needs to be revised. Such laws will and I have been at the receiving end of women only be misused by women for personal gain. Which protection laws. My brother's wife wanted to divorce couple does not fight? We should encourage couples to him. To make the divorce process easier, she filed a sort out their difference mutually. Dragging each other harassment case against us under Section 498 A of the to court and implicating family members will only lead to IPC. We always treated her with respect and it came as a complete breakdown of the social fabric of our society. a shock. This completely shattered my brother and My family and I went through a harrowing time after a plunged him into depression. She didn't even spare a relative registered a complaint against us under the thought about the one-year-old child she has with my one- year- draconian 498A of the Indian Penal Code. In case of an brother. My family had to go through a lot of mental and accident or murder, law requires proof before action can emotional trauma. We had to run from pillar to post to be initiated against the accused. So why does the law prove our innocence. It's been three years now and she allow innocent families to suffer merely on the basis of a has not produced any evidence to substantiate her false complaint. There's an urgent need to look into the claims. She has realized that her case is weak and wants misuse of women protection laws. to reconcile with us now. But the case is in our favour and we are waiting for the court's verdict. 7
  • 8. Madhavi Pillai. Family counselor and advocate PR Gokul. Director, Protect Indian Family Foundation Abusers of the law should be jailed My NGO is creating Lawyers are equally responsible Only Section 498A of awareness on the misuse of the Section 498A of the the Indian Penal Code allows the arrest of the husband Indian Penal Code. We have already organized about 25 and his male and female relatives, irrespective of their press conferences in cities such as Luck now, Bangalore, age and health, without any evidence and investigation. Hyderabad and Delhi. This law came into effect to I am not against the law. But I do think we need to find ways to stop its misuse by women. If a woman registers prevent women against domestic violence and a complaint under Section 498A, police are bound to harassment for dowry. It is an important law but the take action. But all complaints are not genuine. Many practice of arresting people without investigation needs women misuse the law to harass their in-laws. Recently, in- to be changed. Most women misuse the law not only to a woman approached me. She wanted to file a complaint extract money from their spouses, but also due to career against her husband under Section 498A because her constraints or adjustment problems faced by them after husband had failed to keep his promises. I turned down marriage. Misguided advice turns petty quarrels into big her case and advised her to resolve the issue amicably. fights. I too have been at the receiving end. Earlier, I Now, another lawyer has taken up her case. I think the lawyers too are equally responsible for the misuse of the used to feel very lonely and didn't know whom to women protection laws. approach. According to me, the person who misuses laws should be arrested and put behind bars. Balkrishna Shetty. President, Human Rights and Anita Kumar Development Organization How many laws are there for men? Many women are Some complaints are made in anger. The rampant using the laws to satiate their greed for money. They corruption in our system has led to misuse of women use the law to extract money from the husband and in-in- protection laws. When an angry wife approaches the laws. In fact, the law is being used by women against police, she is received by lower rank officers. Depending women. Old mothers and pregnant sisters have been on her husband's financial condition, these officers sent to jail on the basis of mere allegations. I am not advise the woman on further course of action. Mostly, against the law but I am against its misuse. There are women from lower income groups don't file such many laws to safeguard the interest of women. How complaints. It's usually the financially well-off women well- many such laws do we have for men? Even they need who register complaints under Section 498A. I think only legal protection. My brother was implicated by his wife. an officer of the rank of commissioner should look into She registered a complaint against him under Section the matter. In many cases, the wife gets angry and 498A. Our family went through a very difficult time. I rushes to the police station. A senior officer would listen recommend that those who misuse the law should be to her grievances and give her sound advice. It may be severely punished. We can't solve marital problems by possible that the woman took the step in anger and may dragging families to court and sending them to jail. change her mind later. 8
  • 9. A senior officer should investigate We need laws Since the nature of charges is very serious, the to protect women against marital cruelty and matter should be investigated by an officer of dowry harassment. However, I feel there's need the rank of deputy commissioner or to revise the stringent Section 498A of the commissioner. Many women are using the law Indian Penal Code. At present, the accused is against their in-laws and husband to extract in- arrested as soon as a case is registered under revenge. Each one of us is equally responsible Section 489A and the investigations are carried out later. Old and ailing parents and relatives of for the rampant corruption in our system that the husband have been jailed. I think it should allows one to misuse such laws. be made a bailable offence. MISUSE OF LAWS OF DOMESTIC Misuse of DOWRY LAW (498A) By women VIOLENCE BY WOMEN There are many instances where the main point of discord between the couple was that the wife wanted This is all about Indian Penal Code 498a,How the husband to leave his parent's home or an old parents and set up a nuclear family. Since the man Indian women harass men with the help of Law. resisted this move, the wife used 498A as a bargaining when they are not able to adjust to husband device, without success though. In one instance, the young wife being the only daughter of a wealthy home or with her in laws. or when husband find businessman, wanted her husband to move in with her out her Pre marital / Extra marital Affair, or parents because his income allowed middle class comforts, not the luxuries she was used to. Since he did husband is not doing as she and her family wish not succumb to the pressure of leaving his parents, of if and hight of all when she want divorce and a women having extra-marital affairs, wanted to settle extra- money from husband, IPC 498a is right tool to do with new partner where the husband and her in-lawsin- resists, that too after having the grown up children, she all this legally. got both her husband, father and mother in-law arrested in- and put in jail for several days under 498A. Is it not a misuse of law against our own and that too loved ones? might be the percentage of misuse is less but trust me, many homes and families are badly hit!! 9
  • 10. At a meeting on Sunday, attended by over 50 Protect men from misuse of laws by women men, there was a talk about rights and laws favouring women. But the association is not to protect men from the misuse of the Domestic CHENNAI: This is a stag party with a difference. Violence Act and Dowry Harassment Act alone Men, who accuse their girl friends, wives and but also youngsters falsely accused of eve fiancées of duping them or foisting cases against fiancé teasing. them, have come together in Tamil Nadu to put As one man said: “I was dragged by the police and beaten up in the station. If a girl has a up a collective fight. personal enmity, she takes it out by falsely According to the general secretary of Association accusing men of eve-teasing. And there is no eve- for Protection of Men, Madhu Sudhanan, more verification done by the police when it comes to women, they just accept what she says as the than 1000 members are aged below 25 years sacred truth.” Another member of the truth.” and 4000 members are below 40. association said that he was right now on the streets after he registered his family property in the name of his lover, who conveniently duped him after that. Madhu Sudan an said that many young men “Gone are the days when women were were being cheated by girl friends – they exploited. Now, many women misuse the laws emotionally ditch the man, by marrying men of meant for their protection. Many young men their parents’ choice. But such cheating was parents’ have been trapped by the laws. never taken as a crime, he said. Most of the Many youth ditched by girl friends are association members had been harassed by unnecessarily harassed by police following false women – wives, girlfriends, fiancées – or duped. fiancé complaints, another association member in his But the system is biased towards women, mid-30s, said. mid- Madhu Sudanan said, and added there are 84 laws for the protection of women’s rights, but women’ none for men. 10
  • 11. Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, Comments: 2005& ?kjsyw fgalk ls efgykvksa dk laj{k.k vf/kfu;e 2005& eq[; izko/kkuksa ds 2005& ?kjs [; vuqlkj nks"kh O;fDr;ksa dks rRlacaf/kr fof/k esa ltk fey lds ,oa blds vykok ihfM+r efgykvksa dks fpfdRlh; lqfo/kk] vkSj cPpksa ds ckjs esa laj{k.k dh lgk;rk fey lds A fpfdRlh; o/kk] Replace the word in Domestic violence act the vxj fgalk dh ?kVuk gks pqdh gS rks mlds fy, vkfFkZd eqvkotk nsus dk Hkh izko/kku ?kVuk fy, gSA men/women to person and husband/wife to ihfM+r ?kjsyw efgyk ds LokLF;] lqj{kk] thou rFkk vU; lq[k ls jgus dh bPNk LokLF;] {kk] vU; spouse, let the punishment equal for all who do dk guu gksrk gks] ekjihV] HkkoukRed izrkM+uk] vkfFkZd izrkM+uk vkSj uktk;t 'kkjhfjd ekjihV] k] the domestic violence, will women organizations lEcU/k cukus dh dksf’k’k] xkyh ;k rkus nsuk Hkh ifjHkk"kk esa lekos’k gSA mlds fdlh will agree, if they think they do not do the fj’rsnkj dks mlds fo:) djuk Hkh mlesa 'kkfey gSA fj’ fo:) mRihfM+r efgyk ds fy, vf/kfu;e esa dbZ O;oLFkk,a vf/kdkfj;ksa ,oa U;k;ky;ksa ds fy, domestic violence against men? ek/;e ls nh xbZ gSaA eftLVªªsV ds le{k izkFkZuk i= nsdj vfUrfje fu"ks/kkRed dk Hkh eftLV izko/kku gSA eftLVªªsV ds fu.kZ; ds ckn l= U;k;k/kh’k esa 30 fnu esa vihy gksrh gSA eftLV U;k;k/kh’ (/kkjk& 2] 3] 5] 6] 12] 16] 17] 20] 31½ bl ,DV ds ykxw gksus ij bu izko/kkuksa dk (/kkjk& 31½ mfpr mi;ksx efgykvksa ds gkFk esa gS vkSj budk vuqfpr mi;ksx gksdj og funksZ"k O;fDr;ksa dh mRihM+u dk tfj;k u cu tk;s] bldh Hkh [kcjnkjh ysus dk mÙkjnkf;Ro Hkh efgykvksa ij gh gSA L=ksr % efgykvksa ds dkuwuh vf/kdkj] dh cqdysV uEcj 8@2008 ls Legal Awareness Programmes For the awareness of the human rights in public at large, Justice Jain has Justice These books are kept in the Libraries of different schools and colleges wrote about 31 booklets of various legal issues. Out of these booklets 18 booklets for awareness of students as well as the teaching and ministerial staff. booklets have been published by the R.S.H.R.C. Many other organizations, organizations, Some books are even kept in the UN-Congress Library at New Delhi. District Legal Aid Authorities, Departments, Schools, Colleges etc. has also etc. published some booklets like Women, Children, Dalits, Arrest, HIV/AIDS, Dalits, Teachers of various school are interacting with the students on these Human Rights etc. by the permission of the Commission. They have issues in zero hours. distributed these booklets in 80000 in numbers. Some of these booklets are available on Commission’s website Commission’ About legal aid committees, NGO’s / Educational Institutions above and English translation of Some 55, and some Newspapers have re-printed/Published these booklets as booklets are also available on a German website intimated and about 80,000 booklets titled on women, child rights, dalits, arrest, human rights and HIV have been published and These books are: distributed free of cost among the general public to create awareness. 43 44 11
  • 12. 31 booklet have been written by Justice Nagendra Jain (Chairperson RSHRC, Jaipur) on different legal and important issues Fundamental Duties Art 51-A 51- The Commission under the guidance of the Hon’ble Hon’ Chairperson is making the common people aware about the duties mentioned in Art. 51(A) of the Constitution. Justice N.K Jain has made the Performa of these duties and distributed. So many institutions have reprinted and distributed in public to create awareness as many people are not aware of their duties. He is motivating students of various schools, colleges and other institutions. Students of these institutions are reciting the oath oath of article 51(A) of Constitution of India under the guidance of R.S.H.R.C. 45 46 47 12
  • 13. 93- jktLFkku mPp U;k;ky; deZpkjh la?k }kjk izdkf’kr Students reciting the oath of section 51(A) of Constitution of India Lekfjdk& 2010 under the guidelines of RSHRC. 94- lekpkj txr& lekpkj i= esa izdkf’kr 95- jkSud VkbZEl^ lekpkj i= esa izdkf’kr 96- ^nSfud uoT;ksfr^ lekpkj i= esa izdkf’kr 97- jktLFkku pSEcj vkWQ dkelZ ds^jktLFkku pSEcj lans’k^ ¼vad& vizsy&2010½ 98- Lo0 xsanhyky 'kkg] ,MoksdsV dh Le`fr esa ykW;u dSyk’kpan o vt; 'kkg }kjk 99- Hkkjro"khZ; fnxEcj tSu desVh] eqEcbZ vapy dk;kZy;& t;iqj ds v/;{k v’kksd usrk 100- lsaV ikWYl baxfy’k Ldwy] Hknknk ckx] HkhyokMk 101- jktLFkku fdMuh ds;j o fdMuh is’ksUV ,lksfl;s’ku] t;iqj 102- t;iqj dSalj fjyhQ lkslk;Vh] t;iqj 103- bf.M;u vLFkek ds;j lkslk;Vh] t;iqj 104- gSYi ,t }kjk World Elder Abuse Awareness Day In addition to that in legal literacy and awareness program, chairman chairman ij motivated students and even general public to recite the pledge as 105- Addl. D. G. P. o Mk;jsDVj iqfyl ,dsMeh rfeyukMw] mentioned in article 51(A) of Constitution of India. It is good sign that 106- International Summer School of Jain Studies, so many schools have started taking prayer as per instructions of of New Delhi 107- D. G. P. jktLFkku] iqfyl eq[;ky;] t;iqj different concerned authorities as per the request of the commission. commission. Some of them are as follows:- follows:- 50 Students of some institutions reciting the Oath as per Article 51(A) of Constitution of India under the guidelines of RSHRC. 51 52 13
  • 14. News Students reciting the pledge. 53 54 News News Reporting 55 56 14
  • 15. 60 15
  • 16. 16
  • 17. Bibliography Thank you ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I Deepika Verma would like to ackowledge Mr. Justice N.K. Jain , Chairman Human rights commission , Rajasthan under whose able guidance I have been able to accomplish my project on the topic “ Misuse of Women Law” . I would like to thank him Thank You THANK YOU for sparing his valuable time. 17