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Amanda Armitage
SCMOMC President
Happy Holidays to everyone! As we close out 2016 and look forward to 2017, I’d like to thank all of
our board member volunteers who have helped this year. You all make this organization great, and
we couldn’t do what we do without you. If you’ve never held a board position or would like to
continue your service on the board, please submit a resume to Lisa Rey our Nomination Chairman
at My two-year Presidency is coming
to a close in May, and I know there are many of you who
would be great on the Executive Board, too! Please
consider volunteering your time to the SCMOMC. It has
changed my life. I have learned so much.

Our Workshop in November was a blast. Thank you
again to the MODD (Mothers of Double Digits) Squad for
putting on a down-home weekend. I finally learned how
to play Bunco and I’m hooked! We raised a lot of money
from the pound for a purse auction for both our Silver
Pitcher recipient and our Scholarship fund. Thank you to
everyone who bid on a purse. I snagged a cute little one
with a snow globe inside that’s now on display along
with all of our holiday decorations.

I wish you all a blessed holiday season and a very Happy
New Year!

All my best.

Volume 49 Winter 2016 Issue 5
Volume 49 Winter 2016 Issue 5
Southern California Mothers of Multiples Club 2

Executive Board


Amanda Armitage

Ventura County MOMs


Vice President

Melissa Lewis

Ventura County MOMs



Melissa Carter

Santa Clarita Valley Moms of Multiples


Corresponding Secretary

Kristin Kring

Santa Clarita Valley Moms of Multiples


Recording Secretary

Tracie Bockhorst

North County MOMs



Carla Hall

Act Two MOMs


SCMOMC website
The Bulletin 


Christina Pitcher

West Los Angeles Parents of Multiples
Melissa Lewis
SCMOMC Vice President
I hope you are all enjoying the cooler weather; I
know I am. This holiday season seems to be flying
by, and it makes me feel older to see my babies
getting bigger. I am grateful that they still humor me
with visiting Santa for a picture and a chat. It might
be that they know that if they don't, no gift from
Santa for them, but I like to think that they do it to
make me happy. 

The Board of Directors hopes to see some of you at
our January meeting. For those of you who are
thinking about putting in a resume for a board
position, the meeting would be a great opportunity
to see what positions need to be filled. If you are on
the fence about volunteering your time to
SCMOMC, remember that we need you to continue
supporting this organization that we all love. There
are many positions that don't require a lot of your
time, so think about it. We would love to have you.

Take care and have a happy and healthy holiday
Volume 49 Winter 2016 Issue 5
Southern California Mothers of Multiples Club 3
Tracie Bockhorst
SCMOMC Recording Secretary
Thanks to the MODD (Mothers of
Double Digits) Squad for hosting a fun
weekend away in Arcadia! I loved the
bunco night, and I even won a raffle
prize this time! I also snuck away to the
Huntington Library and Botanical
Gardens—that place is so lovely. I’m
ready to go back when the cherry
blossoms are in bloom. 

As far as an update from my duties as
Recording Secretary, I am still waiting to
hear on SCMOMC becoming a
registered charity in California—the
state is taking forever to get anything
done. However, we are on the right
track. I should know more by the time
of the January board meeting. 

Happy Holidays, and I hope to see you
next month!

Wishing everyone good cheer.

Kristen Kring
SCMOMC Corresponding Secretary
Hello everyone and happy
holidays. I hope you are all
refreshed and recharged after our
Workshop ’16. I know I was a
much happier mom coming home
to my littles. I always love
spending time with you ladies. I’m
so excited for our new logo that
was voted in. It’s fresh and
modern, and I can’t wait to see all
the new swag it gets used on. I’m
currently getting quotes to
have the new badges printed using our logo,
so stay tuned for that, and I hope to have the
badges ready in the near future.
Our next board meeting will be held
on January 21, 2017, in Gardena,
CA, and I will be sending out the
details for that meeting in the
coming weeks. I hope to see you
there. Until then, I hope your
holidays are merry and bright, and
may you have a fun and safe New

Volume 49 Winter 2016 Issue 5
Southern California Mothers of Multiples Club 4
Melissa Carter
SCMOMC Treasurer
“I’ve heard that there are these clubs for people like you.”

“My friend (cousin, aunt, coworker, etc.) was in one of the twin club things. 

Maybe you should find one.”
“Have you heard of or looked into those twins clubs that are out there?”

These well intended comments and suggestions, and other ones like them, came semi-
consistently from loved ones and strangers while I was pregnant with my girls and right after
having them. Despite at least a dozen or more comments from various people, I had never
bothered to actually look into these “twins clubs” that everyone seemed to want me to find and
join. I honestly thought I didn’t need anything like that. I had a lot of support, family, and friends,
and I just didn’t see the need for it. Then this happened:

Renee and I had a mutual Facebook friend, and
she had reached out after we both had
commented on that mutual friend’s post when
she noticed my profile picture was one of my
husband, the twins, and me from the delivery
room right after the girls were born. Our girls
were almost 2 months old at the time Renee
sent this message, and while I still had no clue
what a “twins club” actually did or meant, I
decided to contact her. I am not sure exactly
what made the timing of this suggestion
different than that of the other suggestions.
Maybe because it came from another mom of
twins. Or maybe because I was starting to see
that relating to others in my life who didn’t have
Save the Date

National Convention

July 27–30, 2017	 Kansas City, MO
Volume 49 Winter 2016 Issue 5
Southern California Mothers of Multiples Club 5
twins wasn’t as easy as I thought it was going to be. But what really matters is that the rest is now
history. While to Renee it was not a big deal, my gratitude to her for reaching out that day is
immeasurable. The value of having people who not only understand but can relate to my crazy is so
much more important and special than I could have ever imagined. I love my local club and our
state club so much for many reasons but especially because I have so many amazing friendships
that have come from these organizations. Friends who have become my family when at one time I
would have told you that I didn’t even need these friends at all. These clubs are in existence for
“people like me” to find and connect with each other, and I wholeheartedly believe in the
importance of our mission and know that together we will continue to serve those “people like us” in
a way that truly makes an impact, and it is a blessing, for not just each mother of multiples who
finds us (in whatever way she does) but for her family as well. I am looking forward to our
organization flourishing and thriving in 2017 and beyond! I am also sending lots of love from my
home to yours during this holiday season!



Carla Hall
SCMOMC Parliamentarian
I have not received any proposed bylaws as of
yet. I will be trying to update all the requirements
for each position. So, if you have suggestions or
changes, please send to me after the first of the

The reason that I stay active in our club is
because of the friendships that I have made and
those that I am currently making . . . we each
have something to share, whether giving advice,
sharing past experiences, or just being able to
relate to someone who is going through rough
times, and those are the primary reasons that we

each need to develop the bonds that were
given each of us as mothers of multiples.

So, to each of you reading this, whether I
know you personally or not, I wish you the
best of the holiday season and a great New
Volume 49 Winter 2016 Issue 5
Southern California Mothers of Multiples Club 6
Laura Teague
SCMOMC Meeting Planner and Past
Happy Holidays Moms!

Thank you to everyone who attended “Home
Sweet Home” in November. MODD Squad
(Mothers of Double Digits) worked very hard to
host a relaxing weekend of friendship and
fellowship. Thank you also to all the clubs and
attendees who so generously donated
opportunity baskets and purses. The pound-
in-a-purse auction was a great success! We
were able to raise quite a bit of money for
Philanthropic and Silver Pitcher requests. It
was so entertaining to see what the “pound”
item or items were.
So . . . open your 2017 and 2018 calendars
and start marking the weekends away with
your mothers of multiples friends!

• May 5–7, 2017, “California MOMs,” hosted
by Ventura County Mothers of Multiples.
Ventura Beach Marriott $149 (standard
double, triple, queen), $8 parking, think
umbrella drinks and surfin’ safari and like
the Beach Boys sing “ We will be having
fun, fun, fun!”

• Workshop 2017 will be hosted by High
Desert Mothers of Multiples November
3–5, 2017.

Western theme location and hotel still to
be confirmed.

• Convention 2018 will be our 50th
Anniversary. This golden occasion will be
hosted by our very own “Golden Girls,”
our past presidents, location and hotel to
be confirmed.

• And Workshop 2018 has received a bid
from Mixed Doubles, they would like to
host an event in the Palm Springs area
with a Candy Land theme. This bid will
still need to be approved.

See you in the New Year!

Using a sharp knife, peel the oranges, removing all of
the bitter white pith. Working over a bowl, cut in
between the membranes to release the sections.
Squeeze the juice from the membranes into the
bowl. Cut the orange sections into 1-inch pieces. 

In a large saucepan, combine the cranberries and
water with 1/4 cup of orange juice from the bowl and
bring to a simmer over moderate heat. Cover and cook over moderately low heat, stirring
occasionally, until the cranberries have popped, about 10 minutes. Add the vinegar, both sugars,
the ginger, and orange pieces and cook over moderate heat, stirring occasionally, until thick, about
5 minutes. Let cool slightly, then season with salt and pepper. Serve warm or at room temperature.
Cranberry Ginger Orange
2 large navel oranges
2 pounds fresh cranberries
1/2 cup water 

2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
3/4 cup granulated sugar
3/4 cup light brown sugar
1/4 cup minced fresh ginger
Salt and freshly ground pepper
Volume 49 Winter 2016 Issue 5
Southern California Mothers of Multiples Club 7
Barbara Lawlor
SCMOMC Special Projects Chairman
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
I hope you’re looking forward to spending
time with family and friends this season as
much as I am. Two of my granddaughters,
Cami, 6, and Hazel Mae, 4, recently moved
to Colorado and are they ever enjoying the
snow. It will be their very first White
Christmas, and Grandma is going crazy
buying snow “stuff” for them. Fun, fun, fun!
For those of you who attended Workshop in
November, you know our new SCMOMC
logo was approved. As your Special Projects
Chairman, I’ll be looking for new items to
order displaying the new logo. 

Diana Pedersen Coe
Chair, 2016 SCMOMC Workshop
First off I want to say a big, huge thanks to all of those who were able to attend SCMOMC
Workshop. Home Sweet Home. I heard all good things about our event. The pound-in-a-purse
auction was a huge success for our Silver Pitcher and Scholarship. And that is what it is all about
ladies, SCMOMC in our supporting effort for our communities. Remember we are there for you and
yours, as long as we can be.

There is always room for new ideas. Don’t be afraid to speak up, and at least voice your thoughts,
to make our organization a more positive platform for everyone.

If your club has not hosted for awhile or even ever . . . volunteer to
do one or help another club that is considering hosting. It is work,
but very worthwhile. You ladies have hidden talents, and those
talents just may be what our organization is looking for.

We as the MODD Squad (Mothers of Double Digits) have hosted five
Workshops, and with a small club we have shown it can be done.
Our Meeting Planners are awesome and fun to work with.

I hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable holiday.

Love to all.
If you have any ideas, please, let me know. In
the meantime, I’ll still be selling the discs that
represent our Conventions and Workshops. If
you didn’t buy one last November, look for
me in May; I always bring the past discs, as
well as, the new disc. Just look for the crazy
lady wearing the “disc necklace”!
Volume 49 Winter 2016 Issue 5
Southern California Mothers of Multiples Club 8
Christina Pitcher
Editor, The Bulletin
She looked familiar, but it had been about six
years. She used to be a member of the West
Los Angeles Parents of Multiples (my multiples
group) when she lived nearby, but she had
since relocated and belonged to a different
group. Even though it was late Saturday night
after the festivities of Home Sweet Home’s
Workshop were over, we could barely bring
ourselves to part from our conversation. We
were old friends reunited. It was such a
pleasure hearing about her family, her life, her
job. She inspired me to want to do more with
my life. 

The cranberry ginger orange chutney recipe is
a favorite from SCMOMC Advisor/Past
President Linda A. Grisé, and it sounds very
good to me. I chose the cake recipe for purely
selfish reasons. I’ve got cake on my mind
because my birthday is coming soon.
Lauren McDowell
SCMOMC Webmaster
Thank you for your glowing feedback
regarding the new SCMOMC logo! I am
currently working on creating all the logo
formats that we will need for both professional
usage and digital usage (web, Microsoft Word,
etc.). Once the logos are ready to go, I will
upload all of them to the members only
section of the SCMOMC website along with a
style/usage guide that shows how our logo
should be used in different formats. In the
meantime, if you need the official logo jpg,
please email me at

Jen Gardner
SCMOMC Scholarship Chair
Thank you all for your generous donations to our
Scholarship Fund! We started out the 48th
Annual Workshop with about $1,700 in the fund,
and after your club and personal donations as
well as the 50% split from the outrageously fun
and successful pound-in-a-purse auction, we
now have about $3,400 in the fund to split
between multiple scholarship recipients. The
Scholarship Committee is anxiously awaiting
Scholarship and Book award applications, which
are both due by February 2, 2017. The recipients
will be announced at Convention in May.

As a reminder, we offer two different types of
financial aid: One is the Book award, which is a
$500 award to a SCMOMC member or child
thereof. The other is a Scholarship, which is for a
mom of multiples or a multiple not affiliated with
SCMOMC, who is attending college this coming
school year (2017–2018). In this way, we support
both our members and our communities at large.
The Book award application can be found in the
members-only section of our web site (http://, and the
Scholarship can be found at http://
If you have yet to submit your club donation to
the Scholarship fund, please email Melissa
Carter at for mailing

If you have any other questions, please do not
hesitate to contact me at
Volume 49 Winter 2016 Issue 5
Southern California Mothers of Multiples Club 9
Quinoa Chocolate Cake—
gluten free
From Winnie’s Blog,
2013/03/1821/ (copyright 2016).

9” round cake pan

For the cake

• 2/3 cup quinoa

• 1-1/3 cups water

• 1/3 cup buttermilk, or use low-fat heavy cream

• 2 large eggs

• 4 large egg whites

• 1 tsp vanilla extract

• 3/4 cup oil

• 1 cup sugar

• ½ cup dark-brown sugar

• 1 cup sifted unsweetened cocoa powder

• 1½ tsp baking powder

• ½ tsp baking soda

• ¼ tsp salt

For the chocolate ganache

• 150 gr (5.3 ounces) bittersweet chocolate—cut
into pieces

• ½ cup heavy cream

• 1 tsp sweet red wine

• 4–5 tbsp raspberry, strawberry, or orange jam

• Caramelized hazelnuts for decoration
Combine the quinoa and water in a saucepan and
bring it to a boil. Cover, reduce to a simmer, and
cook for 10 minutes. Turn off the heat and set aside
the covered saucepan for another 10 minutes. Fluff
with a fork and allow the quinoa to cool. 

Transfer the cooked quinoa to a food processor
and grind. 

Preheat the oven to 350°F. Lightly grease the pan.
Line a baking sheet and grease it as well. Sprinkle
the greased pan with cocoa powder and then pat
the pan to get rid of the excess.
In a small bowl, stir the cocoa powder, baking
powder, baking soda, and salt. In the bowl of a stand
mixer (or you can use a hand mixer), whip the eggs,
egg whites, and sugars on a medium speed until you
get a light and slightly fluffy mixture. Gradually add
the oil and keep whipping. Add the vanilla extract.
Add the cocoa mixture and mix together. Add the
quinoa alternately with the buttermilk/low-fat heavy
cream, and mix. Transfer the mixture to the pan and
bake for 50 minutes until a toothpick comes out from
the center with only a few moist crumbs. Place the
pan on a wire rack. After a few minutes, run a knife
around the sides. After 15 minutes, loosen the sides
and flip the cake over the wire rack. Remove the
baking sheet and let the cake cool completely.

Making the ganache: Heat the heavy cream until it’s
almost boiling (can be done in the microwave). Put in
the chocolate pieces. Cover and wait for 2 minutes.
Stir, add the wine, and keep stirring until you get a
smooth mixture. Let it cool for a few minutes.

Warm the jam and spread it on top of the cake, with
a thin layer over the sides. You can also poke some
holes with a toothpick on top, before pouring the
ganache. Pour the ganache over the cake and
spread it on the sides. Decorate with
caramelized hazelnuts.

≈   The cake freezes well.

≈  If you don’t have dark-brown sugar, you can
use only white sugar. In this case, put in 1½
cups all together.
Volume 49 Winter 2016 Issue 5
Southern California Mothers of Multiples Club 10

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2016 dwm winter newsletter
2016 dwm winter newsletter2016 dwm winter newsletter
2016 dwm winter newsletter
I am in need of a powerpoint i need to present in class today that s.docx
I am in need of a powerpoint i need to present in class today that s.docxI am in need of a powerpoint i need to present in class today that s.docx
I am in need of a powerpoint i need to present in class today that s.docx


  • 1. THE BULLETIN Amanda Armitage SCMOMC President Happy Holidays to everyone! As we close out 2016 and look forward to 2017, I’d like to thank all of our board member volunteers who have helped this year. You all make this organization great, and we couldn’t do what we do without you. If you’ve never held a board position or would like to continue your service on the board, please submit a resume to Lisa Rey our Nomination Chairman at My two-year Presidency is coming to a close in May, and I know there are many of you who would be great on the Executive Board, too! Please consider volunteering your time to the SCMOMC. It has changed my life. I have learned so much. Our Workshop in November was a blast. Thank you again to the MODD (Mothers of Double Digits) Squad for putting on a down-home weekend. I finally learned how to play Bunco and I’m hooked! We raised a lot of money from the pound for a purse auction for both our Silver Pitcher recipient and our Scholarship fund. Thank you to everyone who bid on a purse. I snagged a cute little one with a snow globe inside that’s now on display along with all of our holiday decorations. I wish you all a blessed holiday season and a very Happy New Year! All my best. Volume 49 Winter 2016 Issue 5
  • 2. Volume 49 Winter 2016 Issue 5 Southern California Mothers of Multiples Club 2 SCMOMC
 Executive Board
 2016–2017 President
 Amanda Armitage
 Ventura County MOMs
 805-815-3013 Vice President
 Melissa Lewis
 Ventura County MOMs
 805-766-9207 Treasurer
 Melissa Carter
 Santa Clarita Valley Moms of Multiples
 818-207-0717 Corresponding Secretary
 Kristin Kring
 Santa Clarita Valley Moms of Multiples
 661-312-4472 Recording Secretary
 Tracie Bockhorst
 North County MOMs
 720-883-7610 Parliamentarian
 Carla Hall
 Act Two MOMs
 951-743-9350 SCMOMC website The Bulletin 
 Christina Pitcher
 West Los Angeles Parents of Multiples Melissa Lewis SCMOMC Vice President I hope you are all enjoying the cooler weather; I know I am. This holiday season seems to be flying by, and it makes me feel older to see my babies getting bigger. I am grateful that they still humor me with visiting Santa for a picture and a chat. It might be that they know that if they don't, no gift from Santa for them, but I like to think that they do it to make me happy. The Board of Directors hopes to see some of you at our January meeting. For those of you who are thinking about putting in a resume for a board position, the meeting would be a great opportunity to see what positions need to be filled. If you are on the fence about volunteering your time to SCMOMC, remember that we need you to continue supporting this organization that we all love. There are many positions that don't require a lot of your time, so think about it. We would love to have you. Take care and have a happy and healthy holiday season.
  • 3. Volume 49 Winter 2016 Issue 5 Southern California Mothers of Multiples Club 3 Tracie Bockhorst SCMOMC Recording Secretary Thanks to the MODD (Mothers of Double Digits) Squad for hosting a fun weekend away in Arcadia! I loved the bunco night, and I even won a raffle prize this time! I also snuck away to the Huntington Library and Botanical Gardens—that place is so lovely. I’m ready to go back when the cherry blossoms are in bloom. As far as an update from my duties as Recording Secretary, I am still waiting to hear on SCMOMC becoming a registered charity in California—the state is taking forever to get anything done. However, we are on the right track. I should know more by the time of the January board meeting. Happy Holidays, and I hope to see you next month! Wishing everyone good cheer. Kristen Kring SCMOMC Corresponding Secretary Hello everyone and happy holidays. I hope you are all refreshed and recharged after our Workshop ’16. I know I was a much happier mom coming home to my littles. I always love spending time with you ladies. I’m so excited for our new logo that was voted in. It’s fresh and modern, and I can’t wait to see all the new swag it gets used on. I’m currently getting quotes to have the new badges printed using our logo, so stay tuned for that, and I hope to have the badges ready in the near future. Our next board meeting will be held on January 21, 2017, in Gardena, CA, and I will be sending out the details for that meeting in the coming weeks. I hope to see you there. Until then, I hope your holidays are merry and bright, and may you have a fun and safe New Year. LEFT TO RIGHT: CHRISTINA BELL, TRACIE BOCKHORST, AND CATHERINE CHEUNG, NORTH COUNTY MOTHERS OF MULTIPLES
  • 4. Volume 49 Winter 2016 Issue 5 Southern California Mothers of Multiples Club 4 Melissa Carter SCMOMC Treasurer “I’ve heard that there are these clubs for people like you.” “My friend (cousin, aunt, coworker, etc.) was in one of the twin club things. 
 Maybe you should find one.” “Have you heard of or looked into those twins clubs that are out there?” These well intended comments and suggestions, and other ones like them, came semi- consistently from loved ones and strangers while I was pregnant with my girls and right after having them. Despite at least a dozen or more comments from various people, I had never bothered to actually look into these “twins clubs” that everyone seemed to want me to find and join. I honestly thought I didn’t need anything like that. I had a lot of support, family, and friends, and I just didn’t see the need for it. Then this happened: Renee and I had a mutual Facebook friend, and she had reached out after we both had commented on that mutual friend’s post when she noticed my profile picture was one of my husband, the twins, and me from the delivery room right after the girls were born. Our girls were almost 2 months old at the time Renee sent this message, and while I still had no clue what a “twins club” actually did or meant, I decided to contact her. I am not sure exactly what made the timing of this suggestion different than that of the other suggestions. Maybe because it came from another mom of twins. Or maybe because I was starting to see that relating to others in my life who didn’t have Save the Date
 National Convention
 July 27–30, 2017 Kansas City, MO
  • 5. Volume 49 Winter 2016 Issue 5 Southern California Mothers of Multiples Club 5 twins wasn’t as easy as I thought it was going to be. But what really matters is that the rest is now history. While to Renee it was not a big deal, my gratitude to her for reaching out that day is immeasurable. The value of having people who not only understand but can relate to my crazy is so much more important and special than I could have ever imagined. I love my local club and our state club so much for many reasons but especially because I have so many amazing friendships that have come from these organizations. Friends who have become my family when at one time I would have told you that I didn’t even need these friends at all. These clubs are in existence for “people like me” to find and connect with each other, and I wholeheartedly believe in the importance of our mission and know that together we will continue to serve those “people like us” in a way that truly makes an impact, and it is a blessing, for not just each mother of multiples who finds us (in whatever way she does) but for her family as well. I am looking forward to our organization flourishing and thriving in 2017 and beyond! I am also sending lots of love from my home to yours during this holiday season! FRONT ROW: NIKI HYER, WENDY AMARA, JODI CILLUFFO, AND 
 SYLENA KEPHART Carla Hall SCMOMC Parliamentarian I have not received any proposed bylaws as of yet. I will be trying to update all the requirements for each position. So, if you have suggestions or changes, please send to me after the first of the year.   The reason that I stay active in our club is because of the friendships that I have made and those that I am currently making . . . we each have something to share, whether giving advice, sharing past experiences, or just being able to relate to someone who is going through rough times, and those are the primary reasons that we each need to develop the bonds that were given each of us as mothers of multiples. So, to each of you reading this, whether I know you personally or not, I wish you the best of the holiday season and a great New Year.
  • 6. Volume 49 Winter 2016 Issue 5 Southern California Mothers of Multiples Club 6 Laura Teague SCMOMC Meeting Planner and Past President/Advisor Happy Holidays Moms! Thank you to everyone who attended “Home Sweet Home” in November. MODD Squad (Mothers of Double Digits) worked very hard to host a relaxing weekend of friendship and fellowship. Thank you also to all the clubs and attendees who so generously donated opportunity baskets and purses. The pound- in-a-purse auction was a great success! We were able to raise quite a bit of money for Philanthropic and Silver Pitcher requests. It was so entertaining to see what the “pound” item or items were. So . . . open your 2017 and 2018 calendars and start marking the weekends away with your mothers of multiples friends! • May 5–7, 2017, “California MOMs,” hosted by Ventura County Mothers of Multiples. Ventura Beach Marriott $149 (standard double, triple, queen), $8 parking, think umbrella drinks and surfin’ safari and like the Beach Boys sing “ We will be having fun, fun, fun!” • Workshop 2017 will be hosted by High Desert Mothers of Multiples November 3–5, 2017. Western theme location and hotel still to be confirmed. • Convention 2018 will be our 50th Anniversary. This golden occasion will be hosted by our very own “Golden Girls,” our past presidents, location and hotel to be confirmed. • And Workshop 2018 has received a bid from Mixed Doubles, they would like to host an event in the Palm Springs area with a Candy Land theme. This bid will still need to be approved. See you in the New Year! Using a sharp knife, peel the oranges, removing all of the bitter white pith. Working over a bowl, cut in between the membranes to release the sections. Squeeze the juice from the membranes into the bowl. Cut the orange sections into 1-inch pieces. In a large saucepan, combine the cranberries and water with 1/4 cup of orange juice from the bowl and bring to a simmer over moderate heat. Cover and cook over moderately low heat, stirring occasionally, until the cranberries have popped, about 10 minutes. Add the vinegar, both sugars, the ginger, and orange pieces and cook over moderate heat, stirring occasionally, until thick, about 5 minutes. Let cool slightly, then season with salt and pepper. Serve warm or at room temperature. Cranberry Ginger Orange Chutney Ingredients 2 large navel oranges 2 pounds fresh cranberries 1/2 cup water 2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar 3/4 cup granulated sugar 3/4 cup light brown sugar 1/4 cup minced fresh ginger Salt and freshly ground pepper
  • 7. Volume 49 Winter 2016 Issue 5 Southern California Mothers of Multiples Club 7 Barbara Lawlor SCMOMC Special Projects Chairman Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! I hope you’re looking forward to spending time with family and friends this season as much as I am. Two of my granddaughters, Cami, 6, and Hazel Mae, 4, recently moved to Colorado and are they ever enjoying the snow. It will be their very first White Christmas, and Grandma is going crazy buying snow “stuff” for them. Fun, fun, fun! For those of you who attended Workshop in November, you know our new SCMOMC logo was approved. As your Special Projects Chairman, I’ll be looking for new items to order displaying the new logo. Diana Pedersen Coe Chair, 2016 SCMOMC Workshop First off I want to say a big, huge thanks to all of those who were able to attend SCMOMC Workshop. Home Sweet Home. I heard all good things about our event. The pound-in-a-purse auction was a huge success for our Silver Pitcher and Scholarship. And that is what it is all about ladies, SCMOMC in our supporting effort for our communities. Remember we are there for you and yours, as long as we can be. There is always room for new ideas. Don’t be afraid to speak up, and at least voice your thoughts, to make our organization a more positive platform for everyone. If your club has not hosted for awhile or even ever . . . volunteer to do one or help another club that is considering hosting. It is work, but very worthwhile. You ladies have hidden talents, and those talents just may be what our organization is looking for. We as the MODD Squad (Mothers of Double Digits) have hosted five Workshops, and with a small club we have shown it can be done. Our Meeting Planners are awesome and fun to work with. I hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable holiday. Love to all. If you have any ideas, please, let me know. In the meantime, I’ll still be selling the discs that represent our Conventions and Workshops. If you didn’t buy one last November, look for me in May; I always bring the past discs, as well as, the new disc. Just look for the crazy lady wearing the “disc necklace”!
  • 8. Volume 49 Winter 2016 Issue 5 Southern California Mothers of Multiples Club 8 Christina Pitcher Editor, The Bulletin She looked familiar, but it had been about six years. She used to be a member of the West Los Angeles Parents of Multiples (my multiples group) when she lived nearby, but she had since relocated and belonged to a different group. Even though it was late Saturday night after the festivities of Home Sweet Home’s Workshop were over, we could barely bring ourselves to part from our conversation. We were old friends reunited. It was such a pleasure hearing about her family, her life, her job. She inspired me to want to do more with my life. The cranberry ginger orange chutney recipe is a favorite from SCMOMC Advisor/Past President Linda A. Grisé, and it sounds very good to me. I chose the cake recipe for purely selfish reasons. I’ve got cake on my mind because my birthday is coming soon. Lauren McDowell SCMOMC Webmaster Thank you for your glowing feedback regarding the new SCMOMC logo! I am currently working on creating all the logo formats that we will need for both professional usage and digital usage (web, Microsoft Word, etc.). Once the logos are ready to go, I will upload all of them to the members only section of the SCMOMC website along with a style/usage guide that shows how our logo should be used in different formats. In the meantime, if you need the official logo jpg, please email me at Jen Gardner SCMOMC Scholarship Chair Thank you all for your generous donations to our Scholarship Fund! We started out the 48th Annual Workshop with about $1,700 in the fund, and after your club and personal donations as well as the 50% split from the outrageously fun and successful pound-in-a-purse auction, we now have about $3,400 in the fund to split between multiple scholarship recipients. The Scholarship Committee is anxiously awaiting Scholarship and Book award applications, which are both due by February 2, 2017. The recipients will be announced at Convention in May. As a reminder, we offer two different types of financial aid: One is the Book award, which is a $500 award to a SCMOMC member or child thereof. The other is a Scholarship, which is for a mom of multiples or a multiple not affiliated with SCMOMC, who is attending college this coming school year (2017–2018). In this way, we support both our members and our communities at large. The Book award application can be found in the members-only section of our web site (http://, and the Scholarship can be found at http:// If you have yet to submit your club donation to the Scholarship fund, please email Melissa Carter at for mailing information. If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at
  • 9. Volume 49 Winter 2016 Issue 5 Southern California Mothers of Multiples Club 9 Quinoa Chocolate Cake— gluten free From Winnie’s Blog, 2013/03/1821/ (copyright 2016). 9” round cake pan For the cake • 2/3 cup quinoa • 1-1/3 cups water • 1/3 cup buttermilk, or use low-fat heavy cream • 2 large eggs • 4 large egg whites • 1 tsp vanilla extract • 3/4 cup oil • 1 cup sugar • ½ cup dark-brown sugar • 1 cup sifted unsweetened cocoa powder • 1½ tsp baking powder • ½ tsp baking soda • ¼ tsp salt For the chocolate ganache • 150 gr (5.3 ounces) bittersweet chocolate—cut into pieces • ½ cup heavy cream • 1 tsp sweet red wine • 4–5 tbsp raspberry, strawberry, or orange jam • Caramelized hazelnuts for decoration Combine the quinoa and water in a saucepan and bring it to a boil. Cover, reduce to a simmer, and cook for 10 minutes. Turn off the heat and set aside the covered saucepan for another 10 minutes. Fluff with a fork and allow the quinoa to cool. Transfer the cooked quinoa to a food processor and grind. Preheat the oven to 350°F. Lightly grease the pan. Line a baking sheet and grease it as well. Sprinkle the greased pan with cocoa powder and then pat the pan to get rid of the excess. In a small bowl, stir the cocoa powder, baking powder, baking soda, and salt. In the bowl of a stand mixer (or you can use a hand mixer), whip the eggs, egg whites, and sugars on a medium speed until you get a light and slightly fluffy mixture. Gradually add the oil and keep whipping. Add the vanilla extract. Add the cocoa mixture and mix together. Add the quinoa alternately with the buttermilk/low-fat heavy cream, and mix. Transfer the mixture to the pan and bake for 50 minutes until a toothpick comes out from the center with only a few moist crumbs. Place the pan on a wire rack. After a few minutes, run a knife around the sides. After 15 minutes, loosen the sides and flip the cake over the wire rack. Remove the baking sheet and let the cake cool completely. Making the ganache: Heat the heavy cream until it’s almost boiling (can be done in the microwave). Put in the chocolate pieces. Cover and wait for 2 minutes. Stir, add the wine, and keep stirring until you get a smooth mixture. Let it cool for a few minutes. Warm the jam and spread it on top of the cake, with a thin layer over the sides. You can also poke some holes with a toothpick on top, before pouring the ganache. Pour the ganache over the cake and spread it on the sides. Decorate with caramelized hazelnuts. ≈   The cake freezes well. ≈  If you don’t have dark-brown sugar, you can use only white sugar. In this case, put in 1½ cups all together.
  • 10. Volume 49 Winter 2016 Issue 5 Southern California Mothers of Multiples Club 10