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41726               Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 137 / Monday, July 19, 2010 / Rules and Regulations

                                                   (b) The additive is used or intended                  DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY                            shared with the other Departments.
                                                for use as a feed acidifying agent, to                                                                         Please do not submit duplicates.
                                                lower the pH, in complete swine feeds                    Internal Revenue Service                                 All comments will be made available
                                                at levels not to exceed 1.2 percent of the                                                                     to the public. WARNING: Do not
                                                complete feed.                                           26 CFR Part 54                                        include any personally identifiable
                                                                                                                                                               information (such as name, address, or
                                                   (c) To assure safe use of the additive,               [TD 9493]
                                                                                                                                                               other contact information) or
                                                in addition to the other information                                                                           confidential business information that
                                                                                                         RIN 1545–BJ60
                                                required by the Federal Food, Drug, and                                                                        you do not want publicly disclosed. All
                                                Cosmetic Act (the act), the label and                    DEPARTMENT OF LABOR                                   comments are posted on the Internet
                                                labeling shall contain:                                                                                        exactly as received, and can be retrieved
                                                   (1) The name of the additive.                         Employee Benefits Security                            by most Internet search engines. No
                                                   (2) Adequate directions for use                       Administration                                        deletions, modifications, or redactions
                                                including a statement that ammonium                                                                            will be made to the comments received,
                                                                                                         29 CFR Part 2590                                      as they are public records. Comments
                                                formate must be uniformly applied and
                                                                                                                                                               may be submitted anonymously.
                                                thoroughly mixed into complete swine                     RIN 1210–AB44                                            Department of Labor. Comments to
                                                feeds and that the complete swine feeds                                                                        the Department of Labor, identified by
                                                so treated shall be labeled as containing                DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND
                                                                                                         HUMAN SERVICES                                        RIN 1210–AB44, by one of the following
                                                ammonium formate.                                                                                              methods:
                                                   (d) To assure safe use of the additive,               [OCIIO–9992–IFC]                                         • Federal eRulemaking Portal: http://
                                                in addition to the other information                                                                  Follow the
                                                required by the act and paragraph (c) of                 45 CFR Part 147                                       instructions for submitting comments.
                                                this section, the label and labeling shall                                                                        • E-mail: E-
                                                                                                         RIN 0938–AQ07
                                                                                                         Interim Final Rules for Group Health                     • Mail or Hand Delivery: Office of
                                                   (1) Appropriate warnings and safety                                                                         Health Plan Standards and Compliance
                                                precautions concerning ammonium                          Plans and Health Insurance Issuers
                                                                                                         Relating to Coverage of Preventive                    Assistance, Employee Benefits Security
                                                formate (37 percent ammonium salt of                                                                           Administration, Room N–5653, U.S.
                                                formic acid and 62 percent formic acid).                 Services Under the Patient Protection
                                                                                                         and Affordable Care Act                               Department of Labor, 200 Constitution
                                                   (2) Statements identifying ammonium                                                                         Avenue, NW., Washington, DC 20210,
                                                formate in formic acid (37 percent                       AGENCIES:  Internal Revenue Service,                  Attention: RIN 1210–AB44.
                                                ammonium salt of formic acid and 62                      Department of the Treasury; Employee                     Comments received by the
                                                percent formic acid) as a corrosive and                  Benefits Security Administration,                     Department of Labor will be posted
                                                possible severe irritant.                                Department of Labor; Office of                        without change to http://
                                                                                                         Consumer Information and Insurance           and http://
                                                   (3) Information about emergency aid                   Oversight, Department of Health and         , and available for
                                                in case of accidental exposure as                        Human Services.                                       public inspection at the Public
                                                follows:                                                                                                       Disclosure Room, N–1513, Employee
                                                                                                         ACTION: Interim final rules with request
                                                   (i) Statements reflecting requirements                for comments.                                         Benefits Security Administration, 200
                                                of applicable sections of the Superfund                                                                        Constitution Avenue, NW., Washington,
                                                Amendments and Reauthorization Act                       SUMMARY:   This document contains                     DC 20210.
                                                (SARA), and the Occupational Safety                      interim final regulations implementing                   Department of Health and Human
                                                and Health Administration’s (OSHA)                       the rules for group health plans and                  Services. In commenting, please refer to
                                                human safety guidance regulations.                       health insurance coverage in the group                file code OCIIO–9992–IFC. Because of
                                                                                                         and individual markets under                          staff and resource limitations, we cannot
                                                   (ii) Contact address and telephone                    provisions of the Patient Protection and              accept comments by facsimile (FAX)
                                                number for reporting adverse reactions                   Affordable Care Act regarding                         transmission.
                                                or to request a copy of the Material                     preventive health services.                              You may submit comments in one of
                                                Safety Data Sheet (MSDS).                                                                                      four ways (please choose only one of the
                                                                                                         DATES: Effective date. These interim
                                                  Dated: July 14, 2010.                                  final regulations are effective on                    ways listed):
                                                                                                         September 17, 2010.                                      1. Electronically. You may submit
                                                Tracey H. Forfa,
                                                                                                            Comment date. Comments are due on                  electronic comments on this regulation
                                                Acting Director, Center for Veterinary                                                                         to Follow
                                                Medicine.                                                or before September 17, 2010.
                                                                                                            Applicability dates. These interim                 the instructions under the ‘‘More Search
                                                [FR Doc. 2010–17565 Filed 7–16–10; 8:45 am]                                                                    Options’’ tab.
                                                                                                         final regulations generally apply to
                                                BILLING CODE 4160–01–S                                                                                            2. By regular mail. You may mail
                                                                                                         group health plans and group health
                                                                                                                                                               written comments to the following
                                                                                                         insurance issuers for plan years
                                                                                                                                                               address ONLY: Office of Consumer
                                                                                                         beginning on or after September 23,
                                                                                                                                                               Information and Insurance Oversight,
                                                                                                         2010. These interim final regulations
                                                                                                                                                               Department of Health and Human
                                                                                                         generally apply to individual health
                                                                                                                                                               Services, Attention: OCIIO–9992–IFC,
mstockstill on DSKH9S0YB1PROD with RULES

                                                                                                         insurance issuers for policy years
                                                                                                                                                               P.O. Box 8016, Baltimore, MD 21244–
                                                                                                         beginning on or after September 23,
                                                                                                                                                                  Please allow sufficient time for mailed
                                                                                                         ADDRESSES:  Written comments may be                   comments to be received before the
                                                                                                         submitted to any of the addresses                     close of the comment period.
                                                                                                         specified below. Any comment that is                     3. By express or overnight mail. You
                                                                                                         submitted to any Department will be                   may send written comments to the

                                           VerDate Mar<15>2010   15:50 Jul 16, 2010   Jkt 220001   PO 00000   Frm 00036   Fmt 4700   Sfmt 4700   E:FRFM19JYR1.SGM   19JYR1
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 137 / Monday, July 19, 2010 / Rules and Regulations                                                     41727

                                                following address ONLY: Office of                        headquarters of the Centers for Medicare              and add to the provisions of part A of
                                                Consumer Information and Insurance                       & Medicaid Services, 7500 Security                    title XXVII of the Public Health Service
                                                Oversight, Department of Health and                      Boulevard, Baltimore, Maryland 21244,                 Act (PHS Act) relating to group health
                                                Human Services, Attention: OCIIO–                        Monday through Friday of each week                    plans and health insurance issuers in
                                                9992–IFC, Mail Stop C4–26–05, 7500                       from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. EST. To                      the group and individual markets. The
                                                Security Boulevard, Baltimore, MD                        schedule an appointment to view public                term ‘‘group health plan’’ includes both
                                                21244–1850.                                              comments, phone 1–800–743–3951.                       insured and self-insured group health
                                                  4. By hand or courier. If you prefer,                    Internal Revenue Service. Comments                  plans.1 The Affordable Care Act adds
                                                you may deliver (by hand or courier)                     to the IRS, identified by REG–120391–                 section 715(a)(1) to the Employee
                                                your written comments before the close                   10, by one of the following methods:                  Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA)
                                                of the comment period to either of the                     • Federal eRulemaking Portal: http://
                                                                                                                                                               and section 9815(a)(1) to the Internal
                                                following addresses:                            Follow the
                                                                                                                                                               Revenue Code (the Code) to incorporate
                                                  a. For delivery in Washington, DC—                     instructions for submitting comments.
                                                                                                           • Mail: CC:PA:LPD:PR (REG–120391–                   the provisions of part A of title XXVII
                                                Office of Consumer Information and
                                                Insurance Oversight, Department of                       10), room 5205, Internal Revenue                      of the PHS Act into ERISA and the
                                                Health and Human Services, Room 445–                     Service, P.O. Box 7604, Ben Franklin                  Code, and make them applicable to
                                                G, Hubert H. Humphrey Building, 200                      Station, Washington, DC 20044.                        group health plans, and health
                                                Independence Avenue, SW.,                                  • Hand or courier delivery: Monday                  insurance issuers providing health
                                                Washington, DC 20201.                                    through Friday between the hours of 8                 insurance coverage in connection with
                                                (Because access to the interior of the Hubert            a.m. and 4 p.m. to: CC:PA:LPD:PR                      group health plans. The PHS Act
                                                H. Humphrey Building is not readily                      (REG–120391–10), Courier’s Desk,                      sections incorporated by this reference
                                                available to persons without Federal                     Internal Revenue Service, 1111                        are sections 2701 through 2728. PHS
                                                government identification, commenters are                Constitution Avenue, NW., Washington                  Act sections 2701 through 2719A are
                                                encouraged to leave their comments in the                DC 20224.                                             substantially new, though they
                                                OCIIO drop slots located in the main lobby                 All submissions to the IRS will be                  incorporate some provisions of prior
                                                of the building. A stamp-in clock is available           open to public inspection and copying
                                                for persons wishing to retain a proof of filing                                                                law. PHS Act sections 2722 through
                                                by stamping in and retaining an extra copy
                                                                                                         in room 1621, 1111 Constitution                       2728 are sections of prior law
                                                of the comments being filed.)                            Avenue, NW., Washington, DC from 9                    renumbered, with some, mostly minor,
                                                                                                         a.m. to 4 p.m.                                        changes.
                                                   b. For delivery in Baltimore, MD—
                                                Centers for Medicare & Medicaid                          FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                                                                                                                                  Subtitles A and C of title I of the
                                                Services, Department of Health and                       Amy Turner or Beth Baum, Employee
                                                                                                                                                               Affordable Care Act amend the
                                                Human Services, 7500 Security                            Benefits Security Administration,
                                                                                                                                                               requirements of title XXVII of the PHS
                                                Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21244–1850.                     Department of Labor, at (202) 693–8335;
                                                                                                                                                               Act (changes to which are incorporated
                                                   If you intend to deliver your                         Karen Levin, Internal Revenue Service,
                                                                                                         Department of the Treasury, at (202)                  into ERISA section 715). The
                                                comments to the Baltimore address,                                                                             preemption provisions of ERISA section
                                                please call (410) 786–7195 in advance to                 622–6080; Jim Mayhew, Office of
                                                                                                         Consumer Information and Insurance                    731 and PHS Act section 2724 2
                                                schedule your arrival with one of our                                                                          (implemented in 29 CFR 2590.731(a)
                                                staff members.                                           Oversight, Department of Health and
                                                                                                         Human Services, at (410) 786–1565.                    and 45 CFR 146.143(a)) apply so that the
                                                   Comments mailed to the addresses
                                                                                                           Customer Service Information:                       requirements of part 7 of ERISA and
                                                indicated as appropriate for hand or
                                                                                                         Individuals interested in obtaining                   title XXVII of the PHS Act, as amended
                                                courier delivery may be delayed and
                                                received after the comment period.                       information from the Department of                    by the Affordable Care Act, are not to be
                                                   Submission of comments on                             Labor concerning employment-based                     ‘‘construed to supersede any provision
                                                paperwork requirements. You may                          health coverage laws may call the EBSA                of State law which establishes,
                                                submit comments on this document’s                       Toll-Free Hotline at 1–866–444–EBSA                   implements, or continues in effect any
                                                paperwork requirements by following                      (3272) or visit the Department of Labor’s             standard or requirement solely relating
                                                the instructions at the end of the                       Web site ( In                to health insurance issuers in
                                                ‘‘Collection of Information                              addition, information from HHS on                     connection with group or individual
                                                Requirements’’ section in this document.                 private health insurance for consumers                health insurance coverage except to the
                                                   Inspection of Public Comments. All                    can be found on the Centers for                       extent that such standard or
                                                comments received before the close of                    Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)                    requirement prevents the application of
                                                the comment period are available for                     Web site (                     a requirement’’ of the Affordable Care
                                                viewing by the public, including any                     HealthInsReformforConsume/01_                         Act. Accordingly, State laws that
                                                personally identifiable or confidential         and information on health                impose on health insurance issuers
                                                business information that is included in                 reform can be found at http://                        requirements that are stricter than those
                                                a comment. We post all comments                                                 imposed by the Affordable Care Act will
                                                received before the close of the                         SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                            not be superseded by the Affordable
                                                comment period on the following Web                                                                            Care Act.
                                                site as soon as possible after they have                 I. Background
                                                been received: http://                                     The Patient Protection and Affordable                  1 The term ‘‘group health plan’’ is used in title
                                       Follow the search                   Care Act (the Affordable Care Act),                   XXVII of the PHS Act, part 7 of ERISA, and chapter
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                                                instructions on that Web site to view                    Public Law 111–148, was enacted on                    100 of the Code, and is distinct from the term
                                                public comments.                                         March 23, 2010; the Health Care and                   ‘‘health plan,’’ as used in other provisions of title I
                                                   Comments received timely will also                    Education Reconciliation Act (the                     of the Affordable Care Act. The term ‘‘health plan’’
                                                                                                                                                               does not include self-insured group health plans.
                                                be available for public inspection as                    Reconciliation Act), Public Law 111–                     2 Code section 9815 incorporates the preemption
                                                they are received, generally beginning                   152, was enacted on March 30, 2010.                   provisions of PHS Act section 2724. Prior to the
                                                approximately three weeks after                          The Affordable Care Act and the                       Affordable Care Act, there were no express
                                                publication of a document, at the                        Reconciliation Act reorganize, amend,                 preemption provisions in chapter 100 of the Code.

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41728               Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 137 / Monday, July 19, 2010 / Rules and Regulations

                                                   The Departments of Health and                         Force (Task Force) with respect to the                not billed separately (or is not tracked
                                                Human Services, Labor, and the                           individual involved.3                                 as individual encounter data separately)
                                                Treasury (the Departments) are issuing                      • Immunizations for routine use in                 from an office visit and the primary
                                                regulations in several phases                            children, adolescents, and adults that                purpose of the office visit is the delivery
                                                implementing the revised PHS Act                         have in effect a recommendation from                  of such an item or service, then a plan
                                                sections 2701 through 2719A and                          the Advisory Committee on                             or issuer may not impose cost-sharing
                                                related provisions of the Affordable Care                Immunization Practices of the Centers                 requirements with respect to the office
                                                Act. The first phase in this series was                  for Disease Control and Prevention                    visit. Finally, if a recommended
                                                the publication of a Request for                         (Advisory Committee) with respect to                  preventive service is not billed
                                                Information relating to the medical loss                 the individual involved. A                            separately (or is not tracked as
                                                                                                         recommendation of the Advisory                        individual encounter data separately)
                                                ratio provisions of PHS Act section
                                                                                                         Committee is considered to be ‘‘in                    from an office visit and the primary
                                                2718, published in the Federal Register
                                                                                                         effect’’ after it has been adopted by the             purpose of the office visit is not the
                                                on April 14, 2010 (75 FR 19297). The                     Director of the Centers for Disease                   delivery of such an item or service, then
                                                second phase was interim final                           Control and Prevention. A                             a plan or issuer may impose cost-
                                                regulations implementing PHS Act                         recommendation is considered to be for                sharing requirements with respect to the
                                                section 2714 (requiring dependent                        routine use if it appears on the                      office visit. The reference to tracking
                                                coverage of children to age 26),                         Immunization Schedules of the Centers                 individual encounter data was included
                                                published in the Federal Register on                     for Disease Control and Prevention.                   to provide guidance with respect to
                                                May 13, 2010 (75 FR 27122). The third                       • With respect to infants, children,               plans and issuers that use capitation or
                                                phase was interim final regulations                      and adolescents, evidence-informed                    similar payment arrangements that do
                                                implementing section 1251 of the                         preventive care and screenings provided               not bill individually for items and
                                                Affordable Care Act (relating to status as               for in the comprehensive guidelines                   services.
                                                a grandfathered health plan), published                  supported by the Health Resources and                    Examples in these interim final
                                                in the Federal Register on June 17, 2010                 Services Administration (HRSA).                       regulations illustrate these provisions.
                                                (75 FR 34538). The fourth phase was                         • With respect to women, evidence-                 In one example, an individual receives
                                                interim final regulations implementing                   informed preventive care and screening                a cholesterol screening test, a
                                                PHS Act sections 2704 (prohibiting                       provided for in comprehensive                         recommended preventive service,
                                                preexisting condition exclusions), 2711                  guidelines supported by HRSA (not                     during a routine office visit. The plan or
                                                (regarding lifetime and annual dollar                    otherwise addressed by the                            issuer may impose cost-sharing
                                                limits on benefits), 2712 (regarding                     recommendations of the Task Force).                   requirements for the office visit because
                                                restrictions on rescissions), and 2719A                  The Department of HHS is developing                   the recommended preventive service is
                                                (regarding patient protections),                         these guidelines and expects to issue                 billed as a separate charge. A second
                                                published in the Federal Register on                     them no later than August 1, 2011.                    example illustrates that treatment
                                                June 28, 2010 (75 FR 37188). These                          The complete list of recommendations               resulting from a preventive screening
                                                                                                         and guidelines that are required to be                can be subject to cost-sharing
                                                interim final regulations are being
                                                                                                         covered under these interim final                     requirements if the treatment is not
                                                published to implement PHS Act
                                                                                                         regulations can be found at http://                   itself a recommended preventive
                                                section 2713 (relating to coverage for
                                                                                                                           service. In another example, an
                                                preventive services). PHS Act section                    regulations/prevention.html. Together,
                                                2713 is generally effective for plan years                                                                     individual receives a recommended
                                                                                                         the items and services described in                   preventive service that is not billed as
                                                (in the individual market, policy years)                 these recommendations and guidelines
                                                beginning on or after September 23,                                                                            a separate charge. In this example, the
                                                                                                         are referred to in this preamble as                   primary purpose for the office visit is
                                                2010, which is six months after the                      ‘‘recommended preventive services.’’                  recurring abdominal pain and not the
                                                March 23, 2010 date of enactment of the                     These interim final regulations clarify            delivery of a recommended preventive
                                                Affordable Care Act. The                                 the cost-sharing requirements when a                  service; therefore the plan or issuer may
                                                implementation of other provisions of                    recommended preventive service is                     impose cost-sharing requirements for
                                                PHS Act sections 2701 through 2719A                      provided during an office visit. First, if            the office visit. In the final example, an
                                                will be addressed in future regulations.                 a recommended preventive service is                   individual receives a recommended
                                                II. Overview of the Regulations: PHS                     billed separately (or is tracked as                   preventive service that is not billed as
                                                Act Section 2713, Coverage of                            individual encounter data separately)                 a separate charge, and the delivery of
                                                Preventive Health Services (26 CFR                       from an office visit, then a plan or issuer           that service is the primary purpose of
                                                                                                         may impose cost-sharing requirements                  the office visit. Therefore, the plan or
                                                54.9815–2713T, 29 CFR 2590.715–2713,
                                                                                                         with respect to the office visit. Second,             issuer may not impose cost-sharing
                                                45 CFR 147.130)
                                                                                                         if a recommended preventive service is                requirements for the office visit.
                                                  Section 2713 of the PHS Act, as added                                                                           With respect to a plan or health
                                                by the Affordable Care Act, and these
                                                                                                           3 Under PHS Act section 2713(a)(5), the Task
                                                                                                                                                               insurance coverage that has a network of
                                                                                                         Force recommendations regarding breast cancer         providers, these interim final
                                                interim final regulations require that a                 screening, mammography, and prevention issued in
                                                group health plan and a health                           or around November of 2009 are not to be              regulations make clear that a plan or
                                                insurance issuer offering group or                       considered current recommendations on this            issuer is not required to provide
                                                individual health insurance coverage                     subject for purposes of any law. Thus, the            coverage for recommended preventive
                                                                                                         recommendations regarding breast cancer               services delivered by an out-of-network
                                                provide benefits for and prohibit the
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                                                                                                         screening, mammography, and prevention issued by
                                                imposition of cost-sharing requirements                  the Task Force prior to those issued in or around     provider. Such a plan or issuer may also
                                                with respect to:                                         November of 2009 (i.e., those issued in 2002) will    impose cost-sharing requirements for
                                                                                                         be considered current until new recommendations       recommended preventive services
                                                  • Evidence-based items or services                     in this area are issued by the Task Force or appear   delivered by an out-of-network
                                                that have in effect a rating of A or B in                in comprehensive guidelines supported by the
                                                                                                         Health Resources and Services Administration          provider.
                                                the current recommendations of the                       concerning preventive care and screenings for            These interim final regulations
                                                United States Preventive Services Task                   women.                                                provide that if a recommendation or

                                           VerDate Mar<15>2010   15:50 Jul 16, 2010   Jkt 220001   PO 00000   Frm 00038   Fmt 4700   Sfmt 4700   E:FRFM19JYR1.SGM   19JYR1
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 137 / Monday, July 19, 2010 / Rules and Regulations                                          41729

                                                guideline for a recommended preventive                    individual market, policy years)                      site and plans and issuers need not
                                                service does not specify the frequency,                   beginning on or after the later of                    make changes to coverage and cost-
                                                method, treatment, or setting for the                     September 23, 2010, or one year after                 sharing requirements based on a new
                                                provision of that service, the plan or                    the date the recommendation or                        recommendation or guideline until the
                                                issuer can use reasonable medical                         guideline is issued. Thus,                            first plan year (in the individual market,
                                                management techniques to determine                        recommendations and guidelines issued                 policy year) beginning on or after the
                                                any coverage limitations. The use of                      prior to September 23, 2009 must be                   date that is one year after the new
                                                reasonable medical management                             provided for plan years (in the                       recommendation or guideline went into
                                                techniques allows plans and issuers to                    individual market, policy years)                      effect. Therefore, by visiting this site
                                                adapt these recommendations and                           beginning on or after September 23,                   once per year, plans or issuers will have
                                                guidelines to coverage of specific items                  2010. For the purpose of these interim                straightforward access to all the
                                                and services where cost sharing must be                   final regulations, a recommendation or                information necessary to determine any
                                                waived. Thus, under these interim final                   guideline of the Task Force is                        additional items or services that must be
                                                regulations, a plan or issuer may rely on                 considered to be issued on the last day               covered without cost-sharing
                                                established techniques and the relevant                   of the month on which the Task Force                  requirements, or to determine any items
                                                evidence base to determine the                            publishes or otherwise releases the                   or services that are no longer required
                                                frequency, method, treatment, or setting                  recommendation; a recommendation or                   to be covered.
                                                for which a recommended preventive                        guideline of the Advisory Committee is                   The Affordable Care Act gives
                                                service will be available without cost-                   considered to be issued on the date on                authority to the Departments to develop
                                                sharing requirements to the extent not                    which it is adopted by the Director of                guidelines for group health plans and
                                                specified in a recommendation or                          the Centers for Disease Control and                   health insurance issuers offering group
                                                guideline.                                                Prevention; and a recommendation or                   or individual health insurance coverage
                                                   The statute and these interim final                    guideline in the comprehensive                        to utilize value-based insurance designs
                                                regulations clarify that a plan or issuer                 guidelines supported by HRSA is                       as part of their offering of preventive
                                                continues to have the option to cover                     considered to be issued on the date on                health services. Value-based insurance
                                                preventive services in addition to those                  which it is accepted by the                           designs include the provision of
                                                required to be covered by PHS Act                         Administrator of HRSA or, if applicable,              information and incentives for
                                                section 2713. For such additional                         adopted by the Secretary of HHS. For                  consumers that promote access to and
                                                preventive services, a plan or issuer may                 recommendations and guidelines                        use of higher value providers,
                                                impose cost-sharing requirements at its                   adopted after September 23, 2009,                     treatments, and services. The
                                                discretion. Moreover, a plan or issuer                    information at http://                                Departments recognize the important
                                                may impose cost-sharing requirements                                        role that value-based insurance design
                                                for a treatment that is not a                             regulations/prevention.html will be                   can play in promoting the use of
                                                recommended preventive service, even                      updated on an ongoing basis and will                  appropriate preventive services. These
                                                if the treatment results from a                           include the date on which the                         interim final regulations, for example,
                                                recommended preventive service.                           recommendation or guideline was                       permit plans and issuers to implement
                                                   The statute requires the Departments                   accepted or adopted.                                  designs that seek to foster better quality
                                                to establish an interval of not less than                    Finally, these interim final regulations           and efficiency by allowing cost-sharing
                                                one year between when                                     make clear that a plan or issuer is not               for recommended preventive services
                                                recommendations or guidelines under                       required to provide coverage or waive                 delivered on an out-of-network basis
                                                PHS Act section 2713(a) 4 are issued,                     cost-sharing requirements for any item                while eliminating cost-sharing for
                                                and the plan year (in the individual                      or service that has ceased to be a                    recommended preventive health
                                                market, policy year) for which coverage                   recommended preventive service.5                      services delivered on an in-network
                                                of the services addressed in such                         Other requirements of Federal or State                basis. The Departments are developing
                                                recommendations or guidelines must be                     law may apply in connection with                      additional guidelines regarding the
                                                in effect. These interim final regulations                ceasing to provide coverage or changing               utilization of value-based insurance
                                                provide that such coverage must be                        cost-sharing requirements for any such                designs by group health plans and
                                                provided for plan years (in the                           item or service. For example, PHS Act                 health insurance issuers with respect to
                                                                                                          section 2715(d)(4) requires a plan or                 preventive benefits. The Departments
                                                   4 Section 2713(b)(1) refers to an interval between
                                                                                                          issuer to give 60 days advance notice to              are seeking comments related to the
                                                ‘‘the date on which a recommendation described in         an enrollee before any material
                                                subsection (a)(1) or (a)(2) or a guideline under
                                                                                                                                                                development of such guidelines for
                                                subsection (a)(3) is issued and the plan year with        modification will become effective.                   value-based insurance designs that
                                                respect to which the requirement described in                Recommendations or guidelines in                   promote consumer choice of providers
                                                subsection (a) is effective with respect to the service   effect as of July 13, 2010 are described              or services that offer the best value and
                                                described in such recommendation or guideline.’’          in section V later in this preamble. Any
                                                While the first part of this statement does not                                                                 quality, while ensuring access to
                                                mention guidelines under subsection (a)(4), it            change to a recommendation or                         critical, evidence-based preventive
                                                would make no sense to treat the services covered         guideline that has—at any point since                 services.
                                                under (a)(4) any differently than those in (a)(1),        September 23, 2009—been included in                      The requirements to cover
                                                (a)(2), and (a)(3). First, the same sentence refers to
                                                ‘‘the requirement described in subsection (a),’’
                                                                                                          the recommended preventive services                   recommended preventive services
                                                which would include a requirement under (a)(4).           will be noted at http://                              without any cost-sharing requirements
                                                Secondly, the guidelines under (a)(4) are from the                            do not apply to grandfathered health
                                                same source as those under (a)(3), except with            regulations/prevention.html. As                       plans. See 26 CFR 54.9815–1251T, 29
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                                                respect to women rather than infants, children and
                                                adolescents; and other preventive services
                                                                                                          described above, new recommendations                  CFR 2590.715–1251, and 45 CFR
                                                involving women are addressed in (a)(1), so there         and guidelines will also be noted at this             147.140 (75 FR 34538, June 17, 2010).
                                                is no plausible policy rationale for treating them
                                                differently. Third, without this clarification, it          5 For example, if a recommendation of the United    III. Interim Final Regulations and
                                                would be unclear when such services would have            States Preventive Services Task Force is              Request for Comments
                                                to be covered. These interim final regulations            downgraded from a rating of A or B to a rating of
                                                accordingly apply the intervals established therein       C or D, or if a recommendation or guideline no           Section 9833 of the Code, section 734
                                                to services under section 2713(a)(4).                     longer includes a particular item or service.         of ERISA, and section 2792 of the PHS

                                           VerDate Mar<15>2010    15:50 Jul 16, 2010   Jkt 220001   PO 00000   Frm 00039   Fmt 4700   Sfmt 4700   E:FRFM19JYR1.SGM   19JYR1
41730               Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 137 / Monday, July 19, 2010 / Rules and Regulations

                                                Act authorize the Secretaries of the                     regulations require significant lead time             comment, but without delaying the
                                                Treasury, Labor, and HHS (collectively,                  in order to implement. These interim                  effective date of the regulations.
                                                the Secretaries) to promulgate any                       final regulations require plans and                      For the foregoing reasons, the
                                                interim final rules that they determine                  issuers to provide coverage for                       Departments have determined that it is
                                                are appropriate to carry out the                         preventive services listed in certain                 impracticable and contrary to the public
                                                provisions of chapter 100 of the Code,                   recommendations and guidelines                        interest to engage in full notice and
                                                part 7 of subtitle B of title I of ERISA,                without imposing any cost-sharing                     comment rulemaking before putting
                                                and part A of title XXVII of the PHS Act,                requirements. Preparations presumably                 these interim final regulations into
                                                which include PHS Act sections 2701                      would have to be made to identify these               effect, and that it is in the public interest
                                                through 2728 and the incorporation of                    preventive services. With respect to the              to promulgate interim final regulations.
                                                those sections into ERISA section 715                    changes that would be required to be                  IV. Economic Impact
                                                and Code section 9815.                                   made under these interim final
                                                   In addition, under Section 553(b) of                  regulations, group health plans and                      Under Executive Order 12866 (58 FR
                                                the Administrative Procedure Act (APA)                   health insurance issuers subject to these             51735), a ‘‘significant’’ regulatory action
                                                (5 U.S.C. 551 et seq.) a general notice of               provisions have to be able to take these              is subject to review by the Office of
                                                proposed rulemaking is not required                      changes into account in establishing                  Management and Budget (OMB).
                                                when an agency, for good cause, finds                    their premiums, and in making other                   Section 3(f) of the Executive Order
                                                that notice and public comment thereon                   changes to the designs of plan or policy              defines a ‘‘significant regulatory action’’
                                                are impracticable, unnecessary, or                       benefits, and these premiums and plan                 as an action that is likely to result in a
                                                contrary to the public interest. The                     or policy changes would have to receive               rule (1) having an annual effect on the
                                                provisions of the APA that ordinarily                    necessary approvals in advance of the                 economy of $100 million or more in any
                                                require a notice of proposed rulemaking                  plan or policy year in question.                      one year, or adversely and materially
                                                do not apply here because of the                                                                               affecting a sector of the economy,
                                                specific authority granted by section                       Accordingly, in order to allow plans               productivity, competition, jobs, the
                                                9833 of the Code, section 734 of ERISA,                  and health insurance coverage to be                   environment, public health or safety, or
                                                and section 2792 of the PHS Act.                         designed and implemented on a timely                  State, local or tribal governments or
                                                However, even if the APA were                            basis, regulations must be published                  communities (also referred to as
                                                applicable, the Secretaries have                         and available to the public well in                   ‘‘economically significant’’); (2) creating
                                                determined that it would be                              advance of the effective date of the                  a serious inconsistency or otherwise
                                                impracticable and contrary to the public                 requirements of the Affordable Care Act.              interfering with an action taken or
                                                interest to delay putting the provisions                 It is not possible to have a full notice              planned by another agency; (3)
                                                in these interim final regulations in                    and comment process and to publish                    materially altering the budgetary
                                                place until a full public notice and                     final regulations in the brief time                   impacts of entitlement grants, user fees,
                                                comment process was completed. As                        between enactment of the Affordable                   or loan programs or the rights and
                                                noted above, the preventive health                       Care Act and the date regulations are                 obligations of recipients thereof; or (4)
                                                service provisions of the Affordable                     needed.                                               raising novel legal or policy issues
                                                Care Act are applicable for plan years                      The Secretaries further find that                  arising out of legal mandates, the
                                                (in the individual market, policy years)                 issuance of proposed regulations would                President’s priorities, or the principles
                                                beginning on or after September 23,                      not be sufficient because the provisions              set forth in the Executive Order. OMB
                                                2010, six months after date of                           of the Affordable Care Act protect                    has determined that this regulation is
                                                enactment. Had the Departments                           significant rights of plan participants               economically significant within the
                                                published a notice of proposed                           and beneficiaries and individuals                     meaning of section 3(f)(1) of the
                                                rulemaking, provided for a 60-day                        covered by individual health insurance                Executive Order, because it is likely to
                                                comment period, and only then                            policies and it is essential that                     have an annual effect on the economy
                                                prepared final regulations, which would                  participants, beneficiaries, insureds,                of $100 million in any one year.
                                                be subject to a 60-day delay in effective                plan sponsors, and issuers have                       Accordingly, OMB has reviewed these
                                                date, it is unlikely that it would have                  certainty about their rights and                      rules pursuant to the Executive Order.
                                                been possible to have final regulations                  responsibilities. Proposed regulations                The Departments provide an assessment
                                                in effect before late September, when                    are not binding and cannot provide the                of the potential costs, benefits, and
                                                these requirements could be in effect for                necessary certainty. By contrast, the                 transfers associated with these interim
                                                some plans or policies. Moreover, the                    interim final regulations provide the                 final regulations, summarized in the
                                                requirements in these interim final                      public with an opportunity for                        following table.

                                                                                                     TABLE 1—ACCOUNTING TABLE (2011–2013)

                                                Qualitative: By expanding coverage and eliminating cost sharing for the recommended preventive services, the Departments expect access and
                                                  utilization of these services to increase. To the extent that individuals increase their use of these services the Departments anticipate several
                                                  benefits: (1) prevention and reduction in transmission of illnesses as a result of immunization and screening of transmissible diseases; (2) de-
                                                  layed onset, earlier treatment, and reduction in morbidity and mortality as a result of early detection, screening, and counseling; (3) increased
                                                  productivity and fewer sick days; and (4) savings from lower health care costs. Another benefit of these interim final regulations will be to dis-
                                                  tribute the cost of preventive services more equitably across the broad insured population.
mstockstill on DSKH9S0YB1PROD with RULES

                                                Qualitative: New costs to the health care system result when beneficiaries increase their use of preventive services in response to the changes
                                                  in coverage and cost-sharing requirements of preventive services. The magnitude of this effect on utilization depends on the price elasticity of
                                                  demand and the percentage change in prices facing those with reduced cost sharing or newly gaining coverage.

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Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 137 / Monday, July 19, 2010 / Rules and Regulations                                                  41731

                                                                                            TABLE 1—ACCOUNTING TABLE (2011–2013)—Continued
                                                Qualitative: Transfers will occur to the extent that costs that were previously paid out-of-pocket for certain preventive services will now be cov-
                                                 ered by group health plans and issuers under these interim final regulations. Risk pooling in the group market will result in sharing expected
                                                 cost increases across an entire plan or employee group as higher average premiums for all enrollees. However, not all of those covered will
                                                 utilize preventive services to an equivalent extent. As a result, these interim final regulations create a small transfer from those paying pre-
                                                 miums in the group market utilizing less than the average volume of preventive services in their risk pool to those whose utilization is greater
                                                 than average. To the extent there is risk pooling in the individual market, a similar transfer will occur.

                                                A. The Need for Federal Regulatory                       for and prohibit the imposition of cost-              counseling related to aspirin use,
                                                Action                                                   sharing requirements with respect to the              tobacco cessation, and obesity.
                                                   As discussed later in this preamble,                  following preventive health services:
                                                                                                                                                               3. Estimated Number of Affected
                                                there is current underutilization of                        • Evidence-based items or services
                                                preventive services, which stems from                    that have in effect a rating of A or B in
                                                three main factors. First, due to turnover               the current recommendations of the                       For purposes of the new requirements
                                                in the health insurance market, health                   United States Preventive Services Task                in the Affordable Care Act that apply to
                                                insurance issuers do not currently have                  Force (Task Force). While these                       group health plans and health insurance
                                                incentives to cover preventive services,                 guidelines will change over time, for the             issuers in the group and individual
                                                whose benefits may only be realized in                   purposes of this impact analysis, the                 markets, the Departments have defined
                                                the future when an individual may no                     Departments utilized currently available              a large group health plan as an employer
                                                longer be enrolled. Second, many                         guidelines, which include blood                       plan with 100 or more workers and a
                                                preventive services generate benefits                    pressure and cholesterol screening,                   small group plan as an employer plan
                                                that do not accrue immediately to the                    diabetes screening for hypertensive                   with less than 100 workers. The
                                                individual that receives the services,                   patients, various cancer and sexually                 Departments estimated that there are
                                                making the individual less likely to                     transmitted infection screenings, and                 approximately 72,000 large and 2.8
                                                take-up, especially in the face of direct,               counseling related to aspirin use,                    million small ERISA-covered group
                                                immediate costs. Third, some of the                      tobacco cessation, obesity, and other                 health plans with an estimated 97.0
                                                benefits of preventive services accrue to                topics.                                               million participants in large group plans
                                                                                                            • Immunizations for routine use in                 and 40.9 million participants in small
                                                society as a whole, and thus do not get
                                                                                                         children, adolescents, and adults that                group plans.6 The Departments estimate
                                                factored into an individual’s decision-
                                                                                                         have in effect a recommendation from                  that there are 126,000 governmental
                                                making over whether to obtain such
                                                                                                         the Advisory Committee on                             plans with 36.1 million participants in
                                                   These interim final regulations                       Immunization Practices of the Centers                 large plans and 2.3 million participants
                                                address these market failures through                    for Disease Control and Prevention                    in small plans.7 The Departments
                                                two avenues. First, they require                         (Advisory Committee) with respect to                  estimate there are 16.7 million
                                                coverage of recommended preventive                       the individual involved.                              individuals under age 65 covered by
                                                                                                            • With respect to infants, children,               individual health insurance policies.8
                                                services by non-grandfathered group
                                                                                                         and adolescents, evidence-informed                       As described in the Departments’
                                                health plans and health insurance
                                                                                                         preventive care and screenings provided               interim final regulations relating to
                                                issuers in the group and individual
                                                                                                         for in the comprehensive guidelines                   status as a grandfathered health plan,9
                                                markets, thereby overcoming plans’ lack
                                                                                                         supported by the Health Resources and                 the Affordable Care Act preserves the
                                                of incentive to invest in these services.
                                                                                                         Services Administration (HRSA).                       ability of individuals to retain coverage
                                                Second, they eliminate cost-sharing
                                                                                                            • With respect to women, evidence-
                                                requirements, thereby removing a                                                                               under a group health plan or health
                                                                                                         informed preventive care and screening
                                                barrier that could otherwise lead an                                                                           insurance coverage in which the
                                                                                                         provided for in comprehensive
                                                individual to not obtain such services,                                                                        individual was enrolled on March 23,
                                                                                                         guidelines supported by HRSA (not
                                                given the long-term and partially                                                                              2010 (a grandfathered health plan).
                                                                                                         otherwise addressed by the
                                                external nature of benefits.                                                                                   Group health plans, and group and
                                                                                                         recommendations of the Task Force).
                                                   These interim final regulations are                                                                         individual health insurance coverage,
                                                                                                         The Department of HHS is developing
                                                necessary in order to provide rules that                                                                       that are grandfathered health plans do
                                                                                                         these guidelines and expects to issue
                                                plan sponsors and issuers can use to                                                                           not have to meet the requirements of
                                                                                                         them no later than August 1, 2011.
                                                determine how to provide coverage for                                                                          these interim final regulations.
                                                certain preventive health care services                  2. Preventive Services                                Therefore, only plans and issuers
                                                without the imposition of cost sharing                      For the purposes of this analysis, the             offering group and individual health
                                                in connection with these services.                       Departments used the relevant                         insurance coverage that are not
                                                                                                         recommendations of the Task Force and                 grandfathered health plans will be
                                                B. PHS Act Section 2713, Coverage of
                                                                                                         Advisory Committee and current HRSA                   affected by these interim final
                                                Preventive Health Services (26 CFR
                                                                                                         guidelines as described in section V                  regulations.
                                                54.9815–2713T, 29 CFR 2590.715–2713,
                                                45 CFR 147.130)                                          later in this preamble. In addition to
                                                                                                                                                                 6 All participant counts and the estimates of
                                                                                                         covering immunizations, these lists
                                                1. Summary                                               include such services as blood pressure
                                                                                                                                                               individual policies are from the U.S. Department of
                                                                                                                                                               Labor, EBSA calculations using the March 2008
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                                                   As discussed earlier in this preamble,                and cholesterol screening, diabetes                   Current Population Survey Annual Social and
                                                PHS Act section 2713, as added by the                    screening for hypertensive patients,                  Economic Supplement and the 2008 Medical
                                                Affordable Care Act, and these interim                   various cancer and sexually transmitted               Expenditure Panel Survey.
                                                                                                                                                                 7 Estimate is from the 2007 Census of
                                                final regulations require a group health                 infection screenings, genetic testing for             Government.
                                                plan and a health insurance issuer                       the BRCA gene, adolescent depression                    8 US Census Bureau, Current Population Survey,
                                                offering group or individual health                      screening, lead testing, autism testing,              March 2009.
                                                insurance coverage to provide benefits                   and oral health screening and                           9 75 FR 34538 (June 17, 2010).

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  • 1. 41726 Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 137 / Monday, July 19, 2010 / Rules and Regulations (b) The additive is used or intended DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY shared with the other Departments. for use as a feed acidifying agent, to Please do not submit duplicates. lower the pH, in complete swine feeds Internal Revenue Service All comments will be made available at levels not to exceed 1.2 percent of the to the public. WARNING: Do not complete feed. 26 CFR Part 54 include any personally identifiable information (such as name, address, or (c) To assure safe use of the additive, [TD 9493] other contact information) or in addition to the other information confidential business information that RIN 1545–BJ60 required by the Federal Food, Drug, and you do not want publicly disclosed. All Cosmetic Act (the act), the label and DEPARTMENT OF LABOR comments are posted on the Internet labeling shall contain: exactly as received, and can be retrieved (1) The name of the additive. Employee Benefits Security by most Internet search engines. No (2) Adequate directions for use Administration deletions, modifications, or redactions including a statement that ammonium will be made to the comments received, 29 CFR Part 2590 as they are public records. Comments formate must be uniformly applied and may be submitted anonymously. thoroughly mixed into complete swine RIN 1210–AB44 Department of Labor. Comments to feeds and that the complete swine feeds the Department of Labor, identified by so treated shall be labeled as containing DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES RIN 1210–AB44, by one of the following ammonium formate. methods: (d) To assure safe use of the additive, [OCIIO–9992–IFC] • Federal eRulemaking Portal: http:// in addition to the other information Follow the required by the act and paragraph (c) of 45 CFR Part 147 instructions for submitting comments. this section, the label and labeling shall • E-mail: E- RIN 0938–AQ07 contain: Interim Final Rules for Group Health • Mail or Hand Delivery: Office of (1) Appropriate warnings and safety Health Plan Standards and Compliance precautions concerning ammonium Plans and Health Insurance Issuers Relating to Coverage of Preventive Assistance, Employee Benefits Security formate (37 percent ammonium salt of Administration, Room N–5653, U.S. formic acid and 62 percent formic acid). Services Under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Department of Labor, 200 Constitution (2) Statements identifying ammonium Avenue, NW., Washington, DC 20210, formate in formic acid (37 percent AGENCIES: Internal Revenue Service, Attention: RIN 1210–AB44. ammonium salt of formic acid and 62 Department of the Treasury; Employee Comments received by the percent formic acid) as a corrosive and Benefits Security Administration, Department of Labor will be posted possible severe irritant. Department of Labor; Office of without change to http:// Consumer Information and Insurance and http:// (3) Information about emergency aid Oversight, Department of Health and, and available for in case of accidental exposure as Human Services. public inspection at the Public follows: Disclosure Room, N–1513, Employee ACTION: Interim final rules with request (i) Statements reflecting requirements for comments. Benefits Security Administration, 200 of applicable sections of the Superfund Constitution Avenue, NW., Washington, Amendments and Reauthorization Act SUMMARY: This document contains DC 20210. (SARA), and the Occupational Safety interim final regulations implementing Department of Health and Human and Health Administration’s (OSHA) the rules for group health plans and Services. In commenting, please refer to human safety guidance regulations. health insurance coverage in the group file code OCIIO–9992–IFC. Because of and individual markets under staff and resource limitations, we cannot (ii) Contact address and telephone provisions of the Patient Protection and accept comments by facsimile (FAX) number for reporting adverse reactions Affordable Care Act regarding transmission. or to request a copy of the Material preventive health services. You may submit comments in one of Safety Data Sheet (MSDS). four ways (please choose only one of the DATES: Effective date. These interim Dated: July 14, 2010. final regulations are effective on ways listed): September 17, 2010. 1. Electronically. You may submit Tracey H. Forfa, Comment date. Comments are due on electronic comments on this regulation Acting Director, Center for Veterinary to Follow Medicine. or before September 17, 2010. Applicability dates. These interim the instructions under the ‘‘More Search [FR Doc. 2010–17565 Filed 7–16–10; 8:45 am] Options’’ tab. final regulations generally apply to BILLING CODE 4160–01–S 2. By regular mail. You may mail group health plans and group health written comments to the following insurance issuers for plan years address ONLY: Office of Consumer beginning on or after September 23, Information and Insurance Oversight, 2010. These interim final regulations Department of Health and Human generally apply to individual health Services, Attention: OCIIO–9992–IFC, mstockstill on DSKH9S0YB1PROD with RULES insurance issuers for policy years P.O. Box 8016, Baltimore, MD 21244– beginning on or after September 23, 1850. 2010. Please allow sufficient time for mailed ADDRESSES: Written comments may be comments to be received before the submitted to any of the addresses close of the comment period. specified below. Any comment that is 3. By express or overnight mail. You submitted to any Department will be may send written comments to the VerDate Mar<15>2010 15:50 Jul 16, 2010 Jkt 220001 PO 00000 Frm 00036 Fmt 4700 Sfmt 4700 E:FRFM19JYR1.SGM 19JYR1
  • 2. Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 137 / Monday, July 19, 2010 / Rules and Regulations 41727 following address ONLY: Office of headquarters of the Centers for Medicare and add to the provisions of part A of Consumer Information and Insurance & Medicaid Services, 7500 Security title XXVII of the Public Health Service Oversight, Department of Health and Boulevard, Baltimore, Maryland 21244, Act (PHS Act) relating to group health Human Services, Attention: OCIIO– Monday through Friday of each week plans and health insurance issuers in 9992–IFC, Mail Stop C4–26–05, 7500 from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. EST. To the group and individual markets. The Security Boulevard, Baltimore, MD schedule an appointment to view public term ‘‘group health plan’’ includes both 21244–1850. comments, phone 1–800–743–3951. insured and self-insured group health 4. By hand or courier. If you prefer, Internal Revenue Service. Comments plans.1 The Affordable Care Act adds you may deliver (by hand or courier) to the IRS, identified by REG–120391– section 715(a)(1) to the Employee your written comments before the close 10, by one of the following methods: Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) of the comment period to either of the • Federal eRulemaking Portal: http:// and section 9815(a)(1) to the Internal following addresses: Follow the Revenue Code (the Code) to incorporate a. For delivery in Washington, DC— instructions for submitting comments. • Mail: CC:PA:LPD:PR (REG–120391– the provisions of part A of title XXVII Office of Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight, Department of 10), room 5205, Internal Revenue of the PHS Act into ERISA and the Health and Human Services, Room 445– Service, P.O. Box 7604, Ben Franklin Code, and make them applicable to G, Hubert H. Humphrey Building, 200 Station, Washington, DC 20044. group health plans, and health Independence Avenue, SW., • Hand or courier delivery: Monday insurance issuers providing health Washington, DC 20201. through Friday between the hours of 8 insurance coverage in connection with (Because access to the interior of the Hubert a.m. and 4 p.m. to: CC:PA:LPD:PR group health plans. The PHS Act H. Humphrey Building is not readily (REG–120391–10), Courier’s Desk, sections incorporated by this reference available to persons without Federal Internal Revenue Service, 1111 are sections 2701 through 2728. PHS government identification, commenters are Constitution Avenue, NW., Washington Act sections 2701 through 2719A are encouraged to leave their comments in the DC 20224. substantially new, though they OCIIO drop slots located in the main lobby All submissions to the IRS will be incorporate some provisions of prior of the building. A stamp-in clock is available open to public inspection and copying for persons wishing to retain a proof of filing law. PHS Act sections 2722 through by stamping in and retaining an extra copy in room 1621, 1111 Constitution 2728 are sections of prior law of the comments being filed.) Avenue, NW., Washington, DC from 9 renumbered, with some, mostly minor, a.m. to 4 p.m. changes. b. For delivery in Baltimore, MD— Centers for Medicare & Medicaid FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Subtitles A and C of title I of the Services, Department of Health and Amy Turner or Beth Baum, Employee Affordable Care Act amend the Human Services, 7500 Security Benefits Security Administration, requirements of title XXVII of the PHS Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21244–1850. Department of Labor, at (202) 693–8335; Act (changes to which are incorporated If you intend to deliver your Karen Levin, Internal Revenue Service, Department of the Treasury, at (202) into ERISA section 715). The comments to the Baltimore address, preemption provisions of ERISA section please call (410) 786–7195 in advance to 622–6080; Jim Mayhew, Office of Consumer Information and Insurance 731 and PHS Act section 2724 2 schedule your arrival with one of our (implemented in 29 CFR 2590.731(a) staff members. Oversight, Department of Health and Human Services, at (410) 786–1565. and 45 CFR 146.143(a)) apply so that the Comments mailed to the addresses Customer Service Information: requirements of part 7 of ERISA and indicated as appropriate for hand or Individuals interested in obtaining title XXVII of the PHS Act, as amended courier delivery may be delayed and received after the comment period. information from the Department of by the Affordable Care Act, are not to be Submission of comments on Labor concerning employment-based ‘‘construed to supersede any provision paperwork requirements. You may health coverage laws may call the EBSA of State law which establishes, submit comments on this document’s Toll-Free Hotline at 1–866–444–EBSA implements, or continues in effect any paperwork requirements by following (3272) or visit the Department of Labor’s standard or requirement solely relating the instructions at the end of the Web site ( In to health insurance issuers in ‘‘Collection of Information addition, information from HHS on connection with group or individual Requirements’’ section in this document. private health insurance for consumers health insurance coverage except to the Inspection of Public Comments. All can be found on the Centers for extent that such standard or comments received before the close of Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) requirement prevents the application of the comment period are available for Web site ( a requirement’’ of the Affordable Care viewing by the public, including any HealthInsReformforConsume/01_ Act. Accordingly, State laws that personally identifiable or confidential and information on health impose on health insurance issuers business information that is included in reform can be found at http:// requirements that are stricter than those a comment. We post all comments imposed by the Affordable Care Act will received before the close of the SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: not be superseded by the Affordable comment period on the following Web Care Act. site as soon as possible after they have I. Background been received: http:// The Patient Protection and Affordable 1 The term ‘‘group health plan’’ is used in title Follow the search Care Act (the Affordable Care Act), XXVII of the PHS Act, part 7 of ERISA, and chapter mstockstill on DSKH9S0YB1PROD with RULES instructions on that Web site to view Public Law 111–148, was enacted on 100 of the Code, and is distinct from the term public comments. March 23, 2010; the Health Care and ‘‘health plan,’’ as used in other provisions of title I Comments received timely will also Education Reconciliation Act (the of the Affordable Care Act. The term ‘‘health plan’’ does not include self-insured group health plans. be available for public inspection as Reconciliation Act), Public Law 111– 2 Code section 9815 incorporates the preemption they are received, generally beginning 152, was enacted on March 30, 2010. provisions of PHS Act section 2724. Prior to the approximately three weeks after The Affordable Care Act and the Affordable Care Act, there were no express publication of a document, at the Reconciliation Act reorganize, amend, preemption provisions in chapter 100 of the Code. VerDate Mar<15>2010 18:18 Jul 16, 2010 Jkt 220001 PO 00000 Frm 00037 Fmt 4700 Sfmt 4700 E:FRFM19JYR1.SGM 19JYR1
  • 3. 41728 Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 137 / Monday, July 19, 2010 / Rules and Regulations The Departments of Health and Force (Task Force) with respect to the not billed separately (or is not tracked Human Services, Labor, and the individual involved.3 as individual encounter data separately) Treasury (the Departments) are issuing • Immunizations for routine use in from an office visit and the primary regulations in several phases children, adolescents, and adults that purpose of the office visit is the delivery implementing the revised PHS Act have in effect a recommendation from of such an item or service, then a plan sections 2701 through 2719A and the Advisory Committee on or issuer may not impose cost-sharing related provisions of the Affordable Care Immunization Practices of the Centers requirements with respect to the office Act. The first phase in this series was for Disease Control and Prevention visit. Finally, if a recommended the publication of a Request for (Advisory Committee) with respect to preventive service is not billed Information relating to the medical loss the individual involved. A separately (or is not tracked as recommendation of the Advisory individual encounter data separately) ratio provisions of PHS Act section Committee is considered to be ‘‘in from an office visit and the primary 2718, published in the Federal Register effect’’ after it has been adopted by the purpose of the office visit is not the on April 14, 2010 (75 FR 19297). The Director of the Centers for Disease delivery of such an item or service, then second phase was interim final Control and Prevention. A a plan or issuer may impose cost- regulations implementing PHS Act recommendation is considered to be for sharing requirements with respect to the section 2714 (requiring dependent routine use if it appears on the office visit. The reference to tracking coverage of children to age 26), Immunization Schedules of the Centers individual encounter data was included published in the Federal Register on for Disease Control and Prevention. to provide guidance with respect to May 13, 2010 (75 FR 27122). The third • With respect to infants, children, plans and issuers that use capitation or phase was interim final regulations and adolescents, evidence-informed similar payment arrangements that do implementing section 1251 of the preventive care and screenings provided not bill individually for items and Affordable Care Act (relating to status as for in the comprehensive guidelines services. a grandfathered health plan), published supported by the Health Resources and Examples in these interim final in the Federal Register on June 17, 2010 Services Administration (HRSA). regulations illustrate these provisions. (75 FR 34538). The fourth phase was • With respect to women, evidence- In one example, an individual receives interim final regulations implementing informed preventive care and screening a cholesterol screening test, a PHS Act sections 2704 (prohibiting provided for in comprehensive recommended preventive service, preexisting condition exclusions), 2711 guidelines supported by HRSA (not during a routine office visit. The plan or (regarding lifetime and annual dollar otherwise addressed by the issuer may impose cost-sharing limits on benefits), 2712 (regarding recommendations of the Task Force). requirements for the office visit because restrictions on rescissions), and 2719A The Department of HHS is developing the recommended preventive service is (regarding patient protections), these guidelines and expects to issue billed as a separate charge. A second published in the Federal Register on them no later than August 1, 2011. example illustrates that treatment June 28, 2010 (75 FR 37188). These The complete list of recommendations resulting from a preventive screening and guidelines that are required to be can be subject to cost-sharing interim final regulations are being covered under these interim final requirements if the treatment is not published to implement PHS Act regulations can be found at http:// itself a recommended preventive section 2713 (relating to coverage for service. In another example, an preventive services). PHS Act section regulations/prevention.html. Together, 2713 is generally effective for plan years individual receives a recommended the items and services described in preventive service that is not billed as (in the individual market, policy years) these recommendations and guidelines beginning on or after September 23, a separate charge. In this example, the are referred to in this preamble as primary purpose for the office visit is 2010, which is six months after the ‘‘recommended preventive services.’’ recurring abdominal pain and not the March 23, 2010 date of enactment of the These interim final regulations clarify delivery of a recommended preventive Affordable Care Act. The the cost-sharing requirements when a service; therefore the plan or issuer may implementation of other provisions of recommended preventive service is impose cost-sharing requirements for PHS Act sections 2701 through 2719A provided during an office visit. First, if the office visit. In the final example, an will be addressed in future regulations. a recommended preventive service is individual receives a recommended II. Overview of the Regulations: PHS billed separately (or is tracked as preventive service that is not billed as Act Section 2713, Coverage of individual encounter data separately) a separate charge, and the delivery of Preventive Health Services (26 CFR from an office visit, then a plan or issuer that service is the primary purpose of may impose cost-sharing requirements the office visit. Therefore, the plan or 54.9815–2713T, 29 CFR 2590.715–2713, with respect to the office visit. Second, issuer may not impose cost-sharing 45 CFR 147.130) if a recommended preventive service is requirements for the office visit. Section 2713 of the PHS Act, as added With respect to a plan or health by the Affordable Care Act, and these 3 Under PHS Act section 2713(a)(5), the Task insurance coverage that has a network of Force recommendations regarding breast cancer providers, these interim final interim final regulations require that a screening, mammography, and prevention issued in group health plan and a health or around November of 2009 are not to be regulations make clear that a plan or insurance issuer offering group or considered current recommendations on this issuer is not required to provide individual health insurance coverage subject for purposes of any law. Thus, the coverage for recommended preventive recommendations regarding breast cancer services delivered by an out-of-network provide benefits for and prohibit the mstockstill on DSKH9S0YB1PROD with RULES screening, mammography, and prevention issued by imposition of cost-sharing requirements the Task Force prior to those issued in or around provider. Such a plan or issuer may also with respect to: November of 2009 (i.e., those issued in 2002) will impose cost-sharing requirements for be considered current until new recommendations recommended preventive services • Evidence-based items or services in this area are issued by the Task Force or appear delivered by an out-of-network that have in effect a rating of A or B in in comprehensive guidelines supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration provider. the current recommendations of the concerning preventive care and screenings for These interim final regulations United States Preventive Services Task women. provide that if a recommendation or VerDate Mar<15>2010 15:50 Jul 16, 2010 Jkt 220001 PO 00000 Frm 00038 Fmt 4700 Sfmt 4700 E:FRFM19JYR1.SGM 19JYR1
  • 4. Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 137 / Monday, July 19, 2010 / Rules and Regulations 41729 guideline for a recommended preventive individual market, policy years) site and plans and issuers need not service does not specify the frequency, beginning on or after the later of make changes to coverage and cost- method, treatment, or setting for the September 23, 2010, or one year after sharing requirements based on a new provision of that service, the plan or the date the recommendation or recommendation or guideline until the issuer can use reasonable medical guideline is issued. Thus, first plan year (in the individual market, management techniques to determine recommendations and guidelines issued policy year) beginning on or after the any coverage limitations. The use of prior to September 23, 2009 must be date that is one year after the new reasonable medical management provided for plan years (in the recommendation or guideline went into techniques allows plans and issuers to individual market, policy years) effect. Therefore, by visiting this site adapt these recommendations and beginning on or after September 23, once per year, plans or issuers will have guidelines to coverage of specific items 2010. For the purpose of these interim straightforward access to all the and services where cost sharing must be final regulations, a recommendation or information necessary to determine any waived. Thus, under these interim final guideline of the Task Force is additional items or services that must be regulations, a plan or issuer may rely on considered to be issued on the last day covered without cost-sharing established techniques and the relevant of the month on which the Task Force requirements, or to determine any items evidence base to determine the publishes or otherwise releases the or services that are no longer required frequency, method, treatment, or setting recommendation; a recommendation or to be covered. for which a recommended preventive guideline of the Advisory Committee is The Affordable Care Act gives service will be available without cost- considered to be issued on the date on authority to the Departments to develop sharing requirements to the extent not which it is adopted by the Director of guidelines for group health plans and specified in a recommendation or the Centers for Disease Control and health insurance issuers offering group guideline. Prevention; and a recommendation or or individual health insurance coverage The statute and these interim final guideline in the comprehensive to utilize value-based insurance designs regulations clarify that a plan or issuer guidelines supported by HRSA is as part of their offering of preventive continues to have the option to cover considered to be issued on the date on health services. Value-based insurance preventive services in addition to those which it is accepted by the designs include the provision of required to be covered by PHS Act Administrator of HRSA or, if applicable, information and incentives for section 2713. For such additional adopted by the Secretary of HHS. For consumers that promote access to and preventive services, a plan or issuer may recommendations and guidelines use of higher value providers, impose cost-sharing requirements at its adopted after September 23, 2009, treatments, and services. The discretion. Moreover, a plan or issuer information at http:// Departments recognize the important may impose cost-sharing requirements role that value-based insurance design for a treatment that is not a regulations/prevention.html will be can play in promoting the use of recommended preventive service, even updated on an ongoing basis and will appropriate preventive services. These if the treatment results from a include the date on which the interim final regulations, for example, recommended preventive service. recommendation or guideline was permit plans and issuers to implement The statute requires the Departments accepted or adopted. designs that seek to foster better quality to establish an interval of not less than Finally, these interim final regulations and efficiency by allowing cost-sharing one year between when make clear that a plan or issuer is not for recommended preventive services recommendations or guidelines under required to provide coverage or waive delivered on an out-of-network basis PHS Act section 2713(a) 4 are issued, cost-sharing requirements for any item while eliminating cost-sharing for and the plan year (in the individual or service that has ceased to be a recommended preventive health market, policy year) for which coverage recommended preventive service.5 services delivered on an in-network of the services addressed in such Other requirements of Federal or State basis. The Departments are developing recommendations or guidelines must be law may apply in connection with additional guidelines regarding the in effect. These interim final regulations ceasing to provide coverage or changing utilization of value-based insurance provide that such coverage must be cost-sharing requirements for any such designs by group health plans and provided for plan years (in the item or service. For example, PHS Act health insurance issuers with respect to section 2715(d)(4) requires a plan or preventive benefits. The Departments 4 Section 2713(b)(1) refers to an interval between issuer to give 60 days advance notice to are seeking comments related to the ‘‘the date on which a recommendation described in an enrollee before any material subsection (a)(1) or (a)(2) or a guideline under development of such guidelines for subsection (a)(3) is issued and the plan year with modification will become effective. value-based insurance designs that respect to which the requirement described in Recommendations or guidelines in promote consumer choice of providers subsection (a) is effective with respect to the service effect as of July 13, 2010 are described or services that offer the best value and described in such recommendation or guideline.’’ in section V later in this preamble. Any While the first part of this statement does not quality, while ensuring access to mention guidelines under subsection (a)(4), it change to a recommendation or critical, evidence-based preventive would make no sense to treat the services covered guideline that has—at any point since services. under (a)(4) any differently than those in (a)(1), September 23, 2009—been included in The requirements to cover (a)(2), and (a)(3). First, the same sentence refers to ‘‘the requirement described in subsection (a),’’ the recommended preventive services recommended preventive services which would include a requirement under (a)(4). will be noted at http:// without any cost-sharing requirements Secondly, the guidelines under (a)(4) are from the do not apply to grandfathered health same source as those under (a)(3), except with regulations/prevention.html. As plans. See 26 CFR 54.9815–1251T, 29 mstockstill on DSKH9S0YB1PROD with RULES respect to women rather than infants, children and adolescents; and other preventive services described above, new recommendations CFR 2590.715–1251, and 45 CFR involving women are addressed in (a)(1), so there and guidelines will also be noted at this 147.140 (75 FR 34538, June 17, 2010). is no plausible policy rationale for treating them differently. Third, without this clarification, it 5 For example, if a recommendation of the United III. Interim Final Regulations and would be unclear when such services would have States Preventive Services Task Force is Request for Comments to be covered. These interim final regulations downgraded from a rating of A or B to a rating of accordingly apply the intervals established therein C or D, or if a recommendation or guideline no Section 9833 of the Code, section 734 to services under section 2713(a)(4). longer includes a particular item or service. of ERISA, and section 2792 of the PHS VerDate Mar<15>2010 15:50 Jul 16, 2010 Jkt 220001 PO 00000 Frm 00039 Fmt 4700 Sfmt 4700 E:FRFM19JYR1.SGM 19JYR1
  • 5. 41730 Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 137 / Monday, July 19, 2010 / Rules and Regulations Act authorize the Secretaries of the regulations require significant lead time comment, but without delaying the Treasury, Labor, and HHS (collectively, in order to implement. These interim effective date of the regulations. the Secretaries) to promulgate any final regulations require plans and For the foregoing reasons, the interim final rules that they determine issuers to provide coverage for Departments have determined that it is are appropriate to carry out the preventive services listed in certain impracticable and contrary to the public provisions of chapter 100 of the Code, recommendations and guidelines interest to engage in full notice and part 7 of subtitle B of title I of ERISA, without imposing any cost-sharing comment rulemaking before putting and part A of title XXVII of the PHS Act, requirements. Preparations presumably these interim final regulations into which include PHS Act sections 2701 would have to be made to identify these effect, and that it is in the public interest through 2728 and the incorporation of preventive services. With respect to the to promulgate interim final regulations. those sections into ERISA section 715 changes that would be required to be IV. Economic Impact and Code section 9815. made under these interim final In addition, under Section 553(b) of regulations, group health plans and Under Executive Order 12866 (58 FR the Administrative Procedure Act (APA) health insurance issuers subject to these 51735), a ‘‘significant’’ regulatory action (5 U.S.C. 551 et seq.) a general notice of provisions have to be able to take these is subject to review by the Office of proposed rulemaking is not required changes into account in establishing Management and Budget (OMB). when an agency, for good cause, finds their premiums, and in making other Section 3(f) of the Executive Order that notice and public comment thereon changes to the designs of plan or policy defines a ‘‘significant regulatory action’’ are impracticable, unnecessary, or benefits, and these premiums and plan as an action that is likely to result in a contrary to the public interest. The or policy changes would have to receive rule (1) having an annual effect on the provisions of the APA that ordinarily necessary approvals in advance of the economy of $100 million or more in any require a notice of proposed rulemaking plan or policy year in question. one year, or adversely and materially do not apply here because of the affecting a sector of the economy, specific authority granted by section Accordingly, in order to allow plans productivity, competition, jobs, the 9833 of the Code, section 734 of ERISA, and health insurance coverage to be environment, public health or safety, or and section 2792 of the PHS Act. designed and implemented on a timely State, local or tribal governments or However, even if the APA were basis, regulations must be published communities (also referred to as applicable, the Secretaries have and available to the public well in ‘‘economically significant’’); (2) creating determined that it would be advance of the effective date of the a serious inconsistency or otherwise impracticable and contrary to the public requirements of the Affordable Care Act. interfering with an action taken or interest to delay putting the provisions It is not possible to have a full notice planned by another agency; (3) in these interim final regulations in and comment process and to publish materially altering the budgetary place until a full public notice and final regulations in the brief time impacts of entitlement grants, user fees, comment process was completed. As between enactment of the Affordable or loan programs or the rights and noted above, the preventive health Care Act and the date regulations are obligations of recipients thereof; or (4) service provisions of the Affordable needed. raising novel legal or policy issues Care Act are applicable for plan years The Secretaries further find that arising out of legal mandates, the (in the individual market, policy years) issuance of proposed regulations would President’s priorities, or the principles beginning on or after September 23, not be sufficient because the provisions set forth in the Executive Order. OMB 2010, six months after date of of the Affordable Care Act protect has determined that this regulation is enactment. Had the Departments significant rights of plan participants economically significant within the published a notice of proposed and beneficiaries and individuals meaning of section 3(f)(1) of the rulemaking, provided for a 60-day covered by individual health insurance Executive Order, because it is likely to comment period, and only then policies and it is essential that have an annual effect on the economy prepared final regulations, which would participants, beneficiaries, insureds, of $100 million in any one year. be subject to a 60-day delay in effective plan sponsors, and issuers have Accordingly, OMB has reviewed these date, it is unlikely that it would have certainty about their rights and rules pursuant to the Executive Order. been possible to have final regulations responsibilities. Proposed regulations The Departments provide an assessment in effect before late September, when are not binding and cannot provide the of the potential costs, benefits, and these requirements could be in effect for necessary certainty. By contrast, the transfers associated with these interim some plans or policies. Moreover, the interim final regulations provide the final regulations, summarized in the requirements in these interim final public with an opportunity for following table. TABLE 1—ACCOUNTING TABLE (2011–2013) Benefits: Qualitative: By expanding coverage and eliminating cost sharing for the recommended preventive services, the Departments expect access and utilization of these services to increase. To the extent that individuals increase their use of these services the Departments anticipate several benefits: (1) prevention and reduction in transmission of illnesses as a result of immunization and screening of transmissible diseases; (2) de- layed onset, earlier treatment, and reduction in morbidity and mortality as a result of early detection, screening, and counseling; (3) increased productivity and fewer sick days; and (4) savings from lower health care costs. Another benefit of these interim final regulations will be to dis- tribute the cost of preventive services more equitably across the broad insured population. mstockstill on DSKH9S0YB1PROD with RULES Costs: Qualitative: New costs to the health care system result when beneficiaries increase their use of preventive services in response to the changes in coverage and cost-sharing requirements of preventive services. The magnitude of this effect on utilization depends on the price elasticity of demand and the percentage change in prices facing those with reduced cost sharing or newly gaining coverage. Transfers: VerDate Mar<15>2010 18:22 Jul 16, 2010 Jkt 220001 PO 00000 Frm 00040 Fmt 4700 Sfmt 4700 E:FRFM19JYR1.SGM 19JYR1
  • 6. Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 137 / Monday, July 19, 2010 / Rules and Regulations 41731 TABLE 1—ACCOUNTING TABLE (2011–2013)—Continued Qualitative: Transfers will occur to the extent that costs that were previously paid out-of-pocket for certain preventive services will now be cov- ered by group health plans and issuers under these interim final regulations. Risk pooling in the group market will result in sharing expected cost increases across an entire plan or employee group as higher average premiums for all enrollees. However, not all of those covered will utilize preventive services to an equivalent extent. As a result, these interim final regulations create a small transfer from those paying pre- miums in the group market utilizing less than the average volume of preventive services in their risk pool to those whose utilization is greater than average. To the extent there is risk pooling in the individual market, a similar transfer will occur. A. The Need for Federal Regulatory for and prohibit the imposition of cost- counseling related to aspirin use, Action sharing requirements with respect to the tobacco cessation, and obesity. As discussed later in this preamble, following preventive health services: 3. Estimated Number of Affected there is current underutilization of • Evidence-based items or services Entities preventive services, which stems from that have in effect a rating of A or B in three main factors. First, due to turnover the current recommendations of the For purposes of the new requirements in the health insurance market, health United States Preventive Services Task in the Affordable Care Act that apply to insurance issuers do not currently have Force (Task Force). While these group health plans and health insurance incentives to cover preventive services, guidelines will change over time, for the issuers in the group and individual whose benefits may only be realized in purposes of this impact analysis, the markets, the Departments have defined the future when an individual may no Departments utilized currently available a large group health plan as an employer longer be enrolled. Second, many guidelines, which include blood plan with 100 or more workers and a preventive services generate benefits pressure and cholesterol screening, small group plan as an employer plan that do not accrue immediately to the diabetes screening for hypertensive with less than 100 workers. The individual that receives the services, patients, various cancer and sexually Departments estimated that there are making the individual less likely to transmitted infection screenings, and approximately 72,000 large and 2.8 take-up, especially in the face of direct, counseling related to aspirin use, million small ERISA-covered group immediate costs. Third, some of the tobacco cessation, obesity, and other health plans with an estimated 97.0 benefits of preventive services accrue to topics. million participants in large group plans • Immunizations for routine use in and 40.9 million participants in small society as a whole, and thus do not get children, adolescents, and adults that group plans.6 The Departments estimate factored into an individual’s decision- have in effect a recommendation from that there are 126,000 governmental making over whether to obtain such the Advisory Committee on plans with 36.1 million participants in services. These interim final regulations Immunization Practices of the Centers large plans and 2.3 million participants address these market failures through for Disease Control and Prevention in small plans.7 The Departments two avenues. First, they require (Advisory Committee) with respect to estimate there are 16.7 million coverage of recommended preventive the individual involved. individuals under age 65 covered by • With respect to infants, children, individual health insurance policies.8 services by non-grandfathered group and adolescents, evidence-informed As described in the Departments’ health plans and health insurance preventive care and screenings provided interim final regulations relating to issuers in the group and individual for in the comprehensive guidelines status as a grandfathered health plan,9 markets, thereby overcoming plans’ lack supported by the Health Resources and the Affordable Care Act preserves the of incentive to invest in these services. Services Administration (HRSA). ability of individuals to retain coverage Second, they eliminate cost-sharing • With respect to women, evidence- requirements, thereby removing a under a group health plan or health informed preventive care and screening barrier that could otherwise lead an insurance coverage in which the provided for in comprehensive individual to not obtain such services, individual was enrolled on March 23, guidelines supported by HRSA (not given the long-term and partially 2010 (a grandfathered health plan). otherwise addressed by the external nature of benefits. Group health plans, and group and recommendations of the Task Force). These interim final regulations are individual health insurance coverage, The Department of HHS is developing necessary in order to provide rules that that are grandfathered health plans do these guidelines and expects to issue plan sponsors and issuers can use to not have to meet the requirements of them no later than August 1, 2011. determine how to provide coverage for these interim final regulations. certain preventive health care services 2. Preventive Services Therefore, only plans and issuers without the imposition of cost sharing For the purposes of this analysis, the offering group and individual health in connection with these services. Departments used the relevant insurance coverage that are not recommendations of the Task Force and grandfathered health plans will be B. PHS Act Section 2713, Coverage of Advisory Committee and current HRSA affected by these interim final Preventive Health Services (26 CFR guidelines as described in section V regulations. 54.9815–2713T, 29 CFR 2590.715–2713, 45 CFR 147.130) later in this preamble. In addition to 6 All participant counts and the estimates of covering immunizations, these lists 1. Summary include such services as blood pressure individual policies are from the U.S. Department of Labor, EBSA calculations using the March 2008 mstockstill on DSKH9S0YB1PROD with RULES As discussed earlier in this preamble, and cholesterol screening, diabetes Current Population Survey Annual Social and PHS Act section 2713, as added by the screening for hypertensive patients, Economic Supplement and the 2008 Medical Affordable Care Act, and these interim various cancer and sexually transmitted Expenditure Panel Survey. 7 Estimate is from the 2007 Census of final regulations require a group health infection screenings, genetic testing for Government. plan and a health insurance issuer the BRCA gene, adolescent depression 8 US Census Bureau, Current Population Survey, offering group or individual health screening, lead testing, autism testing, March 2009. insurance coverage to provide benefits and oral health screening and 9 75 FR 34538 (June 17, 2010). VerDate Mar<15>2010 18:22 Jul 16, 2010 Jkt 220001 PO 00000 Frm 00041 Fmt 4700 Sfmt 4700 E:FRFM19JYR1.SGM 19JYR1